The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 03, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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s nniinnr in nnninrn 1 1 i
Spokane Takes Only One of
Five Fierce Boxing and
Wrestling Contests. j
Gialie Only Inland Empire Winner.
Gay Earns Popular Decision Over
Spencer, of Knockout Fame.
Know lion Wins Easily.
"Z -
for President.
Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club
opened the Northwestern Interclub box
ing and wrestling; season In most auspl
clous fashion Kriday night, tatting: four
in five events from the Spokane
thletes, before an enthusiastic and
leather-lunged contingent of more than
1000 fans,
Walter Williams, the 115-pound new
comer in the winged M squaa. was
the stellar performer of the programme.
He Is unquestionably the best piece of
amateur boxing machinery seen in the
Northwest In several seasons. cool,
clever, with a good right hand punch,
not swing, he proved a revelation to
the crowd. He bad no trouble dispos
ing of Ft. John, the Spokane youngster,
whose game struggle against lmpos
sible odds earned for him a reception
bordering; on aa ovation. '
Glahe Spokaae Victor.
Multnomah lads captured the three
boxing bouts, and one of the wres
tling. Frank Glahe. the 115-pound
Northwestern champion, being the only
Spokane victor.
Lorry Gay, one of Tommy Tracey s
novices, earned the most popular oe
cision of the evening when ha se
cured a four-round decision over
Knockout' uiiiy spencer, me cigmy- i r u - - r..u
touted Spokane 125-pounder. Rated UUII&e, VdllVe UIIUICC Ul IrUUd
high above his heavier, but greener
opponent, the crowd went wild when
Spencer's much-vaunted swings missed
their mark time after time. To the
unprejudiced observer, Spencer ap
peared to have the shade in the fourth
round, leading with the exception of a
few .closing seconds but the crowd was
after the Spokaneite'a scalp, and they
got It.
Chrlstofierson, the second Spokane
1.15-ponndr on the bill, was lucky to I
get a chance for a fourth round against
"Fireman Knowlton. Knowlton easily
had the better of the first two rounds.
and a shade in the third, but the crowd
yelled for another period. The visitor
looked like a winner for a minute, but
unowiton hammered mm about the
ring at will and had him all but out at
:he last.
Vetera . Defeats Novice.
Glahe bad no trouble disposing -of
Thorensen, the Multnomah 125-pound-er,
although he was outweighed ' more
than five pounds. It was a case of
veteran against novice, and the vet
eran conquered in two . straight falls.
the first on a crotch and near-Nelson,
in S minutes and 10 seconds, and the
second in 2 minutes and 30 seconds.
Arthur Poboskey bad "Red". Burns,
of Spokane, beaten in the 145-pound
mat tussle before the affair was- two
minutes old. . He aecured a. neck hold
on Burns as the two were tussling in
n effort to throw each other to the
mat and pinned his shoulders to the
mat in one minute and 28 seconds.
Burns came back strong and had bad
lurk with a roll and a scissors, against
the ropes, but lost a 15-mlnute and de
risive bout on aggressiveness.
5 per la I Eveata Mailers.
The special boxing events, aa with the
headline numbers, were sizxlers.- Billy
Kyeman beat Soldier Thomson, from
Vancouver Barracks, In a four-round
mill, just beating bis opponent with the
mirth-provoking style In the fourth and
last round. Derbyshire beat Dooling in
three rounds, winning the 158-pound
title of Multnomah Club. Derbyshire's
aggressiveness and better condition
ooon had Dooling strictly on the de
fensive, and this bout required no ex
tra round for a decision.
; , v
' . ' t v ' - 1 ' - -
All Candidates on Radical Ticket in
Country Appear on Face' of Re
turns to Be Defeated Var
ona Vice-President.
HAVANA, Nov. 2. The election of
General Mario Menocal and Enrique
Jose Varona. respectively candidates
for the Presidency and Vice-Presidency
of the republic on the Conservative
ticket, and all other candidates put for
ward by the Conservatives appears as
General Manuel. Sanguily, Secretary
of State, late last night told the Asso
ciated Press that while Jt would be
impossible fully to determine the re
sult until . today. - the trend of the
balloting everywhere . strongly - indi
cated the defeat of Alfredo Zayas. can
didate of the Liberals for President,
and the others on the Liberal ticket
Advices received at Conservative
headquarters here indicate that Gen
eral Menocal had a landslide In his
Tom McDonald, of the Seattle Athletic tor a generation,
"People Xot in Control of Bod'y,'
Declare Nominee.
ROCHESTER, N. Y., Nov. 2 Gov
ernor Woodrow Wilson, In ljls speeches
here last night, directed an attack on
the United States Senate aa a citadel of
private interests, declaring the people
had not had possession of that body
tlub. refereed the boxing bouts, while
Herbert Greenland took care of the
wrestlers. The judges were Joe Teal
and Frank Harmar. Summary:
1?.Vpound wreatlinr Glahe. SDOkane. d
fated Tncren.en. Multnomah Club, straight
laiia. z:iv, 3:-"".
145-pound wrestling Bohoakey. Muttno
man Club, defeated Burns. Spokane; fall In
l:-'l and 15-minut decision.
115-pound boxing Williams. Multnomah
flub, defeated St. John. Spokane; thrsa-
round derision.
lH5-pound boxtns; amy. Multnomah Club,
'.defeated fepencer. Spokane; four-round da-
135-pound boxing Knowlton. Multnomah
Club. defeated Christofferton,
four-round decision.
Special Eveats.
ISVpound boxing Ejrcmsn, Multnomah
flub, defeated Thomson, Vancouver Bar
racks i. four-round decision.
15K-pound boxing Derbyshire, Multnomah
'lib. defeated Dooling, Multnomah Club;
three-round decision.
City Hall, White Crows and Honey
man Teams Victors.
The speaker said confusion . and in
cessant contest would result aurlng
the next four years, with a postpone
ment of legislation,- unless both houses
of Congress, as well aa the Presidency,
were Democratic through and through.
Holding that the two chief issues of
the campaign aro the tariff .and 'the
trusts, he reiterated that without dis
turbing the healthy future of Ameri
can business he proposed to have
"special favors cut out of the tariff.1
He announced that he intended to
fight for the rest of his life to de
Spokane: I stroy private monopoly.
The Governor said that monopoly
could be prevented by making illegal
all unfair methods of competition. He
outlined among these the system of
underselling in a local market and the
discrmination of monopolies which
control raw materials against firms
that would not enter their comblna-
EXCITIG lions.
The receptions accorded the Gov
ernor at both meetings were of pro
longed enthusiasm. One demonstra
tion lasted 2ft minutes. The Governor
said he was glad to be so received.
in an admittedly Republican strong
Do you realize that the people of
the United States haven't had control
The second round of the Commercial
Bowling League was played at the
uratoga Alleys Friday night with three
exciting matches. City Hall taking two
jrames from Lang & Co.; White Crows of the Senate of the United States In
taking to from Dooly c Co., and our time?' asked the Governor. "No
Jloneyman winning two out of three mandate of the people has ever got
from the Foresters. through that body. You have got to
The White Crows bowled the high I capture that citadel of private Inter
game of the night, making ill in the est.
eecond game. Russell, of the City Hall I "If you postpone your reforms long
team, won the second game with the you will smash every party in the
Lang & Co. band, by getting five
straight strikes, winning the game by
11 pins.
Foresters lsvl' Sd. d- TL At
Behr .m 13 144 44 15.1
sVhwab Ml 12H 115 84 128
cdersoo 1H 133 ... ii.'.l 125
Klnck 1 li 1-VT 4i M
visiter 14a 1D0 20T 542 151
A iron 1U im 1U
L'nited States, because there are things
to be done and we cannot wait.
Dlttmar ....
Hi-ffron ....
...T10 7S 781 2SJT
. ..133
Totals . . . 753
I.ang a Company
Cllphaat H4
r-rego. Sr. li'S
Xenuerson .........lnO
7S5 772 2310
Crego. Jr. ....
- Totxls
j City Hall
llr o'ks ........
Russell ......
4 (HI
...811 71! 73C 2271
12". 108 305
...124 lo3 137 414
154 lit im 4KO
...129 14U lt9 474
. ..16 154 143 468
746 747 2231
Totals 738
nooHr Ae Company
O FHroyer "1 ! MS 442
Trunkiy I'M 1 1 W
H. Shroyer 154 141 17 471
Dooly 155 118 160 43a
Ciovir ' ..128 12S ll 418
Total- 743 704 T82 222
White Crows
Keller . 1 '38 219 501
H. McMahon 124 13 159 419
Phillips I" 17 17 542
Marshal! 133 171 170 47
B. McMahon 185 IS" 157 40s
f Totals TS 7S8 S72 243
Ethel Ferlrtl, Charged With Marder,
Convicted of Manslaughter.
Kthel Fechtl. charged with first de
gree murder for the killing of Otto
Fechtl, her husband, was found guilty
of manslaughter yesterday. She was
sentenced to three years In the peni
tentiary and Immediately paroled to
D. J. Horsman. of St. Johns, her foster
father, by Circuit Judge Gatens. .
When the time came for Barn E.
Leonard and H. A. Davie, the woman's
attorneys, to make their argument to
the jury yesterday morning they
waived. The Jury was out about three
hours. Judge Gatens said that be
promised Attorney Leonard In advance
that if the verdict was manslaughter
he would parole the woman.
This accounts for the perfect under
standing which existed after the verdict
was read. Mr. Leonard ' immediately
stated that he would waive time for
passing of sentence and requested a
parole. The judge granted It without
consulting Dvpnty District Attorneys
Collier and Flrgerald, who had prose
cuted. or either of them.
'I am not certain that I am right on
the law. in imposing a determinate in
stead of an Indeterminate sentence, not
having looked it up lately, but I did it
I anyway, said Judge Gatens. There
was no donbt in my mind that the wo.
man bajd been treated shamefully by
her husband. The law states that I
judge may parole after imposing a de
terminate sentence not in excess of 10
Judge Gatens admonished Mrs. Fechtl
to keep away from bad companions
hereafter and eschew Intoxicants. He
criticised' the- system which, he said.
made it possible for a woman to be em.
ployed in a grill in Portland on a per.
centage basis. While stating that both
were in the wrong he placed the major
portion of responsibility for the tragedy
on the dead man.
New Book, "The American Govern'
ment" Tells Interesting Story.
No better Instance of the growth of
the Government of the United States is
afforded than is given In a comparison
of the Blue Books of the United States
Government published in 181S and 1905.
The one published in 1818 is not much
larger than a child's reader, and has
but 17 pages. The one for 1905. is in
two volumes, and has 4219 pages. The
one for 1816 weighed less than a pound,
while the one for 1905 tipped the beam
at more than 25 pounds.- The publica
tion of the one for 1818 cost less than
$2000; the publication for the one of
1906 cost 170,000.
The Blue Book is a roster of the peo
Die in the employ of Uncle Bam. The
Government clerk is entitled to an an
nual vacation of a full months he . has
frequent holidays, half holidays every
Saturday during the heated term, and is
entitled to all the sick leave he needs
ud to 30 days. He" goes to work at
o'clock in the morning and quits at 4:30
o'clock in the afternoon, and has a half
hour for lunch. To the young man on
the farm and In the rural -town this
seems to be an ideal career; yet there
are few who take it up and remain sat
isfied with their lot
The story of the civil service as told
In the new book "The American Gov
ernment," by Frederic J. Haskln, was
indorsed both before and after puoli
cation by President John C. Black, of
the Civil Service Commission. He re
gards it as a most accurate portrayal
of the civil service. Just now when
the President Is asking Congress to
place all postmasters. Internal revenue
collectors, United States Marshals and
others in the classified service, thl
chapter alone is worth to every student
the price of the book as supplied by The
Oregonian. S,ee the coupons on another
page. .
Rigo, Violinist, Says Prominent Man
Took $10 Bill From Him.
Leon Vial. 446 Larrabee street, prom
inent property owner and proprietor of
the Girard Grill, was arrested today on
charge of larceny from the person,
sworn to by Rigo, violinist at the L6u-
vre. Mr. vial was taken to tne ponce
station, and after resisting the efforts
of three officers, was searched, but the
$10 bill, which Rigo asserted was taken,
was not found.
Rigo. who has been friendly with
Vial for some time, complains that
with Vial and others he was drinking
at the Perkins Hotel bar. when he "pur
chased some drinks, he says, that when
the change was returned there was a
$10 bill among it and this Vial took
and tore to pieces. The bartender took
the two pieces of the bill. and. ac
cording to Rigo, laid another $10 bill
on the bar. This bill, Rigo declares in
his docket complaint, Mr. Vial took.
Mr. Vial denies this and resented be
ing searched by the officers.
Mr. Vial was arrested once Before
on a charge sworn-out by his wife, to
the effect that he threatened her life,
ghe is now suing- for divorce.
Judge Lowell Says People of Interior
Oregon Want Selling.
Registering for the people of interior
Oregon a vigorous protest against the
re-election of Senator Bourne, which he
said was also contrary to the best in
terests of Portland. Judge Stephen A.
Lowell, of Pendleton, In an address at
Sunnyside Friday night, strongly urged
the election of Ben Selling, the Repub
lican direct primary nominee.
Judge Lowell unsparingly assailed
Senator Bourne, who was charged with
delinquency as a public servant and
failure to secure to the state approprla.
tions to which It was entitled. Re
viewing Senator Bourne's record on the
tariff. Judge Lowell charged the senior
Senator with being nnduly friendly to
the cotton interests, in which he was
personally concerned, and particularly
hostile to the wool Industry, one of Ore
gon's chief products.
Leap Proves Fatal to Man.
Lewis Vismara, 47 years old, living in
South Portland died at Multnomah
County Hospital Friday night from in
juries received in a suiciaai sinmpi to
jump from the First-street bridge over
Marquam Gulcb. No report of the af
fair was made to the police. No name
was given to the attendants at the Cor
oner's office, when they took the body
to the morgue.
"Needs Rebuke by People,"
Says C. E. S. Wood at Rally.
5(0 at Bungalow Theater Sleeting
Hear Wilson Landed as Only Can.
dldate Free to Act Gover
nor West Also Speaks.
Branding Senator Bourne as a man
badly in need of a rebuke from the
people: President Taft as an honest
and sincere man surrounded by schera
ing private interest-seekers; Colonel
Roosevelt as a champion of monopoly,
and Woodrow Wilson as a thoroughly
capable statesman with his hands free
to act. C. E. S. wood won great ap
plause last night In a spirited address
at a Democratic rally held n the nun
galow Theater. The meeting was at
tended by about 500 .persons. .Besides
Mr. Wood. Governor West spoke.
"There is more than one thing to
think of in the election of next Tues
day." said Mr. Wood in the course
his address. "Do not think that th
election of Mr. Wilson is all that
necessary to give us all the changes
promised in the Democratic platform.
No indeed! In addition to a Democratic
President we must have a Democratic
Senate and House of Representatives.
Otherwise the hands of the Preslden
are tied. It is only by accident and
seldom that we succeed In getting i
President who is supported by Con
gTess. For this reason there Is a lack
of harmony in action. That is one of
the weaknesses of oar Government-
Bourne's Right Drmled.
"Some of you Democrats are going
to vote for Wilson and for Bourne or
some other Republican or independent
candidate for the United states Ben
ate. In other words you want to place
a Democrat in charge and then send a
Senator to fight against him. Oregon
in the course of her development has
tried to get away from the forms of
government which are for the few. It
was a hard struggle, but we succeeded
Anally in getting something that
reflecta to a slight extent the wishes
of the people.
'Of all the men In Oregon who nave
no right to go back on tne uregon
system I believe the first is Jonathan
Bourne. But he has gone back on it
merely because in its working it did
not favor him. He placed himself up
n the primary to let the people say
whether they wanted him any longer
or not. He was turned down and then
would not Btand by the decision. He
needs a rebuke from the people and
ardently hope it will be administered
on the fifth day of this present month.
West Pleads for Wllsea. ,
Mr. Wood dealt at length with the
merits of the Democratic platform as
it stands- this year and made an ur
gent appeal for the support not only
of the Democratic candidate for Presi
dent, but also the candidate for Sena
tor from Oregon. Dr. Harry Lane. Me
declared that President Taft is a thor
oughly honest and sincere man, but is
held In subjection by the money inter
ests. "If you are satisfied with wnat
we have now. he said, vote lor a alt.
Governor West, who preceded Mr.
Wood on the programme, said that the
people owe it to themselves to give
Democracy a chance. "We are not sat
isfied with what we have now," ne
said. "We should give Woodrow Wil
son a chance and if he cannot make
good turn, him down and try something
else. We need a change and I believe
we will get it next week. I am for
Wilson because he is an nonest ana
capable man and I believe he will ac
complish something If elected. Tht
Nation needs people who will do things,
So does the state. If a cyclone should
come along and blow away a few hun
dred of the dead-head political office
holders, who are parasites on the pub
lic treasury at present, we should
be better off."
On the programme of the evening he
ld es the speeches was some good sing
ing by the Ad Club Quartet.
Wyoming Fugitives Are Cornered on
Border and Killed.
RAWLINS, WyoNov. 2. Richard
son and Backstrum, two of the convicts
who escaped from the Wyoming Peni
tentiary here on October IS, were killed
by a posse on Thursday night near
Powder Springs, on the Colorado
Wyoming line, according to a telephone
message received here late yesterday.
A battle took place when the posse.
headed by Sheriff Terrlll and Deputy
Sheriff O'Gee, finally cornered the fugi
tives after a chase of more than two
weeks. Burke, a third convict, escaped
and has not been captured. None of
the posse was shot.
Richardson, Backstrum and Burke,
three of the most desperate among the
ight convicts who escaped on Octo
ber 13. killing one citizen and stabbing
another, had remained . together on
their flight through the hills south
ward toward Colorado, eluding the pur
suers time after time. All three were
armed and they stole food and ammu
nition along the way. Several posses
have been constantly on their trail.
but they succeeded In keeping ahead of
their pursuers until Thursday night.
The bodies of the dead convicts were
brought to Rawlins. The .pursuit of
Burke will be continued.
Northwest Electric Only Awaits Fa
vorable Verdict of Voters.
G. F.-Herr, of San Francisco, repre
senting the Fleishhacker Interests
seeking a franchise in Portland for the
Northwestern Klectric Company, has
into business conditions.
We are absolutely confident of ob
taining a favorable vote from the peo
ple at tomorrow's election," said T4r.
Herr yesterday. "However, we are
continuing our efforts to show the peo
ple that we Intend to proceed with our
development and spend a lot of money
in Portland, immediately following the
granting of our franchise. Our activity
right up to tne eve of the election is
not because we have any doubt of the
result but because we are eager to
convince the public that we are deeply
interested in having the franchise
adopted by a big majority." .
After Democrat Speaks at Hood
Itiver Bull Moosers Weaken.
HOOD RIVER," Or.. Nov. 1, (Spe
cial.) An audience of 200 greeted
George Fred Williams, the Democratic
speaker from Massachusetts, who ad
dressed the voters here last night at
the Heilbronner hall. Mr. Williams
spoke for two hours,, devoting the
greater portion of his time to an at
tack on the Presidential Administra
tion of Theodore Roosevelt and the
THERE'S do way to describe the
lively, smart styles of these new
Overcoats and Suits so that
you'll get a really good idea of them.
Even the best illustrations don't do the
clothes full justice.. You've simply got
to see the goods to "get a line" on
them. ..
Hart Schaffner
& Marx
have produced the best Overcoat and
Suit styles this season we have seen;
unless you have a look at them you'll
miss the smartest lot of stuff on the
There's quality in them, fine fabrics,
fine tailoring, fine finish. They're the
clothes you want. v ,
New 'styles for young: men in Over
coats, new belt-back models, new colors
and weaves.
and Suits
$18 to $40
Copyright Hart Sobaffner Marx
SamT Rosenblatt & Go.
N. W. Corner Third and Morrison Streets
tactics pursued by Mr. Roosevelt with
his new party. Two Bull Moosers were
seen after the speech to remove their
Moose badges and declare themselves
fnr Wilson.
Mr. Williams went on an automobile
tour over the valley this morning be
fore leaving for Pendleton.
Division of &Wp Line Denct
Basis of Traffic Xot Agreeable.
While declining the suggestion from
President J. H. Young, of the Spokane,
Portland & Seattle Railway, that the
O.-W. R. & N. pro rate with tne com-
nnnv he rerjresents an annual sum oi
$50,000 in the support of an independent
Oriental steamship line. President J.
r Farrell. of the O.-W. -K- t W. IS
till wllllna- to give a subsidy of
$76,000 In three years to the project.
irrtmRtlva ot what the ' Hill line
mnv do. '
President Youngs suggestion cauoa
for the division of the deficit annually
between the two companies upon the
hasls of the frergbt Interchanges oe
tween the steamship line and the re
tnoctlvn rnads.
The committee irom me (.wrarer
Commerce may make an enort to
secure a conference between President
Farrell, President Young and Carl R.
Gray, president of the Great Northern,
in hopes of securing a common agree
ment between the two roads in Oregon
Ben W. Olcott, Secretary of State, is
at the Imperial.
Charles Wesley, a Scio merchant, is
at the Imperial.
W. B. Taylor, a Chehalis merchant.
is at the Oregon.
I. H. Manners, a hop buyer of Lon
don, is at the Portland.
Frank Wilson, of Twin Falls, is reg
istered at the Cornelius.
Judge Stephen A. Lowell and Mrs.
Lowell are at the Seward.
M. Leonardo, a merchant of The
Dalles, is at the Perkins.
F. V. Mortality, of San Francisco, is
registered at the Cornelius.
W. A. Stewart and Mrs. Stewart, of
Denver, are at the Seward.
Leslie Butler, a Hood River banker.
Is registered at the Perkins.
Frank J. Sardam. 'a real estate op
erator of Kelso Is at the Portland.
H. C Holmes, retiring superintendent
of Woodard, Clarke & Company, has
Pas's Cold Conponad Cnrea Colds and
Grippe ia a Few Honrs Cen
tals No Quinine.
The most severe cold will be broken,
and all grippe misery ended after
taking a dose of Fape s Cold Cpmpouna
every two hours until three consecu
tive doses are taken.
You will distinctly feel all the dis
agreeable symptom's leaving after the
very first dose.
The most miseraoie headache, dull
ness, head and nose stuffed up, fever
ishness, sneezing, running of the nose.
sore throat, mucous catarrhal Dis
charges, soreness, stiffness, rheuma
tism pains and other distress vanishes.
Take this wonderful Compound aa
directed, with the knowledge that there
Is nothing else tn the world which will
cure your cold or end Grippe misery
as promptly and without any other s.
sistance or Daa aiier-enects as a as
cent package of Pape's Cold Compound,
which any druggist can supply con
tains no quinine belongs in every
home accept no substitute. Tastes
nice acts gently.
been presented with a handsome watch
and fob by the employes of that com
pany. W. M. Urquhart, Sheriff Of Chehalis
County, is registered at the Portland.
K. K. Darrln, of Eugene, is at the
Multnomah, acompanied by Mrs. Dar
rln. Charles A. O'Connor, manager of the
Holland Bank of Spokane. Is at the
W. B. Foshay, a Centralla lumber
man, is at the Portland, accompanied
by his family.
P. L. Adams and C J. Adams, mer
chants of Belllngham. are registered
at the Portland.
Thomas G. MacDonald, former physi
cal instructor of the Seattle Athletic
Club, is at the Oregon.
Phil. Blumauer and Mrs. Blumauer
have taken apartments at tne Multno
mah for the Winter.
Phil Blumauer and Mrs. Blumauer
have taken apartments at the Mult
nomah for the Winter.
Mrs. S. B. Schwab and the Misses
Schwab have taken an apartment at
the Multnomah for the Winter.
It Is Near the Holiday Season. Are You Going Back East?
North Coast limited Atlantic Express
Our Two Fine Trains Run To and From Chicago
The Direct Route and Fast Time .
St. Paul
Daily Through Trains
Kansas City
St. Louis
St. Joseph
. ' Y l
Three High-Class Day Trains
,with Parlor Cars and Coaches
and Dining Car. One Night To
Train with Standard and Tour-
ist Sleeping Cars.
Three Daily Trains to Grays Harbor
To Aberdeen and Hoquiam
Tell us your destination. We will tell you fare and
- full information.
A. D. Charlton, Asst. General Passenger, Agent
255 Morrison St, Corner Third St., Portland
Main 1244 Phones A 1244
, . ....T ,-.. . I. I .,.. Ml ! d
with all their dutreaing symptoms permanently and quickly banished.
Fhrncianf throughout Europe, when prcxribing Sromalix, have effectually
cured the most obstinate and long standing cues of CHRONIC " '
Dyspepsia, Intestinal Catarrh, Dysentery,
. Ulcerated Stomach, Vomiting, Gastric
Pains, Heartburn, Loss of Appetite.
I DrTsAI Z d e CA R LoTi
is a Modern Stomach Remedy, compounded to meet Modern needs. By in use.
without changed or rigorous diet, the patient obtains just the requited aid, and
hit digestive powers are brought back to vigor.
Frequently occurring and more or less serious cases ol Infantile Stomach Troubles
arc cured by this remedy.
Mik mr mi, m
K. POUCXRA CO, Im. lAmmnt . ., 0 Baekman St Nn Vera