TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 3, 1913. 15 ATTACKED Ion ir predicted In Oregon, and of which he says: "I hope with all my heart that it will triumph at the election on No vember 6. "Of all the state la the Union, none has moved as steadily and as consist ently In the direction of democracy as Oregon, but no state charter of dera ocracy in our time Is complete tnat does not provide citizenship for women. "If suffrage be right, then It must not be withheld from women. If It be duty, woman ought not to be excepted therefrom. Many anti-suffragists and I more not-yet-suffragists are agreed that women of property ought to be enabled to protect their possessions through the exercise of the franchise. We would add the wage-earning woman. In Seattle it was the vote of women which vetoed the radical land- tax proposal. APPEAL IS TO MERCHANTS wathnu.VoroInVh".Tor.n. a time when men are not asKed whether they do or do not wish to serve in. time of war. They must serve, whether they will or not. The time has Speaker I come for a draft upon the women, of tne Nation to serve the Nation and themselves in every - way in which citizenship can exalt democracy and magnify the life of womanhood, as democracy has greatened the. life of man." . AS "A DELINQUENT" Stephen A. Lowell Assails Sen ator for Not Protecting Oregon Interests. TAX FAY EM EAGUE In Address at Sunnytride Tells Why Interior Resent Senior Solon and t'rges Portland Basinets 5Ien to Aid. In an address at Sunnyside Friday night. Judge Stephen A. Lowel. of Pen- rflornn satl.rl Senator Bourne, wnom he denounced as a delinquent public of flclal. Oregon"s senior Senator was also attacked because of his failure to secure for this state its deserved ap nrnnrlxtinns. This criticism was dl- r.rtH more nartlcularly to the loss re suiting to the state of its share of the reclamation fund. Judge Ixiwell's address. In part, was as follows: The supporters of Jonathan Bourne r rlaJmlnar that the treat business in terests of this commercial capital of the commonwealth are aligned with them in their unwarranted and mis guided .effort to return this man to the! support Federal Senate. "As a citizen of Oregon, E IS TOLD" E. S. WOOD ANSWERS SEX- ATOK'S BID IX5R SUPPORT. I Recommendations and Information for Voters for the Regular General Election November 5, 1912 - The Lea-rue as an earnest friend of the Referendum and Initiative again protests against their indiscriminate use as a substitute for action by the Legislature and for measures of small importance. They were intended and can only be used effectively as a High Court of Appeal against misrepresentation by the Legislature and not as an original source of General Legislation. Forty bills are presented for State action at the coming Election, and the sentiment, "when in doubt vote No" is generally expressed. The Initiative and Referendum will die in the house of their overzealous friends if overworked td this extent. The Taxpayers' League has studied carefully the different State Measures proposed and submits the following advice and suggestions to the voters for their consideration. ' . iJJJcAXiXxo 4-iJciiAuUJU Ui JrUliLuAviU, R. L. GLISAN, President, 612 Spalding Bldg. "You Betrayed Oregon System for Personal Ambitions," Writes Law yer to "Primary Wrecker." When Jonathan Bourne directed letter to Colonel C E. 8. Wood, asking in his voluntary race to re L. J. GOLDSMITH, Secretary, 321 Corbett Bldg. WOMAN'S SUFFRAGE 300 Yes SOI No ' A a constitutional question of tbe I Pnvr hfa mmmt In Ytm Anas rinlr1 him I L!l.ncf mAmanr vVlliVl f Vt A T jP- mnA orlr-l " UIKUCJII UVUMJ I'l'"" " O ing for the great interior from which Z, he iBVaVJ he reckoned - nwd to the enme the trade and productions which wltnout infallible reason. tblS measure is well submitted to tne enrich your merchants and fill your Jn ,nlmJuble frankness, Colonel Wood people at Urge by initiative petition, docks. I am not ready to beeve -that ha8 Jut wr)tten a peraona, rep,y to 0 voter can be SO stupid as not the commercial forces of Portland are fc ,op ,0ion ot Oregon, which sets f" v. fU advised of the artruments so blind to their own interests, and fnrfh a , , th. " whv M, to be fully advised or tne arguments those of the state, as to place them- r d ,.. . .onort. but instead is for and 8gain6t it. elves in the ranks of men w ho ae- flshtlnE ,galn8t giving the coveted seat , Coring to differences Of Opinion in Jiberatelr flying in the face of honest , ,h a.D, ,.,. m- w hri.flvl . vwiax public sentiment, openly for selfish pur- r.iIteVaieV reason, as "Darty poll- the League Itsetf mKe 9 noses. "If It is true that your meechant tics," and then finds numerous expla-1 mendation. princes and your manufacturers, who toliow8: nations for opposing the Senator, as I must depend upon the rural portions of or tneir are supporting Bourne, I desire . . J . . .1 U I I. HI H H, - tl Vl.Uk 11.11 J . " the state lor me saie oi ine.r s, pr,inH Hni.1. filtv Deer Sir: I XO Kll I ..... , ,, . ' , - lourne, i uctsno lu ic.i ..... fc.lr - . lKniith- them a 9.w truths and to appeal Irom . j .., i,i- ..c . " . cf Portland. Bnirir In Rrarated. ter. I had already prepared my view of the situation for publication as advertisement in the daily press, but FOE LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR 302 Yes N 3f)3 Xo A rnnstitntional amendment of im- "Iportance and merit providing a suo ' I stitute for the Governor of the 6tat "The people of the Interior have naa am glad or a rurtner opportunity to t " -- Voters we advised to vote Yes. SEC 1. AST. CONSTITUTION-TAXES IX., enough of Bourne, and in order to de-l express my views to yon personally, feat him at the April primaries they I though, as it is a public matter of were willing to forego a possible noral- great importance, I shall give this letter nation of one of their own citizens, and to the Dress also, gave their support to a resident oil "i would. In any event, ne unable to i flMKNTiM K N l Portland. Ben Selling. They remember support you, because x OlHer wnoiiy tbe disgraceful scenes of the legislative I with your views on the protective pol holdup, wherein Bourne was the central I icy, which haa built up monopolies! 304 Yes figure, and have regarded his incura- which dictate the cost or living. Dull nnr vT bency or a seat in tne senate as a civic laying tnat ODjecuon asiae as a ques-i , . . . ,, , t m.lat,ir insult and disgrace. tlon of party politics. I am bitterly dis- This IS to alio tbe legislature -Rural Oregon is peopled by a vigor- appointed In your attitude on the great I adeciuatelV to tax all proper lax-pro- ons. red-blooded manhood, who resent I question of popular government. ou I ducine properties; it does not create alien representation, and whose patriot- are running on a popular government . . . that tbe ism revolts at the thought that a Sen- ticket, yet you knife popular govern- y "w t,xe8 mt Provwe si out vo ator from Oregon has stood as a friend menu Tou do not either allege or prove Legl"ture ean w0'? JU5UT uisirjuuie and intermediary of the Standard Oil! any corruption in the primary where the burden of taxation. Recommend- Company. lyou were defeated. You simply say "Our people assert that the Bourne you have the call of 16,000 voters which record in the Senate has been hostile to you cannot disregard. the Interests of the commonwealth, and "Such calls can. In my opinion, be believe that the claims of his literature manufactured at will by any man with are a delusion and a sham, and that all money enough to make a primary cam tin appropriations moving to Oregon, paign, and if defeated there, send out of which he boasts, would have come his solicitors to produce the .call. I do as fully and as quickly bad tbe Senate not say you did this. I do not know, flopr never beheld his aristocratic pree-lj j0 say it could be done. To my mind ent. ' ine atlon realizes tnat. wun sincere chamDlon of the Oreaon ays- the approaching opening of the Panama Item should have replied to that call i. anal, tne rivers ana naroors or me x-a- -j0i j m not the only saviour of the cific Coast must be prepared for the ,tate, A principle is bigger than any commerce there to be developed, and It man. You people have no right to ask nas requirea in me lew r". me to stultify my whole record and will require for the next decade, no mako ma a repudiator of the system 1 special committee assignments to se- have fought for. I think greater than cure abundant appropriations. No man my return to the Senate is my own knows this better than Bourne. reputation for integrity and sincerity Dellnqneacy Is Charged. and the integrity of tbe direct primary.' "The men of tbe Interior jlfstly charge ' Of all men in Oregon, Senator, I this man with delinquency as a public think you had the least moral right to servant, in tbe matter of Oregon's 1- heed that call. Your yielding to it has ed by tbe State Tax Commission. Voters are advised to vote Yes. AMENDMENT SE0. 32, ARTICLE 1, CONSTITUTION-TAXES 306 Yes 307 No This is similar to 304 and 305 above, and for the same reason Voters axe advised to vote Yes. REPEAL SEC. 1-A OF ARTICLE IX CONSTITUTION 308 Yes 309 No This is an amendment also recom mended bv tbe State Tax Commission servant, in ine matter oi Oregon s ai- i imeu um . I . , avonf lotment of irrigation funds, absolutely discredited the direct primary and set to repeal the above section lexcepi Inexcusable, and through that delln- an example for others eventually to I at part prohibiting poll and bead taxes) and to aaa a provision pro- quency, the state has lost 15.600,000 a I nullify it. Your willingness to enter ,;.' i , ...rr.,:. hibitin? a declaration of an emer .'an .K(wiii.ivti. " i. iv i. .id vi.tiii. iv ic.k it am b.,u v . V . .u II'U VUVUWU m .... have secured. j freely made in the past that you never eency in tax legislation. It IS in line We charge him with neglect in fail-1 were sincere in your advocacy of tbe I j nfnnn and is a necessarv measure to nave opened tne colubmla and the only followed tbe popular wave for Snake Rivers to free navigation upon your own ambitions. When the system the date of the completion of the Pan- crosses your ambitions, you seek to ame Carnal. Any other man in his place overthrow the system. If the people would Have done it. it.- rft. ka frr. anA -w.t r vm. V Cfevu w v v..v. .u.w a..u W..V..V We dharge him upon his record and of tho direct orlmarv and their other nis vote wun unaue irienauness in tar- safeguards, they will rebuke you at iff legislation to tbe cotton industry of the polls. With all the candidates in aiassacnusetts. in which he is personal, the field you may receive a plurality, ly Interested, and with hostility to the hut tht will not alter mv conviction wool growers ana producers ot raw ma- that von have betrayed the Oregon sys tem for personal ambition. C. E. S. WOOD. tn he nassed before any just scheme of taxation can be devised or carried oat. Voters are advised to vote Yes, REFERENDUM S50.000 APPROPRI ATION OREGON NORMAL SCHOOL 316 Yes 317 No This is an attempt to defeat an 3p- rjronriation rceularlv maac by tue Legislature. Such use of the refer endum is not to be enc.iura'jHi in com paratively email matters like tUis. The appropriation should be sustained, Voters ajre advised to vote Yes. A BILL TO CREATE CASCADE COUNTY 318 - Yes 319 No This is a local act. No recom mendation. A BILL FOR 6-10 OF A MILL LEVY FOR UNIVERSITY OF OREGON AND AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE AND FOR A SINGLE BOARD OF REGENTS. 320 Yes s- 321 No This is a matter of general public interest and voters are advised to vote Yes. MAJORITY VOTE REQUIRED TO PASS LAWS UNDER INITIA TIVE. 322 Yes 323 No This is a proposed amendment to the constitution very similar to JNos, 310 and 311, before referred to, and is subject to the same objections. goes without saying that the referen dum and initiative processes need correction; but what they need amendment, not destruction, and when necessary should be amended by tneir inenos, ana not Dy meir eue, ones. To let the neglectful or stupid vot ers have power to prevent the passage ot an initiative measure by their non action alone would be offering a pre mium on bad citizenship.. Voters are advised to vote No. TO terial in the state of Oregon, "We are not satisfied with the lack of interest he has manifested In the settlement, by just legislation, of the problems presented by the vast public domain and national forest within the state, and we are convinced that his ut ter laclc of knowledge of natural con County May Lose Tax. MAJORITY AMENDMENT CONSTITUTION 310 Yes 311 No This is an attempt to prevent or make difficult amendments or the constitution, and the device used is that of requiring a majority vote of all electors and so massing against Judge Morrow decided yesterday that th. failure of the countv to lew on d7 ion, in con mlkV itl:l pw of w.nb,rg & Going 6nch measures all the inertia and stu- i c 'nm n a nv vni tiTsi narnra w nsLT rnnrnm .... .. x A , tor blm to act with any intelligence , """ : ,JTZ . Z" 7i w..Z.?JVZ 1 DldltV in tne electorate. 10 uiiau tlons. """""."""."rr.'.tr : ? verv vote not cast on any tne oeaeiit ui croiuwn iad. ma vmh-, - . - . , tv out of the list of preferred creditors I finch measure & vote against It and 'Merchants of Portland. If it is true and makes it take chances with other n, mpasnrps to ha decided bv that you are supporting Bourne, and creditors. The countys tax bill was ff,:ranM ,nd indifference of Vl io.bi on me personal property vi i -- sj.ii: h. mnin The .ntire claims aaainst non-voters, instead 01 ov tne lnteui- atop, look and listen before you exert the company amount to more than $76,- I gent vote of electors who have taken your Influence and cast your vote upon 000 and, according to Mr. JubiU' state- interest in them to vote men to ine court yceteroay, ine nmi-- , be a little less than 140,000 with which 1 upon them upon these questions. Merchants Appealed To. election day. Can you afford to an tagonize those sections of the state from whence your wealth has come. and to the growth and prosperity of which you must look for continuance and increase of that business, and the growth and prosperity of your city? Portland is not all of Oregon, and you must not forget that tn the changing transportation conditions, the field that is now yours, may at any moment be thrown open to the merchants of Se attle. San Francisco. Salt Lake and Spokane. I ask you to look beyond the present, and if the 'pork barrel' at tracts you, get a broad conception of that barrel. If Is not good business. It is not good politics. It is not patriot- Ism, it Is not common Justice, it is not Portland's Interest, to support Jona than Bourne. Upon his record as a man and as a Senator, he is not entitled to the vote of a single citisen of Oregon. "We are satisfied, as Republicans, with Ben Selling, and ha la entitled to the vote, the honest, earnest support of every Republican, and every Democrat who believes in a moderate and just protective" tariff. He is capable, hon est, just in his dealings, a resident of your city for half a century, and pos sesses a broad and comprehensive knowledge of the needs of the entire state. "Finally, to all th men of Portland, I present the Just claims of every por tion of the commonwealth, and ask you. In all Justice, to consider our interests, as well as yours, upon election day." to pay them. Voters are advised to vote No. Coal of quality. C 2303. Edlefsen. m' V: V DOUBLE LIABILITY BANK STOCKHUJjJJJJiiij 312 Yes 313 No This is an amendment to the Con stitution proposed by the Legislative Assemblv making stockholders of banks liable to bank creditors to an amount equal to their stock in excess of the amount of stocg held by them This irats ordinary banks on an equality with National Banks and is a meritorious measure. Voters are advised to vote Yes. SUFFRAGE CAUSE INDORSED Kabbl Viae, of "ew York, Encour age Portland Workers. in m. letter received yesterday by Mrs A..W. Nicholson. Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, now of New York, formerly of PorHand. sends rurther arguments, opinions and Ideas upon the suffrage question, a cause which he indorses heartily, the success of -which he has, REFERENDUM PUBLIC UTILITY ACT 314 Yes 315 No This is what is commonly known as the referendum of tbe Malarkay bill. This act detines public utilities and provides for their regulation and control by the Railroad Commission of Oregon, thus giving stats instead of local control over these important matters ; it is a carefully considered measure. Even city street railways" now ex tend far beyond the boundaries' of their cities and require a larger and REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOB more comprehensive control than that Conrad P. O.'son REPRESENTATIVE TO THE STATE LEGISLATURE. A Progressive With a dean Record. (Paid Adv.) of the cities ana towns they pass thxpngh. One Board of Control means tinitied and intelligent action by the public, and this public utility act should stand. Voters are advised to vote Yes. BILL AUTHORIZING COUNTIES TO ISSUE ROAD BONDS 324 Yes 325 No Two series of road bills and consti tutional amendments relating'thereto are at this election offered to the elea tors. The Taxpayers' League, realiz ing the importance of good roads, has studied them both over carefully and has rejected one scheme and adopted the other. Ine approved .measures appear later on. Voters are advised to vote No. FOR HIGHWAY ENGINEER , 320 Yes 327 No This is one of the faulty road mea sures. Voters are advised to vote No. STATE PRINTING BOARD 328 Yes 329 No This bill is about as flagrant a mis use of the initiative as can be con ceived of. The interests of the state are entirely ignored in an attempt to help out an industrial struggle. It is extravagant and unwise. Voters are advised to vote No. HOTEL INSPECTOR 330 Yes 331 No This is a trifling bit of attempted legislation unnecessarily- creating a new office and new expense. . . Voters are advised to vote No. EIGHT-HOUR DAY "; 332 Yes ' - 333 No Owing to difference of opinion in the League, .no recommendation. BLUE-SKY LAW . 334 Yes 33-3 No This act has a good purpose, but needs to be carefully discussed in the Legislature, before passage, so as to avoid the danger of crippling worthy enterprises. The Initiative should not be nsed for 6uch legislation until the Legisla ture has been appealed to. . . Voters are advised to vote No. , STATE CONVICT EMPLOYMENT ON HIGHWAYS 336 Yes '337 No This is a worthy measure. Voters are advised to vote Yes. COUNTY CONVICT EMPLOYMENT ON HIGHWAYS 33S Yes ' 339 No A good measure. Voters are advised to vote Yes. HARMONY ROAD BILL 340 Yes 341 No - This is the central measure of tbe worthy road measures approved by this .League. It authorizes a state bond issue of one million dollars a year for 30 years. Creates a State- Highway Commissioner, etc., all looking to the permanent betterment of Oregon roads. The great importance of good roads must be conceded, and this and its kindred measures are approved. Voters are advised to vote Yes. AMENDMENT SEC. 7, ART. XI, CONSTITUTION 342 Yes 343 No Limiting indebtedness of state for road-building to 2 per cent of taxable property. One of the worthy road measures, Voters are advised to vote Yes. COUNTY ROAD BONDS 344 Yes 345 No Authorizing issue of 20-year bonds for road-building by counties. One of tbe worthy road measures. Voters are advised to vote Yes. LIMITATION COUNTY ROAD BONDS 346 Yes 347 No An amendment to the Constitutioh prohibiting counties voting road bonds in excess of 2 per cent. One ot the worthy road measures. Voters are advised to Vote Yes BILL FOR CONSOLIDATING CIT IES AND DIVIDING COUNTIES 348 Yes 349 No This bill, so far as it relates to cit ies, seems all right, but as to counties, facilitates their breaking up by sub mitting tbe matter to the vote of tbe disattected part of the county alone. Tbe old portion of the county has nothing to say in the matter. Voters are advised to vote No. INCOME TAX MEASURE 350 Yes 351 No A constitutional amendment which allows the Legislature to tax incomes. As an income tax properly levied and collected is in its essence one of the fairest of taxes, each taxpayer pav ing in exact accordance with bis abil ity. Voters are advised to vote Yes. EXEMPTING HOUSEHOLD FURNI TURE 352 Yes 353 No An act exempting furniture from taxation. This is using tbe initiative for general legislation, and this mea sure should be first taken up in the Legislature. . - Voters are advised to vote No. - EXEMPTING CREDITS 354 Yes 355 No For the same reason as last above given, ' Voters are advised to vote Nq. ' REVISING INHERITANCE TAX LAW : 356 Yes 357 No . . For the same reason as last above given, ana because it is otnerwise faulty, , ; Voters are advised to vote No. ABOLISHING STATE SENATE, RE. MODELING STATE GOVERN MENT, ETC. 362 Yes 363 No This is a proposed amendment to the state constitution which is fairly revolutionary in its purpose; it seeks to remodel the state government of Oregon so as to make of H an organi zation half way between a large in dustrial or railway corporation and a parliamentary government of the Eng- usn type. A state government is from its very size, as the steamship Titanic was supposed to 'be, probably safe from destruction by any . one toolisb mea sure; nevertheless it can greatly dam age itself by ill-advised action of such radical and unsettling nature. Voters are advised to vote No. GRADUATED TAX - 364 Yes " 365 No t This proposed constitutional amend ment seeks to levy an arbitrary tax upon certain lands, etc., in addition to the ordinary tax. It is defective and unreasonable. And, besides this, is a tricky measure m that it ha cun ningly tucked away in it a provision that enacts single tax pure and simple, while purporting to be a graduated tax only, a fact the voter is apt to overlook. Voters are advised to vote No. TO ABOLISH CAPITAL PUNISH MENT 366 Yes 367 No No recommendation. ANTI-BOYCOTT AND PICKETING 368 Yes 369 No This is another attempt, but on the other 6ide, to use the initiative a a spite weapon in industrial struggles and goes altogether too far. Voters are advised to vote No, PROHIBITING PUBLIC MEETINGS IN STREETS 370 Yes 371 No This League seos no valid reason for any such prohibition. Voters are advised to vote No. REFERENDUM, OR. UNIVERSITY APPROPRIATION 372 Yes 373 No This is a movement against an ap propriation advisedly made by the Legislature, and no good reason ex ists why the appropriation should not be approved, but as it is superseded by No. 320-331. before referred to, Voters are dvised to vote No, REFERENDUM LIBRARY APPRO PRIATION, U. OF 0, 374 Yes 373 No For tbe same reason as last above given, Voters are advised to vote No. PORT OF PORTLAND COMMIS SION 376 Yes 377 No This is a bill to remodel tbe Port of Portland Commission and provides for three Commissioners at $3600 each per year. No good reason seems to exist for this bill. Voters are advised to vote No. SINGLE TAX FOR MULTNOMAH COUNTY 378 Yes 379 No This is an act, in its essence, to ex. empt personal property, bonds, stocks, money, bank capital, credits, automo biles, etc., from taxation and to throw the extra burden so created upon the landholders. It seems to the Taxpayers' League that instead of exempting personal property and the tremendous accumulations-of money, capital, stocks and bonds from taxation, that more strep, uous efforts should be made to bave it fairly and fully taxed. The favor.. ite accumulations of very wealthy meu should not escape fair valuation and taxation. Voters are advised to vote No. COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL FUND 380 Yes 381 No The title of this act is misleading in reality it provides that city prop erty shall pay school taxes in more than one school district; it is unjust and unnecessary. Voters are advised to vote No. PORT OF PORTLAND ENLARGED POWERS 382 Yes 383 No This act extends the power of thev Port over Oregon Slough and such parts of the Columbia and Willamette Rivers as form a natural part of vhs Portland harbor. A reasonable measure. Voters are advised to Vote Yes. COUPON- FREIGHT-RATE BILL 353 Yes ! 359 No This is a fine specimen of attempt ed public legislation upon questions that require the highest technical knowledge and full and intelligent discussion by able and honest repre sentatives of the people. The bill is both unjust and impracticable. Voters are advised to vote No. COUNTY ROAD BOND ISSUE 360 Yes 361 No This is one of the faufty road mea sures. - Voters are advised to vote No. Cut Out and Take With You Woman's Suffrage No Recommendation Lieutenant-Governor Vote Yes, 302 First Commission Amendment, Taxes Vote Yes, 304 Second Commission Amendment, Taxes, Vote Yes, 306 Third Commission Amendment, Taxes ..Vote Yes, 308 Majority Amendment, Constitution Vote No, 311 Double Liability Bank Stockholders , Vote Yes, 312 Referendum Public Utility Act Vote Yes. 314 Referendum $50,000 Appropriation Vote Yes, 316 Cascade County ...No Recommendation University of Oregon Levy Vote Yes, 320 Initiative Majority Vote.... .Vote No, 323 First County Road Bonds... Vote No, 325 Highway Engineer. Vote No, 327 State Printing Board. Vote No, 329 Hotel Inspector Vote No, 331 Eight-Hour Day. No Recommendation Bine-Sky Law. .Vote No, 335 State Convicts' Employment .....Vote Yes, 336 County Convict Employment Vote Yes, 338 Harmony Road-Bill Vote Yes, 340 Limiting State Road Indebtedness. Vote Yes, 342 Second County Road Bonds Vote Yes, 344 Limiting County Road Bonds.. Vote Yes, 346 Cities and Dividing Counties. Vote No, 349 Income Tax Amendment Vote Yes. 350 ' Exempting Household Furniture Vote No, 853 Exempting Credits .vote No, 355 Revising Inheritance Tax -. Vote No, 357 Freight Rate Bill .Vote No, 859 Third County Road Bonds Vote No, 361 Remodeling State Government .- Vote No. 363 Graduated Tax Vote No, 365 Abolishing Capital Punishment No Recommendation Anti-Boycott and Picketing Vote No, 369 Prohibiting Street Meetings "..Vote No, 371 Referendum University Appropriation ..Vote No,' 373 Referendum "University Library Vote No, 375 Port of Portland Commission .Vote No, 377 Single Tax, Multnomah County Vote No, 379 Country High School Tax. Vote No, 381 Enlarging Power Port of Portland. Vote Yes, 582 (Paid Advertisement.)