The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 10, 1912, Page 16, Image 16

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Tmnnrtnnt Monday Store News of Unequaled Savings
Turn to Back rase, Section 4, ims issuefror ruu-rage jnnuunm w
1 UTIl IU UU.l,n. M. ' ' 1 ' "1)1 I 7-. ,,.. Hunt. 540 Fourth Street; It PrUe, CUm F, Helen B. T( I. I
Grand Prl. Women". Guild Trinity Church; td Grmnd PrM. Mt Tabor M. E. B.
,jTLj Mu. First Conrregatlonal Churcli. Park and Madison: lat Prlxe, Claw A,
S.: Sd Grmnd Ms. First .e (laAa A janette Oeer. SOS 17th st; 1st Prize,
Haael Morton. 714 Pon KMd. .d PrtM. i a. jenette Hall. Hi!
'. B' ? "Vfi'lS'J-i-S M.rl. Miner. 141 Et Burnsld. Street; 1st Prlxe,
I ' - ' I - . . , ,,, I. ,.! !-.. A .V. (J,.. I
louKhton. SOI Multnomah street; - rmc, iu " V.' ntIMir
. rrf. Via u Frances e Young. 1035 East 10th Street North; 1st Frixe. Claw H, SHnW
-?i,rl K?m,r ' 47' Hallida Street; 1st Prize. I. Elste L. Culberton, 1240 OI 1 W Y
K"d avenue- ChUs J. Ruth Rodgers. Lents. Or.; Claw K. 1st FrUe. Anne Healy. tiriMWITUC
48 Hancock Strletf CU K. 2d I"". Francis Adams, 504 East tu Street. VYlININllKO
W INNKkS Clai D, E. Kewln. 57 Palton oau.
RedecfiloES m New MS m& WSfeter
Apparel !
. v r ' "
f i (MM M ii-iM.---iB.B-xBMii"l " "
----------- A f
I Seldom Such Waists
As These Are
Offered Now at
and attractive are the
Waists herein grouped for
tomorrow's selling at $5.
And there's no having too
many of them for wear. For
tailored and afternoon wear,
with the near Winter suits.
Charming stvles one as illustrated 01 ricii
brocaded satins and charmeuse. Some with the
clever vest effect, finished with crystal buttons
and some with dainty lace yokes. All have
the fashionable long sleeves. .
Don't fail to see them priced for the sale
tomorrow. Special $5.
To $3.75 Waists $2.85
How neat and becoming they are,' these beau
tiful quality Waists, in the tailored shirt style.
Of excellent qualitv lines and pique that laun
ders beautifully, and keep their fresh, attractive
appearance. . '
With either soft or stiff collars and cufts.
You'd gladly pay $3.50 and $3.75 for them of
such good quality ana ap
pearance, are they. Choose
tlipm tomorrow at only ea.
Second Floor. Main Bulldln Mall Order. Filled.
vJ. o tor TJiem oi
THE women who know
the comfort to be de
rived from these beauti
ful and dainty Quilted
Robes of Japanese silk
are seldom to be found
without them. No other
dressing or lounging Robe
seems to find, such favor
with milady as these we
show for tomorrow's great
They're all full length
and carefully quilted.
Have flat and high col
lars. Made with patch
pockets and frog fasten
ings. Silk waist cord ac
companies. Plain or silk
embroidered designs.
Choice of navy garnet,'
black, light blue, pink and
tan. Regularly you'd pay
$16.50 and $18 for these g
Quilted Silk Robes, which & JJ
we price for tomorrow at
$14 Japanese Silk Quilted Kobes at $10.95
Quilted Silk Sacques
For women who prefer the quilted silk
Sacques to the full length Robe styles, we
offer these beautiful imported quilted
Sacques. Of Japanese silk in plain and em
broidered stvles. nave high and roll collars.
Waist fastening of silk cord and frogs. In
colors light blue, pink, lavender, maise, gar
net, navy and black. All sizes will be found
here tomorrow and the following reductions
hate been made:
$7.50 Plain Quilted Silk Sacques, $4.95
$8.50 Embroidered Silk Sacques, $5.85 g
Seend Kloor. MuHdlsig MaHJlrderamea
$2.50 to $3 Corsets at $1.19
Smart $16 to $25
New Winter
Coats Now
at $ 1 2.65
THEY'RE Coats you
must see to appreciate!
What smartness of style is dis-
i i l
played, wnar. a ciever uan ui
jaunty and chic, as shown in the
various models. Cut in lines that
deviate from the ordinary. Splen
didly finished throughout.
Included are full-length mod
els of broadcloth. Lined complete
with satins. Coats of the new,
chinchilla cloth, with smart large -collars,
that fit close to the
throat. Piping of velvet adds the
finishing touch. Others are of
the popular double texture plain
and plaid materials.
Choice of grays, tan, navy, oxford,
black and ,brown. Tomorrow, select
at $12.65, these smart, new $16 to $25
Coats. -
Second Floor, Main Building.
llw Tin )
mm .M i l
Lovely $20 to $25
Dresses Now
at $12.65
WE'RE placing the regu
lar value low, when
we say these Dresses are worth
$20 to $25. Lovely models of silk
included of rich charmeuse,
clinging messalines. Practical
Frocks for street wear. Of good
quality serges, and smart woolen
Typical of the styles is the model
sketched. Among them are styles
with the near-lace-trimmed Robes
pierre collars. Styles with j;okes
or vests of lace many finished
with buttons. Also included are
several Evening Gowns for misses.
. Of light blue and gray fluffy chif-
fons and silk.
Prettier Dresses couldn't be pur
chased, even at the regular prices, $20
to $25. $2.65 is the sale price for to
morrow See them! And Come Early!
-rMail Orders Pilled.
DiscerniMy Fashioned From-A
Are These Afternoon and Evening
jp 1 1 ' III'
THEY'RE beautiful creations from a New York
importer; of fashionable Gowns these lovely
models for afternoon and evening wear. Every charm
ing and ultra-fashionable feature is embodied in the
various models.
Worthy of special mention is the. dainty Gown of
Loucile, with its graceful drapes and folds of Venetian
or shadow lace and clusters of tiny rosebuds. Lovely
are the colorings of charmeuse and floral taffeta,
trimmed luxuriously in antique weave laces, messa-
line, tulle and fur.
You'll find long sleeve models for afternoon wear
and short sleeved, decollete styles for evening use.
Many have the empire waistline. Rare evening shades
to choose from lavender, plum, sea green, apple green,
shell pink, dainty tinted flowered silk, and white em
broidered in gold. Afternoon shades in raisin, navy,
black, Copenhagen, tan and rich plum. Every size
34 to 40. .
Of unusual interest is the assortment, since no two
of the exquisite models is alike. Note the reductions
as given below. The group is small, so come early to
morrow for best choice of these beautiful new Gowns.
$78 to $150 Gowns at $48.50
$40 to $ 75 Gowns at $32.50
Second Floor, Main BnlldlnK- Mall Order Filled.
Women's Neat Fall
and Winter Walking
OR Fall and Winter wear,
of fancv eray and tan
mixtures are the Skirts we
specially price for tomorrow's
selling. Made with high
girdle, wide pleats, stitched
down and button-trimmed.
Especially suited for street
and business wear will you
find these neat and jaunty
Skirts. Made to wear with
separate ' waists. Included in
this phenomenal sale of ready-to-wear
apparel, for to
morrow we fp f? AA
price these Walking Skirts, )J)mXJ
all lengths, assorted fabrics "r
Second Floor, Main BulldlnK.
Mme. Irene Corsets
Here Only!
DESIGNED by Mme. Irene
herself are these superb
Corsets for the ultra-fashionable
women. All the latest
Mme. Irenes fashioned from
French models are shown in
our extensive Corset Shop. -
Mme. Irene Corsets are de
signed for American styles
and figures, and are the high
est finished art in Corsetry.
Shown here in the best and
most exclusive, materials.
Their boning is of the highest
m IT
grade wanion.
You'll find the new boneless effect made of dainty
silk, and the new imported tricott cloth, in the very
straight, bipless models, with very low bust are most
popular for afternoon and evening gowns. Come to
our Corset Parlors tomorrow and have one of our ex
pert corsetieres explain these and many other mate
rials used in the making of the superb Mme. Irene
Corsets. At prices $6.50 to 30.00.
Second Floor, Jfew noil ding.
Sweeping Millinery
Hats at
y2 Price!
SAFE to say in all
Portland there's
no Millinery special
4o equal this Half
Price offering we make tomorrow. Portland
women have but to remember the beauty and
wTorth of these lovely models to choose from to
appreciate the magnitude of the event.
Every beautiful creation from $25 to $150 at exactly
Half Price. And included are the models from world
famous Paris modistes, from high-grade New York and
Eastern makers Hats that embody beauty of style, su
preme models for street, afternoon and evening use
choose from all tomorrow $25 to $150 Hats at just naif
Fancy Feathers V2 Price
Here, too, is our offering that hundreds of women
will be eager for. The choosing of any of our immense
stock of Fancy Feathers, Wings, Breasts and small
Stickups every style, color and price all are included
in the offering. Priced now from 50c to u PrJrp
$5. Tomorrow for this great sale, at just c
Other Millinery Reduced
All other Millinery not included in the half-price of
fering is at a reduced price Knox nats as contract goods
alone are excepted, lanorea ana iress xiais max i"sc
in price from 50c to $25 all offered tomorrow at greatly
reduced prices. Second Floor, New Bolldlnit.
Women's $20-$ 25
Suits at $ ! 3.45
SUCH phenomenal and
seasonable reductions
in tailored suits for wom
en and misses are indeed
of rare occasion, and
scores of women and
misses will hasten to avail
themselves of a suit offer
ing such as this we have
arranged for tomorrow.
The latest modes will be
found. One style just as
illustrated. Suits with in
laid velvet collars, semi
fitted backs and high gir
dle skirts. K wonderful
variety of materials to
choose from in whipcords,
cheviots, tweeds and
worsteds, in mannish mix
tures, checks, stripes and
plain fabrics, in garnet,
navy and black. Two-tone
whipcords in browns, tans
and mixed browns. Sizes,
16 years to 38-inch bust
measure. Your cnoice to
morrow of these regular
$20 to $25 suits at only
INCLUDED in this tremendous . sale tomor
row are about 200 Petticoats of messalme
and taffeta, jersey tops with silk flounce, and
others with under-ruffle of silk. You'll fmd
plaited and tailored flounces, many trimmed
with cord and finished with raffle. In navy,
black, brown, Copenhagen, reseda, lavender,
rose, pink, cerise and d H
changeable ' colors. Your & Jfr
choice ot the lot at oniy
-Second Floor, Main Bol'ldm. Mall Order. Filled.
AX odd lot of Corsets in sizes 18 to 36 are in vmrvrrnTtf nt n rri that will See
M 1 1 A V -A IVi. I'lVi vj " f - - .
them all disposed of early in the day. All first quality In winte
batiste, allover embroidery and English poplins, (t Tl T) (H)
Regular $2.50 to $3.50 Corsets and good values at J i
those prices, to close out quickly are priced only r .
CI Pnrcptc Placed on sale tomorrow to close out
7 DC to 31 corsets a special lot of oddsizes. c
Of white coutil and batiste. Sizes 25 to 36 only. Reg- J)C
ular 75c to $1.00 Corsets on sale tomorrow onlyat, pr
(To $ 1 .75 Flannel Gowns $ 1 .39
HERE'S wonderful comfort in these white
rwiW Flannel Gowns for women.
Trimmed with linen lace edging and hgJJ 19
round and V necks and kimono style- Regular $1.50 apd 9J
$1.75 Flannel Gowns for tomorrow
Hand-Emb'd Gowns, $2.50
A special lot of women's hand-embroidered
Night Gowns entered at special prices
for "tomorrow. Made low-neck, slipover
style, and one-piece kimono style. Beauti
fully finished in dainty hand PO 50
embroidery. For tomorrow, only
75c Corset Covers, 50c
Made of fine nainsook, and daintily
trimmed with embroidery and lace
edges, medallions . and beading inser
tion. Ribbon drawn at top. Regular
75c Corset Covers, priced for r
tomorrow's selling at only, ea jUt