THE SUNDAY OREGOSTAX, PORTLAND, JANUARY 12, 1913. REPRESENTATIVE SIMS SAYS SUCH SHOULD HANG. Tennesseean Declares Persons Who Mislead President Are Ones Who Should Suffer. WASHINGTON. Jan. 11. "When men privately, under the guise of friendship, mislead the Klngr or President, in order to obtain an end other than public wel fare, they ought to hang," Representa tive Sims, of Tennessee, declared in the House today upon the conclusion of the reading of an editorial regarding the Cabinet to be selected by President elect Wilson. Mr. Sims obtained the floor during the consideration of the Postoffice ap proprtation bill and sent to the desk an editorial lauding the President-elect for the stand taken in this matter. . "Under the English law they did not punish the King for any wrong, but they punished his advisers," Represen tative Sims added. . He said when he read this in his boyhood days he thought it a great outrage, but since then be had concluded it was wise. Mr. Sims continued: "Those who got next to the King and next to the President, who are entrusted with his confidence and who, instead or telling him the plain truth as they se it. color it so that he does not see the facts, but views them through col ored glasses and therefore does wrong through misinformation, I am in favor of hanging, instead of punishing the President.' . "In the last hundred years good Presidents have done that which they would not have done if they bad known the facts. When a man is appointed to be a Cabinet officer he ought to be a man of ability, ought to forget him self, forget his friends and his enemies and tell the President the plain truth." Representative Sims declared the country, had confidence in Governor Wilson's Judgment to do the right thing. During his speech on the Cabi net subject Representative Sims was asked by Representative Cannon if he had in mind any one who would fili the bill. Mr. Sims replied in the nega tive. DAILY METEOROIXKilCAL, REPORT. PORTLAND, Jan. 11. Maximum tempera ture, i2 degrees; minimum, 38 degrees. River reading at 8 A. M.. ,Y feet; change in . last 24 hours, 1.1 feet fall.- Total rainfall (." P. M. to s P. M. . 0.2a Inch; total rainfall sinre September 1. 1912, ltt.79 Inches; normal rainfall since Sanlembor 1. 21. N7 inches; de ficiency of rainfall since September 1, 11112, "2.tl8 inches. Total sunshine January 11. none; possible sunshine. H hours, min utes. Barometer (reduced to sea-level) at 8 P. M., a.H Inches. - THE WEATHER. s 5 3 STATIONS. 3 i 2 2 State of Weather Bakfr Boive Boston Calgary Chicago Denver If Moines Buluth Eureka Helena" Kauai City .... l,o Angeles .... Mamhfteld . MM ford Montreal New York . ?vorth Head . . . . , Jv'orth Yakima .. Phoenix . L Poratello Portland , Poseburg: , Sacramento Ht. Louts iSt. Paul Bait Iake Pan Francisco . . Spokane Ta?omu Tatoosh Island . Walla Walla ... "Washington Wlnlp- 24 0 .02110 SE Snow 2f 0 4S 0 KijiziM"; now lft 12 SW Cloudy 4Ul I ("bar -10 ft 3S 0 .02 ii NWjCtoudy 30 1 0 -4!0 41 0. no 2tr0. rHt 0. 46 0. .04 4 In E H'lear Oft S NV!Clear ,02;1S W Clear 02,28 S (Cloudy .041 4NWjnon- Oft 1 N Oftl 4!W Clear Clear -Rain .in I 4 w ftn'i'ft sw Rain tin W. lft-14 SW Kaln .Oft 1 J lrt S ClfHidV 4tt 0. HsJSO.'H Cloudy pl . . ... OSI 4jE Snow -JvO 24 ft 42ft. Cloudy 2220 ' Kaln Rain Cloudy 'Snow 44 0. 12 SE 42 0 40 O Oft 2 0 .02 IS NW Clea ICloudy 4tt 0, 24 0 SK ft. .oo ii sic Cloudy Snow Snow Snow Snow Cloudy Clear 4ftl 4 N .rtlV 4'E .101 6 R Ul 1 1 s s 64 0. it. mis -20.0 .00: 8 W WEATHER CONDITIONS. ' A disturbance of marked energy is ap proaching the Washington Coast. Warnings for this storm were oraerea at 7 A. m. at all coast stations and extended at 7 P. M. to Inland seaports. A maximum wind velocity of 73 miles from the south occurred this afternoon at North Head, Washington. Rain has fallen in Western Oregon, Western Washington and Northern California and snow has occurred at many places In the northern Rocky Mountain States. Very cold weather prevails in the upper Missouri and upper Mississippi Valleys and in the Canad ian Northwest. The temperatures continue below normal In California, where heavy frosts occurred this morning as far south as San Diego. The conditions are favorable for rain Sun day in Western Oregon and Western Wash initton and for rain or snow elsewhere in this district with slightly higher temperatures. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Kaln; brisk south westerly winds. Oregon and Washington Rain west, rain or snow east portion; warmer except near the coast. Southerly winds, high along the coast and brisk to high In Interior. Idaho Rain or snow; warmer; increas ing southerly winds. EDWARD A. BEALS. District Forecaster. Tests by French naval officers have in dicated that the waves In wireless teleg raphy travel at a rate of nearly 200,000 miles a second. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Daily or Sunday. Per Line. On Time 12c tame ad two consecutive times 22c Ktiue ad three consecutive times 30c bame ad fix or seven consecutive times. .60c The shore rales apply to advertisements under "New Today and all other classifica tions except the following: Mt nations Wanted, Male. Situations Wanted, ieinale. For Rent. Rooms, Private Families. Rooms and Board, Private Families. Housekeeping Rooms, Private Families. When one advertisement is not run In con. ecu live Issues the one-lime rate applies. fclx words count as one line on cash ad vertisemeata and no ad counted for less than two lines. Remittances must accompany out-of-town orders. The Oregonlan will accept claaatfled ad Tertlscmeut over the telephone, providing the advertiser is a subscriber to either phone. No prices will be quoted over the phone, but bill will be rendered the following day. Whether subsequent advertisements will be accepted over the phone depends upon the promptness of the payment of telephone ad vertisements. .Situation Wanted and Per sonal advertisements will not be accepted over the telephone. Orders for one Inser tion only will be accepted for "Houses for Krt," "Furniture for Sale." "Business Op portunities," "Rooming Houses," and "Wsnt eed to Kent." MEETING NOTICES. EUREKA COUNCIL. NO. 204. KNIGHTS AND LADIES OF SECURITY. Grand masquerade ball will be given Jan. 20, at East Side W. O. W. Halt. East 6th and Alder sts. Oood prises. Admission 50 cts. couple. 2. cts. for extra ladles. Weinberg er's orchestra. COURT MT. HOOD. NO 1. FORESTERS OF AM ERICA AM members are requested: to attend a public installation of officers of Court Lents. Special car will leave First and Alder streets at 7 :45 P. M. Monday, January 13. 1013. LILY OF THE VALLEY LODGE. NO. $17. it. B. A. Dance Tuesday evening. January 34. W. O. W. Temple. 128 Eleventh St. Ad mission 23 cents. Prasp's Orchestra. . Union music J WHrST PARTY AND DANCE, given by We foot Company. No. w O. W., Fri day evening. January 17, In W. O. W. Tem ple. 12S Eleventh street. L. Vanway'a Or chestra. Cards. 8:30. MACCABEES Members of Portland Tent. No. 1. K. O. T. M., are urged to attend the review of Thursday. January 9, a, which business of importance la to be discussed. COMMITTEE MARGUERITE CAMP R. X. A. will give a card party and dance next Thursday, January lft. tt their hall, lfttt Second street. A14 are welcome. Union music MEKTIXO NOTICES. A- AND A. S. RITE Twenty seventh semi-annual re-union Programme for Thursday next: 8 A. M-. candidates assemble for registration; 10 A. M.. 4th. 5th and ttth decrees; 2 P. M. 9rh degree; 3 P- M., 14th de cree : 2 P. M.. 13th degree. By order Presiding Officer. GENERAL, RELIEF COMMITTEE. L O. O. F. A special meeting la called for to day Sundav) at 2 o'clock P. M. In Odd fellow's Temple, 22 Alder St.. to conduct the funeral of Brother Emerson W. Wood ruff, of Spencer Butte lodge No. I. O. O. F.. Eugene. Or. Services at the Crema torium at 2:30 o'clock. All Oddfellows in vited to attend. J. C. JAMESON, Sec THE RIVER VIEW CEMETERY AS SOCIATION OF PORTLAND The annual meeting of the members will be held at the office of the Association, 224 Worcester block, on Monday. January 13, i913, at 3:30 P. M. All lot owners are members and en titled to participate. A general attendance Is requested. W. M. Ladd, president; W. R. Mackenzie. Clerk. PORTLAND CIRCLE NO. 9S will give a whist and dance Thursday evening, Jan. 16, beginning at 8 o'clock. 127 ft 4th St., 4th floor. Admission 15 cents. DIED. LANS WORTH In this city. January II, Mrs. J. A. Lansworth. aged 43 years. Re mains at Holman's parlors. Funeral an nouncement later. FUNERAL NOTICES. KIRBY At his late residence, 143 Sumner st.. Jan. 10, John Kirby, aged 53 years, 1 month, 3 days, beloved husband of Augusta Kirby. Funeral services will be held tomor row, Sunday, Jan. 12, at 2 P. M., from the German Methodist Church, cor. Stan ton st. and Rodney ave. Deceased was a member of the Longshoremen's local. No. 5. Friends respectfully Invited to at tend. Interment Rose City cemetery. Re. mains at Pearson's Funeral Parlors. MARQUART In this city. January 10. at the family residence. 4404 A5th at S. E.. Mrs. Regina Marquart. aged 64 years, 4 months, 23 days. Friends Invited to at tend funeral services, which will be held at St. Ignatius' Church, Eart 43d and Powell, at 10 A. M. tomorrow (Monday), January 13. Interment Alu Calvary Cem etery. MONTAGUE At the family residence. 4427 41st ave. S. E., January 9, Charles D. Montague, aged 40 years. Friends invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at the Portland Crematorium at 1:30 P. M. today (Sunday), January 12. Re mains are at Holman's funeral parlors until 12 ociock Sunday. Take sen wood car for Crematorium. M'INNLS In this city, January 11, Neil Mc Innis, of 001 Pettygrove St., aged 03 years. The cortege will leave the new parlors of J. r. uniey &. on, atn ana Montgomery sts.. Tuesday. January 14. at. 8:-i0 A. M and proceed to tit. Patrick's Church, lpth and Savier sts.. where services will be Held at I) A. M. Friends invited. Interment Mt. Calvery Cemetery. LORENTZEN The funeral of the late Cath erine M. Lorentzen. who passed away in tnis city. January in, wiii he neia tomor row iiondav). Januarv 13. at 2 P. M. from the new chapel of the Skewes Under taking Co.. corner Third and Clay. Friends are kindly Invited to attend. Interment Kivervlew cemetery. SOLLAR8 The funeral services of the late Fayette Sollars will be held today (Sun day). January 12. at 3:30 o'clock P. M. from the new ehanel of J. P. Flnlev & Son, Montgomery and Fifth streets. Friends Invited. Interment Mt. Scott Park Cem etery. C.ILMAN January 10. Harry C. Oilman. aged o years, oeioveo nusDana or L,ucy Wlman, Remains at Dunning A McEntee's chapel, where they have been prepared for shipment to La Grande, or. The de ceased was a member of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. WOODRUFF The funeral services of the late Emerson W. Woodruff will be neid at the chapel of the Portland Crematorium at 2:30 P. M. oday (Sunday), under the auspices of th General Relief Committee, i. (J. tJ. r. ah memioera oi me uiuor in vited. Please orr$t flowers. GRAHAM In this city. January 10, at the family residence, ju.j Kat zfin si. worm, Oeorge H. Graham, aged 42 years. The funeral services will be held at the above residence at 1 P. M. tomorrow (Monday). January 13. frlends Invited. Interment Rose City Cemetery. GR1TZMACHER The funeral services of th lata warv fane (iritzmauher win ne held at Holman's funeral parlors at 1:30 P. M. today (Sunday), January l. Friends invited. 'Interment Lone Fir Cem etery. SHERMAN The funeral services of the late Geraon Sherman will be held at the fam ily residence. 1000 East 18th st. North, at Jlr A. M. tooay !.-unaayj. rrienas iuyhw Interment Talmud Torah Cemetery. CAMPBELL January 10, Samantha E. Campbell, aged 34 years, mother of Dr. T r rnmnbell. Remains at Dunning & McEntee's parlors, where they have been prepared for snipmeni. to irun, x. wERAXfi Januarv 8. Walter Werang, aged 20 years Remains at Dunning & McEntee's parlors, from where they will be shippeu to Astoria, Or., for Interment. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. MR. KDWARI) DOLMAN. the leading funeral director, 220 Third street, corner Sainton. Lady assistant. A 1511, Main 507. J. P. FINLEY A SON, FUNERAL SERVICE, Lady Attendant. Montgomery, at Fifth St. F. S. DUNNING, INC. Bast Side Funeral Directors, 414 East Alder St. Est 52, B 2525. MEMORIALS Portland Marble Works. 264 4th. uppoMtc Uy Hall. Estab. 1885. MONUMENTS Otto Schumann Marble Works, East 8d and Fine sts. East 743. DUNNING st M'ENTEE, funeral directors, 7th and Pine, phone Main 4.H0. Lady at tendant. Office of County Coroner. A. R. ZELLF.K CO.. 592-4 Williams ave. Phone East 10S C 1008. Lady attendant. i,ERCH. undertaker, cor. East Alder and KiXth. fBSl iol, E i ooo. lmy nruumn .-.r mr. i.- nvnvnTiuivn rrvM P A V V si r v r t '. v -.--v- ........ , and Clay. Main 4152, A 2321. Lady attendant. CEMETERY BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PARK CONTAINING 335 ACRES. Portland's Only Modern Cemetery With Perpetual Care. One Mile Southeast Lenta Permanent and picturesque, park and lawn plan. Perpetual care with out extra charge. Prices moderate, service excellent ; every convenience In use. Including large, luxuriously furnished rest rooms for visitors. Reached by Mount Scott and Caxa dero cars. Free auto service. Tabor 1468. B 6111. Call for Local 420L OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY UK ICE Ml). S20 UNION AVKNCK, Cutt. KER MARKET STREET. Phoac Kaat 1423. B Horse ambulance for alcJc or diabl ulnuJa at a moment's notice. Prlew reasonable. Report all caaee of erul& ts tnis office Opeo day and aleak SEW TODAY. 10 ACRES close to Council Crest and at mouth of proposed tunnel. Slopes south, over looking entire valley. All in cultiva tion; jive acres in three-year-old se lected fruit trees; house, barn and chicken-houses. One-half the price of land opposite side of road. An ideal subdivision proposition. G0DDARD & WIEDRICK 243 Stark St. SEVENTH-STREET SSAP 50x100 lot on Seventh street, between Market and Mill; fine place for stores and apartments. Big snap at $12,500: easy terms, or will trade for five or six-room house on Kast Ankeny street. C. M. ZAD0W 414 C-orhett Rids. A 1410, Marshall OS. FARM LOANS ONLY Current Rates. THE DKVKKEATX MORTGAGE COMPANY, iuu paldlas Building, Portland, Oregon NEW TODAY. AUCTION SALES AT WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE 166-168 Firtt Street Near Morriaoa Street). REGULAR SALES DAYS MONDAY, WVEBHESDAf AND FRIDAY Each Day at 10 A. M. Our sale thla coming week will In clude a larsre assortment of medium priced furniture, etc., comprising; bed room amltea, odd dressers and torn nodes. Iron bed a. spring:, mattresses, pillows, quilts, blankets, spreads, toilet ware, folding; beds, wardrobes, ball trees, conches, wardrobe couch, rock ers and chairs, center tables, carpets, fnics, linoleum, Jewel f ran are, eook toves, heatinn stoves, crockery, utea lla and other useful lots. SPECIAL On WEDNESDAY, nt 10 A. M. sharp, we sell a flve-passena;er HA I MO S AU TOMOBILE for cash to the bin-heat bid der. Will be on Inspection after 9 A. M. on day of sale. GOODS SOLD AT PRIVATE SALE. We have a fine collection of choice furniture of all descriptions, good second-hand carpets, new nnd second-hand room-Rise ravs, portieres, lace curtains, window shades, steel and ana ranarest also nprlarbt pianos, ora-ans, roll and flat-top desks, office chairs and tables i In fact almost any thin a: in -the line of home or office furnishings at prices that will appeal to you. Wilson's Bankrupt Stock Store CORNER SECO.VD AND YAMHILL. We handle bankrupt .took, of all kinds. Including OROC'EHIHS. HARD WARE. SHdKS, GKTS' FU RNISHINGS. STATIONERY. JEWELRY. CIGARS and TOBACCOS, and other rolarellaneou merchandise. It will be Intere.tlna to you call and look through our stock. We also .ell SHOWCASES, SCALES, CASH REGISTERS, counter., and all klndn of Mtore fixtures. AT 166-16 PARK STREET, NEAR MORRISON STREET. ON TUESDAY NEXT I'PBir.HT PIANO, FIR Fl'RMTI RE, CARPETS, RIGS, ETC, FROM PRI VATE RESIDENCE, eomprininsr Nugent upright piano and utool, Gunn sectional mahogany bookcase, leather couch, set tees, rockers and armchairs with genu ine leather seats, large library table, easy rockers with leather cushions. nearly new Axminster carpet, sisie 15x17: mirrors, gas reading lamp, up holstered parlor furniture, several good Iron beds In various colors, best springs ana mattresses, ieatner piitows. coioniai design and other dressers and chif foniers in quarter-sawed oak, mahog any commodes, fumed oak dining-room suite, viz.. pedestal table, buffet and chairs, including carver chairs; velvet rugs, small rugs, gas range. etc. Also the following from another Kast Side home: Golden oak dining-room suite, library table, parlor rockers. DreaKrasc tame, Dearoom furniture, kitchen queen, linoleum, granlteware, gas rang, Humphrey water heater, gas piate, etc. On view tomorrow. Auction on Tuesday next at 10 o'clock. ON THURSDAY NEXT IMPORTED WOOLEN CLOTH. In addition to our furniture. et(, to be sold at this time, we shall Bell about 30 pieces of Imported cloth in suit lengths. Sale at 10 A. M. FOR PRIVATE SALE upright Ivers & Pond piano in excellent tone. in is niano cost iuu casn. i,an now be bougnt very reasonable. If in terested please call and examine same. W. C. BAKER A C. A. CROWELL, Furniture Dealers A Auctioneers, IBS - IHH Park Street. Auction Sale MONDAY, 2 P. M. 211 FIRST STREET Havinar bpen favored with instriin- tlons from Mrs. Charles Emmenway to sell the fine furniture of her four roomed flat, which has been moved to our salesroom for convenience of sale. we will offer to the public the- follow ing', to-wit: Several good oak dressers. i wo cnmoniers, a very good walnut bedroom suite. fumed oak buffet, round oak extension table, six chairs. with leather-pad seats; several rockers, laee curtains, box couch, comforts, blankets, good square piano, steel range, gas range, twice toiaing bed, mantel bed. wardrobe, kitchen treasure. drop-leaf table, carpets, linoleum, etc., etc. lou cannot make any mistake by attending this, sale if you are looking for furniture of any description, for our goods are all guaranteed as represent ed at time of sale, or your money cheerfully refunded. FORD A17CTIOX CO. Auction salA everv Monday. Werinns- day and Friday at 2 P. M. each day. SPECULATORS READ Here is 200 acres of river-bottom land that can be divided in 5 to 20 acre tracts. There is nothing bet ter In the state. A good boat land ing on this place. WATSON & THERKELSEN CO., 306 Spaldlnc BldB. Mali 7592. VACANT LOT A SNAP AT RIVERW00D New Electric Line P. B. VAN NICE 707 Selling Rldg. Main 4993 A 7133 EAST Burnside Street We have a fine corner for sale, situated at the S. V. corner of E. 11th and E. Bumslde Sts. It has an income of $92 per month. For price and terms see us. Mall & Von Borstel 104 Seeowd St.. Lumber Exclfge Bldg. ALL OF BLOCK D, OVERLOOK Client In California authorizes us to sell tile above block for S7500. It is equivalent to about 14 lots. GOODARD A WIEDRICK, 24S Stark S- NEW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS Money to loan on good im proved city real estate, in cluding residence, business and apartment-house prop erty, in amounts ranging from $1000 to $500,000, and np to 50. per cent of a con servative valuation. Spe cial terms arranged where loan desired is much less than half the value of the property. Money famished without any unnecessary loss of time, and at lowest prevailing rates of interest. Wilfred Shore&Co. ilTESIMEHT EAMXE3I Lewis Bldg., 4th and Oak Sts. A Gentlemen's Home Between Portland and Oregon City West Side of River ' 30 Minutes Out 177 acres of beautiful land. I will make the price no more than is asked for some good farm land iu the Wil lamette Valley. If land along the electric line on the east side of the river is worth from $1000 to $2000 per acre, what will it be worth on the West Side with a double-track electric lineT Portland's hifrh-class suburban district must be along that magnifi cent drive up the river. There is no better investment, and a big specula tion for subdivision. I know its value, but must sell. GEO. E. WAGGONER, 805 Yeon. HOWS ADDITION THE VERY BEST I3T TUB CITV FOR SALE Two fine residences, one nine rooms and one seven rooms. Furnace, flre- f'lace. bath and all cor renlencea. Close n. Location choice and certain to in crease in value. Terms if desired. THE OREGON REAL ESTATE COSPAST, Grand Ave. and Multnomah. Phones E 67. C 1708. TRACKAGE 7S.00O SQl'ARE FEET ALMOST TWO CITY BLOCKS FOR T.-,0OO 17,000 SQl'ARE FEET PRICE r-'O.OOO EACH OF THE ABOVE SITES HAS 180 FEET OF TRACKAGE Call for C. G. Reagan CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. & IRUST CO. 3d Floor Chamber of Commerce Mortgage Loans AT LOWEST RATES ON IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY FOR STRAIGHT TERM OR WITH INSTALLMENT PRIVILEGE!. FARM I, OA. 'VS. EBE US TODAY. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 202 McKar Bide Third and Stark St.. EAST BURNSIDE STREET Let us show you the lots we are. selling on this street for $3000 per lot, including all street improvements paid. Mall & Von Borstel 1Q4 Second St., tnmher Exchange BIdsr. NEW MODERN HOME on West Side, will be sold below cost: seven large rooms, with sleepinff-porch. noi-waier neai, superior piumDing. hishest-srade finish throughout: tear- age and every modern convenience. Price J12J00. Terms. Apply owner for details. D 671, Oregonlan. TRACT OF 150 LOTS ' CLOSE rv. FACING OX HARD-SURFACE STREET STREETS GRADED. WATER AND SEWER 1ST. TERMS. J. H. M'MAHO, 1S3 Division Street. Mortgage Loans on city property at reasonable rates. CLABK-CANNON COMPANY. 1017 Board of Trade Bldg. Mortgage Loans First Mortgages on Farm Property. MORTGAGE COMPANY FOB AMERICA. Head Office. Tbe Hague, Netherlands. Ainsvrorth Building, Portland. A SNAP IV Ladd's Addition Lot on Ladd avenue, near Hawthorne avenue, with easterly face. Terms to suit. Address or apply to OWNER, 501 OREGONIAN BLDG Edward E. Goudey Lewis Hollaing. MORTGAGE LOANS 5 per cent on best business properties. 6 per cent and 7 per cent on other close, in business and residence securities. NEW TODAY. LOOK! READ! FORCED SALE IN EEST RESTRICTED DISTRICT 8 rooms and sleeping porch, fin ished in quarter-sawed oak down stairs, and white enameled upstairs; dining-room paneled in real leather; elegant bathroom, 2 toilets, full ce ment basementy furnace, laundry trays, handsome fireplace, buffet and bookcases. Fine garage. SEE THIS AT ONCE $1000 BELOW VALUE PRICE $8000 $1500 CASH Balance to Suit. THE HARB0LT WILSON CO., INC. 710-718 Lewis Building, Fourth and Oak. Marshall 4200. A 7158. TO THE INVESTOR Cheap Lots on Sandy Road I have several fine view lots, 80 feet from car line. $450 for corners; $350 for inside lots. Only 10 per cent cash and 2 per cent a month. They are a snap and will not last very long. See lots. T 670, Oregonian. FOR RENT FACTORY BUILDING 3-story building, 50x' 100 feet. Now occu pied by Carman Man ufacturing Co, Cor ner North 15th and Thurnian Sts. Vacant about January 15. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO. 85 Fourth Street S FOR SALE OR TRADE, Fine, ight-room, modern home; corner lot, 50x100; one block from carline, in a fine district. Wants farm of about 30 acres, with build ings. Price J6500. WATSON & THERKELSEN CO., 300 SpaldlnB Bids. Main 751)2. RIVERWOOD home sites, where So. Pac. is elec trifying Bargains. 707 Selling Bldg. Main 4993 A 7133 $1000 to loan at 8 pier cent on Portland residence property. Apply to Loan Department, Harfrnan-Thompson BanR Kwr?aca Lata BaefrfittMrt fourth and Stark Streets tfrmnaw Cataawrea KMUmi MR. BUSINESS MAN how would you like to own a modern business building in a fine part of the city, consisting of five stores and a five-room flat, without a burden? Here is a chance for you. I am ordered by my lady client to sell that beautiful building for 312,000: 9500 cash, and the balance to be paid $100 per month, and she will charge no interest on the 312,000; that means after you will pay up that amount by $100 a month you will eet a deed to the DroDertv without a cent more to pay. Will take some ex change. OS Flmt Street. Main S21. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE Must sell my 50x100 lot In this beau tiful district before Tuesday night. Will sell several hundred dollars below mar ket price. If you want a ral bargain call on my agent and make an offer. G. H. KLEINSORGE CO. 418-10 Board of Trade. MORTGAGE LOANS Onr Ow, Money at Ctirrent Rate.. WKSTER. BONO A MORTGAGE CO, Commercial Clal Hldg., Portland, Or. FACTORY OR WAREHOUSE SITE, Sullivan's Gulrh. close in. three-quarters of a block, 200 feet trackage. Terms. Phone Tabor 492. Call 1240 Division street. r-- .s-3-.-- A . . VI XFW TODAY. INCOME INVESTMENTS (CA fnn 133 1-3xl00. improved PQU9UUU with a first-class brick building1, containing stores and apart ments. Reasonable rentals prevail, and present income is $530 per month. AAH A quarter block on Kast U7UUUV Morrison st., adjoining Mill terminals. occupied under a 10 year lease, which will soon expire. In come $3'J per month. A good holding investment. 1 f rrr A quarter b 1 o c k. im 401uUUUU proved with a 4-story brick, occupied bv hotel and stores. Building: first class in every particular and in a growing district. rets ',c. The above properties will stand the closest Investigation. The values are mere ana the locations are ail goou Reasonable terms. STRONG & CO. 60S Concord Bids:. Who Wants a Home in Beautiful IRVINGT0N Good 5-room cottage, with lot 51.5x100 on 14th between Hancock and Tillamook, fox only $4000 EASY TERMS HUMASON M 1646 A 1646 1507 Yeon Must Sell INCOME QUARTER-BLOCK CLOSE IX I.KSS THAN $9500 This Is priced away down. Call for C. G. Reagan CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO. 3d Floor Chamber of Commerce FACTORY SITE PROPERTY Over 1200 feet, fronting on the Wil lamette River, extending back about 600 feet to the S. P. R. R. The Hill Line Is fiose to it. The growth of Portland sure to follow the Fourteen Million Dollars to be spent bv the Harrlman and Hill Lines in railroad improve ments will cause all realty values to advance. If interested in a factory or warehouse site, let us quote you prices. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY Main 3.1 102 Fourth St. A SHOO TO LOAN AT 8 PER CENT S800, SIOOO, 81500. AT 7 PER CE.MT S1500, SISOO. 2000. S2500, 83000. $3300, $4000. $4500, $oOOO. 7000. AT 6 PER CE'T 825.000 TO S75.000 The above amounts on hand to loan at once on Portland property. GOODSELL BROS., 4.13 Worcester Bulldlnar. EAST ANKENY STREET Price $2750 Each Let us show you the lots we are selling- on this street at the above price. Thev are great bargains. Mall & Von Borstel 104 -Second St., Lumber Exchange RMk. Nursery Sacrifice IT you are intending planting any i-year apple trees this Spring you will save big money by buying from me. Have 13.000 No. 1 trees that I will aeli while they last at $0 by the hundred, tfii) by the thousand. and will make a better price for larger or ders than a thousand. These trees will bear the closest Inspection. Come and see. for I need the ground. Can also furnish 10.000 or 15.000 blackcap tips at ls per thousand; straw nerry pi an is ai per inousana. Call, write or phone. Address Rose City Nursery A. Fruit Farm. East 42d and Going streets. Portland, Or. Phone Woodlawn 1578. Take Broadway car to ena. WANTE APARTMEXT-HOISE OR GARAGE SITE, WEST SIDE. Will pay cash for strictly high-class property. Prefer to deal with owners direct. No consideration given answers which do not give exact location and lowest cash price. X 655, Orearonian. CRANBERRY LAND 160 acres, adlofning bearine marsh: lands of same character near by selling for $200 to $25U per acre. Owner in hospital; must sell, a.nd has put the price at $95 per acre. Chance to cut Into small tracts and sell at a big profit. Can give some terms. M 690, Oregonian. A NICE INVESTMENT We will sell a new. modern flat building, all rented at a rental that pays 10 per cent profit; located within 20 minutes' walk from business center; 5000 will handle. Address X 665, Ore gonian. IT'S A BEAUTIFUL FIVE -ROOM BUNGALOW. KT.OO BELOW ACTUAL COST. BEST DISTRICT IN CITY. BEST HOUSE IN DISTRICT. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. IF YOU WANT THIS CALL MAIN 6435 OR A 1266, MONDAY MORN ING BETWEEN 10 AND II O'CLOCK. OWNER. CITY AND FARM LOANS Any Amount at Current Rates. JOHN E. CEONAN, 902 Spaldlnx Bids. Portland, Or. CITY & FARM LOANS $1000 and. up at lowest rates. C M. ZADOW 14 Corbett Bloc- - A 1418. Marshall St. NEW TODAT. IRVINGTON 8 rooms, double corner, Han cock street, fine larsre home, all conveniences, beautiful view; a bargain; easy terms, $5800. 9 rooms, 26th. $9000; furni ture $5000. 7 rooms, Tillamook, every thing modern, close iu ; $5500. Another, 7 rooms, 12th street, $5000. Another, 5 rooms, Schuyler street, $3750. Many others of Irvintrton's beautiful homes exclusively list ed, and if you want to secure just the Irvinuton home or homesite to suit you, you will see me. R. t. STREET 229 Henry Bldg. East 3rd and Madison St. Corner 100x100 Feet On Terminal Trackage In center of East Side Avhole sale district, near docks; price and terms on applica tion. H. P. Palmer-Jones Co. 404 Wilcox Bldg. Income $2700 Three-story new brick building; 50x100 lot; secured lease: adjacent to business district. PRICE S 2 7.O0Q. NOB HILL CORNER APARTMENT SITE. ' 5000 SQUARES FEET. 811.QOO CASH. THE FIRST TRUST COMPANY, EntranFF WanhlnKtnn and Third. Apartment House Strictly modern, 84 rooms, five year lease; nets $400 per month. The best West Side location. WATSON & THERKELSEN CO., 300 SpaldinK RldR. Mntu 730::. Gilt Edge Investment New, modern, three-storv brick, situ ated on corner lot on West Side. Price $60,000. Income, from lon lease, $5400 per year. Must have- $25,000 cash, and will take In exchanee farm in Willam ette Valley or Eastern Oregon up to u,uuu; balance mortgage on property. GODDARD & WIEDRICK 24 Snrk St. PIEDMONT SNAP Very swell, eight-room, modern house: four bedrooms, sleepinff-porch and den; hardwood floors, bookcases. buffet, panel-ed dining-room, Dutch kitchen, fireplace and furnace; cement floor, laundry traya; nice lawn; seven fir trees; good garage; lot 50x100: hard-surface in and paid. Must be sold this week at a sacrifice $5500: SlOOo down and $-5 ppr month. Let me show you this; on Cleveland, near Killings- worth avenue. C. M. ZADOW 414 Corbrtt BlilK. 14 IK, Marnhnll 2. WILL SELL OR EXCHANGE wm a 111 QUARTER-BLOCK INCOME OVER fr,0 FIVE STORE ROOMS FIVE LIVING ROO.MS S85GO See .Davies CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO. 3d Floor Chamber of Commerce $25,000 Magnificent site for hotel or apart ments, 100x100, within 15 minutes' walk of P. O. $45,000 Close-In quarter block, with some In come. Can be had on very 'easy terms. Now Is the time to buy it. STRONG & CO. 05 Concord BIdar. First Street 25x100 feet; old frame building: income $160 per month. Price $.10,000. GODDARD & WIEDRICK 243 Stark St. Will give long term lease on very desirable apartment house site. Apply A. B. Steinbach & Co., 615 Corbett Building.