The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 02, 1913, SECTION TWO, Page 14, Image 34

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DISTRICT manager wanted; every city,
town and village, to open and manage
branch oftice; brand new proposition.
Wonder cloth finds a sale In every touino,
office, store, gar ate aud factory; three
big sources of profit a local, an agency
and jobbfns business; cash rales, steaoy
duplicate orde rs; samples, printed matter
and new selling method furnished free:no
experience neeaed. Can make -0 to ou
monthly. We advertise iour business. II
you have a few dollars and good refer
ences write quisle, Eastern Specialty Co..
65 A Pine Street. New York.
A NEW magazine for children which has
mads an u;iparalled record, John Mar
tin's Book, quaint, unique and beautiful.
A genuinely new magazine idea; unusual
personal touch birthday card. valentine,
Easter song and Christmas leaflet eent to
each child subscribing; no competition, a
real chance lor solicitors everywhere; lib
eral commission. Write "John Martin s
House," room Ji. 5 West 39th St.. New
York City.
out latest lm;-rov d vacuum cleaner
has un il-sterl one-piece reservoir; soWa
rat iron top cap, mttal flexible Fpnns?
adjusting nozzle, arid a steel tube in the
reservoir. We are starting on a campaign.
A new game that wiii get you the money.
Call or write Portland oifice. Jaeger
Mfg. Co., 701 Rothchiid bldg.
AGENTS wanted: here" the opportunity for
live mn selling our immtnw line of fine
ornamentals; every home owner is- in
terested in beautifying the grounds about
the home; write at once lor out tit. in
cluding tine D.ate bootc showing orna
mentals In colors. It sells them at signt
Good weekly commission . in advance.
Salem Nursery uoiupan, gaiem.
Tvk kt awt vrtn in hnsintt furnishing ev
erything; men and women. ;'0 to $2o0
weekly operating our -.ew bj siem &t
ciatty Candy," home or small
room any w here; no canvassing: oppor
tunity lifetime; booklet free. Ragsdale
Co., box S. Last orange, . J.
NATIONAL vacuum cleaner, patented, guar
anteed, over 117.000 satisfied customers
Vnited States. Canada. Best-known vac
uum cleaner on market. See new metal
flexible Knrine adlustintr nozzle. Write foi"
prices. L-nning-Stone Sales Company, Gas
bldf., Chicago.
AGENTS write at once for .particulars about
the n west hand-ower cleaner.
the Rex, the king of vacuum cleaners
TretneiKious seller, lare prowl, ngui Lo
carry, easy to operate, most eirieieni, iun
guaranteed, double action: retails for $6.
Rex Cleaner Co.. 4 East St.. New Y or k .
AGENTS on salary or commission: the great
est agents' seller ever produced; every user
of pen and ink buys It on sight; 200 to
fiOO pr cent prorit; one agent's sales
amounted to $620 In six days; another $.12
In two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co., A44, ii
Crosse, Wis.
ATTENTION Wonderful machine; mertes
one pint of milk into one pound of butter
in two minutes. rite ior names anu
addresses of 5uu home users, sworn testi
monials, illustrated circulars ana agents
credit terms. Family Butter Merger Co.,
Washington. D. C.
New model, three-bellows machine, sells
Itself on demonstration because it does
work. salary guaranteed hustling crew
managers. Agents wanted all territories.
Address Sweeper uept, 1041 Gas bldg
XUW business, new field. bir profits; sell
ing waierpower massage machine; Parker
e .is o nrst uay; JiarKwarin says, maniug
$11) dally; Lewis sella 4 first hour. In
vestigate now: postal will do: big sur
prise awaits you. Blackstoue Co., 650
Meredith blug., loieao, u.
KAnN bin money sellinc our newest em
broidery novelties. Oriental goods, arl
Unci. a, hosiery, underwear, skirts, dresses,
petticoats, etc. Confidential wholesale
terms, i.u-puge catalogue tree, .Nationa
Importing Co., desk iL, 425 Broadway,
New York.
INVENTIONS of merit should be manu
factured properly; our equipment Is mod
ern and complete, backed up by ability
and cood service; estimates and full in
formation cheerfully lurnisned. The Metal
Specialty Co., dept. H, Cincinnati, Ohio.
HAVE you a few hours to spare? We want
a man or woman in each town; no capi
tal needed; hour's work snows dollars
earned spare lime. Pocket sample. 4iHi per
cent pro tit. u. t Jiiig. oo., taepu
-t Warren St., New York.
$-'4 WEEK, new patented automatic curry
comb, takes just naif as long to clean a
horse; no clogging witn nair, uirt; Dig ae
matid, big profits; free sample to work
ers. Auto Comb Co., ho 7 4 1'eun blug., way
tun, Ohio.
I'OSTAL brings absolutely free our monthly
directory containing complete Information
of newest, bust-selline articles and of re
sponsible manufacturers and dealers
throughout U. S. Distributor, 2S Cedar
POPULARITY backed by evidence. Say-Co
vacuum Cleaner line outsells all competi
tors. Best value, least money, big prof
its, exclusive territory going fast. E.
say re A. Company, 16$ No. Michigan blvd.,
MEN and women wanted to place Crown Oil
Gas burners in lo.uoti ordinary stoves for
families needing the cheapest and cleanes.
fuel possible; tine commissions; territory
given or sold anywhere. Call til North
iuth St., corner uavic.
AGENTS $10 to $20 daily; sell guaranteed
hosiery for men. women and children;
quick, easy sales, big profits. Write to
day. Gold Medal Hosiery Co., Lept. 013.
BJG profits; manufacture barley crisp, new
confection, 6c package, cost He to make,
machine Instructions, $7.i0 prepaid; sam
ples 10c Carter Company, 1G12 &
WANTED High-grade solicitors, male or
female; something entirely new; steady
position for right pny. Call between
8 and 0 A. 31. and 7;o0 and 8:30 P. .M.
Monday. aSl Alder mU
New model hand vacuum cleaner that
: s;ets the dirt ; prices wholesale, retail
are below lowest. Quick sale, big prof
Its. Address, . 10J Gas bldg., Chicago.
LADIES can make $18 to over $40 weekly
at home ; spare time or all tt me. Wri te
for Interesting free book. Tells how. Sim
plex Corset College, 7J7 Market st., San
x ranciaco, eat.
LABORSAVINQ household necessity, 25c;
good repeater, lou per cent profit to
agents. See Mr. Hedim, 15 J S. 4th sU,
afternoon and eve
are selling the Jaeger vacuum cleaner.
Why not you? call 701 Rothchiid bldg.
.WANTED To rent, about March first, sev
en or eight-room furuishea or unfurnished
house, Irvington. ML Tauor or Willamette
Ht-ights. East 5:tJii.
"WANTED To rent a modern 0 or "-room
house in Irvington for years. Halsey to
Knott, 14th to Xoih, no children, best ol
re i ere nee 313 Lumbermen Bidg.
ITLLT furnished house, Jl.'i to $16; family
.3 adults; gie full particulars; location
and rental. East or AN 72i, Ore-
WIS have tenants now waiting for desirable
homes and apartments.
Main ttfttitf. 20) Washington St. A 0267.
L'.M'LRNltHED house or apartment suitable
for boarding house, 1& to 30 rooms; ref
erences furnished. Main &si.
WANTED To rent, small cottage or bun
galow, close In. Main OS til).
REFINED young man employed ta the city
wtnts furnished room in private family ;
must be quiet and reasonable; some dis
tance out on East SMe lio objection; give
price. R SJ7. Oregonian,
WANTED At once, by a business Kentle
jnan. bachelor, furnished punny room in
strictly private family; board optional;
close-in. West Side; permanent; references,
AS Zlib, Oregonian.
TOUNG man of good habits wishes furnished
ro-m with private faaiilv. Christian Scien
tists preferred, t-lthrr East or West SiUj;
must oe reasonable in price. AL eoS, Ore
Ionian. MAN and wife want rice comfortable room
in private family, Wrft Side. Nob Hill
district preferred; board optional. X 711.
4 JOR 0 housekeeping rooms, west of 15th
st. and north of Washington; must be
reasonable. Marshall '2'JlU. A Ore
Konlan. liocM wujited now or March 1 by young
bulnesa man; can afford to pay well tot
very nest accommodations; no cheap places
rnstdered. Y SUJ, Oregonian.
LAU1 dciirts steam-heated room in apart
ment, central. J 10, or room w ua k'l
chenette. J 12. AN 7H). Oregonian.
liUV wanted; youi.g man wants furnished
ro m with p ri va t e family ; mod e rn. A P
7lH. Oregonian.
hoonia With Board.
BOARD and room wanted by young conrle.
. Require modern conveniences and prerer
walking distance of iDth and Wash.; aiso
preference for private family and three
meals Give full particulars In reply. U
M'o, Oregonian.
GENTLEMAN wants clean, warm furnished
room, close In. walking distance, break
fast and 0 o'clock dinner. AD 734, Ore-
- gonian.
ROOM and board wanted by a young- me
chanic; must be clean and have hot and
vo'.d water; In Albina preferred. AO 7-0.
Oregon ;an.
lOL'NG lady of refinement desires room
and board In private Xaxmly. G 7-C, Ore
' soolaOa
Booms With Board.
WANTED Room and board, two meals a
day, with private family; state rates in
letter. AS 710. Oregonian.
LARGE front room, fireplace, rent $S month. ins lights ana cooking gas. UU
FLR.NiSHED, also unfurnished rooms, very
sultab.e ior gentlemen. Kanim bldg..
First end Pine., .
Jrurnisbed Boonib.
HOTKL H ANNA, NO. 11 12th St., corner
Star. Mrs. W. B. Hanna, Msr., new build
ing, all outside rooms, ei a tor, steam
heat, private phones, not and cold water
rooms with detached bath. 75c per day up.
with private bams. $1.27 per day up.
To permanent guests, JH.50 per week up.
with priva.e bath. $5-50 per week up.
Telephone Main 17 i.
The warmest in Winter, the coolest in
Summer, the cheapest all the year round;
live heie and save money. Modern
throughout. Rates $2.00 to 5.H per
week. SOc to 1.00 per cay. ast out
B. 1275. .
4th st.
Are you locking for a good1 warm room
with not ana co.a water, niceiy x
niho, ar.A nmnfliike. at VERY " MOD
ERATE PRICE? if so. just take a look
at Hotel Minook, cor. 4th and Salir-on. and
you will look no iarmer.
2o7bi 4 th St.
J5t step in aTid look at a nice, warm
annnv room: rot and cold water; bea'i
tiiully furnished and homelike, at it
PKtCE tnut Wl.I K,t.ti. I Al.Ll suit jou.
If ou are wise ou wil! go at once.
131 Lie vent h Street.
Vew. modern brick buiidmg: steam
heated; private baths, hot and cold watir
in rooms; oeautiuny iuruisntu, co, w
fortabie. rent reasonable. Call a;id see us
Keguiar and transient trade solicited.
HOTEL OHIO, corner Front and Madison.
Remodeled and now thoroughly modern.
Steam heat, hot and cold water in every
room, eievator service; rates 50 cents per
day and up. including bath. Phone Main
Sfctil, A 431W.
Onp block from L'mon Depot; 140 ou
side rooms, with all modern conveniences,
making special lates to permanent guests,
rates iro.n 1U per month up. Give us a
ca.l ana you win oe mora luuu yicaou
lS 6th st. North.
IjIMi 7th st.
tnilAi new mnndepmpnt. modern. Steam
heated, private p.iones, free bath and
shower, running water in each room, t'oi
a week and up, atic a day and up. Mar
shall 40,5 ti, A -i4J.
Under new management; outside rooms;
modern conveniences: 2.oO per eek up.
5oc per day up, with or wltnout private
trams; transients suuciteu.
14th at Jefferson.
An established hotel. Rooms en suite
or single, rates reasonable. A boJo, a y-aa.
uoitu t.cNWiClv ioeai home (or bus:
ii ess people; centrally located; elegant
rooms; ail modern conveniences. 7th ano
Taylor sis., 1 block trom Portland Bote
onjoaite Heitig X heater. Main aid.
ONE single room, $7 per month .
One -roora apartment, Jlti per month.
One tf-roum apartment, J; per month,
All nicely luriusnea, both phones; walk
ing distance. 1!7 li th st, near Yamhill.
. European and American plan; 75 centa
single, $1 douule, European; $1.75 Amer
lean; rates oy the niontn $13 aud upward
best o references given.
CHOICE outside bedrooms. new, clean.
moral; steam heat, i to $4 per weea, none
finer ; close In. West Siue. 40 & 3d st.
Main 7771, A 1070.
HOTEL JOYCE Large airy rooms, hot and
cold water, steam Heat in every room, anu
the lowest rates in the city. Cor. 4th and
J ef f erson.
Nlcc-ly furnished outside rooms, good,
homelike cooking, cosy reception parlor
ilu Washington sL Main bbol.
iioTEL ST ANDlSli, 54S1 Washington St.
Remodeled, open under new manage
ment, clean, bunny, outride rooms, witn
running hot and cold water; $10 juth up
120 13th St.. at Washington.
Rooms. 3.50 per week up; under per
sonal management owner, J. W. Bushong.
ti. IhACTtVELV furnished rooms, home
like, steam-heated; running water, phone .
large parlor; rates reasonable. Maxwell
Hall, 1-uh. near Taylor.
Hoi EL CONGRESS Beautifully furnished
rooms witn ail moaeru conveuieucea. uiu
and Main.
2C0 First st. Under new management
Neatly furnished rooms, 25c and up.
Furnished ICooms In Private Family.
New LY furnished room; Rent, heat, oat'i
and phone; only s per wees; warning
distance. E. 1st at., near C'.ackamas
st. Take "U" car to Clackamas st.
NEWLY furnished front room, heat, bath,
lights and phone, reasonable. uts noyu
Marshall OltL
A SUITE of 2 rooms, modern, comfortably
furnished; reasonable rent. Apply to Mrs.
John Jj Schoein, 4U4 Morrison st.
LARGE front room, close In, for rent cheap
to elderly lady or eiueny couple. v nx,
NICELY furnished, well-heated room, near
bath, reasonable. Phone A Wbfe
;o.viJ-ORTAHLE room, furnace heat, bath,
walking distance; S for one person. $U
for two. East 44i;s.
ATTRACTIVE, well-furnished parlor, elec
tricity, suitable for one, two or three.
Very reasonable, close in. 251 7th.
WELL furnished sleeping-room ; warm;
in a respectable family ; $2.0U per week.
107 North loth atreeL
$12 MONTH, front baching room, bath, fur
nace, ury . warm oaaeuieni, 1 win, ?...j
week. Quiet, close in, Tentn.
UPSTAIRS, front, clean ; bath, phone, use
of parlor, piano; walking distance. $t
mo. 350 14th street.
BRIGHT, sunny room, elegantly furnished.
strictly muuera uoiue, wee&. ovo iidu-
LIGHT furnished housekeeping rooms, fur
nace heat, bath and pnone. out jonnson,
near 17 th.
ROOMS extra fine apt., 06 17th and
Tay lor. M t
ONE nicely furnished room in private fam
ily, every convenience. i-o tiarrison.
SINGLE sleeping rooms, $1.50 and up; heat,
phone, bath. 2-x loin tu
BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room, 12S
14th au
FURNISHED rooms, S26 First st. Phone
Main it77.
$2 PER week Small sleeping room for gen
tleman; steam neat. s awit.
$1.50 PER week Clean, small sleeping-
room for gentleman. -i (in.
QUIET young man for roommate, pleasant
room, $2 a week. Ul H 17th st. N.
$2.50 NICE large room, suitable for two.
20 bin.
lurnisned. sunny room, modern con
veniences; board, optional. 304 Flanders.
NICE, warm, modem rooms, very reasonable.
173 16th st. souin. aiain t-so.
IF you are looking for nicely furnished
mouern rooms, inquire at oiiso.n.
446 TAYLOR St., fine, comfortaule, warm
room, Vtr coe tu, 1 cauiiunic, uiuucrn.
448 TAY" LOR Modern rooms, one suitable
ior two men.
:t2 7TH ST. Nicely furnished room, $10 a
LARGE front room, beautifully furnished.
heat, phone. ! per weea. ii Everett st.
irTirTF bleeping rooms, with bath, phone
a d furnace heat. 413 East Pine st.
UJ4 tviNT One fiont room; also one aL
iic room. 271 ' Park st.
,c: furnished front room, one or two gen
tlemen, mouern conveniences. Main 24 16.
CLEAN, light furnished rooms, heat, phones.
11th st.
NEWLY furnished roam, walking distance.
Pnone Marsnan soa
40 7TH Newly furnished rooms, with use
if j lano: laaies or vimemeii.
NICELY furnished rooms, heat, bath and
phone. iO 1 e. -
N E housekeeping suite and furnished
ooms; nioueru. o-i louium bu
FURNISHED front room, modern, walking
dista- ce. $lu. 4;t4 loin si. jtain dyt.
$; WEEK for very neat little sleeping-
room On l 111 I VI ll"JU- -wo i.tu oi.
10 SMALL room, steam heat. Apply 2d
V , 1 Vain Tr.(lJ
$1.73 WEEK, front parlor, bright, pleasant
room. 1 minuiii. w m,
jSr. sleeping room, suitable for 1 or 2 gen
tlemen. 229 5th st. A 4870.
FRONT room, rent reasonable. Call Marshall
1711. ,
NICE large room suitable for two, with or
without board, i i mu
ro rent.
Furnished Koums in Private Family.
NEATLY furnished front room, hot and cold
water, furnace heat, very close in, lor one
or two gentlemen, xi? 13 tn st.
SWELL front room, beautifully furnished
with young married couple; suitable for
youne lady or gentleman: every modern
convenience; $20. This room is located in
he est apartment In city. Call Main &J-o,
Apt. 52.
A LADY wishes to rent large, well-furnished
aicove room in her private home to man
and wile; rent reasonable to proper par
ties; 5 minutes from Oregonian. 141 13th
su. corner Alder st.
A LARGE, sunny, furnished room and kitch
enette on main floor, in private family,
hot water heat, free phone and bath. 8
minutes' waik to P. O. . 41 Harrison.
Take lith-st. car.
IN Irvington, on carline, two pleasant rooms
In private residence; will furmsn as bed
room and situng-room for two gentlemen,
or as two separate bod rooms; references.
E 70, Oregonian.
IF GENTLEMAN wants well -furnished light
room, steam -heated and best bathing fa
cilities, close to business center; reason
able rate; near 17th and Washington
Call at 564 Couch et.
TWO newlv furnished cozv rooms fbed and
sitting-room,, suitable for two respectable
young men; rent $14 ior two persons;
minutes' walk from the new Steel bridge,
-tH East -d st.. North. i
Three clean, weil-furnished rooms: gas,
hall, pantry, bath, basement, iawn and
flowers; paved street. $16 to adults. 752
East ith st. North, corner Fremont.
SPLENDID opportunity for room in elegant
home with mouern conveniences for gen
tleman, close in, G4G Cypress st. Pnone K.
2 ICS.
NICELY furnished front room, walking dis
tance, furnace heat, hot and cold water,
ue of piano, 1 block of car, board if de
sired. 744 Belmont.
ELEGANT room, with sleeping porch, new
ly furnished, modern conveniences; two
cast windows, large closet. Ladd's Ad
dition. Sell wood 8&i.
rOK RENT Large room with alcove fr
strictly private family, eui table for two
also use of piano if ueslred, very reason
able. Main 6110.
TO 1 or 2 gentlemen, neatly furnished front
room; all modern conveniences; private
entrance; walking distance, 22d and John
son. Leonce Apartments. Marsnall 2256.
DESIRABLE rooms in modern home, steam
heat, breakfast and dinner If desired; de
sirable location; waiking distance. Mar
sh ail 2S20.
TO RENT Newly furnished, light, airy
room for two gentlemen, near carline.
walking distance; breakfast if desired;
references exchanged. Phone Main 30 iQ.
L.D1" wishes a refined lady who Is em
I ioye-5 to share home; walking distance;
rice rtauonutie. Phone C
DESIRABLE rooms for one or two men In
private home. West Side; reasonable to
persons with reference. Main 419$.
NlCt-LY furnished room, steam heat, hot
and cold water, ?11 per month. 445 Co
lumbia SICKLY furnished front room, with or
without boaru, walking distance, aiso sin
gle room. 327 7th.
A LARGE, comfortable front room, all con
veniences, for 2 men; 10 minutes' walk.
Call East 45. 2.
iS CLEAN, sunny room, 3 windows, large
closet with window, new home, furnace
heat, walking distance. Sell wood 1739.
tEiY lurnisned room in strictly private
family to young lady; privilege of getting
own breakfast; reasonable. East 4072.
541 WASHINGTON st,, apt. B. furnished
room, steam heat, telephone, nice Data,
sewing machine. A lUoti
HANDSOMELY furnished front room mod
ern conveniences, sleeping porch if desired;
West Park. Marshall 4215.
LARGliTbedroom with sleepfng porch. In fine
location, very modern, suitable for 2, for
$10, or one lor u. cau laoor ooji.
DESIRABLE room, modern house; Inquire
for housekeeping rooms, zoo orana ave.
N. near Multnomah, v none u seua.
1 NEATLY furnished room, $8 per month.
510 Hoyt st.
LARGE attic for studio or sleeping rooms,
very reasonable. 475 Maim '
ilif urnlMied Boom.
$25 -.NICE housekeeping rooms, very at
tractive; yaru, porcu, gu unusiuu.
East 5405.
CHEAP rent; 3 rooms down, 5 rooms up
stairs, with bntn. vza winiams ave.
ftoom W i I h Kim ru.
725 prospect Drive, Portland Heights;
room with hot and cold water in very
exclusive part of city; bath and showers,
home cooking, more for business people
who like rest and quiet; ten minutes' walk
to Multnomah Club. Phone Main 1057.
150 Park St.
Fine room and excellent board; every
modern convenience; $37.50 per month
$05 per month double; also dally and
weekly rates.
faeiect r amny nuiei.
Modern rooms with excellent table board.
$10 per week and up; rates to families.
11th and YamhlI fits.
PARKVIEW HOTEL Strictly high-claw
family hotel; hot ana coia water ana steam
heat In every room; table unexcelled;
references. Montgomery st. at West Park.
Does a home appeal to you ? Double
and single rooms, private bath, sun par
lor; American plan. Women cooks.
THE LAMBE'RSON, 554 Couch, one block
from Washington ; steam neat, running
water; good board; special rates for men.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished front rooms.
first-claps table ooaru; very reason a oie.
3 74 Park st.
rooms with board, use or sewing-room. 11
brary. 510 Flanders. Mrs. E. N. Wilson, sup
YOU will get a square deal at 554 E. Mad
ison; home comiorts. mouern no me cook
ing; $5 and up; steam heaL
THE CALVARD. 452 Morrison, corner 13th,
rooms and board; moaern conveniences.
..A.SiiUt.. 201 lotn st- Attractive. clea
"oms: teain heat, pood board; close in
NICELY furnished rooms with board, rea
sonable, oil Morrison.
Booms With Board In Private Family
YOUNG lady may have room and board in
modern bungalow ior ngni uousewura.
Tabor 2S37. 1094 E. Morrison.
NICELY fumlshefl front room with board;
all conveniences; reasonable. 4a 01 a at
NICELY furnished light outside moms with
board; strictly noma cooking. oo urm
rup st.
ROOM and board $6 week,, furnace heat.
bath, rhene. private nouse; six oiocas
from Olds & King's. 4U0 Taylor st.
DANDY front room, everything modern and
homelike; only young people in family,
wVklng distance. East 6023.
$22 A MONTH and up. sunny front rooms
suitable for two; 10 minutes to Postoffice.
445 Oth st.
ROOMS with board, modern conveniences,
reasonable rates. 573 East Salmon, cor.
14th st. Phone East 29ul.
ROOM and board In private family, reason
able, home comforts, walking distance. 449
3d street. Main 7055.
NEWLY furnished front room, excellent
bord. by widow with no cnildren, 430
Jefferson. M. 0746.
NICE room, large closets, near bath, good
board- aiso a smaller one. 513 Morrison
st. Phono Marshall 4923.
VERY pleasant front room ; furnace heat,
electric lights; best home cooking; walk
ing distance, reasonable. Main 32S0
LARGE front room, with hot and cold
water, sleeping porch, good board. 434
Salmon, corner 12th.
SUITABLE for 2 gentlemen, room and board
Nob Hill district, easy walking distance,
home cooking. Phone M S047.
ROOM and board for young business wo
man in Irvington. Phone East 3226
FINE front room and board, . strictly mod
ern, furnace heat. 574 East Salmon.
YOUNG woman, Portland Heights, wishes
emoloved lady as room mate. Main 1044.
employed lady as
WELL-FURNISHED room, suitable for two.
colored cook, excellent meals. Main 2071
NIC FLY furnished rooms with board. 167
1 1 ti. l
ROOM and board for young women. $3 per
week, walking distance. Phone E. 4732.
PLEASANT rooms and good board, ladies
and gentlemen. oSlDavis.
KuOM Ith board. $5 per week. 605 6th at.
Phone Main 3304.
RvjO-Vi and board, $6 per week,
st. North.
369 20th
BURNISHED rooms with board. S20 11th
st. Phone A 1636.
ROOMS, with or without board. In private
family. 2t2 12th st-
AGED people's private home: best of cae;
tTins reasonable. Phone Main 27S0.
BOARD and room, private family, terms
reasonable. 5i5 East Oak. E. 552.
42 JEFFERSON Room and board, pri
vate family, reasonable rates. Call and see.
ROOM and board In a nice quiet home, 3&S
. Salmon.
Booms With Bonrri in Private frsomly.
IN beautifully furnished home, extra large
rooms, suitable for 2 or more, with twin
beds and use of piano; home comforts,
$5.50 ui. M. 63bl. 5ul Harrison st, near
IN beautifully furnished home, extra large
rooms, suitable for 2 or more,- with twin
beds and use of piano ; home comforts.
.".; W up. M. 6381. 301 Harrison aU, near
14 th.
OWNER of modern beautifully furnished
home would like couple or two la.iies to
board; good location, all conveniences.
Call Tabor 355S.
NICE large attic room, with board, for two
young men. Electric lights, hot and cold
water in room; rates reasonable. West
Side, walking distance. Main 315S.
WIDOW with comfortable home in suburbs
would like one or two eioerly people or
Invalids to board and care for. Phone
Sf : wood 13S4.
LAifctii newly furnished room, suitable for
1 or 2. with or without board; home cook,
inp; all conveniences free. Main 643- 353
12th st.
ROOM suitable for two gentlemen, with
board, piano and home conveniences;
walking aistance, 535 East Burnaide,
East 3u91.
BOARD and room, home privileges, excel
lent cooking, use of piano, $5 per week,
near Washington High School, 110 Last
14th sL Phone East 3765.
PLEASANT room, suitable for two, in mod
ern home. Best home cooking, walking
aistance. furnace heat, gas, electric light.
Mar. oltoO.
TWO excellent rooms, suitable for two 01
three young men ; absolutely best home
cooking, ail privileges of modern home.
Phone East 4016.
KIND nurse and mother. Christian, would
like care of infant ons month to 3 years
at her own home; phone M 352S or call
225 Lownsdale sU atter 3 Sunday.
PLEASANT, warm room and good board for
1 or 2 young ladies employed; new. mod
ern home; every convenience; pleasant
surroundings. 62 Everett.
ROOM and board $6 a week. 2 in room $5
each; tree phone, bath, heat. 500 Rodney
ave. '
WANTED" Young lady, employed, to share
nice room, with board, $23. N 721, Orego
nian. NICE room for two; also single room; goad
home cooking; free phone; homelike; resi
de 11 cediirkt;ljOEat
MODERN room nicely furnished and excep
tionally clean, board if desired. 10 min
utes' from Postotiice. 3lU 10th st.
ROOM and board for school girl of 12 years.
must be near ML Tabor School on btn sv
Phune East 5836.
WIDOW, with nice home in suburbs, would
take widower with one of two children to
board. AB 698, Oregonian.
549 YAMHILL, beautiful large front room.
also single rooms. (Jiosets. an new, con
ven ient ; board If desired, home cooking.
Tuu girls wanted for room or room and
board; clean, comfortable, reasonable. 634
Flanders. Phone Marshall 4074.
NICELY furnished front room with board
for two gentlemen; Scandinavian preferred.
11 10th st. N., bet. Stark and Burnside.
NICELY furnished rooms, two, three per
sons; board if desired; close, home privi
leges, reasonable, furnace heat. East 2339.
Just completed, the swellest four-story
fireproof 2 and 3-room apartment building
on the Coast. AU outside rooms. 12x1 ti
each three-room apartment elegantly fur
nished, including two Holmes disappear
ing beds with built-in oak writing desk
and sideboard, two large dressing rooms
with mirror doors, tiled bath, solid car
pets, vestibule lobby and corridor finished
in Mexican onyx and mahogany, tiled
flooring. French plate mirrors and Tur
kish rues: automatic elevator, oil burner.
steam dryer; has a unique roof garden
with glass constructed combination sun
parlor, banquet and ballroom liix32 ; also
an awning-covered promenade deck 40x100,
unsurpassed view, 10 minutes' walk to
business center. Why pay $75 when you
can have all this for $45? Two rooms
$35. Inspection solicited. Phone East 142b.
MANDius ULsifiN, Managing uwner.
THE MUNCEY, 390 Clay st.. near West
Park, 4-room completely rumisnea
apartment, all modern, built-in
conveniences, rerinca neign oornooa,
walking distande, reference, $50.
IONIAN COURT, 18th and Couch sts.,
one block north of Washington, 3-
room corner apartment, all built-in
conveniences, free phone, etc., walk
ing distance, $30.
THE BERYL. 603 Lovejoy st., near 21st
2-room apartment, disappearing
beds, built-in bookcases, free phone.
etc, close in, $1:.
Apply on premises or phone
Main 6869. 269 Wash. St. A 6267.
2-room apartments furnished ,or un
furnished, modern, walking distance, rea
sonable, between lath and 20th. near
Washington. Phone- Marsnaunio.
THeT BONNY BRAE Is ready for occupancy,
lirh ami Hancock- In fine residence Joca-
tion of Irvington; 3 rooms, with dressing
room and bath, heat, disappearing beds.
hardwood floors. pacmc teiepnone anu
every convenience; Janitor service, rent $30.
4 and 5-room unfurnished apartments,
all outside large and light rooms, steam
heat, hot and cold water, etc.; rates rea
sonable; also garage ior own oar, ret
erences. Phone owner, A 3699
300 Williams ave, one 3-room apt. nicely
furnished, steam heat and private bath,
$25; also two 2-room apts. including gas
and electricity, $5 per week.
FURNISHED apartments. 141 11th St., cor.
Alder, suitable for business or residence;
references exchanged; may be had for six
months or a year; party leaving city Feb
ruary 22. Call Sunday or evenings.
841 14th St., at Market.
New two ar.d three-room apartments,
completely furnished; walking distance;
prices reasonable. Main 1739.
THE GODFREY COURT, just finished; 2
and 3-room apts., furnished, housekeep
ing; the latest improvements, disappear
ing beds, nice dressing rooms, rent reason
able. 500 Vancouver ave. E. 841.
3-room furnished apt.; high-class serv
ice; $35 and up. 388 11th st. Children ex
ec p ted.
five large rooms, all outside; fireplace, hqt
water heat; must be seen to be appreci
ated; rent reasonable. Phone East 2871.
Newly furnished single and suites, fur
nace heat, $16 and $2v per month. 533
Ccuch st., corner 16th. Phone A 2034.
YOUNG couple desire another young couple
to share apt.; have pretty good apt., but
would consider changa. ApL D, 549 Taylor
st.. or E 760, uregonian.
7 OR 8-room swell duplex apartment, 2
balconies, all outsiae rooms, waimas ais
tance, fine residential neighborhood. West
Side. Telephone Main 32S7.
Convenient basement apartment at rea
sonable rent; janitor at King Hill Apts..
King and Wayne sts., near Washington.
FOR RENT 3-room apt., heat, water, light
Included, $. Powell Apts., 37th and
Hawthorne, r. . 1 ao.
NEATLY furnished 3-room apartment, both
phones, walking distance. $25 per month.
1 - - naav Yamhill
FURNISHED single room, with use of gas
plate both phones, walking distance; $7
per month. 187 17th st., near Yamhill.
PORTLAND HEIGHTS Swiss Chalet Apts.,
new, Alpine ecenery, tropical comforts,
modern bungalow, furnished. Main 9195.
COM FORT ABLY furnished 2-room apart
ment both phones, walking distance, $16
per month. 187 17th st., near Yamhill.
a T ."tt tT Tt Xf X T?T TT
One 6-room apartment, modern, steam
heat- 383 Williams ave,
TWO girls, refined, employed, want third
lady to share reasonable apartment, walk
ing aistance. o. v a
BlitCE Ants.. 25th and Northrup sts., pbone
Mar. 142S; 6-room apt., large light rooms.
strictly moaern, calthcui iwanuu.
GOOD apartment-house to exchange for
house and lot or acreage. Phone Marshall
. ;i r Mills.
Exceptionally large living-room 16x
20); every convenience. 12th and Harrison
KERRIGAN". East 6th and Davis sts 4
room apartments, furnished, unfurnished :
, ilpqt Phone East 1150.
FURNISHED and unfurnished 2 and 3-
-.nnrtmenti. Modern throughout.
THE King-Davis, 54 King sL N.. nr. Wash.-
fav BRYN-MAWR APTS.. 1S5 E. 15th. near
YiTTihi!! 4 and 5-roora apts.. with porcC.
MODERN 5-room apt., all outside rooms.
Irmonde Apt., 658 Flanders bl Main 825i.
THE ALAMO, 494 Market st. Furnished and
ur.rurnisneu -'""u"
WANTED Young lady to shre an apart
ment.. Phone Marshall 1163.
NICELY furnished, two-room apartments
reasonable. 1W1 14th st Phone Main 417a.
GPOVER APT., unfurnished 4-room apt. SS7
IS. Z4UL av
A partmenta.
Apartment-House Specialists,
503 Abington Building
Own or control the following apartment
houses, which are all new or nearly new.
up to date and possess all modern con
veniences. CECELIA. 22d and Glisan 3-room unfur
nished. CLAYPOOLE. Ilth and Clay 3 rooms,
private balcony, unfurnished.
CLAYPOOL ANNEX. 11th and Clay 2
rooms, furnished.
FORDHaM. Ki turd st. i rooms, unfur
nished, hardwood finish, private balco
nies; hignest-class apartment in the city.
HANTHOKN. 251 12tn st., near Main 3
rooms, with private balconies; unfur
nished. HANOVER, 165 King bU, near Washing
ton 3 rooms, with private balconies, un
furnished; two rooms, furmsned or un
furnished. KNICKERBOCKER. 410 Harrison st.. near
1 1th 3 rooms, with private balconies,
ST. CROIX, 170 St. Ciair. near Washing
ton Three rooms, furnished and unfur
nished. 1
ST. FRANCIS. 21st and Hoyt 3 and 4
rooms, with private balconies, unfur
nished. WELLINGTON, 15th and Everett 2 S. 4
and 5 rooms, unfurnished; frame build
ing; very reasonable rent.
References Required.
Jefferson and 13 th Street.
4 and 6-room unfurnished apartments;
exceptionally well arranged; walking dis
tance. Rates Reasonable.
Modern. References. New
Corner Park and Taylor Sta.
Corner Tenth and Salmon Streets.
Walking r-istance.
Furnished rompleti. 2. 3 and 4-room
apartments; buildings new and strictly
modern; service first class.
Under New Management.
Situated in an open' court on Luret!
St.. Just off WasMngion. near 2"d st.
Absolutely the finest unfurnished apartment-house
In the city; hardwood floors.
Including both phones; prices right. See
them before Tnrnting ; ref's. Superintend
ent, Marsh. 1513; Janitor. Marsh. 1500
and finest apartments on the Pacific
Coast: In Trfnitv place, just off Washins
ton. between 19th and 20 th sts., in heart
of apartment-house district; modern In
every particular; hfKh-ciass service; re
fined clientele: sleeping porches In every
apartment; furnished and . nfurnlshed;
prices right: references required. S?e
Mrs. A. N. Wright, superintendent. Phone
Marshall 1101. '
T H t-: BARKER, cor. 21st and IrvlnK sts
This new four-story brick now open; fur
nished and unfurnished in 2. 3 and 4-room
suites; reception hall, electric automatic
elevator. Hlman disappearing beds, built
in buffet and writine desk, gas range. Ice
box, plenty of closet rooms, both phones,
vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you
want something nice, come to the Barker
Phone A 1744. Marshall 2961.
12th and Taylor.
Most Modern Apartments on the
Pacific Coast. Furnished Complete.
Roof Garden In Connection.
Walking Distance. References.
Choice 3-room apartments: all outside
rooms: splendid view; In best West Side
residence district, near City Park; Cedar
Hill Apartments. 187 Green ave.. south of
23il and Washington sts. ; references re
quested Phone A 1042 or Marshall 5.145.
ORDER LEIGH Furnished apartments
Grand ave. and East Stark; brick build
ing. 3 rooms well furnished with private
baths, new management, completely ren
ovated ; $22.50 up; modem conveniences;
close-in location; easy walking distance.
Best of service.
THE UPSHUR. 26th and Upshur sts. Fur
nished 2-room apt a, 16. $18 up; steam
heat, h'V and cold water In every apart
ment; public bath, electric lights, gas
ranges, laundry-room, al! free. Takw "S."
23d" or W" cars north. Phone Main 859.
THE SHEFFIELD 3 or 4-room apartments,
furnished or unfurnished ; splendid ar
rangements; all outside rooms; private
bath, direct Pacific phone; reasonable
rent; superb location, near Postoffice; beat
of service. 272 7th St.. cor. Jefferson.
14th and Columbia,
Furnished 2, 3 and 4-room apartments;
all conveniences; first-class, homelike,
reasonable rates; refs. Main 7337, A 3615.
Everett 2. 3 and rooms, unfurnished:
privato baths; $20 up; completely reno
vated; under new management; walking
distance; convenient and best service.
North 2Uth and Northrup Sts.
Homelike furnished 3 and 4-room apart
ments; outside rooms; balcony to every
suite; all conveniences; ref. phone M.3SSS.
Union ave. and Sacramento st. Just
completed; the finest and most up-to-dat3
2 and 3-room apartments in the city; rea
sonable prices. Phone East 90.
715 Wayne st., one block from Washing
ton; nicely furnished modern apartments;
private phones, also furnished rooms; rent
very reasonable. Phone Main C2t0.
644 Everett St.. bet. 20th and Ella,
Furnished 3-room apartments in one of
the choicest residence districts; strictl
modern; walking distance.
2 and 3 apartmems, modern, walking
distance, very reasonable; 1 light and dry
4-room basement apartment. 5U5 Jeffer
eon sl Main 5135.
CUMBERLAND APTS.. West Park and Co
lumbia sts. One 3-room unfurnished apt.,
vacant Feb. 1; all modern conveniences;
choice location ; facing the Park only
G minutes waiK irom Dusiness center.
'2. 3 and 4-room apartments, modern,
furnished or unfurnished; re
KlNbsBUliV Ford, near Washington st.
High-c.ass apartments; one uufurnishe .
of 3 rooms one ox 4 room with pri
vate balcony.
Paiit anu Madison Sts.
For rent. 3 and -i-room rurnished and
unfurnished apartments; strictly modern.
3d and Aioisoiuer ; new, modern, out
side lurnisned 2-room apartments; auto
maiic elevator; close in; $25 up. Main y-toii.
Corner East couch ana stn sis. Easy
walking aistance, modern, quiet, reason
able. Pnone East 2751.
East th and juorrison sts. very centra..
2 and 3-room apartments, furnisned com
pletely; private bat us: from $20 to $3 5
SEE this one sure; a nicely furnished 3
room apt., $22. oU; all outside, large, light
airy rooms; private phone, batii, on car
line. Tabor 2293. B 3u4L
407 Hall St, Main 4299.
2 and 3-room furnished fine; walking
27 3. 5 AND C-room furnished apartments;
steam heat, clean, waiking distance. West
Side. 402 3d st. Main 7"7l, A lit.
THE 1LLIHEE, 487 Taylor, near 14th; 2
room apartments, well furnished, walking
distance. $15 and up. Main 71 2.
12th and Harnson, 2 and 3-room apar:
meats; best service. Apply on premises.
ALT ON I A. Marshall and lth sts. Large,
airy, 2, 3 aud 4-room apartments, quit-l
and exclusive neigh borhooa.
THE Drickston, 448 11th Nicely furnisned
2 and 3-room modern outside apts., near
Heights. Mrs. F. W. McCune. Marshall 57.
Fourth and Lincoln All outside 2-room
apts.; $22.50 to $30; walking distance.
HARRIMAN APTS., 164 24th N-, one largs.
all modern 4-room apt. furnished; rf
ences, Aain 356.
2-room apartments; new brick building
new I uniiiure. Marshall 365s.
JUST completed. 4 and 5-room apts., with
balcony; hne view; heat, gas range; rea
sonable. 963 Front. A 3486.
MORTON APARTMENTS, corner Wash, and
King, one 3-room furnished apartment
and one unfurnished.. Main 10S2.
FOR RENT Small 4-room fiat,' $11; water
paid. 34 Kusseu Bi.
MODERN 7-room upper flat; fireplace, fur
nace, yard; 190 17th sL Inquire 189 16th.
GOOD corner, upper 6-room flaL Ray's
Drua Store. Third and Harrison.
si cAl-HEATED, five rooms. West Side,
close In. Read. Marshall 556.
NEW 5-room modern flat, 3 rooms fur
nished. 1043 Gantenbein, corner Alberta.
$25 5 rooms. 384 E. 1st sL N-. near
Schuyler, new stove and gas heater, lire-
$35 5 moms, E. 13th and Weld'er sts.;
good neighborhood, furnace and rirepiac.
$40 6 rooms and commercial basement,
at loS loth si., near .Morrison.
404 Wilcox Bidg.
5-room lower and 5-room upper; com
paratlve.y new. modern and In good con
dition; separate cement basements and
good firrnace for ench flat; $22 rer month.
102 Fourth St.
Phone Main S5, A 3500.
FOR rent; West Side. 6-roo n corner flats,
with every convenience; fin neisnoorhood
201 North Twenty-second ttreet. 721 and
723 Vi Kearney street. for particulars,
phone Main 1436 or A 14 16 Or call at
104 Second st., near Wasl ingtor
E. 9th and Hancock, 2 bl cks Broadway
car. walking aisianee; 6-rooin upper, hard
wood floors, tilea oath. Dutc.i kitchen, sep
arate basement and attic; no children. Key
472 Hancock. East 5570.
A nicely furnished Hat, 773 Belmont St.;
only $35 per month to good, reliable ten
ant; modern conveniences. inquire ' on
premises or call East 1550.
4-ROOM flat with bath and sleeping porch,
hardwood floors, lireptace, gas raqgo una
furnace, to parties without childre n re.n
f $27.50. 268 E. :i"th St., near Hawthorne.
Phone Tabor 2236.
5-ROOM ED flat, hardwood floors, fireplace,
tiled bath, sleeping porches, Dutch kitcaen,
wash trays, butfet. cement basement; call
from to 4 P. M. ; Hawthorne car; no
children. 30&t- Glenn ave.
FOR SALE A bargain; giving up honso
keeping. completely i untie hed 5-room flat,
near Lincoln High school. Phone Main
HOLLADAY ADD. Beautiful, new flat,
walking distance: three blocks from new
Steei bridge, at 226 Vs Occ.dent sU Phone
East 2-..4.S.
NE-vv' modern 4-room flat, furnace, gas
stove, linoieum in kitchen and bath. Hs3
Ross st., mar Broadway. 2 blocks from
FOR RENT 1-room lower flat. large
porches, gas range ' heater, furnace, linol
eum in kitchen and bath, very convenient;
rent $18. 1028 Albina ave. Phone B-535.
$16 LOWER flat of 4 rooms, with range:
walking distance; West Side. Tabor 4553.
571 Filth street.
MODERNLY furnished flat 5 rooms, piano,
gas, electricity, rurnace and fireplace.
fc.ast 194 4. 60ft Grand ave. North.
luii KENT Modern 7-room fiat: fireplar.i
and furnace; 4-14 Park su; $35. Phoiu
Tabor 763 or Last I4di.
MODERN 5-room upper flat; furnace, fire
place and north sleeping porcn. 7tl7
5-ROOM upper flat, near east end new
bridge, built-in conveniences, newly tinted,
ci.t 1 1- i'vi!tl
ave.; reterei'ce; no children. Woodlawn
FOUR large light outside rooms, plenty of
hot water and ste;un heat, excellent gati
range, etc, Sunnyside. Phone Tabor 131.
4-room modern flat for rent, with furniture
for sale by owner, $IU0 payment down.
Apply 702 Spalding bldg.
FURNISHED 7-room flat In Portland, large
yard, centrally located, $40. 775 Johnson
St., between 23 and 24. Main 55'. 1.
MODERN flats furnished or unfurnished;
phone East 1719. 664 Williams ave.
$10 AND $15 2 modern 4-room flats, good
location, close-in. Phone East 5lJtt
DESIRABLE furnished 5-room flat, piano,
waiking distance; reasonable; East 5433.
5 AND 6-roornfiat, 300 7th. Call afternoon,
near high school.
MODERN flats, 6 sunny rooms, attic, porches.
West Side, choice location. Main 4220.
MODERN flats. S blocks of Postoffice. Key
next house. 355 oth. C 1678.
t LAT of 6 rooms and bath; 731 Hoyt st.
Inquire l3o Oth su Pbone Main 6278..
$16 NEW 4-room flat, cor. 28th and E.
Everett. E. 1696.
110L.i-.ADA Y ADD. Beautiful flat, walking
distance. Call 412 ft Waco. Fb-E. 38uo
FOR RENT Modern 5-ruom flat. Call at
0X8 Belmont St.
EIGHT rooms and "bath, 598 Salmon. Key
GOO Salmon. Cheap rent.
SEVEN rooms and hath, 821 Corbett st. Key
S14 Corbett st- Cheap rent.
FouR-ROOM flat, moaern conveniences. 884
E. Yamhill. Tabor IDOL
TWO 5-room, new. furnished flats, West
Side; walking distance. Phone Main 8311.
LOWER 6-room flat, furnished, 3 bedrooms,
$25. 306 College, .
C-ROOM? up-to-date flat, 331 Mill st.
Pbone Tabor 5u9 or store Mill and 7th.
6-ROO Mstrictly modern fiat, desirable
locality, heat furnished. A 18, Mar. 354.
rrtZn. and lower 4-room flats; sleeping-
porch. 8-0 jNortnrup. nioue jum o
iiUUM Iiats ior rem, bbs -"o. umu,
and .S12 a month. Inquire 85' Coruett sr.
MOUERN 4-room flat, near Russell and Wll
nams, u, un.iuu"'6 t.ww.
MODERN flat, complete, reasonable. 312 E.
4SLh, off Hawthorne ave.
$4 6-ROOM lower flat, 569 5th, walking
iduina' WAst Klrl. Tahor 4553.
MODERN 3-room upper flat, with sleeping
, a Art (r.iv, ct Map r.:-i..:i
MODERN 5-room upper and rower flats, all
conveniences. 6U8 E. Madison.
FOUR-ROOM furnished flat In Irvington.
665 WeiUler.
WEST SIDE $35; modern 6-room flat. 208
14th. near Taylor. E. 2301
A, f ijiDWoNT new 4-room flat.
l-,4 Ainsvvorth, curntT Borthwick.
5-ROOM flat, close in; save car fare. Inquire
228 Hall at,
TWO modern 0-room flats. Inquire 426
6th st,
sTrOOM modern fiat. 543 5th. Main 7065.
Housekeeping Booms.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts. Fur
nished for housekeeping; gas range, elec
tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry free;
$12 per month up; a clean place; bebt In
the city for the money; short distance
from Union Depot. Take S or 16th-st
cars north; get off at Marshall st. No dogs.
$l5oTO S2.75 week; clean, furnished house
keeping rooms, suitable for 2 or 4; free
heat, laundry, baths, yard, gas. Phone L.
6i 39. 4i6 Vancouver. 203 Stanton. "L"" car.
YWO very- large, completely furnished
housekeeping rooms; $4 per week. 'lvo
beds. Phone. 272 Montgomery ; South
cast corner 4th.
"THE MONTGOMERY," East 8tb and East
' Morrison, furmsiied housekeeping suites;
ST .GEORGE HOTEL, 301i 1st st.. newly
furnished housekeeping and transient
rooms; opened under new management.
inE UPSHult7To6ft 26th St.. furnished 2-ri-om
apts., steam heat, light. ?17 up Ma n
S5tf Take MW," -23d" or "W" car north.
FURNISHED or unfurnished 2. 3 and 5
rooms, nice yard and fruit trees. 171 1
Portsmouth ave.; rent, very cheap.
TWO 2-room housekeeping apartments, $i
a. id $5 oer week; phone, bath. heat. 41'.'
i?i-RvisHF:i) front corner suite cheap; gag.
bath, phone, 464ft East Burnside, corner
8th SL
kt n:i-T front .1 or 4-room aot. furnished
aiso 2-room, strictly modern and first-
class, 189 ft N. 23d. Marshall
CAMBRIDGE BLDG., 3d, cor. Morrison, fur
and unfurnished h. k. rooms $1.50 wk. up.
SEW furnished houspkeeping rooms, heat,
light, baths, tel.. $18. Woodlawn 22U.
THE OILMAN, it. corner Alder Furnished
housekeeping rooms $1.50 week up.
NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms;
close in; quiet aid jreasonaiJle. 42'J Salmon.
NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms.
269 ft First st.
""Housekeeping-Rooms in . Private Family.
FIRST-CLASS single, also connecting out
side rooms, uuicn Kiicnei.
bath, laundry, large iawn, splendid loca
tion talking distance to city property;
W car from Union Depot or Washinfcton
st. cars: $2.50 to $0 week; rates by month.
575 Couch, corner ISth.
TWO fineTy rurnished rooms and kitchen
ette modern, $20 month. Including fur
nace heat, phone, hot baths, use piano,
wa.king distance, few steps East lorri-son-st.
carline. 632 Beimont sr., comer
East 18th.
iolcEaKKPING rooms, well furnished, gas
for cootwing. $10 and $12 per month. 16U
iTth st-, between Yamhill aud Taylor.
FURNISHED room and kitchenette, walk
ing dipcance. 249 Grand ave. N.
..Uji with kitchenette, very reasonable. 30
lth st. rorin.
r'.iv.iftHD housekeeping rooms; heat, all
mouern conveniences. 83 ft 4th.
TWO housekeeping rooms, cheap, opposite
scnooi. -i rii- -
3 WEEK Two-room suite. 409 Columbia
at., near jotn.
NEWLY furnished, modern, furnace heat.
phone, bath. $10 mo. up. 262 14th st.
FURNISHED housekeeping room, furnace
heat, gas range; for gentleman. 45 Clay.
THREE furnished rooms for housekeeping.
a 26 First sL Phone Main 6677.
Housekeeping-Bourns In Private Family.
TWO. clean, litsht. well-f urn isned connect
ins front rooms, private residence, frev
heat, electr.c lights, pnone. hot and cold
water, porcelain bain, adults, walking di
tnnco, oiie block 3 canines. 445 Rodney
ave.. corner Tillamooa st. Phone E. 3221.
ONE or more light, airy rooms,
everything furnished; furnace beat. liRht,
phoue, oath. 15 minutes' waik 10 post
oftice. 467 7th st
L EYUSL 1 want someone In the house. iU
rent 2 comtortHMe, comenieul housekeep
ing rooms, turuisfuHi or uuiurnished. st
your own pr,ce. phone Tabor 45.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms In privato
family, for particulars call Sunday ut -.".'
Hancock, corner Vancouver ave., or phone
fc,ust lSoft.
..Ai.ui; I: ont suite, first and second floor;
accommodate 2 to i, e ery convenience;
overlooking the park, far above the aver
age; 5 mi..utes' uala, uew. 3M Pork st.
LARGE, handsomely furnished room, klicn
e none attached; choue location: all con
venieitcei: on.y quiet rei ined people
taKen. J65 13th street.
.s-Vli. furnished Uowiiiuiira front house
keeping uite, coneiiiciicoa, heat tur
nisueu, water in, wa.aiag distance, $;f
w rfj. 5l .iiihntun.
Vi ivNISHED hi'usekeeping or sleeping
rooms, modern, easy walking distance,
good car s-rvU-e, rent cheap. 455 E. Ank
eny. 2 OR 2 connecting rooms, ground floor, pri
vate entrance, complete uouseket-ji.tig.
$lo mo nui. ivouney. cor. Fremont;
Williams or Un.on ae. car.
i'L iv.Mixir.D ho.i!fKe.-ping rooms in privato
home to ueat, ivliauiu party, auuita only:
no ilos. iisj" Oregon st., between Union
:ive. a d Gia d ave. Pnoae C 1928.
NICE, clean, connecting housekeeping rooms
with gas. electric hgnt. pnone. furnace,
use of launury tiay. 43 Main, bet. lith
and 11 in.
$10 CLEAN, completely furnished H. K.
room; k.tchiiei t . g -s, electricity, laun
dry, small child taken. 2ft Grand ave. d
E., cor. Ankeuy.
FRONT rooms in private family, nicoly fur
nished; lignt houseket-ping if desired. Mrs.
Klttin. loo I'ark t., bet. Wasningion and
$20. REAL home coml'ort, walking distance,
gas, phone. iuei, bai ii, references rs
quirou. Ml Kehy, near GibDS. Marshall
40.". b
SUITE 2 h. k. rooms, complete, neat and
clean, linen and nnts frne, mrnaue and
hot water. The Auiel, 324 Jackson and
6m st.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, best heat in city;
tirst tioor; electric lignts,- gas; choup
rent weea, rales mouth; down town.
350 ft Alder.
TWO iarge comfortably furnished house
keeping rooms, ground floor; also on
l uruisued room. iv 2d, cor. Market, A
$20 A MONTH, pleasunt housekeeping suite
in private family, has furnace heat, run
ning hot and cold water. Iu4 Lownidalo,
corner Taylor sl.
354 SALMON, two very desirable basement
rooms, furniture for housekeeping; other
2.50 SUNNY room, newly painted, kalri
mincd, alho large panor suite. Nob Hill.
594 Everett.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms;
a. so one Bleeping room. 4v3 Seconu st,, cor.
HOUSEKEEPING ROOM for 2, $10 month;
walaiug distunce. o'Ji E. Wasninglou st.
E 761, Oregonian.
CLEAN, well-furnished room, housekeeping
privileges if desired; reasunabie. 742 Gli
san st.
sTl 34TH ST. Three large furnished house
keeping rooms; no objection lo chiluren;
walking distance.
i3 EAs r 13TH ST. N. Nicely furnished
houseKeeping sJiie, ground tioor; ail con
veiiie.ices. Phone C lool.
. ci.iLV luruished housekeeping -rooms,
Lutii and gaa, 1.50. Iuif4 Last lay ior.
rnoiie lauor 2L7. i
NICELY furnished suite of 4 rooms for
housekeeping in private house, bam aud
teiepnone, $ll. ooi ja-raei si.
i.j TWO extra nice neat H. K.
walking uistance, no chiluren.
XhhtE nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms; mouern. 387ft 4ih st. Pnoue Mar
shall 23J.
FRONT suite, beautifully furnished, electrio
lights, furnace, gas range, only $14 mouth;
Will surely please you. 3u6 liaucock. -
TWOnicely furnished housekeeping rooms,
sink, hot and culu water; very reasunabie
rent. 475 E. Burnside, cor. uth.
TWO furnished front rooms for house
keeping in pri ate residence, no chiluroa
wan tea. Sell. 1864, CJ3 E. 7th South.
FUriiNlCsiiD h. k. rooms
price 3.oo per week,
single or en suite;
3 24 J ackso n and
i Two nicely furnished frout h. k. rooms;
aiso sing ie h. k.. all conveniences. 40T
3u near Harrison.
j, Aivi) 3 furnished and unfurnished house
keeping coomb, mouern, close in. 382 E.
1st. i-none . -y.
TWO housekeeping rooms, well furnished,
running waier, gas range, rent reason
able. 450 Hall SU
TWO nice unfurnished front housekeeping
rooms, hot and cold water, pnone, bath.
515 Mill st.
,14 CuLt-iUiA ST. One light uousekeep
inE room with kitchenette; gas and heat
furnisned; Sltf per mouth.
FOUR connected light, clean, hot, cold wa
ter, bath, gas, phone, side entrance. $14.
350 14th street.
$5 PER week, pleasant, absolutely clean,
light, 2-room suite, electricity, pleasant
surroundings; close lm 251 7th.
TWO clean sunny front housekeeping rooms,
well-furnished, gas range, cheap rent to
permanent couple. 307 Harrison st.
A i HOST suite 2 rooms, with alcove, com
fortably furnished, all modern conveni
ences; walking distance. 7QQ Flanders.
2 NICEconnectlng housekeeping rooms;
walking distance, sink and gas range. 44tf
6th St. Mar. 3430.
2il0bERN furnished light housekeeping
rooms. 331 Ross. E. 3874.
2 VERY pleasant furnished front rooms.
N 16th. M. 2060. .
CHEAP 2 furnished housekeeping rooms,
45 East Ash, walking distance.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, privata
house, yard, balh. Main 2260. 8b7lt.
168- 10TH 1 room with kitchenette; two
room suite. light and airy, reasonable.
FoUR furnished housekeeping rooms, $20.
30S Columbia. Marshall 2195. t
fc!2 THREE furnished housekeeping rooms.
gas plate, range. 618 7th. Main 452.
361 TAYLOR Housekeeping rooms; bath
gas, phone and iaundr.a Reasonable
NICELY furnishesd room for one or two
fcenuemen. 414 Salmon st.
f WO housekeeii rtins. very attractive;
close irt' tow rent 10m.
NICE, convenient housekeeping suite. 553 ft
Morrison st., near 18th.
ONE very nice large front room, first floor.
with Kitcnen. ooiuinuio.
1 2 AND 3 strictly modern housj keeping
'rooms $10, $12 and $lo a month. 5H0 2d sU
TcTrvY oeslTabie rooms, finest location, walk
ing distance, ut -otn sl.
houiekecping room, IH per month
if renteu lousy. 182 N. 14th.
4 ROOMS, furnished for
conveniences; rent $15.
housekeeping, all
125 East 46th.
TWO large II. K. rooms, light, gas, phone,
bath; walking distance. 32 E. loth LN.
CLEAN, light, well-furnlahed housekeeping
rooms. 5.5 6th. ,
H K. room, first floor front, all conven
iences. $3.S0 wejk. 44 Jefferson sL
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, hot
weter neat. 7S1 Kearney. Marshall 4J..i.
HOlS-KEEPiNG rooms;
nicely furnishtd
it Iturusiue.
tvr-LY furnished houseKeepinn rooms. 215
10th St., cor. fcalmon.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms; gas
range, reasonable. 727 ft Williams ave.
FOUR furnished houm keeping rooms; water.
num. --
1 HKEE clean, light furnished housekeeping
rooms, aa. bat.i, reaaonaciw. r rout at.
FRONT-suite, close In, stove heat, aduiut,
no'pets, sleeping rooms. N. 11.
THREE rooms nicely furnished: nice yard.
215 E. 72d st. N. Phona Tabor 650.
tTTrEE nice housekeeping rooms, grouna
Q , .'.11 Tin MiaKiKKiTinl ave.
tioor. cneP v ;
vTTrv nleasant, clean, cosy housekeeping
room to rent,reasonable. 405 W. Park
Tia 50 MONTH, free cooking gas, 2 light,
small, heated rooms. 4u2 park.
IS Irvington. four comfortably furnished
"housekeeping rooms 665 Weidler.
MODERN 5-room house.
ft block to car.
Phone w ooqiimn in
FOR RENT Modern 7-room house, corner
L-..t it and Wasco. Phone East 2446
8-ROOM house. 671 Kearney st. near 21st,
In gOOO cuniimuii.
6-POOM house, good district, rent $U. worth
$20. 14 uanienocm a-.
455 10th st., modern 6-room house; take
UrnailliflV CAT. K JH.
MODERN 5-room bungalow, furnace, walk
. 1 , ... a v mi hft. stArk and Ql
ioor, V