The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 03, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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Acrobat, to Whom Turnkeys
Will Speak No Word, Says
He Killed Woman.
Police Carta fn Accentuates New
"Third- Degree" With Nagging
- rrocexs Story or Wire In
Main Corroborated.
CHICAGO. Nov. 2. Broken by hours
of silent treatment, the humane tui
effective third decree devised by Cap
tain Max Nootbaar. of the Chicago po
lice. Chart N. Kramer confessed this
afternoon that he killed Sophia Stnger,
the. Baltimore actress and heiress,
found murdered here. Monday night.
Kramer, known generally by his
stage name of Conway, In the final con
fession added a new feature to the
statement given yesterday by his wife.
He said he struck Miss finger down In
self-defense when she attacked him
with a rasor, after he had rebuked her
for making a suggestion to Mrs. Kra
mer to go out and meet some men.
Kramer exonerated hla wife from all
blame in connection with the crime.
Silent Treatmeaf Telia.
Kramer, the former clown, high diver
and circus acrobat, held out 21 hours
longer than his wife.
lie paced his cell all night, begging
for a word from the turnkeys, who
would not ' vouchsafe him a syllable.
He heard his wife's agonised outcries
when she made her confession yester
day, but could get no information as to
their cause or what she was saying.
Today Captain Nootbaar began a
systematic nagging 'of the man that
aggravated his silence.
Several times an hour he would pass
the cell and would pause a second to
"Well, do you want to confess?"
.Man In Tears Confesses.
Kramer each time refused, but at
last broke into tears'and begged to be
allowed to tell his story.
Kramer's story differed from his
wife's only in the detail that he claimed
self-defense in Justification. He said
he never meant to kill Miss Singer and
that he bound and gagged her to pre
vent her making an outcry. He said
he took J35 from Miss Singer's purse
and two suits of clothes belonging to
W. R. Worthen, Miss Singer's friend,
because he was penniless and needed
clothes to go out In.
He and his wife fled through the al
ley, he said, hoping to get away before
Miss Singer revived and believing that
she would not want to come into pub
licity by prosecuting them.
Two of IMreroom Crew of Vermont
Killed, Four Injured.
NORFOLK. Va.. Nov." 2. Michael V.
Horan and Richard M. Wagner, mem
bers of the fireroom crew of the bat
tleship Vermont, are dead and H. W.
Cramer, J. W. Newberry. M. W.' Green
and O. K. Hoteling are badly scalded as
a result of the blowing out of the head
of the battleship's No. 6 boiler while
she lay in Hampton Roads during the
Cramer is so badly burned it is feared
he may die. The battleship was only
slightly damaged. A board of Inquiry
will determine the responsibility for
the accident. It is believed It was due
to the water in the boiler being per
- mltted to run too low.
Early today the Injured men were
transferred from the Vermont to the
hospital ship Solace. Horan and Wag
ner died aboard the vessel. The in
jured men will be transferred to the
naval hospital at Portsmouth as soon as
their condition will permit.
Salem Explosion Proves Worst Acci
dent in City's History.
SALEM. Or- Nov. 2. (Special.)
Death claimed its third victim from
the boiler explosion In the Salem Bank
&. Trust building of last Tuesday, when
I. B. Muchmore died tonight as the re
sult of injuries in the catastrophe.
W. G. East, cashier of the bank, and
Jlarry Ahlers. son of the president of
the bank, were the first victims, Mr.
East dying early Wednesday and Ahlers
later in the day.
Hopes were held out for the recovery
of Mr. Muchmore. Although he re
ceived scalds and burns of a dangerous
nature, it was believed he would sur
vive. With the third death this is con
sidered the worst accident in the his
tory of the city.
Total for 29, OIK) Institutions in
Country SO 4.956,000,000.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 2. Lawrence O.
Murray. Controller of the Currency, to
day issued a statement indicating that
the resources of the banks in the
I'nited States, National, state and pri
vate, are the highest in history.
According to reports of their condi
tions on June 14, the Controller an
nounced 25.000 of the 29.000 banks In
the country show aggregate resources
of $24, 953,000,000, an increase of SI.
324.000.000 over the resources of 24,000
banks in 1911.
The total individual deposits amount,
ed to $17,012,000,000, an increase of
II, 105.700,000.
Request Made to Xante. Freshman
Dormitory Stand Hall.
BOSTON. Mass., Nov. 2. (Special)
It was learned today that Mrs. Russell
Sage was one of the largest contribu
tors to the 11,800,000 fund which Is be
ing raised at Harvard University for
the new freshmen dormitories.
The only announcement made is that
the dormitory which she gave will- be
railed Standish Hail, and that the build
ing given by general donations will be
called Gore Hall.
Government Agent Testifies at Trial
of Bremerton Yard Clerk.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Nov. 2. William
Bryon. special agent of the De part-
ment of Justice, testified today in the
trial of Edwin F. Meyer, former prin
cipal clerk in the office of the Gen
eral Storekeeper of the Puget Sound
Navy-yard, and who is charged with
defrauding the Government. Bryon told
of. a transaction in- Ferro-Manganese.
a firm which the Government alleges
is fictitious, put in a bid and obtained
a contract to j furnish 4000 pounds to
the Navy-yard and later 4500 pounds
Brvon testified as to conversations
he had with J. H. Kettlewell. of the
Navy pay office, wherein the Ferro
Manganese deal was brought ontv Ket.
tlewell is named in the Indictment
with Meyer.- Bryon asserted that" the
firm, Lyman Evans & Co., which was
supposed to have bid on the Ferro
Munganese, was fictitious, according to
Kettlewell and that Kettlewell had told
him the profits on the -transaction were
to be divided between Meyer and Ket
tlewell. According to the Government, the
Ferro-Manganee was purchased at ap
proximately 5 cents a pound In the Eat
and sold for almost 12 cents a pound
to the Navy-yard. Bryon testified th:it
Kettlewell had explained that the rst
of the shipment of S500 pounds, after
the first requisition of 4000 pounds was
taken care of. was to be used on a
secoTM- requisition which was to b
issued by-Meyer.
Court adjourned out of respect to the
memory of Vice-President Sherman,
with Bryon still on the stand. The
trial i.s Jikely to continue all of next
One Takes Collector's Watrh as In
demnity; Another "Tries On" Gar
ment and Walks Out,
SAN FRANCISCO, Nor. (Special.)
William McNally, collector for the
Charles W. Hickey "suit club," which
became notorious when several women
had Hickey arrested for obtaining
money under false pretenses a few
weeks ago, was persuaded by Hickey,
who is out. on hail, that the club was
still doing business at the old stand.
Holding to this belief McNally today
went J.o the home of Mrs. Dora Berry
and dsked her for another $2 payment
to add to the $10 which she had al
ready paid in for a tailored suit.
She left McNally standing In the
hall, and when she returned she car
ried a revolver in her hand. The
weapon was unloaded, but McNally
was unaware of this fact.
"Now I want those $10 I've paid
Into that concern returned," ordered
Mrs. Berry. "You won't leave this
houBe until I get the rest of that mon
ey." In vain pleaded and explained Mc
Nally. Mrs. Berry was obdurate. She
finally compromised by accepting his
When McNally arrived at the bond
and warrant office to get a warrant
for Mrs. Berry's arrest he met Charles
W. Hickey. his employer. Hickey also
was having trouble. He was applying
for a warrant for the arrest of Mrs.
Anne Bowart, charging her with lar
ceny. He said that she visited the
Great Eastern Woolen Mills, asked to
"try on" her suit and had then walked
out. telling him to "put it In his pipe
and smoke It."
Both requests for warrants were de
Several Election " Clashes Are Re
ported and One Man Is Shot
and Ivllled in Havana.
HAVANA, Cuba, Nov. 2. The sweep
ing victory of General Maria Menocal
and Enrique Jose Varona, the Conser
vative candidates for the Presidency and
Vice-Presidency, and for the rest of the
Conservative ticket for the executive
offices of the Cuban Republic appears
to be fully confirmed by the returns
received in the provinces today. El
Triunfo, the administration organ, con
tinued, however, to assert that Alfredo
Zayas. the Liberal candidate, has been
There Is practically no doubt that
the Conservatives carried all the prov
inces' with the possible exception of
Matanzas. The Liberals appear to have
carried only a few municipalities.
At the small town of Jiguani, in
Oriente Province, .a partisan clash re
sulted in the destruction of the regis
tration lists, rendering the election im
In Havana one man was shot and
killed in an election dispute, but no
other conflict occurred here. General
confidence is felt here that there will
be no disorder.
Work Is Begun in Repairing: Rail
way Bridges Under Protection of
Federal Soldiers. y
EL PASO, Tex., Nov. 2. Refugees ar
riving here today say conditions remain
unsettled below the border et this
point. Antonio Rojas has . about 600
rebels camping in the American set
tlement of Pacheco. The refugees, who
came from the various Mormon colonies
and other American settlements in-the
Casas Grandes district, were compelled
to move overland to Hachita, N. M.
Work was begun today in re-constructing
the Mexico-Northwestern
Railway, on which road rebels have
burned 60 bridges between Juarex and
Casas Grandes. American railway offi
cials agreed to attempt to rebuild the
road again on the promise of General
Trucy Aubert that full protection would
be given.
The first work train to depart was
guarded by 150 federal soldiers. All
railway traffic below thts port has been
paralyzed for nearly a month.
Victoria, With 4 64 Passengers, Hove
to in Bering Gateway.
SEATTLE, Nov. 2. The big steamship
Victoria, from Noma, the last merchant
vessel navigating the Bering Sea, sent
word by wireless Friday night that she
had been hove to for IS hours, unable
to make headway in a gale of 90 miles
an hour.
She was then ISO miles north of Uni-
mak Pass, which is the gate, to Bering
Sea from the North Pacific. She has
4S4 passengers and a large shipment
of furs and gold.
The revenue cutter Bear will be the
last steamer to leave Bering Sea, which
will be closed until next May.
All but One of Crew Fall Into
Ocean While Those on -Shore
Are Helpless.
New York Schooner, John Maxwell.
Driven on Treacherous Shoals of
Hatteras . While - Bound
South to Savannah.
TION, N. C, Nov. 2. A lone survivor
of the crew of the New York schooner
John Maxwell, driven on the treacher
ous Hatteras shoals during the 'night
while bound from Norfolk to Savannah
and broken In two by a raging sea,
clung tenaciously to the rigging of the
wreck when darkness fell tonight.
Llfesavers from this and two other
stations watched anxiously, but help
lessly for an opportunity to rescue him.
A United States battleship from the
Southern flrill grounds and a revenue
cutter are steaming full speed tonight
to reach the spot In an. attempt save
Six lives already have been lost In
the wreck, five of the men having dis
appeared In the waves before dawn to
Sixth Man Loses Hold.
The sixth sailor hung on to the rig
ging until late today, when, benumbed
by the cold and exhausted by the lash
ing of the waves, he was forced to re
lease his hold and was swept to death
In the sea. The lone survivor who
through glasses appeared to be an aged
man, was making a brave fight for
life, but it is feared he is doomed.
An all-day battle was waged by the
llfesavers, but the tremendous 40-mlle
gale made It impossible for them iQ
launch their boats.
Repeatedly during the day the life
savers shot a line over the Maxwell,
but the two men In the riggingvere
apparently too numbed by cold to at
tach It to the rigging. Failure to get
the line fastened so the breeches buoy
might be sent out prevented a rescue
in this way.
Word was sent to Norfolk, where the
Navy-Yard's wireless flashed the pliglTl
of the vessel and men to the Atlantic
fleet on the Southern drill grounds.
News came back here that one of the
ships would steam as near the shoals
as possible and attempt to rescue the
men from the seaward. The coastwise
telegraph also brought word that the
revenue cutter service would send a
vessel. ,
Vessel Will Be Total Wreck.
While the llfesavers watched the sea
pounding the vessel to pieces, one of
the two men was seen to disappear as a
big wave swept over the rigging. He
had been wrenched from the spar wnich
he bad clutched all day, dashed into the
sea and drowned.
It was not until after noon that the
identity of the vessel became known.
A piece of wreckage bearing the name
was washed ashore.
Under the force of the terrific waves
the craft broke in two and is fast go
ing to pieces. She will be a total
wreck with her" cargo of coal.
Mrs. W. A. Betts Head of Methodist
Deaconesses in Northwest.
SPOKANE. Wash., Nov. 2. (Special.)
Mrs. W. A. Betts, wife of Dr. Betts,
pastor of the First Methodist Church,
was apprised this morning of her ap
pointment as secretary of a deaconess'
bureau for the Pacific Northwest.
The bureau and the office of secre
tary were created by the Women's
Home Missionary Society of the Metho
dist Episcopal Church which has Just
closed its annual meeting at Pes
Moines, la. The appointment makes
Mrs. Betts a member of the National
Board and gives her a voice in the an
nual meetings. Next year's meeting
will be held at Washington. r. C.
The bureau Includes the Columbia
River. IdahOi Puget Sound and Ore
gon conferences, and - Mrs. Betts as
secretary will have general supervi
sion of the work in the territory
covered by the bureau. .
Asotin County Chicken 3Ien Would
Make It Northwestern Affair.
LEWISTON, Idaho, Nov. 2. (Spe
cial.) To convert the Asotin County
Poultry Show into a Northwest show
of poultry to be held Independent of
the Northwest Livestock Show, but
contemporaneous with it, is the plan of
the chicken men of this section of the
Inland Empire, who are urging the
changing of the situation from Clark
ston to Lewiston.
A meeting was held in Lewiston yes
terday, attended by a number of busi
nessmen, who guaranteed a large sum
to the Clarkston promoters to finance
the show here.
Entries from all the leading chicken
centers of the Northwest will be so
Arrest of Two Miners Canses No Ac
tion to Be Taken.
BINGHAM, Utah, Nov. 2.-On account
of the arrest here today of Yanco Ter
xig and E. G. Locke, executive board
members of the Western Federation of
Miners, the meeting of the striking
miners tonight did not result in any
definite action to call off the strike of
the copper miners that has been In
force here for six weeks.
Terzigr'and Locke are said to have
attempted to Incite a riot here today
when a Deputy Sheriff arrested four
Cretans, who are alleged to have taken
part In the disturbances last week.
Both Terzig and Locke were released
tonight. Another meeting of the min
ers will be held, next week.
Ecclesiastic Bears Message From
Pope to San Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 2. Cardinal
John Murphy Farley, with a party of
-ecclesiastics with whom he will tour
California, arrived in San Francisco
on his visit to the West. Although
Cardinal Farley is the bearer of a spe
cial message from the Pope, to the
people of San Francisco, he said his
visit was without official significance
and that he bad no definite plans as
to his itinerary in the West.
Cardinal Farley, and the other mem
bers of his party left New York Oc
tober Ha srlvate
Fourth and Alder
Foster Mother and Widow Die
of Rough on Rats.
Conscience Stricken, Mrs. Pansy K
Lesti, Whose Husband Deserted
Her, Admits Having Killed
Victims in. Missouri.
LOS ANGELES, Nov. 2. Despondent
and conscience stricken, Mrs. Pansy
Ellen Lesh, ti years old, who said she
had Just been deserted by her husband,
went, to central police station today and
surrendered, after making the state
ment that she had murdered two wo
men in Missouri one at Green Ridge
and another at Sedalla.
The victims, she said, were Mrs.
Quaintance and Mrs. Coe. Both were
killed by the administration of rough
on rats.
Mrs. Lesh told the police that she
was taken from the Orphan Home So
ciety in St. Louis when she was 13
years old by Mrs. Quaintance, and went
to live with the Quaintance family at
Green Ridge. She refused to tell her
maiden name. In June, 1904, she said,
Mrs, Quaintance became ill and, Mrs.
Lesh declared, she put a capsule con
taining rough on rats in some medicine
and gave It to Mrs. Quaintance. who
died the next morning.
The next Spring she left for Sedalla,
and went to the home of Mrs. Coe, a
widow on Sixth street. In August of
that year she said she put some rough
on rats in a glass of beer and gave it
to Mrs. Coe, who died the next morn
ing. Leaving the household, the womaif
said, she drifted 'around. Anally going
to Paducab. Ky., where, on September
5 1907, she was married to Lesh and
went to East St. Louis, 111., to live. -In
October of this year she and her
husband came to Los Angeles, but ac
cording to her story to the police, she
was deserted by Lesh shortly after
their arrival.
The police are holding Mrs. Lesh for
an Investigation of her story.
Sedalla Authorities Inclined to Be
lieve Mrs. Ivesh's StorJ.
SEPAL IA, Mo- Nov. 2. When the
Butter -Nut
is a splendid bread. If
you have never tried it
you can't tell. It is a
firm, fine-grained
white bread, and the
crust has that rich, gold
en brown color which
always shows the quali
ties of a good loaf of
FINE 1 Ag'2,
MAKER3 FJr4i&'
w r- nr
Hotel Heilix
Conveniently located, modern in every re
spect Hot and cold running water in each
room, telephones, elevator, eye. European
plan. Ratoa J3.00 per week and up. Reason
able rates for permanent guests; also special
rates by the month.
ought to wear, at just the prices' you ought to pay. Clothes in whose
company youH be proud to be. And here we are, ready to show you
the new things, whether 3-ou come to look or to buy, and ready to
cheerfully hand, your money back if you want it.
EVERY DAY you should see the neat effects Ave 're showing at $15,
$18 and $20. . Good, reliable materials, too; perfect in style and fit; in
facVcut over, exactly the same Fifth Avenue patterns as our finest
garments. Blues, grays browns, and tans, in two and three-button
styles; a great variety of models, $15 to $20.
POSSIBLE, J WE ARE EVEN better prepared, for this is the Schloss
Baltimore Store, and we have secured many of their finest creations.
These superfine Clothes don't cost as much as you think $20, $25 or
$30 buys a splendid Suitor Overcoat. This pays for beautiful materials,
the finest hand-tailored work, and the best of finish, combined with per
fect fit and style. All the new Fall styles, models and shades at $15
to $40. . . ' ' , . :
Clothing Co.
is not
the counter easier and more pleasant, out wen wonii
while for the consumer--for YOU because it enables you to choose
from fresh, new stock and from larger and moi-e complete assort
ments. I The eld saw, "The early bird," etc., is just as applicable
to the popular "Shop Early" movement as to anything else from
YOUR standpoint! CJ Our Christmas displays await your early
inspection. N ...
' Portland's ONLY Book. Store -Office Supplies And Furnitura
confession of Pansy Ellen "Lesh at Los
Angeles, in which she asserts she
caused the deaths by poison of Mrs.
E. M. Quaintance at Greenrldge, and
Mrs. Eliza Coe of Qedalia, was reported
to the authorities here, they recalled
that both women died under circum
stances that, while not Investigated at
thq time, were suspicious. No one, how
ever, was suspected seriously enougn
to be accused.
Credence Is given to the woman's
story by reason of the accuracy of
dates. Mrs. Lesh's maiden name, It
her story is true, was Pansy Hastings,
who lived at the home of Colonel and
Mrs. E. M. Quaintance at ureenriage
in 1903 and 1904. She was sent to Green
ridge from a St. Louis orphanage.
She had lived at the Quaintance home
but a few months when she and Mrs.
Quaintance quarreled over an alleged
!-..a,4., Mrs. Quaintance dis
covered between the girl and her hus
tv,,. a-ii i. mm tn have knocked Mrs.
Quaintance down, injuring her badly.
Physicians pronounced the injury rup
ture and treated the case as such. Peri
tonitis developed and she died in June,
Made Clean
Sold Clean
Phones: E 6044, B 2429
nnlv nmmeTidahle from the
the work of the young woman and
. .. '. -. i
Does Away Entirely With
Dentistry at Half Price
(Until further notice.)
While our charges for Alveolar work
are the same as the standard price of
high-class bridgework. In such cases
where it is possible to have bridge
work and the patient desires it for any
reason, we will put in for him the
very best and classiest bridgework,
crowns, plates, etc., possible to be made
at exactly one-half the price charged
by dentists whose work will compare
favorably with ours. "And there is a
(Terms for this work will be cash.)
Briefly, the Alveolar Method Is this:
If you have two or more teeth left in
either Jaw we can supply all that you
have lost with teeth as good, solid and
sound as the best set of natural teeth
ever grown in any human being's
mouth, and a whole lot more beautiful
than nature's best product, without re
sorting to such makeshifts as partial
plates and the unsanitary bridgework.
Alveolar Teeth are not only beautiful,
but they are comfortable and durable.
We guarantee them to last a lifetime,
where the longevity of bridgework is
seldom ever longer than five or six
jh jBook That SSxoKs
t r.n(ir a creat educauonai service to its readers, Th Orrt--f.F"
frSnSed wit Mr. ifasiln to handle. WITHOUT JfKOFIT TO Tt
&nhttx5ive output Tot bU valuable book for torUand. Cut the abov
tfon wKS,!ut, of The Oregonlan and wlU
f? ?.nt to cover the bare cost of manufacture, freight and aandl'.ng, and
i rSnv will be presented to you without additional cost. Ber In mind thai
fhU ?Eook has been most carefully written: that ovory chapter in It 1 v"eh,d
fSi hv an authority: that It is illustrated from photographs taken rauaoiallg
Jr W ? h it is written iu large, clear type on line book paper and b .uod
rbvcloth lrTan aUradvl durabla manner. A $2 VALllklrOK 60 cent
Cts2v.C.lx c'onouUvVcouponi and present th.m at Th. Oregonlan office. 81xt
Each Book by Mail 15c Extra for Postage, and Wrapping
Phegley, Manager
standpoint of makincr
the young man behind
i i i ii it-
Plates and Bridgework
vears and tenernAlv a srood deal less.
It is never guaranteed to last by any
first-class dentist who is responsible
and reliable,- because all first-class
dentists will tell vou that bridgework
at best is doubtful. It is a painful
operation and gives trouble from the
time it is put in the mouth until it has
to be taken out. In many cases where .
bridgework is impossible, and all cases
where it is possible, we can replace
your missing teeth with perfect Al
veolar Teeth. The pain Incident fa
this work Is practically none, the ex
pense Is the same as the best bridge- ,
work, but in satisfaction there is no
comparison between the two.
We have samples In our offices to
show at all times hundreds of pa
tients here in our home city to refer
to. Examinations and booklets on Al
veolar dentistry are absolutely free.
Remember that In addition to our
specialty, Alveolar Dentistry and cur
ing Pyorrhea (loose teeth), we are ex
perts in every branch of dentistry, from
the simple filling up.
Portlcn 4Ablarton Bldg.. 10HV4 3d St.
Seattle HaJght BId, 2d and Plae.
Terms to Reliable People.
Open Sundays, lu to 1.
Usda'Saw t Wk 4