THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN. PORTLAND. JANUARY 12, 1913. G ' Premier Who Was Assassinated Believed to Have Been Strong " s VWf b Man Standing Between King and a Republic , ' N-J XsxvvA rfiz Unless Braimi Man Bailies to -Aid of Shallow King, Spanish . . fouri Fowa-non. BY A. E. BOND. MADRID. Jan. 1. (Special Corre spondence.) "After Canalejas, tlie Spanish republic!" declared a well-known Spanish official to the writer some months ago. "Canalejas. strong: man of the Span ish government, alone stands between the country and a revolution that will sweep King Alfonso from his throne." Such has been the general opinion among high army officers in this coun try for the past two years. And now Canalejas. who was said to carry the monarchy on his strong back, Is dead, shot by a sympathizer of the republic, the coming of which he de layed. Now throughout Spain on very side Is being asked the question: Will a new strong man arise to stem the rapidly rising1 tide of republicanism with ruthless hand or will the army discontents seize this opportunity of sending ' harmless King Alfonso, bag and baggage, after his fellow-king, Manuel, to grace pink teas and church bazaars In some out-of-the-way Eng lish village? Just how close was the connection between the assassin of Canalejas and the republican leaders in Spain may never be known; but It is significant that the people in the street were never in doubt. Almost immediately after the shooting of the Premier they made their way, in a dangerous state of excitement, to the. house of Pablo Igleslas, leader of the Spanish Social ists and most militant of the men of the .extreme left of the Cortes. Had they been able to reach the deputy, a second tragedy would have been added lo the assassination of Canalejas. But a large force of police were rushed to the scone, the leaders of the people arrested and the rest dispersed. It is significant that Iglesias, who Terse Tales From THE! KAISER'S SON. A diplomat at a a dinner in Wash ington, says the star, discussed the Crown Prince 'of Germany. "He gives his poor father a lot of , trouble," the diplomat said, with a frown. "The Reichstag incident, where he showed open disapproval of the Kaiser's peace policy, is only one of many similar incidents that the public hears nothing about. "A friend of mine, one Winter night, was skating with the Crown Prince at St. Moritz, in the Swiss Engadine. The sky glanced and glittered splendidly with Its host of stars, and my friend, pointing to a star of marvelous bril liance, said: .. " '1 wonder what star that is?' " 'Doubtless,' said the Crown Prince, with a sneering laugh, 'it is some new decoration .ny father has seen fit to honor the Ruler of the heavens.' " THE TIMELY BEGGAR. B. C. Andrews, the charity expert of Denver, was describing professional beggars, says the New Tork Tribune. "They keep timely." he said. "Thus the. Titanic disaster has caused a lot of them to pretend this season that they are sailors. "A professional beggar tackled me in the country the other day as I was mending a puncture In my motor car. " 'Boss.' he said, 'kin ye gimme a little help? I'm a sailor, and, as the Titanic proved, I carry my life in my hands.' " Oht said I, 'and that accounts for your not washing your hands, I sup pose. Afraid to do it for fear you'll drown yourself, eh?"" THE STENOGRAPHER'S IMG5 On a trial in a certain court in this state, says Law Notes, when the wit' ness on the stand was being subjected to a merciless, cross-examination, in answering one question the witness nodded. Whereupon the court stenog' rapher. who was crowding the limit to get it all and could not see the witness, at once demanded: "Answer that question," to which the witness replied: "I did answer it; I nodded my head. Tha stenographer, without m0 is probably the most outspoken of the men who are plotting against Alfonso, should have declared recently. In a speech in the Cortes, that "direct ac tion" was necessary and excusable in certain cases. It is freely said in of ficial circles here that this speech of Iglesias directly led to the murder of the late Prime Minister. On the other hand, so far at least as most of his open declarations go, Iglesias is hoping for a bloodless revo lution. He professes to believe that so swift and overwhelming will be the revolt of the discontented Spanish army that, as In the case of Portugal, scarcely a shot will be fired. "We, who are working for a Spanish republic, are striving to show the world that we are the equal In civiliz ation of the people of, say, the United States," said Senor Iglesias to the writer. In speaking of the coming revo lution. "Therefore, we shall try by every means In our power to make the change from monarchy to representa tive goyernment an almost bloodless one. We believe there is a great change working among the public and when the time arrives we shall depena upon this public opinion to banish the monarchy under which the people groan and suffer. "It is, of course, impossible to say when the revolution will come," the Socialist leader continued. "It may come In six months. It may come in a couple of years. It all depends upon the actions of King Alfonso and his adviserB. For instance, there would be an immediate outbreak if any attempt were made to bring back to power Senor Maure, Senor Canalejas' prede cessor in office, under whom poor Fer-' rer was sent to his death. Then the dangerous discontent In the army would come to a head If an attempt 1- MINUTD? WFffl miUNNT Humorous Pens ment's hesitation, came right back with, "Well. I heard it rattle, but could not tell whether it was up and down or from side to side." YOU WERE! It is alleged that Owen Johnson, who Is so fond of describing the impish tricks of his schoolmates at Lawrence ville and Yale, was not any too good a youngster himself. Anyway, the other day the alumni of the Moree School, which Johnson once attended, held a dinner, and Johnson spoke. Said he: "I suppose that I was the worst boy that ever went through Morse." He expected to hear the cus tomary "Aw I was twice as bad," from everyone. But to a man, old pupils and former masters, they shouted, "You were!" Chicago Record-Herald. THE CROOKED WAV. District Attorney Whitman of New Tork was talking about the sad case of a Western banker who had stolen a great sum from the depositors. "The man." said Mr. Whitman, "lived beyond his means motor cars, a house with 11 baths, son at college, daughter coming out, wife hungry for diamonds. The inevitable result followed." Mr. Whitman smiled and added: "The unfortunate fellow got strait ened, so he became crooked." Wash ington Star. STRANDED. In the days when the Clyde was navi gable to Glasgow for only very small vessels a steamer stuck in the mud near Renfrew and the skipper was not sparing in strong language. While waiting for the rising tide he saw a little girl approaching the river with a bucket to fetch some water. Thia was too much for the poor captain, and, leaning over the side, he thus addressed her: "If you tak" ae drap o' water oot here till I get afloat I'll warm yer ear for't-" Scottish-American. READING MATTER The ' young man was Convalescing from typhoid fever, and was very hun gry. The doctor promised him that he should have sometuing to eat 03 the were made to resume the war in North Africa or enter upon any fresh campaign of conquest. "We who are working for the re public are seriously handicapped by lack of agreement. If we could com bine all the shades of political opinion to be found among the parties of the exreme left whose interests are al most identical we would be near to the day of victory- But, unfortunately, our ranks are torn by dissensions und differences and we are easy prey for the more united parties. "But King Alfonso and his advisers realize the growing strength of the republican sentiment and are making desperate efforts to keep the Army loyal. The revolution in Portugal taught them that the Army was the pivotal factor in the situation and, since ex-King Emanuel left Lisbon a hurry, a steady stream of favors have been heaped upon the men in uni form. Every opportunity of military show is taken by the King and he is always making complimentary speeches to his officers and men. t Kins Is Courageous. "Alfonso is not loved by the mass of the Spanish people. Millions of them, of course, live in the greatest poverty; yet the King lives in great state, is constantly traveling about in foreign countries, and most of the time he does spend In Spain is given over following day. The patient knew he would not be allowed to eat all he would like to, but hoped for a plate of good, steaming food. The next day when the nurse brought in a spoonful of tapioca pudding she said: "Here is your dinner. The doctor says that everything else you do must be in the same proportion." Shortly after the nurse had a call from the sickroom of the young man. "Nurse," e said. "I want something to read. Won't you please bring me a postage stamp?" Harper's Bazar. SMART GIRL. He (after marriage) I don't see why you are not as considerate of my. com fort as you used to be of your father's. She Why, my dear, I am. He How do you make that out? When I come into the house I have to hunt around for my slippers and every thing else I happen to want; but when I used to court you, and your father would come in from business, you would rush around gathering up his things, wheel his easy chair up to the fire, warm his slippers and get him both a head rest and a foot rest, so that all he had to do was to drop right down and be comfortable. She Oh, that was only bo he'd ge to sleep the sooner! St. Paul Dispatch. TOO MX'CH OF A GOOD THING. "I was very happy," said the con fessor, "when, after years of wooing, she finally said 'yes.' " "But why did you break the engage ment so soon after" asked his friend. "Man, It was she that dissolved it." "Really?" said the friend. "How did that happen?" "It was due to my accustomed absent mindedness. When, a few days later, I called at her home, I again asked her to marry me." Youth's Companion. FIXING UNCLE JOHN. The small daughter of the house was busily eettlng the table for expected company when her mother called to ber: "Put down three forks at each place, dear." Having made some observations on her own account when the expected guests dined with her mother before, she inquired thoughtfully: "Shall I give Uncle John three kaivesrXeroRto ii-vU and Empire, . "-f: ;,-r--; - . . rfAV - ill LJ?V, V,;f:r iT7, i : i f Zf7 i " ill to shooting, motoring, or boar sticking. The common people are indifferent to the Queen: they neither like her nor dislike her, but they do view with con cern the birth of so many royal chil dren who immediately become heavy burdens upon the already sadly over burdened Spanish exchequer." The rather foolhardy actions of King Alfonso in needlessly exposing himself in the streets of Madrid, as when he followed on foot the body of Canalejas to the grave, are part of his plan to impress the army and the people with his personal bravery. Two years ago, when the country was seething with discontent, both the King and Queen rode in open carriages through tire streets of Madrid without military es corts. But besides these acts, Alfonso takes pi chances of being exposed by a sud den military or civil coup. The mili tary precautions taken against a rev olutionary outbreak are extraordinarily complete. In at,d about Madrid are stationed the pick of the Spanish army tens of thousands of men upon whom the King and his advisers believe they can depend absolutely. More than 12, 000 loyal troops are quartered in the various Toarracks about the city, while in towns within easy reach by rail and road of Madrid are 5000 men. Safety is made doubly sure against surprise by the quartering of the "Escolta Real," or royal escort, in barracks almost at Quips and Flings ' A. Bore Yes, I learned to play en tirely by ear.- Miss Bright And have you never had an earache? Judge. Blobbs Skinnum is trying to pro mote a new mining company. Did you fall for it? Slobbs No; I tumbled. Philadelphia Record. Brusque customer (in music shop) Libretto "Mikado." New Assistant I no speak Italiano. Sketch. "Was your daughter's musical -education a profitable venture?" "You bet! I bought the houses on either side of us at half their value.'' Judge. "Do you think only of me?" mur mured the bride. "Tell me that you think only of me." "It's this way," explained the groom gently. "Now and then I have to think of the furnace, my dear." Louis ville Courier-Journal. "In regard to the custody of the child," said the judge in handing down his decision in the divorce case "I'll let the young lady decide for herself." "Oh," replied the worldly-wise young thing, "if mama is really going to get all that alimony I guess Til go with her." Brooklyn Life. Georgia lawyer (to colored prisoner) Well, Ras, do you want me to defend you? Have you any money? 'Rastus No; but Ise got a mule and a few chickens and a hog or two. Lawyer Those will do very nicely. Now, let's see, what do they accuse you of stealing? Rastus Oh, a mule and a few chick ens and a hog or two. Life. During a discussion of the fitness of things in general some one asked: "If a young man takes his best girl to the grand opera, spends on a supper after the performance, and then takes her home In a taxicab. should he kiss her good-night?" An old bachelor who was present E.rowled. "I don't think she ought to the door of the royal palace. And if all this is no enough Alfonso can de pend, in the last stand, upon the mag nificent "Alabarderos. ' or household bodyguard, every member of which is more than bIx feet in height and who would die to the last man for their King. It is impossible to get away from the fact that there is a dangerous spirit of discontent in the Spanish army. And it is a discontent that does not hesi tate to "demonstrate." Several times when visiting outlying Vjarracks In the hopes of stimulating the loyalty of his troops, Alfonso has been greeted with ringing cries of "Long live the re public," and "Death to the King." And, following the "tragic week" in Barce lona, when reservists were being called to the colors and dispatched to Africa, so threatening became the attitude oi the troops and the people, that, much against his wishes, Alfonso was bundled into a private closed motorcar and did not alight until he was within safe distance of the French frontier. The Republicans have established a strong hold upon the officers and men of the infantry and the artillery. Un fortunately, for th,e moment, however, these same men, up to two years ago, had an equally strong dislike of the Socialist party. This was due to the strong anti-military attitude of that political organization during the war in North Africa. Since that time, how- expect it. Seems to me he has donj enough for her. Lippincott s. The thrifty German proprietor of a circulating library charged for wear and tear. One volume came back to his scrtlny. "See here,", he .exclaimed, "there is a hole on page 19 of my beautiful book. And, see here," he went on, turning over the leaf, "there's another on page 40." San Francisco Argonaut. "My dear," said Mr. N. to Mrs. N, "what name did I "understand you to call the new hired girl?" "Japan," replied Mrs. N briefly. "And, pray, why such an odd name, my dear?" "Because she is so hard on china." Chatty waiter (glancing out of win dow) The rain'll be 'ere In a minute Lor two now, sir. Customer Well, I didn't order It; I'm waiting for a chop. Boston Trans- Potash Cohen can nefer make a goot goluf blayer. Perlmutter f or vy notr Potash He nefer hollors fore al ways he yells dree ninety-eight, Wis consin Sphynx. "George has told me all the secrets of his past," 'Mercy! . What did you inins. 01 them?" ' "I was awfully disappointed. , "He is not going to play baseball any -more. Well, there are always two great fields open to the eminent baseball star." "And they are?" Literature and vaudeville." Pitts burg Dispatch. "How did you get out of fighting a duel with that foreign count?" "When he sent his friends to demand satisfaction, 1 explained to them that since the pre-convention campaign opened in this country it was no longer considered an insult to call a man a liar." Buffalo Express. Do you think it Is dreadful about all this graft business being discov ered?" "Of course, I do. Why couldn t they keep such a good thing quiet?" Balti more American, "HiMllaii ever, recognizing their mistake, the Socialists have lost no opportunity of conciliating the army, and today they are rapidly gaining strength. Keeping the Army Loyal. Much of the army's lack of loyalty is due to the National system of re cruiting. Under the military laws of Spain, one man In every five is supposed to serve with the colors. There has grown up a system by which the rich man pays for a substitute and never sees the inside of the barracks; but the poor youth, whose services are much more important to his family, has no means of escaping service once he is chosen. The late Premier, while fully realiz ing the rapid increase in republican sentiment in this country, never dared take any active measures to muzzle the leaders or interfere with their work. Instead, although a man who believed in the efficacy of the "big stick," he confined his efforts to keep ing the army loyal. Not long before MEN Among the Poets HOW SHE SHOPPED. She wandered down the center aisle, Whence all but her had fled; The lamp that lighted up her smile Was not the kind, she said. - She halted at another booth; There costly glass held sway, She scorned the goblets, for, in truth, They would not match her tray! At every counter on the route, , From basement to the top. She found the things that wouldn't suit. But failed to find a mop. She lingered at the silk display From 1 o'clock till 4. Then smilingly she tripped away To seek another floor. From 4 till 5 she hung about ' The petticoats on sale; Then she recalled that, past a doubt, She ought to buy a veil. "But they are quite too dear," she said; "I'll wait till after Lent!" 'Twas then she bought a spool of thread. - And had it charged and sent. Chicago News. VANDAL SUSPICION. " When Socrates was on this earth Men called him rather , wise. He talked for all that he was worth vlt pays to advertise. . When Caesar went to war he took Of busy clerks a string. And wrote himself up in a book Publicity's the thing. And so we cannot be quite sure, ' Amid the boast and bluff. That some of that old literature, Was not press agent stuff. - - Boston Globe. QUEER PEOPLE. The house contractor is a man ' Who works on a peculiar plan- Suppose a building he would razej He pulls It down, so odd his ways! The baker's an unselfish guy he was shot he remarked to oneof the republican plotters: "You republicans have a right to think and say what you wish, and I for one would never think of disturb ing you in that right. But you must remember that there are laws in this country, and you must keep within them. For instance, any man who tampers with the loyalty of the Span ish army will pay the utmost penalty. I will answer to the King with my life for the loyalty of the Spanish troops." 1 So complete are the plans of the Re publicans that they have already drawn up a provisional government for use when they have seen the backs of Al fonso and his court. It is an almost open secret that the intention is to ap point Senor Perez Galdos. foremost Spanish author, president; Senor Sore ano, leader of the Radical party, chan cellor of the exchequer: Senor Azca rate. Republican leader, minister of for eign affairs, with high posts to others prominent In the present movement. of the Daily Press Such altruism dims our eye His bread he lets us have when be Quite clearly kneads it more than we. The waiter's name don't seem to fit. We fall to see the sense of it; He hurries to and fro with plates The diner 'tis who really waits. And there's the man who goes arourr With paste and brush and bills th town; Though paying work his way may fall His business drives him to the wall. Boston Transcript. THE REASON. The hats appeared a year ago With nothing but a feather. That looked as though it had beea , through A month of rainy weather; A narrow quill, or scanty bow. Or wing erect and lonely. Or solitary tall aigrette. Of fluffy pompon only. But now on every female head Behold the Autumn bonnet Of many shapes, but each without A scrap of trimming on It. For since the price of beef has soared, To heights Olympus dimming, We may afford to buy the hats. But not, alas! the trimming. . Baltimore American. LIFE IN THE MOTOR'S TRAIL. A buzz, a whir, a cioud of dust A wild, blood-curdling yell; A ghastly object flashing by. Then silence and a smell. . Milwaukee Journal. POPULARITY. There was' a girl In our town No wonder she was va:n: A 'dozen suitors helped her on Each time she caught a train. Birmingham Age-Herald. SAFE AND SANE. Our aviators fill the skies With terrors most unpleasant. Time is the only thing that flies Without great risk, at present. ' r-Philadelphia Public Ledger.