TIIE SUNDAY OKEGONIA PORTLAND, MAY 4, 1913. 12 REAL ESTATE. w bale J srmfc I OFFER TOU MT IMPKOVED FARM FOR $J5 PER ACRE A typical Willamette Valley farm In all reapecta. coniinii( lioO acres, located on a main county road 10 nuies nortn of Corvalila and 2V miles from the Weal Side It. R. lin that la now being elec trified. Ail good flrst-claae aoll. adapta ble to various use, eucn aa general farming, dairying, atock raising, etc. or would make a splenoid auh dlvlelon proposition. Ovtr 3oo acrea now in crop, balance open pasture and timber. Karm la watered by good running creek, several spring and aelL 18 head of cattle. horses, all kinds of farm marhinery. masons, names, etc.. besidta the crop go with place. There !a a good modem ?-roora house, familv u.-churd and 3 barna. Place la a'H lenced and cross lenced. I will make very reasonable terms' on this farm. Might accept good In come pruperty as part payment. Pictures and romplete data can be s-en and had at my ofTice, -4:12 Cnamiier of Commerce bldg. Main 8. X. STEELE. Owner. OREliuN FARMS THAT ARE UURTll ThK MONEY. $13.50 PtiR Antt 160 acres, t, mile from It. R- station, close to boaliandmg. good 4-room house, cement basement and cement apple cel lar, good water, about loud cords of wood on toe place, so to sd acres of good farm land, balance pasture land, small tract of cleared land, aooul 50 acres easily cleared and put In cultivation. $12.5l per acre: 3i0 will handle this place. liPER ACRE. 1 acres, mostly all saw tlmiier, but a lot of good a ail bottom land when cleared. 3 miles from station. 34 miles from Portland, half cish. balance to suit at per cent: tins is a snap. $20 PER ACRE. 80 acres, 4 milea from ataiton. atore and postofflce. close to school, on good county road and only milea from ttanka; half cash. $30 PER ACRE. 4S aires close to Ranks, on county road. t acres in bearing orchard, small house. lot of good cedar on pace; tnia is cer tainly worth the money. 111A PKIi AfRE. 40 acres, house, barn, good orchard and "S acres under liian. state of cultivation; a aires of timber, on county road, milk route. 2 miles from ltanks; tnis is cneap. GUT D. BELL, 50i Henry Blag. i-T( v ' u" A'n fiRAIN RANCHES. 8-1) acres near Goldendale. best part of Klickitat County, on good road, running water, fair 4-room house, barn and out buildings. J.", hearing fruit trees, telephone. R. F. U.. This place, with all farm tools and stock, goes for .!u per acre; win take araall piace as part payment. tUO ACRES, near Roseburg, Oregon; all tillable land but fw acres, most of which is fine bot tom land; does not overflow; 200 acres In fine state cultivation, good well of fine water. 5 living springs, running water in the pasture, good 8 -room house. 2 good barna, fenced and crosa-fenced with woven wire, on good auto road. Thia is Ideal stock ranch, best of soil, no rock or gravel, only 9 miles from Roseburg. $3O.0ii will take It. and owner will take Jlo.000 In Portland property or acreage near Port land. THI3 WEEK'S BIG BARGAIN. 80 acrea only MGtio: 10 acrea In culti vation, fair 5-room houae and other out bulldinga; thia will not laat; coma Quick If you want It. ATKINSON ft GILBERT. 11S West 6th at., Vancouver. Washington. FARMERS AND SPECULATORS READ THIS I have 162H acrea rich red shot aoll, 60 acrea In apring grain. 50 acrea In open lump pasture aeeded, old house and barn, small bearing; orchard, fine apring and living creek, balance good piling, all fenced, which Is located In one of the nicest parta of the Willamette Valley; ad joining property actually selling from $73 to JUKI per acre with similar Im provements. This la the biggest buy In the valley at 40 per acre. $2300 cash handlea It. Balance long time at 6 per cent. An unusual chance to double your money. T12 Lewis bids. Marshall 42u0. A 71 5. . DANDY STOCK RANCH. 300 acre on Yamhill River, 4 milea from town of Wlllamlna and railroad, extension of which will go by this land aqd construction of which will be start ed within 30 days. Good' county road with R- F. D., close to school and 2 miles to store. Finest kind of soil, part bottom and 150 acrea under cultivation. luO acrea more cleared and So acres In good aaw timber, aawmlll within 1 mile. Good apring water, one 9-room and one 5-room house. 5 barns and other neces sary outbuildings. Land all under fence except timber. A bargain at $."0 per acre; S50OO or less cash, balance long time at tl per cent. KACFFMANX ft MOORE. 315 Lumber Exchange. SHERMAN COUNTY 1671 acres, rallroaa and creek on farm, bulldinca and fencing cost over. $20. Ooo, some stock and machin ery, too In crop, all goes with place: farm all fenced and cross fenced with hog wire: $3o per acre, best of terms at 6 per cent. Wasco County, 204)0 acres, creek and R. R. station on farm, 30 acres Irrigatea. fine buildings. (0 In crop, aII with place, good line machinery, $33 per acre, con sider payment in other property up to S1.V000. elegant terms at 6 per cent. These are high-class farms, and yield from 23 to 40 bu. per acre. L. K. MOORE. BIT Board of Trade. Portland. Or. FINE DAIRY RANCH SACRIFICED. No better buy In the Upper Willamette Valley; 2DJ acres; 111 miles from Eu gene; 2u miles from railroad town on S. p. cut-off; SO acres fine bottom lsnd In cultivation: 60 acres more slashed, bal ance small timber. Very beat of soil. 4 good aprlnga. running creek, email house, large barn, family orchard in bearing; no waste land; must sell at once. Price $30 per acre cash. LUEDDEMANX, Rl"l,KT ft CO.. 11:1 chamber of Commerce. A. BARGAIN. Fine farm of 240 acres, all tn cultiva tion, all good land; good new s-room bur.galow. new barn 52XSO; five miles from good town: railroad switch adjoin ing place. This is one of the best farms In the Willamette Valley, and can bo divided Into 40-acre tracts, giving a fac ing of each tract to the county road, if necessary terms can bo flven. but will consider no trade. Price $70 per acre if taken soon. Call on or w-rite J. V. Pipe, 2"3 W. 2d at.. Albany, Or. 20 ACRES within 20 milea of Portland. 4 milea from electric canine, near Vancouver. Waah. Very good black aoll. good apring and well water, about 7 acrea under cultivation. 14 acrea elaaned and more easily cleared; about 10 acrea of timber. 6-room house; good barn and outbuildinga; family or chard: land lies particularly well, all tilla ble; price $3000. (500 cash, balance to suit at 7 per cent. KAt'KFM ANN ft MOORE. 323 Lumber Exchange. 20 ACKEn. $4' PER ACRE. EASY TERMS. Near Castle Kock. Washlncton walk ing distance from railway station, one-half mile fiom boat landing. Goad soli, some very eaailv cleared; no waste land. This Is an unusual chance to get a piece of land on very easy payments and will make a fine home. CBAPIX-HKRbOW MTG. ft TRUST CO.. 332 Chamber of Commerce. 1; ACRES, rear Oregon Eiectric Ry.; this Is a beautiful little farm near the Wil lamette River: it haa running brook and 10 acres of choice beaverdam land; build lnga are on the property and everything Is readv for crop. Is offered at a bar gain. Call TO Chamber of Commerce hide. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 160 acres. 2 miles north of Dallas. Or.: best of fruit land, 6 acrea orchard, nil klnda of fruit and berries; on county road and telephone: 6-room house, barn; springs, cased well; farming tools: $12.0tHi, half cash or farm to $000. A. W. Arm strong. Dallas. Or. ONE of the best farms in Yamhill County at only $50 per acre; 100 acrea in cultiva tion. AO acres of timber. Good fi - room farm house, large barn and lt acrea of orchard. Owner will consider some trade. Call on or address COLL-MHIA TRUST COMPANY, Portland. Oregon. OR EGO N ELECT R I C. 914 acres at Orenco. 4 blocks from the station; board walk; good 5 -room house and outhouses: place all under cultiva tion. Price $2350, one-half cash, balance on terms at H per cent. CALL AN ft KASER, 722-24 Yeon bldg. 40 ACRES NEAR LINNEMAN $14 an acre, about 1 V milra aouth of Cotton station: logged off, aome open paa ttire, fine apring water; $ looO cash, bal ance 6 per cent: no more at this price. JACOB HAAS, 3uS Gerllnger Bldg. 200 ACRES of atump land. 24. milea cen ter of Falls City. $12.30 pt-r acre; will subdivide and sell on easy terma. METER INVESTMENT CO.. 606 Henry Bldg. Mar. S7S2. SEAID H. Oregon One choice lot. 50xltK. cloaa to beach. Inquire 3u3 Medical bldg. REAi ESTATE. For Sale 1 arms. INTERESTING FARM TALK. THIS IS WORTH IMMEDIATE ATTEN TION. 320 acres of very best kind of land and Irrigated: It adjoins the limits or a good prosperous and progressive county seat town in Oregon; It would make one of the best farms in the state or as a plat ting proposition It positively cannot be duplicates; furthermore It Is offered at a Drice that would enable one to maae xv times the amount inveated. consequently as an Investment or as a farm It Is wortn Immediate attention: u0oo will handle the proposition; in this 1 can show you some thing that will certainly be Interesting. 120-ACRE FARM CLOSE BY. This farm la located within 17 miles of Portland on a fine automobile road; the soil is the very best quality of red-shot and will produce any Willamette alley crops in abundance; there is a running stream across the side of the ranch w:tii vhiih sufficient horsenower can be de veloped to operate a sawmill or other macuinry. and also an electric light plant flier is a familv orchard, and crops al reaiiy put la; $123 per acre will get tr.ls Dlsce with crop in. also stock and other personal property; you snould remember the stream of water across this place auua several thousand dollars to its vaiue; can give terms on part, CO ACRES NEAR PORTLAND. 40 acres. 1-3 in actual cultivation, not one foot of waste land: only a few min utes' ride on a fine road from Portland; can give easy terms on part. J 314-ACRE STOCK RANCH. S14 acres, located 3S miles from Port land and only 2 miles from station; more than half In cultivation: good family or chard; only per acte; will give time on part; this will make a fine stuck and dair; ranch. I make a specialty of farms In the Willamette Valley and have them of various sixea and locations. If you are interested, call or write J. E. Smith, 414 Cnamber of Commerce, rortianu, ur. ALL. INDICATIONS POINT TO BUMPER CROP $2000 SHOULD BE CLEARED FROM THE TREES ALONE THIS YEAR 25 acrea. all the very best of aoll, 10 acrea in full bearing orchard, 8 acrea In cultivation, balance in brush, all fenced and cross-fenced; small old house and i.hle 4 miles from good town of 600 and 1 mUe from R. R. and electric station. The value of the orchard alone la more than the price of $50U0 lor the entire tract. S. N. STEELE, Owner. 452 Chamber of Commerce. Main 253. STOCK RANCH. ir..10 acres. Umatilla County, all under f.?nce; acres hog-wlre. l'K acres un der cultivation, more easily cultivated; 05 cows. 15 steers. 2i yearlings, calves, 2 bulls. 14 hogs. 00 shoats. 20 horses, 100 chickens and all kinds of farm Implements go with the place; running stream all the 3ear: 5 never-falling springs: fine et of buildings; 2.0U0.WO feet yellow pine. Un fortunate circumstances the only reason for aelllng. Thia investment will make a man Independent in a few years. Price $-,500. Vi cah, balance easy terms. CALLAN & KASER, 722-24 Yeon bldg. LITTLE DAIRY FARM. 40 acres n Lewis Co.. Wn., 1 mile from the famous Klaber hop ranch. Splendid soil: fine large creek crosses; several acres of genuine beaverdam land along thia creek. About 8 acrea in cultivation; several acres now In growing crop oata vetch and wheat; 15 acrea alashed and burned, balance aecond growth timber. Land la eaay to clear; no large atumpa. Comfortable honae, barn, woodhouae, chicken-house. Abundance of good free outrange. 1 mile from school, large atore and duily milk route; 4 milea from rail way atatlon; level hard aurfaced road nearly all the way. Cloae to neighbora. 1 cannot look after thia place and must sell at once. Immediate poasesaion; good title; very eaay terma If you are looking for a snap. Investigate. Address owner, AL 36, Oregonian. . ATTENTION. Tou farmers who, have been wearing hip boots for .the past six months, come and see us. We can help you out of the mud. We have the soil mixed with sunshine and moisture In right proportions to produce the finest crops of wheat, barley, alfalfa and vegetables at prices and terms that are right. We do not charge for climate, but can sell you almost any sized tract of land you may desire In Klickitat Coun ty, Waah., or Morrow County, Or., at prices ranging from $15 to $30 per acre. Write or call for further information. HUMPHRY ft CRISP, 837 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. Oregon. 88 ACRES IN POLK COUNTY 220 acres in cultivation, all In crop, 100 acres good timber, balance rolling pasture land: most of It can be culti vated; several springs, running water, water piped to house and barn, new barn with stalls for 44 cows, fair 6-room house, many outbuildings. Price 150 per acre In cluding crops and hay on hand; stock at Invoice; 63 head of oovts. heifers, calves; 10 head horses. 20 hogs, chickens, etc.; all kinds of machinery; Income $200 month for cream alone; an ideal dairy groposltion; $.1000 to $4000 cash will andle; will take good city property as part pavment. balan-je terms. GRUS.SI ft BOLD3, 318 Board of Trade, 4th and Oak. 40 ACRES, $S00. And $500 cash will handle. Located In Cowiltz County. Waahlngton, 52 milea from Portland. miles from railway, near Kelso; on county road, with R. F. D., ex cellent soli, no rock or gravel, good spring water: also fine trout stream through land: land Ilea rolling, with about 23 acres of good tillable land: balance pas ture: about 3 acres In garden and 8 acres cleared and seeded to timothy and clover; young orchard of about a dozen trees, set out 1110. also berries: new shingle bouse, 16 by 24. not quite completed, log cabin 14 by 20, barn and outbuildings. A snap. KAl'FKMAN.V ft MIRJEE, 325 Lumber Exchange. YOU Have Always Wanted a HOME ON A NICE STREAM. I have in acres, practically ALT. IN CULTIVATION, fronting on the Tualatin River. No better land In Washington County. NICE ORCHARD all klnda ot fruit. Large two-story house and oul build'nes. On t:iatn county road, R. F. D. and phone line, close to electric station. I am old. sick and alone and must selL 1 want for thia nice little home and will rive good terma. Addreas owner, AH 37, Oiegoman. 310-ACRE FARM SACRIFICED. An Improved farm of 310 acrea 43 milea from Portland and only 14 milea from atation on s. P.. on good macadam road: 100 acres In cultivation, balance pasture and timber, but practically all good. The aoll la the beat, running water, fine Im provements, Including good houae. Tele phone and R. F. D. Price $56 per acre on good terma LUEDDEMANN", RULET ft CO., t13 Chamber of Commerce. FORTY-ACRE DAIRY FARM NEAR PORTLAND. Forty acrea richest kind ot land, splen didly watered: ranch house; half mile to depot: 25 miles from Portland; 10 acres now In vetch and oats; 5 Holsteln cows: solendid cnance for man wanting small dairy; a big bargain; $4000; pay $1000 down,; ranch will pay the balance Itself. C. W. Davti ft Co., tiOB Commercial block, Portland. VALLEY RANCH. 100 acres. v acres bott f 1 land and In cultivation. In crop, clo.. wheat, oata and vetch ; fenced, good s-room house, btg barn, one mlie to a good town and eiectric line. Yamhill County; price $U. SOti; one-third cash, balance time $ per cent; can move right in and make money Iron tie start. eachreat, CHAPIN-H ERLOW MTG. ft TRUST CO. 333 Chamber of Commerce. FARM SNAP. $75 per acre. rt cash, balance to suit for 100 acrea of the richest bottom land on the Willamette, with boatlandlng; ab solutely a real bargain; ask for particu lars. , , We have all kinds and sizes ot farms from 1 acre up to 2O,00t acres In a bunch: we give good value for your money and a square deal to everybody. K. FUCHS. 420 Chamber of Commerce. SPECIAL ATTENTION. A dandy little dairy, fruit and poultry farm on S year's time, with 6 per cent Interest. First payment tn 4 yeara. Al most all In a high atate of cultivation. On Oregon Electric, 6 miles south of Sa lem at $1."0 per acre. Call on or addreaa COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Portland, Oregon. FARM BARGAINS. 150 acrea Yamhill County; 65 acrea cul tivated; buildings; $68 per acre, easy terma 40 acrea Clackamas County; 32 acrea In crain: $05 per acre, haif cash. Owner. " J. OLSEN. Marshall 428. 618 Chamber of Commerce. WHEAT LAND FOR RENT. Will rent to responsible party for five vearc or less. 1700 acres of good wheat land, located convenient to railroad. In Morrow County. Oregon. Addreaa owner, 272 Stark at. Phone Main 037. FOR SALE Farm 119 acrea, bottom land, all fenced: vood 7-roora house, large barn. nnr echool and railroad atatlon; price $2250. Covey, 267 Oak, room 21. REAL ESTATE. For bale Fftrma. MOST FESD OK ANY SPOT IN STATE" That's a common expression Ly thoae coming to Loa .Vollnoe from other parts of California. While stock Is suffering for feed In other localities. Los Mollnos has thousands cf acres of burr clover, ai fillerllla. wild oats and other succulent grasaea. You can nee thia pasture FRETS lf your cows are without fe.d where you are. come to Los Mollnos and get a tract of land and take advantage of the free pasture. PI11 Plenty of moisture on the ground. Fine rain last week and it's raining this week. Alfalfa can be seeded for thirty days or s:x weeks vet and will make two or three tons per acre this year. Next year it will make eight or ten tons per acre. M . Many farmers took $150 worth of hay per acre from their land laat year more than the coat of the land, Kay now worth 14 per ton and will be higher tnis year. I'.est Irrigation project In California gravity Irrlcation. enough water during year. Including ralntall, to cover land OJ Inches deep. SoM 20 feet deep silt loam. Ai: the cons ou want furnished on butter tat paments. Select and larga.n for your own cow-awe provldo the money. Wo have a lew hundred acres of cheap land, aome as low as $1S an acre wlto water right, which we will close out within the next few weeks. It's a rare opportunity for the man o. small means to get a start. Only one-tenth cash, balance on practl' cai.y your own terms, bee us about this today. TfcLRY Ai HARRIS. 311, 312. 313 Yeon Bldg. Portland, Oregon. Or wrlto LOS MOLINS LAND COMPANY. Los Mollnos. Cal EXTRAORDINARY FARM BUY. ISO acres. 5 miles from Corval lls. $lf.000; $2500 cash, 10 to 15 years on the Lalance. Railroad and electric lines touch the farm; 50 acres in crop, mostly oats. 2 acres old orchard, cherries, apples, pears, prunes, plums; 00 acres ready to plow, balance second growth oak, 15 to 25 cords per aero. Sells $1.75 to $2 a cord. Good spring, 2 wells, winumlll. .1000 gal. tank, water piped to houso, barn, hoghouse and ard, outside fenced woven wire. Has modern 8-room house, halls, bath, toilet, fireplace, bookcases. desk closets, window boxes, house newly furnished and all furniture included. As fine as any city home and ready to move Into. Yard Is shaded with beautiful trees, oak, almond, maple, fir. cher ries unil walnuts, within 300 feet of rural mall route. Cream route, tele phone, milkhouxe. vegetable cellar, washhouse, tenant-house, woodshed, poultry-house and yard of two acrea This is an A-l dairy farm none better In Benton County. Owner has 70-acre orchard adjoining this which requires all his attention. Will sell to some good reliab.e man for $2"r00 cash and give him from 10 to 15 years on balance. Buy this and make It worth from $300 to J5U0 an acre In 10 years. Let us tell you more about It. 1X.P.R E. KEASEY & CO., 2d floor Chamber of Commerce bldg. HIGHLY Improved ranch, only about 30 milea from Pnrtland. W mile from North Yamhill; 133 acres, all in cultivation but 8 acres; fine new buildings, one of the best buys In the entire district; price $115 per acre, H down, your own time on the balance, or will' take fortianu nouse ai first payment. STOCK AND GRAIN RANCH. lOSO-acro stock ranch, located In I'mi tllla County, with 400 acres In cultiva tion. also outrange for 350 head of cattle one of the best buys In the state; price only $13.50 per acre, 1-3 cash, balance your own time. STOCK AND GRAIX RANCH. 17 4,00 acres. located In Umatilla County: 4000 acrea In Fall grain, about e5 per cent farm land, baiance good pas ture land; complete set of buildings. See map and description at office. Price $15 per acre, i cash, balance terms. SMITH-W1LLOUGHBY CO., Phone Main 8770. 90 Fifth at. ALFALFA FARM. THE FINEST ALFALFA FARM IN THE WEST; CONDITIONS IDEAL; ABUNDANCE OF WATER, WITH 80 rlORSBPOVVER DEVELOPED WATER POWER, GOOD BUILDINGS, ALL STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS. FINE ROAD. EX CELLENT MARKET CONDITIONS; 240 ACRES SAM NORTON, 7 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. HIGH-CLASS DAIRY FARM consisting of nearly 400 acres; complete sanitary dairy equipment. Will now pay 12 per cent on the lnveatment, with an Increasing business. Modern poultry buildings, completely stocked with good laying hens; hogs. Percheron and BelBian mares; value of land and buildings, $75, 000 in addition to stock and equipment at Inventory value. Fine Investment. Own er unable to give time to growing busi ness. Would consider exchange for Port land property. Deal direct with owner. G 34, Oregonian. TIMOTHY AND WHEAT LAND One-half section, near Calgary, Alberta, Improved farm, 125 acrea cultivated. 00 acres In timothy, 15 acres wet hay land, balance good farm land; large house, barn, sheds for 1O0' cattle, chickenhouse, graln ery, well, steel tower, windmill and tank, alt fenced and cross-fenced; price $3t per acre. Will consider modern resi rence, fruit land or apartmenthouse. See or write Mrs. C, 213 Board of Trade. POULTRY and GARDEN. 5 acres. ALL IN CULTIVATION; splen did soil, no rock or gravel; lays flue, with gentle slope to south, FINE CREEK crosses corner: some A-l garden land along this creek: fine neighborhood; on main county road, R. F. D., phone line; close to school, store and electric station, only 11 niiies from Portland. This will make an ideal home. I must dispose ot this land at once and will make very easy terms. Price $1250. Address owner, AJ 40. Oregonian. LAST CHANCE, to buy a small fr.rm of 17 acres, at station, on Estacada Electric R. R.. near Gresham. All in cultivation, fine 10 room house, barn and other outbuildings, about 9 acrea of young commercial or chard, aome bearing; small atream thrpugh place: all planted to crop; near achool and church; atock and all Implements, all for $5750. G. S. Smith & Co., 432 Cham ber of Commerce. A REAL PICK-UP. 18 acres, one hour's ride from Portland, all In crops, new house, barn and chicken houaes: only ' mile station, store, P. O. and school. Only $3000. Act quick. c. c. SHAW ,-., ' 73 6th St. 800 ACRES, YAMHILL COUNTY, at $25 per acre, on easy terms; good improve ments, good soil and surrounded by im proved fruit farms; a splendid combined ranch at about half lta value. Full par ticulars at 510 Rothchlld bldg. Ido-ACRE dairy farm In Tillamook Coun ty: good bulldlnga. 65 acres bottom land, orchard, stream, gravity water system; price has been $ntMM; about to be fore closed: will sell for $4500. a 40. Oro gonlan. 62 ACRES at The Dalles: new buildings. 8 acres In young orchard: will sell $1000 less than valuation; terma Write Eliza beth A. Brooks. Rainier. Or. FOR SALE by owner, 32r-acre farm. 20 mile from Portland, near Oregon Elec tric; part clear; atock and Implements if wanted; terms. AT 3l. Oregonian. CALL for list Benton BLUE RIBBON) Co. lands and city property In live college town. MIDDLEKAl'FF ft YOUNG. BEN TON CO. BANK. CORVALLIS. OREGON. FARM, 100 ACRES, CHEAP. Extra fine soli, near Forest Grove; worth $125 an acre, will sacrifice for $05, ha'f cash. Dlehl. 1O70 East Morrlgon. $2"0 WILL buy 160 acres In Lincoln Coun ty. 4 miles R. R-: cash or terms. AJ 30, Oregonian FOR SALE Klickitat Co., wheat, alfalfa and fruit lands Alberta; wheat forma J. D. Cook. Goldendale. Wash. BARGAIN 28 acres. Improved. Willamette Valley; will divide; easy terma A3 3S, Oregonian. FOR wheat, alfalfa and stock ranches, write M. Fltzmaurlce. Condon. Or. MiM-ellaneoua. SACRIFICE SALE OF A BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME. Ten acres. 15 minutes' auto ride from Portland: beautiful new bungalow, every modern convenience, steam heat, fireplace, hot and cold running water in all rooms; 6-year-old orchard, all kinds of fruit. It Is hard to describe what a beautiful place this la It must be sold by Wednesday. If you are Interested, will take you out In our auto Monday. Look It over and make us an offer. It stands the owner $15,000. R, H. GOODK1ND CO.. INC., 401-2-3 WILCOX BLDG. COR. 6TH AND WASHINGTON. LIST your chicken ranchea and real estate with us. What have you to sell or trade? We have some good buys on Oregon Elec tric Ry R. T. Green. 207 Salmon. A 7033. BARGAIN Choice Irvington lot, part cash or cheaper lot. 63 acres Improved, close to station. $4000. cash. Lock box 67, Salem. REAL ESTATE. Miscellaneous. ' IfOR SALE A good auto business with a line of one of the best cars manufactured, in a live town and in a good location; n- Ki r.nslF KonlneSH and eeta eood rental from local autos. This Is a chance for cixul live business man. Reason for Belling, death of partner and manager. Look this up at once. $2500. Can give good terms if well secured. 40-acro farm. 5-room house, 2 barna; V. ro.-lr road: R. F. D.. family orchard, henhouse and park. 36 acres in cultivation: rolling land. Handy loam; npin. u-ntfp prpli across corner. A bar gain at $o000; $2U00 cash, balance to ault purchaser. WHITE & CO.. Real Estate, 705 First St. .Newberg, 01 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Notice is nereDy given that hv virtue of an order of sale issued out of the Superior Court of the State of Washington, the unaersignea, ua.m;i l.iminr of the estate of J. J. Attrldge, deceased, wiii receive sealed bids for the sale of the following properties; Lot 3. block 6. Creston Add., Vancou ver, Wash.; a small house on thia Lots 3 and 4 of Fruit Lawn, all In bear ing prune orchard (20 acres). Lot 12. Fourth Piain Homestead Lots, 20 acres, all cleared and 5 acres orchard. Bids will be received for any of these tracts to May 10. 1U13. Ten per cent of the price must accompany the bid, re mainder on confirmation of sale. R. L. Wechner, administrator. Orchards, Wash. FOR SA1.K TIVHF.K lANMI. I AM offering timber claims for sale in the following townships, ana lr you are in terested in any of them I will furnish further particulars: 1 N, 45 E: 2 N, 41 E; 3 X, 40 E. 5 N. 15 E; 7 N, 2 E. 5 N. 0 W; 15 N, 6 W; 17 N. 8 W. 13 R 3 E. 10 S. 5 W; 15 S. 8 and 9 W: 17 S. 9 W; 21 s, 9 w; 2S S, 8 w: 30 s, 1 ana o w, AE 31, OREGONIAN. OOVF.RNMENT TIMBER. Do you want 160 acres of Government timber cruising from six million to ten million feet? This opportunity awaits those who have n onnf.l timber rleht. No connection whatever with suit pending between the Government and O. ft C. K. rt. t-o. Strictly legitimate business proposition. Address for lull particulars. Box 215, Rose burg. ur. TIMBER. 40.000.000 feet tie and piling, 800 acrea, .In. In &'.- ai're oo.oooloou aaw timber, 1600 acrea; price 80c J. W. MORGAN, Corvallls. AN A-l location for a tie mill located on s. P. R. H. A4 mile from main line, south of Glendale. About eight million feet of red fir. Can be had cheap. Address or call on A. H. Goddara, situ weiaier si-. city. SAW MILL MEN, ATTENTION! 100 acres fine piling and larger timber stumpage. suitable for tie or small lumber mill; mile from R. R.. within 30 miles Portl-nd. B 32, Oregonian. CHEAP 100 acres heavy fir timber. In western part of Lano County, good Invest ment, Address A. Cole, 321 S. 1st at., Port land, or. BY owner. 12.000,000 feet of green timber, Clatsop County. Oregon. Inquire or write E. C. Johnson, lain ana jxauimai. couver. Wash. CHEAP FOR CASH 160 acres land and 2.500.000 nemlock and spruce, Ciatsop County. Oregon. X 26,' Oregonian. rf-T-LfTaWU T IVIVI BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN. 804 McKay Bldg. CHEAP STUMPAGE Ideal location for tie mill, stream run ning to R- R. spur No. 75 Sth at. WANTED TTMBEBLAXD3. WILL buy pine timber claims, where s;vJ"a- can De secureu 111 nti...G ivv & . . . j . - - -' Oregonian. FOB REST FARMS "SACRIFICE" BALE. DAIRY, STOCK AND .EQUIPMENT. MAKE OFFER ON THIS. REAL ESTATE OR STOCK GEN. MER CHANDISE OF MERIT CONSIDERED PART TRADE. A "MONEY-MAKER," WILL PAY 20 PER CENT OR BETTER. DAIRY. STOCK AND HOG RANCH, 840 ACRES. NEARLY 300 IN CROP. FOR RENT VERY CHEAP, LONG LEASE (NEAR PORTLAND). PERSONAL PROPERTY. COWS. HORSES. HOGS, MACHINERY, FULL NEARLY NEW DAIRY AND RANCH EQUIPMENT. FOR SALE AT "POSITIVE SACRIFICE." MUST BE SOLD. OTHER BUSINESS REQUIRES OWNER'S TIME. ABOUT $4000 CASH WILL HANDLE, BALANCE LIBERAL TERMS. INCOME OVER $11000 PAST YEAR; CAN EASILY BE DOU BLED. ADDRESS OWNER. IT. T. EDWARDS. P. O. BOX 222, PORTLAND. EQUIPPED FARM TO RENT. 60 acres, line dairy farm, 1H miles from Deer Island station: 35 acres high state of cultivation, balance fine pasture, with running water; good 4-room house and barn, on gravel road; $2O0 rent for farm and reasonable rent for horsea, cowa and farming Implements. LUEDDEMANN, RCLEY ft CO., s 1 1, . Cum m orfP vio i lit 1 ii a ua WILL, rent four acres in Fairv.ew, fin run. , . .. k, Irtta nf fruit. n,iv. nins ., "VT.,7,. ,h etc.; riKni in ciij , Call 350 Alder st. This place la only 12 miles east 01 rumauu. 50 ACRES, one of the best small farms In western - - on R. R. to Sound; stock and tools in cluded. t.VX'O. Tate. Main 5845. 10-ACRE ranch, near car and macadam road, DUUumgs. uerne, ciu, plowed, ready to plant, Apple, 020 Henry bldg. 2hi ACRES, with modern 5-room bungalow. chicken houses, nerries, etc., -o. f 11 mou Station. Sit, Scott car. E. 4150. TO LEASE, 00 acrea, all plowed, atock, etc., for sale, eignt mnes irum roi"i gain. AP 3D, Oregonian. FOR RENT 5 acres at Mt. Tabor, all In cultivation, aiarsnaii wm FARM near Gresham, good improvements. Phone Marshall --tO inorouia. t-veonio. FOR RENT 20S acres with stocks. Wash ington L O. 31.1 l.namper V- onuiieri,-c. FARMS WANTED. FARMERS, ATTENTION. We have several- clients for Improved or partially Improved farma ranging from 60 to 10O acres with or without stock and machinery; must be close to transporta tion and have good living atream the year around and located In the Willamette Val ley or Clark County. Wash.; send us full description of your place with price and terms If you are anxious to aelL . THE HARBOLT REALTY CO., INC.. 710-718 Lewis Bldg., Marshall 4200. A 7158. WANT good stock farm, partly Improved; ... v. ti nnrt- miKF have w 111 . pay ' n " " y ... - - - good buildings, stock. Implements and fences; client waiting; describe all la first letter to save time. KUPPER ft HUMPHRY. 212-13 Chamber of Commerce. FARM wanted up to $10,000. Will give back mortgage ror iun amount, pjrnu In ten equal Installments. F 82, Ore gonian. WANTED 5 to 10 acres on Oregon Elec tric; must be a uargaiu. j. a- Railway Exchange. WANTED TO RENT FARMS, AN experienced farmer would like 800 to 160O acres in eastern uresuii n.Dii Ington. with stock and machinery fur nished. E. W. Wantier, 1009 Congress at., Portland. Or. WANT to rent or buy on easy terms about 6 acres, with bulldlnga, southeast of city limits. AV 897, Oregonian. WANTED RBAi. ESTATE. LARGE body of land, "logged off or burnt over, that win uo tor o aatry, etc. j WANT to buy modern home, with large yard. $750 cash ana sjo per moniii. un Illll PSTOL-UHII3. p .. , 1 ,,. , ta, a llmonrw ftom. down. I 1L1. uuy iui ... from 12 to 25 minutes' ride, if price is right. B 33. Oregonian. CLIENT has all cash for 1 acre snap on Oregon tJilV line mm Bioc vjan . - . . A. Ruff, 823 Chamber of Commerce. WILL BUY EQUITY In Laurelhurat; will aeal wim unuci .j. - - - O 091 nrivT acre home, close In; must be cheap. will pay too uou. ' . - rated lot on easy terms. R 44. Oregonian. WANT Portland property for a good farm. B. KUPPenoeuuei , WILL buy $2500 to l.iout" nouse near jouet- son Mlgn c-cnooi. 0-0 . ".o. WAN T ED To buy Beaverton acreage, 10 . , ., 1. AT Oreronlan, -K mi. wtrt WANT to sell out everything I have; my property la well-bought, therefore, hall Bold; easy terms or will take one piece cf property, preferably West Side income bearing, that can be handled by agent in my absence. , , Mv home, built to live in T.B00 My runabout , go" My Seasnde cottage i'SUX My income-bearing farm 25.0OU My income ($107.50 pr, mo.) flats, equity ,500 My vacant view Mt. Tabor prop- erty 7iw' My vacant Piedmont lot 500 $ 50.000 Am looking for bona fide owners or buy ers. Approved bonds, stock, good vacant or income property that can be handled by and reduce worry and care of a long-distant non-resident. Answer full particulars. Owner, P. O. box 500, Portland, Oregon. WILL rent or buy on very easy terms strict ly modern 6 or 7-room 1V4 -story bungalow on full lot, on East Side, East Alberta to Division and west of 50th st,; must be clear of incumbrance; will pay $25 per montn, including pci tcm ....... mlKht pay $250 down. If you can match this, O. K., if not, its cheaper to rent; $3500 to $4000. Address AO 20, Oregonian. WANT good stock farm, partly improved. Will pay cash up to $12,000. Must have good buildings, stock, implements and fences. Client waiting. Describe all In first letter to save time. IV k I I I.I. 0. Ill 1 . 212-13 Chamber of Commerce APARTMENT-HOUSE site wanted. Will give $4000 or $5000 In mortgages or good prop erty. Desire second mortgage privilege for baiance. Want to build large apart ment-house, will go up to so.uuu. v. 00, tjri'gonian. WANTED 10 acres; must be on river or have creek running through it; suitable for dividing In 1-acre tracts: must be on electric car, not over 85 minutes from citv. Hacker & Therkelsen Co., 306 Spalding bldg. Main INCOME business property; must be well lor.:irit- will invest $12,000 to $15,000: have $80o0 cash, assume balance: give location, Incomo and t L.LL rAHiit.i LARS; MUST BE PRICED RIGHT. Own ers only. C 38. oregonmn. WANTED Combination dairy, hos and general-purpose ranch, from $5000 to $SOl0. Must be well located and strictly pro ducing property. Owners only. Full par ticulars. Price rignt or notmni uuiub. J 34. Oregonian. NOT OVER $2000. If you have a house and lot not to exceed $::wu on wnicn you can Ktri" -lil riown. let ua have It: several buyers waiting. O. C R. Ellis At Co.. 309 Board of Trade. 3u TO 40 acres, within 10 to 12 milea from Portland- MUST BE RIGHT ON ELEC TRIC'- LINE AND CLOSE TO STATION. Prefer without buildings; give run par ticulars. Owners only. D 87. Oregonian an T11 ho u.-reN. within 10 miles Portland anitahle for the establishment of modern HIGH-GRADE DAIRY FARM. Buildings not necessary; give lull particulars, price and terms. F 3'.'. oregonian. WANT residence property In exchange for UlBlJ illiv'"" 1 "O " ' - all city conveniences, near hard-surface pavement and car; by owner. S 31, Ore gonian. WiVTKli New ft or B-room modern bun galow up to $5500, in Beaumont, Alameda or K030 City Park; nrst payment to con sist of 12 desirable building lota on 4th street line. B 28. Oregonian. 50x100 OR 100x100, between East Sth and B. 15th, Holiaday and ciay, uiock or so either way will be considered; price must be right; give location first letter. B 40, Oregonian. WANTED Two good lota, Hawthorne, Mt. Tabor. Sellwood, St. Johns carlinea. A 24, Oregonian. I AM having manv calla for Sunnyside and Hawthorne district homes, on easy terms: price not to exceed $8000; let me sell them for you. E. J. Geiaer, 420 Cham ber of Commerce. WANTED Nice bungalow, 10 to 12 rooms, half-acre around, shrubbery, treea, etc; not to exceed .l5.0o0. rjrivlleKe lease one year, purchase price paid on or before 12 montns. Anmouy aionr, zio uewia uiub. WANTED A good farm for a fine house In Laurelhurst. AY 21, Oregonian. WANTED 7 or S-room house, close to some Catholic church, about $4ioo. on terms. Hacker & Therkelsen Co.. 306 Spalding bidg. Main 7u02. 4 OR 5-room modern house on lot 50x100 or larirer. East Slue. 2o minutes trom ciiy. Owners only; must be bargain; will not assume. AC 31, Oregonian. WANT close-in acreage or farm In exchange for modern city residence, clear of incum brance; large lot, fruit, walking distance. East Side, by owner. R 34, Oregonian. TRAVELING man wants to buy 5 acres, un improved, convenient to car. o-cent tare, Drice must be reasonable; pay one-third cash. H 33. Oregonian. 1RVINGTON LOT AT SACRIFICE. State price, location and size; 1 will Investigate and if it look- good, I will come and see you. AM 14, Oregonian. WANTED Good building lots in Alberta District, Piedmont, Rose City r-ark or Rossmere. C. De Young & Co.. 514 Cham, ber of Commerce. HAVE fine Chalmers 6-pass. car, fine condi tion, will trade lor very cneap acreage. Fred W. German Co.. 032 C. of C. Main ft-145. I WANT a good residence lot In district be tween nawinorne anu iivibiuu, m.i um and 64th. Must be a bargain. No real estate agents. Address B 34, Oregonian VV AN TtiU 'tram OYTrtcn, ncr xjcia. Mount Scott line, nouse ana tots vaiueu $700 to $1700. Box 703. Lenta FOUR 4-room fiata: must be In good loca tion, modern and price reasonable, oa. Oregon lan. WANT 5 or 6-room modern home, not over $4500, clear city property pari. aeiiii, 310 Yeon. Mar. 2432. WANTED 5, 10 acrea on good carllne. AY 25. Oregonian. WANTED Modern 5-7-room bungalow, In Hawthorne district. AL 23, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE. 4U.000 APARTMENT - HOUSE consider some acreage or nmuer uw m v trade. $45,000 A few blocks from Morrlson t. bridge,. West Side, for farm In Valley. Ibo.OOO-Vi block. Front at., for Wil lamette Valley acreage. 170 acrea In cultivation and free of In cumbrance, near Vancouver city limits, for city property. 85 acrea in cultivation. 2 miles to Ore gon City, for city property; assume up to $30,000. GOLDSCHMIDTS AGENCY, 415 Chamber of Commerce. 7 ROOMS. BRICK VENEERED HOUSE. Laurelhurat, hardwood floors, fixtures, sleeping porch, everything up to date. Will take lota, acreage, good farm or timber or auto. B 23, Oregonian, TIGARD ACRES To exchange for a modern bungalow or good lota or auto. M 34, Oregonian. 700 ACRES, Umatilla County, near R. H. ; 250 acres in crop, iMeiivj " i - . - -" J per acre for close-in farm or California land. Goldechmldl'a Agency, 415 Cham- Der Ot tiOmiiieivo. 100-ACRE Improved farm near Reedvllle gOOd buildings lur ruiumm r - . ; to $15,000. Goldschmldt's Agency, 415 Chamber of Commerce. CLOSE-IN East Side residence on corner, lor, Goldschmidfa Agency, 415 Chamber of Commerce. Witt PTraiKCE my beautiful modern bungalow. Montavina, tor i.u - clear or incumorancts. auu.cm KaKt 79th st. f-orm. . .. ..r- i . i ,ltli7. r Ion with fair house; want to trade for house i in city or somo kind of business. Ph''lP. 1022 .-,amher of Commerce. Main i40i. 120 ACRES fine soil, creek, near oest train service on coast; ror ciear icbiudu y-y- erty. owner, c qq. wi . .'HAT HAVE YOU to exchange for $3000 equity in best S0xl2S-foot corner on El liott ave.. Ladd Addition. B 33. Ore gonian. HAVE a good stock of merchandise to trade lor city prope. l,. . . 207 Ry. Ex. bldg.. Main ii32; LAUKELHUR.ST lot. equity $ooo. to traae for anything oiSs-. ;-- CHOICE East Side lots, exchange for auto mobile. 1 HI 111 I It. w. a . gonian. jriHST mortgage $1600. Idaho home, will FlKo Illu , ,:, i D..n.nd n 44 ftp.. trade lor ciear ... . . ... gonian, CEsTKAL Oregon land for high-class West Side resiaence. w: AKency. 4Ii t-namuer hi v...u..... tfn thousand In equities, timber and acre- age to traue im ..m.,. - . a EASTERN property wanted for acreage In Oregon ; quo--. g.-.w- . ---a 40 ACRES Umber for equity In house, au tomobile or lota L 42, Oregonian. MODERN flats. West Side, all rented: good Income; traae or -. W AM M TO EXCHANGE MATCH ME! MATCH ME! S 6,000 10-room house, strictly modern, 100x110 lot, in Medford, to trade for city property to $7000. $ 6,400 640 acres unimproved land In Franklin County, to trade for city property; will assume $2000. $ 7,000 240 acrea. 5 miles back of Cape Horn, Wash., clear of incum brance, to trade for vacant lot or lota la the city. $ 7,600 Two lots, 100x110, with 12-room house, on Karl Street, to trad for good stock ranch. $ 10,000 Equity In 8-family flat, 5-room bungalow on lot 60x100 and 2 houses and 3 lots 100x120, close In on East Side, incumbrance $7000, to trade for ranch to $10, 000. 10,00010 acres, an A-l homelike or chard, high state of cultivation, Hood River, to trade for city property. $ 12,500 80 acres close to Woodland, Wash. ; 60 acres cleared, 7 cowa, 9 hogs. Implements; to trade for city property. $ 15,000 Storage business; this repre sents two-fifths of the capital stock, have 2 warehouses; will trade this $15,000 worth of stock for Clear city or country; net profit over 30. per cent, $ 19,000 320-acre A-l stock ranch near Willamette, Oregon; loo acres cultivated; to trade for city or close-in farm, $ 20,000 40 acres A-l alfalfa and fruit ranch, close to Kennewlck, Wash, to trade for city prop erty. $ 24,000 240 acres of A-l alfalfa, close to Goldendale; 50 acres more ready to put in: good buildings; to trade for city property up to $ 25,000 Furniture and house furnishings store, located In one of the best towns in Montana, to trade for an Oregon farm. chard, at Hood River, to trade lor city or vaney iarm. t 81,500 630 acres of A-l land, 9 miles West of Roseburg: 200 acrea In cultivation; good buildings; to trade for city property; will as sume. a an.OOO Acreage, close to Newberr. and 452 acres near Carlton, to trade ror apaxtment-nouse; win ' sume. $ 65.000 Washington street Income prop erty to trade for unimproved one or two city iota up to aoo.vvu, Income annually stuou. $ 85,000 2100-acre stock ranch. 20 miles irom rvpomine, ro traae tor ciu property and assume. $110.000 Five-story hotel, brick building, income over $6000 annually; will trade $60,000 equity for A-l ranch, or other city property. $225,000 17,000-acre stock ranch In Uma- lllia t-uuniy; one OI me neat stock ranches In the country will take $100,000 trade, long time on balance. $350,000 Inside business block, all rented on long leases; will take $150,000 t ratio, f iti,uuv conn, HARBOLT REALTY COMPANY, INC.. 710-718 Lewis Bldg. Fourth and Oak. Marshall 4200. A 715S. SHERMAN COUNTY 800 acres, 090 under plow, fine well and creek on farm, place in good condition, $30 per acre, take $14, 000 in trade, remainder can run 17 years at 6 per cent If desired. 2S80-acre farm, highly Improved, 1450 In crop, hi goes with place, clear of all expense. In warehouse, stock and machin ery with place worth over $20,000, very fine buildings, good water piped into all hnlMlni-ii not a dollar of mtc against anything; trade for Portland property ; $30 per acre. 640, all farm land, unimproved, all ad lolnlna- lands under plow, clear of mtg. $20 per acre; want Portland property, mlfht assume small amount. 20HO acres, all under good fence, part In cultivation, most all best of farm land, fair buildings, a fine wheat and stock farm; $45,000, any unincumoerea iraue couiiu o,l to 135.000. Kleirantlv improved farm. close to TeKnnon over 20O acres. $85 per acre consider good Portland property up to $14.0110. 1120 acres, a fine place, clear of mtg. $22.50 per acre; want Portland property might consider small mtg. L. K. MOORE, 617 Board of Trade, Portland, Or. FIRST-CLASS FARM WANTED UP TO $25,000 FOR THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY, MORTGAGED FOR $19,000 a familv flat. 5-room bungalow. houses and 8 lots, East Side; C-room hnoxa on.! lot 100x120. Gresham: 6-room house and barn, at Weston; one acre of land at Walla wana, a-i tor suduivi&ioo, and 3 houses In lrvlngton. Just finished. This property la A-l, and farm must be the same. SEE HARBOLT, 710-718 Lewis Bldg. Marshall 4200, A 7158 500 ACRES, on S. P. Ry. and Oregon Elec tric Ry.. Linn County: !s0 acres pasture, ... aim acres in cultivation: good 10- room house, large barna and outbuildings; - fine Improved farm; orice $100 per acre; will consider exchange for city property ud to $35,000: satisfactory terms on bal- ance. inquire Ulll rwnilium WILL sell or exchange for close-in Port land vacant or improved, unincumoerea, rented business property in prosperous, 1-ir.h conntv seat town in wheat belt. East ern Oregon; will pay or take $1000 or more in tho transaction"; give full par ticulars. Y Sli. uregonian. tj a v-tr in itprpti near Oretron City on the West Side of the river to exchange for a modern 5-room bungalow. I have a modern 5-room bungalow in Richmond to exchange for a small farm with house and improvements, as far south as Al bany. C. rt. uemirgn, auiukluu inmSRERHY LAND. W'ill trade 10 to 15-acre tract of A-l loganberry land. 10 miles from Portland, take in muan . - - j--- ment; prices ranging from -!00 to $oo0. Address owner, X 35. Oregonian. WILL exchange $4000 bonds in Central Ore gon Irrigation Company for desirable real ,,Q, r eouitv. No Inflations consid ered. Give full description and address letters to AV-o, uresonwa. WILL exchange my $300 equity In modern 9-room home, Waverly Heights dist., for acreage or small iarm; musi uu iiuprw?eu. MEYER INVESTMENT CO.. 506 Henry mug. Mar. 5782. FASHIONABLE ROOMING AND BOARD- rooms: West Side, close in: low rent; beautiful 100x100 corner; $2000 In acreage, not Inflated. Owner. O 37, Oregonian. MODERN APARTMENT, completely fur nished. 5 mm. waiK i 1 ' monthly; $0500. part cash and acreage close in. O SC, Oregonian; 111 500 EQUITY In Portland business prop- erty, v est up to value. HIGLEY & BISHOP. 201 Hamilton bldg. SIX fine level, free and clear Denver city lots, on caniue. tiireo mu Hall for sale or exchange for Port, and nroo'ertv: will assume. X 40. Oregonian. 5 AC KKri of land to trade for five-passen ger auionioouc MEYER INVESTMENT CO.. 606 Henry Bldg. Mar. B7S2. MODERN flats. West Side, $15,000, $5000 mtg.. $10,000 equity; trade for good farm or alfalfa land. CHAS. RINGLER ft CO.. 211 Lewis bldg. a IRVINGTON equities in 3 line new houses, Just finished; equity $7500. mortgage about 60 per cent of value, to trade for land. Marshall 4200. 4000 EQUITY In $9250, 9-room, strictly modernT gentleman's home In Murray mead; trade same for land. Y 31, Orego nian. , $'".00 EQUITY In $0000 new house, 6 rooms, strictly modern. In lrvlngton. trade same for lots or land. S 85, Oregonian, $5000 EQUITY In two houses in lrvlngton. worth $13,500: to trade for lots or land. W 81, Oregonian. I HAVE some good lots; will trade for houseboat or motorboat. C 40, Orego- nlan. TO TRADE BY OWNER Equity in 5-room house, between two carlinea. F 41. Oregonian. CALL and we will match your trades. VVorthen ft Angell, 911 Chamber of Com- WaN'TKD second-hand fixtures for dairy lunch. Address AF 84. Oregonian, TO EXCHANGE Timber for what you have, AN 35, Oregonian. LOT at Ocean Park. Washington, to trade for motorcycle. E 26. Oregonian. 9 H K. rooms, fine location, for clear lot same value. AK 33. Oregonian. $3000 EQUITY In 26 lota for Eastern prop erty. Swank. SIT Hamilton bldg. TO EXCHANGE TRADES TRADES TRADES. New 5-room bungalow, built for a home, all clear of encumbrance. Want to trade for 20 to 40-acre farm, between Albany and Eugene, on the River or on Umpqua River, between Roseburg and Riddles. Must be no inflated values. (A 100.) 6- room house and extra large lot, nearly an acre, located near Kennewlck. Wash., for homestead relinquishment, acreage or rooming house. A101) 49 acres rear Cottage Grove, 18 acres In 2-year-old apples; 6 acres In garden and family orchard; good barn and outbuild ings; will trade for house and lot here or rooming-house. (A102) Two houses and lots at Oregon City to trade for general merchandise or good farm. Value $4000. (A103) 320 acres wheat land, near Mandan, N. D., no Incumbrance; will trade for houses and lots or acreage. (A104) 40 acres 16 milea northwest of Golden dale. Wash., free of incumbrance, to trade for bungalow or automobile. 1A105) 160 acrea near Emmctt, Idaho (70 acres under plow), all fenced: will trade for general merchandise atock. IA106) 36-room apartment-house, clearing $150 per month; will trade for wheat farm n Oregon or Washington. (B100) 7- room house and lot on Waverly-Woodstock carllne: free of Incumbrance; will trade for acreage. (A107) 45-room hotel, heart of the West Side; to trade for good farm; might assume some. (B lul. ) Brand new 8-room house and lot, also extra lot, free of incumbrance; will trade for rooming or apartment-house. (A10S) 1910 Speedwell, in fine condition, to trade for lots, clear of Incumbrance. (A 109.) This Is only a FEW of our TRADES. If you can't find what you want here, call and see our complete list. Tell us what you HAVE and what you WANT and we will do the rest. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO., 618 Yeon Bldg. Sth and Alder. R. H. GOODK1ND CO.. INC.. 401-402-403 WILCOX BLDG., GILT-EDGE EXCHANGES. $12,000 Mortgage $4000. Corner lot, near 20th and Marshall ata Suitable for flats or apartments. Income at present, $50 per month, trade for a good farm not oo far out. $10,000 West Side, i block, clear Inc.; corner, suitable for fiats or apta.; trade for houses and assume small amount. I 5,000 20 acres at ProebsteL Wash., all in pasture, lies high, mortgage of $1000; vlil give $4000 equity and $1000 for good house close In. i$ 6.000 Clear Inc., 0 acres, right In White Salmon, 4 acres apples, aome peachea, and other fruit, took $5O0 applea off thia year, Inside two years will be getting at least $2000 per year off this place. Trade for home In city, assume small amount. $ 2,500 1 acres on the Germantown road, clear inc.; this will be worth $1000 per acre when they - get a streetcar line through there, and that won't te long. Wanta a house close In. will assume to $1000. 9 2,000 Nearly 2 acres, right In the town of Sherwood, Or.; fine 4-room house all planted to berries; mortgage JGOO; will trade ths $2000 equity for a cheap horn clear inc.; or about 5 to 10 acres with some improvements on. $ 1,4004 lots located In the Berkeley Addition: owner wants to trade them in on a house to about $3000 to $3500, close In. R. H. GOODK1ND CO.. .NG, , 401-402-403 Wilcox Bldg. TRADES BASED OH CASH VALUES $2SO0 23 acres of the best of fruit land adjoining station. Hood River Val ley. Will trade equity of $2000 for good building lota in thia city. $2800 120 acres Eastern Oregon land, 30 in cultivation. Cash value $2800. FREE OF INCUMBRANCE. Will trade for five or six-room bunsa , low and assume. $3000 20 acres in Medford district; 13 acres clear, 3 planted to pears; now 4-room bungalow, good water, etc. FREE AND CLEAR OF IN CUMBRANCE. To trade for good five or six-room home In Portland. Will assume or pay difference up to $700. THE HARBOLT REALTY CO.. INC., 710-718 Lewis Bldg., 4th and Oak. Marshall 42U0, A 7158. 20 ACRES, Mt. Tabor, near end of car, this Is a beautiful place, hus buildings worth about $10.u(K). very sightly; price $30,000; will take Portland Income. 20 acres. Base Line, within 4 miles of city limits, all In cultivation, 6ft acrea small fruit, nice family orchard; a snap at $13,000; will take Portland Income property to $8000. 80 acres, St4 miles S. W. Oregon City, lies fine on good road near electric line; a snap at $3500; will take modern 5-room bungalow to same price; prefer Haw thorne district. 5 acres, H mile to school and town, $500; will take vacant lot. PROVIDENT TRUST CO.. Second Floor Selling Bldg. SWELL HOME TO TRADE. If you have acreage or an un improved lot on the Heights, trade it for tills Modern, at tractive 7-room home on Port land Heights, lot 05x100, haa gas, electricity, best of plumb ing, oak floors, full cement basement, furnace, fireplace. Grounds beautified, bearing fruit treea, 1 block to car. Price $12,500. Not a dollar againat It, Buy It on easy terms. DORR E. KEASEY ft CO., 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce Bids. INCOME FLATS FOP. EXCHANGE. Price $14,500. Owning $5000. There are 4 modem llata of 5 rooms and bath each; located West Side; strictly modern, hot water heat, has a 2-room apartment in basement. Owner can live in these and rent the other 4 flats, or can give them free to Janitor for taking care of fur nace. Owner wants a farm with stock and Implements for thia Income $80 to $100 per month. R. H. GOOPKIND CO.. INC.. 401-402-403 Wilcox Bldg. $12,500 TRANSFER and storage busineas; this la one of the best warehouse, storage and transfer businesses in the city. If you have $2500 cash and some clear property. Investigate this; it will pay you over SO per cent. T 31. Oregonian. 40 ACRES of land about 1ft miles from the city limits or city ot upwaras ot suuu, with the largest payroll of any of lta size In the Northwest, in exchange for good standard auto. It's good and so must machine be or don't answer. AV 95L. Oregonian. EXCHANGE for $500 lot, my equity In 8ft- acre tract on irourtn street una, is miiea out; good two-room house, barn, chicken house, fenced, nice piece of ground; price $1500; $1000 can be paid in easy monthly pavments; good well, windmill pump. JACOB HAAS, 308 Gerllnger feldg. FOR EXCHANGE Modern 7-room bouse. 1U blocks nortn irom riawtnorne ave.; furnace, full cement basement, paved street, etc.; price $2700; want city lot or acreage near Interurban lines. AG 84, Oregonian. SAWMILL to trade for land or equity, good business now tn opera- value s-iooo; tion. GEO. W. SMITH, Agnesa. Oregon. 40 ACRES on Estacada line, 23 acres cleared, oaiance easily ciearea; will trade my equity on home up to $4000. MEYER INVESTMENT CO., 506 Henry Bldg. Mar. 5782. QUARTER Eection South Dakota land to exenange ior ne or six-room oungatow In Portland; must be modern. In good residence district and reasonable. AT 33. Oregonian. $2000 LOT, Cook ave.. equity $1300 to turn in as nrst payment on a borne up to $5000; Piedmont or Walnut Park pre ferred. Dorr E. Keasey ft Co., 2d floor Chamber of Commerce bldg. FIRST mortgage $750, also pedigreed mare and colt ana lot on capital Hill to trade for homo up to $2500. MEYER INVESTMENT CO.. 500 Henry Bldg-. Mar. 57R2. ONE-THIKD interest in a weli established imp:, business to exchange lor a (fooa a or fl-room house; Hawthorne disU pre ferred. AL 32, Oregonian. HAVE $1100 equity In lrvlngton lot to ex change ior auto; aiso -uu block ot gooa stocks paying 3 per cent. Phone Main 8330. WANT small rooming-house for lot about 30 minutes out. HIGLEY & BISHOP, 201 Hamilton bid. 'i