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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1913)
I OR KENT. Mouse keeping-Rooms In I"Tlvt la mil UNELY fim-sh.t front aul.e liufkf pinfl iia Kitchenette; mod era, clcieanl loca, I on . MlKir.4 distant i . tew st.p K Morrison -n .' ine : phone, hat n, port 'Ti: fill and mo.; no chti-iren. i'nor Kiit A 4. B-'.mont ft.. er. K't " ONcI connecting suite of H. K. luoma. mid ern. fre wood. bath, laundry. tcieph," and a. on first Hour. wsiktnR clTtaK'. rem cheap if taken at once, to atP-11 only. T-1, rl. 1 .s T -V TWO nl e. 'r 1 -an looms, kif-heiette. nicely furm-inM. tas. bath, balcony. er- ihinir eonvenient. homelike. - cm ati-o walking distance. 77 J , Tayld " M- 1 i K.-T-t.' I. ArS Mr.x Iiousekeepun ooma; heat, luh's, tn;i. !.-rtr- an. rrt v.w, :kln; tij.:.nce to ! : i.v to t-f w,th' ( i:v mouth. J7" Com li. r"l 1 tn u fcide. t If"! SUKEEPIN suite of 2 -arc rooi.ip. pantr sud i at h Prni.r1 floor nce fces park. fern! n-t and clem. vtet hills. m-ripti:""1 4.,V Turk. A eiA' cheap. i-rrh. moi.rr i-.nvntr,rw; nnr rarLarns, :; 2-d .'h; -ason- to ri j arty. rjiuie.-T.ttE hourkM-:ns rooms com- i.or.-h- Uin' ii-.t. wntr and phmw froT.t room on tir: fi"ir. ul; ins loo.n. .-J lt n : a-i rnn., i- .-IM'M rT - Liii'fc r k.;. ht-n: a:km; n-" ; c?t loom, sm'l ln pn b. rv li'nt trt liiht. f-.nt room; tit dtf antr ; rn ''-rn. kt!' lin rt. alep- ( i't t.ti ttntt !.' rrttujiiftflv pr m-. rn: i. :; :;o:i r fron hui"krp"iK Modern. 1- I M UNI.ILI room U. K. water and sink, no tht minufes wall from 1. t'.. 4- Montgomery. uit, rnnmiia rimT.. 1" HdUil! Olll,. URiiE room, furnished. Pntr, heat. rMid'nrri or M-"rk Hawthorne car; cloae tn. Phone- B 33 .civ furn.shed liftuMltpiiiC room.: raa un:f. kiuhen inK. :-a:ris ani r.hon,. rent 271 Mon:omry ttre. . kfj imV n ro.ini iurniaited with iri.- Jicht. ha:h. phP. hot and r':"i'rt,,r 1 b:o-k north Hawthorne. K. ":id at. THREE r--vrns $1.V 41 t m ell-f nrni1id houekeplr? r.tht-r roomers, ood lo-ati-Jn. 4'h st. KfRMSHEP hoi:-t k-"pinK room, lima a.e. .'"S Altrt.i. U'oodlnwn fa'! f:r Suriy. - f .M ivM.-nK,t it. k. f i-nt. hd h. k. roomF, CI.. Mi I st. ro-ma. first 11or ; U hot and rold water. jrti :oTH. corner if lander Kurnifhrd houkeepinn r-Mma. Ure. Unht and rlan. - lI.PAN furrtshM U. K. room, phone. ath, hxhi. Uundry. le ln prices. l'Jth. rfir Jeff ergon. free Lou Ini-iii und .; ;rttnd av I!.).;. du lUi. are. Inquire lrma f -j rnoniah. I' hne s:lTK H K. roona: iMo one front al-ova room. Ererythlnc modern; rent fnf n:l" 2- ) p. S POOM-" nen lv furninlied for boiis-keep-tnit. 'sa. batii. wood. 211 Sherman SoutTi. TWO and t:ire hcuiieKeepinii and inse rooms. btorka to Tnion Depot, reur Brand ray. K 1st at. N. K. fnrntshel h-'.wkffP ni root floor; modem convenient We. 6: hi K. Bum- C HOi' E location at Mount Tabor: 3 house rnnrnt. furnished: III Lain, phone. rent 9 i'jiwtiw U t.Nt;'TI.Ni modem h. floor. Telephone Marshal Park. k. room?. l-tvrr 41 West THHtE rottnect lug roni, complete house keeping; hath, phone, two rurllne; 10 month. 7jI Rodney, t-orner Kreemont. N iuA TLV fm nishi'd .I-ro-m housfkeepiux auite. only 4 b.oca from Poato'fice, larse porcb. beautiful lawn, phone. 'JH.'. ftth at. I3fTl PT 4 rooms, completely furnished, mtKl-rn. phone, entire first floor, lawn. t. McKarland. 3-t Yenn bldn. NibATL.Y furnished housekeeping and lerp n rooms, ti and up; gaa. electricity and bath. Z'J'- 4 th. 14 JEFKKRSO.V I-arre. hcht. clean fur nished rooms for housekeeping, moot rra sonab. J UlVATr; houa.-ket-.pina: fl t. front and b en t ranees. aril. orcli. flowers; ch rent. "' ftrnt 9t. k P I A N D Y rooms, all conveniences, best cen tral residence section, reasonable. i&4 Eve ret.. It K LV f urnisheu houfct-keeptn y eu'!'T modern cunviencs; rcusunable. CW T r.jon ave. N. r. t t il furnished eonnerlinir rooms. riviine of light houseKeepms;, reasnnto. N. '.'-!. tt. Kearney ana ij1')- MTELT furnlha hou"keptn rooms, hot and cold ter. Summer rales. t.o In. 44 "olull" t. EI.E'iANT S-rom houe. Willamette Hts.. beautiful view. I..Hern convenience; line. Kv H3 Thurmall t. y:l K1VE-RW1M; Market l. Drive; tree, vani njul elty view; moilern. I'ort- land ' Height. .rllne. Fhone Main 41i3. yon RK."r-To O-room btingalowa at !oth ami Albert at.. IV -hone Main or ran at .'- f'v'h bMg. rOL'I. uesir:ib;e room, balh. aome furni ture. ani. tine location, reasonable ta riitht fartv. l'42. ii . A i A V Audition Modern S-room house, comer; rent reai;iiable. Suuuuy Ohono E. X".7. Other laya M :'t"l. IliiiiM. .MnUl:itN; fELErr IHSTItlCT; worth J"'; now $:;u. ji nk 1. MAU SHA1.L 4."". A TI.-i. Ml'Xl'AT. Kfn KEVT Modern bunaa!ow. nearry new. fln vir.1: reasonable il Kat Yamhill. 4JT1 . .-o H RENT Nee room hou.e. ename! hah. gl.. newlv pap"rel. reiltired to $14. 14 E. t.. near I. Morrison: rlo.e in. -KuuM modern house, car. ?J-.Jo. Key at Tel. Vn4!!HII IL'I.V ;im) fi. from alreel Simpson street. . trK.VI house, newtv kaisomined. good rard and shaIe .'! St., Bear C.rant. V'l Phone Mrtrslull il4i. i ;..Ron.M ho.i!e. 4.". fi:i-n rhon Kev at ;i Vl'n st i7 Ella st Marshall Inquire A B.M ri HoMKLIKK f.ur-i.ii buiiKlow in ?un- ny'l'le; some Irulr; rerr reasonuDiti rent; idllti. Pbon. T.ibor WILb apt.. In lurelhurst. erenrem. beatitlfut new E, Everolt at. home Rcf- I2i3 J'R RENT New, modern o-room bunca Irw; P.lehmond district; i:c. Call Mir artsll !:. 1 ROOM modern house, sleeping porch, two lots, corner, nice Un. flowers, irarrn. tinr I nion ave. N Only M. 4'1 SOi;TH I'ortand. s;o'd 4-room $15; smaller house. $T 41 Chamber of Com- nie.-ce blug Ma.n KC'It r.U.NT -I rooms furnish-d. 10. Eire phone. 4 larce looms unfumiFhed. Free phone. Tabor 111. K"R RENT Cheap. 4 ". nto-rwm hor.j.. 4 fruit trees, nice chirken hou.e. Tiiona Mtln or call 39" Hail at. 4v Modrn S-room hou5. cl"e in. West Side Phope.. Miln 3s; and Marshall S44;. i RfmjIS aji.l oath. S.'SS Jackson nulre S.lo Jackson ST. Mar. 34T7 St. In- -r.iiM col'itce. Ciierrv St. Inuulro J.'2 Weld er Eaj! .".411. SMALL buje lence-l. f.r rnt with garden, E.-.. Main, comer 41st. li-liOi'M hou-e. larsre basement. JrtJI moutli ave, $15 month. Call on premises. .i MONTHLY rent i room borne. Owner. rill hut modern five Tahor 3it4. IP.V:n-;TON Bl'NGAl OVv-7 twri Schuj ler si. f:i a month. Key s Lewis bldt:. EOF RF.NT Mllwaukle -ruom house. 443 !1wood car. Take Se I EIVF.-r.OOM hotat. Take seltwood car. 6IS Milwaukl at. FOR RENT .-room house ney st. M.irsr;:l 34:0. 6-R'4"iM rottlre. Phone E. 1-P4. u r. 1!ih X.; rent H A M'lI'Er.X Q-room bouse, wav. tiear lorh. E 4' .Via East F.road- s-i;- Van M t-n nt ::lb and East tliatit. I- IK'VSF.S. W. I!. Herdman S ROOM:?, fireplace. ashlngton. cur. Rood condlt :"'h M.nn ; f.-T SirK ! trse lot. sartlen. 7 rooms, car. Kent $22.50. f-'pnldlnir bltlc. $S 6-ROOM h-iusf". Inquire 5K c:av .'S Cable at. tlas. yard. t-kOO.VI house, clean, laric. yard: will rent reasonable. 44 0:h. Mam 5!'oj. -HO'.'M mode" house; rent 2i Call 117 Clinton st. Fruit ami flowers. -ROOM modern house. 41S Sail Rafael; $2 PliOP" C WK. ft-RouM A 7011. cottsga. Main HI 120 2Jd, cirner Ullaau. K-ItuOM furnished cottage for tent, fiS per month. 1W4 E. YamhilL f FOR xvifc ai, :: hammer Kesorx. - . I I rni-nlahMi HoUDVt. I i- i uoaiw. i .--. i " i NOB BILL. $ 75 9-rnotn house. somethlns; ffood, largo rooms. A-l location. TIOI.IOAT ADDITION, j too Modern ltt-rooni house, extra fine la:e rooma and fine neighborhood. IRVINGTON. $ fin New, m-Klern l-room house, on car line; will build garage. $ 2.1 fi-room hou3 in A-l condition, near Ttroadway street. $ r.5 i-room modern house, complete In every way. near both Irvington and Ilruadwuy carllnea. HATVTHOriNE DISTRICT $ ::,-.rom n house. 1 , blocks from Mt. Scott carllne. $ .in lu-room house near East Bttrnslde st close in. can be divided for two or three families. Trice and lo cation O. K. See Mr. Jones. CIIAPIN-HEKLOW JITfi. TRUST CO.. Third Floor Chamber of Commerce. MoIjEUN !-room house. 19 Overton St., near 'lst. $15. Morlern "'i-rflom flat Ml North run St., nT..rrooI':J1'bouse. s.-.t Kelly st. 3 car. $2J-.-.-room cottaee. N. 23d near Nicolal. $1- 5. E APT FIDE. .-.-room fat. -l Union ave. N.. $1.. N"-.-it flat. S rooms and bath. 45 1 Larra bee 2 blocks from Broadway brtdge), .-.-room cott.'ice. r.'9 Stanton St., near I'nlon ave. N.. lo. 5-room cottace. 17 Union ave. ... near St.inton. $15. lnoulre I.OIM? SALOMON CO.. 221 Stark St., n-sr Jd. FOR RENT. Houses, flats and Summer homes, fur nished and Uiifurnished; come In and look ne- our :1st. IMUDENSTOCK LARSON CO.. 2- Oalc St. FOR RENT. Suburban homo of 2Vi acres, with a comfortabie 6-room house: several chicken-houses, good lamlly orchard, about 5 minutes walk from streetcar; there are also several doxea chickens can be. bouaht at market value. Otto t Harkson Realty Co. l.i.'i'i First st : rent $150. per year. Foil KENT To responsible parties, strictly modern 7-room house, two fireplaces, fur nace, hardwood floors and large sleeping por. h; furniture for sale. Owner leaving city. Phone H 24.17. or call B". E. Cout h NEW 3-KUOM COTTAHE. P'astered: hot and cold wnter and water closet: S blocks to car; faro; overlooks Reed College; rent for $ pr month or sell. $lt;5; $25 down. $lu per month. Atw.iter. ti2 Henry birtg. Marshall ailT. 1S1 lullK ST. Modern house of 7 rooms and re.ptlon hall, bath, toilet, fireplace furnace, electric light, etc; half block o 21id St. car: will lease at attractive figure. The Western Securities Co., IJu Chamber of Commerce. 4.H". ORKOON ST.. between F.ast 6th and 7tll sts. Nor'.h 7-room modern house, furnace, good basement. Iiruplace. every C'.nieiilem-e; accessible to several carlines. -aIl up owner. Tabor 1"0. or call around corner !'. East 7th at. North for key. 4-lli.oM house and oue-quurler acre good garden ground: place Is new and will rent for $2" per month. Call at 3112 Chamber of commerce. Chapln-Herlow Mortgagu Trust Co. Nr.W. modern 8-rooin home, Mt. Tabor Heights, larce grounds, garage, furnished or unfurnished, for Summer, to reliable party furnishing good reference. rhone Tabor lMTo. MODERN 7-room house at 78'i York St., baili. furnace, fireplace, electric lights, half block to 2"ld-st. car; nhone The West ern securities Co. or call at iM Cham ber of commerce. IKVIXOTON $25 for a 7-room house on K. rTh near Tnoinpson St.. -one 0 tho ttnest nughborhoods In the city: very cheap rent f..r this property. Blauchard & Cemsou. iti2-.1 Selling blOir. 4-ROOM bungalow on 2U acres of clearod land for rent. A-cent car fare, has chlck-en-housA and yard; small barn; attractive plain-. See agent at Multnomah or call 7;iU t namoer 01 tunmrnr. r OR RENT Modern U-room house, bath and par.try. large, airy lot. K. 1Mb and t. Tavlor sts. Inquire 660 1.. 'laylor st- l hone East 2o"i. HOUSES AND FLATS FOR RENT. HACKER it TIIEIIKELSEN CO., Suli Spalding bldg. Main 75U2. FOR RENT 7-room modern house at ,. Fast loth st. North, cor. Everett; newly kaleomined: rent $20. Inquire at li bast loth st. North. $25 ii-nwiu 11.'. ..t. . v..., - - $:io ti-ronm home. E. '24th ana Jioyi. SMITH-WAUONEK CO.. Xrnoin home. K. bth, near tq'ti. 31J IrfWls bldg.. FOI. RENT ft-room house on Beacon St., near Brooklyn school; price $1 8 ; near i carlines. APP'r to E. Willis. 603 East 9th st. phone Sellwood S7S. NEW five-room burtraiow, built-in tonus ' lencea. fireplace, lawn, large basement. tubs; West Side, walking distance. 14s Currv Kev 24 Bancroft ave. NE7V and modern 6 and 7-room houses. $20 ' and 2o. Call Tabor 44B afternoons. rrTribHEI) ROSK CITY Bl:XOAIX5W. June 1. 22.du; six rooms, will lease for 1 year. Tabor 359-i evenings. Ft R KENT it-room Hl-jlt School, relit $41 ply i:-. Park St. house, near Lincoln i. G&4 Park su Ap- M V 8-rooni house. 767 Williams ave, only $1S; yard and fruit. I houe WoodJawa 410. , S-KOOM dwelling, fine location. 3 st Cut rent 10 desirable tenant, owner. Main 7H09; 72 32d Phone fuR REST tj-room bouse, nittou. 206 Whitaker at. Front St. . In good con Key . at S21 FOR RENT 7-oom house In Albina on Ross s:.. No. M3. near Russell. $15 month, i'hone Tabor -IH-M. Fuji KENT A modern r-room cottage In f!rst-cass condition. 202 Lincoln st. In quire 31.' Uoliege st. FlVF-r.ooM houseboat, running not and cold water. batU. electric lights. V bS. regonlan. rl'R KENT Two good houses). For par ticulars Inqui.a room 301. The Dekum tidg. ItMtH'ltV ;-room house West Side; full water colL Phone lasement. furnace with Vain 4.;-7. A 6-KOUM modern house. 13 East 50th St.. near Beli-tont. $17. Phone C 22i8. Inquire 2rtl Washington t. FOR RENT 5-ROOM house with yard. $15 month. 622 Union ave. North. Phone A 16.". ft. lKVtN.iTOV elerant new. 8-room house, near Tennis club, $3n per month. Phone Marshall 21"S. FOR RF.Nf "! East Broadway; good 6-.-oom t.nose cood iront and back yards. '.wner. 41.' Broadway. Phone East 4-F.OOM house, clean; bath, d y trays. 11-31CA 01st ave. nock. K. 177R toilet, Uun S. E., Wood- IP1AI. home, new house. 6 root is. at Mt. Tabor, 10 rent: $27 .so per montn; all con venl.tees. phone Tabor ?6. orTAUE: PI N. 3217 t noons t, ancou er. 15th. Ark evenings, "Drake.'' Sunda s. Main 412 MODERN Vroom house. Hoyt, near 23d; all conveniences, good yard, attic, etc Kev 105 Front St. i0 .1"4 MARK r'T ST. DRUE; sis-room. 15 minntrs' valk to center of city; ujiex--lltd view, fhnr.t Main 4 1 ' 9. MODERN flats, choice location furnished or unfurnished. S4flp Clackamas. O 1001. FOR RENT 403 E. 4"d St.. new house. 6 rooms, all completed. $2": 7-R.".'M modern house, Sunnyslde, 1 block to car. Marshall .".14. TWO large furnished housekeeping rooms, nd floor: rent $13. f4 East 11th N. grou Ft"R RENT tl-room house with bath, K. Yamhill and 44th sts. 121K) 14 COLUMBIA. 7 rooms, house newly pa pered, reasonable rent. Owner. 2 HO 14th st. (a FOl'P. unfurnished rooms. 610 E, Clay st. Main 603" or E. 9S3. UOI'SE of r. rooms and bath. 0 E. 19th N. Inquire 1M 6th st Main 62 To. 4S2HALL ST.. cor. 14th -room house; modem plu:nnlng. furnace, fine view. $IS rom cj'ilre l'2 hotise. In good condition. East Stark St. COTTAGE, walking distance, rent reason able. .V16 Hood st. I'hone Marshall 1349. BEAUTIFUL s-room modern bungalow, also 6-room furnished apartment. Main 8226- COTTAoK. 345 11. 7th st. 5 rooms, bath, full lot. near Stephens School. $15. 8-FO0M house; tine shape. 450 Larrabee St.: $20. 361 Sacramento st. $; COTTAGES. 736 and 740 Montana, ave., near Fremont. Main 1240. $25 6-ROOM Side. Malt: house. 1 240. '2 Taylor St., West NEW. modern. 6-room house, well furnished for housekeeping. Sunnyslde. East 6.10o. Be7 E. ALDER. 6-room modern house, good neighborhood; walking distance. MOltF.HN n - room cottaffe W.. filri. I walking dlstaacsi $20. .75 ilarshaU su THE SUXDAT OREGOXIAX. TORTLAND, HOUSES FOR RENT. 7 rooms, lli-5 N. 17th St., $33. 5 rooms. 710 Savier St., $15. t rooms. 4M E. Davis St.. $23. 7 rooms, 2o5 N. Union ave., $23. 7 -rooms. 2-'7 N. I'nlon ave.. $25. 5 rooms. 3S4 N. l!)th at.. $13. n rooms, 4'.'1 Alder St.. $23. 8 rooms. DOS Front St.. $27.50. rt rooms, 614-Front St., $15. 8 rooms, 2" E. 11th St.. $27.50. 0 rooms. T.07 E. Harrison St.. $14. 8 rooms, 274 14th St., $40. 3 rooms, 4J1 N. 22d St., $15. 8 rooms. 4; N. 22d St.. $22.50. S rooms. 6ii Third st., $20. 9 rooms. 423 Hall St.. $33. rooms. 7.J.1 E. Salmon St.. $12. 8 rooms. 171 E. Third St.. $25. 7 rooms. 1 75 E. Third St., $30. 3 rooms, ft.'ll E. Ankeny St.. $15. 5 rooms. 2" Ojbbs sL, $12. 3 rooms, 211 Ulbbs St.. $13- 8 rooms. 66 E. Ankeny St., $30. 6 rooms, SS4 Front St.. $23. 10 rooms. 106 N. 14th St., $13. 1" rooms, 104 N. 17th st.. $45. FLATS FOR RENT. A rooms. 808 Third at., $30. 5 rooms, 24 Clay St.. $27.50. 5 rooms. 503 Columbia St., $23. 5 rooms. 241 Grant St.. $22.50. 6 rooms. 243 Grant st-. $22.S'. 6 rooms. 362 E. Salmon St.. $25. 6 rooms. r50 Keaxnev St.. $30. PARRlcH. W ATKINS & CO.. 106 Second St. FOR RENT. 7-room modern house. 745 E. Mad ison street $33.00 6-room house. 602 1st st 25.00 .'-room cottage,. 413 E. Pth st 15.00 6-room bungalow. 370 E. 34th . St.. Including water 1800 r.-room cottage. M! E. 46th s ln.oO 5-rootn cottage, 46 E. 8th st 10.50 THE LAWRENCE CO., 171 4th street, wetween Morrison and Yamhill sts. M. 6K15 A 2813. RENT HOUSES. 6-room house. 2 blocks from Union ave., $10. 5 - room modern bungalow, two blocks from Hawthorne ave., $14. 6- room -modern house on Maryland av enue. $18. 7- room modern house. In splendid con dition. $21. 6- room modern house, close to car, $18. 7- room modern house, almost new. $17 5. OTTO HARKSON REALTY CO., No. 133 n First street. CALL AT THE OFFICE for one of our TRINTED RENTAL LISTS. That's the Best Way to FIND A LOCATION. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. Main ll-.tilt. 2111' Washington St. A A SNAP. A finely furnished 6-room modern house at 254 E. 2th St., corner of East Msdlson. one block from carllne; nice lawn, flowers, shade trues In yard, furnace, hot and cold water, wash trays in basement; piano and sewing machine. . two large porches, one of which can be used as sleeping porch; house can be had for'the smalt corn of $40 per mo.; come and sea it; b.-cta being cooped up In apart ments. Call Sunday morning. Want ten ants who will be permanent. IRVINGTON HOMES. Large, beautiful corner home. 10 big rooms, 16tii and Halsey; oak finish, new; open today. See It first. Reasonable rent. Others are $30. $35. $40 and up. H. T. STREET, Henry Bldg The Irvington Real Estate Man. LARGE 8-room house, with small bam and ground for garden near Pine and 5Sth sts. Rent $12 per month to right party. Call at room 512 Royal bldg., Morrison and Broadway, for ke FOR RENT A very nice West Side four room bungalow to dependable tenants; care of property more essential than rent. Inquire Filers Music House, room 313, or phone Main 6655 or A 2350. HOUSES AND FLATS For rent on the East Side. J. J. OEDER, Real Estate and Rentals. Corner Grand avenue and E. Ankeny. FOR RENT A modern, 10-room house, 12S 18th St. North: electric and gaa light, ce ment basement with furnace, walking distance from business section. Inquire 434 Market St. or phone Main 2840. ' FOH RENT Modern house, six rooms and bath. . wired for electricity: woodwork li white enameled: large yard; 85th and Btirnslde. Call at 316 Eilers bldg. Phone Main 6HSS, A 2350. 5-ROOM strictly modern bungalow, large porch, beautiful lawn, garage if desired. DrtO East Clinton, on W.R. carllne. Phone East 023. MY beautiful new Laurelliurst home to right parties: 7 rooms, sleeping porch, elegant ly finished. Reference requited. Tabor 2S3. MODERN 7-room house. West Side, walking distance; nice yard, cement basement, porcelain plumbing. 310 Market St., near 14th. I'hone Main 243 or A 4832. 7-ROOM liouse in Walnut Park, -convenient to good carllne: fine shade trees; modern house: rent $30. A. H. Blrrell Co., 202 McKay bldg.. .Id and Stark. $23 West Park St. $25 8-room old house, dirt cheap. Will lease. W. H. ROSS Marshall 125. 316 Spalding Bldg. FOR RENT Fine 7-room house with con veniences. Rose City Park, one block car line: rent $23 per month. Apply 333 Oak street. MODERN 9-rooin home In Irvington, com pletely furnished, beautiful yard, with flowers and fruit. Call E. 1613 or Broadway. 3-ROOM modern cottage with every room light, also garden In. for $16 per month. Phone Woodlawn 412 or call at SOJ Min nesota ave. 7-ROOM house $1S per month. 323 Lin coln St.. bet. 6th and Broadway; walking distance. 5-ROOM bungalow. 30th. corner of Knott, new and modern. $2o. BOID REALTY CO.. 506 ALDER. ATTRACTIVE 5-room bungalow, furnished or unfurnished: view unexcelled: 13 mm. walk center: roses, lawn. 48 College st. 4-ROOM house, newly kalsomlner, reduced lo $8 per month. 138 Page st. S2S 8 ROOMS. E. 16th and Morrison. W. O. Waddel. 21" Lumber Exchange. 3-ROOM house, fine yard, close in: cheap rent. 60 E. Ash. Apply 605 E. Couch. FOR RENT 21st and E. Oak, new 6-room bungalow. E. 342. B 2645. 5-ROOM cottage, newly painted, modern conveniences. . small yard. Main 0863. - MODERN 8-room house. 600 East Morrison. FuralsUed Hetisea. FOR RENT A well-furnished bouse with beautiful lawn and shade, close In. rent reasonable, sellwood 143 FOR RENT Furnished 6-room house, nice yard, walking distance. 43 E. Market. J. S. Foss. 3S4fi Hawthorne. $2ti; NICELY furnished 3 rooms, bath. gas. electricity, sleeping tent, large yard. &00 Corbett near Bancroft. 8 car. WEST SIDE furnished house for rent for Summer monrtis; large yard, frttlt trses. 4.eautiful view. Phone Main 674. 7-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE for rent: erv desirable; good neighbor hood; fine view. Phone Woodlawn S1S5. $.'2.50 TO responsible party, my nicely fur nished modern 5-room home. 2 blocks of Broadway bridge. 200 McMillan st. FURNISHED modern house to rent for the Summer; all kinds of small fruit; on 36th and E. Tamhlll sts. Phone Tabor 1435. 4-ROOM flat, lower floor, back a-nd front porches, walking distance, rent reason able. East IN.".. M east 8th Northu IRVINGTON Furnished or unfurnished house; 4-room flat furnished: piano- Rea sonable. East 32!M. CLOiE IN, East Side, very desirable fur nished flat, reasonable. rhone Sellwood 29. 7-ROOM modern bungalow, large yard, plen ty fruit and rosea 411 Cook ave., one Mock cast of Union ave. c 2KT. FIVE ROOM furnished cottage 841 Sher man st; easy walking distance, $25. Furni ture for sale. Taggart, Main S67. Modern 8-room house. Nob Hill; Turk ish rugs, mahogany furniture, grand piano. 7S6 Gllsan. Main 76H9. FOR RENT 5-room modern cottage furnished complete; piano and sewing machine. 1066 East 26th st. North. NICELY furnished 5-room bungalow. In quire 314 ivy st. $1S.ou. NEW -room bungalow, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, buffet, etc. 85th and Clinton. 6-ROOM furnished cottage, large yard, close In, East Side. Phone E. 6145. NEW 6-room furntshed house, Laurelhursi. Call today. 1177 E. Couch. FURNISHED ft-room home In Irvington for Summer; garage. AM 89. Oregonlan. 5-ROOM Rose City bungalow. furnished complete. $20. Phone East 5135. $12 MO. Furnished four-room cottage; no children. .i E. 31st St. N. $15 A MONTH Modern 6-room Xuroiabed. couse, SO mln. ride. Tabor 1210. NOB HILL. , $100 Modern 8-room house, north facln"r on ground 100x1m'. garage, f very pleasant home; 1 block from N car. CHApfN-IKERLOW MTG. TRUST CO.. Third Floor cp.amner or i-OMDt l'tci V furnished new 10-room .' ... ..... attractive homes nouse, one ui m.' ...v... . on Portland Heights, for rent from J uiy l to Decemner i. line s. , .wn. ill beautllut view, onw o.ovw ....... rent onlv lo careful private family . - .. .i . Tji ini firii7iiniR.Tl per monin. Ami -- - ELEGANTLY furnished private home . ... A4 id.vlnir r i I V - 8 TO for 8 rooms. rem, Bttyuu i . id oen, Dai in m J li J1""' . . . - cold water up and down stairs; rent ery reasonaoie 10 rig"- ortfc ave.. cor. uiui . a ..anlal Btrlairlv lfld V Altl share a clean, modern, new furnls . m: l...n I a.. Tuna 1A tVlt shed th a r no ch ure:" Phone Mar- shall 5404. 5-ROOM bungalow, tiled bath, riled kitchen fi.rnaceT finely furnished. Including Baby Grand piano; also large garage for two machines, on 3!Uh st.. near Lincoln, will lease at $40 per month. R S. Oregonlan. FOR RENT June 1 to Oct. 1, one of the most attractive residences close In on the West Side; 11 rooms; will rent only to responsible party at a reasonable price. AO S3, Orcgonian. ONE of the heat appointed homes In the citv. adjoining the park, within lo min utes' walk to center of town, for rent for a months, at $50 a month. I'hone Main D0..7. t'Hit RENT Furnished new 5-room bunga low for 3 or 4 months, hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen, modern, garden In, J : blocks from Rose City car. 3i5 East st. North. . FURNISHED COTTAGES FOR RENT. 3 rooms. Peninsula, $10: 5 rooms, Wood stock, $15. Fred W German Co.. 832 C. of C. Both phones. FOR RENT Modern nicely furnished bun galow, 6 rooms and sleeping porch, on 10th. near Stanton; $45. George & Fargo. r.oth and Broadway. E. 80r MODERN 5-room bungalow for the Summer to responsible party. Adults ""'ii- 1 , E 10th st. North, A car. Telephone Worod- MODERN furnished cottage, B rooms, also 3-room apartment, private bath, telephone convenient to si. P. shops. 514 East -1st st. w K car. MODERN 7-room house In line location, close In un East Side,' cement basement, fur nace, fireplace, good furniture; one room r..rved: $25. V -102. Oregonlan. WIDOW, employed, will rent cottage fur ni.heH comnlote. for room and board: nlano. central, a adults. References. Call 2li Park st. Sunday alter 2 eve. after 6. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms "'"J1 large pantry. G917 fiOth ave. S. E., 1 block south and i west, Tremont station, ML Scott car. COMPLETELY furnished 3-ropni bungalow, srrlctlv modern, all home conveniences; nice lawn and rosea 1115 E. Caruthers. Phone Tabor 3121. WALKING distance. West Side, 0-room fur nished house, suitablo for rooms; $40 month: phono and water lncluued. 40. Clay. MODERN bungalows, on river, Jennings Lodge. Oregon City car. consisting of 3 and 4 rooms; watei, bath, electric HKl'ta Phone Farmers nil. Emmons or Main 4i. iiOUSK 4 rooms. completely furnished; clean and new; flowers and lawn. Inquire between lo and 2. 500 B. Columbia st. $18.50 per montn. MODERN furnished homo of 8 rooms, large grounds, fruit of nil kinds, garden planted, one block from Richmond carllne. i urther Information phone atain i-jiq. S25 FOR A 7-room house, neatly furnl shed. all modern and up to date, on E. lHtn Alberta St. Blanchard & Clentson, Scllli'R b'.dtf. near 702-3 15-ROOM furnished modern house, side, good location; rent only $.0; yeara lease. H1GLEY & BISHOP, 2ol Hamilton FOR RENT For Summer, completely nished modern home in Irvington; erences required. Phone E: 311-. West give bldg. "fur-ref- 6-ROOM elegantly furnished bungalow, 6-room flat, modern and complete; location. K. 1137. also fine S-ROOM furnished house. West Side to a group of young men from June until Oc tober. Phone Main 4134. WILL share expensively furnished home In Irvington with family f adults. io Clackamas. FURN1SHEI1 ROSE CITY BUNGALOW June 1 $22.30: six rooms, will lease for 1 year. Tabor 35HI. ROOM bungalow, partly furnished, near carllne; large garden, all up; rent $10. Phone K lltr.. r.asc li?-.". THREE-ROOM furnished cottage. $10 mo. ML Scott car, Firland Station, cor. 48th ave. and 76th st. g ROOMS, furnished complete, piano and pool table, electric lights, nice yard, roses, nice location. Phone Marshall C8. 5-ROOM furnished house, with bath, nil Mllwaukie St.. $17 per mo. Inquire H".i N. 4th sL , , 7-ROOM house on carllne. .-.1st st.; piano fine garden: to responsible people lor Summer. Phone Black 674. MODERN 7-room bungalow In the Nob Hill district, for rent furnished or unf urnlsltea. Houi-es fur Bent, furniture for Bale. SEASIDE snap: the Stelnleln cottage, com pletely furnished, lot 50x100, In choice part of Harmosa Park. 1 block from ocean, for sale, price $1100. I'hone H 2514. fiunimer Resorts. FOR RENT Furnished cottage, Tillamook Co.- fine view of ocean and mis.; by month or "season reasonable. L. Beard, 407 Jef- tarflrtn mt -V SEASIDE Will rent our high-grade 7-room well furnished home on ocean fronL r.very comfort and convenience. Sanltury plumb Ing. East 6135. GLEn" M A R Cottage. In Hermosa Park. Seaside, for rent for season: 7 rooms, all modern conveniences: close to ocean. 1-tS East Hoyt. Tabor 3027- CANNON BEACH For the season, most desirable live-room cottage, completely furnished; large sleeping- porch. Address M. B. McKay. Lucretia Apt. 31. FURNISHED housekeeping apartments. Earning capacity. $1200. to lease for $0( per season. For Information write Mrs. F X Marks. No. 127 Long Beach. Wash. NELSON'S Tent city. Just a whisper from the ocean. Furnished housekeeping tents bv the dav. week or month. Season opsns .lime 1. Box 5. Seaside. Or. 7-ROOM furnished house. Seaside, bath, elec tricity, hot and cold water, large porches, 4 block from ocean, near Lnrksley Hall. Tabor 1043. 10 to 1 mornings. GEARH RT For rent, completely furnished 8-room house, fireplace, bath, electricity; for June; reasonable. F. Hagar, Gearhart. FINEST S-room house on boardwalk at Seanlde. Or.: completely furnished; rent reasonable. Phone Marshall 3616. ATTRACTIVE r-room cottage. Seaside; clean, well furnished. iath. electricity. sleeping porch, near beach. Main lbO. 3 FURNISHED rooms near Necanlcum Inn, at Seaside. $60 for season. Phone Tabor 2R30. - FURNISHED 4-room bungalow on auto road, near Mt. Hood- all conveniences; rent reasonable. 243 6th st. FURNISHED cottage from June 1 to July 21. at Elk Creek Bcayh. below Seaside. A ppl y :v? 20th t. . A TWO-STORY beach cottage; glorious view of Neahkshnle Mountains and sea; new: nnrtlv furnished. G "3. Oregonlan. SEASIDE For rent. July and August, mod- ern six-room cottage on boardwalk. Tele phone Lansing stout, main BOARDERS taken at Hood River: a clean place, in respectable family ranch home. Phone Taoor ii;o- SEASIDE For rent 4-room well-furnished cottage: electric lights, city water; near Hotel Moore. Phone A 3319. SEAVIEW Furnished cottages for rent. . Mrs. Kate Bartholomew, 100 E. 11th St. I'hone B 12on. S-KOOM cottage, on ocean front, completely t . t..nn..nn for rent reason- tttrnianeo. goo -- - ah e. Address box. -1"-, ft"r. -" FOR RENT AT SEASIDE - . i .-tC mfm nltniT4 A. E. ALLEN. Box 124, Seaside. Or. FOR RENT Completely furnished housekeeping-rooms. Emma Shepard, Seaview. Wash. . BEAUTIFUL 6-room cottage at Seaside; every modern convenience. Una view. East 5074. -ROOM cottage for rent at Seaside, 3 blocks from ocean, overlooking the Ne canlcum. Phone Main 5312. SEASIDE. 4-room cottage, completely furnished, water and electricity. Phone Main 6016. SEASIDE Well furnished 4-room cottage for season, close to boardwalk. A 1204. FURNISHED 4-room cottages (Seaside), in good condition. Close to ocean, main awn THE PERGOLA, one of the prettiest fur nished cottages at Seaside. M. 3176. FOR RENT 7-room furnished bouse; ocean view. Phone Marshall 3451. THE "Sea Croft" cottage at Sea, View ia ior rent. Fbone Mala a6. MAY 25, 1913. T ; FOB RENT. BCSIJf-SS OrPOKTUXITIES. BUSINESS orPORTOlTIES. FOR RENT. 4-room. well furnished cottage, for the season. $75 - - 4-room. ' two-story cottage, well fur nished. $100. 5 rooms, well furnished. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO., No. 133 'jj First St. FOR RENT Seaview. Wash. A large, very fine cottage; bathroom, hot and cold wa ter; with a beautiful park. Also other small cottages, all with running water and elelctrio light; 1 block from, depot. Also blocks and lots for tale. -Inquire Captain Schneider, Seaview. wasn. FOR RENT My place at North Beach. Wash.: Beach Center Station; house well furnished. suitable for small boarding house or for families; beautiful lawn and trees; running waier, 71 7. drees P. O. Box 135. Long Beach. Wash FOR thii Summer, 4-room and bath new bungalow, newly and handsomely fur nished, on Abrams Lake. Siskiyou County, Cal at the foot of Mt. Shasta; fine fish ing and boating. - Address Zick Abrams, sisson, LGL BEACH cottage at- Neah-Kah-Nle Moun tain 7 rooms, bath and 3 porches. For either June or September. Most beautiful beach view in Oregon. I'hone oft tec. Mar shall OCEAN front cottage at Gearhart. 4 bed rooms, large silling room, with place; glassed-in porch, fully furnished, modern plumbing, electric lights, rent $u for June. Main t in CAMPING alte and furnished tent at Cedar Island Park, Jennings Lodge; take Oregon City car. 30 mln. out; llstiitig. boating, swimming, etc. Address Orr. Cedar Is land- rark, Jennings wr; COMPLETELY furnished r.-room house;, bath, hot and cold water, electricity, close to depot, creek and ocean, from June 10 to August 10; $0. Address Mrs. a. Jo hansen. Seaside. Or. COMPLETELY furnished 6-room cottage, water in kitchen. 0 beds, suitable lor roomers; also 2-room cottage, housekeep ing tents, reasonable if -taken at once. Long Beach. Wash. N 94. Oregonlan. FURNISHED cottage, thoroughly modern, new and clean, one block from Hotel Moore, Seaside. Address H 103, Orego nian. FOR RENT Eight cottapes on the board walk: also other very fine c"ttages throughout the groves. ALEX i & SON. SEASIDE OR. Stare l NOTICE. Special attention Is called to our large list of stores for rent, also rooming houses for rent, unfurnished, under the classification of for sale miscellaneous, in this paper today. y it H GOODICIND CO.. INC. WASHINGTON-ST. store near 19th, splen didly "fitted for delicatessen, fancy gro ceries and liquors. Has tile tloor and mahogany woodwork. Is surrounded by hotels and apartments; very resonable rent. Morgan, Fliedner Boyco. op3 AO- n... t.lriir " ONE-STORY brick building, 100x100, cement floor, no posts, formerly used as garage, 20th St., 150 feet from Washington st. ; will make good stores; long lease. Apply manager Baggage Company. Park & Davis FtS. ' FOR KENT. 2 storeroom. 25x70 each, all glass front, on best corner town 100U. For sale. 2 farms. 40 and 100 acres each, $1000 worth of merchandise and fixtures at a price. ijuji joe .. etvtf CT TOW RFA'T Near Oak st.. next to S. P. R. R. ticket office stoic 22x45 with full basement. See V li' Birrell Co., 203 McKay bldg., 3d ana .taiiy NEWLY furnished store room for rent; suitable for tailoring or dressmaking es taolhment; high-class location at i.J3 Washington St.; rent reasonable. Apply Lace House Launnry. -o i. t. PACE In modern basement, ventilated and well lighted, N. W. corner 4th and Alder sts., suitable for cafeteria, printing shop, etc. Morgan, Fliedaar & Bujxe, 5U3 A0- inston dips NEW large, light storerooms in new Hous ton Hotel, 0th and Everett: also hotel Oth and Hovt sts. Low rent, favorable lease. rll'K FRED A. JACOBS CO., Main OMl'.l. 2U'.l Washington St. A 626i. FOR KEN l etvi.a. ...... new building, with 4-room flats or with out, on Second and Sherman. Inquire owner. H. B. Davis. Main 2421. MODERN stores. 20x00; line fronts; rent $10 and up; lino butcher shop, good open ing for tailor, plumber, printer or deli catessen. Cull M. 1511. fc'oH RENT Stores, Nob. 248 and 250 Haw thorne ave., east end of bridge. Apply Hawthorne Dock Co. Phone East 2003. FOR RENT, cheap. Just the place tor deli catessen ami grocery store. Phone Tabor 21 01. . FUR KENT to manufacturers' agent, or such piirt of store and otllce with phone. East JB-.7. ONB-STORY building, with 4500 sq. ft- of floor space. E. 7th and Belmont sts. AV . O Waddel. 210 Lumber Exchange. THKEI5-STORY brick building. 25x200 feet between Yamhill and Morrison; facing on First and Front sts. 1S3 Madison st. DESK room to rent with use of telephone, $lt. 424 Hamilton uiqk- r.nrTrc CTODTTC STflRF.R W. H. V. EBB, 401 Yeon bldg. Main 4913. Offices. Eilers Building. E E B K Modern Offices for Rent E E E E K F. E E E E E E E E E E E E K E E E E E E E E E E E E Rent B K E E E F. E E E E E E K E E E E E E E E E E E E B Four Elegant Offices and One Beautiful Suite in the Fine New EILERS BUILDING For Rent to High-Class Tenants. Located In the Very Heart of Portland. Every Modern Equipment, Effi cient Service. Strictly Highest Class. Rent Reasonable. Inquire- Manager. 316 Eilers bids. E Eilers Building Modern Offices for FOR RENT Large office, use of reception room, extension phone, stenographer to answer calls; rent $12 per month; party taking office must buy furniture. Price, $30. Apply 523-4-5 Chamber of Com merce bldg. FOR RENT. Rooms. Sterns bldg., corner 6th and Morrison sts., suitable for musical or art studios, offices or sample salesrooms. In quire office Sherman. Clay & Co. u r. 1 n u uj? x- ... Best location, large territory; opportun ity for big practice. Inquire "World's Drug Company. 021 1st st. CONNECTING offices, overlooking Morrison st. for rent In TUford bldg., reasonable terms; ask at elevator any hour. Phone Marshall MS between 5 and 6. MOST centrally located office: very reasonable- all-night elevator service. 303 Swet land bldg. Fifth and Washington sts. DESK ROOM Heat, light, both phones. $10 per month. Zlo uregonian uius. FINE location for light manufacturing, tail or or offices. AS 045, oregonlan. WANTED Desk with use of phone, not over $5. Main 5386 FINE desk room, cheap. 216 Lewis hldg. W alehouses. FOR RENT About September 1, building S. E. corner of ISth and Hoyt, suitable for warehouse or factory, present occupant will- sell steam plant and office fixtures at -easonable price If desired. Call at build- - Ing or phone at. -o"j. STORAGE, large or small quantities: 60,000 ft. floor space; on S. P. R. R-, E. Morri son and East 1st sts. E 3227. TO LEASE. n; a ui"nni:sR nronertv to lease for term of vears. 100x100, S. E. corner 4th andj Hoyt. Phone Main HS0 or write AN 102, Oregonlan. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. 2 CLEAR lots in the city: price jsr.n. want grocerv or rooming-house. Phillips, 1022 C. of C. Main 7407 CAFETERIA, busy place, clearing $200 per month above all expenses, steam table; price $soo. 303 Lumber Exchange. THREE drugstores In Portland, good lo cation, for sale. Campbell & Thorsen. the Drug Men, 418 Lumber Exchange. 4AKERY and light groceries: best buy in the city; dandy place for man and wife. See owners. 1328 Hawthorne ave. LUNCH counter, close in, West Side, cheap rent, 2 people can handle; good business; price $150. 303 Lumber Exchange. CLEANING and dye works doing large wholesale business, needs active partner: $750 will handle this. Plant. 641 Hood st. GROCERY store; good trade; rent $20; rooms and bath; near car: owner; some cash, bal. terms, trade. O 211X THESE CAME TN TOO LATE FOR OUR BIG AD UNDER FOI SALE MISCELLANEOUS IN TIITs MULTI GRAPH ING CO.. $3000; business nets $250 to $300 per month; lalesu and best machinery to be had. This Is a fin? buv at this figure. Reason or sale, unex pected trouble in other large Interests out of city. Fullest investigation invited. Goodkind Co. See Mr. Thompson. TURKISH BATHHOUSE. $'3000 One of Portland's best-paying places; receipts. $1J50 to $500 per month; very light running expenses. This place Is located right In the hub. The fixtures are the very best. Let us tell you more about this place. R. H. GOODKIND CO.. INC., 401-402-403 Wilcox Bldg. Ask for Mr. Thompson. CAFETERIA AND DAIRY LUNCH. Trice $1200: located In best West Side district, no competition In this locality; has 5 rood living-rooms n eonectton: re cepts $40 to $H0 per day, dandy, clean, money-making little business. See this at once; it is sure to go quick. BAKERY AT SACRIFICE. Price $,tnin. cheap rent; receipts $00 to $100 per eday, all cash trade. Owner has contract that raven $15 per month on his f'ou- bill. This place will actually Invoice $5000. Family, disagreements cause of sale. R. II. GOODKIND CO.. INC., 101-4o2-lii:i Wilcox bldg. See Mr. Thompson. HAIR-DRESSING P.VULOK.-? Good paying hair-dressing parlor for sale in the livest city of Eastern Oregon, no competition in tho city and has been established for years. Present owner will assist purchaser In getting started. Equipment cost $225. will sell for SHOO rash if taken at once. Must change climate on account of health. Don't answer unless you mean business. Address Hansen & Houghton. Pendleton, Or. FACTORIES of all kinds wanted at Vernon, hub of the Sunny Okanogan. Special in ducements offered bona tide manufactur ers. Box. Ice and cold storage, tin can. pulp, gypsum. Jam and marmalade, evap orator "and cider plants needed quick. Branch wholesale houses wanted. Ample power now developed. Write Industrial Commissioner. Vernon. B. C. OPPORTUNITY is beckoning. Some live grocer to Multnomah, 2o minutes out on the Oregon Electric Railway. Fine open ing also for a meat market. Take the car and go out. Look around and see the possi bilities. I am Interested in the place an-l should like to talk the matter over with you. See me at 730 Chamber of Commerce bldg UNUSUAL chance to join big hog-raising proposition in which little money will pay large returns. There is nothing better in the shape of a safe investment combined ltn Dig returns. riuin ou. on.... j ivest and when and where advertiser can tet you for personal interview. AD 811, met you for personal oregoman. AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS. Located 011 one of the best corners in the city, with good lease and a live agen cy that is paying well. A wonderful chance for anvone wishing to engage in the auto mobile business. Full particulars to those meaning business; others need not an swer. AF ss, Oregonlan. " STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. IT voti are Interested in BUYING OR SELLING any MINING, OIL OR INDUS TRIAL stock, consult us. Can save you 10 to 00 per cent. Correspondence Invited. WM. E. DAVIDSON & COMPANY,. 216-217 Lewis Building. DENTAL OFFICE, account sickness. One of tho best equipped dental offices In the city. Ten per cent less than Invoice price. Established three years. Dr. Henry Roux Clark, 3ol Macleay bldg., Portland. See Mrs. Clark, room 5, Portland Trust Co. bldg.. 3d ahd Oalt FOR SALE Candy kitchen and Ice cream parlor, doing a nice business. In good town, low rent, good location: will teach purchaser how to make taffies nnd sta ples. Address W. E. McCorinack, South Bend. Wash. . CAPITAL Private banking house will con sider additional financing of going corpor ations; cupilaJ furnished for projected enterprises indicating good earning power. Associated Underwriters, P. O. box Di6, New York. WANTED In business investment office, old established A purtner willing to show customers property; will pay you at least $150 month; bank reference. Room 3.3, Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark. AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS Partner wanted in a growing business; duties are easily learned and very little money is required; yvlll pay large profits. Call S1U Lumber Lx change. 2d and Stark. FOR SALE Livery and feed stable, house on same property, city water, on main street of city. Father gone East he says sell. Bargain. B. C. Hoyt, Kidgefleld, Wash. ABSTRACT business Owner wants interest ed partner that no can uep-nu on m him 111 his office; will pay you $200 month. Room 323, Lumber Exchange, -d and Stark sts. LOCAL partner, no Investment, all-steel sec tional garages, small buildings, very at tractive proposition, fullest sales co-operation. Permanent, profitable. Ruby Man ufacturing Company, Jackson. Mich. RESTAURANT for sale. In business district: long lease and a good business, at tho right price to the right party. Phone Main 7137 any day except Sunday. WILLOW RIVER British Columbia's new town of importance on Grand Trunk Pa cific For free information write today, Pacific Land & Townsites Co.. 33 Rich ards St., Vancouver. B. C. Agents wanted. FOR SALE Confectionery and Ico cream business, billiard room In connection; best location In the city; season Just open; first regular excursion today. A. D. Dufur. Newport, Or. con mi.K OR RENT. Movlng-plc.ture show and restaurant; complete outfitting. 400 seats: at Seaside, Or. Inquire at 20 N. Oth st. Phone Main 6107. WHO WANTS A NEWSPAPER? Have a first-class plant; county con tract worth $1SOO a year; weekly: estab llshed 40 years. Further particulars bis Aeon bldg. , BUTTER egs and produce store, doing strict cash business of $05 dally and no .1 v.n' n 1 1 no expeiie. i no- i...... Room 323, Lumber Exchange, 2i Stark sts. and A SNAP A money-making confectionery and lunchroom in goou ensures io-renoo , must sell at lowest possible price, owing to sickness. Tabor 1 WANTED A representative to handle a new noveltv: must have money to carry stock: exclusive territory granted. All 9, Ore gonlan CASH giocerv Owner compelled to go on ' his farm; will sell for less than invoice; good trade and only $20 month rent. 3111 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. OWING to poor health I will sell all or half interest In a money-making sand and gravel business; might consider trade for farm or acreage. AD 169, Oregonlan. $350 SNAP for cash grocery and confec tionery; new brick corner, with living rooms; a growing business. 773 :?11waukle street. STORE fixtures for sale, rent: fireproof, steam heat building. 27x80. pay roll $10. 000 per month. 2oo0 town; bargain. Box 344 Camas, Wash. , SEE us for groceries, cigar stores, con fectionery and pool halls. IOWA REALTY CO.. rhamher of Commerce. Mar. 604. IF YOU can solicit a meritorious article and have $30 to Invest you can make some good monev this Summer. Either sex. No trlflers. Address E S-. Oregonlan LIGHT manufacturing business wants a partner to keep plain accounts . salary $10" month, also profits. Room 323 Lumber Ex change. 2d and Stark sts. WANTED Lad v partner to take half In terest In well-established business, or will sell reasonable: no trlflers need apply. 3ot) Central bldg HOTEL for sale cheap. 74 rooms; hot and cold water In each room; terms. 11 N. Oth St. - BARBERS First-class 3-chalr shop for sale cheap. Inquire at the Oregon Barber Supply Co., 72 6th st. DAIRY lunch business Partner wanled; will pay you $125 month. 319 Lumber Ex change. 2d and Stark. CASH grocery; rent traded; living-rooms. Owner Price $700. Phone evenings and Sunday-. A SMS. East 157 week days. $500 -STOCK groceries In central locatbm. Rent $10; doing good business. Box il4, McNeill Bros. EMPLOYMENT office Owner wants a re liable partner: profits are very large. 319 Lumber Exchange, -o aim ESTABLISHED business: receipts $11 day: Stock, fixtures can be bought for $300 if taken' at once. Call at 171 4th st. BARBER SHOP for sale cheap; bright and neat, bath, next to theater. 5411 E. 2d St. S. E. ' TAILOR and pressing shop; good location, 'cheap when bought at oncevSl Killings- worth ave. OPPORTUNITY" for energetic man used to farm produce; pay $125 month. 3111 Lum ber Exchange, 2d and Stark. REGISTERED pharmacist wanted to take u, interest tn a country' drug store. AJ S7, Oregonlan. SOLID cash business Experience not neces sary; pay $5 day; very little money re quired, t an am qpqs. STRICTLY cash grocery, with living rooms, doing big business. Room 323 Lumber Ex change, 2d and Stark sts. ILL HEALTH necessitates sale of pros perous mercantile business; fino loca tion, good base; a high-grade busi ness that has cleared more than ,20 per cent per annum on capital during past live years; goods bought and wold for cash and no accounts car ried; less than $loo.nm cash will handle. AN UNEt'Et.LKD OPPOR TUNITY for the RIGHT MAN. Addrtss drawer 767. Postofflce. Portland, Oregon. Give your bank ref erences, and if you are the RIGHT MAN. full particulars will be furnished. WE have Investigated these propositions an. thev are good: Grocery worth Jli50, la location I hat is excellent. Rent, Includ ing four-room flat. $3o. Grocery- stock and fixtures, worth $1800. to exchange for close-In acreage, lots or house and lot. If wanting a rooming-house restaurant, hnkcry, laundry, pool ball, confectionery, warehoie, call and e-e our list. , Mr. Robards. CHAPIN-HEIiLOW MTG. AV TRUST CO. 3d floor Chamber of Commerce. DANDY li'H CREAM PARLOR Also flue line of c. .11 feet Ion. T tobacco and cigars, good location, large room, no better fixtures In city; very low rent; must be sold at once; romr and Investi gate; it's a snap at $2500, 2 cash, good terms. Neal Brown. Holt Swctland bldg. Call Main 4S7I between 11 and 12 today. OLD established drug store, many veari present locality, good lease, low rental, excellent prescription business; good sals own proprietary remedies. Retiring ac count ill lnulth. Entire business at a bargain; jr."0ll: l.teoo cash, balanco termt or trade for good income property. AP 9". Oregonlan. A NEW selling proposition, ono of the best monev-niakera on the msrket. The article Is Indorsed by th best people In the United States Government. Hie State of Oregon and Portland business men. No scheme. It's worth your prompt atten tion. A. A. Werlev. manufacturers agent, S 3 7 Chamber of font m erce. WE are offering a limited amount of our capital stock to tho Investing public at par for the purpose of enlarging our mer cantile business, which has been estab lished for over four years, and last year paid a dividend of 21 per rent. For par ticulars address 1. 105, Oregonlan. WANT a few good, energetic men or wom en to sell a high-class and profitable ar ticle. If vou have $1.'0 or more to Invest, vour Income will be the greater. No ex pense In handling. A. A. Werley. manu facturer's agent, S37 Chamber of Com merce. BAKERS, ATTENTION. Bakery, with living-rooms. 5-year leas". $3 a month, doing a fine business: price $l"Oo- will stand your closest investi gation. F. Fuchs, 420 Chamber of Com merce. HAVE vou from $1000 to $10,000 to invest? I have the finest Irrigation project In Oregon. All rights obtained and work nearly completed. You can make $1 for every $1 Invested. Good positions open to Investors. J 102, Oregon tan. SOUND manufacturing business here in Portland needs additional capital with or without services of Investor, depending on his ability; entire business can he pur chased if preferred. Paciilo Incorporated Co.. 313-317 Selling bldg. BAKERY. Extra well-equipped; auto delivery; also horwe and wagon; wholesale and retail business of $!H) a day; have years con tract for Hour at low price. Call at 6H Yeon bldg. for further particulars. WANT active man for manager and "l'-s-man for small factory; must have $o0U or $1000; good chance to build profitable business: tactory equipped and stock oa hand. AJ HS, Orcgonlun. 1300 CASH buvs best cleaning, pressing es tablishment in city, strictly up-to-date; good cash trade, plenty hotel work; must be seen to be appreciated, mono Mar shall 5025. BUSINESS INVESTMENT ;uuu taaea iii Interest In prolitablo manufacturing cor poration, managing position and salary: unusually good; Investigate. U04 Wilcox bldg. A SPLENDID opportunity awaits a lady or gentleman who is looking for a first-claas investment insuring good returns In a first-class, up-to-date manufacture, strictly legitimate, jmv o". -'.-- LlVfittl r-i.-vt. r, ....-.- Got two of them, one Is priced at $0". the other at $1700. terms on part, cheap rent, both are well equipped and making money. Jacob Haas. 3"S Gerlinger bldg. BUSINESS PEOPLE. ATTENTION. We have good openings In all lines or business: see us If you wish to be placed right. F. Fuchs, 420 Chamber ot com merce ESTABLISHED cash business; legitimate, safe exclusive; party taking same must be reliable, able to give bonds It neces sary. Investment required, $1200. Inter . ... t. t... in a a I .in view. Al. 11. uregonmu. HFSTAL'ltVNT Best on the market; estan lished. clean business; well raying ; no exaggeration; a good buy. Price $9..0. $:i.-,0 down, balance to suit. Owner. Al 91. Oregonlan - NEW 6-room house, three lots, unincuni ' hered. for Improved ranch, 10 to 40 acres close to Portland or Vancouver; price must be rignt. uwnr.i. .. . .- - :i"0 ACRES of fino oak timber, only t'3 acre- ail clear. Trade for grocery or apartment-house. riillllps. 1022 C. of c. Main 7407. FOR SALE lies tali rant or short order out llf lUie to tako to the beach or will sell . half to experienced cook as partner. A 00. Oregonlan. A RARE chance for someone to DU5. ""'; an established business right In ""'' of business district. Good reason for scll ing. Apnlv 2S5 Alder. WANTED A live hustler To take a half W MeresT In promoting a first -r as. ma nu facturlng proposition. Apply AB 91. Ore flfonian. vi iviMM'in't'RE nu tilt, Kdlnnn machine. Mwi,nNV,,n,s Ind outfit: Just the ticket .,, play small towns; all for $1.iO-, I Main o''.47. , WE have grocery stores, confectionery, pool rooms and drugstores to trade J Sec Campbell & Thoreson. 418 Lumber Excban go bldg. . FOR RENT 4 roomy stores, on North 2d. suitable for plumbing and csrpe nter ah opt ;r retail stores; $25 month rent. Innulie Foster Hotel office. , FOR SALE Confectionery, Ice cream and sandwich parlor; living rooms, t all fern waiTln.-roSm. west side of street. Van couver. Wash. APARTMENT-HOUSE MANAGER n I" a success in the business desires lo In" or manage a good house; excellent refer ences. S 90. Oregonlan. . BUSINESS CHANCES. .Meat market for rent; good ir"-"-chance for right party to build up fine business. M0 corbett st. BETTER than moving picture theater for man with $10uo cash to operate an ex change in Montana: an exceptional open- . ( OT OrAaonlnn ins- - .-p' WANTED Mar 4uL movlng-Dleture films to "Honolulu; large returns, must. have $lo"". - f". "" $200 BUYS hall IntrrcM PHvIng business. out of town; snap for som-one. Howard. 715 Swetlanri bldg. . SACRIFICE at Invoice; 5 years' established business, on account of sickness. j5 Union ave. . POOI.HALL. cigars. soft drinks light lunches etc.. .1 pool ..... $.-,.-,0 will handle. 3Q1I Lumber Exchange. GROCERY, confectionery. Ice cream. 4 IK Ing rooms, rent for all $25; waiting-room Price St..-". oO. LUinn ....-..- FOR the small sum of $250 1 must sell; 'bringing In $30 a week; this must be handled by a lady. Aft 0... Oregonlan. AUTO garage and repair shop has every latest machinery, clearing $.100 month; mice nv". ovo jjo..-7. c ESTABLISHED business, half Interest for $800; clear you $200 a month. 301 Henry bldg. FOR SALE Soda fountain, peanut roaster, showcase, counter, wire fruit stand; cheap. :i:t N. loth st.. corner Couch. i WISH to hear from two or threo investors with $1oo or more to put Into an active profit-paying deal. A R 94. Oregonlan. PORTLAND factory, crowded with orders, wishes private loan, for which substantial bonui w ill bo given. A R 93. Oregonlan. 'oil sale or lease Group of placer and nuanz claims, on railroad; responsible parties only. T 87. Oregonlan. TH1-- BEST cash offer takes my $1500 stock la. lies' rurnlshlngs; 1 leave this week. 201 1st st. WANT an aggressive partner, bicycle shop: require $200. B m. urogonian. 10 SHARES U. S. Cashier stock at $10; must sell. L 103. oregonlan. BAKERY', brick oven, rent $20; big shop trade: price $400. 303 Lumber Exchange. MY business for sale. $330 takes It. clearing tA t.ii mnnth All 93. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Restaurant. 705 Thurinan, good place for man and wife. Owner. BIG pay capital unnecessary, hustlers. Shur. Shine Co., 2420 th ave., Tacoma. Wash, TWO shares Potter Coin Machine stock cheep. AT 92, Oregonlan. FOR SALE or trade; cafeteria, cheap, so fake; investigate. W 86, Oregonlan.