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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1912)
;. AID SOCIETY MAKES PLEA FOR HOMES FOR 78 DEPENDENT BOYS AND GIRLS Crowded Condition of Portland Institution Prompts Appeal For Financial Support and Donations of Food, Clothing and Useful Articles From Philanthropical Citizens of State. j, 1 A J r y -cl ;.wpww . v . , , "v. -:: .'j is"si "mmm iisfiiii. 's iss-tr''-i) -'"'T --"-"- """m '-mi m iniiHi inn ' - iimihms X--- r j , V ' ii ' - t -f n ' r 'YM iff i,r iy fe? r ii ill '-H P A;. -J ??sig2ZZ 'mssrPr nr?! THE Boys and Girls' Aid Society asks the aid of Its friends and le friends of dependant children to donate something- towards its sup port this Thanksgiving. This society for the last 27 years has conducted a big work throughout the entire state for dependent children. It receives such children from all parts of Oregon and rares for them until suitable homes or employment Is found, and continues systematic attention to their condition and treatment. In order to prosecute Its work, vis iting agents are continually traveling either visiting children placed in homes under contract, or Investigating casea of reported neglect and abuse. The number of children received has been greater the past six months than ever in the history of the organisation. During the month of October the so ciety received 65 children and placed 44 in family homes. Its work is known throughout the state. Homes for 78 Sought. There are 78 children on hand at the receiving home at this time about evenly divided between the sexes. Children for placement range from seven to IS years. A group of boys and girls now ready for placement is published with this article and persons who would like to take a boy or girl for adoption or to keep until they be come of age under an agreement that they shall be properly schooled, clothed and cared for should make ap plication to the superintendent at the receiving home. East Twenty-ninth and Irving streets. The Institution is partly supported by state and county aid, the interest of an endowment fund and voluntary con tributions and this is the time of year that the greater part of the latter is collected. The society solicits dona tions of cash, groceries, provisions of any kind, canned fruits, and, in fact, anything and everything that can be Sunday Services in City Ckurches BAPTIST. Pint, White Temple, Twelfth and Taylor street Kv. w. B. Hlnson, putor. 10, Bible school, ciauea for all ages. Dr. Hln son's addreas to-the alerts; ll, preaching by the pastor: theme, "Christ at Hie Death"; 6:1 J. B. T. P. C, led by Mis Merle Wooddy: subject, "Missions"; 7:30, preaching by the pastor; theme, "The Lost Christ"; baptism. East Forty-fifth street Rev. A. B. Walts, pastor 11, preaching by the pastor; theme. "Where Is God?"; 7:30, preaching by the pastor: theme, "The Steps of a Good Man"; :4J, Sunday school; :SO. B. T. P. U. Highland Rev. Charles Button Elliott, pastor. 11, preaching by the pastor; theme, "Was Jesos, David's Son. Our Lord t": 7:30, preaching by the pastor; theme, "Christ Become Sin for Us"; Sunday school, S:45; B. Y. P. :S0. Arleta Rev. D. M. McPhall, pastor. 1 1. preaching by the pastor; theme, "The Song of Mary"; :16. B. Y. P. TJ.: 7:30, "America tor Christ": Sunday school. 10. Tabernacle Rev. Robert Gray, pastor. 11. preaching by the pastor; theme, "Where Are the Nine?"; 7:43. preaching by the pastor; theme. "Saved as by Fire"; Sunday school. 9:45; young people's meeting, 6:15. Third Rev. Webley J. Beaven, pastor, will preach in the morning at 11 on "The chris tian's Debt' to His Country." and at 7:30 on "Short-Weight Souls"; Bible school. 9.45; B. Y. P. IT- 8:30. Calvary, East Eighth and Grant streets Rev. I. N. Monroe, pastor. 11, preaching by the pastor, theme, "What Is Your Crown I" 7:80. preaching by the pastor; ' theme. "The Besetting God"; Sunday school. 10; B. Y. P- U. 8:30. Iramanael, Second and Meade streets Sunday school, 10; preaching, 11, by Rev. A. E. Patch; subject, "The First Mission ary. His ideals and Ours." Grace.' Monlarllla Rev. H. T. Cash, pas tor. Sunday school. tt:3; services, ll and t; B. Y. P. U.. 7. University Park Rev. A. C. Saiton, pas tor. Sunday school 10; 11, preaching D7 11 .Si ht't- "vl. 1 ifejggagag Jfrr. o used in the household. Parties resid ing in Portland who wish to contribute should notify the office by calling East 5 or B 1404. Instltntloa Is Crowded. People residing outside of Portland will deliver their donations to the rail road agent or the Bteamboat landings and they will be carried free by the different companies running Into Port land. The society is governed" by a general board of directors, consisting of the following prominent citizens: AV. B. Gilbert, Judge of the United States Cir cuit Court of Appeals, president; F. E. Beach, president Pacific Fire Insur ance Company, secretary: J. C Ains- worth, president of the United States National Bank, treasurer; C. E. Wol verton. Judge of the United States Dis the pastor; 6:30, B. Y. P. U.; 7:30, preach ing by the pastor. St Johns Rev. H. P. Cheney, pastor. 11 preaching by the pastor; 8, services. Italian Mission, 614 Front street Rev. F. Sannella, missionary. Preaching, 2; Sunday school. 3. Lents Rev. J. M. -Nelson, pastor. 10. Sunday school; 11, services; 6:30, B. Y. P. U; 7:30. services. Mount Olivet. Seventh and Everett streets Rev. W. A. Magett, pastor. Services, 11 and 8; Sunday school. 12:80. Chinese Mission, 833 Burnslde street Sun day school. 7; J. G. Maione. superintendent. Sunnyslde (German), Forty-first street and Hawthorne avenue Sunday school. 9:45; Conrad Wyss, superintendent. Swedish, Fifteenth and Boyt streets Rev. Frederic Llndeen, pastor. Sunday school, 12: B. Y. "P. U- 6:15. Seilwood. Eleventh street and Tacoma avenue Rev. F. H. Hayes, pastor. Preach ing. 11 and 7:30; Sunday school. 10; B. Y. P. IT- 6:30. Russellville Schoolhouse, under auaploes of Grace Church, Montavllls, Sunday, school, 2:15. First German, Fourth and Mill streets Rev. J. Kratx, pastor. Services, 11 and 7:30; 8unday school, 9:45. Second German, Morris street and Rodney avenue Rev. Frederick Buerrman, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45; preaching, 11 and 7:80; B. Y. P. C 6:45. CATHOLIC. St. Michael's (Italian), Fourth and Mill streets Jesuit Fatners. Low mass, 8; high mass and sermon, 10:30; vespers and bene diction, 7:30. St. Marys Pro-Cathedral Fifteenth and Davis streets Most Rev. A. Christie, D. D. Low mass, 6. 8 and 9; high mass and ser mon, 11 ; vespers, instruction and benedic tion. 7:45. Ascension, East Seventy-sixth and East Morrison streets Rev. James B. Fitspatrick. rector. Low mass. S; high mass and sermon, 10:30; Sunday school. 9:30; benediction of THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAK. PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 24, 191&. ' 1 9 'fST1! S&pwdr, &?3mr A?ra' trict' Court, chairman of the executive committee; Robert S. Farrell, commis sion merchant, member of executive committee: Mrs. Levi White, William F. Woodward, secretary and- treasurer of Woodard -Clarke Company, chair mtr. of the finance committee: Robert 8. Bean, Judge of United States Dis trict Court; F. I. Fuller, vice-president of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company; -Rev. T. L. Eliot. D. D., honorary member. Mrs. C. R. Tern pleton and Mrs. Charles Basey, ladles' auxiliary. W. T. Gardner, superintend ent and executive officer of the society, under the direction of the board of trustees, receives all donations and answers all correspondence. I The crowded condition of the institu tion makes It imperative that all aid possible should be given at this time of the year. the blessed sacrament, 7:30; weekdays mass. 6:30. I Immaculate Heart of Mary, Williams ave- ' ue ana Stanton street Rev. W. A. Daly. Low mass. 6. 8 and 9; high mass and ser mon, 10:80; vespers and benediction, 7?30. St. Francis, East Twelfth street between Fine and Oak Rev. Father Black. Low mass. 8; high mass and sermon, 10:30; ves pers. Instruction and benediction. 7:30. St. Andrew's. East Ninth and Alberta streets Rev. Thomas Klernan. Low mass, 8; high mass and sermon, 10; vespers, in struction and benediction, 7:30. Holy Rosary. East Third and Clackamas streets Very Rev. H. H. Kelly, O. P. Low mass 6, 7, 8 and 9; high mass and sermon, 11; vespers and benediction, 7:30. Holy Cross, University Park Rev. 'c. R. Flnner. Low mass, 8:30; high mass and sermon, 10:30; vespers and benediction, 4. St Lawrencei corner Third and Sherman streets Rev. J. C. Hughea Low mass. 6, 8 and 9; high mass and sermon, 10:30; ves pers, instruction and benediction. 7:80. CONGREGATIONAL First Park and Madison Rev. L. R. Dy ott. minister. 9:50, Bible school: 11 and 7:45, "Selah A Thanksgiving- Message"; evening, "When the Light Is Turned On." Highland, East Sixth and Prescott Rev. B. S. Bollinger, pastor. 10, Sunday school; 11 and 7:80, "The Church God Can Use''; 6:80. Y. P. S. C E. University Park, Haven street near Lom bard Rev. W. C. Kantner, pastor. 11, "On the Jericho Way"; 10. Sunday school; 6:80, Y. P.XS. C. E. ; 7:80. "For Brass. Gold." Atkinson Memorial, East Twenty-ninth and Everett Rev. F. W. Gorman, pastor. Sun day school, 9:45; Christian Endeavor, 6:45; 1L "Gold and Silver"; . 7:45, "How the Wicked Grow." Sunnyslde, East Thirty-second and Tay lor Rev. J. J. Staub, pastor. 11, "When Christ Failed to Answer"; 7:80, sacred con cert; Sunday school, 10; Christian En deavor. 6:15. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. First, Everett between Eighteenth, audi Nineteenth streets Services. 11 and : sub ject of lesson sermon, "bout ana nous . Sunday school, 12:16 to 1:15; Wednesday evening meeting, 6. Second. Woodmen's Hall, East Sixth and East Alder streets Services, 11 ana a. sub ject of lesson sermon, "Soul and Body Sunday school, 11; Wednesday evening tes timonial service. 8. Third. Ellers Recital Hall, Seventh and Alder streets Services. 11; subject of les son sermon, "Soul and Body"; Sunday schoo. at close of morning servloe; Wednesday evening meeting at 8. . CHRISTIAN. Met and Salmon. Rev. a -E, u.BVin. no tnr. Services. 11 and .o " innici " a Lost World," "A Spirit of Thanksgiving": Sunday school. 10 Christian Endeavor, 6:30. DISCTPLES OP CHRIST. nantral. East Twentieth and Salmon -..,. D.r a tj Hawkins. Daetor. Serv ices. 11 and 7':80; topics. "Saving a Lost World" and "A Spirit of Thanksgiving ; , Sunday school. 10; Christian Endeavor, 6:80. Yr-, . xr, mnA OolnTniln streets Rev. W. F. Heagor, minister. Preaching at 11 by the pastor: suDjeci, w portunlty for Christ": 7:45, musical pro gramme; 6:80. Christian Endeavor: 9:45, Sunday school. iT-i,.. inr.rin-ran!h. Hoyt and Eight eenth streets North Rev. Ellas GJerdlns. ppetor. Preaching, 11 and7:30: morning subject. -L.nconBc-iou wii . .-.... Ions and Obedience" ; Tuesday, 8, young peo ple's meeting. ' v EPISCOPAL. ' , Trinity. Nineteenth and Everett streets Rev. A. A Morrison, rector. oorxuw , and 7:30; Bunaay scuuo-. - St Michael's and All Angels', Thirty -i w .i, -Rrnadwav Rev. T. F. Bowen, Rl East Forty-second , street I" charge. Morning service. 11; Sunday school. 10; .nlm service at 7:30. All Saints'. Twenty-flfth and Savier streets Rev R. IS. itemington, rwior. juurmiis service, 11; Sunday schuoi. 9:30. No evening Church of Our Savior, Woodstock avenne and Forty-first street eouineasi hit. a. n. Clark In charge. Regular services. 8 and ll. Good Shepherd. Graham and Vancouver avenues Rev. jonn uawson, rector sun day school. 9:45; morning service, 11; even in. service. 7:30. ' at Mark's. Twenty-first and Marshall streets Rev. J. E. H. Simpson, rector. 7:B0, h.i, -nrharist: 9:45. Sunday school; 10:15, matins and litany; 1L holy eucharlst; even song, 7:30. Pro-Cathedral of St Stephen the Martyr, Thirteenth and Clay streets Rev. H. M. rm.v vicar. Holy communion. 7:30; Sun day school, 10; morning service, 11; service for Colored people, o; evcnins prayer, I .ou, Rt. Paul's Woodmere Rev. Oswald W. Taylor, rector. Sunday school, 8; evening prayer and sermon, 4. St. David's, East Twelfth and Belmont streets Rev. H. R. Talbott. rector. Holy eucharlst. 7:30; Sunday school, 9:45; morn- ins- nraver 11; celebration oi noiy eucnanst, the first Sunday of the month; evening prayer, 8 St Andrews, Portsmouth Rev. Archdea con Chambers in charge. Bunaay scnooi, 10; evening service, 7:80. Grace Memorial, Weidler and East Seven teenth streets North Rev. George B. Van Waters, rector; Rev. Oswald - W. Taylor vicar. Holy communion, 8; Sunday school. 10; morning prayer and sermon, 11; evening service, S. St. John's, Mllwaukle Rev. T. F. Bowen In charge. Services and sermon. 3. . Bishop Morris Memorial Chapel Good Sa maritan Hospital Rev. W. R, Powell, chap lain. Services, S. St Matthew. Bancroft and Corbett Rev. W. M. A Breck In charge. Sunday school. 10 A. M. ; services and sermon. 11 A. 2a. FRIENDS. West Piedmont. Bortbwlck and Jessup streets Rev. T. J. Coburn, pastor. Preach ing. 11 and 7:30: Bible school, 10; Y. P. S. C. E., 6:45; prayer meeting Thursday, 7:80. LUTHERAN. St Paul's German. East Twelfth and Clinton Rev. A. Krause, pastor. Sunday school, 9:80: services 10:30 and 7:30; con flrmation classes Tuesday and Friday, 4 Bible lesson and young people's meeting Thursday, 8. United Norwegian, 45 North Fourteenth Rev. D. Larsen, pastor. Services 11 and 7:30; Sunday school, 10; Vernon branch, Sunday school, 9:80; Lents branch, 3. St. James English, West Park and Jef ferson Rev. J. A. Leas, pastor. Services 11; 8. "An Evening In the Temple." Sunday school, 10; Luther League, 7. German Evangelical Zlon (Missouri Sy nod), Salmon and Chapman streets Servi ces, 10:35 and 7:45; Sunday school, 9:15; H. H. Kopplemann, pastor. METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Patton. Alberta and Michigan Rev. G. F. Hopkins, pastor. Sunday school, 10; Ep worth League, 6:80; It "American Needs"; 7:30, "The Bible Its Own Vindicator." Centenary, East Ninth and Pine Rev. D. H. Trimble, minister. 11, "The Thankful Heart"; 7:80, "Profanity"; Sunday-school, 9:45; Epworth League, 6:30. , Woodlawn, East Tenth and Highland Rev. Louis Thomas, pastor. Sunday school, 10; 1L 'The Responsibility of the Strong"; E. L., 6:45; 7:30, "Heart Music"; prayer service Thursday evening. Central, Vancouver avenue and Fargo Rev. C. C. Rarlck. pastor. Sunday school, 9:45; 11, "The Christian's Princely Charac ter"; 7:30, "Newspapers; the Portland News and the Y. M. C. A."; class meeting, 12:15; Epworth League, 6:30; mid-week service Thursday, 7:45. First Third and Taylor Dr. Benjamin Young, pastor. 9:30, classes; 10:30. "Evi dences of the Kingdom"; 12:15, Sunday school; 6:30, Epworth League; 7:30, "The will to Believe." Anabel, Fifty-sixth street and Thirty-sev enth avenue, 8. E. Rev. R. N. McLean, minister. 11, "The Lost - Cities"; Sunday school, 9:45; Junior C. E.. 8; Christian En deavor, 6:45; 7:45, 'A Creed Which Works." Clinton Kelly Memorial, Fortieth and Powell Valley Road Rev. C. O. McCulloch, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45; preaching, 11 and 7:30; class meeting, 12; Junior league. 8; Epworth League, 6:30; morning, "The Pres ence of God in the Individual Life"; even ing, "The Sin of Unthankfulness." Sunnyslde, East Thirty-fifth and Tim- hill Rev. W. H. Fry. pastor. 9:50. Sundav school; 11, "Christ and the Christian"; 6:15, Epworth League; 7:30. "The Scorn of Con sequence." Mount Tabor, Sixty-first and East Stark Rev. C. L Hamilton, pastor. Sunday school. 9:45; morning worship, 11; 6:30, Epworth League; 7:30. "Mutual Encouragement" Trinity, 368 Hemlock street, Ladd's Ad dition, Rev. Charles T. Mcpherson, pastor Services. 11 and 7:30: M. C. Reed will speak at the morning service; Sunday school, 10; fvvu'i-a ijraiu o;o. ( PRESBYTERIAN. Hawthorne Park, East Twelfth and Tay lor Rev. E. N. Allen, minister. 10:80, "A ravored Nation"; 12, Sunday school; 6:30, Y. P. S. C. E. ; 7:30, Stereoptlcon lecture on the holy land. ' Calvary, Eleventh and Clay Rev. T. H. Walker, minister. 10:30, "The Wave-Sheaf of the Harvest"; 7:45, "Praise the Lord": Bible school, 12- C. &., 6:45. Divine Truth Center, chapel Selllna-Hlrsch cunning Kev. t. M. Mlnard. pastor. Serv ices, 11; Ruth B. Ridges, of Minneapolis, speaaer. Kenilworth. East Thirtv-fourth anil niad stone avenue. Rev.' L. K. Richardson, pas tor Bible achool, 9:45; services, 11, "A 'lnanKsglvmg Message"; 7:45, "Thanks giving tor Home Missions"; Y. P. 8. C. E., 6:45. . Piedmont Services, 11, "The Lost Book"; 7:30, "Counting Our Blessings." RKFOK0IED. . First German Rev. G. Hafner, pastor. Services, 10:45 and 8; Sunday school, 9:30; Christian Endeavor Society, 7. UNITED BRETHREN. First, East Fifteenth and Morrison streets Rev. Charles L. Williams, pastor. 10, Sunday school; 11 and 7:30, Evangelist B, G. Sumerlln; 6:30, christian Endeavor. . Second. Alberta, Twenty-seventh and Sum ner streets Rev. J.- w. Sprecher. pastor. 10, Sunday school: 11. Dr. P. O. Bonebrake: 6:30, Christian Endeavor; 7:30, "Winning or tne Oregon country," by the Christian Endeavor. Third, South Mount Tabor Rev. C P. Blanchard, pastor. 10, Sunday school: 11. "Unity in Making Our Country God's Coun try"; 6:30. Christian Endeavor; 7:80! Dr. P. O. Bonebrake. . " Fourth, Tremont Rev. J. E. Conner, pas tor. 10, Sunday school; 11 and 7:30, prayer. UNIvERSALIST. ' Church of the Good Tidings, Broadway and East Twenty-fourth street Worship with sermon, 10:45 and 7:45; morning ser mon, "How to Build a Soul: the Way to Use Your Thought Forces"; evening topic, "Taking Notice: How to Find the Right Girl or Boy to Go With"; Sunday school. 12; Young People's Christian Union meet ing, 6:30: subject, "Thanksgiving": leader. Miss M. Ford. UNITED EVANGELICAL First Ladd Traot, Rev. C. C. Poling, pas tor. Services, 11. "The Victory of Faith"; 7:30, "Our influence"; Sundty School, 10; Christian Endeavor, 6:80. United Evangelical, Ockley Green, corner Gay street and Willamette Boulevard Rev. J. Bowersox, pastor. 11 and 7:30, "Giving Thanks to God"; Sunday school, 10; K. L C. E., 6:30. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN. Church of the Stranger. Grand avenue and Wasco Bev. 6. E. Su Bols, pastor. 10:30,. HUNTING MECCA OF MOLALLA TRIBE MAY BECOME BIG PLEASURE RESORT Hubbard Has Two Claims to Distinction, in Wolf er Mineral Spring and Growth of Onion Sets Which Are Shipped to All Parts of United States and Canada. lisil if V usni ill Ml Hiil linti'-'Si &&tx!AJ jjjj IN ADDITION to being one of the most charming- sections of the "Wil lamette Valley, the region of Hub bard has two particular claims to dis tinction. - - -. " It Is the home of the old Wolfer min eral spring and the place where the onion sets come from. , In the days of the Indian the mineral spring was a mecca for the red man. and its waters were called Into use to relieve members of the Molalla tribe from all ills of the flesh. When the pioneers came to that section of the valley they did much of their bunting close to the spring, because of the Im mense amount of game whlcn came there to drink. William Hubbard the First, on moonlight nights, was wont to take his pick of the herds of deer. "The Keenest Disappointment"; 7:80, "When Ho Was Baptized." First, sixth and Montgomery Rev. F. D. Findley, minister. Bible school, 9:45; preach ing. 11, "The Beautiful Grace of Gratitude." C. E-, 6130; 7:30, sermon. UNITARIAN. :. Church of Our Father. Seventh and Yam hill streets Rev. T. L Eliot, D. D., minis ter emeritus; Rev. W. G. Eliot, minister. Services. 11 and 7:45; morning. "A New Epoch for the Doctrine of Redemption"; evening, "The Mind at Play"; Sunday school at 9:45; Y. P. F. at 6:80. Y. M. C. A. r-1. LanKi.tlAii Rlvth nnrl Tavlnr streets. R. R. Perkins, religious work director . mA m ft A'lnlr will Vl (1 - dressed by James Ossewaard. chaplain of Vancouver Barracks, on the subject "Where Shall We Go T There will be special music. MISCELLANEOUS. Theosophical Society. 40S.Eilers building 8, "Life in the Higher Worlds": meetings Tuesday and Saturday, 2:30 to 4:30. Temnle of Truth, Ellers building Lecture at 8, "Reducing the Cost of Living," by p. J. Green, minister; class Tuesday,. 8. Christian Yoga, Seiling-Hirsch building; 2:30, subject, "Cosmic Consciousness"; class in metaphysics, Thursday. 8. Evangelical Association, East Sixth and Market Rev. F. B. Culver, pastor. Sunday school, 10; preaching. 11 and 7:30; Young People's Alliance, B:o; subjects. turning Away From God" and The Man God Is Seeking." ' - International Bible Students Association, Oddfellows' Hall. East Sixth and Alder 1:80, Berean Bible lesson; 2:45, praise and testimony meeting; 3:15, discourse, "The Day of Preparation"; services 10:30 and 2. Thurs day; Seilwood services In Wall's Hall, Thir teenth and Lexington avenues; Berean Bible lesson, 7:49. Interdenominational, Church of Jesus, 182 Russell, near Kerby Mrs. Isabel Kelley, pas tor. S, "Our Vision"; Sunday school, 4. Divine Truth Chapel. Belllng-Hirsch build ing. West Park and Washington, Rev. T. M. Mlnard, pastor. Services. 11, Ruth B. pirlrcis. of Minneapolis, speaker. - BIOGRAPHY. Bebel Bebel's reminiscences. 1911. - Denlson Brief record ; being selections from letters and other writings. 1871. Mitchel A mutilated life story; strange fragments of an autobiography; sketches of experiences as a nurse and doctor in an Af rican hospital and in the American West. 1911. Pops The autobiography of a working woman. BOOKS IN FOREIGN LANGUAGES. Heer Blane tage; wanderfahrten. Hirschberg Mobllerte zimmer. Kretzer (Die) buchhalterin; roman. Mollhausen (Der) fahrmann am Kana dlan; roman von Balduln Mollhausen. . Mollhausen Dm mllllonen; roman von Balduln Mollhausen. ScbaumLurg Da 1st heimat roman Paul pseud. Schrelner Kvinden og arbeltdet SudermannJ(Der) katsensteg. DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL. Christian Eastern Paelflo lands; Tahiti and the Marquesas Islands. 1910. ' Little Gleanings from 50 years in China 1810. Ponafidlns Life In the Moslem East. 1911. Rhys The South Wales coast from Chep stow to Averystyth. 1911. Vincent Historical research; an outline of theory and prluctice. 191L Wooden Year with the Gaekwar of Bar oda. 191L FICTION. Adams The test. Blackmore The maid of Sker. Hyne Adventures of Captain Kettle. PINE ARTS. Batchelder Wings of Mignonette; an en tertainment for children In two acta 1905. Bowlo On the laws of Japanese painting: Books Added to Library and stories 4ire still told of the large number of game trails which led from all directions of the valley and con centrated around the Iron-stained waters of this great gusher. . Beavers worked Industriously in the waters of Deer Creek, largely supplied by this mineral spring, and after these dambuilders had caused deep ponds to back up behind their obstructions, the preachers used the pools to baptise con verted Blnners. Old-timers of Hubbard assert that more people have bad their sins washed away In the waters from Wolfer"s spring than In any other body of water In Marlon County. No one be lieves that the medicated waters were of any material aid to the ministers of the gospel In accomplishing this result This year there will be from 15 to 20 carloads of onion sets shipped from an introduction of the study of the art of Japan. 1911. Dlllmont Crochet work. n. d. Dlllmont Cross stitch; new designs, n. a. Flelsher Flelsher's knitting and crochet ing manual. Ed. 9. 1911. Gardner Dramatic reader; the land of makebelleve, a world for little actors. 191L Havell The Ideals of Indian art. 1911. Hind Watteau, Bonoher and the French engravers and etchers of the earlier 18th century. 1911. Holder The fishes of the Paelflo Coast; a handbook for sportsmen and tourists. 3 912. Humboldt 20th century exercises. 1909. KellogK Merry Xmasl a farce in two scenes. 1910. Kraus The principles and practice of linear perspective developed along original lines, being a practical tiandbook for archi tects, etc. 1001. Lincoln The festival book: May day pas time and the May pole; dances, revels and musical games for the playground, school and college. 1912. Wood Compositions, n. d. Wyse Fifty Japanese stencils, with de scriptive letter press. 1911. HISTORY. Fletchei- Making of Western Europe. 1912. Grade The truth about Chlckamauga. 1911- Mathews A history of New Testament times in Palestine. Rev. ed. 1910. Walton Conrad Weiser and the Indian policy of colonial Pennsylvania. 1410. "LITERATURE. Alden Readings in English prose of the 18th century. 1911. Farrai" Social and present-day questions. 1903. Graves Welsh poetry old and new; in Eng. cerse. 1912. Le Gallienne Orestes; a tragedy. 1910. Realf Poems; with a memoir by R. J. Hlnton, 898. ROYALTY TO GO VISITING Four European Courts to Entertain King George and Queen Mary. . LONDON, Nov. 23. (Special.) The visits of state to some of the European rulers which King George and Queen i Mary were to have paid in the early part of this year, but which were post poned on account of the great coal strike, are to take place in the Spring of next year. Three, if not four, eountries will be visited, and the programmes are al ready under consideration. It is ex pected that France will be the first to welcome their majesties, and the visit will last nearly a week. ' The King and Queen will stay at the British Embassy in the Faubourg St. Honore, which the Ambassador will va cate for the time being. Special fetes will be held In Paris, and a state ban quet will be given by the President at' the Elysee. Arrangements are also being made for the fdrthcoming state visits to the English court of at least two foreign rulers. One of these will be the King of Denmark, who will be accompanied by his consort. The visit is to take place In June, and the visitors will be received at Windsor Castle. HOLY SEE IS DISPLEASED Portuguese Clergy Who Accept Sti pends of State Censured. LISBON, Nov. 23. (Special.) The Portuguese clergy have received the long expected official communication from the Vatican regarding the law of separation of church and state and the stipends offered by the state. The Holy See absolutely condemns the law of separation and the stipends offered to the clergy, and praises all priests who have refused the stipends and censures those who have accepted them. the Hubbard station onion plants grown on the beaverdam land In the vicinity of the spring. These shipments go to all parts of the United States and Canada. Now that the Portland, Eugene & Eastern main electric line will pass this old spring, there is talk around the village of Hubbard that a great sanitarium, hotel and pleasure ground are to be established shortly. The Wolfer spring flows more than 100 gal lons of water a minute, and it Is said to greatly resemble the water of Carls bad. Germany. Anyway, the hotel will be "soapless." The user of this water does not require soap to cleanse his hands. The resort would be only 45 minutes' ride from Portland and in one of the most delightful forests yet stand ing In the big valley The law is declard to be offensive to the religious sentiments of Roman Catholics. The Pope does not excommunicato or apply any penalty to the priests cen sured, as those feared, but Instructs them to place themselves at the dis posal of their respective Portuguese Bishops, who will Judge them accord ing to circumstances. In Mem or lam. (Mrs. Mary A Hoben.) Oft she has calmed and cheered the sad And bade each one forget the wrong. She's passed the portals and found peace White life's to us a broken song. And lost to us amidst our grief Is all Its glad, sweet harmony. She's found the Joys, the "Blessed Life," In Heaven's sweetest melody. And thro' the mists of waiting years Life seems to us a great abyss. We'll see again her smiling face. She'll welcome us to realms of bliss. JUNE M'MILLAN ORDWAY. There are some rich men take th money they get from their shack ten ants in the slums and build large, fine stables for their horses to live in. SUFFERED TORMENT ECZEMA For Many Years. On Thih. Al on Scalp. Awful Itching Skin. Could Not Sleep. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Completely Curecf, Lebanon. O. "My ecsema started on my thigh with a small pimple. It also cam on my scalp. It began to Itch and I began to scratch. For eighteen or twenty years I could not tell what I passed through with that awful 1 toning. I would scratch until the blood would soak through my underwear, and I could n't talk to my friends oa the street but I would be dig ging and punching that spot, until I was very much ashamed. The Itching was so intense I could not sleep after once In bod and warm. I certainly suffered torment with that eczema for many years. ' I chased after everything I ever heard of; all to no avail. I saw the advertisement for Cuticura Soap and Ointment and sent for a sample. Imagine my delight when I applied the first dose to that awful Itching fire on my leg and scalp. In less than a minute the Itching on both, places ceased. I got some more Cuticura Soap and Oint ment. After the second day I never had another itching spell, and Cuticura Soap and Ointment completely cured me. I was troubled with awful dandruff all over my scalp. The Cuticura Soap has cured that trouble." (Signed) L. R. Fink, Jan. 22. 1612. Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment an sold throughout the world. Liberal sample of each mailed free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Ad dress post-card "Cuticura, Dept. T, Boston." 49-Tender-faced men should use Cuticura Soap Shaving Stick. 26c. Sample free. WITH 0- 107.5v