The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 29, 1912, SECTION TWO, Page 16, Image 32

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Crown of India Drags Anchor
and Crashes Into Inver
clyde at Astoria.
Extent of Pamaje Xot Definitely
Known, out Thought Serious,
Dsarjea Signals Bring Aid
From Launch Pilot.
ASTORIA, Or.. Dee. 28. (bpeclaL)
The four-masted British ship Crown of
India and the British baric Inverciyae
were badly damaged during a heavy
rale last nierht. when the former
drazred her ancfcor and collided with
the latter. The Crown of India was
lvino- nur the beacon, while the Inver.
clvde waa fully -a mile and a half
further up stream and not far from the
Co-Operative Cannery wharf.
Captain Hunter, of the Crown of In
dia, says he waa on deck at 12 o cioca.
as the second mate waa coming on
watch. The weather was clear then,
and as the glass had started up he
supposed the storm was over. About
JO minutes later, however, he was sum
moned by tha second mate, who said
tha vessel was drifting. Captain Hun
ter says the ship was being carried
along at a rapid rate by the wind and
floodtlde, and within half an nour nau
reached the Inverclyde.
The latter had swung with the tide
and was headed down stream, while the
Crown of India's anchor prevented her
from swinging, and she was drifting
with her bow heading about nortneasi.
As a result she struck the Inverclyde
forward with her port bow, just abaft
the bluffing. The Inverclyde'a bow
sprit went through the Crown of In
dia's forerigging and was bent almost
Inverclyde Lose Rigging.
The Inverclyde lost some of her fore
rigging, her windlass was cjamaged as
the result of her second anchor being
knocked from Its fastenings, and she
also suffered minor injuries, the ex
tent of which will not be known until
a Furvev is made.
The Crown of India waa, however,
the greater sufferer. She lost a por
tion of her forerigging, her port bul
warks were stove in by striking the
other vessel's anchor, some of her plates
were dented, and as she scraped over
the Inverclyde'a cable it is feared the
lower part of her hull was damaged.
She will probably be compelled to go
on a drydock for Inspection.
One fortunate thing that saved both
vessels going adrift after the collision
was the fact that the shock loosened
the Inverclyde'a second anchor, which
was hanging over the bow, and as the
windlass was loose, the chain paid out
until the anchor caught sufficiently to
hold the two ships.
Crewa of India Not Been.
Captain King, of the Inverclyde, says
he was on deck at the time, but could
not sea the Crown of India until she
was less than 100 feet away. He im
mediately began paying out the chain
on his ancl or with a hope that the on
coming craft would drift past his bow,
but suddenly the tide appeared to catch
her and threw her against bis vessel's
dow with a crash.
Sailors on both vessels immediately
began blowing fog horns, and each
burned fully two dozen blue lights and
sent up that number of rockets. A
watchman at one of the lower canneries
heard the horns, and, seeing the lights,
thought a ship was on fire. He tele
phoned to the city and the launch
Pilot and the tug Wallula went to the
scene. It was about S o'clock this
morning when the tug arrived, and a
couple of hours later she succeeded in
pulling the- vessels apart.
Captain Albert Crowe, a Portland sur
veyor, has been telegraphed for and
will arrive tomorrow to make a sur
vey and estimate the damage.
'With several other sailing vessels
the Inverclyde arrived in the river
Thursday, hailing from Montevideo,
while the Crown of India was towed in
Friday, completlrg a passage from Ta
ble Bay. Captain Crowe left here last
night and said he had not been in
formed of the details, but would make
a complete survey today.
Three Deaths Reported From Plague
Outbreak in Hawaii.
San Francisco has taken steps to
protect itself against an Introduction of
plague from Hllo, In the Hawaiian
group, and while no instructions have
been received by Harbormaster Speler,
whom the authorities customarily keep
informed of new rulings of the kind,
it is supposed that the quarantine sta
tion at tha mouth of the river has
been instructed to take precautions.
Dr. W. M. Glover, of the quarantine ser
vice at San Francisco, haa issued the
"In view of the occurrence of three
deaths from bubonic plague at Hllo,
H. T and in accordance with instruc
tions from Washington. D. C all ves
sels arriving at this port from Hllo or
having touched thereat, will be fumi
gated on "arrival, unless they present a
certificate showing that they have been
fumigated at Hllo prior to departure
by the officer of the Public Health
Service, stationed there. Whether the
vessel will be allowed to discharge
her cargo and the conditions of the
vessel, to be determined by the quaran
tine officer, who will prescribe the
conditions under which the unloading
of cargo will be done."
' ;
Delay of Liner Due to Caution on
Part of Skipper.
"Have had no trouble at all; every
thing fine. Had very rough bar and
waited for high water." was the cheer
ing message from the flagship Beaver,
of the Harrlxnan express fleet on the
Coast, that quieted a few belated per
sons at Ainswortb dock last evening
who assumed that because the queen
of the fleet was several hours behind
schedule that she had been in a tussle
with the elements.
The Beaver customarily arrives In
the Columbia early in the day, but as
the bar was rough in the morning
Captain Mason cruised outside until
high water in the afternoon, so the ship
left from Astoria at 4:05 o'clock and
berthed here at 11 o'clock last night
She was light, having approximately
1000 tens of cargo, while the passenger
list only Included 120 names.
Eight Young Germans Tell Story of
Poor Food Aboard.
All of the crew of the German bark
Isebek have "cleared out" and the tight
young Germans who were taken to the
harbor patrol station Friday on com-
plaint of Captain 'Haas, but liberated
soon after, yet decline to cast their lot
with the vessel. They are being cared
for temporarily at the homes' of Ger
man families here, but are anxious to
return to "Der Faderland."
They gave their names and ages as
follows yesterday: Adolph Thaysan, 21;
Walter Markmanri, 19; Gustav Schwrab,
22; Hans Finkler. 19; Paul Kraft. 18;
Karl Peper, 19; William Helden, 20, and
Alfred Schraeder, 19. They signed on
the vessel in March and April of this
year and all claim Hamburg as their
home city. Patrolman Gris'm. who
conversed with them in German ' yes.
terday, said they complained that they
bad been given food that was unfit,
especially biscuit that had become the
rendezvous of insects. They had hopes
the German consul at Seattle would
Investigate their case, but had no news
from him yesterday. They claim to
have wages due ranging from 25 to
Heavy Swell Above Astoria but
Baker's Bay Left Quiet.
Major Melndoe. Corps of Engineers,
V. S. A., who-was at Fort Canby Fri
day on an inspection of work under
way there in preparing the plant for
starting work on the north Jetty, said
that the big gale attained a velocity
of 68 miles an nour ana. wnuo ui
. .hnnv ... running, the waters
of Baker's Bay in the vicinity of the
fort wharr were nor. aisiurueu.
Henry I Peck, Inspector of the 17th
Lighthouse District, who was at the
Tongue Point Buoy Station for a few
hours, reported that there was a heavy
swell running in the channel there
that, at times, was similar to some Of
the nasty sea to be found outside.
The Port of Portland steamer Ock
lahama had started from. Astoria with
the British ship Iverna and the British
bark Killoran in tow, but the gale
nui 1 Y,r in inrhnr the Killoran
above Tongue Point and she proceeded
with tne iverna, arriving i.
late yesterday. She was ordered to
. .. tnm h. TnvriivdA n the Kil
loran left up early yesterday morn
Lighthouse Inspector Shows Fre
quent Docking Xot Required.
"Fresh water in the Columbia River.
where the tenders pass much time. In
my Judgment wLll save the Govern
ment considerable time and money in
drydocklng, and I have recommended to
the Bureau of Lighthouses that in
stead of lifting the tenders every nine
months for cleaning and painting,
thev be docked once a year," said Henry
U Beck, of the Seventeenth Lighthouse
District, yesterday In speaking 01 ins
fact Lightvessel No. 92 was at Tongue
Point and would be docked soon.
When the tender Heather was on
drydock last her hull bore absolutely
no trace of marine growth and ap
peared as though the paint had been
applied but a few days before. It is
different with lightvessels, because
they are in salt water for nine months
continually. They become decidedly
fouL. The Bureau now furnishes con
tractors with a special paint used by
the navy and with that and the fresh
water treatment I regard it as unneces
sary to dock oitener man every a
British Columbia Sugar Purchases
Bring Tonnage From Peru.
One of the tramps of the fleet con
trolled by the Watts-Watts interests
is the latest carrier taken to augment
the steam tonnage bound to the Coast,
and she will carry sugar from Peru to
Vancouver, B. G, so probably will nna
her way into the Oriental service for
one voyage. The uritisn steamer
Twickenham, which loads flour and
wheat nere In February for the Far
East, has also been engaged for sugar
from Peru to the British Columbia har
Two long voyages to be undertaken
will be by the steamer Hercules, of
the Norwegian fleet, which formerly-
operated from this port under the
flag of the Portland & Asiatic, ana one
of the Strath carriers, which will be
loaded with steel rails at Sydney, Cape
Breton, for Frazer River, where the
equipment is to be used by the Grand
Trunk system. The British steamer
Anerley, which la coming to load lum
ber, put out from Guaymas Christmas
eve. The tramp nas loaaea several
cargoes here.
Steamer Sets Record.
RAYMOND, Wash., Dec 28. (Spe
cial.) The steamer Chehalls, which
made a record last week in taking
cargo at one of the mills in this city
Due to Arrive.
Name. From Date.
Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook... .In port
Beaver Sao Pedro. ... In port
Breakwater. ...coos Bay Dec,
Geo. W. Elder. .San Dlcio. ... Dec 80
Anvil Bandon Dec 30
Bear San Pedro, . ..Jan. 2
Alliance Eureka Jan. 4
Roanoke .San Dieso. . . . Jan. 5
Kose City San Pedro. . ..Jan. 5
Te Depart.
Name. For Date
Tale 8. F. 10 L. A.. .Dec 80
Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook. ...Dec. SO
Anvil .Bandon Dec. 31
Breakwater. ...I 00a Bay l'ec. it
Beaver San Pedro. ... Dec 81
Yoaemite San Pedro Dec. 81
Harvard 6. F. to U A.. .Jan. 1
Geo. W. Slder.-San Diego. ... Jan. 1
Bear San Pedro. . ..Jan. S
Alliance Eurka Jan. 6
Roanoke San Diego.... Jan. X
Rose City San pecro. . . .Jan. 10
by loading and sailing out in 28 hours.
established another record on tne
round trip to San Francisco, arriving in
Monday, just seven days from the date
of her sailing. The steamer Wlllapa.
which sailed out yesterday, took a
cargo of 7.200,000 shingles Irora tne
Southwest Manufacturing Company's
Marine Xotes.
Despite the holiday season, the Mc-
Cormlck flagship Klamath steamed
from St. Helens for California ports
yesterday afternoon with a fair pas
senger list. She will be followed Tues
day by the Yosemite.
Captain Rasmussen, skipper of the
schooner Lottie Bennett, who held an
Interest in the vessel, has resigned
after disposing of his holdings and in
tends to remain asnore. -rne scnooner
is a recent arrival from Callao and Is
working a lumber cargo for Valpa
raiso. Having finished working wheat
ready for her at Irving dock, the Gold
bek hauled to Montgomery dock yes
terday afternoon. The Lisbeth will
shift to the North Bank dock tomor
row. The Isebek cleared for the usual
European ports for orders with 111,
433 bushels of barley.- worth $15,580,
and 47,830 bushels of wheat, valued at
$40,230. She was dispatched by M. H.
When trying to pass a dredge an
chored north of the Clackamas rapids
late Friday, the steamer Annie Com
ing's waa caught by the current and
swung against the rocks with such
force as to knock a hole in her hull.
Bhe was taken to the yard of the Port
land Shipbuilding Company to have it
patched and was floated yesterday
from the ways.
Steps have been taken' by Balfour,
Guthrie Co., operating the Crowp
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At V.
8 y
flour mill, to construct three ouia-
heads beneath the dock and the Port
of Portland will place a dredge next
month to deepen the channel in front
nf h nronartv and deposit tne mate
rial behind them. An inspection of the
hulkhead was made yesterday by M.
Talbot, manager of the Port, and he
recommended further work in tne na
ture of spillways. ,
Movements of Vessels.
PORTLAND. Dec S. Arrived Steamer
Beaver, from San Pedro and aan rran
claco: British bark Iverna, from Montevideo;
British bark Killoran. from Rio de Janeiro;
steamer Yosemite. from San Francisco.
Sallid Steamer Klamath, for San Diego;
steamer Yellowstone, for San Pedro.
Astoria. Dec 88. Left up at S:0 A.
M. British bark Killoran.. Arrived down
at 8 A. M. Steamers Rose City and Tem
ple B. porr; at 11 A. H. Steamer Rose
brans. Arrived at 3:li and left up at 4:05
p. M. 6teamer Beaver, from San P ran
cisco and San Pedro. Arrived at S:26 and
left up at 4 P. M. Steamer Yosemite, from
San Kranclsco.
San Franciace, Dec. J8. Arrived at 7 A.
M. Steamer Roanoke, from Portland,
schooner Alvena. from Columbia River,
steamer Tamalpals. from San Pedro, staamer
Wm. H. Murphy, from Columbia River.
Sailed at 1 P. M. Steamer .Northland, for
Sao Pedro. Arrived at S P. M. Steamer
Rochelle, from Portland. .,..
Adelaide. Dec J. Arrived Previously
British steamer Oswestry, froni Columbia
B s"r' Vincent, Dec 17. Arrived British
steamer Strathfillan. from P""''. ,m
Port San Luis, Dee. 7. Sailed fateamer
Oleum, for Portland. w
San Francisco) Dec. 17. Sailed 1 at 4 P. M.
British steamer BellRrano from Port
land, for Hull. Arrived at 11 P. M. Steam
er Northland, from Portland. Sailed at 11
P. M. Steamer Carlos, for Portland.
Astoria, Dec. 27. Arrived down at 9 P.
JL Steamer Navajo. , ,,
Las Palmas, Deo. S. Arrived Klna. from
Portland, Or., for Antwerp.
Glasgow. Dec. 27. Sailed Crown of Se
ville, for San Francisco.
sin Francisco. Dec !8 Arrived Ste am
ers Roanoke, from Portland; .William H.
Murphy, from Astoria:' Acme, from Coos
. ' . 1." ., hnm 9. from
Seattle! Washington, from Coo. Bay. Sailed
Schooner Nauplla (German) Hamburg,
Governor, for Seattle; 1 ara.p.. .
toria: schooner Lucy, for Umpqua;
Gayhead, whaling cruise.
. ' r , Arrived
. Steamers
jseanie, . , .
Northwestern, from homnww.. "'"f"
Vome City end Senator, from San Francisco.
SaJd-Steameres Watson, for San Francis
co; Humboldt, Skagway. c.
iaoomfc, Dec 28. Arrived Steamer
Nome City, from San Francisco.
Los Alleles. Dec. .-Arrlved-Bear.
from Portland; Falcon, from Portland.
Sailed Willamette, for Portland; Coronado
for Gravs Harbor; Newburg. for Cooa Bay.
R. L Adams.
At the 13th annual convention
of the Oregon and Washington
division Of the Travelers' Protec
tive Association of America at
the Multnomah Hotel yesterday,
R. L. Adams, of Portland, was
unanimously re-elected president
of the body. A similar honor
was also extended J. Wood
Smith, who was unanimously re
elected vice-president. Alexander
Kunz waa elected secretary
treasurer. The following board
of directors waa chosen: E.
Meyer, chairman; O. A. Wind
felder. William F. McKibben. F,
S. Myers, Clyde Evans. A resolu
tion indorsing C D. Frazer for
appointment to the Portland
postmasterehip, failing to receive
a second, did not receive the Of
ficial consideration of the con
vention. Nearly 200 members of the as
sociation, which has a total of 743
members in the States of Oregon
and Washington, were present.
At a banquet held at the Mult
nomah In the evening. President
Adams was presented with an en
graved gold watch, in token of
his services as chief executive,
and especially in recognition of
his work In securing new mem
bers. The membership of the as
sociation haa increased nearly 50
per cent in the past year, largely1
through his efforts.
St Helens, for Portland: Carmen, for Wll
lapa Harbor; San Gabriel, for Umpqua
Tides at Astoria Sunday.
Condition at the mouth iof the river at
K p. M., raining; wind, south 10 miles; sea,
Columbus River Bar Report.
High. Low.
-ne a. l K ! feet!ll:tO A. M 3.1 feet
i.ii P. il....7i feetjU:2t P. M....0. footj
j U-v
i - 4
; V - 'f
' 7 1
Song Concert Given at the White
Temple Church by Famous Bari
tone Nets Home Over $200.
In a seat in the balcony of the White
Temple Church last night sat a diminu
tive boy. He was alone on that seat
for various reasons. First of all he
was the mascot of the Newsboys' Home,
secondly he was Jack Weinsteln and
thirdly he had requested, to be allowed
to sit alone, as he was passionately
run the risk of any Interruptions.
But Interruptions from what? Why,
fond of music and he didn't want to
from the concert, of course, which
David Bispnam. world-famous baritone
and friend of the homeless working
lad, was giving last night for the ben
efit of the Newsboys' Home, which is
greatly in need of furniture, books and
simple apparatus.
As a result of his kindness over $200
will be added to the coffers of the club,
and thereat Secretary Harry Lewis'
face beamed with joy. Also Jack need
not have feared. There were no Inter
ruptions. All through that concert the little
midget sat perfectly still except for a
perpetual effort to twist his little finger
over the back of his hand till it met
the thumb. He hardly said a word,
even when addressed by Mr. Keasey or
anybody else.
"What do you think of it. Jack?
Isn't it great?" he was asked. All the
response he made was the very af
firmative nodding of the head, follow
ing a peremptory "hush," and Jack's
face resumed Its customary imperturb
ability. , ,
Mr. Bispham waa ' delightful. He
seemed to know exactly what kind of
songs would appeal the most and he
further delighted the audience with
little touches which not only served
to show his erudition, but also to im
part a deal of wonderfully interesting
information as to the origin of the
songs he was singing.
Everything was in English that he
sang. That goes without saying, for
it is a Tiobby of this great soloist to
banish singing of English songs in any
thing but the native tongue. He seized
the occasion when the audience would
not let him depart until he had given
two encores. For this he chose a se
lection from the opera "Falstaff,"
based, of course, upon Shakespeare's
comedy, "The Merry Wives of Wind
dor." "Now what would be the sense of
singing an English song in Italian be
fore an American audience, when Eng
lish is Just as good if not better and
Just as easy?" Then to prove his state
ment he sang in delightful voice the
tale of Falstaff. who, making love to
a slender lady he had no business to
approach, tried the effect of telling her
how beautifully slim he used to be.
He told them how "Down among the
dead men" had reference not to a
cemetery, but to the bottles that were
thrown 'neath the table In the olden
days as soon as emptied, and then be
cause he was singing in a. cnureu uu
because some people might not think
the song appropriate, he sang as an
antidote "Drink to Me Only With Thine
Eyes." , .
Harry M. Gilbert, who accompanied
him in all his songs, received a great
ovation for his piano solos, and numer
ous other songs and recitations com
pleted an Interesting programme.
Boxing Briefs
THE New York State Athletic Com
mission will not tolerate biting
fighters. Joe Saby, who emulated the
canine in a New York ring last week,
has been barred from -bouts in the Em
pire State.
Eddie McGoorty, the prominent mid
dleweight, meets Knockout Brown, the
Greek, at Kenosha, Wis., on January 6.
That is, providing that the lid is not
clamped down tightly by that time.
Freddie Hicks and Jack McCarron are
also scheduled to meet McGoorty next
month. - .
Jim Flynn says that if he cannot
land a match with the winner of the
Palzer-McCarty bout he will retire
from the ring. Jim picks Palzer to
win. This gives him a pitiful chance
against the lowan.
Billy Nolan never saw his boy,
Ritchie, in action until he took the
lightweight crown from Wolgast on
Thanksgiving day.
Jim Jeffries still laments on the de
cadence of rlngcraft. He says that
the present-day boxers are degenerat
ing into a squad of wrestlers and slap
pers. Jeff says he won the champion
ship and defended It with the right and
left counters,
Eastern critics are longing for a
chance to see Packey McFarland and
Mike Gibbons together in a ring. Mike
would outweigh Packey more than five
pounds, but the scrap would be a sis
ler. ...
"Australian" Billy Smith, one of the
best-known middleweights us to the
. A
time of his retirement 14 years ago, is
a special policeman on the Juarez race
track. He has been engaged in police
w,-k for years along the Mexican bor
der but boasts that he has never car
ried a gun.
The ring has a Caruso. Vincent Ca
ruso la his name, but he fights about
Philadelphia under the name of Krause.
Prizefighting ' is on the wane in
Cleveland. Mayor Baker announced a
few days ago that hereafter no profes
sional fighters will be permitted to
give exhibitions of any kind in Cleve
land. Baker says the sport is brutal.
Champion Johnny Kilbane meets
Ollie Kirk in an eight-round go at St.
Louis Wednesday. Kirk is rated among
the best feathers of the game.
- Frank Mantell, who has been in
many fights on the Coast, meets
Tommy Gravlgan, one of the middle
weight comers, at Youngstown, O., Jan
uary 14.
Gary, Ind., is again on the fight map.
The Calumet Club has teen organized
and weekly shows will be staged. Kid
Williams, Johnny Coulon, Eddie Mc
Goorty, Jack Brltton and other top
notchers are among the boys expected
to appear in the Gary ring during the
next few months.
Billy Papke Is back at his home in
Kankakee, 111. He has a broken bone
in his left hand, so decided to take ad
vantage of an enforced rest to visit
the home folks for the holidays. Papke
Is. scheduled to meet Frank Klaus in
Paris on March 5 and the winner of the
Carpenter-Moreau scrap in April.
Papke says that McGoorty would be
easy for either himself or Klaus. The
French middleweight limit, 160 pounds
at 2 o'clock, is easy for Papke.
The new scale of boxing weights
adopted in New York will assist ma
terlaly such lightweights as Packey
McFarland and Jack Britton, who can
not make the 133 pounds of the Nelson
and Wolgast periods. The New York
scale follows: Paperweight, 108 pounds;
bantamweight, 115 pounds; feather
weight, 125 pounds; lightweight, 135
pounds; welterweight, 145 pounds; mid
dleweight. 15S pounds; commission, 175
pounds; heavyweight, over 175 pounds.
Bat Nelson bad no trouble disposing
Of Jim Bonner, an unknown light
weight, at Tamaqua, Pa., the other
night. Bat gave his opponent a ter
rific lacing, holding and marathoning
raving the lad from a knockout In the
10 rounds.
Leach Cross finds boxing infinitely
more profitable than repairing teeth.
He earned $26,000 during 1912, engag
ing in 19 matches.
BLAKCHASD To the wife of Bonnie
Blanabard, Tenth and Burnslda streets, De
cember 2-i. a daushter.
E I'M AN To the wifa of W. C. Eyman.
2Dt Bancroft street, December 24, a daugh
ter. FOSTER To the wife of B. P. Foster, 864
Missouri avenue, December 19, a son.
SMITH To the wife of F. L. Smith, 1129
Thurman street. December 14, a daughter.
DUNCAN To the wile of L. A. Dqncan.
1005 East Seventeenth street North, Decem
ber 'M, a daushter.
BULL To the wife of J. M. Bull. 674
East Seventy-second street North, Decem
ber 22. a son.
OTT To the wife of O. T. Ott, 1086 East
Salmon, December 24, a son.
GULTZE To the wife of A. L. Grutse.
255 East Forty-eighth street, December 21
a daughter.
PADDKN To the wife of H. M, Padden.
18)3 Dwlght street. December 23, a son.
STRALB To the wife of Karl Straub,
1973 East Main street, December 7, a daugh
ter. CONNER Po the wife of C. D. Conner,
M East Seventy-eighth street North, De
oember 7. a son.
NEWTON To the wife of W. 8. Newton,
330 East Twenty-seventh street, December
11. a daughter.
BECKftrt To the wife of E. W. Becker,
3S East Fiftieth street North, December 27,
a son.
FISHER To the wife of A. I, Flsber.
Lenta, December 24, a son. s
HOSS To the wife of G. G. Ross, 1144
Woodstock avenue, December 24, a son.
CAHLTOX To the wife of W. A. Carlton,
S53 Yamhill street, December 21, a son.
KING To the wife of E. R. King, 244
Park street, December 17, a son.
BROOKS To the wife of F. M. Brooks
2642 Forty-ninth street S, E,, December 26,
a son.
Uarrtace licenses.
muLSHV-HERDA Martin D. Nielsen.
elty. 26. and lillian E. Herda, 24.
HALL-BKUw a, i. nau, oauin jpena.
Wash., 33. and Emma Brown, 2i.
zmcLlKi -ijiiAiutt a, itiegier, city.
31. and Helen Turner, 21.
CUMMlAUS'WlbbUA "ueorge d. sura
min gs, Gresham, legal, and Florence M. Wil
son, legal.
berg, city, legal, and Gertrude Chrlstensen,
V AN nUL iL.-nui.Kwi.ii uunn v"
Houten. city, legal, and Ella B. Holmqulst,
city, 65, and Elizabeth Webster, 20.
HADATT-MAliAO-! wrco xiuiail, liL,
22, and Colombo Maeisci, 20.
HuPPRICH-SKKAtiEty rrea iiuppricn.
city, 44. and Elsie Skrabel, legal.
HAK(JOCn-ru iuulj oam a. ntiacucK,
Salem. Or., 28, and Lou Powell, BS.
SCHREIBER-KROSCH Conrad Schreiber,
city legal, and Martha H. Krosch, legal.
city legal, and Catherine Garrison, legal.
city, legal, and Aggie Thlbadeau, legal.
CLARK-ERTZ Lewis Clark, city, legal,
and Fannie Ertx, legal.
Snow Falls at Centralis.
CENTRALIA, Wash., Dec J8. (Spe
cial.) Centralla experienced its first
heavy fall of snow last night This
morning the grouna was covered to a
depth, of an Inch and a half.
Fight for National Aid on Har
bor Improvements Begins
in Earnest.
Headed by Captain Macgenn Delega
tion Starts for Washington With
Battery of Arguments and Suc
cess Confidently Predicted.
Armed with a battery of arguments,
equipped with munitions in the way
of statistics and fired with a desire to
prepare for expected Panama Canal
business, a delegation from Coos Bay
cities will leave this week for Wash
ington to spread before Congress the
mass of evidence as to why the Coos
Bay entrance is entitled to govern
mental attention in an extensive sys
tem of Improvements.
Captain T. J. Macgenn, master of the
steamer Breakwater, leads the force,
and he has preceded the main body by
way of San FranclBco to confer with
officials of the Southern Pacific on the
situation, a move that may draw to
the delegation influential support for
their mission.
Louis Simpson, Mayor of North Bend,
as well as several of the best known
residents of Marshfield, will under
take the journey, and they say if they
can get the ears of National lawmakers
there will be small reason to doubt
that an appropriation will be alloted.
Jetty Work Unfinished.
Coos Bay lies 180 miles south of the
mouth of the Columbia, and next to
Humboldt Bay Is the principal harbor
between the river and Ban Francisco.
A survey made in June, 1905, showed
the least depth on the bar to be 19
feet, but today it is said 17 feet Is the
best water and it falls to 14 feet, with
no pronounced channel available.
Though the original project called for
two jetties the south jetty was never
built. That on the north side gave the
desired depth 20 feet, but the outer end
has been beaten down by storms. As
to existing conditions Captain Macgenn
prepared the following report bearing
on recent activities to obtain help:
"When Congressman Hawley visited
Marshfield recently, I had the honor
to be one of the party that accom
panied him on the tug Columbia when
we went down the bay and out over
Coos Bay bar, In order to explain the
necessary improvements and to point
out tue terrible oonditlon of the north
jetty, which is almost entlrely-wlped
out. Of course, you will realize that
It would be extremely hard for him to
retain all that he had been told about
this matter, therefore I am inclosing
you a sketch or small chart of the
entrance to Coos Bay, showing drift
of flood and ebb tide, the damaged con
dition of the jetty, the small piece re
maining, and the proposed extension
and improvements.
"This chart, except the proposed ex
tension and a little alteration In the
jetty suggested by myself, is copied
from the United States Hydrographic
Chart, and Is therefore absolutely cor
rect. Drift of Flood Tide Shown.
"Arrow A shows the drift of the flood
tide coming from the north spit break
ers diagonally across the Jetty. It Is
also the angle of the meeting of the
north spit and the north Jetty. At
this point the Jetty is very low and is
only visible at low water, and when
the bar and north spit are rough great
Quantities of sand are forced into this
corner and carried over the Jetty into
the bay. You understand, of course,
that there are several feet more of
water in the bay than there Is on the
north side of the jetty; therefore the
sand cannot wash back again but is
carried into the bay to a point indi
cated on the chart near No. 2 buoy,
which makes the entrance to tne nar-
bor at this point extremely narrow.
A part of the above mentioned aano
Is carried out by the ebb tide and
deposited on the bar.
"Arrows B and C indicate the drift
of the ebb tide across the end of the
sunken jetty. The space Between tne
red mark indicated at arrow E and the
black buoy Just Inside the bar is over
1000 feet and it can readily be seen
the great body of water that passes
out over the sunken Jetty and deposits
on the north spit, which would take
a westerly course and be utilized to
scour the bar.
Extenaloa Found Necessary.
"Arrow D, like arrow A, la the drift
of the flood- tide across the proposed
extension and the sunken Jetty at
arrow Ai This will prove conclusively
that when the bar and the north Bplt
are rough that great quantities of
sand also come from the north spit
and deposit in the channel or south
shoal, and nothing but the extension
of the north Jetty will prevent the eand
from washing into the channel when
the bar and north spit are rough.
"With the Jetty extended and built
up" to a reasonable height above the
level of the sea and a bar dredge put
to work on the south spit on the point
Indicated as ahoal, between the dotted
lines running from Coos Head to Balti
more Rock, there will be no dlffioulty
in obtaining from 30 to 40 feet of
water on Coos Bay bar.
Arrow E indicates the only part of
the Jetty that is above t-e level of the
sea. It Is about 76 or 100 feet long
by 80 feet wide. With a few bents
of piling and half a dozen rails, this
is all that remains of the best and
most effective Jetty that ever was con
structed in the United States; however,
It is fast disappearing, each heavy
storm taking away a portion of it, and
I do not think it will last over two
years at the most. When that is gone
i -nHii h extremely difficult for navi
gators to enter or depart from thlsj
harbor, as tne cnannci "
200 or 850 feet wide at the present
Width I Agreed On.
"The line which runs parallel with
the Jetty marks the near approach
of the south spit to the sunken Jetty,
which clearly shows that the channel
Is not over 350 feet wide at most. I
have consulted with several other nav
igators and we agree on that.
"Arrow E also Indicates the drift of
the ebb tide past the end of the stand
ing jetty, which afterwards takes the
course of B and C and as before
stated, all this great body of water
that should be utilized to scour the bar,
deposits In north spit breakers.
"In conclusion. I wish to state that
I have been running in and out of
Coos Bay for nearly 17 years and have
given this matter careful attention.
Fruitgrowers Will Elect.
FOREST GROVE, Or., Deo. 29 (Spe
cial.) The first annual meeting 01 tne
stockholders of the sorest irrove fruit
growers' Association has been called
for the 11th of January to elect dl-r-ntora
and to authorize an Increase of
UaDital stock to 110,000. There will also
be held, on January 4. a public meeting
with a big dinner, wncn j. vj.
manager of the Eugene Fruitgrowers'
Association, and others will make ad
dresses and reports of the past year's
business will be given.
Bond Issne Recommended by Asso
ciation for Trunk Lines.
WENATCHEE, Wash., Dec. 2S. (Spe
cial.) The Chelan County Good Roads
Association was formed here today
with Harry Shotwell temporary chair
man and Dr. Saunders secretary. The
purpose is to create and crystallize good
roads sentiment.
A committee on permanent organiza
tion reported in favor of working en
tirely with and through the County
Commissioners. Membership will he
composed of delegates to be elected hy
15 district associations, whose bound
aries are fixed in conformity with com
munity interests. Any voter can Join
a district association by paying annual
dues of II half of which goes to the
county association. The meeting ad
journed to January 20, when perma
nent officerS will be elected and bylaws
formally adopted. Organizers were ap
pointed to form district associations in
time to elect delegates.
Many ranchers were present and fa
vored a better system of roads to con
nect ranches with trade centers, also
two trunk lines, for which it was de
clared the county shtfulU be bonded.
Sentiment was against expensive sur
veys and surfacing. County Engineer
Berry said JS000 would build 12 miles
of scenic highway from Merrltt to the
summit of the Cascades, connecting
with the Great Northern switchback
and a similar amount would construct
17 miles of new highway down the Co
lumbia River, connecting with the
southern counties by water route open
all year. Sentiment was expressed that
the county should be bonded to build
these trunk line highways.
M. E. Dllley, of Forest Grove, Is
Again Installed as Tyler.
FOREST GROVE, Or., Dec 28. (Spe
cial.) With the Installation of officers
of the local Masonic body Friday night,
M. E. Dilley began his fortieth consec
utive year as Tyler of Holbrook Lodge
No. 30. A. F. & A. M.
Mr. Dilley, who passed the seventy
fifth milestone of life's journey last
May, has been a member of the local
organization for more than 43 years. He
has the record of having attended more
..a(inva vinWaH more sick brethren
and attended more funerals of brother
Masons than any other memoer ui ma
lodge. Ke was signally honored by the
lodge upon the date of his seventy
fifth birthday, being tendered a re
ception, and made the recipient of a
handsome and unique charm of special
Mr. Dilley was born in Hancock
County, Indiana, and crossed the plains
to Oregon In 1853, first settling In Linn
County, removing four years later to
Washington County, settling about six
miles from Forest Grove, where he
conducted a sawmill for a number of
years. Later Mr. Dilley abandoned his
lumber interests to take up farming,
purchasing a tract on the outskirts of
this city. For a number of years he
has resided in the Grove, dividing his
time among several business interests.
La Grande Lodge to Greet New Yen!
at Hot Lake and May Buy Resort.
t a d j vtiv rir Tier- 1. (Sneclal.)
A special train has been chartered
by the local oraer 01 mousse iv vvn.w
Its members to a big celebration which
will be held at the Hot Lake Sanator
ium New Year's eve. At the lake the
spacious halls will be used for danc
ing and card tubles and the cafeteria
will b9 at the disposal of the members
and the women of the party. The
Olson Orchestra of North Powder has
been engaged for the occasion. This
orchestra is composed of seven mem
bers of one family and is conceded to
be one of the bent musical organiza
tions In the Northwest.
Rumors have been afloat for soma
time that the Royal Order of Moose
.ini rnr tho onntrolllnir ill-
fiaS CUuaiu .. -
terest in the Hot Lake Sanatorium, to
take charge of the same on January 1,
and the announcement 01 tne excursmu
is taken by many to mean that the
transfer has been made.
McMlnnvllle Citizens Start Movement
for Walnut Culture.
McMINNVILLE, Or., Dec 28. (Spe
cial.) A movement has been started
to have a walnut experiment station
here and several Joint organizing com
mittees have been selected for a meet
ing to be held at the Courthouse Do
eember 81, to consider what legialatlon
will be necessary.
The County Court has set aside 10
acres of the best land of the county
farm for this experiment station. This
tract Is west of this city and is ideal
land for this purpose.
The committees appointed are as fol
lows: Grange, E. D. Farnsworth, J. R.
Booth and Andrew Merchant; Walnut
Club, J. C. Cooper, E. C. Apperson and
Circuit Judge William Galloway; com
mittee for the city. Mayor W. T. Vin
ton. W. T. Macy, Councllmen John,
G. Eckman and O. D. Scott.
Edenbower Would Be Town.
ROSEBURG, Or., Dec. 28. (Special.)
The residents of Edenbower, a thriv
ing fruit-growing section a short dis
tance north of Roseburg, are circulating
i, t . h, nnuntv Court to
ueiiLiuus ' c -"
call a special election in order that
they may vote on loo in
corporating. Tentative sketches of the
territory to be included in the incur- "
poration show that the town will have
-k,.. Knn inhabitants and assessable
property aggregating $500,000.
Forest Grove Chief Re-elected.
i7rtDi7C!'!' n.utlVR Or.. Dec. 28. (SdS-
X W A . J - " " "
ca.l.) J. G. Lenneville has been re
elected Chief of tne jc oresr. urove
Department for the 11th oonsecutive
... a- T.nnAvillA la n n xnerienced
LCI 111. ..
firefighter, having served three years
as a member of the paid department of
Dubuque, la., and three years a chief
,u- nlblnann V T1 rlenartment. be-
UL WlV ... ., .
fore coming to this city, about 12 years
Beaverton Cut-orf Rushed.
REAVHRTON. Or.. Dec. 28. (Special.)
The Southern Pacific Company has the
trolley wires strung on the cutott irom
the East Portland carshops to this
place. The steam line Is being elec
trified in the best possible manner,
and when completed will be the beet
electric system in the state. When
electrified the Southern Pacific Com
pany will make two electric carliaea
running through Beaverton.
Oregon "C" Professor to Aid.
SALEM, Or., Dec. 28. (Special.)
Profesfior Richard H. Dearborn, of the
University" of Oregon faculty, has been
named as utilities engineer to assist
in the working out of the Malarkey
public utilities bill and the Railroai
Commission has designated W. C.
Earle, now engineer for the Commis
son, as chief engineer, the appoint
ments to take effect January 1.