THE SUNDAY - OREGOXTAN. PORTLAND, JANUARY 12, 1913. 8 NEW TODAY. COLUMBIA! 815 acres fronting on Columbia River; beautiful view, good roads, city water, electric lights, boat landing on place. A snap at $6500. "Will take bungalow in good district up to $3000. $500 cash, balance on time. See Mr. Morgan. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. & IRUST CO. 3d Floor Chamber of Commerce 23d and Glisan Streets Corner, 100x100, 2 dwell ings. A splendid business corner, which will rapidly advance in value. Easy terms. No trade. E. J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing Bldg. Business Property PAYS OVER 11 PER CENT New, two-story, white pressed brick block, with three stores and offices; leased for five years to first-class ten ants; situated on prominent corner, 7ox J0O feet. Income $270 per month. Price $28,000. This is positively the best buy of the kind we know of. GODDARD & WIEDRICK 243 Stnrli St. rvington ome Residence of eight rooms, in very sightly location, with every modern convenience; close to car. WATSON & THERKELSEN" CO., 306 Spaldlnc Bids. Main 7503. WAREHOUSE SITE S5000 Warehouse site, one acre, Sul livan's Gulch, on O.-W. R. & N. track. Biff snap for warehouse, factory, lum ber or woodyard. APARTMENT SITE. SI 8.000 Morrison street, corner of KleventU street. East Side. A fine business or apartment site. 335,000 West Side, close in 70x100. Must be sold. S4SOO Wst Side. One acre of ground at the end of Sixth street, 20 blocks to Courthouse. Boulevard now being built past this property. Can, be made to pay big. CHAS. RINGLER A CO, Sll Lewis Bid. Corner storeroom, Eaton Hotel, West Park and Mor rison Sts., 25x60 ft. Apply A. B. STEINBACH & CO. 615 Corbett Bldg. IRVINGTON SNAP New, ight-room house; four bedrooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, in fact nothing missing ; lot 50x100; hard surfaced Htreot. Worth $7500, but owner must sell and will take $6300; $500 down and $-'5 per month. On East Twenty fifth street, near Thompson. Will take vacant lot or auto as first payment. C. M. ZADOW 414 Cnrbrtt Bide. A 1 11H, Marshall 02. $3000 TO LOAN AT 7 PER CENT on close-in, improved residence prop erty. Apply to Loan Department. Hartman-Thompson Bank fourth and Stark Streets PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS COI.LIS, 11KKK1DC. A THOMPSON, 324 Worcester Block. Phone Maim tttttT, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. WILL sell my equity In 2 lots at Lents; have paid over 3U0; will take $250; In cludes small house. Call lOi'O 3Sth at. S. E. WW car to 60th ave. Sunday. DO x 72 on Hancock, near Grand ave.; $2S00: terms. Address A. B., 643, Ore gonian. $7.W CASH, total cost, buys a view lot oC the West Side, within 20 minutes' walk of Postoftice; good title. Y 670. Oregonian. WILL sacrifice equity in Westmoreland lot, part cash and diamond accepted. Ad dress R. S. Moore. 195 11th st. S. FOR SALE by owner, fine Sunny side lot on Washington st., bet. 37th and 3Sth. Ad dress li. A. Weaver, 428 Taylor st. BEAUTIFUL Alameda Park View, corner 120x112 at cost year, 11)10. G 679, Orego nian. FuKCKD SALE Rose City lot, 4Sth and Siskiyou; small payment down; easy terms. V tHSV. Oregonian. FIKLAND lot $375; terms $5 monthly. 720 Chsmber of Commerce. M. 1166 ROPE CITY PARK, fine view lot, $1000; terms. r s&ft, oregonian. LOT. sOxl75; $550; $10 down. $10 monthly. Lewis bldg; BEAUTIFUL Improved Rose City Park lot cheap for cash, u t4 oregonian. $.160 CASH buys 2 lots in Keed College dls- I HAVE cash clients for Irvington Park lot harp a ma. K. t. street, Henry bldg, OuxluO ROSE CITY PARK. 100 feet off Pandy road; no assessment; $ftO0 cash. BUILDING lot in Montaviiia; no reasonable offer refused. Phone East 273. RESTRICTED Beaumont lot; snap. Addrei owner, P. O. Box 10H6. $30 EQUITY In $150 single lot; water and H For Rent! BEAL ESTATE PgALEBS. BBUBAKEH BENEDICT. 603 McKM bid. M. 54. Beck. William G.. 115-ilt Fall In r bids. Chapin A Herlow, 332 Chamber off Commerce. JennlbKS Co . Main 188. 206 Oreconlan. PALMER-JONES CO, H. P.. 404-405-406 Wilcox bid-. THE Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand av. at Multnomah at. Holladay tAddiclon. R. T. STREET, 229 Henry bid. REAL ESTATE. For 81 Lot. WEST SIDE LOTS. $250 to $000. Easy terms, 13 minutes out, Cc fare. Water in; level. KUPPER ft HUMPHRY, 212-213 Chamber of Commerce Bide;. SPECULATORS ATTENTION. See this 1.41 acres near ZIon Church, Upper Portland Heights. Will subdivide into 12 lots and sell lor $400 each. Street Graded in front of it and city water in. District built up around it. $1800; $.o0 down, balance easy. It is practically level, too. Better seo It at once. M 681, Oregonian. JjSoO $030 $1100 $1400. Laurelhurst lots, a few below original cost; they are being picked up fast; the above are all snaps. Will trade Laurel hurst equity, $950. for clear lot. Will trade Laurel hurst equity of $300 for auto or what have you? CHAS. RINGLER ft CO- 211 Lewis bldg. EAST GRANT STREET to be opened between Glenn avenue and East 34th street; work will be rushed through. We have four lots at a big snap for cash. Can double your money by buying them now. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. WEST SIDE LOTS. GLENELTN ADDITION. Choice building lots on West Side, In side the 8-mile circle; fine view of Tuala tin Valley and Mount Hood; walks, graded streets and water in and Included In price; $4O0 and up; select your lot and we will build for you on small cash payment. PROVIDENT TRUST CO.. OWNERS, Second Floor Selling Bldg. LAURELHURST. We specialise on this beautiful property, we handle no other, we handle the best that is for sale, we know I aurelhurst and can save you money and give you Just what you want. You can always find us at the tract of fice, 39th and East Glisan sts. DELAHUNTY ft CLEMENTS. 1 OWN 100x100 in Olmstead Park. My in tention was to build for my own use on this site that is equaled by few. Am called away, so will give some one full advantage of this snap obtained two years ago from original owner and as 1 do not need money, will take a small pay ment down and easy terms on balance, call 031 Chamber of Commerce. MT. TABOR. Right on carline, oOxlOS and alley, a snap at $500 each; $100 cash, terms on balance. 60x100. 4 blocks from same carline, nice elevation; $400. HENKLE ft HARRISON, Gerllnger Bldg. $8T5 Buys a choice building lot, 50x100, In a restricted district, 1 blks. from Haw thorne car; east frontage, line neighbor hood: $350 cash, balance 2d mortgage payable $15 a month at 6 per cent. TAYLOR INVESTMENT CO., 323 BOARD OF TRADE. IRVINGTON, 11000. 100x100, corner, south of Brazee St., between E. loth and E. 24th N.; $1000 below the market price. THE FIRST TRUST COMPANY, Entrances Washington and Third. ALBERTA STREET. N. W. cor. Alberta and 29th, lOOxSO; price $2600. 8. E. cor. Alberta and 29th, 50x100, price $1850. GODDARD ft WIEDRICIC. 243 Stark st. 60 PER CENT UNDER MARKET. Will sell you 1. 2 or 3 acres, near Mult nomah station, all in cultivation and lie perfectly, at 50 per cent less than sur rounding property and on easy terms; it is worth your while to look up. Inquire 73 th St., near Oak. A BIG SNAP. West Side lot, 60x100, only 18 minutes from postoffice. Quick buyer can secure same for $430, on payments of $45 cash and $10 monthly. This is bound to double in value, and will pay you to Investigate. No agents. Y 660, Oregonian. CHEAP APARTMENT SITE. East Salmon St., at head of 19th st. ; lot 60x120, about 4 feet above grade; price $5000 which Is about two-thirds the price of adjoining property. GODDARD ft WIEDRICK, . 243 Stark St. CHEAPEST LOT IN IRVINGTON. $1600 on good terms for nice east front lot in Irvington, all Improvements paid. A snap. P. FUCHS. 420 Chamber of Commerce. ALBERTA-STREET SNAP, THIS WEEK ONLY. Lot 100x75, N. W. cor. Alberta and JE. 6th st.; price for all cash, $3000. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark st. 6NAP Lot, $050, terms; sidewalk, sewer, water and curb, paid up; near ration ave. carline, now building. P. B. VAN NICE, 707 Selling Bldg. Main 4003, A 7133. LOT 60x100 in Parkdale Add., $500, only $50 down, balance $io a month. 100x100 In Elm hurst Add., near Broad way, for quick sale, only $160O. Goldschmldt's Agency, 415 Chamber Com. ON Portland Heights, conservative location. 60X1OU; view oc xioou, Auams; ues iaeai ly; near to car and yet no inconvenience; $175o; this will give you what you have been looking for. X 606, Oregonian. A SNAP. Good full lot, Hawthorne section, close to par. oniv ,"Hi casn. Daiance by month. Vanduyn ft Walton, 615 Cham, of Commerce. FOR SALE by owner, 59x100 lot, 43d sU, Rossmere. H dik. norm ox &anoy roaa ; terms $660 cash. bal. of $125 on easy payments. Tel. Main 6612. O. D. Ray, room 17 Russell bldg. BEAUMONT. $100 buys my $162 equity In a 60x100 east front lot on East 46th st. near Sis kiyou, balance $3 per month. A 626, Oregon Ian. ROSSMERE LOT- SNAP. Beautiful east-front lot; has fine shade trees; in best section, near car; just the place to bultd; price $$25, half cash. Hoff mann, QVl renton Ding., o aixtn su IRVINGTON. East-front lot. near 22 d and Stanton. Improvements all in; will finance building of house ll aeaireo. Auaress owner, vt Harrison st. FOR SALE Two lots in Beaumont Addl ttnn will sell chesn if taken at once. In quire Mr. cohen, united Cigar Stores Co., Oth ana v asmngton an. as f! ASH. tl ner week, nice lot. near Fir- water. HIGLEY ft BISHOP. 201 Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE in Hlllsboro. Or., lot 95x09. with a good house, in a part of the city which becomes the new business center; price $1150. Victor Callier, Hlllsboro, Or. BUILDERS, ATTENTION. Will give a few second mortgage priv ileges to a few good builders in Holly- rooo. rnone j. . o-o. FOR SALE by owner, two lots. Twin Rocks, Beach. Wash.; small payments down and easy terms. O. D. Ray, room 17 Russell bldg. Tel. Main 5612L $325 BUYS $373 equity fine Hyde Park lot, cost $700 in 19iH. adjoining lots $950; improvements paid; no interest, block, Sandy pomevarq. r ox. uregooma. ONLY $650 buys 100x100 Just 4 blocks from carline, in a very good district at Tre mont; terms very easy. C. De Young, 614 Chamoer or toranmrv; rokr CITY PARK. 100x100. on the Ala meda, lots 7 and 8. block 86. $1800; 4600 cash, balance terms. Phone owner, C 2814 or xaDor MOUNT TABOR. Two fine view lots, for sale, on top of Mount Tabor at a reasonable price. See owner at 61 E. 67tn si-, aau laoor. FIR LAND 3 lots, 60x100 each, actually worth S1800; these can be had this week for 4N per lot. HIGLEY 4 BISHOP. 201 Hamilton bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, one block car. 3500 sa. It. : view ; ues very weu ; siuov. n. 708, Oregonian. IRVINGTON SACRIIFCK This week only. east-facing lot. block from car. gioio; lm provements Included. Owner, Main S078. FLAT or apartment site; only 3000; 80x iw, west oiao. east ironu u. v reiion. Miiwaukie. or. FOR SALE $ lots. Council Crest Park; a snap; mignt exchange, owner, a 3oS. I HAVE a corner lot In Beaumont for 41000. AE S15, Oregonian, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lou. A RARE BARGAIN. Business corner on the West Side. In an extraordinary advantageous location, with a crying necessity from the resi dents surrounding for a store. An in vestigation will convince the most skep tical. Price $1600, cash; worth $2500. Your money will double- invested in this corner. J. G. RAINEY, 00 Yeon. Marsh. 3177. BUILDERS. We have a few good lots left in Grove . land Park, 1 block from the Hawthorne car, restricted; these can be had for a short time only at a great sacrifice; small cash payment and the balance on a second mortgage; act quickly. TAYLOR INVESTMENT CO., 323 BOARD OF TRADE. COUNCIL CREST 90x125 feet, with beautiful valley view, close to carline. Splendid building site and a snap at $950, all cash. All street improvements In and bonded. Lota wih view of both city and valley, $1500. KAUFFMANN & MOORE, 325 Lumber Exchange. BEFORE YOU BUY A LOT ANSWER THIS AD. I will sell my lot 50x100, on Tillamook street, at actual cost without any Interest or taxes; with all Improve ments paid for; surrounded with nice homes. Pay me $10 per month. This is a big bargain for someone. Must selL Write owner. D 673, Oregonian. LADD'S ADDITION. We have three choice lots in this ad dition for sale at greatly reduced prices. Owner non-resident- GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. ROSE CITY PARK SNAP. 50x100 with street improvements in. just. 2 blocks from the car and 1 block from the new clubhouse; this is a tine building lot and in an excellent neigh borhood; price is only $700. C. De Young, 514 Chamber of Commerce. 100x100 Corner East 15th and Skldmorer Irving ton car will run on this street soon; good opening for stores or flats; price $2000. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. $20 CASH will buy my $50 payment on a large lot close close in on Gresham line, balance S10 per month and 6. per cent interest; about 3 full city lots in piece. AT 778, Oregonian. 100 BY 10O. $350. $10 down, S5 monthly, sightly and level, five minutes' east of Sell wood. A. C Marsters, 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 3517. A 7340, Tabor 1770. For Sale Houses. 6-ROOM HOUSE AT A BARGAIN. $L2O0 BUYS IT. This is a good 6-roozn house, 1! blocks from 5c carline; lot 50x100, with iron fence; some bearing fruit, city water and sink; wo are instructed to sell this house at a bargain; the price is $1200, $5o0 cash, balance $15 per month, with 6 per cunt interest. HARGROVE & SONS, 122 North 6th St., cor. 6th and Glisan. Main 43S1, A 725U. EAST TAYLOR ST. RESIDENCE. 8-room modern residence, good as new, full basement and furnace heat to all parts of the residence; located on one of the best corners, close in, on East Tay lor St.; there is room on the lot for an other building If desired; owner has moved away from the city and 1 am, therefore, authorized to offer the above at an ex ceptional bargain; investigation invited. J. E. Smith, 414 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or. NEW BUNGALOW. $300 CASH OR LOT. 7 rooms, niftiest bungalow in city. Re ception hall, living and dining-room pan eled and beamed, bookcases, seats, den with writing desk, seat and closet, 3 bedrooms, bath and toilet, oak floors, furnace and fireplace; a beautiful white enameled kitchen; fixtures and shades; good terms. See this before you buy. Owner, phone B 1764 or Tabor 1568. 7-ROOM BUNGALOW $3500. $250 Down Hardsurface Paid. E. 34th, Near Hawthorne Ave. Oak floors, fireplace, buffet, bookcases, paneled dining-room, Dutch, kitchen, ce ment floor in basement, In fact every modern up-to-date feature; $15 per month with hardsurface and all improvements paid. To see this la to realize a bargain. Tabor 2852. LAURELHURST home, built by owner; un- ioreseen circumstances compels owner to sell 8 rooms; best location ; block to car; shades, fixtures, etc ; worth $7500; sell for $5800- We have, homes, very easy terms, or will take lot as first payment. CHAS. RLNGLEK & CO., 211 Lewis bids'. BEAUTIFUL MILWAUKIE BUNGALOW. On loOxlOO lot; has four large, strictly modern rooms; has fine fruit and shade trees; excellent view of river; price $4000, or can sell for $2750, with 5x100; easy terms or can exchange. Hoffmann, 501 Fenton bids., 84 Sixth. SPECIAL BUPILDING OFFER. In order to keep my working forces busy I am making a special offer on financing and building of homes, flats or apartments. Come in and talk this over. I can save you money. J. S. Atkins, 629 Henry bldg. $2650. Hawthorne district, new, modern 6-room bungalow, near Hawthorne ave.; lot 50x 100; paved streets. Phone owner and builder. Tabor 651, or call at 323 East 44th et. LEST 8-room modern house in Piedmont; garage, sleeping porch ; pavement paid ; fireplace, furnace, polished oak floors; owner going away; worth $7OO0; price $5500; terms. AR 6S2, Oregonian. A SNAP. $1100 will buy a house and full-size lot, 451 Manhattan St., 2 blocks from Union; part cash, balance $15 per month. C 681, Oregonian. SNAP 3 50x100 lots complete, attractive 4 room bungalow, disappearing bed makes 2 bedrooms available, good outbuildings. 1 milts from city limits, one-half block irom streetcar; i&ivv. kj .lj., uregoman. FOR SALE: Beautiful, sightly home. Wil lamette Heights, 75x100, modern through out, every convenience, nice lawn, paved streets; $9000, about & cash. Call Ore gon Brass Works. OWING to my new business taking me from Portland, I offer my 5-room furnished house, corner lot, near Hawthorne avenue, for $3375; cash will handle. K 667, Oregonian. A CHANCE FOR RENTERS " To buy a home for $1350; one-half block from Union ave., on Graham st. ; must sell in 10 days. JOHN DICK, 4 Union Ave. North. FOR SALE by owner, a new five-room bun galow in Rose City Park, one block from Sandy road; thoroughly modern, with fine sleeping porcn; good terms, jnone Main 9481. 5-ROOM modern bungalow in highly re stricted district for $3000; will take a city lot as first payment. Phone J. H. Tipton. East 1628. EXCHANGE 7-room, hot water heated house, garage. 60x100 corner lot. restricted district, for ranch, lots, acreage, automo bile, ak o-, oregonian. $2000 SNAP Terras; 5-room cottage, one Clock to car; gooa conaition. leave range, etc. Offer your terms. P. B. Van Nice, 707 Belling bldg. aiain 4tfa. A 71B3. $850 NEAT little house and three good lota water, eraded streets, etc. 30 min utes from Courthouse ; $75 cash, $15 monthly, as., oregonian. I HAVE a beautiful 7 -room modern rest dence on paved street and streetcar for $4000; will take a city lot as first pay ment, rnone j. n. upton. jast lfts. IRVINGTON 8-room modern house, less than cost; east front, hardwood floors, two fireplaces, etc Owner, 120 Grand ave. South. Phone is. 4l iiOV O-ruuui muuriu i-uiiage u.i Dig tlOA Mih hnlflnr Innr timia Phnn, Palace Hotel, room SIS. 5-ROOM modern house with three dormer attic for $600 below cost. Owner E. C. Elck, 6021 33d ave S. E. Clark's Station. FOR SALE 6-room modern bungalow, just finished, in Rossmere. For information address owner, At 661, Oregonian. $2u00 PORTSMOUTH 9 -room house, 50x110 foot lot. roses, fruit, etc 211 Lewis bldg. 00X155. Price $2850, modern 7-room house, very easy terms, v ooaiawn iviif. BAKGALN. oww resiuence, rents oU month ly; $H0O down, only $250 annually; 8 Tim nL AG 691. Orea-onian. 3-ROOM cottage, concrete basement, two blocks to Highland School, y, block Al berta car; terms, rnone woooiawn 1577. tvp. Iiava new bun slows or build to suit: Easy terms. Hawley & C(K. Marshall Si SO. Multnomah station. SUNNYSIDE 6-room home, SOxlOO lot; street hard-surfaced; $25 monthly. Call 107 fci. Morrison su n. not. OWNER will build residence to suit, swell est lots In Irvington on installments. K 656. Oregonian. FOR FINE HOMES See Delahunt. East 1275. BY OWNER Five-room bungalow; easy terms, jasx a tin. sx. leu xanor tML REAL ESTATE. For bale House. HOUSES, THE BEST EVER OFERED AT REASONABLE PRICES AND ON EASY TERMS, CONSERVATIVE BUYERS INVESTIGATE. $ 2750 6 rooms, new bungalow, double con structed, beautifully finished, hard wood floors fireplace, solid brass ugnung nxtures, cemeni wwrmiL, laundry trays, lot 60x100. This is a dandy buy; on your own terms. $ 2850 5 rooms, new bungalow, extra well built, polished oak floors, built-in - buffet and bookcases, beamed ceil ings, Dutch kitchen, all large rooms nicely tinted, fine bath and toilet, full basement, wash trays, gas, electric lights. See this if you want a coxy home. $ 30006 rooms, 1 -story h ouse on Cor bett street. South Portland, high and sightly, bath and toilet, gas, electric lights, tine lawn, lots of fruit trees In bearing; 2 lots, 60x90; lots alone nearly worth price asked. Make your own terms, or will con sider lots or close-in acreage. . A snap if you want it. $ 4650 8-room bungalow In Laurel hurst, double construction guaranteed, oak floors, finished in mission style, built-in buffet and bookcases, pan eled and beamed, Dutch kitchen, large porches, front and rear; hand some fireplace, full cement base ment, furnace and laundry trays; price Includes all street Improve ments; $500 cash, balance to suit. A big bargain for someone. $ 8500 10-room house, in Irvington; well built and finished, oak floors, built in buffet and window seats, butler's pantry, fine alcove dressing-room, 2 baths and toilets, stucco-fin I shed library, fireplace, full cement base ment with furnace, laundry and fruit-room, fine lawn; located in choicest section; good terms. Can save you $1500 on real value here. $13,500 9 -room, new two-story brick res idence, in choicest section, restrict ed district, complete ,tn every de tail and elegantly finished. Will appeal to discriminating buyer de siring something original and ex clusive. Make an offer and name your own terms. Will consider some exchange for aceage. No phone information. , THE HA RBOLT-WILSON COMPANY, INC., tiv-io ijCiWia ruiLxJtr(i, FOURTH AND OAK. Marshall 4200, A 7158. HOUSES ON EASY TERMS. SELECTED BARGAINS. DO THEY LOOK GOOD TO YOU, 5- room bungalow, Willamette Addition; $2500, Including furniture; sacrificing, snap. 6- room house. 50x100 lot, rents for $19; price $:j00O; $300 handles and $15 a month; Williams ave.; you can't beat it. 3-roora house, $200 cash, $15 a month Includes Interest; furniture thrown in; lo. cated Montaviiia; price only $1000; hurry on this. EASY TERMS ON THE ABOVE. If these don't suit, phone Marshall 6200, or consult our house and lot dept. for genuine, bona fide house and lot proposi tion. B EGGS-THOMPSON REALTY CO., 100S Spalding bldg. . BARGAIN PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW $3850. New, modern 5-room bungalow with Bleeping porch, surrounded by beautiful homes and with beautiful view, must be sold this week. This property located In the choicest section of the city, can be bought art a price and terms below that of a similar house in a cheap unrestricted district. LUEDDEMANN, RULEY & CO., 913 Chamber of Commerce. FOUR EASY PAYMENT BARGAINS. 5 rooms, bath, pantry, Hawthorne dis trict, $-550; $150 cash, $15 month. 5 rooms, bath, H block to Richmond car; $3350; $150 cash, $20 month. 5 rooms, bath, cement basement, 1 V blocks to St. Johns car: $2500; $50 cash, $15 month. 4 rooms, bath, basement, shades, fix tures, 2 blocks to car; $2200; -42CK cash, $15 month. Will take a lot on any of the above GEO. E. HIGGINS. 506 Spalding bldg. Main 4400. DO YOU WANT A HOME? 7 LARGE, LOVELY ROOMS, COM PLETE IN ALL RESPECTS; VERY BEST OF MATERIAL AND PLUMBING; LAU RELHURST; OWNER BUILT FOR HIS OWN HOME; PRICE $6000; ALL IM PROVEMENTS PAID. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE ME BEFORE PURCHAS ING YOUR HOME; HAVE SOME EX CELLENT BARGAINS. ZIMMERMAN. 310 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. $3500. Seven rooms, bath and toilet, built for S4500. Choice lot in Holly rood. 50x100. mortgage $2250. Due to financial re verses this comfortable home can be bouKht on easy terms at a tcenuine bar gain. Furnace, full cement basement, set tubs, electric fixture, hardwood floors in two rooms, window shades, etc Address owner, H. wintnrop, loo N. isth st. Main 2304. $500. HOUSE AND LOT. Small house and 50x100 lot. Close to Sandy Road, a paved street to 72d, close to carline, recently double-tracked. See this today. Take Rose City Park car to 72d st., Gregory Heights oirice. GREGORY INVESTMENT CO., BEAUTIFUL BEAUMONT SACRIFICE. 100x100 on 43d. near Siskiyou. 2 blocks from car and fine homes all around this property; price only $1800. A 1066, M. 906. G. H. KLEINSORGE CO., 418 Board of Trade MT. TABOR SNAP. New 7-room house, large living-room, fireplace, bookcases, recept. hall, den with built-in bookcases, dining-room. Dan els. beams, buffet, etc.; cabinet kitchen, front and back stairs, 3 large corner bedrooms, with large closets, bath, linen closets. clothes chute, etc Price $1000 below cost. terms Sioo down, sid month, with interest lot 100x100. Phone Ml. 3992 or 736 Cham ber of Commerce. Owner. FINE VIEW HOME. 6-room cottage overlooking the river, only 20 minutes" ride; 60x100 lot: im provements all paid; beautiful lawn and shade trees; on carline; am leaving city and must sell at once, hence am offering my home at a Dig aacnnce; price $2100. A 1066, M. 906. G. H. KLEINSORGE CO., fc 418 Board of Trade. LOOK I ANOTHER ONEI LOOKI 5-room modern cottage, 100 feet from large kusineBS oiock, rignt on carline. choice lot, shrubbery and trees; this week lb5U; SIOO casn; easy payment. tee jua- CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO. Third Floor Chamber of Commerce. LOST position; have to sell my new 6-room bungalow in Laurelhurst. one block from carline: built-in bookcases, buffet. Dutch kitchen, fireplace, fixtures, shades, hard wood floors, yard all seeded; for $3550; takes $750 cash, balance easy terms. In quire 1180 East Everett st, or Phone labor 3bx. A CHEAP HOME. 1216 Omaha street, corner Jessup street. 1 block from car line; price suou; terms. $50 down. GODDARD ft WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. Ctfme to Cazadero, Or., and buy 6-room furnished bungalow, large garden, run nine water, electric lights, close to car line, for $250. Estacada car, round trip IOC ounuay. r. cuuui. MODERN 5-room bungalow, with fine fire place and large sleeping porch; must be sola;- owner compeiieu lo leave tae city; price $2tuo; easy terms, uau ,au onanv ber or uommerce oiag, List your property with as and wo will "WALLACE INVESTMENT CO., Room 618 Oregonian Bldg. ROSSMERE BARGAIN. 5-room modern bungalow, all conve niences, very close to two carllnes; price $3500, terms very easy. j ue loung. 514 unamPer oi Lommerce. set.t .WOOD -7-room house, bathroom com plete, house newly painted; 9 bearing fruit trees, $1450, $200 cash, balance install ments will consider acreage. Owner, 618 Harney ave. Phone toe ll wood 44. FOR SALE $2.50 per week, modern 4-room bungalow. 40x100 feet lot with alley, one block from Alberta street, rnone owner quick. E. 6287. EVONDERFUL bargains in homes, Irvington; easy payments ; worth a third more. East 273. W. H, Hexdman, BEAL ESTATE. For Sale House. NAME YOUR TERMS. $4250 buys a new. elegant, 6-roorn bun galow, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, bath, toilet, full cement basement, full cabinet kitchen, large lot. fruit trees, close to car and school. Your own terms. $3S50 for a brand new 2-story modem residence; hard suriace streets; clos3 to car, hardwood floors, f ur nace, fireplace, paneled dinlng-rooni. Dutch kitchen, bath, toilet, extra toilet, close to car. As low .as $200 down, balance easy. $320 New 3-rooiu bungalow, modern, bath, toilet, lavatory, furnace, fire, place, hardwood floors, Dutch kitch en, cement basement and laundry. As low as $200 down, balance easy. $2650 New 0-room bungalow, every mod ern convenience, full cement base ment and laundry. Dutch kitchen, bath and toilet, cement walks, graded street, close to car, walking distance of new bridge; $200 down, balance easv. See C. G. ReaKan. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO. J 3q floor Chamber of commerce. ALBERTA, $2775 Modern 5-room cottage. SOxlOO lot; Space for 2 rooms on 2d floor. Montana, near Prescott; $500 cash, balance to suit. Liberal cash dis count. ROSE CITT PARK. $3750 Best buy In 5-room cottage in Portland. Includes $700 worth of furniture. Easy terms. IRVINGTON. $13,000 One of the finest new and modern homes in central Irvington. Per fectly appointed in every respect. Garage. Easy terms. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. $9000 Beautiful view of city, valley and mountains: 100x100 feet. Good 6 room modern home on Inside lot. Corner vacant. THE FIRST TRUST COMPANY, Entrances Washington and 3d. FROM IRVINGTON TO ASHLAND. WIS CONSIN. Have moved to Ashland, Wisconsin, and have no further need of 10-room house In tbe very best part of this district. It Is ail paid for, so am in a position to make any terms. My friend negoU&tes a sale without a commission. The price is re duced that much, in addition to liberal reduction I have charged myself for liv ing in the house a year. Would like a successful real estate operator wanting a good buy as well as a home to look this place over that a quick deal may be made. The price Is $S25u. The value, you will agree, is not less than $10,000. Full in formation may be had at 931 Chamber of Commerce. 851 EAST 10TH STREET NORTH, CORNER SHAVER STREET. 6-room house, bath, cellar under all, two porches; Shaver street hard -surfaced; lot 60x100, about 3 feet above grade; own er la In Eastern Oregon; price for quick sale. $1S70, subject to bonded improve ment tax. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. SWELL HOME. 7 rooms, swell tapestry walls, all oak finish, oak floors, 2 tile baths, tile kitchen hand decorated up and downstairs; bil liard room; also garage; $8750; only $1000 cash, long terms. 526 E. 17th st,, bet. Brazee and. Knott sts. - WEST SIDE HOME. I am forced to sell at once my new bungalow on West Side, close to car and fine neighborhood; hardwood floors, fire place, all built-in conveniences, nice trees; lot 50x102. This is absolutely the best buy on the West Side today. Price $3850, on your own terms. Call owner at 418 Board of Trade. IRVINGTON HOME BARGAINS. 6 rooms, new. built for home 15500 7 rooms, modern, close in 55oO 7 rooms, double cor., beautiful view 5S00 9 rooms, new, on carline 7750 C rooms, new bungalow 3750 rooms, $90f0 furniture 5000 And many others. If you want Irving ton property. I have It. R. T. STREET, 229 Henry Bldg. Main 2789. NIFTY HOME ROSE CITY PARK "R.-vaiiHfiil la Tin cnlanHIH ua artistic fixtures, linoleum, kitchen and bath, 3 light, airy bedrooms, sleeping porch, close to car, school and church; good enough for a king. Price right, as owner must selL Easy terms. . See Adams toaay. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO., 3d floor Chamber of Commerce. $6000 LAURELHURST SNAP. Eight-room house, built for a home, but am forced to sell, and am offering It far oeiow cost; go out and look at it and be convinced It is one of the best-built homes in tne city. Terms. M. 906, A 1066. G. H. KLEINSORGE CO., 418 Board of Trade Bldg. LAURELHURST HOME For sale by owner, modern new 7-room house, oak floors, nanelerf dinine-rnnm beamed ceiling, den. living room, bedroom and white enamel Dutch kitchen, on first floor, 3 bedrooms, se win groom, hath and sleeping porch on the 2d floor; full ce ment basement, fireplace, furnace, floors na nana poiisnea, an work lirst-class; terms very easy. Call up Woodlawn 2631. FOR THE LIVE ONES. Fine new modern bungalow, 6 large rooms, large attic one block from business corner and car: division of estate makes us sell this home for $2000; terms. See CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO., Third Floor Chamber of Commerce. 18750 BEST BUY IN THE CITY. Eleven-room modern home, right In the swell est part of Irvington. Let us show you this home and compare It with $10,000 and $11,000 homes and you can't refuse mis at me price. Terms, il. ituo, a lUbtt. 418 Board of Trade Bldg. FURNISHED HOME. Owner has accepted position In Van couver, B. C, and must sell his home here of 5 rooms, bath, den and basement; in gooa district, ltt blocks to car: srood serv ice: fully furnished: A-l lieht fixtures. For particulars see Perry Kltzmtller, 432 tjnamoer or commerce. IRVINGTON SNAPS. IRVINGTON PARK SNAPS. ROSE CITY PARK SNAPS. If you have for sale houses and lots or equities, quick action for quick money. lei me anow clients waiting. R. T. STREET, 229 Henry Bldg. APARTMENT SITE. 50x106 lot and nine-room house; splen- THE FIRST TRUST COMPANY, WASHINGTON AT. THIRD. M. 3449. A 8153. FOR SALE A modern 7-room house, all built-in conveniences, three large bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch UDStaira. hard- wood floors, furnace; lot 50x100; Irving ton district; price $5500, or terms. Phone 2556 mornings, owner. IRVINGTON BARGAIN; elegant, large uume, comer lot, garage, near rs car; would consider Irvine ton lot nart rtavTnont. 703 Lewis bldg. Neuhausen ft Co., Main $1000 HANDLES one of the best 6-room modem bungalows in city; full basement, 60x100 lot, 3 blocks from Firland; fine neighborhood; price $22O0; worth 2750. nitibm g uionur, 201 Hamilton blag. 5 ROOMS 41973. $50 down and $20 per month. Including Interest; 6 rooms, modern, full lot. Alberta district. Smith-Wagoner Co, 312 Lewis DlOg. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE. Leavine the city, will sell my new mod ern 6-room house and iraras-e. $4650. terms, phone East 1872. Call 685 East loth st. North. USE your own furniture: larse rusr on floor. good closet, private lavatory, hot water heat; best references required, $6 per montn. aav h. dxsi st. n. $1500 CASH buys $5000 7-room modern bunealow with furniture and full base ment; price $2900. 1407 Burrage st. Take Bt. jonna car. Aroonoage station. SIX-ROOM house, corner lot, Hawthorne avenue; will, sell equity; or exchange for equity in 8-room house, Irvington prefer- reo. o oo, ureguuiaa. IF you have an Irvington home snap for money, auvise me, cueais waiting. R. T. STREET, 229 Henry Bldg. Main 2789. PUEDMONT district, completely furnished modern 6-room bungalow, with piano; ex change for first mortgage. Owner, phone mast 4t4U. FOR aulck sale; rooming-house, barsraln. $500; 8 rooms, close in on 11th st,; on carline. Elmer 8. Shank, 414 Lumber- mens blag. HAWTHORNE district, five-room modern Dungaiow, rig 111 wu csrune; price worth $3500, terms. HIGLEY ft BISHOP, 201 Hamilton bldg. $200 CASH, $15 per month, new five-room modern bungalow, block car. Ml Scott rarr nrlee S17UO. HIGLEY ft BISHOP. 2Q1 Hamilton bldg. insula district. 202 Wilcox bldg. Phone 6 ROOMS, piano, near car, restricted dia trict. Stone, 219 Lumbermen's bldg. FURNISHED HOUSE $2850; $350 down. balance terms, xaoor zot. A SNAP Small house, fruit, etc, ast Jot $1000 cash. J. 734, Oregon la nt REAL ESTATE. For Sale House. SPECIALLY ATTRACTIVE. BUNGALOWS. ON THE ALAMEDA. $300 CASH HANDLES. PRICE $6000. BALANCE LIKE RENT. This very charming bungalow is located on a prominent corner on the Alameda. Lot 73x105, with garage. It has two sleep ing porches and Is finished and arranged throughout in the best of style; furnace and electric fixtures included. ONLY $300 CASH. PRICE $4000, BALANCE LIKE RENT. This bungalow is a real dream and would delight any one of taste. lias an elegant sleeping porch. Arrangement and finish the best. Lot 60x100. Furnace and electric fixtures Included . Owner is willing to sell theso splendid houses to reliable parties on the above extraordinary easy terms. The Income is all that Is desired. Photos at office. Prompt action will secure one. DORR E. KEASEY ft CO., Second Floor Chamber of Commerce. AT COST. NEW, WELL-BUILT COTTAGE. Neat, cosy of two rooms, well painted, papered and piped with Bull Run water. Three blocks to carline, double tracked, and to the Sandy Road, now a paved street to 72d. Total price, $750, $75 cash, $15 per month, including interest. Lot if 60xl0O, above grade. All in good neigh borhood. Take Rose City Park car ta 72d st. Gregory Heights office. Come to day. GREGORY INVESTMENT CO. 100 FEET FROM SANDY BOULEVARD ON 64TH STREET IN BEAUTIFUL ROSE CITY PARK ADDITION. SNAP SNAP Modern bungalow, 5 rooms, llvingroom runs through center with cobblestone fire place, 2 bedrooms, bath, dining-room fac ing street, Dutch kitchen, basement, elec tric fixtures in and complete; pay $25 per month with interest; it s yours for $50 down payment. Phone Tabor 727 or Mar- snail 2207. HAWTHORNE AVE. 7-room modern house in Hawthorne ave. district, full cement basement, hard-surface street improvements in and paid; has beautiful fixtures, everything complete; iti,v fonu, easy terms, bee tUS. THE LAWRENCE CO, 171 Fourth St., Between Morrison and Yamhill. Main 0915, A 2813. S4O0ft takes this new 7-room house with 50x100 lot, on paved street, with furnace, fire place, hardwood floors, fixtures and shades and all other modern equipment. There la a fine B-lajutad-ln NlAn4nr nnrrh with south and east exposure; can be ueu ior sewing-room or playhouse for mo uixio ones, .nouse is in A-l condition; new lawn in. R mnr r baa frtii Mr Leonard, owner, 12 Fourth street. Can u'JMi t. err ll . 100x100 RIG KK1P 100x100 corner wit h good old 6-room cottage, sewer and 200 feet of cement sidewalk and curb Jn and paid; this cor ner is worth $4500 for lota alone, but owner must leave the city and will sac- r 1 ii to m i-ome terms ir desired; located On East 2 2d nnrt Drrnn tAt Don' t delay, but Investigate at once, as uargains ime tnis ao not last. GRUSSI ft BOLDS, 818 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. MONEY FOR BlIILTTNO. HOMES AND APARTMENTS. WE DRAW THE PLANS TO SUIT YOUR IDEAS. WTE BUILD SUBSTANTIALLY AND OUR PROMPT BUSINESS METH ODS GUARANTEE A SAVIKfl nil MONEY, TIME AND ANNOYANCE AND A BUILDING GIVING LASTING SATIS- TAYLOR BLDG. CO.. 509 M'KAY BLDG, 3D AND STARK STS. $3250 $3250 $3200. 6-ROOM HOME, COMPLETE. This house has furnace, fixtures, shades, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, book- cases, cabinet kitchen, is new and offered at actual cost. a atvo ceauiuuni car to en a ox tne line, today, or call Tabor 4469. BUILD ON YOUR VACANT LOT. TURN THE BURDEN INTO INCOME. WE FURNISH PLANS, FINANCES AND BUILD APARTMENTS OR RESIDENCE AT LOW COST. WE GIVE BOND, SHOW OUR WORK AND REFER TO OUR CLIENTS. SEE US BEFORE YOU MAKE PLANS: IT WILL PAY YOU. . L. R. BAILEY & CO., CONTRACTING ARCHITECTS, 324 ABINGTON BLDG. LARGE LOT, 8 ROOMS. You can't duplicate this; a lot and a half, all improvements In and paid for, beautiful location, restricted district. 8 large rooms, full cement basement, fur nace heated. 1 Ms blocks to car and you buy H at almost your own terms; price less than $4500. See Fosselman. CHAP.N-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO., Thiid Floor Chamber of Commerce. THE best home in Irvington now for sale; 11 rooms, elegantly finished, oak floors throughout; finest location on the East Side; fine garage everything complete: built In 1912; price, $10,000. This is less than cash. Too large for owner. $4OO0 cash, or will take good clear lota This property will bear closest inspection. If you are ready to buy a fine home, answer this at once, owner, AC ivo. Oregonian. STRICTLY new 6-room modern, cosy little home, with basement, fireplace, wash trays, conveniently arranged, with bath room, full front porch, two bedrooms, living-room, dining-room and kitchen. Im provements all In and paid for; good lo cation and excellent car service; all for $2450, payable $20 per month including Interest. Call Marshal 1662. CASH SACRIFICE SALE. One block from Hawthorne on a business lot 50x100 corner, the best buy in all East Portland; there Is a dandy 6-room house, modern and a pickup at $2850: some cash, balance payable quarterly; property rents will pay the payments. See Davles. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO. Third Floor Chamber of Commerce. LADD'S ADDITION. Here is a bona fide sacrifice on a mod ern, new 8-room house with 14 lots, lo cated in the choicest part of the tract; on 20th St., near Hawthorne ave. The price has been cut to $5800; only $1800 cash needed, balance on easy terms. No trades considered. STRONG ft CO., 005 Concord bldg. $100 CASH, $35 PER MONTH. A 2-story, 8-room and sleeping porch, modern house with bookcases, fireplace, buffet, hardwood floors, fixtures and shades; this is in a fine restricted dis trict wjth good car service and paved streets. Tabor 4469. FOR $850. A new 3-room bouse, snug and warm. In a good neighborhood, water piped in house, excellent .soil, small strawberry patch, lot fenced, near two good carllnes, $25 down, balance $10 per month. Call for C. G. Reagan. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. ft TRUST CO.. Third Floor Chamber of Commerce. BIGGEST BARGAIN EVER OFFERED ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS. I am forced to sell at once my strictly modern, 9-room house. Ideally located, on the Heights, overlooking the city: 11 you want a senuine bargain in a beautiful Portland Heights home, see this at' once and make me an oner, ajs 802, Oregonian COME TO MT. TABOR. Here's what you have been looklnr for. 2 choice lots on Yamhill, near COth st., with finest shrubbery, trees and plant ing; and a comfortable old 7-room house, modern, all for $4300. Why. the ground is worth $5000. Think It over, then call up owner. 1 apor jbd. A CHEAP HOME. Modern 7-room residence, with full lot. on Vernon ave., near Alberta: furnace laundry, fireplace, sleeping porch, etc; gas. garage; street improvements paid; price $.uu; terms. GODDARD ft WIEDRICK, 243 Stark st. SACRIFICE. WEST SIDE HOME. Must sell at once, beautiful 12-room home, large lot on isoo hiji; good view; must be seen to be appreciated. For full particulars call G. H. Klelnsorge, 418-419 Huard. or 1 raae. inain vo, a FOR $1750 You can buy a new, modern 5-room home 1 block of hard surface street and car; terms $100 down, balance ?asy; this one of the very dwu van ior o. o. nea gan. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. ft TRUST CO., Third Floor Chamber of Commerce. $8500. HIGH-CLASS MODERN HOME, WITH GARAGE. In the best part of Laurelhurst, $1000 cash, or lots valued from $1000 to $30o0 as first payment; must be clear. Phone owner. luarsnau HOUSE PLANS. $5. PHONE G 2791. REAL ESTATE. For Sale House. HERE ARE TWO SNAPS THAT WILL NEVER BE REPEATED; On beautiful, up-to-date, 6-room, ' high-grade, double constructed, bun galow in Laurelhurst; in ordinary times you could not buy It for leas than $5000. OUR PRICE $4000. A small amount of cash wtll handle this; balance LESS THAN RENT. 1 One beautiful corner, 2-storr, double constructed, with every lux ury that an up-to-date house could have, in Waverly Heights. This place could never be sold for less- than $5OO0, but $4000 Is the price now. ry little money down and balanc LESS THAN RENT. It will pay you to investigate these bargains if you are paying rent. You will soon become a property-owner, free of charge. Further particulars at THE MUTUAL REALTY ft EX- I CHANGE CO.. 421 Railway Exchange Bldg., "We Handle Snaps Only." WE mill build your home just as you wish it, you can select your choice of lots In any one of our 12 city subdivisions on either the East or West Side and all close In and on good carllnes; our archi tect will draw your plans and specifica tions and superintend the construction; w will guarantee satisfaction In every par ticular. If you want a high-class home, we will build on any of our sites on -Council Crest, Portland Heights. Kings Heights, Olmsted Park, Irvington or Laurelhurst. A small cash payment down, balance to suit. Come in and talk It over and see how easy it is to own your own home. PROVIDENT TRUST CO.. OWNERS, Second Floor Selltng Bldg. 6-ROOM HOUSE. Modern 6-room house on Marguerite ave. With all built-in conveniences. Including bookcases, china closet, beam ceiling; has furnace, fireplace, full cement basement, laundry trays, gas and electric fixtures and shades; everything complete. Price $3500 and give easy terms. See this before you buy. THE LAWRENCE CO., 171 Fourth Street. Main 6915. A 2S16. AT COST. NEW, WELL-BUILT COTTAGE. Neat, cosy of two rooms, well painted, papered and piped with Bull Run water. Th ree blocks to carline, double tracked, and to the Sandy Road, now a paved street to 72d. Total price, $750, $75 cash, $15 per month, including interest. Lot Is 50x100, above grade. All in good neigh borhood. Take Rose City Park car to 72d st. Gregory Heights office. Come to day. GREGORY INVESTMENT CO. FINE PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME CHEAP, 8 rooms and sleeping -porch, erect ed 1909; full quarter block; north east corner 17th and Elizabeth sts. Property will be sold. Let us sub mit your offer. This is one of the finest view places in the city. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 35 102 Fourth St. A 3500. BUNGALOW BARGAIN. ON HAWTHORNE -AVE. CAR. 6-room bungalow, all modern, hardwood floors, large living-room with fireplace, library adjoining, dining-room with large built-in buffet, pass pantry, dandy large kitchen, full cement basement, wash trays; can make 3 large rooms upstairs; lot 55xluO; street and sewer Improvements all paid; price only $3500, very easy terms, G. H. KLEINSORGE CO., 418 Board of Trade. Call A 1066. Main 906. CAN'T BE BEAT. MUST BE SEEN; TO BE APPRECIATED. 6-room home, elegantly furnished, with all built-in effects; everything strictly first-class, such as inlaid hardwood floors, bevel mirrors, art glass, $125 fixtures, re frigerator, porches. Will finish off 2 very large rooms and large sleeping porch at cost. Owner must sell. Tabor 4469. IRVINGTON HOME SACRIFICED. GENUINE BARGAIN. 2 -story house, 8 large rooms, sleeping-porch, large atic, hardwood floors, a fireplaces, 2 toilets, beautiful nxtures, built-in bookcases, buffet, clothes and dust cnutes; ladies' dressing cabinet, with full length plate-glass mirrors; In the heart of Irvington; east front; H block from Ten nis Club; owner unabe to meet payments, forced to turn over property. Price $7000; easy terms. AL 791, Oregonian. ONLY $2650. ROSE CITY PARK. Cozy bungalow, 6 rooms, modern; lot 50x115; every convenience; brand new, up to date. Ivory, mahogany and enamel finish; beautiful fireplace, porch, etc.; one block to car; a cash price, on easy terms to purchaser desiring It for a home. Jas. C. Logan. 815 Spalding bldg. Marshall 2740, A 24S9. 2 COTTAGES. WEST SIDE. 2 good. 4 -room cottages, rented for $35 per month, two lota 42x100 each, one a corner, street improvements all paid, on Hamilton ave., and Front street; price $5000 for the two. or corner, $2750; in side one $2250; $250 cash and $20 per month Including interest. GRUSSI ft BOLDS, 318 Board of Tra deb 1 d g.. 4th and Oak. $4200, TERMS $4200, TERMS, Thoroughly modern 7-room house with large, enclosed sleeping porch and com plete with furnace, fixtures, shades, fire place, buffet, bookcases, hardwood floor and close to car. Take Beaumont car to end of line and see it today, or call Tabor 4469. THREE rooms and bath, new; corner lot, 100x100, on West Side; high and sightly; view of Tualatin Valley; 2 blocks to car, 15 minutes to postoffice; walks, graded streets and water; fine neighborhood; $2100; small cash payment, balance like rent. PROVIDENT TRUST CO.. OWNERS, Second Floor Selling Bldg. ' HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Here Is a pretty home on E. Madison, corner lot, 5 large rooms, modern; large attic and basement; price is very cheap at $3000; $250 cash, easy payments. See Fosselman.' CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. A TRUST CO. Third Floor Chamber of Commerce. $2700 EASY TERMS. Attractive, modern 6-room 2-story house on 40th st., one block from Hawthorne and Mount Scott carllnes. A bargain at the price. DEAN-ESPY LAND COMPANY, 313 Lumbermens Bank Bldg. 14 -ACRE HOME $100 DOWN. 6-room plastered house, good barn and outbuildings; all fenced and in cultiva tion, young orchard and small fruits; 600 feet to car, 7c fare. Fred W. German Co., 436 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6445. $3300 BEST buy in Rose City Park district; tf rooms, all built-in conveniences, hard wood floors full basement, gas, electricity, good view of mountains, furnace, fixtures and shades in; one block from car. Owner, Tabor 4008. BEAUTIFUL new residence in Irvington; natural wood finish downstairs; hardwood floors throughout; fireplaces sleeping porch, third floor finished, modern in ev ery respect ; garage and only one block from car. East 764. $800.00 makes the first payment on a 6-room, $1400.00 St. Johns residence, on St. Johns carline; balance on easy terms. See 6. c. Cook, 1002 Oswego st., St. Johns, Or. substantial homes and apartments of arcnltectural merit. Wo plan, finance and build. Taylor Building Co., 60S McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark sts. $110O BUYS a cozy little 3-room cottage on 50x100 lot and all the household goods; owner Is 'eaving town and must sell; terms very easy. C De Young, 614 Cham ber of Commerce. FOR SALE Modern 5-room bungalow, on lot 46x100, cose to Laurelhurst; price $3650; cash $700, bal. monthly contract. Owner. G 600. Oregonian. IRVINGTON OUR SPECIALTY. FINE HOMES $4000 AND UP. CHOICB LOTS $1000 AND UP. NEUHAUSEN CO., 708 LEWIS BLDG. Main 8078. $1200 EQUITY In two lots and bungalow, cheap for cash. Will take lot as part pay ment, o 000. vregnuiMi. EQUITY $900 In modern cottage one block to Richmond car; balance $16 per month for $500. A 857. Oregonian. For Sale Acreage. BASE LINE ACREAGE. IS acres, mostly under cultivation, house, barn, etc, on electric car; I will sell at cost t years ago. See owner, room 601 Couch bldg. $2500 buys my 4 acres, peach orchard, part bearing. 3 miles from Oregon City, on new Electric road: finest peach district; term; bargain. G OSO. Oregonian. 80 ACRES timber and coal, bargain; ceal delivered in Portland at $4. 2 acres, 20 minute out, terms. Zella Goiset, West XiUingsworth, ave. t