The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 16, 1913, Page 3, Image 3

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    . a. a -cn TTvsv-Tr-nrr Tlaxr Fnr "Lunch : A Half-Holiday On
An Eight-Hour Working Day For Onr Employes j
ou jimmxea-atuu . " , T ?
and A Full Week's Vacation On Foil .fay-mute rrogresMve,
Thursdays During the Months of July and August
Novelty Neckwear-
New Grloves for Easter
Store Open at 8:30 Store Closed at 5:30
35c Lace Plaiting, special at
, 50
, 9S;
....... 19
The popular La France Glove of French lambskin,
shown in black, white and all the best SI 00
Spring shades, priced at V
The Eudora Glove of fine French kid, shown-in black,
white and all the most popular shades. 6 1
High-grade Gloves at PA,U
Fownes' Pique Sewn Gloves, shown with Paris point or
embroidered back. A good, heavy, service- j1 CQ
able Glove at only V
50c Lace Plaiting, special at
65c Lace Plaiting, special at
$1.50 Chiffon Neck Ruffs, each. . .
50c Lace Guimpes, special at
35c Goat Sets, special each
35c Stocks, Tabs, Dutch Collars,
$1.50 Plauen Collars and Sets
75c Lace Coat Sets, special
Plan to Amend Constitution
Has Chance for Approval
of Senate Committee.
Pacific Phone Mars. 5080, Home A 2112
Majority of Members Faror Ballot
for TTomn and Consideration
of Subject Daring Extra
Session Is Indicated.
WASHINGTON. March 13. A consti
tutional amendment Riving tlia women
the right to vote for President and
Vice-President probably will be brought
formally before Congress with the in
dorsement of a Senate committee be
fore the end of the present year.
In the reorganisation of Its commit
tees today the Senate took Ita woman
suffrage committee out of the list of
inar.tlre committees, where it has re
mained for many years, increased its
membership from five to nine, the ma
jority of whom are advocates of suf
frage for women, and gave its chair
manship to Senator Tnomaa. of Colo
rado, a suffrage state.
Thomas Premise Aetlosu
Senator Thomas said tonight he had
accepted the chairmanship with the un
derstanding that there would be active
steps taken in this Congress to submit
suffrage amendment to the people of
the country for their approval.
Representatives of the National Amer
ican Woman Suffrage Association made
arrangements today for a conference
with President Wilson for 10:30 Mon
day morning, when they will urge him
to recommend in a measure to Con
gress an amendment to the Tederal
Constitution entitling women to the
aiambeHac Committee Revive.
Whether or not lresldent Wilson
makes such recommendations, activity
In Congress will begin at an early date.
The Senate committee on woman suf-
. . . . V. a n 1 ti n u 1 1 AS
a "minority committee." It has not met
for many years. iemocriit; .o.o
notified the Republicans early today
that thev proposed to eniargo the com
mittee and take over the chairmanship.
As finally organized by the Senate the
committee Includes the following: Sen
ator Thomas, Colorado, chairman; Sen
ators Owen. Oklahoma: Ashurst. Arl
sona; Ransdell, Louisiana; Hollls. New
Hampshire; Clapp. Minnesota; Souther
land. Utsh: Jones. Washington, and
Catron, New Mexico.
Jones Xow Investigating; Parade.
Senator Jones Is chairman of the spe
cial committee now Investigating the
failure of the police to protect the suf
frage parade in Washington March .
"The proposal to give women the
right of suffrage through constitutional
amendment Is becoming a question of
constantly growing Importance, said
Chairman Thomas today. "I have taken
the chairmanship of this committee be
cause I believe I can do some effective
work for the extension suffrage to
the women of the country."
Senator Thomas will confer first with
National leaders In the suffrage move
ment, to determine what steps they de
sire to take.
It is expected the committee win be
gin the consideration of the suffrage
question soon after the extra session
convenes in April.
Mrs. Burleson Says She Was Sur
rounded by "Howling Mob."
WASHINGTON. March 15. Samples
of a militant suffragist were expound
ed today to the Senate committee in
vestigating the disorder which at
tended the suffrage parade of March 3.
Ir. Mary Mark, of Maryland, told of
her phystcal efforts to defend the girls
In the parade from the attentions of
men In the crowd.
"Some of them attempted to man
handle me.-" she sakl. "I carried a
baton, and they got the worst of It
Admiral George W. Halrd. retired, de
fended the conduct of the police, de
claring that from the point at which he
saw the parade they did all that could
be expected.
A dramatic recital ot the progress of
the head of the parade through Penn
sylvania avenue was given by Mrs.
Richard Coke Burleson, the grand mar
shal, who rodn on horseback. She said
that for about a block after the parade-
began the way was clear.
"Suddenly I found myself in the
midst of a howling mob," she contin
ued, "there did not seem to be a po
liceman anywhere. The automobile
platoon and the mounted police seemed
to nave u.ntti'i"-1 , .
tec ted. alone and terrified. The crowd i
surged all about me and between me
and Miss Milholland. who rode some j
distance to the rear. 1 could see her
surrounded by tho crowd. She was j
alone, not a policeman was near her. j
She tried to force her horse through
the crowd. I was afraid the crowd !
would pull her to the ground." j
A squad of police In the hearing
room marched in review before Mrs.
Burleson that she might attempt to j
identify a policeman whom she said ,
had been Insolent to her. She was
unable to find the man.
She said that throughout her ride
up the avenue she observed that the
police seemed indifferent and were I
having a good time rather than at
tempting to control the crowd.
tioverrrment burgeon Hint Insect
May Cause ruxxling- Disease.
WASHINGTON. March 15. Pellagra
is more prevalent than Is ordinarily j
supposed, even by physicians practic- .
Ing in pellagrous communities. Assist-1
snt Surgeon R. M. Grimm, of the United
Slates Public Health Service, saya in I
a report on the results cf an investl-
gatlon in several Southern states. Be-
cause of Its widespread existence in i
certain districts, he urges sweeping in
quiry to unravel the cause of the pux
siing disease.
Dr. tirimm found more cases among
whites than negroes, and women of
both races seemed to be more suscep
tible than men. The death rate was
highest among negroes. More cases,
be said, occurred under conditions of
r.overtv than of comfort, and more un-
licr conditions of comfort than afflu- j
enre. The rural districts seemed less!
ajfected than small towns and villages.
The surgeon declared that there was
a possibility that some insect played a
part In the dissemination of the disease.
Ethical Society Announce. Topic
"Have We a Right to Our Own
OjilnionT wlTi be the theme for discus
sion at tlie nieetins of the Portland
branch of the interl'.atiunal Kthical Kd
ncational Society. 511 Yamhill street,
Tuesday nig'-it, March 18, at S o'clock.
Men's Hose
Best 35c Values at, Pair, 25
A verv special offering of Men's
Silk-Plaited Half Hose, made
seamless with reinforced heel
and toe. These Half Hose have
the appearance of being all silk
and wear much better. They
come in black, tan, gray and
navy and are regular 35c values.
Priced for this sale at, OCr
the pair J
Regular 15c All-Linen Hand
kerchiefs, one corner neatly
embroidered, special at 9
w v jrrrz i
Aulb bit Wile revealing SprinS styles in waid. realtor yneets ST iffidSK
styles in Women's Suits, Coats, Waists and Drees 4,TSd only v ith the most lash"
criticise and compare. It will gratity us mucn u you actM-
V W W itts.
Charminff New Dress Goods
and Silks in Great Variety
In attempting to go into details regarding the new bpriDg snov-inguL
Silks and Woolen Dress Goods, no word too much, or no adjective too
strong could be applied. With our usual forethought we have gath
ered a more than ordinary assortment of colors and patterns.
Yard-Wide Plain Silk Poplins in all wanted shades; also 24-in. gQc
Jacquard Poplins in self colored over-designs, at yard
A great Pre-Easter special a sale of several hundred yards of Yard
Wide Silk Poplins. Thev come with a bright, permanent finish, in a
j inTihlp Thpv are shown here m
line even weave, auu mc caucuh,i; 7 ,5 i-
black, cream and the wanted plain shades. At the same price we include a new line ot
24-inch Jacquard Poplins, shown in pretty self-colored over-designs that are both rich
and effective Silks, extremely fashionable and considerably underpneed, at yard, ton?
New Spring Coatings fine all-wool fabrics from 54 to 56 inches wide; new double
weight Diagonals in the popular piecc-dyed and iridescent effects; beautifully finished
fabrics, special values at ij-.w
Dnimnon Safins 1 .fSO Yard One of the most pomi-
lar fabrics for the new season. Yard-Wide Bulgarian
Satins shown here in a complete line of colors in rich
combinations. You should not fail to see them.
New Novelty Fabrics, 1.00 Yard An unsurpassed
showing of 42 to 45-inch Novelty Whipcords, Worsteds,
English Melanges, Vigereaux, etc. They come in the
new tan, brown and light gray mixtures. They are the
finest of pure wool fabrics.
New Cream Fabrics, $1.00 Yard A complete new
line of 42 to 46-inch Uream uoiorea .uress uwus, m
cluding Whipcords, . Bedford Cords, Swivel-Striped
Serges, Granites, Ocean Serges, German Henriettas,
French Serges, etc. Strictly all pure wool fabrics.
French Challies, 50 Yard A special showing of All
Wool French Challies. They come in both light and
dark colors and in a great assortment of neat patterns
in dots, stripes, rings and figures. All in new colorings.
Hand Bags for Easter
tt.-ju 5 nn ValiiP.s. at. S1.98
For tomorrow a most wonderful line of Leather Hand
bags at a very attractive price. They come m many
pretty styles, in large and medium shapes, made witli
German silver frames. They are shown with leather
lining and neat coin purse fitting. Regular gl QO
$3.00 values; special this sale r
Handbags, $1.25 Values, at 79
A most wonderful assortment of Women's New Leather
Handbags, shown in flat and regular shapes. They are
made of good quality moire with leather lining and neat
coin purse fittings. They come in both black and tan
colors and sell regularly at $1.2a. 79c
Priced for this sale at only
Two-Clasp Gloves at 50, 75 and S1.00
A showhifv of all the most popular makes, including
Kayser, Niagara Maid and Fownes. They come m
black, white and a large line of new Spring shades. All
have double finger tips. See them tomorrow.
spring Undermuslins
Everv srarment as fresh as a May morn
ing 300 styles are embraced in the show
ing with plenty of new ideas, including
exquisite novelties for brides. Extra sizes
are also a special feature. The collection
of moderately priced garments is large.
Again we say the new Spring undermus
lins are splendidly ready. You may well
judge the values 'by these offerings:
Pre-Easter Sale of Dainty Muslin Wear
Gowns, Princess Slips, Skirts and Com
bination Suits, made of excellent quality
material and neatly trimmed. Regular
$1.25 and $1.50 values, QQn
special at S70
See Third street window display. A rare
offering of Dainty Spring Undermuslins
at a popular price. These garments
are made of fine quality lawn or nainsook
and yoke trimmed with pretty embroid
' orios nnH lams: skirt flounce to match
These garments, regularly $1.25 and $1.50, on special sale, 98
ill '('I
osier y Sale
's Srainc and Summer
we are now snowmii cumomtc nyr .j - u
HosiSy-ependableValities from the best mills, offered to you at prices
vou like to pay. You may judge the values by these items :
Women's Pure Silk Hosiery
Shown in all wanted colors, white and black. 89 C
Best $1.00 grade at, yard
These are the celebrated McCullum Silk Hose, made with double
lisle sole and lisle garter top. They are the kind that will wear
to your satisfaction, shown in all wanted new shades, as well as
black and white. All sizes and the best $1.00 89 C
grade, pncea xnis saie at
Silk Lisle Hose
at 25 Wom
en's well-wearing Silk Lisle Hose in black, white
and tan colors, made with reinforced heel "and
toe and double garter tops. Sizes Sy2 to Q K q
10. Special price, per pair w
Silk Boot Hose at 50 Women's Fine Silk Boot
Hose, made with lisle top and reinforced heel
and toe. They come in black, white, tan, gray,
navy, pink, light blue and other XAp
; noi.Aiftof Ww
Eiiaues, isu.vo 072 tj i t
Women's Pre-Easter Suits
At S12.50, $15.00 to $25.00
Have you selected your new Easter Suit? II not, come
tomorrow and look over this wonderful line of ours.
They are irresistible in their newness and becoming
ness. Suits of navy blue men's wear serges, Bedford
cord and worsteds ; also novelty mixtures in a wonder
ful varietv. They come in plain tailored effects, also
neatly triinmed in the latest Parisian styles. All sizes.
New Spring Styles Women's Coats at
$7.50, $10.50 to $25.00
Such a wonderful line of Women's New Spring Coats
to show vou. They come in the very latest styles m
45, 48-inch and full length and come in plain colore in
navv, tan and manv shades of gray; also checks, stripes,
diagonals and mixtures in n charming variety. Coats
that are spic and span, charming and attractive.
Great Special Women's Embroidered Waists
Made of guaranteed pure linen and shown AQ
in white and colors; $3.90 to $5.50 values. . V1
Tomorrow vour choice of beautifully Embroidered
Waists at a" ridieulouslv low price Waists that are
made of guaranteed pure linen, are perfectly tailored
in the very latest styles and are shown in all sizes.
The front is verv neatlv done in hand-embroidered de
signs, in white and colors and there are 12 different
stvles from which to choose. Regular $3.90, d -I AQk
5irn unA &".r0 values, snecial this sale T1,"
Special for Monday in
Men's Muslin Gowns
Shown with turn-down collar or with Y-shaped neck,
trimmed with braid. Best values at the price. AQ
Tomorrow at only
A bargain for the men. For tomorrow we are show
ing an excellent wearing line of Men's Muslin Gowns,
finely finished. They come with turndown collar- or
with" V-shaped neck, trimmed with fancy braid. All
are cut full size and well finished through- AQC
out. The best grade at the price; for this sale.'
Men's Shirts, $1.25 Values, 99'
For tomorrow a big special of Men's Shirts, made of
eood qualitv silk mercerized material and shown coat
style with auto coUar. They come with French cuffs
and are neatly finished with two pockets. Your choice
of tan, cream or white. Regular $1.25 99c
values, priced for this sale JJ
Men's Union Suits, Best $1.75 Values, $1.49.
A verv special sale of Men's Fine Worsted Union Suits,
made "with button flap and closed crotch and well fin
ished. They are good custom made garments that the
economical man will be pleased to add to his ward
robe. They sell regularly at $1.75 a AQ
suit, priced", for tomorrow at r
G4ii, T4oi TToao at 'ZFtfr ( hildren's mne ohk
Lisle Hose, made with reinforced heel and toe, all
sizes 5 to 9i9, shown in white, tan, blue, pink, red
and other shades; well-wearing stock"25o
ings underpriced at, the pair
Novelty Hose at 39 A special offering of
Women's High Grade Lace Hose in boot, allovcv
and ankle lace stvles; also in silk embroidered
patterns. The assortment includes most any
wanted shade; regular 50e to 75c QQq
grades, priced this sale at UtV
A Pre-Easter Shoe Sale
Quality is always at the forefront in our
Women's Shoes; style follows a close
second and comfort is always assured.
Our lasts and patterns for Spring and
Summer embody all the features that
will be most favored by smart dressers.
TntPTi as a whole, the new season's
showing certainly warrants a woman's
enthusiastic praise, .front Dy
this special Pre-Easter offer.
Great Special Women's Pumps
and Boots
Shown in the nobby short
round toe pattern. Regular
values to $3.50, tf?0 Cf
tomorrow Y,uu
An unusually fine showing of Women's Spring Pumps
and Boots, shown in the nobby short round toe pat
terns. Patent, duU and tan stock in both button and
blucher. Shoes that come in attractive patterns, will
wear well and always look nice. Regular 9 CQ
values to $3.50, priced for this sale K v
Children's and Misses' Pumps and Shoes in both' pat
ent, dull and kid. Sizes 8io to 11; $1.60 Q9q
values, special at
Sizes IIV2 to 2, $2.00 values, special at $1.49