THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, JUNE 1, 1913. Panama Canal in Ooeration I That s the attractn extraordinary that cm 2 2 ZZ11 awaits you here tomorrow in our Fifth Floor Department. Every man, woman and child in the city should aa; this miniature working f the Panama Canal and Canal Zone. In actual operation youll see the locks and ship! going from the Atlantic to the Pacific a distance of 41 J miles, through the Panama Canal The benefit to be derived by the Pacific Coast and Turn to the Back Page of Section 3, for Other Store News STORE YOUR FURS! Don 't risk your furs out of storage during the Summertime weather when you may have them guaranteed against moth, fire and theft in our Cold Storage at a minimum cost. "We have the only refrigerating cold stor age for furs in Portland. Our expert furriers will renovate your furs at the lowest possible prices. For Your Trip This Summer The Time To Kodak Ideal now are the conditions for taking pictures; we have a com plete stock of Eastman Kodaks and supplies. Let our expert from the Eastman factory do your work us people tnrougn tne completion of this mar- . - v . u J.J lliCQUllidUlC. J BptJ- cial lecturer intimately familiar with the Pan ama Canal and its surroundings is here to tell you the wonders of this vast enterprise. 'Tis well worth coming hundreds of miles to see this remarkable working model. youll need a. Trunk. Get one that will give you peace of mind, as far as your baggage is con cerned. The one that cannot be smashed is in sured against loss, theft, fire and destruction an "Indestructo." Prices from $17.50 to 80 ermuslms or rascinating Loveliness 24 Are Reduced! A N Our -Every Woman Who Desires Intimate Garments of Highest Quality Will Marvel at These Offerings Tf U VTT TK A Boon to the June Bride and the Girl Graduate Th The tendency and desire of women today is for Undermuslins of the better grade. And assuredly there is an appealing daintiness to the imported and domestic Undermuslins that enter the second week of our great annual event "June White Days." Women feel a just pride in the choosing of these garments that possess distinctive style and beauty. And this unparalleled event is most opportune for the June bride in selecting for the trosseau. The "Sweet Girl Graduate" will find many coveted garments at most nominal prices. Then, too, for Summer vacation and Summer travel, sheer white Undergarments, of the most appropriate styles, are offered at radical reduc tions. No previous season has given us such a show ing of exquisite Gowns, Princess Slips, Skirts, Combinations, Corset Covers and Drawers. Beau tifully finished from daintiest and sheerest nain sooks, lawns, French batiste or cotton and silk crepe. e second week of June White Days Promises a revelation in showing and price reductions to Portland women, and we offer Gowns and Combinations At $1.69, $1.95, $2.67, $2.87 $3.57 to $12.9S. Regularly Selling from $2.25 to $18. Domestic Skirts and Princess Slips at $2.67, $2.95, $3.18 to $11.25. Regularly Selling from $3.50 to $15. Drawers, Chemise and Corset Covers at 83S 98, $1.22, $1.47 to $2.67. Regularly $1 to $3.50. Imported Lingerie Gowns, , Combination . Garments and Skirts at $2.87, $3.19, $3.95 to $27. Regularly Selling at $4 to $39. Chemise, $1.22, $1.98, $2.67, $3.53 to $9.75 Regularly Sell at $1.75 to $13.50. Princess Slips at $3.95, $4.29, $5.98 to $18 Regularly Selling at $5.50 to $22.50. BRASSIERES "We feature the largest and most complete stock of highest grade Brassieres in Portland, quality linens; beautifully hand embroidered, in attractive designs, and modeled to conform to every figure Thev're daintily trimmed with neh Cluny and Irish laces. Other Brassieres are of batiste and all-over embroidery "these are specially designed for evening wear or with the low-necked gowns and Summer frocks. Note the reductions on Bras oirit:n jui tt nut- wine uav. oubcicli at ?t i t i iir tn :u 11 t? Amiioviv ci nn ei rn t o x aaa x wliv-i wuj-M-mmmm 1 1 a wv rv v a avvc mxvu. j. t idx.ui. .mi. .n s. mi i.n m -r a ii Ask to see the New Venus Bust Supporters. Sold here exclusively in Portland. 3,750 Sample Knit Undergarments for Women fortunate purchase from two of the largest manufacturers of Knit Underwear brings to us .i7oU samples that will be placed on sale tomorrow at prices too low for comparison Here's an opportunity for Avomen to purchase the Summer needs with the extreme of economy Come pstIv tomorrow for best selection. ' VESTS in regular and extra sizes, with plain and fancy lace yokes. 17c to 25c grades at 12 30c to 40c grades at 17 I 50c grades priced at 27 1 65c to 75c grades at 39 Kloor. Main Building;. Mall Orders Filled. UNION SUITS with plain and fancy yokes, tight-knee style, lace tnmmed. 65c and 75c grades A.KJ 85c and $1 grades. $1.25 to $1.75 grades .'.:."!."!!!!!!!.' .' 93 Our "June White Days" SALE OF Laces and Embroideries Shadow Allover Laces in white.. 18 inches wide, in large and small designs; suitable for yokes. $1.00 Shadow Allover Laces, yard 59 $1.25 Shadow Allover Laces, yard . '. . . f9 $2.00 Shadow Allover Laces, j'ard .QSd 25c to 40c White Cotton Cluny Laces also linen machine made Cluny and Shadow Lace Edges; 2 to 5 inches f wide ; for trimming of waists and gowns. Special, yd. 1 QC $3 Embroidery Flouncings, $1.39 45-inch Embroidery Flonncings, on Swiss and batiste, in ex quisite Baby Irish designs, for the making of dainty gradua tion gowns. Semi-Made Corset Covers at 45c The lily white, semi-made Corset Covers that require but little work to complete them ready for wear. Selling regu larly at 85c. Choice tomorrow, each 45. Our Entire Stock of Real Duchess White Venise and Princess Laces Greatly Reduced. This is an opportune sale for the contemplated June weddings. , flrut Floor. New Holloing. Stall Orders Filled. A Cleanup Sale of Dainty Lace Neckwear Displayed m three great lots for tomorrow are all broken lines of Plauen Lace Neckwear Cape Col lars, Dutch Collars, Coat Collars; also some pieces in ratine and Macrame Lace. There's every con ceivable size and style to choose from. In white and ecru a few Neckpieces being in black. Lot 1 $1.75 to $3.00 Neckwear, each at only 98 Lot 2 $3.50 to $4.50 Neckwear, each at SI .9S Lot 3 $5.00 to $7.50 Neckwear, each at S2 flS " -smm 75c Epaulet Collars tipw or, a -i quality net, with dainty lace edge white f- y only. Specially priced for this sale at only O C Klrt Floor. Slain Bnlldln. Mall Order. Killed. Exquisite Evening Gowns, $32.50 Worth From $40 to $75 Direct Copies of Imported Models Exclusive Designs, for After noon, Street and Evening' Wear Milady of fashion will marvel at these Gowns we offer tomorrow for only $32.50! And 'twill be advisable to make early selection, as there are no two Gowns alike in this entire line of 100. Three of the styles as pictured were sketched from this group in our Garment Salons. You'll find most becoming models for afternoon, street and evening wear. Of serges, crepe de chine, lace, charmeuse, chiffon, Canton crepe, and one stunning Gown of silk marquisette and flowered effect. The skirts are elaborately draped, and the bodices show rich and beautiful combina tions of lace and chiffons. Other Gowns of allover lace and under-drape of charm euse in light evening shades. Then, too, you'll find light tailored models, with full length sleeves in vest effects these are button-trimmed. Every Gown in the lot is distinctive in style, and they'll be chosen rapidly tomorrow, owing to the deep reductions. A Group of Fancy Tailored Suits $30.00 to $35.00 Models, $23.50 $37.50 to $48.00 Models, $32.50 Here's a wonderful group of Fancy Tailored Suits at prices certain to find favor with women and misses. Two models are just as illustrated. The fabrics are serges, Bed ford cords, poplins, eponge and covert. In navy, black, tan, gray, black and white checks and stripes. Cutaway styles with fancy belted backs. Bulgarian and Balkan blouse effects. Both plain and draped skirts; sizes 16 years to 44 bust measure. $30.00 to $35.00 Suits at 23.50 $37.50 to $48.00 Suits at $32.50 Ideal Summer Dresses, $5.85 Anticipating the coming hot weather, women should choose several of these neat and cool dresses, of ginghams, ratine, cotton rep, cotton voile, crepe and batiste. Either plain or striped colors, with short set-in sleeves and low-neck style. Attractively finished with dainty collar of embroidery or lace. Sizes 34 to 46. These dresses we special tomorrow at S5.85. Washable Silk Waists of crepes, satins, habitau and Jap. In plain and fancy styles for semi-dress many "Waists have the new drop shonlder, so popular this season. Also included are "Waists of chiffons and nets, in plain and Persian patterns, over fancy linings of silk and net. To- t Q morrow we special these Waists of remarkable value at tbOaOO iiiiimimiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimimiiimmim I $15 to $30 Trimmed Hats at $10.95 v T.he 100 women who choose from this fetching array of Dress and Tailored Hats will be fortunate both in the savings they enjoy and the charm of the Chapeau they select. etcn models are these that have been selling regularly at $15 to $30, and tomorrow we offer yon your choice of 100 for only $10.95. Included are many imported models S m rich and beautiful trimmings of flowers, lace and fancy ostrich feathers. $6.50to $ 1 6.50Trimmed Hats, $5.95 There's chic and charm to this Int. nf Rpmi.Tni e o . , . C icuuwu lor tomorrow 10 sen at s $5.9o. Even at the regular pnces-$6.50 to $16.50, they possess an unusual attractiveness, in their smart S wQmmmgSSf "bbons' fl0e" and. fancy stick-ups. Nowhere in the city will you find the equal of these g Hats we offer tomorrow at the prxce-S5.95. SecOBd FIOOr, M,IIIny PIor. p iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiw imiiniiiiil Ingersoll" Watches Regularly, $1 Tomorrow, 85c The nniversally known Ingersoll Watches, guaranteed for one year, that have always sold for $1. We are reducing in price, for the first time within our knowledge, and offer them to Q C our patrons during the sale tomorrow at the low price of ODC Ingersoll Junior and Midget Watches of gun- Q1 7C metal or nickel finish. Regularly $2, tomorrow only P X O Newest Fiction IDEAL SUMMER READING Mrs. Red Pepper Richmond S51.25 Boast Beef, Medium Ferber.. $1.25 Ever After Juliet W. Tompkins. . -SI .20 V. V.'s Eyes Henry S. Harrison. . .S1.35 Bobby, General Manager Prouty. .-S1.25 Isobel James Oliver Curwood $1.25 The Turning of Griggsby Irving Bacheller. priced at $1.00 C 1 '"'" The- Quality' Store of Portland ITftK. Sixth. "MorrJsotv Alder Ota.