THE SIADAV OKEGOMAX, TORTLAXD, NOVEMBER fr, 1913. 11 POLITICAL POSTER, 500 COPIES OF WHICH HAVE BEEN DESTKOYJuJJ. ' Encouragement Said to Come From All Quarters. Personal Contacf With Voters Increases Republican's Fol lowing Materially. FAMILY TRIBUTE CHEERED Candidate for Sheriff Declares He Is MUMLY'S CHANCES LESSEN Fighting for Protection of Grow ing Generation and Success . - Is Assured. Mn SVlns- lr Renresent Oregon in WORD SEES VICTORY Miiiisrais BY ViGDRQUSCAfflPAIGf Congress and Replace Lafferty t AYbose Strength Wanes, Feels Sure of Victory Xow. As a result of a very vigorous cam paign In the last two weeks the can uidacy of Thomas McCusker, indepen dent nominee for Representative i Cone-ress. has assumed very promlsin proportions. Mr. McCusker and hi friend feel entirely warranted In mak ins the prediction that he surely will be elected Tuesday if those wno nave promised him their support will go to the polls and vote. Mr. McCusker has prosecuted f his campaign .most diligently In the last two weeks. He has been getting down town at o'clock in the morning, inter viewing the workingmen on their wa to work and passing out his cards an Dlatform. This in a large measure ac counts for the changed sentiment In his favor. Invariably where Mr. Mc Cusker comes In personal contact with the voter he makes a favorable lm pression. He has the appearance of a wide-awake hustler and a man who will do things and that is the kind of man the people of this county want at Washington. Personal Contact Favored. In his campaign Mr. McCuBker has not depended on street speaking or de liverlng addresses in halls. He be lieves that meeting the voters person al!y and permitting them to size up the man they are to vote for brings better results. He says that in meet lug the people he receives a great deal of information that one could not otn erwis get. People, as a rule, like him, and tell hira what they believe would benefit them If they had a proper Kep resentative In Congress who would look after their Interests. lie', as he is best known, Is sym pathetic by nature, and Is always will Ing to listen to the troubles of hii friends," said an acquaintance yester day. "No man is more widely known for the efforts he is willing to make to do a fellow man a good turn. Still, he never makes idle promises merely to make the other fellow feel good, or to get rid of those who Importune him for assistance. If he believes they are right he will help them, and If he be lieves to the contrary he says so, bluntly and forcibly. As he puts It, 'It does not require the services of an interpreter to understand what I mean or where I stand. This, unfortunately, is not true of all candidates for office, who are willing to promise anything to secure votes. "The voters of this district are for. tunate to have a man of this kind to vote for. He Is a Republican, in fact the only one on the ticket for Congress, as Lafferty, who received the Repub lican nomination. Immediately there after deserted the party and declared for the Bull Moose, but retains the Re publican party name, and in his ad vertising claims to be the regular Re publican nominee, thereby attempting to deceive the voters, but in this he will not be successful, as all those who know the facts are emphatic in say Ing they they have no use for a "bolter" and that a man cannot be a itepuo lican and a -Bull Mooser at the same time." Lafferlv' Defeat Expected. The concensus of opinion among Re publicans Is that Lafferty will be an extremely bad second In the race. It ts now only a question of piling up a majority for Mr. McCusker, who is a long way in the lead over both of his opponents. For a time Mr. Munly's campaign took on the appearance of .".oing things, but the misleading state ments sent out about his strength, by reason of his nlleged Republican fol lowing, have been shattered. Some Republicans who were desirous of de feating Mr. Lafferty were willing to vote for Mr. Munly if they could be convinced that he was the strong man. but as Mr. Lafferty's defeat is now conceded and tne wonderful growth of Mr. McCimkers following in the last week makes him a sure winner, the Republicans who were in doubt are now convinced that a vote against Mr, McCusker is a vote thrown away. Another factor enters Into the fight and In a good measure may account for the growing strength of McCusker, and that is the fact that the Demo crats are drawing the party lines ani aie using every effort to capture all the offices, notwithstanding that they are outnumbered more than 4 to 1. The chairman of the Democratic National Committee is appealing for the election of Mr. Munly and Dr. Lane, as Demo crets. making the issue pure and sim p!e a party one. This Is being resented by Kepubllcans who might have been induced to vote for Wilson in order to defeat Roosevelt, but they see no ne cessity for surrendering everything to Hie Democratic party now and having to fight to take it away from them at the next election. They believe that It is the part of wisdom to keep what they have, as they are not convinced that the Demo cratic party is more able to handle af fairs than are the Republicans. Hence the sentiment is growing that the best thing to do is to vote for good Repub leans. HAND OF ARNAUD IS SEEN Proprietor of His Former Resort Confesses to Being FigurelieMl. Through the arrest of a man "giv Inar the name Jack Jones, and his wife. the 'man being charged with keeping the woman in an immoral house, new troubles are brewing for Tony Arnaudi former owner of a notorious North KVid dive, and recently deprived of his license. Jones, whom the police identify as J. H. Richter, a a. insurance agent, was nrrested in his home at 1353 East Har rison street. It Is alleged that he has been acting as dummy for Arnaud in holding the saloon license since Ar naud was deprived of It, and that Ms wife has been in charge of the rooms over the saloon, which the police as sort are used for immoral purpostM. From three to five girls are kept in the rooms over he saloon, it is charged. Arnaud's place was once one of the most thriving dives in the North Knd, but his persistence In operating the rooms overhead caused hlmto larr. his license. He Is still the real pro prietor, says Jones, who confesses to being merely a figurehead to disguise the real ownership of the license. Ar naud was present in Municipal Ccurt yesterday when the case was called up and continued. Coal of quality C !303. Edlefsen. I Li Independent Republican Candidate for CON GRESS THOMAS M'CUSKER'S LITHOGRAPH. WHICH HAS BEEN OBJECT OP SYS TEMATIC CAMPAIGX OF DESTRUCTION. OS I ARE 1 McCusker Lithographs Are Ripped Off Boards. CANDIDATE DECRIES ACT Pressure Brought to Bear on Him to AVitlidraw From Race in Favor of Manly, 19 Declaration Made by Aspirant. - . Several hundred lithographs of Thomas McCusker. Independent Repub lican nominee for Representative In Congress from this district, have been torn down and destroyed In the last 10 days. Mr. McCusker had posted about 500 of his lithographs in the eastern part of the county, placing the cards at such a height they could not be reached by boys. Friday he went over the ground and found that, without a single exception, every one of his lithographs had been torn town. Those opposed to my candidacy have sought to minimize my strength and pressure has been brought from certain sources to have me withdraw in favor of Mr. Munly on the ground that he was the strongest candidate," said Mr. McCusker last night. "But I have sources of information which I consider more reliable. They convince e that Mr. Munly is not now in the race and that Mr. Lafferty will be a poor second. "inis is connrmed Dy tne ract tnat a most strenuous light is being made -on me by friends of both my opponents. Country Posters Down, Too. 'I And that all my pictures In the country have been town down, as well as many of those In the city. On some of those left up, some one lias written things intended to prejudice certain voters against me. "I do not accuse any one In particu lar of doing this, and I am quite sure it cannot be charged to hoodlums, as they would not take the trouble to go all over the county and select my cards from among all the rest that have been left up. Furthermore, it Is abso lutelv certain that It was not my friends who did it. Some have sug gested that it might have been. mem' bers of some labor union. "I resent this insinuation as no la boring man has any reason for so do Ing.- and moreover the average work ing man is a good oltlzen and a lover of fair play, and would not resort to any such tactics. In lact, I wouia rather take my chances with the la boring man than with some others could mention. I have friends among many of the unions who are working for my election, knowing that I am fair to all classes, and they have vol unteered their assistance without so llcltation on my part, which I appre ciate very much. HcCMkrr Sees Ilia Strength. "It but confirms what I have often said; viz: no organized fight Is ever made on the weak candidate, therefore I feel certain that my opponents rea lized that I am the strong man. "In all fairness, I should have been permitted to get my advertising before the public. . I never would think of re sorting to any underhand work to de feat an opponent, as I prefer to win on my merits rather than on their de merits. Therefore, I appeal to all good citizens who believe In fair play to re pudlate the contemptible politics being used against me. "If I am beaten In a fair fight, I never whimper, and will doff my hat to the winner, but I most emphatically pro test against the game I'm up against. "Notwithstanding this, I am going to win, but I want the majority to be an emphatic repudiation of the tactics that are being employed against me, "I also want to call attention to the fact that all those Democrats who have been induced to plead for the election of Mr. Munly, do so on part' lines, making the issue plain, but use the subterfuge that it is necessary to have a Democratic Congress to sustain Democratic President, should Wilson be elected. This Is folly, as the whole country is behind the President, and every good measure initiated by him will' be passed. But it is more Im portant to have a check in the person of a Republican Congress to prevent a Democratic President from forcing through a bad measure, should he through inexperience or otherwise de sire to do so. This is food for thought, and should be considered well by the voters. Good pianos for rent at Kohler & Chase. STa Washington at West Park. ENTERPRISING- CANDIDATE FOR SHERIFF IN JACKSON COUNTY USES UNIQUE CAMPAIGN CARD. &d i Qii AtTGt'ST D. SIXGLER, REPUBLICAN NOMINEE FOR SHERIFF, AND "PARTY HE IS WORKING FOR." Frankly admitting that his wife and eight healthy- youngsters are the particular "party" in which he Is most interested, August D. Slng ler, of Medford, Republican nominee for Sheriff of Jackson County, has sent postal cards to every voter in the county, bearing a picture of himself and family, with the motto displayed above, "The -party I am working for." This enterprising candidate, who did not consider it necessary to put an anti-race suicide plank in his platform, used Identically the same picture in his campaign for the nomination last Spring, with the ex ception that there were but seven children in the picture before the primaries, whereas now there are eight. A bouncing boy arrived in August, and the proud father, believing that if seven children were effective as an argument for his nomination, eight should be even more effective for his election., had the baby's picture taken and etched into the original cut, with the words, "Addition since the. primary." Mr. Slngler's friends say that this unique way of advocating his can didacy was all that was needed, with his excellent record, as County Constable, to make his election a certainty. "Never mind the cards. Tom. We've got 'em already, and we were going to vote for you anyhow," said man after man in the terminal yards yesterday, when Tom Word went among' them to ask for their support for Sheriff. "You can't help yourself much here. We're all for you already," said others. It is the same all over the city, ac cording to reports from Word head quarters. Everywhere. declare Mr. Word's workers, the sentiment is over whelmingly in his favor. Encourage ment is coming from all directions, and from unexpected sources. Fruit vend ers who have enlisted themselves in Mr. Word's behalf have made house-to- house inauiries. and report that with scarcely an exception the mothers 'of the city are for him. What is regarded as 4he real climax of the Word campaign came at a meet ing held at Montavilla Friday night, when Word gave his answer to an article printed In an evening newspa per, bitterly attacking him. Defense of Home Brings Tears. "Tonight, although I had decided to pav no attention to It, I am going to answer the News. I had the best mother that ever lived, I have the sweetest wife on earth, and I have five fine children and five dear little grand children. That's my answer to tne News," he said, as a storm of applause broke loose which lasted rive minutes. Team flowed -freely. The speaker was three times recalled to the stage by the prolonged demon stration which followed his speech. A noliceman who heard tne jaonta villa speech told friends -that he went n th hall a Fitzgerald man, but came away with the intention of voting for Word. The streetcar men and mailcarriers, on whose support it is said Fitzgerald was depending to swing- the balance in his favor in the city, have turned to Word almost to a man. accoruing to latest reports. Support of Clerks Pledged. - Visiting a number of furniture houses. wholesale houses and commission houses, the candidate yesterday found th men lined ud for him, and doing everything possible to further his inter ests in the communities where they live. T am fighting for the protection oi our homes, for the girls and boys who are growing up to take our places," said Mr. Word yesterday. "And I am going to win. The good people of Portland are behind me, thoroughly aroused to the danger that threatens their homes and children. &6F FFF 55 I.EE TO WPk & 'Hfe? Sffij? fen-fT-tfnrFH DORR E. KEASEY I frankly ask your support as a candidate for the State Legislature. I-have lived in Portland for many years, and have spent most of my business life here. If I am elected I shall devote to Multnomah County' and to the State of Oregon the same energy and integrity that characterize my own personal affairs. I shall be the representative of the best element of citizens in this county. , VOTE FOR 148 X Dorr E. Keasey Independent (Paid Advertisement.) I. N. DAY Republican Candidate for STATE SENATOR ' (i --' Ifcliliilillll I - A ''- -J Statement No. 1. Direct Primaries. Interstate Bridge. Free School Books. Household Exemp tions. Workmen's Compen sation Law for In juries. ' (Paid Advertlwement.) ' -5,1 L'YvJ'.''- i For County Assessor A square deal to every taxpayer. No wild and reckless assessments. Henry E. Reed Republican Primary Nominee. No. 161 on Official Ballet - tPaid Advertisement) a 1 f, ' Ll L-fA I Dr. Sam C. Slocum EEGULAE REPUBLICAN. NOMINEE FOR CORONER Nominated at the Primary Election . in April. Indorsed by the Medical Profession. (Paid Advertisement.) Statement by the Majority Rule League TO THE PUBLIC: For the purpose of setting aright the Ministerial Associa tion, tne Oregon Journal and others disaffected toward the. Majority Rule Bill the Majority Rule League desires to assure the voters of this state : First That not to exceed $3500 has been expended in the Majority Rule campaign. Second That the list of subscribers to this fund con tains but one individual who could be classed as a liquor dealer. That all of the contributors are prominent, well knoAvn, substantial and eminently respectable men of this city. This list of subscribers and contributors will bo filed in due time according to the.lnw with the Secretary of State and will be printed in the daily papers of this city. The campaign made by . the Majority Rule League to pass the so-called Majority Rule Bill has been conducted in an honest, straightforward manner and strictly in accord ance with the law. It is desired specially to call attention to the inconsist ency in the resolution of the Ministerial Association, wherein the ministers say in one paragraph that the initiative and referendum law was adopted by a two-thirds vote and in the next paragraph declare that if the Majority Rule Bill passes that it will be impossible thereafter to pass any kind of an initiative law in this state. The backers of the Majority Rule Bill deny that there is any joker in the bill. Its language is clear,, its. intent is easily understood and its purpose should be misconstrued by no one. On the contrary, the joker in the present initia tive and referendum law stands out prominently. Ilere it is : "Any measure referred to the people shall take effect and become the law when it is approved by a majority of the votes cast thereon, and not other wise." The words "and not otherwise" were cunningly put in the initiative law for the purpose of throwing dust into the eyes of the voter, and it succeeded admirably. Here is the language used in the Majority Rule Bill, seeking to amend the initiative law and remove the joker: "No measure submitted to the people at any election under the initiative shall take effect or become the law unless it shall be approved by the majority df all electors voting at such an election, whether voting on such measure or not." ' This is straightforward language. No man can misunder stand it, and it seeks to carry into effect the will of the people as they understood the Original initiative law. The , amendment means that the majority of the voters voting at .an election is required and not a majority of the registered voters of the state. MAJORITY RULE LEAGUE, , H. H. Urdahl, Secretary. . ( Paid Advert Inement.) U - "re 1 l V. I M VOTE FOR John C. Welch Democratic Candidate for State Senator No. 87 or Official Ballot (Paid- Advertisement. )