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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1913)
A OR EAT OPPORTUNITY to take part n thrM big historical events. Read about It. Learn how you may be one of tho men to ro on the U. 8. Navy's big foreign cruise this winter: or to take part In th opening of the Panama Canal; or to attend the treat San Francisco Exposition. All these opportunities ere open to young men over IT who aro accepted by tha Navy before July 1. Investigate at once. In the late rail tha Atlantic Squadron wll cross the ocean on an extended visit among the WApM'a wrtftmr lnfr.l!nr WlDOrtl. ThO greatest possible amount of shore lev will fee given at every stop. - g.-eat cities they've read about; strange people: curious sights: learn foreign lan guages and customs. American Naval ves sels will be the first ships to psss througa the new Panama Canal whea It Is opened. Our fleet will be the center of the attention. Every civilised nation will be . -t - -.-a, MTAiian In nis tory. If you are there, you'll remember It all your Ufe. Many hlP,JT,!" visit the San Francisco exposition. plenty of time to see the famous city and the wonders gathered from all oyer the world to make a great world '" '' the time you're seeing these great sights, etc.. you'll have steady employment at in teresting worn, with good wages. Not cent of expense for travel board or lodg ing. Even medical attendance whenever required, la free. Thus your pay U prse- tlcallv all clear. Pay averages $J per rlen'tS. st.rtlnV at 1t.M (.r l.oi.JJJ You can work up to Chief Petty Officer si 111 km pay: or after seven years. Warram Officer at H to .2400 per year. After 30 years' service you can re tire and live In comfort on your savings ehenlral pursuit is taught on the VIVm ahlps or in the Navy trade schools. Large battleships carry no lees man nana for instance. Other occupations are machinist, plumber. shlpfltter. cepper th. biscksmllh. bollermsker. Pnter. JlerkT stenographer, bookkeeper musician, .'.wars. cook, baker, etc. Tou eat : P'" :d food; sleep In a good bed; w'?. fine, congenial young men: hae P''T of amu-m.nt. and athletic sporta. such as baseball, football and rowing matches between snips. You can save up o"': and you have a career open to you. Call at Navy Recruiting station. 'm,. change bid . Portland Oregon, and l-arn toe big experiences of men there. Know torYo"-! .hat a fine 1",- ' v If you this matter right awav today. If you ran t call, write for Interesting booklet. "The Making of a Man-o-wars-m2a" Clear pictures. Simple language. Send today Address Bureau of Navlga f ,n B m . Ns,r PP-. Waahlngtoa. V. C. to work In our sawmill, logging camp. erVard"nd clearing land: steady em rm.nt. :.T per day "Vhurci! purchasers of email "acts: near church. shoo and sawmill: $2, and up. on easy terms: sp?end.d opportunity for steady and -nSuiou. to build home. 1P ' "" fruit, apples and poultry farm '''" fruit diatrtcl of Pacific Coa Its regular wages at congenial employ ment. B 960- Oregorlan. m THREE good sslesmen. permanent positions high-grade specialty for all lines of retail rr.deVn to-ST.nd sm.ller V,,! advertised in leading trade PPr "J elent wiling helps ftll support of entire sa;es department: connection n here that will be worth or better yearly to producers; reference bond re quired. Dept. MM. 401 Keener bldg. tniMto. SALESMAN! BOOKKEEPER A , 1 st CLERKS. It you are in the market for a business of your own and desire to work In your home locality, follow our sugg.s tVons and MAKE GOOD, lou can earn from S0 to $.00 . week. Not books, land or Insurance.' M.CX.ESS la no I eajoyid single-banded. Invest a postage "amp now- Lockbox 13. Chlcego. Salesmen. . . We want two wide-awake salesmen for em" of the city to a.11 property " hat is the beat young port town on the Cout. Our m. are making good Incomes. At tractive inducement, and liberal comm un. Bay City Land Co.. .0J Spalding b'tlg, Ask for Mr. Hartllne. SALESMEN, side line, easy money. SO per cent commission: representing bast Cry goods trad, journal In West. "Bible of dry goods merchant; few dollars to be plekel up In every town while waiting for Vour train. A. Lass picked up 150 lt weeK. ry lyj-"' - - - WANTED All-around, married farm hand. famlllaVwlth horse;, to take steady por tion on large orchard at good v Must be willing to locate on small tract In neighborhood. Small cash payment re quired School nd store on premises. Vr83. Oregonian. WANTED Men for railroad work; location from Columbia River to Nehalem al.ev ramps first-class in every respect. Work wtn laat for several month. COLUMBIA NEHALEM RIVER R T18 Spalding Building. U'AVTED Foreman for team outfit; must understand moving dirt on railroad frade. For f irst-daas man. $T5 per month.- with COLUMBIA. NEHALEM RIVER R. R 716 Spalding Building. WANTED An experienced life Inauranee sg.nC hiving ability and good record. Reference and bond required. Address 40 Ellers bldg.. comer Broadway and Alder St. Portland. Oregon. liARN IT to $12 dialy. restoring faded colors in rugs and carpets. Whole or spare time. Armenian process. Great "'"d capital. Particulars free. Eldred. Dept. gfil. Detroit. Mich. TOCNO men, two or three to write bealth and accident Insurance for largest com Jiiy in Northwest: If you h.v. Pjrsonal. Ity and bralna. you can make good, com mission only. " ... Big commissions, unlimited possibilities by giving part or entire time selling Nov. eitv puiich Board Deals. Hoodwln Co, ltS Madison St.. Chicago. COUPLE sober. Industrious men wanted who understand farming and gardening: write immediately, giving ;, "f'Urd and salary wanted. Waldo Hills Orchard company, n- r. i- SALESMEN wanted to sell an advertised line of drinking cupa Good side line for men who sell office supplies. Write for particular. """'" V. r Co., ?ih Ford bldg.. Boston. Mass. Ktsiw v. a.i. ;" .w-ii land ot prospexiiy. a jvu " " - In any line, we nea juu, Realty Co.. Ltd.. Calgar?'. Canada. WAVTED Experienced mechanical drafts msn for general work In machine shop. Address, giving experience and salary a anted. X 8. Oregonian. WANTED Assistant dry goods man: must be good salesman, window trimmer and sober. Address D. M. Nayhlger. McMinn vllle. Or. WANTED Men to cut Cottonwood. long Job, 11. per cord; must have tent and tOOl. iSter JltlMOHBJ, w. Or., R. K. D. Box 1 74. SALESMEN anted for fast-eeljing home and of'lce specialty: easy to sell and handle- big profits: Investigate. Denemore . iv v.. p.. ..... .. . - . HIGH-CLArlS salesman to piace email Issue of stock In well-established local corpora tion: SI par cent commission. A 104. Ore gonlan .m JiA WEEKLT end exoensee. to trustworthy people travel, distribute samplee: big wholesale house. Emery. 732 Sherman. t niftio. WANTED Three good men to call on farm ers; nothing to sell, but must be good taja-er Salary or commission. Call to day. 'Pennlson. Alder Hotel, room 4a. STOCK door factory -ante door flnlshera steady employment. Nlcolal Door Mfg. Co . Kento. Station. ny. W ANTED Young man for oflfce. experl eoced typewriter operator. Apply Clark at wiison lui'h"11 " " OOOD bench hand wanted on bread at Royal Bakery. V . Washington St., ancouver, Wssh. Phone 43- WANTED A nrst-class painter. Call after 12 o'clock at new house on 2Sd between Brasee and Knott. BOOKKEEPER, sa.ary to start. 0- give experience, phone number, etc AJ 10L Oregonian. MAN and wife to work on small place; man who understands the care of cowe. fruit. e:r.; good wagea 11 E. tb St., N. WANT a young man who understands dry goods and shoes; only experienced man wanted. Write J. C. Brill. The Del lee. Or. WANTED Competent engineer for Foote concrete mixing machine for out of town. Apply at once. IW1 Selling bldg DENTIST Excellent opening for some one who wants Into business, phone Tabor 2S7. Monday. EXPERIENCED man for small dairy; muat be good milker and clean: good wagea and home. AK 91. Oregonian. WANTED Bright office boy for wholesale rrocery house. Apply Wadbama A Kerr Bros. UPHOLSTERERS wanted. Washington Mat tress Company. Western and Pike ata, Se attle, v asa. WANTED Young German with referencea as to honesty, wanted on farm near Mc Minnvllle. A3 83. Oregonian. STOCK salesman to assut In placing an at tractjve Issue. AR ftS. Oregonian. TAILOR wanted; must be first-class. R. Slgel. 4J3 Jefferson. MAN to work on small rsnch who wants a home, close la. T Oregonian. 1K pay. capita: unnecessary, hustlers. Shur. Shine Co., th ave., Tacoma. Wash. WANT te farm hands, e'.eadjr employment for right men. AD T. Oregonian. CLOTH pressor at Imperial-Hotel. and a pension ot in.-su- w" man who shows special fitness may be "ught one of the Navy's SO or more trades and special kinds of work, which mean . , - I TrT.T.y xp A XTFTV FEMALE. I HELP WMUK 1 TTUAT.ONS W ANTKD-M AL- ,,fPATIOX? WTKMAL,. . INCIDENT. One of Many.) Office Secretary Employment Department. T -M. C A. Young man, stranger, seeking employ ment (KO his total cash asset) If I PT Jou 45 for employment membership 1 win ave only IIS between me and starva tion. Secretary If you pay for employ ment membership you will "" i M. C A. with all lis resources between you and starvation. . , Result Young man Joined association. In leas than a week he had saUafactory employment. Record for year 111: ,., Calls for men from employers -- Positions filled n... -i Mn'ninvmtBt membership guarantees member will secure ""J"' ment or refund of membership fee. gives two months' full and is months social PrConstant demand for CLERICAL TECH NICAL and COMMERCIAL MEN. All young men seeking employment ra",.ra, .re cordially ' vid to consult with the Secretary of the Em ployment Department. MEN WANTED. , To work at ateady work In small town. !M miles from Portland; 225 per d sy. plant ha. b.en running for several year, and want, .more men who will make themselves permsnent cltuens. See Hart CHAPIN-HERLOTV MTG. A TRt ST CO.. Third Floor Chamber of Commerce. WANTED for C. S. ARMY Able-bodied un. married men. between agea of 1 nd f clUsens of Vnited 6tatea, of food char cter end temperate habits who can speak, read and write the English lan guage. For information PP' o ?Scri'J,J inr otliccr. recr nuwuhi, - Oak sts.. Portland. Or. 6PKC1ALTY salesmen and men experienced In mercantile lines to sell Champion Complete Accountant (fireproof) all-steel combination account system, cash ss tem. ssfe desk, which, when closed, forms fireproof safe. Our men ate making from liOO to w0 per month. Champion Regis ter CO.. cieveisno, v. CLOTHIN.O saleaman. requlra competent and reliable man. one who can buy 11000 in terest eatabllshed men's store, featuring clothes to measure; most promising town In Northwest. Address AV 20. Orego nian. giving referencea and Confidential. IMMEDIATELY. Oreon and vlasblngton salesmen to sell domestic de lux. .nd im ported advertising calendar, novelties, leather goods, every business man prospec tive customer; commission large, Mer. United Stales Calendar Co., Cincin nati. WANTED Competent man with team to cultivate 76 acui of young orchard; three years' contract to right man. HARDING-FX'RBECK CO.. SO 4th St. SEE PITZER. SUCCESSFUL salesmen working email coun . ........ m,rMM their earnings from 164 to 175 per week selling our line of fancy fruit elder.: 20 per cent comml.. alon; prompt settlements; light samples; reference, required. Red Cross Co.. Dept. 7. St. Louis. Mo. LOOK AND INVESTIGATE. -Wanted Six energetic and respectable a tenia for Portland and country; can make $30 to .0 per week; commission paid at once. Call Monday and Tuesday between a and 14 A. M. and 6 and P. X. Leslie, Clyde Hotel, loth and fetara at. AGENTS We carry the stock; furnish ell- iji plans; sure seiier. anumKra rer cent commission: exclusive territory or live members still open. Address Armstrong, Dept. 7, American Bank Bldg., Seattle. WE have . few good flelde open for compe- . . 1 1 , ..... .nnM.i,ia the arfvsn- leui Micawvu. j " tango of aelling for the largest and best known nursery In the West at the best terms offered, apply today. Give reference, nreeon Nnraerv Company. Ore new. Or. SALESMAN For popular line. 14 years on . . - I . - n ' d nn . . . V- (arms tO t FlS dry goods and general trade; splendid com mission arrangement with good drawing account: references required. Barrows SALESMAN, general mercantile trade. Ore- BUD, W Belt UVW pivv.tuuu ... - csncy June 1: attractive commission con tract; $43 weekly, expenses. Miles F. Bix ler do., wholesale Jewelers, 21!ti Carlln bldg., cieveiana, unio. SALESMAN Experienced any Una, to sell general inua uitiww, . . . - -. proposition; commission contract; 1J weekly for expenses; vacancy June 1. Con. tlnental Jewelry Co., US-20 Continental bldg., Cleveland. Ohio. 1 NEED good men, everywhere, part or all time, learn my buslnssa; make money with me: no experience neeaea; aesx, wrtter and outfit free. W. M. Ostrander. Dept. 88, II Waet 81st St.. New York. SALESMEN who sell advertising novelties or offioe supplies on commission send 2 stamps for samples: give experience. Bald win Finback Cup Co.. Ford bldg.. Boston, Mass. ' AMBITIOUS saleamen. neat appearance, call merchant, tholr territory, elegant sideline, convenient to carry, good commissions, prompt remittance. Belmont Mfg. Cc Cincinnati, 0. - EXPERIENCED boy, between the ages of Id and 18 years, wanted to operate tele phone exchange and act as page In private club. Apply, giving references and salary wanted to AIT ou. oregonian. ORDER CLERK In wholesale and retail market; young man between the age of 20 and 30 year, active, quick and accurate at figures; state age. experience, refer- SALESMEN to sell our check protector. It sells to every person who writes . check. Circulars and Information free. Sample 2oc Terry Mfg. Co., 123 Colton bldg., Toledo. O- . $J0 WEEKLY taking orders for cut rate groceriea; experience unnecessary; send for arants sworn statements, territory; out fit free. Standard Mercantile Co.. Cleve land. Ohio. WANTED Agents In every city and bounty In Oregon. Washington and Idaho to sell Jaeger Vacuum Cleaner. Write Port land office, Jaeger Mig. Co.. 701 Rothchlld bldg. WANTED Good ahoemaker, quick repair work, whole or part time; state nation ality, referencea and wagea required. Y IOZ. oregonian S1DK LINE) salesmen. 10 live wire retail; premium ana puuin ucnie iui 1 1 1 !. 1 1 town trade; weekly commission settle ment, w. re. uraves company, ot. t.ouie. W" ANTED, at once, 2 men to learn to drive and repair autos and trucks for Spring work. Call Hawthorne Garage. 445 Haw thorne ave. WANTED Man and wife to work on sub urban ranch; man to look after garden, wife to do housework; family ot two. 810 Failing bldg. SALESMAN WANTED Chauffeurs or those familiar with automooite ana motorcycle trade preferred; references: all or spare time: life propooltlon. 407 Spalding bldg. WANTED Man and wife for work 'n suburban home; man aa gardener, woman general housework; must be experienced and have references. Apply 1B0 3d st. WANTED Man for small farm, good milk er. ovner on place only part of time: middle-aged man preferred; 430 month. AL 74. Oregonian. WANTED Experienced salesmen to sell hardware as aide line In Oregon and Washington; commission. M 7i. Ore gonian. GOOD salesman to canvass city with sta ple line of Jewelry on easy payments; sal sry ir commission to rigbt man- See Mr. Thomas. 207 Corbett building. WANTED Night engineer: must thoroughly understand refrigerating machinery. Apply 1107 Teon bldg. WILL exchange room rent, sleeping or housekeeping, for outside painting. 321 hi N. 17th at. AGENTS and crew manager. For live one. see us: good territory open, city and coun try. SI J Lumber Exchange. EXPERIENCED mechanical tracer wanted. Several weeka work. Bring samples. 302 Commonwealth bldg. dKIRTMAKER wanted to work on ladies' tailored skirts: must be first-class. S. Weiss. 147 10th st. WANTED S4rst-class colored barber. Ad dress Wm. Jackson. 13 S. Yakima ave.. North Yakima. CABINET foreman, Salem factory: also on. for McMinnvllle. Apply S06 Oregonian bldg. Chee. K. Spalding Logging Co. WANTED-Rellable man" for Close-In dairy farm; good pay: must be able to milk 12 u 15 cow. Phone Main P-3ST. SOME one to sort, patch sacks: steady work. Chicago Junk Co.. 5&0 Front St. WANTED An expert poultryman, single. Pr'J ' - ' WANTED Shoemaker tor shoe repair shop. so Third at. Apply Tne lonvent. tjewegp. jr. WANTED Stave bolt cutters, good Job. Ap ply, fl2 Corbett bldg.. city. WANTED Experienced cracker peeler, . 6th and Davl. PHOTO coupon, best offered, beauty contest started. Cutbsrth Studio. Dekusa bldg. TAILOR wanted: must be first-class. R. Slgel. 42 Jefferson. WANTED Sign writer-card writer. Ar. ther any live ones In town T 2o6 Stark st. THE SUNDAY OREGOXIA PORTLAND. MAY WANTED YOUNG LADIES FOR TELE PHONE OPERATING -vVTTH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE: PAID T7HILE LEARNING. APPLY AT THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE A TELEGRAPH COM PANT (EAST OFFICE). COR. 0TH AND EAST ANKENT STREETS. OR MAIN OFTT.CE. WEST PARK AND ALDER. ' TELEPHONE EAST 230. WANTED Thoroughly experienced sales women for all departments. Apply Mon day morning between 8:30 and 10. super intendent's office, eighth floor. Llpman. Wolfe A Co. v THE Municipal Department of Public Safety for Young Women. 4UT Merchants Trust bldg.. will be glad to give advice or as sistance to any woman or girl who may be In need. Interviews are confidential ex cept in caaea demanding criminal action. Office hours 1:10 to 5. Mr. L. Q. Bald win, Supt. HOTEL COOK. 140; restaurant. $45; camp waitress. 330: 2 first-class waitresses, $:15. fare advanced: aecond girl (out of city), 30: ranch cook, lao; child's nurse, tin; hotel waltres. $23; general housework. $3. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFEICE. $4316 Washington st. WANTED Business woman, 2T years of age or over, to assist with books, collec tions and help take charge of office: ex perience not necessary if quick and bright; permanent position. Apply room 32$ Henry bldg. BOARD and room In Rose City Park home for girl employed during day or In busi ness college. In exchange for light house work. Phone Tabor 1216. or call 403 East 45th N. .. TWO GOOD LADT SOLICITORS. ONE FA MILIAR WITH NEWSPAPER CONTESTS PREFERRED. PHONE AT MY EX PENSE. TO CONTEST MANAGER, 6A LEM. OR. MANY of the beat families of the city are .1.- r.,.m .t i. service Bu reau for cooks, general housework and second girl. a08 Central bldg. M. AMBiTI'-US, .icrgetlo woman, over 25, fur position with wholesale house ; perma nent: experunoe unneceasary. D 104. ore gonian. BY WHOLESALE house, an sxperlenced stenographer, aome knowledge of required; slate aalary expected and give phone number. AK 104. Oregonian. J WAITRESSES. $30; helper, $.10: house keeper, restaurant cook. $10; waitress. S3; others. Howe's Agency, 33. 40 aarungton st. THKEE bright, capable ladles to tr.veL demonstrate and sell dealers; ii to ISO per week; R. R. fare paid. Goodrich WANTED Young lady to make and demon strate Dennlson's crepe and tissue special ties; some experience in making necessary. Apply 814 coroett oiqg.. q j" " WANT l ladles for hlgh-claas soliciting work 10 connection "- i tlvsl. Apply after 8 A. M.. room 207 Mer chants Trust bldg., 6th and Washington. WANTED Thoroughly experienced sales women for bakery dept. Apply P5rd" tendent's office, 6:80 to 10 A. M. Old. Wortman at King IJ.RO PER DAY paid lady In each town to distribute free circulars for concentrated flavoring In tubes; peremanent position. r, 5. tjarr v.. n i. e EXPERIENCED waitresses for short hour. Apply tearoom. 4th floor. Olds, Wortman A- King. . RELIABLE young girl or woman to help in light house work in .U home. Ap- ply Deiore juonqey. GIRL to assist In general housework and care for children; no cooking. $13 per month. T47 Everett St. WANTED Competent girl for general hosewoTkT sTnall family. 466 Msrket st. Apply Monaay. RELIABLE girl for light housework, family of two, Swedish preferred. Phone Sunday. 1U IO A J-. m.r a. HELPERS for dressmaking. Mrs. C. A. Young, 424 Flledner bldg, corner 10th and W ashlngton. WANTED Saleslady for dry goods store. Apply Monday. Brumberg s, oorner Beacon ana asnwauKio WANTED Young girl to assist with house work: small family; no washing. 1140 MISSISSIPPI ave.. cor. iv"""a"" WANTED Experienced girl tai general housework family of two; Willamette He"gMi I? Mr. jT L. Hall, 1146 Thurman st. WANTED A woman for general housework, small family. $30 per month. 60 East !3d JSOnn. r-none n vv WANTED Flrst-claaa cook for "Wlnde muth - Bath, on the river. AE 93. Ore gonian. STRONG, willing young girl not under 19 for general housework; wage. $J5. Main 884T. 1022 Raleigh st, WANTED Ladies to demonstrate; $2 to $4 per day. Call Room 4, 830 Vi Mor rison at. WANTED To engage a woman to care for a woman during confinement. AT bu, oregonian .........i,. T .TTCO' A n C" V (T Waehington bid... 0H Wash., room 33. near fin. rum" ... WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavl Co.. 809 Roth- Child QIQg. etn nu m-,. WANTED A lady to help with housework and tak7re of children. Apply 204 North 24tu st. WANTED Firat-clas. buttonhole-maker on vest. McDonald ex Callett. tailor. 2SU Washington St. GIRL for homework . or schoolgirl; no cooking. Tabor 4071. 10 to P. M.. Monday. STRONG woman to assist In general house work on farm near Portland. Call 814 E. Oak or Tel. c. 4n. COMPETENT girl for general housework; smal family. 333 E. 12th N., cor. Broad way. NEAT rlrl for general housework and plain cookiSg Call Marsh. 1684. 681 Buena Vista drive, Portland Helghta. GIRL for general housework. Apply to Mr. Larrowe, 702 N. Hayea st, St. John. Co lumbia 13. A GOOD position for a girl for general housework. Apply 732 Hancock, or C 1IM4. Hi 1WO WANTED Middle-aged lady for plain housework; good home, 2 in family; $4 a week. Phone Oak Grove. Red 812. WANTED Young French girl to take care of baby 8 years old. Apply from 10 to 12. Mrs Baron. 834 College st. DRESSMAKER or milliner can handle a small stock of dry goods and notions with her line. Phone Tabor 23T. Monday. WANTED iFlrst-claaa finisher to work on ladles' tailor coat. A. Llppman, 811 Sell- Ing bldg WANTED An experienced pe'nt and oil salesman; give reference. AG 102. Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED man for delivery wagon by ... . .... v ...... A V. inn nntironlBn. .ea ajjn IV II. ......... . .. . WANTED Good rustlers big money, lot Northwest bldg.. Monday 1 to 10 A. M. WANTED Girl for general housework. 678 Sth st. EXPERIENCED girl to collect accounts; give pnone numoer. iv imp. GENERAL servant; must be able to cook; good wage. Phone 6ellwood 128S. STENOGRAPHER wanted by the hour while out of regular position. AJ PI. Oregonian. GIRL for general housework, small family, good wage. 66 Tillamook. GIRL to help with housework. 2 small chu- qren. appi? o.- J m" OOOD general servant wanted. Call at 606 Beacon it: seuwooq car. WANTED Girl for general housework; no .... . ... o-ii.o .a. c- ib.Ii xr cnuuren. i imn i.. ..... . ...... ... WANTED 5 extra waitresses at Council Crest Taken on Sunday. AN experienced girl for housework. 674 Hoyt. GIRL for general housework In family of 4. Call afternoons at HO N. 24th st. WANTED A maid for general housework; ages $3.'.. &60 Marshal it GIRL for cooking and light house work. Telephone Tabor 2396. WANTED Lady cook; one who can make good pies and cake. Call 162 Grand av. S. EXPERIENCED saleslady wanted. Fashion Millinery. 880H Third. FOR hair work, experienced girl. 638 John son. BIO pay. capltsj unnecessary, hustlers: Shur. Shine ro.. 2420 th ave.. Tacoma. Wssh. WOMAN to assist and care for Invalid gen tleman, moderate wages. 150 N. 22d. EXPERIENCED basket makers. Multnomah Lumber Box Co.. foot ot Bancroft ave. WANTED Lady barber, 821 Burnslde gt. EXPERIENCED MUFLINWEAR SALES WOMEN WANTED By the Meier & Frank Store. Apply at superintendent's office, 6th floor, before 9:30 A. M. EXPERIENCED SALESWOMEN WANTED - , . 1 a . . . Ca. In all Ai- mi. ...I. A. L.p.nlr filAr, in All de- xsy laa jiw J ....... . - - partments. Apply at superintendent s flee, 6tb floor, before 9:30 A. M. of HAIRDRESSER WANTED Who thoroughly understands making ' . Ins n. n li-iirln e RT.1. massage. Call for Mrs. Bathhurst. at the desk In Oregon Hotel, Detween e a. M. ana iv noon puuij- WANTED Girl for general housework at suburban home; German or Swedish pre ferred: good wages. AilJly Monday at T. Grossman, 149 3d st. A GIRL to assist with housework and take music lessons In part payment. Telephone Monday or Tuesday. Main 88T, or address AB 10. oregonian. WANTED Experienced girl for cooking and general housework, small family, good wages. Take Broadway car. 773 Schuyler. FOR RENT 6-room house, with gas and bath, nice yard. 710 Front st. can n water St. GIRLS lo work on willow plumes; must be experienced. Hartness Plume Shop. 3W yamnui st. iv . j-.-rr. iTnn hfluM'to-house solicitors, good pay, $2.50 to $4 a day. AD 9. Ore gonian. COOK for family boarding-house, $M per month: no oojecuone to gin sui.ou, 331 14th st WANTED Experienced girl for cooking where second girl Is kept. Call after 5 lnnaav. in 01... -- -n. FIRST-CLASS finisher and apprenUce g :irl for cressmaKing. ajiowmc. -. 14th and Taylor. . , n . fnp liht housework. 1 child 6 vears- parties away during day. Call after P. M 707 hi Lombard. GIRL for general housework: no cooking; mall washing, S In family: wages $20. reierences. jvv7 GIRL. f?r light houwork; can h.v, . aft- 1210 Ellsworth, corner 41st. WK car ernoons euu. ......... n - - - --- WASTED-ocnooigiri. ..... ' - room and music lesson. Good home lor light service. . SALESWOMEN solicitors to sell the la'e'1 Kverv housewife needs one. bens on sight. Small sample, fall 108 Pine st. WAIST finishers WAIST Iliusners ana. -- enced only wanted. Come prepared- 434 eri. EXPERIENCED skirt-maker on tailor-made . .-as. 1. 1 n Win A ash. skirts, .u oiuiiiu WANTED Good girl for general housework lioo a w a k . iv "-P -jiB' COMPETENT girl for general housework. oo jonnson. GIRL or elderly woman for flight ramny 01 nw. -j - : WANTED y o viT7l lady In fire In.uranoe of- fr . o rir-eeonlan. lice; state wpcuw.. : WANTED A good cook. Apply Monday. 99 tsavier st. at'" GIRL to assist with general housework. 771 , .... nOA onH 9Sth jonoson "t.. "g " GIRL to assist with housework, care of children. r-none a. otn. CAPABLE girl for general work In bakery and restaurant, to.y-rj "'" WANTED Housemaid, small family, good wagea fnone moor EXPERIENCED girl for general housework, small family, sis n--i. - GIRL for general housework. Phone Mar shall r-io. EXPERIENCED girl wanted on men's coat. 1284 2d St., room 11. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED at once 8trawborry pickers at Underwood. Wash.: houses and tents all equipped ; bring bedding and dishes I . corne by boat or train; will meet you. Write or phone me at my expense: p tr ! work. Address A. G. Ogllbee. Wnlta Salmon P. O.. Wash. MEN and women to sell Quick and . E-Z "Liquid Silver" for cleaning and P'at'nf, .live" bras, etc: entirely back guarantee; sells on sight, we pay "u 60c on the 'dollar Call "day. 11 to 8. H. A B. Chemical Co.. 410 5th st room Xt, -a itoor. TWO MEN or women wanted who can sell sweeping compouna. iioor ... j -. bedbug mixture, etc.. to large eraM. o per ecu. Buiuiuioiii dentlal.required. If earnest see , B. M. fiumraer, sou ou. v -w , STRAWBERRY PICKERS W".. dt camping grounds, boat fare $1; will meet at dick. Address Fred S. Baker, fruit grower, w nno nnimu, " WANTED Strawberry pickers and packers. ti.. J. V 111 11. w lllt-VJ , A YOUNG man wants assistance in higher .T. -s a ins nrairnnliin. aninmeiic. aa F1SK Teachers' Agency "cures PBlti18,,ror teachers. ai6 Journal bldg. Main 4833. HELP WAisTl-P IUSCl-l--aA-N EQTJ.Se 7Z 77 . , J...!.. clMfan lng snd pressing by our latest Improved mfthod and stlrt a shop In your fw r.i city or any other place. Something ! one needs. You can make $-;0 0 1weeR'y No course to study. Just follow imnfuc Mona Special: Save $18.00 by writing TODAY for FREE I particulars. - LUbU A11A ovr.u. , 323 East cook St., Portage, Wisconsin. LEARN automobile repairing, driving on up- to-date cars; eiecinv;. ..... surveying; methods most practical, room and board while learning; positions se cured; satisfaction guaranteed; catalogue free. National School of Engineering, .4100 West seventn. xjob flqgn FREE Illustrated book tells of about 300,O0 protected positions In U. S. service; thous ands of vacancies every year; there Is a big chance here for you. sure i and gen erSus pav. lifetime employment; Just ask for booklet T-388; no obligations. Earl Hopkins. wmtu" SALESMEN No experience required ; earn B while learning; write "dasrjfor list po sitions opening paying $1000 to $o000 year. Address nearest office. Dept. 4o6. National Salesmen's Training Association, Chicago. New York. Kansas City, ban Francisco, New urmaw. xo.v... TRANSIENT Y. M. C. A. MEMBERS can se cuVe furnished room, at reasonable rates In the new fireproof association building, cor 8th and Taylor sts.. and have privi lege of consulting Advisory and Employ- ment uepanmpwu 100 MEN and women to learn the barber trade In 8 weeks In all Its modern meth ods; send for catalogue; tools free; learn a trade that you can get In business for yourself. Moler Barber College, 35 N. 4th. WIRELESS OPERATORS In constant de mand. Thle coming vocation taught at Y. II. C. A. All the Tear Round Day and Night Schools; complete equipment; best on coast I WILL stsrt you earning 4 daily at home In spare time, silvering mirrors; no capi tal." free instructive booklet. Wl?g plan, of operation. O. Kedmond. Dept. . Boston. Mass. GOVERNMENT positions pay big money; -I. d "exums" by former L. S. Civil Service secretary-examiner. Free booklet F T5. Patterson Civil Service School. Rochester, n. i. MALE or female .tenographer, capable of taking and transcribing German dictation, and If possible English also. Boom 207. commercial uuwuiui. MAIL CARRIERS WANTED Average JB0 month: examlnatlona coming. Specimen questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 8iKI. Rochester. N. Y. RAILWAY mall clerks, carriers, wanted; good pay. fine positions; pay for instruc tion after you receive poaltion. Liberty institute, jjept. -to. - BECOME detectives; big pay; easy work; traveling opportunities, w'rlte Frederick Wagner, 1243 Lexington ave., New York. GOVERNMENT positions, parcel post sys tem requires aauiiiouAi vim. - j " " to tlloo: "free book." Paciric States School. McKay bldg.. Portland. Or. WILL exchange dental work for carpenter iroTk. Modern Dentists. 253V4 Washing ton. LEARN by mail to make $1 an hour. Show Card School, 915 V. Ness ave., San Fran- lNTERNATlONAL Correspondence Schools, ... . . .. , . . np-l-nn 1 Pimm, 7 ana o. r- mmm .... ... -, .. . - LOCOMOTIVE firemen, brakemen; wagea about iiw; r,c. icuvd u.,i.c.v..-.j , age. stamp, rtauw-y, ji gvm-u MEN, women to learn barber trade, eight weeks; position guaranteed. Orsgon Bar- oer uoiiexc -. --v-.. SHORTHAND. any system, typewriting, bookkeeping, rapid short courses, positions guaranteed. 82ft Worcester block. EARN large Income writing short stories. Send for booklet. Tells how. United Press Svndlcate. O 2. San Francisco. SALESMANSHIP Sheldon School; write for Sheldon book. P. O. box XB3. Portland. GIRLS Learn beauty parlor work. Earn money while learning. 613 Rothchlld bldg. SHORTHAND. TYPEWRITING SCHOOL, 368 14TH 6T. M. 3S93. EXP. INSTRUCT'N. Keister's Ladies' Tailoring College And School of Dressmaking. 14354 llti. st. 25, 1913. ..... i ... IT.Il. 'I I V'll Elite Private Business College, 643 Ham ilton bldg. Marshall 4258. BITCAT1QX8 WANTKP MAUL Bookkeepera and Clerks. YOUNG man, stenographer, now working temprarily for wholesale house; under stands bookkeeping; has had experience In credits and collections: wants position; moderate salary to start. Phone Main 3211. . POSITION oy man thoroughly familiar with bookkeeper, and general office work; can handle an: size office; able to handle cor respondence and meet the public; strictly temperate. u . WILL AUDIT. OPEN. CLOSE OR WRITE up books, prepare balance and statements. Install systems. Gllllngham, auditor, 612 Lewis bldg. Marshall TIT. BANK, credit man, collector, office man, bookkeeper or other clerical position : mar ried; excellent references. AG 101, Ore gonlsn. WANTED Position In lumber office by ex perienced young man: any Kino, ot cienuai work. P 104. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER now employed; would like small set of books to keep evenings. H. M. Hayles. 505 Montgomery. VATTVn man at AnnfiTanher With Seheral Of- fici and collecting experience desires outside work. G 60, Oregonian. tk7 a vtfti Ipn.ltlon by voune married man, age 28, experienced In bookkeeping ana clerical wora. ruoiw i.u vw. atu'a" vn l bookkeeper of wide experi ence will please you with his systematic and accurate worK. r-none cast EXPERIENCED railroad clerk, 2T, reliable man. wants position, anything. D 88. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. YOUNG man, experienced groceryman, de sires a position: can furnish best of ret. erences; not afraid of work. D T4, Ore gonian. 7i VTr n ir,n,pl,iiM Imolement sales- man and office man wants position In the oince or on me roaa; iwenu. oi Oregonian rm cT.tT .ififi automobile mechanic and chauffeur wants place; can take charge of shop; best or references, o-v r.n;,.w. fnone a 4iz. I AM open for a position as floor man, buyer ... . in . .,w nn u-ara' Mvneri- ence In largest department store on the tjoast ; neat ot reierencws. a ie. iicbuu'. vt!'KT('I AX Paoable to olav double bass, eel To and piano In orchestra: also E bass ana tromoone in di ss o&nu. vn.., 42 Freemont St., Portland, or. WANTED Janitor work in apartments or rooming-house, whole or part time, by ex perienced middle-aged man. AG 88. Ore gonian. PLUMBER, handy man In plumbing and heating shop or with water works com nanv: references: 10 years experience. D HO. Oregonian. COMPETENT young man, reliable, good habits, wants position driving an auto; will furnish best or references, a iuo, v gonlan. f m t rrTinv anil . r . H i t man Inns: exnerl- ence, wishes change from present position; tlons In Coast States. L 71. Oregonian. KEL1ABLE, energetic young man wants an office position where conscientious effort is appreciate-; tumoer pxeierreu. a ow, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED orchardlst and gardener, sober, reliable: noaltion where honest, con scientious, capable service will be appreci ated. E 87, oregonian. mioi) worker wants work at anything; handy with tools; shop experience. Phone C 2bb2, or AJrJ Sf, uregonian YOUNG man wants farm work or milking . i i. s - r- in? , I....... anu vuuje wora. uu ia.. "V -- w.-o- MAN and wife as Janitor In apartment house, steady, sober, reliable and experi enced. AC 104, uregonian. AM A salesman and know every part of Oregon; can produce results; age 80. F 1U1, uregonian i-hai:itf.i;r desires Dosltlon with private family; city referencea Russell, 203 6th st. Telephone aiain jat'g. s A w YKR Good arader: understands tlm ber and how to save lumber. AG 00, Ore- gonlan. wanted Place collecting and aJusting experienced and have good reference, AE in, uregonian. POSITION of trust by middle-aged man of 25 years; active, business experience, bond and reference, pnone wooaiawn zu,o. WANTED, by moving-picture operator, situ. ation in country t.wn where house is open in evenings only. B 73, oregonian. EXPERIENCED colored man, work as jani tor. Call Sunday and evenings. Woodlawn .'IB'J. EXPERIENCED traveling salesman wants a good roaa position wnere nara wurs id requirea. X w, uregonian. MAN and wife will care for your home for rent during Summer months. Best of rex erences given. T S9. Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR One or more cars; guaran. tees all repairs, except tires, out of wages. Address K. w. Locxe, 847 uaa at. WILL work at anything from T P. M. to 12 P. M., can also work Sundays. First- class reference. X loa, uregonian. JAPANESE, first-class cook, wants position in private family, city or country. AM 78, oregonian. CIVIL engineer wants position, irrigation. water power or nignwaya so. j.uo, ure gonlan. MAN and wife experienced in Janitor work wish position; give references. X 75. Ore gonlan. YOUNG couple wish position together, Al references, city preferred. Address box 10, neppner, ur. PRIVATE house window cleaner, new and empty . a specialty. Main 6573, evenings. tireen. si;sT LAHENOS Wanted, position In laun dry; experience; Just from New lora City. 1077 Willamette blvd., Portland, Or. YOUNG married man wishes steady position , .. .. .. ki.J an ,iua .-.if T 'i Oregonian! RESPONSIBLE business man going East would consider attending to your business while there. K 87, uregonian. POSITION aa timekeeper, construction camp preferred; 5 years' experience. AP 7s, Ore gonian. mimTVi- , 'I r r . . ...... l. a aMJanvlf painting, papering, varnish graining; all work first-class. Phone Main 29U6. FIRST-CLASS waiters furnished. Marshall 791, A 4010. Portland Walter.' (JIUD, J4ii 5th. Portland. Or. G. C. Gerald, manager. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk, solicitor, de- livery man; must have work. O 102, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED all-around baker with ref. erences, wants charge of small shop. State wages. K 102. Oregonian. MARRIED man. German, sober, reliable and not afraid of work, wants work on farm. AT 3. Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR, careful driver. good me chanic. Main 1S28 Sunday A. M. Robert Leuthold. MAN 60 years of age. married, wants work as nlghtwatchman . or Tlreman. l years experience. soDer. a zoa or seuwooa rai. EXPERIENCED Japanese chauffeur wants position, private lajrruy car; uu own pal rl n g; references. B TS. Oregonian. KLGlSTERED chauffeur, reliable driver, willing to assist in the garden; references. B 70, Oregonian. POSITION by first-class machinist and steamfitter, can aiso ao oiacKsmitning, used to repair work. X 91. Oregonian. WANTED Tour building, repairing and screen work; experienced workmen. Phone Seliwood 1065. WINDOW-WASHING, housecleanlng, floors waxed and polished. betlwood ll'JO. EXPERIENCED chauffeur, best references, wants steady position. Phone Main 8663. MAN and wife wish care of apartmentar Experienced; references. A bh. uregonian. GOOD Japanese wants a position of any kind. Call up Main 4282. GOOD, honest young working man will take any kind of work. E 90, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS kalsomlnlng done, $3 per room. Phone Tabor 1970. GOOD Japaneee wants work few hours In the morning. J 104. Oregonian. MARRIED man would like situation Janitor apartment-house. O 103. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED solicitor in various lines, chiefly on the road. AB 105, Oregonian. CARPENTER work wanted, day or contract, screens made to order. Main 9184. GROCERY clerk wants steady place; refer ence. AP 101, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED hotel porter and bath mak er wants position, at uregonian. MAN and wife wish position berry farm or . ...... n tS n..nnls. EXPERIENCED marker and sorter, out of . . . , . T.- K -...a nnfan city piClWlcu. I -J. v. PAINTER, all around hand, married, wants work; $3 per day. AM 8T, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED Janitor wishes position In office bldg. F 104. Oregonian. CHIEF oook would like position in restaur ant at once. G 100, Oregonian. MAN with small family wants work on fruit farm. B 88, Oregonian. WANTED--Fosltion as truck driver. Had experience. F 88. Oregonian. WAITRESS wanted. 371 East Burn side. XN ABLE mechanical draughtsman deal position wltn western iirm uu uuu Age SO. Experienced In sawmill and gen eral machine work. Fifteen years of prac tical and technical experience. Careful and systematic worker. A low cost ma chine producer. A thoroughly practical nH ertlstlc desianer of machinery. AC 7, oregonian A 1 Gasoline Traction Engineer, age 32. in harvest field, also large experience w ulth stationary ana puriauio e pairing, setting up ar.d running. Good references: distance no object, providing it's n good Job. Can take charge of out. fit. AV 14, Oregonian, TRAVELING salesman, favorably known to the paint, hardware, drug and general merchandise trade throughout Oregon, de sires position; clean-cut, temperate, a business getter and trade holder; record clear; local references. AN 103, Orego nian. WANTED Position by a thorough dry goods man, age 35. married, can write show cards, trim windows, keep books and well up in modern store efficiency. Capa ble of taking charge of general merchan dise store. Best of referencea. Address AV 8, Oregonian. A LAWYER, Yale graduate, four years nlanrltri hiialnnM exneriencO. Wants PO- ition with first-class concern, legal or otherwise, on Pacific Const. Very highest recommendations, a. u. uoyi, xaie tiuu, N. Y. City. milVfl mnrrkri mnn with Wife and tWO children desires position on ranch; several years' experience: prefer grain or fruit ranch; If you are looking for one with good habits and Industrious, call E. 14SS or address ri. l. r .. eui r. vjmk. - COMMERCIAL traveler, well acquainted In city and Northwest and experienced In -nercnanHia- nnA ensineerins subjects. would consider proposition from another good firm or factory with modest salary to start. JJ gf, uregonian. YOUNG man. experienced in soda and Ice cream, wants a position in -uwm-r iw.. . or town where mother could secure em ployment; No. 1 cook or other work. M 101, uregonian. r.PKRT eiiauffeur. Japanese, wants posl tlon to drive private car; understands mechanism and repairing thoroughly; will ing to assist other work U necessary. E 3 01, uregonian. COMPRESSED yeastmaker, with 2S years' experience, 14 years with the largest yeast concern in me v. n.: i '--""""" open for engagement. Write to W. Peter sen. OOif van JNesa ate,". " EXPERIENCED traveling salesman would like change; will consider anything that has merit; am acquainted with Oregon, Washington and Alaska territory. V 101, Uregonian. SnCATIONS WANTKD FEMALE. Bookkeepers sod Stenographers. A-l STENOGRAPHER, commercial, bank lng and legal experience, assistant book keeper and office manager; use dicta gin providing chance to advance. Address cstenograpner, aim c. mm ... ........ EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and typewritor operator with a knowledge of shorthand who has had entire charge of an office, desires position; references. 1224 Denver ave. woodlawn io-. YOUNG lady, experienced in laboratory and general office wotk. aesires position, uw tofs office preferred; operate typewriter. AF 75, uregonian. BTKNOGRAPHER of experience wants po sition, legal or commercial; salary mod erate. Telephone Main 6027. Residence, 4T5 Morrison. YOUNG woman of twenty-five, three years' experience aa stenographer and office clerk, desires permanent position. x ao, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER and cashier, long expert once; reasonable salary. Can operate type writer. Temporary position consiuereu. r 89, Oregonian. PRIVATK secretary or stenographer; New Yorker, six years experience; exceneu. references, reasonaoie salary. au aoo, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, some experience, multo graph operator, good education, wishes position; moderate salary, .-uarsnau ioi, room l i. COMPETENT and experienced bookkeeper wishes position; references. Marshall 4753. ffVorDTPVi'pn .t.nA.n-ih.r H c . i r e a tier "manent "position, moderate salary. Phone juarsnau vi. jvqo.ii STENOGRAPHER wishes position or tempo rary work. Will call for dictation. Main 8361. I.PKF.BAT. office work, experienced typist, quick at figures, good penman; doctor's oince consiaerea. r.aet .oin. COMPETENT. experienced stenographer, highest references, wishes position. Phone Main 6459. room 7. COMPETENT stenographer desires piece work. Will call for dictation. Main u. BOOKKEEPER and general office work; best of references. Phone A 5T90. EXPERT stenographer desires position Phone Marshall 5783. STENOGRAPHER with some experience de sires position. Marshall 40T5. 333 12th FIRST-CLASS corsetlere wants position Phone Main 7056. Room 8. INEXPERIENCED stenographer wants posi tion. Phone woodlawn loia. Dreasmakers. NEW In Portland, perfect German dress maker and talloress wants work at home or by the day, J2.50. Fit and work guaran teed. Alterations properly done. Mrs. Teademan. 4 Jefferson st. A 433. REFINED widow, 35, desires situation as traveling companion wltn lnvalia, eiaoriy. St. Louis Agency, xus otn. jiain EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes engage ments, day sewing, references, reasonable r none Dciiwwiu w DRESSMAKING, $2.50 per day, work guar anteed. Phone Main 15T0. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker wants more en- gagements by day. $2.50. East 8765. FAMILY sewing, all kinds; also plain dress mnKing ana reumrniB. jthuiw auq. DRESSMAKER wants work In homes. $2 day. East 4osw. Mrs, rionoweii. EXPERIENCED NURSE will go out by the day, week or montn; terms reasonaoie. Tabor ZZotl. J ll, uregoniavji. rKAt'llLAb liurnr. wim uuuwi a c.v.,.t-, wants more confinement cases. Phone B -itA. PRACTICAL NURSE with hospital experi ence will take any kind of case. Wood. lawn 77. TRAINED NURSE, 23 years' experience, has private home for Invalid; best references. Tabor 2213. GRADUATE nurse has comfortable private home for aged ana invalids. o. n.aai join st., Sunnyside car. Phone B HI06. DRESSMAKER, experienced, wants few more day engagements. t2. Marshall 17113. A GOOD, practical nurse wants a position. Marshall 5772. WASTED Any kind of nursing; hospital training. Phone Tabor .iu. GRADUATE NURSE wishes patients at home or care of Invalids. Columbia 430. TRAINED nurse wishes cases maternity or general. Marshall 1470. room 229. Houaekeepers. REFINED young woman, with boy 5 years Old, UlbUCB uuu..nv.HiB , e cook and housekeeper, good home more object than high wages; give full particu lars first letter. Address S., 785 E. 84th st. Phone Seliwood 1870. NEAT young woman with large boy wants position, housekeeping on farm; capable of taking full charge or cooking In small camp, where boy can help: no triflers; strictly business. AM 10B, Oregonian. WANTED Position as housekeeper In widower's home or rooming-house, by re fined capable widow of 37; good manager and cook. Phone East 905. WANTED By reliable woman, a place In bachelor's, widower's or apartment-house. In answering state your offer. V 90, Ore gonisn. REFINED, capable lady desires a position as managing housekeeper In large hotel or boarding-house. K 106. Oregonian. CAPABLE woman desires housekeeping. widower, cook crew, uw. c. .ou Agency. 208 5th. Main 2039. Monday. HUNGARIAN woman, speaks German, posi tion housekeeper; good cook. 151 Terry st. Miscellaneous. WANTED Work by the day, by young wo man. C 74, Oregonian. A JAPANESE girl wants- a position as housewora. An xw, v. c.wan. WOMAN wants work, 25o hour or day. Main 9312. Room 1. LACE CURTAINS, blankets, draperies laun dered by experts, 25c and up. Tabor 3678. YOUNG girl wishes work in kiUihen from Q p. M-. tor ooaro. t o, rggoiiiyii. AN' experienced colored woman wishes work by the day. pnone n.ast am. EXPERIENCED woman wants houseclean lng to do, zoo per nour. r-none laoor s:ins. LADY wishes position, private exchange or clerk in hotel, fnone iarsnan uoiu. REFINED young lady wishes position as office girl. K Ma. uregonian. EXPERIENCED laundress wishes to take fine laundry nome. r-none ixoor 4soo. WANTED Day work for Monday. Tabor 132. 15 PRIVATE millinery shop, of 4.2 ismhlll, now located permanently 37 Yamhill, cor. Park st.; hats blocked, resewed. made up In flrst-cluss style; work gusranteod; ... ...I a- ... u.- o-r.1 GERMAN practical nurse, care of Invalids and sick children or to help elderly couple with housework, city or country. Mrs Phor. Park Hotel, sth and Gllsau -none .1 ai WANTED By young lady having several years' teaching experience, position to care for two or three small children during Summer; will furnish referencea Address V. M. P.. 502 South 6th st.. Monmouth. III. RELIABLE woman would care for resldenc. during absence of owner, or will look alter children during carnival week. AC 86, Oregonian. GOVERNESS, student 21 years of age, de sires employment during Summer vaca tion; has training in Eastern schools. X. W. C. A., Shepard Hall, Corvallls. Or. LADY understanding dressmaking can have light assistance in home for home for reliable elderly lady and help with clothes. Gives reference. Phone widow; East 1930. WANTED By young woman of good ex perience, position as demonstrator or sales lady; references. Address M. O. G., 305 Sth st.. city. Phone Main 6743. WANTED By capable, refined young wom an, position for the Summer as companion or tutor. Beat of references. Will travel. Address AV 3i, Oregonian. YOUNG woman with experience in kodak developing and finishing, wants position for the Summer. AV 31. Oregonian. ENERGETIC reliable young woman desires Summer position as saleslady In Jewelry or hook store. AV Su, Oregonian. X'UUNG woman with girl 4 years old would like position at the beach. AG SS, Ore gonian. COLORED woman, washing, ironing, any kind of day work, experienced worker. 101H North 14th st. Main 8tf".Q. DAY work, housecleanlng. ironing laundress, references. Call all week after T. M., B 2776. COMPETENT middle-aged lady would like employment 4 or 5 hours each day. A-l references. Woodlawn 34S. WOMAN wishes mending, darning, packing or any kind of day's work, except laun dry work. Cnll Main S4. COMPETENT woman wants position ss cook, whiles $40, Woodlawn 310, bet. 10 and 2 o'clock. RELIABLE woman will care for children afternoons arul evenings at their homea Call mornings. Tabor '.'904. EXPERIENCED chocolate dipper wishes two or three, days' work a week. AD 170. Oregonian. WOULD like care of one or two children, under school age, best care and rcason- able. S 8T, Oregonian. REFINED young woman, Christlsn Scientist, wants position, housekeeper, small family, nurse or companion. AC K9, Oregonian. ELDERLY mother wants care of inlant In her home; had much experience. Phone Main Mil. AN experienced woman wants day work for Mondays and Wednesdays, not afraid to work. Phone Tabor 2T0T. WOMAN wants work by day or hour. Phone East 1614. COLORED woman wants place to cook. Phone Main 6665, Sunday morning. NORWEGIAN woman wants day work. Phone Main 2S31. WOMAN wants day work. Phone Main 8468. Room 22. WORK wanted, any kind. housekeeping, dishwashing. Phone Main 1528. Mrs. Allon DAY work, laundry or cooking, housework. Tabor 4723, Main 3321. THREE girls want place, general house work. 365 21st N. POSITION general housework or housekeeper In small family. Call Main 9021. COMPETENT woman wants day work; ref erences. Phone Tabor Tol. A LADY would like day work in nice place. Phone Tabor 2x00. FIRST-CLASS colored shirtwaist laundress wishes days' Ironing. Marshall 4l-'5. EXPERIENCED laundress wants work by day. Marshall 3". HUNGARIAN woman, speaks German, cook, helper or boarding-house. 151 Terry '. MANICURIST wants position, can furnish references. Phone TOftd. Room 6. RESPONSIBLE person will lake care of children. Phone B 120X. EXPERIENCED womn wants any kind of work' by the day. Main 42VT LADY wants laundry and housework by the day. A 8123, Main 3251. LACE curtains, draperies, linens, launder.d by expert. Tabor 31T. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS, sell a Ford; people can't afford to be without a Ford; combination vacuum cleaner and carpet sweeper. 2 la 1; Just out. something new; big profits; price right, exclusive territory. Ford Cleaner Company. Marquette bldg., Chicago. MANUFACTURER desires placing valuable agency, perpetual repeater. Income earner, business builder, easy, no competition, pro. tected territory guaranteed. Automatlo Perfection Company, IT West 42d, New York. START in business, started aa agent, now big manufacturer; will start you; men of ahility wanted to open branch offices; so. licit business, employ subagents; credit given. C. E. Swartxbaugh, Prest., box 80, Toledo, O. AGENTS, big profits; Washclean washes clothes without rul.blng; saves time, la bor and clolhes; every housewife a cus tomer; agents' terms. Washclean Monu- facturing company, Boonville, Mo. WANTED An experienced life Insurance asent, having ability and good record. Reference and bond required. Address 409 Ellers bldg., comer Broadway and Alder st. Portland, Oregon. EITHER sex, lO0'e profit; fastest seller on the market: every lady a buyer; big sales; big repeater; exclusive territory, particu lars, Slxx Laboratories, 1712 No. 13th, Philadelphia, Pa 5i0 MONTHLY. Woodward automobile tire pump, new Invention, tremendou. de mand; season here; grand opportunity: be quick. Woodward & Son, Nicholas bldg., Toledo, O. tzi A WEEK for two hours' work a day; brand new hosiery proposition that beat, all; write for terms; free samples If you mear. business. Guaranteed Hosiery Co., U7.HI Hopper, uayton. unio. WRITE frankly time you can devote to busi ness paying $4 to $30 dally, either sex. Samuel C. Osborn, manufacturers' agent and specialty dealer, Phelan bldg., San Francisco. JUST our. our big 1913 catalog showing 240 fast-selling household s;eelHltles for agents. Write quick for particulars; pos tal will do. American Mfg. Co., Fremont, Ohio. AGENTS A money-maker; guaranteed ho siery to wearer; our proposition beats all others, $10 per day. Write Immediately. Quaker City Mills, 34 South 16th st., Phil adelphia, fa. WANT solicitors In Oregon, Wash, and Idaho for household article that will sell; active agents can make $3 to $10 per day. AJ uregonian. Al'.O MONTH guaranteed; no caniassing or mail order phantom; saves merchants $10 month, yet yuu sell nothing. Box 4, lort SCOtt, ivansas. SOMETHING new. good commission to re liable men. Apply between 8 and 0 Mon day morning. o03 East lTth, two blocks to Clinton. GOOD Income selling sturdy, knit quality boys' and girls' stockings. Write for sam ples. Talca Knitting Mills, 1011 Chest nut St.. Philadelphia. A MANUFACTURER'S permanent business oltor, remarkably proiitable, light and convenient, at home, no risk. Kushlon Komfort Shoe Co., Lynn, Mass. PLAY BALL; Llg profits operating auto M.Hn Hi.aonull trade machines: investi gate at once; also raffle cards. Jot. Baur. 5445 Rosetta St.. Pittsburg. Pa. IF vou want to know how Fanner Smith i. . .. ...........ii I wril. tO aavisrs pcuutc ..v u- - - .- - - The Farmer (himself), 128 Summit ave Cedar grove. N. J. DEST-PAY1NO agency proposition U. S. ; as sures $15m yearly; inexperience.: taugnt how to make It. Let us show you. Novel ty Cutlery Co., 623 Bar, Canton, O. AGENTS wanted; also 10 crew managers; new scheme; big profits; 3d days' oredlt; samples free. Model Portrait A Frame Company. Chicago. LEi.JITlM.VTE substitute for slot machines; patented: sens on sigm ior i. r.ruuu lars, Gieha Co., Anderson, Ind. AGENTS, learn about the profits made sup plying penumes to immur-. auuivn uei fler & Co., Indianapolis. Ind. MEN nnd women, something absolutely new. small sample; can eny iu ei " of territory, dua fine sv. AGENTS Greatest agents seller ever pro duced 3tou IO ;w per win pr.Mii. moiirow Mfg. Co., X 44. A Crosse, Wis. AGENTS Town and country, to soil brand new article, never oeiore seen on r-acuic Coast. Small sample. Call 308 Pine st. AGENTS' licenso eliminated; sample free, no selling; 115 day. New. Strowd. 157$ Pine, son rrancisco LIVE AGENTS Are selling the Jaeger vacuum cleaner. Why not you? Call 7ul Rothchlld bids. BIG pay, capital unnecessary, hustler.. Shur- ;i..n 9J''A nth tLVf.. TjonmL Wash-