THE SUNDAY OREGOMAX. PORTLAND, JANUARY 12, 1913. REAL ESTATE. For Sale- SCAPPOOSE ACRES. Scappoose Acres will especially appeal to the man with but little money to pay down, but who can spare a few dollars each month to pay on an Investment which is as safe as a savings bank, and which will show a larger per cent of gain at the same time paying for a future home. These tract of 8 to 25 acres at $25 to $65 per acre are only 25 miles from Port land and none of them more than 1 mile from railroad station on center of tract. Fine water, rich soli, no rocks, easy clear ing. Rapidly being bought and built up. Work at good wages for any who may desire It.. Below we give description of a few tracts. Many more to choose from. No. 149. Contains 12 acres at $25 per acre, $32 down and easy monthly pay ments. Has about 4 acres of level bottom land, balance hill-side slopes. Main creek through level bottom, on fine county road, joins railroad. Ideal for chickens, hogs or vegetables. No. in. Contains 17 y, acres at $45 per acre; $0 down and $19.50 per month. Hcappoose Creek runs across one end of tract, with good bottom land of about of tract, balance good bench land with some sloping pasture land on back of tracf. On main county road, 1 mile from station and school. The soil on this tract Is very fertile. No. 7fl. Contains 9 2-3 acres at $53 per acre; $55 down and $13.25 per month. The soil Is very rich, land lies nearly level and Is easily cleared. Fine, strong spring on tract ; 1 mile from station and school. This piece is an extra fine one. ' We can show this land any day. Write, telephone or come In our office for de scriptive literature and other information. LL'EDDKMAXN, Rt'LEY & CO., 813 Chamber of Commerce. HERB ARE GOOD INVESTMENTS FOR YOUR MONEY. .$3500 3 acres, excellent soil, all cleared and in cultivation, acres of strawberries, young orchard, good comfortable 5-room house, new barn, chicken-houses and runs, all under good fence, good well. 60 jeet to good carllne, close to Port land; owner to leave state and has reduced price to only $500; look this up immediately. $1250 Acre tracts, all cleared and in or chard, trees In full bearing and In splendid condition, on macadam road direct to Portland, l mile to city limits, close to car, excellent home sites; easy terms if desired. $ 7M) Per acre for 3 acres; all cleared and In cultivation; excellent soil, IVi miles to city limits; 800 feet of good car; call for C. G. Reagan. CHA? IN-HKRLOW MTG. & TRUST CO. Third Floor Chamber of Commerce. THK FOURTH-STREET FRANCHISE HAS BEEN GRANTED. Electric cars will soon be running through the center of our 4000-acre platting; 0 minutes' ride from 4th and Washington sts. Electric light, mountain water un der pressure and most modern transportation make this the finest suburban district out of Portland. Any sized tract from half-acre up to 0 acres, at $250 to $500 per acre; small cash payment, balance on monthly payment plan. BUY NOW BEFORE PRICES ADVANCE. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Main -J5 102 Fourth St. A 3500. SOMETHING FOR NOTHING YOU CAN'T GET. You can't buy a FARM for $25 per acre or an orchard that is good. Now I have S acres in good bearing prune trees, fine sandy loam soil, lies level, on county road, hi mile to graded school; well fenced, small house; price $15u0. $600 cash; now I have 2i4 arces same locality, with dandy new bungalow, 4 rooms, good barn, chicken-house. Now If ft en, this Is all in crop asparagus 4 years old; rhubarb 4 years old and balance clover; there is 75 laying hens, cultivator, plow, small tools, brand new- range, linoleum, table, chairs, new heater, carpet. Kitchen Queen, etc. This place will pay you $1000 per year; 1H miles from Canby, Or., near Junction of the two new roads; price $ltio0, cash. Address H. Graham, owner, Canby, Or. 24 miles from Portland. RICH, DEEP SOIL. The last splendid opportunity to buy rich, level, free from rocks and well-watered land at $15 to $.10 per acre, presents itself to you within the radius or five to 12 miles from Aberdeen and Hoquiam, two very rapidly growing and best .cities on the Pacific Coast; easy terms. A wild erness only three- years ago is converted today Into a prosperous community with 150 satisfied settlers, three schools, Post office and three stores. Buy NOW, do not wait until Spring, when land values will double. We are owners. For further in formation writs WASHINGTON STATE COLONIZATION COMPANY. Aberdeen, Wash. CHOICE ACREAGE. 1 acre, just a short distance to carllne and close in; this is all cleared and on the corner of two good road; $850. 2ha ACRES. Just a short distance from the electric station, all In berries and graphs; 2 very good cott.-i.ges, chicken-houses and well; price $250o, terms. 5 ACRES. Just 9 miles out and 1-3 mile to station; this tract li.-s level, Is all good soil and Is partly chared: price only $1400. C. DE YOUNG. SI 4 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FINE FOR A DUCK RANCH. 5 acres, finest land in the Tualatin Val ley. 12 miles from the center of Port land, near lieaverton; lies slightly rolling; spring branch across one end; soil is the very best and will grow anything; near school, church and stores; easy to see this; price $875; $100 cash. 5 years to pay the balance. ALVOKD-CARR-HUXTER CO., 2I8-21U Uoard of Trade. DON'T WAIT. TTntll It Is too late for this year's crop, but buy a & or 10-acre tract now and start the land working for you. The very best black loam, adapted to loganberries and all fruit and vegetables, close to Portland and electric 'Ky.; price $800 per acre, with terms to suit. Thus. McCusker, 230 Lumbermen bldg. YOUR MONEY BACK tf you buy 33H acres of land, l- miles from station on Estacada electric road ; schools, good neighbors, good roads, milk route. R. F. D., telephone ; 11 acres cleared; balanue small brush; A-l soil; no waste land; good spring: price $2850; some terms. See Perry Kitzmlller, 432 Chamber of Commerce. BEAN LAN D PRODUCING 10 to 50 SACKS per acre. VIRGIN SOIL, ALLUVIAL SILT. Ono of the few remaining opportunities . to secure land of this character; 000 or 120O ucres. PRIOR & M'CORMICK, Land Specialists, MARYSV1LLE. CAL. MOUNT HOOD VIEW For stOe 15 acres, the grandest horn fn all Oreeun. on the high bluff overlook ing the Sandy Valley. Mount Hood and Cascade Mountains; only 10 minutes walk to the new Mount Hood car line; for par ticulars write J as. Wilson, Boring, Or., Route 1. CHICKEN AND FRUIT RANCH near Port land. Best soli, good roads, spring water, free wood, settled country; lo acres J400, $50O, UO per tract; 20 acres, $800; 40 acres. 11200; 80 acres, $2000; 40 acres timber, $2400; ranches of all .kinds for sale; easy terms, Frank McFarland Real ty Co.. 30 Yeon bldg., Portland, Or. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 83 beautiful acre tracts. Powell Valley road and Buckley ave. : water to every tract, excellent soil; desirable location for suburban homes. E. Chamberlin, till Lewis bldg. EAGLE CREEK-ACRES. 10 acres, near station, stores and school, fine garden land, partly cleared; some timber; god all around little farm. Price 1Tih. part down, balance terms. bee ienlson. CHAP1N-I1ERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO., Sd flO'r Chamber of Commerce. TEN and one-third acres choice Willamette anty property, without stumps, at J250 p?r acre cash; one hour from Portland on Southern pacific, now being electrified; two blocks from new station and county road. Address owner, J tit(2, Oregon lan. 2-ACRE cblcken ranch, 3 blocks from car; no rock or gravel, 4-room plastered house, full busemcnt, chicken-nouses, fenced chicken-tight; everything up to aate; price $2500, $050 cash. H1GLEY & BISHOP, 201 Hamilton bldg. 10 ACRES. $350. Good soil, roads and new school, 1 hours from Portland; your own terms. 216 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG.. Cor. Second and stark Sts. FOR SALE 10 acres, 40 rods from city limits. 10 minute?' wulk to car, 5c fare to any part of city; price $10,000; easy terms. B. E. Crosby, Sherwood, Or. ELK Rock building sites, fronting on car line and Riverside Drive, West Side, fine view and pretty trees, $650, easy terms. C 6SH, Oregonian. ZVt ACRES for $700; fine soli, southern slope, part cleared, close to car, $12 per FIVE acres for saje or rent for number of years; improved, close in and on carllne. Inquire 3o8 Sacramento st. ACRE tracts, close to carllne. 47 per month. AP 641, Oregonla- REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. ACREAGE on Macadam road 1 mile from city limits. 3 -blocks to good carl in a, near good school; bearing fruit trees, good soil, high and sightly. We will build for you. Sold on easy payments. ACREAGE ON WEST SIDE. Excellent, soil, large area of beaverdam land and good drainage: part of this tract Is under irrigation, part in stumps and some heavy timber; 2M, G and 10-acre tracts; prices range from $375 to $600 per acre; Inside the 04 -mile circle; will build to suit purchaser. Sold on very easy terras. 5 acres and 2 -room papered house, on West Side, hi mile to carllne; good soil and good drainage; an Ideal location, near school, macadam road; 30 minutes car ride to business center; terms to suit. One acre and 5-room modem bungalow; bearing fruit trees, best of soli, good view, on macadam road, near school, 6s miles from Postoffice, 3 blocks to good carllne and 30 minutes to business center; $4000; small cash payment, balance to suit. PROVIDENT TRUST CO.. OWNERS. Second Floor Selling Bldg., 6th and Alder Sts. BRADLEY DAIRY FARMS Units of 5 to 20 acres at $25 to $40 per acre; 230 acres of very rich black leaf loam, lodged -off 5 years ago, stumps well rotted, no underbrush, all ready for the settler, near Portland on the Colurnola. Daily boat service. See Eben Mounce. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO 8d Floor, Chamber of Commerce. ACREAGE SNAP. 12 acres, all in cultivation, on Oregon Electric, near station; has new, modern 5-room house, cost owner $2500; also new barn and chicken-house, running water; land lies fine; price $6500, with terms, including a fine cow, chickens, vegetables, fruit and household furniture; taking out cost of Improvements it leaves the land less than $273 per acre, if you want an Ideal suburban nome, se this. THE LAWRENCE CO., " 171 Fourth St. Between Morrison and Yamhill. Main GO 15, a 2S15. B-ACRE tracts down the river on West Side, 2 miles back from 5 cent carfare; good cordwood timber and the very best of soil; $175 per acre, on monthly payments. The in dustrial development is going down the river and prices are sure to ad vance. Let us show you these acre tracts. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Main 35 103 Fourth St- A 3500. 8 ACRES SACRIFICED. Owner of 8 acres, adjoining properties ranging in price from J800 to $1200 per acre, needs money and will sell for $600 for quick sale. On an 80-foot graded boulevard between 2 stations and within 50 feet of railway. Only 2 miles east of the city, on good auto road, near schools and within a few yards of ML Hood road soon to be electrified. if you want a bargain either for a speculation or for a home see this at once. See Mr. Tilleson. LUEDDEMANN. RULEY & CO., 113 Chamber of Commerce. OCEAN FRONTAGE. 65 acres. 4 miles north of Gearhart. fine location for beach resort; half mile front age, station east of track, new railroad through land; must sell, easy terms. Write owner, Box 412, Seaside, Or. - ; REDUCED PRICE AUTHORIZED. DEAL DIRECT WITH ADMINISTRATOR. 127 acres, located 12 miles from Port land Postoffice and near Gresham. 15 minutes walk from Cotton station, O. W. P. Ry.; bO acres first and second-growth timber; 47 acres cleared and stump land; number never-falling springs; exception ally good soil; orchard; buildings, etc.; faces two county roads; can be subdi vided; timber alone worth nearly purchase price; $125 per acre, terms, to close es tate. G. R. Dixon, 542 East 58th st. North. Rose City Park car. 2560 ACRES, $15 PER ACRE. We can sell you from 1 to 4 sections of the best land in Oregon for raising cattle, within 1 mile of R. R. station, at Marshland, 66 miles from Portland. Down the Columbia. Innumerable springs and running streams; cash, easy terms. MILLER A CON KLIN, 610 Henry bldg. ROSE PARK. One of the finest tracts In Portland; on Randy boulevard, convenient to church, store and school ; best residence corners 50x100. $450; other corners $400; inside lots $350, easy terms; discount for cash. These are advance prices; great oppor tunity for investors, builders or home seekers; buy now and get Inside prices. 6LAUSON-CRAIG CO., 304 Oak Street. HOGS AND CATTLE. 240 acres, northwest of Sheridan, all fenced, nearly all cleared land, a fine running stream, plenty of grass; most of It can be cultivated; some timber; nothing better for stock than this. Only $35 per acre: can make terms; 6 per cent. F. E. Seaohrest. CHAPIX-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO., 3d floor Chamber of Commerce. A SNAP Leaving the city; $1000; $500 cash, balance $10 per month; one-third acre, variety fruit and berries, lawn, garden and shale trees; neat little bungaiow; good neighborhood, overlooking Tuaiatln Val ley; water hydrant at back porch, Bull Run water; chicken house and shed; fenced; 5c carfare, 20 minutes from 1st and Jefferson. AF 720, Oregonian. I HAVE IT I HAVE IT v acres Fertile Powell Valley, on the beautiful Sandy River. Mount Hood Electric Railway runs through property. This is view prop erty. Would make & fine home for man who wants to make good. Enough cord wood to pay for it. Will sell at a bargain; easy terms. K 660. Oregonian. 2 ACRES, TIGARD, ONLY $625. Fine soil, county road In front; only 3 miles to city limits; $65 cash, easy pay m en ts on balance ; cheapest acreage around Tigard. ATCHISON & ALLEN, 210 Qerlinger bldg.. 2d and Alder Sts. CLOSE TO SECTION DI'E ROAD. $400 per acre buys 10 fine acres. A-l for strawberries and small fruit. This is below the market and a bargain. Nearby acreage selling , way above this. See Adams. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO,, Cd floor Chamber of Commerce. ACREAGE. 1 mile from city limits, on mac adam road, s blocks to good carllne; bear ing fruit trees, good soil; high and sightly. will build for you. Sold on easy pay. ments. PROVIDENT TRUST CO.. OWNERS, Second Floor Selling Bldg. ANOTHER SNAP. 10 a.-res near car at Tualatin. 7 acres In cultivation: on two roads; only $300 per acre; will take $500 cash, balance to suit; owner going East. GEO. E. HIGGINS. 506 Spalding Bldg. Main 4400. 10 ACRES, within 4 miles of 5th and Wash., tt mile from car on West Side, house, barn, water, fruit, fine for home or plat ting; may take small resident? nart payment. See bookkeeper, S05 Board of i raue. ACREAGE SNAP 19 acres on Section Line Road, 8 miles irom center 01 cny. ine oest buy In that section; $6500. GOLDSOHMIDTS AGENCY. 415 Chamber of Commerce. B-ACRE tracts of deep, rich loganberry land, all within half mile of Oregon Electric, be tween Salem and Portland ; all cleared land? $125 ner acre, on your own terms! It Is going fast. Capitol Trust Co., 225 Henry biag. i FOR particular man 5 acres. 3 blocks to Tigard. on Oregon Electric; all ia culti vation; very oest jana. D3i4. AJ 689. Oregonian. $15 PER ACRE net for 5000 acres of land on ran ana water transportation and un der reclamation project. Owner, AV 561, Oregonian. ONE-HALF acre, not far out. all cleared. 2 blocks from station; $4 SO, $10 per month. L M0, Oregonian. RIVERFRONT acres. 8 miles up. planted to cherries peach and pear, $2000; buy from owner. C W uregonian. THE DALLES 60 acres, S In orchard, new r'ingalow ana otner nunaings. 4WO; my loss your gain. S 673, Oregonian. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. OREGON ELECTRIC SNAPS. Tualatin station, five minutes' walk; 6 acres, alt under cultivation; some fruit, small cottage and outbuildings; not far from new golf links; $550 per acre; cau exchange. Green burg station. 25 achres on Scholia Ferry road; some cleared; has lots of good timber, running water; can divide; price $225 per acre; can exchange.. Hoffmann 501 Fenton bldg., 84 6th St. $20 PER ACRE $20. 120 acres, near railroad, and Portland; 35 acres cleared; $20 per acre will clear balance; a snap if you are after one; some terms. Hoffmann, .501 Fenton bldg., b4 Sixth st. 5 ACRES, black soil, alt cleared, short wait electric line; price $1500; $100 cash, $10 per month, p "12, Oregonian. $10 PER MONTH An acre tract, fresh soil, southern exposure, good car service. AF 725, Oregonian. , for bale- ISurln ess Property. GOOD BUSINESS PROPERTY. 100x100. 27th and Thunnan. $14,000; can get a tenant for this any time. 300x100. 15th and Overton, $35,000; some income. This has terminal track age and is good; also fine apartment for sale or trade. Thos. McCusker, 32U Lum bermens Bldg. A LIVE corner, doing a nice business: will sell for inventory price; good reasons for wanting to sell. This Is an exceptional opportunity. Investigate. No agents con sidered. AC 797. Oregonian. FOR SALE Steam laundry In a live town 50 miles from Portland, doing $200 per week; increasing steadily, S1500 will han dle; no agents. AV 541. Irrigated Land. 5, 10 or more acres, for DAIRYING and Intensive farming, with ample water dur ing the dry Summers. Call for booklet. 3 04 Oak, near 5th. Ask for Mr. Adams, NEAR Turner, on main line of S. P. (next station to Salem); amall tracts on easy terms. See or address John Hartog. at a04 Oak, near Gth. For Bale Humes reads. HOMESTEAD. Relinquishment of 160 acres for sale, cheap; good wheat land; also other ag ricultural crops; for other Information see me at 176 Madison sU HOMESTEADS 320 acres of free Govern ment level land In Central Oregon, fine climate, good water and best of soil. For particulars call 411 Henry bldg. Factory Sites. FOR SALE Factory and warehouse site. v esi Bine, railway iracitage, iicumi st. 100x200; will divide to suit; easy terms; greatest bargain offered. H 632, Oregonian. 00 ACRES of Snake River fruit land, 20 acres in bearing orchard, the rest In good pasture and hay land; gravity Irri gation, plenty for orchard and garden; good house; bam, blacksmith shop, ice house, packing house, chicken house and yard; quarter of mile from K. R., steamer landing and P. O. AV 568, Oregonian. For Sale Farms. STOCK AND DAIRY RANCH. 200 acres, 1 miles from town and ata. tion of Myrtle Creek, in Douglas County, In what is called the Missouri Bottom. Good soli, no rock or gravel, unlimited outrange; 63 acres under cultivation, 5 acres of young orchard, Spltzenbergs and Newtons. 3 years old, and 125 bearing trees. Several springs and good well; wa ter piped to house and barn; good 6-room house with fireplace; 2 barns and out buildings; plenty of nay. corn, grain, po tatoes, cabbage, beets and kale. About 10,000 cords of sood oak timber which alone will pay for place, as there Is a good local demand for wood. All farming machinery goes with place, also 7 cows, 4 heifers, 3 horees, 18 hogs, 9 turkeys and about 125 chickens. Nice and prosperous neighborhood; close to school and church. An ideal stock and dairy ranch and a money-maker. Price $7000 easy terms. No trades. KAUFFMANN & MOORE, 325 Lumber Exchange. ELEGANT FARM IN NEWBERG. 30 acres all In a high state of culti vation, a fine bearing orchard of mixed varieties and in fine condition; a mod era 2-story residence and good barn, with other outbuildings; 6 acres of the finest berries to be seen; It is only a short distance from the center of New berg and is practically adjacent to land that is selling for more than $800 per acre; this farm has free city water in the liouse, lawn and buildings, which alone adds sev eral thousand dollars to its value; the above farm stocked and equipped can be had for $10,000; might consider a small farm In the Willamette Valley up to $2000 or $3000 with some cash and time on tne balance; the above is something choice. For further information write to or call on Donald M. Wall, Newberg. Or. STUMP LAND, $15 PER ACRE. CLATSKANIE, 62 MILES FROM PORT LAND. DOWN THE COLUMBIA. Do you realize that we can sell you good land with plenty of water from 1 to ;f miles of town and R. R. If you, Mr. Homeseeker, want a ranch where the cli mate is such that the country keeps green the year round and the price and terms so easy that every man has got a chance, just stop and have a talk with MILLER & CONKLIN, 610 Henry bldg. 33 ACRES. 14 miles east of Portland, on macadam road, lA mile to railroad station, school and church, family orchard, 13 acres ber ries, good 2-story 10-room house, bath and cament cellar; house plastered and painted; large barn, water in house; all implements and furniture go with prop erty ; one of the finest homes in M ult nomah County. May consider Portland or Gresham property up to $4000. For terms see Easley. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO., 3d floor Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE. 1080 stock ranch In Wallowa County, Oregon, at $12.50 per acre; small build ings, fenced, some timber, running water, 350 acres of good tillable land, of which 75 acres are plowed; 20 mites from rail road; R. F. D. and telephone; plenty out side range; terms. Also 160-acre farm; 120- acres of good, tillable wheat land, 40 acres under culti vation; small buildings; some fencing; price $2500; terms. CLARENCE E. VEST, Enterprise. Or. 12 ACRES. 4 miles from Forest Grove, on excellent county road, with R. F. D.4 milk and tele phone route by the door; 1 mile to school and church; good soil, 8 acres under cul tivation; good S-room house, barn, 40x60. and other outbuildings; spring water piped to house; young bearing family or chard; all farming implements, hack, good team, 2 cows and chickens go with farm; $2750; $1500 cash. KAUFFMANN & MOOR, 325 Lumber Exchange. 147 ACRES Tualatin Valley land, practically all in cultivation; fine for hops, potatoes, general or dairy farming; near Hlllsboro and only 17 miles from Portland; on R. F. D. and milk routes and close to electric lines; has house, barn, granary and small orchard. At the price It cannot be equalled anywhere In that vicinity. Owners, Nichols & Frost, 907 Wilcox bldg. FARMS NEAR PORTLAND. We make a specialty of farms, 10 to 100 acres, near Portland. If you are looking for improved or unimproved farm land, see our list. LUEDDEMANN. RULEY & CO., 813 Chamber of Commerce. FARMERS AND HOMESEEKERS. We have all kinds and sizes of choice farms In the Northwest, give good value and a square deal to everybody. From one acre up to 30.000 fn a bunch. F. FUCHS. 420 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE OR TRADE. One of the best harness and saddlery businesses In the Willamette Valley; win trad for anvthina In realtv or sell on time, 9100 cash, balance on time to suit buyer, with gooa security. Aaaress a. i-. Hosktns. McMlnnville, Or., box 234. vnn RA1.K" tis acres of the finest land In Oregon; 4 mile frontage on navigable river; aoout so acres reaay 10 piow. oi ance easily cleared; mostly alder and brush, some fir; property has great future; can be had now at $76 per acre, Walter Nelson. 514 Hawthorne. 88 ACRES. 30 miles out; highly improved; all good land ; 4 mile station ; grain, stock and machinery ail go for $7000; terms. HIGLEY ft BISHOP, 201 Hamilton bldg. 43 ACRES, 4 mile from station, good house, large barn. 8 miles from Salem. WATSON ft THERKELSEN CO., 306 Spalding Bldg. Main 7592. enn cii.r 600 acres of land on electric line 19 miles from Portland; 400 acres Under CUltlvanon; win bii wr yauri. Write or call on owners. E. W. Haines. Forest Grove. Or. Tfirt ACRES. $9 PER ACRE. Only 3 miles from R- R-. very little timber or brush, no rocks or gravel, good rich soil, flue for dairy farm; must be sold at once, am v.iiiub uiub- IRRIGATED lands, sunny Artsona, $15 to $"0 per sere, fertile soil, abundant water. Id eat climate, magnificent scenery. Write Board OI iraae. " Anamm, TEX VS farms, ranches, colonization tracts, 10 to 1 50.000 acres. $2 up; terms; send for list; hundred bargains. F. G. Van Va Ik en burgh. Drawer lut, Dallas. Tex. i70 PER ACRE. fid acres. 4 li miles from Hlllsboro. all level land, on rock road; 1-3 cash. By owner, Main sasv. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. FREE PASTURE. HALF KNEE HIGH. COWS ON BUTTERFAT PAYMENTS. IRRIGATED ALFALFA LAND. $75 TO $150. Los Molinos 4s one section of California that has had enough rain this year to make feed. Hundreds of acres of it that you cau have free; clover, wild oats and volunteer grain. This district had plenty of water last season when practically all of the state was short. There is enough snow on the mountains right now to Insure plenty of water for next year. Districts that were short last year will be short again this year, because in those sections there was no early mountain snow. Late snow soon melts and affords no wa ter for the latter part of the season. Come to Lcs Molinos while you can and get land where you are sure of water. Gravity irrigation, the best system In the state. You will never again have a chance to start under such favorable conditions. Cows furnished on butterfat payments. Free pasture that will support them un til you can grow alfalfa. Cheap water and plenty of it. Land that produces 10 tons of alfalfa per acre. Deep sediment soil that will produce anything that grows anywhere. Ideal for vegetables or fruits. No sand or dust storms. Lr.nd only one-tenth cash; eight years to pay out. If you know conditions In California, you will understand why we have sold more land the last two months than any other company In the state. And it's getting scarce. This opportunity will not wait.. TERRY & HARRIS. ' 804 Yeon Bldg., or write LOS MOLINOS LAND COMPANY, Los Molinos, Calif. A REAL BARGAIN. Best buy in the Willamette Valley. 222 acres at $35 per acre. Including the following: Over 100 acres in cultivation, 20 acres seeded to hay. 80 acres ready for Spring sowing: seed In. granary: 3 fine mares, 2 last Spring colts. 8 milch cows. 1 m-year-old heifer, 2 yearling heifers. 8 heifer calves. 1 registered pure-bred Hol steln bull. 1 years old, 1 cow, 9 10 months pigs, 75 white leghorn chickens. 1 wagon, 1 Iron truck, 1 binder, 1 mower, 1 buggy, 2 14-inch plows, 3 Iron harrows, one 12-bladed disc, 1 cultivator, 1 32 bladed single grain drill. 1 grain separ ator, 16-inch; 1 fanning mill, 1 cream sep arator, 1 feed grinder, cider mill and press, 1 grindstone, new 5-h. p. gasot Ine engine, woodsawlng outfit, 2 crosscut saws, 6 ft.; 2 circular saws; all harness; 3 20-egg incubator, 2 brooders; good 8 room house, fair barn, new chickpn house. 1 old one, granary and cream house, wag on shed, carpenter shop, hoghouses, fam ily orchard, 12 cords of wood cut up. 4 good springs, fine water piped to bouse, barn and cream house, phone and R. F. D. and milk route; one mile to school, 4' miles from Amity, Or. All for $12,210; $5000 cash, balance long time. 6 per cent. KUPPER & HUMPHRY. 213-213 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. I NEED THE MONEY. 25 acres of land, all plowed ready for Spring planting: county road. R. F. D., 3H miles from R, R- station on the S. P.; fair 4-room house, good bam. farming Im plements, 3 head of horses. 2 head of hogs, other things too numerous to men tion. Now I will say that this is the best buy In Ore&on for tne P1"10 of $150 per acre; easy terms; absolutely no trade con sidered. I will lease to the man that buys this property 50 acres more cleared and in high state of cultivation free of charge for one year for the care of a 10-acre two-year-old apple orchard. Included with this proposition I will give 5 acres of potatoes. There is absolutely no gravel, rock or stumps on this property; all under good fence- I am anxious to sell and you may call at mv agents' office, and any deal you make with them will be satisfactory with me. I am anxious to do business. G. S. SMITH & COMPANY. 432 Chamber of Commerce. 310-ACRE FARM. A GOOD BUY AT $55 PER ACRE. Nonresident owner makes a price to unload his Oregon holdings; 100 acres cleared, balance oak and fir; 30.000 cords wood timber will pay for the place ; two sets buildings. Including new 8-room bungalow; located 1 miles from station in Willamette Valley, on macadam road; graded school and church, within a mile; milk condensory and butter factory 2H miles; fine tract for subdivision; must have $5500 cash, balance can be arranged. ATCHISON & ALLEN, 210" GeTltnger bldg., 2d and Alder Sts. FINE 25-ACRE FRUIT FARM. In the Wiliamette Valley: all the best of land; lO acres In full-bearing fruit trees. 8 acres In cultiva tion, balance In brush; fenced and cross -f en ced ; small old houe and stable; 4 miles of town of 6000 peo ple and 1 mile to railroad station and also electric road. The 10-acre orchard Is worth the price we are askinsr for the entire tract. The owner needs the cash, hence has -a bargain Softer. Price, $5000. Will take good lot as part payment. S. N. Steele & Co., 432 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 255. FINE STOCK RANCH. 40 acres, 100 acres of bottom land In cultivation and In crop, good 8-room house, large barn, fenced, family orchard; on a county road, 1H miles to good town and railroad, in Yamhill County; 30O acres in pasture and timber, water piped to the honse and barn, a fine running stream the year around, all good soil, 40 miles from Portland; the bottom land Is a black loam, the pasture land chocolate color and plenty of grass; crop goes with the place; price $37,500. part cash, balance terms to suit at 6 per cent. F. E. Seachrest. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. ft TRUST CO.. A WONDERFUL BUY FOR SOMEONE. A beautiful 40 acres of most excellent land, located one-half mile from the City of Hlllsboro. lays beautiful, fine running stream, fenced with woven-wlre and cross fenced, house, barn, etc.; orchard, partial ly cleared; one-half mile from electric station and price for Immediate sale is $175 per acre. Terms $2000 cash, long time on the balance. Worth $300 and $500 land close by. Great place for dairy, hogs, etc Can 'make 4 10-acre tracts seu Dig money. BECKER, Marshall 1345. 327 Lumber Exchange. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO FARMERS. We have a large list of good Improved farms In the Wiliamette Vallley at the right prices, which you can buy on very easy terms; some of them Include stock, crops and implements. If you are look inir for a farm, vou will do well to call on us and look over our list before you buy. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 82 4th Street. V 158-ACRE Alberta farm, in Canadian Pa if i Rv Row River Irrigation project two miles from town, on main line C. P. Ry., 21 miles eaet of Calgary; 100 acres under cultivation, oaiance unauic; ieuvcu, stable, house, well, etc; ready for oc nmancv: imDrovements cost over $1500; price for quick sale $30 per acre; easy tar-ma a nAp fpnt - nart trade considered for Portland or close-in property. Address Owner, 684 H Irving St., yorxiajia. CLOSE-IN FARMS. 20 acres, high state of cultivation, good cottage and barn, school on tract ; on railroad and- county roaa. goou water. Will take city lots or bungalow as, pa-t price; only $400 per acre. A 1066, M. 906. 418 Board of Trade Bldgl PHRNOW1TH FARMS. Buy 10 acres or more in Chenowlth Cove. No finer soil, no better climate, no niz-of ln-aHon in state. All hiKhlv culti vated and ready for crop. Adjoining lands produce first vegetames snippea to ruri land market. Price $110 per acre and up. Lueddemann, Kuiey & to., va unam her of Commerce. 200 ACRES. 20 acres in orchard, a good. 7- room house, large barn, 8 drying houses, S cows, chickens, ducks, turkeys, all im plements, water rights, lakes, nothing better in uregon. WATSON & THERKELSEN CO., 306 Spalding Bldg. Main 7592. A CLIENTS FARM. Half mile from Estacada station, one- Quarter mile to schooL We know It to be an excellent buy. 100 acres, all till able. $50 an acre. TH E GILBERT-TILBURY COMPANY. 304-5 Henry bldg. Marshall 264. 80 ACRES. 22 mllea out; 8 miles electric nearlv all cultivated; excellent Improve mnts and well stocked and watered guaranteed a good buy and the price is less than sio per ucrc ior me iuia; ovw will handle, cau vjl cnamDer ox com merce. ' 37 ACRES right at electric station, 4 miles from center or. aiem ana aiso racing ma curium road: excellent soli. beautiful stream on place and some timber; price $150 per acre;, an iuei nomesice; iucn places are scarce. Capitol Trust Co.a 225 Henry plag. vnn SALE 2 5-acre fruit ranch. 300 bear ing fruit trees, good house and bam. 2 4 miles irom Jtvaiimw. i mn j rum L,omm bin River, school adjoining; 9 acres Im proved. Price $1600; ask for terms. A. JTOUiman, ivaiama, mu. RANCH 60 acres, with buildings, 18 miles from Fortiana, near eiectnc line; oargain for all cash. Br owner, laz Morrison st. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farrn. Z HAVE for sale the best farm In Sherman County; this is saying a great deal, but I have the "goods;" 1674 acres in farm, all fenced and cross fenced with hog wire, creek runs through place all the year; windmill, gasoline engine and cis tern, water piped In house and barn; house Is modern; hot and cold water; barn cost over $4000; large machinery sheds, grain crusher, cow barn, bunkhouse for men; wheat warehouse and R. R. station on farm; warehouse owned by farm and holds 2S.00O bushels: 650 acres in Summer fal low wheat ; all goes with place ; a rea sonable payment will be accepted, in fact a smalt amount of clear property and some cash might be considered as first payment. The improvements in buildings and fencing cost over $20,000 ; price $35 per acre; sickness In family reason for selling. L. K. Moore, 517 Board of Trade. Portland. FIXE 10-ACRE RANCH. 12 mites out from Portland, on the banks of the Tualatin River, dark rich loam, lies rolling, electric line within H mile, 165 good bearing apple trees. 135 4-year-old apple trees, 1 5 bearing peach trees, 10 bearing cherry trees, 4 bearing plum trees, over 400O bearing berry bushes. H acre strawberries, 500 sacks of potatoes, 500 boxes apples, Jersey cow. horses, 60 chickens, three sets harness, wagon, buggy, spray pump, plows, all farming imple ments, 5-room house all furnished; owner sold over J10O0 worth of berries alone from this place this season. If you are looking for a real home. Investigate this. Price $6000: terms. See Easley. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO., Third Floor Chamber of Commerce. EXTRA 100 acres, 37 miles from Portland. 11 miles to R. K- station, tram every hours; 1 mile to graded school, on grav eled county road, R. F. D. and phone; S5 acres in high state of cultivation: 10 acres seeded to hay; 15 acres in rotten oak stumps, balance in young oak. most ly slashed : all fenced and crosa-fenced: fair 8-room house, barn, cow barn and chicken-houses, wagon shed, hoghouse. hophouse, etc.; nice orchard 12 years old and family orchard; 1 wagon, 1 team and harness. 2 cows, X brood sows. 100 chick ens, plow, harrow, cultivators, etc., go with the place at $8500. Some cash and will take Portland property or close-in acreage and exchange mortgages. KUPPER & HUMPHRY, 212-213 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. AROUND NEWBERG. Newberg Is located 26 miles from Portland; the Southern Pacific Railway Is being electrified from Portland to and through Newberg and the Oregon Elec tric is now laying its tracks there; it Is one of the best residence towns In the State of Oregon, having high schools, col leges and the best of public schools; it has no saloons and cannot have any, the city charter forbidding it; the territory around Newberg is particularly attractive and cannot be excelled in fertlity. If you want a small or large farm In or around Newberg, write me and let me know what you want; I can supply your needs, Donald M. Wall, Newberg, Or. 120 ACRES In the White Salmon country. Surround ing lands have sold as high as $500 an acre. This land is touched by county road and is crossed by the new railroad project now building. Has, 20 acres in young orchard, 2 acres in bearing or chard, house and barn and outbuildings. Usual price $200 per acre. Party in need of immediate funds and will sell for $75 an acre; $3500 cash, balance to suit. See Hart. CHAPirr-BERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO., 3d floor Chamber of Commerce. TAMHILL COUNTY. 40 acres, Ay miles northwest of Sheri dan. In Yamhill County, 86 acres In fine cultivation. 4 acres In Umber, lies fine and good soil; price $3200; small payment will handle this, balance 6 per cent. 16 acres adjoining the above tract, about 650 fine 2-year-old apple trees in first-class order; Spltzenbergs and Yellow Newtowns; this is a big bargain at $2000; small pay ment down, balance 6 per cent. F. E. Seachrest. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. ft TRUST CO., Third Floor Chamber of Commerce. NEVER WILL YOU GET THIS CHANCE AGAIN. 2391-acre wheat ranch, $13 per acre Sherman County ranch, 1321 acres culti vated. i'50 sod. balance pasture; price put down H of the real value; this ranch cost $22 per acre and If sold in lO days $13 per acre will buy it ; has 3 sets of im provements; trout stream and 13 springs. Call and see the owner, 1008 Spalding bldg., or phone Marshall 5200, the owner. 40 acres $so Cash, balance In yearly payments of $125, at 6 per cent. We have 40-acre tracts rang ing frorn $800 to $2000, according to Im provements. These tracts are located In Washington County, about 33 miles from Portland; 5 to 6 miles from railroad and town of Buxton, and close to new survey of United Railway electric line toward the Nehalem Valley. Excellent soil, good living water on each tract; 10 per cent cash, bal. $125 per year at 6 per cent. KAUFFMANN & MOORE, 325 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE. 60 acres, 40 acres, good state of culti vation, on the Sandy River, 4H miles to Gresham or Troutdale; good gravel road; 3 acres family orchard. 4-room bouse, large barn, springs, woll and flowing stream, good onion land or would be Ideal for dairy ranch; lend In this neighborhood has been selling for $350 to $400 an acre; for a short time we offer this at $210 an acre, one-half cash, balance to suit. See Easley. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. ft TRUST CO., 3d floor Chamber of Commerce. FARM FOR SALE. SO acres, 3 miles south of Kalama, Wash. fenced; 22 acres cleared, 12 acres slashed and seeded ; 700 fruit trees, half In bearing and other small fruit; new modern house 28x40 feet with bathroom, fireplace and porches; new barn, wood shed and chlckenhouses; old 3 -room farm house; water piped to house and barn from spring 45 feet above. Price $8000; terms. Apply to N. P. Nicholson on place. Phone Farmers 445. ONE OF BEST IN VALLEY. 95 acres near Sllverton, practically all in cultivation and all fine rich soil ; 22 acres In hops. Good buildings; running water. Station at corner of farm. This is one of best producing farms In the valley, and is in a fine community. A bargain at $10,000; good terms. LUEDDEMANN, RULEY ft CO., 913 Chamber of Commerce. FIVE ACRES. YOUR OWN TERMS. CLOSE TO TOWN CLOSE TO MARKET. Land all cleared and sultatble for all kinds of vegetables and fruit; new house; will also furnish employment the year around; small cash payment; your own terms. See Hart or Easley. CHAPIN-HARLOW MTG. ft TRUST CO.. Third Floor Chamber of Commerce. WHEAT RANCH EXCHANGE. 1420-acre wheat ranch, 1200 acres culti vated, $35,500, exchange for Portland. 400-acre wheat ranch, 380 cultivated, 3800 sacks of wheat raised last year; $23 per acre; exchange for Portland. Phone Marshall 5200. 1008 Spalding bldg. Beggs-Thompson Realty Co. MUST SELL AT ONCE. 40 acres, 18 cleared, 5 more slashed, running stream, orchard, good house, barn, etc. 300 sacks potatoes, hay, fruit, machinery and tools. 7000 strawberry plants, gravel road, 4 miles of city, price $1850. $1200 cash. Get some cows, ' hogs, chickens, etc.. do business. BECKER, Marshall 1345. 327 Lumber Exchange. 40 ACRE farm for sale cheap; all under cultivation, gooa nuuaings. Aaaress w. . Newburn, Tenlno. Wash. Miscellaneous. SEWING machines Closing out fine lot second-hand machines : all makes, guar anteed good order, cash or terms. 292 3d, near Jefferson. Main 4728. BARGAIN Fine corner business lot, also 2 lots with 5-room cottage In Bend, Or.; terms, AC fc07, Oregonian. WANTEIV TIMBER LANDS. WANTED. TIMBER. Thirty to 60 millions cheap. In Coast Range, all In body; send net cash price and location: no agents. Address J. N. Brown, 812 Yeon bldg. Phone Main 8550. WANTED TO RET FARMS. WANTED Farm to rent with teams, tools, all implements, 300-600 acres, Oregon or Wash., not far from railroad. D. Bozxay, 143 Mackie st., DetroltMich- 3TO 5 acres, with house, fruit, berries and water, suitable for chickens and garden; near car, near Portland. Phone East 6330. - FOR 8 ALE TTMBETB LANDS. 12,000.000 FEET timber, one-third Port Or ford cedar, balance yellow fir, all old growth, in Curry County. Or., 7 miles from Gold Beach; price $10,0K, 1-3 cash, balance easy terms, Mrs. C, 218 Board of Trade. FARMS WANTED. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO FARMERS. Wanted, medium-sized Improved farms In the Willamette Valley; owners having such farms for sale will do well to write to or call on Columbia Trust Company, 82 Fourth street. WANTED Ranch suitable for orchard, with from 500 to 100O acres cleared. State acreage, amount in cultivation, price and approximate location. P 709. Oregonian. .WANT small farms from 5 to 20 acres, not over 30 miles from Portland. C De Young, 514 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. ADVERTISER has about 50.000.000 feet of fir and cedar Umber of fine quality, with complete logging outfit and railroad equip ment to handle and control extensive ter ritory and business; Southwest Washing ton; want $ 0,000 to $3000; to one or more acceptable associates 1. highly profit able deal is offered; investment to operate as a loan and fully secured. For partic ulars address AC 79S. Oregonian. X CLAIMS on Pistol River, Curry County, cheap. 10.000,000, 13,000,000 and IS. 000,00 In - Western Lane County cheap. 8.000,000. N., E. at $L SO acres In 12 N., 3 E. at $30 per acre. Several claims In 32 6.. 7 W. at 50c. S claims on Evans Creek at 75c. V 670. Oregonian. 1.50O.OU0 feet standing timber, 2 miles from elect rio line. 30 miles from Portland; $300 cash, balance secured; description will be given to interested parties and offers con sidered. Emmons & Emmons, attorneys-at-law, 00-913 Board of Trade. TIMBER FOR SALE. Large Tracts a Specialty. Timber Lands Bought and Sold. CAUSEY LAND & INVESTMENT CO., 503 Lumbermens Bldg.. 5th and Stark. STUMPAGE 25,0 cords fir, $12,000; $4000 cash, balance on or before 3 years, 7 per cent; will contract to take wood f. o. b. railroad; 14 miles down grade; good op portunity for right man. 75 5th st. SO ACRES. Lewis County. Wash.. 1.500.000 ft. timber, good land; $12 per acre; tim ber will more than pay for land; $"o0 rash, balance terms or trade. C. L. El liott. 37tf E. 46th st. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. J. M'CRACKEN. 304 McKay Bldg. FOR SALE CHEAP 360 acres of pine tim ber in Klamath County. Oregon. Adtiress P. O. box 677. Portland. Or. FOB RENT FARMS. A SPLENDID STOCK AND TRUCK FARM FOR RENT. A 60-acre farm on the Willamette River, all under cultivation, to rent; stock and implements for sale. Address box 627, Newberg. or call at the Laurel Cottage. 4fe ACRES with modern 5-room cottage, good ba rn and well, at Beaverton, Or. Rent $15 per month. Inquire Louis Sal omon & Co.. 229 Stark st., near 2d. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED INCOME PROPERTY. We have a client wiahing to purchase a piece of inside property, corner pre ferred ; this party has 3 close-In vacant lots, well located; 2 prospective business lots, other Nob Hill quarter block; de sires to turn these properties In as part ' payment; will asssume reasonable mort gage and pay cash difference. F. E. TAYLOR CO.. 404-5 Lewis Building, 4th and Oak Sts. WE have several clients for good 4 or 5 room bungalows, not too far from carlines, well located and not over $150O to $1000, that can be handled on very easy terms. THE HARBOLT-WILSON CO., INC. Marshall 420O. A 7158. WANT THESE TODAY. Have all cash customer for bargain in Irvington lot, east front, on 15th, 22d or 24th. I Also have customer who will make sub stantial payment on lot east of 10th st and north of Tillamook, in Irvington. Must be bargain price. LUEDDEMANN, RULEY & CO., 013 Chamber of Commerce. I WANT a good modern 5-room house within 2 blocks of Mt. Scott carllne, in side of 35th ave. S. E. ; must have large living-room, dining-room and closrta and Dutch kitchen, 50xl0o lot; have $250 cash; can pay $H5 monthly. V 545, Oregonian. PRUNE ORCHARD WANTED. Want first-class bearing prune orchard, not more than 8 miles south or east of Salem, ud to S25.000. In exchange for business property on East Side; price S2S.OO0: income $237 ner month. This ia strictly cash valuation and prune orchard. must oo on me same uueis. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St, 1 HAVE the following clients for Portland homes: one with S200O for a West Side home up to $H000; another with $oU00 for a house in ooutn .fortiana; z more, one with $500 the other $300, for East Side houses not far out up to S2000; if you will show me the bargain 1 will prove the sale. J. Singer, 70S First st; Main 31 WANTED TO BUY FOR A HOME A strictly modern 6-room bungalow, Not less than 100x100. Not over 30 minutes' ride from P. O. Close to electric line. Give location, price and terms. Not over $2500. AB 64, Oregonian. LOT WANTED. I have good paper to trade for unin cumbered looxivo jot in eitner ttossmere, Rose City Park or Elm hurst. See Mr. Norton, with LUEDDEMANN. RULEY & CO.. 013 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WANTED SMALL HOUSE BUILT. Will give dandy business corner with small house rentea ior 910 ana ciose in. Union ave. : I want a nice little house built and will give this for erection of house. Phone East 46S5. AM. 704, orego nian. WANTED About one acre within walking distance of D-cent car limit; gooa. nigu building: ground, no gravei; must oe reas onable; give price. L. Johnson, R. 1, box 16 B., Clackamas. WANT a house about $2000, on easy terms for young hustler; will pay part with a vacant lot. F. FUCHS, 320 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED To buy strictly modern 8-room residence in good District irom owner; must be free of Incumbrance; will pay $1000 cash and balance in country prop erty. A-fr jii oregonian. WANTED To trade two fine business lots and close-in acreage for income property. West Side nref erred; Owners only. 371 Vancouver ave. HAVE good bankable stock la local concern to exchange for clear lot ud to $2000; will Btand closest investigation. Taylor Investment Co.. 323 Board oi Traae. WILL pay cash for lot In Irvington; give description and lowest price. No at tention paid unless lot and block number stated. Aaaress ts ooj, oregonian. CLEAR lot wanted from owner. Rose City Park district, as nrst payment on Dunga low, six rooms, sleeping porch and tlx tures. Y 657. Oregonian. HAVE 100 acres good land, about 4,500,000 feet timber. In Douglas County- want to trade for small bungaiow; wnai nave you K 606, Oregonian tattt t. nov annt caah for lot In Irvineton. between E. 15th, E. 21st, Tillamook and Stanton; give description and best cash price. Ail MW. iregoman. LOT on Union or Grand, ave., between Mor rison and Broadway; must be cheap for all chsh ; give exact locauon ana price. AO oiz, ureguBiau. t want lota in Rose City Park. Rossmere, Piedmont, Highland Park. Alberta or any other good district for sale. C X)e Young, 514 Chamoer oi commerce. WAVTF.n From owner, income business property from $10,000 to $20,000. Phone or see at once .Jur. jneica.Li., oxv xeuu umg. Marshall 2432. WANTED $25,000 income property. West Side; give location; terms. AC 804, Ore- gonian. want income nroDertv for clear Laurel hurst lots and cash up to $25,000. Ad dress B 665, uregonian. FOR Irvington or Irvington Park lot bar gains I have cash buyers. R. T. STREET, 229 HENRY BLDG. WANT 4 or 5-room house near car; about $1500; $200 cash; must be well worth the p rice, v quo, uret""'". 5-ROOM bungalow from owner who will take two gOOa iOls SWb iiri yuiucui, ry via, Oregonian. HAVE $500 equity In -4-room modern house as first payment on u or o-ruom u"uo, not Over $JW. v oQ. uregonmn. A GOOD farm, also some good 2 to 20-acre tracts; must be snap; answer quick. AD 609. Oregoniaiu WANTED Lots in Westmoreland, Rose City Park, waverieigu xiensiii.. ovo, ji o- gontan. tva vt .ma thnrt ri&clcaniiLi Countv acre tLve: etve nrlce. terms and location. K G58, Oregonian. WANTED A house and lot in vicinity of Piedmont car oarn. not to exceea juuu. State your oest terms, r 1 1, oregonian, 20 ACRES White Salmon clear and $000 equity In gooa cottage u payment on House. inoiie i- auui WANT large body berry land, at reason able price and terms; describe fully. V BUILDER will purchase lota In Irvington O! ranged. 736 Cham, of Com. Marshall 3002. WANTED Direct from owner, 5 or 6-room bungalow. At au. oregonian. WANTED 30 or 40 acres of good land close to Portland- w ws. uregonian. WANTED -To buy a house from owner; must be a snap. A uregonian. I WANT five or ten acres on Oregon Elec tric AJ ooo, uregonian. WANTED REAL ESTATE. IRVtNGTON HOME WANTED. Modern house. 6 or 7 rooms, 8 to 10 rooms; must be up to date and t rock bottom price; cash basis; own ers only. GODDARD ft WIEDRICK, 213 Stark. BUSINESS LOT WANTED. Can assume and have 30x100 corner, close In. Etst Side, with 6-voom house; valued $4500. to trade In. C. A. RUFF. S23 Chamber of Commerce. TO EXCHANGE. WE have for sale or will trade for Cali fornia income or acreage property 4 acres right ntar 5-cent carfare with room house with electric lights, hot-water heat, garbage, plenty of fruit, all in high state of cultivation, very desirable for club or sanatorium purposes, or will rent ta re sponsible parlies for a term of years. We also have some snaps In city prop erty for exchange. 9-room house, near Mt.. Tabor reservoir. $300. , 5-room house, furnished with piano, etc., $3500; streets paid. 5-room house, built one year, 3 block from Mt. Tabor car. $2600. MAYS- REE1 CO.. Phones: Main 3353. A SM. 107 Railway Exchange Bldg. SEATTLE PROPERTY. This consists of a house and one lot. a house and of an acre, a vacant lot. 11 lots, differently but well located In beat tie and clear of incumbrances; the ag gregate value Is above $U,0O0; will trade part or all for a good stock of goods in Portland or in other towns near Portland. When writing give full description. J-' r further Information write J. L. fcvmltn. box 1131, Portlana. ur. WHAT have you to offer for half section of land, KiicKitai toumy, 2iK acres ready for plow, balance easy to clear. In wheat belt, 1 mile of railroad station; running water. Price $.,o an acre; incumbrance $2705; will give jou a good trade for city property, hotel or any kind of business In Portland. r r KI.l.IS & CO.. 3oi Board of Trade bldg. SIX fractional 50-ft. lots, area about 17.000 square feet, can oe usea Ui"""'"'Ay. ; business and warehouse. On O. . .'u feet and hard-surface street 2rt fe;1 Some time since .owner refused JS..OO lor this, but now will sell at that figure on account of change in business planK. Splendid speculative value as well as a safe Investment. Call 031 Chamber of Commerce. - EXCHANGE. $3250 Nice home Place, 6 rooms, lire place, modern, all but furnace nice shrubbery, best car service, $..00 will tako vacant lots or good mortgages for tho balance, or one lot and mortgage back on house for the difference. P.PITSST Jt? ROLDS. 318 Board of Trade bldg. I HAVE 34 acres of rich black soil mile tt enri near Vancouver, 5-room house, large barn, chicken house, etc. . -I acres cultivated, some orchard and small fruit. My price is $175 per acre, and w Hi take up to J0000 in city property. M. Davis, 313 Hamilton bldg. Marshall J30L or Tabor 2675. - EXCHANGE. 64 acres. 15 miles out, for apartment site; my price $-75 per acre; all culti vated but ;iH acres; U ht acres in apples 7 years old; all fenced and crosa-fenced. 7-room house, good barn, outbuildings, etc. KUPPER & HUMPHRY. 212-213 Chamber of Commerce. BUSINESS .ilock; building occupies entire lot 50x100, two-story and full basement; monthly r?ntal $240; good tenants; price $i.300; want $3000 cash, balance niort gagj. or will take trade up to $j0O. income about 13 per cent on Investment. I HAVE a fine, well improved wheat farm in Central Sherman County. Oregon, price $30 per acre, to trade for a valley farm of equal value; also an 800-acre central Washington farm to trade. Pce tt Je acre. L? K. Moore, 517 Board of Trade. Portland. EXCHANGE Modern 6-room house and 3 lots with small barn and chickenyard; gas. elec. lights, lawns, roses, bearing trees a blocks to car, cement walks; value $bioo. for farm not less than 30 acres; must baa good buildings, stock and implements. O w ners onlv. AK 726. Uregonton. 800-ACRE WHEAT FARM 'ly Miles r rum All in Cultivation; 400 Acres Fine land, price $30 per acre; will take $14,000 in city property or acreage. UAH L.A.MJ g - ' " jtODEKN 0-room house, corner ot, cement sidewalks, near 2 carlines, close in on East Side, to exchange for small noue and lot or lots In suburbs: will give eas terms on dlference; property clear. AU- flress OW ner, o.- "UMim. . 4O0-ACRE wheat farm in Eastern prK. 150 miles from Portland. 3 miles to rail road, all in cultivation: will trade for Portland property. Price $25 per acre, t jI I &SO Tillamook st.. Irvington. Phone even- inga l'. r. riann, cupi. - - WANT FARM near Portland for equity of $0500 In furniture, lease and good will or one of the best-paying and best-furnished apartment-houses, with lease ycii; about $G a room. O. C. R. Ellis Co., 3t0 MODERN 5-room dwelling on Wxl4 lot, with small cottage In rear, at .T. Yal Ima. Wash.; good residence district; for sale 'or will trade for good improved prop erty In any Coast city. Address G ot. Oregonian. SIGHTLY south front Council Crest Park lot on carllne. and lot 8, block 0. Love leich,Add.. to trade for modern bunga low or close-in acreage, equal value. Price $3000; unincumbered. See owner, tuj Rothcniia oiag. . v-t. a DirvfiAIOW. In exchange for gilt-edge $2500 mort gage due intone year. Will pay nor as sume nothing more. Must be north of Clinton st., good value and modern. Jacob Mass. U? wning'-i SOUTHERN OREGON home, MUtheaBtern improved, good income farm. $.o,uoo, clear for Portland income property or close In acreage, no junk considered. M Q'Jl, Oregonian. . wTLLseTfor trade our elegant Utt le apart ment house, close in. full all the time, good lease, low rent; sell for part cash or exchange for property in or out of town. 144 ACRES of A-l fruit land, 44 acres In full bearing fruit, near Tha Dalles: bal ance nearly ready to et: to trade equity of $23.0U0 for wheat ranch. O 0J-, Ore gonian. FINE new 7-room modern home in Over look Addition to exchange for from 1 to 5 acres. Improved, close to '""h.Sii price $4000. C. Do louns, il4 Chamber or uonimeice. 25 LOTS close In. two car lines, price S00 each, or will exchange for Income city or farm up to $12,000. M. C. Davis 3U Hamilton bldg. Marshall 2364. or Tabor I HAVE NICE 4-room modern house on Marguerite avenue; will trade my equity for vacant lot. balance a, rent, taea owner. 411 Henry bldg. 83-ROOM corner, close In hotel, exchange for Improved farm. Price $000. my caah, price. Call 1008 Spalding building. HAVE 10 acres fruit land, near Estacada, Oregon: price 1000. free of Incumbrance, to exchange for city property. K. 61, uregonian. 518 ACRES. $35 per acre, about half sowed to Winter wheat, near Spokane; want close-in city property. HayneB. 310 Stark street, pnone jmipuc. 15500 eauity In 2 houses and lot. 100x15". 'c?o.eQtn on East Side: value m.,H): to trade equity for clear land. N 687, Ore gonian. $7500 equity in 3 high-class houses In Irv ington located near Union avenue, on 7th street to trade for timber; might con sider clear iana. j pp. THREE house equities. 100 acres ot land at The Dalles and S13.30O mortgage, total value $55,000. equity 130.0000, to trade for wneat rancn. r .-v. v, 3JO ACRES of A-l fruit land, near The Dalles. 140 acres In cultivation, to trade for good timber: equity $18,000, value 4"8 ACRES near Roseburg. 60 acres culti vated, good buildings: balance all fruit land; to trade for wheat farm. N tttio. uregonian- WILL exchange any the following for real estate: Complete moving-picture outfit, piano or phonographs outfits. E 7o'J. uregonian. NINE acres, commercial orchard, half mile valley town, on railroad: accept automo bile part. $1700. A V 560, Oregonian. HAVE clear lot, restricted district, east front value $700. and some cash for mort gage or equity In lota AN 671. Oregonian. far SALE or trade; 7-room house, lot 50x100, near Piedmont carbarns. Owner. phone wooaiawii iv... $13 500 GENERAL store, will exchange for a farm this store Is located 30 miles of Portland. Call 1008 Spalding building. $5000 equity in two high-class houses in Irvington to trade for clear land: might consider timber. AL 803, Oregonian. EXCHANGE for city property and cash, good West Side business comer, good in come. Phone J. H. Tipton. East 1628.