, XHJ3 t UXDAY OREGOIAX. FORTLAXD. FEBRUARY 2, 1913.' - 7 , V V AUTHOR TELLS OF BEING 'BROKE IN STRANGE CITY Bart Kennedy, Writer, Lecturer, Opera Singer, Klondike Miner and Sea man, Sees Humor in Empty Pocket and Cites Lesson There. BY BART KENNEDY. Bart Kennedy Is an author and lecturer who ha tramped through lite and Included In nil Itinerary the United States, where he lived and fought with Indian and fold mined In the Klondyke. Born of Irish pa rents, he started to work at the age of six years In a Lancashire cotton mill. He was a seaman hfor mast, an opera singer, and until quite recently the proprietor of a London weekly newspaper. In his own words he "drifted Into wrltlne." and among his best known books are "The Wandering Romanoff." "A Sailor Tramp." "A Tramp in Spain." "The Hunger Line" and "A Tramp's Philosophy." LONDON. Feb. 1. (Special.) Get ting into' a great strange town without a penny in your pocket is a somewhat humorous experience. I mean it is humorous when you think of It In after years seated comfortably behind a large cigar with something comforting by your side. When you tell your bosom friends about it in the club they laugh at the more or less racy way in which you tell it. The act that you have entered a great town without a penny in your pocket and have lived to tell the tale with humorous trimmings is quite sooth ing. It makes you all feel more com fortable. Just as the cold and the enow of some Winter night add zest and charm to the sitting by a glowing fire. The fi-st time I ever got into a great strange town without a penny was on a bright, frosty Sunday morning. And. let me confess it. I did not quite see the humor of it. Passing by me were all kinds of people dressed in their Sunday best peopje with homes and food and beds to sleep in. And here was I with nothing but youth and health and hunger. I had just deserted a ship in the docks, and I was going forth to grip Fortune by the throat. Although I did not appreciate the delicate humor of the situation I can't say that 1 felt particularly downcast, for It occurred to me that something or another was sure to happen. And something did happen. Perk Bench la Bed. I sleDt that night on a bench in a park under tile shining and beautiful stars, when I awoke In the morning, I felt exceedingly interested as to how and where I was to get food. How I got food it doesn't matter. But that 1 did get it is quite evident, otherwise 1 would not be now easily and calmly relating the tale. To get Into a town without a penny is an experience of the real and tan gible order. It is a bit of first-hand education such as the professors never ladle out to the young gentlemen who go to the colleges for the good of their minds. Were all the young gentlemen to receive this spoonful if I may so put it of real knowledge, this world would be a much more bright and shiny world than it is at present. For even a teaspoonful of real knowledge is worth many hogsheads of the al leged knowledge that is so liberally ladled out in the great and expensive universities. I will admit that the real experience that I speak of is interesting, but at the same time I must say that it is not alarming. The human mind has its limitations, but not being able toac commotlate itself to the new is not usually one of them. Indeed It is this power of being able to accommodate himself to the unforeseen that has made man the boss and lord-in-chief of all the other animals. Life Precious Indeed. If a man were suddenly made to' en ter a great town without a penny in his pocket the experience would be in no way like what he would imagine it to be if he thought of it as he sat in the midst of affluence. It would be in no way so terrible. From his place of affluence he would doubtless imag ine that he would commit suicide If he were in such a fix. But he would do no such thing. He would hang on to life as a monkey hangs on to a nut or as a drowning person hangs on to a plank. The per son who commits suicide is very rarely a hungry or really necessitous person. He is in 98 cases out of 100 an idiot whose liver has played him false. No one values life so much as the one who is faced with death. And the very fact of our ex-affluent friend being suddenly faced with death from star vation would make him sharply ap praise the jewel of life at its correct valuation. He would probably blossom with swiftness into a tramp with a persuasive talent for begging. Or he might turn to the doing of the humble manual labor that everyone at once Services in City Churches BAPTIST. First. White Temple, Twelfth and Taylor streets Ministers, Rev. W. B. Htnaon and Rev. K. A- Agar. JO, Bible school: class for all aires; 10, alt young men invited to attend Alert Bible Club; C. A. Lewis will speak: 11, preaching by Dr. Hinson; sub ject. "Scotch God": J:ir. B. T. P. U.; 7:30. preaching by Ir. Hinson; subject, "The Un pardonable Sin." East Side, East Ankeny and Twentieth streets Rev. W. O. Shank, pastor. 11. rreachlng by the pastor; theme. "The Science of Spiritual Birth"; 7:30, preaching by the pastor: theme, -The Terror of Sin"; lir Sunday school; ij:30, B. Y. P. V. East Forty-Fifth Street Rev. A. B. Walt a, pastor. 11, preaching by the pastor; theme, Words Recollected"; 7:0, preaching by the pastor; theme. -Walking in Daylight"; 0:45, Sunday school; t:oO, . i. Tabernacle Rev. Robert Gray, paator. 11, preaching- by the paator: theme, "Right Hand Religion"; 7:30. preaching by the pas tor; theme, "The Lost Christ"; i:45, Sun day school: tJ:;.0. young people's meeting. Highlnnd. Alberta and East Sixth streets Rev. Charles B. Eiliott, pastor. Sundav school. :4i; morning worship, 11; theme. "A Woman's World-Wide Memorial Erected by Jesus"; 6:30, B. Y. P. L". ; 7:30, preach ing by the pastor; theme, '"Need, ami the Savior's Response Thereto." Third. Knott street and Vancouver avenue Rev. Wetley J. Beaven, pastor. 11, "Face to Face With God"; 7:30, "The Return of Jesus": Bible school, :43; B. T. p. ti.'M): prayer service Thursday evening at S. Itnmanuel. Second and Meade streets Sunday school. 10; E". V. Llod will speak at the 11 o'clock service. Calvary. East Eighth and Grant atreeta Rev. I. N. Monroe, pastor. 11, preaching by the pastor: 7:30, preaching by the pastor: 10 Sunday school; 0:40, B. Y. P. V. Arleta Rev. D. M. McPhail, pastor. 11. preaching by the pastor; 6:15. B. Y. P. U. 7:30. preaching by the paator; 10, Sun das school. Grace. Montavilla Rev. H. T. Cash, pas tor Sunday school. S:4: services, 11 and i; B. Y. P. f.. 7. University Park Re. . A. C Saxtoi , pas tor. Sunday school, to; -i acnirg oi the pas;or; 6:0, B. Y, P. 10. preach ing by the pastor. St. Johns Rev. H. F. Cheney, pastor. 11. preaching bv the pastor: ai-services. Italian Mission, til Front street Rev. F. Saunella. missionary. Preaching. 2; Sunday school. 3. Lents Rev. J. M. Neison. pastor. 10. Sunday school: 11, services; :S0. B. Y. P. U.; 7:30. services. Mount Olivet, Seventh and Everett streets Rev. W. A. Magett. pastor. Services, 11 and 8;-Sunday school, llt:30. Chinese Mission, 353 Burnside street Sun day school, 7: J. O. Malone. superintendent. Swedish. Fifteenth and Hoyt streets Rev Frederic Lindeen. pator. Sunday schooi. 13; B. Y. P- 6;li. Sell wood. Eleventh street and Tacoma avenue Rev. F. H. Hayes, pastor. Prfach-tr- ii and 7:30: Sunday school, 10: B. P. i- -30. Russellville School ho use, under auspices of Grace Church, Montav.ila Sunday , school. 2:13. First Herman. Fourth and MM! streets Rev. J. Kratt. paxtor. Services, il and 7:30. Sunday school. ;.". Second German, Morris street and Rodney avenue Rev. Frederick Buerrman, past.-. Sunday school. 9:45; preaching, H and 7:30; B. Y. P. V.. 6:43. Baptist Italian Mission, in Calvary Baptist t -5 IN T Bart Kennedy, Who Says to Get Into a Town Without a Penny la a Bit of Xeceaaary Flrst Hud Education. praises and gives as wide a berth to as possible. Our friend would be. brought down to the real earth with a hard wallop. And after a year or so of the life, when he onened his mouth he would have something to say worth listening to. . Often and often I am forced for my sins to listen to educated men. ana 'varsity men at that, 'dogmatising about the working, classes In as intel ligent a way as an astronomer would dogmatise about the inhabitants of Mars were he foolish enough to do so. It is a world well worth living in, if, you take it calm and easy. But when I think of the dense Ignorance of the educated class I must confess that a heavy weariness gently but firmly presses down on me. . Deatk His No Lure. Yes, our ex-affluent friend would walk along, going nowhere in particu lar and wondering what would happen next. He would not be at all bored. He would take the sharpest kind of in terest in things. His mind would dwell upon things that mattered. He would bother his head not a particle of a second with such intangible thinss as. for example, the differences between the various brands of the poli ticians. He would go along, picking up genuine unadulterated knowledge at every other step. His mind woula be in a world of new and strange ideas. And all of these ideas would be as sound as a bell. He would get the taste, at once bitter and whole some, of the fruit of real knowledge. Die? No. he wouldn't die at all. He'd live, and as I have just said, after a year or so of this life when he opened his mouth he would have something to say worth listening to. Statesmen would do well to sit at his feet and catch the pearls of wisdom as they fell from his lips. Statesmen! I am sure that it would do many a stout statesman a heap of good to have such an experience. It would do them good to be suddenly bereft of their dignities and emolu ments and to find themselves without a penny in a great town. Statesmen are all right in their own way, but the fact is that they especially live In a more rarefied atmosphere than com mon or garden people. A statesman is usually a tricky per son who raises himself into honor and glory by the gift of the gab. Or he has been raised Into the shining light because Fate was obliging enough to select his father with care. I repeat that the experience would do the statesman a heap, of good. And above all. how good this ex perience would be for a King! To be bereft of his divinity and to be in a great town without a penny. Why, a King who had had this experience would be more than worth his salt when he got back on his throne. How well he would be able to discount the multitudinous and thumping lies told to him by those around him! He would be a King that had an education that was royal Indeed! This bit of real education if every man had to pass through it. It would be more than a good thing. Church. East Eighth and Grant streets Regular services. CATHOLIC, St. Michael's (Italian), Fourth and Mill streets Jesuit Fathers. Low mass, 6; high mass and sermon, 10:30; vespers and bene diction, 7:30. St. Mary's Pro-Cathedral. Fifteenth and Davis streets Most Rev. A. Christie, D. D Low mass, 6, 3 and 9; high mass and ser mon, 11; vespers. Instruction and benedic tion. 7:45. Ascension. East Seventy-sixth and East Morrison streets Rev. James B. Fitzpatrick, tt ctor. Low mass, 8; high mass and sermon. 10:30; Sunday school, :30 benediction of the blessed sacrament, 7:30; weekdays' mass, 6:30. Immaculate Heart of Mary, Williams ave nue and Stanton street Rev. W. A. Daly. Low mass. 6, S and tt; high mass and ser mon, 10:30; vespers and benediction, 7.30. St. Francis", East Twelfth street between Pine and Oak Rev. Father Black. Low mass, S; high mass and sermon. 10:30; ves pers, instruction and benediction, 7:30. St. Andrew's. East Ninth and Alberta street Rev. Thomas Kieraan. Low mass. S; hlRh mass and sermon, 10; vespers, in struction and benediction, 7:30. Holy Cross. University Park Rev. C. R Finner. Low mass, 8:30; high mass and sermon, 10:30; vespers and benediction, 4. St. Lawrence's, Thi-d and Sherman streets Rev. J. C. Hushes. Low mass, 6. 8 and ; high mass and sermon, 10 : 30 ; vespers. In struction and benediction, 7:80. Holy Rosary, East Third and Clackamas trecta Very Rev. H. H. Kelly. O. P. Low mass. 6. 7. 8 and 9: high mass and sermon. 11; vespers and benediction. 7:30. On tb first Sunday of the month rosary procession, sermon and benediction. 7:30; third Sundav, sermon, procession of the most blessed sac rament and benediction, 7:30; every Thurs day evening, holy hour, from 7:30 to 8:30. CHRISTIAN. First, Park and Columbia. Rev. W. F. Reagor, minister. Morning these, "Evangelise or Fossilize": evening. "The- Way That Seemeth Right"; Sunday school, 9:45; C E-. 6:30. Central, East Twentieth and Salmon Rev. S. R. Hawkins, minister Preaching 11 and 7:30; Sunday school. 10: C. E., 6:30. Rodney avenue. Knott and Rodney Rev. B. W. Bass, minister. Preaching 11 and 7:30; Sunday school, 10; C. E.. 6:30. Kern Fark, Forty-sixth avenue and Sixty ninth Rev. H. F. Jones, minister. Preach ing 11. by the pastor. 7:30, by J. R. John stone; Sunday school, 10; C- E-. 6:30. Montavilla. East Hoyt and Seventy-sixth. Preach lag. usual hour, by Ben C. Crow; Sunday school. 10; C. E-, 6:30. St. Johns. New York and Leonard-j-Rer. J. R. Johnson, minister. Preaching 11, by the pastor. 7:30. by W. R. Gardner; Sunday school. 10: C. E., 6:30. Woodlawn, Seventh and Liberty Rev. W. R Gardner, acting pastor. Preaching 11 by the pastor. 7:30 by Herbert F. Jones. Sun dav school. 10; C. .. 6:30. Sell wood, N'ehalem and East Nineteenth Rev. J. A. Melton, minister. Preaching 11 and 7:3ft; Sunday school, 10; C. E., 6:30.' Gladstone Rev. Roy L. Dunn, minister. Services at usual hours; Sunday school, 10; C. E-. 6:30: mid-week Bible study, 7:30 Wed nesday evening. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. Second. Woodmen's Hall, East Sixth and Alder 11, lesson-sermon, "Love"; no even ing service; Sunday school, 11; Wednesday testimonial service, 8- Third, Ellers Recital HalL Seventh and Alder 11. lesson -sermon. "Love" ; Sunday school, close of morning service; Wednesday meeting. 8. . . Fourth. 246 Kiltlngsworth avenue 11 and 8. lesson-sermon, "Love" ; Junior Sunday school. 11; senior, 12:15; Wednesday xneet- Firtt, Nineteenth and Everett 11 and 8. lesson-sermon, "Love" ; Sunday school, 12:15; Wednesday evening meeting, 8. CONGREGATIONAL. University park. Haven near Lombard Rev. W. C. Kantner. pastor. 10. Sunday school; 11, "Gods Wealth in Men"; 6:30, Y. P. S. C. E-; 7:30. Rev. Charles Storrs, of Foochow, China, will speak. Highland. East Sixth and Prescott Rev. E S. Bollinger, pastor. 10. Sunday school; 1L "The Conquering of Patience"; 6:30, Y. P. S. C. E-; 7:30, Rev. Robert Chambers, of Turkey. Sunnyside. East Thirty-second and Tay lor Rev. J. J. Staub, pastor. 11, Rev. J. Brewer Eddy; 7:30, Mrs. George B. Cowles; Sunday school. lO; Christian Endeavor, 6:lo. Atkinson Memorial, East Twenty-ninth and Everett Sunday school, 9:45; Christian Endeavor, 6:45; Mrs. George B. Cowles will speak at 11; 7:43, "Lost to Himself." Pilgrim. Shaver and Missouri Rev. D. V. Poling minister. Bible school, 8:43; serv ices 11 and 7:30; T. P. S. C. E., :30. EPISCOPAL. St. Matthew's, Bancroft and Corbett streets Rev. W. A. M. Breck, vicar. Sun day school. 10; service and sermon, 1L Evening service at St. Helens, on the Co lumbia River, at 7:30. Trinity, Nineteenth and Everett streets Rev. Dr.' A. A. Morrison, rector. Services. 8, 11 and 7:30; Sunday school, 9:45; free organ recital at evening service. Su Michael's and All Angels', Thirty eighth and Broadway Rev. T. F. Bowen. 861 East Forty-second street. In charge. Morning service, 11; Sunday school, 10; evening service, 7:30. All-Saints'. Twenty-fifth and Savier streets Rev. R. E. Remington, rector. Sunday school. 9:45; morning service, 11; evening service, 8; holy communion, first Sunday In the month, 11; third Sunday. 8. St. Mark's, Twenty-first and Marshall streets Rev. J. E. H. Simpson, rector. 7:3tf holy eucharist; 9:45, Sunday school; 11, morning prayer or litany and holy eucharist; 7:30, evensong. Church of Our Savior, Woodstock avenue and Forty-first street Southeast Rev. E. H. Clark In charge. Regular services, 8 and 11. St. Paul's, Woodmere Rev. Oswald W. Taylor, rector. Sunday school, 8; evening prayer and sermon, 4. Good Shepherd, Graham and Vancouver avenues Rev. John Dawson, rector. Sun day school, 9:45; morning service, 11; even ing service. 7:30. St. John's, Mllwaukie Rev. T. F. Bowen. In charge. Services and sermon, 3. Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen the Martyr. Thirteenth and Clay streets Rev. H. M. Ramsev, vicar. Holy communion, 7:30; Sun day school, 10: morning service, 11; even ing service, 7:30. ' St. David's, East Twelfth and Belmont atreets Rev. H. R. Talbott, rector. Holy eucharist. 7:30; Sunday school. 9:45: morn ing prayer 11: celebrr.tlon of holy eucharist, the first Sunday of the month; evening prayer, 8. Bishop Morris Memorial Chapel, Good Sa maritan Hospital Rev. W. R. Powell, chap lain. Services, 3. Grace Memorial. Weidler and East Seven teenth streets North Rev. Georce B. Van Waters, rector; Rev. Oswald W. Taylor, vicar. Holy communion, S; Sunday school. 10; morning prayer and sermon, 11; evening service. 8. St. John's, Sellwood. Rev. William R Powell In charge Sunday morning service 1L LUTHERAN. United Norwegian, 45 North Fourteenth Rev. D. Larsen, pastor. English service, 11; Norwegian. 7:30; Sunday school, 10. St. James' English. West Park and Jef fersonRev. J. A. Leas, pastor. 11, "Ser vants of a Great Master"; 8, "Why a Youny Man Should Be a Christian"; Sunday school, 10; Luther League. 7. German Evangelical Zion (Mission Synod) Salmon and Chapman streets. Services 10:15 and 7:43; Sunday school. 9:15. Trinity. German Evangelical (Missouri Svnod), Williams and Graham avenues Rev. J. A. Rlmbach. pastor. Services 10 and 7:30; Sunday schooi, 0:15. ADD UNITED PRESBYTERIAN Third. Thirty-seventh and Clay Rev. W. A. Spalding, minister. Sunday school, 10; 11. "Lining Up With Jesus"; 7:30. stere optlcon lecture, "Our Work in India and the Soudan." METHODIST EPISCOPAL. German, Rodney avenue and Stanton Rev. F. A. Schumann, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45; services 11 and 8; Rev. George Hartung will preach; communion service in the morning. Sunnyside, East Thirty-fifth and Yamhill Rev. w. H. Fry, ' pastor. 9:50. Sunday school; 11. "The Soul's Self-Discovery"; 6:15, Ep worth League; 7:30, sacred concert. Patton, Michigan and Alberta Rev. G. F. Hopkins, pastor. Sunday school. 10; Epworth League, 8:30; 11, "Counted Worthy"; 7:30, "Christ's Appeal to Mankind" ; prayer meet ing Thursday. 7:30. Centenary, East Ninth and Pine Rev. D. H. Trimble, minister. 11, "What Ails the Church?"; 7:30. VFalllng In Love"; Sunday school, 0:45; Epworth League, 6:30. Trinity, 3CS Hemlock Rev. C. T. McPher son. pastor. 11. "Elijah's Moral Courage"; 7:30, "A Wise Choice"; Sunday school, 10; E. L-, 6:45. Mount Tabor, East Sixty-first and Stark Rev. C. L. Hamilton, pastor. Sunday school, 9:43; preaching, 11; E. L., 6:30. First, Third and Taylor Dr. Benjamin Young, pastor. 9:30, classes; 10:30. "Serv ice" ; 12:15, Sunday school; 6:30, Epworth League; 7:30. "Four Men Under One Hat." Central. Vancouver avenue and Fargo- Rev. C. C. RaTick, pastor. Sunday school, 9'4.V morning sermon, 11; class meeting, 12:13; Epworth League, 6:30; 7:30, "The Carcass and the Eagle"; mid-week service, Thursday, 7:45. Clinton Kelly Memorial. East Fortieth and Powell Valley Road Rev. C. O. McCulloch, pastor. 11, "Confidence in God"; 7:30. "The Price of a Soul"; Sunday school, 9:45; class meeting, 12; Junior League, 3; Epwortfc League, 6. First Norwegian Danish, Eighteenth and Hoyt Rev. E. Gjerding, pastor. Preaching ii and 7-SO: Tuesday night, stereopticon lecture; Thursday night, prayer meeting. Epworth--Rev. FranK James, pastor, aun day school. 9:43 ; 11, sermon ; Epworth League, 6:30; 7:30, sermon. , St. John's Rev. J. J. Patton, pastor. 11, "Footprints of the Saints"; Sunday school, 10; Epworth League, 6:30; 7:30. "Flth and Works Inseparable." First German Rev. A. F. Cramer, pastor. Sunday school, 10; 11 and 7:30, preaching, Rev. H. F. Schmidt. Tjniversity Park Rev. W. J. Douglas, pas tor. Sunday school, 10; 11. "Better Things"; Epworth League, 0:15; 7:30, "The Wages of Sin." METKOOIST EPISCOPAL SOUTH. Union-Avenue Rev. J. Hardy Bennett, pastor. Preaching, 11 and 7:30; morning subject, "The Seal of the Covenant"; even ing subject. "World-Wide Methodism"; Sun day school, 10; Epworth League, 6:30. PRESBYTERIAN. Hawthorne Park, East Twelfth and Taylor Rev. E. N. Allen, minister. 10:80, preach ing; 12, Sunday school; :30, x. P. . Jfc.-; 7:30, musical programme. Calvary. Eleventh and Clay Rev. T. H. Walker, minister. 10:30. "Sacrament of the Lord's Supper": 7:45, "Our Ideals"; Bible school, 12; C. E.. 6:45. Piedmont, Cleveland and Jarrett Rev. J. E. Snyder, pastor. 10:30, "The I Am,"; 7:30, "The Stuff Out of Which Men Are Made"; Sunday school, 12 noon; C. E., 6:30. Anabel. Fifty-sixth and Thirty-seventh avenue. S. E. Rev. R. N. McLean, minis ter. 11. "The Hallowed Name" ; Sunday school, 9:45: Junior C. E.. 5; jChristian En deavor, 6:45; 7:45. "Missions In West Af rica," by R- H. Evans, illustrated. REFORMED. First German Rev. G. Hafner. pastor. Services, 10:45 and 8; Sunday school, 9:30; y. p. s., 7. UNITARIAN. Church of Our Father, Seventh and Yam hill streets Rev. T. L. Eliot, D. minis ter emeritus; Rev. W. G. Eliot, Jr.', minis ter. Morning service at 11, "The Return of Peter Grimm"; vesper service, 4:30; Sun. day school, 9;45; Y. P. F-, 6:30. UNIVERSALIST. Church of the Good Tidings, Broadway and East Twenty-fourth Rev. J. D. Corby, pastor. 10:45, "Why theWorld Is Growing Better and Why We Want to Do More to Help It"; Sunday school, 12; Christian Union UNITED BRETHREN. First. East Fifteenth and Morrison Rev. C L. Williams, pastor. 10, Sunday school; 11, communion; 6:80. C. E.; 7:30. "What Can Our Men Do Along Lines of Social Service." Second. Alberta Rev. J. W. Sprecher, pastor. 10. Sunday school; 11, "The Judg ment"; 6:30, C. 7:30, preaching by pas tor. Third, South Mount Tabor Rev. C. P Blanchard, pastor. 10, Sunday school; 11 and 7:30. Rev. J. G. Rlcheaon; 6:30. C. E. Fourth. Tremont Rev. J. E. Conner, pas tor. 10, Sunday school; 11 and 7:30, preach. Ing- by pastor. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN. First, Sixth and Montgomery Rev. F. D. Findley, minister. 11. "Always at It": Bible school, 9:45; C E., 6:30; 7:30, "One of God s Great Inquiries." Church of the Strangers, Grand avenue and Wasco Rev. E. S. DuBois, pastor. 10:30, "What Hinders You From Being a Chris- PORTLAND ADVICE. JOHN' A. BERRY, att'y. collection, ab stracts examined, written opinions on lcga. questions. 317 Alisky bWg. Marshall 3Zo. ADVERTISING SPECIALTIES. ADVERTISING novelties of every descrip tion. Most complete line. Exclusive dealers. N'urnberg Imp. Co., CoS Hamilton bids. AMATEIB KODAK FINISHING. Qi:iCK service, tut rates; send for price list. The Kodakery. 6th and Washington. ASSAYERS AXD ANALYSIS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory .nd ore-testing wort. 15H Morrison WELLS & CO., mining engineers, chemisij and assayers. 2U4 ij Washington at. ATTORNEYS. A. E. COOPER removed to suite 400 Yeon V bldg. Phone Main I03S. AUCTIONEER. WE buy furniture for cash. Geo. Baker Co.. :(!6 Park. Main 33:52. A 25G7 BAND LEADER-TEACHER. A VERY experienced teacher, from San Francisco, is here ready to till engage ments as band teacher; test references. Address J. C. Luppy. care Elks Club. BOAT ltl:lLDERS. O. p. GRAHAM Boatbuilding and repair ing. Marine ways, foot Abernethy St. BRASS AND MACHINE WORKS. HAP.PERS BRASS WORKS Brass casting and machine work. 100 N. Bth. Main 3t02. CARI'ET WEAVING. NORTHWEST P.UQ CO. Rugs from old carpets, rag rugs. 153 Union ave. CHlKOrODISTS. I WILLIAM, Estelle and Flossie Dsvenj, the only scientific chiropodists In the city. Parlors 302 Gerlinger bldg., 8. W. corner 2d and Alder. Phone Main laol. CHIROPODr and pedicuring. Mrs. Ji. D. HilL Offices. 420 Fliedner bldg. Main 3473. CHIKOTPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. DR. M. H. M'MAKON. 121 4th; men. women and children treated, $10 a month. CLEANING AND DYEING. BEST cleaning and dyeing. Vienna Cleaning & Dye Works. 224 3d st. M. 1466. A3450. COLLECTIONS. COLLECTIONS a specialty; loans and ad justments. Grimm Agency. 431 C. of C. coal And- wood. COAL ALBINA FUEL CO. BLOCS WOOD BRANCH E. 3:!D ST. WOOD. EDLEFSON FUEL CO.. East 303. Mine Agents. C M03. DANCING. PROF. W'AL VVILLSOX'S Dancing School Waltz, twostep, threestep. schottische; les sons 2uc; every morning, afternoon and evening; all dances guaranteed first les son. Do you know that anyone who walks can learn to dance? -Stage and fancy - dances taught dully. Sii j ith St.. bet. Stark and OaK sts. Phone Main 7ti37. HEATH'S IJANCING SCHOOL, Allsk.' bldg.. 3d alid Morrison sts. and 1G9 2d St.. between Washington, and Stark. Lesaonj daily; .waltz and twostep guaranteed In 4 lessons; class Monday and Friday even ings. S to 10. at 10! Second St. RJNGLER'S Dancing Academy Frivate les sons daily; class Monday. Friday evenings, social Uaiice Wed., Sat. 231 & Morrison. DESIGNERS AND BUILDERS. THE E. M. MILLER CO., Designers and buildei-s, goneral contract ors. 226 Shaver. Phone Woodlawn 27.VJ. Dawn." girls' glee club. Piano solo. How DETECTIVE AGENCY. INTERNATIONAL Detective Agency Re sponsible, conservative, satisfactory. Night Mar. 443; day. Main 6424. 510 Dekum bldg PERSONAL Service Detective Bureau Or. the job day and night. M. 2005. A 3034. 415-17 Merchants Trust bldg.. Dept. A. DERMATOLOGIST. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mme. Courtright. 711 Dekum. Main 3042-. ADVERTISING AGENCY. BOTSFORD ADV. CO.. Board of Trade bldg. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Mitchell. Lewis & Staver Co.. Morrison & 2d. JOHN DEEKE PLOW CO., Morrison and 2d. R. M. WADE & CO.. 322-26 Hawthorne ave. ARCIiiTLClUltAL WIRE AND IRON WKS. Portland Wire e iron w ks 2d and Columbia. AUTO AND BUGGY TOPS. D jERUU.LJi, LuoGi lOP CO.. 200 2d St. ALXOAIOBILES. Mitchell. Lewia at Slaver t.0., E. Mor. & 2a. HOWARD Autouobiie Co., 7th and Couch. N. W. AUTO CO.. 61 Wash.. Keo. Hudson. AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES. BALLOl, vvi.iuiii, 7tn and uak. Baggage & omnibus Transfer. Park Si Davts. UUtbK & CONlECllONEItS' oirruis. UKA1'. M'LEAN fiiuCI, 4th and UUsau. BAR FIXTURES. Brunswlck-BalkeCllenuerCo., 49 Fifth at. BICYCLES, MOTORCYCLES & SUPPLIES. UALLOU & Yv RIGHT, 7th and Oak. BILLIARD AND POCKET TABLES. Brunswick-balke-cullenuer Co., 46 Filth at. BOOTS AND SHOES. GOODMAN BROS. SHOE CO., 1.0-32 Front. PRINCE SHOE CO.. SO N. Fifth. UUK-Alh K1KERV. nnv.i Raker, & Conf., Inc.. .1th & Everett. ...... ivn KilTX!.!.-!- Li IV I' i ' . . HENRI VVEiNilAHD. 13tb and Burnside. UAMBRINUS BREWING CO.. 24th &. Waab . . , --T---ii 1. 1, j Kt-iri.iK S. BIRKENWALU CO.. Dth and Flanders. BUTTER, EGGS AND ICE CREAM. S. Towisend Creamery Co.. 16 Front st. JT. n! MATSCHEK CAXDi' CO., 270 First at. CANVAS. WATERPROOF FURNISHING (iOODS. Willamette Tent & Awning Co.. 205 Burnside "cement, lime and plaster. F T CROWE & CO., 4o ourtn su n nrw-Ki:LOPCO., 32 and 34 N. Flfth. FLEISCHNER- M A V ER CO- 207 Ash St. Clarke-Woodward Drug Co.. Alder at W. Park Riumaner-Frank urug u-m., - . . , crppntrs BTt-rps ELECTRIC CO., 6th and Pine su. ...... - T.-in "The Insenarable Link of Faith and Speech." Y. M. C. A. ,. . ;n,tnn Sfvth and Taylor R. R. Perkins, religious work director. Meeting for men at 3 o'clock, addrescd by H. Stoni, "The Book of Ruth." V. W. C. A. ,.. . x3 vr An fuidress bv Mrs. vesper Beiiiic. " - - George B. Cowles, of the Congregational Missionary Institute, on music. ,, e-ai- rare forbidden to smoke while on duty, in the effort to keep down the number of accidents. The law applies to anyone operating a car. CLASSIFIED AD.. RATES Daily or soxiday.. p Ti. Same ad two consecutive lima Same ad three consecutive times Same ad Elx or seven consecutive times. .56c The above rate apply to under "New Today" and .11 other classifica tions except Ihe following: Situations Wanted. Male. Situations wanted, lemaie. For Kent. Rooms. Private FamUlee. Rooms and Board. Private Families. Housekeeping Rooms. Private families When one advertisement Is Dot run lo tos eeutive Issue, the one-time rate PP"- Six words count one hne on .,i.mdU and no ail counted tor lese than '"Remittances must accompany ont-of-towp "'ihe! Oregonian will accent classified ad TertlsemenT over the telephone providing the advertiser is u' ...... ... - --- i. " orie. will be quoted over. Ihe phone, but Smill be rdered the followlnj day. Whether eunsequeui - ----- r- accepted over the phone depends upon the promptness oi e i.-.' .. . .. Sertisements. situations Wanted and Per. tonal aitvr rTurmcii i v over the telephone. Orders lot o tase t- lion only win ite . . t-- ...... , . RSt," "Faraiture lor sale," Buue. Op portunities" Roomin Ugiims and "Wam eed to Kent." ; MEETING NOTICES. ROYAL CIRCLE NO. 52S. W. O. W. wi!l eive a military whist and 500 social Wednesday evening, Feb. 5. W. O. W. Tem ple. 12S lith st.; prizes; danclnp; Lotta Hoah orobestra, union music COMMITTEE. FOR RENT ON SATURDAYS Eagles' new hall. U04 Madison St., corner 3d; Maple floor for" dancing. Inquire at halL BUSINESS DIRECTORY DRESSMAKING SCHOOL. VALENTINE'S system, ladles' tailoring; dressmaking taugbt. 152 Grand ave. ELECTRIC MOTORS. WE BUY, sell, rent and exchange new and second-hand motors; repair work & spec ialty, western Elec. wks. 213 6th. Motors and- dynamos bought, sold, repaired ' w .. o, -1. la n P-1ft. 11 -.11-11 c..fr. J.. -il J" ELECTRIC motor specialists. James Mac- Kenzle Elec Works. lis union av. i EDUCATIONAL. STAMMER? Method for cure explained free. M. L, Hatfield. 1918 Grove. Oakland. Cal. ENGtNES GAS AND STEAM. ROBER Machinery Co.. Coast agents Sex bury steam engines and boilers, gasoline engines. 2S1-2S3 E. Morrison. Phone E. 31A FUNERAL WORK SPECLLIST FOR funeral designs, cut flowers and potted plants go to Carl E. Taube. the new flor ist. 406 V, Morrison sc. and get ni prices. Marshall 5370. ' . EIKN1TUKE HOUSES furnished on Installment, new or fine second-hand furniture. Western sai vage Co.. 545 Wash., bet. 16tli and litn. I'lHVITIRR HllSKTAL BOWERS & PARSONS, 100V4 Front. M. 7443 Furniture hospital; packing and shipping. INSURANCE. PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO. Only Oregon fire lnsmance company. LADIES' TAILORING. For ladies' garments try E. A. Adams, -91V, Morrison, suite 7. Mar. 1034. References. LANTERN SLIDES. STEREOPTICON, slides of all kinds, ban ners, cards. Enterprise Art Co. 73 V, 6th St. LANDSCAPE GARDENER. PACIFIC Landscape Gardening Company. 515 Rothchlld bldg. Phone Marshall IMS. LEATHER AND BINDINGS. CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO.. 74 Front. Leath er of every description, taus., mi, uuu.ub-. J. A. STROWBRIDGB LEATHER CO.- taDlisneu. itwo. io UP READING. KING SCHOOL for the deaf and hard of bearing. 308 Central bldg. Zi2K,lIS-DINO--JOB8E-5! 20 YEARS' experience in saw filing; new locks. 224 Main St. M. 0204. MESSENGER SERVICE. HASTY Messenger Co.. day and nirrht serv ice. Phones Main 53. A 2153. MUSICAL. RAGTIME guaranteed, 10 to 20 lessons; piano, mandolin, guitar, singing; 12 to 1, 2 tO 7 r. til niitia umi. WEBBER Academy of Music Vlonn. man. lodin, banjo, guitar instructions. 4S0V2 Wash Main 20SS. Gibson mundolins. PIANO STUDIO, modern methods. 2Gi 14th. Alain dOm. ftim"5m""' " EMIL THIELHORN. violin teacher, pupil Sevcik, 325 Fliedner bldg. A 4160, Mar. 1638 K AT U ROrATHJC PHYSICIAN. DR. TICKNER, Chronic and Nervous Dls . ii..,i..,. .rt,Lrlt frti- 2(. Ktamn. eases, iiiuanai .,. - , r 365 Wash. st. A 0255. Next Star Theater. DR. (iBUllB, opeciaiiji chronic diseases. 703 Oregonian bd. M. 314W OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Dr. R. B. Northrup. 415-16-17 Dekum bldg. Nervous and Chronic Diseases. Phone office. M. 349; res. East or B 1023. PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. COAST-MADE paint 4nd varnish Is be.t adapted to the Coast climate. BAisi HEUTER PAINT CO.. 101 1st st. PATENTS. PATENTS THAT PROTECT AND PA1. i.ivice and books fffee. Highest refer ences. Best results. Promptness aBsured. Send sketch or model for free search. WATSON E. COLEMAN. Patent Lawyer. 624 F st., Washington. D. C. WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS FIRE DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT. A. 1 1 . L.KJs, .i-niu in" .. FlKEIiROOl- WINDOWS AND DOORS. J. C. BAYER. Front and Market sts. IlSll, OYSTERS AND ICE. MALARivci tit CO.. inc.. 14U From it PORTLAND FISH CO.. 34 Front st. Lt'BLlNKR, Flunst, 428 Washington su ,Lvt a m CROWN MILLS, Board of Trade blag. 1-KUIT AND PRODUCE. M'EWF.N Je koSKEl. 120 Front. .-tux.- W 4HM AIR. J. C. BAKER, Front and Market sta. ZZTZ . . . . , ... T.i ,'i'livl.lF... Norihw est scnool Furn itureCQ.. -44 da st. llKAlA .1, 1,1.1- JLi .il . , . Albers Bros. Milling Ce., Front & Marshall. KERR, GIFFOKD it CO., Lewis bids. BALFOUR-GUTHRIE & Co.. Board of Trade. M. H. HOUSER. Board of Trade NORTHERN GRAIN 4i WHtoE. CO.. Bd. Tr. THE YV A GORDON CO.. Board of Trade. GROCERIES. . ALLEN it LEWIS lEst. 1S01), 46 N. Front. WADHAMS & CO., 60-75 4th t HARDWARE. Marrhall-Wr.lls Hardware Co.. Sth and Pine. HATS AND CAPS. -TKANHAUSEH HAT CO.. 53-55 Front st HAY. J. H. Klosterman & Co.. leading hay dealers. HlDlS. PUR. FELTS, WOOL, TALLOW?" THE H. F. NORTON CO.. 312-15 Front St. HIDES. PELTS, WOOL AND FURS. B1SS1NGER & CO.. Front and Salmon. KAHN BROS.. 101 Front st. HOP MERCHANTS. M'NEFF BROIHERS. 614 Worcester bldg. ..r...-i H f A l-V- II .1 KltlVA RK 1 it U . SlIUi ---, L ROBERTSON Hardware Steel Co.. 68 5tn. "- . . - A-v.-ri I'll, IT i KliPPLIKK. PORTLAND PHOTO SUPPLY CO.. 140 3d. IF-iTHER AND SHOE STOKE SUPPLIES. HERTSCHJB BROS- ay4Plnest. JUME, CEMENT AND PLASTER. Nottingham & Co.. 102 Front su i nncivn MACHINERY. F. B. MALLORY CO.. 231 Pine St. Loggers & Contractors' Mach. Co.. 71 Sth st. LUBRICATING OILS. Balfour. Guthrie & Co., Board of Trade. MEETING NOTICES. OREGON LODGE, NO. 101. A. F. AND A. M. Special commu nication today at 1 P. M. at Ma sonic Temple for the purpose of conducting the funeral cere monies of our late brother. George Oonwav, late a member of Mission Lodge. No. lyfl, A. F. AND A. M.( of ban Francisco. Services at Holman's chape! at 2 P. M., thence to Crematorium. Visiting brethren invited. By order of W. M. A. J. HAND LAN, Secretary. SELLWOOD LODGE NO. 131, A. F. AND A. M. Special com- bSjvOi munication Sunday, Feb. 2, 12:30 ;Ca'lT P- M., Sellwood Masonic iau, zrr East 13th st. and Spokane ave. W ,-. r.9 unniiiifline- thf funeral of our late brother, William Van Glahn. All members are especially requested to attend. Visitors welcome. By order of W. M. J. H. BUTLER, Sec COLUMBIA REBEKAH LODGE. NO. 3. I. O. O. F. All members are requested to attend the funeral of our late sister, Cath erine Osvold which will be held from L O. O F Temple, First and Alder streets, to morrow ISunday), Feb. 2, at 2:30 sharp. Rebekah services will be held at the grave. IDA ELLIS, Sec. BROTHERHOOD RAILWAY CARMEN OF AMERICA, NO. 2tSS. Brothers, you are requested to attend the funeral of our de ceased brother, Fred Baar. at the Finley undertaking parlors today (Sunday), at 3:30 P. M. JOE VANNA, Sec. IVANHOE LODGE, K. of P. Members are requested to attend the funeral of Cap tain George Conway today (Sunday) at Holman's undertaking parlors at 2 P. M. E. M. LANCE. K. R. S. ASTOi riRCLE Militarr whist. Thurs day, Februarv 6, W. O. W. building. 12$ . 11th street.- Prizes and orchestra for danc- I ing. Admission, 20c. COMMITTEE. ABSTEIN At the family residence, 744 Clackamas at., Feb. 1. Karl Henry Ab ateln, aged 1 month, beloved son of Mr. .and Mrs, Henry T. Abstein. TOMPKINS At her late home. 33 East 7th st. North, at 5:13 Saturday. February 1, Mrs. R. Tompkins, wife of Rodney Tomp kins. Funeral notice later. HURLBURT In this city, Feb. 1, Clara L. Hurlburt. aged 49 years. Remains at Lerch'a undertaking parlors. East 6th and Alder sts. Funeral announcement later. BROSSHART Jan. 31, at the family resi dence. 5S4 Frankfort su, Veronica, age 1 year 3 months, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Steven Brosshart. LAW In this city February 1, 1013, J. E. Law. of 735 E. 77th Bt. N. Remains at Pearson's funeral parlors, 369-371 Russell PATENTS. PATENTS secured or fee returned: illus trated guidebook and list of inventions mailed free to any address; patent se cured by us advertised free in World's Progress; sample copy free. Victor J. Evans & Co.. Washington, D. C. PATENT ATTORNEYS. PATENTS obtained in all countries, trade . marks registered, booklets free. Peter Hob erlin. 431 Chamber of Commerce. U. S. AND FOREIGNPATENT3 procured by O. O. Martin, 40S-409 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Patents procured by J. K. Mock, attorney-at-!aw. late of the U. S. Patent Office. Booklet free. 1010 Board of Trade bide. R. C. WRIGHT. 22 years' practice. U. S. and foreign patents. 600 Dekum bldg. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory ani office near 24th and York sts. Main S4S0. PIPE for sale cheap; second-hand roochln ery. Alaska Junk Co., 227 Front. M. 4110. PLUMBING AND HEATING. CONTRACT, repair honest prices, estimates furn. M. 7835. T. H. Crowther. 355 gd. PRINTING. ANDERSON PRINTING CO.. 73 V, Sxth st.. corner Oak. Modern of.'ice, right prices, good facilities. RUBBER STAMPS. SEALS. BRASS SIGNS. PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS. 231 wash. St. Phones Main 710 and A 2710. SECOND-HAND FURNITURE. OUR Exc dept. offers cash or you can trade on new goods. Tabor 4346. SHOU CASES. BANK AND SHOW .FIXTURES. THE LUTKE MFG. CO.. branch Grand Rap Ida Showcase Co.. oth and Hoyu R. Lutke. manager. PORTLAND SHOWCASE A FIXTURE CO., 125 N. 5th st. Main 7617. Cabinet work. MARSHALL MFG. CO., 4th and Couch; new and old window display and cabinet work stove repairing. HAVE your gas stove repaired by an ex pert. E. 1225. 232 Russell St. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. PORTLAND Van St Storage Co., -cor. 15th and Kearney sts; Just completed new fire proof warehouse for household effects, pianos and automobiles contains sepa rate fire and vermin-proof rooms, steam heated piano-room, trunk and rug vaults, trackage for carload shipments; vans for moving; reduced freight rales on house hold goods to and from East in througa cars. Main 5640. All departments. C. O. TICK Transfer & Storage Co., office, and commodious 4-story brick warehouse, separate iron rooms and fireproof vaults for valuable; N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts.. pianos and furniture, moved and packed for slilpying; special rates made on good, la our through cars to all domestic and foreign ports. Main 506, A 2u0. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transferring and storage, safe,1, pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment. S7-5K Front sL Telephone Main 547 or 2247, OREGON TRANSFER CO.. established 1S70. Transfer and forwarding agents. Office, and storage 474 Glisan su, corner 13th and Glisan. Phones Main o;. a nou. Occidental Warehouse Co., 8-11 N. 4th st. Merchandise storage, bonded and free. Transfer and forwarding agents. Mar. 200. TYPEWRITERS. 15 TO S-5 will buy a REBUILT TYPE WRITER; rebuilt as good as new; all makes to choose from at GUI's, 3d and Alder: terms to suit; every machine guar anteed. Call or phone for representative. Main S500 or A 0068. WE are the exchange for the largest type writer concern on the Coast; investigate nil makes, all prices. Tne Typewriter Exchange, 351 Vi Washington at. NEW rebuilt, second-hand rentals, at cut rates. P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. COLUMBIA Neckwear Mfg. Co., SS Fifth st MAIL ORDER, JONES CASH STORE. Front and Oak. FRANl'LiN fc CO.. 132 Front su MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. NEUSTADTER BROS. MILLINERY. B. o. CASE & CO., 5th and Oak. BRADSHAW BROS., Morrison and NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODC. MILLER. S1M1NGTON. Calhoun Co.. 45 4th. ORNAMENTAL IRON AND WIRE. Portland wire & Iron Wks.. 2d & Columbia. E. Port'd Wire & Iron Wks, Belmont E. Water PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES. RASMUSSEN Ac CO.. jobbers, paints, oils. glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. W. P. FULLER & CO.. 12th and Davis. rFASTS AND WALL PAPER. PIONEER PAINT CO., 1S6 First sU PAPER BOXES AND SHELF BOXES. Portland Paper Box Co., 12 Fronu Cartons. PERIODICALS, BOOKS AND POSTCARDS. THE OREGON NEWS CO.. 71 Front su PICKLES AND VINEGAR, KNIGHT PACKING CO., 474 East Alder. "PATE, PIPE FITTING AND VALVES? M. L. KLINE. 84-86 Front su PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE, S4-8d Front st. M B1RDK & SONS, 240 Front t. POULTRY, EGGS, CALVES, HOGS. HS.NilY. EVERD1NG. 45-47 Front St. KOPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. " SASD AND GRAVEL. COLUMBIA DIGGER CO., Foot Ankeny su SASH, DOORS AND GLASS. W. F. FULLER & CO.. 12th and AJavla. 3AWM1LL MACHINERY. PORTLAND Iron Works, 14th and Northrup. SODA FOUNTAIN SUPPLIES. COLUMBIA SUPPLY CO.. 68 Front St. SPRAYING MACHINERY. THE H4.RD1E MFQ. CO.. 40 N. Front ru WALL PAPER. Ernest Mille: Wall Paper Co., 172 1st St. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 230 Second. WINES AND LIQUORS. JOHN ECKLLND. 122-125 Front St. BLUMAUER & HOCH, 105-107 12th su WIRE AND WIRE SOrE. JOHN A. Roebling's Sons Co.. &0 Sth SU WIRE AND IRON WORKS. Portland Wire & Iron Wks- 2d & Columbia. DIED. TOMPKINS In this city at her late resi dence. 85 Fast 7th st. North, Marion Fran ces Tompkins, aged 67 years, wife of Rod. ney Tompkins, mother of Lloyd F. ani Elizabeth Tomnkins. Remains are at the parlors of F. S. Dunning & Co., East Side funeral directors. Announcement of funeral will be given later. THOMPSON In this city Fcbruarv 1, at his late residence, 872 Michigan ave., Peter Thompson, aged 44 years, 3 monikJis, 10 days. BOYD At the family residence, 173 East 14th St., Feb. 1, William David Boyd, age 2 years, 9 months, 18 days, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. William K. Boyd. FUNERAL NOTICES. VOELPEIj The funeral services of the late iienry a. voeipei wiu be held at the chap. el of F. S. Dunning, Inc., East Side Funeral Directors. 414 East Alder St., at 3 tr. so.. ioaay tbunaay). friends invited. Interment Rose City Cemetery. LOCKWOOD The funeral services of the late Claude H. Lockwood, son of Mrs. Anna M. Lockwood, of 401 Tacoma ave., will be held at the chapel of the Portland Crematorium, today (Sunday), at 4 P. M. Friends invited. SIMMONS At Heppner, Or., January 30. R. George Simmons, aged S3 years. Friends invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at. Holman's funeral parlors at 1 P. M. today (Sunday), February 2. Interment Multnomah Cemetery. CHENEY In this city Feb. 1..1913, at the residence of h is son, A. W. Cheney, 4U7 Clay st., Orin A. Cheney, aged 79 years. 9 months 23 days. Remains were sent to Oregon City by the Skewes Undertaking Co., at which place funeral services will be held Monday, Feb. 3, at 2 P. M. Fl'RLUS The funeral of the late Gust Fur lus, aged 30 years, will take place from Dunning & McEntee's chapel at 2 P. M. today. Services at the Greek Trinity Church, cor. E. 17th and Taggart sts. 2:30 P. M. Friends Invited. Interment Rose City Cemetery. RICHES At the residence, 1365 Mllwaukie, nrma Riches. 17 years. 6 months. 7 days. beloved daughter of O. C. Riches. Funeral services will be held at the Portland Crematorium Tuesday, Feb. 4, 11 A. M. Friends invited. Sellwood car to Crema torium. UHALT The funeral services of the late Jane Uhalt will be held at the parlors of F. S. Dunning, inc., taai me r unerai Directors. 414 East Alder St.. at 2 P. M Monday. Feb. 3. Friends Invited. Inter ment ML Scott Park cemetery. B4R At Wendling, Or., Jan. 29, Fred Baar, aged 25 years. Funeral services will , iirt at the new chapel of J. P. Finley & Son 5th and Montgomery sts., today (Sunday), at 3:30- P. M. Friends invited. Interment at lit. 8cott Park Cemetery. BINSWANGER In this city. Jan. SI, Leona Binswanger. aged 25 years. months, 23 days, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William S. Redfield, of this city. Friends and ac quaintance may view the remains be tween the hours of 1 and 5 today (Pun- day), at the new parlors of J. P. Finley Son. Montgomery and 5th sts. Inter ment will be made at Waldron. Mich. DREW In this city. Feb. 1. Ella PaDna Drew, aged 05 vears, $ months, mother of Herbert G. Drew and Edith Ella Drew, of 445 Columbia St., this city. Friends may view the remains between the hours of t and 4 todav (Sunday), at the new parlors of J. P. Finlev & Son, Montgomery and Bth sts. Remains will be taken to Coeur d'Alenes, Idaho, for interment. CONWAY In this city January 30. Captain George Conway. Friends invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at Holman's funeral parlors at 2 P. M. today (Sunday). February 2. Concluding serv ices at the Portland Crematorium. Please omit flowers. FUNERAL DIRECTOR!. MR. EDWARD HOLM AN, the leadlnc funeral director, Third street, corner balmon. Lady assistant. A 1511. Main oil. P. FINLEY SON, 1UNEKAL SEKVICE, Lady Attendant. Montgomery, at klilh St. F. 14. DUNNING, INC. East Side Funeral Directors, ill East Alder st. East 5ii, B 2&ii3. DUNNING M EN TEE, funeral directors, 7th and Fine. Fhoue Main 430. Lady at tendant. Office of County Coroner. LERCII. undertaker, cor. East Alder and Sixth, East U 188S. Lady ttendan. SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY, 3d and Clay. Main 4152, A 2321. Lady attendant. A. ft. ZELLER CO., East 1088. C 1088. Lady attendant. Night service. MEMORIALS Portland Marnie Works, f64 4.h. opposite City 11 ail. EstiU. " MONUMENTS Otto Schumann Marbl Works. Eait 3d and Fine sta. Last 743. 04 CEMETERY BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PARK CONTAINING S31 ACHES. Portland's Only Modern Cemetery With rerpeiuol Car,. One Mile Southeast Lents. Permanent and picturesque, park and lawn plan. Perpetual care with out extra charge. Prices moderate, service excellent; every convenience In use. including large, luxuriously furnished rest rooms for visitors. Beached by Mount Scott and Caja dero cars. Free auto service Tabor itll 8 611L Call for Local 4J0X. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICH SO. 30 UNION AVENUE, C'OIl NER MARKET STREET, phone Eaat 14-3, B ijl-!. Horse amoulance for sick or disabled animals at a moment's notice. Prices reasonable. Report all cases of cruelty to this office. Open day and night AT WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE 166-163 Fira Street i Near Morrison Street). REGULAR SALES DAYS HOKDAY, WEDNESDAY UNO FRIDAY Each Day at 10 A. M. Our Auction Room la full of frood. medium-priced furniture, etc, for puni tive aale to the hlhet bidder, enm nrlninic odil drenscra d commortcn. Iron hedx. aprinica and mattreHsi'H. aheetx. ouiltN. blanket", pillow", era, chairn, oak exten.lon table, alde hoarda. hall trees, .ouches, carpet, linoleum, heatlnir atove.. Baa raniiex. a us water healera, crockery, uteualla and other f ect. PRIVATE SALE DEPARTMENT. Ve never had auch a choice nnxort ment of hlKh-Rratle, up-to-date furni ture to offer the public we have at the present time. Vou can find alinoat anvthina: voe want In the lines of fur niture, carpets, rua. ateel and Baa ranees, etc. (ioods are as Rood as new. We sell them to- you at private snlc, f ullv iruarantee and deliver free. '1 he stock Is so InrRe we cannot beirln to Itemize, but we cordlajly invite Inspec tion of our stock. ,.,. WE 4.I.SO SBM, OFFICE DESKS, CHAIKS, BOOKCASES, ETC. Wilson's Bankrupt Stock Store COKNBIIl SECtsND AND YAMHILL. Th place you can buy OROt'EK HARDWARE, SHOES, STATION fc.K i . JEWELRY, CANDIES. TOBACCOS AND CIGARS and other miscellaneous mer chandise at about WHOLESALE COST. It will pay you to come and see us. STORE FIXTURES. COUNTERS. SCALES, CASH REGIS TER S,' SAFES, ETC.. AT BARGAIN PRICES. -p. WILSON. Anctloneer. Auction Sale MONDAY, 2 P. M. 211 FIRST STREET HAVING RECEIVED SEVERAL CON SIGNMENTS FOR THIS PAL? . Xg" WILL BE ABLE TO FIND ALMOST EVERYTHING NECESSARY TO FUR NISH YOUR HOME COMPLETE. SLf'H AS LACE CURTAINS, SHADES, COM FORTS SHEETS. PILLOWS. SPREADS, METAL BEDS. SPRINGS. MAT TRESSES DRESSERS IN SEVERAL DESIGN S C O M M O D ES, TOILET WARE, WARDROBES RUGS CAl:- PETS DINING TABLE, CHAIRS, ROCKERS LIBRARY TABLE, CEN TER STANDS, EASY ROCKERS. AND OTHER FANCY PIECES. FORD AUCTION CO. REGULAR SALES EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY AT a P. M. EACH DAY. IF YOU CANNOT FIND IT CON VENIENT TO ATTEND OUR AUCTION SALE CALL AT ANY TIME AND YOU WILL FIND THAT OUR PRICES ARK MUCH LESS THAN YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR THE SAME GOODS ANY PLACE ELSE IN THE CITY. WAREHOUSE PROPERTY 100x100 on the southwest corner EiKhteenth and Vaughn; good trackaBe and only two blocks from the new public docks. Think what it will bn Worth In three years. The price now la JSO.OOO. Terms to suit. C. M. ZAD0W 414 Corbett Bide. A 1410, Marshall 02. THREE BARGAINS. $5750 Beautiful home, facs east, view ot city and mountains, ten rooms, sleeping porch, tine neighborhood. $0750 On the Alameda. Nothing prettier in the city; seven rooms, everything the 11580 cash will buy 2 choice lots, halt block from Beaumont car. In Rossmere, ncar Thompson street. This is a snap. Good lor a few days only. a tew oaj WMBAIfl CO, 304 Oak Street. 15 LOTS OS GLADSADS THIRTY. $5250 GODDARD & WIEDniCK, 43 Stark St. , TJKW TOI.Y. AUCTION SALES i