The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 03, 1912, Page 13, Image 13

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; with
for the
: Pro
. who
i stump
Roosevelt men placed on the regular
Republican ballot as electors, professed
to be confident that the Roosevelt
electors will be elected. The support
ers of the President and the La Fol
lette men of the state, who had no
electors Jn the field, are equally con
fident that Woodrow Wilson will cap
ture the state.
Old-Time Features Marked Cam
paign, With.Foss Hopeful.
BOSTON, Nov. 2- No Massachusetts
political campaign in re"ul
been markea by so many
tures as that whlcn ciosea mnijui
i. .v.Hc o n nmnnrfLtic and Pro
sive managers claiming sucqess for
state and National ticKets. i
KonH nnrRrts and whir
speaking- tours have been nightly
. Vimm vhn RPUl re
on the Democratic ticket; Charles
Bird, the nominee or me Kora"
; , Tnunh Walker.
Is fighting to bring the state back
the Republican ranics aiwr
of Democracy, have Deen "
almost continuously.
- T ' In r ira will bft
.i.. nf TTnited St
upon in mi i" v'" -- v, . .
Senator W. Murray Cran who has d
clined to serve again.
Feature of Washington Campaign
Has Been Fight on Bull Moose.
epiTTi.p 'nv 2. The fea
L. i - . J. , . ... .
. Ka n'a.hlnrtnn rftRlDftlfm S
IUI C Ul . . U .
close has been the savage attack made
by the Republicans on me peraou
character of Robert Hodge, Progressive
ju.,. - nnnrnnr This attack.
while It has Injured Hodge, has greatly
benefited Ernest uster, iremu.ut
candidate for Governor, whose cause
i 1.. flAn.i.pArl hnnelenS-
was jjieiiiuoij
The Republicans are making a hard
fight to re-elect uovernor nay, uu i
elect Representatives in the first and
i.iript. nri th two Represent
atives at large. The Democrats hope to
elect In the first district, me rrusten
stves count on the popularity of Roose
velt to carry the state and elect three
Progressive Representatives.
Split Between Taft and Roosevelt
Expected to Mean Victory.
TOPEKA. Kan., Nov. 2. Politicians
of all three parties express confidence
in the outcome, both for National and
state tickets. The Democrats pinned
their hopes for success on the vigorous
fight waned in Kansas between Repub
licans and Progressives over Roosevelt
and Taft electors.
For Governor the race seemed close
between Arthur Capper, a Republican,
with avowed progressive leanings, and
George H. Hodges. Democrat.
The Senatorial race between Gover
nor Stubbs. Republican Progressive,
and W. H. Thompson. Democrat, will
not be decided until the Legislature
meets. The legislators are not bound
by the popular vote.
Campaign Cunliko Any Before
Known will End Tuesday.
PORTLAND. Me., Nov. 2. A cam
paign unlike any Maine -has ever known
will be ended Tuesday. For the first
time since the days of the Greenback
party the Democrats are opposed by a
divided Republican party In the con
test for the state's six Presidential
The Republicans and Roosevelt Pro
gressives worked together during the
state campaign in September and won.
The parting came after that election,
and two divisions of the Republicans
have fought each other more actively
than either has attacked the Democrats.
Michigan Campaign Managers All
Claim Victory.
DETROIT, Nov. 2. The close of the
Michigan campaign finds each of the
leaders of the three parties, the Re
publican. Democratic and Roosevelt
Progressive, claiming victory. The So
cialists, while not claiming majorities,
predict the biggest Michigan vote ever
polled by the party. The Roosevelt
Progressive National ticket is easily the
favorite In the betting.
The Democrats claim that the divi
sion in the Republican ranks assures
victory for their candidates.
Gubernatorial Situation About as
Complicated as National.
MILWAUKEE. Wis.. Nov. 2. State
chairmen of the Republican, Democratic
and Roosevelt Progressive parties all
claim that Wisconsin voters will elect
Presidential electors favorable to their
respective party's candidate.
The Gubernatorialituation is about
as complicated as"We" -"National ticket.
The Congressional delegation probably
will be made up of seven Republicans,
two Democrats and one if not two so
cial Democrats.
Three-Cornered Fight 19 Center of
Attraction In Tennessee..
NASHVILLE, Nov. 2. A warm three,
cornered campaign for the Governor
ship has occupied the center of the
stage In Tennessee during the present
The Roosevelt Progressives declare
that a Democratic factional contest
will favor the Roosevelt National
ticket, but the Democratic leaders as
sert that the usual Democratic major
ity for the Presidential candidate will
be forthcoming next Tuesday. ,
Campaign Closes In Big Demonstra
tions by Three Parties.
INDIANAPOLIS. Nov. 2. With pa
rades, red fire and unusual flow of
oratory, the campaign of Indiana was
closed with demonstrations here tonight
by three parties. Large crowds at
tended the meetings.
Each state chairman of the three par
ties has Issued a statement contending
that the state will support his candi
date in the election next Tuesday.
Increased Activity Among Roosevelt
Progressives Is Feature.
creased activity of the Socialist and
Roosevelt Progressive parties marked
the close of the Presidential campaign.
The usual heavy Democratic majority
is predicted by party leaders.
In New Mexico All Party Leaders Are
Claiming Victory.
ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., Nov. 2. The
chairmen of the Democratic, Repub
lican and Roosevelt Progressive par
ties claim victory by a large majority
for their respective tickets in New
7 - iA.
H - xfr "7
Light Mart on Tod of Tewer fcf
The Oreajoalaa Building.
For the benefit of those who do
not come downtown Tuesday
night. The Qregonlan will flash
signals from a light mast above '
the tower of The Oregonlan
building, with the following code
of signals as eoon as the result is
Mexico. The vote will be comparative
ly light.
An -amendment to the constitution re
pealing the so-called language clause
providing that all who hold state of
fice shall speak, read and write Eng
lish will be voted upon, and a member
of Congress will be elected.
Majority of IS, 000 for Wilson-Mar
shall Electors Expected.
cratic leaders estimate that Oklahoma,
normally Democratic, will elect Wil
son-Marshall electors by- a majority of
15.000 and the state ticket by practi
cally the same figures.
The Republican situation is admit
tedly complicated. Roosevelt Progress
ive party electors failed to obtain a
place on the ticket through court action
and recently several of those nominated
as Republican electors have been quoted
as asserting that they will vote for
Republicans and Democrats Hope to
Win State.
NEW HAVEN, Conn.. Nov. 2. The
closing of the campaign in Connecticut
finds both the Republicans and Dem
ocrats confident of winning and the
Roosevelt Progressives hopeful of poll
ing 75.000.
Democratic Chairman roster pre
dicts that Wilson will sweep the state
by at least 25,000. He predicts Gov
ernor Baldwin's re-election.
Nevada Has Three Candidates Seek
ing Popular Choice.
RENO. Nev., Nov. 2. The campaign
in Nevada was complicated by the test
for the choice on popular vote for Uni
ted States Senator.
Senator W. A. Massey, appointed by
the Governor for the interim from the
death of the late Senator George S.
Nixon, until the Legislature meets, now
seeks election as the Republican nom
inee for the remainder of the term ex
piring in 1917. He Is opposed by Key
Plttman, Democrat, and Sardis Sam
merfleld. Roosevelt Progressive party
nominee. The result depends on ' the
number of votes drawn from the te
publicans by Summerfield, which is
State Chairman Says Wilson's Ma
jority Will Be 40,000.
LOUISVILLE, Ky Nov. 2. The Dem
ocratic state chairman claims the state
for Wilson by a majority not less than
40,000. The Republicans admit losses
since the last Presidential election, a
Democratic Governor having replaced a
ReDubllcan in the meantime, but ex
press the belief that these losses will
be more than overcome and a majority
zlven President Taft.
Progressive workers have brought
reports to Roosevelt Progressive neao
Quarters here saying that both old paf
ties will be surprised election day by
the returns in favor of the Progres
sives. Eleven Congressmen will be
Nebraskan's Active Campaign Car
ried Over Week-End.
OMAHA, Neb., Nov. 2. The active
campaign In Nebraska will not close
until Monday evening, when Wlliiam J,
Rrvan mnkp his last address that even
ing In his home city, althopgh he will
be the only speaker to carry the fight
over the week end.
Nearlv everv National leader of prom
inence has visited the state during the
W. J. Bryan tonight made his first
prediction on election results when he
declared that in his opinion Wilson
would have a substantial majority In
Campaign Managers Say That 20 Per
Cent of "Vote Doubtful.
sat.t i.n-r pitv Nov. 2. Indlca
tlons are that the Republicans will
carry Utah. All the campaign man
agers agree, however, that 20 per cent
of the vote is coutmui.
Tha T? PrnrrASfllTfil have
complete state ticket in the field and
apparently have been gaming u
nr.h at- lh. oT-nanso of thfl Reimb
licinw vhll. the Ttntnncra t i f mftnazfiTfl
claim their supporters nave Deen sianu
ing nrm ana win oe aoie io eieci
least a portion of their ticket.
By 30,000 Votes in Prediction of
Balloting for President.
rauvEVXE Wvn Nov. 2. The Re
publicans claim Wyoming for Taft by
30.000. the Democrats claim victory for
Vt ilBOn UJ ..V.VVV, lilts . . w
Dni-ABai .flar RnfMAVAlt Will
carry the state by a small majority.
Democrats ftna progressives comoinea
against Senator Warren, Republican
nnnHMsttA for re-election, and suDDorted
John 'B. Kendrick, Democrat.
.The registration snows an increase
or 15,000 over two years ago.
Leaders of Three Parties Claim Suc
cess Is at Hand.
ST. PAUL, Minn., Nov. 2. After a
vigorous Presidential campaign In Mln
nesota the election is approaching with
the leaders of the tnree principal par
ties claiming success.
Minnesota is normally Republican,
the state giving Roosevelt a pi u rarity
of 161,464 in 1904 and Taft 84.884 in
Registration in Baltimore Falls Off
6000; Funds Are Short.
BALTIMORE, Md., Nov. 2. The Pres
idential campaign in Maryland was
All the arty organizations com
plained of the lack of funds, and a
noteworthy feature of the situation Is
the falling off in the registration In
Baltimore, which dropped 6000 below
the previous registration.
Georgia Campaign Quiet.
ATLANTA. Ga.. Nov. 2. The PresI
dentlal campaign in Georgia, which
practically came to a close tonight, has
been marked by an unusual quiet. Pre
dictions on all sides are that the
Roosevelt Progressive party will poll
a respectable vote In this state.
Weiser to Close Campaign.
WEISER, Idaho, Nov. 2. (Special.)
The 1912 political campaign is to
come to a close In Washington County
Monday evening, when John F. Nugent
will deliver an address at the Wheaton
Theater. Democrats are exerting stren
VIRTUALLY the solid saloon sen
timent of Portland Is behind
w -Fltia-eraid for Sheriff, according
to a recent canvass. The proprietors
or bartenders of nearly 250 wetgoods
dispensaries announced that they were
for Fitzgerald, for various reasons.
from a dislike for Word to a belief
that the election of Fitzgerald will be
best for their business. ,
The Democrats will close their cam
paign in Astoria by playing two of
their trump cards. Governor West and
Dr. Harry Lane, who will speak there
Monday night.
Ringing down the curtain on a cam
paign that has been remarkable for
ts oratorical outpourings. senator
Fulton will speak for the Republicans
at Roseburg tomorrow night, with L.
r Webster at Eugene ana Wallace
McCamant at Corvallls, advocating the
success of the "grand old party."
The Bull Moosers last night held
three street meetings, with six speak
ers at each point, as follows: Seventh
and Washington, First and Madison and
Russell and Williams avenue. The
speakers were George Arthur Brown,
W. A. Burke, H. u. rarsons, Martin
Watrous. Henry Hartje, L. E. Schmitt
and, Edward Rosenburg.
Even money was bet In Portland yes
terday that President Taft would fin
ish second In tha contest in this state.
Ira W. Carl, of 1255 Alblna avenue.
who recently debated the single tax
uestlon with Eugene Palmer, says the
tax rolls at the Courthouse show that
he pays personal property taxes to the
amount of 22.44 while the personal
property tax of Mr. Palmer is only 48
The nonpartisan supporters of B. Lee
Paget, candidate of the Prohibition
party for United States Senator, were
on an auto speaking tour" of the city
last night, at which a representative of
each party spoke. Dr. Benjamin Toung,
Republican; E. A. Baker, a Bull Mooter,
and H. W. Stone, a Democrat, addressed
an audience at the corner of Sixth and
Washington streets, and explained their
reasons for favoring the candidacy of
Mr. Paget.
"Tsr tfONG the really active candidates
L on the Democratic ticket are J.
Woods Smith, for State Senator,
and Benjamin Brick, for State Repre
sentative. They are making their cam
paign on a platform embracing the fol
lowing planks: A workingmen's com
pensiuun act, sauu exemption on house
hold and personal property, state aid in
carrying on social hygiene work, state
bank guarantee law, a "blue sky" law
(not the initiative measure with its
25,000 joker), state system of trunk
line good roads, dredging the Colum
bia Slough.
Alfred E. Clark, George Arthur
Brown, T. A. Sweeney, B. G. Skulason,
Martin Watrous and Arthur I Moulton
talked for Roosevelt and Johnson at a
number of street meetings last night.
' '
Colonel Emmett Callahan wllf speak
for Roosevelt and Johnson at Forest
Grove Monday night.
The voters of St. Helens were ad
dressed Friday night in behalf of Roose
velt by J.- M. Long and Frank Powers,
both of this city.
Dr. Harry Lane, Democratic nominee
for United States Senator, has made'
the following announcement of what
he will stand for if elected:
"The Oregon system developed so as
to give free and sure effect to the will
of the people in state and -Nation.
"Honest government administered
with thorough efficiency; Federal aid
for post roads, enlarged rural free de
livery; parcels post; liberal appropria
tions for Oregon's rivers and harbors;
Oregon's share of reclamation funds for
Oregon; that the people may get back
in benefits what they pay in taxes.
"Tariff revision downward in the in
terest of the consumer; a banking sys
tem free from Wall-street domination
that the people may get what they
work for. Graduated Income tax. .
"Rigid exclusion of coolie labor; Im
prisonment of violators of the anti
trust laws; Oregon's resources for Ore
gonians; governmental operation oi
Alaska coal fields."
Diners at the Baltimore Dairy Lunch
rooms yesterday expressed their choice
for President with the following i re
sult: Wilson, 1194c Roosevelt, 998;
Taft.' E50; Debs, 170; Chafln, 6, - :
uous efforts to bring out a record at
tendance, and they predict that they
will fill the house. In the rural pre
cincts. Republicans are waging a strong
campaign. They predict that Mr. Taft
will carry the county by a, good vote,
while elaborate claims are being- made
by the Bull Moose supporters in this
city. Even the wisest political fore
casters of opposing parties admit now
that the great number of voters who
have been doing no talking will cast
their ballots for Mr. Taft next Tuesday.
President Will Win by 7000 Is Fore
cast Three Days Ahead.
BOISE, Idaho, Nov.- 2. The Idaho Re
publican campaign managers claim the
state for Taft by -7000, the Democrats
for Wilson by 6000 and the Progres
sives for Roosevelt by 10,000. Indica
tions favor the Republicans.
The result on governor will be close.
. Since The Oreronlan has arranged
to give a complete bulletin service at
The Oregonlan building, Sixth and
Alder, election night and also to flash
algnala from the tower and to an
nounce the result through the use of
the Portland Railway, Light A Power
Co.'s electric light system in the
residences using electric lights in
Portland.- Salem, Oregon City and
Vancouver, The Oregonlan will not
give eleotlon news ever the tele
phones on election night. - The reason
for this Is obvious. Tha Oregonlan
telephones will be in use gathering
election returns and cannot, there
fore, be used for any other purpose.
Neither will the 'public be admitted
, to The Oregonlan editorial rooms.
Since The' Oregonlan Is going to
great expense to announce the re
turns to the public, it believes that the
public will appreciate the reasonable-,
ness and necessity for this announce
ment. , i
The legislature will be safely Repub
lican on joint ballot, according to all
signs. It will elect two United States
Voters Will Ballot on Nine Consti
tutional Amendments.
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 2. Democratic lead
ers in Missouri are most insistent in
their predictions of victory.
Missouri voters will ballot on nine
constitutional amendments, one of
which is for a modified single tax. The
Democrats expect to exceed their pres
ent representation in Congress, which
is 13 out of 16 Congressmen.
Split in Republican Ranks May Give
f Wilson Big Majority.
WILMINGTON, Del., Nov. 2. Man
agers of the Republican, Democratic
and Progressive parties, each claim
their forces will elect both the National
and state tiskets In Delaware.
The split In the Republican party is
expected to win for Wilson as Taft
won over Bryan by a plurality of only
2943 votes out of 48,024 cast In 1908,
No Claim Made for State as to Presi
dential Vote.
PROVIDENCE, R. I., Nov. 2. Nightly
rallies have been addressed by speak
ers from within and without the state
and extensive advertising campaigns
have been conducted in preparation for
Tuesday's election. Complete state
tickets have been put in the field by
.Republicans, Democrats and Roosevelt
On State Ticket Roosevelt Men and
Taft Folk Hopeful.
RALEIGH, N. C, Nov. 2. At the
close of the North Carolina campaign
tonight a decisive victory for the Dem
ocratic party was predicted In the Pres
idential election Tuesday.
On the state ticket, Roosevelt Pro
gressives and Republicans both are
claiming the former quota of Repub
lican votes.
Second Place Contest Interests.
NEW ORLEANS, La.. Nov. 8. -Al
though the political leaders of all fac
tlons in this state concede Louisiana to
Wilson, the Roosevelt Progressives are
giving odds that they will poll more
votes than the Republicans.
Mississippi Four-Fifths Democratic
JACKSON, Miss., Nov. 2. In all prob
ability four-fifths of the vote cast next
TueBday in Mississippi will be Demo
cratic. Of the other parties, the Roose
velt Progressives made the most vigor
ous campaign.
Alabama Will Vote for Wilson.
MONTGOMERT, Ala., Nov. 2. After
a campaign marked by little excitement.
Alabama Is expected to vote for oov
ernor Wilson for President Tuesday
and to return every Democratic Jtepre
sentatlve In Congress.
Virginia Sees Democratic Sweep.
RICHMOND, Va., Nov. 2. A sweeping
Democratic victory is predicted in this
campaign. It is claimed the Taft and
Roosevelt vote will be light, their
greatest fight being made In the Ninth
Texas Solidly Democratic.
DALLAS, Tex.. Nov. 2. Texas, an
original Wilson state, is solidly Demo
cratlc. Republican and Roosevelt Pro
gressive party campaigns nave been
quiet, without indicating which leads.
Arkansas Expects 50,000 Majority.
LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Nov. 2. It is
estimated that the Democratic majority
n Arkansas next Tuesday will be in
excess of 50,000 votes.
South Carolina Campaign Apathetic.
nrti.ruwri H n Nov. 9 Anathv
ma-irA hA Tt ar! A 0-Ti tiftl camnaifim in
South Carolina, The usual Democratic
majority is predicted.
Parents of Lents Lad Accused of In
ducing Him to Go Wrong.
Of his own volition George Cum-
mlngs. a 17-year-old boy of Lents,
walked into Juvenile Court yesterday
and told Judge Gatens that his parents
were seeking to Influence him In wrong
directions. W. A. Pullen, his uncle,
came with him to back up his statements.
For the present the Judge hat turned
the boy over to one of the Big Brothers,
who will Investigate his complaint.
Eventually It is probable that the
court will name Mr. pullen as his
sruardlan, as the Judge was well Im
pressed with both the unole and the
Young Cuxnmlngs tola tas court utl
Taxpayer s League and
Pomona Granges Oppose
the "Flat-Salary Bill""
The Taxpayers' League of Portland, composed of well-known and responsible citi
zens, after "carefully studying the measures offered to voters," learns that the
"alleged flat-salary law" is the outgrowth of the attempt of a faction of the Salem
. Printers' Union to force the State Printer of Oregon to "signup" and give them con
trol of the State's printing for their own benefit. The League, in its advertisements,
advising voters as to its conclusions, recommends the rejection of the alleged flat
salary bill, in this language : -. .
- "328 Yes
"329 No -
" This bill is about as flagrant a misuse of the initiative as can be
; conceived. The interests of the State are entirely ignored in an at
tempt to help out an industrial struggle. It is extravagant and unwise.
"Voters are advised to vote No."
' The League's recommendations are made over the signatures of R. L. Glisan,
President, 612 Spalding Building, and L. J. Goldsmith, Secretary, 321 Corbett Build
ing, Portland, Oregon. '
The alleged flat-salary law is also condemned by Salem Grange No 17, after full
investigation. .
Marion County Pomona Grange indorses the action of the local Grange in with
drawing support from the measure. .
Linn County Pomona Grange also advises members and citizens to defeat the
printing bill. ' . , ,. , , 4 -
Multnomah County Granges, by their masters, unite m recommending defeat of
"said so-called flat-salary law," and commend the present State Printer for mate
rially decreasing the printing cost of Oregon. '
The big printing houses of Portland (21 of them) unite in recommending defeat
of the so-called flat-salary law, because "it has not a single meritorious feature."
In all flat-salary states printing costs two to four times as much as in Oregon.
That's why a little clique at Salem prepared the bill and supports it. The scheme
means great waste and extravagance.
The Oregonian and nine-tenths of the papers of the state condemn the scheme.
To beat this dishonest close-shop bill, which masquerades under a flat-salary ban
ner, vote "329 X No." ... .V
Then I shall continue to give Oregon the cheapest public printing m the United
State Printer of Oregon.
(Paid Advertisement)
his parents were encouraging him to
.i i i. BrtA onAnri i 1 a m rt n . v recklessly.
and to contract other bad habits. He
said he wanted in some way to nave
their authority over him removed, as
v, io Dn,fniii tn iira his own expres
sion, "to make something of himself."
Never before in the history oi ine
Juvenile Court has a boy voluntarily
used it to prefer charges against his
parents. The reverse is frequently
Banquet to J. X. Teal Will Attract
. Many Prominent Visitors.
Preminent men representing : the
principal cities of the Northwest win
be in Portland next Friday night to at-
. A V r. i i , In hnnnr nf J. N. Teal
which will be given by the Progressive
Business Men s ciuo ai me wunnnm
Senator Borah, of Idaho, who has
KnAn intimatAlv AHRnnlated with Mr.
Teal in his work for the upbuilding of
the commercial interests oi tne jracmc
Coast, will be one of tne principal
t Awfotnn TnH7Atnn. Astoria and oth
er cities that have benefited by Mr.
T.,i'. oHvltioa for tha Columbia River
will send their best representatives to
the banquet.
Besides Senator Borah, speakers of
the evening will be froiessor vvuuam
Dennison Lyman, C. S. Jackson and Mr.
Teal himself.
terday in Justice Court. It is alleged
that Levy, in advertisements inserted
In the newspapers, offered 14-carat gold
rings, ranging In value from i to $7.
at $1.98, the rings not being as repre
sented. Leon Vial Not Grill Owner.
Leon Vial, arrested Friday night for
the alleged larceny of a $10 bill from
Rlgo, the singer. Is not the proprietor
of the Glrard Spanish Grille, says B.
G. Estes, manager of the place. Vial's
case was called In Municipal Court
yesterday, but went over.
The Kerms which make brewers' yeast r
stronger alcohol producers than any other
False Advertising- Charged.
Violation of the statute against false
advertising is charged against M. Levy,
proprietor of a Washington - street
jewelry store. In a complaint filed yes
La Follette Indorses
- 1
. .. , t, i
The Independent Repub
lican Candidate for Con
gress, who believes the
Progressive policies "can
be better advanced -within
the party organization.
Madison, Wis, Oct 27, 1912.
Grant Thomas, W. W. Cut
ler. Jay Hamilton, D. C. Lewis,
Committer, Portland, Or. Hon.
Thos. McCusker is entitled to
the support of every true Pro- '
gresslve In Portland Congres
sional District. As a delegate
to the National Republican
Convention his acts were in .
accord with honor and con
science, and, knowing the con
ditions as I do prevailing at
' the convention, I heartily ap
prove of what he did, and
every true Progressive will do
so when he knows th truth.
I hope that all my friends will
support hltn, as we need such
fearless, conscientious men in
(Paid Advertisement.)
182 X-A. H. BURTON
(.Paid Advertisement.)
How To Save On
0.12 PZyM Gradate
UIJU 1 J (
. "
Q Single lax
IS v w
(Paid advertisement by Oregon Equal Taxation Leaga)
Direct Primary
and Jonathan Bourne
I make an appeal to all who favor an attack on that form of
special privilege known as protection, to vote for Dr. Lane and
especially against Senator Bourne, for the following reasons:
One of the defects of our system of government is that we make
a platform, elect a President on that platform and then oppose
him with a Senate or Dower House which is absolutely opposed
to him and the platform on which he was elected. In other
words, we declare against monopoly-breeding protection and
elect Wilson. Then we elact Mr. Bourne to help oppose Mr.
Wilson in the Senate. Of course, all the other Senatorial can
didates, except Dr. Lane, are also protectionists, and these re
marks'apply to them as well. But I have selected Mr. Bourne
because he is claiming that, having been in the Senate, he will
be peculiarly valuable to Oregon. He was an Aldrich protection
ist in the Senate, and so voted uniformly. For that reason he is
the last man for anti-protectionists to return to that body. If
Governor Marshall is President of the Senate, Mr. Bourne's pork
barrel influence will not be so strong as that of a Democrat.
I personally have another objection to Senator Bourne. He
has attained great celebrity as the champion of the Oregon Sys
tem, but the first time the Oregon System is not to his wish he
destroys it. No man can enter a direct primary and then refuse
to abide by the decision, without destroying it. All the sophis
try in the world will not alter the fact. Let the petitioners
petition all they please, the man who has submitted himself to
the direct primary has no right to make it a farce by shouting
, for it if he wins, and running again if he loses. Is Mr. Bourne
or the direct primary more dear to Oregonianst If th8 direct
primary can so easily be kicked to the rubbish-heap, the next will
be Statement No. 1 when it does not happen to suit some future
Mr. Bourne.
(Paid Advertisement.).