The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 27, 1912, SECTION THREE, Page 11, Image 45

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Morgan-AtcMey Going Out o
f Business
Old Maggie So-Happy, of Yakima Tribe, Warm White People of Early Approach of Severest Season Since 1880-81
and Points Out Nature's Warnings on Every Side. -
ELLENSBURQ. Wash.. Oct. 26.
(Special.) That the Winter ot
1912-13 will be even more severe
than, that of 1880-81, when over 60 per
cent of the cattle in the valleys of the
Yakima were killed, was the statement
made here yesterday by old Maggie 6o-
Happay, eldest daughter of Chief So-
Hap-pay. who, at the time of his death
' In the SfO's, was said to be the greatest
medicine man In the state, not except
in even the Great Snow-T-Jacks, of
the North Taklma tribe. Old Maggie,
who was born and raised just north of
Ellensburg. now lives near Icycle, and
she will spend several days in Ellens
burg to procure castoff clothing from
her white friends. She is credited by
the old-timers here as being the ablest
of the few remaining Kittitas Indians
in the art of forecasting weather con
ditions, as her father seldom, if ever.
made a mistake in his predictions, and
Maggie is said to possess much of the
knowledge guarded by the old chief.
"Oo-cook-re late cold. Nika turn turn
hiyu tillicum mam loose copa o-ook
snow. Nika-pe-nika, tillicum de late
cum tux hiyu Moose moose. Pe hiyu
mowitch mam loose all same pe nika
papa wawa copa nika, nike pe nika
hyas tenas," said old Maggie to her
friend, T. W. Farrell, a pioneer of the
valley. Translated her speech meant
"It's going to be awful cold this Win
ter. I think a great many of my
friends will die of the cold. All signs
point to a big snow, worse than the
big snow when I was a young girl."
Old-Tlmera Recall 1880-81.
Old-timers here have remarked on
the fact that the foothills are already
covered with snow and many recall the
disastrous Winter of 1880-81, when the
first snow came early, and by January
the ground was covered with 20 Inches
of Ice and snow. One band of 3500
cattle perished on the Umtanum. hills
to the south of the city, as they were
unable to break through the Icy cover
ing to obtain feed.
"Old Maggie." although old, carries
herself in a queenly manner and de
lights in telling of the work of her
illustrous father, whose predictions
were listened to with equal Interest
by red men and white.
When asked how she knew that the
Winter promised to be a severe one,
Maggie drew herself up to her full
height and raising her arms toward
the sky said, "Nika cum tux. Nina
Tenas klootchman copa Chief So-Hap-pay
Pe Ookook So-Hap-pay cum tux
de late, nika cum tux." ("I know, I am
the daughter of Chief So-Hap-pay, he
knew, I know"). Then seeing the in
credulous look on the face of her
listeners, Maggie set forth the various
reasons for her belief. Translated
from the Chinook, the squaw's speech
would be: "When we started to dig
the Camas roots up In the park this
Fell, we found them long, like the
alfalfa root. We could hardly pull
them up, they wanted to stay in the
ground, for the Camas knows when
the snow will be deep and the frost
Signs Forecast Early Winter.
"dally berries, they were ripe six
weeks earlier than usual this Summer.
They, too, know that the frost comes
earlier this year: The deer, now hid
ing in the forests back of the big peaks
yonder, they are coming down from the
black trees, and are browsing on the
foothills. They know that the snow
will be deep and the coyotes hungry.
The cattle and quetin (horses) are com
ing down from the headwaters of the
river and are neighing to be let into
the corral for their bay. Their coats
are thick and heavy, the Hyas tyee
covers his children with heavy fur for
he knows that the 'cold will be long.
"Peter, too, the holo pish (salmon)
The Closing-Out Sale Begins Tomorrow
Everything Will Be Thrown on the Market, Including Fixtures
In pricing goods for this sale cost has been ignored.
We want to get through with it at the earliest possible
Our stock is entirely new, well selected, and of the
very latest and best designs.
During the five years we have been in business we
have sold hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of
Open Evenings
Grand Ave. and East Stark St.
' f' est i ttv
S 1
4- ffMll
M aggie So Happy, Famona Wash- .
Ingtoa Indian, la Pose Showing
Some of Her On Handiwork.
Work Done by Demonstration Parma
Taken by Dry-Fanning Methods
METOLIUS. On. Oct 26. (Spe
cial.) Central Oregon 'is equal
to the best dry-farm land section
in the United States. But it has been
Isolated because of its unfavorable
topographical position. For more than
40 years it has been the unchallenged
herding ground of stock kings.
The railroads, because ot the expense
Involved, have, until recently, failed
to appreciate the great wealth lying
dormant In Central Oregon. The stock
men, content with the easy life afford
ed by the stock industry, have made
no effort either to secure the con
struction of a railroad or to Induce
settlers to cultivate the rich prairie
Immigration Tide Swells.
But. meanwhile, the tide of immigra
tion to the West has been increasing
bv leaps and bounds. One hundred
thousand homeseekers and tourists an
nually visit the Pacific Northwest. It
was a natural sequence, therefore, that
some OI tnese nomesecnerB . snouia
providentially find their way Into the
heart of Oregon, where they found the
largest section of undeveloped farm
land in the United States. It was
East Side Will Lose Its Largest and
are biting eagerly at the bait there on
the bank of the big river. Hear the
moose-moose (cow) bellowing, bellow
ing, raising her voice in protest against
the long cold that will settle down, and
perhaps deprive her of her calf. The
cow smells the big cold, she knows
that the feed will be Bcarce, and her
companions will be less when the
Chinook comes in the Spring. The
leaves have hurried from the trees to
cover up the grasses. Even now, they
are piling themselves into heaps about
the tree trunks. The icy winds irom
Stuart mountain, fluttering the yellow
grasses, and causing bare limbs of the
willows to bend and sway. Oh, the
frost is coming, it is in the ground. See
the yellow blades of grass bent and
Indian Womna Feara Cold.
"There In the Nanum hills, the squir
rels have retreated far into their nests,
taking with them a bounteous supply
of pine cone hearts. See how fat tne
hawk and crow is as he floats through
the air, looking for the unlucky field
mouse. Pretty soon the crow will
fly away and leave us here to face
the big cold. Ducks and geese fly over
our heads every night, honking in a
fright and fearing to stay here. They
are headed for the Southland, where the
big cold does not come. They hyack
klat-l-way (don't stop here long). I
want my kinne kenick roots to make
up baskets for this Winter, but when I
go to the river, what do I find? Roots
dried and brittle, like In mid Winter,
for they, too, are prepared for the
big cold. See the white mantle there
on the hills. Can you remember when
It has come so earlyT Tes, I do. When
I was a young girl the snow came like
this, and all the signs said bad Winter.
Now we have it again. I am afraid
many of us will not be here when the
Chinook blows, my tillicum, unless we
prepare now, store the camas tillicum,
get many clothes and plenty firewood,
for we suffer this time."
Maggie has gathered a big bundle
of clothing of all sorts, which she will
strap to her horse and take with her
to her Winter camp at Icycle.
and Railroads Show Wealth to Be
Potatoes and Grain Profitable.
neither a wilderness nor a desert, but
agricultural land of the highest pos
sibilities. '
The settlers of 12 years ago were of
solid American stock. Two years
later, a colony of sturdy Germans, In
spired by an article on Central Ore
gon which appeared in a Cincinnati
religious weekly, found valuable home,
steads in Crook County. They in
creased materially -the acreage undor
cultivation, so that within the next
three years the wealth of the soil had
become sufficiently explored to test
its value for dry-farming.
The stock men, who had confined
their agricultural pursuits almost ex
clusively to the river and creek beds,
discouraged tho newcomers in their
attempts to diversify farming, arguing
that the land would not' produce any
thing but rye, and that the jack
rabbits would eat even that.
Actuated by these .statements, some
returned to their former abodes, but
the majority remained. They liked the
topography of the country and the ap
pearance of the soil, which is com
posed of fine, sandy silt loam- of vol
canic origin. The sand warms the soil
and aids in the rapid maturity of
cereals and vegetables; . the volcanic
-ifM ill Stfe
l-rJ r - - t - i 1 r 1 Fta atau 5W I
1.! IIJLU"
ash, combined with the sand, renders
the soil easily subservient to the plow,
while the silt adds solidity to the
It is doubtful if any other dry-farming
section in the West is situated
amid equally scenic surroundings.
Every mountain peak In the Cascades,
from Mount Hood t the Three Sisters,
is visible from almost any point in
the northern part of Crook County.
The Deschutes, Crooked, Ochoco and
Metolius Rivers afford the best trout
fishing in the state. What wonder, in
view of the enchantment of such
natural wealth, that the pioneer dry
farmers were content in their new
homes! - -
But they were far removed from the
trade centers, the nearest railroad be
ing at ShaniKO, 60 miles to the north.
Nevertheless, they held tenaciously to
their homesteads, confident that rail
transportation would be sure to re
ward their patience. Awaiting the ad
vent of the steel horse, they suffered
many hardships, as it was both a great
loss of time and an expensive trip to
haul their products to Bhaniko, over
stony, unkept roads.
But the construction of two rail
roads from the Columbia River to
Bend, through the richest belt of Cen
tral Oregon grazing and farm lands,
has completely transformed the coun
try, and this year's unprecedented yield
will give the farmers a sure footing.
Side by side with the railroads, the
Oregon Agricultural College must be
given a prominent place, in Its er
forts to develop Central Oregon. The
college last Spring, with funds con
tributed by Crook County, together
with the business men of Portland and
the two railroads centering here, en
tablished two demonstration farms in
Crook County. One is situated In the
Irrigated section at Redmond; the
other in the dry-farm region at Meto
lius. The work of the college at these
stations, under supervision of Pro
fessor W. L. Powers, is attracting the
attention of the farmers because of the
great variety of crops produced. Mr.
Powers is cultivating parts of the two
farms according -to methods hereto
fore employed by the farmers. On
other parts of the tracts, the amount of
seed Is graduated from light to heavy
sowing. The method of cultivating is
also varied, for the purpose of showing
the difference in the result. The value
of thorough tillage, pure seed and di
versified farming are here being
Feaa Popular Crop.
- Among the crops grown on the Meto
lius demonstration field, the field peas
and dryland alfalfa for seed, are given
a prominent place. On the Irrigated
tract at Redmond, barley, field peas
and corn, as well as roots, rape, clover
and alfalfa, are being grown for hog
feed; while potatoes, onions, cabbage
and seed crops are being produced for
money crops. The most economical lr.
rigation and fertilization are being
demonstrated with different crops.
Farmers 'are not Blow to appreciatte
the work of the Agricultural College,
and they are taking items. Thus a
vast? area of dry-farming and Irrigated
land is being reclaimed in the heart of
Oregon for the benefit of mankind.
And, incidentally, the whole " state
will share in the benefit. That the
development will be rapid Is attested
by the fact that Portland dealers are
already beginning to appreciate the
superior value of crops grown here,
notably potatoes, the quality of which,
in the opinion of Professor H. D.
Scudder, agronomist at the Agricul
ture College, is not surpassed, If
equaled, in the Northwest.
This year's crop of potatoes Is esti
mated at 200 cars, the significance of
which may be estimated from the fact
that heretofore, because of the lack
of transportation facilities, the amount
grown was sufficient only to meet the
local demand. Growers have estimated
the cost of producing a sack of pota
toes at 30 cents. It is believed that
more than twice that amount will be
realized this year.
The growing of potatoes has also
removed the necessity of Summer fal
lowing, as it has been demonstrated
that wheat and other cereals will yield
a heavier crop wnen sown on potato
land, and this means that the Income
from the land - may be . more than
doubled. 1
Finest Furniture
furniture, and have had thousands of customers who
have saved thousands of dollars.
Our closing-out sale will enable Home Furnishers to
save a few thousand more, and THEN well then you
will have to pay the high prices asked by others. We
are now offering you a last opportunity to buy like the
wholesaler buys. Come early and get the best selections.
Award Will Be Made for Best Bushel
of Dent Corn Grown in North
ern Pacific's Territory.
Numerous cups and cash prizes are
offered this year by Howard Elliott,
president of the Northern Pacific Rail
way, for exhibits of various kinds of
farm products at the several land and
livestock shows to be held in the North
west. Probably the principal prize offered
by Mr. Elliott is 1100 in gold for the
best ten boxes of apples grown in the
American Northwest and exhibited at
the Minneapolis Land Products Show
November 12 to 23. The exposition
management will pay $50 for the second
best ten boxes and guarantee to sell
the best twenty boxes for no less than
$2.60 each.
Yesterday Mr. Elliott announced that
he will give a' valuable trophy cup
for the beat herd of shorthorn cattle,
consisting of one bull and four cows,
exhibited at the livestock show in
Lewlston, - Idaho, this Fall.
Mr. Elliott also expresses his willing
ness to give a prize for the best dis
play of dent corn at the Northwestern
Land Products Show in Portland next
month, but no class for dent corn has
been arranged. However, one cup will
be given for the best bushel of dent
corn and the other for the best samples
of forage plants grown this year in any
of the six states, Minnesota, North Da
kota, Montana, Idaho, Washington or
Oregon, traversed by the Northern Pa
clflo Railway and taking part in the
1912 exposition. The Northern Pacific
Is to become the possessor of the prize
winning exhibits.
. Mr. Elliott declares that the possi
bilities of corn raising in the North
west have not as yet been touched by
the farmers and that great triumphs
are in store for those who will per
sistently and scientifically engage in
this work and assist in extenaing tne
corn belt northward. It is to encour
age proper efforts in this line that Mr.
Elliott has offered these trophies for
the prize-winning exhibits at the ex
Stilt' Brought by B. Lazarus Arrays
State and City Attorneys.
State was arrayed against city yes
terday in Municipal court, when Max
Waf man. recently a material witness in
Convicting Sam Krasner of extortion,
was placed on trial for vagrancy. The
prosecution was brought under a city
complaint, while' Deputy District At
torney Collier volunteered as attorney
fof the defendant.
Collier's reason for appearing was
that Wasrman was his witness in the
Krasner trial, in the course of which
the prosecutor made frequent charges
that the defense was being aided by
nollce officers, not only by advice-rend
ered, but by a long series of persecu
tions directed against those who were
relied upon to furnish the testimony
against the arch-grafter.
Wagman, who nas Been arrestee, ire
quently, was accused this time by B.
Lazarus, who confessed on the witness
stand that his reason for bringing the
charge was that Wagman owed him
money. On tnis snowing tne court ais
missed the case. Wagman asserts that
he is being hounded continually, not
only by arrests, but by threats and
Tillamook Registration ISC 8. .
TILLAMOOK. Or..' Oct. 26. (Special.)
The registration in Tillamook County
is as ioIIows: Republicans iuo2, demo
crats 236. Prohibitionists 32, Socialists
Open Evenings
Grand Ave. and East Stark St.
94, Progressives 7, Independents it, re
fuse to state politics 61,' miscellaneous
8; total, 1528. This is an increase of
Fifty Years Ago, When Golden Wedding
Rye Was Young
You smack your lips because it is good all the
way down It has a pure flavor and mel
lowness of effect not found in other whiskies.
It is free from unpleasant 4ter-efFects!
It's a new experience. That's because
is made differently from ordinary whiskies.
Its formula and process of manufacture
have been perfected by over fifty years
of science. ,
They keep the original flavor and qual
ity absolutely pure all the way through.
It is pure, straight whiskey aged
and matured in wood under government
But it is far more than that.
The special methods of maintaining its
purity bring out a satisfying quality you
never knew before.
"Made Differently"
894 over two years ago and gives the
Republicans two to one over all other
parties put together.
Est 1852