ir IM Smitlait ' fill rMiitttaii. Pages 1 to 20 DEATH VALLEY TO OREGOINS BLAST BABYHOOD PLEDGE STEPS OF DYNAMITE MAN OF 80 SAVES WOULD-BE RESCUER OCTOGBNARIAX REACHES BANK AFTER FIVE-MILE DRIFT. tt,, . nnt-nnv envniv nfnuvivn 11. 1912. PRICE FIVE CENTS. i-rT YYVI fi It; ruiiiiAi, uj.hjuh, u j at x-a. .s. ..- - " I I . - I AUSTRIAN-SERVIAN TENSION INCREASES PRESIDENT FAVORS ONE SIX-YEAR TERM Ambition Declared to Affect Service. HAVE AUTO GUIDES DESERT ROUTES BEIXG DESIG NATED BY PATHFINDER. KEPT BY COUPLE WEDDIXG FOLLOWS BETROTHAL BY PARENTS IXXG AGO. HOPES OF WHITMAN ANOTHER CHANGE SUGGESTED Taff Would Admit Cabinet to Debates in Congress. PEACE FAILURE DEPLORED Belief I-itprrsised Treaties of Arbi tration "Will Yet Succeed Job of Kxeentlve Declared Xot for Sensitive Man. NEW TOKK, Nov. 16. President Taft sang his "swan sons" as Chief Execu tive of the Nation tonight. As the cuest of the Lotus Club, the President responded to the toast. "The Pros' -dent." In a speech which many of his hearers considered the most remark able he has ever made. He shifted from grave to gay and then to philos- ophy. which he said four years in the White House had taught him. to a dis cussion of the problems which face the Nation. He laughed at the out come of the election; smiled when, he spoke of the plans of the President elect, Wilson, and touched with gentle sarcasm William Jennings Bryan. His chief regret, the President said, was that he had been unable to influ ence the United States Senate to ratify the arbitration treaties with France and Great Britain. In spite of that fact, he asked his audience to believe that he would leave office with the deepest gratitude to the American peo ple for the honor they had given him, and with the belief that enough prog ress had been accomplished in his Ad ministration to warrant his feeling that he had done real good for his country. Real Condolence Accepted. President Taft said. In part: "I Baw In the name of your club the possibility that you were organized to furnish an opportunity for a swan song to those about to disappear. I con cluded that It was well to cast an an ' chor to windward and accept as much real condolence as I could gather in such a hospitable presence as this,. and, therefore, my friends, I accepted your invitation and am here. "You have given me the toast of 'The President.' It is said that the office of President is the most power ful in the world because under the Constitution its occupant really can exercise more discretion than an em peror or a king exercises in any of the governments of modern Europe. I am not disposed to question this as a mat ter of reasoning from the actual power given the President in the Constitu tional division of Governmental func tions, but I am bound to say that the consciousness of such power is rarely if ever present in the mind of the ardlnary individual acting as Presi dent, because what chiefly stares him in the face in carrying out any plan of his, is the limitation of the power and not Us extent. Law Has Sobering Influence. "Of course, there are happy Indivi duals who are able entirely to ignore these limitations both in mind and practice, ami as to them the result may be different. But to one whose train ing and profession is to subordinate to law, the Intoxication of power rapidly sobers off in the knowledge of its restrictions and under the prompt reminder of an ever-present and a not ... . I nnna thia Men TV. - I . ( Pnnfl lll Ai Ta o-sk n . ' ' ' ' ' ' HOW SOME OF THE WEEK'S NEWS EVENTS APPEAL TO CARTOONIST REYNOLDS IS HERE SHOWN. j f I iCTt II II I gk "Till MIMiniiliM jh 'fl y711"" 0P 1 i ViHfiT j2ssZUr?Srra?fl- oocr r rWGH cost orWVG AS j VJ 1 . : : ' ' ;, 11 1 ' ... '. ' " " " ' ' ' ' As Xeighbor Attempts to Lend Aid Canoe Upsets and Veteran Pulls' Him From River Death. TOLEDO. Or., Nov. 16. (Special.) To drift five miles, waist deep in the Icy torrent of the Slletz River on a sub merged scow loaded with groceries and after that to have landed on shore in time to rescue his would-be lifesaver from an overturned canoe, is the un usual experience credited to John I. Butterfield, octogenarian and Justice of the Peace In Kernville .Precinct, Lincoln county. ' Butterfield had been to Toledo with the election returns from the lower Slletz and on his way home had con tracted to scow four tons of groceries to the store of Dodson & Cook at the mouth of the river. Accompanied by his son. Earl, and a neighbor. Alvin Strom, the three started from the Slletz Agency and were well on their way when the scow ran Into a big riffle and became awash. Strom and the younger Butterfield reached the shore and got a canoe. They saw the elderly man disappear around a bend in the river, apparently standing on the submerged scow waist deep in the water. They were so certain he would perish that they sent news to Toledo that he vas drowned. Earl Butterfield landed to send the news and cut across the big bend In the river In the hope of rescuing the body while Strom continued in pursuit of the scow in the canoe. As he was passing through an eddy he heard Jus tice Butterfield calling from the bank of the river and in attempting to get ashore the canoe upset. Mr. Strom would have drowned had not the octo genarian been able to pull him out. MALHEUR BANKERS OBJECT Board of Equalization Considers Claims of Discrimination. ' VALE. Or.. Nov. 16. (Special.) The Malheur County Board of Equalization, which held its meeting in Vale yester day, had several Important business matters to. attend to, among which was the question raised by the bankers of the county. There has been general dissatisfaction among the bankers this year over the way in which they have been assessed. They maintain that they have been assessed. on the basis of the full valuation of their property, while others have been let off. much lighter. This' discrimination, they de clare, is unjust, and every bank in the county was represented before the Board yesterday to try to adjust mat ters. The Board admitted that there had been certain discrimination, but. that It was difficult to adjust, since ' the Assessor, in many cases, was compelled to take the facts as they were handed to him. The County Clerk was in favor of allowing a reduction in favor of; the bankers; the County Assessor, while he admitted the tax was excessive, de clared that according to the letter of the law, he could see no way to alte the situation, while the County Judge was undecided. The Board has taken the matter under advisement. SHEEP FEEDING IS TRIED Plan to Vse Surplus Hay Crop of Sonthern Idaho Stndied. NAMPA. Idaho. Nov. 16. (Special.) The state experiment station near this city is performing an .experiment on a large scale to learn if' it is profitable to feed sheep here ana snip mem w ihn Coast and Eastern markets. The experiment is under the direction of Professor E. J. ladings, wno now nu more than 300 lambs at the station, which are consuming large quantities of the surplus alfalfa. Alfalfa-raising is a big industry in fjr.ii thorn Trlahn- It is being: ShlDDed OUt of the state in large quantities, but the markets are not sufficient for the pro duction, therefore the prices obtained are low. If. the demonstration, an ac niirntA vvrnrtl nf which is being1 kept. proves successful, thousands of sheep will be brought nere every tan ana raH Hurlntr th winter for the markets. adding much to the value of the hay crops of thla locality. Belgrade's Demand for : Port Stirs Wrath. CONSUL FIRES UPON SERBS Vienna Authorities Say Alba nians Were Defended. REPLY TO TURK PLEA DUE Dispatches From SoHa Say, However Onerous Bulgaria's Terms May Be, Ottomans Are In Hclp ' v less Condition. LONDON, Nov. 16. The situation as regards the dispute of Servia and Aus tria over the former's demand for an Adriatic seaport is again considered serious. There is reason to believe, say Belgrade dispatches, that the Servian government will not submit a satisfac tory reply to the Austrian representa tions on the subject, though it has not positively rejected them. ' More ill-feeling between the nations became evident today when the Servian Minister presented to the Vienna gov ernment an official complaint that the Austrian Consul at Prizrend fired from the top of his house at Servian troops when they captured the town. Coannl Defends Albanians. It Is believed in Vienna that the Consul was defending some Albanians, a number of whom are alleged to have been shot by the Servians for conceal ing arms and abusing Servian soldiers. Bulgaria's answer to Turkey's plea for an armistice Is due today. Dis patches from Sofia say that however onerous may be the peace terms of Jhe conquerors, the Turkish army is In such condition that submission is the only course open. Exception to this view is taken by a correspondent who visited the Turkish lines at Tchatalja yesterday. . He says the Turkish administration at the front appears capable of disputing feny further advance by the Bulgarians and further emphasized the strength of the Turkish position by saying the allies will soon take measures to possess themselves of the Dardanelles, thus averting the possible payment of a price in blood at Tchatalja, which the Bulgarians can ill afford. Flank Attack Probable. -This hirff that the Bulgarian in vaders are trying- to avoid a front at tack on the Turks at Tchatalja tends to corroborate yesterday's announce ment that the Bulgarian troops have been working around to the north of the Turkish army. Experts here are of the opinion that the Bulgarians will try to seize the Bosphorus simulta neously with the Dardanelles, if it be comes necessary to reduce Constanti nople before the war can be ended. The Greek army in Epirus, the move ments of which had been stopped by floods, is again on the move toward the Turkish fortress of Janina, while the Montenegrin troops are still hotly en gaged In the neighborhood of San Gio vanni de Mcdua, on the Adriatic. King Nicholas persists in his determination to seize this point in spite -of Austrian and Italian protests. Turk To Be Trantrported. Three Ottoman army corps mobilized at Erzrum, Erzinglan and Van, in Asiatic Turkey, are to be conveyed to Europe and landed at Mldla, Black Sea coast, near the positions occupied by the Bulgarian army. Seven Turkish transport vessels have been ordered by Old Folks Were Joking Then, but Young Ones Say They Never Were Otherwise Than Serious. LOS ANGELES, Nov. 16. (SpeclalJ Born the same hour and In the same block of an Eastern town and jokingly betrothed by their parents a few days later, Cecil E. Orendorft and Miss Oniska H. Tingling, both 22 years old, will be married In this city tomorrow morning. Their parents long ago for got about the "engagement" of the In fants, but the young man and woman took it more seriously the older they became and declare it never was a joke to them. Orendorff, who Is now in business in San Diego, came to the Coast several years ago from Qarnville, Ohio, where their lives and romance began. They corresponded constantly and on Tues day he telegraphed Miss Tingling to come on. She got the message late that night and started on the first train next morning. She is due here tomorrow morning. The bridegroom-to-be got a license today and will meet his fiancee at the depot with a minister and the knot will be tied on the spot. s "LIVING WAGE" IS TOPIC Consumers', League to Discuss P ra ft posed Social Survey. The annual meeting of the local chapter - of the National Consumers' League will be held in the parlors of the Hotel Portland, Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Rev. E. V. O'Hara will be one of the principal speakers, his subject being "The Living Wage." The club has raised a fund of $3000 which will be used for a social survey, the material gathered to be placed be fore the State Legislature at the time the bill is presented for the considera tion of the government. The list of those who have subscribed to the fund includes many of Portland's most prominent people, as follow: W. B. Ayer, $300; 8. Benson, $300; C. E. Adams, $300: W. D. Wheelright, $300; Corbett Estate, $300; Ladd Estate, $300; Colonel H. a Cabell. $300; Mrs. Cabell, $100; Rev. E. V. O'Hara, $100; Miss H. E. Falling, $100; Miss Mav Failing, $100; A. L. Mills, $50, and T. B. Wil cox, $100. The fund will be used for a survey of the employment conditions of the Portland department stores, the sta tistics to be used in conjunction with other material already on hand. VERSATILE CRAFT TESTED Curtlss Invention Flies, Skims and Speeds Fast on Land. HAMMONDSPORT, N. T., Nov. 16. (Special.) Glenn H. Curtiss' aerial terra-marine craft, which flies like a bird, skims the water like a fish, and rolls along the land like a 90-horsepower racing car, was successfully tried out today. The new machine has its wheels for ward of the center of gravity and is equipped with a tail skid. The Ger man navy had ordered a boat in ad vance of today's trial. The boat tried out today will be bought by the United States Navy. MRS. WILSON NAMES AIDE Miss Bayless, of Ohio, to Be Social Secretary at White House. WEST UNION. Ohio, Nov. 16. (Spe cial.) Miss Mary Bayless, formerly of West Union, has been chosen to fill the important social position of private secretary to Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, wife of the President-elect of the United States. Miss Bayless, who has been a clerk of the Ohio Legislature, will begin her duties at the White House next Marcn. Von "Camp Packing Plant Barns. INDIANAPOLIS, Nov. 16. The plant of the Van Camp Packing Company was partly burned early this morning, the owners estimating the loss at $400,000. The cause of the fire has not been discovered. PLOTTER TRACED How Expl6sive Was Procured Is Told. LAUNCH IS USED TO DECEIVE Schmidt Designated as Com panion of. McNamara. CAPLAN ALSO IMPLICATED Ten Witnesses From California Blend Siories Into Dramatic Re cltaKof Events Leading to A Los Angeles Crime. INDIANAPOLIS, Nov. 16. Incidents of James B. McNamara's preparations to blow up the Los Angeles Times building in the wreck of which 21 per. sons weVo killed were blended into a dramatic story by ten witnesses from California at the "dynamite conspiracy" trial today. How the dynamiter rented a fur nished room in Mrs. Lena Ingersoll's flat in San Francisco; how he got In touch with F. A, Schmidt and David Caplan, his alleged accomplices, how he called up from the flat to procure the gasoline launch Pastime and to buy BOO pounds of SO per cent nitrogelatin, a high explosive, and how, after fixing the Los Angeles Times explosion to oc cur at 1 A. M. on October 1, 1910, he returned to San Francisco and at 11 o'clock that night begged Mrs. Inger soll to allow him to remain there, offering her a whole month's rent, were details related by people who had per sonal dealings with McNamara. Explosive Found tn Parlor. James O'Brien told how a cottage owned by him on Nineteenth avenue South, in a remote part of San Fran cisco, 'had been entered before the Los Angeles explosion and how,, when sev eral weeks later he went put there to learn why the cottage was not oc cupied, he found ten boxes of nitro gelatin locked In the parlor. O'Brien said that in his ignorance of what the boxes contained he looked Into one box with a lighted cigar in his mouth and thinking the explosive was candles knocked a stick against the box. A Los Angeles detective related what he saw when he arrived at the site of the Times building. KckhofT Adntlta Blackmail. Another development of the day was an admission by Frank EckhofT, of Cincinnati, that he aided in the escape and concealment of McNamara after the dynamiter was returning East. Eckhoft also admitted having demanded money from the McNamaras "to keep his mouth shut." Mrs. Ingersoll was the first Important California witness to be called. She said Ehe now lived at Victoria, B. C. She said that wn September 1, a month before the Los Angeles explosion, she rented a room to McNamara, who used the alias J. B. Bryce. Later Mc Namara was visited by Schmidt, who wa3 described as having a "squinty left eye or glass eye." Schmidt, also known as Schmitt or Schmldty, lived at the home of a Mrs. Lavin, a friend of Mrs. Ingersoll's. It was in this way that McNamara was directed where to rent a room. ' Explosive Bought by Telephone. McNamarti left Mrs. Ingersoll's Sep tember 14 and went to a lotel. From the hotel, as testified to by a telephone operator, most of the calls were made to the powder company for the pur- ( Concluded on Page 6.) Part of Duty of Commissioner Will Be to Inform Travelers of Location of Oases. LOS ANGELES. Nov. 16. A plan has been Inaugurated to make a trans continental highway for autoists through Death Valley, where the bones of scores of lost prospectors and their burros have been bleached for a generation- in the heat of the desert. Engineer O. K. Parker, commis sioned by Mhe Automobile Club of Southern California, left for the desert today to begin the work of placing guide posts along 1500 miles of Its poorly defined roadways. Crossing the 23,000 square miles of desolate sand are roads classed as good. Indif ferent and bad, but most of them bad. At intervals of about 75 miles water holes, most of them poisonous, are found, and It will be a part of Par ker's task to plaoe signs informing the traveler how far it is to the next oasis. FIRE VICTIMS TO REBUILD Xew Structures to Arise on Burned Section of Cottage Grove. COTTAGE GROVE,. Or.. Nov. 16. (Special.) The Commercial Stables, destroyed in the recent fire, arc being replaced with a much more substantial building. The first section, the frame work of which is up, is 38 by 72 feet. In' addition to the ground formerly occupied by the barn, it covers that which was occupied by several ware houses which were also destroyed. This section will be inclosed with cor rugated steel. A brick addition, 60 by 94 feet, will be built on to the west end in the Spring and the building will then extend the entire length of the block from Seventh to Eighth streets. The S. R. Piper residence, destroyed at the same time as the stables, has been reconstructed. The Burkholder-Woods Company will commence at once the erection of a barn, woodshed and chicken coop on the ground where their former buildings stood and, if weather permits, will soon let a contract for either a brick or corrugated steel warehouse. COUNCIL DEMANDS REPAIRS Part of Work on Water Pipe System Alleged Faulty. HOOD RIVER, Or., Nov. -16. (Spe cial.) Having failed to complete the contract, as interpreted by the City Council, E. O. Hall & Co., builders and contractors, who have been laying the water pipes in the city to be used by the new municipal system, will not re ceive a portion of the payment stipu lated until a trench in the macadam surface of Twelfth street is repaired to the satisfaction of the Board of Al dermen. It is alleged by the Council that the trench has been filled with loose earth, which has allowed the rain to under mine and damage the macadam high way for several feet away from the trench. The city has selected a location for the proposed Incinerator at a rocky point on the Hood River at the foot of State street. However, it is declared that the price of $600 asked by the Hood River Terminal Company, who demand in addition a 12-foot right of way across the property. Is exorbitant. DEATH C0MES IN PULPIT Rev.' R. Z. Brown Dies While Preaching at Crawfordsville, Or. BROWNSVILLE. Or., Nov. 16, (Spe cial.) Rev. R. Z. Brown, of Philomath, dropped dead in the pulpit while preach ing" at Crawfordsville Thursday even ing. He had given out the hymns and was beginning his sermon when strick en, and he died before members of the congregation could reach his side. Heart trouble was the cause of death. Rev. Brown resided at Philomath and was in charge of the Methodist Epis copal churches at that place and Craw fordsville. He was 62 years of age and leaves a wife and one son. The funeral will be held at Philomath Sunday. Dolan's Machine Wins in Mud 20 to 3. INTERCEPTED PASSES COSTLY Twice in Game "Aggie" Seizes Ball in Air and Scores. CHAMPIONSHIP IS SETTLED Result Places Oregon Agricultural College Eleven in Second Place, With Vniversity of Wash ington First. FOOTBALL RESULTS. Pacific Coast. Oregon Agricultural College 10, Whitman S; Washington 30, Oregon 14; Australian All-Stars 12, All-California, s (rugby); Broadway High (Seattle) 0. Belllogham 0: Everett High 13. Lincoln High (Seattle) a; Eugene High 13, Salem High 0; Hog man High 18, Franklin High (Seat tle) 12; Lebanon High 9, Browns ville 0; McMinnvlIle High 7. Cor vallls High 0; Ashland High 26. Med ford High 12; Washington High (Portland) 68. Lewis and Clark High (Spokane) 0; Estacada 6, Hlllsboro 0: Chehalla High SI. Olympla High O; Vancouver High O, Camas High 3; Whlttier High 10O. orange Athletic Club (Santa Ana) 0. Eastern. Tale 8. Princeton 6; Harvard 3. Dartmouth 0; Navy 40. North Caro lina Agricultural 0; Pennsylvania 84, Carlisle 26; Brown 21, Lafayette 7; Williams 12, Amherst 0; Army IS, Tufts 6; Yale KTeahmen 17, Harvard Freshmen IS; Georgetown 16. Vir ginia 13; Pennsylvania State 1 .Ohio State O (game forfeited when score was 37 to 0 for Pennsylvania). Western. Wisconsin 14, Minnesota 4; Chi cago 10, Illinois 0; Wyoming 25. Ne braska Normal 0; Haskell 52. Kan sas City Veterinary College 12; Colo rado School ot Mines 10, Denver 0; Nebraska 14, Kansas 8; Belolt 40. Knox 0; Ames 7. Iowa 7; Drake 0. Orlnnell 13; Missouri 33, Washington University (St. Louis) 0; Utah 43, Colorado College 0: Vanderbllt 2.1, O; Michigan 20, Cornell 7; Mexico "Aggies:" 27. University Mexico 0; Kansas "Aggies" Colorado University 6. BT ROSCOE FAWCETT. Referee of Oregon Agricultural College . Whitman Game. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE, Corvallls, Or., Nov. 16. (Spe clal.) In a sea of mud the Oregon Ag ricultural College upset expectations and forecasts, defeating Whitman Col lege, 20 to 3, after clearly outplaying the Missionaries in a spectacular game. Thereby Coach Dolan's men showed themselves easily the second strongest eleven in the Northwestern football conference, for Whitman has been run ning rough shod over all opponents, defeating Washington State 30 to 0 and the University of Oregon 30 to 0. Washington's victory over Oregon at Seattle gives Washington undisputed honors to fifth championship. Dolan's Men Have Edge. Without flukes and the opposition's mental mistakes, today's score hera should read about 7 to 3 in the Ore gon "Aggies' " favor. The "Aggies" plainly had the edge all the way through and were never in danger, but two of their touchdowns came as a result of intercepted passes In Whit man's defensive territory where passes should be taboo, while the other touch- ( Concluded on Page 5.) i ! Central New M I of New T 14.