4 . TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXLIN, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 37, 191fr. . jJiU- -5Ulk . . T- 7V - Jff y .V iS m More Lunatics Than Six Years Ago Governments M , lll ' Yl? t'f y ' il- " " fJii Chief AlienistGives Interesting Opinions on Effect of Jr 1 : !8--5l2r T'-r4t "Xiiw- RZCe Suic'de and ther Modern Conditions. c- IffiS' WVSHINGTON. D. C, Oct. 23. (Special Correspondence.) Are we growing- crazier? The census office finds that within six years the insane In our asylums have increased from 156.2 to 203.8 per 100,000 of our population? And that lunacy Is increasing throughout the en tire world was announced the other day by the famous Dr. Forbes Wlnslow, who at the same time made the grim prediction that "there will be more lunatics In the world than sane people 300 years hence"; that "we are rapidly approaching a mad world." Hideous picture thlsl If the majority Is to rule by direct vote in the golden future, what Is posterity to do In the sad year 2212, when that majority is mad? Haunted by such a horrible thought, I rushed over the river the other day to seek consolation from Un cle Sam's chief alienist. Dr. William A. "White, superintendent of the Gov ernment Hospital for the Insane. Dr. White refused to tremble, nor did his color blanch. An Alarmist View, Says Allenlfrt. "Dr. Forbes' Wlnslow's view is un doubtedly an alarmist's one," quoth he. "It is based apparently upon the assumption that a single social condi tion may be isolated from all other social conditions and considered alone and by Itself. When so considered the natural tendency would probably be as Dr. Wlnslow has suggested, but social conditions are not to be so simply con sidered. They are always extremely complex by being surrounded and in fluenced by other conditions that mod ify the results. There is hardly a liv ing species today but what, if It went on producing at its normal rate with out being interefered with by surround ing and modifying conditions, would in a marvelously short time populate the entire surface of the globe. But we know that this does not happen. In fact. If you will measure off a plot of ground a few feet square in which are contained plants and animals of nu merous species and habitats, any one of which. If left to itself, would populate the globe In a few years, you will find at the end of a few months that the relative proportions between the sev eral species has not materially varied. This fact was pointed out many years ago on the basis of actual observation by Darwin." Insanity Increases With Longevity. "Dr. Wlnslow is quoted as stating al so that In every part of the world clv- IN the camp of the Molliecoddles, at the rear with the baggage-wagons, men sat silent about the fires and avoided one another's eyes. Now and then one cursed bitterly and the others would turn his way for an Instant and then come back to their vacant star ing. Bewilderment seemed to be their attitude, utter blind bewilderment. "We never had a chance," muttered one. "We never had a chance." Another suddenly flung down a paper he had been reading In the red light, cursed like a drover for a moment, and fell silent again. In his tent the Colonel spoke bitterly- to his Adjutant. "They needed a scapegoat, and they've pitched on us," he said. A common sentiment ran from the head of the regiment to the meanest private In the ranks. It was, more over, a perfectly legitimate. well founded sentiment, and the facts upon which it was based were these: The Mollieooddles were a brand-new regiment. Most of them had been clerks and small business men in a cer tain well-known city. Their hands were white and soft and their chests not astonishing either for length or breadth. Therefore, because the spirit is less easily discerned than the flesh, their comrades-in-arms, veterans of two campaigns, dubbed them the Mollie L - ' &irs-. Tap Ljkw ' - ' r- lllzation Is advancing and so Insanity Is bound to advance,' " I added. "Is in sanity a necessary accompaniment of advanced civilization? Will not higher intelligence, produced by advancing civilization, conquer more and more the tendency toward madness?" "The much mooted question as to whether the increase of insanity is in cident to higher civilization is difficult to answer," Dr. White replied. "Two matters suggest themselves for consid eration. In the first place, it is fair to presume that as the struggle for ex istence has, through the ages, shifted from a struggle that throws the major part of man's work upon his muscular system to a struggle that throws a greater part of his work upon his mind that as this change- has taken place. his brain, which is subjected to a great er amount of use, may suffer more fre quently from disease. And, second, it must be remembered that with advanc ing civilization the problem of prevent lve medicine has come more and more to the front and that human life is prolonged materially beyond what it used to be. The greatest incidence of insanity is between the ages of approx imately SO and 40. A very much larger proportion of people today live to this period of life than used to be the case. Therefore the Increase of civilization may produce an increase in the actual number of tha Insane by the mere fact of prolonging human life." "Anthropologists have advanced the theory that savages are Insane, as com pared with enlightened man. Is not the reverse of Dr. Wilson's rule, therefore, the true tendency? The lower we get in the scale of civilization, is there not more Insanity?" I further asked. "So far as I know." said the alienist, insanity does not increase the lower we go In the scale of civilization." 'before the eugenics congress ine other day Dr. Mott stated that the gen eral Increase In lunacy is more appar ent than real. Do you agree with him?" was the next question. "I do agree with Dr. Mott. "Is not the alienist's conoeption of Insanity steadily widening, with the result that many cases are now recog nized and appear In the statistics which were formerly overlooked?" "Insanity Not Medical Term. "The general answer to the question would be yes, although It calls for cer tain criticism as to the use of the word insanity. Insanity, In my estimation, is not a medical term at all. The mind Is subjeot to various diseases. When i coddles- on their .first appearance. Tho regiment suffered the label with only a mild resentment. Individually they knew they were not cowards, and they trusted confidently In the future, to Justify their presence In arms. As a regiment they had not yet found themselves. They had no esprft de corps. They were a collection of units Instead of the single and par ticular entity a regiment should be. Then came the catastrophe. The army was facing the enemy with a river in the rear, and it so happened that the Molliecoddles held the extreme right wing. Here the general com manding made his initial mistake. There being no natural defenses to protect this wing. It should in common prudence have been flung back to rest upon the river and thus present a line of fire In the event of a flanking move ment by the enemy. This was not done, and the Mollie coddles were left strung out In alr Not even the colonel, who had been a successful merchant! understood the perilous Insecurity of their position, and the regiment calmly laid Itself down to .sleep that night, expecting battle- on the morrow and confident of acquitting itself well,' but feeling Itself secure for the' immediate future. Anon came a heavy column of the enemy, driving in the pickets, and It self arriving on their heels. The line of battle faced south. ' The attack fell from the west. Two companies succeeded In form such diseases are of a nature or de gree as to render the Individual un fitted to live in the community either because of danger to himself or to others when, in other words, the com munity is unwilling to put up with him any longer he is by that community segregated to the confines of an insti tution. The process of this segrega tion is a legal process. It is a legal process to determine sanity. Sanity, in the meaning of this process, is fitness to live In the community; insanity the opposite. The physician sees the pres ence of mental disease, the lawyer fixes the legal status. Naturally as civiliza tion advances it becomes more and more complex, and, therefore, the dif ficulties of a,' given Individual getting along In the community Decome great er and greater, and, therefore, again departures from the normal of less and less extent become matters which may lead to one's commitment as Insane." Chief Factor In Madness. "Which do you regard as the more dangerous factor In Insanity today, ex citing or predisposing causes?" "The general tendency today is to be lieve that the more important factors in the production of mental disease are those that are resident In the indi vidual, or the .predisposing." "A noted alienist lately named "wine, women, worry and work' as. the chief exciting causes. Do you agree with him?" "No, that Is a good example of allit eration; that's all." "How can the chief exciting and pre disposing causes of Insanity best be eliminated?" "The subject of mental hygiene is an extensive one. Preventive medicine as applied to mental disorders has Its most difficult problem, and Its most complex. In the main, a more Intensive scientlflo study of the various mental diseases In order to determine more accurately- the various factors that are at work In their production and de velopment Is an essential precondition." "Are not improved methods of living neutralizing any of these causes that may be increasing?" "Improved methods of living so far as improved sanitary conditions are con cerned undoubtedly materially diminish the number of cases of insanity due to causes of an Infectious, toxlo and ex haustive character." Are there any sex differences in ing, facing about on the new line, and firing a round or two before they were overwhelmed. Then the regiment, and after It the brigade, was rolled up, telescoped, crushed, with hardly a chance to fire a shot. It was not their fault. The best and most seasoned regiment In the army could have done no better under the circumstances. But when the Major-General had collected the shattered remnant of his forces on the safe side of the river, he felt the need of. a scapegoat, as the Colonel had divined, and recog nized the Molliecoddles as the logical and helpless candidates for the posi tion. He nominated them accordingly In his report, and the army, bitter over defeat and not at all understanding. Instantly elected them unanimously. In two days the whole country knew, be yond hope of refutation, that the Mol liecoddles had brought disaster on the division by conspicuous cowardice In the face of the enemy. The Molliecoddles, battered and still dazed, reviewed the situation with a sort of savage bewilderment. Individu ally, they knew they were not cowards. Colleotively they were inarticulate, un certain, perplexed. Consequently they suffered many things, though by no means with meekness. There were black eyes and broken heads In neighboring regiments and a lively lust for blood and slaugh ter In the minds of the Molliecoddles. In the meantime they were detailed to the rear to guard the baggage train, and the cup of their humiliation over flowed in bitter murmurings against their lot But fate had her eye upon them, and while they were yet In the mood to kick out viciously at the touch of a feather, she sent them a golden opportunity. , Having hurled his opponent back across the river, the enemy proceeded to take the offensive. By a rapid march in the night a long oolumn crossed the river some miles above, aiming by a wide detour to fall suddenly and unex pectedly upon the rear of the demor alized force. So silently and swiftly was this maneuver accomplished that no word of It reached the rival General till his communications had been cut and a frightened crowd of teamsters and camp followers came streaming up the road. Close on their heels appeared the van of the eager enemy. In their way stood only the despised and rejected Mollie coddles. At the first sign of trouble the Colo nel of the regiment deployed his men across the road and prepared to hold that line "till the cows came home." A stone fence afforded excellent pro tection and the Molliecoddles spread themselves along this breastwork with 17L V ! 07Srrrr 1 ijJL3-UL J l Xi pfi k f i FiVi r iv'Hc II I IU 3 r 4 ; modern tendencies toward Insanity? Does the rate of Increase seem to be greater among men or women?" "The percentage of insanity In the two sexes is practically equal." Race Suicide and Insanity. "Does not the general decrease In the size of families tend toward relieving women of worries which lay the foun dation for Insanity?" "That Is too complex a question to be answered categorically. The pres ence of children In a family that Is poverty-stricken becomes a source of drain which the mother particularly is 111 fitted to maintain. The actual etiology of the mental breakdown un der such circumstances has largely to do with exhaustive work and poor nutrition, which, of course, in such an Instance is focalized about the pres ence of the child. Of course, the pres ence of the child is merely Incidental. Such causes might well produce actual disease for other reasons than the mere fact that there were too many child ren. The absence of children in cer tain other types of families might readily leave to idleness an opportunity for indulgence that would be distinct ly opposed to the best tenets of mental health, and so the question might be reaericK the hot blood humming In their veins. Cowards, eh? They would show what sort of cow ards they were. They ceased that mo ment to be a collection of units, and were in a way to become a regiment. They were madmen, most of them, ready to go red-eyed and homicidal at a pin-prick. They had been goaded and buffeted with no chance to reply. They had read ironical newspaper com ments by men who had never smelled powder till their nerves were strung like hair-triggers. Almost to a man, they yearned for slaughter with the primitive thirst of savagery. They wanted to get square. They wanted to clear themselves. They wanted to show up their critics for the blatant liars they were. Across a field In front of them came a line of hurrying men, followed by another and another. They were overlapped- on either flank. What matter? An aide galloped up to the Colonel. "Hold them for 20 minutes!" was his cry, almost despairing. "Hold them If you lose every man." "I'll hold 'em," said the Colonel, grimly. He knew the temper of his men. It was Identical with his own. Directly a battery whirled up and unllmbered In- the road. That would help. The staff officer had gone to hurry up the support. The Colonel stalked along his line. Across the open ground In front the enemy neared rapidly. They came al most recklessly, expecting little oppo sition. The only task they saw. be fore them was to drive their foe Into the river. They made for the stone wall with a yell. At sight of the guns In the road a shout of triumph broke out. These should be the first fruits of their vio tory. The Colonel, crouching now be hind the wall, surveyed them coming, only his head projecting above the coping. The impatient privates fingered their weapons and cursed beneath their breath. Would they never get the word to fire? Were they to be run over again and trampled on without a chance? A hundred yards away a compact line of men was tolling up the Elope. In the road a column swung forward full In the face of the silent guns. Then when men's nerves were fairly snapping with the tension, the Colonel gave the word. The front of the stone wall burst into flame, and above the rattle Of musketry came the bursting roar of the guns in the road, as the gunners leaped from concealment. Out on the grassy slope the first line of hurrying, eager men melted into shapeless masses on the ground. In the road the grape and canister tore great holes in the compact col umn. The surprlsera were surprised; -.. -. ..- ' - : i - - . r i considered, you see, from many stand points." "Is Insanity becoming more and more curable?" "We are learning how to influence mental disorder as never before. So far, however, the general result on the curability of that whole mass of con- The front ranks recoiled, shattered out of all semblanco to formation. But tho attack was delayed for only a moment. Behind that foremost rank was another which came steadily on, leaving a man now and then sprawling out or writhing in the grass, but driv ing straight forward notwithstanding. Down the line behind the stone wall went the command, "Cease firing." It almost caused a mutiny, but the officers persuaded the madmen to obey. The enemy came on with a yell then. Evidently it was but an insignificant force in their front. They were minded to run over them. Telling like fiends, they rushed across the open. It was Bunker Hill repeat ed. Again the Colonel let them come 'within a hundred yards before he gave the command to fire, and again when the order came and the sheet of flame burst forth the advancing line with ered as before the breath from a blaz ing blast furnace. Flesh and blood could not face It. They were men who would go un flinchingly where there was one chance of coming through. Here there was none. It was death, bald and certain. Those who could recoiled down the slope. Many stayed silent in the grass. Meanwhile the carnage In the road was fearful. The steady plying of the guns loaded with grape and canister had piled the advancing column in a mass of dead and dying till the order came to halt and deploy across the adjoining field. This added to the labors of the de voted Mollieooddles. The next advance was in skirmish formation and far more difficult to stop. Men began to fall behind the breast work. Bullets sang over their heads and spat viciously into the wall in front of them. But 15 of the needed 20 minutes had elapsed. If they could, hang , on for five more! They were firing at will now. The The volleys had ceased, but there was a steady, continuous rattle of musket ry. The Colonel walked back and forth behind his line, fiercely chewing his mustache, pausing to glance at the cloud of skirmishers coming stead ily on, or noting with a groan that his left was overlapped for a quarter of a mile and must speedily be turned. It could not be helped. He was holding what he could, but his line was woefully thin and every moment becoming thinner. The singing bul lets took a steady toll. Down the slope before the stone wall a mass of men pressed forward yelling. The thin line behind the wall concentrated all its fire upon them, but it no longer availed. On they came, dogged, determined. Men dropped steadily, but still they came on. The 20 minutes were up. Where were the reinforcements? The Colonel glanced about. Woods dltlons which are comprised under the term 'insanity Is not material." "Are there any new forms of insan ity?" I asked Dr. White, in conclusion. "In all probability there are no new forms of insanity," he said. "If they are not recorded In the older works it was simply because they were not ob served. Probably they all existed, and the more we are acquainted with the older writers the more we are astound ed to find recorded in their works ob servations of conditions which we thought we had discovered." But let us get back to the original question: "Are we growing crazier?" and to the census office, whose recent figures would indicate that we are. It appears from these statistics that the number of persons becoming Insane, in the average American community of 100,000 persons, has increased nearly 18 in six years. Commenting on these figures. Dr. J. A. Hill, chief statisti cian, has this to say: "It must be remembered that these figures include only the insane who are committed to hospitals. As to the number of cases of insanity not re sulting in such commitments the cen sus has no data. It is entirely possible that the increase in the number of commitments per 100,000 is not due In any considerable degree to an in creased prevalence of Insanity, but slm- :h 5 behind him shut out all view of the regiments and brigades hurrying breakneck to the rear that had be come the front. All he knew was that Jie was alone, protecting the army rrom overwhelm ing defeat. Cowards, were they? Even in that red, fiery moment he had time for an instant of bitter pride and exultation as he viewed his dead behind the stone wall. The rushing mass in front was close up now. He knew he could not stop them. He lacked the men. He had held them back for more than time demanded of him. Should he order his men to back? The regiment had done the fall its work. More could not reasonably be asked of them. ' They were outflanked on either hand, and about to be overwhelmed. Should he order them back? There came to him another thought. "They called us cowards," and with that he hurried along the line with the command, "Fix bayonets." He would stay there and meet them, if it cost him every man. "They called us cowards, .boys," he shouted. "This is our chance." On came that yelling wave in front. Loading and firing as fast as they could, the remnant of the regiment could not stop it. But not a man be hind the stone wall flinched before it. The inevitable weaklings that are in every regiment had long since sought the rear. Those who stayed would stay to the end. They were lamentably few, but those few were bad men to face. At their colonel's call they rose, gripping their weapons, whole men, men with bleed ing heads, men with limp arms, men who rose only to fall again and again struggle to rise. With a yell the wave broke over the stone wall, and in an instant the Mol liecoddles were overwhelmed. Fighting like demons, madmen, or heroes, they went down before superior numbers, but not before they bad taken full toll for their defeat. Through his glasses the general in command saw their heroic stand. The regiments breaking from the woods be hind saw It and burst into cheers. A sudden wave of firing broke out on either flank, and then the conquering enemy reeled before the charge of the advancing regiments. A moment of fighting hand to hand, bayonet to bayonet, and then the fresh troops dropped behind the stone wall and poured a galling fire Into the re treating foe. The day was won, the army was saved, and it was the Mollie coddles who had done it. In the camp of the Molliecoddles that evening men sat weary and dejected about the fires. Their attitude seemed much the same as on that other eve ning. There were gaps in every group, and men's voices were low and awe stricken. They dlsousied their casualties with Ivor ply to an extension of this method of caring for the insane. It Is a change that might result from an Increase in the number of institutions of this class and from an increasing disposition on the part of the public to resort to aucn Institutions. "It is somewhat startling to reflect that the 187,454 patients connned in our hospitals for the insane make up a population larger tnan that of the City of Columbus, O. "The state which, in proportion to Its population, had at our last inquiry the largest numberof insane reportes1 In Institutions was Massachusetts wltlX. 344.6 per 100,000 population. New York, TV however, had almost the same pro-;J portion, namely, 343.1 per 100,000 pop ulation. And the state which ranks next is Conneclcut, where the ratio is 321.1 per 100,000 population. But it should be borne In mind that the varia tions between different states In tho number of Insane In institutions, in proportion to population, are probably due to differences in the sufficiency of provision for caring for the Insane in this way, and also to differences as regards the practice of committing ths Insane to Institutions, quite as muca as to variations in the insanity rate prevailing In different communities. There is no doubt, for example, that in Massachusetts and New York, where the figures are the highest, better pro vision is made for the care of the in sane in institutions than in most of the other states. Least Insanity In West. "In general, the number of Insane in hospitals is, in proportion to popula tion, much smaller in tho West than in the East. The ratios are also smaller in the South than in the North. In 31 of the states and territories the ratio of Insane in Institutions to total popu lation has increased in the six-year period. Most of the states in which this ratio has decreased lie west of the Mississippi, these commonwealths In cluding all of the Pacific Coast statei and all of the mountain states but thres Wyoming, Colorado and New Mexico. "The section of the country showing this decrease has undergone a very rapid development in recent years and It Is possible that the new population coming from other sections of the United States represents a class In which insanity is less prevalent than in the stay-at-homes." (Copyright, 1912, by John Elfreth Watklns.) n rowei an appearance of wonderment. "Tuck er's gone, eh?" "Billy Aken got it in the head." "They've took off Morton's leg," and so forth. "How's the Old Man tonight?" asked one. "Heard anything?" "They say he's doin' well. If he pulls through, I reckon they'll make him a brigadier." "Too bad they got him. He hadn't ought to have stood up." "Well, anyway, we held 'em." That was the finale always. No mat ter what had come to pass, no mat ter who had died or who was wounded, or who was missing: "Well, we held 'cm." A battery came past, the trace- chains rattling, the wheels clanking in the ruts. "What regiment is that?" called officer. "The Molliecoddles," came the defiant answer. "Oh!" snld the officer, and the bat tery moved on. But every gunner's eyes turned sud denly toward the campfires, and the Molliecoddles returned the gaze wltb. erect heads. It was as though they asked: "If it wasn't for us, where would you be?" And from the faces of the gunner one understood that they had no ade quate answer. (Copyright The Frank A. Munsey Co. English Village Bethels. If the village Is a fairly large one, there are several Bethels. There will at least be the Methodist, the Congre gational and the Baptist; and of the Methodist there are often several vari eties, perplexing to the outsider. In, their attitude toward the churchfollc they may agree, but on other things they differ with all the acridity of nearness. There are many shades of doctrine, hard to be fathomed by "the uninitiated. There is also the more vulgar competition of material pros perity. One Bethel does not like to be outdone by another; if the Baptist Ebenezer has a new coat of whitewash, the Methodist Bethesda must revarnlsh Its benches, and congregational Salem will repaint its texts. The conclusion of such doing must be celebrated by special services and a beanfeast. Now and then a shining light in one of the chapels goes wrong; commits some small peculation or embezzlement. There is so keen a flutter In the rival dovecots that, if one were cynical, one might take this for Joy. Human na ture is very strong in the Bethels; we must not throw stones. They are small worlds of passion and desire, love and charity, littleness; and greatness- where much of good enters, the doorS cannot be quite shut on envylngs and ' backbltlngs. They have the complex ity of our human life. The Churchman.