The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 25, 1913, Page 10, Image 10

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Committee of 100 Stirs Politi
cal Circles by Commission
ership Indorsements.
Men of Various ClIlng- and Degree
of Apparent Buaineas Ability
Listed In Ien Recom
mended to Voters.
Much Interest haa been aroused In
political circles regarding the report
of the committee of 100, In which U
candidates for Commissioner are In
dorsed for election. Those selected are
TV. U Brewster. T. K. Stoppenbaeh. Will
H. Daly, Robert O. Dleck. George B.
Cellars. C. A. Blgelow. C. C Craig. T. M.
Hurlburt. J. E. Werleln. Marshall N.
Dana, W. H. McMonles and John Drls
coll. George B. Cellars Born In Ohio In
!. Educated In grammar schools.
High school and university. In 18S
went to Kansas and was in the bank
In business until 1SS9. Resigned and
returned home on account of the seri
ous Illness of his father. - Came to
Portland In list. Attended the law
school of the Unlrerslty of Oregon and
was admitted to the bar by the Su
preme Court In June. 1895. Practiced
law elitht years. In 1S01 organised the
Portland Safe Company and In 190 on
account of Its growth assumed active
management of this company. Sold out
In 110S and served as manager until 1910.
Since has been president of the Cellars
Murton Company. Was elected Coun-rllman-at-larga
In 1907 and served with
much credit for four years. Was an
tagonistic to the granting of licenses to
saloons and other places of questlon
sMe character. Was active in the fight
for playgrounds for children. Was
considered a leader In reasonable moral
' issues in the Council. Was outspoken
In his transactions.
Will H. Daly's Career Active.
Will H. Daly Born in Springfield.
Mol. In 19. Educated in private
schools and night schools. Came to
Portland In 190J, after working In vari
ous parts of the United States at vari
ous occupations. Upon hie arrival In
Portland he was employed by The Ore
gonlan as a linotype operator. Later
worked as operator for five years for
the Portland Linotype Company. Two
years ago established Portland Mono
type Company and had success. Is
closely Identified with labor unions,
having been a member of Typo
graphical Union 27 years. Wbs presi
dent of the State Federation of Labor
four yjrrs and served two terms as
president of the Portland Central Labor
Council. His only political experience
has been two years as Councilman,
which position he secured without a
vigorous campaign. Is considered a
safe and successful business man. In
the Council he has been known as fair
to all persons and classes, conservative
In transactions and apparently has had
no special Interest or class to represent.
W. L. Brewster Attorney. Born In
Philadelphia In 186. Educated In the
public schools of Massachusetts and In
Amherst College and the law depart
ment of Columbia University. Prac
ticed law In various parts of the East
until ltL when he came to Fortland.
Has been successful In his practice and
has a good standing In his profession.
Takes an active interest In civic affairs.
Is a member of the Oregon Text Book
ommlsslon. In 1901 was elected di-in-tr
of the Library Association of
Portland and has served in that ca
pacity since Is chairman of the commit
tee in charge of the building of branch
libraries and the development of library
work outside the main building. In
3"10 was made director of the Asso
ciated Charities, which position he still
hold. Was elected secretary of the
Oregon Bar Association In 1910 and still
c-rcupies that position. In 1905 was
made a member of the Civil Service
Commission and served until 1911. Be
came well acquainted with municipal
affairs In this way.
Stoppeabarh Paprr Merchant.
T. X. Stoppenbaeh Born In Wiscon
sin In 18S4. Grammar school educa
tion.' At 14 years of age was engaged
by a paper concern and continued with
this for 10 years. Went from the East
to Taroma In 1890 and engaged in the
paper business there for a year and a
half. Came to Portland In 1891. Or
ganised the Pacific Paper Company and
built up a big business In 1892. Sold
out In March. 1910. Since has been
managing his property Interests. Is
considered a man of good business abil
ity and is a good manager and pro
moter. Has never served in a political
office or been a candidate for public
Dleck; la Convnltlng Ciciarer.
Robert G. Dieck Bom In Philadel
phia In 1876. Educated in public schools
there and the University of Pennsyl
vania. First employed with Board of
Highway Supervisors In Philadelphia
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nd later with Bureau of Filtration,
n 1901 was selected by the Bureau of
Insular Affairs. War Department, as
one of 20 engineers to serve a pro-
Islonal supervisors In Had
D-..t-inr. -i f P!jh 1 Kprved till
end of l?l2. From 1903 to 1905 sfrved
as superinienoeni 01 waici buikij
sewers in Manila, i-rom ivuo 10 u'
was City Engineer of Manila and had
charge of much engineering work.
Was later a member of the Municipal
Board of Manila, similar to a city com
mission, as adopted In Portland. Re-
signed from foreign service in 1907 and
I came to Portland. Cause of resigna
tion Ill-health. Since coming here has
' hoon a nrlvate consulting engineer.
Was member of the committee which
drafted the' Portland plumbing code in
1910-11. Ia considered energetic, effi
cient engineer and an ardent student
of municipal affairs.
C C. Craig Born In Missouri In 1876.
Educated in the grammar school, busi
ness college and preparatory electrical
engineering school. .In the early days
was a collector for telephone companies
in San Diego and went rapidly up the
ladder. Later went to Los Angeles and
had a prominent place with the Home
Telephone Company of that city. Came
to Portland seven years ago and took
position of general manager of the
Northwestern ixng uibiuiii-c i cn-yuuntj
Company. Had unusually good suc
cess and won a name in the telephone
and general business world. Later went
back to California and assisted in the
completion of the Home Telephone
Company system in Oakland and Berke
ley. Returned to Portland and went
Into the . real ' estate business as sales
manager for Hartman & Thompson and
is said to have made a big showing.
His only- political experience was one
term In the Council of San Diego,
which term he" only partially completed
because of the transfer of nis busi
ness to Los Angeles. . .
Drlscoll Is Bank Director.
John Drlscoll General manager Bos
ton Packing Company. Born In Ireland
In 1863. Educated In the grammar
schools. Came to the United States In
1864 with his parents and took up home
In Connecticut, where he lived until
1889, when he came to Portland. Soon
after coming here he went into the
wholesale and retail meat business,
which business he conducted success
fully for many years. Is at present
president and general manager of the
Boston Packing Company. Is a director
In the Hibernla Savings Bank. Was a
member of the. House of Representa
tives of the Oregon Legislature In the
sessions of 1901 and 1907, and In
both made a good record. In 1903
was appointed a member of the Port
of Portland Commission, on which he
served for eight years. Resigned in
1911. In a business way is considered
conservative. Has achieved success.
according' to those who have been
acquainted with - his operations.
Marshall N. Dana Born near New
port, Ohio, 1874. Educated In the pub
lic schools, high schools end several
universities, paying way by working
as carpenter outside school hours.
Went Into newspaper Dusiness, worxea
In various capacities In Dayton, O.;
Huntington and Charleston, W. Va.,
and Kansas City. Came to Portland
In 1909 and became member of the staff
of tire Oregon Journal, serving as
special feature writer. Has headed
many civic betterment campaigns. Is
secretary-manager Greater Portland
Plans Association, president Garden
Contest League, director Portland Ad
Club, -member Progressive Business
Men's Club, North Portland Commer
cial Club and State Board of Immigra
tion. Hnrlbnrt's Career Successful.
T. M. Hurlburt City Engineer. Born
in Iowa. Came to Portland in 1870 and
went through the public and high
schools here. From 1878 to 1885 served
under his father as a civil engineer for
railway companies. From 1886 to 1891
was Surveyor for Multnomah County
and from 1891 to 1896 was City Sur
veyor of Portland. From 1897 to 1907
was United States Examiner of Surveys,
Department of Interior. In 1907 en
tered the city service, becoming City
Engineer two years ago. Has engin
eered many important projects. Includ
ing the making of the original surveys
and Inspections of the Bull Run water
shed and reserve. Has successfully
handled the engineering affairs of the
city without stigma of any kind as
far hi known. Is energetic, painstak
ing and conservative. Was member of
the commission which drafted the com
mission charter.
. J. E. Werleln Born in New Orleans
In 1867. Educated In public schools
there and later In the Unlterslty of
Oregon. Came to Portland In 18S6. For
three vears served as computer in the
Cltv Engineer's department. Later
served as Deputy City Treasurer. Held
office as City Treasurer for ten years.
Rtirvi two vears ago with good rec
ord. Defeated In primary for Mayor
two years ago and then -accepted a
position with the rortiana nauwiy,
Light & Power Company, serving first
as traveling auditor and later as spe
cial aerent. Has represented the com
pany in franchise and other matters. Is
considered a conservative omciai aim
knows the workings of the city gov
ernment. Is well versed in law. Con-
tract with company expires July 1.
Member of Oregon Workmen, Macca
hM. United Artisans. Masons, Shriners,
Cricket Club. Transportation Club, Pro
gressive Business Men s ciud, ao uuu.
McMonles Shows Ability.
W. H. McMonles Born In Canada 49
years ago. Educated in the public
schools of Canada. Came to Portland
with parentu when 18 years of age.
Commenced then to learn the saddlery
trade. Worked at this business for
others until 1885, when he established
a plant of his own on the East Side.
Has built up a good business; is con
sidered a successful business man and
is well spoken of in the business world.
In May, 1912, he suffered a heavy .loss
at his factory by fire, but has re
established his plant and Is having
success. Fine type of business man
and citizen.
C. A. Blgelow Manager for W. H.
Markell & Co. Born in Michigan In
1875. Educated in Eastern grammar
schools and In the high school at
Olympia. Wash. In Olympla, where he
went when a boy, he was employed in
the state printing office. Also engaged
with credit in other lines of work. Came
to Portland In 1894, and accepted a
posttlon with the company with which
ho ia still connected. Is now stock
holder, vice-president and manager of
the company. Was In the Legislature
of 1911 and. served with credit. Was
made a member of Mayor Rushlight's
Executive Board about two years ago
and resigned a few months atter ap
pointment because of friction between
himself and the administration. Has a
good record In the Executive Board.
Was vice-president of the Rose Festival
Association for two years, was presi
dent of the East Side Business Men's
Club. Is considered a good business
man and has strong financial standing.
Don't forget to eat your chicken din
ner at the Oaks Tavern today from 2
to 8 P. M. Our chef will make Sun
day a gorgeous delight. Come. War
ren R. Jackson and his cabaret girls
provide heaps of fun In their song
revue. With Jackson are Misses May
Fern Lucille de Novelle and -Wijl
s Jr-k
. - . i.
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J t m
t T r A
harry c. McAllister
Trained and Qualified
Harry C. McAllister should not be confused with
E. S. J. McAllister, the attorney who was im
plicated in the recent vice scandal.
They are in no wise related.
McAllister Campaign Committee
(Paid Advertisement.)
J. H. Xolut Also Speaker but Rep
resentative Sent by Ralph C. Clyde
Is Xot Satisfactory.
The failure to bring Snodgrass, the
embezzling employe of the water de
partment, back to Portland for trial
was virtually laid at the door of Mayor
Rushlight by Frank W. Winn, a mem
ber' of the Water Board and a strong
supporter of Rushlight for re-election,
Bpeakiiig before the Twelve o'Clock
Club yesterday. Mr. Winn Is a candi
date for Commissioner, and with J. IL
Nolta. also a candidate for Commis
sioner, addressed the club. Ralph C.
Clyde had been scheduled to speak, but
sent a representative, to whom the
members of the club refused to listen,
saying that if Mr. Clyde wished to
speak to them he must appear in per
son. In fixing the responsibility in the
Mavor Rushlitrht.
Mr. Winn said that possibly other
members of the Water Board were con
sulted more than he was on mo nmno.
but that as far as he was concerned
he believed the case had been left en
tirely In Rushlight's hands.
Mr. Winn was asked what he knew
about two miles and two-thirds or
pipe belonging to the water depart
ment that was said to have disappeared.
He said that he did not know about
laai, uuu uia l iw '-.. . . "
load of supplies for the department.
saia. to nave Been mat urtwn
land and St. Johns, had been used for
work on the West Side.
Air. Xoltu gavo an outline of th
manner in which he would conduct the
affairs of the office of Commissioner
in case he should be elected.
Passenger Aent to Open Validating
Offices In Portland.
N. C. Keeran, until, recently city pas
senger agent for the Wabash Railroad
in Chicago, has come to Portland to
take charge of the joint validating of
fice for tho Transcontinental Paxsengor
Association. He will have his head
quarters in the Union Depot. A branch
office will be established at the North
Bank station.
Reduced rate round-trip tickets from
Eastern points to the Northwest went
on sale on May lt. They will be good
until October 31 and the local office
will remain open until tnat time.
Passenger men expect a steady tour
ist movement through Portland this
year. Portland, for the last few years,
has led every city on the Coast with
the exception of 8an Francisco In the
number of tickets validated.
Two Held on Lottery Charge.
On a charge of selling lottery tickets.
Louie Sam and Chun Pack. Chinamen,
were arrested at 82 North Second
street yesterday afternoon by Deputy
Sheriffs Rogers. Curtis and Lumsden.
The officers say they Interrupted pro
ceedings as a drawing was being held.
A quantity of lottery tickets and some
cash was seized and is being held as
evidence. At the County Jail there
were taken . off the Chinamen by Jailer
Grafton three certificates of deposit
aggregating $3200 and $47.10 In gold
and silver.
(Of Pmrrlnk. Wotklnn Co.)
When you think "Commissioner," think "Watkins." When you
vote for "Commissioner." vote for "Watkins."
Qualified. to serve you capably by 20 years' successful business
experience and four years' experience in Portland's municipal affairs
as Councilman. "Ask any unbiased citizen who knows."
FRANK E. WATKINS, For Commissioner
Ballot No. 63
(Paid Ad-vertiseroeat.)