13 THE SUNDAY OKKGOMAN, PORTLAND. JANUARY 12, 1913. 12 SITUATIONS WANTED MAJUB. Miscellaneous. ADVERTISING AND SALES MGR.. exper ienced in several iines; writes newspaper, magazine, catalogue, follow-up letter, car card. label and other copy. Can manage jour seillng force. Two years experience as mar", and treas. Best references. Fir-ft time Idle In seven years. Answer this ad and 1 will call. 081, Oregonian. WANTED Notes and accounts to collect in Northwest either on salary or per cent basis. I have had years of exper ience in collecting several hundred thou sand dollars in notes and accounts that I owned interest in from British Columbia to Gulf of Mexico. Can satisfy you aa to my ability, also reliability. Address J 717. Oregonian. . WANTED Work by sober and reliable man, married, business college training, office experience; would take work in warehouse of wholesale grocery, drug or dry go ode house; references. AS 682, Ore guiiiaii. SITUATION' wanted by man and wife as cooks In hotel or good camp; man flrst-c-lasM all-round cook wife good pastry cook or serond cook; both steady and reliable. Address V 667. Orgonlan. SANITARY dairyman, milker and all-'round fanner wants position; middle-aged, tem perate and reliable; would like to corre spond witn parties desiring to establish dairies. AS 671. Oregonian. POSITION wanted by young man with plenty of nerve not afraid of work; will ing to do anything: good chauffeur; fur nish first-class references. O. W. D., 310 Swetland bldg. Main 661L PRACTICAL, male nurse and good masseur would like to take care of patient at home or go South; best of references from doctors and patients. A. L. Engberg, Nether land Hotel. . WANTED Work by first-class carpenter with 8 years' experience in cabinet shops: stranger in town; accept anything to prove ability, town or country. AD 610, Oregonian. YOUNG man wishes position as chauffeur for private family; five years' experience with gas and electric cars. Well ec qualnted with city: furnish good refer ences. C. E. Mansfield. Main 3K7. A STEADY, reliable man wants work as Janitor or general house and office cleaner by hour or month. E. H., OH? Kearney st. Main 733. SITUATIONS W ANTE D FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers ALL-ROUND, practical, energetic office girl of good ability desires position as stenog rapher. Take dictation on typewriter, use dictaphone. alBO answer switchboard ; neat and accurate; good refernces. A 11797. BRIGHT, energetic young woman wants permanent position as bookkeeper; four years' experience; best of references. Call East ii. STENOGRAPHER, thoroughly capable and experienced, young man. wishes position; good knowledge of office details. AK. 72i, oregonian. EXPERIENCED In bookkeeping, typewrit ing and general office work; moderate salary; for nice position, light hours. East r.i.93. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper with 30 years" experience and giving the best of city references, wishes position. Phone .warsnau n". aju. ' COMPETENT stenographer desires position: moderate salary to begin with; will accept position out of city. Phone Marshall 707 or A 24M, room 6. STENOGRAPHER, experienced, thorough English education, capable, of taking charge of correspondence. Law experi ence. Main 9472. Room 325. EDUCATED, refined lady, skilled and rapid penman, would like work by the day or hour aft private secretary; experienced. V 061, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, cashier, competent to take entire charge, can operate typewriter. Main 1443. EXPERIENCED. first-class bookkeeper stenographer desires half day work. B 395. . COMPETENT bookkeeper and thorough busi ness woman, open for position Jau. 35th. Phone Marshall 3012. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, can take full charge of office; references. AH 0-7, Ore gonian. COMPETENT stenographer, experienced in law and lbr. business, open for engage menu Marshall 7o7. A 2481, room 24. LADY st-nogriU'hor desires position. Phone Tabor 0b7 Thurs. and Friday. Saturday, U -70S. . WANTED Permanent position by expert law stenographer of twelve years' ex perlcnce. Miss King. Main 5120. COMPETENT stenographer with knowledge of general office work, desires position; moderate salary. Art 669, Oregonian. WANTED POSITION BY EXPERT BOOK KEEPER. TYPIST AND OFFICE WO MAN. CALL A 1931. STENOGRAPHER, 8 ytara experience, wants ft to 0 hours' work per day or 4 days per week. W 676, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED business woman desires po sition, bookkeeper and stenographer, Phone East 4710. room IS. YOUNG lady desires position cashier or of office girl; good reference. T 65S. Ore gonian. YOUNG girl wants light office work; doc tor's preferred. T 057. Oregonian. COMPETENT stenographer, with Ave years experience In commercial lines. Tabor 3762. I AM quick and accurate stenographer; can do bookkeeping. Tabor -517. STENOGRAPHER, experienced, desires half day position. Phone B 1531. STENOGRAPHER; 1 year's experience, wants position. E 701. Oregonian. lressmakere. FRENCH and first-class dressmaker, tailor suits and fancy gowns, evening coats; tit and work guaranteed; wanted work by dav or at home. Phone B 2019. FASH ION ABLE dressmaking, satisfaction guaranteed, prices reasonable; evening cos tumes a specialty. Phone E. 5849. Cody pt? E 7th and Taylor St., room 34. DRESSMAKING, families or shops, sewing neatly - done. $1.50 a day. Phone East 4423. DESIGNER and dressmaker wishes more engagements by day. Price $3.50. Main 1 133. EXPERIENCED dressmaker, tailorist wishes sewing in families or home; alterations. A 271 5. EXPERIENCE D dressmaker and talloreas wishes engagements by the day. Phone East 4834. DRESSMAKER from N. Y. wishes engage ment by day, $3 per day. Telephone Ta bor 3M41. PRETTIEST waists and one-piece dresses In town made apartment 1. CI ay pool An nex. Main 5S91. Miss Comer. DRESSMAKER would like engagements; first-class work, good fitter; price reasona ble. Call evenings. Main 3073. A 1369. DRESSMAKING parlors for sale; reasonable. Call Sellwood 513. DRESSMAKING in your homes; reference. Phone Main 2330. A 30.13. COMPETENT dressmaker, days during dull season. Col. 3N2. JOIN private class in sewing. Call Main 8181 for Information. CH 1 l.D REN'S work, alterations and family sewing $1.51 day. F 6s5, Oregonian. A FEW m o re places to sew by the day. phone- Woodlawn 2551. DRESSMAKING b day or at home, phono v.nsi r:ti7. Nurse. MIDDLE-AGED, practical nurse wishes to accompany invalid or children, or other wise, to New York for fare and small salary; references. A R 6S4, Oregonian. YOUNG widow would like place as nurse or companion for elderly woman. C 1705. 8:'4 Wasco st. A MIDDLE-AGED practical nurse could. as sist housework. 48 N. ath st. Mar shall 3,102. INVALID or elderly lady can have room, care trained nurse, home comforts, city references. Tabor 2213. MATERNITY cases. Invalids, rheumatics. Liken at home of graduate nurse. Col. 4.1i. II oust keeper. RESPECTABLE, middle-aged widow wanii position as housekeeper in widower's home or rooming-house. .. oregonian. A MIDDLE-AGED woman with child of 7. wishes position as housekeeper in city; widower preferred. J 725. Oregonian. Wl DOW wishes housekeeping position in gentleman's home. In city. AB 051, Ore gonian. COMPETENT cook wishes position as housekeeper tor gentleman, first-class ref erences. Call Mam .. LADY wishes position as housekeeper in re fined home. AJ 6S4. Oregonian. WOULD like position as housekeeper or to care for old people. Hots, oregonian. EXPERIENCED, trustworthy woman wants work as housekeeper. Woodlawn 1041'. HOUSEKEEPING by lady with daughter 13 small wages; West Side. Marshall 399. YOUNG Iteepe LA Lm wants position as house- Ca'.t from I to 4. A Ki.iff. room P. WANTED Housekeeping to do or care of children. T ou., Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Housekeeper. A COMPETENT and reliable lady wishes to assume management of public Institution or gentleman s home, where there are children ; fair wages expected. Phone Home A 5o6- UNINCUMBERED Lady wishes position as housekeeper in bachelors' apt.rtmeot, over seer In rooming-house or in apartment house; can give references. X 667, Orego nian. WANTED, by an experienced, lady, with daughter 14, a position as manager of apartment-house or rooming-house, or as housekeeper fof refined family; city ref erences. Phone East 2059. MIDDLE-AGED lady of refinement, exper ienced housekeeper, desires position as housekeeper in respectable rooming-house or hotel. Tel. Marshall 3S89. A REFINED, unincumbered lady desires position as housekeeper for middle-aged or elderly gentleman. Write or call 271 7th st. w ELL qualified lady wishes position as housekeeper or manager of rooming or apartment-house. Marshall 2439. LADY, past middle-age. wants position as nousekeeper Tor gentleman; no oojection to two children. Phone Woodlawn 077. LADY would take charge or" romm r boarding-house, 392 E. Davis or phone Est 2422. POSITION as housekeeper by refined young wiaow witn aaugnter or 4. Av uuo, ore gonian. Domestics. EXPERIENCED girl, attendfng school, de sires housework; some salary; preier want ing distance West Side school; references. Main 5593. WANTED Day work, ironing, cleaning house, tine laundress. Call all week. Main 362. Ill-YEAR-OLD schoolgirl wants room and Doara ror ngnt work or company. At 812, Oregonian. YOUNG woman with child wants to work for room and board. Main 3479. SISTERS. 25 and IS. want position in camps; cook and waitress. Main 1164. GIRL wants place to do general housework. :t Montana ave. near railing. RELIABLE woman wants any kind of work. Sellwood 845. TWO experienced chamber maids want work in hotel. r ., oregonian. Miscellaneous. LADY cojk, Scandinavian, married, no chil dren, whose husband is employed even day, wants to assist husband In paying for home, would like position as first class cook in family where room and hoard could be obtained for hus'iand; very best city references. Inquire 311 Worces ter bldg.. or phone Main 2203. REFINED young lady studying music de sires to assist with housework and be companion in exchange for good home and some wages; elderly couple preferred. Call East 5:125 after 10 A. M. WANTED Petition as manager of apart ment houso. 20 years' experience In hotel business in the East; best of recommenda tions as to character and ability Ad dress A. B. C room 514, Spalding bldg. YOUNG "woman teacher with some hospital experience nesires position as governess to small children or companion to in valid. AV 503. Oregonian. WANTED A position as saleswoman in wholesale or retail millinery dept., capable of assisting in workroom. AO 075, Ore gonian. A REFINED lady to care for children, day or evenings, at your nome or tiers; fur nish good reference. Wainwood apt. 109, 18th st.. room 14. Main 8193. REFINED young lady wishes position, dem onstrator or saleswoman, in city or out on the road; best references. Main 4107. 450 Yamhill. A LADY of refinement and culture desirea position as companion: no elderly lady or invalid. AT 777, Oregonian. YOUNG LADY attending high school wishes room and board in return for morning and evening work. Call B '21 '21. WANTED By Scandinavian lady, washing and ironing In private family. Phone Woodlawn 964. WANT pupils for first, second, third and fourth-grade work at my home; reason able. A 801. Oregonian. COLORED help can be had for all kinds of party work, lunches and dinners pre pared by a good cook. Phone Main C713. WANTED A position where a young woman can earn board for herself and husband. Phone Woodlawn 2247. I WANT to board and care for small child, good home; best reference. A 800, Ore gonian. AS assistant in dentist's office or laboratory, 3 years' experience and best city refer ence. V 008, Oregonian. WANTED Children to train 3 hours each day by first-class kindergarten. L 811, Oregonian. WANTED By lady of experience position as manager of rooming-house, apartment or hotel in city. Phone Sell wood 2113. GERMAN woman wants position for general nouseworK witn some cooaing. ot . Flanders. WANTED Position as hotel kitchen helper J willing to go out of town. Phone Easfl 5002. YOUNG girl would like to assist in doc tor's ofiice or answer phone; small salary. Phone Main 8274. EXPERIENCED cashier wishes position; quick and accurate; references. Phone East 3240. A COLORED woman office cleaning or take washing home. Main 8209. LADY music teacher gives two piano or mandolin lessons. 75c. Main 4728. DAY'S work wanted by colored woman. Phone Main 1101. EXPERIENCED woman wants day's work. Call Wood lawn 2182. MISS KINNEY wants work by the day or hour, fnone East irom 7 to s P. M, WOMAN wants day work. Call Woodlawn 950. POfs-ITION as chambermaid in hotel or pri vate boarding-house. Phone B 3127. EXPERIENCED German laundress wants day work. Call Tabor 4508. WANTED Work by the day. cooking, washing, cleaning. Call A 3280. LADY will do parties and luncheons, also day cooking. Phone Marshall 2594. LACE curtains hand laundered, special prices to hotels. Phone Main I486. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. Phone E. 448. WOMAN wants work by day or hour. Sell wood 180. GOOD laundress wants day work. Call wood lawn tiUto evenings. NEGLECTED education, private lessons for adults and children. O 615, Oregonian. EASTERN teacher desires private pupils in English branches. O 610. Oregonian. LACE CURTAINS washed, stretched, called for. delivered. South Portland. Main 3965. PRIVATE lessons in German. Latin, geom etry, a I be si a. Call Main 3 7S3. SOPRANO soloist desires church position. AO 074. Oregonian. WILL care for children day or night; re sponsible person. C 8293. A COLORED woman wishes laundry work to do at her home. Phone Main 0713. NORWEGIAN girl wants upstairs work. 7:i7 E. Taylor. East 524. WANTED AGENTS. POSTAL will bring you absolutely free our "Monthly Directory," which contains complete detailed information of newest, best-selling articles and of responsible manufacturers and dealers throughout the U. S. "Directory," R. 95. .Mi Pine, N. Y. FREE sample; No-Splash water strainers ar w inners for agents, both sexes; daily profit $5 upward. Let us prove it. Send 2c ailing cost). B. B- Seed Filter Co., New York. ABSOLUTELY free; boys and girls gel watches, skates, dolls, air rifles, etc.. for onlv few hours easy work. Write today. THE PACIFIC CHEMICAL CO.. Dept. 14. 9oo. North 73d st., Seattle. Wash. BIG profits for you; manufacture barley crisp: new confection, 5c package, costs you lc; macnine. instructions complete, 57.50 preptl . Send 10c for samples. Bar. lev Crisp Co.. 16t9 Hyde St., San Francisco. BIG profits for you; manufacture barley crisp ; new confection. 5c package, costs you lc; macnine. instructions complete. J7.50 nreDaid. - Send 10c for samples. Bar ley Crisp Co.. 1699 Hyde st.. San Francisco. WE pay $36 a week and expenses to men with rigs to Introduce poultry compound; ears contract, intpqri 1 -i-- v.. uiu 73, Parsons. Kan. MY plan will start you In a big paying business ot your own: 100 airtereni ways; particulars free. Zimmerman, Dept. I, loio Oakdale ave., Chicago. AGENTS, attention : New Victor vacuum cleaner is a wonder: orice wholesale and retail is below lowest; quick sales; big proms. Anaress tias oiog., Chicago. AGENTS make 25 to J100 everv week sell ins sign letters for stores, offices. Success guarantee-, example partirulars tree. Me- ta.nc Myn oi v. ci arte. Chicago. AGENTS would you be satisfied to make $0 daily? Write for our latest catalogue; we give piemiums and sample free. Agents supply Co., hox -za, i&x Bruno, cal. READ the Agents Majrasine and make more money; 2 months 10c. Agents Magazine,! Chicago. i WANTED AGENT. LIVE WIRES For novelties, "side line' souvenirs, premiums, ad specialties, post cards, agents' and mail order wholesale supplies and scheme trade pullers get the Novelty News for January; 10O big pages, illustrated. Oives "first hands." o cents a copy at ail leading news stands. Order it if not on sale; insist thev get it for you. See one copy; then send $2 for 12 months sutscription, which also brings 167-page premium book. ''Specialty Advertising." No fre samples. 215 S. Market. Chicago. OUR hand-power vacuum cleaner Is patent ed, guaranteed to satisfy all customers; low prices to canvassers, general agents; don't fail to get our new plan and sec new metal flexible spring adjusting nole. Lannlng-Stone Sales Co.. Gas bldg., Chi cago. ATTENTION Wonderful machine, merges one pint of milk into one pound of but ter in two minutes; write for names and addresses of 30O home users, sworn tes timonials, illustrated circulars and agents credit terms. Family Butter Merger Co., Washington, D. C. WE START you in business, furnishing everything; men and women, $3) to $200 weekly operating our "New system spe cialty cand y factories," home or small room anywhere; no canvassing; opportun ity lifetime; booklet free. Kagsdale Co.. box S. East Orange. N. J. AG ENTS on suiary or commission. The greatest agents' seller ever produced; every user of pen and ink buys It on sight; 200 to 500 per cent profit; one agents sales amounted to C20 in six days; another $32 in two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co., X44, La Crosse, Wis. NEW business, new field, big profits; sell ing water power massage machine; Parker sells 8 rirst day. Margwarth says, making $19 dailv; Lewis sells 4 first hour; investi gate now, today. Postal will do. Big sur- , prise awaits you. Blackstone Co., 640 Meredith bldg., Toledo. O. A WONDERFULLY profitable business quickly established in your own com munity placing year wear sight selling dress shoes for men and women from our factory to wearers; no risk. Kushlon -Comfort Shoe Co.. Lynn, Mass. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS BUT ONCE. Over 125 per cent actual profit; live agents selling Say-Co. Vacuum Cleaners; newest models. Write quick for terri tory. E. S. Sayre & Co., 16S N. Mich, blvd.. Chicago. BRAND new 3-belIows sweeper tpe vacuum cleaner. One you can sell quick on dem onstration because it does the work; $100 weekly guaranteed hustling crew mana gers. Address Sweeper Dept., i041 Gas bldg., Chicago. AGENTS! Make $10 day easy selling beau tiful art show cards; 350 varieties; every merchant buys; catalogue and big prem ium offer free. Merchants' Specialty House, 335 Frank Un bldg., Chicago. LEGITIMATE substitutes for slot machines, patented, sells on sight for $1. particu lars, Gisha Co., Anderson, Ind. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. WE WANT TO RENT YOUB HOUSE. flat. Phone Main 3353. store, A 5613. apartment. MAYS-REED CO., 207 Railway Exchange. WE have Unanta waiting for ttrsl-class houses and data THE FRED A. JACOBS CO., Main 6569. 269 Washington St. A 6267. FURNISHED flat wanted about $25, by steady couple, West Side and close in. AM 094, Oregonian. WANTED To rent house, Irvington Ciub neighborhood; must be strictly modern; rent about $50. Phone Marshall 700. WANTED To rent. In Mount Tabor, five room bungalow, furnished or unfurnished. AJ 680, Oregonian. 3 OR 4-room modern cottage or bungalow furnished. East Side, not over $20; per manent tenant. Phone East 4650. Apartments. STUDENT desires room and board in ex change for services. Phono Marshall 3758. Rooms. LARGE, well-heated unfurnished room. West Side, close in; private bath pre ferred; must be reasonable; by young couple. AH 706, Oregonian. ROOM, with modern conveniences and breakfast desired, within -0 minutes' walk of 3d and Stark. State terms and full particulars. C 679, Oregonian. Rooms With Board. A BUSY business woman wants board and room In private family where there are no other boarders. West Side preferred. In strictly modern home, with all con veniences and not more than 10 minutes' walk from Third and Washington. S 671, Oregonian. LADY of quiet habits desires room with or without sleeping porch, and '2 meals. In modern refined companionable home; Irv ington, Piedmont, Walnut Park, West Siae considered; state full particulars and terms. P 713. Oregonian. BOARD and room wanted in a private fain, ily by a young man, foreigner, where he may have chance to enlarge his English. North Portland preferred ; state price. B 685, Oregonian. LADY employed during day desires room with two meals where staying with elder ly people evenings would compensate for same ; West Side preferred. Phone Mjttn 6384, flat D, Sunday before 7 P. M. ROOM and board by middle-aged business woman in district bet. E. Salmon ana Division and Grand ave, and E. 30th sts. Phone E. 393; B 1393. WANTED Board and care of little boy, years old, nar Sisters' School; will pay $lO month. X657, Oregonian. ROOM and board wanted in private family. Main 9290; close In. FOB KENT NICELY furnished, also unfurnished rooms, very suitable for gentlemen. Kamm, 1st and Pine. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 126 13th St., at Washington. Rooms with detached bath, $3.50 to $5 per week; rooms with private bath, $22.60 10 $27.50 per month; a first-class residen tial hotel under the personal management of the owner. J. W. Bushong. HOTEL SAVON, 131 Eleventh Street. New, modern brick building; steam heated; private baths, hot and cold water in rooms, beautifully furnished, cozy, com fortable; rent reasonable. Call and see u. Regular and transient trade solicited. HOTEL RAINIER. One block from Union Depot; 140 out side rooms, with all modern conveniences; making special rates to permanent guests; rates from $10 per month up. Give us a call and you will be more than pleased. 128 N. 6th st. HOTEL ROWLAND, 207 ft 4th SU Just step In ana look at a nice, warm, sunny room; hot and cold water; beau tifully furnished and homelike, at a PRICE that will CERTAINLY suit you. If you are wise you will go at once. HOTEL CALUMET, European and American plan; 75 cents single, $1 double, European- $1.75 Amer ican; rates by the month $15 and upward; best of references given. HOTEL P. EN WICK Ideal home for buti ness people; centrally located; elegant rooms; all modern conveniences. 7th and Taylor sts., 1 block from Portland Hote.. opposite Hellig Theater. Main 916. CROMWELL ANNEX, 291 Columbia at.; hot and cold water, steam heated, close walk ing distance; first-class service. Apply The Cromwell. 5th and Columbia. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, 1 double, $18; 1 single, $16 per month; steam heat, bath, telephone; walking distance. Pbona Main 59. Carmellta Apta. HOTEL EUCLID, under new management, 18th and Washington; 10 well-furnished rooms, also suites with private bath, very reasonable to permanent guests. HOTEL BUSHMARK. 17th and Wash. All cars Rooms $2.5o, $3.00 and up. Warm, homelike; people employed will be made at home. LIGHT, clean, outside furnished rooms, $2; convenient to depots; 10 minutes from Washington. tt Holiaday, near Steel bridge. SINGLE rooms, very attractive basement rooms; phone and bath privileges; very -node rate rates. The Wneeldon Annex, loth and Salman. ATTRACTIVELY furnished rooms, home like, steam heated, running water, phones, large parlor, rates reasonable. Maxwell Hall, 14th, near Taylor. WEAVER HOTEL. Beautifully furnished outside rooms; good homelike cooking; cosy reception parlor, 710 Washington St. Main 8U5L HOTEL ST.iNDISH. &4Sfe Washington st. Remodeled, opened under new manage ment: clean, sunny, outside rooms, wl.. running not ana coia water; siu montn up, THE LA RR A BEE, 227 V Larrabee. Rooms $2 week up; brick building; steam heat; ho: BEAUTIFUL newly furnished rooms at The Stewart, 14 V Seventh St., warm ana modern, from $15 per month up. HOTEL LA SALLE, 10th and Burnsido sta. New, elegantly furnished; private hatha steam heat, hot and cold water. Mar. 4049. HOTEL CONGRESS Beautifully furnished rooms with all modern conveniences, tfib and Main. NICELY furnished room, close In, furnace heat, free pnone ana oatn. 43 Aiaer. LARGE furnished rooms; steam heat, hot and cold water. 63i Glisan sU FOB RENT. Furnished Renins. HOTEL MINOOK, 213 4th St. Are you looking for a good warm room, with hot and cold water, nicely fur nished and- homelike, at VERY MOD ERATE PRICE? If so, just take a look at Hotel Minook, cor. 4th and salmon, and you will look no farther. NEW. --EW THE PALACE HOTEL Washington st. a Xth. Absolutely fireproof, 120 outside rooms and suites, 70 with private bath, hot and cold running water, steam heat and both phones in every room. Centrally located SI 7.50 per month and up. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM Washington and Ella sts. Absolutely respectanie. unaer new management and up to date. Rooms, 1 person, $3 and up weekly. Rooms. Z persons, $4 and up weekly. Rooms, 1 person, $10 and up monthly. Rooms, 2 persons, $13 and up monthly. Furnished Rooms in rrrvate Family. THE Department of Public Safety will give information as to, two reliable cnnstian families. East Side, who have room for employed girls; large homelike room. $1.50 week; another $10 month. East 11th st, near Ankeny. Phone Main 74&S Monday. 1 LARGE front room with fireplace, also side bedroom, ground rloor, witn nreplace; clean and well furnished, party taking could have evening dinner, walking dis tance. Tel. A S560. address 435 14th st. A GENTLEMAN occupant for well-furnished outside room, all modern conveniences, strictly private adult family, board op tlonal. -21X 23d. Phone Marshall 5334. A NEATLY furnished front room for one or two gentlemen, riot ana coia water, furnace heat, 5 minutes' walk. 215 13th street. I HAVE a nicely furnished room in my pri vate home, suitable for one or two gentle men; rent reasonable; close In. 141 13th st., corner Aider. FURNISHED room reasonable, with or with out sleeping porch. In West bide private home, to roan good habits and references. Main 4196. NICELY furnished, well heated room, with or without sleeping porch, suitable for either one or two; fine location. 69S Hoyt. A 73H9. LARGE parlor room for 2; one single room, modern nome, good ooara, steam neat, musical home. l54 E. Madison, cor. 13th st. Ladles or gentlemen. Phone E. 3601. INQUIRE for desirable rooms, reasonable, all conveniences, walking distance, desir able neighborhood. 6 Grand ave. N., near Multnomah st. Phone C 2803. ELEGANT room for gentleman in private family: all conveniences, in new modern home, close In, East Side, 646 Cypress s, Ladd s Add. Phone E 2168. FOR RENT Double parlors, suitable for four gentlemen; also single rooms; every thing convenient. 30 JN'. 16th st. Main 6703. SINGLE outside room, strictly clean and first-class, steam heat, private bath, phone, very reasonable. IbttVs 23d. Marshall 2821. CLEAN neatly furnished comfortable rooms. reasonable. Marshall 40 1 4, 634 Flanders St. TWO small rooms, pleasant, and the finest location, walking distance, $U each. 67 N. 20th st. NICELY furnished room, steam heat; also two nice attic rooms, reasonable. 195 N. 23d st. Main 6593. NICE large furnished room, suitable for two men or man and wife in private family 36? llth st. NEW furnished room, modern, walking dis tance. 776 Glisan st. Phone Marsha. 1 3963. COZY attic room, furnace heat, electric light; phone, bath, private entrance, $2.50 per week. 274 Park st. LARGE, warm room, 2 beds, 2 dressers, large closet; comforts of home; $3.50 week. 475 Main. HANDSOMELY furnished front room; heat, bath, private house; reasonable price. 70 Lucretla. NEWLY furnished room, modern conven iences, central, $3 week. 404 Clay, near 10th st. LARGE front room for young gentleman; walking distance. 595 Taylor, corner of isth. pnone East 006. NICELY furnished parlor bedroom In steam heated apartment; bath and phones; lady preferred. Call A 1108. WELL-FURNISHED rooms, also attic room, modern home. Marshall 3677. 560 Flan ders. 345 11TH ST. Nicely furnished room for gentleman; breakfast if desired,. $15 per montn. TWO well-furnished rooms, furnace heat; breakfast if desired; home privileges, walk ing distance. East 2339. ONE front room with bay window, nicely furnished with all conveniences. 688 Ir ving st. LADD'S ADD. Attractive room; furnave heat; walking distance; very reasonable; one or two gentlemen. Sell. 1739. TWO nicely furnished rooms, $2 and $2.50 week, private family. Call and see; you will like them. 720 E. Davis. STRICTLY modern furnished room, heat. phone and bath ; suitable for two, $3.50 per weea. ioi .cverett sc. JUST what you want; parlor for two; brand new furniture; kitchen privilege; to those employed; close in. 271 7th st. TWO nicely furnished rooms for sentlemen. moderate rent; telephone and piano. 306 j-in st., near Lommma . $1.50 WEEK, large, clean furnished front room, with heat and bath. 420 14 Jeffer son. 226 N. ISth st., one nicely furnished room, sleeping porch adjoining, private family; every convenience. M. 747. LARGE, nicely furnished front bedroom; light, bath and phone; also neatlv fur nished attic kitchen. Phone East 2055. WELL-FURNISHED room, with or without m,eals; 2 blocks from -Broadway car. For information call E- 2612. $1.50 AND $2.50 a week; neat front rooms, home privileges, board if desired, close In. 445 6th st. FURNISHED room ; hot, cold water; suite or single: walking distance; near first class board. Marshall 7453. 745 14 Hoyt. NICE clean room; hot and cold running water: $2.50 per week. 292 llth st. ROOM, modern home, 1 or 2; -convenient to board: reasonable. Marshall 5261. ROOMS $1.50 and $2 heat.. $226 12th. week; bath, phone 446 TAYLOR ST., comfortable, bright, wam room for gentleman; close in: reasonable. NEATLY furnished rooms, modern In a fine home, 4 blocks from p. O. 265 61 h st. 294 JEFFERSON Large. - nisbed room; only $S. light, well-fur- DESIRABLE large front room, also single room ; everything new. 040 iamnm. ROOMS to neat, reliable parties, very rea sonable, in best locality. Main 4844. GOOD rooms and location, terms reason able. 428i Mill. Phone Main 8.159. STEAM-HEATED front corner room. West side; prefer lady employed. Main 472S. ROOMS, modern conveniences. 269 14th St., near j enerson. rnii iin oto. LARGE front room with fireplace, furnace heat. 363 Sixth st. WARM light room, every convenience, $11 per month. Marsnan NEWLY furnished rooms, with bath; walk ing distance. 22 7th st. ONE nicely furnished room in private fam ily. 326 Harrison. LARGE, well-heated alcove room, use of piano. 361 JOtn S10 STEAMHEATED room; apply second NICE warm room, good location, for one or two gentlemen. 21 10th st. WALKING distance, two beds, front room, $10 per month. 507 East Washington st. LARGE front room, suitable for two gen tlemen, heat, bath, phone. 329 E. 7th st. NICE large room to quiet couple or day sleepers. 21 N. llth. VERY desirable ' front room, modern home. 22S Larrabee st. Fhone East 44S TAYLOR Modern rooms, home-like. SINGLE sleeping room, heat, phone and Unfurnished Rooms. THREE unfurnished rooms, back yard, base ment, rent $9 mo. 706 Glisan st. Main 481 a. TWO unfurnished rooms, also one room with kitchenette, lit 1.1m st- Main w;u. 4 ROOMS, $10. 192 Market. Large 3-room Rooms With Board. THE WHITEHALL, 253 6TH Does a home appeal to you? Double and single rooms, private uatn. sun par lor; American plan, women cooks. PARKVIEW HOTEL Strictly high-clas family hotel; hot and cold water and steam heat In everv room; table unexceLea; references. Montgomery st. at West Park. THE LAMBERSON. 654 Couch, one block from Washington ; steam heat, running water, goon boara. special rates for m PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION, 24th year; rooms with board, use of se win k-roam, li brary. 510 Flanders. Mrs. E. N. Wilson, sup. BEAUTIFULLY furnished front rooms fac ing the park; with good home-cooked meals 3 Park at. FOB RENT. Rooms With Itourd. CALUMET HOTEL. 150 Park St. Fine room and excellent board; every modern convenience; $37.50 p-r month ; $65 per month double; also daily and weekly rates. ELTON COURT. Select Family Hotel. Modern rooms with excellent table board. $10 per week and up; rates to families, llth and Y'amhill sts. MANirOL, 261 13th at. Attractive, clean rooms; steam heat; good board; close tft. Rooms With Board in Private Family. PRIVATE family in Rose City Park ; will board two people who would appreciai; the privileges of a beautiful new home; terms modern; 1 block carline. Tabor 2121. Call up Sunday or daily -before 10 A. M. or after 6 P. M. ONE large, furnished front room, suitable for three people, first-class home cooking. 3 meals, $7 per week; also one room suit able for two, S5 per week each, and one single room $5 per week; all modern. Handy to 23a car. Marsnan .u-t. PLEASANT, congenial home for two young ladies or young men; excellent board, easy walking distance. West Side; best residence district, rates reasonable. Mar shall 243S. NICE large front room, with alcove, heal ed, easy walking distance to business dis trict; two beds if wanted, two meais served; very reasonable. Ph.one A 2747. 569 Main St. TWO gentlemen wanting an Ideal home in private family can be accommodated ; breakfast and dinner, $40 each. D 663, Oregonian. QUIET girl wants roommate, private fam ily; nicely furnished room, furnace heat, $12 month with breakfast. Corner 14th and E. Burnside. B 3230. YOUNG man wants roommate, only those of no bad habits need answer. Nice room, with furnace heat and breakfast, $15 month. B 3230. , YOUNG girls for room or room and board, together or singly, reasonable, comfort able and homelike. Marshall 4074, 634 Flanders st. ROOM and board in- modern home with all home comforts; best home cooking, for one or two. Phone East 2531. Caii Mrs. Dunn. ROOMMATE wanted by young man in pri vate family; 10 minutes' walk from P. O.; rate $5.50 per week; 3 meais; no tobacco user need reply. L 749, Oregonian. YOUNG man, rooming near high school, wants roommate; $.1..0 iter week, 3 meals; hifth school or business college boy pre ferred. AD 011. Oregonian YOUNG man would like roommate to share room and board in modern private home; all conveniences, etc.; central; references. Address AF S09, Oregonian PLEASANT front rooms, suitable for two, with board $22 a month each, all home privileges, easy walking distance, single room, with board, $1 a montl. 443 6th. ROOM and ooard In private family for young lady assisting in light housework as part payment. Phone Monday after 8 A. M., Marshall 123. GOOD home for 2 young men, all modern conveniences, board if desired; very rea sonable; Holiaday Add.; walking distance. 34. Multnomah. Phone E. 4491. PLEASANT front room with board, very pleasant surroundings; excellent horns cooking; furnace heat; home privileges. Phone Main 3280. NICELY furnished room In modern, furnace-heated dwelling. private family; board if desired; Broadway carline. Phone East 4490. NICELY furnished, light outside room, with every modern convenience; strictly home cooking; select neighborhood; walking, distance. 432 Mill. PLEASANT rooms, good board, all home privileges, reasonable, walking distance. Main 1069. ROOM and board with young couple in modern flat; every convenience; walking distance. A 4M3. WANTED A couple of students 01 office girls to board; terms reasonable. Wood lawn 1572. WOULD like one or more children to care for; private family; a good home and reasonable. E 710, Oregonian. ROOM and board for young lady, private family, walking distance, reasonable. 334 Hall. CLEAN and modern room for one or two. with excellent board; very reasonable; 10 minutes from P. O., 391 10th. LARGE roomln modern home, well furnish ed easv walking distance: ooara lr ae sired. 655 Everett. Marshall 2820. LARdE room, suitable for 2 or 3. in Danish family, hoard and home privileges. . 866 7th St. ri. C JM'J. - FRONT room and board, $fi .week; 2 in room. $.1 each ; free phono, bath, heat. 560 Rodney ave. ROOM and board, home cooking, furnace, electric lights, walking distance. 474 Yam hill st., cor. of 14th. 424 Vs JEFFERSON ST. Room and board in private family, reasonable. Call and see. ROOMS with or without board for two or four men. Piano and an conveniences. Phone Woodlawn 2657. ROOM with board, private family. 574 Ladd av.. 1 block from Hawthorne. East 5145. FOR fine room in good location, walking distance to Multnomah Club, It will pay you to call up Main 105". LADY living alone, beautiful home; young . laay to room ann uoaru . nunit- tuiiuui l reasonable. Woodlawn 1912. A LADY with a nice home wants a child to board; 3 blocks to school; a girl pre ferred. Call Tabor 4500. BOARD and room. 5 minutes' walk from P. O., strictly home cooking. 422 hi Jef ferson. Phone Marshall 375R. NICE well -furnished front room, first-class meals, furnace heat, bath, phone, walking distance. $u. ouu .. -Morrison. NICELY furnished rooms and board in fam ily; very desirable home, close in. Call at 3SS Sftimon st. ROOM and board in private family; home cooking. $6 a weekt for 1 or -. 410 Aiaer. ROOM and board in private family for young lady. 208 llth st. ROOM and board for young business wo man In Irvington. Phone Enst 3226. GOOD board and room for one or two gen tlemen. 591, Davis. ONE or two ladles, employed, to room and board. 453 East 12th N. East 6232. FRONT heated housekeeping rooms, one or two ladies; lamnm. NEAT, pleasant rooms, single or en suite, with board. 656 Glisan. ROOM and board in Southern family, pri vate home. Phone A 4854. ROOM 2 meals, new warm house, near Multnomah Club. M. 2219. SUNNY rooms, with board, reasonable. Hawthorne ave. B 22'i". ROOM and board, private boarding-house. 3y Taylor st. WELL furnished room, suitable for two; col ored ccok. excellent meals. Main 2071. ROOMS with board, 302 Park st.,r corner Columbia, modern; reference exenangeq. NICE front room and board for 2 or 4 gen tlemen. 434 East 13th st. BOARD and room, terms reasonable. 595 East Oak, corner loth. East .-2. WOULD room and board 1 child reasonable, age 2 to 5. Phone C s.W4. ROOM and board, with private family, for 2 men. 468 10th. near Jackson st. ROOM and board, $5 a week. 005 6th. Main 3304. NICE front room for two or three men, board if desired. 4 JOtn. near fctarK. SPLENDID room and board, strictly modern, furnace heat. 574 East Salmon. FURNISHED room with board. 320 llth st. Phone A 1636. YOUNG woman, Portland Heights, wishes employed lany as room mate. Main 1044. Apartments. HOUSEMAN Apt., 730 Hoyt elegantly fur nished 3-room apt., aiso ne -room un furnished; good light; sjrictly modern under new management. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, Swiss Chalet Apart ments. Alpine scenery, tropical comforts, modern bungalow, furnished, unfurnished. Main 9195, Main 1721. RUSSELL APARTMENTS. Two and 3-room apartments ; all con venlences; rent reasonable. 390 Russell. East 2743. THE LET A, one beautiful 5-room apt., steam heat, large balcony, sleeping-porch, all large outside rooms. Phone Marshall 3267. 40s tn sx. ' THE FLORENCE. Three and four-room apta, high-class service. 3S8 litn. ONE 2-room nicely furnished apartment, south front, sleeping porch if desired, light and heat. s E. Jtn. MODERN, 4-room apartment, unfurnished. in new oriCK ounuinK. private Dam, etc. rent, $19.50. 46th and Hawthorne ave. THE BRYN-M AWR APTS.. 1S5 E. 15U- nnar Yamhill: 4 ana --room apis.. -witn poicn. HERMENIA APTS 400 Hall, just opened, modern, reasonable Main 6444. A 2133. NICELY furnished apartments at the Luxor. 324 13th st. THE King-Davis. 54 King st. N.. nr. Wash. High-class; references. Both phones. FOR RENT Furnished 4-room anartment, $35. 407 Jefferson su FOR BENT. Apartments. MORGAN, FL1EDNER & BOTCE. Apart ment-Housa Specialist. 503 Abmgton Building. Own or control the following apartment houses, which are all new or nearly new, up-to-date and possess all modern con veniences; CECELIA 22 d and Glisan; 3-room unfur nished. CLay POOLE llth and Clay; $ rooms, private balcony, unfurnished. CLAY POOLE ANNEX llth and Clay; 2 moms, furnished FORD HAM 170 Ford st., 4 rooms, unfur nished, hardwood finish, private balcon ies; highest-class apartment in the city. HAN THORN -51 lth st.. near Main; rooms, with private balconies; unfur nished. HANOVER 165 King St.. near Washing ton; 3 rooms, with private balconies, un furnished; two rooms, furnished or un furnished. KNICKERBOCKER 410 Harrison St.. near llth; 3 rooms. with private bal conies, unfurnished. ST. CROIX 170 SL Clair, near Washing ton : 3 rooms, furnished and unfur- nished. ST. FRANCIS 21st and Hoyt, 3 and 4 rooms, with private balconies, unfur nished. WELLINGTON 15th and Everett; 2, 3. 4 and 5 rooms, unfurnished; frame build, ing; very reasonable rent. References Required. THE WHEELDON, Corner Park and Taylor Sts. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Corner Tenth and Salmon Streets. Walking Distance. Furnished complete, 2. 3 and 4-room apartments;' buildings new and strictly modern; service first class. LUCRETIA COURT. Under new management. Situated in an open court on Lucretla at., just oft Washington, near 23d st. Absolutely the flnesi unfurnished apartment-house in the city; hardwood floora including both phones; prices right. See them before locating. Rets. Superintend ent. Marsh. 1513. Janitor, Marsh. 1500. C ARM ELI T A. Jefferson and 13th Streets. 4 and 5-room unfurnished apartments; exceptionally well arranged; walking dis tance. Kates reasonable. Modern. References. New. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS Largest and finest apartments on the Pacific Coast; in Trinity Place, just off Washing ton, between 19th and 20th sts., in heart of apart ment-house district; modern in every particular; high-class service; re fined clientele; sleeping porches in every apartment ; furnished and unfurnished : prices right; references required. See Mrs. A. N. Wright, superintendent. Phone Marshall 1101. THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sts. This new four-story brick now open; fur nUned and unfurnished in 2. S and 4-room suites; reception hall, electric automatic elevator. Holman disappearing beds, built in buffet and writing desk, gas range, ice box, plenty of closet rooms, both phones, vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you want something nice, come to the Barker. Phone A 1744, Marshall 2961. VILLA ST. CLARA, 12th and Taylor. Most Modern Apartments on the Pacilic Coast. Furnished Complete. Root Garden in Connection. Walking Distance. References. RENT MOST REASONABLE. Choico 3-room apartments; all outside rooms; splendid view ; in best West Side residence district, near City Park; Cedar Hitl Apartments, 187 Green ave., south of 23d and Washington sts.; references re quested. Phone A 194- or Marshall 5345. WESTFAL, 410 0th, 8 minutes walk to P. n. now munatement. entirely renovated. elegantly furnished, 4-room front, with bath, $40; 3 rooms, $27.50 to $35. Why pay more? Fireproof bldg., automatic sprinaier svsiem, Leiii-Hn.e i out, elevator; inspection invited. THE AVALON. 3 and 4-room furnished or unfurnished apartment, sleeping porch, steam heat, 3 story corner brick building. Janitor serv ice; easy warning uiaiau-ij ut uuiuu i- -. Cor. Clackamas and Ross. Phone East 3172. THE UPSHUR, 26th and Upshur sts. Fur nished 2-room apts., $16, $18 up; steam heat, hot and cold water in every apt. ; public bath, electric lights, gas ranges, laundry-room, all free. Take S. 23d or W. cars north. Phone Main 859. THE PARKHURST, N. 20th and Northrup Sts. MAX KAUFMAN, MANAGING OWNER. Homelike furnished 3 and 4-room apart ments; outside rooms, balcony to every suit; all conveniences; ref. Phone M. 1178. THE SHEFFIELD 3 or 4-room apartments, furnished or unfurnished: SDlendid ar rangements; all outside rooms, private bath, direct r'acuic pnone; reasonaoie rent; superb location; near postoffice; best of service. 1 z (in hi., cor. sun. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14 in ana uaiumois. Furnished 2, 3 and 4-room apartments; all conveniences ; first-class, homelike ; ,cnnilil mtPR: refs. Main 7337. A 3C15 CUMBERLAND APTS., W. Park and Co lnmhiirt. sts.. 1 completely furnished two- room apt., all modern conveniences, choice location, facing the Park; 5 minutes' walk from business center; very reasonaoie. WELLINGTON APARTMENTS, loth and Everett 2. 3 and -4 rooms, uniurntsueu urivate baths: up; completely reno vated; under new management; walking distance; convenient and best service. MAYO APARTMENTS. Union ave. and Sacramento st. ; Just completed; the finest and most up-to-date 2 and 3-room apartments In the city; rea- sonable prices. Phone East u. THE EVERETT, 644 Everett st., bet. 20th and Ella. Furnished 3-room apartment in one of the choicest, resident districts, strictly modern, walking distance. THE LUZERNE. Corner 3d and Hall, newly furnished, 2 room apartments, building new and strict ly modern; large outside kitchens, service first-class, easy walking distance. vrnTTf . A A PA RTUKXTS 39 Trinity Place, near Washington. 1!, 3 and 4-room apartments, nicely fur nished, modern; private baths, electric elevator; rates reasonable. THE WINSTON. 341 14th St., at Market. New two and three-room apartments, completely furnished ; walking distance; prices reasonable. Main 1739. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS, Park and Madison Sts. For rent, 3 and 4-room furnished and unfurnished apartments; strictly modern. KINGSBURY Ford, near Washington stT, high-class apartments; one uniurnished of 3 rooms and one of 4 rooms with pri vate balcony. NEW Clark Apts., now open, new and fine ly furnished; phone, steam heat, modern, fireproof, brick, $20 and $22 per month. 616 Pettygrove st. M. 3423. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. 3d and Montgomery. New. modern, out side turnisnea 2-room apartments; auto matic elevator; close in; $-5 up. Main 9466. THE M'KINLEY APARTMENTS. East 7th and Morrison sts.; very central; 2 and 3-room apartments, furnished com pletely; pricate baths; from $u to $32.o0. SAN MARCO APARTMENTS, Cor. East Couch and 8th sts. Easy walking distance; modern, quiet, reason able, pnone East 2759 BE UNA VISTA. 12th and Harrison, 2 and C-room apart ments, oest. sei vice, jppiy on premises. HARRIMAN APTS., 164 24th st. N. ; one 4 room apt., furnished, and one 4-room apt., unfurnished. THE CHETOPA. ISth and Flanders sts. 2. 3 and 4-room modern apartments, fur nished or unfurnished. LINCOLN APARTMENTS. Fourth and Lincoln. AH outside 3-room apts.; $22.50 to $30; walking distance. 3-ROOM apartment, nicely furnished; heat, bath, phone, lights; $22.50 per month. 4i0 Jefferson. THE OXEOXTA Finely furnished 2 and 3 room -partments, all conveniences; single rooms only $10. 187 17th St., near Taylor. 2-ROOM apartment, nicely furnished; phone, bath, lignt, heat; $5 per week. 4I0 Jef f tr rs o THE LA.URETTE, furnished 3-room apart ment, private bath and phone. 229 llth. EELYN APARTMENT, 267 N. 21st St.; 3 room unfurnished apt., modern, rent reas onable. Marshall 1323. THE Drickston, 448 lltn; nicely furnished 2 and 3-room modern outside apts., near Helshts. Mrs. F. W. McCune. Marshall 67. THE CHELTENHAM. 225 N. 19TH. 2-room apartments; new brick building; new furniture. Marshall 1658. ALTONIA. Marshall and 19th sts. Large airy, 2. 3 and 4-room apartments; quiet and exclusive neighborhood. A MIDDLE-AGED iady with references to share new apartment. K C.19, Oregonian. ELK Apartments, 2 and 3 rooms, modern throughout. Tauor 046. 10271. Belmont. FOJX RENT. Apartments. SERENE COURT. East First and Multnomah st. U car, Irvington or Broadway ear. Just completed, the most beautiful four story fire-proof apartment building oti the Pacific Coast. Each three-room apart ment elegantly furnished, including two Holmes disappearing beds with built In oak writing desk and sideboard; two large dressing rooms with mirror doors, all win dows, plate glass; each apartment main phone; tiled bath, solid carpets, vestibule, lobby and corridors, finished in Mexican onx and mahogany, tiled flooring. Urenoh plate mirrors." Turkl.h rugs; Van Ernmon automatic elevator, boiler-room quipped with Fess system oil burner; large steam dryer In laundrv; has a unique roof garden with sun parlor. 26x32. fin ished in white enamel, steam-heated, French p:ate mirrors, elegantlv furnished, piano, hardwood floor, Turkish rugs, smoking den, office and kitchenette; all glass constructed; n'.io an awning cov ered promenade deck. 45x100; electrio lighted, unsurpassed view, ten minutes' walk to business center; excellent service. Why pay lor inferior apartmen:s 75 when you can have all this for $45. cor ners $50, and two-room apartments.. $32.50. corners f35? Inspection solicited. Reference required. Phone East 1426. Mandius Otsen, Managing Owner. MAJESTIC APARTMENTS. 390 Clay St., near West Park; 2 and 4-room furnished apartments, including all modern conve niences: all outside large rooms: free phones and usual free apartment service; 2J and $45. The Beryl, 695 Love.ioy st.. near 21st: 2 and 3-room apartments; outside larse rooms; modern built-in conveniences, free phones, vacuum cleaner service, electric elevator, etc.; $22 to $28. Inducements made to permanent ten ants. Apply on premises or phone THE FRED A. JACOBS CO. Main fiS6t. 6 Washington st. A 626". UNFURNISHED BASEMENT APARTMT. Two-room apartment, with large rooms, with every convenience; clean and close in. Good location for small shop. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Tenth and Salmon. THE CROMWELL. 5th and Columbia; two room apartments, furnished, three-room apartments, unfurnished ; close walking distance; service first-class. Geo. E. Stew art, mgr. BUCK APTS., 21st and Flanders; 3 and 4 toom furnished and unfurnished apts. ; modern, electric elevator, phone In each apt., rent reasonable. Phone A 3SS5, M, 27S2. THE IRVING. OSB IRVING ST. A 4 or 5-room unfurnished apartment; rooms are large, lots of closet room,' steam heat, etc., garage for one car; reference. Phone A 3699. GARDNER APT.. 13 East Ash, A large rooms; all outside; fireplace, hot water heat, good location; everything first-class. Phone Eait 2S7L FOR SALE- Furniture of 3-room apartment, $85. apartment for rent; 2 disappearing beds, porch. No. 3S Hanover Apts. Main 4371. RENT An unfurnishsed 3-room basement apartment to one who will tend furnace. 7(6 Everett st. Marshall 5220. Flats. FLATS. For rent. West Side, corner flats, 5 rooms, with every convenience; fine neighborhood. 715 Kearney, corner 22d sr. one of the flats nicely furnished, including piano. In quire Scott & Beesley. 10-2-12 Abingtoh bldg. Phone Main 2439. A 2SS6. FOR rent; West Side, six-room corner flats, with every convenience: fine neighborhood. 201 North Twenty-second street. 7jl and 723 Kearney street. For particulars, phone Alain 1436 or A 1436. Or call at 104 Second St., near Washington. NEW IRVINGTON FLATS. E. 9th and Hancock, 2 blocks Broadway car, walking distance; 6-room upper, hard wood floors, tiled bath. Dutch kitchen, sep arate basement and attic; no children. Key 472 Hancock. East 5570. 5-ROOM furnished flat, with plumbing in stalled, for giving baths and other equip ments for giving drugless healing; leaving city because of sickness. For further par ticulars address D 595, Oregonian. A FLAT of 3 rooms, wiih large porch, fur nished for housekeeping, $19 month; very cozy; handy to cars. J. P. M KENNA, 1153H Belmont, Cor. East 30th. Tabor j65. FREE RENT, in exchange for light services; 3 sunnv corner roms, heat, light and wa ter; will furnish. Call bet. 1 and 4 P. M. today. 514 Hancock st. TWO fine 6 and 8-room modern flats, with ur without garage. Fourth and Montgom ery, from $26 to $35. D. G. Woodward, agent, lo4 2d st. Main 1436. MODERN 6 -room home llat; furnace; rent reduced to $25 by lease; 10-minute walk. 543 & Fifth St. or Main 7065, A 6561. MODERN 5-room flat, $25. 763 Marshall st. Inquire Gunther & Hickey Grocery 23d and Marshall. $14, INCLUDING water, new modern 4-room, upper flat, 22d and Sandy road. Inquire 64 Va East 19th North. ONE of the nicest 4-room flats In the cilj ; rent reasonable. 167 East 29th st., cor. Belmont. SS or Mt. Tabor cars. $13 PER mo., small 5-room lower model a flat. 3S7 N. 21st. Key at 3b7 N. 21st, or phone Main 223. MODERN 11-room flat, fireplace, gas range, heater, linoleum, carpet. 624 Northrup. Main S475. MODERN 11-room flat, fireplace, gas range, neater, linoleum, carpet. 624 Northrup, Main 8475. ilOLLADAY ADD. Beautiful new upper fiat, walking distance. 3 blocks trom new" Steel bridge. 226 Occident st. East 2iMf. $18 MODERN 5-room flat; gas range, lino leum, tubs, electricity. Owner. 2io East 37th st. Tabor 179S. "SS" car. ., $25 Lower flat of 0 rooms. 56!) 3th St., West Side, wu Iking distance, after Mon day. Owner. 4553. NICELY furnished 3-room flat; bath, fur nace heat; $22.50 month. Main 3445. O114 Market-st. drive. NICELY furnished 5-room lower fiat; mod ern conveniences; walking distance, rea sonable. 34 E. 9th st. N. $20 4-room furnished lower flat. 571 5 th, West Side; walking distance. Owner, Ta bor 4553. 3-ROOM upper flat, close to East Sldo new bridge; newly tinted: modern conven iences; rent j2..-j". .nam (-v-i. 5-ROOM modern lower fi;U, newly tinted; East Side, close in: excellent neighbor hood; large yard; $22.50. Main flMif.i. 4-ROOM flat, walking distance; furnace, fire place, gas range, linoleum on kitchen. 413 Jackson st. WEST SIDE Light, modern 4-room flats, telephone, porches, furnace, attic, yard, on carline, $27.50. Phone Main 1612. MODERN 5-room upper flat, large yard, nice lawn, fruit trees and roses; in walk ins: distance; $22.50. 639 Savler. COMPLETE furnished 4-room flat, heat, phone and water included. Phone Wood lawn 1610. FOR RENT Modern 7-room flat; fireplaeu and furnace; 444 Park sL; $33. Phono Ta bor 73 or East 1431. 5-ROOM modern upper flat, close in, East Side. Tabor 1597 7 ROOMS and bath, 821 Corbett st; key at U14 Corbet- ONE four and one five-room flat, close In; low rent. Apply A 22-S Hall st. $15, 3 ROOMS and bath. 621 Overton st. Water, part gas free. C 1S74. MODERN 4-room flat, near 22d and Wash ington; reasonable. Main 8988. Main 3S33. a ROOMS with sleeping porch, hot-water heater, $35- 781 Kearney. 4S9 WEST Park, large 3-room flats; bath, gas; rent, $12.50. NICELY furnished 3-room flat, modern. 1043 Gantenbeln, cor. Alberta. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath; 731 Hoyt st, t mA Ath at. Phone Main 678. CONVENIENT, newly furnished 4-room flat, $ 1 9. 1042 E. 15th st. N. A car. MODERN 5-room lower flat, fireplace. 60S fair Mndtfinn St. Lul-HN flats, 6 sunny rooms, attic, porches. West Side, choice location. Main 4220. HOLLADAY ADD. Beautiful flat, walking distance. Call 412 Wasco. Ph. E. 3b05. NICELY furnished corner upper flat, rooms, piano, on carline. 461 6th. LOWER 5-room flat, modern. 473 W. Park, lnouire 468 Park. A 2 S3 7. NEW 5-room fiat, $20; 3 cariines. 488 E. 12th, near Division. 3-ROOM flat, $12; water, garbage cared for, 7 06 Vancouver ave. Woodlawn 153. FOR RENT Modern 5-room flat. Call at COS Belmont st. MODERN 6-room lower flat, 208 14th St., between Taylor and Salmon. East 281. NEW. modern 4-room flat. E. 2Mli FURNISHED and unfurnished flats; one 2. room phone E. 1719. 66JtV'liliams ave. 5-ROOM furnished flat for rr.nt. 344 Co lli ribieInjiinreJM V ROOMS and baih, 59S y Salmon at; kJ at 600 Salmon 4-ROOM upper flat, all modern. $15. quire o-'S vviinamB ave, oi owner. EAST 9th and Hancock, Irvington; 6 rooms. upper; no cnuaren; Key nancoca. FURNISHED and unfurnished flats; one 2- rOOm Iiau ,Q3i itiir. yjy-i w 1 ma 111 9 Q- 4-iiOOM modern flat. 863 Grand ave.