THE SUXDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 27, 1912. I - "RUTTC l.T'TS'TTC FROM OUR PRESENT LOCATION p- : J V V iHa 1 Vli O V lUi SATURDAY NOVEMBER 9 iwLY TWELVE MORE SALE DAYS This is not an every day or every week Sale but' an extraordinary Sale of fine Housefurnishings, caused by the fact that I. GEVURTZ & SONS have outgrown their home, on Fifth Street at Alder. You are indeed rrcrti- nimrtft-i- After twe ve more sale davs we move to our new fortunate if you need Furniture at this opportune time ; Full size iron bed, colors are blue and green. Has five filling rods and posts are fitted with brass knobs; also brass rod at head and foot. Usual price $7.00. REMOVAL PEICE $3.85 Fumed solid oak diner, with genuine leather seat. Regular price is $4.00. REMOVAL AT. .$2.65 . J 3 $165 Mahogany Davenport, brown leather. . $82.50 $ Oo Golden Oak Davenport, black leather. .$54.50 $ 55 Golden Oak Davenport, imitation leather $32.45 $ 45 Golden Oak Davenport, imitation leather $29.60 f $ 39 Any finish Davenport, imitation leather $23.65 MMiinimiiiiiiiiiiiHiiHiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiM Golden wax or mahogany dressers just like cut and made bv THE STAR FURNITURE CO, o retail for $40.00. - OUR REMOVAL PRICE $24.60 SSI! Regular size crib in enamel has continuous post like cut.- Auv col- . Colonial dresser, like the cut, in two finishes dull mahogany and wax golden oak. An excep tional good value, priced regu lar at $50.00. REMOVAL PRICE. . $27.45 Hot Tufte Guaranteed 20 Years Scaly mattresses are here again. We have been unable to fill $47.50 Birdseve Napoleon Bed.. ..$26.75 former orders, but can now de- Rirdftevfl Vnnolpon Bed.... $34.85 liver them promptly. Phoue or desired. Sold usually for $7.00. -$42.50 Circassian Walnut Napoleon Bed $24.80 your order. REMOVAL PRICE ...$3.95 $&5.00 Golden Oak Empire Bed ..$19.55 Sixty nights' free trial. Massive comfort rocker with All our Heaters for both wood and strong frame, upholstered in coal have been materially reduced and good quality chase leather, you may add one to your account at worth $20. REMOVAL PRICE. REMOVAL PRICE . .$9.85 First and ff ' Yamhill EVURTZ First and Yamhill $5.65 -mp fS.OO waxed I I I diner, like jj 1 fij a S Steel chilless bed, full size, finished mahogany, golden oak or white enamel. Has seven filling rods, making it very substantial. Usual price $12.50. REMOVAL PRICE $7.35 Ills Chiffonier finished golden oak with plate mirror and five large drawers. . Usual price $13.50. REMOVAL PRICE $6.95 Throe patterns printed Lino leum, a good grade that sells regular for 80c per yard. REMOVAL PRICE . . .49 One inlaid pattern in pretty woodcolors.a fine $1.60 grade REMOVAL PRICE ...98 All Linoleums reduced. Sunday Services in City. Churches B-VPTIKT. First. White Temple. Twelfth and Taylor streets Rev. V. B. Hlnaon, pastor. 9:15. Bible school, classes for all age: 11. preach ing by the pastor: theme. "Beatitude 6 The Pure In Heart"; :15, B. Y. P. U., led bv Mrs. W. B. Hinson: theme. "China 7:30. preaching by the pastor; the prelude. 'How to ote ; the theme, a aoui to Let." Third. Knott street and Vancouver avenue Rev. W. J- Heaven, pastor. 11. preaching by the pastor; theme, "Luminous Chris tianity": 7:30, sermon by Rev. o. C Wright. Hast Fortv-flfth street Rev. A. B. Walts, pastor. 11. preaching bv the pastor; theme, "Making a Name"; 7:30, preaching by the pastor: theme, "I With Christ, Christ With Me": !:'.. Sunday school; 6:30, B. Y. P. L. Immanuel. Second and Meade streets Sunday school. 10; 11, preaching ny Kev. A. E. Patch; aul'Ject, "tinners Lovea. rniversitv Park Rev. A. C. Saxton. pa tor. 11, sermon by the pastor; theme, "The 4uickenlng Power"; 7:30, theme, "Christ the Rock of Ages": "Rock of Ages" -will be given in tableau In the evening; .Sunday school. 10: special programme for opening Sunday school aervices; Sunday acnooi win be closed with story-sermon by the pastor; B. Y. P. V.. :30. Tabernacle Rev. Robert Gray, pastor. 11 and 7:45; Sunday school, B:J; young peo ple's meeting. 6:45. Arleta Rev. D. M. McPhall. pastor. 11 and S. preaching by the pastor; Sunday school. lO; B. Y. P. U.. 7. Grace. Momavilla Rev. H. T. Cash, pas tor. Sunday school. 9:45; services. It and fc; B- Y. P- U 7. St. Johns Rev. a. F. Cheney, pastor. 11. preaching by the pastor: 8, services. Italian Mission, 614 Front street ReT. F. Bannella. missionary. Preaching. 2; Sunday chool, 8. Calvar. East Eighth and Grant streets" Rev 1 K Monroe, pastor. Services. 11 and 7-30: Sunday school, lo; B.T. P. U.. :SO. Lents Rev. J. M. Nelson, pastor. 10. Sun day school; 11. services; 0:3U. T. P I!.; 7:30. services. Mount Olivet, Seventh and Everett streets Rev. W. A. Magett, pastor. Services. 11 and s; Sunday school. 12:30. Swedish. Fifteenth and Hoyt streets Rev. Frederic Llndeen. pastor. Sunday echeel. 12; B. T. P. U- 6:15. Seliwood. Eleventh street and Tacoma ave nue Rev. F. H. Hayes, pastor. Preaching. 11 and 7:30; unday school. 10; B. T. P. U, :30. Russellvllle schoolhousa, under auspices ol Grace Church, llontavllla Sunday school. S'15. ' Chinese Mission. 353 Buraatde street Sun day school. 7; J. G. lialone, superintendent. Sunnyslde (German). Forty-flrst street and Hawthorne avenue Sunday school. S.45; Conrad Wyea. superintendent. First Genu, Fourth and Mill streets Rev. J. Krats, pastor. Services. 11 and 7:30; Sunday school. I:45. Second German. Morris street and Rodney avenue Rev. Frederick Buerrman.' pastor. Sunday school. 9:45; preaching. 11 d 7:30; B. Y. P- U, :45. CATHOLIC. St. Michael's (Italian), Fourth and Mill streets Jesuit Fathers. Low mass. S; high mass and sermon, 10:30; vespers and bene diction. 7:80. SU Mary's Pro-Cathedral. Fifteenth and Davis streets Most Rev. A. Christie, D. D. Low mass, 8. 8 and 9; high mass and ser mon. 11: vespers. Instruction and benedic tion. 7:45. Ascension. East Seventy-sixth and East Morrison streets Rev. James B. Fltipatrick, rector. Low mass. 8; high mass and sermon. 10:30; Sunday school. 9:30; benediction of the blessed sacrament, 7:30; weekdays mass. 8:30. - Immaculate Heart of Mary. Williams ave nue and Stanton street Rev. W. A. Daly. Low mass. e. 8 and : high mass and ser mon. 10:30: vespers and benediction. 7:30. 8t- Francis-. East Twelftn street between Pine and Oak Rev. Father Black. Low mass. 8: high mass and sermon. 10:80: ves pers. Instruction and benediction. 7:30. St. Andrews. STaet Ninth and Alberta streets Rev. Thomas Klernan. Lew aaas, , 8: high mass and sermon, 10;. vespers. In struction and benediction. 7:30. . Holy Rosary, Esi" Third and Clackamsi streets Very Rev. K. rv. nelly. O. P. Low mass. 6. 7. 8 and 9: high mass and sermon. 11; vespers and benediction. 7:80. Holy Cross. University Park Rev. C- R. ...ner. Low mass, 8:30; high mass and ermon, 10:80; vespers and benediction. 4. 8t. -Lawrence, corner Third and Sherman streets Rev. J. C. Hughes Low mass. 8, 8 and 9: high mass and sermon. 10:30; ves pers. Instruction and benediction. 7:30. t-OXREC.ATIOAU First. Park and Madison streets Rev. Luther R. Dyott. 'minister. 9:50. Bible school: 11 and 7:45. Divine worship: Dr. Dyott's themes: Morning. A Broader View of Life"; evening. "The Greatest Happiness In the World": Y. P. S. C. E.. 6:30. fnlversity Park. Haven street- nesr Lum bard Rev. W. C. Kantner. pastor. 10. Bun day school; 11. "The Pattern Showed In the Mount"; 8:30. Y. P. 8. C. E. ; 7:30. "The Call to Safety." Hassalo Rev. John M. Lowden. D. D.. .pastor. 11. "What Profit in Prayer"; 7:30. "Things Not Looked For"; 10. Bible school. Sunnyslde. East Taylor and East Thirty second streets Rev. J. J. Rtatrb, D. D., pas tor. Services at 11 and 7:3P: Sunday school. 10; Christian Endeavor. 6:15; topics ot sermons: "Headwaters of the SJream ot Divine Life," and "Where Shall We Look for the Kingdom of God 7" Atkinson Memorial. East Twenty-ninth and Everett streets Rev. F. W. Gorman, pastor. 8undav school. 9:45; Christian En deavor. (1:45; services at 11 and 7:4.".. sub jects. "God's Appeal Through the Bush . Unconscious Decline. Mt. Zion Rev. D. B. Gray, minister. 10. Sunday school; 11. sermon. "The Man Who Says 'I Can't Be a Christian V . CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. First. Everett, between Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets. Sunday services. It and 8: subject of lesson sermon. "Probation After Death"; Sunday school, 12:15 to 1:15; Wednesday evening meeting at 8. Second. Woodmen's Hall, East Sixth and East Alder streets. Sunday services, 11 and 8; subject of lesson sermon. "Probation After Death": Sunday school. 11: Wednesday eve ning testimonial service, ej. Third. Ellens' Recital Hall,. Seventh and Alder streets. Service, 1 1 ; subject lesson sermon, "Probation After Death"; Sunday school at close of morning service; Wednes day evening meeting. 8- CHRISTIAN. First, Park and Columbia Rev. W. F. Reagor, minister.' Services at the usual hours. Sermon -subjects, "Echoes from the National Convention, ' and "Echoes . Contin ued"; Sunday school. 9:50; C. E.. 6:80. Tabernacle. East Seventy-sixth and Hoyt Sen-Ices, morning. "Consistency": evening. rumuea rropnecy. rtev. u. t. .Berry, pastor. ' UIM.irLZ.9 lit I'HKIST. East Twentieth and Salmon streets Rev. K. V. Stivers, of McMinnville. will speak at 11 and 7:30: Sunday - school. 10; Christian Endeavor, 6:30. KFISCOrAI. Trinity. Nineteenth and Everett streets Rev. A. A. Morrison, rector. Services. 8. li and 7:30: Sunday school, 9:45. 6t. Matthew's Mission Rev. W. A. M. Breck, In charge. Services at 135 Curry street at 11 A. M.; evening services at St. Helens, on the Columbia River, at 7:30. St. Michael's ana All Angels'. Thirty- eighth and Broadway Rev. T. F. Bowen. 301 East Forty-second street. In charge. Morning service. 11; bunaay scnooi, w; evening service. - - All Saints'. Twenty-nrth and savier streets Rev. R. E. Remington, rector. Morning service, 11: Sunday school. 9:30. No evening service. Church of Our savior. Woodstock avenue and Forty-first street Southeast Kev. H. H. Clark. In charge. Regular services. 8 and 1L Good Shepherd. Graham and Vancouver avenue Rev. John Dawson, rector. Sua- J day school. 0:45; morning service, 11; even ing service. 7:30. St. Mark's. Twenty-first and Marshall streets Rev. J. E. H. Simpson, rector. 7:30. holy eucharlst; 9:45, Sunday school; 10:18. matins and litany; 11, holy eucharlst; even, song. 8- Pro-Cathedral or St. Stephen the Martyr. Thirteenth and Clay streets Rev. H. M. Ramsey, vicar. Holy communion. 7:80; Sun day schooC 10; morning service. 11; service for colored people. 3: evening prayer. 7:30. St Paul's, ' Woodmere Rev. Oswald W. Taylor, rector: . Sunday school,. 3; evening prayer and' sermon. 4.. EC David's. East Twelfth and Belmont streets Rev.: H. R- Talbott, rector. Holy eucharlst. 7:50; Sunday school. 9:45; morn ing prayer.: 11; celebration of holy euobarlst the first Sunday of - the month; evening prayer, 8. ' Su Andrew's, Portsmouth Rev. Archdea con Chambers. In charge. . Sunday school, 10: evening service, 7:30. St. Jonn'a, Mllwaukle Rev. T. F. Bowsit In charge. Services and sermon. 3. St. John's Memorial. East Fifteenth and Harney Services omitted through August. Bishop Morris Memorial Chapel. Good Sa maritan Hospital Rev. W. R. Powell, chip lain. Services. 8. Grace Memorial. Weldler and East 8sven teentu streets North Rev. George B. Vaa Waters, rector; Rev. Oswald W. Taylor, vicar. Holy communion. 8: Sunday school. 10; morning prayer and sermon. 11; evening service, - 8. - - . . IXTHERAN. St. Paul's German, East Twelfth and CHn tnn streets Rev. A. Krause. pastor. Sun day school, 9:80; services (German) 10:30 and 7:30; Bible lesson and young people's meeting Thursday. 8; Confirmation classes, Tuesday and Friday, 4. St. James' English. West Park and Jeffer son streets Rev. J. Allen Leas, pastot. Services at 11 and 8. conducted by the pas tor. Sunday school at 10; Luther League meets at 7. United Norwegian, 45 North Fourteenth street Services 11 and 7:30; Sunday school, 10. Rev. D. Larsen. pastor. METHODIST EPICOPAI Woodlawn, East Tenth and Highland streets Sunday school, 10; morning service, 11; -evening service, 7:30; prayer meeting, Thursday evening. Rev. Louis Thomas, pastor. Patton. Alberta and Michigan Rev. George F. Hopkins, pastor. Sunday school. 10; .morning sermon, 11: topic, "Good Reading"; Epworth League, 6:30; evening sermon. 7:30: topic, "Essential Faith.-1'. Sunnyslde. East Thirty-fifth and Yamhill streets Rev. William H. Fry. D. D.. pastor. 9:60, Sunday school: il. theme. '.'The' In fluence of Comparison"; 6:13. -Epworth League; 7:30. theme, . "The Christian's In vestment and His Returns Thereof." Oerman. Rodney avenue and Stanton street Rev. T. A. Schumann, pastor. Sun day school, 9:45: services, 11 and 8;- Ep worth - League, 7"15. Clinton Kelly Memorial. Fortieth street and Powell Valley Road. Rev. C. O. Mc culloch, pastor. 6unday school. 9:45; Rally Day exercises will be held at 10:30; class meeting. 12; Junior League. 3; Epworth League.- 6:30; preaching, 7:30. theme, "God As a Savior." - ' First, Third and Taylor streets Rev. Benjamin Young, pastor. 9:30. classes, 10:30. morning sermon, subject, "Seizing the Ramparts." by Dr. J. H. Cudllpp; 12:15, Sunday school; 6:30, Epworth League; 7:3(1, evening sermon, subject. "The Superlative Investment," by Dr. J. H. Cudllpp. Central. Vancouver and Fargo streets Rev, c. C. Rarick. pastor. Sunday school at 9:45; Epworth League. 6:30; public wor ship, 11 and 7:30; mid-week service Thurs day. 7:45: sermon theme for Sunday, morning. "Decision"; evening, "God's Need of Men"; a Sunday school rally will take place In connection with the morning ser vice. First Norwegian Danish, Eighteenth and Hoyt streets Rev. Ellas GJerding. pastor, residence vH7 Hoyt street. Sermon at 11. "A Winning Testimony for Christ"; eve clng service at Si' "The Spiritual Law of the Larger Life": Thursday night, prayer meeting: the Young People's meeting will be announced from the church. " Everybody welcome to our church' home. Trinity. 368 Hemlock street, Ladd's Ad dition Rev. Charles T- McPherson. pastor, phone East 1718. Services Sunday at 11 and 7:30: morning subject. "I Am Ready": music by Earl Gray and choir: evening sub ject. "Trying to Find God"; Sunday school. 10; Epworth Ijeagife. 6:45. Centenary, East Ninth and Pine streets Rev. Delmer H. Trimble. D. D-. minister. 11 A: M. Sabbath school day: 7:30 P. M.. sermon subject. "What Are You Living For? to Re : Heroic." Current Interest theme. "Will the Mayor Join the Vice Commis sion?" Sabbath school, B:45 A. M. tpworin League. 6:30 P. M. First Norwegian Danish. Eighteenth and Wnvt streets -Kilns rtierriinr nastor. Serv ices 11:00. "a Winning Testimony for Christ"; 8:00, "The Spiritual Law of the Larger Lire. Ttiursaay nigni. prayer meei rI' PRESBYTERIAN. Anabel. Fifty-sixth street and Thirty seventh avenue southeast Rev. Robert NT, McLean, minister. Morning worship. 11 : sublect. "The Face of God": Sunday school, 9:45; Christian Endeavor, 6:45; evening ser vice. 7:45. subject. "The God That Goes. . Calvary. Eleventh and Clay streets Rev. T. H. Walker, minister. Hours ol worsnip, 10:30 and 7:43; Bible school. 12; C. E.. 6:45; morning, "Expectations satisiieo ; evening, "Pay Me My Wages." Piedmont Rev. J. E. Snyder, pastor. 10:30. sermon by Dr. W. S. Holt; 7:30. ser mon by the pastor, subject, ."The Fruit or the Vine." -Hawthorne Park Twelfth and East Tay lor streets Dr. E. Nelson Allen, minister. 1 -ftft "True Heroism": 7:30. stereODtlCon leC ture' on the Holy Land; 12, Sunday school; 0:30, Y. P. S. C. E. Special music by chorus and orchestra. REFORMED. First German Rev. G. Hafner. Services 10:45 and 8; C. E. S., 7. TNITED BRETHREN. pastor. First, East Fifteenth and Morrison Rev. Charles L. Williams, pastor. 1. unaa school: 11. "Spiritual Energy"; 6:30. C. E.s 7:30. "God's Workmanship." Second. Alberta. East Twenty-seventh ana Sumner Rev. J. W. Sprecher. pastor. 10. Sunday school; 11 and 7:30, preaching o pastor; 6:30. C. E. Third, South Mount Tabor, Thirty-second avenue and Sixty-seventh street Kev. P. Blanchard. pastor. 10, Sunday school; 11 and 7:30. preaching by Evangelist Dr. J. R. Parker: evangelistic services each evening at 7:30. Fourth, Tremont. Sixty-second avenue and Sixty-ninth street Rev. J. E. Conner, pas tor. lO, Sunday scnooi; ii, -nevivaie. ; evening service, 7:80. - , CNIVEBSAJUST. . . .' Church of the Good Tidings, Broadway and East Twenty-fourth street Rev. J a me Dimond Corby. D D., pastor. Divine wor ship, 10:45 and 7:45; In the morning. Rev. Dr. W. H. McGlauflin. of Chicago, general superintendent of churches, will preach; In the evening Judge Guy C. H. Corllrs, the eminent Shakespearean scholar, will speak on "The Religious Teachings In the Plays of Shakespeare"; Sunshine Hour Sunday school. 12: Christian Union meeting, .6:30. Visitors welcome. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN. First. Sixth and Montgomery streets Rev. Frank DeWItt Flndley, minister. Publlo worship. 11: sermon topic. "Christ's Home in the Heart"; Bible school. 9:45; classes for all; C. E-. 6:30, topic. Missions; leader, Mrst R. G. Hamilton; evening service, 7:30; sermon, "The Life That Answers Your Ques tion." Church of the Strangers 10:30. "Tie It Tight"; 7:30. "Capital Punishment." Rev. S. Eari DuBols, pastor. UNITARIAN. Church of Our Father, Seventh and Yam hill, streets Rev. T. L. Eliot, D. -D.. min lsteremeritus; Rev. William G. Eliot, min ister. Services, 11 and 7:45; morning. "The Redemption of the World from Ignorance"; evening. "The Year's Work of the Portlana Social Hygiene Society"; Harrv H. Moore, i executive secretary; Sunday school, 9:45; Young People's Fraternity. 6:30. UNITED EVANGELICAL. First, In Ladd's Addition Rev. C. C. Poling, pastor. Preaching services by the pastor. 11 and 7:30; Sunday school. 10; K. L. C. E.. 6:30. Ockley Green, Gay street and Willamette Boulevard Rev. J. Bowersox, pastor. Preaching services 11 and 7:30; topic, "The Prayer Life of Jesus"; Sunday school, 10; K. L. C. E.. 6:30. Y. M. C. A. City association. Sixth and Taylor streets R. R. Perkins, religious wofk director. Meeting for men at 3 o'olock will be ad - dressed by J. Merle Davis, representative of the Portland Y. M. C. A. in the foreign wont in Japan. Rev. .1. r. F. Grumblne, of Boston, speks In Chrlstensen's Hall, Eleventh street. 3:00 o clock. "Genesis and. Revelation"; 8:00, universal rtengion. MISCELLANEOUS.' Portland Graded Union of Sunday School Workers Meets every Friday i.fternoon at 3 in First Congregational Church. Teach ers' training class, conducted by Rev. J. H. Bennett, meets at 2 the same day and place. Theosophlcal Society, 403 Eilers building Classes Sunday ana weanesaay evenings a: 8 o clock. . - Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day saints (Mormon), 444 East Tenth street. corner Sherman Sunday school, 10; preach ing, 11:45 and 7. Divine Truth Center, Divine Truth chapel Selllng-Hlrsch building Rev. T. M. Mlnard, pastor. services, 11; Sunday school, 12 Unity Circle. Wednesday at - 2; midweek meeting Thursday at 8. - United Evangelical, Ockley Green, Ga7 street and Willamette boulevard Rev. J. Bowersox, pastor. Preaching services. 11 and 7:30; Sunday school, 10; K. L. C. E.. 6:30. Evangelical Association. Carson Heights Rev. J. stocker, pastor. Services. 11 and 8 Sunday school, lo. Temple of Truth, Eilers building P. J. Green, minister. Lecture at 11 In class room by National Secretary, Alfred Tomson on "Secrets of the Kingdom ; 8, "New Thought as a Worlel Power," In recital hall. Christian Yoga, third floor Selllng-Hlrsch building, 8P6H Washington st. At 2:30 Miss Eva E. Francis will speak on "The Life and the Way." Salvation Army, 207 Salmon street, serv ices led by Adjutant and Mrs. Gonge; 11, holiness meeting; 3:15. rejoicing; 8. sub ject, "An Inquisitive Woman." . International Hible students' Association Meetings in Oddfellows Hall. East Sixth and East Alder streets. Berean Bible les son. 1:30; praise and testimony meeting, 2:45: discourse, 3:13: subject. "The Cost of. Disripleshlp." Seliwood service at 7:45 in wall's Hall, Thirteenth and Lexington streets. Public lecture by Evangelist Wil liam A. Baker; subject, "the Wise and the Foolish Virgins." . Taylor-Street Young Men's Bible Class. First Methodist Episcopal Church, Third and Taylor streets. Notice: Go to north side gallery, 12 M., Sunday. First Pentecostal Church or the isasarene. East Sixty-seventh and Couch, Rev., C. H. Davis, pastor Sunday school. 9:45; serv ices, 11, 3 and 7:30. Rev. Martha E. Curry, of Masachusetts. Is assisting the pastor. Interdenominational. Church of Jesus, 182 Russell street Services. 3:30; Sunday achool. 4:30; Bible study, Wednesday. 8. Chrlstadelphlans, Portland Ecclesla, Wood man Hail, East Sixtieth street Breaking ot bread, 11; Bible class. 7:30. GOTHAM SPORTS MAY PLAY RACES, RULES COURT Chicagoan in New York During Word's Series Finds Man by Paging Score board Crowds Deputy Sheriff Beer Puzzled by Single-Legged Men. Plum Padding;. (November Woman'g World.) One-half pound suet, 1 cup sugar, 2 tablespoons fruit Juice, 1 nutmeg;. Vi cup milk, 18 maraschino cherries, 4 eggs, well beaten; 1 loaf stale bread, i pound raisins, pound currants, 1 teaspoon gringrer, 1 teaspoon salt, pound English walnuts. . Chop suet and nuts fine; crumb the bread, discarding; all crusts. Mix all ingredients thoroug-hly. Put In a cov ered mould (baking; powder cans will do) and steam three hours. Serve with hard sauce. BY T.LOYD F. LONERG AN. NEW YORK, Oct. 26. (Special.) Horseraclng-. which has been un der -the ban in this state for a couple of years, is likely to be revived next Sprlnir. Supreme Court Justice Townsend Scudder has rendered a de cision which has put new life hi the hopes of racing men. Vnless the higher courts reverse him. It is almost certain that the tracks will again be In opera tion. -Under the laws put through at the behest of Governor Hughes It was prac tically Impossible to keep the sport Ko ine;. One section prohibited even verbal bets, while another held directors of the tracks liable if any kind of gambling- was held on their premises. The result was that wealthy men who fig ured on the boards of the associations declined to run the chance of being sent to prison and ordered the tracks closed. Justice Scudder's opinion Is an ex haustive review of the law and cites many other cases similar to that of Paul Shane, the man before him, who was arrested at Belmont Park last June. The charge atrainst nlm was that Matty Corbett. a former bookmaker, made a verbal bet with Shane, then made a memorandum arrd passed it to the latter. Justice Scudder ruled that betting within the meaning of the law is book making with paraphernalia, but that ordinary wagering on the outcome of a horserace is not a crime. "The Legislature." he says, "has not made It a crime to bet on horse races, and the court Is powerless to do so." Concerning the directors liability law. Justice Scudder holds that they must have knowledge of a specific act to make' them liable under the statute, and concludes: "The, law will not permit the con viction of the owner of a racetrack who has no knowledge of the fact that book making is going on in his premises." Unless the Court of Appeals reverses the present decision It puts the racing situation back at the same point as in 1910 before the tracks were closed. - The recent visit of the fleet has been an excellent thing from a Naval stand point. Never In the history of the country has there been such a rush of applicants to enlist in time of peace. as that which is now being handled by the officers of the local recruiting sta tions. The influx started even before the ships sailed out to sea and each day since it has been more pro nounced. An interesting feature is found in the large percentage of applicants who are succeeding in passing the mental and physical examinations. As a gen eral rule the Navy men feel amply sat isfied if iO per cent of the applicants are acceptable, but of those now apply ing, between 34 and 40 per cent get by without any difficulty. see During the recent baseball series all ,e XTaw Vnrlr that- f -f 1 1 , 11 rl.upr! fl Vi n c t ness to bang about the various bulletin boards. "Whilo the en:itement was at its height, a man from Chicago drifted Into town to see a business man whose office Is In Times Square. The New Yorker was out. and the visitor had only a few hours to spare. Being re sourceful, he hired a messenger boy, and the lud forced his way through the crowds chanting, "Mr. Brown, of Chi cago, wants to see Mr. Blank Blank at his office." The experiment was suc cessful, and the buxiness man left the) scoreboard In the middle of an exclt lng Inning. see The rulitser School of Journalism, which is meeting with success at Co lumbia, now has a "a little brother" at New York University. That Institution offers two years' study In magazine writing, all the Instructors being men actually engaged in the making and writing of current magazines. The de partment plans to turn out men and women who will be able to take places on the editorial, advertising and cir culation staff of a standard magazine, a trade Journal or a religious publica tion. Courses are given in magazine making, editorial writing and criticism. current topics, special feature work and magazine writing, short stories, ad vanced magazine work, magazine verse, magazine advertising and magazine circulation. After students have grad uated with distinction, all that will be necessary for them to do will be to secure places on prosperous magazines and make good. The latest statistics show that 250,000,000 Is on deposit among the var ious savings banks of the United States. In the state of New York, with Its care fully drawn laws, is found fully 40 per cent of this amount. The number of banks in the Union Is approximately 2000, the number of depositors about 9,500.000, but 80 per cent of all the deposits is In the East ern banks, the remaining 20 per cent being scattered over a vast territory. In the eastern section of the United States almot't every other person has a savings account. In the Middle West and Far West the percentage Is as low as one in 600. see' Deputy Sheriff Beer, who does not drink, tells of a strange experience in an East Side saloon. Beer was sent out to arrest ona Giuseppe Rao, who, he was told, could be found In a certain saloon and could be easily identified because he had only one leg. Beer went to the place, saw a one-legged man and told htm he was under arrest. The prisoner protested. The door opened, and another one- legged man came In and asked what the trouble was about. The bartender limped from behind the bar to investi gate and he, too, had one leg. Then a fourth one-legged man entered, and Beer began to think that perhaps there was something In his own name. Ha went out and secured a citizen who helped him pick up Rao. The saloon. It seems, was the headquarters of the Italian One-legged Fraternity of the citir. i