The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 02, 1913, Page 11, Image 11

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ewing Machines, Acorn Stoves and Ranges, Bundhar Wilton Rugs and Carpets, White Mountain Refrigerators
Turn to Last Page, Section 1
For Otter Monday Store News
honographs and Records Which Are Sold on Our Cub Plan of Easy Installments Ask a Salesman About It
MUSIC IN YOUR HOME Select your Victor or
Columbia Phonograph now and pay for it -while
you enjoy the delightful songs and music. Any
style sent to your home small payment on pur
chase balance in easy installments. 5th floor.
TUT 7T r r a x-TLANUI
j tn. m. .vTnoc nr atx-enn-i-
Seldom Such ffferin
pry Portland and Western Home
shing Sale That Brings Needs for Every Room in
basing Now of Wants for Many Months to Come.
hble and Bed Linens, Blankets, Pillows, Cut Glass Included
J at
V . I
Such P
TL Savings Unequaled
riCeS aS I neSe Elsewhere Are Here
Store--the Purchasing in Quantities Im- Purchase Furniture on
. uur luu nan aim raj
es Not to Be Duplicated Elsewhere
in Easy Installments
ell as beauty and style in
satisfaction in the famous
ively in Portland. The 4
aily exceptional offerings.
Lifetime" Morris
bckers at $19.50
Ulid Oak Lifetime Morris
kers or Chairs, covered m gen-
leathers. Fumed iinisn. Are
ilarly $27.50.
sorrow only at
Yum Yum'
Springs at $1.69
Think of choosing the
famous Yum Yum
Springs at only $1.69.
Sizes to fit any bed
only one to a customer,
and delivery to be made
when our vans are in
purchaser's neigh bor-hood.
$11 Metal Beds
At $7.89
Metal JJeds, just as illustrated.
In white or Vernis Martin finish.
Either full or three-quarters size.
Regularly $11, priced at $7.89 for
this sale.
55.00 "Lifetime"
'jffet for $39.75
Oak Lifetime Buffets, just
JLiustrated. Fumed finish.
e to name, "Lifetime" dura-
7. Regularly OQ 7C
Tomorrow at J)Oc7. O
New Styles in Brass Beds See them in the
Sixth-street window. They've just arrived
have the new Roman gold finish that's sure to
win them favor. Made in three-quarter and full
For the Mattress
Choose an "Ostermoor"
At $15.00
The "sleeping comfort" enjoyed
from the famous Ostermoor Mat
tress is the secret of their popular
ity. It,'s their billowy softness and
lifetime durability that makes them
superior to all other mattresses.
"Built not stuffed" That's the
Ostermoor. Made in one piece, full
size, weight 50 pounds. Covered with
striped linen ticking. In choice of
Solid Oak Dress
ers, as illustrated,
with 2-drawer top;
finished wax golden.
$27 Solid
Only 8 of these solid
oak Dressers enter this
Sale. Just as illus
trated, wax golden fin
ish. Regularly $27.00
while any remain to
morrow, $15.98.
Large size, solid oak
Colonial Dressers, just
as illustrated. Dull
golden finish. Choice
of square or oval mirrors.
Hastings Cabinets
Conveniences that
every housewife should
enjoy are embodied in
the fa m o u s "Hast
ings" Kitchen Cabinet.
They're a compact
kitchen in themselves
have sliding panels and
20 other desirable fea
tures that save both
time and labor. Hast
ings Kitchen Cabinets
are sold here exclu
sively in P o r t la n d.
Styles, $35 to $45.
Choose tomorrow on
our Club Plan. $5 on
purchase and $1 week.
ass Reduced
Bowls, 8-inch size, for $6.00
Flower Centers, special, $7.75
Tern Dishes, 8-inch, at $4.90
Spoon Trays, special at $2.44
Oil Bottle, special, only $2.06
Comnorts. special, only $1.83
Ice Cream Plates, only $7.50
Bulldlaa-. Mall Order. Filled
25c Bottles
quid Veneer
ere's a wonderful
X-euce in the ap
Vice of the wood
I and furnitun
1,,1 .ill
ud v eneer.
size at only 3Se
0 size, only 78?
$130.00 Denim Sofas for $107.50
The most skillful workmanship enters into
the making of every one of these beautiful
and artistic Kidney Sofas. They're covered
in finest quality of denim. Style just as il
lustrated. Regularly
$150. Special at only
In the homes where economy of space must
be considered, in apartments and boarding,
houses, these Unifold Sofa Beds are, best
adapted. An attractive Sofa when used as
illustrated, can be instantly changed into a
comfortable bed. Covered in imitation brown
Spanish leather, fumed fin
ish. Reg. $42.50. Tomorrow
ugV Carpets
Hearth and Room-Size Rugs, High
Grade Carpets, Linoleums Included
Few homes in all Portland but would do well to
purchase during this great Homefurnishing Sale the
needed and wanted Rugs, Carpets and Linoleums!
The savings possible will mean much to you, and no
where will you find greater variety than here at The
Meier & Frank Store. Truly exceptional offerings
are these we make for tomorrow.
$27 Axminster Rugs 9x12 Size $19.50
The serviceability, as well as the pleasing designs and colorings of these $27 Axmin
ster Rugs makes them much desired: in-choosing for rooms where constant wear is antici
pated. Size 9x12 and priced at only $19.50 fofMs-saJe
$18 Tapestry Brussels Rugs Popular for their beauty SizV9ilSJJ 1 O CQ
cial for the February Homefurnishing Sale at this exceptionally low price v M
Bundhar Wilton Rugs Carpets
Famous High-Grade MaKe Sold Here Exclusively
hearth size, 27x54 inches, closely woven
Rugs in handsome patterns and beautiful
colorings. Special for our Home- Q Cf
furnishing ' Sale at only, each pJ.v
Bundhar Wilton Rugs, 36x63, only $5.50
known everywhere and called for by name.
Size 4-6x7-6. Distinctive patterns you'll
find here in variety. Special M O Ctf
Homefurnishing Sale price P
Bundhar Wilton Rugs, 6x9 size, at $22.50
Reg. $2.50 Bundhar Wilton Carpets Reg. $2.50
rrto - . v
Discontinued Patterns to Close Out
Of the Patterns in the famous Bundhar Wilton
Carpets that have been discontinued we have but
600 vards, on wmcn we maxe decisive reuueuuu lu
close out It's the regular $2.50 grade of this high-grade Carpet, and of patterns distinc
tive and' pleasing. And only $1.60 the yard do we ask for the remaining 600 yards.
Choose early tomorrow.
$1.25 Saxony Ax
minster Carpet, Yd.
Just 500 yards of the regular
$1.25 Saxony Axminster Carpet
enters this sale. Good variety of
$1.50 Extra Ax
minster Carpet, Yd.
Extra Axminster An espe
cially well-made Carpet that with-,
stands exceptional wear. 300 yards
of $1.50 grades to close out at
$1.15 the yard.
$1.25 Wool Velvet
Carpet, Yard Only
Many people prefer Wool Car
pet, and entered in this event are
1000 yards of the $1.25 grade to
be disposed of at 98c the yard.
$1.80 Body Brus
sels Carpet, Special
The best Body Brussels Car
pet, of rich and beautiful quality.
We've 500 yards of the $1.80
grade that we offer tomorrow at
only $1.39 the yard.
$1.50 Colonial Vel
vet Carpet, Yard
500 yards of Colonial Velvet
Carpet, that sells regularly at
$1.50, specially priced for this sale
at $1.15 the yard.
All-Wool Ingrain
Carpet, Yard Only
75 c
Think of choosing all-wool In
grain Carpets, 36 inches wide, at
75c the yard. That's the offer we
make during our February Home
furnishing Sale.
- Of English print style. During this great Homefurnishing Sale we
LinOleillTlS offer 2000 yards at only 43( the square yard.
D Quality Linoleum, the square yard, 49
Inlaid Linoleum, the square yard only 89
Linoleum Remnants, inlaid, square yd. 75
Linoleum Remnants, print; sq. yd. 37
, Third Floor, Main Building- Mall Order. Filled.
Pictures to Brighten hoL
Choose Them Now at Saving's
$2.50 Framed Pictures Car
bonets of old masters, Cupids,
etc. 2-inch walnut finish frame,
16x20. These Pictures will be on
sale at the very t- AQ
special low price, J) -.
$1.00 Framed Pictures Large
assortment of beautifully colored
subjects, 1-inch walnut finish
frames, 10x20 inches in size.
These are on sale at the AQn
special low price of only xJC
$2.50 Framed Pictures Sub
jects are colored landscapes. 2
inch walnut finish frames, 14x26
inches in size. They are placed
on special sale to- d1
morrow at only, ea. ij) X
$10.00 Framed Pictures Sub
jects, colored landscapes, 4 and
5-ineh high back gilt frames,
burnished ornaments, 20x28-inch.
These Pictures on tA QC
sale, special, only pT'.IO
Universal Food Choppers Known the
wcrld over as a time and labor saver to the
housewife. Chops all kinds of meats and
vegetables, raw or cooked, coarse or fine
as wanted. Size 2, regularly $1.50, tomor
row at ifcl 17 -"' StoiMala Blda
TOW 81 MaU Order. Filled f
jTffi,$rxtk,Morri3on, Aider Ctreefe .. ff?ffW
10c Color'd Pictures
Mounted on mats, with over 1
a thousand Pictures to choose
from. Special for this sale at J
50c Framed Pictnres-In beau
tiful variety of colored cubjocts,
one-inch walnut finish OQ
frames, 9x12. Special at
$2.50 Frames Finished in
gilt and antique. For portraits.
Size 10x20. Spe- "1 An
cial saie price, ea. r
.Fifth Floor, New BnlldlnB. Mall Order. Filled.