STRIKE FUNDS ARE We Are Ready to Serve Yon Now With Bigger and Broader Stocks-Your Every Want Has Been Anticipated at This GreatPopnlar Underpriced Store-All Mail Orders Are Carefully Attended To TOPIC OF INQUIRY $1.00 a Yard For choice of Yard-Wide Black Pail lette de Soie, Black Peau de Cygne and Black Chiffon Taffetas; also yard wide Swiss Taffetas in plain shades and changeable effects; yard-wide Swiss solid colors. Silks of the finest quality especially low priced for this sale at $1.00 yard. . $2.00 a Yard For 42-ineh Crepe Meteor; one of the season's finest and most popular Silks, in a light weight, of very soft weave and brilliant finish; cream, black and best shades for evening gowns; also 42-inch Satin Charmeuse, a firmly women Silk of velvet finish. No such values elsewhere at $2.00 yd. Cross-Examination Directed to Contention Violence Was Being Fostered. , .-..virfti:- The Most In Value, The Best In Quality NEW YORK FUND $10,000 1'J Municipal School and Corporation Bonds Official Writes to McN'amara Cou- opming Damage Caused by "High Wind" to Bridge Says let ter Was in Good Faith. INDIANAPOLIS. Pec. 7. Funds con tributed by the International Associa tion of Bridge and Structural Iron Workers to sustain Its strike against open shop Iron and steel contractors, whicfr- was begun in 1905 and which still continues, were investigated In the cross-examination of witnesses by the Government in the dynamite con spiracy trial today. The Government charges that money was contributed to promote violence, out of which grew - the McNamara dynamite plots. Patrick F. Farrell, of New York, former member of the union executive board, testified that $10,000 was con tributed to the New York district coun cil of Iron workers on account of a strike there, but he denied it was used for Improper purposes. Organizers Require Money. Asked about a letter to John J. Mc Namara, In which, referring to or ganizers, he said, rit takes gooO, hard cash to push them along." Farrell re plied he meant only that the men re quired pay for the work. On February 3. 1908. a drawbridge in construction for the City of New York in Pelham fell Into the bay because some of the supporting guys had been removed. The next day Farrell wrote to McNamara: "I Inclose a newspaper clipping about what the high winds did last night." The witness said he understood the wind had blown the structure down. Two depredations and one explosion occurred on structural work in and around .New Tork in the following April, but Farrell asserted he knew nothing as to the cause. Knowledge of Dynamitlne Denied. "As an official of the International Union, did you ever appropriate money Sot buying nitroglycerin or dynamite, or did you know .McNamara was en gaged in dynamiting?" asked Senator John W. Kern for the defense on re direct examination. "I never heard of it until McNamara was arrested." Andrew J. Gallagher, member of the Board of Supervisors of San Francisco, who was secretary of a committee ap pointed in connection with the Cali fornia Building Trades Council to unionize trades In Los Angeles, testified that he received 115,000. from the iron workers through Olaf A. .Tveitmoe, a defendant, and altogether from other sources he received $19,000 " through Tveitmoe. After the Los Angeles Times building was blown up, Gallagher said he sent Eugene A. Clancy, another de fendant, to Eastern cities to solicit for the fund. Money Sen to Defense Fond. "Was any part of that strike fund used to defend the McNamaras in Los Angeles?" asked District Attorney Miller. "About $1000 was lent to the defense fund, but later it was returned,"- said Gallagher. Other witnesses had testified that when Clancy came East, after the Los Angeles explosion, he met James B. McNamara hi Chicago, when the latter was in hiding and a fugitive on charges of murder, and that Tveitmoe met John J. McNamara in a labor con vention in St. Louis and asked that other explosions be caused in Los An geles, as result of which Ortie E. McManigal caused an explosion in an iron works in Los Angeles in Decem ber, 1910. FAKE SANTAS UNDER BAN Kansas City Bars Men Masquerading in St. Jflck's Garb. KANSAS CITY, Dec 7. To protect the happy illusions of the city's chil dren, the police of Kansas City, Kan., today ordered that Santa Claus must stay off the streets there. "The practice of stores sending out men dressed out in Santa Claus regalia has become obnoxious," said Judge Car lisle, of the Municipal Court, today. "Besides, children whose parents never could afford to buy 'them expensive toys, would meet Santa Claus on the street and shake bis hand and request that he deliver a great number of toys at their homes. , ' " "Sure, I'll bring them to you,' the obliging Santa would say, but when Christmas morning came there would be only disappointment." NIHILIST IS TURNED BACK Hunchback Dwarf Recognized as No torious Anarchist. SAX FRANCISCO. Dec. 7. Recog nized as an annrchist of international notoriety. Edward Lagzbin, a hunch back, three feet tall, will be deported on the strength of information re ceived here today from Washington. Lagzbin arrived here a fortnight ago from the Orient. Because of his in firmity he was detained as likely to be come a dependent and a record of his case with his description was sent to Washington. It was found to tally wfth a circular furnished to the Immi gration officers of New Tork by the Russian government. Lagzbin was sentenced to Siberia, as a- Nihilist conspirator, but escaped and the Russian government sent out an international warning. j WITHERSP00N HALL AFIRE i Dormitory Where Wood row Wilson Once Lived Is Threatened. PRINCETON. N. J., Dec. .7. Fire, whifeh for a time threatened the whole of w,thersPon Hall, one of the uni versity's largest dormitories, was dis covered early today In a suite occu pied! by M. M. Dickson, of Washington, D. Ci and M. M. Critchlow, of Salt Lake City, I both members ol the senior class. Yielding from 4V4 to 634 Bond Department MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY Sixth and Washington Streets. Bina's Toy TRAINS are perfect reproductions in miniature of REAL IKAIWa They Work Mechanically and EectricaUy. Ask your dealer or write to JOHN BING, 381 Fourth Ave., New York City Take No SubmtHuta The damagre amounted to .about $1500. Tririont-Alert Wilson roomed - in Witherspoon Hall during his under graduate days. T. B. GETS COLOJTED HAS 11 AXD.WTLSOX GETS TWO KLECTOKAL VOTES. Figures Will Bo Made Official as Soon as Los Angeles County Re turns Are Audited. SACRAMENTO, Cal., Dec. 7. Roose velt carried California by 174 votes, al though he will have but 11 of the state's 13 electoral votes. The other two wrll- be cast for Wilson. These fleures are final but will not be made official till the returns from Los Angeles County have been formally audited by Secretary . of State Jordan. Jordan announced today that he would certify the result to the Governor im mediately upon the completion or tnat audit next week. The Roosevelt plurality is based on the totals of the two electoral candi dates receiving the highest vote. They were: A. J. Wallace (Rep.), 283,610; Thomas Griffin (Dem.), 283,436. Griffin ran 785 votes ahead of R. . Delvalle, the other Democrat elected, who. In turn, was but tnree votes De hind Ralph Bull, the llth successful Republican. The high man of the two defeated Republicans ran 57 votes be hind Delvalle. . Wilson Carries Ohio by 146,086. , nrT TTTLfTJTTG n Tr 7 The official vote of Ohio on President, completed In the Secretary of State's office today, shows that Wilson carried the state over Taft by 146,086. The vote: Wil son 423,152, Taft 277.066, Roosevelt 229.327, Chafln 11.459, Debs 89.930. Laces of Rare Beauty That fastidious friend for whom you seek something really exclusive as a gift surely she'd be pleased with one of the pieces of hand - made lace shown in our de partment devoted ex clusively to the sale of hand-made goods. Im ported Madeira Embroid'd Lunch Sets Lace Bedspreads Handmade Neckpieces Embroidered Baby Things Laces by the Yard. Atiyeh Bros. The Oriental Rug Store, TENTH AND" ALDER STS. MAN'IN"ll KIRAL. HOME T-l r T- - lamp r KLL to try In your home IS days. Incandescent 300 candle power. Gives better light than gas, electricity, acetylene or 15 or dinary lamp at one-tenth the cost- For homes, stores, halls and churches. Burns common gasoline. Absolutely safe. COSTS 1 CENT 1KB NIGHT. Guaranteed & years. No wick. No chimney. No m a n t I trouble. No dirt. No smoke. No odor. A perfect light for every purpose. Take advantage of our 15-day FRE-3 TRIAL offer. Writ today. FACTOB1 H W MANNING LIGHTING SUPPLY CO. 63 "-4 Sixth. Street. . Pkon Main t3i Portland, Or. $6.50 . . giMAIllij 5:30PM- JlpOB. For Every Member of the Family 74mm' Great Crowds of Christmas Shoppers Are Coming Now! . -t-1 ji 1 J " T A.nii.i'n cr nxmi'TT A 1 TT tvll 1 . Hint Check the things you want on this list and bring it with you. Every department is busy now and growing more so ev eiy day, lnch means w n, pffoXto fill this store with the BEST in Christmas merchandise are appreciated by our store friends throughout the t 5 SSS? w off ei a ve?v inportantluggestion for your benefit as well as ours? Don't Delay Your Christmas Shopping! TherTtrJ'reasZ Zlyltls tc &?TaX and make your selections from our stocks at once Perhaps-the most -im-iSt feSrwfSvISd ery part of our building with beautiful gift things, the very choicest must necessarily go to those who SJfeS. Dwu have ZSded upon what you are going to give. You can iec Me once when you come here-inspired by the great sight of the great showing of acceptable articles. . uez xnese uema gu i jjxuvc , , r Santa Clans9 H'dquirters A Main Floor Doll and Toy Department In Domestic Aisle . The greatest and most beau tiful line of Toys and Dolls, Books and Games we have ever offered. Everything to make the hearts of the chil dren glad on Christmas morning is here. Don't put off your Doll and Toy buy ing until the last minute. Buy while assortments ' are complete. A small deposit will hold, for future deliv ery, any or as many articles as you might select. 13-inch Kid Body OC Dolls at , "Baby Mine" Unbreakable Dolls, small, at only .AOC "Baby Mine" Un- Cflr breakable Dolls at r.,yuC 15 inch Kid Body Cfl Tnlls nt OvC 17-inch Kid Body Dolls, hip joint. . Large Character QQ TVlls n. -OZPC 19-inch Kid Body Dolls at . . ... . 75c $1.00 Most Attractive Gifts for en Are Mere Pay a visit to our popular Men's Section and see how very completely we've anticipated your holiday wants. Here you'll find complete assort ments of appropriate gift things, such as" any man or boy would appre ciate Ties, Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Bath Robes, Smoking Jackets, Socks, Shirts and a Hundred orner tnings, an at aurauuveiy iu Boys' Ruff-Neck Sweaters, $1.98 A fine line of Boys' Ruff -Neck Sweaters, shown in the popular style with two pockets. They are guaranteed all wool. They come in all sizes in oxford, gray and red and are considerably underpriced. Fancy Suspenders, $1 Kind at 69t Suspender Sets Consisting of one pair of Suspenders, one pair of Arm Bands and one pair of Gar ters, made of fine silk elastic and put up in a fancy holiday box. A large assortment to choose (2Qf from- reg. $1 kind at V7 50c Suspenders, 29 Special showing and sale of Men's Fancy Suspenders, made of the finest silk lisle elastic, in neat col orings. Each pair in a fancy holi- dav box. Best oOc kind priced at 29c Men's Ruff-Neck Sweaters, $3.98 Men's High-Grade Ruff -Neck Sweaters, guaranteed all wool, are neatly finished and that fit perfect ly. They have two pockets and come in all sizes in oxford, gray and red. Extra fine values at price. Silk Mufflers, $2 Kind at $1.15 A Splendid Gift A fine Brocaded Silk Muffler. These are shown in many neat patterns in cream, black and white. They are extra large and are made of soft, durable silk. Regular $2 kind priced d 1 1 C for this sale at .... P 1 1 10c Handkerchiefs, 8 Men's Linen-Finished Handker chiefs of good size and quality, shown with hemstitched edge or with embroidered initial corner. The kind always sold at 10c, O priced for this sale at OC Men's $1.50 Standard Make Kid Gloves at $1.15 Pair A Xmas Sale of Sweaters For women and young ladies new styles in plain and fancy weaves. $5.00, $6.00, $7.00 grades, tf6 QO priced at pJ.70 The assortment includes all the best styles in plain or fancy weaves, made with or without belt. They come with high or V-shaped neck or with sailor collars and are shown in the wanted colors. All sizes. At the same price we offer a splendid lot of Blazer Sweaters in red and blue and white stripes; also black and red stripes. You have choice of $5.00, $6,00 and $7.00 tf 6 values at .. pO.I70 Children's Sweaters, $1.75 grade, priced di on at only . . . . .V A A fine lot of Children's All Wool!' Sweaters, shown in good styles with Byron or sailor collar. They come in plain or fancy weaves and in all sizes in red, white and gray. The kind regularly sold at $1.75, d1 OQ priced this sale. . Sale Fine Xmas Silks Never were Silks prettier or lower priced than in this great annual sale. "No such Silk values else where" is the way several customers put it the past week, and that must be the general opinion, for we are doing the biggest Silk business of the whole year. Surely Here Is Christmas Silk Headquarters. 75c Crepe de Chines at 50t Yard A special lot of fine pure silk Crepe de Chines, shown in rich bordered and Bulgarian striped effects in pretty colorings; beautiful Silks especially adapted for scarfs and holiday novelties. ROc Best 75c quality at vrv Drapery and Kimono Silks Priced at 50 a Yard 30-inch Drapery and Kimono Silks, shown in an un limited assortment of beautiful rich floral effects; also Chinese, Japanese and Egyptian designs; many exclusive patterns shown here for the first time. It is an assortment from which all may be suited. Women's Silk Hose The finest of Full-Fashioned Silk Stockings in shades of tan, red, lavender, gray, black, white, etc. All sizes; best $1.50 quality, at $ 1 1 9 the pair ......... pxi Each pair put up in a Fancy Holiday Box Hark back in memory and try to recall the woman who wasn't delighted with a Christmas gift of Hosiery. We'll gladly exchange if the size or shade is not right. Tell her so on the card that you enclose in the pretty Christmas box we give with the Hosiery. Why not select from this underpriced lot? : Women's Pure Silk Hose, made full fashioned and with lisle sole, high-spliced heel and elastic garter top. They come in shades of tan, red, gray, laven der, etc., as well as black and white. All sizes and the best $1.50 quality, priced for this 1 1 Q sale at, the pair - Infants' 65c Silk Stockings at 48t A very fine line of Infants' Pure Silk Stockings, made with double silk heel and toe. All sizes from 4 to 64, . shown in shades of pink and blue and in black and white. The kind always sold at '. O. ?rz nii. t-vt-i1 -fn-f liia coIa . . ' w Very Attractive Christmas Showing of Dainty Neckw'r Handkerchiefs, Scarfs and Fancy Ribbons Among the really practical gifts, none is more acceptable than a Handsome Neckpiece. And what an assortment we have and at what ridic ulously low prices! Come early for choice of these dainty, stylish wearables. The assortment includes Bows, plain and beaded; Fancy Stocks, Medici Collars, the popular Robespierre Collar, Jabots, etc. Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular 35c Neckwear, special at each 25 50c Neckwear, special at each 35 75c Neckwear, special at each. .,. .48 85c Neckwear, special at each. . . .65t $1.00 Neckwear, special at each. . .75t $1.15 Neckwear, special at each. . .89 $1.25 Neckwear, special at each. . .98 $1.50 Neckwear, special at each. $1.19 $1.75 Neckwear, special at each. $1.25 $2.00 Neckwear, special at each. $1.48 $2.25 Neckpieces, special at each $1.75 $2.50 Neckpieces, special at each $1.98 $3.00 Neckpieces, special at each $2.25 $3.50 Neckpieces, special at each $2.48 Christmas Handkerchiefs The latest and most beautiful assort ment in the city; displayed so well you can tell at a glance just which box you wish. These specials for tomorrow: Regular 10c kind, emb., spl. ea. . . . .5t Regular 15c kind, emb., spl. ea .9 Regular 25c kind, emb., spl. ea 18t Regular 35c kind, emb., spl. ea 23f Regular 50c kind, emb., spl. ea. .,. .35t? All-Linen Handkerchiefs and imitation Armenian lace edge; 25c kind, special at, each . . . . . . 18 All-Linen Handkerchiefs edged with hand-made Armenian lace; 75c kind, special at, each 48 All-Linen Handkerchiefs, embroidered, orlcrprl wifh band-made Armenian lace: 85c values, special each ., 65 Handkerchiefs of Shamrock lawn edged with imitation Armenian lace; 20c kind, special each 12 Great Sale Holiday Scarfs Handsome Seco Silk Scarfs, shown both plain and fancy; best values at $1; special each 39 Scarfs of. beaded and metal chiffon, all colors; also Silk Scarfs, all shades; val ues to $1.75, each , .98 Scarfs of chiffon cloth, Liberty silk and crepe de chine, in plain and fancy Dres den patterns; values to $4.50; ea.$1.98 Fancy Ribbons Specially Priced Fey. Ribbons, best grade to 30c, at 15 Fey. Ribbons, best grade to 35c, at 19? Fey. Ribbons, best grade to 65c, at 33 ) l ' . i . ' - '