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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1913)
12 TITE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JUNE 1, 1913. FOR SAXE I FOKAI 1 FOBgAU. 1" FOB SAUL I FOR mj Fiano, Organs and Musical IntrumeuU. Automobiles. Antomohii. U bALE. tOB SAJ.E. HELP WANTED MALK. SPEC I ALS THIS waiili UA ICTJtOLAi, COLUMBIA AND EDISOX PHO.N'OOhAPHS $ 15 models, $ 5 down, $1.5 monthly 25 models, $ 5 uown, $2.' monthly $ 50 models, $ 7 down, $2.oU monthly $Pm xn oriels. $10 Uown, $4.00 monthly $ 75 models. $10 down, $3. CO monthly $200 models, $20 down, 6iK monthly No interest charged. PORTLAND PHONOGRAPH AGENCY, ar,i ALDEK WH V pay $135 and $105 for used worn pianos when you can buy new $;t50 up rights with all the latest improvements fur $195 ? $1.23 weekly, at Craves iluaic Co., removal sale. See Adv., pa'c 11. Sec. '1. PKACTICAL.LV new ji) Whur.ey raahotjai.y piano, made by Kimball Co., in elegant condition. Our price $157.50 ; $15 down, $4 monthly. 350 Alder st. NEW player piano, very easy terms, ex charge for lot, mortgage or contract. Phone E. 4G52. Bams clarinet, low pitch, good instrument, reasonable. B. Heiikemper. 9J5 E. Uth X. Wooflla y.-n 2r. W AN T to store for use of same ; references, private residonce. Phone even ings. East 394. FOR SALE Praetlcaly new $20o Victrola ana line assortment records, $ loO ; iiiap. L 96, Orcgonian. FOK HALE Cheap, Columbia praphophone. 5t disc records. Call 120 E. luh st. and M orrison. $5Mj KRANICH & BACH upright piano for $100 ; i0 monthly. draves Music Co. re moval sale. HI Fourth St. Dogs. ISirds. Pec Mock. BOSTON Neirit-rs, femalci. oi.o heavy in whelp; rinilo screw-tail Boston, $15; Spitz, Gn at Dttno, English bulldogs, many oth'Ts. Boyd, 0'17 Washington. Main 2134. Jtxi lilKL'S nt low pric-s; German canaries, Japanese robins, English canaries, finches, I'unaina pa t rots ; tsw-ry bird guaranteed. Sep Buyd. OUT Washington. Main 11134. FOK SA LE Thoroughbred fox terrier, fe male and pup, cheap; leaving city. 271 Crosby st. FOK l-'ALE A finely marked pit bull pup from prize stock, $ 15. 417 Sitr. Rafael St., city. CAllTHAGENA parrot, great profane; lar'e brass tatfe; Cole s. 157S E. Giisan rt. .aiker, not $50. Mrs. FOR SALE. Thoroughbred pair pit hull terrier pups, cheap; registered. 229 tjth st. FOK SALE French Poodle Puppies, $5 each; also old breeders. H. Miles, loOv E. Taylor St., Sunnystde car. FOR KALE Scotch Collie puppies. Apply liics. Knimer's Ridii.g fchu'H, FOR SALE Pedigreed French bull puppies. 126 E. 35th st. Phone Tabor 10iS. PKSIRABLE blark and white female kit ten free to good home. L lo7, Oregonian. Airedale terriers to prot'-et your hinnt and fnmi'y. Laddix Kennels, Estticada. Or. Foil .SA Ltl Two th tj rough bred silver Per sian kittens. $5 each. 4-'.' E. 30th. GRAN D Airedale S-1 1 wo ml "0."i, 1 1. big one, 53i. Plione eon u ami 7 P. M. DAt'H.-iIIUN D, black and tan male, pedi greed. Phone Sellwood 131. FoK MALE Two thoroughbred Angora kit tens, females. 575 Couch st. 1 urn it tire for Sale. BANKRUPT. Furniture stock of Peters Mfg. Co. on salo at factory; less than manufacturer's cost. Complete li brary suite, $35. Dining and bed room furniture very cheap. 5-13 East 14th St. Take W W, Sel 1 w ood or VR cars. HAVING disposed of my home, will sacri fice furniture, viz.; llmerson-Angelus player piano, heavy fumed oak leal her upholstered chairs, 8-foot extension table, buffet, Wilton velvet rugs, 2 brass beds, steel springs, mat tresses, dressers and chiffonier, etc.; everytulng in best of shape. For appointment plione Mr. Drake, Alain 540.1 or Tabor 49110. FURNITURE for residence, comprising leather parlor furniture, library furniture, beautiful dining suit, bedroom furnish in gs, rugs, brass beds, etc. ; great oppor tunity for those starting housekeeping. Call Immediately, 701 Northrup. V car. HIGH grade furniture of 7-room house com- fdete; mahogany living-room set, oak din n k-room sot ; ivory enamel and birdseye maple bed pets ; Imported ruga and drape rles. only $575. B 3397. FOR SALE Furniture of a 3-room flat, bath, gas and electric lights, new fur niture; rent $10 per month; price $00. 4-3 Montgomery St.. Flat B. Vt'RMTURE, 4 rooms, clean including silver, cheap, $125; close in corner, cement building, rent $12 month. 533 s Rodney ave. HE Ithl'S a snap ; furniture of six rooms for salo cheap; two rooms fixed ready for H. K., fine house, small rent ; 10 minutes' walk from postoffice. 4 US Montgomery st. ALL or part of furniture 9 rooms, facing park; 6 blocks S. W. from I. O.; a home and a good income; rooms all full; terms. Main 6048. FOK SALE Nice furniture of 7 rooms, house for rent, modern, good location; two rooms pay rent ; a bargain if taken at once. Address L 111. Oregonian. FURNITURE 0 rooms dirt cheap; house and H acre for rent $15. Phone Tabor 3955. B 109. Oregonian. i'OK SALE Biuck walnut bedroom set, marble, top in pood order; coat $louO; will sell for $2.o. East 53 morning. HOUSEKEEPING rooms and furniture lor ale of 10 rooms; reason for selling, want to leave city. Call at 211 Uth st. FOR SALE Complete new furnishings for bedroom at half price; no s-cond-hand dealers. 870 Garfield ave. Monday. .NEW furniture for 4-room flat at half cash; going East ; no second-hand dealers. 8 70 Garfield ave. Monday. HOL'SE for rent, furniture for sale. S4Uo; paid $1000. 4S4 West Burnside. Phone A 554 or call between 2 1". M. and i. A H A KG Al N Furniture of S-room modern house; must tj sold; easy terms. Phone Marshall 31S4. PRACTICALLY new furnituro of 3-room apartment for saie at a bargain ; parties leaving town nt once. Ma'n 7l!3rt. FU UN ITU KE of 6 -room house, 5 min. from P. O.. 2 rooms pay rent. M 13, Ore gonian. HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale; suitable for roomers and boarders. Z 1 2 Clay, be tiveen 5th and lith. Marshall 3413. A FEW fine pieces mahogany, birdseye ma pie and ouk; no reasonabio offer refused. C 8005. HOUSEHOLD furniture for sale, new ga stove, rugs, leather chairs, etc. E. 1SP1. HE D ROOM and other f urn it ure, reasonable. Apt. for rent. Fordham Apis., see Janitor. NEW furniture 6 rooms, everything for housekeeping; ; reasonable. 40t Hall. VQ U S AlE A bargain, lurnlt ur et 4-i oo:n cheap house, rents $5. K 110, Oregonian. FL' KN ITU KE of 5-room flat for sale rea sonable. 1143 S E. lioth st., N. HOUSE for rent, furnUure for sale. '2'2x hih. city. Inquire i) N. 5th. SNAP $"73 l)us gO'Xl furniture of 9 rooms. 5 rented. Main 57y. FUU N ITCKK of 5-room flat for sale or trade, cheap. L'.-;. Mill st. liElUiOi 'M couches, f SET. . Fh. inmonier, sanitary Mrshall 4.14. Putiltry. FOR SALE. As we have decided to lay nr tract off in residence lots, to make room we will sell loo of o:ir choice breeding S. C. "W h lie Leghorn hens, your clioiee S i each ; $75 takes the bunch; also baby chicks for sale. Address Lents, Or.. R. !. i. plum Orcsham car. Gilbert s:a. Calkins" Poultry Farm. lil'KF Orpm'.-rni; ;ii .i Black Lanushan chicks - weeks old. 3''c each ; breed; ns. itork, incubators, poultry remedies; lift your stock wir h v.s. i;re n"s Chicken Ls v han sc. Ho 7 S;. ; mo a. A 7";;;; FEEL a lew ba"t chr. table .cra and have cheap meat soon, chix Id cents each. Fouler rar.c;:. S Mocks south of Kendall s: at Ion. rel - am car. 12 POLISH chickei.s and coup f.r sale cheap. H4i Kast 3tt h i"?.. rear Hawthorne. IU FU LEOtiOJ;NS, cliicks. oqes. stock; un Ted f . r c hi1 beauty. Tabor 34-ti. I.tvitoek. COWS Jerse s, fresh with culves, 3 to 7 T3. old. extra :ood cream ; cows give 4 to a KallOiis. test 4.S to 0 per cent; also som" Hood Kurliums and Holsteins; very heavy milkers. Woodstock car to 5'Jth ave. waik 4 blocks west to 37th st. and .Vth ave. WOULD lake as fir-t payment on a modern Portland home some liv-stoek. Phone tnip week. S I'wpoJ 30. or cnli on or address Mrs. A!;- I. M .ir.n. 53 4 E. 4!t s t . FINE blood owo, fop sale. T;iqu:"o Fhore t;ri ieeu s boars and piss Board oi Trade bldj. I'm 1 1 EA U f risti dairy cos; some ex : ra fine f o r f am : ly u se. A. II oss, 5 blocks east of I.enTfs. one stock cow. FK KSH cow. mllkir.ii l.-sul., pood barpain lll 5Sth sr. liawtV or;:v car to end or ! r. S rocks pmsth. Phillips. FiN" E fresh cow. quality and quantity. 05 M. So;h. t'u-tM sMe. AutonionKe. POPE-HARTFORD, caaU or liirin. M. 7064, ; AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS. 5-pasaenger Ford In good, shape and runs fine, $35 1 5-passtnger Keo, late 1010 or early 1911, th&t we just overhauled and put in ail new parts wherever they were worn; tires all good and auto a good honest car, in A-l condition ; $ 5O0. 5-passenger Warren-Detroit, lftll model. 30-horsepower; cost $1550; very great bargain, as il has not been run much.; 1012 Warren roadster, bought last July and is just like new, with much extra equipment; cost $1650, for $J00. Several other very good buys. C. L. BOSS & CO. t15-til7 Wash, St. Phones Marsha il 4U2. A 4ft59. FOR REAL BARGAINS IN USED CARS 1912 Re?a! 3u, underslung fore-door road- 1.. iui4j. eiiu.ppeu, useu very little, orig inal cost Sllf.O: our t.rir- .r.n 1S11 Maxwell 30, 4 pass., fore-door, good our prico $iau. 11 Oidsmoblle 40. 7-rass.. forp.dnnr car is practically new and guaranteed by atLj, tuu; price JliaU. 131U Overland 40. 5-pass.. like new, $475. J J Buick 40, 4-pass., finest condition, 1 lu Hudson roadster $350. 1J10 Oakland 30, roadster, fine condi tion, $Sj. lylO Reo 30, 5-pa?s., $3S5. Knox 30. 4-cy., 175. Over 30 cars In stock. CUSTOM HOUSE AUTO CO. Cor. E. 13th and Hawthorne Ave. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. Alder St. at 15 th- 4-pass. Buick In first-class condition 5-pass. Maxwell, recently overhauled and in periect condition, $050. 7 -pass. Eissel-ivar. a bargain for $800. Oakland roadster, only used as a dem onstrator. 191 model and a real buy for Rill WInton 6-cyIlnder. self starter, elec tric lights, fore-door and recently over hauled ; 51750 on terms. 5-ton White truck in first-class condi tion for $2o0. We have a large stock of used automobiles, roadsters, touring cars and trucks. A visit to our salesroom will convinet. you that we have real bargains. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE, Alder St. at 15th. Main 1161, A 437. PAC'KARDS. We have the following cars left with us by our customers for sale. We ask no profit on these cars: Packard, f oredoor, 1S-26 H. P Packard, 30-40 H. P. Packard six, 4S-C0 H. P. Packard runabout, 30-4O H. P PACKARD GARAGE, &" -lid st., near Washington. NEW WHITE 1914. Save $GO0. This nn chine, driven less than 1O0 miles, cost $050 less than one week ago; electric throughout; this Is the biggest bargain in Portland: investi gate. SEE HAH BOLT Marshall 4200. REAL BARGAIN. We are offering for sale a 40 H. P. 4 pass. Chalmers at a very low figure. The mechaniea.1 condition of thia car is first class; tires all good. If you are In the market for a car of this type, see us be fore buying and you will save considerable money. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO.. 21st and Washington sts. Main 6244. RUNABOUT. Foredoor, 30-h. p., electric lights, seat covers; in A-l conuition;- will sell cheap; no trades. H 105, Oregonian. A BARGAIN Six horsepower Excelsior motorcycle, model "11)12," belt drive, prac tically new, fully equipped. For partic ulars, call East 1021. Price $00. 533 Kirby st. 1&12 CHALMERS 30. 4-pass.. fore-door, tor pedo, fully equipped and In finest condi tion; cannot be told from brand new; cost $iit;0; price $1000 cash; no trade. AD 175, Oregonian. $i(U0 O-CYLINDER. 60 H. P., 7-passenger lpriess; just overhauled and painted; fine condition; cost $ii000; great bargain. 771 E.BurnsIde St. E 4652. WILL take auto up to $700 as first pay ment on $2OO0 house, balance $20 per month. East Side Boiler Works, 181 E. Water St. Nn. high-grade 6-cyI. car. never been used; have no use for It; private sale; no deal ers; will make you a price; talk quick. N 95, Oregonian. STUDEBAKER 30, 1911. 4-passenger; just ueen i spanned ; iooks ii Ke new; guaran teed mechanically perfect; $000. Main 5-iASSENGER Ford at a bargain; repaint ed; tiros and engine In food condition; Piic'e $5o0. 420 East 4lst St. North. Phone FOR SALE Motorcycle, Thor TV, 1913 model; been used one month; almost new; cash or terms. Clifford peach, 441 Hal sey st. East 2075. TRADE for 2-passenger car, my 10-mile, 4 cycle motor-boat. Practically new, fully equipped. AK 10S, Oregonian. oi. It E WARD to the purchaser of a new Hudson automobile. Call Marshall 2U56 between 0 A. M. and 2:3U F. M. 5-PASS. Peerless, just overhauled In our shops; newly painted; see the car, then make us an offer. Winton Motor Car Co. WANTED Motorcycle; must be barsaln: Kive lowest price and full description. O 7, Oregonian. J. C. HESS, automobile repairing and re building, lias moved from 321) Everett to the S. E. corner of 33th and Johnson. V. ILL buy second-hand Ford; must be cheap for cash; give price and model first let ter. Address AB 121, Oregonian. WANT ll)2i or 1V12 four or five-passenger car for cash. Owners only. J. L, s. Snead, lut;j Hawthorne ave. Phone Tabor 214 s. 7-PA SS. StnddaM-Dnytnn in verv good con dition; will sell or trade In city lot. Call Monday. E. &502. OOO D 4 -cylinder -passenger auto cheap; exchange Portland real estate. 771 E Burnside st. E. 4652. POPE-TRIBUNE roadster in A-l mechanical condit.on; newly painted; a real buy- S2'5. II. f 4U2. ' WANTED First-class runabout automobile. will trade 100 shares of manufacturing stock for same. G 104. Oregonian. lt12 COLE 5-7-passenger,-used lT months; rerfeet condition; bargain. Main y504. i to 12 A. M. WILL exchange first-ciass latest style 2oo talking machine for good motorcvcle. roruanq , nonograph Agency. 350 Alder. oR ALE or exchange One 5-seated Buick auto, lirst-clays running order, ail com- plete. R Oregonian. LARG E 5-passe.nger auto, $275 It sold at once; the first one seeing tins will buy. AO 97. Oregonian. liUU R. C. H. coupe; fine car for lady; easy to drive; electric lights; $050, terms. Wiuton Motor Car Co. WILL take good 1912 auto as first payment on lot In Alameda Park, or on new 8-room residence in lrvington. C 123. Oregonian. FOK SALE CHEAP One Ford runabout In running order. Fred Dundee, 575 Jeffer son st. SPLENDID sinie Hurley motorcvele; en-t-iiie fine condition; price $110; $25 down $lo monthly. 35'J Alder. lyOd CHALMERS car, good shape. Just been overhauled. East Burnside Garage. E. loth and Burnside. WANTED First-class -passenger auto. exchange for 2 good lots on carllne; cash value Si 200. AK 95, Oregonian. WANTED A 4 or 5-passenKor automobile must be in first-class condition and a bar gain. Address Box 217, Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE cheap, one Splitdorf magneto and coil. In good condition. Call Main feU2. ilt;: OVERLAND 5-pass.. run less than 500 miles; owner goin away: must be sold this week sure, $l30v J lOS Oregonian. WANTED Light auto; w!!l give $150 "share in Am. Coai Co. as first payment, balance mon t h iy. Phone o wne r, Woodla w n 1577. FOR SALE "Thor" twin motorcyclecheap. 7" W. Skidmore St.; take "RS" car to emL m u. ,t l. electric coupe at a bargain; a-ner nonresident. Phone Seil. l5o'.'. WANTED Auto; trade lots, farm. Main 47'tr?, East 5135. -TON motor truck for sate, onlv used S months; on installments. Inquire at 12S 3d. i'A.'-H'.NOEH auto t? exchange for lot or equity. Woodiawn 1072. 3-2 -TON M-"tor truck for sale, only used six mnnths; on installments. Inquire at 2S 3d. Fi-ANDERS 2U roadster, a snap. $375 cash or terms. Phone Tabor 051. WANTED Second-hand cars; any make Fo-.vel; Garage. 266 E. 37th St. Slightly used tires from $3 to $23 ea.; vul can:z;nn 25c tire; repairing. 207 Madison. 12 u IN TON. t-rr. Main a bargain; 4-PASS., 4-cylinder. top. 3 lamps, wlnd" shield. 225. Phone Woodiawn 2u23. HAVE fine city property to trade for auto. R 7 5, O r e g o n I a n . A'ILL exchange first-class talking machine .T ..-l -t- auio t'.re. aoO Alder si. Lm-..- LP. . H. C. delivery auto, good condi sa.e ciioap. Phone Tabor 1J30. Liu a, for ONE 7-passenger Fierce-Arrow In A-l con dition for 4 600; there Is no better buy in the whole Northwest; this car has Been thoroughly overhauled and can't be beat anywhere for less than 150u; if you are looking for a serviceable car, don' t fail to see this one and a demonstration be fore buying. One 4-passenger Garford; cost new $4865. It has been run a little over a year; will demonstrat3 and guarantee same to be in good running order; price of tiiis car this week, only U5u; it is nickel-trimmed; we can truthfully say this car and price can not be beat on the Coast. One 5-paasenger 1912 4-door Premier In flrBt-cIaes shape by private party for sale this week only at $120U cash. This car cost new last year $3250 ; get busy if you wish a. car of this kind. Two 1910 Cadillacs; one of them Just from paint shop and a good looker; the other is in first-clasa running order and both priced at such low figures we are asliameU to name same In tiiia column. One 1810 E-M-F 4-door; ls a well finished car, witn original paint on same, without scratch or mar on it; prest-o-lite, buffer, etc., and If turned over this week will give you a. low price. One foredoor lata 1912 "Little Six"; this car is a beauty and has been used by a private family in this city; price at less than half of its cost. Two 7-passenger Garfords both in first class running order; will make excellent cars for stage route ; price at a bargain that will surprise you. We have one 5-pass. Peerless that we consider a very good bargain and will quote a very-low price for this week only. One 4-door 1912 Flanders "20" with factory guarantee on same; a low price for this week only; small car for going fast, and if jou want a bargain pick tms up. One 2 -pass., Studebaker roadster; a bar gain If taken at once. One late 1910 40 H. P. Knox machine In first-class condition; a 7-passenger car that will give you g'ood service; for a quick sale our price will be low. One Buick . runabout. One Flanders ""20." One E-M-F 5-passenger. One Locomobile roadster, with or with out 5-pass. body. If you are looking for a good car for a long journey and little trouble on the day, don't fall to see this one. NORTHWEST AUTO EXCHANGE. 521 Alder St. REBUILT AND REFINTSHED. Second-hand cars for sale by THE WINTON MOTORCAR CO.'S PORTLAND FACTORY BRANCH AT 23d and Washington Street. Winton Sixes, 1, 4, 5, 7, 12, 16, 20 -pass. Stevens Duryea, model Y, 7-pass. Packard 30, 7-pass. Lozier Little Six, 2 or 4-pass. R, C. H.. 20 H. P. Peerless 7-passenger. We have also listed for sale the follow ing cars: Buick, Chalmers, DeLuxe, Franklin 6, Kissel Kar Mitchell, 4 and 6 cy Under National, Overland, Ford and Locomobile. List changes daily. Full description, prices and photographs furnished on re quest. A RENEWED PACKARD. Is the best motor car investment possi ble at less cost than a new Packard with the first and heaviest depreciation re moved. The same pride of ownership re mains because a. rebuilt Packard has the appearance and ability of a new Packard. We guarantee these cars the same as new Packards and purchasers will obtain the full measure of Packard service the same as purchasers of new Packards. We now have a few of various types. FRANK C. RIGGS, CORNELL ROAD, 23D AND WASH .ST. EXTRA! EXTRA! STUDEBAKER "30" fore door roadster, fully equipped Nickel trimmed, new tires, newly varnished and in same condition as new car; been run but short time as demonstrator. This is a thoroughly prac tical car tor touring or busineds purposes, and at the price offered is the greatest value of the season. See it today, if yon haven't time to call in person, call Main 5909 or A 2436 and we will bring it to your door. STUDEBAKER, Chapman at Alder st. AUTO OWNERS ATTENTION. Can take your auto trimmings off, re plate thiu and put back in 2 days. Have your auto plated in time for Rose Fe3tiaU PORTLAND PLATING & MFG. CO.. 22ci and Thurman sts. A 52S2, Main 94.1. DANDY 1912 foredoor Flanders roadster, A-l, car guaranteed mechanically first class, cost 950, price So25. $15 down. 50 monthly, or will take cement work or printing on part of first payment. Port land Phonograph Agency, 350 Alder st. WINTON SIX touring car, used as demon strator for short time only; will soil at sacrifice. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE One-ton Federal truck, used for &tafre line, just overhauled by agents, guaranteed for one year; a bargain; SlK3o. Address c. B. Sigle, 2'j3 10th st. Phone Main :lSti2. AUTOMOBILE wanted; good roadster - or runabout; will trade 100-acre Canadian land donation good in any part of New Ontario. What have you for even trade? S OS, Oregonian. LOOK SNAP. 1&13 roadster, 2-pass., 20-h. p.. 4-cyl., nearly new; classiest roadster in city- will Bell cheap, terms if desired. Phono Mar shall 11U. WE are short of roadsters and runabouts so If you have a bargain bring It in; we can sell It. NORTHWEST AUTO EXCHANGE, 531 Alder St. FIVE-PASSENGER touring car, recently painted and overhauled ; fully equipped, including seat covers; no reasonable cash offer refused. Inquire 500 Burnside st. Phone Main &460. INDIAN. 191.1. 7 H. P., fully equipped- has run li00 miles; cost $300; must have cash at once; $250. Call at 49 E. Sth st. N., Monday. WANTED Running sear of second-hand automobile, including wheels, axles, frame State terms, make, details. AK 110- Orel gonian. MY 6-room bungalow, basement, fine prem ises, corner, large; $3300; want auto $1000 to $2000; time on balance or lots, etc. AG 97. Oregonian. SNAP. 7-pass. Packard. late model; call or write for price and terms. Winton Motor Car Co. JUST like new, 1913 Twin Excelsior motor cycle; cost ?30O; price $1175; $100 down. $20 monthly. 350 Alder. Completely equipped. LITTLE Six Lozier, light andpowerfuI, de . tachable tonneau; built on racy lines; write or call for price-and terms. WInton SECOND-HAND Pope-Hartford roadster in first-claS condition, fully equipped, cheap. Address owner, B. Smith, 1032 E. Mohawk st., St. Johns. Machinery. WE are the largest and most reliable dealer in all kinds of second-hand machinery, piping, in the city. if you want to save money, see us. We are out of the hif-h rent district, own our place of business, which enables us to pay higher prices tor goods and sell cheaper than any of our competitors. J. SIMON A BRO.. Front and Grant Sts. STANDARD MACHINERY COMPANY We rent or sell CONCRETE M1XER3L We rent or sell ELECTRIC HOISTS We rent or sell HOISTIXCJ ENGiXEi We rent or sell ELECTRIC MOTORS. We rent or sell POWER PL"J(tP3 We rent or eell BOILERS. We rent or seil CONTRACTORS equip ment of all kinds. v STANDARD MACHINERY COMPANY 46 2d St. FOR SALE. ' A 45-horsepower. 550-voTt, Crocker Wheeler motor, complete with standard biade starter, no voltage release and 75 ampere overload. I. T. E. circuit breaker. In A-l condition. Address room 203 Ore gonian bldg. FOR SALE. One 123-voU direct current generator, complete, with field rheostat, ammeter and circuit breaker. This machine is In good repair. Address room 203. Orego nian bldg. ' FOR SALE. ' A 40-K. W., 500-volt Crocker-Wheeler generator complete. with field rheostat and circuit-breaker, in good condition. a mi tea p i wiia .w, oregonian bldg. FOR SALE On North Beach. Wash w biock with 3 furnished cottages; choice location, near ocean and depot. Cheaa 4tfl E. Couch st. DONKEY engine, sawmill, three-saw edirer and planer, now in operation, for sale cheap; write or call on Edmund Oieen De-r l!ar.d. Or. STEAM boiler for sale cheap, 54-inch she1! single fireLox, allowed 190 lbs.. 6 years ola. Western Trans, ft Towing Co.. 711-16 Yeon bldjc. Telephone Main 7S30. A LITTLE GIANT bmr in ff-d condition very reasonable. Phone A 5332. WE save you money. We carry the largest stock of second hand machinery and miscellaneous Merchandise in the city, if in need Of any boilers, engines, dynamos or Other machinery, see us. Below is small List of machinery on hand; 2 66xlfl boilers. 2 60x10 boilers. 1 4SX12 boiler. 1 54x10 boiler. 1 S H. P. boiler. 1 10 H. P. boiler. 1 15 H. P., firebox boiler. 1 15 H. P. upright boiler. 1 35 H. P. firebox boiler. 1 sliaper, medium size. 2 safes. 1 2u H. P. motor. 1 25 H. P. motor. 1 10 H. P. motor. 1 200u-gallon oil tank. 1 im.'0-gallon oil tank. 1 12 IL P. engine. 1 60 H- P- engine. 1 5-ton chain block. 1 Corliss engine. 1 centripetal pump. 1 8-inch Byron Jackson pump. 1 10,000 gallon wood tank. Lot gaiy. corrugated Iron. 1 American mangle. Lot miscellaneous laundry machines and supplies. 5o tons new bar iron. Lot gal v. sheet Iron. 50 small steam pumps. 700 feet 2-inch and 2 -Inch cotton fire hose, nozzles and reels. 1 3 H. P. Fairbanks-Morse gas engine. 1 6 H. P. gas engine and saw table. 4 water wheels. We also have on hand a large lot of the folio win articles that we will sell at scrap-iron prices: Picks, wedges, sledges, crowbars. Cables, rope, and chain. Bolts,- nuts, round iron. I-beams, channels and rails. 10O wheelbarrows. A lot of 20-Ib. rails. We guarantee every piece of machinery we sell to be as represented or will re fund your monev. J. SIMON & BRO., The store with the money-back policy If you are not satisfied.. Front and Grant Sts. t Take S car going south on 3d get off at 1st and Grant, walk one block east. SAWMILL and full equipment, as follows: Russell engine. Firebox boiler. Return flue boiler. Duplex F. & M. pump. One small engine and fittings. Power planer. , , Line shaft, pulleys and boxes. Extra return flue Internal furnace boiler. - Double circular sawmill with 52-inch by 4S-lnch L T. saws. Saw carriage with three-lever set of headblocks. Cable and feed drum and belt ing. Log haul with gearing and sable. Log turner. Trimmer saw. Cutoff saw. Sawdust conveyor and blower. Waste conveyor. Three lumber trucks. One logging truck. Blacksmith's tools. Write owner for full particulars and prica. H. M. COURTRIGHT. Ynon bldg., Portland. Or. 1 10 H. P. boiler, complete with fittings. 1 550-volt, 100 K. W. D C generator. 1 40 H. P., 220 volt, 60-cycle three phase motor. 1 7 1,6 H. P. 230 volt D. C. motor. 1 14x18 side crank engine. 1 15xlS engine. 1 IS H. p. Jewel engine. 1 5 H. P. Hoz engine. 1 5 11. p. Automatic Climax engine. 1 power hack saw. 1 5-inch Gould centrifugal pump. 1 wood-turning handle lathe. i ?. 18 5' I" uli DK engine, complete. 1 W H. P. Buil Dog engine, complete. 1 4a H. P. Bull Dog engine, complete. 10 H. P. Bull Dog engine, complete. 1 swt of tinners' tools. 4 Pel ton w heels on one shaft, direct connected. lot hi feet 24-Inch steel riveted pipe from No. 12 steel to -Inch thickness. 1 10-inch suction, four-stage turbine J. R. Worthington pump, with valves, pipes and necessary connections. See us for all kinds of new and second hand machinery, repairing and rewinding. All work guaranteed. H. M. H. ELECTRIC CO., 31 N. 1st St. t Phone Main 9210. FOR SALE Stiff-legegd derrick and elec tric hoist, in good condition, suitable for miscellaneous construction. Union Meat Company. North Portland. Or. Miscellaneous. PIPE PIPE PIPE. If you need pipe, any size or quantity, see us, as we have the largest stock In the city; can make Immediate shipments: our prices positively defy competition. pipe, 24c per foot. 1- inch pipe, 3ic per foot. 2- Inch piper, 6c per foot. 2-inch pipe, he per foot. 8-inch pipe, 10c per foot. 4-inch pipe, 17c per foot. We carry a complete line of fittings and valves up to 12 inches; also do all kinds pipe work. J. SIMON & BRO., Front and Grant Sts. CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS. 4 2-inch Gould pumps. 2 3-inch Byron Jackson pumps. 1 4-lnch Swaby pump. 1 6-inch Byron Jackson pump. 1 7-Inch Sampson pump. STANDARD MACHINERY CO. 46 Second Street. We Rent or Sell. ELECTRIC AND GASOLINE HOISTS. We rent or se'.L All sizes. STANDARD MACHINERY CO. BANKRUPT FURNITURE STOCK. Entire stock of Peters Furniture Mfg; Co. to be sold immediately. Call at fac tory, 543 East 14th st. Take WR, Sell wood or WW car. FOR sale for the best cash offer my beau tiful gasoline launch and boat house, cost $1075; In line condition, well equipped with top; no reasonable offer refused ; see this if you want a real bargain at Masons dock, foot of Stark st.. East Side. ENGINES. BOILERS. 1 40 H. p. firebox boiler, horizontal. 1 60 H. P. firebox boiler, vertical. 2 S H. P. vertical engines. 1 13 II. P. vertical engine. STANDARD MACHINERY CO. 46 Second Street. We Rent or Sell PIPE! PIPE! PIPE! See us for pipe of any kind. It pays. Nuf sed. M. BARDE & SONS, 240-242 Front St., Corner Main. The House of a Million Bargains. kutt SALE -Automatic bowling alleys no pin boys; $51. clear profit first 51 davs from an Investment of $175. Write for particulars. a. L. Utz, 911 Potter Park ave., Los Angeles. SNAP If tnken at once, complete moving picture outiit. electric and calcium light, -.5.000 feet feature films, lantern slides posters, hand bills, tickets, curtain. Call afternoon. 543 Vancouver ave. 250 KEGS of wire nails at a snap. J. SIMON & BRO.. Front and Grant Sts. CONCRETE MIXERS. 13 concrete mixers, all sizes and kinds. STANDARD MACHINERY CO. We Rent or Sell. SMALL safe, 10-foot showcase. No 12 elee fan. 4-foot counter, fine old Washburn guitaw, fine old Bohman mandolin cheap 22 Grand ave. $115 GRAPKOPHOXE outfit. Including 100 60c Victor records, all for $30, if taken Monday. AH 107, Oregonian. FOR SALE oVaxSV Century Grand camera with lens and plate holders or trade for 5:7 view. X 106. Oregonian. ABSOLUTELY new "Domestic" vacuum cleaner, cost $12.50, price $7.50. W 105, Oregonian. FOR SALE First-class canoe cheap. Phone Sellwood 1902. FO R SALE Refrigerator cheap. 500 John son, phon A 1601. LAUNCH hull 28x6 feet; best of construe tlon: a bargain. H 108. Oregonian. TRIPLET mirror and revolving chair for sale cheap. 331 Montgomery. Main 6616. SPECIAL bargains used rebuilt bicycles; sev eral girls' wheels. Easy payments. 130 13th. 4-CHA.VBER white enamel refrigerator. 200 lis. ice capacity, new. V 108, Oregonian. , Jwiiqwu. Mlst-elbnewut. 1 1 MOTOR-BOAT. "LAUNCH." LES THAN HALF PRICE. POSITIVE SACKiFlCE." 32-FOOT BOAT MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK. NEW 25-H. P. 0-CYL1NDER STAND ARD ENGINE, MAGNETO STORAGE! BATTERY. ELECTRIC HORN, NEW BOAT HOUSE. FULL EwCiPMENT, CHAIRS. LIGHTS, ETC.. ALL IN FiRT U LASS CONDITION. A DANDY FOR PLEASURE. 1 -'-PASSENGER, 10 MILEs PER. "GET THERE AND BACK." COT LAST YEAR ABOUT 12000. MY PRICE OR QUICK SALE. $975; TERMS. 5O0 CASH. BALANCE EASY tIF SECURED); MIGHT CONSIDER SOME TRADE tUooD DIAMOND. ETC.) WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER? ADDRESS W. E PP1NGER, 502 ELM ST.. PORTLAND. ELECTRIC MOTORS. 2 2 H. P. airect current motors. 3 5 H. P. direct current motors. 3 7tj H. P. direct current motors. 2 10 H. P. direct current motors. 5 15 H. P. direct current motors. 1 30 H, P. direct current motor. 1 3 H. P. 3-phase A C. motor. 3 5. H. p. a-phase A. O. motors. 2 J H. P. 3-phaee A. C. motors. 2 15 H. P. 3-phase A. C. motors. 1 50 II. P. 3-phase A. C. motor. 1 100 H. P. 3-phase A. C. motor. STANDARD MACHINERY CO. 46 Second Street. We Rent or Sell. OWNER must sell finely equipped 25-ft. motorboat with house; leaving town so will accept any cash offer. AO ftS. Ore gonian. STORAtiE sale of sewing machines; 19 ma . chines purchased of White S. M Co storehouse. Seattle. These machines will be sold from $4 to $a. We have re paired these machines and guarantee them to stitch perfectly. Sowing Machine Em porium, l&o 3d., between Yamhill and Taylor. COMPLETE photographic outfit consisting of a Grallex camera, Ooertz lens, magazine plate holder, film pack adapter, special piate holder for ooior work, actimo ex posure meter, tank, tripod, and carrying case. All as goou as new; coat $245; will sell at once for $150. AE 97, Oregonian. --NN valve trombone, $25. Remington typewriter. $35. 12-bore Le fever hammerless shotgun, $-2.&0. Eastman. SA kodak, new. $16.50. Physician's microscope, $40. 13 North 3d a t . WILL sacrifice my completely equipped, 50 H. P., 22-mile motorboat, nearly new, first-class condition; auto top; in fact, everything that goes to make a high grade pleasure craft. S. N. Steele, owner, 432 Chamber of Commerce. Main 255. MANURE IN CAR LOTS stockyards manure in car lots, $1 per ton, f. o. b. cars. North Portland. Book your orders early. PORTLAND UNION STOCKYARDS CO., North Portland. Oregon. SEWING MACHINE EXCHANGE. Immense stock of second-hand machines, all makes, $3 to $liu. Guaranteed. We make them right, or payments. For mer. y 292 3d at., now at 207 3d it. be tween Taylor and Salmon sts. 500O FEET garden hose, guaranteed new. J. SIMON & BRO.. Front and Grant tits. WHOLESALE manufacturer selling choice electric portable lamp at wholesale prices to retail trade to close out discontinued immucrs. inquire .Hamilton bldy M'CASKEY register. National cash register, safe, showcases, horse and wagon, bowser tank and other fixtures. McNeill Bros. Phone B 0111. FAST motor-boat. 25-11. p., 4-cycIe engine, feet long. Built 1912. This Is a oar gain. Terms or trade. AK 109, Orego nian. CORSETS A few handsome $6.50 sample corsets for $2.50; sizes 21, 24. 25 and 26. Sunday only. Mrs. Kinney, room la Co lonial Hotel, loth and Morriso n. WANTED To sell my oil p a i ntings; also very rare inlaid vases, table and other genuine antiques. Inquire 3S4 Morrl son. Conservatory of Music. HOUSEBOAT, fully furnished; 4 rooms and bath; moored at Oregon Yacht Club; bar gain. Apply Houseboat No, 4, Oregon Yacht Club. . ,on th Oregon Tent & Awning Mfg. Co.. 21 Grand ave., for awnings ana sleep. ".iS-porches. Phone East 020, B 12li2. SAFES, new and second-hand; low prices'; easy terms; safes opened, repaired and painted. PURCELL SAFE CO. and PORT L AN D SAFE CO., S5 5th Bt. Main 0309. FOR SALE 2 greenhouses, one 2tx."i0, other 2ux3u; will consider good driving horse and buggy as part pay. Call Columbia 270 or address D. E. Brodahl, St. Johns Or FOR SALE High-class "positive" vacuum cleaner: good as new; will clean anything that has dust in it cheap. 346 Madison. Marshall 316. NOTICE. We do not publish stock lists, we adver tise bargains only. See us. STANDARD MACHINERY CO. FOR SALE 3 construction shi cks at your own price. Call 70S Couch bldg. or A VERY old violin, exceptional fine tone, leather case, reasonable. 320 Lumber Ex Bldg. ONE 24-ft. boat without engine; speed model Win seil very reasonable. Call Monday. e For SALE First-class 5u-loaf, sand-lined, portable oven, brick firebox, at less than half price. AH 122. Oregonian. FOR SALE 4-room furnished houseboat tywater. H. A. Siegfried. Marshall 3Sb5, I. C. S. course in architectural drawing; can transfer to any other or will exchange for folding camera. AC 129, Oregonian. ONE No. o Belridge overgaar. 1-16-inch elec tric fan A. C. $10 each. J . W. West, Sell wood 610, or Port. Rowing Club. GLASS cabin launch, boat house and house boat combined; partly furnished; $500. call at Port. Rowing Club, or Sellwood 932 FOR SALE One pair fine lady's shoes and rubbers, size 7 EE. Inquire forenoons only at 249 Tillamook st. B AGAIN Furnished combination houseboat Inquire No. 12. Portland Motorboat Club Terms if desired A FOLDING-BED, with combination ward robe and mirror; in excellent condition. Phone Woodiawn 2917. W. Z. LONG popcorn crtspette machine. complete; gasoline burners. 1905 Alder st., Eugene, Or. LARGE double-oven hotel range, tables, chairs and electric fans for tale cheap. b!9 Lumbermens bltlg. SODA fountain and back bar tables, chairs and some supplies; new power freezer- all bargains. AV 5. Oregonian, BEAUTIFUL rowboat, 16 feet beam, with 17'MJ SeU Pon oars. Phone Woodiawn 10OO OR less sacks of potatoes, Burbanks good condition, 10c a hundred net In- NEARLY new 16-foot Morris' canoe com plete with sail, lee-boards, full outfit, $50. LAUNCH-wanted In exchange for 5-passenger auto; give particulars. AO 96. Ore gonian. SAFES New and second-hand, large assort. v lX "Lt:B openea. repaired. Moeler Safe Co., 10 2d nt. .via in iHttf. SUBSTANTIAL first-class launch house-close-in mooring; well 23x6 feet; hoist" $100. J 124. Oregonian. MOTORCYCLE salc.nd-hand machines at cost; a few 1912 models at reduced prices West Coas t Supp 1 y Co . . 81 No. B roadway. LARGE safe for ea1 for storage charges. Western Iran?. &. Towing Co., 711-10 Yeon bldg. Telephone Main 7S30. TYPE WRITERS, all makes $H to $3i NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO 202? Stark st. WHY buy a second-hand refrigerator whn we build better ones for less. p. c. Bed Co., o-i Union ave. So. E. 243. HuUSEBOAT, four rooms and bath. Ore gon Y'acht Club moorings. I. J Menden hall. VERY fine houseboat, furnished or unfur nished, at Oregon Yacht Club. For partic ulars, phone Main 3647. FOR SALE One baby buggy and one Oriole basket. Sellwood 1129. O R SALE Gaa range. Detroit Jewel, high oven, nearly new. AC 90. Oregonian. FOR SALE Five sections Macey bookcases. Phone C 3049. FIVE-ROOM furnishes! bunealow houseboat. No. 21. Oregon Y'acht Club. VIOLIN, mandolin, also shotgun. Phone Sellwood 13 1. EMPTY barrels for sale cheap. F. W. Woll wlth, 2S8 Washington. Main 1996. DESK, chairs and filing cabinets. Busdong & Co., park and Stark. NATIONAL cash registers: get mv prices. Povey, 351 Wash, basement. Main tJOO. DERBY desks and office furniture. E B Haley Desk Co.. 210 E road way Main SS7. ALMOST new L. C. Smith typewriter, per fect condition. 431 C. of C. STRICTLY" A-l Fox typewriter, only $25 $5 down, $2 monthly. 350 Alder st. FOR SALE or trade, a fine 4-foot Dlebold safe. Inquire 565 Clinton. FOR SALE View camera and outfit; bar gain. 420 RoBciawn ave. FOR SALE 14 acres, c'over and timothy ready to cut. AM 106. Oregonian. ATTENTION ATTENTION As largest bujers and, sellers on the Pa cific coat of second-hand machinery; we show below partial llt of stock we have on hand. This is not a stock list, but Just an idea of what we have. 1 &0-H. p. Payne Automatic 1 20-I1. p. A. lis Chalmers upright en gine. 1 100-H. P. Russell automatic engine. 1 75-H. P. Russell automatic englue. 1 3o-H. I. S. & H. upright engine. 1 lo-li. P. Clark marine engine. 1 '-H. P. Clark marine engine. 1 "H-H. P. marine gas engine. 1 1S-H- 1'. marine pas engine. 1 1-H. p. marine gas engine. 1 2-H. P. stationary gas engine. 1 3-H P- engine compressor. 1 Monitor power pump. 2 Dean nt earn pumps. 12 mi seel j aneous pumps MOTORS. 1 60-H. P. G. E. motor. 2 J5-H. P. o. E. motors. 2 "S-il. P. G. E. motors. 3 1-H. P. Q. E. motors. 1 3-K. W. generator. 1 loi'-K. W. generator. 3 air compressors. 5 st-el tanks. 20M ibs. drill steel. 4ooo 'I s. tool steel. loO crowbars. l'0 kegs nails. 10 chum olocks. all sizes. 3 hydraulic pump jacks. lOOO v. ood split puiieys. 0 hand trucks. 3 piat form seales. 1 lot w heel borrows. 10.000 feet sprocket chain 1 lot grates, all ki:ias. 20'H assorted grease cup& 1 lot iutricators. 1 lot balance wheels. 1 punch and shear. 1 lot Albany grease. 1 2-IL P. boiler. 1 5-H. p. holier. 1 h-H. P. boiler. 1 10-H. P. toiler. 1 4i'-H. P. boiler. I t-ll. P. boiler. 1 7VH. 1. boiler. 1 12,-,-H. p. boiler. 1 2UU-H. P. boiler. A lot or other firebox, upright and tubu. lar boilers aii bargains. And PIPE PIPE PIPE New and second hand. H lack and gai anlzed. In sizes lrom Inch to 12 Inches. Get our prices and save monev CABLfc. .CABLE CABLE See us lor anything in cable it will pay you. RAILS RAILS RAILS About iioo tons of rails in sizes from l-ii . l2 7J Iba Get our Prices and we II do business. SPECIAL! A lot of cast iron pullevs. gears, boxes, clutch and other coupling hun-rs. etc. This is a real money -savins opportunity-. BELTING BELTING See us about your belting wants. Y'ou'll be tr.r.d you did. Reinforcing Iron, all kinds. 'nig. an sizes. contractors rem InHu In fact, see us for anything. It pays to talk with Barde. M. XS A K D E & SONS. The House of a Million Bargains, 240-2-2 Front stl, cor. Main. i nt- nnuse or ite liability. Buffet, quartered polished oak. $15 fine quartered polished oak 8-ft. extension table, i-rench Ifgs. and a beauty for $20; K.ld H?-k lr"satrs- $7.50: hotel dressers, 4, chiffoniers. $0.50 to $10: upholstered couches. $2.oO; OO-inch rolltop desk In g.lden oak. $22.3i; chair to match. $2 50" lo.oxl.t.o Bundhar Wilton rug in fine condaion $25; :;xl2 Higelow Axminster rut. fcood oitice or dining-room pattern. $14. 9x1. Royal "Wilton, Hie $45 kind. In brown and tan colors. $22.50. and lots or fn ?m81Z r?8 and arpets from $3 up Eclipse steel ranges. l-inch oven, $ia. cook stoves, $0.5u to $10; refriger ators $7.50 to $1S: iron beds. $i.5u and to S .U fr50; idinT beds, $3 to $ 1U. $JJ Reliable gas ran ire in fin condition. $10. Houses' furnished on in? sta..ments. Goods delivered free to any part of the city. r PiiV!TKKX SALVAGE CO., 54o-o4. Washington, Bet. IGth and 17th -is. Pnoiies Main 1 lOs :.). .uubt.rr anythins in 'h '" o' Water closets. Lavatories, Sinks. Boilers. Laundry tubs, l'ipe lutings, etc. A big stock at the right prices. See us. It pays. A1" "AKDE & SONS, rp , -"YrJ4- Front St.. Corner Main. Tpe oi a Million Bargains. Ve Give s. & il Green Trading Stamps. RIVAL peanut roaster, show cases, soda fQU"tln- N- lmh st, cor. Couch. UrVrElMISCEJJLA EOl'S. it? . m y BCrai' lron- etals or ma chinery to sell, see us. We are the largest dealers in the city. We have dismantled and Handled the largest plants that were f,T-S0l,li in ,tho wtuwest. and we can positively make you money if yuu give us the opportunity to bid on anything you fof.V1" f1-,, Ko machinery is too large for us to handle. Y e either buy or handle on consignment. Can furnish best of refer ences. Buying scrap iron, machinery and pipe from sawmills that have been de stroyed is our specialty J. SIMON & BRO.. Front and Grant Sts GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE 20b let., between Taylor and Salmon will pay best price for your furniture carprts, stoves, etc., etc. New aud second-hand furniture our specialty PHONE ilAKiHALL 09S1. LEVIN Hardware & Furniture Co., 221 Front St., buys second-hand furniture, carpets, Etoves, ranges, hardware or tools of any kind, if juu have anything in this Hue call Main 1K72. WANTED horse or mare, weight 1"00 or UiOO pounds; must be true and gentle and work single or double; mare preferred, .d dres Oregon City, It. F. D. No. 5, box 10 j B. WE B UY CLOTHING AND FURNITURE Highest prices paid for iadies' and men's cast-off clothing and shoes. Call Main 2'jstJ. 234 First. The Globe. Vv E want to buy $1000 worth of second hand furniture in the next 30 days and pay all the cash it Is worth. Williams Ave. Furniture Exchange. East 630. WANTED Small launch; must be in good condition ana a bargain. See Mr. aic Kern or Mr. Hughes at Ashley & Rumeiin Bankers. Yv E buy for cash second-hand National cash registers and sell them on easy terms. W. J. Macauley. 354 Burnside st. Phone Main 181ft. A IS Iti. FAIR DEAL opened again; we pay high est prices for your second-hand clothing and household goods. Phone Main 9272. VVA.NTLD Cheap for cash, large lathe, 24 to 30-inch swing; new. or second-hand in A1 condition. AK 107. Oregonian. WANTED Party to share car of household goods to Kansas City or St. Joseph, Mo. eiepiioiif? j.asi oo.'l. TWO good diamonds and cash for motor cycle or good real estate. O 121, Orego nian. FOR CASH; whistle ouLfit; 6-volt storage battery, small searchlight; must be bar gain. E 95, Oregonian. WE pay the highest cash price for second hand furniture. M. R. Seater. Phone East 3154. 3-ifc Hawthorne ave. WANTED Steamer trunk; must be In good condition and reasonable. AM 111, Ore gonian. WANTED Agency for good selling novelties; am motoring to Calirornia and meeting farmers. A P 108, Oregonian. WANTED To buy second-hand mahogany or Circassian dresser. Phone Woodiawn 2763. 25 II.-P. FIRE BOX boiler and engine J Simon Sc. Bro. Wanted. 100 H. P. firebox bollpr. T U R KI S H rug 5x10x3 It. 6 also smaller rug-. Ka?t 1US4. SMALL second-hand refrigerator, porcelain lined prei rred. Plione Tabor 3176. sl KHtlol-'TlCON with dissolver and rheostat Tabor 4 b 7 4. 3312 54th st. S. E. FORD Auction Co. pays most cash for any kind of furniture. Mam S931, A 2445. WANTED A canoe: must be in good condi tion and reasonable. Marshall 4652. WANTED A s"od second-hand tent, about Hx'0 feet. Pnone Woodiawn 3313. CA.ii paid for hair combings. Sanitary W AN V tli At once, teams for street work by day or month. Phone East 4H7. PLASTERING We do p. aster work at reas oria b: i r!c--s East 2079. WE want $10,000 worth of second-hand fur r.Ituie, hignest prices paid. Sellwood 16S2. NATIONAL cash register; price m u s t be reasonable. phone Main 600. A. 3006. WANTED To buy. leather Morris chair or rocker, slightly used. AT IPS. Oregonian. WE PAY highest prices for second-hand clothing. 2'.'4 3d et. Phone Main 9203. TRANSITS and levels bought for cash, ooo Concord Bldg.. Portland. iECOND-HAND goods bought for cash or taken !n exchange for new. Tabor 4 34U. WANT carpenter tools, picture frame miter box. Phone Woodiawn 2025. WANTED Player piano; give modern bun galow in trade. Tabor 4704. WILL Lalsmlne rooms for $2.50; paint haute at your price; reliable. East 323. HELP FOR ALL WORK FOR ALX, at the PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY, 222 and 224 Couch St., Bet. 1st and 2d. Phones Main 6370. Marshall 1130, A 140C Open Sunday a A. M. to 5 P. M. SPECIAL WANTS TODAY. Lath puller. $3. Grader, spruce, $3 up. Ratchet setter, small mill. Carriage riders, good wages. Wagon loading tallyman, city, $2.75. L ut-off sawyer, shingle mill. $3.50 up. Bench carpenters, $3.50. Frame maker. $3 up. Two assistant millwrights. $6 and board. Rough carpenter. $2.50 and board. Ten yardmen, city. $2 23 Two raftsmen, $3. Boom man, $80. Three lumber pliers, $2.75. Ten mill and yardman. $2.50 to $3. Married men for sawmill and loKglnM work; wages $2.50 up; good houses to ii e in. Young men for box factory and planlns; mills, etc., at Grays Harbor, FARE PAID. Loggers. $2 50 to $3. Woodcutters. $1.10 to $L25 cord. Flunkeys. $35 to $40. Waiters, $10 up. Dishwashers, $9. $10 and $13 week. Hotel cook, $so up. Fry cook, city, $20. Lunch counter man, $10 up, city. Farm hands. $.10. $35 and $40. Milkers. $33 and $40, Swiss milkers. $40. Newsbojs, railway service, Nlghtwatchman, $45 and board. Teamster, haul wood. $2.50 up. Section men. log road. $2.50 and $X7&. Others too numerous to mention. Hundreds of new Jobs every day. Open Sunday, 8 A. M. to ft P. 11. Don't Forget the Place. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. 213 and 224 Couch St., Bet. 1st and 2d. HANLEY EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. LABOR AGENTS. 2S North Second Street. Phones Main 27. A 2290. WANT TODAY. Plow man for grader machine, $90 and board. Assistant truck foreman. Govt. work. hours, $45 and board. Assistant dump foreman, Govt, work, 3 hours, $45 and board. Cook, country hotel. $80 and board. Camp blacksmith, 75 and board Man and wife, city, $7o and board. Man and wife, country, $00 and board. Woman, cook and housekeeper. small family, $30 and board. Fallers. $3.50. Puckers, $3.23. 5 Hurley drillers. $3.50. 50 teamsters and laborers, $2.50 and $-.75. Shipping to Porter Bros., Grant Smith Co., Guihry, McDougall & Co.. Twohy Bros.. Fuller & Baiu. U. tf. Govt.. Lorlmer A Galligher. etc., S. N. Mc Weatherbee. S. P., Coos liay line. North Hank double track ing, Go t. work at Big Eddy. - All orders given prompt personal atten tion. YoUNG man wanted for office; must ba bright and have some business ability; also know city well ; must ride wheel ; state age, salary expected and phon number. W 107. Oregonian. THE HOLTZ STORE requires the services of an experienced grocery clerk, also boy to run ; asseiiger elevator. Apply S to li A. M. to Supt. the Holtz Store, 6th and Washington. WANTED A young man about 20 to assist in ofiice; should have knowledge of book keeping; small salary to begin, but good opportunity for advancement. W 109, Ortgonlan, $30 WEEKLY taking orders cut rate gro ceries; experience unnecessary; send for agents' sworn statements and territory ; outfit free. Standard Mercantile Co.. Cleveland, Ohio. WANTED One intelligent and well-dressed person for Portland ; easy proposition for steady and persistent worker. Apply 8 to 9:il0- A. M. and 4.30 to 5:30 P. M. 17 Worcester bldg. WANTED at once. stra.wberry pickers and packers: we need at loast 300; come Mon day on S.. P. i S. ; get off either at Un derwood or White Salmon. PAINTER wanted ; must be an all-around painter and paperhanger; one that has learned the trade. Monday, at 432 E. Washington st. WE want three high-grade hustlers, capable of becoming district managers; splendid opening; no cash required. Outt Northwest bldg. $50 WEEKLY earned selling our needle casts. They sell themselves. Samples Hi needles lo. Particulars free. National im porting Co., St. Louis. WANTED Wide-awake, sober and indus trious solicitor for new paper; $73 month to start with. Address M. A. Hood, Ray mond. Washington, Givu reference. WANTED Experienced Janitor and wife for an apartment-house; siate former experi ences with references and wages expected. AD 173, Oregonian. COUNTRY" PRINTER One who can de liver the goods can get on steady at the Madras Pioneer; prefer young man with ideita and energy. Pioneer, Madras. Or. l'l M A N wanted by leading lace embroi dery importers. Liberal arrangements; rare opportunity; can be handled as side line. Wilson, 491 Broadway, New Y'ork. SALESMEN Do you want $10 a day side or main line retail and Punch Board deals? Ten propositions. American Factories Co., St. Louis, Mo. SALESMEN wanted to sell A-l goods (food products ; must be a hustler and well acquainted in the city. Call and see Mr. Kundscn, 1006 Wilcox bldg. WANTED 20 best selling agents In town; A-l money-making proposition. Call after 9 A. M. Sunday and Monday. 202 Com monwealth bldg. WANTED Two newsagents to work on pas senger trains; cash security required. Ap ply 320 Johnson st. WANTED Caller for view photographer. Call room 304 Blackstone Hotel, between 1 1 and 1 today. WANTED Men to handle territory right; don't answer unless you mean business. SCO Lewis Bldg. E. Baker. WANTED Boy 10 years with wheel for light delivery. Apply 9 A. M. today. 678 E. Broadway, cor. 19th st. EXPERIENCED man for small dairy; must be good milker and clean; good wages and home. AK 91. Oregonian. SALARY of $12 per week to men who can sell beach lots at $25 each. Apply B29 Chamber of Commerce. BARBER wanted, first-class licensed young man for June 1. Write or phone S. A. Moult on, Tillamook. Or. FOR $2 I will show you how to become real estate expert. Full particulars from H. E. Randall, 406 World bldg.. New York, WANTED First-class washer by Ellta Laundry, Vancouver. Wash.: report from 2 to 4. Sunday. Phone 232. SOLICITORS and decorators for Rose Fes tival decorating; day and night work. Call 815 Spalding bldg. Monday morning. THOKOUG H LY" experienced men's furnish ings salesman; none but experienced need apply. Roberts Bros., Third and Morrison. WiLL exchange room rent, sleeping or housekeeping, for painting or kalsomining. 3Jyi N. 17th st. WANTED Good trader and business chance salesman, stenographer preferred. . 5H Henry bldg. COOK for small, but high-grade restaurant, between 11 and 1 p. M. Sunday. The Cookery, 623 Wash. PHOTOGRAPHER, operator and printer. Ayres. 3?2 East Burnside st WANTED Teacher in English; give prica per lesson. V lv7. Oregonian. i ANTED A barn man at 35th and East Alder sts. AN intelligent delivery boy of good habits. PnbertT Bros.. Third and Morrison. WANT capable man to handle either kitchen or counter end of restaurant. lul Oth it EXIT: RIENCED solicitors. Call 321 Missis sippi a-.e-. from 3 to 9 A. M.. 5 to 7 P. M. W II-LING worker needs no cash to buy good little farm at 20 Henry bldg. A FIRST-CLASS ladies' clothes ironer. Ap ply at Pacific Laundry, 231 Arthur st. H A R N ESSM A K ER that can run Pearson machine. Wr. A. Williams. Tillamook. Or. ' COMPOSITOR. Oregon City Enterprise. i-'IRST-CLASS coat helper wanted. McLeod. H4'J4 Washington st. . ;a HI NET-MAKERS wanted. Mfg. Co. Apply Peters FINISHERS wanted. Apply Peters Manufac turing Co. THREE men for two hours evenings. Iul4 E. 15th st. N. MAN for general work on suburban place. Address P. O. Box 87, City. WANTED Janitor in grocery store; refer ences required. K H0. Oregonian. TAILOR, wanted. R. M. Gray. 4th and Mor ' rison.