r r r v THE SUNDAY OREGOXUX. PORTLAND, NOVEMBER ,3, 1912. 18 BULL MOOSE ORATOR SUCCUMBS TO DEMONSTRATIONS BY REPUBLICANS AND DEMOCRATS IN FINAL OUTBURSTS TZZOZ212 Band Music Splits Saturday Night Air and Bed Fire Burns as Taft and Wilson Men Go to Make Last Stand Before Election, the Former to the Bungalow Theater and Latter to the Armory. Banners Float and Enthusiasm Is Keen Speakers on Streets Garner Big Harvests of Listeners. AND RESORTS "The Show PJect cf tht Sooth-Land I : ; : : : : ; ' P" yyffi&ggs3g i " "OX i ' I I N this campaign, my friends " "Rat-tat! Rat-tat: B-r-r-r-rrr! Rat-tat" crashed the band, and broke Into full melody, drowning the voice of the Bull Moose orator in his automobile at Seventh and Washington .His speech continued, however. His mouth moved and his hands gesticu lated, while the advance guard of the Taft rally marched past his stand and, amid a blaze of red fire took up its jnarch throua-h the streets, preliminary to the assembly at the Bungalow The ater. Every man in the Taft parade carried a banner, upon which was the picture of the Republican candidate for Presi dent. Thre had originally been two portraits side by tide, but a narrow margin at the riffht of the picture, showed where half of It had been cut away and mutely reminded those who viewed the march that Fate had within the past week laid Its hand upon the team that represented the hopes of the Grand Old Party. The parade passed and the voice of the orator rose again sonorously audi ble. Down another street with blaring band and flaring red fire, went the supporters of Woodrow Wilson. en route through the business streets for the meeting at the Armory. The two parades crossed one another's train and at times the tunes of the two bands 1 mixed Into a hopeless confusion of sound. It was noticeable that the popular air with its "raggy" lilt was absent from these last campaign parades. "Dixie." "Marching Through Georgia." "The Union Forever." and other songs that have been handed down through RETURNS TO BE GIVEN THE ORECOXIAX HAS EXTKN SIVE PLAX TO ADVISE CITY. Bulletins to Be Flashed on Screen at Sixth and Alder, and Lights on Tower to Bo Used- The Oregonlan has made extensive arrangements for handling election re turns Tuesday night. Its service will be thorough and complete on both the .state and National elections. Begin ning at 7 P. M. Tuesday, bulletins will be flashed on a screen at Sixth and Alder streets. In addition to the bulletin service, the result of the Presidential election will be flashed from a light mast on the tower of The Oregonlan building as soon as that result Is known. One red light will Indicate the election of Taft. one white light will Indicate the election of Roosevelt and one.red and one white light flashed together will Indicate the election of Wilson. If the result is in doubt, alternate flashes of ted and white lights at intervals of 30 seconds will be given. Arrangements have also been made by The Oregonlan with President Jos selyn, of the Portland Railway, Light ic Power Company, by which the re sult of the Presidential election will be Indicated In all residences using electric lltrhts in Portland, Vancouver, Wash.; Salem and Oregon City by a code of signals. The result will be announced Just as soon as It is received by turn ing out the electric lights according to tne following code: One dash (live seconds of dark r.ess) Indicates Taft's election. Two dashes (two intervals of carkness of five seconds each) Indicate Wilson's election. Three dashes (three intervals of darkness of five seconds each) In dicate Roosevelt's election. Four dashes (four inter vals of darkness of five seconds each) indicate that the result is in doubt. The first signal will be given Just as soon as the result is known, if th result is decisive oefore 11 P. M. At any rate, a signal will be given as nearly 11 P. M. as possible. Because of the completeness of the service, that will be furnished by The Oregonlan. no information will be jrlven out over the telephone from this office. Arrangements have been made for delivering the election returns to the "Information" departments of both telephone systems as rapidly as the returns are received. Anybody ,"wlshing to get election news by telephone will he accommodated by cau.ng for the in forjnatlon department. ELKS KEEP 0PEN HOUSE On brooms Have Been Handsomely Refurnished and Redecorated. ' Members of the Portland lodge of Elks, as well as visiting brothers who have not visited the Portland club rooms in the last few weeks, will hardly know the place when next they go there. The rooms have been completely re decorated, recarpeted. recurtalned and in part refurnished. A handsome vel vet carpet of a deep brown shade and delicate pattern has been placed on the floors of the reading rooms. library, and cardrooms. The walls have been frescoed in cream color and heavy cur tains have been hung at the windows. Mahogany furniture to match that pre viously in the rooms has replaced some of the worn pieces. While the trustees of the local lodge contemplated the improvements nearly a year ago, the wear and tear of the National convention of Elks held In Portland In July mad them necessary. I "Rat-tat! Rat-tat: B-r-r-r-rrr! Ijr ; - s. si . --r--m P ft is ' : : SUFFRAGE ADVOCATES DRAW THE I.AIIGEST ACDIEXCES. 3. A TIP ICAI SCENE OF THE STREET RAL LIES OX THE LAST NIGHT OF THE CAMPAIGN. the century, accompanied the march of the campaigners. When the parades had passed from the business section of the city the corner orators began tneir work in earnest. Automobiles full of "spell-binders" During the convention period the car pet leading from the entrance to the public reception room in the building adjoining the Elks' Temple was worn literally threadbare. In some places great holes were worn through the carpet, exposing the bare floor. Some of the furniture also suffered as a re sult of the Invasion of visitors. To celebrate the completion of Im provements and repairs the local Elks, on Thursday evening, held the first slag social of the season. " A series of such events will be given during the Winter. Former Springfield Man Buys Store. SPRINGFIELD. Or., Nov. 2. (Spe cial.) W. C. Barr, a former Springfield merchant, owner of the Racket Store and Inter engaged in business at Mavel, has purchased a cigar and confection ery store in Cottage Grove and has moved h's family there to reside. Don't forget to visit the warerooms of Kohler & Chase before selecting your piano. 375 Washington street at West Park. EMINENT TEXAS PREACHER ASSUMES PORTLAND PASTORATE . '1 i C ' VrSV- 'I 'v .- J x . "- .v. - . ... t V li V J -'5. rj? REV. S. K. HAWJKISfS. "I Am Determined to Know Nothing Among Tou Save Jesu3 Christ and Him Crucified" will be the subject of the sermon this morning at the Central Christian Church, East Twentieth and Salmon streets, with which Kev. S. R. Hawkins will introduce himself to his new congre gation. Mr. Hawkins comes to the Central Christian Church in re sponse to a call made entirely on his record, as he is known to the Christian brotherhood throughout the country as one of the ablest ex ponents of Its creed. He succeeds Rev. J. F. Ghormley. Rev. Mr. Hawkins is a graduate of Transylvania University, of Lex- " ington, Ky.. where he took his A. B. degree in 1895 and his A. M. degree , In 1S97. He comes direct to Portland from Greenville, Tex., where he . was pastor of one of the largest Christian churches in the state, and one which holds the record for the largest annual Sunday school at tendance among the Christian churches of the Lone Star common wealth. Others of his former pastorates are Chattanooga, Tenn.; Mur ray, Ky., and New Orleans. He was also state superintendent of the Christian Church work of Oklahoma for a time. "Success Elements" will be the subject of his evening sermon. , Jockeyed for positions on advantageous corners. Orators shouted across the width of the streets, niching one an other's audience by sheer strength of lungs and wildness of gesture. No sooner would one automobile SWETLAND GIVES VIEW MANAGER OF PERKINS TALKS OX TAX MEASURES. Hotel Man Says He Is Unable to Sec How Single Tax Would Be Any ' tiling but Boomerang. Lot Q. Swetland. manager of the Per kins Hotel, who has had a number of years of experience in official life, in connection with the affairs of Multno mah County, and who is the owner of large Improved property interests in Portland, views the municipal election of yesterday and that to come Tuesday with considerable seriousness. The pro posed taxation measures are the ones that specially interest him. "While I am in favor of public bet terments." said Mr. Swetland, "at the leave a favorite stand than three or four others would make a dash for the position. A momentary confusion, and then the fortunate speaker would begin his harangue, while the others would lie in wait for the next chance same time I believe that the increase in taxation, as proposed, is far in ex cess of the present earning capacity of the property of the county. Whereas in 1912 the assessed valuations are In creased 225 per cent and the levy In creased 65 per cent over those 01 1906, the earning power of the property has not increased in proportion. I under stand that with the increased popula tion of the city and county additional expense Is necessary, but I do not un derstand why the percentage of In crease should be so great. The earnings from my personal holdings in build ings during that period have not in creased and for this reason I think that the taxation should not be in creased at this time, at least not to any material extent. "As to the single tax proposition, I cannot figure out how it would result in anything but a boomerang against the workingman who owns his own little home or the man who pays his monthly rental for his tenement, or apartment. If the tax rates were en tirely on the land the owner would have to get a reasonable percentage of earnings from his investment, over and above the tax charges. There are many property owners today who aro netting but a small interest on their invest ments and I believe that if a majority of. the opponents of single tax were not In fear of dire results from its in auguration and could be reasonably assured that their Investments would give them fair returns, they would not be so antagonistic to the measure. "I am fully aware of the present in equality of the assessment, owing to the difficulty of making an effective levy on personal property, but I be lieve it a wiser policy for the rank and file to leave the matter to the Judgment of the State Tax Commission, and it will evolve a saner system of taxa tion." . . MORSDN GETS HEARING DESCHUTES LAXD PROJECT BE FORE FEIERAIi BOARD. ' Investigation Before Special Agent Dixon Will Open in Portland on Monday. Federal investigation of the applica tion of the Deschutes Land Company for water rights in Crook and Klamath counties, which application was held up more than a year ago by Governor West, will be started in Portland to morrow by Special Agent Dixon, of the Government Reclamation Service. J. E. Morson. president of the company, and other officers are in the city. It Is probable, too, that the Governor will be called to tell, Mr. Dixon what he knows of the project. Mr. Morson and his" associates have 31,000 acres in Central, Oregon which they propose to open for settlement un der the provisions of the Carey act. They have applied for 93.000-acre feet of water from Crescent Lake. The water Is to be conducted for 12' miles through the nautral outlet of that lake: thence through a canal 22 miles long to the tract that it is proposed to irri gate. Tn miles of the canal has been built. Work on , the other portion ceased last May. Further activity on the entire proj ect was suspended on advice from Gov ernor West to reclamation officials that proceedings in connection with the enterprise were irregular. Hens Go on Strike. PRAIRIE CITY, Or., Nov. 2. (Spe cial.) John Day Valley hens tempor arily have pone out of- business, and an egg famine stares the Inhabitants in the face. A few cases of "candled etrgrs" have been shipped In and find a ready mar ket at 40 cents a dozen. Creamery butter only Is available, and that at 40 to 45 cents a pound. or puff away to look for another corner. Roosevelt and Johnson's supporters held the northwest corner at Seventh and Washington, with Tom Sweeney as the principal speaker,' while Dan Kel laher with his carload of Bourne sup porters stuck-stubbornly in front of the Imperial Hotel, - Just across the street. - Across Washington street at the same crossing a single-taxe'r held forth for an hour or more, until he was sup planted by Mrs. Albert Ehrgott. who spoke for woman suffrage; Earlier in the evening Mrs. Ehrgott's car was sta tioned on Park and Washington, where It captured, at the exits of the theater, the largest crowd that any speaker on the streets last night could boast. Another suffrage car pre-empeted the northeast corner at Sixth and Wash ington, ;. and held . it throughout the greater part - of the evening. Miss Emma Wold, of the College Equal Suf frage League, spoke first, and was fol lowed by Judges Gatens and Morrow. While Miss Wold was speaking, B. Lee Paget, abandoning the opposite corner to an opponent of single tax, passed by on his way to.Burnside street. Cum la Cheered. "Three cheers for woman suffrage," he shouted as be passed. "Hip, hip, hurrah!" bellowed the crowd In boisterous enthusiasm. Street meetings on Burnside street were fewer than on Washington and on the block about the Labor Temple, and were In competition with two branches of the Salvation Army and a small colony of street musicians, whose efforts reduced the campaign addresses to mere mouth motions and gestures. GRANGE BILLS FAVORED E4STERX . OREGOX FARMERS EAGER FOR GOOD ROADS. Proposal to Issue Bonds at Rate of $1,000,000 Year Xot Favored, Declares Umatilla Man. Taxpayers are counting the cost in considering the road bills offered for approval or rejection, according to Edward Smith, who farms in Umatilla County. Mr. Smith was in Portland yesterday. Among farmers, especially, the good roads problem is the one really important issue, as the election draws near, says Mr. Smith. "The matter of issuing -bonds in the sum of $1,000,000 a year for SO years, as proposed by the Pacific Highway people, does not strike taxpayers in Eastern Oregoq as being the proper thing at this time. The expense in Interest will be heavy and, by the time the roads are built, under the plan the expense of repairs and maintenance will be added to the high rate of taxa tion. The next generation will have burdens enough to bear, apparently, without forcing a road policy upon it that may prove entirely inadequate as the decades pass. Thirty years is too long a time for any fixed policy in road building to be fastened upon the peo ple. . On the other hand the people of Eastern Oregon see the need of better roads. As a matter of fact good roads have heen built in many places through the co-operative effort of the farmers themselves, the county, and the town to which trade is drawn. Some of the big farmers have tried out the economy of good roads and are enthusiastic over the results obtained in lessened opera tion of wheat land. "The one drawback which every one feels Is the lack of uniformity. Where the work is done haphazard it becomes like a crazy quilt. Farmers realize this and there is a feeling, that general supervision should be employed, either by the state or at least by the county. In this matter the Grange bills, 324 and 226. cover the needs. The Grange method of road work provides for uni formity in construction and for raising money by the issuance of bonds by counties. The method proposed, of Is- DO YOU HEAR WELL? Test Without Risk In Your Own Home The Audlphone With Latest Instantane ous Adjustment. Tf vnn im ninr an Imnerfeet hearimr de vice or an old-fashioned fan trumpet horn drum. Sfi.dnv triHl nf the latest im proved instrument, im Audlplione, with Instan taneous adjustment to meet all volumes of sound or retjuirements of situation, will be a wonderful experience. The AudlDUone is aa- Justed to almost human laniluveucBB uu powerfully mag nifies even the ,'i5. tt won d r f u 1 BhltltV t O i rainiest .uuiiiio. t?1 gently but 'L. - .iit-.lv n.n 4V' MiwVk ana f . ! . .J? dormant eaj" iwa-fectta! tetottSK0 is the rea-. son so many of our users recommend it for it. curative power, or tbe complete res toration of the natural nnalded bearing. , HOME LOAN OFFER. As you will want to try this most highly perfected hearing Instrument in your own home before deciding on its purchase, we have inaugurated a plan whereby you can obtain an Audi phone for a 30-uay test on payment of a small rental. As this rental is applied on the purchase price if you keep the Andipbone, and we make suitable al lowance In exchange on any hearing devloe you may be using now. this rental plan has met with hearty approval and should ap peal to you. ... Call or drop us a postal and let us ex plain this liberal method of Proving In Ad vance the immediate and particular bene fits yoo will obtain from a personal use of this Instrument. Please address STOLZ ELECTROPHONE CO.. 236 Lumbermeos Bldg., Portland, Or. -;HOTEL;'i "THE AIOST SUPERBLY SITUATED HOS TELRY IN ALL AMERICA." LONG BEACH CAL. A rion noted for Its equable Winter cli mate, luxurious accommodations for 400 guests. Conducted on the American plan. Noted the world over for Its excellence In cuisine and thoroughness of service. "The center of all Winter attractions and social activities." Hotel Virginia Is easily accessible to the famous Virginia Country Club, maintaining the sportiest 9-hoIe golf course in the West. Miles of scenic macadamized boulevards. Horseback riding, driving, tennis. Winter bathing. For descriptive booklet and rates write carl Stanley, manager. TXNO BKACH, California's Best Equipped and Mont Delightfully Situated Resort Es tablished on BATTLE CREEK SANITARIUM PL-AN. Latest Battle Creek Sanitarium methods. Scientific Electrical Treatments or every description. Finest Electrical and Me chanical Swedish departments in West. MHk Diet, Rest Cure, Osteopathy. Modern in every detail, graduate nurses only employed. Spa clous grounds, sun parlor, etc. Excellent table. Very moderate rates. Booklet free. W. RAY SIMPSON. Myr. U. S. Grant olel BSOMTTKl.r riKEPKOOl-' g fSAN OltX.O. Conducted on tbe Jv curopraa riaa Tariff from $1.50. Overlooks beautiful San Diego Bay and the Pacific .Ocean ; magnificent marine view, roof gardens, sun parlors, finest auto boulevards in the state; delightful, mild Winter climate. Free sou venir booklet write J. H. Holmes. Mgr. DEL. MAR CALIFORNIA. "The Newport of the Pacific." 22 miles north of San Diego on Santa Fe Railroad between San Diego and Los Ange les. Delightfully situated homesltes over looking the ocean. Home of THE FAMOUS STRATFORD I NX. Mild Winter climate. Splendid boulevards, golf, tennis, horseback riding, motoring and every outdoor diver sion. Write for illustrated colored oookiet "Del Mar" to South Coast Land Co., Ker skhoff bldg., Los Angeles. Cal. SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, above Union Square European Plan $1.60 a day up , American Plan $3.00 a day up New .fteel and brick .structure. Every modern convenience. Moderate rates. Center of theater and retail district. On carlines transferring? all over city. Electric omnibus .meets trains and steamers. . suing: bonds by thQ state, appeals to many as being too big: a job to take on all at once. "The one thing: upon which people are really agreed la that work should begin very soon. The state is losing Immense sums annually by tolerating poor roads and the sooner the people get together on a plan of action the VIRGINIA mmMM HOTEL STiWMT Tifty Years Ago, When Golden Wedding Rye Was When you're choosing a whiskey, elect this old brand for its mellow," mild flavor for the qualifications that make it the leader dependability its known past reputation and its present-day honest worth! These qualities are due to its unequaled parity. It is distilled by its own special and differ ent formula and process. . These are worked out with one object to preserve its wholesome p,urity from grain to consumer. Keep it on your sideboard, or in your medi cine chest for family use. See that it has the Government stamp over the cork. V74) HOTEL GREEN PASADENA, CAI Open for Seaaon November 161 h. Noted for its excellence in cuisine and high social patronage. Magnificently fur- : nlshed throughout. BOO rooms. "Three hotels in one." Many additions and Improvements have been added since last season. The East Wing has been arranged to accom modate an attractive European plan dining room. A new tennis court and lawn golf course have been added to the entertaining features of the grounds. Write for colored booklet and rates to David B. Plumer. manager. When In. Southern California Visit SI NSKT INN. Santa Monica (By the Nea. Pronounced oy autoista as . the most beautifully situated inn on the Coast. Overlooks the ocean and the "Silver Pal- . lsades. Three level boulevsrds direct from Los Angeles." Fa mous tor cuisine and service. Illustrared folder giving road map upon request to Q. 1L Sapper, mgr. ARROWHEAD HOT SPRINGS Hottest and most cura, tlve springs In the world. Rheumatism. Kidney and Stmnach troubles success fully treated. Altitude 3000 fet- Water and mud ra , dlo-active. 'Resident phy sician. Home-grown veg etables, chickens and dairy, f. ff. Arrovhud Sprl (1, C Iffcrnii Hotel Del Corcnado Open All the Year Coronado Beach, Cal. American plan, $4 per day and upward. Hotel Del Coronado has achieved national repu tation by its perfect service, excellence of cuisine and the luxuri ous character of ap pointments. Social and climatic conditions un surpassed. Deep Scii Fishing, Rowing, Sail ing, Bay and Surf Bath ing to be enjoyed every dav in the year. Polo, Golf and Tennis Tour naments held during Winter season. Write for Booklet John J. Hernan, Mgr. Coronado, California I,o AiKrlti Art., H. F. Norcross, 334 S. Spring; St., lA Auele. HOTEL TURPIN SAN FRARCISCO ".M'L'iV" RMnforeed Concrete Bldg.; 215 Rooms, tl ftrot-claes restaurant, within 1 black. Ibitea $1. S1.S0 to 4 per day. Jt'. 1 A. W. Turptu. Props, and Mgrs. Write or call at Oregonian Office for descriptive booklets of the above Hotels and Resorts. better. If the Grange bills carry and the work of road building Is begun without delay the money expended will be the best Investment that the people of Oregon have made In half a century. "Over in Eastern Oregon the senti ment is strongly In favor of road con struction. I assume that the same sen timent prevails all over the state." Young' omit BSAUDvnv aicovmsHErn STAMP IVTTtm i natal V , ' raiNrWir,.. it nm imrlg 1 Ert. 1SS2 0 i "