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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1913)
i THE .SUNDAY JOREGOXIAX. PORTLAND, MXY 25. 1913. .. i J , i .hi 1 ENTRIES IS GOAL 17 EVENTS LISTED FAMOUS MULTNOMAH ATHLETE IN CHARGE OP STATE j X SWIMMING CHAMPIONSHIPS DURING ROSE FESTIVAL. ? . Ill- Rose Festival Aquatic June 13 Due to Be Big Event. T 111 CHAMPIONSHIP Schmitt Expects 150 Athletes in Big Pacific Northwest f Association Games. CREAM OF DISTRICT TO VIE Looms m TniTcnsltr of Oregon Formidable Contenders With O. A. C, Mtihnmnih Club and Se attle Having Stronjr Teams. Seventeen events. Including five-mile crosa-country run and impound throwing, will comprise the Pacific k--...-. Aisoclatlon track and field championships of 1913. , Multnomah Field on Saturday. June 14 . m .,irr. anv other meet inm meet. 141 . .... v w-i-i i th Northwest wltn i Itinn of the Lewis and Clark Expo- .itlon game. In Portland n 10d i the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific games William Schmitt. Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club, chairman of the i rtam plonshtp committee, predicts that athletei. the pick of the Northwest and fned? Olympic frame, point winners, will prtic,patej"htKh0'.ns-t! Festival athletic feature, with BO start Ir, in the flve-mll. rr?: :. .i..,.,.. marathon of the carnl- Ifle mini' - TaL n lom to Be Larse. -w i-.i...r.itr of Oregon and Ore gon Agricultural College due to enter f..m instead cf permitting their ath- teams. Instead cf pe m Idaho and Washington State Co,. ..7. ni.nnln to enter their star, un der college color, the "Pr"e?"" at the meet will be large, with the per- t.a throughout so many Edition- that no .quad wtii : loom up as a certain winner before the .tart ,...,..k fiub. Seattle Athletic Club. University of Oregon and Oregon Agricultural College will "aw th. . ...m In tbe meet. Inder .m.tucM Multnomah Club with Oregon and O. A C cham pion., would line up much tfe' ihln Its rivals, but Seattle Athletic than "?',, Dt Wa8hlngton cracks In addition to its own talent, is to be overlooked, while Oregon 1. particularly to be tearea. v o-i iti .ho Is manager of the Mult .TrT,,k ..m in addition to su- PVmending the meet Itself, .ay. that he will have a team of 12 men In the Martin Hawkins. Phllbrook. HOioman he will have competitions. Bellan. George will have one or two men in the event a B'.ackfoot Indian from Montana wll compete: Upham. a former New Tori Hummel Tnd Brace will be reinforced by Krohn and Wilson, or ojaniv. , - Grant. Goresciky and Klrkland. inter- scholastic stars. tm Comr From Ontalde. Letters have been received from half a dozen outside points promising en tries for the five-mile run. which will etart near the city limits and end with ! .r,,,rt sj-ound the Multnomah Field track. Dr. Stewart, oi u. rill TnrV compete: vpnam. "",, Z runner, will sport Seattle Athletic Club The complete list of event., entries to close June 7. follows: 100-yard run ... j , nso-vard run. 120-yard 7i. 1....J1.. nno.mile run. five-mile " " .',,it running high Jump, running broad Jump, throwing B-POond weight, throwing -p"u cutting 18-pound shot, throwing the SS 5 throwing the Javelin. 220-yard low hurdles, one-mile relay race, four men to a team. The meet will open with the 100-yard trials-and close with the one-mile relay. Gold.' sliver and bronze medals will be awarded the winner., first, second and third, respectively, with a silver loving cup going to the five-man cham pion. J l .-i v. t FllK K. WATKISS. J CHAMPIONSHIPS AT STAKE BOAT RACES !1Y 30 Programme Includes Yacht, Motor and Canoe Events. DONKEY RACE IS FEATURE Swimming Events Will Bound Out Oregon Yacht Club Entertain ment, Which Promises to Be an Enjoyable Affair. Earthquake Makes Catcher of Pitcher Williams Sm Fraarlae Dlsaeter Rrolbl for Trn.JormtIom f Prrseat Colo "Bom." r-t-i HE San Francisco earthquake In X has been charged with many tr.nss-resslons. but it caused one up heaval not recorded on the aeismo frraph. The cataclysm converted Nick Williams from pitcher to catcher. Q. E. D. as the geometrical "shark Is wont to murmur the San Francisco earthquake Is greatly disturbing the Northwest, even at this late date, be cause the Portland Colts began climb ing the ladder a few days ago. the moment Manager Williams went from first base back to the receiving end. Williams was pitching for San Fran cisco in the Coast League In 10. when the big disaster struck California. It ..drw tininted baseball, and. to keep h. roast Lutue off the rocks of bankruptcy. Cal Ewlng had to alaah rM nrune at his players' salaries. ivtrlfs stlDend fell from 1275 per r tn 1150. whereupon the big vi..j. mthlete "rls up" with the dec laration that no more would he pltcn . 1 rt ner month. . i- r lhm Induced him to catch and Play first base, his contract call insr for an extra 119 for every game he twir'ed. Many local fans will recall Nick's feat of beating roruana in a j. ,,-,. oHr on Labor day that year. ti.. secret 1. out now. Nick had $10 waiting for him at the dinner hour. After that year Williams stuck t his first base and backstopping. n-mi.m remained with San Fran frnm 105 until when sold to Portland to manasre the local North AArt TA71ie Club. Originally Nick signed with Pan a ..rlv as 1902. when be was still attending the University of California. The next year found mm pitching for coiumous in ..notation. He was traded t xn-..nnii in mid-season and In 1(04 to Seattle. That Fall he completed the loop bv golns back to Ban Francisco .-rhnir. for Roscoe Miller, a pitcher. Thirteen hours of yacht, motor, canoe and swimming races and other forms of sport will inaugurate tne son of the Oregon lacni v-.uu. A. W. Stanchfleld. chairman of the ummltiM. has already received - MnrnKf nf entries iwr t.. ii a xr o 12 noon the large number of houseboats will be open for the visitors' inspection. Immediately following this, the class B yaoht races h xhaiiens-a cud. held by the win sailed over a three- mile triangular course that will start from the foot of Ross Island and end c.iiwno ferrv. This course will have to be circled twice before com pletlng the three-mile run. Last t AVt Race. A new feature of the club's -openlng-,nnmme will be a donkey swim ming race. Instead of the man finish ing the 50-yard dash first, the one that manages to come In last is declared h. winner. The entry in this event Is compelled to make his hands and feet move, and wnen a juu violating these oraers ne w a.1ua...'' trv,. winner will be presented with a is Mnhr. The 20-yard swimming . for women Is causing much in terest, and Mr. Stanchfleld expects at least 12 starters. i no louuwms, the entries to date for the different aquatic events: it c.irrnv. HDIDanil, neuuiifc Spray. Swallow. Naughty G-irl am Fore -an -Att. ciiiin. ranee races Art urown, .. TT-.M .1t..n..n IT -l r.lYlHTl K11JV ncmiioi. . ..... . . " . Cknltn W rFvin. vrana urraj . l T Khorne Lr. ASOUlin, lcior iuiiuo dell and V. H. Dent. ntl ICater for 50-Yard Rare. Men's 50-yard swimming race Art Rrnwn. Dr. R. 31. cmerson. .r'n Creasy. W. X Sharpe. Bobby Bain. Vic T,mHelI and V. M. UHl. Knlnrhnat races uniintn. """' West. The Wrestler, Naoma, Hydroplane and Rohame. wnmen'a td-vard swimming race vti.. ctnai Kharne. Mrs. Frank Creasy, Phaiinrov Hastorf and Mrs. R. M. Pmannn vf tvH oanne races Mrs. Frank Creasy and Duncan Ervlne; Mrs. W. J. Sharpe and Frank Creasy; Miss Ethel Shirn. an Frd Peterson : air. Jill" v.. rhaunctv Hastorf: Mr. and Mrs Henry Hartman: Dr. R. M. Emerson and wife; Mr. and Mrs. Linden Street. At the conclusion of tne racing um fi.mnnr. a lieht luncheon will be served. The entire membership of th olnh will turn oul for a dance at the club at 8 o'clock in the evening. BAurvfl is ATTRACTING MANY Great Interest Noted In Decoration Day Regatta. Probably never in the history of Willamette River Rowing nas nieio been so much interest snown as met is this year at the Portland Rowing Club in the annual Decoration Day regatta, to be held Friday, commencing at 2:30 P. M. The races will be held over the Portland Rowing Club's mile course, which parallels the Oaks car- il.. - the east snore OI iloa i- and. The races will start at the end of Hawk Island and the finish will be at the boat club float. The high river banks will afford spienam uppmiuuuj for spectators to view the races. The following list of events has been ,,-0r.H h7 rantaln A. A. Pfaender: T..nnr .Insrles race for the President Judge perpetual silver loving cup, three Mtr ninnies race, one nine. ivu. with two neats ana a until ,.!.,.. hnn rilirht welmnu. iwo en tries; Junior fours (heavy weight) fnur entries, two heats ana a Iinaa mon-a oincrlA canoe race: men's dou hu. osnne race and mixed doubles canoe race. The single and double .rniiimr races will be over a mile course. The races for four-oarded crews win h half a ' mile and ine canoe .,..n. win he a ouarter of a mile rvnaa-oar Dins will be given as prizes to the winners In all the rowing events and cross-paddle pins will db nuns up ot- th winners of the canoe races. Never In the history of the club has it heen nosslble before to race six fnnr.nind crews . in the Sprlnx regat t At times Coach Harf and Captain Pfaender have been bard pressed for equipment enough to care lor ine crew aspirants. Tn nrder ta eliminate the members o the senior four from competition in the four-oared races. Captain Pfaender has evolved a doubles pairing off which h helleves will work out to aavan tage. He will split up the Junior an ninr doubles crews and pair eac man off with an oarsman from th m Vnnr." The men who will com nt In the doubles events are: Fred D -vewr-ll James Havely. H. O. Chick .rinr V. T Stone. E. A. Hanson. C. M. Dyrlund, Arthur A. Allen and J. Walter Resins. One of the' lapstreaks has been put out of commission, temporarily inrousn collision with a sunnen ios. Many Portland Athletes Prepare for Water Programme and Special Features Will Be Numerous and Novel, Says Watklns. The blearest aquatic meet in the his tory of Northwest competitions, with L,r. than 100 entries for the many events, is the prediction or fran Watklns for the Third Annual Oregon State Championships, the ware r i e aju. .v.. Festival scheduled for rri- day. June 13. . Portland atnieies are .....s the meet, with the entry nsi r to be twice that of last season, but a. yet nothing has been heard from me ut-of-town penormcio. The special races tor pouceiuctt, ... men ana sauors, n - not been definitely aecioea on, pects are flattering for the inclusion f. the reatures in t.ue . i,i .wim. Bov Scouts swim. a rescue act by two of Professor Ca vill's. pupils and Cavill's Monte Cristo sack-diving act have been added to the card. The Multnomah Club instructor was Injured when ne nemp ' feat at the opening of the Woodland bridge but it was the first failure in manv times and he is determined to ry once more, aespue mo frt Chairman Watklns. oi tne aqu.""-'"- mittee. Marie etruDe ana i Hopson will perform the rescue act m street clothes. The fancy diving, wnicn was orist nally announced to consist of two dives, will be in five sections to conform with the Amateur Athletic rules, lnese win be: Back dive, front dive, back nip. front flip ar.d fifth dive optional. Thirty entries are expected tor tnis event, al though Dr. Manlon, winner of last sea son, says that he will retire on his laurels. The regulation championship pro gramme will consist of 100-yard, 200 yard and 500-yard swim, and fancy diving. Lewis Thomas will ietena nis championships in tne luu ana zuu-yro events, while Colllster Wheeler, 600 yard winner last year, will also be an entrant. - The 100-yard handicap is ex pected to bring together tne Danner field of the meet. The greased pole competition will be another popular event of the meet. HOOD RIVER TO HAVE TENNIS Handicap Tourney to Open Season With. Match Play Following. HOOD RIVER, Or., May 24. (Spe cial.) The annual handicap tourna ment of the Benedict Tennis Club will hee-ln here Monday and will continue until Friday, Decoration day, when the finals will be played, ureat interest Is being displayed In tennis this sea son and the club has increased its membership. In the Summer months tournaments will be playea witn ine Dalles, Prinevllle and isend ciuds. The winners of next ween s tourna ment will be presented with handsome trophies. Members of the ciud wno win par- tlclDate in the tournament are. Charles Hall, Frank A. Cram. Murray Kay, E. O. Hall, W. W. Remington, nv W. TS. Youner. Claud Thompson, J, H. Hilbronner, Truman Butler. L. A. Henderson. J. A. Bpping. J. al. uumer- son. Rev. H. A. MacDonald, is. u. bmitn, Harold Herschner, Earl Franz. A. J. Derby, E. A. Franz, Will Baker. Harry T. De Witt, R. B. Bennett and Craw ford C. Lemmpn. MJ 18 WE RESTRING AND KNIGHTS OF The Tennis Court Always Specify WRIGHT & DITSON TENNIS GOODS SUPERIOR STOCK OF RACKETS, BALLS, ETC. Fresh, Lively and Absolutely guaranteed. New Chal lenge Rackets, $6.0O-Star Rackets, $1.00 Just In. rf.patr TENNIS RACKETS Golf Supplies! THE WRIGHT & DITSON kind. Black Circle Baby Balls, used by every professional on the Pacifio Coast. Golf Balls, Golf Clothing, etc. Try the Ivory Faced Drivers and Brassies and get longer drives. Hoot, Mon, Hoot! Baseball Goods! wrtoht & DITSON as usual. Major League Balls K S?. 0arntteeadSSargan.nst ar"1 i TTifrti-m Shoes. Sweaters. ?eS.KyYe S id ng Pad's. Abdominal Supporters T f 'mS. Gloves. Mitts, etc. And they are Fhtrts. Masks. Gloves, junia. guaranteed rigni. GET OUR COMPLETE CATALOG AND GET BUSY ARCHER & WIGGINS ' OAK STREET, CORNER SIXTH STREET. IF YOU TRADE WITH US WE WILL BOTH BE SATISFIED COME IN ANYWAY. 50 60 ON CRUISE Portland Motorboat O.uh Season's First Outing. on CHICKEN DINNER IS GIVEN Telegraphic Sport Briefs CINCINNATI The National Baseball Commission reinstated into good standing Player James Clark', of the Chicago American League Club. Lawrence. Kan. The University of Missouri won the Missouri Valley ten nis championship In doubles. Wood and Schwartz defeating H. Richardson and E. Richardson, University of Kansas, 6-2, 6-2. S-7, 5-7, 8-6. Philadelphia Almost incessant rain for 48 hours left the Philadelphia Country Club at Bala in such a soggy condition that the club, officials post poned the scheduled polo match be tween the British and the All-Philadelphia teams. Detroit J. L. Smith, of Detroit, 67 years of age. champion runner of the Grand Army of the Republic, has mailed to Lieutenant B. H. Young. Louisville, Ky.. commander-in-chief of the Lnited Confederate Veterans, a challenge to be laid before the Southern Veterans at their encampment at Chattanooga next week. Mr. Smith challenges any Confederate" soldier to meet him on the cinder path for a race of any distance from a quarter of a mile to ten miles. The University of Edinburgh was founded in 1582 by charter granted by King Jame, VI of Scotland ' Iowa State Wins on Track." DES MOINES. Ia.. May 24 Iowa State College of Ames won the 21st college track meet here today, scoring sT points. Iowa State Univers ity was second with 29. and Drake University thlrdlth 1 point. The other acorea were- Coe 16. Orlnnell 15. Simpson 4. Highland Park 4 and Cornell L Vkeat H en De Moines, won the state high School meet, held on the same field, with 31 point.. The high -echool men .de better record, than the collegian. In five events. La Crosse Player to Meet. Crosse player, and enthusiasts has been called for Tue.- lay. at :30 P. at tne noiei v.r neliua. Park and. Alder .treets. PORTLAND M0T0EB0ATS ON CRUISE. 7 fi ll Vi V il it:. 1 4 "1 . - m Ahr eVi - ' . X 4S . . - rf ii It K : aiAV f V ,f i iKi4 U 1 t ' First Party Passes Through Oregon City Locks at S o'Clock P. M. Dancing in (Evening Three Races Are on Bill Today. The first cruise of the Portland Mo torboat Club for the 1913 season yes terday brought out the largest repre sentation from the motorboat fleet which has ever taken part in such an event in the Pacific Northwest.. Under guidance of C. W. Boost, com modore of the Portland Motor Club, nearly two score of pleasure mo torboats left promptly at 1:30 yester dav afternoon from the clubhouse for wilsonville. 2i miles up the- Willam ette River, where a two-day amuse ment programme nas ocen ' ""e.-- .v - knetnaoq men of that city. fc A number of entries for this cruise . i.i. n icDVA vesterday, ana were uu'" , v, will make the trip mis mrn"'B Ing Wilsonville in time to Participate in the motorboat races. In which silver trophies will be, presented .to the wln- nThe first party passed through the Oregon City locks at 3 o'clock yester day afternoon. Upon the arrival of the pleasure-seekers at Wilsonville a chick en dinner was served, which was fol lowed by a dance. . , The programme loaay c" motorboat races. There will be a race -boats capable of making 10, lo and 25 n- .n hnnr nnd the winner in each class will be presented with a. silver AntA llV WllSOnVlUC li J o . . - The cruising party is divided 10 13 and 20-mile classes, with two captains in charge ot eacniii. Dr. C. B. Brown and E. von de Werth, head the 20-mllers. lip;o' Welch and Ray King, tne and Captains George Kinnear and C. W. Raynor are in charge of the 10-mi.e boats. .. , '' v.'.. The' following is a nsi oi mo which are participating In. the cruise. The 25-mlIe boats: tiaiei -., by R F. Cox; Naughty Girl, owned by n. a a w.rth: Joker, owned by miv.. Tzatav R. nwned by Dr. C B. Brown; Charmalee. owned b t-. v. Cooper; Sylph, owned by George Ken dal). ,. J, Tiie 15-mile boats: hunny ji.i-. by James B. weicn; uu by J. A. Roaks: Laureate, owned by L. Krani: Matgus. owned by A. r- tiem I: h nert hv Jett brothers; Laurllne. owned by B. E. Merges; Leslie S owned by Leslie s. eeaoroun.. . owned by T. Birdsell; Baby Doll, owned by Harnig & mcKei. !' '' i owned by R. R. King; auKul t LEET PASSING THROUGH LOCKS AT OREGON CITV. cup men into Artisan, owned by Commodore Boost; Florence S.. owned by E. E. Stover; Breeze, owned by W. L- Johnson; Ken tucky, owned by J. McBurnie; Eodis, owned by L. Ricker; Ampere, owned by Twohy brothers; Ickus, owned by A. W . Larsen; Sarah Jane, owned by Bill Knight; Una. owned by J. Davidson; Lotus, owned by Dr. .K. E. Pajunen; Restless, owned by McCarthy & West, Roberta D., owned by F. A. Douty: Vir ginia, owned by F. B. Block; Bingo, owned by F. W Gruno; Reo, owned by F. W. Fogler. . . Seven boats made tne trip iru... gon City. The Swastika, owned by William McFarland. and the Freeda, owned by E. Martin, and boats owned by E T. Carter. B. Bollinger. Ed Reckner. Dr. Rice and William Fors berg will participate. ' GIRLS TO HAVE COMPETITION Indoor Athletic Sleet Will Be Held at Washington High Wednesday. The first girls" Indoor athletic meet m k. hiri Wednesday, commencing t 2:30 P. M.. In the gymnasium ui t.. Washington High School. Miss Jean Wold, director of the department of gymnasium training, is anticipants great success, it is cpcti a number of gooa recoras mm by the girls who will participate ... the high ana Droaa jumpo, v" ing, basketball throwing, nuruie ing, dashes ana relay races. man Hardware Company has offered a cup on which the girls making the highest points will have their names ngraved, and tne cup win uc by the school and aaaea w u ca tion of trophies. This Is the first year ht the local high schools have had gymnasium work, and the attendance at the classes attests to the popularity of the work. a ir,iinr tithletlc meet will be held at Lincoln High School on Thursday. Last Thursday the girls of the latter school took a cross-country wain Lincoln High School to ine wp land Heights and DaCK, maKins n. trip in 30 minutes. MCRPHY WINS PAPER CHASE Finish of Eight-Mile Run Ends In Spurt With Walter Greultcr. Chester Murphy, astride his saddler Ella Hart, won the nnai cioseu. chase of the Poryand Hunt uuu sea son yesteraay in ------ spurt with Walter Greutter. riding Ladv Myrtle. iJJue rvose. a v.j Myrtle's, was ridden into third place by Howard Charlton. W. S. Walter, master of the hounds, r.. uorrv .T. Litt. Miss Cornelia Stan ley Rnd William McCloud laid out the eight-mile course over ..."- ir,o- unfreauented paths, the detour taking the riders io mo i. n. I . v. th. niiarter-mne j a v u afc imuKi . U ftnlch ... Nearly 60 riders participate ... t..-- rhase which was the best attenaea oi the season. The Hunt UIUD oinciais ..- w or nrenarinff lor tuc Spring race meet, which is likely to be held on June ai. iniro.u - previously announcen. 40 BIG GRAF! ENTER Rose Festival Marine Pageant Assurances Increase. Emthns- Nentune. owned Y. TTherhardt: Billiken. owned by Jack M. Tates: Goioen veu by R. B. wain; aic, t. i b- 11- u 1 1 . T-ir,. Rut. owned by F. A- n- vei' i.miii hnnts are: Margar owned by Captain Gray: Tarrow owned bv Foster. Mann & Spicer; Ruth K.. -4 a h, George Kinnear; Raynor .w. W. Raynor; Fay III ; v. RvU: Jug II. owned by j. l Scarth; Anita, owned by H. W. Hall; Lonely, owned by Peter wee f HEADQUARTERS FOR MOTORBOAT SUPPLIES GAS, POWER & SUPPLY CO. 168-172 Front Street. MOTOR FLEET IS IMPOSING 1913 IMver Event, Opening Week at Gaiety, Will Be Best Ever Seen on Willamette,. Thinks Ad miral Cooper, in Charge. At least 40 large river craft, aug mented by an imposing fleet of motor boats, will participate In the Rose Fes tival river pageant, the parade on Monday, June 9. bearing Rex Oregonus, the Carnival King, formally opening, the 1913 Festival. Admiral C. V. Cooper has received such flattering assurances from all sources of representation in the aquatic parade that he predicts that the pa geant will exceed anything of the kind ever witnessed on the Willamette River. At 11:30 A. M. the parade will start from the Portland Flouring Mills, the flagship Rose City In the lead, bearing the Admiral and his staff. Promptly at 12 o'clock noon. Rex Oregonus will be landed at the foot of Stark street from the Sea Otter, H. C. Wortman do nating his yacht for the transportation of royalty. Proper Feellns; Shown. -The Instant response of the trans portation companies and Individual owners of steamships to participate In dicates this far In advance that the river men have the proper feeling this year." says Admiral Cooper ."Some of ihe steamers scheduled to leave here Monday morning will be held back from their regular runs to take part In the parade, thus demonstrating their own ers' and crews' loyalty to Portland, the river and the Rose Festival." Suitable prizes will be offered tor the best decorated boats in each class, and already there are Indications of keen rivalry between owners and crews. As an Instance of this, the crew of the Port of Portland steamer Ock lahama 1ms Its greenery decorations In cold storage. Other crews are falling Into line, determined to win first prize In the marine spectacle. Special Sale of Motorboats AT TV. H. A E. VOX DER WERTH. East End of Morrison Hrtdgc. SOME BOATS AT I.F.SS THAN ONE HALF PRICE. Come and See Them Before They Are Gone. Motor Boat Outfitters Michigan Wheels and Reverse Gears See our 26-foot run about, with 4-cycle, Fay & Bowen speed engine, now being built. ' Tell us if it suits you ; if not, have us build one to suit your order. m aft t. T'-, THE BEEBE COMPANY 46 and 48 Front St. lit -i