15 BCSIXESS OPPORTUNITIES. BIOCKo A-ND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. WE ClfFEK. subject to prior eale 30 United States Cashier tv:5 100U Central Oregon Oil tit G.....bA SOOe Metaline Con. Alines . 150 People's Amusement Co..... 1000 HuODard-Elliolt Copper f 1UO0 Govt. Staud. Powder UJ loo Peerless Air Motor ao Port. Concrete Mi. ;"JK; 10 Pacific States Fire Ins. It?-' 15W Auto. Call & Advt. Clock S-,-4, 100O Lmbenstock & 1-arson 6xt0 Alaska Pet. & Coal 500 iieaity Associates 1st va AND MANY OTHEKS. WE W1LJ BUY. subject to purchase: 1000 Aimeda Con. Mines Rambler-Cariboo . Port. Home Tel. bonds ana stock N. W. Long-Distance Tel. bonds Poulsen W irelees Corp. American Druggist fciynd. American Telegraphone . ilarconi Wireless (all companies). Inter. Educational Pub. Aseptic 'Products, com. and pta. Riverside M. 4 M- lluboard-Elliott Copper Central Oregon Oil U Gas Alnska Peu it Coai Alaska Inv. Ac Dev. Keaity Associates 1st- Co-Operative Supply. Metallic Steel Tie (Universal. Vnion Home Tel. bonds. Home Tel. bonus (Spokane). Interstate Tel. bonds ( Wash.). BANKS' STOCKS WANTED AND MANY: OTHEKS. , We buy and sell for cash, an classes of MiNl.NCi, uuuaiR'1 - TELEPHONE. BANK. OIL and other slocks and uonos in vi phoue or write us. . . VVU.HAM E. DAVIDSON & COMPANY, URGE DEPARTMENT STORE, close to Portland, did tfSu.uoO business last y-ear. stock and fixtures will Invoice 3o,000. must be sold to someone wanting a splen did business; no brokers wanted; will dis count for cash, take half cash, good se curliy for balance. Jordan, 19 Lumoer- mens blug BOOK business opportunity; book "tore es tablished 23 years, with mail order busi ness, for sale with good will, doing busi ness J-'O to !0 a day: centrally located In Portland: stock will Invoice about 14000; will sell for $2t'00. NEW THOT REALTY CO.. Dlu tellers OPPORTUNITT for ble man. Portland cor poration. Increasing capital stock, wants the services of high-grade promotion man ager that can direct stock-selling cam paign. Only man of actual experience in this particular line need apply; substan tial guarantee to right party. C ia9. Ore- glMliail. CHANCE for a good reliable business man to get a half interest in an established land and acreage business. without putting any cash in a finely equipped office; would expect party to pay share of the running expenses each month. -U - Oregonian. GKOCERY store opening in thriving suburb of Portland, stock and fixtures at a bar gain, or will rent you good building cheap and you can put in jour own stock and fixtures: I am the owter of the building and can give you full Inlormauon. 730 Chamber of Commerce. TEN HEX, with oU0 each, wanted to han dle the product of a manufacturing cor poration on the Coast. Goods in everyday demand and profUs exactly 100 per cent. Fortuntea in it for reliable parties. Nont, others wanted. A lifetime business. Ad dress G 7-4, Oregonian. PHOTOGRAPHY Studio, well established and located in heart of city, paying well, tor sale very reasonable on account or other pressing business; an extraordinary opportunity for a man with limited cap ital. A bl3, jregoma.il. H WE H acre ground on O.-W. R. & in Rose Citv Park, with warehouse erected and spur track in, which will lease on reasonable terms or might consider turn ing In en Interest In good live blames. Owner, AU vregimmu WE will offer for sale for a short time our woodworking plant, as Installed, located at l.-ith and Thurman sts.; dry kiln, ma chines electric driven; can arrange lease or will sell machines or motor separately. Carman Mfg. Co. $150 A MONTH And big returns on your money for a good business man who can devote nis time and $s-",i)0. THB GILBERT-TILBURY CO., Phone Marshall 204. 304-05 Henry bldg. OFFICE business wants good sensible man aa partner; office clearing $300 month above all expenses; duties, attend to phone and show property; references; 20O re quired. 30 1 LuraDertxcnaiijt PAHTNER wanted, with $t300t, for logan berry raising; snap. Choice Council Crest, good view lots for a!e or exchange. A. F. Peterson, ZSZft Fifth. Phone Main 24SS, 0 A. M. I AM taking over a place of business; I want a good hustling partner, lady or gentle man, very smail investment required. In quire at 204 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark. A COMPETENT man. with small capital, to Join me in an established paying business. Enough business on hand to keep us going u year with lots more offering. No com petition. H 733. Oregonian. A. FINE general merchandise proposition; real estate $2500. stock $2."00, trade aver ages $t0 daily and growing; large tribu tary oountry. John Mills, Puyallup.Wash. liVOOO.000 or part European capital for In vestment in good American enterprises. Bankers' Alliance, 14 Bloomsbury st., London, England. FIKST-CLASS lunch-room, grocery and bak erv combined; established trade and good location; will stand full investigation; terms. Phone Wodlawn 1S2L SALE OR TRADE. An up-to-date hardware stock; Invoice about 54rH, rifar Portland. SMITH, 313 Hamilton Bldg. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES, Powers Cameograph 5. Edison exhibition. $0 and $75. Traveling outfits cheap. 333. Oak at. PARTNER wanted In cash business; owner tired of hired help; this is a money-maker. Only ?250 required. Particulars IMS is Stark at. A FINE proposition for a man who under stands the collection business; good money-maker, must pay own expenses. AG 707, Oregonian. "WANT ?lle0: will give interest in good machinery business; no competition; un limited demand, with large profits. AC S.'ij, oregonian. DRUGSTORE Do you want one? See Hiatt, 301 Board of Trade; have a good one. BrSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. STOCK of goods In good location, hardware, general merchandise, etc.. worth $12,000 to 'JO. 000; fine Willamette Valley farm of over .t0 acres, now stocked and mak ing money, will be given la part or full payment. C R. DON-CELL, 223 Lumber Exchange. Main 3476. GKOCERY store and building and lot. worth about ;5U0, wanted for 6-acre improved place, with good house and barn, right at electric nation. C. K. DOXNELL, 223 Lumber Exchange, Main 3478. HAVE a buyer for a commercial hotel In country, or consider cafeteria in city. Goldschmidt'a Agency, 416 Chamber of Comm erce. EXCELLENT stock ranch end timber, close te R. R-, In Willamette Valley, 3-0 acres - or ltu acre to exchange for gen. nidse. -or groceries. Address AV 579, Oregonian. if ON BY wanted for promotion of mechan ical monopoly; any amount accepted; will bear strictest Investigation. X vt, Oro gonian. WANTED To rent or buy on easy terms a good lunch counter in city or country town; no agents. A3 715, Oregonian. WANTED Drug store in Oregon; give de tails first letter. Address AV 3U0, Ore gonian WANTED To buy good 10x1 C jobber, aiso ima! newspaper plant. Address box 6, Joseph, Or. X WILL buy a good-paying saloon 1b Van couver, Wash., or Stevenson, Wash. K 721, Oregonian. AND service businessman; full particu lars or nothing. AJ 747, Oregonian. Si'vOS TO Invest In business that will bear Investigation. AH t91, Oregonian. ROOMlNG-HOtSES. l-HOuli hiiusetet-ping, on l.'ith at-, cheap for cash or witl exchange. Xi S33, Orego r.iiin. $s;0 FURNISHED 9-room house, beautiful furniture, ail new. paying (40 above rent; all full, easy payments. 551 Everett at. lo-KOOMLD house, furnished for house-kei.ii-s. all lull; cheap if taken at once. S2H 5lh ELEGANTLY furnished ten-room house, cose in; will take lot aa part pay menu ll'S 14th street. $0u CASH, balance J3.VH $12 month, se cures elegant furnishings; cost $1000. East NINE rooms. H. 2 bath a furnace; this Is a good home, with Income; part cash. Terms. 38 Park. NINE H K. rooms always full, fine loca tion, nice home, large yard, a bargain. Marshall 393S. FURNITURE of 7 -room house; any old price; leaving city. 3ttf 2d. IN CO ME S room s, exee 1 ! ent t urni t or e, d own t own; snap. 102 13th at. FURNITURE tn 11-room house for sale, house for rent. 508 Davia ml. CALLED away, sell cheap. T rooms, furni ture, lease it wasted. X27tt lUx, ROOMLNG-HOrSEl R, H. GOODKIND CO., INC. 1005-6 WILCOX BLDG. COR. 6TH AND WASHINGTON. TEL. MARSHALL 4t&, A 10G3. A FEW SPECIAL BARGAINS IN" ROOMING-HOUSES AND APARTMENT-HOUSES; BOMB FOR TRADE. OTHERS RE QUIRE A LITTLE CASH: IP YOU DON'T SEE WHAT YOU WANT HERE CALL AT OUR OFFICE AND LOOK OVER OUR COMPLETE LIST. 18 TEARS' EXPERIENCE. IS THIS LINE OF BUSINESS. ROOMING-HOUSES AND HOTELS. 90-ROOM, STRICTLY MODERN. NEW AND ELEGANTLY FURNISHED. If you want something out of the ordi nary. Investigate this new concrete bldg., team heat, running water, telephones in every room, large ground-floor office and lobby, electric e.evator. 70 steady room ers, balance are transient; this is an up-to-date place and can be boughL at a very low figure; owner's equity is $3000; If you have property to that value wtcan trade lor nis equity; long lease; reiifc vuij $600 a month. 60 ROOMS, CORNER BRICK. Fine, close-in West Side location, all iro lifht nn( id rooms. Drivate and public bath, full price $70,000; take $5000 In trade for city property or a lot valued $,"000 or more; will assume about $1000. We can arrange the balance of $5000 on house on easy monthly payments; this is a gooa paying piac-e; rem 74. ROOMS. .TITST LISTED. Close-in, West Side location, steam heat, hot and cold running water, brick building, private and public baths; rent $G a room; long lease; full price $!H)00, equity is $$000; will trade equity for hpuse and lots or vacant lota or general mer chandise store. ri pnftvs KTRTPTLY MODERN. Elegantly furnished gronnd floor office and lobby, eiectric elevator, finest West Side location; guaranteed $00 a month profit, full price $10,000, trade part for city property, balance -take mortgage on hmiciv 65 ROOMS, ALL FURNISHED. ALL FOR $3000, PART TitADgi. This Is a good frarao building, near Portland Hotel; average furniture; al ways full on account of cheap rent; just think. RENT ONLY $20 A MONTH. IN CLUDING THE STEAM HEAT. That figures only $3 a room and in that loca tion; lease over 3 year. We will pell this for $3000; that is the full price; will take $1000 cash, balance make your own terms or if you have close-in acreage, free and clear of Incumbrance, worth $3000, we can trade. o0 ROOMS. ALL FURNISHED. PRICE ONLY $3000. Stoam heat, running ' water; rent only $250: long lease; averaero furniture; lo cated near 7th and Washington; this house caters to popular price roomers; rents average J.l.iiO per week. 44 ROOMS, ELEGANTLY FURNISHED. Strictly modern, white pressed brick bullriine. 10 Drivate baths: rent $2u0. lone lease, a bi? mon-y-maker; owner's equity Is $2"00; will trade tor city prop erty b:ilanri S.ISOOr easy monthly pay ments; this place Is located in the finest West strte eistrict. A FORCED SALE BY ORDER OF MORTGAGEE. Mortgage now bng foreclosed, some one will get a snap; u rooms, eieantiy iur nished. steam heat, running water In ev ery room; prominent West Side corner; this place sold for 7000. and can be bought today for $2800: will take a lit i oflh bfllance In clear lots, acreate or a home; these are the fcfnd of places to pick up for a speculation. 20 ROOMS, GOOD BUY. Steam heat, frame building, excellent Wst Sfde location; rent SlOO: furniture very good and a good paving proposition, not a dollar owing here. Price $1500. Take half cash or tr,ide for clpar property. 17 ROOMS, A PICK-UP. Well furnished, all housekeeping, fur nace heat, rent $75; clear $00 month; lo cated nar 10th and Morrison. Price $1000. half cah. no trade consirfrd. 14 ROOMS. EASY TERMS. Located near 12th and Washineton sts. ; fnrnace heat: rent $55. Full price only $750. about $2-r0 cash; good furniture, 5 single rooms, balance housekeeping. APARTMENT-HOUSES FOR SALE AND TRADE. SPECIALTY IS HANDLING HOTFT.R. APARTMENT AND ROOMING - HOUSES. WE I.R A T OTHTE RS FOLT OW. HUNDREDS OF SATISFIED CT TENTS OTTR BEST REC O M M END AT ION. SIMPLY ELEGANT. 37 apartments, one of tho finest apartment-houses In the city: strictly modern In every detail, all of the modern con veniences; rent rfcht with 10 years lease; not a doUar owing on th's; full price Is $30,000: will trade for market value prop ertv. either city or country, or will take $15,000 in pmpertv and a mortgage back for $15,000: or. If you have no property to trade will take as low as $5000 cosh as first pavment: owner would not do this unlers he knew it was a gilt-edge pay ing prnnnsition. 12-ROOM APARTMENT-HOUSE. West Slrte. fine location; rent only $5T5: 10-year lea3e, very fine furniture, filled w'th eood. etndy tenants. Full nrlre $10. 0O0 ; easy terms; will tnk $1000 cash or trade all for areac or othr property. S1 ROOMS. JV APARTMENTS. New. white prnspd br'ck building. Nob Hill district, strictly modern in every de tail electric elevator; rent only $575 month, which includes steam heat, hot water and telephone in every apartment. Can vou bent It? Full price $S000. Take some cash, balance easy payments, or will trade for market value property in or near Pnrt'nnd. 72 ROOMS. VERY SWELL. Strlctlv modern. Nob H11! district, very finest of furniture; rent only $450. Tf you have acreage to the value of $4500 we can arrange the balance; investigate this. It's good. 72 ROOMS. A SNAP. 10 sinelo room?, balance all 2-room apartments, good fmitiire. modern brick; Utn, rent Is on'v $350. inclndinar steam h-nt, hot and mid water; clearing over or a month. Price $5000 for all, terms SlOOft rash: Invrsirate. 5-ROOM APARTMENT-HOUSE. Read every word of this, for It is cer tainly a good buy; first. fine, close-in Weft PMe location. 5 years lease, rent onjy 350 a month. Pull price $7500; not a dollar owing here; will sell on easy terms, or will trade f"r unincumbered pTTp.-rty in or near Portland only up to $7 SOtf. BO-ROOM" APARTMENT. ALL 2 ROOMS. NVw brick buiidlnc, furnished. 8 months rent $6 a room: Wst Side, exce'lent lo cation; a little beauty. Price $15000. easy terms, or trade. 4S-ROOM FR ME APARTMENT. Good Fast Sine location, ront 2?H. 4 year lonse. mnkinsr money. Price $300: It is clear of incumbrance: will trade for clear proper v or sll wrh $1ooo cash. 42 ROOMS. JUST FURNISHED. Owner of property Just furnished tn's new and don't want to make any profit on the fnrnitnr-: will sell for Just what It cost him. $"500. and give a 3-year lease on buiMip-r at W a month; Nob Hill dis trict, vrry se'"'?. FAVTT.Y HOTEL. ET.EG iNTT.Y FURNISHED. FINEST IN THE CITY. 210 rooms, large lobby, smoking-room drawing-rooms, ball and billiard -rooms, ladles' panors, elesrant dining-room, 129 baths, strictly modern in every detail ; rent $2250 a month: 10-year lease; to the ricrht parfv. one who is capable of run ning a plnce like this, we will make a prico on It that vou could not afford to pa? tip: It will renulre about $10.o0 cash as first payment: If yon want the finest iy the city call at our office for personal In terview. REMEBER THE NAME. R. H. GOODKIND CO., INC. WILCOX BLDG.. 0TH AND WASH. THIS IS CHOTCE. 38 rooms, location the very best for se lect cla-ss of permanent roomers, furnished with the best of everything, half in 3 room apartments, very desirable and AL WAYS FILLED; the other half choice sleeping rooms; house clears at present $130 a month above ALL EXPENSES. Long lease, cheap rent: price $38r4), time on part. O- C R- Ellis & Co., 30fl Board of Trade. OWNERS must sell 60 -room hotel, lease ex pires August, inn, goon west &iae loca tion, hot and cold running water in each room, steam heat, all outside rooms, ground-floor office and lobby: rent f 0 SO per room: steady trade and pood profits. Price $7500, some terma. X 710, Orego nian. YOU CAN TRADE YOUR LOT. 15 ROOMS, near 12th ar.d Jefferson, extra well furnished, can make all fam 1'v expenses here; If you have a lot worth $600, paid for. you can get right Into this place and begin taking in the money. O. C R- Ellis & Co., Board of Trade bldg. 3t)-ROOM family hotel; good for man and wile to mane easy living ana nave home; owuer called away; must sell. Phone Main 1135. 25 Trinity Place, cor. Washington. 21 ROOMS, housekeeping, elegantly fur nished, new, clean ana respeciauie; iuii and paving; good lease; easy terms; oheip. Bv owner, 655 Flanders, near 20th. IF you hav anything to trade for a room ing-house, ti e have some snaps in good paying honsea. See us first. H. E. JAMES CO., S? 10th. Near Stark. WILL take rooming-house to $1000 as first payment on modem eight-room house, $2750. E 79. Oregonian IF YOU are looking for a bargain in a room- tng-nouse, can at -roj itn st. 10 ROOMS, West Side, good furniture, rent - oaiiM mt Xfain 97 17 ROOMS, all housekeeping, cheap tor ROOsrnvG-HorsEs. INVESTMENTS THAT WILL MAKE YOU MONEY. A ! 1 fn,f.tiAI1 Klnta in Rooms all rented. $350 takes this jiionaay. 15 rooms, well furnished, A-l location for rooming-house, bricK Duncimg. Rent $Jo, years' lease $00; equity for lots or acreage. 26 rooms, well furnished, always full; owner sick; maae us an oner. RT mnmm modern apartment and room ing-house. Elegantly furnished. All rpntf-d. Located near llth and Jef ferson. Small amount of cash win handle. 45 rooms, downtown hotel, $6.66 rent per room, inciuumg uirai nuu -' ' .,ms. innn ensh handles or will consider some good clear property. 60 rooms, new modem brick apartments f.D-niaHiTie-B rtiass A." Every apart ment rented. Rent only $5.50 per room. Will trade lor ciear city prop erty, or acreage. SPECIALS SPECIALS SPECIALS 50 rooms, Nob Hill, one of the most pop ular apartment-houses in the dis trict. Just think, the rent is less than $4 per room. Elegantly fur nished. Apartments always full and engaged ahead. Let us show you this n.i tell vou the orice and you will buy. To rooms z-rooro apanmcuia single rooms. Rent $550, including i . ani a-gtar Hifrht down town. Make an offer in trade or cash. Must be sold by the Sth. COUNTRY HOTELS COUNTRY HOTELS COUNTRY HOTELS 66 rooms, lobby office, parlor, dinlng- Ai.iironi iu furnished room, mimwi, o;a" .Tjt throughout, 6-year lease; rent -00 1 J V, t-i r lr rrm- per mo. iew ot.ee r . structed building. Modern. Price of lease and furnishings $800o, good terma Would consider sale of building and real estate. in-o-a narlnp hfllTOOm. OB rooms, iuuuj, I"' & a f - " : dining-room, billiard-room, barber shop, batnrooms, kuch h nine floor. Located on the corner or two principal streets in good Oregon town. Elegantly furnished through out. Brick buiiding cost over $j0. 000. Will take city property, farm or timber land. THE HARBOLT-WILSON CO. INC, 710-718 LEWIS BUILDING, FOURTH AND OAK. MARSHALL 4200 A 7108 ROOMING AND APARTMENT-HOUSE3 FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE. MODERN APARTMENT. 60 rooms, strictly modern, West Side apartment-house, elegantly furnished, clearing J150 month over all expenses; .price only $3500, cash, MODERN APARTMENT. 48-room modern apartment, fine West ci,i inAsrinn. woll furnished, absolutely clearing $150 month; this house will bear the closest investigation; the price is too low to advertise; iiaw caan i-wnuie. HOTELS AND- APARTMENTS FOR EXCHANGE. MODERN HOTEL. Elegantly furnished, strictly modern. West Side hotel; ground floor office and lobby this house is netting $Su0 per month If you have good unincumbered property up to $20,000 and some cash, in vestigate this one. MODERN APARTMENT. 50-room modern brick apartment -house, fine West Side location, elegantly furnished and clearing 1200 per month; will ex change for clear city property at cash value up to $6000. MODERN APARTMENT. 46-room modern West Side apartment, n.ift ner month: first-class fur nishings; price J5000; will trade for clear city property; inveaufiaw 48 rooms, fair furniture, part housekeeping- good location and a money-maker; price $3000; will trade for acreage or city property. MODERN HOTEL. m SO rooms, modern brick hotel, good West Side location, well furnished; this house is absolutely clearing $400 per month and will bear the closest Investigation; will exchange for first-class unincumbered city PrPRiy.PH ACKU5Y LAND CO 170 6th St., Opposite Postoffice. HOTEL BARGAIN. Just built and opened, a hotel of 10 rooms. bar and cafe; many disappearing beds and private baths, large lobby, fire proof bldg.. 10-year lease, no deposit re quired; elegantly furnished; price is right and is located in the best Coast city in B C. Home Brokerage Co., 28 Henry ROOMING-HOUSE 9-room house In fine lo cation on Tavlor st.. nc-ar 13th, excellent furnishings, fine bedding, piano, good car pets $1100. Fine new paying 50-room apartment house on the East Side, every room full; will take part trade, part cash. NEW THOUGHT REALTY CO., DID Cillers Xiu& 43 ROOMS. EXTRA" GOOD. In best West Side location, corner brick modern, furnishings extra good; one of the paying places, under same owner for years; sacrifice price $3i00, only small payment or take clear city property for part. Lease to 1116. O. C. R, Ellis & Co., 3u boara vi imuo. WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE FOR THIS? 27 rooms, modern, beautifully furnished, close in. West Side; is a fine paying house; have the best reasons for selling; take small rooming-house as part; don't . overlook this bargain. H. E. JAMES CO., 88 10th, Near Stark. Steam heat, hot and cold water in al. rooms; rent $5.50 per room: beautifully furnished; price $3000; small amount or cash and balance in trade. 618 Yeon bldg. 11-ROOM rooming-house, nicely furnished hA...uiT1ini apartments; best location: walking distance; always occupied; rent only $30: any reasonable offer aa owner must leave city. tee owner ai 00 nui street. ' LITTLE MONEY REQUIRED. 15 ROOMS, NO. 1 location, brick build iTur furnishings much above average; rent $00, with lease, fine buy, or take lot as paxt, long lime on ouiaiiuc v. "-J & Co., 309 Board of Trade. 18 ROOMS. WELL FURNISHED. Rent $00, Income $138.50. This Is a fine West Side location; owner has other business and Is forced to sell at once; has cut price from $1200 to $700 for alL JAMES, 88 10TH. NEAR STARK. - WILL TRADE FOR PROPERTY. 58 - room apartment-house, pressed brick, strictly modern, within walking distance, net $250 per month. Phone Main 1552. TWO houses, one 12 rooms, the other 7; all housekeeping, very centrally located and good money-makers, will sell reason able or exchange for house and lot. Phone Main ea.a. 30-ROOM hotel to rent, completely fur- ns Krir1r T-fillrfiflfi tprmlniiB. Eastern Oregon ; rent very reasonable for parties capable of running first-class house; references exenungeu. 001, uic6uuia. 20 ACRES, clear of Incumbrance, only 5 miles from railroad, to trade for small rooming-house. RALPH ACKLET LAND CO., 17o 5th st. Main 7141. ROOMING-HOUSE, bringing in good returns, will sell for one-third value, unable to care fer: price $250, terms to suit. Owner, 609 Johnson. 24 ROOMS, $700. Close in on West Side; rent $90, with lease; mostly housekeeping; $500 cash re quirod. 61S Yeon bldg. LET me take charge of your apartment or rooming-house; have just Bold my own house; have had long experience and caa make It pay. Marshall 1777. FURNITURE of 10 rooms, fine residence. Can keep roomers. Cheap for cash or will trade. Call 154 16th st. N. Phone Main 527. FOR SALEi Rooming-house, 16 rooms, 4 year lease; steam-heated, centrally locat ed; money-maker; price reasonable. 435 Yamhill. 6 ROOMS, close in. West Side, rent .$16, good home; can rent rooms to pay all expenses; we can sell this today for $125 for all. Call 83 10th, near Stark. KOOM1NG-HOUSE, finely furnished! grand for boarding-house; for sale or would ex change for real estate. Call 622 Corbett bldg. A GENUINE bargain in 9-room flat, elegant location. 5 minutes walk from P. O. ; one third cash, balance terms; good reason for selling, ass1- Mill st., corner West Park. 10-ROOM house, nicely furnished, best loca tion in citv; rooms easily rented; will sell at a bargain. 2i5 Salmon St.. cor. Fifth 13 ROOMS at sacrifice; nicely furnished; rent renaonaote; ieavui- ciiy m aw ROOMING-HOUSES. NOTICE TO STOCKMEN, Now is the time to get into the cattle business. We have for sale some gooi stock ranches, with or without cattle One excellent stock ranch, about 1000 acres, with 700 head of cattle, for saie at a price that is right. Another witn 900 acres, with several hundred head of cattle, on reasonable terms; parties re tiring; from the business. We aiso have ranches from liiO acres to 640 acres for general farming that will be sold on small down payment and easy terms on balance. Good water rights. No such thing ia crop failure. Dairy farming pays big. Products sold to the mining district in county. Write immediately. Someone is going to get bargains. For honest, hustling men this is a rare chance to get locate-i and own a farm of your own. Address D. c. Smutz, Challis, Idaho. FURNITURE rooming house; two tninuteB from postoffice. A Wi, uregonian. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited, BIDS FOR OIL. Sealed bids will be reecived by Jno. B. Coffey, Couniy Clerk, at Courthouse, unti? 10 A. M. on Monday. February 17. 1913, for furnishing fuei oil and road oil to Multnomah County, for a period of one, two or three years. Deliveries to be made by tanK wagon at: court House, aiuitno mah Hospital, ferry boat "Lionel R. Web ster." ferry boat "W. A Mason." ferry boat 'Sr Johns." Bidders to state place of delivery for road oil in carload lots. For fuel oil for Kelly Butte state place where our wagons can can. For Multnomah Farm F. O. B. at farm. T. J. Cloeton, County Judge; W. L. Lightner, County Commissioner; D, V. Hart, County Commissioner. SEALED proposals will be received at the office of the undersigned, 402 Tilford building, until 12:00 M., Wednesday, Feb ruary 19 1913, for the general work of the addition to the Rose City Park School. Plans and specifications may be had at the office of Jacobberger & Smith, arch itects. Board of Trade building. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of the proposal, payaoie to . n. Thomas. School Clerk, must accompany each proposal. Board of Directors re serves the right to reject any and all pro posals A deposit og $10 is required for plans ana specmciiuitB. r, H. THOMAS. School Cierk. Dated January 31, 1913: SEALED proposals will be received at the office of the undersigned, 402 Tilford bldg., until 12:00 M., Wednesday. Feb ruary 19, 1013, for the general work and tne beating ana veniiiaiing iur i" tion tn thn Femwood School. Plans and specifications may be had at the office or Ellis . Lawrence, arcauwi, v.uLii' htr nf rnmmarrB build ine. . Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of the proposal, payable to R. H. Thomas, school clerk, must accompany each proposal. Board 01 directors re serves the right to reject any and all pro poscals. R. H. THOMAS, Dated January SO, 1913. School Clerk. I WILL receive sealed bids for a stock of mercnandise locaieu at ui cast street in the City of Ashland, Oregon, MnsiKHnrf mostly of a stock of millinery goods of the inventory value of $2128. Sti and fixtures of the inventory value of $71 Up to J Z O CIOCK noon 01 l nurauuy, February 6, 1913. Terms cash and a cash deposit of 10 per cent must accompany each offer. Right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Inventory may be seen at my office In Medford, Oregon, and the property may be inspect! on the premises. Dated at Medford, Oregon, January 25, 1913. William Ulrich. trustee. SEALED bids will be received by Jno. B. Coffey, County Clerk, at Courthouse, until 10 A. M., on Thursday, February 20. 1913, for furnishing Multnomah County with one number 10 model Wales visible adding machine, and one number 8 stand. The right is exoressly reserved to reject any or all bids received. T. J. Cleeton. County Judge; D. V. Hart, County Commissioner; W. L. Lightner, County Commissioner. Mist'elloneoua. NOTICE Annual meeting stockholders the Snake River Valley Railroad Company Pursuant to the by-laws, a regular meet ing of the stockholders of the Snake River Valley Railroad Company, for the election of directors and such other business as may come before the meeting, will be held at the office " of the company, in the Wells Fargo building. Portland. Oregon, on Monday, February 3, 1913. at 12 o'clock noon. L. F. Steel, assistant secretary. LOST AND FOUND. THE following is a list of articles found on the cars of the Portland Railway. Light & Power Company and turned in at the different division points. Owners may se cure same b,y applying at barns as intli- , "teellwood barn, Jan. 31. 1913. Phone A 6131 2 umbrellas. 2 valises, 2 shoes, 1 tie pin, 1 bunch keys. . , Ankeny barn. Jan. 31, 1913. A 61311 shirt, 1 baseball mask, 1 handbag, 1 pair 0'savieMt barn for Jan. 3L 1913. Phone A 55S5 1 umbrella, 4 photos Piedmont barns. Phone C 1227 4 um brellas. 1 suitcase, 1 satchel, 1 grip. 4 din ner pails, 4 misc. packages. 3 gloves. PAWNBROKERS, or others having any knowledge of the following articles: 1 wedding ring. Masonic emblem engraved; 1 gold signet ring, monogram H. F. ; 1 gold ring. 2 garnets (orig.3: 1 gold ring, 1 pearl (very worn) two names engraved on inside; 1 gold bracelet, large coral bead in shell; 1 gold chain bracelet, with heart shaped locket with turquoise; 1 gold and black enamel brooch, center containing hair, surrounded by pearls, inscription on back ; kindly communicate in confidence to AG 706, Oregonia FOUND Wheifc you can buy genuine hair mattresses retail at wholesale prices; we renovate mattresses and-return same day; we also renovate leathers. Portland Curled Hair Factory, H. Metzger. 22tf-22ii Front. Phone Main 474, A 1374. THE following articles have been found and turned in at the Union Depot: On O.-W. R. & N. train No. L January 30 mans umbrella; in mam waiting-room. Union Uepot. woman 8 umoreu. LOST A gold watch with monogram M. A B., at Heilig Theater, 7th and Taylor sts., January 29, Wednesday matinee. Liberai reward;" return to 024 Beck bldg., any week day from 10 A M. to 1 P. M. LOST Ladies' gold watch and pin, in Heilig Theater, on Alder or in Olds. Wort man & King's, alter Saturday matinee. Finaei kiuuiy return to Williams ave. or phone East 384"4. . Reward. LOSX An M. W. A. receipt book with name f inid'o and number, also party's name on cover. Finder call Woodlawn 27 J3 Monday. Reward. i,u:sT t-n L or bunuysiue car or Aiuer au between 2d and 1st, 1st and Morrison sts., gold pendant and chain. Reward. Tel. E. 1704. 311 Crosby st- Lo&T Bouquet of violets made of purple silk .and green cord, bet. Oregonian and Washington si. and Market. Keward. Re turn to Oregon ianoifice. LOST Pink slipper bag, with slippers, Chrlstensen's dancing card, name Flor ence Hartman, either Owl drugstore or Peoples Theater. Phone East 3483. LOST Between Williams ave. and Cherry or Broadway and Larrabee, or, perhaps, on L car, white fur. Woodiawn 8041. Re ward. LOST A small purse containing diamond ring and 2(1 cents, between Fourth and Yamhill and West Park. J, E. Trownseud, 172i 4tn; rewara. LOST On Mississippi ave. car or downtown, lady's goJd ring set in emeralds and pearls. Finder return to room 315 Hamilton bldg., or phone Tabor 2075. Reward. LOST Thursday night, gentleman"s gold hunting case watch. Hamilton make, $10 reward. Phone itm aiam LOST Saturday morning in vicinity of 3d and Washington, bunch of keys; return 910 Chamber 01 ommcruc, n. UjT Lady's gold watch and chain, open case, L. J- engraved on back. Reward. Phone .laoor b.i. a . LOST An umbrella, long silver handle with name engraved therwoa; reward. Phone East1617. LOST D U. Fraternity pin, aet with pearls and garnets. Return to 335 14th st. Re wara. LOST January SL at 3d and Madison fur muff ana parcel, muuc 4515 or A 2229. Reward. LOST Opera glasses, valued a gift. Re- ward, vi t uoara ut mup "'e- LOST Airedale terrier,, eight months old, i t., r in.Vl raU Sellwood 436. LOST Valuable package; return to No, 10 East 7th N Reward. v . FINANCIAI. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Western Bond & Mortgage Co., 416 Commercial Club Bidg. BANK OPENINGS. We have some excellent Western bank ' oropositiona Howland & Rowland, bank stock broKera,401 McKay bldg..Portland. $350o- TO loan on good Portland real estate at 7 per cent interest; I will cut up this amount for A No. 1 loans. See me at 730 Chamber of Commerce bldg. " CASH PAH) FOR MORTGAGES Or seller's equity in contracts of sale- on . real estate In Washington or Oregon. , H. E Noble, Lumbermens bldg. Loans. WANTED To buy stock of The First Trust Com pany, of Portland. Or. N. F. JOHNSON, 609 McKay bldg. INVESTMENT. Man or woman with $5000; will pay 25 per cent; safe, legitimate; don't question; 04 Wilcox bldg. ' MORTGAGE LOANS, notes, contracts, mort aaees (1st and 2d), equities purchased. F. H. LEWIS CO.. ft Lewis bid. FINANCIAL. OUR syndicate is ready to consider propo sitions pf merit; give full description; we will judge the values. AH 752, Orego nian. CONTROLLING shares in a prosperous coun try bank near Portland can be had at a very attractive price, account owner hav ing ouLside interests; excellent lide of de- . posits, fast-growing town; strictly con fidential. J 773, Oregonian. WANTED $10,000 to clear title and start mill on free-milling mine, with $100,0oO blocked out: will give right party control; will stand investigation, AC 919, Ore gonian. WE .will furnish the money at a low rate of Interest and save you more than the brok erage of 2 per cent if we do the planning and building for you. It will pay you to see us. L. R- Bailey Co., Inc. 324 Abington. FIRST and second mortgages, contracts and commission accounts bought, reai es tate loans. E. B. Miller, 41 0 Abington bid. t fuvs nn citv &nA farm prooertyi mort gages bought. Nelson Bros., 804 Lewis bidg. LET us olace your surplus funds on gilt' edge real estate security without cost to you. F. O. Norturup jo., wja wutnuiu. Money to Lean Real Estate. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE OR FOR BUILDING PURPOSES; VERY FLEX IBLE CONTRACTS; NO COMMISSION. COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO., 916 SPALDING BLDG. HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK, Chamber of Commerce bldg. We have on hand funds for invest ment In good first mortgages. If you wish to borrow on your real estate, confer with our mortgage loan department. TW n RTO AGE LOANS on real estate security at reasonable rates in sums from $500 and up. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY, 171 Fourth St., Between Morrison and YamhilL 900 TO LOAN on first mortgage. $1000 to loan on first mortgage. $1500 to loan on first mortgage. Scott & Beesley, 212 Abington bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Money to loan at 5, 6 and 7 per cent, Improved property only. It will pay you to see us first. A. K. HILL COMPANY, 419 Henry Bidg. PLENTY OF MONEY For all building purposes. It will pay yoU to see us before you plan your building. BUTTERWORTH-STEPH ENSO.N GO., 705-6-7 Couch Bldg. Phones A 4951, Marshall 1789. LOANS from $1500 to $10,000 on good Port land security. WATSON Sc THERKELSEN CO., 506 Spalding Bldg. Main 7692. ON improved city property or for building purposes. 3 to 8 years' time; liberal pay ment privileges, money advanced as build ing progresses. The Equitable Savings & Loan Association, 240 Stark st. $10,000.00 TO LOAN In $1000 to $5000 amounts On Portland Improved property CITIZENS BANK, 120 Grand ave. $2000 TO loan on city real estate security at lowest current rates. , PARRISH, WAT KIN 3 & CO., 106 Second St. 2 ACRES, cleared. 5-room house, barn, chicken-house, good well; 75 bearing fruit trees; 3 miles out West Side; near 2 car lines; possession March 1. M 811, Ore gonian. MONEY, any amount up to $100,000 to lend on inside city real estate, 6 and 7 per cent. .TOfiRPH C. GIBSON. S06 Gerlinger bldg., 2d and Alder. $500,000 on improved city or farm property, building or email loans at lowest rates; large loans a specialty. McKenzie & Co., 014-515-616 Gerlinger bldg. S50O0 TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ES TATE. CITIZENS BANK. 120 GRAND AVE. TO borrow on real estate. See mortgage 304 Oak st., near 5th. $:Ji,000 TO loan on city real estate security at lowest current rates. PABRISH, W ATKINS & CO., 106 Second St. MORTGAGE LOA.VS. Real esLate security, current rates. Rms. 10-1- Mulkey bids.. 2d and Morrison. MONET? to loan on improved residence property- reasonable rates; no brokerage charged. Wro MacMaster. 7U1 Corbett bid. 1 HAVE a thousand dollars. What havj you? Particulars, P. O. Box Uio, Port land. . TO LOAN, 1000 for three years at 8 per cent. No commission. Fred Countryman, 94 Vancouver ave.. City. . BKE US TODAY, tor loans on Improved city Drooerty, 6 to 8 per cent, 3)u and up. CEbLARS-LUJRTON CO.. 82S Yeon bldg. " 300. J500. 800. $1200. 1600 To loan on real estate. Fred W. German Co.. 32 Chamber of Commerce. Ui00 and T0uu on Improved inside real estate direct to borrower. P Ore gonian. t-Miit oon to lean In sums to suit; building '"loans; lowest rates. W. G. Beck, aift-SlH Failing bldg. tv'ttu TO loan on unyiwcu vj piupctvy .i 7 or 8 per cent. Call at 31S Board of Trade blug. Main 74S2, A 4401. MONET to loan at 6 to 8 per cent on gooa real estate security. F. Fuchs. 420 Cham ber of Commerce. TO LOAN $20,000 OR LESS!" FARR1NGTON, COMMERCIAL. CLUB BLDG. .,,,00 TO J0000 LOAN improved city or farm property. Private party. No commis sion. Ail 711, Oregonian. uuilB! to loan on improved city property al current rates. Lawyers' Abstract A Trust Co room 6, Board of Trade bldg. i OANS on improved or unimproved real aiata. mortgages and contracts bought. W. H. Nunn. 448 Sherlock blag. s-Htoo TO $10,000 to loan at 7 per cent on close-In residence or business properly. 207 Oregonian uouTRAGE loans on city property; lowest rat el A. 'A. Birrell Co., 202 McKay bldg.. 1 niru ana r,-w saiOO to loan at t per cent on close-in residence or business property. 207 Ore- gonian bldg. tpiit V) A -v PASH FOR seller's contract and t small mortgages. Smith-wagoner v-".. JUST $3500 to loan at 7 per cent on ciose-in residence or business property. 207 Ore- gonlan bldg. IF you have A-l real estate security -we can cTliAN & Tsb T22-24" Yeon bld " tano TO loan on city real estate security, JVW t. . r, t. -OI A TI 1 NTS Rr co rA'"klk"' , , . -- - . -i 100 Second St. 450Q AT 6 per cent or 7 per cent, according to location, tor good loan. T 027, Orego nian. S500. $1000. $1500, 2000, $2500. REASONABLE CHARGES. Henkie & Harrison, Qer.ingtr bldg. 4314.000 TO LOAN CITY OR FARMS. ' J. O. ROUNTREE. Cham b er of Commerce Bldg. PRIVATE party wants to loan $10,000 on business or income property; no commic sion or brokerage, Aadresa T.. 2(X2 Alder. -rn i.an - sHoTodo. 8 per cent: 10.000. 7 per cent, on improved city property. 809 tjoaru ul 1 ni MONEY to loan on city property. $1000 and 15000, OR paJ1 or immediate loan on real estate. Phone at once. Main 1160. iib 000 AT 7 per cent tor one or two loans. income . -o STATE FUNDS, 6 per cent. W. E. Thms, agent .muim"1" w MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT. money any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. W. i&Co.. 310J SpalcU oJWg. FRED W. GEP.MAN CO. removed to 932 Cnamber ot Commerce. MONEY to loan on real estate, firat mort gaee. Hatfield. 165 4tn st. LOANS on real estate or chartels; contracts PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort gaees. H. Miley. room 204 Gerlinger bldg. SMALL real estate loans, no commission ; mortgagee bought, phone Marshall 6105. $1000 LOAN, want first mortgage security, city property only. T 614. Oregonian. ilOOO AND $2000. FLETCHER, 22j .Abington bldg. tqxNS on real estate, diamonds and Jew elry. TVm. Holl. room 9 Washington bldg. MONET TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. H. HARPING. 312 Cb. of Com. H WK client who buys sellers' contracts. HIGLEY A BISHOP. 201 Hamilton bldg. $13 500 TO loan by owner from 8 to 5 years, N 723, Oregonian. 5700 TO loan. Higley & Bishop. 201 Hamil ton bldg. $500 TO $20,000 on city property; amounts to suit. Herman Moeller, Wilcox bldg. MORTGAGE loans, any amount, no delay. Henry C Prudhomm &0i Wilcox bldg. FINANCIAL. .Hooey to Loan Ueal testate. $5000 OR LESS AT 7 PER CENT. $o0,000 OR MORE AT 5Va AND 6 PER CENT. LOANS MADE WITHOUT RED TAPE AND UNNECESSARY DELAY. PRIN CIPALS APPLY IMMEDIATELY TO R. H. BLOSSOM, 316 CHAMBER OF COM MERCE. MORTGAGE LOANS. Money on hand for loans "on Portland residences and inside business property at current rates. First mortgages only. .COMMERCE SAFE DEP. A MORTGAGE COMPANY. 101S Chamber of Commerce. MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! 07C 6"i $1000 to $100,000. city and farm loans. C. R. DON NELL, 223 Lumber Exchange, Main 3470. $cc 6 1 t MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED PORTLAND PROPERTY ALSO LONG-TIME BUILDING LOANS WITH PRE-PAYMENT PRIVILEGES. STRONG & COMPANY. FINANCIAL AGENTS. 603 CONCORD Bi.DG. $1000- -TO- -$50,000 to loan on city property. o to ( per cent. MALL & VON BURSTEL, 104 Second St., near Stark. $1000 TO loan on Portland real estate; will finlit thin amount if security is good and terms are satisfactory. Call 730 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY loaned, large or small amounts a soecialtv: easv turme: mortftase. con tracts bought. United Realty, room 20u Gerlinger bldg. $4000 FOR loan on Improved real estate; will divide. C 700, Oregonian. $2000 TO lend on house and lot in good lo cation. M SOS, Oregonian. $100O TO loan on city real estate, private party. H33 Worcester mcig $5000 TO loan on Improved city property, no commission. Apply 422 Hamilton bldg. Money to Loan Chattels and salaries. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$'$$ SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. $10, $20. $.10. $40. $50. $00. $70, $100. Cheapest and best place to BORROW MONEY. Lowest rates. Easiest payments. REM EM BUR. IF YOU WORK, WE WILL LOAN YOU MONEY. OPEN 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. Saturdays until 9 P. M. STATE SECURITY CO., 3o Failing bldg. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$ MONEY AT REASONABLE RATES. Loans made quickly on furniture, pianos. Storage receipts, salary, contracts, second mortgages and real estate. You can gi it today. PORTLAND LOAN CO-, 207.Macleay Bldg. Open Monday and Saturday till 9 P. M. A DESIRABLE place for ladles and gentle men to borrow money on diamonds and Jewelry at Eastern rates- Diamond Pal ace, 3ii4 Washington, opp. Owl Drug Store MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE And others, upon their own names; chea rates, easy payments; confidential. D. H Tolman, room 31" Lumber Exchange. WE LOAN money on diamonds and jewelry at half the rates cuarged by broke s. Marx & Bloch. 74 3d su PRIVATE party has money to loan on fur niture and chattels. Call at my home. C V. Ryan, 2Stf lUth st., near Jefferson. MONEY sold on installments; conhdentisl salaried people. F. A. Newton. Henry bld MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewelry strictly conlldential. 3d, near Alder A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattels. The Loan Co., 414 Dekum bldg. Loans Wanted. WE have applications on baud for the fol lowing amounts; $1100 for three years at 7; .Lents, Ore gon, valued at $;i50O. $2500 for three years at ; Riverside Drive, valued at $70UU. ' $7500 for three years at 1 East Side warehouse property, valued at $30,000. $1200 for three years at 8; house and lot in westport Addition, valued at $2500. $3500 tor 3 years at 8; Yamhill County farm, valued at $ttG0v $ 800 for three years at b't. : unimproved land in Multnomah county, valued at $3V00. JG000 for three years at $; Westover Terraces, valued at $15,u00. $4000 for one year at b'ci 100 acres tim ber in Abaqua Basin, valued at $'Jt00. $1000 for one year at 8; 5 to 25 lots In Rowena Park, valued at $500 each. CHAP1N-I1ERLOW MTU. & TlvLST CO.. jd floor Chamber of Commerce, See J. Baumgartner. WE have applications on hand for the fol lowing gilt-edge loans at 7 and 8 per cent: $1700 Modern 6-room house. East Side, value $40U0. $1250 Modern 0-room house, Piedmont district, value $35lo. $;0J 4-room house, value $3500. $1700 Modern b-room houoe, value $37MO. $yU(0 Close-in suburban property, highly improved, on carline, value $1U,0UU. See us if you have money to loan. We specialize in loans on improved property only. A K. HILL COMPANY, 419 Henry Bidg. A ANTED 2000 on 110 acres of land. 80 per cent tillable; within 40 miles Port land, on or before 3 years; this land is within 2 miles of town of 1um inhabi tants and railroad; purchase price $5o"0; also $ou0 on White 5-tou auto freight truck, practically hew, used less than a year. F 772, Oregonian! RESPONSIBLE parties desire to borrow $2O00 to $.-000 for 3 years at J per cent interest, payable quarterly; real estate se curity; conservative values; Insurance and abstract; no brokers. Call at 4ul McKay blug. Marshall 3909. $3000 WANTED on well-improved SIX ACRE suburban home and dairy ranch , value $9000; will pay 8 per cent and ex penses to private party. F 737, Orego nian. WANT $4900. 3 'years, 7 per cent, good security, close in. East Side, improved, insured for $0500; prefer private money. Owner. 73 Sixth st. . YOUR MONEY placed without charge on Iirst mortgages approved by you. SEE JOS. BAUMGARTNER, CHAP1N-HEULOW MTU. & TRUST CO.. Third Floor Chamber of Commerce. WANTED $3500 from principal; first mort gage. S years, 7 per cent, on West Side flats worth $15,000. Crescent Realty Co., 809 Board oi uraue mug. WANT $0500 loan on my river front home, now free of incumbrance, being 50 P'r cent of valuation, for 5 years, with good personal reference. V 713, Oregonian. OWNER wants $3500 at 7 per cent from, pri vate party ; no cojuuu , property worth three times the amount. J 7&4, Oregonian. $300 FIRST mortgage well secured on Klamath Falls city property, can be had at big discount for quick sale. D 14, Ore gonian. 42000 WANTED on 0-room home on 60x100 lot all improvement in and PAID, v ill pay 8 per cent to private party. Insurance $2000. B 737, Oregonian. WASTED $1250, three years, at current rates on my $:000 modern home, or would sell to meet present emergency; no agents. K 0S9. oregonian FOR SALE $-S25 note; bears 7 per cent, security three times face of note; wit. make a. liberal discount. Address P 736. Oregonian. CLIENT wants to borrow $1300, first mort gage 6 rooms, 3 lots, 8 per cenL See Mr Thresher, 431 C. of C. S1000 MORTGAGE for sale, 8 per cent, due Oct. 1914, secured by city property. Call 800 WUCOl PIQg. RESPONSIBLE party wants to borrow $400 on furniture worth $5U0. AB 687, Orego nian. kok dALE by owner, $3000 farm mortgage bankers' reference as to valuation of se curity. 2U7 urenmiirtu "'B' I WANT $3000, 6 or 3 years, on my modern close-in residence property. C 724, Ore gonian. WANTED $20,000 loan on good city realty security for term of S years or longer. J 763, Oregon""- S1500 TO loan at 7 per cent on improved city property. Call 318 Board of Trade DIUg. men" -- WANT about $1000 on 80 acres of choice fruit land, ready for the plow. 704 Wilcox bldg $250"VOR six months, $1000 household fur- mture. i o. $1000 ON 5-room bungalow and 100x100 cor- ner. a i -". " SioOO ON 100x100 improved with three store ana. nouse. a oh. v. $ioo0 ON West Side business property worth AD ivt. o WANTED J 500 3 years on best real estate security. , v $1500 WANTED on 100-acre Southern Ore gon larm. v i w t,.... WANTED $500, 8 on quarter block, valut S1700 FIRST mortgage for sale to net 10 per cc"u v - $1656 ON new house and. thxe acre, near car. J 777. Oregonian. KIN ANC1AL. Loans Wauled. HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK. Mortgage Loan Department. We oit'er the following first mortgap loans, all . of which have been approved by the appraisers of our loan department. $ 500 on a nit house at Parkrose: house Sc. cost $i0u ; lot cost $300; total se curity $1200. $2000 on lots in Ladd's Addition costing $6000; loan wanted for 3 years. $?:00 on a Portland Heights house, near "Vc clubhouse; property cost $5000 and valued by owner at $5&00 to $t000 occupied by owner. $3"00 on a acres choice land together with S'o $3000 hou-e; a half hour s ride on electric; property close to station; occupied by owner and is valued by him at $15,000. $11,500 on 310 acres, nearly all in culti 7io vation; located near Sulera; good buildings; owner's valuation $30,000. HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK. Cor. 4th aud Stark Sts. A GOOD INVESTMENT, House and lot sold to reliable pur chaser, who pays monthly with interest, bn lance of contract $101ii; for sale lib eral discount for cash. See Mr. Logan, 815 Spalding bldg. MEDICAL. $2500 TO LOAN at 7 p.-r cent. No commis sion. F. C. Hoecker, 317 Heck bldg. $1500 TO LOAN at 8 per ct'itt, no commis siou. F, C. Hoecker. 317 Beck bldg. PEHSONAX. HEIRS Thousands of families are wanted to claim fortunes. Many now living in poverty are rich, but don't know it. Our 400-pae index, entitled "Missing Heirs and Next ot Kin." alphabetically ar ranged, contains authentic list of un claimed estates and heirs wanted adver tised for in America and abroad to claim fortunes. Also contains Chancery Court of Ensland and Ireland lists, and Bank ot England unclaimed dividend list. Thou sands of names in book. Yours or your ancestors' names may be among them. Send lo stamp at once for free booklet. I N T E R N A T 1 0 : A L C LA I M AGENCY. 273. " Pittsburg. Pa. HAiK-HAIR HA1K HAIR. $13 34-inctt switches $4 .43 $ i 2u-inch switches 1.03 Hairdressing 23 Face massage .23 Shampoo .3 Manicure, 25c; 5 for LOO 12 scalp treatments 5.00 Superfluous hair removed by electria needie; guaranteed not to return. Cut hair in any shade; switches anjj length. Prices half. Sanitary parlors. 400-412 Dekum bldg. .au and Washington EASTERN" lady expert will teach comple'.s course in manicuring to ladies for $u; les sons given evening if desired. An Inde pendent, money-making profession or val uable to ladles desiring to care for their own hands. Phone East 4733 for ap pointment. FREE to ladies. Get rid of superfluous hair on the face, neck, arms or bust. Berthas Skjn DepiJatory is tiie greatest treatment known, it removes hair like magic. Write quick for free sample and beautify you face immediately. The Kussell-Burch Co., 114& lvon su. Portland. Or. &i-ltNTil'iC electro-niagnetic treatment for all nervous diseases, paralysis, lunff and stomach trouble, rheumatism, fistula; nervous iieadaotte cured in a lew minutes; ne tree treatment; consultation free. 00JI Buchanan bldg.. UfrO Washington st. SWEDISH TRAINED NUKSE Heisingfor graduate; riiauniausm, nervous rnd stom ach aliments unuer physicians direc tions; baths, massage. No. 1 East llth t 6t;coud uooi soma tioin East Auaeuy car line. Phone East 200, B ib03. pEB VET & HANEBUT, Leading wig and toupe makers; finest siocK or human nair goous; switches from U5c up; haiiUresoing, manicuring, face and scalp treatments; com ui tigs ;iiado up t order. 147 7th. near Morrison. Main 544. GERMAN trained nurse and masseuse, long experience, best relerenees, treatments for riieumatism, lumbago, etc. ; massage and baths. 20 13th street SouLh, between Main anu bamiou. Open Suuuuas. phone Mar snail 5o33. 1HE quesLion to you i: Why do you alio-. ourseif to suffer from rueumauc pains anu aches when you can sLop it witli Bark Tonic? Tuls remedy drives all im purities Horn the system. Sold at 75c bottle at the Clemensen Drug Co., cornet Front ana Morriaon sts. RADiUM. Light. Heat and Electric Treat ments, Bauis. Manage, Manipulations aim AUjustmeiits. Best Office EquipmeuL lot ail Acute and tjnronic oidtitees. Men and Women. Dr. W. E. Malloiy, aiuropato. 312 ivotncuiia uiag. ASK YOUR neighbor and he will tell you mat "Rum and Pine" cures cough and a cold iu the nead; it cures while otho remeuies merely mink auuut it; Ooo botue at uieuibuseu Drug Co., Jjront and Morrison sis. Mlrid PERRY, Eastern graduate masseuse. New York School ol C. & D., treats rheu matism, paralysis and nervous cuses. 2Mfl 13th St., 13U1-SL or Jefferson car. OpeU bun day sIt'ilu"!9Jr MADAM SCHUTZA. graduate In Europe, in healing, massage auu scnwitific treatments. Special cream tuod for nervous ailments, Mmn 204. "The Mercedes," 20th and Morrison. uET'Uie habit; dance and be sociable; meet conuenial people; Ringler Dancing Academy- instruction, in uancuig; invitations given lor social dances. 231 Morrison, F nones. SLPERi'LUoUS HAIR, moles, etc., perma nently removed. Electric needle process, i- Ktablislied 1804. Piiysictaus relerenees. corner4tb and Muriisun. Phone Mar. 11143. DEVELOP your bust with Little Wonder Taulets; most speedy and wondertul de veloper the world has ever kuown; per box $L Maebeile Beauty Co.. Nashville, Tenn. , . Kh-v" MARY L. STEVENS, spiritual teacher, 53 N. ISLh, cor! oavis. Hours, uaily, 10 to 4? circles Moil, and 1' ri., tt, Tues. Phone A 133H. . WANTED 5000 women to know about our samule coats and suits at half price and, less. Worrell s, opposite The Oregonian, 6th and Alder. . mTb stevens. 16 yrs. Portland's leading palm MiL has her late book. "Palmistry Mada Easy' on sale, 557 Vs Williama ave., t or. - Knott. Ottice hours 10 A. M. to V P. M, VALUABLE prescriptions. Dr. Nave's 100 prescriptions; price $2.50; keep presonp tious days, it not sausfieu will refun vr 'money J. E- Nave, fair view, Nev. hutizS SUITS tor rent Keep your clotnet craned, pressed, butLous sewed on, npa renairad i.i0 montn, prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring CO., 3UU Stat. lv SHELL'S VEGETABLE SPEC1FI0 H-EHvi BLOOD and KiDNEx RWU laxob guaianteed; 1 box, i tor $a.0; HioIuuduc.o..Mrruwn. hOPHlA B. SElP, mental and spiritual "scustf taiiy otfice Ml AiisKy Jldj. Mam i324. Aieeiiug ' "' J' " rTTTvou suffer with tired and aching feet, ?in or back? If " will pay you W Dr f! J. King;41tf RuthchUd bidg. SPANISH. SPANISH. A native Cantilian. proteasor Fernanda Fernanuex. Call 4iHl Maisuall. RfiTON eraduate nurse, sanitarium treat- nfenT. medical gyiunasUcs. Jefferson. up one lUsht. . HOME oi Truth, treatment, and lesson, tor health and .uccess. U1 CaM Buruwd. mt. pKnnfl fc:ast 6773. . Bi-ihiTCAL medium, ne. may insl healing dailj. t-'iroles Tuc. a. Wi aud . Sun. au4 Montgomery. Main 7iii7. rrfTJ S c BORR1BON Steam bath. n4 mas-ace lor rn.umausm, lumbago, .to, ZTLToIai u wZSTEI Addres. o Marguerit. MarshJ Monioe St.. city. i ady barbers, between and 10th, ou Hoy U near fcorth Bank Liepou Fao. mas- saue, 6iC r ,r ..oi The great nerve tonic and sys tem guilder. 1 per box; U boxes o. HUW "i'f Prut Co, 2 Morrison st. TTkaoSii in business psychoiogy by P. J. oreel? psychologist and minister ot th KmprfTrutu. 01 Kller. bldg. qmritual readlngs daily, mental science treat nienia. Morrison, cor. Chapman, "V," car. Vltl'W 11 IV, Kl X(l?t. Switciies, a.c; cutis and puns. Toe. Sani tary beauty Farlors.4UU Deiium bldg. fir anvbody knows the whereabouta of Ole Thompjoh, please call up W. li. Payne, n'auiilawn 2ioti. J". aMALLEY, who worked for Edlefsen Fuel Co. last itowciuuci, icc " nresent address. G 735. Oregonian. MOCkiS superfluous hair removed. Mr'. M 0. Hill. t-V Fliedner bldg. Main 3j3 UiVOiiCtS Frea expert advice. Locs Box 409, fortianu. K, X. M. t(AI.iK gone iu riMiw, i him aaviseq or youi.cn- GRADUATE nurse, house calls. -5nal nursing, scaip aim ip.'i u-?,-. . vv,-r. nil . OF FIGS. Compound l.oyal ron;a Tablets. 508 Davis st. Phone Malr. WIS. MANICURING, face and scalp treatment shampoo, wi "-.j DIVORCES a specialty. Lawyer, MB JUJLa- oniia oiag A X1