10 THE SUNDAY OEJOMA5. FOKTLAXD, DECEMBER 8, 1913.- iiii tore if t: ill It Will Pay m "IT T ' J X 1 ISL Monday' f or , Xraas G Hoiisefiiriiisli Let your gifts this Christmas be useful, practical things, that will add to one's comfort gifts that will be appreciated for a long time to come. This store will help you givesuch' things by showing you many useful articles and offering helpful suggestions. A. visit herji will do more than we can possibly tell you.. .Come Monday and see the good things in store for you. Fifth at Alder In the Heart of the Business District The new store wijl be ready to receive you Mon day and take care of your wants with dispatch and to your entire satisfaction. Every, article which we advertise will be found to be as repre "sented and all purchases made now will be held for Christmas delivery. In offering you the im mense bargains shown here in first-class Furni ture we wish to impress upon your mind that we want your business and are willing to let you profit by our wish during the holidays. REMEMBER, WE WANT TO SEE YOU MONDAY! WE WILL MAKE IT WORTH 4 YOUR TIME fusnfheBuifon amUest" -V nr 1 kino; (THE. -PUS ft BUTTON. Specially Priced for Monday Only The Royal Morris Chair here shown em bodies all that can be had in such a chair. Built along beautiful lines, with the best quarter-sawed oak frame on the market, with the push button on the arm" for low ering or raising the back and having the sliding footrest, which slides back out of sight when not in use, it is the IDEAL present for anyone. 1 The mechanism is ' fully guaranteed. .Can be had in leather, , imitation or velour upholstering. . Leather s Upholstered, regular price tf O J J? f $35; on sale Monday at J)4SS0S Imitation leather; regular, price $30.00 .Tn;;J!rodry..........$i9.50 IT' WWW? FOOT REST JLIDrS BACK OUT OF 4IQHT jftgy&fffest Chairs V THE PUSH BUTTON KIND" The store will be opeir at 8 A. :M. and until 6 P. M. Ave will be mighty busy. If you .want to. get your share of the bar gains you had better be here at 8 o'clock. . , You Can't Beat This In offering this high-class quarter-awed oak Rocker to the Christmas buyers of Port land we do so with the idea of - having you see what immense bargains may' be had at this store. This rockier is uphol stered in the very best grade of genuine leather, has extra wide rockers and is made to sell at a much higher price than we ask on Monday. For Monday only or until sold out, we offer this $15 " rocker at the low price of .......... $8.65 Extra pecia for Moiidayyaii'd esday This Is a Special You Can't Afford to Miss Put the old bed up in the attic or give it away, if necessary, for you cannot -afford to keep it when you can get a new one like this for such little money. Did you ever " see the beat of it? Just think we are not going to limit the sale of this fine Bed to Monday alone, but just take a tip right here, you better get yours Monday, for there may not be any left by Tuesday morning. - m n n ii bb . w; C You Cannot Dupli- THREE-QUARTERS OR FULL SIZE IRON BED. 2-inch continuous posts, five fillers; "a massive and splendid looking Bed. Enameled in white, cream or Vernis Martin. Any other time this Bed would cost you $13.50. Monday and Tuesday $7.95 New Method Gas Ranges sJThe New Method Gas Range shown here with is the one you have heard so much about. The reason is this: It actually saves you money. The difference in the size of the openings in the New Method Stamped Steel'Burner and the old method -burners is the real cause of this. On this account the NEW METHOD STAMPED STEEL BURNER consumes three and one-half times as much air and over 25 per cent less gas than any other burner for the same amount of heat produced." A complete line of these ranges is carried in stock, ranging . v From $ 16.50 to $57.50 In offering the bargains which this store .has for you now and - during the entire holidays, wa do so with the idea of giving the people of Portland and sur rounding vicinity the chance to make this the happiest Christ--mas they have ever had by being able to give gifts of value with out much cost. Visit this great store on Monday and ' see for yourself the wonderful savings to' be had in every department. GEU Credit Accounts Solicited The "Eclipse" Steel Ranges We have handled the "ECLIPSE " STEEL RANGE for the .past twenty years and when we tell you that it has given satisfaction wherever used we hardly put it strong enough. For a quick-heating and fuel-saving range it has no equal and with the other feat ures embodied in this splendid range we can guarantee it to the limit. The .' body is of cold rolled Wellsville steel with triple outside walls lined with heavy asbestos mill board incased in two sheets of heaviest steel. . The oven is braced with steel strips, thus pre venting buckling or warping. - The range is trimmed in the best nickel and ' will not tarnish. We absolutely guar-' - antee every "Eclipse" Range we sell and can furnish them From $40 Up FIFTH AT ALDER IN THE HEART OF THE BUSINESS DISTRICT Credit Accounts Solicited