The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 03, 1912, Page 11, Image 11

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    iVOIBER 3. 1912.
tore Wouald Bare AUtiempt a' MIILIIMERY
ALE. of SacSi .Mag'siitade Bit. TMs Store
? JMeritOnl
TKe Linen Store
Offers Radical Savings
in a Great Sale
Isomer! who are the best judges of linens will appreciate
ihnf fJil. sale offers the moment
fv examine the many bargains offered tomorrow. The sale
hbraces linens from the greatest Irish, Scotch ana Kaerman
Trmmbh Sheets and Pillow Cases
hese are absolutely the best sheets and pillow cases for the
JipfU nnrr means Triumoh sheets always.
hese sheets are made with three-inch head hem and one-inch
bt hem. These linens never fad to wash white and pliable.
'ways keep their shape because they are torn (not cut' before
tng made.
eefs Size 54 by 90 60c Sheets Size Bl by u eoc
eets Size 63 by 90 65c Sheets Size 81 by 99 90c
eets Size 72 by 90 70c Sheets Size 81 by 108 95c
eets Size 72 by 108 90c Sheets Size 90 by 99 95c
Triumph Pillow Cases
tses Size 42 by 36 at 18c Cases Size 42 by 38V2 20c
ises Size 45 by 36 at 20c Cases Size 45 by 38Vz 23c
pl.50 Full Size Bed Spreads Special $1.05
iThis spread is firmly made in prominent crochet patterns
th hemmed ends, rullsize.
51.75 Bed Sbreads Special $1.29
T -
Pull ci7 rmrhrt raHnrvd rut corner bed sDreads. made of
tabed yarn, pure white in neat patterns, well scalloped.
$3 Bed SDreads Special $2.35
These spreads come in full size in satin finish, hemmed ends.
bare and circular patterns.
35c Hack Towels Special Each 21c
iHuck towels with hemmed ends of extra fine huck of German
knufacture. Absolutely all linen. Size 4Z by 1 1 inches.
.. Imported Cretonne Bed Spreads
At Two Soecial Prices SI. 75 and $2.00 Each
bize 90 by 72 inches. Something entirely new and has made
decided hit Can match the color scheme or your room.
bite rrounds with colored floral and conventional designs.
qted grounds with. white patterns. In blue, pink, . yellow.
leen, navy and red effects.
Colored Satin Bed Spreads Special $1.85
This is a Darticularlv effective quilt for the price. They
kne in light blue, dark blue and pink, with white circular
tterns, fringed to match. Full size.
Embro dered Pillow Cases at 25c Each
-These cases come in size 45 by 36 inches. Made of a good
ality cotton with elaborately embroidered tops. . Hem-
Vched hem.
50c Turkish Towels Special 39c
j-This is a bleached towel of extra weight, measuring 46 by
inches. Made of double twisted cotton.
35c Turkish Towels Special 25c
This is a full bleached Turkish bath towel measuring exactly ,
by 22 inches, with hemmed ends. Made of two-ply cotton.
th fast edges and long Terry.
$2.25 Table Cloths Special $1.50 Each
Bleached Irish linen table cloths in assorted, neat patterns.
th border on four sides to match. Size 80 by 64 inches.
$1.75 Table Cloths Special $1.19 Each
Half bleached German linen table cloths, size 60 by 56
hes. Guaranteed all linen in neat assorted patterns with
rder on four sides.
$3.50 Napkins Special Dozen $239
High-grade Irish linen napkins, satin finished, in choice pat-
ns, with border on four sides. Size 22 by 22 inches.
$1 Table Damask Special Yard 85c
This table damask is woven of pure Irish linen flax in choice,
tistic patterns, r ull U inches wide.
Bed Qui t Materials at $2.60 Each
Wool batting, size 72 by 84 inches. Full size for quilts.
bvered with fine cheese cloth. Weight 3 lbs.
Stitched Cotton Batting Reduced
hMade of fine quality of cotton, put up in sheets of
11 quilt size.
lb. Sheets at 75c Each. 4 lb. Sheets at $1.10 Each
Comfort Cloth Special 12xAz Yard
36-inch wide Sultan comfort cloth. Tinted grounds with
ral patterns in a silky finish in pink, blue, tan, green and
Comfort Chal ies Special I212c Yard
k3 6-inch wide comfort challies in beautiful Persian patterns
combination colors.
Table Cloths With Napkins to Match
At Unprecedented Reduced Prices
lAustrian linen damask cloths with napkins to match full
ss bleached designed by the world s best artists.
ible Cloths Size 2 by 2 Yards Special Each $ 6.75
ble Cloths Size 2'z by 2 Yards Special bach f a.uu
ble Cloths Size 3 by 2 Yards Special Each $10.00
ble Cloths Size 3V by 2 Yards Special Each $11.50
ble Cloths Size 2V4 by 2V Yards Special Each $ 9.00
ble Cloths Size 3 by 2V2 Yards Special tach l.ou
ble Cloths Size 3V2 by 2V2 Yards Special Each $15.0a
Napkins to Match
Size 25 by 25 Inches Special a Dozen $10.00
j i
I 95c
Remarkable as Was Our Last Sale of Untrimmed Hats '
These Hats Are Even More Wonderful
Reductions Are Greater, Assortments Broader
Women's, Misses' and Children's Hats, Divided Into Five Lots
I Black silk velvet hats, large, mediant and small, good shapes and
j LOT 1 gooj materials, both blocked shapes and stitched hats, also sdk
velvet hats with colored silk plush crown. 1
Genuine velour and plush hats in black and colors, in all the latest
LOT 2 1
shapes now in vogue. - 1 I
Finest grade bright finish felt, in black and solid colors, and in W f
black and color combinations, a big selection desirable shapes. my J
Two hundred trimmed hats in narrow close-fitting turbans and
medium shapes, in black and a variety of colors. '
Children's hats in a dozen most attractive and effective styles, in
black and colors, trimmed in a variety of pretty styles.
Velvet Hats, Regular $4.00 to $7.50 Felt Hats, Regular $2.50 to $3.50
Velour Hats, Regular $5.00 to $6.50 Trimmed Hats, Reg. $2.50 to $6.50
Children's Hats, Regular $1.50 to $4.50
Your choice of any
$2.50 Separate Table Cloths Special $1.50
Bleached Irish linen table cloths in floral and figured patterns,
with border on four sides to match. Size 80 by 64 inches.
Bleached Irish Linen Table Cloths t -
In an over-weight quality linen in scroll and floral patterns, with border on
four sides to match. (9m
$3.25 Cloths Size 2V by 2 Yards Special Each $2
$4.00 Cloths Size 3 by 2 Yards Special Each $3.00
$5.00 Linen Napkins $3.95 Dozen
Irish linen napkins, extra weight, in more than fifty patterns from which to
choose. Never sold for less than $5.00 the dozen.
75c Table Linen Special Yard 68c .
66-inch bleached all-linen table damask in assorted patterns and extra weight.
$ 1.00 Table Linen Special Yard 85c '
70-inch wide bleached all-linen Irish damask in floral and conventional pat
terns, satin finish.
$1.50 Table Damask Special Yard $1.25
72-inch wide bleached Irish table damask, rated over weight; extra fine count
In pretty patterns.
German Silver Bleached Table Sets
This is the linen that is finished without filling or starchy substance, prominent
circular patterns, all of which are confined exclusively to this store.
Table Cloths, size 2 by 2 yards, special, each $2.50
Table Cloths, size 2 1-2 by 2 yards, special, each . , 3.25
Table Cloths, size 3 by 2 yards, special, each.. ... ... Jf-75
Napkins to match, size 22 by 22 inches, special, dozen J . . .$3.50
Irish Huck Towels, Special 25c .Each
These huck towels are made of meadow bleached linen huck with spoke hem
stitched ends. Size 22, by 14 inches.
18c White Plesse Cloth, Special 15c
This is the soft, crinkled cloth used so much for fine underwear. 30 in. wide.
Imported Madras Waisting 25c Yard
This material is mercerized in the yarn; comes in Winter weight, Jacquard
stripes and figures.
$1.50 Longcloth in.l2-Yard Piece $1.09
36 inches wide, soft finish no starch or extra dressing substance. Specially
adapted for underwear j.
c " ' .
jnSff fff f L
Hi jj L
See O ir Full Page
Ready-tchWear -Apparel
A nnounce
ment First Page
Section Two
Opening Sale
Of Heavy Silver Plated .
golloto Wiavt
Representing (he best makers of England and
America. Our stock comprises all nen and high
grade merchandise, including English and American
Sheffield plate. Everything for the correct service,
including the nen pierced silver nou in such great
This sale comes at a most opportune time, and is
in harmony and keeping "with the remarkable bargains
offered in our home furnishing and linen sale.
Quadruple plated, two and three-bottle in pierced and
engraved design.
Quadruple plated English pierced designs. Our own ex
clusive importation. A variety of styles to choose from.
Quadruple plated, with white glass lining, including
spoon. Pierced design.
Quadruple plated, beautiful scroll design. White porce
lain lining. "
SPECIAL $10.50
Quadruple plated, full-sized, extra heavy plate.
Quadruple plated, extra heavy plate. Colonial pattern
with Universal lamp.
SPECIAL $21.50
Genuine English Sheffield, fine engraved design. Good
weight, size twenty inches.
Quadruple plated in plain and thread design. Gold lined
and splendidly finished.
Quadruple plated, hard metal, with interlocking handle.
Our own importation. Direct from England.
SPECIAL $14.00
. Quadruple plated four-piece Colonial design, made ex
pressly for us. A set of unusual merit. Other sets in plate
to $50.00.
Quadruple plated in pierced and engine turned engraved
designs. Size ten inches.
Quadruple plated, floral engraved design. Empire border,
full size.
Quadruple plated, engine turned design, exclusive pattern.
Quadruple plated, plain design, extra weight
Rogers' Famous
: 1847 able Mare
An enormous stock the largest ever assembled
for your inspection in this city. The collection em
braces the Vintage, Old Colony. Charier Oak.
Cromwell and Sharon patterns. Also plain satin and
bright finish. t
Every year those people rvho delay their selection
of Rogers ivare are certain of disappointment, so we
urge you to make your selections now, while the as
sortments are complete. We guarantee the prices to
be the lowest obtainable.
Table Cloths
With Napkins to Match
Scotch linen damask table cloths
with choice assortment of circular
patterns for round, square or oblong
tables. In an extra fine satin finish.
Size 2 by 2 Yards at $4.00
Size 2V by 2 Yards at $5.00
Size 3 by 2 Yards at $6.00
Size 3Vz by 2 Yards at $7.00
Size 4 by 2 Yards at $8.00
Size 2V4 by 2Va Yards at $6.00
Size 2V2 by 2Vz Yards at $6.75
Napkins to Match
Size 24 by 24 Special $6.00 Dozen
Irish Linen Table Cloths
In a large assortment of neat pat
terns with a matching border on four
Size -70 by 70 Inches $2.50
Size 88 by 70 Inches $3.00
-Size 106 by 70 Inches $3.50
Napkins to Match
Size 22 by 22 Inches
Special $3.00 Dozen
40c Huck Towels 29c
Extra quality bleached huck hem
stitched towels with monogramed
space on the damask ends. These
are made of fine German linen 37 by
Q2 inches.
35c Turkish Bath Towels
Special 25c Each
This is a full bleached Turkish
bath towel with hemmed ends. Made
of two-ply cotton with fast edges and
. long Terry. Sizes 45 by 22 inches.'
T. .$1.75 Fruit Knives .$1.85
Table Spoons
Soupspoons $3.50
Bouillon Spoons
5 o'Clock Tea Spoons.. ... .$2.00
Coffee Spoons Vcn
Ice Tea Spoons '2.50
Orange Spoons f r5?
Salad Forks -'it'll
Oyster Forks $2-50
Pie Fork $3.50
Ice Cream Forks $2.50
Butler Spreaders $3.25
Medium Knives, hollow h'dle $5.25
Medium Forks, hollow h'dle $5.25
Breakfast Knives, hTv h'dle $5.00
Dessert Knives, hollow h'ndle $4.75
Dessert Forks, hollow handle, $4.75
Knives and Forks $8.75
Satin finish Knives and Forks $4.00
Plain Knives and Forks . . . . $5.50
Sugar Shell and Butler Knife
Set $1.45
Child's Set $2.25
Carving Set $7.50
Craw Ladle $1-25 Cheese Scoop $1.75
Cream Ladl $ .90
Cake Fork $1.00
Meal For
Beef Fork $ -85
Salad Fork $2.00
Pickle Fork
Berry Spoon ,$1.50
Salad Spoon $j-50
Jelly Spoon $1.15
Tomato Server $1.75
Jelly Knife $1.15
Pie Server $2.00
Ice Cream Server $2.25
Sugar Shell $ .70
Butler Knife $ .75
Baby Spoon $ .50
Food Pusher $ .50
Bottle Opener $ .75
Oyster Ladle $2.75
Soup Ladle $3.25
Rogers' Argyle Kensington and Puritan Patterns
Sold Exclusively in This Store
Special in This Sale at the Following Prices
Teaspoons . . . . . . $ .84
Pnffee Sooons ....$ .84
7afce Spoons
Dessert Spoons
Sntitt Sboons ... $ 1 .62
Bouillon Spoons $1.62
Plain Knives and Forks $3.00
Hollow Handle Forks $3.89
Flat Forks $1-89
Salad Fork $'-69.
Oyster Forks .$1.12
Butler Spreaders $ 1 .49
Salad Forks $ .98
Salad Spoons $ .98
Soup Ladle .......... ...$1.95
Cravy Ladle $ .53
Cream Ladle $ .39
Tomato Server $ .69
Cold Meat Fork $ .43
Pickle Fork $ .35
Butter Knife $ .36
Sugar Shell $ .29
Pie Knife ..$1.09
Jelly Spoon $ .33