13 THE BUITOAY OKEGOXIAN, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 24, 1913. HHP WANTED MALE. SALESMEN who are real salesmen can make more money selling for u than can be earned In any other proposition now be lore the public. iiivniM wraftera and chalrwarmers not wanted, but clean, upright men. ambitious to succeed, will una genuine cs-iitruuu and liberal commission. CHARLES H. LEHMAN, 603 Corbett Bids- LOG scaler, cedar and fir. good wages. Carriage rider, $2.70. Lumber-yard truck teamster, 9 2. 23. rr,nr S.'IO R and R. Married man on farm. $50 and free house. Many others. New orders daily. Office open Sundays also; S A. M. to P. M. PACTFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY, 223 and 224 Couch su bet. 1st and -a. onv --nrH- hricht. energetic, amoltious. well-educated boy. with a natural love for education and machinery, who is wll.lng to work four years at smaii wage . order to matter a trade worth 5. .5 a day; no one using profanity or cigarettes want ed; give age ana aauress -uljhhj, ..., Oregonian. WANTED Coatmaker. first class. Apply R. E. Hayward. onnwest oiag. HELP WANTED I'EHALK. LIPMAN. WOLFE ft CO.. want experienced saleswomen In all departments. Perma nent positions, good silary. Apply at superintendent's office. Seventh floor, be- tweea b:ju ana au a- -ox. WANTED Competent stenographer and office assistant. Address X 662, Oregonian. risn r.iRi Ji AND WRAPPERS wanted by the Meier A Frank Store. Apply before 1:30 A- M., superintendents oftlce. WANTED at once, capable motherly Chris tian wrman or mother and daughter as companion and housekeeper for Invalid; excellent home for the right one. Tabor 424. COOK and waitress. S65; 2 waitresses (out), $30; ranch cook. 880: checker. 40; fam ily cook. $40; chambermaid, $3.1. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 345 Vfc Wash. St.. room 7. WANTED To furnish room to responsible party for care of baby evenings after 7 P. M. Mar. 279a VanGordon Hotel; call after 11 A. M. KLIABLE girl to work In delicatessen and luncb; must be experienced. Call after 11 A. M-, prepared for work; good wages. 382 8d. corner Montgomery. WANTED Live salesmen for live proposition- experience unnecessary; liberal com-mlss'lons- Call Timber Townaite Co.. 507- 8-9 Northwest blag. LADY wanted, willing to go to a modern town of 5000 In Washington state, take charge of rooming-bouse. Address AD 679, Oregonian. CATHOLIC Women's League can place sev eral girls In good homes to do general housework. 125 4th St., or call M. 2401 alter I" a. m. m WANTED School girl to work for room, board and car fare; nice home. Phone Woodlawn 79 or A 4627. SENSIBLE, practical woman for permanent position with reliable business firm; ex perience unnecessary. P 607. Oregonian. COMPETENT spleswomen. thoroughly ex perienced in dress trimmings. Roberts Bros.. 3d and Morrison. WAIST finishers, only experienced apply: come prepared. Apprentices wanted. 434 Morrison. GIRL, or woman to assist in general house work, $14 and board and room. ;;28 E. S2d. LADY cook- and dishwasher wanted at once. 2t North 23d. Th White Deli catessen. 3 VCllXG ladles of extra good appearance to reptesant established firm; personai Interview only. 3u0 Hotel Renwlck, 8 la i WANTED A lady to cook In small hotel for her and her husband's room and board. Phone Sellwood 2120. GIRL, for cooking and general housework; good wages. 075 Brasee St., lrvington. Phone East 40SJ. - AT ONCE Ladies for dramatle perform ance: experience not necessary. Apply 2b7 Yamhill, room 5. 50 WOMEN. Oregon Packing Co., E. 6th and Belmont its. Canning apples, work begins Tuesday. November 26, 7 A. M. . WANTED First-class coat and waist fin ishers. Mrs. A. D. Dilcnburn, 40t Fiied ner bids. GIRL for general housework; three in fam ily, so children; must be good cook, bol Hancock st. Phone C 101S. GIRL for general housework. Call or tele phone Monday, Mrs. H. C. Ewlng. 600 Knott St. Phone C 2062. EXPERIENCED hosiery and underwear saleswomen wanted at Shanahan's. Third St., bet. Morrison and Alder. WANTED Young married Japanese woman for general housework. 485 E. 20th N. Broadway or Irvlngton car. WANTED Girl to assist with general house work. 682 Schuyler st. Phone EJluS4. NEAT yeung girl for housework, no cook ing, family of three, ml Weidler. (STRONG woman for email bnardlng-aoue, no cooking. 1298 Macadam il GIRL tor general housework; references. 145 North 18th st- 6EVERAL Indies to handle our Christmas offer. Studio De Luxe, Eilera bldg. WAN TED Girl. general house, ork. no washing. Take B car. 774 Hancock at. GiKL for general housework; small family; good wages. 5S6 Tillamook. GIRL for cooking and general housework. 618 East 2tith Nor'h. East 11 52. HOME of Feminaid Co.. SIS Dekura bldg. Represented vea wanted; lucrative position. GIRL wanted for general housework. 845 East 37th. Call mornings. MAN and wife to board, where wife can as sist a few houra a day tp pay. East S45Q. GIRL for general housework. 692 Hancock at., Irvlngton. GIP.L for general housework, 4 adults, good waKea. Phone Tabor 1027. WAITRESS wanted; must be quick; 6 hours. 872 N. 17th su The Sterling. GIRL for waitress, Ruseell-St, Restaurant. 141 Russell st. STENOGRAPHER can have Kood office cheap, pay with work. 620 Henry bldg. SCHOOLGIRL or woman, a good home for help with work. Tabor 2217. WANTED Girl for general housework, small famiily. Telephone Woodlawn 2oi0. EXPERIENCED Sellwood 147S. woman for housework- PANTS finishers, steady work good wages. McDonald ft Colletts. SS1- 3d St., upstairs. VEST finishers. McDonald ft Colletts. Good wages, steady work. SSVj 3d St.. upstairs. SCHOOL girl for company, nse of piano. 809 '- Mississippi ave. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. 271 E. 9th. Irvlngton car. GIRL for general housework: small family. 8s Clackamas; take Broadway car. WANTED Girl for general housework. 181 E. 16th st. Phones E 1393, B 2175. WANTED Waist and skirt help. Call Sun tiey from 12 till 2. Teesdale. 148 13th SL APPRENTICE wanted for dressmaking and ladles' tailoring. 143 H 11th st. WANTED Reliable girl for housework, small family; references. 864 E. 7th N. EXPERIENCED stenographer. 41 Front at. EXPERIENCED body rroner. Palace Steam Laundry. E. 10th and Everett. VOCAL lu-sons given In exchange for aew Ir.g AM 613. Oregonian. GIRL wanted for housework on farm. In quire at Belvedere Hotel. MIDDLE-AGED lady for housekeeper; small wages. X 56", Oregonian. WANTED Apprentice girl in Milwaukie Tall-r Shop. MilwauKie. ur. GIRL for housework in small fami'.y. 580 6th St., cor. Grant. OFFICE rirl wanted. 421 Stark. GIRL for dining-room work. 367 N. l&Ut. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED TOUNO LADIES FOR TELB PHONE OPERATING, WITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE: PAID WHILE LEARNING. APPLY AT THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE ft TELEGRAPH COM PANY fEAST OFFICE). COR 6TH AND EAST ANKENY 8TP.EBTS. OR MAIN OFFICE. WEST PARK AND ALDER. TELEPHONE EAST SSO. , WANTED A comDetent girl to act as bead waitress In the dining-room of a private family hotel. Applications will be re ceived In writing from those only who are capable In every way to hanaie a nrst- class position. T oi-, uregonian. YOUNG woman for- phonograph parlors wanted at once. One experienced In the demonstration and sale of Victor-Victrols and Columbia Grafonola records. Apply at superintendent's office, 6th floor. The aleler & frank store. . WANTED MONDAY. Cook for hotel. $4V. . Cook for country hotel, $3r.. Waitress tout of city), $30. Waitresses .city), $25. General housework. $15 to $30. Other goud positions? PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., Ladles' Dept. 2U51 Moirlson. i'ntv AtUiiicipai Department or Public eafety lor louna women, i'Jt ajcrrnani? iiuji hMf.. will he rlmi to rive advice or as sistance to any woman or girl who may be In need, interviews are connaent'ai -cent in cases demanding criminal action. Office hours 8:30 to 5. Mrs. L. G Bald win. Fupt. WANTED Middle-aged woman or Jap to care 4-rm. bachelor apt. ana cook ainner daily; must be good, economical, plain cook. neat and rellned, ftrs. 4 to t r.u. pun. dinner 1:30 P.M. Must give references; wages $15 per mo., good opportunity .'or day work. AS 610. ureronian. WANTED Girl for -eneral housework In small fumlly. Must oe neat and a goca rm.lc. Excellent home for the rlffht girl. Prefer a country girl. Salary $20.06 per month, paid promptly at ena oi muiiui. -Apply to K out, uregonian. lady vour localltv. to sell famous "Knit top petticoats, guaranteed. to u dally; experience unnecessary, whole or part time; every woman buys; exclusive territory; Dig cnristmas. wiuicr iwim, Spelman ft Co., Chicago. TRAVELER to employ women to sell Amer. lean uueen corsets, best corset, ueai mruis, liberal salary, expense allowance, extra commission, bonus; permanent pomuun. American Corset Company, desk 114, Chi cago WANTED Girl to work In dry goods and notion department, one living on East side preferred. Apply Monaay morning Frumberg's, corner Beacon and Milwau- kie. rl K Domestic bervlce Bureau. 3o6 Centra' b'dg.. receives dally calls from the bes: of homes for competent, reliable glris for general housework, cooks, second woric snd nurse maids. WANTED Six young ladles, between 18 and 2d years old. to take up ompiome-si work; positions are nign graae ana worn Is very agreeable; salary good. Call 807 hpaifling bldg. ,V ANTED Girl about ::5 years old for house work in privaie family where 0 sick peo ple are kept; $35 per month; no washing, must be fcood cook; Swedish preferred. 1254 East Morrison, cor. 4-a. SALESLADIES at once, 3 bright, capahle ladies to travel, demonstrate ana sen aeai- ere. 23 to $50 per -week ; K. it. rare paia. Goodrich Drug Ca. 1308-10 Harney St., Omnha. Neb. WANTED Middle-aged or elderly woman to cook and keep nouse on tarm tor bachelor and one or two 'hired men. May bring child for company. AV 418, Oiego- nlan. WANTED Lady bookkeeper for steady pus ltton. Give references ana previous -Derienco. Salary $10.00 per week. AB 554, Oregonian. I.ArtIF.3 who are eeekine- a hich-class re muuerative business proposition address Simplex Co., 7S7 Market St., tan ran CISCO. wiVTP.n lnJlc' to lake ud manicuring from $10 to $3o per week easily made; send 2c atAmp lur proposition. ibiix.a. KORQLIUNON, M Aa AKiVi I Ji.. fv. I. WANTED A woman about 40 years old for cook; please call at room 506 Gerlinger building on Monday, 1 to 5 P. M. Phone at same hours, juain no. uwu puanwn. HOL6tKEEPEa for working couple, one child attending kindergarten; no washing, a good home and $15 a month. 1217 Cora ave.. wooastock car. WANTED Girl to assist in hotel office, who can play the piano and play It well. AT 6S2. Oresonlan. ' pxptRirxc RD cutter and fitter, also help ers: only those occustomed to first-class work need apply. ZOVW i in t. WANTED Penned, carable woman for re sponsible position. Viavi Co.. 609 Roth child nldg., 4th and Wasnlngton. MRS HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. Washington bldg.. 270 u, Washington St. near 4th. Phone Main 8s3ti or A 3266. GIRL "wanted, about 15. work for board and room, light work, good home. 674 Sherrelt st. sellwood car. A GOOD, reliable girl or woman for general housework; three In family. Call or write M re. W. H. Goold. Milwaume. WANTED Competent maid for general housework; wages $33. Inquire 661 Kear ney st. wanted First-class demonstrator on cereals In Portland, give references, state age and experience, av eui. uregonian. SCHOOL girl to-help with housework for room, board and small wages. Main 8108, A 3108. WOMAN to assist and care for elderly gen tleman, moderate wages. K0 N. 22d st. II El P WANTEH ml.P. OK 1KMM.'. IMMEDIATELY Steady home workers; postoard work; no experience; $15 weekly; no canvassing: strictly legitimate; stamp for samples. Northwestern Novelty Co., Chicago PUBLIC accountant has opening for refined, intelligent lady or gentleman In nice og fice who wishes to learn accounting; no wages until competent. M 5S0. Oregonian. FISK Teachers' Agency secures positions for teachers. 816 Journal bldg M 4835. KKT.P WANTEP MISCELLANEOUS. SHORTHAND teacher would like a few pri vate students for evening class, will give young lady room and instruction very rea sonable AB553, Oregonian. LADIES, make shields, home, $10 100; work sent prepaid to reliable women; particu lars for stamped addressed envelope. Eu-r-ka Co., Dept. 97B, Kalamazoo, Mich. INTERNATIONAL corresponaenca Scnoo.s headquarters 152 Sd St. (near Morrison' ' Onen evenings. . Personal assistance glvsa students. Phone Main 4048. WANTED 9 young women, high school edu cation, to train as nurses. Nesbitt's Sanatorium. 610 Lovejoy at. MKN and women to learn the barber trade in 8 weeks: position guaranteed. Oregon Barber College, 233 Madison st. LERN to operate moving picture; full course taught, secure positions. 4U4 Roth chlld bldg. 4th and Washington sta. Maiie: money writing short stories er for newspapers: big pay: free booklet tel'.s how. United press Fynd. D 3. San Fran'co. ELITE-PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE Shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping. 842 Hamllto- bldg. Marshall 451. WANTED Young man to learn barbel trade: sttady: union shop. Call 832 Miss issippi ave- city. JJE detective, earn $100 to $300 month; travel over the world. Write National De tective Service, Los Angeles. CaL WANTED Picture-play writ Ts; big pay we'll teach you; free Information. Picture Play Association. D 3. San Francisco. E. B. U. quickly speeds stenographers, any system, and places In good positions. 630 Worcester block. Marshall 2761. STUDY law. New classes now forming. Portland Law School. 631 Worcester blk. EN wanted, to learn automobile repairing and driving. Pacific Garage, 266 11th si. Fi'S girls to learn business 400 Dekura blcg. Sanitary Beauty Parlors SHORTHAND typewriting school. 269 14th st Mam :t9'l. Expert Instruction $5 mo. WANTED MEN TO LEARN MOVING PIC TURE OPERATING. LAEMMLE. $33 OAK. GIRLS, learn beauty parlor work; evening daat also. 613 Roth child bldg. HJiLP WANTED MISf KLLANEOta. FREB. FREE. FREE. Learn moving picture operating; we give jour first lesson free to convince you that we have finest equipped and only real scnool on the pacific Coast; we give you a thorough course in repairing, oper ating, electric wiring; we employ compe tent Instructors; our graduates are em ployed at the principal theaters through out the United Stales. COMPLETE COURSE $59. . (Tola week only.) Call and Inspect our fine school before making arrangements elsewhere; we guar antee to teacn you right; lessons reason able, easy terms. NEW I0EK MOVING-PICTURE EX CHANGE. Headquarters 62tVk Wasnlngton, near 17th. Downtown office fiu$ Buchanan Bldg. IF YOU could be taught In three days to perform pleasant and very profitable work - that wit! keep you out of doors in agree able surroundings, without a dollar cost to you. would you call at room 380 Mult nomah Hotel for five minutes, between 1 and 4 Sunday and 9 to 11 find 3 to 4 Monday? IF YOU could learn, bookkeeping so as to open a new set of books, run them and close them ,ln three lessons In three days, would you not like to learn bookkeeping? You can do so. Room 880 Multnomah Ho tel, Sunday, I to 6; Monday, 9 to 12 1 to 5. SONG POEMS WANTED. Fortunes are being made by popular song writers. It la possible you have writ ten, or can write, a lyric or melody. We correct manuscripts, words and music furnish music for words and words for music. Send in your manuscripts at once. WORDS AND MUSIC ASSOCIATION. 00 Yeon bldg. DON'T BE MISLED. The rieht wav to learn to be a motion- picture operator la in the lamp house of theater. WE TEACH YOU THAT Wil and are making a special pride of $25 for the next two weeks. NORTHWESTERN FILM COMPAXT, 600 Yeon Bldg. WANTED Young men and ladles to learn telegraphy, shorthand and typewriting; we prepare you for good positions; Southern Pacific main line wires. Telefrrapaers earn $75 to $100 per month. Day and night school. Call or write Pacific Coast Telegraph Institute. CpmmoQweallb build ing, Portland, Or. - LOCOMOTIVE FIREMEN AND BRAKE MEN for nearby railroads $80 to 8100 monthly; age Is to 35; experience unnec-ess-iry; no strike; promotion to engineer, conductor; railroad employing headquar ters; no charge for assistance to employ ment, stale age, send stamp for applica tion Railway Assoeiation. Oregonian. MEN wanted; operating taught by exper ienced electrician and chief operator; 20tb century methods; actual practice and training given In a motion picture thea ter; best reference. Rex Moving Picture Operator School, 804 Alisky bldg.. 3d and Morrison. . LEARN automobile repairing, driving, on up-to-date cars; electric, civil engineer ing, aurveylng; methods most practical: room and board while learning; positions secured; satisfaction guaranteed: cata logue free. National School of Engineer ing, 2110 West 7th, Los Angeles. SALESMEN No experience required; earn wniie learning; writs toaay list nuuurcua positions open nayina iiuoo to eouvu year; address nearest office, dept. 46d, National Salesmen's Training Association, Chicago. New York, Kansas City, Seattle, New Or leans, Toronto. 100 METN and worn nto learn the barber trade In eight weeks, In all its modern methods: send for catalogue, tools free. learn a trade that you can get In business for yourself, idoier Barber college, ao is 4th st. WE TEACH VOW A TRADE In .sw month! time: nay wages after second month-; elec tricity, automobiles, ptumblng, bricxia inc.; 100 satistted workmen today; 40 Jou. going, catalogue free. United Trade Schoo Contracting Co., Los Angelos. OREGON AUTO SCHOOL, 66-68 11th St.. cor. Jefferson. Practical Instruction In repairing and driving automobiles; tuition reasonable; part cash or enrollment, balance at time or graauatlon; ws assist to positions. TRAVELING salesmen: experience unneces sary; earn while you learn; hundreds of good positions now open. Write for par ticulars. Bradslreet system, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED. MAN to learn to operate movlug-plcturs ma- VJlllieo. Cajr IllPluc n 01 iv. cuvil liuuia ROSE CITY MOVING-PICTURE CO- 602 Buchanan bldg., Wash., be I. 4 and 6. MANAGERS, executives, salesmen, half hour a day s application to Sheldon a Instruc tion will save you time, energy, worry ana expense. i05 bpaiaing Diag., r'ortiana. aiarenaii 1 1 n. HERE'S your opportunity to make $200 . monthly: spare time; no matter where yoi live; no canvassing; guarantee free book let will snow you now. tu itogers. Dept. Alt, .Boston. Mass. . . LEARN to speak and read German this Wlnler; Interesting courses under former Berlin University student, for beginners and advanced students. Tristan Holer, loo2 Cleveland ave. c 0244. 1 v li-L siart you earning $4 daily at home in spare time, slivering mirrors; no capital, flee instructive booklet, giving plans of operation, u. jr. tteamona, uepu otf, Bos ton, Mass. WOMEN Start fascinating home business tinting postcards! pictures, etc., spare time; many make $12 weekly; no canvass ing; samples 10c: particulars free. Artint. u ?3l, idu Mannattan, rsew xora. AN old operator will Instruct a few pupils in toiegrapny, Morse or wireless. can evenings, Mr. Parsons, Hoosler Hotel. Front and Jefferson. STENOGRAPHERS In demand, commercial. civil service position; good salary, bright future. Free tuition offer now. Shorthand Reporting Co.. desk 14, Indianapolis, Ind. RAILWAY mail and P. O. clerks examina tion soon; also Custom-House. Salary up to $1800. Prepare. Free book. Pacific States Srhooi. McKay bldg., Portland. Or. SHOW-CARD WRITING TAUGHT. Will take 4 students for 3 months' night course In shop. Majestic card feign Co., Majestic Theater bldg. RAILWAY mail clerks. $90 month: Fort land examinations coming soon; coacning free. Franklin inatuuto, jjepu iuuw Rochester. N. Y. HAVE had ten years' experience and have. made gooa in tne man oraer ousiness; began with $5. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hcacock, 6287 Lockport, N. Y. LADIES, make supporters, $12 100; no can vassing, material lurnisnea; stampea en velope for particulars. Wabash Supply Co.. desk 0, AiuwauKie, wis. WANTED 2 men to learn driving and re pairing autos. Call at Madison garage. 1111 Hawthorne ave.. East Side. hlTL'ATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. SITUATION wanted with Investment; by man of experience In accounting ana or fice managemeut, as secretary or treasurer of good, going corporation which needs a moderate amount of additional capital, but more particularly a live, energetic man to handle the flnauces. John P. Voight, 121 80. Harvey ave.. Oak Park, 111. POSITION as bookkeeper, timekeeper or accounting, 10 years experience; can give best of reference; young married man with family: must nave work. Phone Woodlawn 2867. BOOKKEEPER, accountant, auditor, office manager, creait man, experieneea in wholesale, retail and manufacturing lines; consider anything in or out of city. X 561. Oregonian. YOUNG man stenographer and office man. good eaucauon, unaeraianna oooKKeeuing, experienced, wants position; good local recommendations. Low salary If perma nent position. AS 639, Oregonian. WILL AUDIT. OPEN. CLOSE OR WRITS up books, prepare balance ana state ments. Install systems. Gllllnghsm. au ditor. 512 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717. POSITION desired with good reliable firm by young man, inorcugniy conversant wiin accounting, bookkeeping, advertising and general secretary work. A 53, Oregonian. MARRIED man desires position as Dooa keeper; 11 years uiforiBiica wuu win wholesale firm; best "wf references. 60S, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER-BOOKKEEPER. thor ough Oliice man, guou currespunueni aiiu penmen, age SO, desires position; highest references. Address Allen, Main 1323. b'i ENOGRAPKER, experienced, well rec- ommenaea aesires empiuymeau maraiiuu 2136. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper desires perma nent position; 40 yeara Bsvonwivn, un Jectlon If out of city, it 656. oregonian. HIGHLY competent stenographer and book keeper will accept uiuuciftiv iu Immediate work, phone Marshall 659. AN experienced stenographer with a knowl edge OI OOOKKeeping aesires pusmuu, can furnish references. H 655, Oregonian YOUNG man stenographer wishes to enter real estate oirice. ih lunmn type writer, small salary. G 073, Oregonian. POSITION, by experienced grocery clerk and -show cara writer, witn reiereuees. Phone East 4$7 er Ai 67$, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. tlf-Tetiaoeoa MAN and wife want work together; man A-l cook -waiter or manager: wife wait ress, pantry or cook's helper; hotel, res taurant, camp, ranch or boat we have no children and will go anywhere; 15 years experience; beet references. Call or address W. H. Fuhrman. room 7, The Dei aware, 2014, Grand ave. autjE. Burnaide MANUFACTURES Does your business Je- raana the services of a tnorougn ana com petent accountant and at the same time not warrant the expense. I wish to m&k-. connections with a comoanv In Portland or vicinity, where I can devote a part of my time to tne aales department; 4 yeara road experience; satisfactory references. AJJ oio, uregonian. YOUNG man with exceptional ability and experience wants position as traveling salesman; only legitimate concerns neeo apply; can furnish best of references. Answer. AF 644, Oregonian, or phone Marshall 2 two. HOTEL MANAGER, who la absolutely COll versant with every detail of American and European hotel: prominent on the Pa- cllio uoast; nas gooa commercial xouvw ing; will be open for engagement: Jan. L Address Manager, A V 400, uregonian. DESK ROOM wanted bv a nubile stenograph er where he would be assured some work and good opportunity for aollclting other work 11 immeaiate vicinity, a &. ure gonian. POSITION as city traveling salesman; thor ouehlv exnerieneed. first-class reference can secure the highest results attainable from given line of merchandise, w 00a, Oregonian. ' WANTED Position bv comDetent chauffeur- mechanic. 32 years old, married, sober and Industrious, three years' experience In Portland; good references. A 066, Ore gonian. POSITION wanted as auto driver; private preferred. ..Have driven my own cars for 2 years. Age SO, married, uan ao own repairing. Address J. B. Newman, 600 W. 8th st., Vancouver, Wash. YOUNG man. married, 10 years' experience as clerk and manager, general merchan dise, understands all lines, good refer ence, wanta position out of city. Address Stark. 3W stn st., poniana. ciij WANTED Position by U. S. Navy electri cian, first-class; recent honorable dis charge: 2d term of service. E 600, Ore gonian. MAN, many years' experience in designing and Improving machinery and methods of doing work, wants position. t-none lumbia 344. THOROUGHLY reliable, competent, sober man. middle-aged, desires situation at night watchman in good establishment AV 854, Oregonian. SINGLE man. 27 years of age. college legal education, wishes to learn business Salary secondary consideration. AB 655, Oregon Ian. CIVIL engineering graduate, ten years' ex perience various engineering lines, desires position, small capital if required; ref- ferences. Y 559, Oregonlam STATIONARY engineer wants position in office building, hotel or apartment; can handle anything; reference. AG 577. Ore gonian. WANTED Position as manager or steward in, medium hotel, eouutry, miaoie-agea, experienced, trustworthy and capable. 1 569. Oregonian. CONTRACT Experienced loggers would like to take contract. Failing ana oucmng. aj d.j, Oregonian. . CHEF or first-class cook wants situation; sober and economical; good references: steady and reliable. W. J. Smith. 181 6th St. Phone A 44S0. EXPERIENCED farmer with family (Swiss) would Ilk, to take situation on ranch: rent or work on shares. Apply to E. Dlet- rlch. Goble, Or. YOUNG man with bank references, high school education, desires position. 1 years' road. 2 years hardware experience. L 717, oregonian. WOtLD work on ranches for room, board and the lowest possible wages; a young. Industrious and educated man. R 6O0. Oreeonian. YOUNG attorney, educated in the East and admitted to the Dar in on 10. wisnes position, clerical preferred. Write A 56 Oregonian. CREAMERY man. with 12 years' experience, desires position with creamery; butter route preferred: best of references. H 558, Oregonian. AUTO driver wants position, private family preferred; a clean, rename young man. age zu, o montns experience. io di vision st, YOUNG man of four years' experience fir ing boilers; can handle 014: wants position similar In city, 114, oregonian. POSITION wanted as dairyman on dairy ranch; Eastern man; experienced. L 71 Oregonian. EXPERIENCED Janitor or porter, colored, wishes steady position or odd jobs any Kino. Fnone liast 0504. POSITION wanted on dairy, thoroughly ex perienced in the sanitary production of milk. Adaress av i;sa, oregonian. MOVING-PICTURE operator wants position. small town preferred. AD 673, Orego nian. BLACKSMITH, all around man, wants work or will buy small shop In city suburbs or country town. f, u. oox iivu. ELDERLY man, good orcbardist and gar dener, references, nanay arouna house. 5 594, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS Japanese waiter wants posi tion in camiiy, boarding ana caie. au 680, Oregonian MIDDLE-AGED man desires permanent po sition on chicken ranch: has had 14 years' experience. Address G 567. . Oregonian. EXPERIENCED automobile man wants po sition driving; reterence. Ala 60O, Orego nian. position by man and wife, German, no children, as janitor office, hotel or Insti tution. References. AF 649. Oregonian. EXPERT pianist would like steady position eenlngs. Address C. S. Mitchell, 532 East 37th sL, city. WOULD like a situation as nlghtwatchman reference of 10 years' continuous service from last employer. D 524. Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR, 5 years' experience, acquaint ed In city, would like a position, drive car, small wages. Call Marshall 3989. HIGH school graduate. 20 years old. desires work of any kind, phone M. 2287, write 228H 10th at. WANTED Posltioc as Janitor er elevator man. 10 years' experience. A 665, Ore gonian. MARRIED man, attending medical college, at liberty afternoons and Saturday and Sunday all day C 5S8, Oregonian, YOUNG married man wants situation in cltv at anything: experienced horseman; strictly sober. E 596, Oregonian. HONEST Japanese wants position; has ex perience general housework. AO 678, Ore goniam YOUNG man with tenor voice wants posi tion in moving picture house, grill or otherwise. A 564, Oregonian. FOREMAN Structural Iron work or con struction work; best of references. D 559, Oregonian. YOUNG man wants position where chance for advancement; willing to start with low wages. W 668, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED driver desires position at once, auto truck or private machine. 64 West Kllllngsworth. YOUNG , man with business college educa tion desires position with business house; best of references. AM 610. Oregonian. AN EXPERIENCED German architectural draftsman, designer, estimator, wants em- ployment, AR 584. Oregonian. HAVE your cement work done by the day or Job; repairing or all kinds in orick ana cement AK 641,Oregonlan. MOVING-PICTURE operator; do own" repair ing; experienced; open for engagement. A. L. B., 1084 Francis ave. Portland, Or. WANTED Contract clearing land of stumpj, any size, experienced, snd bave full equip ments. P 613, Oregonian. WANTED To learn moving picture operat ing and repairing: state price. P 616, Oregonian. MAN and wife, experienced Janitors, want position In or out of town. Address 334 Jackosn st. Phone Marshall 2859. STEADY position wanted by vegetable gardener; understands tne care ot stock, poultry, orchards, etc. AC 706. Oregonian. LICENSED cnauffeur, young man, good ap pearance, wants position. Main p-iuf. 'iKSTrCLASS moving picture and repair man ' wants position. O 589, Oregonian. YOUNG man, age 26, wants work evenings and Saturday. AS 643. Oregonian. MAN and wife without children desire pos ition on ranch, at 61a, oregonian. MOVING-PICTURE operator wants position m or out 01 city, ao bdo, uregonian. HOUSE servant. Chinaman; excellent cook; references. Phone East 5527. GARDENING and landscaping wanted by practical gardener. J. Ruben. Tabor 4130. GOOD watchmaker wants Job. gonian. AJ 575, Ore- JAPANESE boy wants position as school boy in family. 1. il. v psi. uregonian. EXPERIENCED chauffeur and gardener; city references asii, uregonian. POSITION as mo' 1 1- -picture operator, coun try town preferred. C 581, Oregonian. YOUNG married man as driver for grocery or some firm, u uov. uregonian. CONTRACTS wanted for wood cutting and land clearing, paona Main oiuo or a 440. SITUATIONS WANTEDMALE. Miscellaneous. EXPERIENCED salesman of ability and good appearance wishes position with good firm, either city house or road; can give financial and integrity references; am 30 years old and married. M 687. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED salesman and showcard writer, familiar with all lines In general store, desires a permanent position. AV 856. Oregonian STRICTLY reliable man of good appear ance, not fit for heavy work, long experi ence In hotel and general business, wants employment. G 571. Oregonian. YOUNG man with I. C. S. automobile train ing desires position to learn the business; small wages to start; excellent references. C. F. Whitcomb, Oregon City. Or. INDUSTRIOUS Japanese boy wishes a steady position of general housework, gardening - and automobile cleaning la a private family. T. T. 121 N. 15th t. - WANTED Position as salesman or ship ping clerk by competent young man. Ad- -Tiress K 586, Oiegonian. RELIABLE, experienced man wants position as Janitor or watchman. AM 615, Orego nian. A YOUNG man wants position as farm hand; no experience. Address F. Bola coff. Portland. 247 Couch st, YOUNG man, 20 years old, wants work where there is chance for advancement. AB 657, Oregonian. . EXPERIENCED butler and valet wants po sition in private family. H 676. Orego nian. PO6ITION wanted by experienced fireman, understands the care of steam pollers. AC 704. Oregonian MARRIED man would like position, any kind, long experience repairing adding machines. M 585. Oregonian. CLOTHING window dresser, sign and card writer: long, high-class experience. J. E. Church. 431 Main St.. room 4. YOUNG man would like position: will con sider anything. H 575, Oregonian. WINDOW CLEANING, floors polished. Main 6573. evenings. Thomas Greem DAIRYMAN, herdman and mlllker open for position. E 599. Oregonian. sTBlxn vnims man wishes Dosltion whole sale office or on floor. P 610. Oregonian, AS r,iinae man or elevator helt) or Clgh watchman: references. Emeny. East 157. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeeper and blenograpu . EYPirBTF.vmrj and well recommended . young lady for general office work (doctor's office preferred); operate type writer; quick at llgures; goou penuuua. Bast 2851. wanted Position In real estate office general work, with some stenography and typewriting; moaeraie aai&rj. up. Oresonlan. THnRniTfiHT.v Tnerlenoed bookkeeper and cashier desires position. Phone Sunday or even nas. t-ast HBO or aaaress xr 011, Oregonian. WILL-educated, experienced bookkeeper and stenographer seeks permanent position re quiring both; good executive ability. Miss U a. ilckinson. Aia.111 ovv; a. auio. STENOGRAPHER, four years' experience stenographic and general office work in Portland, desires position; competent and reliable. East 4B. . CLERICAL nosition with real estate, insur ance or abstracting companies; can oper ate typewriter; have had experience In all' L, llsu, uregonian. YOUNG lady stenographer, with knowledge of bookkeeping, desires permanent posi tion. Marshall 707, room 24. EXPERIENCED stenographer-bookkeeper, desires position; quick and accurate. Mar shall 2731; . STENOGRAPHER, typewriting, shorthand and general office work. K 580, Ore gonian. pnsTTTDTC hv atenoffranhar. 4 years' - perience; will accept out of town position. A YOUNG lady will answer calls, also take short dictations; moderate salary; real estate preferred. AB 62. Oregonian. COMPETENT, reliable stenographer wishes permanent position; can assist on noons. AF 637. Oregonlan! vn.t:Nfi larlv rtf erood character wants po sltion as stenographer; some knowledge of bookkeeping, fnone Main DiHa. YOUNG lady, s years' experience, bookkeeper and cashier, desires permanent position, AB 547, Oregonian YOUNG lady bookkeeper and cushler deslret a position, best 01 reterence. w nvi, 010- gonian. THOROUGHLY competent stenographer wishes position; prereraoiy wne.re uicia phone is used. X 557. Oregonian. WANTED Set of books to keep half day or less; experienced Bookkeeper. x eto. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer and book keeper would like position, fast and ac curate. Tabor 8345. STCvnuniPHRR with exnerlence in gen eral office work, wishes position; gooa recommendation. Tabor 0.S04. EXPERIENCED stenographer. $30 month. Marshall 273 week days. Woodlawn 195a. YOUNG lady desires position as billing 'clerk. A 874. oregonian. 1OLNG lady (ScJmnt would ilka clerical work. V 063. uregonian. BOOKKEEPER-STENOGRAPHER desires position: competent. -taper 4.301. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wishes position; references. G 6t6. oregonian. POSITION by reliable stenographer. Main 6338. Dressmakers. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker wishes more en gagements by aay; gooa reierences, gooa taste and style: $3.50 per day. Main 1153, room 15. GOWNS from $12 to $2S; street costumes from $7 to $50; neavy coats ununea, 1. 52S E. Ankeny. Mine. De May Vrlaht, E. $825. LADIES doing their own sewing, send for Lary Claire aress rorm circular, van u used for entire family. Representative, 810 Barker Apartments. nwriiairiKF.R wanta Me-h-class work home; style and fit guaranteed; prices very reasonable. 626 pettygrove, a i.jou. DRESSMAKER wants few engagements; guaranteed work; experiencea titter. a 1369. EXPERIENCED dressmaker-tailorist wishes sewing in famines or come; alterations. Main oiw. - - DRESSMAKER wishes few more engage- 3653. - DRESSMAKING, plain or fancy; prices moderate. Address uressmaaer. ,023 Washington Main 6027 LADY wishes sewing by the day. Phone Main 7B4S. COMPETENT dressmaker wants work by the day. wooqiawn 1001. SUITS, gowns and alterations made at your home or mine pm. nmr iw-t DRESSMAKING, alterations, work guar anteed; reasonable. Main a sJg. PHONE East 8693 for dressmaking at home or by day; making over a pecmny. FIKST-CLASS dressmaking. reasonable prices. 41U otn St.. Apt. 1. a ioj. FIRST-CLASS talloress wants situation; city reierences. A oik. uresoumn. DRESSMAKING and tailoring by the day. $2; good fitter, rnons utarsnan ,jit. DRESSMAKING, very moderate prices; one- piece areBses. t' to e-iv. wanuttn 1 ONE-PIECE dresses made In one day; clal orders. 21a iinora oiog EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants work al home. A 7504. DRESSMAKING and children's sewing families, mono cast 1010. EXPERIENCED dressmaker and talloress wishes engagements, rnone r,m ibop. EASTERN dressmaker wants work by the day. Woodlawn 8100. EXPERIENCED dressmaker and talloress wants work by day or hour. Tabor 1490. DRESSMAKING and family sewing at your home; $1.50 day. AK 649, Oregonian. GRADUATE nurse with experience and abil ity wishes permanent Position, any kind of case. $15 per week. Main 2800 or AC 699. Oregonian. PRIVATE aanltarlum, graduate nurse: rheumat'sm cured by special treatment;, maternity cases taken. Phone Columbia 450. PRACTICAL nurse, .10 years' experience, would like a few more engagements; can give references. Mrs. Kelly, 3o3 6tb. Main S274. EXPERIENCED practical nurse wants any 'kind case: reasonable wages. Phone Wood lawn 2389. INVALID can have room, care trained nurse, home comforts. Tabor 3213. el a PERIENCED nurse, children or adults, city references. Sellwood 1S36. Housekeepers. A YOUNG widow would like situation as housekeeper for widower or bachelor; best of references. P60. Oregonian. WIDOW "age 89. would like position as housekeeper. Main 3312. YOUNG widow desires housekeeping: - will give home best of care. F581, Oregonian. Y"oUNGlady wants position as housekeeper. Phono A 1356, room 9. POSITION as housekeeper or care of valid! wages $30. li 601, Oregonian. ln- 81 CCAT10N8 WASTED FEMALE. Housekeepers- REFINED woman with child 6, very neat and capable manager, wishes position, housekeeper, widower with children or elderly couple; bandy with needle; no ob jection to country ; references. E. 60S, Ore gonian. ' HOUSEKEEPER, competent young woman, first-class, wishes to keep house for re spectable people; will do cooking or gen eral work, city or country. AM 611, Ore gonian, HOUSEKEEPER, experienced, reliable, middle-aged woman; references; desires po sition working housekeeper; chambermaid, apvtraent or rooming-house. Marsnall 4y;3. BY CAPABLE refined woman, for gentle man. In modern home with one or two children, or management of rooming or aparvment-house. call Woodlawn 1473. tiE'lNEp raWdle-aged unincumbered widow wants place as companion to invalid, or will take charge of a home while owners are away. AH 694. Oregonian EXPERIENCED working housekeeper; widow, unincumbered; seeks position of trust. Capable reliable, good manager. Y 665, Oregonian. lOUNO widow, excellent cook, references (daughter 12). wants position housekeeper, for 1 or 2 people, city. Box 865. St. Johns, Oregon. WANTED Position as housekeeper in wid ower's family; would go out of town. Mrs. I. Bennett, Blackstone Hotel. Af ter 9:30 call Marshall 2740. POSITION working housekeeper, good cook and neat, small salary if work is light. Address box 300 Vancouver, Wash. SINGLE woman wants housekeeping for widower or bachelor's home. B 593, Ore gonian. VERY competent middle-aged lady, unin cumbered, desires position as housekeeper In widower's home. Phone Tabor 2776. WIDOW lady with boy 2 years old, would like a position as .housekeeper. Call at 317 Hotel Ohio. WANTED By refined woman, position as housekeeper for furnished apartment house; good reference. AF 635. Oregonian. WANTED Position taking charge rooming or apartment-house by experiencea, coinp: tent lady. O 681, Oregonian. Uom est Ics. YOUNG lady, with a boy 6 years old. would like a position housework or chambermaid. Phone Marshall 3989. COMPETENT girl fSeoteb) would like place as second girl. V 564. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. A LADY, experienced In facial and body massaging, would wait on clients at their own homes or take care of Invalid, as companion or other light occupation. Phone Main 9370. Address Mrs. Spurway, care Mrs. Erick. 629 Everett St. REFINED snd capable lady who Is a good dressmaker wants position as companion or companion housekeeper in a first-class home. Phone East 3765. EXPERIENCED woman desires whole days' work, washing. Ironing, cleaning, Mon days, Thursdays, Saturdays. Phone Sell wood 1914. GOOD, reliable woman wants work from 8 to 4 or less, anything. Marshall 4329 evenings or mornings ask for lady, tc flat. YOUNG woman wants position as office girl; can operate typewriter some; have reference and experience: will work for small salary. AE 48. Oregonian. WANTED A position by strong middle aged German lady at housework, some cooking, by respectable German family. AO 683, Oregonian. REFINED, capable young lady, experienced, ants position as cashier with reliable Iirru. van ai. -i.ix alter 0 a. al. jiuu dsy. REFINED business woman of experience desires management of apartment-house; - succesfful in keeping permanent tenants. AB Siiti, Oregonian. GERMAN TEACHER, lady, would like to instruct pupils at their home; conversa tional German taught; fees reasonable. K 584. Oregonian. WANTED Demonstrating or selling; good work, all or part time. H 571, Ore gonian. iLcii-'lA'Kri young German lady wishes post tion as ladles' attendant in physician's office. J 03a, oregonian. , nDHOOLGIEL wants good home and.small wages in return for light services In fam ily of 2. Address J Pda. uregonmn. kxpkrtenckd cook wanted: references re quired. Call M. 2451 after 10 A. M. Mon day. young widow wants position as office girl. doctor's office preferred; small salary and short hours prererrea Atu t)i. uiesuman. PRIVATlfi instruction In all ordinary branches. Including drawing. Phone East 5773. A GOOD Swedish girl wants position general housework In amall ramny, west aiue pre ferred only, call 101 mm ,ortn. t.ady caterer will manage small banquets, luncheons ana afternoon reiresnmema; cun furnish waitresses. Phone Marsnsn xttm. A COMPETENT colored maid wants day work, duatlag and cleaning or iron. East 6SB4. YOUNG lady desirea position ut of Porl land, office, demonstrator or saleswoman. AB 661, Oresoniaiu PRIVATE lessons in Latin, German, geom etry, algebra. Call Main 8783 after 4 P. M. WANTED Lady desires position as mana- . anar,,nBn-,r.iAA. -an rurnlah best YOUNG woman of varied experiences and a U,,IVC1 J1LJ j.o.uwa.u " ' A U RU7 llretrnnian. YOUNG lady wishes good home in family; willing to pay or give reasonaoie service; references. AC 70a, uregonian, KIND Christian lady will take care of child wniie motner worm, 1V per mvuvu. 1030 Front st. and Hamilton ave. YOUNG WOMAN wants to work for her and nusDana s room ana uoutu. An, v.v, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED lady manicurist wishes po sition In first-class barber shop. AP 612, Oregonian. WANTED Lady wishes position as cook in hotel or ranch; some experience, an 01 write 639 Ellis ave. COMPETENT middle-aged lady would as sist with housework lew nours uu Woodlawn 848. YOUNG lady, woiklng daytime, would like place as companion tor part ooaru. 1 uuv E. 2120. liA PERIENCED woman wants day work. Call Sunday all day. ween evenmss nwu lawn 2182. , YOUNG lady would like work in the coun try with nice tamuy. n oio. nKomn..- WOMAN wants work by hour; curtains laundered at noma. -noneiaoor . i-o. LADY will care for and board cnild; best 01 reierences. vi ov,,,-.,.. EXPERIENCED woman wants house clean ing; 20c per nour. xeiepnone moor o.-.,n. CASHIER wants position at once, hotel or restaurant. Marshall 4UL EASTERN teacher gives private lessons in English to adults, o dw. urcguiunu. WOMAN wishes light housework or care of children. No wasning. An uo-i. uienvawu, WANTED Washings and lace curtains at home. Main nvn LACiS curtains hand laundered, special 1 . ....... 1 - ohAnA LI ,1 In l.ail LlUHT housework private family; no wash ing. E. Marett. 67 N. 20th. Marshal! 3514. VERY csspable woman desires situation. chamber work; reis. aiam -lo.w. ahi... PIANO teacher wishes to exchange lessons for dressmaking, rnone Main n-a. LADY with good home would like to take care or enna. t.:an at ia mn pi. moimy. LADY will assist In home during teas, re ceptions, etc. J B3l. ureaonian. CURTAINS washed and stretched: work guaranteea. fnone oen. . ovi. YOUNG lady wants office work, experienced. A DOU, vi eft k, l.i A rll.K woman wants work Monday and Tuesdny. East 142a. room ui. LADY wishes day work; .good worker, best references, cail evenings. E.ast -jo. tviLL care for children any time day or nleht; reBponeioie person, v. ,i:ya. COMPETENT second girl desires position. Phone Main 7440; EXPERIENCED woman wants to do any kind of work by day. Marsnan LACE curtains, draperies, blankets laun dered by expert, zoc up. -laoor an. WOMAN wants day work by hour, good laundress F 684, oregonian DAY work; laundry work; In private fam ily; Is good cook. Marsnan su-o. GOOD laundress wants day work. East 2170. WANTED AGENTS. WE pay $36 a week and expenses to men with rigs to Introduce poultry compound; year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co.. dept. 78. Parsons. Kan. BIG money, season here, steel mantle burn ers; make coal-oil produce gas; give triple light- sample 25o; particulars free, steel Mantle Light Co., 819 Huron. Toledo. O. WANTED Airent In Statd of Oregon, by large casualty company. A. E. Crafts. 501 Railway Exchange bldg.. Portland. Or- I WANTED Book picture photo agents; new 1 of offices where I can have use or -eioa-oliday offer; snap. 801 Dekum bldg. I- ographer and phone. AG 657, Oregonla. WANTED AO EN T8. AN opportunity of lifetime Is offered in dustrious hustlers to get Into permanent money-making business; we offer exclu sive agencies for the new "Short Cut to Light." The Gloria flexible hollow wire gasoline lighting system (anyone can in stall a complete system in less than two hours) will light a store 80x100 for $2.1)0 per month: would cost you $30 to $W with gas or electricity; a home four to seven rooms $1.95 per month; cost of In stallation saved In a few months. Artistic fixtures for all purposes such as the lighting of stores, homes, churches, halls, streets, etc Nothing that can possibly wear out or get out of order. Every sys tem installed sells others; every user an enthusiastic booster; these Improvements are the invention of the originator of gasoline lighting and have 17 years of "know how" behind them: only those of responsibility who can make the small investment necessary to fill their orders promptly will be considered; as special introductory proposition we will send a complete system for 30 days' trial to any responsible merchant or householder. Gloria Light Company, 1277 Washington blvd., Chicago. 111. AGENTS write at once for particulars about the newest hand-power vacuum Cleaner, the Rex, the King of Vacuum Cleaners. Tremendous seller, large profit, light to carry, easy to operate, most efficient, fully guaranteed, double action. Retails for Big Dollars. Rex Cleaner Co., 4 East 23d St., New York. . OUT. of work? Want more money? $15 to ,J25 weekly and permanently, you're boss too. No exnerlence needed; no canvassing; returns quick; only small capital required; valuable booklet of mail order facts free. Write today. Dept. G 27, Peace Mfg. Co.. Inc., 68 Broadway, Buffalo. N. T. WE start you in business, furnishing every ihlng; men and women, $:10 to $200 week ly operating our "New System Specialty Candy Factories," home or email room anywhere: no canvassing; opportunity life time; booklet free. Ragsdale Co., box 8. East Orange, N. J. AGENTS 6n salary or commission. Ths greatest agent's seller ever produced; ev ery Uber of pen and ink buys It on sight; 200 to 500 per cent profit; one agent's sales amounted to $624) in six days; an other $32 In two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co. X 44. La Crosse, Wis. OUR hand-power vacuum cleaner Is pat ented; guaranteed to satisfy all custo mers; low prices to canvassers, general agents; don't fell to get our new plan and see pew metal flexible spring adjust ing nozzle. Lanning-Stone Sales Co., Gas bicg., Chicago. MAKE $30 to $60 weekly selling our new oUO candle power gasoline table and haneing lamp. For homes, stores, halls, churches; no wick, no chimney; costs in per night; big profits; exclusive territory; we prepav freight. Sunshine Safety lamp Co.. 914 Factory bldg., Kaunas City, Mo. JUST coin money selling new Improved hos lerv direct from mill witn our big adver tising offer; you can make $25 daily: everybody buys. Credit. Samples In leath erette case free. New Improved Knitting .utile, i.iiii.aBu. WANTED Men and women to sell our Cnristmas goods; make splendid gifts for men. women, children. Sell on sight; large profits; experience unnecessary; we show you how. Address Quaker Knit, S000 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia. Pa. START In business; I started as agent, now big manufacturer; I'll start you; men of ability wanted to open branch offices, so licit business and employ sub-agents. No money needed. Write today. C. i.. Swartzbaugh Co., box 20, Toledo, O. AGENTS wanted, all or spare time, big profits, big repeater and big season now: good for $50 a week; salary or commis sion: write today; I will show you how. A. S. Shun, sales manager, 553 Sycamore. St., uncinumi. w. AGENTS AGENTS AGENTS AGENTS. CaBter Mfg. Co., (Dept. 87), 29 Warren St., N. Y. FREE sample. No Splah Waterstralners; winners for agents: both sexes. Daily profit $5 upward. Let us prove it. Send 5c (mailing cost). BB. Seed Filter Co., New York. WILLIAMS' ever-bright polishing cloth combination. Two cloths, one silver, ono kltchenware, price of ono 25.:; not greasy; loorfc agents; proposition free; outilt -5c. C. P. Williams Company, Cleveland, Ohio. AGENTS WANTED Both sexes, for patent ed article which is a sure soiier, a neces sity large prorlts: no coutpelitlon ; particu lars' free. National Novelty Company. Har rlsburg. Pa. QUICK-SELLING vacuum cleaner, powerful sweeper type; free sample to hustlers; make big money employing subapents; ex perience unnecersary. Vuouum Co., lo Security Plug.. Hums-'. MAIL order men. quick cash returns; new working plan; best sellers, factory prices; copyrighted prospectus, samples free. Mis sissippi Valley Co., Inc., box 235J. Pltts- ourg, nansm. ARE YOU doubling Income next lnonthT Make this profit on your time and money, control local thermozone sales. Write Victory Co.. 01Pearl. Buffalo. N. Y. AGENTS wanted everywhere to handle our specialty; big profits; easy sales; many repeat orders. Write today. Economy Kec- ora cuppiy v. o.. 1""' AGENTS make $23 to $100 every week eelllng sign letters for stores, offices, sue- . . . . n. 9 . r -firil fa ft TT4rl. cess Kuarnnieu. i Metallic Sign Co.. 437 N. Clark, Chicago. th ft Hugro electric iron is getting agents the money. If you are looking for a money-maker, write for particulars. The, Hugro Mfg. Co.. Chicago. III. . RESPONSIBLE manufacturer wants to placa aajency for big money-making specialty. 10O.U00 sold six months. Automatic Per fection Company. 17 West 42d, New orK. ADVERTISING PIPES, sell to all merchants. Commissions liberal. Sales easily made. Sample tree. Japanese Novelty Co.. Clin ton. lOWtt. SEND for our latest proposition: its a winnor: few minutes demonstration makes sale. E. M. Stephenson, box 3, Station H. LOS Angeiee. 1.3. LEARN about the profits made supplying perfumes to families. Address Leftler Co.. Indianapolis, lud. , WANTED TO RENT. ilouaes. WE havo clients for 6 or T-room furnished flat or nouse ior '" dren; want good Wist Side location; can. give best of leferences. ,,, THE FIRST TttLST COMPANY, Third and Washington Sis. Main 3449. A oloi. I WILL rent your house, bungalow or flats for you. Don't delay; leave key at my of fice. "Anderson, the Rent Man r,tlon: al Realty ft Trust Co.. 723 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Phone Main tlli. WANTED By reliable couple without ch'l- drei. 4 or o-room luniwiiin, " -. - can have garden, fruit and chickens; no objection to suburban district near car. AF 642. Oregonian. WE WANT TO RENT YOUR HOUSE. Phone Main 3333. "toI!' MAYS-REED CO., 20T Railway Exchange. ROOM wanted, board optional, with exclu sive family; must ds iu o.u.w- , nlshed home; no others reed write. t 5N5, Oregonian. WANTED Neatly furnished modern bun galow, Jl or 4 rooms, mi ruu"B .".- couple; rent reasonable. AJ 5i3, Orugo- nian. , WANTED 5-room strictly modern bunga low by responsioie puny; muw ua mm onable. Phone Woodlawn 103. WANTED, by two people, smuii iuruine.A cottage witnin warning uiiuw and eanoy Moaq. moo. Win can rent your place for you. Watsou & Therkelsen Co., J06-3U6 Spalding bldg. iviaiii i., ' LIST your houses for rent with Wagner ft Hunt. They're young and alive. 4So Chamber of Commerce. 5 OR 6-ROOM unfurnished cottago or bunga low close In. Main 6S0B. Apartments. WANT 4-room apartment furnished. No. 4, Hanover. Phone Main 4842. ' Rooms. YOUNG lady, employed, wishes pleasant room refined family or rooming-house. West Side, reasonable. O 585, Oreaoplan. Rooms With Board. GENTLEMAN desires room and board on West Side. Apartments preferred. Pleass give location, terms and phone. F 692, Oregonian. YOUNG man wnnte room and board In pri vate house or small boarding-house; must be clean and have heat In room. E 610. Oregon'an. ROOM wanted, board optional, with ex clusive family: must be above ordinary furnished home; no other need write. C 685, Oregonian. . ROOM-and board by refined young man In private family of young people; $25 per month: West Side; give phone number. AO 6S3, oregonian. REFINED young man wants board and room In strictly private family. West Side, all conveniences; charge moderate. AD 677, Oregonian. : WANTED Room, board in pflvate family by young man going to schooL O E82, Oro gonian. WNTED Housekeeping rooms or apart ments by family of 3, walking distance. B 597, Oregonian. Hualnees Places. WANTED To rent private office in aulta