THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, FO'KTLAINIJ. HBKl'AKi WIS. 12 TO EXCHANGE. CHAPJN'-HEIiLOW MTG. & TRUST CO.. oJJ Ciinrnber of Commerce. EXCHANGES Four tiw houses In Irvington to ex change lor iano. Houses modern ar.d well located. Equities amount to $1.,m.m. What have you to offer clear of incum brance ? 720-acre ranch, clear of Incumbrance, fafr buildings, considerable cieared, main line or Southern Pacific Kailway crosses jilace. Price per acre. We want t-': of goods amounting to ,Wl or over. Can pay some cash. 40 arres of timber right at railroad station, timber alone worth the price, re gardless oi the land, price ;i''.0u0. Wi!l take general merchandise in exchange. JUT.OO worth of 7 per cent paper; worth of acant lots, well located, to trade ior clear property. What have ou".' SEE HART. C'H.Y PIN-HERI.OW MTG- & TRUST CO.. ;;d floor Chamler of Commerce. S100 3-room house, full cement basement, iot tWxloO. Tibbetts street. Trade for Iota. $1.1.000 So acres close to Vancouver. 30 ares under cultivation. acres beaver ram, fine stream, 7-room house, barn, out buildings. Mortgage $-000. Want resi dence. $ 110 acres Myrtle Creek, close to the. Umoqtia River. 00 acres cultivated, 5 room hou.e. barn, outbuildings. Clear of incumbrance. Trad for residence. MILLER & CONKLIX. i: Henry meg. WILL EXCHANGE AND ASUMb. 650 acres, being an excellent farm. nav. Ing more than a nule o river front, good buiIdingR and adjacent to a good town In Idaho, and wnich has a fine future; part of the property is already ripe for Fubdlviding into small tracts or lots; this property is clear of incumbrance; the cash value about :,.00O; I wish to exchange this for Portland property; will consider apartjnent-nouse. store buildings or other pood property and wuuld assume or pa some difference. In writing. eWe lull particulars. Address J. E. Smith, P. O. box ll.'.l. Portland, Or. W II A T HAVE YOU TO EXCHANGE FOB IMA ACRES ALFALFA LAND? Sd AfKK.S ALFALFA LAND? t 2Ht ACRES WHEAT LAND'.' 1hi ACRES WASHINC.TON COUNT? jMli ACRES WASHINGTON COCNTV? .- ACRES VEWBERG'.' .V'o-ACRE SHEEP RANCH? K)rt-A. WHITE SALMON ORCHARD? iiOM ACRES ON U R.. GILLIAM CO. 7 ll-So-ACUE WHEAT FARM. WASH. ? FL"LL INFORM ATION AT ONCE OF ZIMMERMAN, 310- Board of Trade Bldg. WHEAT RANCH EXCHANGE FOR PORTLAND PROPERTY. 400 acres: ::m acres cultivated, raised S00 sacks of wheat hist year. Price $ii0 BKGGSTHOMPSON REALTY COMPANY, 10OS Spalding Bldg. Marshall DJOO. W A NT EASTER N RESIDENCE. I own ideal suburban 10-acre apple and pear or chard tract in finest climate and frut: disfrict on Pacific Coast. All modern conveniences. Will take Eastern residency $::'0t to ?"u00 in part or full payment. This is a second Faeioena, but prices will soon treble; a rare bargain; describe and price your property right. A V eSS, Ora gnninn. OAKLAND tor Portland property; 9 large room house, a years old, in tirst -class con dition; lame oak mirror mantel; gas and electric fixtures; basement; garage; paved streets, cement sidewalks; situated on high ground; streetcars one and two blocks; two blocks from John C. Fremont High School ; also house and lot in Los Angeles. Address G. A. We h rung, owner, Hilisboro. Or. UNLOAD YOUR MORTGAGE. I have bungalow, o rooms, modern, value $loo. Not large enough for my family; want to exchange for t-room house; prefer Hawthorne district; no encumbrance- on mine. Will assume or pay up to &K.00 difference. Submit good val uta on this. JACOB HAAS. 3nR GerHnger Bldg. FOB SALE. Uows, Vehicles. Etc AUCTION I AUCTION! AUCTION! Horses, mules, vehicles, harness, Mon day. Feb. 3. at 10 A. M., and every Mon day thereafter. Horses sold on commis sion for anyone having them for saie. We have a good supply on band at all times that e sell with a guarantee to be as represented. U HE ilL'KPHY KORSE & MULE CO., 40 E 8th SC. Near Hawthorne. Phone East 031t). SPAN geldings, weight UJ70, age 6 and 7, city broke. SlGo. Span mares, weight 600, sound and good workers, $-U0. small, cheap, sound work mares, $30. farm wagon, complete, $75. spring berry wagon, 540. H sets single express harness, $3 to $12. All stock sold regardless oi cost. EAST SIDE EXCHANGE STABLES, L70 East 7th St. HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE OR RENT. Secor.d-hand vehicles bought and sold; new wagons and auto beds made to order; livery tumi&hed to business parties at special rales. HAWTHORNE STABLES, 420 Hawthorne Ave. Phone East 7. E J3C9. FOR SALE One first-class 1300-pound drafter, '2 combination horses, will be sold either single or double; both good saddlers, weight about 1-00 each; also 1' nice, gentle ponies, suitable for ladies or children; price reasonable. C. Uaibraith at iio-i 'ront St. 1 WANT a good ranch team, harness and wagon for my equity In a dandy 4-room bungalow In East Portland; balance $S00. two years. Mr. Carr, ilS Board o Trade. Marshall 1777. A 3307. "WANTuD Span of mules or horses for work in orchard and hauling wood. De ter, be team; state price and where animals tan be Men. Price must be low. Address T til-. Oregoniab. A CAR of fine 1000 to ItiOO-pound young horses at barn 15, Country Club grounds, lor sale at reasonable prices and guaran teed by Adams & Campbell. Residence phone. C 10U4. Tabor liL-ii. "VY ANTED Single driving horse; must be gentle and sound; weight about lOGu and not older than 7 years, call Maiu 10-, A AT YOUR OWN PRICE. Four head of farm horses. 3 mares, 2 sets of harness "-'47 East 1-th St., near Hawthorne ave., in grove. FOR saie cheap, one team of mares, 200 pounds; one driving horse, mark :J7, first priss as lady's driver. Montgomery Stable. .10:4 Front st. FOR SALE A first-clasw delivery horse and wagon, suitable tor grocery or laundry; a bargain for casn. Multnomah Stables, tio ltith St., near Jefferson. FOR SALE 2 horses. double wagons. J single wagon. 1 buggy, sets double har ness, etc. Sell all or part. AM 73S, Ore gonian. WANTED A second-hand pony cart and harness will pay cash or trade motorboat lor i-'anie. H. Al. E-, Martins Blutf. W ash ing ton. MUST sell at once for cash; make offet ; one corner lot, Six 1 00, on curlir.e; South Port land. Inquire at llo Broadway, Oakland, California. SIX head of work horses, weight 1200 to 140O: three farm wagons and six sets of double breeching harness, complete. 420 East Yamhill st. 12 lit. AD of rar;so mares from 3 to 5 years old. weight from 000 to 1100. 42o E. Yamhill st. HAVE some good teams to rent or might take work on good contract with teams. Owner. AD 7oS. Oregoniari. WILL exchango a fine diamond ring for good horse or driving rig. 010 East An keny st. FOUR good work horses. farm wagons. 2 sets of doubie harness: this will be sold for any reasonable o:fer. E. Salmon. HORSE and wagon, suitable for light de livery; cheap. Phone East 4075 alter 4 P. M. CHEAP Good team. J 00 pounds each. Write- Sidney Miiki. Oswego, Or., or call at BonRa St., via Oregon Electric. WE have S head of good draft horses and 1 furniture vans for scle. Apply to the Oregon Furniture Co.. 1214 Macadam road. TWO mare colts. 1 4 old. will make about 12--0 ach. Pbone Wood lawn 1601. Pete Pine. O'M Borthwick st. HOUSES, a'i kinds; gope,-eciv express and farm wagons. ."1 W. Water, cjt. Mr.tgy. A NUMBER one at; to washer. Call Leary, East HJ3- I1AVE taken h-rse on account; will sell cheap. Front. DUMP WAGON and horses for sale cheap. ."1 Arthur st. ltam. refi'i anu Mi:mi Instrument RELIABLE parry would iike to take car of good piaao for any length of time. Cail M. s$:js. DON'T need my ntano. will sell cheap for rasn. A vn. vregoman. TV ANT t s-H at once, good player piano rat-up it taken at once. B Oregonian. WILL rent npnd:d Kimball piano to re liable party tor k moniniy. ju Alder. FOR SALE. Pianos. Organ Hitd MaicI lawtrnments. USED PLAYER BARGAIN. Pave S2S0 on a high-grade player piano, latest bS-note model, fully guaranteed; looks new; used only 7 months; easy terms. 14 7th st., journal bldg., Port land. USED PIANO BARGAIN. Fine Krantch & Baca upright piano, only $100 this week; terms $10 cash, 3 monthly. Ib4 7t4 Journal bldg.. Poniard FOR SALE, at your own price, trap druin mers outiit complete. Phone beL 6 and 7 P. M.. Main 4.ii. WANTED Piano or Victrola as first pay ment on a Laurel hurst lot, balance $24 per month. AR 7iN, Oregonian. WILL true fine ladies' driving horse and r.g for piano; what have you? Phone Woodlawn 1172. FINE, nearly new, high-grade piano cheap for cash. Phone East 0707. 70o Upright, automatic piano, sale cheap, or rent. 440 Third. M:iin 370o. $00t M EH LIN & SON piano, excellent con dition. Tor $150. Tabor 771. GOOD sauare piano, only $25; fine little up right, new. $73. 02ti Wash., near 17th. Oo.cs. JBlrda. iVt Stock. DOGS. Boston terrier males, $20 and $50: Red Cocker female, $10; female Jap. spaniel, bargain. $10; Black Cocker spaniel, $7; white bull terrier, female, $10; black-and-tan hound, good trailer. $10; Boston ter riers, English and French bulldogs at stud. Birds and pets bought and sold. Bovds. t7 Washington. Main 2134. WHITE ORPINGTONS Won 3 firsts. 2 sec onds. 1 third. Portland and Vancouver; tome Sunday and et-e pullets and cocker els, for sale at reasonable prices at 400 E. 37th North (Rose City car). F. C. Hindle, Tabor 03 C. FROGS Investieste frog culture, unusually profitable undertaking; poultry no com parison, our experience, easy with small capital; book, also tadpoles and frogs. Aqua Life. Seymour, Conn. . FOR SAI.E-Fine thoroughbred Pomeranian Spits pup," female; price $3. Phone Tabor 1317. FOR sale voting thoroughbred Buff Orplng- tqon hens and one cockerel. 1158 Kerbs st. Telephone Woodlawn 2064 LEAVING TOWN. For sale, beautiful female .Tapnnese spaniel. $2i. 3u 2d st. BLACK Langshan cockerels, three fine birds for sale. $2 each. L. F. S., R. 2, box IStf, Grefham. AT stud, PRINCE AMBER ORANGE PER SIAN Kiowa White Persian Cymbeiin Cattery. Sell. 1U07- ENGLISH pointer for sale; good hunter and retriever; pet around the home. ltiO Grand ave. AT stud, the imported international win ning Airedale terrier, Colne President. Phone Main 2134. Boyd. 07 Wash, st. FOR SALE 3 fox terrier pups, mail and female. 0S7 Water. Main 4437. PERSIAN kitten, neuter, fine specimen, $10. J ik1 Albina ave. GREAT frhampion Red Raven airedale ter rh.r stud. Laddix Kennels, Estacada. Or. FINE English bull terriers, II weeks old; tified pedigrees. Phone Tabor 3093. FOR SALE Japanese toy spaniels, bean Lies. 474 Alder street. WANTED From one to three golden pheas ant hens, Herman Anthony, New Era. Or ENGLISH bulldogs for sale. SS Sheridan FOUR 1-year-old female canaries. C60 Weidler. FOR SALE Pedigreed angora cats, cheap. Phone E. 3S1. F1SI1EL STRAIN, pure Wrhlte Rock cock erels; extra fine. Call 48 Tillamook. THOROUGHBRED English setter pup, $3. ff.sO. Albina ave., corner Biandena. L car. FOli SALE Thoroughbred Great Dane pup pies. 2 months old. 126 East 6th st. EGGS by case or dozen, shipped day laid. Sunny Slope Farm, Grants Pass.. Or. FOR SALE Pedigreed Boston terrier male pup, bargain. Phone Tabor 210!). furniture for Sale. QUARTERED - OAK serving-table. Ixl gray and old rose brussels rug. Standard sewing machine, all attachments; oak in valid's table, few pictures, good print?, gilt ovat mirror, 60-piece dinner set. cue glass, fancy china, odd cups and saucers, cooking utensils ; all In good condition ; very reasonable; leaving city. Marshall 2022. FOR SALE Furniture, including piano, Vic trola and billiard table, in Portland Heights home of seven rooms; very reas onable; house can be rented at small ex pense. Marshall 202. BEAUTIFUL MODERN home, really elegant furnishings, imported curtains, expensive carpets, paintings; S rooms; rent only $2tf. Pretty lawn; sacrifice $370, positively your own terms. See itOti Hancock, sure. U car. COMPLETE furnishings of a 6-roora flat, snap; rent $3 per 'month, includes steam heat, water and jamtor service; 3 rooms now renting for $30; pleasant location. 403 loth south, flat C. x BARGAIN S rooms, newly completely fur nished house, newly decorated, 3 rooms pa rent; cheap rent; fine location; West Side; half block Washington; would sell furni ture separately. N 703, Oregonian. FoR SALE Furniture In a completely fur nished 7-room home, occupied only short period. Parties going away. Will sell all or part, private sale. Inquire at S07 .Van comer ave. Phone C 3103. FURNISHINGS of exquisitely appointed three-room apt.; brand new butlulng. fine location. Leaving city shortly. Marshall 0027. C-ROOM house, nicely and completely fur nished, furniture for sale, cheap rent, walking distance Address L 6o7, Orego nian. FOR RENT 2-room apartment for $18, fur niture for sale for ?00 ; furniture new; walking distance; must go East at once. Phone Marshall 4900. WANTED Dining-room set, pedestal table, lour chairs and buffet; state price In answering. AP 73, Oregonian! FURNITURE of 6-room flat, nearly new; 3 rooms more than paying rent; good 'loca tion. 30 Vi N. ltfth st near Wash. FIN E furniture, stove, range, rugs, com plete. Call Sunday or Monday; leaving city. itf uranam ave S ROOMS, 188 10th st bet, Yamhill and Taylor sts. ; 8 rooms, good furniture; sac rifice if sold this week. WELL-FURNISH ED 0-room flat; 2 rooms rented; piano Included; corner 11th and Lur.iside. Main S028. FURNITURE of 0-room modern flat, with piano. Call week days from 10 to 3. 001 Everett, corner 17th. FREE rent and grocery bill, 11 rooms (4 suites), good furniture; price $330; $75 casti. East 6190. AM going In our own home, will give bar gain on eight-room house. 347 11th st. Phone Main tSt2. FURNITURE 6-room flat, near; Wash., full of roomers; good income; very reason able. Terms. M. 317. FURNITURE of 4-room flat for sale cheap; parties going East. Phone E. 1488. $100 WORTH furniture. $00 equity, lor what you will give. Main 3385. FURNITURE of 2-room apt. for sale, new and complete. Overton Apts., Apt. 200 $170 TAKES furniture, 6 rooms. 403 Halaey FURNITURE ten-room flat, good condi tion. Sell at our prce, lou W'. Park. $400 WILL take a 7-room flat, elegintly furnished, modern; a snap. 349i tith st. FURNITURE of 7-room flat, suitable for two famines, cheap. 3S3j 4th st. bIsaUTTfuL buffet and china closet lor rale cheap. 31!'H Sixth st. FOR SALE Furniture for four room for $;;o. at S2S Vaughn st. 4-ROOM flat for rent, furniture for sale cheap. Flat S, 6tt Flanders. u-LOOM fiat for rent, furniture for sale; $.0. Main 4204. UAtv dining table, eix chairs. Main 6rtl4. Poultry. 24 THOROUGHBRED S. C. White Leghorns, now laying; 1 cock; price reasonable. C 3113. FOR SALE Cockerels. White Orpingtons and Buff Leghorns cheap. Phone Sell wood 240. 070 South ave. Sellwood car. WOULD like to buy pigeons. Must be cheap. J. Penny & Co., 2"th and Washington. Mercedes. Main 20fr. 3 PEKIN hen ducks. Indian Runner drake and hen, 1 each; also White Wyandotte cockerel. $2. 913 E- 2od st. N. C 2029. PERKINS hatchery; R. 1. Reds, White Leg horns; baby chicks and hatching eggs. 13.;7 Burrage st. Woodlawn V;7. WHITE Leghorn hens and pullets at 75cig $1. ltt4 6th ave., Fulton Park, half block Fulton car. FOR SALE One Mack Minorca, cock, cock erel and 8 pullets, reasonable. Phone Woodlawn 1080. 10 W. Simpson Bt. HIGHEST grade Orpington fowls. Buckey incubartors. 1 Cypher brooder, at sacrlttco sale. 1-S4 Broadway. Phone C 140. ' RHODE ISLAND RED laying pullets, also cockerels, good stock. Call at 300 Gra ham ave.. near Union. 50-EGG incubator, Mandy Lee. and brooder, cheap for cash. 3S2 East 50th. WHITE Leghorn eggs, baby chickens. F. A. Holt, phone Mllwuukle lied 094. WHITE MINORCA?, very fine, chap; 13th and Sumner; Alberta car. C 1078. FOR SALE. Poultry. PRIZE-WINNING Royal Blue White Wyan dottes. Bargain cock $2.50; pullets $1.2tc mammoth white Pekin Duck eggs, oc .loxen. Exchange White Leghorns, pneas ants, alao good typewriters for farm implements. Gay, W. W. car, 711 E. 33d. RHODE Island Red and Black Minorca cockerels for sale from egfes from Eastern priie-winning pens; see them before buy ing; vards 5619 4dth ave. S. E. Phone Sellwood 1;; business office, 131 11th st. Phone Main 1S0-4. 00 TO 2000-EGG INCUBATORS. Ideal heating and iratural ventilation; freight paid- low price; results guaranteed; cata logue sent FREE. Denver Incubator Co.. 2021 California St.. Denver. Colo. rOK SALE cheap, partridge WanloUe, six fine laying pullets, cockerels if desired. 0S1O 60th ave. Southeast, end of Wood stock carline. FOR SALE I Buckeye brooder, 1 incubator, dandv hatcher; will szll both for $lt; also 3 White Orpington hens, $1 each. fc80 Grand ave. North. FOR SALE Hatching eggs, by the setting, the lOv. the 1000. R. I. Reds, S. C. W. Leghorns. The Onaway Model Poultry Farm, Oswego. Or. GOING BELOW COST. COO fancy breeding hens of many kinds. 3905 E. 4th st. Anabel stationJ FOR SALE Rhode Island cockerel. Phone Sellwood 242 or , Main 3494. ' ' Livestock- FOUR fresh cows. 2 large dairy cows, ex tra heavy milkers, choice young Jer seys, very rich milkers. 14S0 Macadam st." Fulton car. 20 EXTRA good dairy cows to sell, mostly all fresh; some high-grade Jerseys and the rest hi Durham cows. A. Hess, 6 blocks east of Lents. Foster Road! " GOOD fresh cow for sale. A. Schamoni, Tl- gard. Or. FRESH cow for sale. Inquire S7th and East isurnsme st., wun" Automobile. SECOND-HANI AUTOS FOR BALS. We have a few uoo& buys in silgnt iy used trucks and cars- of diaerent makes traded in on SKW WHITE Also some bargains In rebuilt trucks and cars. Write for latest list and description mention the maks you orefer. Prices from $30O to tKOtXs THE WHITE COMPANY, Offices, 9 Seventh SL. Portland, Or. WANT standard 4 or 0-pass. auto up to $1200 as first payment on my modern 5-room bungalow, corner lot, east front, fireplace, paved streets, buffet, cabinet kitchen, balance payment $15 a month including Interest. See owner at 323 Board of Trade. TO trade for class A city property, clear of incumbrance, or first mortgages. 1112 fore door 40-h. p. five-passenger self-starting car fully equlpppea; cost $2400; this car has never been owned by a private party, but is a demonstrator. Main 03 1 4, A SPLENDID, foredoor, 0-passenger Cadillac, i Ai iirra, unuuuiuauic "ihj, w. mlngs, Rofirbracker pump, seat covers, electric lights, self-lighting presto head lights, machine looks tine, mechanically guaranteed first-class: price $1170, $-100 mnnthiv. soo Alder st. HERE you are. Just the thing. One 3-ton truck. A-l condition, with body, newly painted: price $1750; a snap; come and look it over. n OREGON ROAD OILING CO., 211 Couch Bldg. WINTON six foredoor. 1911, fully equipped and in best of condition; will trade for city property; prefer unincumbered lots; would consider gocd small roadster, as my object in selling is to get smaller car. AS 712, Oregonian. I HAVE a 1911 Reo automobile just over hauled and painted; car cost $1600; will take $000 as follows: T want a cheap house built to cost about $400 as first payment on auto; the balance In monthly pay ments. 309 Stark Bt.Maln 514. WANTED 3 or fi-ton truck, Packard preferred- have 20 acres land near Walla Walla as first payment. Full particulars first letter, and where truck can be seen. AN 697. Oregonian WANTED Second-hand late model touring car or roauster; must oe in tuuu wu4 tion; will pay $000 to $1000 cash; give name of dar and full particulars. X 713, Oregonian. WAN T ED M a n with auto to deliver output of eggs of poultry farm having 2000 hens to the select trade; good chance to estab lish a good paying business. Address -D. A. Jones, R. 3, box 14, Oregon City, Or. WE want some more roadsters and run abouts; we can dispose of them for you. NORTHWEST AUTO EXCHANGE.' 0:il Aider st. WANTED Electric runabout for cash, must be fn f irst-ciass condition; state time in use and very lowest price. AM 110, Ore gonian. STRICTLY Al 1911 Indian motorcycle, new tires, magneto, free engine, rear seat horn, lamp; price $140; $a5 down, $15 monthly. 350 Alder st. WANT 1912 E. M. F. hour or two each week at vour convenience for private dem onstration of auto accessory. Will pay well for car and driver. 600 Journal bldg. TO EXCHANGE Auto 6-ton truck, cheap for cash or exchange for farm or real estate adjacent to Portland ; no equity considered. phone Marshall 1308. WILL pay" part cash and balance elegant talking machine outfit for good motor cycle. Portland Phonograph Agency, 3o0 Alder. WE rent fine large passenger auto all day sunaay ior ii ' Alder. Both phones. 1000-LB. Warren Detroit delivery, just over hauled, in first-class condition; $,u0 cash. Phone juasijipi. WOULD like to buy a first-class motor cycle for cash; state make and price. I WE desire three first-class motorcycles for 1 t-. r'r M-.rt AlHui. at M H I n casn. ive-v. aulu v-w., . A 3277. BU1CK runabout, with small delivery body, lust overhauled; a snap, $200; will trade Ior a diamond ring. Phone East 2Si. GOOD roadster, or small 4 or 5-passenger auto wanted in exchange for a $7r0 equity In a Laure'.hurst lot. Phone Main 4643. 3-KARAT perfect diamond, to exchange for best 2 or 4 1911 or 1912 car offered. 10UOM; Belmont, WANT good auto for part payment on $9000 ranch, near city, balance cash. L 869, Oregonian. ci,vnvn.TiaT) auto truck for sale on easy terms or trade. AR 330-331 Railway Ex change. 1-TON Federal truck at a bargaia if bought at 'once. Call at 304 Flanders, or phone Main 9100. CHALMERS 7-paasenger. 50-h.p.f fore-door touring car' to trade for real estate. 7-1 Board or Traae oiag. WANTED To lease for long term, a 1 to 2-ton auto truck In good condition; V."hlte or r eaerai yictcn . , ' " 4i;,-, t-PASSENGER Hupmobiie, fine con dition, fully equipped. Phone E. 1872. &80 E. 10th N. a-iXTirn Small car. 0-pa.ssenger Ford pre f erred; state terms. Call B l'8G7, Apart ment 9. 1 FOR SALE One 5-passenger Cadillac, one 4-passenger lyl2 Carter Car. one roadster, one 4-passenger car. Apply 329 Everett st. AUTOMOBILE engine, cost $smi. ' ust sell for $200 cash. 328 Burnsiae sU VNTSD 1012 five-passenger Flanders or Ford. Phone Marshall 32-- METZ for sale or trade for motorcycle. Tabor 20. V 710, Oregonian. WANTED Auto truck in good order. 1500 to 2.r00 lbs. capacity. AN 699, Oregonian. BRUSH delivery car for sale cheap, good condition. Main 72S0. Funk Auto Co. GOOD 5-passenger automobile, $400. Phone STUDEBAKER "SO" touring car. J070. 3312 H4th. block nortn fowea v auey rtoaa. REO runabout, A-l condition, $230. AT 842, Oregonian. FOR SALE lOOO-th. 4-cyl. 30 H. P. truck. :S0 Ross. E. Li24. FOR SALE A good 36x4 tire; price $12.00. 300 Alder sL FOB SALE. Automobiles. AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS. ' Remember you cannot expect these prices long, as these good used cars are often sold quickly. " ' Hudson. 5-passenger, 1911 automobile, in first-class condition, always had good care ; $1600 ; for $660 on time or $550 cash. 1912 Flanders, run only 600 miles, just like new. all complete, and extra equip ment, only $000. A new 1912 5-passenger Maxwell auto with all kinds of extras that could b; put on the car, everything like new; auto run but little; cost of the auto without the. extra equipment $1600; extra equip ment $250, or $l&00 for $900 on time. Maxwell. 4 -passenger, $1000 automobile, all of it in good condition; only $385. Hudson roadster, cost $1350. for $440. Hudson 5-passenger. 1912 automobile, not six months old. A-l condition, that cost, with extra equipment. $1SOO. for sale at a third 'off, and it's just like new auto. Maxwell, 5-passenger. 1911 automobile, that cost, with lots of extra equipment, $000; ttped very little. looks like1 a new car; $900, or $t50 cash. Reo 5-passenger, 1911 automobile, in A-l condition and all complete, for 700. Stearns.N 60 h. p. automobile, good for 70 to SO miles an hour, just completely overhauled. either a roadster or a 4 passenger, original cost S4900, for $1200. Craxton-Keeton 0-passenger, 3 911 auto mobile, fullv equipped and In A-l condi tion, original cost 2130, fur S00. For people who want good second-hand automobiles, and to those who want autos in perfect running condition, we have Liese automobiles overlooked in our shop and guarantee them to be as represented by us. We invite purchasers to thoroughly In vestigate and w,e will sell on time, terms the fcame as new automobiles and at very lov prices for immediate sales. C. L. BOSS & CO., 615-617 W'ashlngton St. phones: Marshall 4022. A 4959. A FEW OF OUR MANY BARGAINS IN )lil- Chalmers, 3U-h. p.. 5-pass., $13o0. 1912 Ohio, brand new, 0-pass. ; cost $24li(j, $3MH. 191 2 Flanders, 0-pass. ; $050. 1910 Pierce-Arrow, 4-pass.. -36-h. p., 6 cyl.. cost $4000; sacrifice for $1000. 1910 Pierce-Arro v, 7-pass., 48-h. p.. 6 cyl.. just overhauled, cost $0600; sacrifice for ?22"i0. 1910 Chalmers,, 5-pass., A-l condition; only 5000. 1910 Pope -Hartford, overhauled and re painted; $900. . 1910 Hupmobiie. 2-pass. ; 1375. 1911 Elmore; 0-pass., nearly new; $9;0. 1912 Overland. nearly new. 0-pass.; 'is10 Kisselkar, 7-pass., overhauled and new tires; $900. 1 91 1 J ariercar, 2-pass., roadster; snap, 1912 Cadillac, 4-pass.. nearly new; $Lo. TRUCKS. 2-ton Kelly truck just overhauled and repainted; snap. $lt00. 1500-pound Buick, with panel body; snap. $400. . , 2t.(i0-pound Thomas, with body, top and curtains; S975. And many others. Over 50 cars to select from. We stand behind every car we sell. Call and investigate our new plan of selling. We protect you against buying a car which is defective. Before you buy a cheap new car, let us show you a high-grade rebuilt car for less money. , , . Xottce Open today until 1 o clock. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE, Salesroom, Main 1161. 493-490 Alder St. A 4837. We have several 1912 Hudson and Ohio automobiles which are brand new. These cars are live-passenger, latest type of con struction, self-starters a.nd fully equipped. They can be bought for considerably less than they cost, or, in other words, you can secure a new car of standard make, warranted and future service rendered, at a second-hand price. Is this not enough Inducement -for you to investigate? This Is the question. Below art; listed some cars which have been through our rebuilt car department, which means defective part replaced, care ful attention given to the car from front to rear axle and repainted. These ma chines are warranted by us and you in cur no risk on your buy. DEAL WITH THE DEALER AJJD BE SURE Hudson, Locomobile. Ohio, Overland, Kelly 2 and 3-ton trucks, Oakland. Cail us by phono for demonstrations on any one of these cars and judge for yourself. NEAT & M'CARTHY. REBUILT CAR DEPT. R. O- Hunter, Mgr. Majji B374, A 7577. PORTLAND AUTO PAINTING CO.. Auto carriage and wagon painting. Office phone. Marshall 314 ; shop phone. East 3230. 315 Hawthorne ave. ONE MODEL I LOCOMOBILE ROADSTER One 4-door Chalmers -40." Both cars have just been overhauled and are In first-class shape. 00 other cars to choose from. NORTHWEST AUTO EXCHANGE. 0;'-l Alder st. " 7-PASSENGER. 40-h. p.. 1912 Chalmers equipped with electric lights, chains, lull set of :ools. four new tires, everything complete; will sacrifice for cash or trade for house and lot, F B. MALLORT. 235 Pine St.. Portland, Or. SN PS IN USED CARS. 3911 Cadillac, 0-pass.. self-starter $9o0 1910 5-pass., Maxwell B-f 1910 C-pass. Overland 4HJ 1910 n-pass. Ford 1910 Ford Roadster -oO 1910 Maxwell Roadster 2 80 1910 Buick Roadster 28o 1911 Overland Roadster u- Above cars are fully equipped and in good running condition. THE 'LAUREL ROSE AUTO CO.. E 4096, 834 E. Burnside st. vvHiT kind of a O-passenger machine have you in exchange for a 15-acre tract cruis ing OOO.OUO, i,i mile from sawmill and railroad, south of Eugene? D 728, Ore- A 5-PASSENGER late model automobile for sale or trade. 529 Hamilton bldg. Main 934. TWO auto tracks for sale, including a good business. Call 304 Flanders, or phone Main 9190. ONE 7-h. p. Excelsior, fully equipped, new tires. $195. terms. Tabor 2095. ONE unredeemed Thor motorcycle, $50, at Stein's Pawnshop. 26 N. 6th st. Machinerj. MACHINERY BARGAINS. BOILERS anything ENGINES everything PUMPS bjS mft TANKS 11 e165 PULLETS GEARS see us SHAFTING CABLE and PIPE PIPE PIPE New and second-hand black nd galvan ized, at prices that astonish. it will pay to see us. , M. BARDE & SONS, Largesf in the West. M0-242 Front si., near Main. THE HOUSE OF A MILLION BARGAINS STANDARD MACHINERY COMPANY. 40 a ou We rent or sell CONCRETE MIXERS. We rent or sail ELECTRIC HOISTS. We rent or sell HOISTING ENGINES. We rent or sell ELECTRIC MOTORS. We rent or sell DERRICKS. We rent or Bell POWER PUMPS. W e rent or 611 BOILERS. We rent or sell ENGINES. We rent or sell ROCK CRCSKi3R& We rent or sell CONTRACTORS' equip ment of all kinds. STANDARD AiAOHLN'ERY COMPACT. We ren t or sell. twts IS FOR YOU: Tf von want anything in the line of MACHINERY OR SUPPLIES So matter what It Is, see M. BARDE &. SONS. 240-242 Front St., Cor. Main. The" House of a Million Bargains. FOR SALE. A ' 45 -horse power, SoO-volt, Crocker Wheeler motor, complete, with standard blade starter, no vol tag a release and 5 ampere overload. X. T. E. circuit breaker, In -l condition. Address room 203, Ore gonian bldg. FOR SALE. rFia 15-volt direct-current generator, complete, with field A rheostat, ammeter anrl circuit we". - uj good repair. Address, room 208, Orego man bitig. ' A 4C-IC W.. 500-volt Crocker-Wheeler generator, complete, with field rheostat and circuit breaker, in good condition. Address roum -" --imiau m,. FOR RENT 2 double -drum hoisting en- -V.'.es 7x1". Phone Tabor 2899. Miscellaneous. Ti-Kj DIAMOND RING cheap for cash. E RICHMOND electric vacuum cleaner; good as new, cheap. Main 4570. . 10xinCALIFORNLV job press, running every ei4ifi- hnif cash. J 750. Oregonian. SO. 3 OLIVER Cpewriter for cash; bar gain. AD 612, Oregonian STANDING desk tool. two revolving chairs, your own price. 605 Lumbermen bldg. FOR SALE. UlsceUaneo us. BARGAINS BARGAINS BARGAINS In second-hand machinery and miscella neous merchandise. I 4-Sxl2 boiler. M75. 1 Itt-h, p. engine, $S2.00. 1 8-h. p. engine. $72.0O. 1 7'yi-h. p. motor, $70- 1 3-horse sulky plow. $22.50. 04x16 boilers. JtU. L20-h. p. Corliss engine. 1 50-h. p. fire 'ire box boiler. 2 60x16 boilers. 1 600-Iight dynamo, guaranteed as good as new, 2to. 1 35-k. w. dynamo. $175. 4 water wheels. 1 0-ton chain block. lOO-foot IS-inch smokestack. Lot 6. 8, 10 and 12-inch valves. Lot crowbars and vises. Carload fencing. 20.00O feet five-eighths cable. 3c root. Other size cable very cheap. 1 2-inch power pump. Several Steam pumps. 1 centrifugal pump. 40 HMuch eye beams. 420 feet, at lc Lot 30. 40, 50. 80-pound rails. 00 tons new bar iron. l'ic. U tons smooth wire, 1c pound. 1 -2000-pound safe, $00. Lot galv. sheet iron. RUBBER ROOFING, 50c SQ. 2000 picks. 10c each. 5000 sledges and wedges, 3c pound. 30.000 feet t-inch pipe. 2c foot. 2000 feet 6-inch pipe. 20c foot. 100 feet 4-inch pipe. 17c foot. 10.000 feet 2-inch pipe, 6c foot. 2hm feet 3-inch pipe. 10c foot. 1000 feet 2-inch galv., llc foot. 1 2000-gallon oil tank. Can furnish any size gratebars at 2c pound. Large stock bolts, nuts, lag screws and wuBhers. all sizes and kinds. Lot round iron. Lot dry kiln trucks. All sizes leather and rubber belting. Lot new planer knives. Lot new steam packing. Ail kinds electric machinery. All kinds Iron for. reinforcing. When in need of anything in our line see us, as we can save you money. We positively have more stock than all dur competitors In the city combined, which insures you of a better selection of any goods needed. We have our own teams and deliver everything free. We have our own machine shops and can repair anything. We own our place of business, which means no rent. All these things combined enable us to eell goods at prices that make our competitors sit up and take no tice. We guarantee everything to be as we represent them or gladly refund your money. . , , , We buy, sell or exchange any kind of machinery, pipe, scrap iron or metals. Cut out the middleman and trade with us direct, as we can make money for you. J. SIMON & BRO.. Front f..-d Grant Sts. Take S car on Third sL, going south. PLUMBING SUPPLIES, HELP US FIGHT THE TRUST. WE SELL TO ALL AT WHOLESALE PRICES, J. SIMON & BRO., Front and Grant sts. ROOFING ROOFING. RUBBER ROOFING, 50c SQUARE. J. SIMON & BRO.. Front and Grant sts. Take "S" car. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. See our display of BATHTUBS, WATER CLOSETS, LAVATORIES, SINKS, LAUNDRY TRAYS, ETC., ETC. Our stock of pipe, fittings, etc., is com plete. M. BARDE & SONS, 240-242 Front St., Corner Main. THE HOUSE OF A MILLION BARGAINS. ELGIN WrATCHES ON CREDIT. Why not buy your Elgin Watch now while you can get it at a special price and on such easy monthly payments that you'll never miss the money? This month we will seU you a $20 Elgin for $16.50 or a fine $30 Elgin for only $19.75. no money down, sent subject to your approval. Write for free catalogue. We are the largest watch house In America and trust honest people everywhere. HARRIS-GOAR CO.. Deput. XXXX. KANSAS CITY. MO. PIPE PIPE PIPE Save money on new and second-hand pipe, all sizes. 4-inch pipe at 14 cents a foot; also new bathtubs from $12 and up; all kinds of plumbing supplies at the lowest prices. PORTLAND PIPE SHOP, 209 Front st. Phone Main 6325. STEIN'S PAWNSHOP, 26 N. Sixth St., near Burnside. Dailv sales of unredeemed raincoats, overcoats, musical instruments, watches and diamonds, pnonograpns. motorcycles, typewriters, everything at low prices. BICYCLE in first-class shape, strong ma chine, today for $12.50 It's a bargain. 203 Chapman. Marshall 3933. SAFES New and second-nand, large assort ment, low prices, safes opened, repaired. Mosier Safe Co., 108 Second st. Main7676. FOR SALE Johnson-Bradford Safe stock at a big discount. Main 37. Chamber of Commerce. Co. 016 SEWING machine; one for $6, one for $10; attachments complete; perfect stitchers. 190 Third, bet- Yamhill and Taylor. 9Tl2 "AXMINSTER rug. 'hall carpeting and hall rack. Phone A 5253, Main 6058 fore noon or evening. 40 BRAND new 4-mInute wax Edison rec ords 31c each: $3 down, $2.50 monthly. Portland Phonograph Agency. 350 Alder st. FOR SALE cheap, nearly new fireproof safe, 48 Inches high. 32 wide, 2S deep. Call at 643-45 Alberta st. Phone Woodlawn 501. PURE, well-rotted cow manure, George W. Lindsay, gardener and dealer in fertilizer; phone evenings, sellwood 1685. A BARGAIN, almost new South Bend mal leable range, 10x18; also gas range. Ta bor 2517. ' HOLLY trees cheap by grower, fine hedge trees 3 to 4 feet, 60 to 90 cents. 271 Sal mon St., near LOUriUUUBO. lctlll orroo. WILL sell for cash, reinforcing steel, all sizes, cut to suit; will stand every test; price 2 cents. AP 755. Oregonian. REBUILT Nj. 3 Oliver typewriters, easy action, visible, very durable, $35; $5 now and $0 monthly. Office 28, 142 Second. TYPEWRITER a bargain, same as new; L. C. Smith No. 2; cost $105; will take $60 cash. See No. 6 3d st., city. THREE-HOLE gasoline stove, safety burn ers; good condition, for cost of ad. and $2.00. 915 Tlbbets. TWO tent houses, floor, gas plate, lights, stoves, one or both cheap. AE 85S, Ore gonian. RENT a visible typewriter 3 months for $4; convenient at home, 333 Ankeny St. f- iiit HAVE some diamond metal lath in good order and sell cheap for cash. AP 754, Oregonian. DONKEY engine, steam scrapers, dump cars. AH 764, Oregonian. FOR SALE 5-room houseboat. Phone Sell wood 2006. owner. ; BARGAIN Pool tables, will trade for mort- are- give difference. 139 E. 72d St. N. DERBY desks and office furniture. E. 3. Haley Desk to., w aecm.u b -m LAW sa-nana net uicew n't""" w of Law and Procedure. AX 67, Oregonian. FOR SALE WO cords dry 4-ft. cordwood. H 716, Cjregoma" TWO showcases, 4-foot candy and 4-foot ci gar. Norton s. vnuwuvc, . USE Sassett's Native Herbs for constipa tion, si tnhws for 25c. All drug-lsts. AUTOMOBILE engine, cost $S00; must sell for $200 cash. 32s Burnside at. LARGE mahogany grafonola table, with nne recorae. aia' FOR S LE $45; 12x14 Axminster carpet, nniv !( &15 Minnesota ave. OTTER coat for sale, excellent condition. can 11 -- FLOOR showcases, wall .cases. National reg ister. Call residence. 660 East Ankeny,. FOR SALE One rol Hop office desk and stool cneap. u-j jiii-uiw 01. FOR SALE Home-canned fruits and sweet mixed ptcKies. raoue jauwr 01 v. NATIONAL cash registers; get my prices. Povey. 351 'Vi Wash.; basement. Main 606. WELL rotted fertilizer. E. 4926. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. PIPE PIPE PIPE Headquarters for all kinds of new and second-hand pipe, . , Money saved on all kinds of plumMn supplies. Lots of bathtubs on nand th tt have never been used, at less than naif price. Come and investigate. Ae do ail KindB of pipe work. THE NORTHWESTERN PIPE CO..' 203 to 207 Front St.. Between Salmon and Taylor. Phone Main 3631. PIPE PIPE PIPE. i.-inch, 2c foot. a-inch. 2 foot. 1-inch. 3-iC foot. 1 Vi -inch. 3c foot. j-inch, 6c foot. 3- inch, 10c foot. 4- inch, 17c foot, li-inch. 20c foot. ' 1000 feet 2-inch galvanized, just as good as new. ll2c foot. J. SIMON & BRO., Front and Grant sts. FOR SALE $100 M osier safe, nearly new, $03- 00 Victor saf.i, $-0; $40 gasoline lighting plant, used one month, $lo; aUi shelvirg and counttsJ. very cheap. E. R. Sully, 111 S. Jersey bt., St. Johns. Phone Columbia 60S. $40 STEAMER TRUNK, covered in black patent leather, trimming of gray tiber, with copper knobs, $22; $40 Nsw Zealand reversible steam rug tor $19; $14 boy's tuxedo suit, size 11 years, for $6. almost new; must sell at once. ' Call Tabor 1340. MEN'S PANTS. Buy upstairs of me and save $1 to $2 a pair. Jimmy Dunn, room 3,15 Oregonian bidg. Take elevator. ! SECOND-HAND sewing machines; fine lot of drophead machines. $0.00 to $20, all makes, guaranteed, cash or payments, also rents and repairs. 292 3d St., near Jefferson. Main 4728. SANITARY folding couch, bedspring. pic tures, piano, full dress suit, size 34, for sale, exchange for what you have. Tele phone B 3107, or address AM 736, Ore gonian. ONE steel range, 6-hole; one large heater, one washing machine and wringer. Apply The Arts and Craft Shop. B42 Glisan, cor. 7th. phone Marshall 3904. WANT second-hand screw-cutting lathe, 1 3 H P. motor. For sale, one launch, 24x $150. Marshall 2320 or AK S2S, Ore gonian. CHEAP 1912 model liquid, iceless soda fountal'.i; fin. condition; also carbona'or; . will pack for shipment. Address AV 645, Oregonian. x n CASH register, computing scale, electric coffee mill, meat sheer and cheese cuttet for sale cheap. Call after 4 P. M., Front st. OLD SAFES taken in exchange on new and steel office safes. Safe opened, repaired. Purcell Safe Co. and Portland Safe Co., S3 0th st. Phone it. oca. COMPLETE multUrraphing machine, which runs by electricity, and full line of sup plies; will sell at h&U trice for cash. 402 Corbett bldg. . TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $10 to $65. NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO., 62 Stark; Street. FOR SALE Imported Maltese lace em broidered lunch set; genuine pearls. Main 4331. - ' WANT to buy a first-class 1 or 2 h. p. d. c. motor. Portland Phonograph Agency, 300 Alder st. 1 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO. PAYS THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES for second-hand furniture, carpets, stoves, . ranges, etc. We handle farmers', loggers", mechanics', blacksmith, plumbers, and contractors' outfits. We carry bicycles, cutis, rifles and eame traos. We have 20- tons, all sizes of second-hand wire rope- and 2 carloads of poultry netting, sagntiy -damaged, cheap. 221 Front st. Main 9072. OLD MONEY $S paid certain 1S03 quar ters, $100 certain 1S53 half, etc.; We pay highest cash premiums; keep all old money; send only 4s large Illustrated com circular; it may mean your fortune. Num ismatic Bank, dept. 10, Ft. Worth, Tex. WE WANT to buy $1000 worth of second hand furniture in the next 30 days, and pay all the cash It is worth. Williams Ave. Furn. Exchange. East 6&6. TTrt,- tj t -v CLOTHING. FURNITURE. TOOLS Highest prices paid for ladles' or men's cast-on cioiauiB 20SO. 290. First Bt. WE buy for cash second-hand National Cash Registers and sell them on easy terms. W. J. Macauley. 354 Burnside st. Fhones Main 1816. A 1816. . WANTED Manufacturing confectioner's outfit candy cases and wall fixtures. Call at 82 Wash, U;30 Monday or phone M. 3209, A 310o. AN adjustable punching bag and outiit in condition. Karl Tilden, 247 Stark WANTED second-hand motorcycle; must b in" srood condition and reasonable. Give j . . .i.n a - nreff-ontan.l ue&ci iuli. --f - 1 WILL buy any kind of hair combings; high est cash price ptiiu. o-mwj lors. 4U0 Dekuxn bldg. SECOND-HAND electric hairdryer; good condition, reasonable. 3So East 37th st. North. WILL exchange first-class phonograph for good typewriter. jtuiw-h- " ..-2 Agency, 350 Alder jt. Main 6a&6, A 32 i 7. WE pay' the highest cash price tor second hand furniture. M. R, Seatis. Phone -ast 3134. 34S Hawtnorne av. tb r . vt. ,"- a first-class 1 or 2 h. p. d. c. motor. Portland Phonograph Agency, 350 Alder st. . RESPONSIBLE party will store furniture of 5 rooms for the use of a few com mon nieces. Phone B 3412. WANTED Second-hand encyclopedia Brlt- annica, India paper, flexible cover edition. FAIR DEAL reopened again; we pay blgh est prices for your 2d-hand clothing and household goods. Main 92 2. WANTED- One lathe, 14-lnch swing, six feet between centers; one drill press about W . , v.i -on-r 'fiTH Vnrtland. u-incn tame. w.fl. r want a good second-hfend motorcycle, " a c 71 1 firocnnlflii. p ri vate pa-ny. .o WE want $10,000 worth of second-hand fur- niture; highest prices yam- NATIONAL cash register; price must be reasouaDie. . jiam """J WANTED An electric vibrator, good condi- Uon. Karl Tilden, 247 y Stark st. WILL buy Victrola talking machine If sold cheap. 1 o". mct' ciotnioK. WANTED Violoncello; imist be first-clasa Address j m. WANTED A pOBtcard camera, must be good anaiettv. -- WILL tint rooms, $2.50 up; also painting nt reasonable nrices. Phone East 0124. WANTED To buy popcorn and peanut wag a T.-tft Oretfonian. WANTED Will pay cash for piano; mutx. be bargain, 10. --"b ONE horse, farm wagon and heavy har ness. av, w 1, WANTED Good second-hand desk, cneap for cash. G izo. ureguuwu. DIAMOND wanted, about 1 K. Must be a , i Tilt Oregonian. pargmiu jv " . e-7 VIEW camera, state make and length f hallows. AE 856. Oregonian. BUILDINGS "moved or raised quickly and at low iigures. ai o WANTED English saddle and bridle; must i i Tuinnhnnu U.lfn 4-669. DO CI1C4H' in-. Fi.v..v FORD Auction Co. pays most cash for an, kind of furniture. Main 8951. -A 2445. HELP WANTED MAL2V SKIRTMAKER wanted for ladles' tailored skirts; good wages paid to the right man. S. w eiss, j 4 1 win. U-tuctn t" at'd" 2" to learn the marble and granite traae. oiuwuig uianus ad ind jaaaison. WANTED Hardware clerk who understands advertising aim "u"u" 0 " Orpsronlan. SALESMAN A live advertising salesman for city proposition; give previous experi ence and phonenumber. C 736, Oregonian. LARGE sawmill Wants yard foreman; must be capable anu i 'u . WANTED A good, honest. experiencea farmer- must have reierences. rnyua Marshall 913. WANTED A delivery boy. 161 West Park FIRST-CLASS ladles coatmakers wanted, 320 Stnrtt si A VIEW operator and caller. Call 120 Grand ave., room J. Ut ANTE 'IK MAUL INCIDENT " (One of Many.) Office Secretary Employment Department, Y. M. C. A. Young man, stranger, seeking employ ment (420 his total cash asset) If I py you $5 for employment membership I will have otuy $10 between me aud starvation. Secretary if you pay $5 for employ ment membership you will have the Y. M. C. A., with all its resources, between you and starvation. Result: Young man joined association. In less than a week he had satisfactory employment. Record for 12 months ending December CaU for men 22 Positions filled ..1697 Employment membership guarantees member will secure employment or refund . of fuJi membeiship lee; gives two months' full ni-rabership privileges. 10 months' so cial privileges and undertakes lo kep member employed during the full term 'I me.r.bei ship without further charge. Constant ccniand for CLERICAL, TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL MEN. Se Secretary Employment Department, Y. M. C. A. ROOK SALESMEN. IMPORTANT NOTICE. Every book and magazine salesman with a clean record should make application for membership to an association now being organized; the undersigned, having hud over 20 years" personal experience of bok selling, realizes the necessity of a mutual association to enable a salesman to get lo highest pay and best service regardless of where he may work. If you arc Inter ested, write for full particulars. To avoid unnecessary correspondence. kindly give past and present experiences. H. C. Cox, Holtman House, New York City. WANTED Family men for mills and fac tory work. Coast town over 5000 inhabi tants; growing rapidly, 1400 white men employed in more than 20 mills and fac tories which run steady year around; city has streetcar, electric lipht, water aud sew erage system ; one railroad, prospects gojd for second railroad; all vessels load at mills; fishing Industries as well as farming landij splendid ; no wages lea than $2.20; give nationality and address A V ."4i, Oresoniatu " EXPERIENCED salesman to sell our homes in all parts of the city on easy pay ment plan, and restricted resi dence lots on both the East and West Sides; also close-in acreage. We furnish some prospects and assist in closing sales. We supply lots and build to suit pur chaser. Liberal commission Ask for sales manager. PROVIDENT TRUST CO., OWNERS. Second Floor Selling Bldg. SALESMEN Do you get a definite finan cial return in subsequent years from this year's sales? Life Insurance men do. Have you ever 'really investigated life in surance as a vehicle for your efforts? Penn Mutual Life, 207 Selling bldg., Port land. WANTED by established merchandise house, two FIRST-CLASS city salesmen; salary and commission and permanent; must be between 20 to 40 years of age, good ap pearance and preferably have magazine or book-selling experience; also able to put up cash or surety bond. Apply 8 to 0:30 A. M. and 12:30 to 1:30 P. M. ONLY, at 203 Northwest bldg., 327 ht Washington street. A FEW high-class salesmen to sell central Warrenton property, at the mouth of the Columbia. No such opportunity has ever before been offered in the West. Nothing compares with it in merit as the coming great seaport, and many sales are now being easily made. Call only between 10 and 12 Columbia Harbor Land Co., 901- 2-3 Wilcox bias- OLD-ESTABLISHED manufacturer with new, well-advertised line, will consider application from few good salesmen who cover their field regularly, are result-producers, who want to take on paying ide Mne on commission. Write quick, giving full details about self. Address Central Manager, Dept. J, 1336 W. Bancroft. To ledo. O. - SALESMAN WANTED to call on medical and surgical profession for high-class surgical journal. Good commission. Ex clusive territory. Give references. Annals of Surgery, Philadelphia. WANTED for U. S. ARMY Able-bodied un married men. between ages of 18 and w, citizens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can sceak, read and write the English lan guage. For information apply to Recruit ing Officer, Worcester building, 2d and (.'UK sts., i'oniauu, kji. WANTED Man to care for 10-aore applo orchard of 4-year-old trees near Wendell, Idaho. House rent and garden free and small salary until trees bear, when will share profits. Will make it worth while to right man. Give references. Tenant can buy 10 acres orchard adjoining at sacri- uce. u'li w - CARPENTERS, painters, decorators, and all other mechanics, also vacuum cleaner-men- have you a few hours to spare.' W-o want man in each town; no capital need ed; hour's work shows dollars earned in suare time, pocket sample. Carter Mfg. Co.. (Dept. .'oj, nnn... i.-... WANTED Traveling salesman in states of Washington and Oregon to carry our Hoosier ALL SOLID SCHOOL shoe lin on a commisssion of 6 per cent; no objec tion to non-oontllctlng side line. Address . Walter Konnard, Tappan Shoe Mfg. Co.. Coldwater, Mich. SALESMAN of address and ability to sell short-time, big profit-paying contracts id sued by a large Canadian financial-cot -poratlonr live agents make from $10 to $50 dally. C. L. Galey, 723 Chamber of Commerce. f, wTntED Resident salesman. Portland and vicinity for well-known, medium-price lino of children's shoes carried in stock; com mission only; mention experience and rei erences. Address Sinbac 211 West Monroe st., Chicago, 111. SALESMEN and local representative wiV 1 ing to hustle for large commissions; quick selling complete line calendars and adver tising novelties; state age. if married and selling experience. The Ullman Mfg. CO., dept. A 340 East J50tat.Ne w York. Yout locality: no stock selllne or can vassing. Dignified work bringing large income without .Interference with present occupation. Husmess Advancement Cor poration. 36 Pine. Kew York. SALESMAN, live man, local or traveling representative, salary and commission ba sis; capable men earning 4u(IO annually , tested products, steady demand. P. O. box 63i New lorn. WANTED 2 hustling real estate salesmen: must be in a position to go out of city on a liberal commission basi, , to proposition; references. Call Railway WANTED Man with auto to deliver output of eggs of poultry farm having 2000 hen. ?o thl select trade; good chance to estab lish a good paying business. AddreM D. A. Jones, ri. o, uu " o c.t 7MES Our Mexicans Atlas tiade ma- chfne. Lick seller, all dealers good proms. price ,2.50; straight or sideline. Bassett Specialty Co., ban An tonio, lexas. SALESMEN to sell our check protector. It ,efi7 to every person who write, check; CorT Icolton bldg-.TTo.edo. O. LAKOE retail house can use ambitious young man. mracrmo chance to advance; state age an , previ- ous empiuj iiici... " u -"'. ' . WANTED A printer; prefer a two-thlrdr; good olTstraight matter. Write and Stat, wages required or phone. Express. Leba non, ur. BRIRHT office boy in wholesale house, good chances for promotion APP ly handwriting, stating age. Al 83. Orego- nlan. 1 . WANTED Two first-class spinners and two weavers at once. Good pay and gooi work. Washington Woolen Mill Com- pany, r.iic" t- . -v-riT-T-. Salesman to sell whisky on a WriTy TommlSfon basis; also California wines can be handled as a side line. Au- rtrcssAE 66.-I. Oregonian. WANTED Good all-around baker for home bakery married man preferred; must be good. Call 400 Harrison. iTr7-"H -CLASS amateur bass wants to meet god tenor and lead; .circuit In view. A3 Snip'i INE salesmen ami specialty men &iwnted Japanese Novelty Co.. Clinton, Iowa. . c nand crew managers and first-class so WScitors: can-i "explain here. Cail 10U """ter of Commerce bldg.. Portland. Or s7TntED Expert solicitors to sell hlgh ciaVs i Industrial stocks. Call at 44 Stark st. between 7 iy 5TCTED Good live salesmen to sell Ore ennTmadTgoods. city and state; attractive rgftl'nf Shimmer, aeO E. "Stark t. ;.,,VTrn men capable of instituting lodges, Wcal7 EatSn Hotel between 12 and !f. ft W Barrows. . PHOTO solicitors: best offer In city. Sarony PiJ,V.h!4V, Morrison St. TF7 .to. COUPON ogents: ben ever offered. P VaJ Dyck Siudlo. 404 Washington st. wTvTFD First-class lace curtain tiiiisher. W;,nlaimury Co.. 21st and East Glisan. HAVE vacancy for live young salesman, 2ill "mark St. 4, Ul KB""'""- A