THE SUNDAY OF EG OMAN. rORTLAXD. APRIL 27, 1913. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OBKOOMAX TELETHOT8. T'lntinir Rw.m Main 70TO. A eftM -lty circulation I"'"- lnln Fdllor '" I?- !-?. "-. 2:: iJis-KH i ompnunc Koom ...... . CupcruteailFDI Bui:dHi. ! 70.0. A 609 llnr i! TiiE-irrr (Eleventh and Jlorrl . inn. rhauiirrr Olrnlt In the plar." "The Ml o'DrMmn" Tnnlstlt at riRPfit-i'u theater ( Broadway aud Tay lors Vaudeville. Thla afternoon at 2:li and tonicht at 8:15. Dik-ru THEATER Broadway and Merrl ..n rrl Baker players ta "Fifty Miles From Boston. rAXTAOKS TV! EATER (Broadway and Al der) Vaudeville. Thla afternoon at 2:13 and torusnt at ?:3t and 9. ElirRKSS TIIKATEK (Broadway and Yam hili Vaudeville. Thla afternoon at 2:13 and tonicht at 7:30 and 9. LYRIC THEATER (Fourth and Stark) M I t-nmefly. "The Iila of Blnn-Bonf. Thla afternoon at 2:1a and tonight at JO to 10:40. I'EOI'l.fc-S. STAR. ARCADE. OH JOT. Tl VOL.1 AND CRYSTAL. Kl rat-run plc turea. 11 A. M. to 12 P. H. GLOBE THEATER (Eleventh and Waari inton Continuous drst-run motion pic tures. KKCHEATIOX PARK (Twenty-fourth and Vaughn) BasrbalL Portland vs .Secra- mcnto. .Thin afternoon at 1:10. Women Y. M. C. A. Auxiliary Elects. The Womrn'i Auxiliary of the Sell wood Y. M. C A. at Its annual meet ing Wednesday elected the following officers for the year: President, Mr. W. D. Talmer; first vice-president. Mrs, J. S. Dean: second vice-president, Mra. V. M. Conklin: secretary. Mra. L. M. AVoodslde: "correspond Inn secretary: Mrs. F. H. Hayea; treasurer. Mra. E. E. funtMton. Since January 1 the auxiliary ha raised 42S for the support of the Y. M. .'. A. The auxiliary made It poa. Bible for the Sellwood Y. M. C. A. to reopen the first of the year. Much of the success of the auxiliary la at--tilbuted to Mrs. Talmer. the president. There has been Increase In membership, and the auxiliary Is a strong factor In the maintenance of the Hellwood. Y. M. C. A. Putx to Wipes Broadway. The city will take steps at once to widen Broad, way at the Intersection of Wheeler street, where there Is at present a side walk projection which Is declared to t extremely dangerous to automobiles at night time. The walk which la In front of a large hole stands directly In the street making it necessary for automobiles to turn out. It Is proposed to acquire the property and straighten the street. While proceedings are under wny danger lights will be placed on the sidewalk and an arcllght will be placed at the intersection. Mayor Rushlight nd Counellmen Baker and Menefee In spected the place yesterday and decided that it Is extremely dangerous ana ehouM be changed. Missionaries Visit Hers. The. Rev. K. Beck and wife, Mrs. Irene Poling Bark, the latter a alster of Rer. C. C. Poling, of the First United Evangelical Church. Ladd's Addition, are In Port land on their way back to China, where they are missionaries. They have Just finished their furlough In this country. Mrs. Irene Poling Beck will speak this morning at 11 o'clock In the First Vnited Evangelical Church and Rev. Mr. Beck will speak In the church at the corner of Tenth and Clay streets. To night Mr. and Mrs. Beck will speak In the Pilgrim Congregational Church, Missouri avenue and Shaver street. They sail from San Francisco for China, May 1. Special. Jl-.tday KxrvRsioie. The t'mbenstock ts Larson Company have arranged for an excursion to Bristol, the beautiful subdivision on the new Mount Hood Electric. A special limited train will leave First and Alder streets, at 1:30 P. M., Sunday. April 17, return ing at 4:30. The advantageous loca tion of Bristol, surrounded by a most fertile territory, will- result In a rapid development and this excursion will give an opportunity to Investigate the unusual Investment possibilities afford ed. It would be well for those who anticipate going to secure their tickets at 186 Oak St., right away. DrXEOATS Leaves for Oeweral. As sembly. The Rev. R Earl DuBola, pastor of the Grand-Avenue United Presbyterian Church, will leave Mon day to attend the meeting of the Mis sionary Society In Washington. May 7. and the general assembly which meets, In Atlanta, Oa.. May 14. He win oe absent most of May. R. R. Perklna, of the Portland Y. M. C. A., will occupy his pulpit during his absence. An.tals. perennials and all klndu of bedding plants for sale by Zimmer man Bros., florists. Tigard, Or. We do landscape work and would like to give you information how to make your places beautiful. Please leave orders with our agent. Mr. Anderson. 190 Third St.. music store. Phone Main 4S1. We are sales agent for the Illlnoia self watering flower boxes. Pua.vt Dahlias from now to May li for best - results. Get acclimated bulbs direct from the growers. We guarantee them true to name. Bend for catalogue. Montavllla car and transfer to th at, on Mount Hood tranfer car: three blocks east and then north to farm. Call Tabor J68S for further information. Gill Bros. Seed Co.. Fort hind. Or. " Body Is Sent to Ashland. Ben jamin F. Reeser died at the home of his daughter. Mrs. F. C. Herrln. 131 East Fiftieth street. April J4. The body vii sent to Ashland. Or.. Friday even ing, where the funeral will be held to y. He was 74 years of age. Thr Christian Yoga Center Is now located at 171 11th at, and all members and friends are requested to be present at the service tonight at I o'clock. The basis of religion will be Mr. Garrison's topic tonight- "The Tbitc Focndatio? or A Unitarian fVRcn" will be the sermon subject at 11 A. M. today at the Church of Our Father (Unitarian). Broadway and Yamhill. In the evening at I o'clock, "The City and the Charter." "Is Sunday the Seventh Day?" will be the subject of M. H. St. John's free lecture tonight at 7:10 at the Central Portland S. D. A. Church, cor. K. 11th and Everett. Strangers especially wel come. Ir Toe Are Interested in a $7500. hlsh-class. nine-room house In Walnut Park with two lots and the best of neighbors, we have It on easy terms. Clark Cannon Co.. 1017 Board of Trade Just received an Immense line of literllng silver deposit on fine rocs: crystal, beautifuliy etched. See our windows. Jaeger Bros.. 2S Morrison.' Christian Pciexcb and Spiritualism at J P. M-. la farewell subject of Rev. Dr. Grumbine In Chrlstenien Hall. To night at 8 P. M.. "Universal Religion." SI'KNBath. watercure. scientific mas sage, open-air gym.: party has II years" pertence ana ufrniM uipjvrnn. wow r, anders and list. Phone B 325s. WEsr Sidb Flat for Rent. SU rooms: furnace, flreplare. every con venience, and In One order; rent, $26. Phone owner. East 449. Join Gill's Circxlatiwo Library and read all the good, new fiction for c a day. For full details call In Gill's new balcony book store. Buy vour fireplace tiling and bath- room tiling at Northwest Tile Man tel Co., Lumber Ex. bldg Portland. In Order to dispose of Rprlnr stock will greatly reduce prices on eJl orders. V. Kaspar. ladles' tailor. Royal bids;. Fishino Tackle. -See Budelman. 424 Wash. St. Open Sundays. Ic Cream delivered to all parts of the city. Phonea: Main 74. A 127. Waeh Ington Cream Company. $100 Diamoxd Rino for ITS at Aron son'a removal sale, 24 Wash. St. Wedding Rinos. S2, 18. 14-carat fine at Jaeger Bros., IS Morrison. . Dr. E. D. Jobnsoj has returned; offices 707-8 Dekum bldg. Lantern Slides, QlfXord. Main 8878. Woosttb sella everything. 488 Wash.' Diamond Rings -f?M. At Following Prices Tffii S1000 Zrrh, $ 800 ScK" S 700 & OUR SPECIAL HI M diamUrinc H O OUU will Oualltv. size and color con- l tt onn WB , M.'ri,tr,,,u' nu S $ IS JAEGER BROS. M 75 tit DIAMOND MERCHANT!" B ij S' SO 1M POUTERS, BfJ J Vfli ibe Large Jewelry Store. Jjf BW ' a $ 10 $ ex Fli Bernard Asks Investigation. Fol lowing charges by Mrs. B. Paulsen that Deputy City Milk Inspector Bernard Is attempting to force her out of the milk business to make way for another dairy In which Mr. Bernard Is Interested, In spector Bernard yesterday asked Mayor Rushlight for an Investigation. He de clares that he has had a great deal of trouble with Mra. Paulsen because of her failure to live up to the law regard ing purity of milk and that the charges against him are without foundation. Kellaher Talks at Baker. Dan Kellaher. Progressive candidate for Mayor, was the speaker at the noon meeting In the Baker Theater yester day. He defended the proposed charter. saying that H Is document wnicn will give the people of the city relief In many ways. The drinking of liquor is expensive and degrading. It unfits you. We give you absolute relief for all desire to drink In from three to seven days. Write, call or phone, the White Cross Institute. 714 Davie St., corner 22d. Main 8421. A 1447. Charter asd Public Utilities Dis cussed. L. M. Lepper discussed the charter last night at a meeting or tne Halsev-Street Improvement Club, wnicn met at the hall on East Eighty-second and Halsey streets. Dan Kellaher spoke on public utilities. Family Trouble; Changes Plans. Mu-tt have quick sale on my Just-completed, live-room bungalow; best loca tion. East Side: 100 feet from carllne: house built f-rom prise plans and Is a bargain at price, and terms. Post office box EOi. TEMPt.B Beth Israel Services. An nounced. Services will be held tonight at Temple Beth Israel In celebration of the conclusion of the Passover at 8 o'clock and tomorrow morning at 10;S0. Bible class will be held Wednesday at 8 P. M. The public la invited. Chaplain 1Ioward to Officiate. Chaplain Howard, of the Portland City Missions, will conduct the services of the Episcopal Church at the Multnomah Farm to which all the' people In that vicinity will be heartily welcome. For Sale. A 4-horsepower, 650-volt, Crocker-Wheeler motor, complete with standard blade starter, no voltage re lease and "5-ampere over-load I-T-E circuit break. In A-l condition. Ad dress room 203 Oregonlan bldg. For Sale. A 40-K. W, 600-volt, Crocker-Wheeler generator, complete with field rheostat and circuit breaker, In good condition. Address room 208 Oregonlan bldg. Apollo Club. Tickets for this con cert at Masonic Hall, Tuesday evening. April t. 8:30. can be had at GUIs and Wiley B. Allen Company. No reserved seats. Professiokai. Man and Wifb will rent or care for private home during Sum mer; no children; references given. E 10. Oregonlan. Vote for George D. Dunning, X-Sl, Republican candidate for re-nomination for Councilman Third Ward. Present Incumbent. (Paid adv.). Steruno SrLVER Deposit on fine rock crystal, beautifully etched. So our windows and get our prices. Jaeger Bros.. 288 Morrison. Mrs. Cran, of Ardmay Terrace. 8P8 12th st will have some very desirable apartments for rent by May 1. Best Grocery Store In beat location In city for sale. AS 941, Oregonlan. Diamond .La Valliere At Following Prices $1000 $ 800 700 $ 600 $ 500' 300 $ 200 $ 100 75 50 15 10 Nangls Hearixo Set for Mat 1. Preliminary nearing oi ueorjt -n(sic. accused of setting fire to the Buck Apartments, cbubihk v.".. and endangering many lives, was set in MUniripBl vuuri . .( v.llat tTA TrlA nrm ac cumulating testimony that Nangle was seen in tne vicinity Driurp me crepancles have been found in the state ment of the defendant, who denies that a. a,. 4 Vv i ui ha tat a i tnft ne r i imt7 hid, uu . a sj - drunk to know what he was doing that For Sale. On 125-volt direct current generator, complete with field rheostat, ammeter and circuit breaker. TWI. n.e. ..Vll nj 1 a I Fl ITfUvl TAM ft 1 T Ad 1 II 1 S iiav,Miiifc ft I' dress room 203 Oreiyonian bids- NORTONIA HOTEL. Popular Family Hotel Resumes It Original Name. The hotel known ts the Bowers Hotel for the past two years has resumed its original name The Nor tnnis Mra. Hogue having purchased the property, will give the hotel her personal supervision, catering to fami lies and bachelors: a place where out-of-town ladles visiting or doing their shopping may enjoy the erclusivenesa of the class hotel Mrs. Hogue has al ways had the reputation of keeping. A very attractive rate will be made to permanent guests: suites and single rooms will be redecorated to suit the fancy of the tenant. The features Of the hotel Include a beautiful dlnlng room. attractive lobby, tea room and roof garden. Mrs. Hogue will make rates personally. NOTHING TO COMPARE with the Individual touch of the ex perienced custom tailor In producing stvlish. perfect-fitting clothes. We have all the newest weaves and color combinations that will be worn this Spring. You are to be satisfied or you don't take the suit. And note our low prices: Men's suits, to order, $28 up; ladles' suits to order, $36 up. Unique Tailoring Company, 309 Stark, between Fifth and Sixth. SUNDAY DINNER, 50 CENTS This la the day your wife or sweet heart needs a rest. Take her to The New Republla Grille. 847 H Morrison at., cor. Park, and enjoy a delicious dinner. American and Chinese dishes of all kinds served appetlzlngly. , DENTISTJVANTED. At Sargent Hotel, Grand avenue and Hawthorne, there are 2 or 8 rooms suitable for a dentist. This Is a bu,sy corner and a splendid opportunity to become established quickly. Phone E. 491. FOR THE LOVE OF PETEI Don't think the Norfolk suits are cheap because I sell them at $12.75. They look like $20 worth. The $16.75 suits look like $25. Jimmy Dunn, room 815, Ore gonlan bldg. Take elevator. SCOTCH MINISTER WILL COME TO CONFERENCE Rev. John Leunond, of Edinburgh. Traveler, Author and Lecturer, Will Speak at World's Christian Citizenship Meeting in Portland. mm 'I See our windows to day. The display of men's apparel Trill aid you in your Summer outfitting and is a guide to good values. CREDIT SYSTEM SCORED COOKIXGHAMi FOK A.MERICAN CEXTRATj BANK. rap PERSONAL, letter from the Rev. l John Lamond. B. D- of Edin. burgh. Scotland, has been re ceived at the publicity headquarters of the World's Christian Cltlsenshlp Con ference, announcing that he will at tend the world meet, to be held In Portland June :-July 6. and that he will be one of the speakers on the pro gramme. His subject will be "National Religion Its Social Contribution to Scottish Life." The Rev. Mr. Lamond Is among the most interesting of the distinguished foreigners who will par ticipate In conference, and he writes: "I have long cherished the desire of visiting the United States, having been so directly Influenced by the teach Ings of the atatea In my early years. I reverence the memory of Wendell Phillips. whose speeches were my Vade Mecum' during my lecturing career." Mr. Lamond belongs to an old High land clan, one of the oldest clans in Scotland. In his boyhood he was brought up In the Highlands of Too farshlre. receiving his early education at the Toofar Academy. In his early manhood he took a deep Interest in the temperance cause and had lectured all over Scotland and the north of Ireland before he was 25 years of age. At this period he writes that he waa deeply Influenced by the Moody and Sankey movement and by the visits of John B. Gough to Scotland. He gained for him self the name of the "Scottish Gough." When he was St years old he returned to the I'nlversity of Edinburgh, from which he was graduated In 1886. re ceiving the degree of Master of Arts. Upon graduating, he at once entered the ministry. During bis ministry at his present parish. Greenslde Parish Church. Colton Hill. Edinburgh, one of the worst slums of the city has been transformed. The Lower Parish of Greenslde '""'as rebuilt, the slums cleared ont and fresh air and light given to the Inhabitants. Thla section of th city now is a respectable work Ing class residential district, and the testimony of the police Is that there la not one apprehension for rrime now to 20 that were made 10 .years ago. Mr. Lamond la a wide traveler. In 13 he visited the cities of Italy, re turning through Europe, and two years later visited the Holy Land. Egypt, Australia, New Zealand, sailing around the world, via Cape Horn. For the past five years he has been traveling In Germany, and waa so Impressed with the social results achieved in Germany : ;t:s:.-ls:.-:1 i : , , -y-r f U ! i Tke Rev. Joha Lamond, B. D. that he acquired the language in order to better understand the social condi tions that obtain there. He is a mem ber of the British Council for foster Ing better relations between Great Writ a 1 ii and ermanv. and under the I auspices of that council was a member lot the deputation of ministers wno i were welcomed by the Kaiser at Pots dam and entertained by various mu ! nlclpalltles of the empire. ! Accompanying his letter are a num- i ber of books and published sermon that he has written. "Modern Pales tine, or the Need of a New Crusade," is the result of his travels in the Holy Land. Among striking sermons are "Rroken Purposes." a sermon on the "Titanic" disaster; "The Problem of the Unempiovea, r-ermaneni nnu . "Personal Immortality." an Easter sermon: "The Struggle for Existence"; "The Littleness and the Greatness of Man." As chaplain to a prison in Greenslde Tarlsh. he has gained special Insight Into the causea of crime and degrada tion and Is regarded as one of the fore most social reformers in the city of Edinburgh. At Meeting of Portland Civic Club hanker gays 5 Per Cent of . Business Credit.' "Ninety-flva percent of the business of this country is done on credit," said. Edward Cooklngham, of Ladd ft Tll ton'a Bank, ' In an address before the Portland Civic Club Tuesday night. But we have at present only a crude machine to manufacture credit; the outgrowth of the exigencies of the Civil War, "We need a credit currency that wm command full confidence from every one from bank president to the hum blest laborer. The three requtsitea Of currency reform are (1) elastic cur rency, (3) centralization oi tne goiu reserve the only real money in exist ence and (J) the establishment of a discount market. The only complete remedy lies In the organisation of. a central reserve Institution so safe guarded a not to be within the possi bility of control of any section or Interest, Thla central bank snouia is sue all the currency now Issued by the National banks. It should .. have branches In all sections of the country. so that It will not be necessary for a Portland bank,, for Instance, to go to Washington to do business. "Banks have no place today to re discount their paper, and the present system Is as likely to break down now as In 1907. There Is not a well-informed banker In the United States who has an lota of confidence In tne present system. Every person who drinks a cup of coffee Is paying a trib ute to England. There Is no reason why the notes of an American cen tral banking association snouia not uo ruimrnliitii at nar the world over, as are the notes of the Bank of England." fommentlnflr on the report or tne Pujo committee as to the existence of a money trust which has grown up largely through the power of J. Pier pont Morgan. Mr. Cooklngham said: "These large DanKing rorxunes the rrault of natural growth. If the deposits did not keep pace with the growth of population, the banks would retrograde. It la as Impossible to han dle the banking Interests of a large growing country In small banks as It Is to house a dense urban population In nno.ntrirv houses. Mr. Morgan had a monopoly of the people's confidence and he had no other control owr them. He rated the borrowing capacity of an applicant by his character and not bv his monetary assets. Until you can monopolise character, credit and confidence, you cannot have a money trust." Rabbi Jonah B. Wise has been se cured to speak on "Commission Gov ernment" before the club Tuesday night, Apll . This may be the last meeting of the present organisation, as plans are under way to form a large central organisation by the coalescing of several clubs doing civic educational work. It was also voted to submit to the candidates for Municipal Judge a series of questions. ' HOLSTEIN CATTLE SOLD Blooded Stock In Lew l Connty At tract Outside Buyer. CHKHALIS. Wash., April 26. (Spe cial.) A totat of $4200 was received this week by three Lewis County farm ers from sales of Holsteln cattle to outsiders. The hlghent price paid was $700 by a Mr. Smith, of Seattle, to H. Dupertuls, of Adna, who. sold three blooded cows. Mrs. Jessie Gregg, of Adna, sold 10 grade Holstelns, about half bloods, for $1000 cash, the buyer being Henry Bianchard, of Kelso, Wash. Ben Oechsll, who lives four miles south of Chehalls, sold .5 young cows and heifers and a bull,, being mostly grade Holfteins. to D. Van Worden, of Georgetown, Wash., for. $2600. IRVINGTON. We have about oompleted and now ! offer for sale two of the finest homes i we have ever built In , Irvlngton. Lo- ' cated on J3d st-, Deiween nrww ' VTntt mtm fall Illll KM them. F. E. .Bowman A Co.. owners and builders, IK. 22d an d..B razee. E. 35. C 2S22. I Churches to Assist Schools. CHEHALI8. Wash.. April 2. (Spe cial.) Chehalls churches have ar ranged to assist the Central ia Sunday school workers April 30, May 1 and 2. In entertaining the 2th annual Sun day scchool convention for the State of Washington. The gathering, which Is expected to attract 500 delegates, la to be held in Centralla, but Chehalls people will throw open their homes A New Model That Is Attracting Attention the soft, natural roll of this well fitting coat note the graceful lines and comfortable yet stylish appearance. This is obtainable only when genuine hand-tailoring, such as is employed by the House of Kuppenheimer, is used. At twenty-five dol lars. Others at $15 to $40. Exclusive patterns in shirts for the man who discards his vest in Summer. Manhattan, Arrow and Excello in the latest patterns and fabrics. $1.50 to $4. A Straw-Hat Surprise Party That $5 Panama in any shape you choose. See. them in our windows today, and all the other leading styles and straws. S. & H. Stamps Given Upon Request 2 Stores Morrison Street at Fourth Third St. Just Off Morrison For Your Convenience We keep a duplicate of all ground or complicated lenses, and file them away, all ready to take the place of your broken ones. No charge for this service, and you pay only the regular pride when you need the duplicate. The most complete optical establish ment in the city, where . no extra charge U made for our scientifio ex amination of the eyes. , DALLAS OPTICAL PARLORS 218-21 Palling Building, Car. Third ad Washington, ad Floor. also to provide accommodations for many of the visitors. In the evenings meeting will be. held In the" Baptist Church In this city, the same at are to be held in Centralla. Mrs. E. C. Knapp, W. A. Brown. Rev. J. H. Matthews and others are among the principal speak ers Who have been assigned .to have charge of the meetings here. - $300 TAKES IT. Left on sale by real estate operator who has met with reverses, a genuine Haselton art piano, nearly new; cost $Z5; $300 cash takes It. Biggest snap ever seen. Reed-French, Tenth and Stark. " WHERE T0 DINE. - French-Italian dinner, six courses, wine. Best In city, 60c. Flor D'ltalla, 00 North Sixth, near Flanders. Progressive-Party Mass Meeting:. Call Is hereby issued for Progressive party mass meeting to be held in East Side Library, corner East Eleventh and Alder streets, Monday evening, April 28. Eight-hour law' for women, public ownership of telephone and telegraph and commission government will be discussed by Progressive party candi date. Everybody, especially the ladies, cordially invited. T. H. Sweeney, county chairman: L. M. Lepper, secre tary. Blast Destroys Schooner; 3 Hurt. VANCOUVER, B. C. April 26. The To-foot fishing schooner Roslne. owned by Harry West, of this city, was de stroyed ity an explosion of gasoline off Dundas Island today. The crew of 12 were taken to Prince Rupert, B. C, three of them Injured, It is said. Identity of Incendiary Punles. ROSEBURG. Or., April JR. (Special.) Local officers are working today In hope of establishing the Identity of the person, who last night saturated the home of Qus Snyder, a local Southern .mninv with kerosene and later s-t it afire. Snyder has been em- Sterling Silver Tableware in every popular pat tern, is to be found here, complete. No matter which arti cle you may desire, our assortment will enable you to obtain it. G. Heitkemper Co. DIAMOND DEALERS AND JEWELERS Yeon Bldg. Old in Portland 130 5th St. New in Location When the Gibson House Burned P ii! ill in Cincinnati the flames curpnr through the fire proof skyscraper of the Union 1 rusi ViOmpany vounng near thinis wLtmr that ytftnot fire-proof. The office on ihe eleventh (, indicated by the arrow was aimow com :elv eutted and THE SAFE-CABINET which stood next the window received the brunt of the fir This cabinet preserved ita contents uninjured as shown by the oval illustration This is only one of the long list of conclu--sfve demonstrations of the supremacy of THE SAFE-CABINET among modern fire-resisting devices We should be pleased to give you the 1 c .AM ,.tincr rr tents to which ICVUIUUI Willi . n . . ....... , ... THE SAFE-CABINET has recently been subjected BUSINESS FURNITURE AND "EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFICE" hi riM-eflJIl J -rdrfj'ill, M.'IS; Biuaiiiii nan liters KILHA STATIONERY & PRINTING CO Commercial Stationers. Office Outfitters. Printers, Engravers, Booklet Makers and Bookbinders riFTH onds We offer some Irish-grade, first mortgage bonds, paying 6 per cent per annum interest paying semi annually. These are in units of $100, $500, $1000. Provident Trust Company 212 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800, A6261 ployed by the railroad company since the strike a year aero and Is said to have a number of personal enemies. The names of these parties are known to the Sheriff. The house was de stroyed. ' - .0 MORE CRITCHES. Come in and let us tell you how we can make you walk without crutches. Oregon Artificial Limb Co.. 263 Yam hill street. Portland. Or. "Don't forget this! Insecticide kills the bed bug. Main .292. at 260 Third. Plummer lrug Co. Register Now In ALL THE YEAR ROUND Y. M: C. A. DAY and NIGHT SCHOOLS BuKlness and Profenalonal Schools Accounting Bookkeeping; Carpentry 1 Pharmacy Plumbing Reinforced Concrete Showcard Writing Shorthand : Wireless Telegraphy Assaying Automobile Course Electricity School Some of 60 Other Course Mechanical Drawing Architectural Drawing Arithmetic, Algebra or Geom etry German. French or Spanlsn.. Penmanship or English Boys' School (day) Boys' School (night) Term Fee. $160.00 6.00 10.00 30.00 15.00 15.00 12.00 COO S0.00 15.00 no.oo 15.00 $ 7.50 - 7.50 5.00 5.00 3.00 12.00 4.00 HOTEL STEWART SAH FRAEIG1SGQ Geary Street, above Union Square) European Plan $1.50 a day up American Plan $3.50 a day up New tel n4 brick rtructure. Third ad dition of hundred room now bulldme. Every modem convenience. Moderate rates. Center of theatre and retail dis trict. On earllnes transferrins all over citr. EJ.drU ibm anil tri u fimm. w ICEYSFD GLASSES 11 Have Won a Reputation for Marked Superiority Have Von Tried Them Yetf You Will Ve Them Rventunlly, WHV XOT SOWI Dr. A. P. De Keyaer Second Floor Columbia Bldg., 35 Washinarton, Cor. W. Park Sts. WE TAKE Your Motion Picture Have a motion picture of your children, your parents, your friends. In fart, of every one dear to you. Have a motion pioture of your business, or of the Industry in which you are interested. Motion pictures of every descrip tion taken anywhere (u n d r suit able light conditions) by profession al camera men only. For Particulars Apply to Oregon Motion Picture Manufacturing Co. 70O Couch it Ida. I'linne Main eS2Z. Sol Due Hot ' Springs Hotel In the Heart of the Olympics. For descriptive literature, address the Manager, Sol Due, Clallam County, Washington. New Crop Maple Sap Syrup and Sugar, from Heart's Delight Farm, Ohazy, N. Y.; also the Sugar Maker's Market, Vt. J. A. BRISTOL, GROCER, BOO Washington St. ,