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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1913)
TIIE SUNDAY OREGONlAX, PORTLAND, MAY 25, 1913. - , 1 !- ?! THREE MATINEE IDOLS COMING IN ONE PLAY la "Fine Feathers' at Heilig Theater Next Sunday Are Wilton Lackaye, Robert Edeson and Max Firman, Each in Most Adaptable Bole. r.-" : . A - 'wv- -v"'' v. VvV ft ? V ' i I I, . ' . . 1- V 'W2M. it, Charles J. Ross. Trlxle Frigania, Eu gene and Willie Howard, Clarence nir vey, Louise Brunelle. Adelaide & Hughes, and 80 others, -ine -oi"is Show of 1912" was produced at the Winter Garden on July . 22. 1912, and has been playing ever since without even the loss of a night. When Max Flgman played his star ring stock engagement In Portland three" years ago he was a bridegroom, for just two weeks before coming here he was married In San Francisco to bis leading ladv, Lolita Robertson. There fore, when both Mr. Flgman and Miss Robertson come to the Hollig Theater next week, as members of the all-star cast of "Fine Feathers." it will be in the nature of a second honeymoon. Theyare bringing with them their sole descendant and heir in the form of lit tle Maxine Flgman, who first arrived In their parents" midst 11 months ago. When "Fine Feathers" was ready to leave New York in April it required considerable coaxing to prevail upon her to go on the road, as she feared the strain of travel would prove too much for little Maxine. However, such in ducements as a nursery on the special Pullman car which the company uses and a dressing room In every theater fitted up as a child's room, to say noth ing of the pleasure of traveling with Mr. Flgman. won the day. and the com pany wtnt on. the Toad intact. Little Miss Flgman is tnrivmg Deaumuny u.. the road, and is as fine a specimen of childhood as one would wish to see. Bernard Shaw'once" complained that one of his plays was ruined on its first night in a London theater by the ap plause of the auoienve during the ac tion. He said that there was no need at all for applause except at the end of an act and when it was pointed out to him that the actors played better when, they were applauded he declared that he could write a play without any, p.pplause and certainly If he could do that an actor could play it without ap plause. And even Sarah Bernhardt. upon whom the Fates have abundantly lav ished their most precious gifts, has her regrets. "If I could live my life over again.1 she sighed the other day, "t would learn the English language. That was a mistake, never to know it but It Is so ugly, so cold, r"eopie have understood me, but there are many who must have words." A Chicago chorus girl ' in describing things to the Judge who heard her dN vorre plea, said that she and her hus band generally got along -as well as a blue and white seidlitz powder in a glass of water. .j.T the Heillg Theater, where "Fine Feathers" Is to appear four night beginning next Sunday, June 1. with tpei ial matinee Wednesday, there are to be three matinee idols In the company, though of varying styles and degrees of fashion. Theater-goers at least the feminine portion of that rlcss are apt to jcrpw excited over the advent of a single matinee idol, but what will they say when they stand In the presence of three? Think of it! Three famous types of actors men whom the girls "go mad over" and all gathered 'together on the same stage. Here they are count them for youre(: v Robert Edeson. Wilton Lackaye. Max Flgman. No attempt Is made to catalogue these Idols according to their style, their art or their popularity. This could not be done. It would require more heroism than is possessed by the man who consents to act as Judge at the inntial baby show. Mraoa'a Eyea Soulfol. Tastes In matinee idols differ. Some there are who would give the blue ribbon to Robert Edeson. because of his soulful eyes, his tense, vibrating chest tones and manly bearing; on the contrary, there are many who would mob the committee and place the laurel- wreath on the noble brow of W llton Lackaye. not forgetting his Inimitable i moustache: but even If this were done there would come a storm of Indigna tions because Max Flgman was over looked Max. who for the past four or five years has been the idol of the Western country, but who. not so long go. was the P.omeo of the Augustin Daly forces. Never before was there such a rare Dpportunity on one stage for every body to get exactly right on this rexed question. In times past any of these actors might appear, and we would hear much of his manly beauty, his wonderful art and his Intense love making, and we would be obliged to admit that this person was entitled to sweepstakes for general excellence In all classes: we might have a private opinion that some other matinee Idol was more adorable, but we couldn't prove It. Now we can. Some young girl might break down at dinner time. Just as the soup course was being served, and weep great scalding tears Into her conxome while she insisted that Robert Edeson was theTnost fasci nating personage that ever trod the boards. Ordinarily the young lady would be permitted to rave on. as we would have no counter facts with which to dispute her. "Types' May Be Seem. Now, however, all one has to do Is ' to lead the weer-ln lady to the theater GLOBE THEATER Washington, Ret. 10th and 11th. Today, Monday and Tuesday PATHE'S WEEKLY . The News in Action. A RACE TO NEWYORK Eleventh Story of What Happened to Mary Biograph Drama, . JUST GOLD Vitagraph Comedy, The Lady and Eer Or Belinda Made Beautiful. Instrumental Music Organ Solos 10 ALL SEATS 10 where "Fine Feathers" Is playing and ay. "Very well, lefs have, a look." About 15 minutes after the rise of the curtain out comes Robert Edeson. True. In this play, or the first act rather, he is not dressed In the height of fashion, being but a $2S-a-weck wage-earner. But even his ill-fitting clothes cannot disguise his noble physique, his well poised head, his deep, dark eyes or his well-modulated tones. But wait five minutes later Max Flgman walks upon the stage, carelessly attired In the pro verbial style of the newspsper report er, and we have another type of mati nee Idol. But wait again. Scarcely have Ede son and Figman been on the stave for 10 minutes when on comes Wilton Lackaye the Inimitable, immaculate Lackaye with his wonderful complex ion, those searching eyes, that marvel ous moustache, that chin that insists on remaining dimpled, the trousers creased to razor sharpness and the fashionable attire and one forgets that this same actor created the role of Svengall and that he recently played the repulsive role of Fagln In "Oliver Twist.'; He is Just the debonair Wilton Lackaye of old the only star who suc ceeded In remaining a matinee Idol while playing villainous roles and parts that differed from the type that usual ly distinguishes the matinee girl's hero. GOSSIP AND NEWS OF PLAYS AND PLAYERS By I-eone Case Baer. G RACE REALS, who played leads with the Baker nearly a dozen years ago. Is coming back to Port land with John Mason this Summer In "As a Man Thinks." Julie Heme, who was here In "Bought and Paid For," Is Mr. Mason's leading woman. John Drew says he couldn't very well be otherwise than in favor of suffrage for women. "Any man must be, the women of whose family have been for at least a hundred years wage earners and property holders, he says. Definite announcement Is made by the Shuberts that "The Passing Show of 1912" will turn westward, after an engagement of four weeks in Philadel phia. The first stand in the trans-continental tour will be Denver. The date Is June 8. Salt Lake City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Oakland, Portland, Se attle, Victoria. Tacoma. Vancouver. Cal gary. Edmonton and Winnipeg are in cluded In the itinerary. The original cast wilt make the trlp including At the Theater Continued frim Page 2. the dramatization of the Hichens tale and Is reported to have made a remark able drama for stage use. During Jtfadaine Nazlmova's New York engBcement, which terminated only a short time ago. critics were sgreed that never before had this rifted Russian actress presented a character upon the American stage In which her art has had such full play, and that her Bella Donna will'be added to the list of the many other great roles which theatergoers remember. - "Bella Donna" is this season's dra matic novelty and success and the pro duction which Charles Frohman has made Is elaborate, magnificent and artistic. There are four acts In the play an-d each act has a different set ting. With three scenes upon the Nile. the eye Is said to be especially appealed to with the harmonious color effects. Charles Frohman presents Madame Naxlmova in "Bella -onna" at the Ueillg Theater, June 5. 6. 7. "TIIK WOLF" IS NEXT OFFERIN'G Baker Players to Present Eugene Walter's Play xt Week. , Everyone with the least taste for the woods or wild things will be im pressed with the announcement that the Baker players afe to be seen In a production of Eugene Walter's great play of the Canadian woods. "The Wolf." which will follow David Harum, opening next Sunday matinee at the Baker. "The Wolf" is a play in a class by Itself a story of people living in the primitive wilds of the borders of civilization those great forests prim- POPVLAR HITS 15e HEVES FOR ft Sunshine and Roses BE SIRE TO GET THIS BEAUTIFIX BALLAD BELOW ARK A FEW OF Ol'R BEST SELLERS I "Blue Eyed Baby." "I'm on the Jury." I'll Get You." You Can't Stop Me Front Loving You." Dowm la Xevr Orleans." "Apple BlowMira Time." "Mallnda." "You Know You Wont." "How Could I Know That You Loved Mel" All of Theae Popular Song Hits, 7 for 91- Add le Copy on Mall Orders. Be Sure to Watch Our Bargain Tables. When ICa Music or. Pictures "Go Where the Crowds Go." The Reraick Song Shop Jerome H. Rrmlck & Co. Props 322 Washington St., Krar 6ta, Portland, Oregon. Open Evenings Till 10":30. THEATER MAIN 2, A 5360 BROADWAY JVEAR MORRISON ST. GEO. L- BAKER, MANAGER HOME OK TIIE POPULAR BAKER PLAYERS BAKER All Week Commencing Sunday Matinee, Today, May 25 . William H. Crane's Great Comedy Success DAVID HARUM Dramatized from the widely read novel of , . Edward Noyes Wescott The story of a typical New England country banker and horse trader. A character now familiar in every household in the land. Brimful of clean, hearty laughter, original sayinps and situations, a stiff punch or -twey and unique character studies. "Do unto the other fellow the way he'd like to do unto you and do It fust." David Harum. Full strength of the Baker Players. Stage under direction of William Bernard. . Evening Prices, 25c, 3oc. 50c. Matinees Sunday, Wednesday, Satur day, 25c only. Monday, Bargain Night ; all seats 25c. Next Week Eugene Walter's Great Play of the Canadian Woods "THE WOLF" HE I LI G THEATER .. Eleventh and Morrison gts. Thones Main 1 and A 118 3 esse; NEXT THURS., MAY 29 .- Special Frier Matinee Saturday Verba & Luescher Present AMERICA'S PH1ZB LAUGH-MAKER and the - 7 LITTLE FOYS WITH A COMPANY OF SO IN THE MUSICAL COMEDY "OVER THE RIVER" Excellent Cast Augmented Orchestra Pretty Chorus Evenings Lower "Floor, 10 rows. $2.00: 8 rows tU 50: 4 rows, $1.00. Balcony. $1.00. 75c. 50c fapecial Price Saturday Matinee Lower Floor. $1.60, $1.00. Balcony, . $1.00, '75c, 50c. SEAT SALE OPENS Tl'Ef DAY, MAY 27 . Mall Order Received atinee ay Sunday, Monday, ln 1 ? Q A wM?tinej Tuesday, Wednesday J UHC 1, L, Of 1 Wednesd The' Dramatic .Triumph of the Century . H. H. FRAZEE'S ALL-STAR PRODUCTION OF EUGENE WALTER'S MASTERPIECE Direct from 150 nfehts AstoTheter. .w Tork, with the same ,,.., KnrcSON MAX FIGMAX LOLITA ROBERTSON EfC LACKAYE ROSE COGHLAX AMELIA SIMMERS Seat Sale Opens Friday. May 30 (Decoration Day.) Mall Orders Received. prices Evenlnifsr Lower Floor, $2.00, $1.50. Balcony, 3 rows, $1.50; 6 rows $10- I rows, 75c; I rows. 50c. Special Price Matinee Saturday Lower Floor, $1.60, $1.00. Balcony. $1.00, 75c. 50c. A'l HKK CHARLES- FROHMAX PRESENTS Thursday, Friday, Saturday, June 5, 6, 7 Saturday IWH fa f! XV NAZI In the Sensational Success ' "BELLA DONNA" Adapted from the famous novel by Robert Hichens by James Bernard Fagan SEAT SALE OPENS TUESDAY, JUNES . Mali Orders Received I eval, which, ever since the play was first produced a few years su, i beg-un to wake up. as It were, and feel the tread of the white man's feet as they never had before. "The Wolf is a story of a young; girl who was born and had been raised up there with a half fanatic old father until, meeting- with men from civiliza tion for the first time, it was but nat ural she should fall an easy prey to their fascinations. That weird closing scene which shows a terrific struggle in the dark on the banks of a swift flowing river, wlttr tlur wolves howling an accompaniment to death, - is. onu never forgotten by those who have seen it. The -cast, which is a small one, will be especially picked from the . mem be r softheBakerphiyers PEOPLES THEATER ' Especially imported for us THE HUMPBACK 3-Rel Eclair Action Action . ' Action from start to finish and a most Thrilling and original climax A PtJLLMAN-NIGHTMARE Juvenile Comedy , Ad Club Four Evening Vocalists Mile. Inez Costello, Matinee Singer ARCADE THEATER Special for here ' ''THE DOOM OF THE GUNMEN OF NEW YORK" 4 Big Reels, 4000 feet , Graphic and Educational Indorsed by all Shows, ' Mayor Gaynor and District Attorney "Whitman MR. MURRAY MACK. Our New Singer STAR THEATER 5 ANY SEAT 5J "RUN A AND THE BLACK HAND" Satirical Comedy. "THE TATTOOED' ARM" Western and ExcitiDg. "TOPLIFSKY," . Keystone Comedy. SUNNYSIDE THEATER "THE MISER," , 2 Reels A Superb Drama. The Gaumont Weekly and ' "The Foreman of the Jury" Keystone Corndy, with J. C. Huber, Local Favorite The Portland's Great Amuse ment Park. ROYAL ITALIAN BAND Every Night at 8 P. M. Owens & Pine Singing and Dancing Soubrettes. r Afternoon and Nights. OAKS . HAWAIIANS Every Afternoon and Night. Owens & Owens Classic Comedians Every Afternoon and Night. LE VAILS European Ring Novelty. Afternoon and Night. All Free INEZ DE CASTILLO Greatest of Mezzo-Sopranos Every Afternoon and Night. Admission 10c; Express Cars Fun on the Trail BASEBALL RECREATION PARK, . Cor. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Stm. TACOMA PORTLAND MAY 'M, SI. --. 23, 24. 23. Games Begin Weekdays at 3:13 P. M. Sundays, -i30 P. M. LADIES' DAT FRIDAY. Boys Under 12 Free to Bleachers Wednesday. Phones Main 6 and A 1020 Matinee Daily ft Mnttnee, 15e. 2.te. 50e A IK at, iw, -e, ouc, joe ' ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE BROAD W AY AT TAYLOR Week Beginning Monday Matinee, May 26 CECILIA THE INIMITABLE 3IIMIO Matthews and Shayne Harry DeCoe Irene Bercseny Willard and Cain Girl From Chicago ' Five Hursleys EDISON TALKING PICTURES lOOO Matinee Seats at 25c UNEQUALED VAUDEVILLE -BROADWAY & ALDER ST. Week Commencing Monday Matinee, May 26 Engagement Extraordinary BUD ANDERSON The most wonderful exponent of the fistic art and the only te contender for the lightweight clmmpionsh n of the world In a m nt a arUo nf roflnAf-l athletic exercises, the marvelous boxer in vaudeville. McPhee & Hill The Amusing Acrobats. La Petite Alva The Dancing Divinity. Browning & Levis in "NEARLY A SOLDIER. Martini & Troise Italy's Foremost Entertainers. Emil Hoch & Co. in "LOVE'S YOUNG DREAM." Pantagescope Latest Animated Events. SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTION. THE MOTHER GOOSE GIRLS In a Musical Fantasy of Fairybook Land. Produced and Presented by Menlo Moore, of New York. Popoular Prices. MATINEE DAILY .Boxes and Flrsl : Kow Reserved. Box Office open from 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. Phones A .3b. .!.. t ti .a O'ln .uain lOtJo. uurittin js.ou, t.xo &uu - 1400 Matinee Seats Daily Except Sunday 15 Cents 2:30 MATINEE EVERY DAY-2:30 . Nlltbt Prices, 15c, 38c Any Matinee 8e ISc America's Flnewt Theater SILUVAN CONSIDtSE Proprietors BROADWAY AND YAMHILL Week Commencing Monday Matinee, May 26 Km THE NEW KING OF THE P'NG! mm CHAMPION LIBHTWEI8HT OF THE WORLD Supported by hi Mngr, v JjlK . . - 5? A BILLY FiULAN I--, ,'cA ft n J flmi f rn1.r- HAL STEPHENS In Famous Roles "FUN IN A GYfSiT Ritchie will box a Portland boy at every show. NATHAL TRIO Is It Man or Ape? 4 MELODY MONARCHS VAN CLEVE DENTON & MULE PETE VINCENT AND LORNE Song Frolics "BROOMSTICK" ELLIOTT Fourth .ndSfrfc St1 THEATER "" Portland'. Only Musical Corned, Flajhou- CATERING TO LADIES. CHILDRJIS One Week Beginning Monday Matinee, May 26 - ' THE NEW COMIC OPERA COMPANY Will Present -A COMPLETE NEW PRODUCTION IheLove Lire A RIOT OF FUN A MUSICAL HIT , No Advance in Prices TUESDAY NIGHT ATHLETIC CONTEST FRIDAY NIGHT CHORUS GIRLS' CONTEST ' Prices Nights, 15c, 25c; Matinees, any seat, 15c. The Loser. Judge. flo speculated till he blev HIs monej-. He Is melancholy. ' He's only one thing now to do. So speculates upon his folly. loor Human Xuture. Judge. Madge Why don't you go to youf doctor for advice?- Marjorle What's the use? He al ways tells me to do a lot of things he known I won't do.