The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 03, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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councllinanlc form will be made. The
fight at first showed but little Indica
tion of becoming a hot one. but for the
past week or 10 days has been waged
with considerable warmth and tonight
ended with not a little feeling being
displayed by the advocates of both
Baker has been under the commission
form for two years, and. while there
are those who feel entirely satisfied
with the results of the two years, there
are others who feel that the old form
would be the best. The great fight
against the present form has been
waged by those citizens who style
themselves the Taxpayers League.
However, none knows exactly who are
the leaders of the movement. The agi
tation for the change was made for the
first time last Spring.
The vote is expected to be exception
ally heavy. The corrupt practices act
will be rigidly enforced. Other mat
ters up for the city voters are certain
Colonel Declares Democratic
Candidate as Governor Did
Not Curb Trusts.
Republicans Called Timid, Pro
gressives Chided for Seek
ing New Ways.
S 01 SnYST.R x -. ; .
Democratic Promise to "Go Forward
Without Postponement or Ex
periment or Confusion" Made
la Formal Statement.
NEW YORK, Nov. 2. The following
itmit bv Governor Wilson, uemo
rratie candidate for President, was ia-
sued today through the headquarters of
the Democratic National committee.
"The Issue is now clearly made up
and goes to the people. I. for one, do
not doubt the verdict. The voters must
take one or the other of three choices.
Three Alternative Offered.
"First, entrust the Government to the
regular Republican party again, which
always begins a campaign with prom
iua ir action and then always at the
end draws back and warns against
change, dreading to attempt anything
at all for fear it should not sausiy
those who control credit and whom it
has so long permitted to act as trus
tees for the people in every matter of
"Second, place the guidance of their
affairs in the hands of men who are
searching about for some new way in
which to perform old duties, all along
plain and imperative, which can easily
be performed without the invention of
new methods for example, without
shifting the whole energy and initiative
of the law to the executive branch of
the Government.
Democratic Pramlir Defined.
'Third, go forward without postpone
ment or experiment or confusion to
effect the reforms that the whole coun
try waits for and that all parties pro
fess to be necessary through the ln
Mrumentality of a great established
and undivided party, clear and explicli
a to its purposes, willing to effect
them by the ordinary process of leg
islation, willing to be guided by the
common council of the Nation as a
whole, the plain people with the rest,
regardful of every interest, the little
as well as the big. because connected
with every interest by sympathy and
comprehension, and soberly determined
to obey the voice of thoughtful men
everywhere, by a carefully considered
course of moderate yet courageous re
form the mere statement of the
choices Is a prediction. We shall trust
ourselves and let the little groups o
discoverers who would have us rest
our powers in them learn, in their turn
and at their leisure, to trust us also.
Candidate Makes Vmmt Appenl.
What was termed the "final mes
sage" of Woodrow Wilson for the cam
paign was read in many cities through
out the country today. It declared
that the next four years would see
how the country was to solve the
questions of the tariff, trusts, banking
and currency system, the conservation
. of natural resources and the health of
the people, the development of trans
portation, the firm establishment of a
Just foreign policy and the extension
of the assistance of the Government to
many programmes of uplift and better
ment. . It spoke of the tariff partic
ularly regarding which Governor
.Wilson said:
"It must be handled very prudently,
so that no honest toil may be Inter
rupted, no honorable or useful enter
prise disturbed; must be dealt with by
slow stages of well-considered change
change whose object shall be to re
store and broaden opportunity, and
destroy nothing but special privilege
and unwholesome control. Those who
handle it. therefore, must be men who
understand the general interest and
have devoted themselves to serving it
without fear or favor."
Governor Wilson continues:
"The trust question must be dealt
with in the same way with this dis
tinct and single programme, to destroy
monopoly and to leave business intact,
to give those who conduct enterprise
no advantage except that which comes
by efficiency, energy and sagacity,
those only fountains of honorable
wealth, every man rewarded according
to his insight and enterprise and serv
ice, his mastery in an open field. Cur
rency and banking questions must be
discussed and settled in the interest
of those who use credit, produce the
crops, manufacture the goods, and
quicken the commerce of the natlo'.i,
rather than in the Interest of the
banker and the 'promoter and the cap
tain of finance, who if set oft by them
selves in the management of such
things, too slly lose sight even of
their own Intimate and inseparable re
lation to the general needs and inter
ests of the rank and Tile. Forests must
be renewed, and mines and water
courses must be husbanded and pre
served, as If we were trustees for all
generations, not merely for our own. for
the sake of communities and nations
and not merely for the Immediate use
of those who hasten to enlarge their
enterprises and think only of their own
People Mast Be Vn hampered.
"The Government must employ
its powers and spend its money to de
velop a whole people and a whole con
tinent, and at the same time keep them
ire and alert and unhampered, its eye
always on the common use and pur
pose, its thought constantly of what
will happen to the average man and of
what will be prepared for the next
-We must consider our foreign policy
upon the same high principle. We
have become a powerful member of
the great family of nations. The na
tions look to us for standards and
policies worthy of America. We must
shape our course of action by the max
ims of Justice and liberality and good
will, think of the progress of mankind
rather than of the progress of this or
that investment, of the protection of
American honor and the advancement
if American ideals rather than always
of American contracts, and lift our di
plomacy to the levels of what the bst
minds have planned for mankind. We
must devote the power of the Govern
ment to the service of the race and
think at every turn of men and women
and children, of the moral life and
physical force and spiritual betterment
of those, all of those for whom we pro.
fess to have set government up."
Commission Form of Government to
Live or Die Monday.
BAKER. Or, Nov. 2. (Special.)
One of the most spirited city cam
naisrns that the city has held prac
tically closed tonight. On Monday
Raker will hold a city election.
The most important Issue to come
before the voters is whether or not
the .commission form of government
will be approved or a return to the old
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TVettle and Kle Vlnynrd.
SACRAMENTO. Cal.. Nov. 2.
(Special.) Among the teachers
attending the Northern Califor
nia Teachers' Association, Just
closed here, were two sisters,
twins, that look " much alike
they cannot be told apart even
by their Intimate friends without
the distinguishing mark which
they wear. This comprises a
gold cross pinned on their dress.
One has a larger cross than the
The sisters are Misses Nettle
and ITttle Vinyard, of Shasta
County. They live together, al
though they have -separate
schools, and are almost constant
ly in each other's company.
Since birth they have not been
away from each other at night.
When they started teaching in
rnH.-r. r'mintv thpv had the same
r school, taking turn about. The
pupils did not know tne aitier
ence. They have taught in Mo
doc, Shasta and Siskiyou coun
ties. California, and in Southern
proposed amendments to the present
city charter and the election of one
Commissioner. Five candidates are out
for the office.
State Senator John A. Carson De
clares Slate Printing Expert
Is Unnecessary.
SALEM. Or.. Nov. 2. (Special.)
Declaring that the office of state print
ing expert before the present admin
istration was useless, but under the
guidance of R. A. Harris, the present
expert. It has become a drag on the
taxpayers through petty raids on the
treasury, which have been made by
Harris, aside, from drawing his regu
lar salary. State Senator John A. Car
son today announced that he Intends
to introduce a bill in the next Legisla
ture to abolish that office.
"The thrifty Mr. Harris, who ex
presses himself as bitterly opposed to
anything but an eight-hour day for
the men who labor, seems to maice no
bones about overtime and additional
collection from the public treasury
when it is for the benefit of Mr. Har
ris." said Senator Carson in comment
ing on his proposed bill. "He has illus
trated how it is possible for an office
holder in a useless office to gather
unto himself all the perquisites, wheth
er allowed by law or not.
To my mind the office has always
been a useless one. It has served no
good purpose and nothing is accom
plished by a printing expert that could
not be accomplished by a clerk In the
office of the Secretary of State.
"But even with the office as It was
under the former administrations It
was not so bad. even If It was useless.
Now It has' developed into a raid on the
taxpayer. Harris has been collecting
his full- per diem, whether he works or
not. except for a few days when he was
away from his office. I understand he
would probably nave attempted to col
lect this had not some of his friends
remonstrated with him to show him
how It would reflect on the present
administration. In addition he has had
his hand out for every extra dollar
that would cling to it.
"Harris has used the office largely
for political ends and for advancing
his own political Interests. I haven't
a doubt but his advocacy of the flat
salary measure against Mr. Dunlway is
nothing more or less man a aesign on
his part to secure further advancement
into a fat political Job, which will line
his pockets with some additional dol
lars. "There will be no difficulty in con
vincing the representatives of the peo
ple during the next session that Mr.
Harris has turned a useless office into
an office that has been exceedingly
useful to himself and that it should be
done away with for the benefit of the
To the many kind friends whose sym
pathy and assistance has been such a
comfort to me during the illness and
death of my beloved husband. I wish to
express my nennieit grmiiime.
"This Is No Answer at All," Statement-
Says of Contention That
Republicans In New Jersey
Blocked Efforts.
OYSTER BAY, N. Y- Nov. '.Theo
dore Roosevelt issued a statement to
day devoted largely to answering Gov
ernor Wilson's remarks on the trust
question in his speeches last Thursday
night at Madison Square Garden.
"In view of Wilson's insistence upon
the importance of the trust problem,"
says Colonel Roosevelt, "I desire to call
attention to Wllson'B record on the
trust question as Governor of New Jer
sey and to ills previous attitude."
Colonel Roosevelt quotes from Wil
son's speeches when running for Gov
ernor and later.
"In his first message to the Legisla
ture, January 17, 1911." the statement
continues, "Governor Wilson renewed
with emphasis his promises to deal with
the New Jersey trusts. He described
some as having ,'slipped out of control
of the University law that gave them
leave to be, and can make and unmake
them at pleasure." and declared:
" "We have now set ourselves to con
trol them soberly bt effectively and
to bring them within the regulation of
the law. There is a great obligation.
as well as a great opportunity, an Im
perative obligation from wnicn we can
not escaDe If we would. No man who
wishes to enjoy the public confidence
dares hold back and if he is wise, he
will not resort to subterfuge."
Opportunity an Governor Neglected.
"The SuDreme Court of the United
States has solemnly declared that the
Standard Oil and Tobacco trusts have
been guilty of fraudulent and unlawful
conduct which the New Jersey, statute
declares to be a misdemeanor." says
Colonel Roosevelt. "Wilson now says
that he wishes to proceed against the
directors and managers of these trusts
lndividuajly. For 22 months he has
had. as Governor of New Jersey, amle
opportunity for thus proceeding against
them, but ne Has never iniea ma iwuu
to take It.
"Wilson has declined to give the Leg
islature a lead In this matter and when
these members of the legislature gave
him a lead he still declined to lift a
finger in its aid. And, naturally, in
view of this attitude of passive oppo
sition on his part, the Legislature
failed to act.
"Through Senator Beverldge, I asked
Wilson certain questions, as follows:
" "First Is It not a fact that the
laws of the state under which a cor
poration is organized prescribe its
" 'Second Are. not all the powers of
the Standard Oil and similar mono
polies conferred by the laws of New
" 'Third Could not these powers
have been curtailed by amendments to
the New Jersey laws?
" 'Fourth Why has not Wilson as
Governor of New Jersey recommended
such amendments?"
Wilson's Reply Criticised.
"In response to these questions, Mr.
Wilson telegraphed to one of hiB sup
porters, as follows:
" 'I authorize you to say that the Re
publican majority in the Legislature
made a revision of the corporation
laws impossible, and no New Jersey
official could prosecute or propose a
dissolution for breach of Federal stat
utes." "This is no answer at all. Wilson
himself stated that the Legislature did
with surprising ease what be asked
and that Republicans and Democrats
members actually Introduced bills such
as were demanded by Wilson's explicit
"The New Jersey Legislature of 1911
stood: House, 42 Democrats and 18
Republicans; Senate, U Republicans
and 10 Democrats. Therefore there
was only one Republican majority
against him In the Senate, and one Re
publican Senator, Colgate, actually in
troduced an anti-trust bill.
"In the entire Legislature there was
no opponent of trust legislation who
possessed one one-thousandth part of
the influence which, while I was Presi
dent, was exercised by Senator Ald
rlch In the Senate and Speaker Can
non in the House. But I never made
any excuses, and by a succession of
the hardest kind of hammering fights
I forced through Congress a mass of
vitally Important trust and corpora
tion legislation.
"Efficient Control" Proposed.
"No wonder that Wilson was able to
mention in his Madison Square Garden
speech with modest pride that the "gen
tlemen In Wall street are smiling and
complacent' because of their hope for
his election, and that they are betting
heavily on him.
"I ask that Wilson's proposals now
be tested by his action as Governor of
New Jersey. We Progressives propose
a real, thoroughgoing and efficient
control over the trusts. Wilson and
Taft naturally propose the same rem
edies, that is, to put their faith in a
continuation of the present policy,
which is to allow the eggs to be scram
bled and then, after the damage has
been done, to proceed by a lawsuit
lasting several years to try partially
to unscramble them.
"Our proposal, on the contrary, is to
create a commission, like the Interstate
Commerce Commission, and through
this commission to supervise the big
Industrial concerns doing an interstate
business as the Government now su
pervises railroads and banks.
"Under these circumstances, it is no
wonder that the great majority of the
trust magnates are supporting one or
the other of the old parties."
Hiccoughs Exhaust Vitality Sapped
by Uraemlc Poisoning.
Iil.'lll.'U 1 l.VF.. .."J
t , i i n n ..i .-vtj nl., Ciipir.nn.nan.
eral of the Army from 1902 until
and personal physician ana close iriena
of President Cleveland, is dj-ing from
uraemlc poisoning in mis ciiy.
Cl-n. la.t TiiaeHav Vi 0 ban hpn Kllf-
.' I II V. C . n
fertng from hiccoughs, which are rap-
Idly exhausting nis vitality.
The following telegram was received
Friday from Senator Smith, .of Michi
gan: "Hon. W. A. Leet: -Hearty con
gratulations upon your nomination for
Circuit Judge. The people of your
county are fortunate If they are able
to secure your services In this honor
able position, for which you are so ad
mirably qualified. (Signed)
(Paid Adv.)
THERE'S a sharpness in the air these late Fall days that
causes us to think about warm clothes. Better have a look
at Ben Selling's men's suits they carry style as well as
THE newest creations of master-weavers from our own
country and from cloth-producing lands across the sea.
Every fabric that's worth while, fashioned by clever Amer
ican tailors in short, the kind of clothes that gentlemen like
to wear. Suppose you see them this week.
WHEN skies weep it's time to talk about overcoats and
raincoats as well. If it's an overcoat you're wanting,
you'd better see these big, burly fellows, tailored with a snap
that gives you individuality.
If it's raincoats, see these new ones we're showing the
kind that shed water like a duck. All sizes for all men.
Overcoats and Raincoats $15.00 to $40.00
Men's Suits, $20.00 to $40.00
Men's Shop, Main Floor.
Young Men's Shop, Second Floor.
1 '"J
j if ' '
i r
l? Mrsl leading clothier , M I
' rSl'ifw Morebon Street ' UQ 1
'f Ip'fef Fourth Z? J .1
' 1 i
- Sill virf r& i& & ?$ ; Wv' fHpvJ?
1 14 i' fK m m&m w k h wmm U
- i vv-ll 1 Ah' i r - -1 Vl it fy Lj4 1i-Vk !li P
r ; IC Il M H fct PrrcSv;.:
l . Ell V' 'C' -NftC
. : i
Defense and Judge Objects to Play
by Infant Figuring iu $100,000
Heart-Baliu Suit.
TAPOMA. Wash.. Nov. 2. (Special.)
The 2-year-old daughter of Nellie
Storle, which represents half of Its
mother's demand for $100,000 damages
against Fred C. Hogan. carriage man
ufacturer ot Spencerville, Ontario,
caused a temporary halt In the breach
of promise trial Friday afternoon. The
little one recognized Ida Storle, a sister
of Nellie Storle. and ran away from
Miss Dora Storle, who was caring for
her. -
The babe scampered past Hogan and
his attorneys and past the Jury to
within a few feet from the witness
"I want to go up there." pleaded the
child, before the attorney representing
the complainant lifted her into his
arms and carried her back to Miss Dora
Storle. ,
i. nndTnaptftil riomnn Rtratlon
caused an Interruption and the attor
ney representing nosan oojetitu i "
fnr the defense in
permitting the little one to toddle past
the Jurors. ..,,. . j,
"It was the baby's fault," protested
the attorney.
"It makes no difference, necmreu
Judge Cushman. "If the child Is per
mitted to repeat such action It will be
necessary to oar u irum mo
mi.- r th shattered romance
of Nellie Storle was related to the Jury
by her sister, Ida. after order was re
stored. The sister told of Hogan's al
leged promises of a home either In the
country or in tne cuy,
and an education In some Canadian
The case will De resumea nei -nesday.
Court will not be in session
tomorrow on account of the funeral o.
Vice-President Sherman. Tuesday be
ing election day. Judge Cushman de
cided it was not advisable to keep the
out-of-town Jurors from their homes
for the single Besslon on Monday.
Lebanon Man Wins Contest.
ALBANY, Or, Nov. 2. (Special.) K.
Kuhn. proprietor of a motion-picture
show at Lebanon, yesterday won the
case that Kohler & unase, ui ruruauu,
filed against him here, growing out of
the sale of an electric piano. The Jury
which heard the case returned a ver
dict in' favor of the defendant.
Four Passengers Only Survivors of
Wrecked Steamer Cecilia.
MONTREAL, Nov. 2. During a storm
last night the steamer, Cecilia, which
piled between Montreal and Valley
field, was hurled on the rocks and sank
at Isle Perrot, in Lake St. Louis, 10
miles west. At least 18 persons were
drowned, the lost comprising men. wo
men and children. Only four passen
gers were saved, all men.
Alexander Leonard, a farmer, put out
In a small boat and picked up the four.
A. colony of Jews from Russia Is to be es
tablished In Florida, presumably by the
Three Reasons
"Why we sell more Lighting Fix
tures than our competitors.
Quality, Design, Workmanship
and prices.
Courteous Treatment.
. 311 STARK ST.
Lighting Fixtures, Electric "Wir
ing and Supplies. Tiling for
Fireplaces, Tiling for
Floors and Walls.
Buy Your
Two Carloads
Just Arrived
From Our Factory
j MiiietiH err a.
G 355 msninitoijjou founding-
For the Three Most Celebrated
For Men and Women
The "Aquascuturn," the "Burberry"
and the "Toga"
General English Tailors
Selling Bulldln. SeoossO Moor
Direct Importers
Novel tin
Sixth and Alder Streeta