The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 09, 1913, SECTION TWO, Page 13, Image 29

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Experienced gins can earn good wages
ana gain a line aummcr outing by ooiain
insr work in the Kennewick askei Fac
tory. Write at one for particulars; we
can supply work to only a limited num-
ner. The work lasts through the entire
year, coats ac Marks lo., basket manu
facturers, Kennewick. Wash.
WANTED by one of Portland's leading de
partment stores, experienced saleswomen
to work rrom 12 p. u. to a p. m. permu
nent positions, good sauries. Give full par
ticulars in zirsi tetter, f an, uregonian.
THE Municipal Department of Public Safety
xor l oung women. 4u Merc nan ta i rust
bldg.. wtil be glad to give advice or a--Histance
to any woman or'gErl who may be
in need, interviews are coniiaentiai ex
cept In cases demanding criminal action,
Office hours 8:80 lo 5. Mrs. L. G. Bald
win, BupL
WANTED Thoroughly experienced mMlt.
nery makers. Apply Monday morning,
ready for work. Superintendent office. 7th
floor. LIPMAN. WOLFE & CO.
THE Domestic Service Bureau, 306 Central
bldg., receives dally calls from the best
of homes for competent, reliable girls fr
general houaewora, cooks, second work
and nurse maids.
WANTED at once, thoroughly competem
legal stenographer, on who Is accus
tomed to brief work and general law
work; no other need appiy. Please give
referent eg. ' A 711, Oregonian.
YOUNG lady to do light housework for
room and board, modern bungalow, all
conveniences, good borne for young lady
employed. 1094 East Morrison. Call after
noon. FEMALE sewing machine operators, experi
enced at tent and awning work, can se
cure steady employment at highest wages
with C. H. Jones & Sons, 110 Alexander
L. Vancouver, B. C.
HOUSEKEEPER wanted; thoroughly com
petent, middle-aged woman; must be good
cook and capable of taking entire charge
of house where there are only two In
family; wages $35. AO 772, Oregon! an.
BRIGHT, young girl stenographer and otuc.
assistant for newspaper office. Excellent
opportunity for right girl, f JO a month
to start. V 826, Uregonian
LADY canvassers for fast-selling woman's
specialty; free sample and particulars. The
James T. Minchin Co., Arcade bldg., Beat
tle, Washington.
THREE wide-awake demonstrators to take
managing positions with an article oi
high merit ; permanent position. T 718,
WANTED An experienced ' dressmaker to
take charge of work on the commission
lan. Apply between 0 and 12 Monday
at room 312 Flltdner bldg., loth and Wash.
WA.TE( Experienced hotel chambermaid
and one waitress, $20 month, room and
board, SL Charles Hotel, Albany, Oregon.
Phone 7.
EXPEit.iC.NCED girl wanted, houseworn.,
plain cooking, no washing, $-" month.
Apply 11 o'clock Monuay morning, 11 2u
Thurman ft., U car.
WANTED Saleswomen for ribbons, laces
and trimmings; must be thoroughly ex
perienced ; none others need apply. Ad
dress AN 61 a, Oregonian.
aAbbbLAUiES .bright, capable ladies to
travel, demonstrate and sell dealers $25
to SOU per week; railroad fare paid. Good
rich Drug Company, Omaha. Neb.
INEXPERIENCED GIRL who can use type
writer, to do filing and to learn office
work. Salary jlu. Apply 84 7 th su.
WANTED Girl to do cooking and general
housework. Must have first-class refer
ences, i-o per moulb. Call at 10U0 E.
GUsan st.
MILITARY apprentice; good opportunity for
bright, tasty girl to learn thoroughly
both the ariistic and commercial features
of the business. Fraley, 3d and Salmon.
WANTED Practical confinement nurse, call
today at 170 V est Emerson su, between 0
A. M. and 3 P. M.. or Monday eweniug.
Take St. Johns car to Gay eL
KITCHEN helper, country. $30, fare.
Waitress. 1.10; second girl $30; cook. $50.
Howe's Ladies' Agency, 35 270 Wash
ington. LADY agents get busy at once selling a spe
cialty for ladles. Large profits. Phone
Tabor 57 for particulars. Hills & Co.
v WANTED Lady compositor; stats expert-
ence and salary expected. V s-9, Orego
nian. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavl Co., 009 Roth
child bldg.. 4th and Washington.
GIRL for llpht housework; laundry sent
out. 4o7 Fliedner bldg.. 10th and Wash,
sts., between 10 A. M. and 4 P. M.
Washington bldg., 2U Wash., room S3,
near 4th. Phone Main 6S3G. or A 3-'ti6,
LADY canvassers, to sell sanitary line to
ladies; everybody buys; big profits. Write
Western Sales Co.. Centra 11 a. Wash.
WANTED A competent cook for cafeteria:
must have refs. Phone Main 2451. A 2100.
Phone Monday after 9:30.
YOUNG lady, experienced office work, quick
at figures, accurate copyist. Apply be
tween and 10 A. M., 415 Lewis bldg.
WANTED Pianist to play for dancing class.
Saturday afternoons and evenings. ii
WA.NTtU Seamstress, plain sewing and
make ordinary bouse uresses woraing at
borne. Address AP 840. Oregonian.
WANTED Young lady for small hotel to
work. Address to manager AlOina Hotel,
22 N. 6th at-
CH ISEE girl for light housework; good
home. Mrs. Murphy, route 5, Sherwood.
WANTED Girl for general housework, two
in family, no washing, wages $4 per week.
Phone C 2176.
"WANTED Refined woman, or clrl going to
Jefferson High School, us companion for
home and board. Call Woodiawn J 1 13.
ELDERLY woman wanted for light work In
country, near Portland. Board and smalt
wages. A J S3S. Oregonian.
GI KL w anted for gonera! housework; per
manent p.ace. good home, Cail C 237
between W ana 12 aiunriay or Monday.
GiKL. to help with house t or k and children,
good home, Small wages, tio2 frchuyer.
WANTED Woman to cook for the board
nnfi room of self and husband. 1775 E.
' 31th st. .
LADY to care for
wn home. AH
2-year-old baby in hi
70S. Oregonian or Male
tilii. tor housework. 081 Schuyier su tr'uom
F.asi 4111.
A !OOl kitctitn girl wanted at 70 W. Vui
( an aiur 2 P M.
Wa.m1i) cJirl for housework on farm. In
quire P!vecere Hotel, 4th and Alder sis
Apply 7
-A girl to do general housework.
T Oxerton st.
A.NTEli Girl for general houwork.
small family. Inqu!i 2S3 North 24th St.
G KI. for general house Work, family two
and child. Phone Marshall 2H0.
GIRL to do embroidery In exchange for
piano or vocal iessons. J Stb. Oregonian.
LR EiiiM AKRR to exchange work for piano
or vocal lessons. AO 773, Oregonian.
ENPKKIF.NCF-n girl for general house
work. 435 Fresco tt St.
EXPERIENCED girl to do hairwork. 533 1
Johnson. ,
WOMAN cook for small cafeteria: must be
neat and tasty. AC 977, Oregonian.
GOOD woman for general housework. 1919
Exeter at., close Portsmouth.
for general
must be good cook. 505 East 55ib North.
FOUR women to eanvs
C10 Henry bldg.
Good proposition.
COMPETENT girl for general housework.
Call 534 Hoyt,
oiKL to askist e few hours dally with
housework. 269 14th st. South. N
WANTED-Al panes gtrl to h!p wilh
hous-work. 63 East 60th St.. Mt. Tabor.
WANTED N'eai and quick fin'sher on
gowns; also apprentice. 315 Tilford bldg.
GIRL to assist with light housework. 44T
10th st.
GIRL for general housework. Phone East
WANTED Apprentice to learn dressmaking
xfr. a Smith. SO West Park.
Two camp helpers, $3U. room and board.
Kitchen help. city. $22.50.
Family cook. city. $-.
T h ree waitresses city, $23, room and
Housekeeper, country.
Restaurant cook, out of town.
Woman tor housework, country. $35,
room and board.
Chambermaid, city, $25, room and board.
Large number of new positions received
daily. .
Ladies DepL. 2053 Morrison SL
A BRIGHT young lady can have a chance
to earn I5u during the next month while
taking a course in a business college; must
reply in on writing and give age and
work engaged in during past six montns.
This is an opportunity for a young iady
who has been thinking of preparing for
an office position. Don't fail to answer
and give particulars, as we will select the
best from tne loners received. G 822, Ore
gonian. vujlt,. hose complexions are enuangcred
by accumulations of din, soou dust in
their pores, to represent lvokreme, de
li ci on sly pei fumed sin cleanser will
rid sKln of all impurities and give user a
skin clean, ttanspaient: aampie 5 cents.
Write for pat:cuars and special offer to
day to ivoareme Co., Dept. 77, 410 Mills
b:dg.. San Francisco, Cal
FAMILY COCK and second girl. $55.
Hotel waitress, $33.
Restaurant waitress, $8 week.
Ranch cook. $30.
General housework. 3 In family, $30.
Chambermaid, $25.
345 Wash SL. R. 7.
buM PATENT and experienced saleswoman
to take charge of infants' wear dept.;
thoroughly experienced salespeople lor
gloves, muslin underwear, silks, trimmings
and laces: none but experienced in these
departments need appiy. Roberts Bios.
THOROUGHLY capable and reliable girl for
general homework In small family, subur
ban come along river; must be excellent
cook, neat waitress, refined habits; gooa
wages, only competent need appiy; reis.
pre tarred, raoiie jaarsnau s-oo.
GERMAN girl for general nouseworu ana
cooKlng In family of three, in Rose City
Park bungalow; no launary work except
child's; must thoroughly understand her
business; answer stavng salary expected,
i hi 7,
WANTED Lady. agd 30 or 35. German".
Swedish or Norwegian preferred, td do
libit uouscwor tor respvouiwie widower.
No objection to small cmld. a good borne
for rifeftt party. B SJW, Oregonian.
WOULD like to get girl about 14 or lo
years oid who wants good home, one who
can wasn aisnes ana neip witn nouse
' work. Will clothe and board and send to
school. Good borne ior right girU C 074.
WANTED Saleswomen for ribbons, laces
and trimmings; must be thorougnly ex
perienced and furnish best of references.
Apply superintendent's office, 8:20 to 10
A. m. Plus, vvortman & King.
WANTED saleswoman; must understand
dry goods business, for general store in
good country town; must have experience.
Address, giving reference, L. Orego
nian. WANTED A competent cook, also upstairs
girl In private lamily; must have best or
-references; upstairs girl must know how
to sew nicely. 184 N. 20th. W carllne.
M. S597.
COMPETENT girl or woman wanted fo
general housework in a small town. M.
'Jibl. A XitJti. Catholic Women's League.
Call after 10 Monday morning.
WANTED Neat, capable girl to assist with
housework In the country. M. '461. A
21M6. Catholic Women s League. Call
after 10 Monday morning.
a'lHU.NG woman, about 45 or 5U, as working
nuuscr.t ejJ"f 'r .wu living u:ine in tne
country; state wages required. Mrs. Emma
Vi ai, Co.uuibia City, urvjjun.
RELIABLB theatrical company wants
bright, experienced performers; salary
good; also 3 chorus girls. N. Y. Theat
rical Agency. 610 Eilers.
MILLINERY help; six makers; must be
thoroughly competent ; one apprentice;
good opportunity to advance. Fraley. 212
214 Third st.
WANTED for housekeeping in bachelor's
home competent girl or widow; must be
German native and about 30 to 30 years
old. AH 800. Oregonian.
o&.vaibL, practical woman over 25 for
position with reliable business firm. Per
manent If satisfactory. AG 830, Ore
gonian. WANTED Agents to Introduce the LHlie
Webb soap; house-to-house canvassers,
city or town; quick sales, big profits.- Lil
lie Webb, 410 fith. fc
EXPERIENCED ostrich feather curler, good
wages, state experience, first letter. Van
Dusen's Feather Shop. 1032 4th ave., Se
attle. WANTED A competent girl for general
housework; good wages. . Call 702 Brazee
st. Phone East 422L
GIRL want 3d to work In small hotel at
W llsonville. $10: room and board. Call
Sunday at 407 7th st.
WANTED A girl for general housework;
laundress kept. Apply 73a Irving st., near
YOUNG man wants a housekeeper for light
housekeeping; state price and particulars.
V 817, Oregonian.
vVANTED Experienced millinery makers
. end salesladies. Apply 3&4 Morrison -sU
.Mntlnery Wpild.
RAPID typewriter operator -to address en
velopes; temporary. Apply Monuay morn
ing, 'H6 Spalding blag.
WANTED Good cook, family of three
grown people. Phone M. 2057. 6il Jack
s.m. Portland Heigh ta
W AST ED Competent girl to take care of
b .by; good home. 7b0 Kearney. Cail in
the mornings.
kV ANTED Thoroughly experienced collar
maker. Apply superintendent's office, &:30
to 10 A. M.. Olae, Wortman & King.
tXftRIE.VCED assistant bookkeeper and
stenographer; state experience and salary
desired. X 623, Oregonian.
WANTED Capable women to do outdoor
work, excellent proposition. Apply Mon
day and Tuesday. 502 Dekum bldg.
APPLICATIONS wanted for hand ironers.
shirt ironers and mangle girls. Yale
La u-nd ry.
biUMMAR schoolgirl to work for board,
room and carfare; nice home. Phone
Woodiawn 780.
WA. TED Dishwasher In confectionery,
store Monday, Wednesday, Friday ana
Saturday. E. 2050.
GIRL for wrapping station; must be ex
perienced cashier and well recommended.
Lion Clothing Co., Morrison, at 4th.
v .1. i cD First-class waitress; must be
experienced on counter work; top wages.
App.y Sunday A. M., 234 Yamhill si.
PARTLY furnished Summer basement, three
rooms, with bath, for two married ladies
for light services. 503 5th st.
EXPERIENCED and apprentices wanted
for dressmaking. S50 H Morrison, room 5.
MILLINERY maker, one' who understands
felling preferred, $12 to start. ,-248 3d st.
MILLINERY s Vslady for afternoon, $10 per
week. 383 Alder.
SKIRT MAKER wanted by the week. Mc
Leod, 340 Vi Washington st. Marshall 2i5:.
YOUNG girl to assist In general housework.
Small family, no cooking 505 5th st.
GIRL to do general housework for taiu
l?y of four. Apply 750 iv. 13th North.
WANTED Trimmers, makers and appren
tices. Apply Lowengart A Co.
.t.Tr.D Experienced millinery makers.
Appiy 420 Washington St.
WANTED Nurse girl. Apply room 203,
Scott Hotel, 7th and Ankeny.
W A a TED Girl for general housework.
good wages. Apply at 454 7tfa st.
lk,ui ABLE gir) for general housework
must have references. 436 E. I7th N.
YAXTED Girls to enter the training echooi i
tor nurses. South Bend General Hospital. J
vV ANTED Reliable girl for general house
work and cooking. 733 Kearney L
BRIGHT woman to sell goods: good salary.;
Give pnone numoer. ak oju. uregonian.
YOUNG girl (o assist with light housework. I
Two adults and baby, good home. A 7134.
ANTED Apprentice to learn milliner..
cM wfter TO A. M. 3S7 Yamhill st.
OPERATORS on pants, steady job.
205 4
experienced coat hand. !
Roberts Pros.
CAPABLE solicitors for Mt Tabor, auu-
nvside. Alberta. St. Johns. Sellwood. etc
Self-seller, big money-maker; quick ac- ;
ttoa C SQ4. Oregonian. . ,!
WANTED A stenographer who can devote
lit'le time each day after office hours ,
to shorthand work ; .Crete "Titer Prefer
reel. Al"" r" -v1., rwi iionu, vrr-pun.
MAN and wife for fruit farm near city ;
references required;
no children. Phone i
M. or E.
. . - rri V" C tn i)vrl lum nli tny at 1
picnic profframme on commission baaia. I
AF 851, Oregonian,
MAN and wire, preferably with grown
daughter or son. to do janitor work and
manage small botaL Call at Alder Hotel.
oetween i ana z toaay. asm. tor air.
j.-t Teachers' Axsncy f ,curei position tot
tebers St j'.umal bid M.
WANTED Young men to prepare for. pos
itions as automobile chauffeurs, salesmen,
repairmen: big atmanu, larue salary; we
prepare ou tborougnly in 10 weens by
mail at your home ; assist ou to posi
tion; automobile model tree. Write today
for particuiars and tree lirst lesson. Amer
ican Auiomobile Institute, Box 74. Los
Angeles, California. -
"A HE TRIBE OF BBS-HUR" wains live
representatives in Portland and in every
town in Oregon; men ana women; com
mies with new law: S1M paio lor new
luuges; experience- not necessary. Address
Geo. VV. Waiter, state manager, Hit E.
Burnsiue sl, PortiaatL or. Pnone Tabor
SALESMEN, no experience required; earn
wane learning: write today tor list hun
dreds positions open payiug gluOU to $J0uv
year. Address nearest oiilce. Dept. 406.
National talesmtn s Trainlug Association,
Chicago, New York, Kansas City. San
ra.. Cisco, New Orleans, Toronto.
KuEE iliustiated book tells of aoout 300,000
protctea. positions in U. S- service; tnou
sands of every year. There s
- a big c nance here for you; sure and gen
erous pay, lifetime empiojment. Just ask
for T-uy. No od ligation. Earl
' Hofkins, Uashingtoa, D. C.
LEARN automobile repairing, driving on
up-to-date cars, electric, ciil engineering,
surveying ; met nous most practical ; room
and board while learning; -positions se
cured ; satisfaction guarauteed ; catalogue
free. National School of Engineering, 2iuu
West Seventh, Los Angeles.
206-69 Eleventh St., cor. Jefferson.
Practical Instruction by instructors who
are experts in field and shop. Tuition
part cash on enrollment, balance at gradu
ation; liberal discount for cash,
300 MEN, 20 to 40 years old, wanted at once
to prepare for electric railway motormen
and conductors; $00 to $100 a month; fine
opportunity; no strike. Write immediate,
ly for application blank. Address AV 6o5,
DON'T pay anything to I earn a trade; In
vestigate our system of tearhlng on actual
cowiact jobs: plumbing, bricklaying, eiec
tr'.city, automobiles; 2W wommen; six
' years' experience; catalogue free. L'nlteu
Trade School Contracting Co., Los Angeles.
LEARN" showcard writing; earn $25 to $35
weekly. Our course teaches fascinating
profession thoroughly, completely. Regu
lar 3u. lou can get it now. $5.
Particulars, testimonials free. Hobson &
Co., P. O. Box 51, Alameda, Cal.
THERE Is a great demand for ladles trained
to the beauty parlor business. We an
offering special inuueements this month
to ladies wishing to double their income.
Call at once. Up-to-Date Beauty Parlor,
tilu Swetiand blag.
MrN to itarft moving-picture ope ran inc.
only reliable school; ii.dorsed by leading
- theaters; actual theatet practice; best ref
erence. 325 Allsky bldg., 3d and Morri
son. FARMER and wife wanted by large corpor
ation on ranch as farmer and housekeeper
respectively: must invest $li,J0 and fur
nish , references; good wages; permanent
pusitlo.i. rite L aOj L.rv.ponihn.
GET prepared. May 8 railway mail clerk,
other Government "exams." Former U. S.
Civil Service secretary-examiner; free
booklet, G-10& Patterson Civil Service
School, Rochester, N.T.
100 MEN and women to learn the barber
trade in S weeks. In all Its modern meth
ods; send for catalogue; tools free; learc
a trade that you can get in business for
yourseif. Moler Liber College. .;5 N. 4th.
I WILL start you earning $4 daily at home
in spare time, silvering mirrors; no capi
tal; irje instructive booklet, giving plans
of operation. G. F. Redmond, Dept. 06,
Boston, Mass.
ALi i'O rate-uriver from factory will give
thorough course- in driving ana lepaif
ing, uuy, evening; get in tha game oe
foie spring sale of cars. The Auto Shop,
12i Lownsdaie (loth tt.)
Will pay dressmaker? Make your own. We
show ou how, 15 yeara' experience. For
information call at 347 Grand ave. N.
Phones .. 4,700. C 310::.
..librtAV mail clerks, carriers, wan'.ed;
good pay, line positions; pay for instruc
tion aiier you receive pusmou. i-iuenj
Institute. Dept. 104, Roc lie bier, N. Y.
INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools:
headquarters, 132 3d st. i near Morrison).
Open evening a Personal assistance gvi
siuueiit8. i'hone Main 404
jti AIL W A v MAIL CLERK; EXAM. May 3,
saiary to slMA. PAuCEL POdT require
clciKS ana carriecs. Free book. Pacific
feiatcs fcciiooi, Mc&ay bldg.. Portland. Or.
.ili.N. womtn, got Government parcel post
joos; $i.u week; write fur Ust positic.ts
open. Franklin Institute, Dept. -3-2 B,
l.uciiester, N. Y. .
AMBITIOUS young men to become traveling
salesmen, earn wmle they learn; write
tor particulars. Braostreet System, Roon
ester, N. Y.
BE detective; travel over the world; splen
uiu opportunities; stamp tor particulars. UetjeUve beiice Asaociatton, ioa
Angelas, Cal.
tu Jl Ui oCTiVE, earn $15V to $3u0
month; travel over world; stamp for par
ticulars. National Detective Agency, DepL
082, Chicago.
MAKE money writing short stories for
newspaper; big pay; tree booklet tells
bow. Lnited Press Synd., D 3, bun Fran.
BE A detective, 5150 to S300 monthly; greau
est opportunity .Write Detective Waguer,
1243 Lexington, New York.
WANTED Picture-play writers; big pay;
we'il teach vou; free information. Pictures
Play Association, D 3, eian Francisco.
.Tr k x or. R a fHERS. be itinners and advanced.
auy Si stem, quickly uriUcd ahd placed inj
positions. b30 , w orcester diock. war. 1 1 ox.
BIG money made calling on automobile
owners; get our proposition at once. The
" tf. W. bales Company, Umv. Sta., Seattle.
ual instruction. GREGG ShORTHAND,
bookkeeping. 642 Hamilton bldg. Jaarr4258.
MenT women to learn barber trade, 8 weeks;
position guaran teed. Oregon ar0er Col
lege, 233 Madison, 268 Couch, st.
bl'UDENTd In English and mathematics
wanted by experienced and competent
teacher. F 85-i, -oregonian.
LEARN to" operate moving-pictures, full
course taugnt, secure position. 404 Rotn
cbild blag... 4th and Washington sl
BOY or woman to do light chores and be
company for lady In a beauutul moun
tain home. 600 Journal blag.
vo to Lake an interest in small ruuu
ni-nuse. AP 82, oregonian.
SHORTHAND, typewriting School, 200 14ta
su Main 3303. Expert instruction, $3 mo.
BooKkeepetH and Clerks.
C YOUNG Eastern office and bank man
would like to come in touch with an Al
party or corporation who can use a gt it
edge man with the best of references,
can fuiaish some capital. AH So; Ore
gonian. -
BOOKKEEPING by thoroughly competent
bookkeeper, or on ice manager; have aoil
ity to tutve charge oi on ice; nave had J5
ears' experience as credit man. S 807,
up books, prepare baluuce and state
ments, icsta.l 8tems. Gilltngham, au
ditor, 512 Lewis blag. Manha4 il7.
PERMANENT position desired by an ex
perienced ana renable bookkeeper, ac
curate and good penman. Phone East
27 s.
SALESMAN, experienced in men s and uj
bWuS( single auu of good haoits, uesiree
posit loo. city or country. C 05, ore
gonian. . '
FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper and accountant,
seveu gears' expeneu--e; reliaote, tem
perate, desires steauy position ; moderate
salarv. O. Michai. phone East 882.
iOUNG man with some experience in sten
ographic work wants peiutanent position
a stenographer. aJ S40, oregonian.
,,,-',11.'. worit evenings, Saturaay or fiun-
da ; experienced retail salesman, any line.
AN 823. Oregonian.
- MARRIED man wants position of trust;
goou reference; must have work. Tabor
-p :
.jrr.rcir wwb.1-1, "
credit man wants position with rellauli
firm. AR S21, Oregonian,
iLvPERIENCED hotel clerk wants position.
Five years with largest bote! in Atlantic
C i ty. A J a 4 4 O regoaan.
EXPERIENCED rate clerk and ticket clerk
desires position In auuiting of Lee or city
ticket office. T 67, Oregonian.
BY bookkeeper or hotel clerk In or out of
town. J oo, uregonian.
Miscellanea as.
k'wf.NG man wishes position pressing or
driving tor cleaning works; has customers.
J S76. Oregonian.
KITCHEN help, want position, sober and
honest. G el4, Oregonian.
pcsiTION by man and wife In a camp or
on ranch. Marshall 5446.
v.n.v- a4 naall inh nw 14 In
inl AR -4 Oregonian.
HOUSE paintint by dsy or contru;t; wora
guaranteed. Call Main 2306.
COLORED butler wants position in private
family. Campbell, 816, Oregonian,
THOROUGHLY competent roan desires po
. siuon as buyer or traveling, in china,
glass, crockery, toys and a oils; 5 years
experience, partly as European buyer and
partly on the road selling; now employeu
by Portland firm; wishes to make a
change by ApriL First-class references as
to cnaractdr and ability. Address AP S3 7.
WHOLESALE and manuxacturing experi.
eiure desires positlou immediately upon
arrival from tne East, auout March 17.
will accept small sa.axy or gooa boaid or
both for services. Aduresa AV 6ia, Ure
gonian. JicCHANICAL engineer with 20 years'
practical experience in construction, op
erating sou maintaining mtuiag, meitu;g
ana industrial pias. steam, eiectrtc anu
hydraulic machinery ; wuuid, lic poeiU4u;
references. A a or ess AE S3, Oregoiuan.
itv,n.iCAi.L i trailed young man wants
position with arcuitect or contractor; ex
perienced as superintendent, draugntsman
and carpeu ter toreman ; low waes. u
bl j, ire&ouian.
MAN with many years' experience, design
ing and manufacturing machinery of var
ious kinds, wants poaiuou as superin
tendent, designer or draftsman. Ar b2a.
CHAUFFEUR wantd position with private
family ; am souer and reliable, witn 5
years' experience ano do own repair work,
can give good reierencea. G 0x3, Orego
mao. WATCHMAN or elevator, German, many
years' experience in large business; best
reterenes, four years in America, speaa
faidy good English; position wanted witn.
out delay, phones, Taoor fcW, C 2434.
tuo.G German, single, wants s tea ay work,
hanuy witn carpenter, painter and con
crete tools, also unueretanus taking cure
ot poultry, garuen, etc isox AU S-ij, Ore
gonian. MAN and wife will manage country store,
or restaurant; ' would consider surveyors'
camp or truit rancn for cooking. Both
well recommended. Write Mair, 730 Wil
son, Portland. Phone 4iar&uall 2f94.
MASSEUSE Graduated from Norway; ex
pert in Swedish massage and medical
gymnastics; wlsnee position either at a
hospital or spring or in a private family.
k. o-i t, uregociau.
WILL pay $50 bonus for permanent news
paper or printing situation Oregon or
rv esiero vv asmiifciuu aiLer ap n iu; mui
pay at least 1S per week. AV 610, Ore
MAN and wife, thoroughly experienced in
general iarming ana care oi stocit, stnctiy
sober: woman A-Lcook and housekeeper;
references present employer. M. H. Watts,
R. R. 1, box 314, Lents, Or.
YOUNG married man desires to connect
himself as salesman with a leading whole
sale house; one who can prouuee the
goods; uon't answer unless you need
live wire. L 941, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED wholesale grocery sales
man would like position with good re
liable firm or any other concern need
ing reliable man. AE 965. Oregonian.
i'O UN G married, man wants a job as team
ster or wagon helper or barn man; needb
work very bad. Phone Wooaiawn 105u.
Cad 560 commercial tt. C. E. Llllle.
A LIVE promoter and advertising man, with
. large corporation experience, is unen
gaged; gilt-edge references; no "fakes.1
H t23. Oregonian. ,
YOUNG man. 27. capable handling men,
wishes responsible position fn country con
struction or logging company preierrea
excellent references. M U3o. Oregonian.
POSITION wanted as foreman, inspector or
huver for a lumDer concern. a miner witn
the business: temperate and reliable. L
H37, Oregonian. -
CHEF with first-class references, reliable
and sober, wants position, ciuo, hotel, res
taurant, city or country. Ad 842, Orego-
STENfifiRAPHER. exDerienced young man,
capable of handling heavy corresponaence,
thorough knowledge of office work. AN
828, Oregonian.
POSITION by advertising man of ability ;
one wno writes copy wun in" punco.
Have had experience with large firms. V
SIS. Oregonian.
YOUNG attorney from the East, admitted
to practice in Oregon, aesires cierasiup
with reliable law firm. AV 625, Orego
DAIRYMAN, milker and all-round farmer
wants position; steady and reliable; single,
understands gardening and. poultry. X
791, Oregonian.
st E a n Y man. exnerlenced grocer, team'
ster; knows the city. uter of no liquor or
tobacco, willing ana rename. . okj, ore
gonian. .
LOGGING superintendent or foreman, large
experience, strictly temperate, wants po
sition. Phone Main 6455, Room 23, or
write AJ 342, Oregonian.
tn ii m FnTTrls -Man and wife want oosl
tion, logging camp, mills or hotel. Phone
Main 54io, room 23, or write AB 790, Ore
10-YEAR-OLD boy, foreigner, wants posi
tion on farm; will work for small wages,
36 N. 4th st.,' Portland, Or.
MARRIED Japanese couple want position
togetner in xny or country, j. u, urc
YOUNG man of 20 years, with two years
experience at printing, wouia nae to xin
ish trade. W. G. W., 107 E. 34th.
MAN and wife, good cooks, would like a
position in logging camps, a sis. ore
YOUNG MAN desires position with chances
of advancement; experiencea in ciericai
work. References, o ss, uregonian,
w'a. IED Position; first-class all-around
pastry cook and baker In hotel or cafe. A
T . . uregonian.
HEAD JANITOR or superintendent of
building, in or out of cify, open for Im
mediate position. N lilO. Oregu-lan.
MAN and wife, experienced Janitors,
position. Phone A 271, or Y 801,
EXPERIENCED Japanese chauffeur wants a
position; will clean, wash, also repair, and
not alraid to worn, tt bus, uregonian.
POtuTlON wanted by a first-class station
ary engineer with 20 years' )xpeiience. F.
B. Stickney, S2& 6th st. North, room 12
HONEST, reliable chauffeur, not afraid oi
work, wants position; good references.
Phone Main &GtKS.
i iv 23 fxnerienced arocery clerk, solicitor.
deliveryman. must have work; hustler:
first-class references. AP 833. Oregonian
RESIDENT married, man, 2S years, desires
position as private secretary; city reter
ence. AL 941, Oregonian.
a rhi.iari.E man wants work as janitor.
house and office; cleaning by hour or the
month. . 1., Main iow. -
JAPANESE housecleaner wants work by
Cay. Phone A 4S00. Call evenings; refer
ences. YOUNG student would like work evenings
and Saturdays, -.ustier. two, orego
nian. WANTED A job of running elevator or
driving grocery wagon; usea to nurses.
AD S3S, Oregonian.
u i v with tarare family, recent arrival.
would like work on farm or ranch. Address
J. E. Hendricks, at4 aavier st., city.
.aAutt'r.'L'K. age S3, wants driving job,
can give good reference. Phone Sell wood
EXPERIENCED tester and receiver wants
position in creamery or cneese iactory
AV 608, Oregonian
ilNGLE man, 29 years of age, wants posi
tion on farm or fruit ranch. AS $33, Ore
gonian. WANTED Position as a collector by young
man, best or rexerences given, S4U.
Oregonian. -
FIRST-CLASS waiters furnished. Marshall
791. A 4010. Portland Waiters Club, 143 V
5th, Portland, Or. G. C. Gerald.- mgr.
DRUGGIST desires position; have had 9
years' experience; can furnish references.
AE 961, Oregonian.
YOUNG man, 22, wants to learn carpenter
trade; had some experience ; win worn
' for reasonable wages. AD 836, Oregonian.
STRONG man wants position as foundry
bench m oilier or oiaciumttn neiper; ex
perienccd. Hotel Albina, 22 N. 6th.
JAPANESE wants position as .cook and
waiter (mmedlataiy. r i3, oregonian.
PASTRY cook wants work; good pie. bread
and cake batter, i-asc
WANTED By reliable man with family,
carpenter work. AE 962. Oregonian.
REGISTERED pharmacist In Oregon; grad-
uate; good references. W 822. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED meatcutter, position In or
out of city. 1102 Center , Oregon City.
FILIPINO boy wishes a position waiter oi
pantryman. AB 7a6. Oregonian.
.-. Dc APE gardener wants .ork by da
or contract. Fhone Tabor 393o.
MARRIED roan wishes position, on outside
work preferred. E So6, Oregonian.
STEAM shovel engineer reoantly from the
East deelres position. AV 7t0, Oregonian.
JAPANESE wants position at general house
work after 6 P- M. AK S67. Oregonian.
AIxLL foreman or circular sawyer. AM 842.
Oregonian. '
JAPANESE boy wants place as porter in
mornings. AL 99. Oregonian.
REGISTERED pharmacist position In city,
city experience. Ca 1 Mai n 7 a So. A 7102.
EXPERIENCED valet, butler and nurse
wants position. P 674. Oregonlanr
FIRST-CLASS log scaler and general office
man desire oiti on. AN 87, Oregonian.
&LRVLVS, eetimates, plats and supervision
- on all classes excavation, concrete, irriga
tion, town site road or railroad; work con
fidentially and expeditiously made. X
. 825, Oregonian.
3AnjUA'. acquainted all grocers. Port
land and many outeiae towns, large trade,
a business getter and hust'.er, with high
est references, w lines position. Address
, 00 East 56th st. North, city.
WOULD like a situation as watchman or
any work where a suady. reliable man
Is needed; city references of nearly 10
years' continuous service from last em-
ployr. AO 780, Oregonian.
YCTJXG man of 0 wants any kind of work
where merit secures advancement; can
operate Underwood typewriter. - D 823.
Oregonian. -
JtiALFFEUR Young man. 25. very careiui
driver, keep your car in perfect condition,
sober, no bad ha bits, good references as
to character, ability. T .727, Oregonisn.
POSITION wanted as handy man on private
place, taking care of lawn; honest, sober
reliable; can give references. V b23, Ore
gonian. TWO Germans, one married, would like to
work larger farm on shares or wsges. Ad
dress J. H. R-. 153 E. Harrison st. Phone
Tabor 4311.
POSITION wanted, baker, first class all sorts
bread, cake, pies and pastries, 23 years'
experlen ce. ma rried. sober and steady.
Baker, S0j East 2d at., Albany, Or.
FIREMAN or night watchman." experienced
with wood, coal or oil. I know the city
and am good teamster. 1 want work.
Phone East 6S3, ask for Bert.
COUPLE at present Ira vine chares of aoart
ment-bouse would like to make change:
very successful; references; no children. T
Z4, uregonian,
RELIABLE married man wants work on
farm; experienced; salary or sbares. T
73. oregonian.
JAPANESE, first-class cook, wants posi
tion in private lamily. AM 47, Ore
gonian. PAINTER, good all-around hand, married.
wants work, S3 per day. AM 846, Ore
- gonian.
iut,iNfc0 chauffeur. American. wants
truca or private car; do my own repair
ing. AN 820. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED traveling salesman wishes
position wnn reliable firm, ah 836, ore
GENERAL bosecleanlng. floors waxed by
oy pi nour. taoor otoo. rnompsim.
loMkeei.Ho anu Mrnug.ap.ier.
I'OL'.XG LADY. thorouKhlv etoerienced ab
stract work, tianscnoing, copying of all
jtinas. opeea ana accuracy guaranteeo.
jaut nave position at ouca. O 8a, ore
gonian. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, thor-
oufeiiiy experienced; competent; will con
sider only first-class position. AJ 83t,
YOUNG lady with references, thoroughly ex
perience-, in casnier worK ana oooKeep
ing, desires permanent position; willing
wuriter. Aiarsnau zooz.
COMPETENT bookkeeper and stenoftraDher.
capable of handling any line and taking
cnaige; salary szo wee it. ae On, ore
APEiilENCED demonstrator of good ad
dress; city or will travel. AE Wo. Ore
STENOGRAPHER, year's experience, desires
position; some knowledge oooitKeeping,
reference Main OisoS.
EXPERIENCED young lady stenographer
desires employment 3 hours daily. Phone
-i a dot -juuy.
THOROUGHLY competent and experienced
oooKKeeper open lor position. Al reier
ences. Marshall 4763.
EXPERIENCED stenographer, assistant
bookkeeper and general office assistant.
wisnes position, main ai&a.
STENOGRAPHER, experienced in. law and
ether work, desires permanent positlou.
Address 833 12th, or phone Marshall 40o.
51 E.nOGRAPHER, experienced law, collec
tion, hospital association work, wishes po
sition. Phone Woodiawn 653.
WANTED Office position; have had 8
years' experience billing, bookkeeping and
general oirice worn. sao, uregonian.
EXPERIENCED cashier and assistant book
keeper wishes a position; can give best of
reierences. i mi, uregonian.
STENOGRAPHER, beginner, with some ex
perience, desires position. Phone Mar
shall 275L
STENOGRAPHER will write 15 fetters dally
$0 weeklyy. calling for dictation any time.
201 Commercial Club. EastJJ482.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi
tion; law a specialty. Tel. A 4506. Res.,
211 12th sc
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog
rapher; good at figures; references. Pnone
C 2180.
WANTED By first-class stenographer, a
position in hotel to cover room and board;
best of references. P 863, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED stenographer wants work
to do at home. R 920, Oregonian.
COMPETENT stenographer and office as
sistant; 'moderate salary. A 3123.
COMPETENT law stenographer wishes per
manent position. T 710, Oregonian.
AN A No. 1 fitter prefers situation In dept.
stoie in small town. AN 834, Oregonian.
MISS CONNOR, Main 5891, Claypool Annex.
Apt, 1, will make the prettiest dresses
jprlces; quick service; references.
HIGH-CLASS dressmaking done. Hats made
and remodeled. French designs In gowns
suits, waists, eta Tel. Tabor 410. Ad
dress 03O4 43th ave. S. E.. city.
LADIES tailoring, plain and fancy dresses,
charges reasonable. 000 Mason st, Wood
iawn 205S.
EXPERIENCED, wishes work by day;
gowns, alterations, etc.; satisfaction guar
anteed. Marshall 6SS.
-n AGO dressmaker, prettiest one-piece
dresses In the city. Finished In two days.
Mrs. Barry. Claypool Annex.
DRESSMAKER and ladies' tailor by the
dny ; i ef erences iriven ; reasonable. Phone
Main 635, apartment 6.
BEGINNER desiring experience
than salary wants position. C 700,
APE RIENCED dressmaker, ?2 per day, or
at home, work guaranteed. 595 Love joy.
Marshall 3043.
DRESSMAKER, stylish and rapid, by day:
best reference. B 2723, 16l E. 14th.
a E WING by the day. nrst-clats work guar
anteed, pnone n.ast b&a. rtoom sia.
SEWING by day or at home. Phone Tabor
FASHIONABLE dressmaking and tailoring
oy tne aay. rnone wooaiawn ets.
DRESSMAKER will go out. fancy and plain
sewing; tailoring done. Marshall 170&.
North 18th st.
Mrs. M. E. Carey, 170
SPECIAL opening prices for one week. Elite
uressmaKing ancp, i4 uonawk mag.
EXPERT dressmaking and ladles' tailoring;
natsmaae, remoaeiea. zva uooanougn oia.
EAST SIDE Maternity Home. 319 E. 37th.
pnone Taoor su.
DRESSMAKER, expert designer and cutter,
wouia tine tew eng-igemeuis. aiain ojuii.
WANTED Apprentice sewing in dressmak-
lug or tailoring, can aiarsnaii o 1 .
uioMai.i,nu, taiiureua ciothea a kpe-
ciaiiy. laoor juj.
EXPERIENCED German nurse girl wants a
place. piease call riitamooa street.
Monday morning.
PRACTICAL nurse would like position as
traveling companion xor invalid, ur. reL
Sellwood 1675.
RELIABLE, practical nurse Is open for en
gagements; win taKe conrinement case.
Mrs. O. Walker, 5110 East 7Sth etreet. city.
NURSE, two years hospital training, wouiU
like maternity case or care 01 invalid.
AM S34, Oregonian.
RELIABLE woman will care for children
afternoons or evenings, with best of refer
en res. Phone Main 720.
XURSE with several years experience.
Fhone. Taoor 176L
POSITION wanted by nursery governess.
Address Roberta. Robinson, 1708 E. 13th.
ELDERLY lady desires position as house
keeper for bachelors on farm. wher
grandson can work for board, near school.
Write or call. 1040 E. 21st sL N.
AS housekeeper for widower, a respectable
uennan wwow, rviw man steaay. aj
7-.2, Oregroniam
MIDDLE-AGED lady would like position.
housekeeper in wioowera or bachelor's
home. Woodiawn 516.
WANT housekeeping for a bachelor, widow
er or $ or 4 men; clean and good cook;
references. AE 957. Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED woman wants housekeeping
position- wnere man ana wire are em
ployed; references. N 809, Oresronfan.
p"bsrTION. housekeeper, by middle-aged wo
man witn nttie gin, in wiaowers family.
Mrs. Klrkpatrick, Cornelius, Or.
REFINED middle-aged widow wants posi
tion in wioowers nome, more tor nome
than salary. AE 970. Oregonian.
LADY with little girl of 8 wishes position
as ho use Keeper aoout April ; good cook.
AK $85, Oregonian.
' HvUMeaeepersv
RELIABLE woman wishes to assist a few
hours daily with housework; good at iron
ing; no washing; reasonable pay; would
keep house tor elderly couple, with best
of references. AH &. Oregonian.
WANTED Management of first-class apart,
ment-bouse; 7 years' experience. G bi,
HESRONSIBLE lady desires the manage
ment of apartment-bouse. R 92L urego
nian. MIDDLE-AGED woman, fond of .children
wishes to keep house for business woman
or widower. Y 06, Oregonian.
iu(..G widow with sma.l taby want
-nousc keeping. AR S25, Oregonian
MIDDLE-AGED woman with her daughter
tir years), newcomers, want position to
gether for chamberwork, care of children,
helo in kitchen or Heat housework: n re
fer a German or Polish home. Address
AV 62S, Oregonian. -
MIDDLE-AGED woman would like to take
care of baby : good motner's care and
nice home, (.all at 5S3a E. Davis or cafl
.Monaay. jsain oi.
YOUNG woman, with little child, wants
general housework in a respectable famu
m the- country; distance no object. AV
$v. uregonian.
ATTENTION Practical child's nurse would
like forenoon worn with small children.
Reierences. Phone Woodiawn 3306, tore
noons. -
GOOD woman cook would like Job In camp
of about 20 men where husband can help
or wort outaioe. u. p., Kusseu st.
YOCNG ladyrexperienced, wishes position
in fruit and confectionery store, phone
Sellwood 2160.
COMPETENT companionable teacher desires
situation as companion lor cntiuren or
lady. 6714 45th ave. Phone Tabor 2178.
WANTED by youne lady Norwegian),
care ot children. Call 266 N. 2oth. Phone
A 31 7 tf.
LACE CUHTAiNS laundered; special price
to rooming-houses and hotels. Marshall
EXPERIENCED lady wants washing, iron
ing by day. Call East 3388 from 7 to U
LACE curtains washed and stretched uy
exoerta. Tabor 2445. C 2227. Mrs.
LESSONS given In grammar, grade studies,
German, music Special fates. Mar
shall S01S.
NEAT girl wants place to assist in light
housework, close in; can go nome nlghta
a j 84U. oregonian.
oil OPTION wanted by colored woman for
general nouseworK. wining to go
country. S 802. Oregonisn.
iOL'.NG ladv wants Private exchange: i
perlenced ; hotel or wholesale bouse. AE
.Hi, uregonian.
l ol NG iady wants to work, morning and
evenings, for board and room. Address
AN 810, Oregonian.
OUNG lady, expert chocolate dipper, fast
and experienced, wishes position, it e,
JAPANESE young woman wants a position
tn smau family at nouseworK. auo.
EXPERIENCED colored laundress wanta
day work. East 4482.
WANTED Work and house cleaning. Phone
East 6039, room 10.
WOMAN wants housework or sewing by day.
Call room 2, Marshall 4002.
A CAPABLE woman for washing and Iron
ing by the day. Tabor 1422.
VOU.NO Japanese girl wants work for
board and room. Phone A 7794.
WOMAN wants work whole day.
Tabor 2443.
RELIABLE woman wants day work. $1.50
per day. Phone A do a J.
FIRST-CLASS fitter will accept a situation
out of city. X sri7. oregonian.
L. civil AN Middle-aged lady wants house
cleaning or nursing. Columbia 540.
WANTED by a woman Housework , family
two. AB 786, Oregonian.
WASHING and Ironing, take home or at the
house. Phone mornings, Marsnau 4010.
WANTED by a refined girl, janitor work In
otnees. can Marsnau oia.
LADIES, bring your combings; switches
made to order. 405 Davis st.
MUSIC teacher gives two piano or man
dolin lessons 75c. AN 773. Oregonian.
-OUaNG girl wants work In doctor, Mentist
omce. asa smau saiary. 31a in azi.
EXPERIENCED colored woman for
work of any kind. Phone Main 32.T7.
GIRL wanta place at light housework. 441
N. ZZd l
WOMAN wants washing, ironing, cleaning
by the day. pnone ftiarsnaa lop-t.
SWEEPING and dusting or washing and
cleaning. Ironing; expert. Tabor 4236.
DAY work, laundry and cooking, In private
families- Marshall 3026.
NEAT colored girl would like work as a
chambermaid or nurse Phone Main 8200.
WlLL-tare for children day or night, re
sponsible person. C 3203.
YOUNG lady wants chamberwork. with
room and ooard. Phone A 12S6.
EXPERIENCED day worker wishes work
by day or hour. Phone B 1638.
DAT work wanted. Mrs. Magee, Main
WOMAN wants day work. Main 4304.
AGENTS make big money and become sales
managers for our gods; fast office sell
ers; fine profits; particulars, samples free.
One Dip Pen Company, DepL 471, Balti
more, Md.
SALESMEN wanted for the Help-a-phone;
almost every teiepnone user buys; sens tor
$3; earn $108 a week; complete instruc
tions In salesmanship free. "A' Box 200,
Roseburg, Or. -
JUST think, Gordon safety razors made to
retail 2uc; guaranteea equal to so razor;
biggest seller out; sample 10c; guaranteed
lifetime. Gordon Co., Northwestern bldg.,
Chicago. .
AG ENTS Our absolutely square $30 to
$07. .jO weekly salary and so per cent -commission,
farmers order proposition assures
your prosperity. Galloway-Bowman Com
pany, Div. 187, Waterloo, Iowa.
DIGNIFIED proposition. Big profits; busi
ness men ana nouEe wives ouy on signt.
Investigate today. Sample postpaid 35c
Coast Manufacturing Co., desk D, Fresno.
BIG profits, manufacture Barley Crisp, new
ooniection, oc patnage cost ;c; ma
chine and Instructions $7.50 prepaid; sam
ples 10c Carter Company, 1612 S. Kedaie,
LADIES and gent for waterpower massage
machine; Dig pronts, easy .sales, w rite
quick; exclusive territory; money-back
guarantee. Western Sales Co., Centralia,
Wa t h. '
AGENTS make $25 to $100 every week seil-
ing sign letters tor stores, otnees; suc
cess guaranteed. Sample and particu
lars free. Metallic Sign Co., 437 N. Clark,
BIG cash bonus monthly and 100 per cent
profit; best 25c seller; a two-minute
demonstration makes every call a sale;
free sample and particulars. G. V. Sales
Co.. 24 Spruce sL, New York.
WANT partner to take half Interest in spe
specialiv; wholesale only; $25 required ;
10 to li. 2 to 4 P. M. Kelly, GUsan Hotel,
6th and GUsan sL, room 58.
WANTED Agents to Introduce the Llllle
Webb soap; nouse-10-nuuse ranvwuirrs,
city or town; quick sales, big profits. Lll
lle Webb, 4iu otu.
itheic aam riles no-snlash water strainers
winners for agents, both sexes; dally profit
5 upward: let us prove it; 2e (mailing
. . r 1 Qufl Villi.. TCtv Ynrl
liuaiy . u. J-- w--". - ....-i -- -
$'5.00 PER DAY to workers; male or fe
male; best selling goods; sample by mail,
23c. Call Portland Supuly Co.. 423 East
Bumside St., Portland.
AGENTS Your address fodsy means you're
my agent next weeK earning fio per aay.
Address The Home Mfg. Co., South Green
field. Mo.
WE pay $3ft a week and expenses to men
with rigs to introoucs jwumy tuiujiuuuu ,
year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept.
78, Parsons, KanJ
FREE Boys, girls, bracelets; skates, dpLs.
atr rifles, etc.. selling 24 10c packages.
Kent Jk Son, dept. 22, 2120 Faraon, SU
Joseph, Mo.
250 PER CENT profit; wonderful little ar
ticle, sells like wildfire; carried in pockeL
Write at once for free sample. H. Math
ews, 1374 State bldg.. Dayton. Ohio.
OUR agents are making as high as S3 a
day. If you can sell anything, you can
sell Silica Paste. Silica Products Co.,
302 Pine sL
NEW fibre home broom; costs sam as good
broom, outlasts four; sold only by agents;
.guaranteed Hllker Mop Co., 1339 Grand
ave.. Chicago.
LOCAL solicitors for Dew model ball-bear-Ing
vacuum cleaner Domestic Vacuum
Cleaner Co.. 812 Northwest bldg.
LEGITIMATE substitute for slot ma
chines: patented: sells on sight for SL Par
tlculars Gisha Co., Anderson, ind.
sre setting the Jaeger vacuum eleaner
Whv not Ju? Call 701 Rothchlld bldg
AuliNTS Something differenL Write for
special proposition. Monroe Mfg. Co., X 44,
La Crosse, Wis.
BOYS and girls, send for our free premium
proposition. P. O. Box 848, Portland, Or.
VACUUM cleaners are both necessity and
luxury; Quicuwork macnine will get more
dirt out of carpets ana rugs In same length
of time than any outer hand cleaner;
grents maae bits money from house to
house; our price mattes it easy tor any
one to start; nte for special selling plan.
O'Neilt-james Co., 800 Hunter blag.. Chi
Get our prices on famous Quick work
vacuum cleaner; little machine which sells
for $3 and will do as good work as high
priced machines; every machine guaran
teed; hustlers can make from $75 to
$1vh per week. V rite for factory prices
and full particulars. O'NeiH-uames Com
pany, 337 W. Madison su, Cnicago, IlL
AGENTS, fortune-maker; wonderful self
working wasner: aocs washing by itself;
runs automatically by water-works pres
sure; saves all hard worti of washdu ;
new Invention, sales unprecedented; agents
wanted who can handle hlsh-class propo
sition ; exclusive territory; $&0 to $400
month. Eagle Mfg. Co., sole infgs., Cin
cinnati, O., DepL 306.
110 DAY and more lo live agents; 100 per
cent profit ; sells to every colored mn a
and woman on earth: this is quickest kind
of easy money; send 15c stamps or coin
for 60c sample, terms; money back It not
satisfied at first glance. International
Specialties Co., Republic bldg., Chicago
Illinois. . T
JOIN moneymakers; every woman buys; 150
per cent profit selling new easy wringer
mop; Martin sold 131 2 days; Randall sells
IS 4 hours; Baker made $0 2 hours; one
man's orders $200 one month; no end to
sales. U. S. Mop Co., 101 Main at., To
ledo. O.
-alSMAN to cover the states Oregon,
Washington and Idaho; ladies and chil
dren's wash dresses, khakl goods and
" middy blouses. Line can be taken as side
line: straight, commission. Call Saturday
afternoon or Sunday. Mr. H. Fromme,
Oregon Hotel.
1 REQUIRE representatives for over SO of
the latest house-to-house, premium, offioe
and rural district specialties in America
Some are real self sellers. Do not con
tract your time until you get particulars,
Samuel C Osboro, Phelan bldg., San Fran
cisco. INVENTIONS of merit should be manu
factured properly. Our equipment is
modern anu complete, backed up by abil
ity and good service. Estimates and full
Information cheerfully turn'shed. Tha
Metal Specialty Co.. Dep't H, Cincinnati,
EXDLESS neckties sell on sight; girl made
$87 in one week", man made $-0 In one
day; looks like any stylish necktie; tie
in a different place each time; wears
times as long; patented ; write for terms
and free sample outfit. Endless Necktie
Co.. Gumbel bldg., Kansas City, Mo.
WE start you In business, furnishing every
thing; men and women; $30 to $20O week
ly, operating our "New System Specialty
Candy Factories, home or small room
anywhere; no canvassing; opportunity life
time; valuable booklet free. RagsdaleCo.,
Pox S. East Orange, N. J.
WHY work for others? Make $10 daily;
sell our Guaranteed Dry Chemical Fire
Extinguisher; 500 per cent profit; buyers
everywhere; state, county managers want
ed. United 'Mfg. Cow, '1081 Jefferson, To
ledo, O.
A POSTAL brings absolutely free our
monthly directory containing complete in
formation of responsible manufacturers
and dealers throughout U. S., and newest,
best-selling articles. Distributor, 56 Pine
St.. N. Y t
SAY-CO" vacuum cleaners do work; every
agent selling vacuum cleaners are coti-
suiting their own Interest by sending foe
price, description; territorial rights grant
ed. Say re & Co., 163 No. Michigan blvd.,
Chicago, 111. '
AGENTS New household necessity; every
body buys; make $5 a day and up; partic
ulars on request. ,01ds Specialty Co., box
382, depL O, Lebanon, Or.
BIG profits for you; manufacture barley
crisp: new confection; 5c package costs
you 1c; machine, instructions complete,
$7.50, prepaid; send 10c for samples.
Barley Crisp Co., 1609 Hyde su, San
AGENTS Have best-sellinr article on mar
ket. Something new. Everybody wants
one. Will sell million this year. Men
making $15 every day. Al Crost, Gen
eral Delivery, Los Angeles. California.
M-t-N to demonstrate and uko orders, new
device for - mending automobile Urea C
S02, Oregonian.
Does your vacant house appear on our
weekly printed rental bulletin? The only
printed rental Ust In the city.
Main 6869. 2GU Washington eU A 6267,
WANTED to rent, a furnished bungalow
from 3 to 6 months; must be comfortable;
Portland Heights. Willamette Heights or
on the river preferred ; responsible
couple. AD 842, Oregonian.
WANTED By responsible business man, to .
rent with option to purchase if agreeable,
7 or 8-room modern house on Portlaud
Heights; give exact location and full par
ticulars. Y 913. Oregonian.
WANTED Unfurnished bungalow of 4 to
6 rooms; must be modern and convenient
to car. Will take for 2 years or longer.
Two adults, no children. State your low
est rent. AD S43, Oregonian.
Modern houses. Clients waiting.
Marshall 4200. A 7158.
ADULTS will rent for long time good
4-room unfurnished modern cottage. Want
good location; will give good care. 611
Cerllngpr bldg.
WANTED To rent C-room modern bunga
low, unfurnished; good residence section;
state particulars and price. AS 84 a, Ore
gonian. AN 8-ROOM, modern, unfurnished house
bungalow, lor term 01 years, west 01 a e,
walking distance, state rent. R 033. Ore
gonian. WANTED -To rent by April 1, modern fur-
nisnea oungaion , piu.i-, uol eitwu
AG 847, Oregonian. '
BY TWO adults 5-room bungalow or cot-
age; unfurnished; close to carllne. T 712,
Oregonian. -
WANTED To rent 4 or 5-room furnished
bungalow m or near westn loreiauu;
children. East 300. apt. 22.
WANTED From 0 to J2-room house; mod
ern, walking distance, gooa location, on .
East or West Side. Phone East 5576.
A COUPLE wants a furnished bungalow of
about 5 rooms. State rent and particu
lars. Best references. W 820, Oregonian.
it ANTED To rent, by couple, 5-room bung
alow, close in, reasonanie; can give rei
erences. Phone Main 7518, mornings.
WANTED To rent 4 or 5-room flat, partly
furnished; must be moaern in every way;
desirable neighborhood. J 871. Oregonian.
WANTED Completely furnished house,
with garage. In Irving ton, April L Mar
shall 3783. i
NEW. modern 5-room bungalow, sleeping
porch, large grounds, close In: rent must
be reasonable. D 813. Oregonian.
WANTED To rent 5 or 6-room house la
Hawthorne dlstrlcL AG 843. Oregonian.
WANTED To rent 6 or 7-room houso in
Irvlngton district. AG 8"3. Oregonian. modern houso, West Side, good
neighborohod. for about $50. Main 686ft.
BOARD and room In private home by young
man Eat Hide, warning distance; givo
phone number. R 0-5, Oregonian.
MODERN 4-room flat, walking distance,
give location and renL AN 822, Ore
gonian. Rooms.
WANTED By refined couple'. 2. or 3-room
furnished housekeHng suite; must ba
strictly modern, "reasonable and within
easy walking distance of 21st and Wash-
' ington. Phoue Marshall 3-S2 or A 1644.
FURNISHED room In -exchange private
Ifstons, English, French, preparatory sub.
jects. Teacher. APJS30. Oregonian.
WANTED One large, one small furnished
room 3 gsntlemen. modern; references
exchanged. A 72tt, Oregonian.
L'N FURNISHED room by business woman;
nice neighborhood. AH 864. Oregonian.
SLEEPING porch with dressing-room, with
in walking dl5tance- on.e E- lt?-1-
ICfiomn With Board.
WaNTFD Board and room by gentleman,
prttate family or boarding-house. Give
description, price and phone. K 842, Ore
gonian. i
FAMILY to board an 8-year-old girl where
mother can room. Address Mrs. Emma
Swanson. 24514 Grand ave., city.
BOARD and room wanted by couple em
ployed withlu walking distance of West
Side bustnass section. AP 836, Oregonian.
WASTED Two rooms with board, by wid
ow ana son , nnv own iuh, e-t iue.
AB 717, Oreironfar
BUSINESS man wanta room and board in
t fami'v mi v nrifus and location. AN
S21. Oregonian.
LADY employed wants room In good home
where child of 4 can be cared for. AH
788, Oregonian.