The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 02, 1913, SECTION TWO, Page 13, Image 33

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Ft'TUhB? Ttiti) investigate the United
States Navy either as lour ears train
ine. or as a life's business. From toe aay
you enter the Navy you will be earning a
gooa living. jou win oe gwiiiog
est training pnys:cal and me-tal. You
wti; be leading a bwaitny lue. You will
cat pienty of wholesome food; go witn
ambitious fellows, and see something of
the torld. And If you qualify for one oi
the Navy's 50 different trades, you can
-lo - t -.. , . I..O r w r,. I! OUU-J
not Mai. In tha Navy. Call at Navy Ke-
.11. r. on n..u.n r lCiiai;ie (jltl
Portland, Or. Officers thre will gladly
nitHi' a. i your Question. b ree uoo.,
The Making of a -ian o vvarsmaa," talis
everything aoout daily life on tue United
States nips. Write tor it toaay u xu
Department, Wasninstoii, - C
I am looking for a bustling, energetic
man. One who dot not know how to get
tired. For a man of thai capacity anu
with the abihty to handle business
chance and aule to give bonu, can offer
a flattering proposition. This does nut
carry a salary, out is iar superior io an.
salary that can oe offered, providing tne
roan knows bis business. If you are wip
ing to demonstrate mat you can make
good, can give reference as to your char
acter and give bond necessary, anvir
this. If not. do not. This is a large reai
estate brokerage olfice. AJ ti'Jo, orego
Only good liva wires need apply; to
travel Portland and surrounding territor
ies; several high-class experienced sales
men, with some knowledge of an automo
bile wanted at once to sell dealers and
etabli(hed agencies for the most rapid
selling device on tne market. .Makes mo
tor start, saves 25 per cent of the
gasoline, increases the power 20 per cent.
Prevents accumulation of carbon and
cleans motor of accumulated carbon. Price
is low. Core as represented, w or its on an
car. installed in 0- minutes; opportunity
for right party to ma.e big money. Splen
did teintory to retail this device- inves
tigate nt once. For further information
call 40J Merchants Trust bldg.. Sixth and
"WasniuBion slb.
ONE of the largest brokers offices in the
City of Portland is looking for a few A-I
salesmen, who can deliver the goods. We
deliver th prospect and do the advertising-
Have you a mac nice to follow them
ud with when we give ttiem to you? li
so. look up this ad. We can otfer a good
thing. We do not offer any salary wnat
ever. Your salary is your ability. If jou
have hot the aollity, you will need the
salary, consequently we will not need you.
AS bio, Oregonian.
HARVEST HATS Want honest, hustling
traveling salesman immediately; specialty
line, specially priced, we!) aJvertibea, large
lollowi'ig, liberal commissions; retail store
experience sufficient; be explicit with 3 first letter; one good chance to
make good; if busteo or v. orn out, ooni
answer. Mexican American hat La, st.
Louts, Mo
WANlD Capable, energetic salesmen to
soil Lau.'einursi and other choice property.
We will aid ou to ciose sales and pay
you liberally for your work, choice prop
erty, well located, at moderate pneos. We
furnish some prospects.
2"1 fioor Selling pidj.
EXPERIENCED specialty balesmen to first
eel), tlien organize sales rorce; "inainpion
complete accountant (fireproof), comouia.
tlon safe. oek. account system, money
drawer, complete recorder; state full qual
ifications, champion Register Co., Cleve-
land. Ohio.
A TRUST company can use a clean-cut
young man of good education; one who
has sold insurance, rea. estate wr stock
and bonds preferred; good income itn
rapid advancement. Full particulars. P
7dJ. Oregoniau.
"WANTED DryKOods t-aiesman for countr
town; must be A No. 1 general drygoods
man who understands ladies' ready-to-wear
Roods; future opportunities for n
man nho is not atraid oi work. AV U44.
TRAVELING MEN who are making small
towns and crossroad stores to handle our
new, up-to-date pocket side line; pays
commission of $4 per oruer; a winner.
Fu.l particulars aduress jurd Mlg. Co..
21 biael St.. Chicago. 111.
WA.N'ibU feteauy family man to takii
charge ot toui -hoi se team on big raiu n
anu pay tan of thanes on small orcnarti
tract; must have so.tie caah to j,ay oun
en same. School and sture on premises
Salary, jt0 per moi.m. D iiSt, Oieoniau
SALESMAN, sxperlenced any line, sell gen
eral trade, Oregon; unexcelled specially
proposition; commission contract;
- weealy expenses. continental Jewery
Company, Cleveland, o.
SALESMAN Capable specialty man for
Oregon; staple line; new. exceptional
terms; vacancy now; atuactlva commis
sion contract; weekly oipeusea. Miles
Uixier, Cleveland, O.
AMBiTloUS salesmen, neat appearance, call
on merosianLS then territory; elegant i0--'ine,
conven.ent ;o carry; good comiuis
tious, prompt remittance, tieimoui
Co.. Ciiiciutiati. O-
XjvrTjxtiii.CiD salesman for a real estate
office; piOiity restricted; iois 4tiu
houses, acreage on the new MC Hood elec
tric; salesman. lger will assist with sales
Ask for Mr. ivinder. 50 Oak St.
"YOUNG man. bookkeeper, who has had
tome experience anu Cun assist in credits;
good Cuance for advancement; give rei
ereuce. salary desired, pnone number. U
7J.5. Oregonian.
BALESMEN, experienced specialty men.
ceil merchants uiuo and piano contests
guaranteeing increased business or retunu;
casv selier; j4A0 annuaiiy. Howard Com
pany. Atlantic ave., iiruo-iyn, N. Y.
MIZS oi Ideas, inventive ability, shoula
write Randolph . Co.. patent attorneys,
VVashlnKtou. l. C, for list of needed In
ventions ; prizes oifered by leading man
ufacturers. SALESMEN wanted to sU our specialties
m dry fc-ortds truiu factory to retailer; lib
eral com mission ; p lend id sid line for
Travelers. lrn Muwr Mills, Philadelphia.
SALESMAN for general trade, stapl line,
aeekty advance on commissions; ex
perience unnecessary, simply all-around
hustler, cHan record. D. W. liarrows, sia
tion A. Detroit.
WANTED Youi'K man. experienced in es
timates priniinj. also printing cost ac
tounting oi a ; must be pleasing in ap ar.d able to wait ou trade. AH
704, Orejonlan.
ONE of New York's larirest business con
cerns has position in this territory for a
young man of yood address and selling; k-eferent-es required. Call Mod
day. 9 to 1-. 41i Orcgonian bldg.
Experienced City Real Estate
Salesman. Kef rrencis required.
Washington and Third ts.
RATE clerk In railroad general freight of-
lice; will only consider man entirely fa- j
miliar with rates and tariffs. Y blS.
Oregonian. j
WANTED Young man, neat appearance.
capable of using typewriter, real estate -
office: state references, salary moderate. ,
AL fco5. Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER First-class stenographer
and Ly pew '"iter, experienced in railroad
freight office work. Excellent opportun
ity for young man. Y SU. Oregonian.
SALESMAN wanted for Portland; hand-colored
art calendars and advertising spe
cIm Hies ; commission only. AB Ore
gonian. Al SIDE LINES for salesmen calling on
dept, stores or furn. stores for special
lines direct from mills. J. G. Becker Co.,
ISO Adams, Chicago.
SALESMAN wanted. $1J to $20 per week
spare time; novel proposition, no canvass
ing: experience unnecessary. Address Pa
cific Sacs Co.. Marsai.eid, Or.
SALESMEN Do you want $10 day aide or
main Mne and pum-h noard deals? Ten
propose ions. American Factories Co., St.
Louis. Mi.
WANTED Man an;i wife to work on f: uit
ranch. A desirable .place and steady work
for right pa .ties. Aaaress X 715, ore
Ionian. COMMERCIAL specialty salesmen. cost
7.,Vi, sells (20: 2 to 10 orders daily, cash
income for expenses. Grant Mig. Co.
Piusburg, Pa.
A NIGHT man for fireman, wafchman;
mus; handle small stationary engine; so
br. reliable, attentive, competent. Apply
410 Board of Trade bldg. .
lioY uar.ted to work tn t p rlter office:
chance to Itarn a good trade, AS 677.
Or ii:tar. .
WANTED Farm work, slashing o7 team
work in exchange for good Portland lots.
AN Oregoutan.
WANTED Good Installment lot salesman
for Portland lots, nar 5c carKnea. 12
per cent commission. AP 712. Oregoniaa.
WA NTED Man and wife for ranch, small
place very ciose to city limits. . ife to as
sist In housework. H 731. Oregonian.
EXCEPTIONAL opening for ood business aud ro;i:iiig-t:ous man; give par
tisan rs. AK fr"v Oregon lau.
$25 WEEKLY and expenses to trustworthv
pwvp;-. travel, distribute amples for big
wholesale house. C. Emery, Chicago.
SALESMEN. sell arocers "THE REST
K VCti" lativ Wahliigton Huilod Eeans. W Ksh.
"WANTED---Partner to write a iuic for son
AC tAvsw Otegoniao.
AM an ex-insurance agent; could write
only about Sluu.ooO annually ; I have
earned over $ouO cash commissions in
two months in my present business; it is
legitimate and has strong selling points;
1 want a ftw reliable, energetic men to
help ins sed It; locally and elsewhere.
References required. AH 722, Oregoman.
First-class man wanted for these de
partments to take charge. If yvu can
Quality o.s to character, ability and can
give bond for honesty and are willing to
put in nam work, long hours, etc-, we
are looking for you. If Dot, uo not an
swer tins ad. This is not a aalnea posi
tion, but a commission positiup wpereby
a salary can oe indue to look tuck if you
are a worker. It you are not the sal
ary would look better to you. If you
cannot moet tnese requirements do not
answer this ad. C 732, Oregoman.
Six Scandinavian luinoer naadlers, $2.50,
steauy worn.
Iwo sws or German milkers, $40.
"lhrea milkers, and u,
Largs list of new work every day.
OPEN SUNDAY. 0 A M. to 3 P. M
. PAtii 1C cjAfLOX Mii"f CO-MKANY.
2-2 and -li coucn su, bet. 1st aud 2d.
SToiS IN" EvE-h PKl.LPAL Utl
ANU cOMMio.3uN TO ooBR, ,AT
Loon-lNu i-Orv A SurT fcAAP. DvN"l
to Aai oTAAfS AND TiMc. A.N')vVtV
1NG. u'iv iLL rAMiuLAlcti E
OAi-Cl.U Auii. PAe'l' .iSC t-
N A HON a Li '1 X. Ati tl)i, OiiEOiMAN.
WLUING. GlvE foLL pAiiTiCLi.....
At'TER 27 uays of e'loit to get reliable
men. we have be n satisfied .witn and em.
ploed only a few. vt e are sincere in
our efforts to get La: able men ana rea!l
have pos.uoiiS tor several more; salesman
snip ati iutegiity required. Call tooai
or Monday. U. C. O. Hran, Ho2 Hote.
a.M.i good live leftist organiser, o
who car pic cure results. Man aequaimed
with leui-e work only neeu appi ; mus.
hu e credentials; goixl money tor ii,jbi
party; ,.svver by letter to i72 East Stark.
L &j7. Ores on. an.
WINDOW TRIMMER, cardwriter, adver
tiser, for lauies' reuy-to-wear store.
DRY GOcjDS salesman, single and about
JS vtars of age.
looo Chamber of Commerce bldg.
AT ONCE A man of Initiative, one wno Is
capable of taking complete charge of our
housef urnishiiig dept. A man with ideas
ana ability to develop a c to 25c section
preferred. Communicate at ones -with
McCormack Bros., Tacoma, Wash.
HOOD, reliable man witn experience to take
charge of shoe and gents furnishing de
partment in PortlaiiQ apt. store, must b'
a punher; man of family preferred; thii
is a permauent position for the right
man. G 7-U.
lu lo per da made balling our guaran
teed rat embaimer and roach killer, city
and country territory oueu; don't answer
un.ess you can produce results. Applj
Monday morning, oM , Stark sc. d
WANTED, first-class solicitors for house-to-house
canvassing. Good inducement i
right men. God chance for advance
ment. Grand Union Tea Co, 44$ Wash,
EXPERIENCED man of family to take
charge of 2uu-acrs stock rancb in Willam
ette Valley, on shares; must give bond
Call Cariton Hotel. Sunday afternoon or
Monday forenoon, room 4-4.
WANTED Reliable men with general sales
manship ability to work in the city. a
spiemiid proposition offered. Apply Mon
day all day. "Jlo Coiumoia bidg.. Wash
ington st H. B. Hansourg, manager.
WANTED 20 neat-appearing young men to
solicit On a greatly advertised article; we
w ill show ycu how to make the money.
Cell VM Rothchild bids.
REPRESENTATIVES for pierce. Thurston,
Chehalio. Lewis & Pa.ific Counties; chance
of lifetime; start with live company. Write,
at once. Western Sale Co., Centralia,
WANTED A-l credi; man and botkkeeper:
must be good penman; give years experi
ence, references and where last employed
LRIGHT young man as order clerk ; one
with some experience in hardware busi
ness. Apply In own handwriting aud state
salary expected. P 701, Oregonian.
ELEGANT side, or main line for able sales
man with ginger; just out and big win
ner with business men. A-I offer. Main
iH43. 3 to 5 P- M. onlS
ROY for general office work, wholesale
house, good opportunity for advancement.
Answer in own handwriting, stating age.
N 70. Oresonian.
ci.vPEKiENCED wall paper man, retail and
wholesale; ftate age. experience and ref
erence. J 79ti, Oregonian.
$2..M PER day paid lady each town to dis
tribute free circulars for concentrated
flavoring In tubes; permanent position.
F. E. Pnrr Company, Chicago.
SIX chorus girlr ; musical comedy; out of
the city. Call today, room 2. Pantages
WANTED Good wideawake woman solici
tors to sell Oregon-made goode ; liberal
commission. Shimmer, 3M E- Stark.
Wathlncton bidg.. 270 f Wash., room 35.
near 4th. Phone Main 8S3o or A a0t.
CAPAULErbusiness, experienced corsetiere
for city manaeer; corset entirely new; sal
ary guaranteed. E 728, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaker who can design
and cut: re f e rer. ces. Cal 1 Sunday morn -Ing.
GIRL, general housework ; must be good
plain cook, not afraid of work; $30 Jer
month. 435 Prescott.
aOc NG girl to assist with general hous'j
work. 451 E. oMh st. N.; take Rosa CRy
WANTED Experienced girl to do general
housework, small family. Call after 10.
Hawtnorna ave., corner 10th.
WANTED A competent nursery governess I
572 Keiney st, phone j
WANTED Girl for general housework;
family of 2; plain cooking. Call 67 Mich
igan ave. Take Mississippl-ave, can
G I a l w anted to assist with second work
and take car of 5; good wages; refer
ences. 715 Flanders, corner 22L
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework; good wages. 810 Overton.
WANTED An experienced girl for house
work and wait on table. 304H Park si.
THOROUGHLY experienced boarding-house
waitress. 261 13th sL
GIRL fcr general housework; small family.
54'i Schuyler, near E. 12th,
Lili:L or woman for housework, good home,
small wapes. Call Sellwood 75.
WANTED Girl for housework on farm,
- cail Belvedere Hotel.
A GOOD home for an orphan fiirl; state
age. F 735, Oregonian.
.v ANTED Girl for general housework
small iami. wages $20. Main S722.
t ANTED Middle-aged woman for prlvat
nursrf at Pation Home. Phone Wdln. 170
vL for genera: housework, small family,
eood wages. Call 504 Hoyt st.
WAIST finishers, experienced only wanted.
Com ready to work. 434 Morrison.
gTrL wanted for light office work. AG
73!, Oregonian.
.E -LED A woman to take charge of an
elderly lady at night. Phone Main 3U3-
ui k w anted to assist in general house
wcrk. i 24J Division. WR car.
MILLINERY help. Woloott Millinery. Uth
and Alder.
GIRL for general housework and cooking.
5i5 Marshall sL Call after 10 A. M.
WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap
ply 702 Marshall, bet. 21st and ?2d.
APPRENTICE at the up-to-date Beauty
Parlor. 10 Swetland bidg.
GIRL to assist vttb houaowork; small fam
ily. 777 HoyL
FIRST-CLASS manicuring girl.
Trnds Barber bbop.
Board of
GIRL for general housework. 161 N 24tb-
ntnnar .altp HI H TIP r TTI th.
Restaurant waitress. 10 per week. Grill
waitress, $M) fare advanced),
x Waitress and kitchen helper, in camp.
sjo each,
'J waitresses for hotel, ?25 to 930.
Domestic to'go to Fallhridge (fare and
tee paiuj. utner gooa powuuub,
Ladies' Dept. Morrison.
a.N experienced trainer wanted to engage
and give field training to female repre
sentatives in enrolling members for high
class home-study eourses. between th
Mississippi River and Pacific Coast. Re
quires good education, commanding per
senality. ta?tful tiiplomaey and superior
executive ability. Must show most suc
cessful record at training In readmx
" course, university extension, subscription
book or similpr work; give age. education
SITY. Lcs Angeles. Cal.
, t-z still have room for two more women
to demonstrate and sell fcpirella corsets.
V.'a t oq.Mi vf.n v nrr rnrst business. A
woman who is willing to study and de
vote her time to her work can uitiK- tro:n
$Jo to 10 per week. i oung fcirls neeJ
not apply, bpirella Corset ehop, lii Cell
ing blug. Main Mrs. L. fouutUu.
ciLy manager.
THE Municipal Department of Public aiet
for Young Women, 4uT Merchants Tru:
bldg.. will be glad to give advice or as
sistance to any woman or giri who may be
in need. Interviews are confidential ex
cept in cases demanding criminal action.
Otfice hours. S:J0 to 5. Mrs. L. G. Bald
win, Supt. -
ilOLSLKKEPR. by young- business man;
mu; be cU&n aad neat both in person
and domestic; aleo first-class cook; don't
apply unless you are; no objections to
a., .inii.cuiauerdd wmow; casj or. and
gooj homo for the right one. K 7io, Ore
troniin. '
tunity for bright girl living at home to
thoroughly learn both artistic and com
mercial features of th business. Fraley.
SI 4 3d. l
THE Domestic Service Bureau. 306 Central
bldg., receives daily calls from the best
of homes tor competent, reliable girls for
teneiai housewcra, cooks, second work
and nurse maid?.
A ANTED Nurse with six months or mort
hosp:tal experience, to train in small hos
pital; time allowed ; paid while training.
Add. box 91. Myrtle Point, Or., Mary
WANTED Maid for general houeswork, 2
in tamily; must be good plain cook;
take Broadway or Irvington car, 4o0 East
Isth su N- Call Monday afternoon, phon
40 G East.
.a1 MONTH, following my instructions,
wtth our e.eant lin. Just out and a big
winner for .ady cf fine appearance and
energy. Call in person, 3iW Hotel Ren
wick. 3 to 5. .
an TiD Capable women that wish to do
tome outuoor work, $15 to 10 a week
easily maue. App;y Monday ail day. 2lo
Columbia bldg., otio asbington. H. B.
Hansuurg. manager.
WANTED A flrst-cla. pastry maker; pay
very good wages to the right one; must
have good experience; no other need ap
ply. AH 7o7, Oregonian.
A GOOD, reliable, middle-aged lady to
keep house while owner is absent; will
pay $7 or $8 a weekT Call U78 Com
mercial. Woodlawn 813L
A "tuLST "company wants a young noram
with selling ability tor outside work for
responsible position; give experience and
reference, p 772, Oregonian.
WANTED Millinery ' apprentices; experi
enced milliners and experienced operators
on power machines. Apply Lowengart at
NURSEGIRL to work from 10 A. M. till 7
P. M- Apply Bret nor Apartments, iiuth
and Lovejuy. Apt. 44, morning, oetwen
c 30 A- M. and I :iJ0 P. IVL
AN txj . r.i en v cn an can have use of
tM-twritur rl one, etc., for public
work in exenange for moderate services.
B 715, Oregonian.
A' AN rD Younc
v;hD understands music as a clerk in our
sheet music department. Apply Graves
Mus.c Co.. XUJ i-ourth sL
VAN TED A compttent girl or woman foi
general housework; must be good cook,
one who can sleep at home; J adults tit
family; small flat. Call East 5352.
.ANT.&D--A girl for goneral housework In
a small f amity of two; good uouse for
Kood girl. Apply oo2 E- Madison st. Phone
B 2270.
.'ANTED Lady bookkeeper; one familiar
with general office worn and some sten
ojrrapnihc experience proferred; steady po
sition to right party. E 775, Oregonian.
A'ANTi'lt. An exptjienced girl
and dining-rOom work. Ill
Fern -
irl for kitchen
N. 3d. The
WOMAN during day for housework; prefer
party living near- Mrs. Becker, abS Mult
nomah su, near Union.
NEAT-APPEARING young lady, splendid
opportunity. Phone Mam 4u3i) after 1
o'clock or Monday A. M.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavl Co.. tiui) Roth
child idg., 4th and Washington.
WANTED Girl for general housework; j
must know how to cook; good wages to j
right party. Apply 055 E- 2tth, cor. Knott.
PUBLIC stenographer to answer telephone'
for use of desk room and telepnone in j
Yeon building. AM 739,pregonian:
VIOLIN or mandolin lessons exchanged for
sewing, embroidery or housework. Ad
dress AV Oregonian
EXPERIENCED second-girl, wagese $30
Apply 215 Ford st., corner par ave., or
pnone Main 75W.
ROOM and board for young lady in private ,
family to assist in light housework as
part payment. Main 1243. - i
STENOGRAPHERS register for positions
a-id use our free practice rooms. Oliver
'Typewriter Agency, 333 Anlieny st
PAiLE woman over 25, who is willing
to apply hersa.f; can earn wniie learning
business. AM 735. Oregonian.
WANTED A strong woman who has had
some experience as a uurse. Call 27 East '
loth su j
COMPETENT, steady girl or woman for i
general nousewora in seuwoou; muaii
iurnisn rete'rence. Call 301 ft btark.
W ANTED A competent house maid. Port
land woman's Union. 510 Flanoera Wages
$25; references: apply mornings.
ABLE, and not confined within
WANTED High-grade solicitors, male or
female; something entirely new; steady
position for right party. Call between
S and A. M. and 7:30 and 8:30 P. M.
Monday. 3S Alder st.
,iu a detective, earn $150 to $300 monthly;
big demand; easy work. Write Detective
Warner, 124$ Lexington ava.. New York
JANITOR and wife for high-class apartment-house:
must understand oil furnace
and general janitor work ; reference, re
quired. PhtmeMa6tial
MEN and women to sell handy lights." lat
est electric article; sells Itself. Call 125
14th sL Pearson.
you a start tn life. Williams and Russell
st s. Phone E. oTDft.
. r AAiiLY in widower's home; no rent to
pay . references. Main 4005.
FIK Teachers Agency secures positions for
teachers S10 Journal bldg. M. 4635.
GIRLS learn beauty parlor business; earn
money while learingCU Rothchild bids
STENOGRAPHERS, any system speeded and
placed in position. 630 Worcester block.
WANTED Men to Itaix and buy moving
I ;ure 'nafi.mes. t ak.
WE tt acL nu. ir pit ture operating thor
oughly. SC-t Oalr
SHORTHAND, typewriting school, 263 l-th
su MAia apsrt Laaiructioa. 35 ma
HI I I Fl 111-
LOCOMOTIVE firemen and br&kamen for
nearby railroads; wages $80 to ovr Sltii)
monthly; promotion to engineer, couuue
tor; age 18-35, experience unnecessary;
railroad employing headquarters; rushing
business thousands of men employed
monthlv- state age; send stamp. Railway
Association, box BR, Oregonian.
26-26S 11th sc. cor. Jefferson.
Practical instruction by instructors who
are xp.;rt in held and shop tuition; pait
rasn on enrollment, bai. at graduaUon.
liberal discount for cash.
LEARN automobile repairing, driving on
up-tu-daiu cars; electrtc, civu engineering,
surveying; methous must practical; room
and uoard wniie learning ; positions ke
cured; fiaiisfiictioa guaranteed; cataogue
. free. National acnool of Lugineenntf. AJ.0
West Seventh. Los Anguiea.
acts written, or arranseu, coached and
rehearsed ready for opening; limited num
ber oi pupils taken in dramatic work; the
art of mRHeup. practical stage work; rates
reasoiiaoie; appointments by mail only
AC yib, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED news agents wanted. I
have bpAit 7 years at this work and
know the business. For 10 I will give
you instructions and guarantee to place
you; this is your chance to make goad
Main ustiy, ask for G- C Clark-
v. ju.rt. o iu 40 vears olu. anted at one?
for electric railway motormen and con
ductors; xtiO to $100 a mapth; no ex
perience neceasai y; fine opportunity; no
8t;ike: write immediately fur application
blank. Add .-ess AV 509. Oregonian.
EARN MORE; Show card writing, sign
painting, cartoomng, booUkeepins and aii
business courses TAUGHT B MAIL.
What course do you want? Free cata
log. Washington Correspondence School.
Northern Rank bldg., Seattle.
DETECTIVES wanted; young men to op
erate in DA-n locality, secret service worn;
experience unnecessary, inclose ctamp for
particulars. SO A Concord bldg., Oklahoma
lou MEN and women to learn the barbsr
trade in 8 weeks, in aii its modern metn.
cde; send for catalogue, tools free, learn
a trade that you can net in business for
ysurself Motor Barber College. 35 N4th
BET wages paid watchmakers; many calls
for graduates, day and night school.
Watchmaking School, room 210, Globe
bldg., between 10th and LUh on Washing
ton st.
WANTED First-elass mechanics to join in
dependent organisation, through which
he may eecun better worn and working
conditions. For further information ad
dress AN 616, Oregonian.
RE a detective; earn 150 to $300 per
month; travel over world; stamp for par
ticulars. National Detective Agency,
Dept. 12, Chicago
LiARN to operate moving pictures, full
course taught; secure p6sition. Pacific
Film Co., 4U4 Rothchild bldg., 4th and
Washington -sib.
WANTED Ladies to learn the celebrated
chemical oil painting; easy to learn. De
lightful work, price ?3. Room Arinniters
Hotel. 410fc Morrison sU
1 WILL start sou earning i daily at home
in spare time. snver,ng mirrors: no capita
nee instructive b"'"6
operation. G. F. Reuniond, bpl utf.
ton. Mass.
FREE to boys and girls, bracelets, skates,
dolls, air rifles, etc., for selling 24 10c
pacnages; write today. Chanes G. Kent
& Sou.. Dept. 12, 2120 Darrow sL, St.
Joseph, Mo.
INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schooin.
headquarters, 15? fed at. i near Morrison i
open evenings, personal assistance given
students. Phone Main 404SL
RAILWAY mail and P. O. cisrks' examina
tion soon; aifa-i Custom-House. Salary up
to $ 1 SOU Pi epare Free book Pacific
Statu Scnool. McKay bldg.. Portland, or
LADIES, make supporters. ?12 J00: no
canvassing; material furnished; stamped
envelope tor particulars. Waoash Supply
Co. desk 172, Milwaukee, Wis.
A ii,l'i'IOUS young men to become traveling
salesman, earn while they learn; write for
particulars. Bradstreet System, Rochester,
New York.
MEN women, get Government parcel pot
jobs- 2o week. Write for list Positions
open. Franklin institute. Dept 420A
Rochester. N. Y.
tD a detective, travel over tue wonu,
did opportunities; stamp for particulars.
NaUouai Detective Service, Los Angeles.
Cai. .
LADIES, make shields, home. 110 100; work
sent prepaia to icimuto , ,r
tars stamped addressed envelope. Eureka
Co. dept. 7B, Kalamaaoo, Mich.
ual instruction; shorthand, typewriting
bookkeeping; aay and night classes. ii4
unmiimn bids. Marshall 4258.
GOVERNMENT positions are euy to g :et ;
mv tree oooaieL. - -
Earl Hopkins. Washington.
D. C.
Xl a h. money writing short stories tor
papers; big pay; free booklet tells
how! United Press ynd. D 3, San franco
WHEN' you want a paying position,
10 i ents, hook useful instructions. Peo
ple's Suppiy House, Centralia, Wash.
MEN. women to learn barber trade, 8
DOSltlOn gut-. w.e" -
lege, 233 Madisou. 2o3CQUcn su
W AN j. ED Picture-play wr.tars; big pay .
we'll tacn you; u iwui.-
play Association, p 8. San Francisco
bookkeeper and Clerks
Desires position; have broad experience
" S5S. Snd salesman : can -cceasfuliy
H., 6 years' radical grocery
.n? meual training in buaineM riri
Sfewy would 11" . chance !.;
.hou.a you neeu a man. P .(-u,
had over eight yean
" , .' nlnthin' furnisnings.
Sail and shoes, ek. position; capauls
ritv. AP 746, Oregonian. .
A MAN. 3G, wants position, office or "Jf
A capable, energetic, clean-cut; can
w any line; possesses executive Wmy,
trong on system anu eiiiuC.; v--- -.ill
r unvtmns. J 73, orefco-
Vv ill consluer any
era) m
T : bookkeeper de-
muaOluHLY xp ""fSS ad rapfd
l,eJf. U,lU ni-eciVted: reliable and
rtOii vi'" . . , v, r rmintrv.
conscientious wo.ei, , T i
i Kuat 27S6. or A 631, Oregoniaa
votng man. 30, thoroughly experienced
General office work, good correspondent.
E. Miller. E- 54th st.. City.
and delicatessen
iXanriowrdWr wishes posi.
.... nn,L 348 Union ave. ,. 1ie-
Last 5725.
a YOUNG man of some experience in sten
A ogVaphlc work desires a position as stsnog.
rapher. Salary raesonable. A oJ3, Ore-
gonian. -
r-Z iiTiii'VTAXT of 12 years' corporation
AepeVnce,ce?ires position in or out ot
cT un f"' excellent references. M
853, oregoniaH.
BOOKlBPEB and chier. 12 Tew.
S'abfe. 1. on. to engagement, cit, or
country. Af VJ,Cf""
.. , .1 II IT OPEN.
. j,. nnmsrc balance
irY.tal! systems O ill lng bam. u-
ii nr Rt2 l.els bid. Ma-shali
vor-NG man. 19. desires employment in
wnioiesa house; can use typewruwm
serve in any capacity; best references.
ar 724. Oregonian.
ry -tenoarapher and bookkeeper, thoroughly
BT ??I7P-H nftrienced in law and real
competent and experienced in ia w ana reai j
estate; can handle correspondence an
Eal forms. Ar . w . :
: .A.iir. for a bus.'ir ?
be a salesman for 10 vears; made n-outy
b5?B, Jr Tmoiovers. why noc for you?
Give me a trial. K 712, wnia-v
' ploy of local house, wishes position
or city. AO 723, Qregon.-m.
i p,(i wishes to conn-a-t sell witn
S teAutomo'le .sency ur realiy torn-
pany. A 1 OOi?, eresv-"
FVPFRIENCED. competent bookkeeper de
Eis poVitionl can also do atauugraphic
work- G u'cu'""-
FIRST-CLASS lumber accountant wishes sP-
. , ;ii - . i n i i vard ref erancea. J
UaLlOII. UlIU u. ,w-. r
7Sy, Oregonian-
BOOKKEEPER. 27 years experience, de
sires position; will furnish city references
and bond. AD T13. Oregonian.
utvoEttV man of 13 years experience
wants position; capable of tkms chart.
Phone B 2501. -
NIGHT work wanted, all or part time, coa
petenu reliable man. J 77a. Oregoniaa.
BOOKKEEPER, experienced and competent,
Al references. phone Woodlawn 70a.
BOOKKEEPER or hotel clerk, la or out of
town. L 833. Oregonian.
JllftCeUaneo us-
WIN DOW cleaning, floors and stovea Pol
ished. Mai 6373, eveiungs. 205H Washington.
ELECTRIC repairman, first-class workman;
12 years' experience, wiring, operating,
maintaining: storage battery expert; tech
nical education ; strictly sober; best "
reerences; want steady employment. R.
Price. 4o7 4th St., Portland. Phot e
Marshall 45J.
LARGS, athletic young man. plenty of
nerve, will take a chance at moat any
thing that will bring home the bacon,
won't furnish references and won't ask
anv. Don't answer unless there is rea
money to be made. AP 73$, oregunta.i.
IN paint and wallpape store; 20 3 ears' ex
perience in tho business; capable of esti
mating contract work or as workman:
steady and reliable; no objection to leav
ing town; test of references- Address J
7. '2. Oregonian. .
EXPERT and producing salesman, with
brains and character, wishes to change his
position: would ally himself with a repu
table, legitimate concern, where ability
and inttfjrlty will be compensated. C
Ct7. Oregonian.
JAPANESE wants work; automobile driver
of good habits and absolutely trustworthy,
wishes position ; also repay; experienced ;
speak toed English. Address AG 4 44.
v ANTED--By an experienced ail-round
man. a position as sa.esman or cutter in
a tailoring establisnment, or gents' cloih
ina store. Address 42j 42d ave., or phone
Sellwood 1SU0.
YOUNG man with general business experi
ence In executive capacity, technical edu
cation, complete references, wants to get
started, with good firm. AF bW, i Ore
gonian." .
WANTED, by ex-sergeant Spanish-American
.war. age ST, married, any kind or
work with wholesale or retail house; alsj
' Al teamster. Address H 744, Oregonian.
or phone B17iL
SITUATION wanted by respe-ctable and ir
dustrious man as florist and gardener for
nnvnliJ rpKiriiiift : n!aiA " 111 vears : best f
references; 2 years in the last place; will
guarantee satisfaction, r tin. ureguuiau.
YOUNG man, having resigned aft' abou'
11 years of various office experience, de
sires to locate with reliable concern; ref
erences, but abliity best recommendation.
S 704. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED man with wife and three
children, wants place on a ranm; can give
best references. Aaaress W- R. Alien. iolH)
Fiske at- portiana. Or.
THOROUGHLY responsible man. with bank
able references, business experience, wants
f iice work or manage nrancn uuaiacos.
AH 753, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED janitor wants position in
first-class apartment-house; capable ot
taking full charge; references. S 713, Ore
gonian. COOKS, man and wife, all-around cook
and bakers; long experience; sober and
reliable; city or out. J. Graynor, 268 Cicy
st. Phone Mai snail 2311.
JANITOR, experienced running steam heat
ing plant, does plumbing and pipe-fitting
work, wants position ; references. C 710,
Oregonian. .
EXPERIENCED stenographer and show
card writer open for position; mercan
tile, railroad ar.d other lines; references.
AB 70u, Oregonian.
WANTED -Work; if you have some lots or
an acre or two to clear, have it done by
an experienced man. C- J. Culver, 424S
62d S. E. '
SALESMAN, hustling booker, large estab
lishea trade groceries and general stores,
wishes several good accounts oq commis
sion. H. P.. 672 East Stark su, city.
AN auto driver with long experience wishes
position on private or commercial car;
married man, good reference. XJhone B
Position desired by first-clues repairman;
experienced in Eastern shops, Y b-fi, Ore
gonian. i
POSITION as manager good retail himbei
yard, with possibility of buying interest,
bv experienced, active young lumberman.
Address AV 50, Oregonian.
BEST Japanese cook who worked in hotels
and restaurants for many years wishes
situation in the city or country. Y. Hada.
102 North Sd St.
CHEF Cook. German, French, desires po
sition in hotel, ciub or restaurant, city
or country; first-class on pastry. T 624.
WANTED I am a strong boy of IS, willing
to work after 2:30 P. M. and Saturdays,
as I attend high school. Address 310 Spal
riing bldg. Carlyle Scanlan.
JAPANESE young married man wants
place; man as cook: wita wants tame
and housework; city or country. B 740,
Oregonian. "
EXPERIENCED chauffeur would like po
sition with agency or private family; un
derstands machine thoroughly; good re
pairman. Phone East 544S. '
,H AUFFEUR and repairman desires posi
tion, either with agency or private fam
ily; best of recommendations. AG 733.
POSITION by man and wife, German, middle-aged;
no children, as Jsnitors or do
mestics; good reference. AR Orego
nian. TAILOR wanted; position; second-class
coatmaker. with small wages. At 133 N.
14th su
FIREMAN wants position, have had long
experience with both coal and oil; can
fu mlsh references. N 7Q&. Oregonian.
work, any place. 1107 Washington st.
Oregon City. Or.
I am a practical pruner and want yor
work. Address C 7S5, Oregonian.
SITUATION aanted as house detective or
floorwalker In department store or hotel;
good references. S 70rt. Oregonian.
POSITION wanted by experienced, capable
fruit salesman, wholesale or retail. Phom
B 2391-
FIRST-CLASS cabinetmaker or
maker desires steady position.
Marshall HANDY, all-around young man wants work
any 4ind, experienced teamster, acquainted
with city. N 722, Oregonian.
DRAUGHTSMAN, experienced on residence
"construction; practical builder; low wages.
AR 67. Oregonian.
YOUNG man stenographer and assistant
bookkeeper, experience, nominal salary.
Sell wood 7S5.
POSITION wanted by boy attending school
from 3:15 to about 0:30. F 730, Oregonian.
FiRST-CLASS carpenter foreman, capable phone Main -, i o- .
of taking full charge of high-class rest-; w liS NEABEACK, fashionable dressmaking,
denee construction. AJt Oregonian. j honie or by day. 915 Cherry. East o2iP.
YOLTNG man 30L a bustler, married, ono OMPETENTdressmaker by the day. Phoae
child, wants ranch work or anything Marshall 459. A 7238. Mrs. McLeland
hone,!: go anywhere. W 713, OregonUu. i ,... houEe sowns and children'.
WANT to do carpenter mora in excnai
for tinting couple rooms. 03 Gaat
beln ave. Woodlawn 1377.
WANT to do carpenter work in exchange
'' . , . . . j . . Z .
FlKT-C-.Ata l ornanu cnautieur, t year
experience, w his yjauiuu uriMiig uy
hour, day or week, phone East 1450.
YOUNG chauffeur wants position driving
truck or private car; best references. Main .
7uio. ; : !
AN experienced erchardlst desires position ;
as manager or caretaker ot fruit ranch. AN i
732, Oregoniam :
FIRST-CLASS waiters rurnlshed. Marshall i
70V, A 4MRI. Portland Waiters' Club 14Sfe :
6th. Portland. Or. G. C. Gerald, . mgr.
YOUNG man attending school wants work
late acteroooo wiu evejiing. x o-o. Ore
gon lam
VOUNG man attending business college de
sires to work for room and board. AO
917, Oregonian.
ALTERATIONS and repairs of frame build
-ings; plans furnished. Phone r. eilwoot?
ELDERLY German wants position as night
watchman; best references. D 6S0, Orego
MARRIED man wishes position on farm;
experienced with stock and general farm
work. K A., eou jotumoia st.
WANTED Position as watchman or some
Il-ht work by a steady, inaustrtpus mia
die-aged man. AG 730, Oregonian.
i.'iRST,cASS cook and wife from the East
want .iob In country hotel; references. W
Ti., (jreganian.
COOK and wife want job in logging camp
or on ranch. W 714, Oregonian.
YOUNG man, studenL wants to work for all
or part of board. AH 75tt, Oregonian.
LAW student desires work evenings and
Saturday, AH 75o. Oregonian.
A FAITHFUL Japanese wants position as
janitor or gardener. . AN 733, Oregonian
HOME for boy 14. orphan, go to school and
work. Q 730, Oregonian.
JAPANESE boy wants evening work of any
kind. D 725. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED Japanese coek wishes posi
tion in family. X 727, Oregonian.
JAPANESE wants position as poultry yard
boy. E 773. Oregonian.
YOUNG man, legal training, desires office
position; references. R saS, Oregonian.
JAPANESE cook wants situation, private
family; city, ouL E 774. Oregon in.
AN experienced pianist wants position In
moving-picture show. AN 734) Oregonian
CHAUFFEUR, Al references; no objection
ro other work. AN 73tf, Oregoniaa.
A NUMDF.R one auto washer.
East 21'J5.
Call Leary,
HARRIET man wants work on farm; good
with stock. AF 6o$, Oregonian.
EXCELLENT Japaoase cook wishes 'place
is, private family. B 739, Oregooiaxu
TO any commercial hotel, club or cafe,
in or out, chef or chef -steward, or man
ager R. R. eating-house; 27 years' ex
perience; will furnish best reference. Am
brose Provost, 4Stf Hoyt st.. Portland.
iiomU'GHI.Y experienced motion -picture
operator wants position; will leave city.
Address Mr. L. P. Cody. Palaco Hotel
room 20, Portland, Or, Phone Marshall
ottioHT young Korean wants position;
first-class housework r jorz-ir "iu jani
tor. Speaks Englisii wUu C 73fc Orego
nian. SITUATION wanted by young man frDin 5
to V P. M.. running elevator, cigar stand,
janitor, waiter, porter or similar worn.
AN 7oT, Oregonian.
YOrxn Mian at tpndlnv Holmes Business
College desires a piace to work for his
room and board outside of school hours.
Call Main 513, A 2504. Monday.
ALL-ROUND butcher. German, first-class
sausage maker, wants Job, city or coun
try. Address Fred Muench. MedfordHotel.
WaN TED situation as collector
for miti-
neHs house or mercantile agency.
Oreponian. -
A ilT.
jan of experience would like position a
foreman on building. A ttl S. On-g onion.
aAi.MAN of ability needs work at once,
re:'orer.eVs. B 7oti. Oregonian.
iti.NG man wants work on farm.
W ANTKD--Gttrden work of all kinds, by
aay oi contract. Phone Tabor iiM.
COOK Position as second cook wanted; no
drinker. t all room W, Mam z.ov.
JAPANESE cook wants olape. small fumlly,
city or country. J 752. Orog jman.
V-PA INTER All-round hand, married, wants
work, id per (Jay. N 7o, oregonian.
Bookkeeper, aud Wepogi
YOUNG lady with several years' experience
desires position as assistaut oooKKeeper,
uiMicrstanas all kinds of clerical work;
can operate typewriter; can (urnisb inf
erences. AJ 745. Orogonian.
. v 1 1 . IOCS sreooiT'-ttDher. accurate in
taking dictation, with a knowiedge of
bookkeeijing, desires permanent position
witn wyn esuauiisueu u"- .-v v
YOUNG lady, capable and experienced, de
sires oositlon in confectionery store; is
capable of taking complete management;
references furnisae4 It diired. Aaaress P.
o. box uai.
CAPABLE, reliable woman wants position
othr than etenographer; excellent corre
spoiident; accustomed to meeting the pub
lic. C 731, oregoiuan.
iOcNG lady, over three years' experience,
stenography, bookkeeping, cashier work
etc.. desires position of trust; moderate
sa.arv. Phono East hSS, Apt. 41U.
BOOKKEEPER, competent and experienced
ni-im fur niirminent position. A-l reier-
euces. feunuay, call Marbhil 4106; week
oayp, Marshall 4i53.
GENERAL office work, operate typewriter,
quick at ligurea, good penman, experi
enced; ' doctur's of lice considered. Last
ENERGETIC voumr lady, well experienced
in general office work, desires position as
stenogiapner; gooa typist; use uicmpnone
references; salary (40.. A 397.
YOUNG lady desires position as assistant
bookkeeper; cau operate typewriter, phone
Marshall 707, room 22.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires per
manent position. Marshall 707, A 24oL
Room 24. t i
STENOGRAPHER, two years' experience,
uesires permanent position. W ooaia a
Obd. .
V ANTED Position as private exchange op
erator or bookaeeper; best of reiereuces.
AO 71B. Oreaoiiiau.
t BARGAIN on a team, mare and horse,
2too pounds, cash or Lime, harness aud a
farm wagon. Phone hell wood 11 bS.
WANTED Position by experienced legal
stenographer, high-class references. .u
13J, oregonian.
aiitATiON wanted by stenographer witn
lu jears leal and eummeieai experience.
Moderate salary, phone Marshall Io5o.
EXPERIENCED young lady wishes position
at ganeral office work, best referencea
good penman. Q 71B, Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER, experienced, careful, ac
curate, rcQuiroe position. Main 1928.
FlUST-CLASS stenographer wishes position.
Sellwood 058.
ay responsible young woman to do oollect
ing. Ati" b55. Oregoiuan.
STENOGRAPHER dc-sires position, some ex
perience; uiouerat-e samry. "
EXPERIENCED stenographer wants work
for afternoons. Marsnall 2tG5.
lH fftliU til
DRESSMAKING done by the day; work
guaranteed ; prices reasonable. Aduress
Miss E. Kresterson. 728 Bortbwlck st.
Pnone Woodlawn 70S.
FRENCH and first-class dressmaker, tailor
suits and evening gowns, opera coats,
work and fit guaranteed; work by day or
at home, phone B 2010.
AN experienced dressmaker would like a
few more engagements by the uay. Tale
phone Sunoay or evenings Marsnall 2i4i,
A 7680!
M'DLLE DE BILL ACT. 655 Washington.
Phone Main 4408- Exclusive French de
signs in gowns, suits, waists, etc. Ladies
own material used: prices moderate.
MRS. LIST, New York designer, ail work
special low prices for short time;
evening gowns a specialty. 304 AHsky
blag.. Third and Morrison.
MISS CONNER, Main Sfiftl, Claypool Annex,
Apt 1, will make the prettiest dresses
and waists in the city at the lowest
prices; quick service, references.
DRESSMAKING. aRerations, home or out
by the day, 2. Phone Main 084 or East
EXPERIENCED dressmaker taliorlst wishes
sewing in families or home; alterations.
A 2715. .
uttiSbMAKlNG, alteration and repairing
neatly done, family or shop; LSD a da.
Phone East 4423
IvELIABLE talloress and dressmaker wiahe
a few more engagements at $2 per day.
Phone Columbia o2.
THOROUGH dressmaker would like a tew
more olaoes by day.' Phone Main 04S.
FIRST-CLASS modiste, engagements -y.
; work by the day. A 36&S.
DREScMAKNG Children elothe. a spe
cialty. Tabor 3023. "
YOUNG married "trained nurse, would like
a child to care for. Good home in Rose! EXPERIENCED lady wauls day work Wed
City Park. Best of reterences. No othei nesdays and Fridays. Call Woodlawn 2;o5.
No. 402 East 43d st. North.
YOUNG experienced nurse wisnes caiej oi
invalid or children; would travel; prefer
permanent position; city references. Main
WANTED- Nurse, wide experience among
all class of cases, wishes position; $15 per
week, permanent $50 per month. K $30.
NURSE, many years' experience, London De
gree will take case of confinement. .
73(i. Oregonian.
PRACTICAL nurse wants case at once; m
valld or maternity. Call Main 2457 afU,
10 A. M- Monday.
INVALID can have room, carj trained
nurse, home comforts, city references. Ta
bor 2213.
PATIENTS taken at homo of graduate
nurse, maternity, invalids, rheumatism.
Columbia 450.
PRCTICAL nursing and massage by com
petent nurse. Phone Sellwood 1082.
A MIDDLE-AGED, practical nurse, can as
sist nousewora. i. t-u. j putt
TRAINED and practical nurse wants posi
tion. Phone laoor 101.
&' ANTED Position caring for small child
ren; city references. Pnone Main 1471-
M ASS AGE and practical nursing- by day or
wsek. fhona eenwooa taa;
iounG girl, fond of children, wishes posi
tion as nursegirl B 755, Oregonian.
or a vTt-n Position as helper and com pan
Ion by miadla-aged single lady. Phone
Tabor .o
i. LADY wishes position as housekeeper
or take care of children; experienced. D
716, Oregonian,
MIDDLE-AGED lady would like position as
housekeeper in widower's or bachelor's
home. Woodlawn 57i .
VV A N T I3D B y y ouu g w Ido w, s-osl t ion as
houseKeeper tor dooubiui r wiuw wi. v
Mi2, Oregonian,
UNINCUMBERED young widow, go-yd
housekeeper and eeok. wants place with
widower with children. T tfl$, Orwgtmian.
EXPERIENCED lady would like position as
housekeeper. 4S2 Columbia. Main 3770.
A LADY with baby wants housekeeping po
cltion. 213 E 35th st. Tabor 4557.
LADY" with child $ years old wants position
as housekeeper. J 781. Oregonian.
Yol'N'O girl wants light housework or eec
ond wk. $20. B. 2&69. 507 E. 14th rt. S.
YO'TNG lady wants position as housekeeper.
Call from 10 to . A 13ai, room $.
H u ie keepe r.
WANTED About Feb. 20. by competent wo
man, position as housekeeper in small
family adults, w Mower or club of young
men preferred", comfortable home and full
alary; can give references if necessary;
answer with address, auswer for I week.
AC 810. Oregonian.
tn.Mil) cultured lady would like n(:;i(!e
ruent as managing housekeeper in flrst
clas hotel or apartment: highest refer
ences given; lou est salary 40. AT b35,
iUL''L LADY, good cook and un
incumbered, would keep lioune for widow
er or bachelor. Call S4 East 74th sL
North, or pnone Tabor K'7.
KESPLCTAHLE. unincumbered widow, 34.
Hants position as housekeeper in gentle
man's home, in or near city. AE 85.
MANAGING housekeeper: honest. rctin.l
Eastern lady of experience u ill aci-ept
position In hotel, ajub. or wealthy Bmn'i
home, in er out of city. D OiH. oregonian
LADY will take chargo of small roominv
house tn exchange for housefc 'leping rooms
for celf and son, within walking dm-,
tunre of Y. M. J. A- Tabor o44.
J A PANES K young girl whims position s
housework; can't speak English. A tt35,
ii. FIN ED niidiiic-uged lady desires position
as companion or liouaekeeier for one or
two; object, good home more than sulal'j.
A fid reus X 724. Orogonian.
YOUNG lady, expert show card writer, ex
perienced cierK. wants steady position;
will do alKround work in store. V T25.
Oi eponien.
MILLINER from the East, designer, trimmer
or manager, desires a position in Portland
r one of ycur Western cittea. Address
Designer. Hotel Arminius.
EXPERIENCED laundress wants a few
mors bundles of clot lies to take lioma
37S Boss si- Phone East 57iJ7.
eoM 1'ETF.N'T lsutn!re!f wants slesdy work
c-onetttlaj Thurstluys: l city rclor
etifes. Phone Woodlawn 023.
COLORED girl wishes position as lady's
maid, hair drssfr and nunucurlit, i-1
Kearney st. Phone Marshall 62la. .
EXPERIENCED woman wishes position as
housekeeper or chumbermaid in respecta
ble pluc Phone C 1440.
ELDERLY lady withes care of two chil
dren good home, muther's care. Mrs. J.
N. joransen, 2iS E- 16tli i.
JAPANESE girl wants position, housework,
help cooking, small family. AK 27. Ore
gonian. TWO experienced women wont work In camp
or hotel (out) at good wages. T 618, Ore
gonian. m i m
WANTED Pay work, polishing floors, fin
laundress, ironing. Call all week. Main
REFiNED joung rady would like to asst.
with housework in exchange for good
room and board. AF S07. Oregonian
LESSONS given in grammar-grade studies
backward pupils a specialty; reference.
phone Marshall Solrt. .
NEGLECTED education. Special private in
struction given to aaults and children. B
754, Oregon ia n.
GERMAN girl, good cook7 wishes day work,
for Saturdays and Sundays. D 730, Ore
gonian. .
AGIRL 13 would like place es compu ly to
a lady without children; will pay $2 week
board. AS 750, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED German woman wishes
work cleaning furniture or wholesale
house. AS 751, Oregonian.
A (iOOD laundrcs wishes day work for
Tuesday and Thursday; good reference.
Phone Tabor 4405.
... FINED, experienced lady would
charge of children afternoons and even
Ings. L aii, Oregonian- -
WILL care for children evening : respon
sible pjrson; rererences. Bessie Anael.
Vv oodlawn 239ti. , .,-
CHRISTIAN mother would like care of a
child from 2 to 0 at her home. phone
Tabor 735. Call No. 5 East 74th St.
SCANDINAVIAN vvomun wants washlnr.
ironing and cleaning by the day, 25c an
hour. E. 4052.
FiRST-CLASS laundress wants work wash
ing by the day. Marshall H64.
EXPERIENCED Scandinavian woman wanta
work by month, counLry preferred. E. 405:. .
GOOD laundress wants work by the day or
hour. Marshall 2JI0.
RELIABLE colored girl wants work by-
day or week; reicrenoe. yarniaii
i'OLNG lady wishes place as companion for
zoom and board. AE S57. Oregonian.
OOLOriED girl wants maid, dishwashing or
waiircss. Call all week. Main
LADY, good cook, either In boardinghousa
or family; reforencet. East 242S.
YOUNG lady desires light office work; doc
tor's office preferred. AM 737, Oregonian.
L"Ce ouitains, draperies, linens. Iaunurd
ny export, 25 cents up. Tabor 317.
tVoivK by day or hour; oiin do drensmak-
Ing. Marsnall 4002. Room
PIANO teacher will exchange lessons tor
uressmaking. Phone Main 472ft.
FIRST-CLASS laundress wants work, Mon.
anl Tuos. ; referencss. Woodlawn llL
EXPERIENCED manicurist wishes position
In barber shop. Phone A o2U.
TOMAN went day work. . Phone Marshall
14ti3. Call 8:30 A". M.
EXFEK1ENCED German laundress
day wors. call Tabor 45PM.
HAVE your lace curtains carefully laun-
aerea by pnonins siwin otm.
LACE curtains, hand laundered, special
prices to hotels. Phone Main I486.
EXPERIENCED woman wishes day's work.
phone Aiarsifall 137
EXPERIENCED all around lady print shop
worker wants position. R hilt. Oregonian
WOULD like 1 or 2 children to care for.
age 3 tu 6- R fi-S, Oregonian.
GIRL wants work by the day or hour. Call
Main 74S9, room 1
LADIES, bring your combings; switches
mada to oroer. 4b5 Davis st.
IF YQUwant reliable day work women call
up the Guild, Main 53. A7g5a.
POSITION as nurse or second girl. 391 Ivan
st. or li 741. Oregonian.
Mlss KENNEY wants work by tUs -hour.
Phone E. 123, evenings.
POSITION, companion to lady or child's
nurse; moderate. Marshall 412
WILL care for children day or night; re
sponsible person. C 3203.
SCANDINAVIAN desires position as second
maid; Vest reference. AC 020, Oregoh'-'
PRIVATE exchange by competent operator.
E 772. Oregonian.
Giitii wants general housework; aood cook.
Phone bciiwoou j o.
BIG cash bonus monthly and 100 per cent
profit; best i.5o seller; a two-miuuta dem
onstration makes every call a sal; re
sample and particulars. G. V. Sales Ce..
24 Spruce St., Nw York.
FREE sample; no splash water strainers are
winners tor agent, both sexes; daily profit
So upward; let us prove it. Send 2 (mail
ing cost). A. W. Seed Filter Co., New
BOX and girl eijcnis sell 24 packages of
court plaster for us at 10 cents each and
receive a beautiful pair of skates, or doll,
free. Write today. White Supply Co..
Dept. 2. Sherman, Cal.
BlG profits for you; manufacture Larlev
crisp; new confection; 5c package conts
you lc- machine. Instructions complete;
$7 50 repaid. Send lc for samples. Btir
iuy Cruv to., 100 Hyde s.. faan i- ranciyco.
iOU can make dotiara as our general or
local agent; non-alcoholic extracts, per
fumes, etc; save consumer .y) per Mint;
permanent busmen, big profit", exclfivo
territory. Pitkin, 20S R- Kt., Newark. N. i .
AGNT to sell article needed In every store,
factory garage, hotel; can make $iu to
5-'5 per week. Call or address Lagcu, 443
T ay lor su
HERE'S your opportunity to handle our big
proposition, which sells at sight. Bie
- protita. particulars free. Ada Specialty
Co., Empire bidg., Boise. Idaho.
WE pay 3 week and expenses to men
with rigs to introduce poultry compound;
year's contract Imperial Mfg. Co., depL
i parsons. Kan.
AGENTS 1 cent Invested in a postal enrd
will bring you a 135 to $00 a week proposition-
Galloway-Bowman Co., Div. Xtu
Waterloo, Iowa.
AGE"TS make $25 to $100 every week sill
ing sign letters for stores, offices. Suo
cess guaranteed. Sample, particulars fre.
Metallic Sign Co.. 437 N- Clark. Chicago,
LEGITIMATE substitutes for slot machines,
patented; sells on sight for $1. particu
fars. G1k ha Co., Andersen, Ind.
LEARN about profits made supplying; per
fumea to families. Addresses Leulcr 4c
Co.. rndianapolis. Ind .
AGENTS Just off the press. 6 new books.
monev-makers; samples ot tho S bookf
2 5c. "Scott. " 4009 0 Oth St.
READ the Agentw Msifa-lne and make more
money; 2 months loo. Agents
AGENTS wanted; out-of-town work; sal
ary and commission; gooa proiJOBinun iur
hustler. Phono Main 4525 Monday.