1J Pages 1 to 20 VOL. XXXII. XO. 1. H)RTI.AD. OREOX. - SUNDAY 3IORXIXG, JANUARY 5, 1913- PRICE FIVE CENTS. TUFT PRESIDES AT POLITICAL "WAKE" MRS. HOPPER NO. 4 SUES FOR DIVORCE EHVOlfS' CONFLICT BECOMES INTENSE CHINESE WOMEN TO STICKT0TR0USERS MAN CONTENDS HE IS LEGALLY DEAD JURY FINDS BIEHL AS STEAMER SINKS GUILTY OF F ACTOR'S . WIFE WOULD FOLLOW FOOTSTEPS OF 3 OTHERS. GARMEXTS, HOWEVER, TO BE COVERED BY SKIRT. HAXGIXG OVERLOOKED BY COL ORADO AUTHORITIES. 78 Pages va in in ts - iia ih m ii ibj Ha 1 6 OF GREW DROWN Causes Leading to "De mise" Related. ARISTOCRACY CHARGE DENIED President Declares He Has Sympathy for People. SOCIAL CHANGE IS SLOW Million Voters, Xormally Republic cans, Declared to Have Voted for Wilson, to Avert Danger of Roosevelt's Election. NEW YORK. Jan. 4. President Taft presided here tonight at what he styled Jiis own political "wake." He made the funeral oration over his political corpse: asked modest praise for the deeds that he did while he lived in the White House, recited at length the causes that led to his "demise" and a.-aced the enemies he held responsible for his taking off. The President was the only speaker at the Republican "reo: anlzation din ner, given at the Waldorf-Astoria to more than 1000 Kepi, .icans from all over the country. He spoke for mc- -than an hour. His defense of his ad ministration was the executive results it has produced; his reply to personal criticism was that he had been more misunderstood than blameworthy. Attacka Without BltternenH. His attacks upon his political oppo nents confined almos exclusively to the Progressives was not bitter but sorrowful. In spite of all the misrepresentation, the unrest, the present-day desire for change, the President "aid, he saw in the future a return to the old ideas of government, tho ..a..dnlngr of me peo ple to an understanding that social changes must be made slowly and with sure sters. He made an appeal to Re publicans who left the party to return and join hands wit., the millions who remained faithful. Class Hatred la Deplored. "Let us buckle on our armor again for the battle for humanity that must be fought," said the President. "Let us invite -those Republicans who left us under an impulse that calmer con sideration shows to have been unwise to return and stand again with us in this critical time. "Let us invite from the Tanks of our opponents, the Democrats, the many who lovo the Constitution and the blessings It has conferred, to unite with us in its defense. There must be a campaign of education among the common people for the benefit of the common people against the poison of class hatred; tho fanaticism of un balanced enthusiasm and the sophistry of demagogic promise." In the course of his speech the Presi dent made his first public reference to Colonel Roosevelt since the close of the campaign, asserting that probably 1.000.000 voters, normally Republican, cast their ballots for Mr. Wilson, "in order to avert the danger of Mr. Roosevelt's election." "Cauie tif Death9 DlNcnssed. The President said in part: "It Is not usual for the deceased to give very full expression to his feel ings at the wake; bat I remember that in one of Boucicault's Irish dramas the corpse was sufficiently revived to par take of liquid refreshments and became the chief participant in the festivities. A few opening remarks directed to the character of the deceased and the man- vConeluiifd on Page 2.) CASTRO ON ATLANTIC, : ' ii- i .. ,' , -. . . Actress Known to Stage as Xella Bergen Finds Life With Comlo Opera Star I'nhuppy. NEW YORK, Jan. 4 (Special.) Mrs. Nella Bergen Hopper, known on the stage as Nella Bergen, began ac tion for absolute divorce against De Wolf Hopper, comlo opera star, today at Hempstead, L. I. Hopper was represented In court. Justice Scudder took the papers in the case, including the 'affidavit, on which the action was based, under advise ment, and reserved decision. Notice of suit was served on the actor by pub llcatlon. Mrs. Nella Bergen Hopper is the fourth wife of De Wolf Hopper. He married his first wife in Ohio before he entered upon a stage career, but divorce made It possible for him to marry Ida Mosher, who was a member of the old McCall Opera Company, in which Hopper played the leading role. The union did not prove a happy one and the courts were appealed to and their verdict made it possible for Hop. per to marry Edna Wallace. After a few years of apparent happiness dis censations crept in and Mrs. Hopper fled her husband's company, which was pre senting "El Capitaine." She named Nella Bergen as co-respondent. Mrs. Bergen was the divorced wife of James Bergen, also an actor. Hopper and Mis. Bergen were mar ried in London, October 24, 1899. Mrs. Edna Wallace Hopper later was mar ried to A. O. Brown, Wall-street broker, whose sensational failure occurred shortly before the wedding. SALEM'S TANGLE COMPLEX Mayor-Elect Refuses Ofrioe and 3fayor Lachmund Won't Serve. SALEM, Or., Jan. 4. (Special.) The situation here took on a still more pe culiar aspect today when Mayor-elect Steeves said he would not serve as Mayor until January 6, and Louis Lachmund, relying on the opinion of City .Attorney Page, says he will not serve, as he believes his term expired January 1. At the same time no action has been taken by Chief of Police Shedeck against the eight saloons which City Attorney Page says are operating without a license. To all intents and purposes the city is without a Mayor and the tangle as to the eight saloons seems to become more complex. POLAR EXPLORER SUICIDE Failure to Bo in Party Discovering South Pole Preys on Mind. CHR1STIANIA, Jan. 4. Captain Hjalmar Johansen, an explorer who had achieved much success ' in polar re search, committed suicide here last night. He was a member of Captain Roald Amundsen's recent Antarctic expedition, but was left at the base of supplies when Amundsen and four com panions pushed their way to the South Pole. The fact that he was not among the leading party preyed- upon his mind and he had brooded over it since his re turn to Norway. ! TENNIS IS PLAYED AT 32 Portland Enthusiasts Defy Wintry Blasts to Indulge in Sport. Tennis at 32 above zero, played in midwinter, on January 4, was the sport, supposedly only a Summer enjoyment, indulged in on the Irvington Club's court yesterday by four Portland tennis enthusiasts. Nelson Fleming, Percy Lewis. F. H. V. Andrews and James Shlves. The quartet declare, however, that they had to play hard and fast to keep warm. This statement is borne out by the score, 7-5, 6-4, 6-2, 11-9. Andrews and Lewis defeating Fleming and Shlves. TILLAMOOK ON PACIFIC, PARCEL POST OUR Both Sides Refuse to Recede Further. ALLIES THREATEN OPENLY Adrianople -Only Point That Seems Insurmountable. BULGARIA IS CONFIDENT Dr. Doncff, Asked by Associates for Frank Statement, Avers Army Is in . Better Shape Than When War Began. LONDON, Jan. 4. Unless Turkey or the Balkan states ran be prevailed upon to recede from their present stiff necked attitude, ' the peace negotia tions have arrived at a deadlock and Monday's meeting will be the last of the conference. The Turkish delegates strongly affirm that they have offered all they can concede. The Balkan delegates protest with equal vehemence that the Ottoman empire must surrender to them what they consider to be the spoils of war. Line Drawn at Adrianople. The diplomatic battle line has been drawn at Adrianople. If Turkey should consent to concede her ancient capital and the strongest fortress now invested so far as impartial witnesses can judge, beyond the hope of relief all minor questions could be arranged. The Turks declare that they cannot give up Adrianople under any circum stances; the allies declare that they must. The allies insist that Turkey must meet the ultimatum' presented on Friday without change of any detail; the Turks declare that the terms they offered on Friday are the limit to which they will go. Bulgarian Voices Defiance. The yielding of Turkey on the ques tion of Adrianople undoubtedly would pave the way for a general settlement. Dr. Daneff, head of the Bulgarian dele gation, announced today that unless the Sultan's envoys accept, without the alteration of a word, Friday's ultima tum, he and his colleagues will pack their baggage on Monday and leave London on Tuesday and their armies will give battle at Tchatalja the mo ment the period fixed by the armistice expires. This constitutes one of the most dramatic conflicts in the history of diplomacy; yet this situation has been foreseen and expected from the first. Only those in the innermost councils know whether the negotiations will be finished on Monday or whether they will Just begin then. Turk Requests Postponement. Events have moved swiftly In the last few days. When the allies delivered their ultimatum yesterday, an answer to which was demanded by Monday afternoon, Rechad Pasha replied promptly and .theatrically that it was not necessary to wait until Monday; that he could reply on Saturday just as well. Today Rechad Pasha requested a postponement until Monday. For this action he made two explana tions. One was that the Turks desired to give the allies time to consider their position; the other was that the porte had ordered him to await fresh instructions. The allies were inspired with satisfaction by the latter state ment, thinking that the porte was wavering on the question of Adrianople Rechad Tasha affirmed otherwise, saying: "After having ceded more territory (Concluded on Page 8.) Edict Is Intended to Put Stop to Ignoring- Rnlo of Etiquette Re quiring Outer Garb. NEW YORK, Jan. i. (Special.) Trousers as an article of women's wear were not abolished by the recent Chi nese edict regulating feminine dress, as reported In press dispatches from San Francisco. This Interesting fact was confided to a group of New York women -who besieged a Chinese sister. Dr. Yamel Kin, at the close of a lec ture she delivered at the Hudson The ater today. Dr. Kin, who received her education in this country and who organized the Red Cross movement during the recent revolution in China, showed her own trousers worn under a long outer gar ment of black brocaded satin coming to her ankles. She said that was the dress of Northern China and that a skirt and trousers are worn In the South.- "It has never been considered the best form for Chinese women to be seen in public in trousers," said Dr. Kin. "They are worn, to be sure, but concealed by other garments. Since the revolution women have gone . about with so much more freedom that there was a tendency to Ignore the etiquette requiring that trousers be covered. Hence the present edict, which, by the way, was mistakenly reported in Amer ican papers as requiring Chinese wom en to wear hats, also," ALASKA MAY LOSE POSTS Humphrey to Fight Wood's Recom mendation for Abandonment. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, Jan. 4. If any attempt is made to Insert in the Army appropriation bill a provision carrying out the recom mendation of General Wood, chief of staff, that all troops be withdrawn from Alaska, Representative Humphrey, of Washington, will raise an abjection and make a fight to save the Alaskan Army posts. General Wood contends that troops stationed In Alaska are not there for military service but for police duty, and are not only subjected to unneces sary hardships, but in event of sud den need could not be called upon readily for service in this or a foreign country. He suggests that Alaska be policed by civilians and that all Alaska Army posts be abandoned. If his suggestion is taken up in Congress it is likely to be adopted notwithstanding Humphrey's protests. MAYOR RUSJJLIGHT IS ILL City's Chief Executive Again Con fined to His Home. Mayor Rushlight was too ill yester day to appear at the executive offices In the City Hall. George K. McCord, his private secretary, was In tharge. The Mayor has been feeling quite well for several months, but Friday afternoon complained of pains in the stomach. He had suffered greatly from this trouble a year or so ago. He was compelled to go to bed yes terday and is taking special treatment as directed by Dr. A. W. Moore, his family physician. The Mayor said last night that he expected to return to his office to morrow. MARSHALL ASKED FOR JOB Filipino Offers Self in Capacity of Son, Housekeeper or Gardener. INDIANAPOLIS," Jan. 4. Thomas R. Marshall, Vice-President-elect, re ceived today a letter from the Philip pines asking for a job. The plea is made in English with variations and is signed S. Viterbo Villanueva, box 75. Iloilo. "I know you' have not any son," the letter reads, "and if you wish to have under your auspices as a lad I shall be glad to offer you my services." LAND OVER, BALKANS Vessel Cut in Two in Chesapeake Bay. CAPTAIN ANO WIFE ARE LOST Men Who Take to Rigging Are Forced to Let Go. 14 ARE REPORTED SAVED Officers and Men of Danish Vessel Imperil Lives to Save Eight. Survivors Tell of Battlo With Icy Storm. NEWPORT NEWS. Va.. Jan. 4. Six raemoers of the crew of the steamer Julia Luckenbach, which was cut in two and sunk by the British steamer Indrakuala early yesterday morning in Chesapeake Bay, were rescued by the Indrakuala, according to a wireless message received here tonight from the revenue cutter Apache, which went from Baltimore to the Indrakuala's as sistance. It was reported by eight survivors who were landed here this morning by the Danish steamer Pennsylvania, that 22 persons lost their lives in the sink ing of the Luckenbach, but the news of the rescue of six others reduces the number to 16. One man of the Lucken bach's crew, however, died aboard the Indrakuala after being rescued, the wireless reported. The Indrakauala, badly damaged and in danger of sinking, drew off and was beached. Captain Gilbert, of the Luckenbach, and his wife, wore among the lost. The survivors took to the rigging of the submerged hulk and for six hours fought for life against the gale which swept the bay. Some of them, ex hausted, dropped one by one to death In the Icy water. Chief Engineer Chris Knudson was one of those in the rigging." Tie en dured the gale until his hands were bleeding from gripping the ropes. He became exhausted and went down be fore assistance came. The Pennsylvania could not reach the men at first, even with lifeboats, because of the heavy sea. After many unsuccessful attempts life lines were run to the struggling men and they were taken off one at a time. More than two hours were required to get off the eight saved. When taken on board the Pennsylvania some were un conscious. According to the survivors. Captain Gilbert and the first and second officers were standing on the bridge when the collision occurred. There was no oppor tunity to give alarm to those below. Captain Gilbert made a great effort to reach his wife and when last seen was swimming aft of the sinking ship. "I don't know how I escaped," said Chief Officer Hunt. "After the ship went down I found myself dangling in the rigging and there I stayed. Not a lifeboat was to be had, so quickly did the Luckenbach go down. I never suf fered such torture in my life as I did those six hours I clung there. My clothes were torn to shreds by the high winds and the seas beat me almost Into insensibility. Too much cannot be said in praise of the daring bravery dis played by the officers and crew of the Pennsylvania who rescued us." The Luckenbach now lies In about 52 feet of water. One seaman climbed up the Lucken bach's funnel stays as she went down. Finally he reached the rim of the stack and was safe for a moment. Then as the ship lurched the funnel broke loose and he was lost I IN EUROPE AND WEATHER ALL ABOUT GET REYNOLDS' ATTENTION. Attorney Xow Argues That One V Whom Law Cannot Deem Alive Is Jfot Subject for Noose. . DENVER. Jan. 4. Attorneys for Os car Cook, sentenced to hang for the murder of William McPherson, said to day that their client had been legally dead since the week of November 12 the period originally set for the execu tion, and that the state now has no right to execute him or set a new date for the hanging. Cook has been confined in the county jail here since his conviction. He was not taken to the state peniten tiary because his attorney had secured a writ of supersedeas from the Supreme Court. It was discovered today, how ever, that the family of Cook had failed to provide funds for printing the ab stract of record, as required by the rules of the Supreme Court. When the 60 days allowed for filing the abstract expired, the appeal to the Supreme Court died automatically. There was then no obstacle in the way of carry ing out the execution. The authorities, however, supposed the appeal was still pending. Therefore the execution never took place.. Attorneys now assert that, as there is no legal bar to the execution. It took place, theoretically, on the date set. and Cook is legally dead. Cook stands charged with the mur der of Andrew J. Loyd, who was klllo-l at the time of the McPherson murder, but attorneys say that Cook, being le gally a dead man, cannot be tried on this charge. MOTORS HURJ TW0 BOYS One Lad Sustains Fractured Leg and Second Spinal Injuries. Two children were seriously hurt yesterday as the Tesult of colliding with automobiles while playing on the streets. One of them, Gilbert C. Hay nie, 6 years old. of 129 Thirteenth street, is unconscious and in a critical condition, the other, William Dolby, 14 years old, has a broken leg. The Haynle boy ran into the street at Thirtneeth and Morrison streets with his hands in front of his face, striking the rear end of an automobile belonging to J. Woods Smith, of 691 Clackamas street. Mr. Smith con veyed the boy to the Good Samaritan Hospital, where he had only partially- recovered consciousness at a late hour last night. His spine Is Injured and the ribs are broken near the spine, while there is some other Internal in jury. .William Dolby, 14 years old, was traveling along East Thirteenth and East Burnside streets on roller skates, hanging to the end of an automobile and had just released his hold when he ran right into an automobile coming in the opposite direction. The boy was taken to St. Vincent's Hospital, hav ing sustanied a broken leg. CARNEGIE T0GIVE MONEY "Laird of Skibo" to Send $730,000 to San Francisco Despite Rebuff. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 4. Andrew Carnegie, with no reference to the dis cussion as to the advisability of accept ing "tainted money" for public pur poses, will send the first installment of the $750,000 which he offered for the erection of a library building in this city. James D. Phelan, ex-Mayor and now a library trustee ot San Fran cisco, recently visited the steel mag nate In New York and today a letter written by him was received by the Library Board, in which he says that Carnegie will give half the amount im mediately and the balance as required. Mr. Phelan said that Carnegie made no reference to the reluctance of the officials to accept the gift until the matter had been submitted to the voters at a special election and finally indorsed by them. The city already has raised $126,000 for the library and will raise $900,800 more. Indictment Sustained on. Three Counts. SENTENCE MAY BE 15 YEARS Judge Grants 20 Days to Pre pare Motion for New Trial. PROMOTER IS AT LIBERTY In Closing Arguments of Columbia River Orchards Case Prosecuting Attorney Uses Vigorous Terms in Denouncing Defendant. After brief deliberation, a jury in th United States Court at 8 o'clock last night found A. J. Blehl guilty on thre of four counts of an indictment charg ing him with fraudulent use of the mails In exploiting the Columbia River Orchards Company. Biehl is liable to a sentence of five years in the Federal penitentiary on each of the three counts. Judge Bean granted the ap plication of W. T. Hume, counsel for the defendant, for 20 days in which to prepare a motion for a new trial. Sen tence will not be pronounced against Biehl until this motion has been dis posed of. In the meantime he is at liberty under $6000 bonds. Tho case against Biehl went to tha Jury at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon, but tho 12 men soon went out to dinner and did not begin their consideration of the evidence until nearly 7 o'clock. The jury was unanimous for the con viction of Blehl, and the only point of difference was the number of counts in the indictment on which he should be found guilty. It was finally voted to find the defendant not guilty as to the count involving the letter written by R. H. McWhorter, a co-defendant. A verdict of guilty was then signed aa to the other three counts. "jBaca Man Connrma Verdict. When the verdict, which was handed to the court by J. T. Munkers, foreman, of the Jury, had been read, Attorney Hume asked that the 12 men be polled, and each confirmed the verdict. It was then that Mr. Hume asked for 20 days in which to submit a motion for a new trial. United States Attorney McCourt did not oppose the request, which was promptly granted. Blehl showed no emotion when the verdict wan read. With the exception of a few minor witnesses examined at the opening of court yesterday, the day was devoted to closing arguments by United States Attorney McCourt, for the Government, and W. T. Hume, for the defendant, and the exhaustive Instructions of Judge Bean to the jury. Mr. Hume insisted that Biehl had not only put his own money into the or chard company, but in all his dealings had shown good faith in the enterprise and full confidence that it was a feasi ble project. Counsel said Biehl should be credited for standing between the stockholders and Hodges, who, ho Charged, was the real scoundrel in all the transactions that resulted in wreck ing the company. In this connection he censured the Government authori ties for not having brought Hodges to trial. He also criticised the holders of the bonds for pressing the prosecu tion of Blehl after having purchased at bankrupt sale all of the property and assets of the orchard company and as sociated companies for only $10,000, when witnesses for the Government had testified that the same holdings were worth $240,000. Plain and vigorous terms were en- oncluded on Page 2.)