The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 03, 1912, Page 20, Image 20

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Turn to the Back Page of Section 4 for Additional Monday Store Neibs
Furs remodeled, renovated and manufac
tured here in our thoroughly equipped
6hop. Everything in Furs made to your
order. A visit to this shop is worth while.
Government "Weather Forecast:
The-picture framing you intend to have, done
f 1 1 i 11 f I T 1. 1 . . .
November Victor and Columbia Records are
here. Come up to our fifth floor Talking
Machine Parlors tomorrow and hear them. We
will gladly play other E6cords yon favor also.
ior me nouaay guis snuuia oe orougnt 10 our
Picture Framing Department now. Lowest
prices consistent with expert workmanship.
You Shop
Shop Early !
TWO months in. ad
vance of the Holiday
season may seem to some people an
unnecessarily early date at which
to begin a 'shop early" crusadej
but to those who realize the far
reaching effect of such considera
tion for the "vast army of em
ployes" everywhere, on the part of
Holiday shoppers, the date seems
none too early.
Those who look at this matter
from a humane viewpoint KNOW
what a consistent, persistent "shop
early" crusade by merchants and
the buying public will mean to
faithful employes in all lines of
business and in the postal and
transportation service. It will mean
to them a chance to share in the
Christmas festivities; and will
make the "joy and good-fellowship"
of the season a reality in
stead of a travesty.
We feel that yon will, upon ma
ture thought, join in the general
"shop early" movement, deciding,
for the sake of others throughout
the land that :
"No matter where I shop, I will
Shop Early
f JJ
Special Offerings in Women's Blew Winter Apparel
Women and Chil
dren Alike Will
Participate in
Our 12th Annua
Doll Show
NOVEMBER 7, 8 and 9
are the dates for our
great Annual Doll Show. En
tries ODen November 4 and
close at 6 P. 51., November 6.
Ask for folder explaining every
detail of this wonderful Show,
Grand Prize $50 in gold to the
Church, Society or Charitable In
stitution entering the best group
of dressed Dolls of not less than 10.
Second Grand Prize $30 in gold
to the church, society or charitable
institution entering the best single
dressed Doll chosen from any group
as entered for the Grand Prize.
Third Grand Prize $20 in gold
to the church, society or charitable
institution entering the second best
single dressed Doll chosen . from
any group as entered for the Grand
rourth Grand Prize $20 in .gold
to the child entering the best group
of dressed Dolls, consisting of not
less than three. ,
Fifteen Additional Class Prizes.
$15 and $ 1 6.50 Fur Sets
i i
at $12.45
JIF OMEN find these Fur Sets,
' V as illustrated, dressy ' and
comfortable during the Fall and
Winter months! An added tone
of richness, is given to the cos
tume for street wear, -where furs
are worn. Of extra, good quality,
soft, fluffy conev, either black or
brown, made up with an overlap
of fur to give the popular two
tone effect.
With the attractive, long, straight
scarf or wide stole, large pillow muff.
Regular price is $15.00 and $16.50 the
set. For tomorrow only (t i r A
the price will be, specT,JJ) X
Pony Coats $48.50
Every woman evidences a keen desire for a Pony Coat ! "What wom
an does not display an individuality of dress when wearing one? And
tuese we special tomorrow 'are particularly handsome. 'Made
fitting, bZ inches long. Have deep shawl collars.
These soft black Pony Coats that sell regularly
at $65.00, .will .be on . sale tomorrow . onlv . at.
Wonderful Coat Offer$ 1 4.65 !
EVER before this season have we offered Coats in such splendid
nualitv at anvwhere. npar this rmVf Of warn vcA, lin-inr -faT-ivic
i r . . ) iuumu,
including these popular double-faced materials, in gray or navy, with at
tractive plaid backs, or the fashionable gray and black diagonal weaves.
Two of the styles just as illustrated above one with black velvet collar
that fits up close at the neck. Other style of heavy navy cloaking, with
facing and attractive collar of plaid. Safe to say that never in all Portland
have Coats such as these been offered at the price. f A IT -In
the popular three-quarter and full lengths. Smart, X I ffy
clever, dashing styles. Choose them tomorrow at J
A Matchless Choice of $25 to $35
Tailored Suits at
Women's Lovely Winter Dresses
of Wool and SilK at
Variety the keynote of this wonderful group
of handsome Tailorrmade Suits for women,
misses and juniors. Women's Suits are of
splendid quality men 'swear serge, rich tweeds,
twilled worsteds, diagonals and fancy mix
tures. Blues, browns, gray, tan, striped and
mixed weaves included.
Jackets of regulation length, with cutaway,
square or rounded corners, semi-fitted, belted
or empire back styles. Finished with buttons,
velvet and braid. Two styles are shown above.
Severely tailored, as well as semi-fancy mod
els are included. Suits for misses and juniors
are in regular and Norfolk styles. For 'ages
16 to 18 years. Women's sizes 34 to 43 bust.
A wonderful value are the Suits we special
today at $14.65.
See them tomorrow1 and yon '11 wonder that
we offer . these lovely new Winter Dresses
' at $9.95. ; "
Look the city over and . you can't find
Dresses to equal them at any way near this
price. New, attractive Winter models every
one of them. Of gflod quality wool serges,
fancy woolen fabrics, rich silk, charmense and
clinging messalines. In navy, brown, tan,
gray, garnet, light blues and neat stripes.
Included are the popular models combined
bodices of plaid silks and serge these with
the new Robespierre collar. Others have col
lars of lace, embroidered collars of epponge.
Many with - dainty yokes -satin and button
trimmed. Dresses for street and afternoon
wear1 choose them tomorrow at $9.95.
Second Floor. Main BoHdlng. Mall Ordern Filled
The School Girls'
Favorites Are
These Popular
Pretty SailorSuits
Now $5
WHERE is there a girl
or miss that wouldn't.
find these pretty Sailor Suits
attractive and becoming? In
blue, red and brown serge
they're made. " Collars and
cuffs neatly trammed with white
braid. Skirts made plain or
pleated. Sizes 14, 16 and . 18
years. Kegular $10 Sailor Suits
tomorrow, only $5.
Rain Capes $2.75
A most seasonable offer.
these Kain Capes in rubberized
sateen. Colors blue and red.
Fast color. Hood nlaid linod
bizes 4 to lb
yrs. ' Priced
tomorrow at
Second Floor, Mnln Bnlldln-.
Mall Orders Filled.
sooa piaia lined.
The Big Store
Will Flash All
Election Returns
custom, the Big Store
will supply election sens and on
Tuesday night, on the Fifth-street
side of the Store, election returns
from National, state and county
fields will be flashed by stereopti
con figures.
' Keep in touch with the election
count as it is reported over our
special leased wire and through
communications of expert operators
with precinct correspondents.
Band music has also been ar
ranged for your enjoyment. The
Meier & Frank Store invites you
to make use of this special election
m tier, o ocivii o u l JWUUJ ulgtlL.
Madame Irene Corsets
HEY 'RE sold here in
Portland, the superb
models created by the New York
fashion expert, JIme. Irene. Every
model perfect. The Madame Irene
Corsets have no equal in style and
grace of line, in perfection of cut
and finish.
Ask about them tomorrow in
our second floor section.
$5to$6Silk Waists $3.85
THEY'RE of Tjonrree.
and Jap silk these popular ))
ojjxx 1,-ot.yic Yvcu&is we special to
day at only $3.85. Girls at school
and college, the business girl and
j 1 1 i
woman ana women m tne nome
all will find interest in this
splendid "Waist offering for to
morrow. Style as shown in sketch of natural
color silk pongee. Others are of plain
white and of striped materials. Made,
with yokes, with and without pockets
soft collars and cuffs. ...
Also shown with the new roll Robes
pierre collar, shirt sleeves with turn
back cuffs. Waists ft f
that sell regularly A V f
at $5 to $6 choice rmJ
To $4 Waists, $1.48
They 're a broken line of Waists, some of them slichtlv mld
that's the reason for this big reduction. Included are nlain and fanev
lingerie, voile, crepe and .stripe marquisette Waists. Some with trim
mings with German Valenciennes, cluny and finely gf V A f
woven laces. Necks are hi?h and low sleeves lone rWk I Al3r.
and short.
Broken lines of $2.50 to $4 Waists today
Second Floor. Main Building. Mull Orders Filled.
Collars, Stocks, Roses.
v v
Mi 25 c
IIINK of entering a ver
itable bower of dainti
ness and selecting therefrom your
choice of the many little Dress
Accessories that you like so well
for 25c each! That's what we
make possible in this sale.
Women's Neckwear at 25c You'll
find tomorrow on every case and
table in our Neckwear section Robes
pierres, Jabots, Bows, Endicotts,
Gnimps and Pleatings.
Satin Ribbon Roses at 25c-Large
and small, in pink, sky, white, laven
der, mais, Amerk'an Beajity, cerise.
For corsagre or trimming hats.
Medici Collars at 25c Of chiffon,
trimmed with, fringed ribbon and
beads. ' In black, white, white and
black and colors.
Robespierre Collars at 25c Made
reversible in the new stork style. Of
black satin with various color linings.
1500 Fans at 25c For children and
niisses. In pink, blue and "white.
Some ostrich- feather with bead
chains. Painted Persian Ivory with
bead chain and bracelet.. A holiday
Klrmt Floor, Main BuIIAIbk.
Mall Orders Filled.
NOT many women that do not
, know and appreciate the
wonderful comfort derived from a soft,
warm Blanket Robe! Scores of these
Robes, as illustrated, will find ready
purchasers tomorrow soon after our
doors are opened for business.
Of fine soft blanket material in vari
ous pleasing color effects. Figured
patterns of white and brown on dark
background. These Robes have satin
trimmed collars and cuffs. Heavy waist
cord. Colors navy, Copenhagen, gar
net, heliotrope and lavender. Blanket
Robes specially
priced for tomor
row 's selling at only
'SeeonM Floor, Main Building-- Mall Order Filled.
$3.1 6
Silk Petticoats $3.58
FEW women that' won't realize
the exceptional offer we make
for tomorrow in these Silk - Petticoats !
One style just as illustrated. Of good
quality taffeta and messaline with em
broidered tucked and pleated flounces.
Cut on the latest narrow lines and nicely
finished. In navy, black, ' brown, gray,
cerese, silver and changeable silk. These
Petticoats are an extraor- go Q
dinary offer, priced at only CbOaJDO
Sale of Sateen Petticoats at 93c
At the price many women will avail them
selves of this great opportunity and purchase I
not one, but several, of these Sateen Petti- h
coats. They're made with stitched bands and Lf,
plain tailored flounces or accordion pleated
flounces with dust ruffle. Soeciallv O O "
priced for tomorrow, these Petticoats at fOC
.Second Floor, Main Building. Mail Orders Filled.
1, SI
$ 1 .25 to $2 Corduroys 98c
MORE popular this season than ever are
the corduroys for milady's dresses,
suits and coats! The Fashion emphasizes Corduroys,
and we have something of special interest to every woman.
Fancy striped, changeable and mixed suiting Cordu
roys of fine quality. In brown, grays, blues and trreens.
Regular $1J25, $1.50 and $2 Corduroys, for tomor-QO
Thousands of Yards of Shadow Lace Edges
T TNUSUAL demand has been made this year for Shadow Lace Edges! An exceptional purchase
V makes possible our offer of great sayings to you. For tomorrow only we will price as follows:
30c to 85c Shadow Lace Edges, 3 to 8-inch, yard, at 25 85c to $1.75 Shadow Lace Edges, 6 to 12-inch, yard, at 39
Clliny Lace EdgeS at LeSS deira -B Ork' on sheer batiste-' Each pattern lingerie these Piatt Val. Edges and Inser-
Cotton Clnnv W vaL i j nicely boxed. tions find great favor. White only. V3 to
ecSforep Si Embroidered Waist Pattern 5 inches we Eegnlar 12c to Joe Mges
314 inches wide z fti.US -; and Insertions tomorrow, yard at 10.
Sc'to 12c ClnnyLace Edges, yard, only 5 to $6.50 Embroidered Waist Patterns New CMffo Md Nets-Just received a
12c to 20e Clnnv PhH. thT -i n for $3-98 new lot of Beaded Chiffons and Nets in
Ue to ZOc Cluny Lace Edges, the yd., 10 $6.50 to ?8 Embroidered Waist Patterns whjte and colors, .42-inch, to sell at 50tf
tland LmD. ,WaiSt Patterns for $4.69 . to $1 the yard. .Also fancy bordered and
A fine gift suggestion are these Hand- Piatt Val. EdgSS ' L .iM'
Embroidered Waist Patterns, of real Ma- ' For the making of hoHday6 articles and I '""f ti
All Lovely $10.00 to $150
Winter Hats at 4 Off o
IF you'd planned to pay
$16 for your new "Winter
Hat, you may purchase it tomor
row at $7.50. And so on right
through our immense varied stock
models at every price from $10
to $150, all at a saving of 14.
Our Knox Hats alone are, ex
cepted and they a contract line.
Youll find beautiful creations from New.
York and Paris makers. Hats for street.
afternoon, theater, evening and dinner.
Miliinery bearing the names of modistes
as Fiske, Burgesser," Phipps, Richensteiu
Iversman, Georgette, JUiree Louise, Louis
xavorea winter siyie is nere. unoose t.
$10 to. $150 Hats tomorrow at exactly 4 SJll
High-Grade $5 to $20 Shapes 14 Off
Women have but to remember the beautiful aualitv. the
chic new attractive styles of our high-grade Untrimmed Hats
to appreciate this remarkable reduction.
Every smart, new shape small and medium and sweeDin
broad-brimmed styles of rich velvets, handsome velours anil
attractive silky plush. , Regularly sold at from 1 f f4?
$5 to $20 each. Choice tomorrow at just exactly 'V11
Second Floor, Neir BuildlnK. Mail Orders Filled.
row only will be on special sale at only, a yard
12.50 and $3 Coatings,' 1.08
For the women and misses who prefer to
make or have made their own Coats se
lection of materials here is without rival,
either as to variety or price! New Fall
and Winter Coatings for making of nn
lined, long. Auto .Coats . or .misses ' popular
'Johnny" Coats. Checks and invisible
plaids ;Iso heavy tweeds: $2.."0 1J 1 QQ
to ?3 Cloakings, 58 in. wideP'0
$2 Suitings, the Yard, $1.50.
"We've just received a complete new
line of mixed Suitings in alkthe latest
Autumn shades. You H find here a
wonderful selection of diagonals, zib-'
elines, small checks, striped and mixed
cheviots. All 56 inches wide. These
regular $2.00 Suitings for tomorrow
only, the yard, at $1.50.
i 'LLt -tt.Tntii)' ! mt i m mm mum mm mM r i i a i
. All Beaded Bands, App'iques, Etc. V CS
Included in this sweeping offer are our
entire lines of beautiful beaded bands, fes
toons and garnitures, in gold, silver, jet
and irridescent colorings. Many stndded
with pearls and rhinestones. Also Bul
garian and Indian Bead combinations on
black net. -inch to 20 inches 1
wide, loc to $17.50 a yd., at
Beautiful Imported Tunics
' Sale Tomorrow in Trimming Section.
THEY 'EE beautiful these stunning new
imported Tunics that fashion the most
modish of evening costumes. Included are the new fish
tail train, the new pointed and round cut styles, in three
quarter and full length. - :
Handsomely embroidered in wonderful combinations of
brown, silver, and colors. "Also with white, pink, blue,
black and corn color, and rich fine nets.
$25 imp'd Tunics, $17.50 I $45 to $50 Tunics, $37.50
$30 imp'd Tunics, $22.50 I $60 to $85 Tunics, $50 OO
All Embroidered Bands, Appliques 't OS
Included is our entire line of beautiful
embroidered Bands, Appliques and Fes
toons, in the loveliest Persian and Dres
den combinations of silver and gold. Beau
tiful for the trimming of New Winter cos
tumes. In widths from -inch to 18
inches. Regularly sold at 35c 1 lA
to $12 a yard, tomorrow at
Flrt Floor, ir Huildlnff. Mall Order Filled.