THE SUNDAY OKEGONIAN, PORTLAND, JANUARY 12, 1913. 11 FOB SALE. Automobiles. 6IMPLY elegant 5-passenger foredoor Cad lilac; 5 A. F. tires, demountable rims, electric lights, every possible equipment; positively mechanically guaranteed; cost 32150; price S1150. $400 down, $50 month ly. 350 Alder Bt. 6PLENDID 1911 Warren roadster; fore doors, brand new tires. . So-horse power. iDdameter. wind shield, etc. : mechani cally A-l ; cobt 1350; price $523, 3225 down, mommy. ojv Aiaer si. TOR 6ALE 1911 Win ton six. fully equipped and guaranteed; has just been overhaul eu and repainted. See It Sunday at the Portland Motor Car Co. This is a great buy. POUR-TON auto truck; part cash, balance easy; or wui iraae lor woric norses. au dress P 708, Oregontan. 40 HORSEPOWER 5-passenger 1910. model 17, Bulck automobile, fully equipped first class condition, for $400. Call East 1076- I'OR SALE: High-class roadster, almost new, xuuy equipped; electric ngnts, eic; cheap for cash. AG 6'J0, Oregonian. "WARREN 30." four-naasenzer. fore door, auto for sale, A-l condition, bargain for casn u tiiu, uregoman. HALF interest in cleaning establishment; will trade for motorcycle. 115 N. 23d at. Machinery- FOR SALE. 1 0 by 10 Erie Ball engine. 1 9 by 10 Vim engine. 1 4H by 2 by 4 steam pump. 2 boiler feed pumps. 2 power driven pumps. 1 60 H. P. upright link motion engine, complete. 1 id H. P. upright boiler and fittings. 1 40 H. P. 220-voJt 3-phase motor. 1 20 H. P. 5H-volt D. C. motor. 1 30 H. P. 5-voIt D. C motor. 1 1 11. P. 110-volt D. C. motor. 1 y. H. P. 110-volt single phase motor. 1 h H. P. 110 or 220-volt 3-phase motor. 1 100 K. W. C50-vo1t generator. 1 i.". W. 110-volt generator. 1 10 H. P. 220-volt D. C. motor. 1 125 H. P. 650-volt motor. 1 60 K. W. 2300-volt 3-phase generator With exciter and switch hoard. 2 6 K. W. 110-220 to 1100-2200-volt transformers. 1 2 K. W. 110-220 to 1100-2200-volt tran sf ormers. See us for all kinds of electrical work. H. M. H. ELECTRIC CO.. 81 North First St. Phone Main 9210. STANDARD MACHINERY COMPANY. 40 2d St. We rent or sell CONCRETE MIXERS. We rent or sell ELECTRIC HOISTS. We rent or sell HOISTING ENGINES. We rent or sell ELECTRIC MOTORS. We rent or sell DERRICKS. We rent or sell POWER PUMPS. W e rent or sail BOILERS. We rent or sell ENGINES. We rent or sell ROCK CRUSHERS. We rent or sell CONTRACTORS' equip ment of all kinds. STANDARD MACHINERY COMPANY. We rent or sell. FOR SALE. A 45 -horse power. 550-volt Crocker Wheeler motor, complete, with standard blade starter, no voltage release and 75 ainpere overload. I. T. E. circuit breaker. In A-l condition. Address, room 203 Ore gonian bldg. FOR SALE. One 125-volt direct-current generator, complete, with field rheostat, am-meter and circuit breaker. This machine Is in good repair. Address, room 2u3, Orego nian bldg. FOR SALE. A 40-K. W., 650-volt Crocker-Wheeler generator, complete, with field rheostat and circuit breaker. In good condition. Address, room 203, Oregonian bldg. M 1 scellaneo us. PIPE PIPE PIPE H-inch pipe, 2c foot. 1- lnch pipe, SHc foot. 2- inch pipe, Gc foot. 3- inch pipe, Oc foot. 4- lnch pipe, 15c foot. We carry the largest and most complete stock of second-hand pipe, valves, fittings In the city; all sizes up to 12-inch. Pipe cut to sketch. We have 10-inch pipe ma chines and can deliver any size order on quick notice. J. SIMON" & BRO.. Front and Grant Sts. PIPE PIPE PIPE H-lnch pipe, 2o foot. 1- lnch pipe, 3ViC foot. 2- lnch pipe, Sc foot. 3- lnch pipe, 9c foot. 4- lnch pipe, 15c foot. We carry the largest and most complete stock of second-hand pipe, valves, fittings In the city: all sizes up to 12-inch. Pipe cut to sketch. We have 10-lnch pipe ma chines and can deliver any size order on quick notice. J. SIMON & BRO.. Front and Grant Sts, MUST SELL AT ONCE. $-00 buys 3-room tent-house and furniture. 1677 Pacific St., near 64th. Montavilla car. Purchaser may have use of lot if de sired; good chance for someone to get home or make some money. Call between 1 and 4 Sunday or phone Main 3TO. KOR SALE cheap, a fur-lined overcoat, slse 40; has been used only a few times; this Is a bargain. Fvr further information call today, East 4070 or Monday Main 1343. FINE Etiott's addressing machine; can ad dress iwo envelopes per hour; cost 140; price J-4 2. 50, $10 down, $0 monthly. 330 Alder st. , HOLLY TREES, a fine lot for sale by grow er, 2 to 4 feet. 60c to 90c; excellent hedge plant; some large trees. 271 Salmon St., near Courthouse. Main 8933. GOOD 20-foot oak launcU hull, cost $300. Forced sale, $40. See Becktell, 82 4th. Main 8000. A BARGAIN for oash 1912 Flying Merkel, 7-horsepower. twin cylinder, fully equipped. Call 609 Ladd ave. 2 STEEL range, 6-hole, 1 large heating stove. Apply the Arts and Craft Shop, 342 Olisan and 7th. Phone Marshall 3964. CLEARING- engine, rails, dumpcam, pipe, drill steel, pack saddles, steam scrapers, cheap. AF 810. Oregonian FOR "SALE Five hundred thousand second hand clean bricks, $5 per thousand. M. Barde Son, Front and Main sts. DANDY upright piano, fine tone, only 42.30, $12.50 down, $4 monthly. 350 Al der St. SIX upholstered oak diners, hall seat, 'bench, gas heater and hall runner. E. 13S4. NEARLY new 1276 National cash register for $200; on terms; liberal cash discount. Phone B 8433. 7-DRAWER electric National register, used 2 months; can be bought right. 351 Washington st.; in basement. NATIONAL cash registers; get my prices. Povey, 351 Washington, basement. Main 606. JslCE, clean folding and mattress for sale or exchange lor complete, clean, open bed. 21 X. 11th. TRY New-life vibrator, type C, cost $33, will sell $15, practically new. B 093, Orego nian. TOR SALE Household goods and china kiln, all new. Tabor 240. UU3 E. 50th st. N., Rose City Park. F)R SALE Three-burner Natlional gaso line stove, safety burners, good condition. 013 Tibbetts. AMERICAN BEAUTIES Ten 7x10 art pic. lures of famous actresses, $1.00. Mail y our order now. AJ 64 1 , Oregon ian. 6AFES New and second-hand, large assort ment, low prices, safes opened, repaired. M osier Safe Co.. 10S Second st. Main 7676. CIRCULAR lettt-r and office printing outfit. $100, cost $2.10; as good as new ; must sell at once. Y 6(10. Oregonian. il Y line new Winchester shotgun, leather case, cheap. Tabor 43S7. heavy FOR SALE Complete I. C S. library on civil engineering. P 706, Oregonian. SHOWCASES, 2 counters 4 and 5 feet, 1 floor 3. G. A. Johnson, Garden Home, Or OEMlJvMAN'S $43 suit, very little used, for fi.-; size 40. AB 049. Oregonian. A BARGAIN, electric coffee mill, good as new. Phone Sellwood 2-. WELL-ROTTED MANURE. EAST PELANY PLACE. B 1903. FOR SALE Hot-air furnace, good as new. 443 Stark St. DERBY desks and office furniture. E. B. Haley Desk Co.. 210 Seventh st. Main SS7. S A F E 28 x32x3R, $40 or trade for smaller one, ZZ3 Worcester bldg. BIG en a p. 3 nariv new pool tables. 159 E. 72d st. N.. Montrvllla. VISIBLE tpewriter. $17.50; need mone. AC 731. Oregonian. T R N 1 T U R E of 5 rooms for sale reasonable. The rent Is cheap. 771 Savter. GOOD log float for sale, cheap, or trade. What hsTe you. AG 76. Oregonian. 72-riECE, gold-bordered $60 Havlland set for $30. E. 6S2. FOR SALE I safe, collar urn, cigar case, dresser, 4P Hoyt. FINE ro.'l-top oak desk and chair. Call Monday at 311 Lewis b!dg. FINE $35 York French horn, only $20. S30 Alder St. IMPORTED Maltese lace-embroidered lunch set, genuine pearls. Phone Main 4331. FOR 8AXJC. Miscellaneous. FOR EXCHANGE. 10-acre prune orchard, about 4 mile from Orchards station; price $4000; want house same value, close to school. 4 lots In Laurel hurst ; no mortgage; price $S00O; want unimproved property. We want vacant lots on Improved streets, unincumbered, in exchange for bouses. We have a large list. 8-story brick, new, corner lot. West Side; income $5400; price $60,000; will exchange for farm In Willamette Valley or Eastern Oregon up to $20,000, but must have at least $23,000 cash. Business property at Lents; income $30 per month; price $4200; want vacant lot up to $2200. Beautiful home of 7 rooms, modern lm- provements, on corner lot In Woodlawn; price $3730 ; will exchange for lots or farm of same value. GODDARD A WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. ATTRACTIVE FRUIT FARM. 20 ACRES COMMENCING TO BEAR. Strictly commercial orchard, 5 miles south of Salem; daily mall, 1 mile to graded school at Liberty; on hard-surfaced road ; finest kind of red shot soil, with good air and soil drainage; 1 acre Lambert cherries, 10 acres Newton and Spltzenberg apples. 5 acres d'Anjou pears, 1 acre strawberries. Fine well, with tank and windmill ; 8-room house, with bath and toilet, cabinet kitchen; water piped to barn; team of horses, cow, wagon, surrey, harness, spraying outfit. Implements and tools included. A beautiful home and is growing rapidly in value. Cash price $13,500; terms, H cash or- would exchange for good flat or apartment property at a cash price up to $20,000. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. 2 54x16 bolters; 1 20-horsepower upright boiler; 1 centrifugal pump; 1 S-horsepower engine: 1 74 -horsepower motor; 3 water wheels; 3 blowers; Lot rails; Lot eyebeams; All sizes pipe. We carry the largest and most- com plete line of second-hand pulleys, belt ing, shafting, cable, boilers, engines, dy namos, rails, eyebeams, wooden pulleys and other miscellaneous machinery in the city. If you have anything in the Iron or machinery line to sell or want to buy. see us, as we can make you money. We sell either for cash or on the Installment plan. J. SIMON & BRO.. Front and Grant Sts. WHAT HAVE YOU TO EXCHANGE FOR, 240 ACRES ALFALFA LAND? 80 ACRES ALFALFA LAND? 2000 ACRES WHEAT LAND? lOO ACRES WASHINGTON COUNTY? 102 ACRES WASHINGTON COUNTY? lfttt ACRES NEWBERG? Sr.OO-ACRE SHEEP RANCH? . 166-A. WHITE SALMON ORCHARD? 1)00 ACRES ON R. R., GILLIAM CO.? 12S0-ACRE WHEAT FARM. WASH. ? FULL INFORMATION AT OXCCE OF ZIMMERMAN, 310 Board of Trade Bldg. RUBBER ROOFING RUBBER ROOFING RUBBER ROOFING 50c PER SQUARE. - Every square guaranteed positively new. 50c PER SQUARE. Lot of first class second-hand corrugated iron, $3 per square. J. SIMON & BRO., Front and Grant Sts. ELGIN WATCHES ON CREDIT. Why not buy your Elgin watch now while you can get it at a special price and on such easy monthly payments that you'll never miss the money? This month we will send you any Elgin, no money down, subject to yr-ur approval, that you may select from our large catalog. Write for It today. We are the largest watch house In America and trust honest people every, where. HARRIS-GOAR CO., Dept. 723, Kansas City, Mo. SIX-h.p. heavy duty, single cylinder, re versible, self -starting Ka hi en berg marine engine, brand new, complete, ready to In stall. For quick sale at a reduction amounting to full freight allowance. 102 2d st. A SACRIFICE As I am called East, will sell for $250 cash two 30-ft. latest im proved American box ball alleys, only run six weeks, as good as new. Address N 660, Oregonian. ANY one having household goods to ship to .Missouri points or nast win save money by shipping with me. Write L 669, Ore gonian. LAUNCH, value $350, to trade for auto, real estate, motorcycle, piano or any thing of equal value. Phone Roberts, M. 5977. FOR SALE Range (wood or coal), water coil; used three months; $20; cost $48; or will exchange for good gas range. Phone Tabor 842. FOR SALE At a bargain; fine steel blue diamond, 2 H karats ; also earrings, 3 V karats and diamond cluster pin. F 095, Oregonian, TWO desks, safe, account register, brand new No. 5 Underwood typewriter for sale at a bargain; must sell by Wednesday. Geo. Burton. AF 806, Oregonian. SEWING machine, $25; slightly used; cheap for quick sale, time or cash; machine rented. 190 3d at., bet. Yamhill and Tay lor. FOR SALE New White rotary sewing ma s chine, slightly used; $30 Victor phono graph with 1 doz, records, $25; also new zither, $3. Phone Tabor 2741. OLD SAFES taken in exchange on new and steel office safes. Safes opened, repaired. Purcell Safe Co. and Portland Safe Co., S3 3th st. phone M. 6309. NATIONAL cash registers; see me before buying. Povey, basement. 351 Wash. Main 606. MRS. KELLY. Practical nurse, with reference. Phone Main 3274. FOR RENT or sale, barge "Callstar." Ap ply 805 Board of Trade. Phone Main 1417, A 1417. 1912 HARLEY-DAVIDSON motorcycle. 4 h. p., very slightly used, $150 If taken at once. 802 E. Ash st. RENT a visible typewriter 3 months for $4; convenient at home. 333 Ankeny st. Phone Main 273, A 4441. BEAUTIFUL, new, long, black velvet coat, latest style, size 3G; cost $00; sacrifice for $22. &0. A bargain. Phone A 5389. NEW Vulcan gas range, the very latest, for sale cheap. Van Horn Transfer Co. WELL-ROTTED manure. East 4026. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO. PAYS THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES for second-hand furniture, carpets, stoves, ranges, etc. We handle farmers', loggers', mechanics', blacksmith, plumbers', and contractors outfits. We carry bicycles, guns, rifles and game traps. We have 20 tons. all sizes of second-hand wire rope and 2 carloads of poultry netting, slightly damaged, cheap. 221 Front st. Main IK) 7 2. $2.00 TO $600.00 paid for hundreds of old coins. Keep money dated before 1895 and send TEN cents at once for new illus trated coin value book, 4x7. Get posted; It may mean your fortune. Clarke & Co., Coin Dea.ers, Box 112, Le Roy. N. Y. WE BUY CLOTHING. FURNITURE, TOOLS Highest prices paid for ladles' and men's cast-off clothing and shoes. Call Main 2OS0 290 First St. WE buy for cash second-hand National Cash Registers and sell them on easy terms. W. J. Macauley. 354 Burnside St. Phones. Main 1816. A 1816. WILL buy any kind of hair combings; high est cash price paid. Sanitary Beauty Par lors, 40 Dekum bldg. WANTED to buy or rent Second-hand Smith concrete mixer, capacity 17 cubic fret; state price and condition of ma chine. X 656, Oregonian. WANTED Second-hand power elevator, 1 to 2-ton capacity, for freight. Portland Stove Works. 626 Wood st. WE pay the highest cash price for second hand furniture. M. H. Seat is. Phone East 3134. 348 Hawthorne ave. ELECTRICAL fixture: state experience and wages expected. Address AB 659, Ore gonian. WANT first-class watch and fine camera. postal size, cheap tor casiu n 6G3, Ore gonian. FAIR DEAL reopened again; we pay high est prices for your 2d-hand clothing and household goods. Mam v- WANTED Gasoline engine $ to 12 horse power; must be cheap and In good condi tion. AN 673, Oregonian W'E pay highest price for second-band cloth ing. JX- ja. .nam i'-o.t- NATIONAL cash register; price must be reasonable. Main 606. CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS. Martin, 320 Lumber Exchange bldg. FORD Auction Co. pays most cash for any kind of furniture. Mala 3951, A 2445. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS- NEAT kalsomining, $2.50 per room: wood work cleaned, painting, etc. Main 1412. lifcH ATEi MALK. DISTRICT manager wanted In every city, town ' and village to open and manage branch office; brand new proposition; Wonder Cloth finds a sale In every home, office, store, garage and factory ; three big sources of profit a local, an agency and Jobbing business; cash sales, steady duplicate orders; samples, printed matter and new selling method furnished tree; no experience needed; can make $3u0 to $300 monthly; we advertise -your business. If you have a few dollars and good refer ences, write "quick. Eastern Specialty Co., 65 A Pine Street, New York. WANTED Family men for mills and fac tory work. Coast town over 5oOO inhabi tants ; growing rapidly, 14K white men employed In more than 2i mills and fac tories which run steady year arouna; city has streetcar, electric light. water and sewerage system; one railroad, prospects good for second railroad; all vessels load at mills; fishing industries as well as farming lands splendid; no wages less than $2.25; give nationality and address AV 546. Oregonian. CREAMER YM AN BUTTER-MAKER. WANT PRACTICAL MAN (NOT AN "EXPERT") WITH FIRST-CLASS REF ERENCE. FOR MODERN, SUCCESSFUL, ESTABLISHED PLANT. ATTRACTIVE OPENING FOR INVEST MENT, IF DESIRED, IN SUBSTANTIAL PAYING BUSINESS. ADDRESS WM. EDWARDS P. O. BOX 222. PORTLAND, OR. WANTED Salesman to travel, must be red blooded and Intelligent; fine opportunity for man capable of presenting legitimate business proposition; nothing to sell; un less you have strong personality and can show results don't waste our time or .. your own; state age, experience and phone number for interview. AG 675, Oregonian. DRY GOODS salesman Want competent single man for country store. DISBURSEMENT clerks Want men who know Interstate Commerce classifica tions. SECRETARY Local corporation wants man who can make Investment. COMMERCIAL ABSTRACT COMPANY, 1035 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANTED for U. S. ARMY Able-bodied un married men, between ages of 18 and 35, citizens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write 4the English lan guage. For information apply to Recruit ing Officer, Worcester building, 2d and Oak sts., Portland. Or. WANTED Salesman, capable of earning $10 to $20 daily; side line or strong enough for main line, calling on retail trade ; our goods are consigned ; business easily se cured ; references required. Perfection Specialty Co., 3121 S. Main St., Los An geles, Cal. ' ' WANTED A firat-class double-entry book keeper and collector ; must be able to operate typewriter, answer In own hand writing, stating experience, reference and salary wanted; one who has had experi ence In the plumbing trade preferred. Y 653, Oregonian. YOU can make big money with our live and complete line of daily pad, apron, office calendars. Samples packed a dozen In neat box; appeal to bankers, manufactur ers and best business houses. An A-l prop osition for flrstciass salesmen; write Spe cialty Printing Co., Cincinnati. L HAVE S acres, close In, with buildings and fruit; near 5c carline; want man or woman with $500 to join me raising chickens. McCoy, 364 North 26th, evenings only, 7 to 9; "S" car north on Third to 26th. block south. WANTED Men who can earn $150 to $200 monthly to sell San Francisco exposition tour tickets. Office open every day from 9 A. M. to 10 P. M. R. C. O' BRYAN, Suite 352. Hotel Multnomah. WANTED Reliable men with soliciting ex perience; will offer an exceptional propo sition: apply Monday bet. 8 and 10 A. M. and 4 and 6 P. M. H. B. Hansburg, mgr. 215 Columbia bldg. 365 Washington st. WANTED Experienced industrial insurance men; will offer a splendid proposition. Apply Monday bet. 8 and 10 A. M. and 4 and 6 P. M. H. B. Hansburg, mgr., 215 Columbia bldg. WANTED By old-established firm in Port land, a steady, reliable man to work In paint factory; prefer one with some ex perience; answer, giving full particulars and wages wanted, a oH, uregonian. AMBITIOUS salesmen, neat appearance, call merchants, their territory, .elegant side line, conyenient to carry; good commis sions, prompt remittance. Belmont Mfg. Co., Cincinnati. O. ENERGETIC salesmen for unequaled line of calendars, leather goods and advertising novelties; liberal commission."): paid semi monthly. Excellent opening for hustlers. C. Felgenspan Co., Cincinnati. WANTED District manager every state. Something out of the ordinary, popular de mand, quick money, permanent; references required. C. F- Davis, sec'y, 607 So. Hill St., Los Angeles, Cal. WANTED $10 to $25 per week copying and addressing letters under our instructions; work evenings; 10c for particulars. Alkan Copying Works, 23 Market su, Oakland, Cal. SPLENDID opening; well-known real estate office, doing general business, desires capable man with some means to take in terest. Inquire Chas. Rlngler & Co., 211 Lewis bldg. MAN and wife to act as janitor for small apartment building; will give furnished 2 room basement apartment for services. Apply Monday between 9 and 10. The Fred A. Jacobs Co., 269 Washington st. THE HOLTZ STORE requires the services of bright boys of 15 to 18 years, for window trimmer's assistant, delivery and elevator. The Holtz Store, 5th and Washington. WANTED At once, advertising solicitor that can handle high-class proposition. For particulars, inquire Wm. Broad, suite 8A, Multnomah Hotel. WANTED Thoroughly experienced shoe salesman. Apply Supt. office 7th floor, between 8:30 and 10 A. M., Lipman, Wolfe & Co. CLEAN-CUT, high-class specialty salesmen, call on liquor trade and druggists, excep tional commission opportunity. Eastern Manufacturers Co., 83 5th St. WANTED Frame maker; one who under stands laying out preferred; also a few good bench hands. Apply Th. Johannesen & Co., 972 Macadam St. SALESMEN to sell our check protector; It sells to every person who writes check. Circulars, Information free. Sample 23c Terry Mfg. Co., 122 Colton bldg., Toledo. O. WILL pay $12 per week for young man to help set ads and do job work: opportunity to learn linotype. Address AV 556 Ore gonian. Portland. Or. WANTED Accurate and rapid young male stenographer; give references, past experi ence and Balary desired first letter. N 637, Oregonian. SALESMEN wanted; laces, embroideries; only men with trade among dry goods and general store trade need apply; all terri tories. Merk & Co., 416 Broadway. N. Y. WANTED 4 clean-cut energetic men to solicit for good proposition; good money to right parties. Call after 9:30 Mon day morning. 350 Burnside FOR theatrical company, character, juvenile, soubrette, good wardrobe required: call Immediately. New York Theatrical Agencv, 510 Eilers bldg. WANTED Man and wife to take charge of small apartment-house for rent of apart ment; man can look after other business li he wisnes. uaoor inv. WANTED Thoroughly experienced order clerk and wrapper for groceries. Address WANTED A Bartender and swamper for saloon; good wages to the right man. AG REAL ESTATE hustlers wanted; have best location, ground floor. Haynes, 310 Stark street. GOOD specialty salesmen. Mr. Bleckner, Ralace Hotel, 12th and Washington, Mon day. WANTED Delivery boy with wheel. Brad shaw Bros., Royal building, Morrison and Seventh. MAN of good appearance to represent local corporation in Portland. Apply afrer 0 A. M. 302 Northwest bldg. WANTED Advertising solicitor. Apply be tween 9 and 11 o'clock Monday. 325 5th street. WANTED An engineer to run ice plant and heating plant. Anply 340 First, between 9 and 12 A. M. Must have references. WANTED Experienced draftsman on build ings and dwelling houses. AS 6S8, Orego nian. WANTED Good boys over 36 to learn the millinery business. Apply Lowengart Co. WANTEDA thoroughly experienced com plaint man for delivery department; must know city. Address AL 790. Oregonian. SALESMEN Specialty salesman, for citj and country; state age and experience. P. O. box 348. SEVERAL good live solicitors; dead ones need not apply. Monday. 507 E. Flanders. STOCo. salesman wanted: high class propos ition. S J563. Oregoniaiu WANTED A first-class bench moulder. Call 222 Commercial Club bldg- BRIGHT boy wanted to work In Printing office, A. M. Monday. 211 Oak st. BOY for delivery; must have wheeL Nau's Pharmacy, 6th and Alder. WANTED A bread baker at once at Han son's Bakery Oregon City. HELP Y ANTKI VALR, INCIDENT. (One of Many. Office Secretary Employment Department, Y. M C A. Young man, stranger, seeking employ ment ($20 his total cash asset) If 1 PT you $5 for employment membership I will have only $15 between me and starvation. Secretary If you pay $5 for employ ment membership you will have the Y. M C. A. with all lis resource between you and starvation. Result: Young man Joined association. In less tthan a week ho had satisfactory employment. Record, for 12 months ending December 81: Call for men 2203 Positions filled 100? Employment membership guarantees member will secure employment or refund of full membership fee; gives two months full membership privileges, 10 months' so cial privileges and undertakes to keep member employed during the full term of membership without further charge. Constant demand for ' CLERICAL TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL MEN. See Secretary Employment Department. T. M. C. A. ARE YOU DOING WORK that is laying the foundation of a successful, happy life? Or are you just drifting along, doing any work you can get, whether you like It or not 7 You can' t afford to disregard the future. If between 17 and 25, the age when you lay the foundation of your life's success or failure, you Bhould be at work where everything you. do counta If you feel that your present job will not lead you well onto the road to success, find out what the United States Navy will do for you. Call at the Navy Recruiting Sta tion, Railway Exchange Bldg.. Portland, Or., and find out everything about Navy pay. hours, promotion, the healthy life, physical training, and fine class of men you'll associate with. Get full details about chances to learn a trade, to see the world and to save up money. The offi cers and men at the Recruiting Station will answer every question. You'll enjoy meet ing them, even if you decide not to enter the Navy. Write for "The Making of m Man-o'Warsman," a free book which de scribes the daily life of Navy men, in sim ple language and Interesting photos. Send now so you won't put it off and forget Address Bureau of Navigation, Box 326, Navy Department, Washington, D. C. EXPERIENCED salesmen to sell our homes In all parts of the city on easy payment plan, and close-In restricted residence lots on both the East and West Sides; also close-in acreage. We furnish some pros pects and assist In closing sales. We supply lots and build, to suit purchaser. Liberal commissions. Ask for sales man ager. PROVIDENT TRUST CO.. OWNERS, Second Floor Selling Bldg. RELIABLE, old-established house, desires several high-grade, experienced salesmen to sell special products; very meritorious, good sellers to city, county, state insti tutions, manufacturing plants, mills, deal era Salary and expenses. Excellent op portunity for advancement. Efficient sell ing ability and first-class references neces sary, state what kind of goods have been selling. The Sterling Refining Co., Cleve land, O. TRAVELING-MEN wanted to establish new connections for our line of high-class custom-order tailoring. Young men ac quainted with the better class of clo thiers, tailors and haberdashers will be given the preference. Permanent posi tions. State age, experience and refer ences. . Address Schoenbrun & Company, Wholesale Tailors, 844 West Adams street, Chicago. A FEW high-class salesmen to sell central Warronton property, at the mouth of the Columbia. No such opportunity has ever before been offered in the West. Nothing compares with It in merit as the coming great seaport, and many wales are now being easily made. Call only between 10 and 12. Columbia Harbor Land Co., 901-2-3 Wilcox bldg. RESPONSIBLE, highly successful, long es tablished manufacturing company wants a high-class salesman with good refei -ences for city and road work. Strictly commission. Average sale pays about $100 commission. Each sale brings others. No samples to carry. A genuine opportunity for a real producer. Gilbert Perry. Sales Manager, 1912 Draper st., Indianapolis, Indiana. FOR permanent place, three energetic, am bitious salesmen, capable of earning $3600 annusllv or better, to sell high-grade spe cialty to all lines of retail trade, towns, smaller cities; heavily advertised in trade papers; routes circularized in advance. Want clean, reliable men only. References and bond required. A. A., Box 539, Chicago. Illinois. TRUSTWORTHY men who will invest $50 cash for a year's contract, to exhibit white slave attraction In moving picture theaters, if you care to make $100 per week with privilege of going anywhere in U. S. and nave cash required, write. Address Chen oweth & Co., desk 5, 102 North Broadway, Oklahoma City, Okla, CARPEN.TERS, painters, decorators and all other mechanics, also vacuum cleaner men. Have you few hours to spare? We want a man in each town. No capital needed. An hour's work shows dollars earned In spare time. Pocket sample. Caster Mfg. Co., dept 51, 20 Warren, New York. WANTED Salesman covering Portland and . surrounding territory, who can sell cured fish specialties to the grocery and meat trade as a side line. State full particulars in replying. Coffin Fish Co., Seattle, U. S. A, A FINANCIAL corporation can use a clean cut man of good education for outside work ; must be able to sell stocks and bonds; an income with rapid advancement assured; full particulars and references. E 608. Oregonian. WANTED Competent registered pharmacist salesman; to such a man we offer a good position at a good salary, with good chance for Improvement; good hours and good surroundings. No drug clerks need apply. The Owl Drug Co. SALESMEN wanted. We have an extreme, ly good proposition to offer several sales men who have shown they can sell goods. We have no competition and are opening a new field. Call Monday after 10 A. M., room 60S Eilers bldg. WANTED Salesmen, by one of the most reliable real estate firms in Canada hav ing branch offices in all principal Cana dian cities. Apply sales manager. Lowry's Limited, 807 1st st. E., Calgary, Canada. CAN use three high-grade, experienced spe cial edition advertising solicitors; big com mission; four months' steady work; also two contract men; contracts cashed. 26S Madison. ONE man's commission last week, $230, selling Washington Nursery Company trees. If you can walk, talk and write an order, write us today for territory. Wash ington Nursery Company, Toppenlsh, Wash. EXPERIENCED calendar salesman for 1914 calendar line cn profit-sharing plan; some thing new; It takes the orders where oth ers tail. P. O. Box 2815A, Philadelphia. Fa. SALESMAN Experienced, Oregon, any line, to sell general trade; unexcelled specialty proposition; commission contract; $35 weekly lor expenses. Continental Jewelry Company, Cleveland, Ohio. ' SALESMEN General mercantile trade In Oregon, to sell new proposition of merit; -acancy now; attractive commission con tract, $35 weekly, expenses. Miles F. Bix ler Co., wholesale jewelers, Cleveland. O. CAPABLE salesman to cover Oregon with staple line; high commissions, $100 month ly advance, permanent position to right man. Jess H. Smith Co.. Detroit, Mich. SALESMAN to handle line paints, lubricat ing oils; liberal commissions, good terri tory. West Coast Refining Company, San Francisco, CaL COMMERCIAL specialty salesmen, costs $7 50, sells $20; 2 to 10 orders daily, cash income for expenses. Grant Mfg. Co., Pitts burg, Pa, SALESMEN Do you want $10 a day side or main line retail and punch board deals? Ten puropositions. American Factornes CO., SL J.OU15, WANTED Capable man for the exclusive agency of "WINONA MILLS" hosiery and underwear, established businesa G. W. Boozer, 417 Arcaoe omg., oeame, naau. WANTED Boy about 16 or 17 to learn cook ing and wash dishes; suitable wages to start. The Sterling Restaurant, 372 N 17th, near Thurman. $25 WEEKLY, expenses, to trustworthy peo ple to travel, distribute samples for big wholesale house. C. Emery, Chicago. MKS wanted for n;ws service on trains; cash bond required. Barkalow Bros., 332 Johnson st., opposite union uepot. TWO or three reliable men wanted; good future; liberal compensation. 322 3oard of l raae oiug EXPERIENCED railroad stenographer. Remington machine. Address, giving ref erence s.AR6Ui!Oregonian. GASOLINE engineer for country place; sin gle man apply. 202 Oak sL. after 11 A. M. jaonaay. WANTED Young man In wholesale house as stenographer; state age and wages ex pejted. AT 775, Oregonian. WANTED Two ehinglers Monday morning at 21st and Weldler sta Broadway car. PHOTO Coupon; best offer: snap for agenta Cutberth Studio. 801 Dekum bldg. WANTED First-class machinist on lathe work. Call 222 Commercial Club bldg. WANTED Nickel plater. Apply at once. Oregon Plating Works, 16th and Alder. WANTED Boys over 16. Modern Confec tionery. 13th and Hoyt. FIRST-CLASS life insurance solicitor of ex perience. See Mr. Burton, 422 Yeon bldg. PHOTO-COUPON agents; bet ever offered. Van Dyck Studio, 404 Washington st. PHOTO solicitors: best offer In city. Sarony studio, 346 Morrison st. - WANTED Reliable party to clear 10 acres near Reedville. Phone Main 1839. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Washer for laundy. $15; lady polisher, $9 week; or will take man and wife. Three sash and door ms chine men. $:.50 to $3. , Large list of sew work coming; in every day. Open Sunday 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY, 223 and 224 Couch St., Bet. 1st and 2d. WANTED Good practical canvassers: sal ary and commission. Apply 148 5th U second floor, before 9 A. M. APPRENTICES to learn dressmaking. S50H Morrison St., room 4. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED T0XTNO LADIES FOR TELE PHONE OPERATING, WITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE; PAID WHILE LEARNING. APPLT AX THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE A TELEGRAPH COM PANY (EAST OFFICE). COR. 6TH AND EAST ANKENY STREETS. OR MAIN OFFICE WEST PARJC AND ALDER, TELEPHONE BAST 354k WOMEN WANTED TO START PROFIT ABLE MAIL ORDER BUSINESS ANY WHERE. I started with an idea and $100 and made six hundred and fifty thousand dollars in IS months. I tell you WHAT TO DO AND HOW TO DO IT. Don't be a wage slave; get out of the rut; get grit; get backbone; wake up and start NOW. Write and learn of my money-making mail order plana My great FREE book, "How to Achieve Mail Order Success," tells all about my own achlevemAnts and how I equip, teach and get you started. This book tells how to quickly start In your home, while otherwise employed. It Is a B line to a large income. Send for my new free hook and start making money now. Adress president. Mall Order School, Suite 581. Brecht bldg., Denver. Colo. A BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. FOR WOMEN. The C:nthla Mill, Boston, wants a wo man In every town to give all or part of her time to the sale of Lustabrlte crochet cotton. An attractive business proposition will be made upon application.. Address THE CYNTHIA MILLS, Dept. 9, Boston. CHECKLER, who Is experienced in cafe work; good wagea Waitress, $30, R. and B.; free fare. 2 waitresses, bakery and restaurant, $3 week. Houseworkers and private family cooks for some very nice places, $35 to $20. NEW PLACES DAILY. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, S45 Washington st., room 7, cor. 7th. GUILD EMP. ASS'N. 314 SELLING. PHONE MAIN 5326. HICKS CHECKER, $45. COOKS, $35 TO $50. SECOND GIRLS. $25 TO $35. CHILD'S NURSE. $40. SEVERAL GENERAL HOUSEWORK PLACES, GOOD WAGES. THE Municipal Department of Public Safety for Young Women, 407 Merchants Trust bldg., will be glad to give advice or as sistance to any woman or girl who may be In need. Interviews are confidential ex cept in cases demanding criminal action. Office hours 8:30 to 5. Mrs. L. G. Bald wln. Supt. WANTED Ladies with general soliciting experience; will offer a proposition that will pay from $15 to $3u weekly; apply Monday bet. 8 and 10 A. M. and 4 and 6 P. M. H. B. Hansburg, mgr., 215 Co lumbia bldg., 365 Washington. THE Domestic Service Bureau, 306 Central bldg., receives dally calls from the best of homes for competent, reliable girls for general housework, cooks, second work and nurse maids. WANTED For outside work a young wo man with selling ability and snap. In a responsible position with a trust company; reference and experience. E 60U, Ore gonian. WANTED Young, reliable girl to care for child and do light housework; go home nights; lu hours day, 2 hours' work; $1' month. Call Sunday only. 1138 East Har rison, near 30th st. SALESLADIES; 3 bright, capable ladles to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers, $25 to $50 per week; R. R. fare paid. Good rich Drug Co., Omaha? Neb. COMPANIONABLE woman to do light housework, for 2; one who appreciates a good home. Call at 343 Fargo, or phone U 1709. STENOGRAPHERS, avail yourselves of our free practice room and. register for po sitions. The Oliver Typewriter Agency, 333 Ankeny. LADY living in St. Johns will give school girl good home and car tickets in ex change for light assistance. Phone Co lumbia 648. WANTED Reliable girl for cook and gen eral housework; three grown people; good wages. 707 Flanders st. GIRL wanted to work in private boarding house evenings, help watt on table and wash dishes. 515 Morrison. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavl Co., 609 Roth chlld bldg.. 4th and Washington. YOUNG woman wanted for light housework, board and bed, some wagea Apply 407 & East f ouc h st. Apt. D. BOARD and room in. exchange for services; schoolgirl preferred; Irvington home; small family. Phone C 1439. COM PETENT girl for general housework ; must be a good cook; good wages paid. Call 702 Brazee St.. corner 20th. BUSINESS firm needs a woman, not under 25, who is trustworthy and capable; ex perience not required. S 664, Oregonian. WANTED Lady day cook; room, board and small wages for man, and wife. E 712, Oregonian. WANTED A neat-appearing widow lady as housekeeper; no objection to one or two small children. N 655, Oregonian. GIRL for general housework, no washing, good wages. 68 Trinity Place, between 19th and Washington. GOOD girl or woman for housework In small family, 5-room, bungalow. Phone Tahor 2115. GERMAN woman for general housework. In sm a 1 1 f am i 1 y . 39 1 Jackson, n ear Park. Phone Main 73S3. RELIABLE bookkeeper and stenographer; permanent position; references required. 134 10th st., cor. Alder. COMPETENT stenographer and office wom an; state age, experience and references; give teiepnone aaaresa. jv o.y, uregonian GENERAL housework, fair wages, good home, steady work. 1919 Exeter st. St. Johns car. WANTED Girl for general housework ; good wages. 696 Northrup st. Morrison car to 21st, COMPETENT g?rl for general housework, small family; Norwegian or German pre ferred. 355 E. 12th N. MRS. HOWES LADIES' AGENCY, Washington bldg.. 270 Wash., room 35, near 4th. phone Main 8836 or A 3266. WANTED Experienced gown worker; none other need apply. Newberry, 301 Flied ner bldg. PUBLIC stenographer who Is willing to buy furniture; ability required. AF 808, Ore g on ian. WANTED A reliable nursery governess. Phone Marshall 539. Address 572 Kear- WANTED Girl to do housework, small fam ily, good home. Phone C 1253. CAPABLE saleswoman, thoroughly exper ienced In silks. Roberts Bros. WAIST and sktrtmakers ; only experienced apply: apprentices wanted. 434 Morrison. GIRL to operate L. C. Smith typewriter; rapid advancement. AN 6S5, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED girl for housework and cooking; good wages. 674 Everett st. GIRL for general housework and cooking; bring reierences. iai mui i inun. WANTED--At ince, a good kitchen glrL tjau at 'g ttoi "i GIRL wanted to trim men's hats. 3S2 Mor- WANTED First-class cook, good wages to tHh nartv. Tall 616 Loveiov t. FIRST-CLASS waitress, good wages, with WANTED Inexperienced girl, general housework. M 4370. GIRL to do general housework. 1S1 North 24th, after 10 A. M. WANTED Cook. 714 Everett St.; city ref erence. WOMEN to clean cars. Pullman Car Co., 9th and Irving. LADY for housework; small family, good wagea B car. 483 East 25th North. GIRL for general housework; references. 145 N. ISth st. HELP WANTED FEMALE, YOUNG lady of neat appearance to do spe cial work for local corporation; must be able to do collecting; salary paid. Apply after 10 A. M., 302 Northwest bldg. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. FISK Teachers Agency secures positions for teachera 31G Journal bldg. M 4835. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. HAVE you ever heard of WILLWIN? 1 have just been elected president of the Portland Business College and will give you my name if you write me. 1 want to tell you, first, of something more im portant and have you help me overcome unfortunate conditions, vlx.; ten times as many calls for-help as we can fill, large variety of self-help positions while taking a course, money scarce and bright young people delaying their course, haven't quit enough money. I will do my part will establish a credit system for students just what you need, isn't it? Don't call at office without appointment; am too busy. phone or write. Watch for fur ther announcements. Main 564. Portland Business College. WANTE D. Young men and ladles to become tele graph operators and station agents; easy to learn; steady employment; short hours; fine . opportunity to travel. Graduates assisted to good positions on railroads, steamships and-In cities when qualified. Wireless and Morse telegraph course taught quickly. Shorthand and typewriting course, either system. Gregg or Pitman. SOUTHERN PACIFIC Dispatcher's wire in school, also wireless station. Catalogue free. If you are not earning over $70 per month it will pay you to write for particulars. PACIFIC COAST TELE GRAPH INSTITUTE, Commonwealth building, Portland, Oregon. KEEP OUT OF THE RAIN. Learn moving-picture operating ; opera tors earn $25 weekly ; easy Inside work ; short hours; day and evening classes. Call and Inspect our school. Lessons reason able. N. Y- MOVING-PICTURE EX CHANGE. S26& Washington su. near 17th. LOCOMOTIVE flrement and orakemen for nearby railroads $80 to $100. monthly. Age 18 to 35. Experience unnecessary; no strike; promotion, engineer, conductor; Railroad Employing Headquarters over 400 men sent to positions monthly. State age ; send stamp. Railway Association, Oregonian. WANTED Young men and ladles to learn Morse wireless telegrapuy, shorthand and typewriting. We prepare you- for good positions, southern Pacific main line wires. Telegranhers and station agents earn from $75 to $150. Day and night school. Call or write pacific Coast Telepraph Institute, 595 Commonwealth bldg., Portland, Or. DON'T pay anything to lea -n a trade, in vestigate our system of teaching on actual contract jobs; plumbing, bricklaying, elec tricity, automobiles; 200 workmen: six years' experience. Catalogue free. United Trade School Contracting Co., Los Ange les. LEARN automobile repairing, driving on up-to-date cars; electric, civil engineering, surveying; methods most practical; room and board while learning ; positions se cured; satisfaction guaranteed; catalogue free. National School of Engineering, 2110 West Seventh. Los Angeles. OREGON AUTO SCHOOL, , 266-68 11th st., cor. Jefferson. Practical instruction in repairing and driving automobiles; tuition reasonable, part caBh on enrollment; balance at time of graduation; we assist our graduates to positions; day and evening classes. IN your search for a position wouldn't the plans that another man used with success be of value to you? Clever ways of get ting In direct touch with openings; pub lished by the author; send for descriptive circular; very nominal price. AH 630, Ore gonian. BARBERS State Board of Examiners will be in session in this city January 13, 14 and 15 at 167 1st st. for the purpose of examining all those holding permits is sued by the board of examiners. T. M. Leabo, Sec 500 MEN. 20 to 40 years old. wanted at once for electric railway motormen and con ductors; $60 to $100 a month; no ex perience necessary ; fine opportunity ; no strike; write immediately fur applisfation blank. Address AV 509, Oregonian EARN MORE Show card writing, sign painting, cartooning, bookkeeping and all business courses TAUGHT BY MAIL. What course do you want? Free cata log. Washington Correspondence School, Northern Bank bldg., Seattle. 100 M EN and women to learn the barber trade In 8 weeks, in all Its modern meth ods; send for catalogue, tools free; learn a trade that you can get in business for yourself. Moler Barber College, 35 N. 4th. INVESTIGATE Guaranteed instructions moving-picture operating, actual theater practice, can refer to best theaters in city. Res Operators School, 304 Alisky bldg., 3d and Morrison. I WILL start you earning $4 daily at home In spare time, silvering mirrors; no capital free instructive booklet, giving plans of operation. G. F. Redmond, Dept. 56, Bos ton, Masa PLUMBERS, STEAMFITTERS, NOTICE. There Is a strike on at Victoria; the boys going out for better conditions. Don't scab on your fellowworkers. Stay away. PHILIP R. POLLOCK. SHOW CARD WRITING taught 3 nights a week in commercial shop; 3 months' course, including air brush work; price $20. Majestic Card Sign Co.. Majestic Theater bldg. WANTED. WANTED, WANTED, Six girls to learn beauty culture free; a rare chance; you make money while you learu. 400 Dekum bldg. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. LEARN to operate moving picture; full course taught; secure positions. Pacific Film Co., 404 Rothchild bldg., 4th and Washington St. PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE Individ ual Instruction; shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping; day and night classes. 642 Hamilton bldg. Marshall 4258. INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools; headquarters 153 td st. (near Morrison). Open evenlnga Personal assistance givsn students. Phone Main 4048. GOVERNMENT positions are easy to get My free booklet Y-369 tells how. Write today NOW. EARL HOPKINS, Wash ington, D. C. AMBITIOUS young men to become travel ing salesmen ; earn while they learn. Write for particulars. Bradstreet System, Rocheter, N. Y. LADIES, make shields, home, $10 100; work sent prepaid to reliable women; particu lars for stamped addressed envelope. Eu reka Co. Dept. 97B. Kalamazoo, Mich. BE a detective: earn $150 to $30O monthly; greatest demand everywhere ; easy work. WTlte Detective Wagner, 1243 Lexington ave.. New York. RAILWAY mail clerks, $90 month; Port land examinations coming soon; coaching free. Franklin institute. Dept. 839W., Rochester. N. Y. LADIES, make supporters, $12 100; no can vassing; material furnished ; stamped en velope for particulars. Wabash Supply Co., desk 341, Milwaukee. Wis. AVIATORS Best profession of today; easy to learn; if are interested, write for fur ther particulers free how to start in busi ness. Arch Freeman box 415 Dayton O. RAILWAY mail and P. O. clerks' examina tion soon; also Custom-House. Salary up to $1800. Prepare. Free book. Pacific States School. McKay bldg., Portland, Or. STUDY CHINESE LANGUAGE with experienced teacher. Rev, Ng, 212 First st. HAVE you secured a paying position for the new year? Free information how. People's Supply House. Centralis. Wash. TWO men wanted at once to learn to drive and repair autos. Madison Garage. Call 1111 Hawthorne ave. MEN and women to learn the barber trade In S weeks; position guaranteed. Oregon Barber College. Madison st. DO you want to learn German? Here's your chance, reasonable. T 661, Ore gonian. WANTED Girls to learn the beauty parlor business; reduced rates. Call 610 Swet land bldg. - WANTED Picture-play writers : big pay ; we'll teach you; free information. Picture Play AFsoclatlon, D 3, San Francisco. MAKE money writing short stories for newspapers; big pay; free booklet tells how. United Press Synd. D 3., San Fran'co. STENOGRAPHERS, any system, speeded and placed in positions. 630 Worcester block. WANTED MEN TO LEARN MOVING PICTURE OPERATING. 333 OAK. SHORTHAND, typewriting school. 269 14th St. Main 3893. Expert instruction. $5 mo. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. NIGHT work, S to midnight or thereabouts; responsible, capable man; any reasonable salary consiaereo. b-iq. vrcganian. YOUNG gentleman with office and banking experience desires a position In an office In town. G 677. Oregonian. SITUATION wanted Bookkeeper or hotel clerk; In our out of town. K 663, Orego nian. 6MALL sets of books wanted, by exper ienced acconutant. 301 Couch bldg. GROCERY MAN. good reference, managing or clerking. AL 726. Oregonian. A-l COLLECTOR with motorcycle, now open for position. Tabor 2358. YOUNG man wants work; well acquainted In city; references. Main 8130. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. TO LUMBERMEN Office man, expert book- Keeper, stenographer and lumberman de sires position ; have a clear record, and can give bond and furnish best of ref erences; can instal and operate cost sys tem; familiar with lumber tariffs; quick and accurate and a hard worker; strictly temperate: married. Call Sellwood 1330. or address 617 Tenlno ave. A CAPABLE accountant wishes to obtain connection with some large manufacturing corporation where knowledge of costs will be the determining feature in arriving at salary; best of references backed by 23 years experience. AB 636, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER and office man. age 30. marrried, desires position, any salary; ex perienced costs, wholesale and retail. In cluding railroad accounting; city refer ences. AE 817, Oregonlaiu YOUNG man, age 26. married, seeking work; experlencd construction timekeeper, good clerical man, accurate and speedy witi figures; neat; give me a chance; A-l ref erences. AL 7i'J, Oregonian. WANTED Position by Eastern business college graduate; bookkeeping or any thing. Best of references as to character. AC 794. oregonian. WILL AUDIT, OPEN, CLOSE OR WRlTB up books, prepare balance and state ments, install system Ollllnfihaaa, au ditor. 612 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717. YOUNG man, stenographer, competent, ex perienced, good education, excellent ref erences, desirable position, moderate sal ary. AM 63S, Oregonian. NEAT young man, unmarried, wants work; not necessarily a position, but a job; good habits; good references. Y 633, Ore gonian. HIGH-GRADE business man wants position of responsibility. Experienced manager and creator of new business. H 6S4, Ore gonian. WANTED By young man. position In store or office; good clerical experience; best of Portland references. J. C. Jones, 509 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1963. SALESMAN desires change local or travel where there is chance to work up; ag gressive sober, resourceful. D 672, Orego nian. EXPERT accountant and office manager, 4 years' Portland commercial and real es tate experience, open to engagement. T 669, Oregonian. . MARRIED man desires position as book keeper or general office work; best ref erences, bond. AC 808. Oregonian. FIRST week's work gratis; clean-cut young man. neat and good habits, desires work; good references. M 683. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. SITUATION wanted. In newspaper office; experienced on linotype, make-up and press work; willing to do anything; age 28, married, reliable; state particulars, price, etc. E. Leikem, Hullt, Oregon. MARRIED man, 28 years old, 8 years ex perience in railroad freight work, wants position of any kind; Inside preferred; can furnish references, steady and reliable. N. A. Peck, HSO E. 6th st. N. UPHOLSTERER All round man wants po sition by March 1. Capable of taking charge. Handles carpets, furniture, mat tresses, shades, swnlngs, etc. Will go anywhere. Address AV 559, Oregonian. POSITION by first-class dry goods, shoes, clothing and furnishing man; thoroughly experienced In nil lines; good window trimmer; fair card writer; reference. Box 42, Monroe, Oregon MARRIED man, ten years experience in Northwest, familiar with farming and stock. Room 9. 274 Montgomery st. Phone Marshall 2515. GARDNER, married. 10 years experience in private establishment, wants situation, town or country; references. J 729, Ore gonian. MALE, experienced cook wants a steady po sition in the city; good, sober and reliable, all around man. Call Main 7195 or A 6021. Ask for Brown, room 306. YOUNG man attending dental college wishes work, between school hours, or would work for room and board. Phone Marshall 42 1 5. WATCHMAKER and salesman; left store In East on acct. of health. Cylinder and complicated watches a specialty. Ten years' experience. Phone Marshall 235. SHOWCARD WRITER wants position In gents furnishing and clothing store; win dow trimming experience. F 692, Ore gonian. COMPETENT and reliable man wants posi tion to manage apartment or small rooming-house; highest references. Phone Main 9226. J 733. Oregonian. WANTED Position; husband and wife as cook and helper; camp, boat or otbjerwlse so can work together; steady. Address 273 4th st. South. Phone A 3092. WANTED Position on a commercial or fancy poultry plant; many years' experi ence on some of largest plants in United States. Y 655, Oregonian. YOUNG man and sister would like situa tion on farm where sister can do house work; experienced. . Can give references. as ssu. oregonian. YOUNG married man needs work at once; strong, willing, capable; experienced on stock and automobiles and boats. Mala 2800. Mlchaelson. YOUNG MAN, aged 25. experienced in hotel and elevator work, wants steady position; can give reference. Call Marshall 2330. S. Yaneff. BUSINESS man, number years' experience, requests interview with anyone having opening. AH 673, Oregonian. WANTED, by colored married man, Janitor or porter work; can handle furnace. Woodlawn 2703. t COOK 2d or night cook desires position; steady work main consideration. T. Walsh, Main 2359. SITUATION wanted by all-around handy man in private place; A-l references. AL V92, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED chauffeur wants position; private family or truck; good references. A 7052; Main 4655 FIRST-CLASS shipping clerk desires perman ent position, not afraid to work, best of references. Call East 1212 Sunday. POSITION as commercial car driver; young married man with 7 years' experience. Tel ep h one B 1192. BOY 18 wishes night work of any kind; can work until 3:30 A. M.; has a wheel; references. P. O. box 313. LEARN typewriting; typists are In demand; free practice room and free instruction. 333 Ankeny st. You are welcome. TRAVELING SALESMAN will consider good commission proposition; self-financing. F 694, Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR Careful driver an drepalr man wishes work. Doctor or private car preferred. Phone Marshall 235. EXPERIENCED Japanese chauffeur wants a position in private family in city or countrv. AB 655. Oregonian. DRUGGIST Registered in Oregon, wishes position. Eight years' experience. Best of references. C 678, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED catalog man desires posi tion, wholesale or mail order. L 819, Ore gonian. POSITION by man and wife (German), middle-age, no children, as janitors or do mestics; good reference. W 687, Oregonian. EXPERT accounting service rendered as re quired; highest credentials. Main 3449, YOUNG man needs work; will work for board in Portland or on farm near city. AR 685, Oregonian. INDUSTRIOUS young man wants position laundry route driver; reference. AH 626, Oregonian. THOROUGHLY experienced chauffeur de sires a position as driver for private fam ily. AO 614. Oregonian. MAIL order department, young man wants position can write advertisements and handle corresponaeni-e. qjo, vibsuuioh, nri VTPn Cr, rnn (pr wnrk bullriinz. Alter ations, repalts, day or contracu Phone seiiwooo. lOTo, A STEADY married man wishes a position as electric pump or concrete mixer man. D 598, Oregonian. WANTED Employment on small farm or chicken ranch; best of reference. J. L. Kregelo, general delivery. YOUNG married man, capable of doing most anything, clsrk, salesrran, collector; must have employment. Woodlawn 315. FIRST-CLASS waiters furnished. Marsnall 7U1, A 4910. Portland Walters' Club, 14tV 5th., Portland, Or. G. C Gerald, mgr. YOUNG married man with good references wants position as chauffeur. E. 5071, B. 2374. . A-l ORDER cook, none better; first-class. restaurant or notei. ji iuw, uregonian. LOGGING blacksmith and helper; good referencea C. H. Blazer, 355 E. 3d st. YOUNG colored man wants position as chauffeur, best ref. H 671, Oregonian. OUT of work, some experience machinery, willing to do anything. Woodlawn 2247. JAPANESE young honest boy wishes house work or chamberwork. H 672. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS cook desires position In or out of city. AD 605. Oregonian. WANTED Painting, paperhanging and kal somining. Call Tabor 3573 for figures. YOUNG MAN. student, wants place to work for room and board. V 671, Oregonian. SITUATION Young man wants work on farm. AF 803, Oregonian. YOUNG man wants position for afternoons and Saturdays. H 670, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS chauffeur wants car to drive. SJ 702, Oregonian. 1