The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 05, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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Unequivocal Declaration of
Policy Made at Luncheon
of Peace Forum.
President Says There Xeed Bo "o
Donbt What He Will Do Re
specting Submission lo
Impartial Tribunal.
NEW YORK. Jan. t. President Taft
today declared himself as unequivo
cally in favor of the arbitration of
Panama Canal tolls In the even the
pending negotiations between Great
Britain, and the United States fail in
bringing about a settlement.
This was the first public declaration
of the President regarding his attitude
toward the question. He was speak
ing; at a luncheon riven In his honor
by the International Peace Forum.
"I am willing and Indeed I would be
ashamed not to be willing." he said, "to
arbitrate any question with Great
Britain in the construction of a treaty
when wo reach the exact issue which
there is between the two nations.
There need not be any public donbt on
that subject, so far as this Adminis
tration Is concerned. When there Is
a difference that cannot be reconciled
by International negotiation and ad
justment, then we are entirely willing
to submit it to an impartial tribunal.
F'.nrly Submission Hoped For.
"I am hopeful that we may get It
either to settlement or to submission
before the Administration in which I
have the honor to be. a dissolving view
shall cease, but it may not be, because
these negotiations move slowly. But I
am clad to take this opportunity to
say that if the time comes there will
bo no doubt about what I will do in
respect to the submission of that ques
tion, as far as my power goes, to an
impartial tribunal for its settlement,
if that is necessary."
The President's remarks apparently
were prompted by a declaration in a
speech by Henry Clews, the banker,
asserting that for President Taft'a Ad
ministration "to concede the right to
arbitrate the difference would be a
splendid achievement." but holding
that "we are in the wrong and must
likely be defeated if it should go to
The Hague for decision."
Reply Made to Clew.
Referring to the Panama Canal
treaty, the President, who had said at
the outset in his remarks that he rose
"with mingled feelings of sorrow and
pleasure," continued:
"3y friend, Mr. Clews, differs with
me and with the Administration in the
construction of that treaty. That Is all
right. I suppose questions before have
arisen as to construction of contracts
In which good honest persons have been
on each side. Now that presents to me
a significant and useful example with
respect to arbitration. A great many
persons are saying 'Don't arbitrate, be
cause you are going to lose; this is our
own canal and while England is mak
ing a point of it, Kngland will not fight
about it and therefore why give up
when you are not likely to get an ar
bitration that will be satisfactory to
yon and your view of the construction if
"Now that, even if this view were
oorrert as to probability of result,
which I need not admit, is Just the
time when I am in favor of arbitra
tion. I mean that I have not gone
about the country urging arbitration
for the purpose of using that as a
platform subject to attract the atten
tion and approval of the audience."
President Denounces Senate.
Mr. Taft warmly denounced the Sen
ate In connection with the defeat of
the proposed arbitration treaties with
Great Britain and France.
"This meeting brings back to me the
earnest triumphant feeling that I had
in my soul after T had visited almost
every state in the Union and urged the
confirmation of treaties which we had
made with England and France, and
then lived to find them defeated in the
highest legislative body of the world,
as some of the members of that body
are in the habit of claiming it.
"The defeat was more than a mere
destruction of our hope as to the'pros
ress that might be made by those
treaties because the vote carries with
it a proposition which, if established as
our Constitutional law. relegates the
United States to tho rear rank of those
nations which are to help the cause of
universal peae.
I.imlt Called Obstruction.
"r'or the proposition is that the Sen
ate of the United States may not con
sent with the President of the United
States to a treaty that shall bind the
United States to arbitrate any class of
questions that may arise in the future,
but there must always be a condition
that tho Henate may subsequently,
when the facts arise, . determine
whether In its discretion the United
States ought to arbitrate the issue.
"Now I say tht limitation upon the
powers of the United States as a Gov
ernment to hind itself to obligations
to inet questions between nations
with arbitration Is an obstruction not
only to the progress of the United
States, but to the progress of the world
In the mstter of peace, for the reason
that the nations of the world look to
the United States, and properly look to
the United States, as a leader In the
matter of establishing peace, because
we are so fortunately placed between
oceans and without troublesome neigh
bors, that we can go on without fears
of consequences to establish a con
dition by which can be settled every
question by reference to an arbitral
Pence Difficult Argue.
"Now the difficulty about arguing
peace is that when you get before an
audience, everybody Is in favor of
peace. But when it comes to an elec
tion, the Issue as to international
peace does not play any part at all.
The peace part of the political plat
form does not seem to affect anybody
but the peace societies. When you say
to members of the Senate of the United
Slates, 'You are reaching a conclusion
In which the people do not stand by
you.' they say, 'Well, what of that;
such an issue never controlled a single
vote at the election.'
"Now we ought to make It control
some votes, so that when a Senator
rises In hla place and says. The Senate
l.ns no power to make an obligation
of this sort to bind our Government to
future poliry of arbitration.' we shall
saw "Your constituents differ with you
in that regard, and are looking for a
Senator who will have a different con
stitutional view, and who will not re
gard the sacredness of the Senate of
the United States against binding Itself
and the Nation to future arbitration
as more Important than the attribute
of full National sovereignty.
Other Nations Make Treaties.
"Kngland made a treaty. France did
sr.d there was no doubt about the con
firms tion by tho governments of those
treaties. If they could safely do it.
why could not the United States? It
remains for the gentlemen who have
exalted the Senate above everything to
find in the Constitution something that
prevents them from doing what roust
be done If the cause of universal peace
Is to prosper. But they say. There
may arise after you have made a con
tract some question coming within the
described class that you do not want to
submit, some question In which you are
likely to be beaten In which you are
likely to suffer a great National loss.'
"Well, you cannot make an omelet
without breaking eggs. Too cannot al
ways have a Jug-handled arrangement
In International arguments. You must
expect to be beaten sometimes. A
sure thing, even among gentlemen who
bet, is not regarded as the most proper
standard for making bets, and certain
ly one who would refuse to abide by
the judgment of a court unless he
knew in advance that the Judge was
with him is not the kind of litigant
that we are In the habit of welcoming
into courts."
President Taft spoke of the ideals he
had in mind through the making of the-
treaties that they would form the basis
George H. WUhart.
George H. Wishart, who died at
Oregon City January 1, was born
in Clinton, New York, August 14.
1836. Coming to Oregon, he set
tled in Oregon City. Besides the
widow, four children survive:
Harley O. Wishart, of Oregon
City: Ira R. Wishart, Mayor of
Toledo, Or.: Mrs. H. J. Thorne and
Mrs. L. H. Kaser. of Portland. The
funeral was held Friday.
for treaties with all nations and be
tween other nations that would lead to
a final Interlocking of treaties which
would ultimately bring about the set
tlement of all international questions
by a court of arbitration with powers
enforced by such treaties. This Ideal
he still cherished, he said, and while
it had received "a body blow," he be
lieved the idea was one that was bound
to grow and quietly establish Itself.
Sir Ernest Shackelton, explorer of
the South Polar regions, and James B.
Watson, ex-Representative in Congress,
from Indiana, also spoke.
Members Not Agreed Whether Sub
ject Is Domestic One.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 4. President
Taffs declaration that he intends that
the Panama Canal controversy, with
Great Britain shall be submitted to ar
bitration, "as soon as we get down to
the point at issue." again brought out
the sharp division that exists In Con
gress over the obligation of the United
States under a treaty of arbitration.
Senator Bacon, the leading Demo
cratic member of the foreign relations
committee; Senator Hitchcock, another
Democratic member of that committee,
and other prominent members of the
Senate expressed their conviction that
the United States was bound by Its
treaty with Great Britain to submit to
arbitration. Senator Root, of New
York, who is not now in Washington,
holds the same view. Senator Suther
land, a Republican, also a member of
the committee, practically expressed the
belief that the subject is a domestic
one and not such as the United States
is compelled to arbitrate.
Bacon Faroti Special Tribunal.
Senator Bacon, in a statement based
on President Taft's announcement, sug
gested that the United States, if it sub
mitted to arbitration, could properly
ask for a special tribunal so consti
tuted as to Insure an impartial "judg
ment. "I think the question Great Britain
raises." Senator Bacon said, "is one
that arises upon the interpretation of
the Hay-Pauncefote treaty, and we
have a treaty with Great Britain which
specifically provides that we will sub
mit to arbitration any questions grow
ing out of the interpretation of
treaties, provided they do not 'affect
the vital interests, the independence or
the honor of the two contracting state
and do not concern the interests of
third parties."
"The question of free tolls for our
coastwise -essels does not affect the
vital interests of the United States and
does not fail within cither of the other
exceptions. "Vital interests means
something affecting the life of the Na
tion. I voted against the Hay-Pauncefote
treaty when before the Senate-for
ratification, because I thought it did
bind us to do what Great Britain now
claims the treaty requires ns to do, and
I was unwilling for the United States to
be bound in that way.
Impartial Court Hard to Find.
"While I think we are bound to con
sent to arbitration, I also think we
could properly ask for a specially con
stituted board of arbitration upon the
ground that it would be difficult to
find a strictly Impartial tribunal or
ganised, as is the permanent court of
arbitration at The Hague.
"Peculiar circumstances of this case
would. I think, justify us in asking
for such specially constituted board of
Senator Townsend of the canal com
mittee said:
"We might as well abandon the Mon
roe doctrine as to submit this question
to arbitration. I am inclined to prefer
the reconsideration of the canal legis
lation." "It Is my Judgment," Senator Cullom,
chairman of the foreign relations com
mittee, said, "fiat of its own free will
Congress oi.ght to collect tolls for the
coastwise trade, as well as from other
branches of the canal business, with
out reference to any treaty. There
could be no complaint if that policy
should be decided upon. I am Inclined
to think that whether we collect tolls
or not we ought to control coastwise
trade, and I believe that point will be
conceded to us. Everything involved
between tho United 8tates and other
nations I would be willing to submit
to arbitration."
Burton la far Arbitration.
Senator Burton, of the foreign rela
tions committee, strongly favored the
submission of the question to arbitra
tion. "I do not see how we can honorably
refuse that course," he said.
"To submit this question to arbitra
tion would be Indeed a supreme test of
our faith in arbitration." said Senator
Shlvely, Democrat, of the foreign re
lations committee. "From my point of
view we would have little to hope from
the nature of the subject matter of the
controversy or the tribunal."
J' - lfJ vj
President Denies Campaign
Charge That He Leans
Toward Aristocracy.
Million Voters, Normally Kepubli-
eans. Declared to Have Voted for
Wilson, to Avert Danger or
Roosevelt's Election.
("Continued From First Pftte.
ner of his taking off,' may not, there
fore, be inappropriate.
"What was the political disease of
which I died? I am" hopeful that when
historians conduct their post mortems
it may be found that my demise was
due to circumstances over which 1 had
no great control and to a political cata
clysm which I could hardly have antl
clpated or avoided; but whether this
be true or not, even friendly critics are
able to point out personal reasons why
it was that, though I went in, I also
went out, with large majorities.
Charge of Aristocracy Denied.
"It has been charged against me that
-I am an aristocrat and that I have no
sympathy with the common people.
Now I don't think it Is true. I think
I am as sympathetic with the common
people, as earnestly desirous of their
happiness, as anxious to see that they
have justice as any one. I believe most
profoundly that popular government is
the best government, and I am greatly
concerned that it shall continue and
be successful In giving to the people
at large the surest measure of in
dividual liberty on the one hand, and
the greatest political efficacy in gov
ernment on the other. It may be that
In my earnest desire to make govern
ment efficient. I have not always ex
plained that I believe that to make
government efficient is to work direct
ly in the interest of the common people.
"My administration has come and
gone in a period of unrest and agita
tion for something intangible, which
it is difficult definitely to describe. We
have lived during the last four years,
and are living now. In an atmosphere
of strenuous denunciations of certain
evils and loud aspirations for an ideal
state In which the common people are
to become happier, the poor and op
pressed are to acquire property and
cease suffering, and much or all of
the- change Is to be accomplished
through the agency of government.
Swollen Fortunes Stir Indignation.
"The accumulation of swollen for
tunes during the two decades preced
ing, and many of them by violation of
the anti-trust law. or the anti-rebate
law, aroused a feeling of just Indigna
tion and set the tune to publio ad
dresses. Denunciations of the male
factors of wealth and promises of rec
tifying such Inequalities by Govern
mental means, rang pleasantly In tne
ears of the people. They made for the
popularity of those who paid for the
sweet tunes assuring better conditions
and a complete social reform, all by the
means of elections and Governmental
"Then too, in he material improve
ment in the large amount of wealth
devoted now to education and philan
thropy, there has been aroused a most
commendable Interest In the poor and
the suffering. So Intensely enthusiastic
do social workers become that they lose
their sense of proportion, and forget
the interest of those who are not de
pendents, and yet who make up the
great majority of the common people.
"To these enthusiasts, however, the
necessity for turning all the activities
of the Government Into plans for the
amelioration of the particular depend
ents whom they have under their ob
servation becomes- exigent, and they
look to the Government as an Instru
ment for immediate relief. Now I am
s'orry to say that I have had" so much
to do with actual government In the
Philippines and in Washington that I
cannot join in the glowing promise
that Government action can remedy all
of the evils of poverty, disease and Ig
norance as set forth in the prospec
tuses of an ambitious political party
I cannot help asking by what means
these reforms are to' be accomplished,
except by moro uniform enforcement of
the law, by making the Government
more economical and more efficient.
Detailed Plans Demanded.
"And thus I find myself out of tune,
because I ennnot resist the desire to
ask for plans and specifications, tor
actual statutes to do the things which
are promised. Yet the mere query, the
mere attitude of inquiry, puts one at
once In the ranks of the doubters,
dubs one at once a reactionary, places
him at once among the aristocrats and
prevents his being treated or regarded
as a friend of the people.
"Another feature of this period has
been the reckless misuse of the press
and the magazines for the misrepre
sentatlon of motives of men engaged
in public life. The issue arising as to
the tariff upon print paper and also
upon the Increase of postage for second
class mall matter put those who owned
and controlled such agencies in the at
titude of partisans and many of them
Improved their opportunities to assault
those who opposed their particular in
terests. "The public have not been content to
estimate and weigh the things done at
iheir face value, but they have accepted
hostile statements that good things
were done either with an improper
motive or because I could not help It,
or were really ione by somebody else
ana that on th whole I was unfriend
ly to the people.
Insurgency Largely Personal.
"I am not complaining of this situa
tion. I am hopeful that as time rolls
by the facts may disclose themselves
and may lead people to believe that
more real reform has been accom
plished In my Administration than will
ever flow from an attempt to put Into
practical operation the promises, which
have been made In recent party plat
forms to make the rich moderately
poor, and the poor moderately rich.
and to eliminate by statute all sin. In
justice, poverty and suffering.
"It grieves me to feel that my going
out of office will remove this cause,
will end the 'Taftphobia' that has gov
erned the action of some Influential
politicians, and will tend to end these
divisions that have been caused by
personal Teasons rather than on prin
ciple. There is much of the personal
about what is called "insurgency." If
one man advocated a -principle, it has
been all right, because he has shown
himself an Insurgent. On the other
hand. If another advocated exactly the
same thing It bad to be condemned be
cause of the source from which It came.
Now, of course, this is unreasonable,
but It Is a real feature of the situa
tion. Conntry Saved From Class Hatred.
"I go out of office with deep appre
ciation of the honors I have enjoyed,
with profound gratitude to the Ameri
can people and without any feeltng of
bitterness against anyone. I shall re
tain a very earnest desire as a private
citizen to help my country and my
fellow men in the struggle for con
tinuance of free effective government.
""We were beaten in the last elec
tion. We ran third In the race. Why is
It that we gather here with so much
spirit and with so little disappoint
ment and humiliation? Is it not that
In spite of the defeat recorded at the
election in November, we were still
victorious in saving our country from
an administration whose- policy in
volved the sapping of the foundation
of democratic constitutional, represen
atlve government, whose appeals were
calculated to arouse class hatred that
has heretofore been the ruin of popular
government, and whose contempt for
the limitations of Constitutional law
and the guarantee of civil liberty prom
ised chaos and anarchy?
Chicago Triumph Important.
"The result of the Chicago conven
tion was a triumph for the permanence
of Republican Institutions, the import
ance of which cannot be exaggerated.
"We meet in no sense of despair, but
rather to rejoice in a victory for law
and order. It Is true that we were
defeated at the polls by our old-time
opponent, the Democratic party. It i
true that we are now going to work
out again the problem of eating our
cake and having It, too. by showing
how It is possible to change from a
system of protection for manufactured
industries to one of tariff for revenue
only without affecting the Industries to
their detriment and without halting
production or lowering wages.
"We have been through this before.
It may be that this time they can do
what they have not succeeded in doing
heretofore, and if so. and they can
maintain the prosperity of the country
at its present record level, then we
shall rejoice at their success.
Human Nature Not Changed.
"What Is there in the present condi
tion that the Progressive party resents
which can lead us -to suppose that
human nature has so changed that no
restraint is necessary In all society to
prevent one man from oppressing an
other or to prevent a majority of men
from oppressing an individual or a
minority? What is it that Constitu
tional limitations are for in a popular
government? A popular government
is a government by the people that is
by a majority of the people, who under
the law are given the right to exer
cise the electoral franchise, and con
stitutional limitations are imposed to
prevent the misuse of the power of
the majority, so that the individual or
the minority may not suffer Injustice
through the action of the majority,
Where is the security In the present
society that the majority may not from
time to time do injustice to tne mi
nority and to the IndividualT
"It is said that we distrust the people
If we assume that the majority will
ever do Injustice. In othe" words, the
contention is that the vote of the ma
jority is always right. Well, as the
maloritv in passing upon a given ques
tion determines sometimes one way and
sometimes another. In which case is It
right? If the wisdom of our fathers
and of the long line of able men who
have fought for popular government has
led to the Introduction into every scheme
of government or restraints to prevent
Injustice by the majority to the mi
nority and the individual, what Is
there that has happened in recent years
to make us feel that a change has come
over the character of majorities so
that they may not exercise the tyranny
that they have exercised In the past
and in respect to which they have been
restrained by constitutional limitations?
is it by taking from one man that
which is his and giving to another who
has not earned it? I submit that this
is the ultimate result of a thorough
analysis of all the theories advanced
by the Progressive party.
Government Machinery Made "Janfe."
"It is easily seen that under the pro
gressive platform tho whole riiachlnery
that has been so carefully built up by
the older statesmen of this country and
of England to save to the individual
and the minority freedom, equality be
fore the law, the right of property and
the right to pursue happiness is to be
taken apart and thrown into a' Junk
heap, and the preservation of such
rights or privileges, if you choose to
call them such, is to be left to the
charitable Impulse of a benevolent Ad
ministration. No one at all familiar
with the principles of free government
and the tendency of erring and pownr
loving human nature would be content
to have his liberty or his right of prop
erty or his right to pursue happiness
dependent upon the benevolence of any-
"""Now, it has been suggested that the
Republican party can unite, again with
many of the Progressive party if only
a different rule can be put Into force,
through the convention or the National
committee, by which the reduction of
Southern representation would be se
cured, and a fairer method of selecting
the candidates for President by the
Republican party could be devised. I
haven't any objection to any method
whioh shall be fair. That is not a rea
son for Joining or giving up the party.
It is the principle that the party advo
cates that should control one In its
Chaoa Must Be Prevented.
"It is not that the Republican party
Is desirous of holding office or pow-er.
though neither Is to be despised, but
It is that In this crisis we feel that we
have the means of preventing the coun
try from taking a step which if taken
will precipitate us into governmental
chaos, will set the community on a
chimerical chase for an ideal that Is
Impossible to realize and that in that
chase the community will lose the in
estimable benefits of a permanent, pop
ular Government that we have de
veloped after 1000 years of struggle
and have created, maintained and pre
served inviolate for 125 years of Na
tional liberty. We are not bitter; we
are not cast down; we are not venge-
fU;lf the people of the United States
can stand a Democratic Administration
for one er two or even more terms, we
shall certainly not object to their ca
Dacity tor endurance In this regard,
but what we wish to ssurejurselves
i uhr through Democratic
radicalism nor through Progressive rad
icalism shall tne puiars m.
state be pulled down and the real cause
of the people be sacrificed to dreams
of theorists." .
!..'. dinner was held under the
auspices of the Union League Club and
the Republican Club of New York, the
Republican Club of Massachusetts and
the Union league i.iu
New Method of Flesh Reduction
Proves Astonishingly Successful.
JOHNSTOWN, Pa Jan. 4. Investiga
tion has fully established that Hon. H.
T Stetler. of this city, has reduced his
in an Incredibly short
time by wearing a simple. Invisible de-
vice weighing less man an uu. i"-
i Hirected. acts as an ln-
WUOU " '
fallible flesh reducer, dispensing en
tirely with dieting, meoicines uu ex
ercises. Many prominent men and w'
men have adopted this easy means of
reducing superfluous flesh, and it is
stated, the inventor. Prof. D. W. Bums,
of No 17 West Thirty-eighth street,
-. ,a.4lnv these outfits On
rtew iwin r, ---
free trial to all who write him.
Baby Weighs 13 1-9 Pounds.
JUNCTION CTTT, Or.. Jan. 4. (Spe-
v o , I o rrn fln Artlrfft &D'
ciai. c5umo umo .r .
peered in The Oregonian stating that
Eagle valley was npecwui
i . i hckv Hnhleic Re
us pruuuiuvu . ... j
eently there was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Jay Fish a son welgning pwunus.
To be comfortable get Ediefsen's coal i
Mid -Winter Clearance of
Men's and Young Men's
Clothes and Fine Furnishings
Here's some good news for you and we suggest
that you don't put off taking advantage of it.
Men who know value when they see it, will
flock to this sale, the most noteworthy we've
ever made. About 2000 of the finest suits from
Schloss Bros. & Co., best imported and American
weaves. It means a lot to men who appreciate good
, clothes. Measure your savings by these prices:
Suits. Overcoats and Raincoats
$18.00 values (T-B
now .......
$20.00 values
now .......
$22.50 values
tpj -
20 Per Cent
All Furnishings
Foarlb mad Aider Sfrceft
Prisoner With Bottle of Nitro
Holds Squad at Bay for
Over Hour.
Man Attempting: to Escape Declares
He Had "o Gun and Searcli Falls
to Reveal It Telephone Wires
to Jail Are Cut.
rrrAT B IPTnS Ta -Tan i With ft
bottle of nltro-glycerine in his hand.
Harvey Le, cnargea mm ourjurj,
rtf nffifra at hav for
UOlu t. 1 w.
nn hniii tnriMV In thn cotintv mil
at Marlon, six miles from here. In the
riot which followed, urncer tninea
, . m t r Pn.lur -Dnnlrtpi fell Head With
a bullet wound through his breast and
Detective John Cook was shot through
the nana.
i tine ii nrnvldorl with
iri: my iticunj i -
nitro-glycerine1 by a visitor. He first
blew off the lock of his cell, and was
attempting to blow out tne Dars m
his window when the officers appeared.
Lee asserted he had no pistol when cap
tured and the officers admitted they
found no weapon on him. 'Who fired
the shot which killed Gillin has not
been ascertained.
ah , , , nr ..nmnmtilcstlnn were cut
so that only one telephdne wire was
available after the explosions.
After Gillin was Killed, me remam-
.i v. I T r oT.fl nrprnAtr-
inr Dinners i ur.u ' t
ered-him. Sheriffs deputies are search-Itio-
for the men who attempted to
liberate Lee.
(Continued From yimt Page.)
. j vTrT vTi.r'niirt in ridiculim?
ii. tim'. rierlarsitions as to the hon
esty of purpose and good, faith of
Blehl. The uovernment piuou
declared Biehl was an ""impudent, ar
rogant dictator of the concern, rather
than the tool of poor old DeLarm." He
pronounced the series of operations of
DeLarm and Biehl as the "most brazen,
Is generally acknowledged the
Greatest Blood Purifier and
Strength-Giver. . Accept no sub
stitute, but insist on having
It achieves its great victories,
not simply because it contains
sarsaparilla, but because it com
bines the utmost remedial values
of twenty different ingredients.
Get It today in the usual liquid form
or in the tablets known as Sarratnhs.
$11.75 $18.75
O CA $30.00 values rfJOO Crt
O.UU now...
$35.00 values 0C2 OCT
$40.00 values
Off on Blue Serces, Cheviots
(contract goods excepted) at
Goihing Co.
monumental and bare-faced fraud" he
had ever encountered in his experience
as a state and Federal prosecutor.
' Referring to the irrigation project at
Wahfuke, undertaken by the orchard
company and for which the large is
sue of bonds was floated, Mr. M&Court
charged that the enterprise never was
feasible. Accepting; the contention of
the defense that only $2,000,000 of
bonds were issued, Mr. McCourt pointed
out that the aggregate income from
the completed project of 16,000 acres at
?3 an acre would be only ?80,000 per
annum or J60.000 less than the annual
interest charge of 140,000 on the
bonds. These figures, he said, did not
include any charge for maintenance
and operation. In addition, the prose
cutor reminded the jury that the maxi
mum valuation placed on the orchard
oompany's holdings was only $240,000.
He devoted considerable time to show
ing the worthless character of the se
curities Represented to be behind the
bonds as well as other fraudulent rep
resentations as to the desirabllty of
the bonds as an Investment.
For Hoar Jury I Instructed.
The instructions of Judge Bean to
the jury were exhaustive and their
delivery consumed an hour. He ex
plained that three elements were as
sentlal for the conviction of tho de
fendant Biehl. First, proof was neces
sary that a fraudulent scheme or intent
to secure property and money by false
and fraudulent representations had
been formed; second, that in the fur
therance of that scheme the United
States mails were used, and, third, that
Blehl was a party to the scheme.
Continuing. Judge Bean gave a his
tory of the operations of the company
as disclosed in the evidence and
analyzed the alleged securities which,
he said, were in the main worthless.
Biehl was one of five defendants
named in the indictment and the only
one brought to trial. W. JS. leL,arm.
president of the orchard company and
probably the chief conspirator, is sup
posed to be dead. George C. Hodges,
another of the defendants, is in Canada,
but cannot be returned to the United
States for the reason that the offense
charged in the Indictment is not ex
traditable under the treaty between
this country and Great Britain. R. H.
McWhorter and H. H. Humphrey, the
other two defendants, pleaded guilty
Just before the trial began. Neither
was called by the Government as a
witness against Biehl although Mc
Whorter did Identify one of the let
ters sent through the malls and to
which bis name was signed. This let
ter constituted the one count in the
indictment on which the jury did not
convict Biehl.
Coeur d'Alene Properties Return
Dividends or $3,000,000 for Tear.
SPOKANE. Wash., Jan. 4. (Special.)
The lead-silver mines of the Coeur
d'Alene t district during 1912 paid an
average of $8000 a day In dividends.
The total for the year passes the
J3.000.000 mark by a good margin.
The Bunker Hill & Sullivan takes
first place by paying dividends during
the year of 1850,200, which brings its
grand .total up to $13,977,150. The
Federal company, with its three mines.
Standard. Morning and Last Chance,
passed $800,000 in dividends, while the
Hercules paid Its owners' $600,000. The
Hecla distributed $300,000 and the
Success, the district's only zinc ship
per, paid $300,000 in profits. Several
small properties added to the grand
total and a number of leases brought
in considerable dividends.
Valuable Horseflesh Bought.
' KLAMATH FALLS, Or.. Jan. 4. (Spe
cial.) J. Frank Adams, the stockman,
of Merrill; sold $11,000 worth of horses
to George Manning, San Francisco, this
and Black Goods
Clearance Prices.
Grant Phegler, Manger
week! Mr. Manning Is still buying in
this section, in smaller lots, from other
See announcement "Tomorrow Begins
Our Great Annual Clearance." Fas
13. section 1.
When In Portland stop at the Hotel
Seward. Too will find It one of the
pwwt, most artist I, modern and ele
gantly appointed hotels In the North
west. jxcatea at renin ana .
treets, in heart of retail and th
dUttict. Ha tee 91 and up; with
$3 and np. Bit meets all trains.
west, jyocaten ai renin ana aiow
W. M. 8BWARD, Froprtetor.
. Make Tour Head
quarters at th
Hotel Savoy
Twelve Stories ot
Solid Comfort."
A strictly fire
proof, steel, con
crete and marbn
building, right in
the center of the
city's activities
.within two mln
utoB' walk ot
t h e a t er s, stores
and steamship
(1.00 Per Day Up
Swi for Free Mp of
Semle'v Bilo Dinriet
mn n-lll -plnl
just the place most
suited to their needs as
a permanent home, with
or without meals at the
Lownsdale and Yamhill
Snowand icy pave
ments increase the
cost of delivery.
WIU Your Fuel Supply Carry Too
Mnln 353. A 3338.
Commercial Club Bids;.