The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 27, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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gpoke of the County Commissioners-' re
lation to problems dealing directly
with humanity and urged that a sys
tematic plan be advised for meeting
the annual Winter question of what
to do with the army of Jobless men.
The problem of the "chronic drunks."
he thought, can best be met by pro
viding a Keely cure department, at
slight expense, in connection with the
county hospital and its medical staff.
In conclusion the speaker said that he
had been a taxpayer in Multnomah
County for years, notwithstanding
statements to the contrary, said to be
made by his opponent, W. L. Llghtner,
and denounced as a cheap campaign
falsehood the latter's charge that Mr.
Pease didn't "pay his bills," challeng
ing anyone to produce an unpaid bill
of his.
As Independent Republican,
Attorney-General Makes Vig
orous Speech in Support
of President.
Candidate Is Indorsed
for Congress.
Business and Professional Men an
Members of Organized Labor
Numbering ,7 6 Riffn . First
Copy in Circulation.
Business and professional men and
members of organised labor number
ing 78 yesterday presented Thomas Mo
Cusker. independent Republican candt
late for Representative in Congress
from this district, with a strong in
dorsement of his candidacy. They com
mend Mr. McCusker's candidacy to the
favorable consideration of all Republi
cans, as well as voters of all parties,
who desire to see elected to that of
fice a "proper Representative in Con
The indorsement, several other copies
of which are yet in circulation, to
gether with their names, follow:
'We, the undersigned cltliens of
Multnomah County, comprising the
Third Congressional .District, hereby
agree to vote for and in every way pos
sible assist in the election of Thomas
MeCusker to Congress from this dls
trict, as we believe he Is better fitted
to represent this district than any
other candidate, by reason of his
knowledge of conditions and needs of
the state and district, and the further
fact that he is a vigorous and sincere
advocate of the development of the dts
trict and state.
"By reason of the primary law, he
goes on the ballot as Independent,
while he is the only Republican, his
opponent having deserted the party
after securing the Republican nomina
tion. but still holds to the party name
with the home of securing votes to
which he is not entitled.
"We earnestly request ' the support
of all Republicans, as well as that of
other citizens who have the interest of
the district at heart, in our effort to se
cure a proper Representative , in Con
"There are -many voters . who, no
doubt, are undecided as to whom they
will support, feeling that they should
center their efforts on the strongest
man. After a careful Investigation of
conditions, we are convinced that Mc
Cusker is the logical candidate, and we
therefore urge all citizens who aesire
a clean, able and forceful Representa
tive in Congress to vote for him.
"P. P. Bruck. Harvey O'Bryan, Ar
thur Langguth. W. JU Beckner, A. E.
Freedman. D. Freedman. W. CJ. Baton
JL Billings. Joseph Hayes, E. E. How
ard. Samuel Welder, H. Y. Freedman,
Charles Wright E. W. Fish, J. IN.
Montletb. Samuel L Norton. W. &
Fortiner. G. J. Blodgett. U A. Menton,
l"r. M. M. Bettman, E. F. Cannon. John
H. Hall. W. P. Hidden. H. Beckwith. E.
W. Ortman. Jay 8. Hamilton, J. C
Veazle. F. E. Beach. A. E. Cooper. C, O.
Pissler. O. A. Wtndfelder, Max M.
Ponohue. D. Ellery. Felix W. Isher
wood, Charles W. Ryan. A. W. Allen,
J. C. Ross. V. Berg. H. W. Viets, W. J.
Bradlev. J. W. Pettit, E. C. "Oliver, W.
W. Cutler. A. Smith. T. V. Stimson. F.
H. Fleming. R. W. Hoyt, H. L. Neville,
Fred J. Brady. S. M. Vernard. J. B.
Nye. Lionel R. Webster, H. S. Reynolds,
A. M. Holton, C a Nicholson, Arthur
Erlcson, H. C. San ford. Fred J. Clayton,
William A. Baird, W. Halther, N. Zuber.
W. F. Burkhart, H. M. Johnson. Ed
Flood. F. Van Stevern, Peter Blum,
Harry McMahan, Frank Schmitt, Oscar
Olson, J. A. Kelthel, C. J. Nelson. H. E.
Taylor. E. A. Saylor, R. C. McMahan,
Aubry McCourt. H. O. Muhler."
In Address at Medford ex-Senator
Opposes Bourne's Re-election. .
MEDFORD, Or., Oct. 26. (Special.)
Charles W. Fulton, ex-United States
Senator from Oregon, delivered a strong
address this afternoon in Haymarket
Square in favor of the election of Presi
dent Taft and opposing the return of
Jonathan Bourne to the United States
Senate. In spite of the Inclement
weather a good crowd listened to the
speaker's remarks and be was often in
terrupted by applause.
Mr. Fulton declared President Taft.
because he did not make the noise that
the American people have become ac
customed to associating with the Presi
dential office, was unjustly regarded as
an executive who had not accomplished
much in the way of progressive reform.
As a matter of fact, said the speaker.
President Taft has a record of. construc
tive and progressive statesmanship
which not only entitles him to the sup
port of the Republican party, but en
titles bim to a place among our great
est American Presidents. In confirma
tion of this ex-Senator Fulton reviewed
the achievements of the past four
years, touching upon the arbitration
treaties, the reduction in the tariff, the
taking of the tariff from politics, free
tolls for American ships through the
Panama canal, free competition be
tween railroads and water routes, and
his calm deliberation and skillful
diplomacy In both domestic and foreign
Senator Bourne, declared the speaker,
had not only violated the spirit and let
ter of the direct primary law, which he
professed to champion, but ' was by
character and political record unfitted
to represent this stare at Washington.
He declared the present Republican
Senator a corruptlonist and a traitor to
the Republican party and the people of
the- state.
Candidate for County Commissioner
Replies to Rivals.
"Too much politics in county affairs
at the expense of the people" was a
point discussed by Lute Pease, candi
date for County Commissioner, in a talk
at Seventh and Washington streets
last night. Mr. Pease urged the ne
cessity of more progressive and up-to-date
county business methods, re
ferring to such examples as the pur
chase of county supplies at retail
prices, arbitrary letting of contracts,
the- unexplained and covert sale of
county property at far less than Its
value and the employment and dis
charge of men for political reasons
without regard to competence. He
said that county records should be ex
ported once a year, the expert to be a
man qualified to act as an "efficiency
engineer," charged with the duty of
giving suggestions, criticism and ad
vice for the Improvement of methods
in all departments of county business.
"Why cannot Multnomah County
have the benefit of methods such as
all modern business concerns are
adopting?" he asked. Mr. Pease also
AGE OF 92.
Argonaut of '49, Nonagenarian. Ar
rived in Portland in 1863 Fu
neral to Bo Held Tuesday.
Another of the California argonauts
of '49. and an early resident' of Port
land, passed away, when Patrick C.
2, .
The Late Patrick C. Smith.
Smith died at the home of his son. Dr.
Andrew C. Smith, on Barnes road, Frt-
having been born in Ireland November
16. 182L He came to America In 1848
and joined the stampede to the Califor
nia gold fields in '4.
Having wrested from the new Eldo
rado what was, for those days, a com
fortable fortune, he returned to his
hnd In IfiKS o nH mflrHad the
sweetheart 'he had left behind. Miss
Bessie Tully, daughter or t-roiessor
t tha collesre of
eymoon trip was the return voyage to
America. The young couple settled on
a farm In Richland County. Wiscon
sin, where they remainea unii. 1000,
when they made the trip across the
. . . . , n i a
plains to Oregon, locating iu raia.
r Cmtth antaraH tha BOWiCA Of the
United States Government in the "0s
and operated the first Government
snag-puller in tne wiuamene mvor.
U. anntlnnari in til tt TIT)10V Of ttlf
Government until 25 years ago, when
he became lncapacitatea ior active la
bor. He is survived by three ot his
. .kiu... ., nr. Smith
IVUr VllllUlClli 1- " V VM. ....... - -
and Henry E. Smith, of the East Side
Transfer Company live in 1'ortiano.
The third Mrs. Charles E. Morey is
a resident of San Francisco. The fourth
child was Mrs. Elizabeth Beeman,
whose two sons now live in Portland.
Dr. Ira Beeman is editor of the Medical
Sentinel, and Joseph Beeman came here
recently from California.
Funeral services will oe neia at ei.
, r pa,h& Tiiottilflv mnrnlnff at
aitXl J a v.a ........ - .. ...
9 o'clock, giving time for Mrs. Morey
to arrive irom an rrancieco. inn?.-
ment will be mane at mount wivury
Hearers Divided About Half and
Half on Merits of Logic, but Re
sent Sarcastic Appellations.
nocnnn CITY. Or.. Oct. 26. (Spe
cial.) Declaring that Joseph Fels, the
single tax "angel" in Oregon, is In the
position of the medical expert in the
Rockefeller Institute, Charles H.
Shields, secretary of the Equal Taxa
tion League, in a debate with W. S.
URen, Fels" paid agent, scored a big
point tonight at the Shively Theater,
which was crowded to the doors. Mr.
Shields said that when the Rockefeller
men wished to And out now certain
arum vnuM net thev first experiment
ed upon rabbits and guinea pigs, and,
t efficacious, tney later useu n upon
uman beings.
He resented Mr. Fels, who is a mil
lionaire in Philadelphia. In coming
thousands of miles across the conti
nent to Oregon to put his theory into
ontlvB operation among people just as
good as any In the world. He de
clared if Mr. Fels were sincere and be
lieved single tax would be a panacea,
h Khnulrf first trv to nut It into ef
fect In his home state.
Mr. U'Ren, the leading champion or
Ingle tax in Oregon, eulogized Jona
nan Bourne and Theodore Roosevelt.
Vhen Mr. Shields asked his single tax
opponent why he condoned Senator
Bournes attitude in repuaiaung tne
primary law which Mr. U'Ren framed,
hA nmirnn citv m n had no answer.
The crowd seemed to be about equally
divided oetween tne speanera anu noin
scored telling points. .
announced that Mr. U'Ren, after sev
eral days of urging, had nnauy come
to his offlco today and obtained a com.
B.itArnAnt rt tha mnnv ratneivpri
and paid out by the Equal Taxation
League. He saia tne xotai was aooui
1 -T AAA -J .JmUtan .Via- Vl T .o H H
and Corbetts and other rich men had
....iv..ia in the, fnnri oh.
CUll 1 1 1UU 1M. . ...v "
Ject was, he said, to try to prevent a
scheme of taxation being foisted upon
ie pUDllo wmcn wuuiu ue injurious.
- ma tA his hnrkArt. ritflAisprt if the
farmers, laborers, etc., suffered from
single tax they naturally, being of the
people and mutually dependent upon
each other, would suffer.
The speakers referred to each other
Willie" and "tjnariey, wnicn was
ntlralv snnroved bv the audience.
Mr. Shields accused Mr. U'Ren of
having called him "Charlejr at Hood
River and said he was Justified in re
ferring to his opponent as "Willie."
IJttle Melvin Strong Mourned.
The funeral services in connection
with the death of Melvin, aged ' two
years, the little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Frederick H. Strong, of 250 King
street, took place yesterday afternoon
at the family residence. Death oc
curred Friday.
W :-'
Republican In Address Says Bull
Moose Party Conceived in Am
bition, and Born in Malice.
Taft's Firmness Shown.
CIRCLEVILLE. O.. Oct. 28. "Con
ceived in ambition, born in malice and
nourished on misrepresentation or tne
President and the Republican party.
So said Attorney - General Wicker
sham of the Roosevelt Progressive
nartv in his third Ohio speech advo
cating the ' re-election of president
Taft here today.
The speaker devoted most or nia
sneech to a criticism of Dan R. Hanna,
of Cleveland, one of Colonel Roose
velt's staunch supporters. ..
Supporters Are Assailed.
"Some estimate."- he said, "might
properly be made of the nature of the
Roosevelt movement by considering the
character of the four men who sup
ported the Colonel with fountain pens
and open checkbooks Perkins, Hanna,
Munsev and Fllnn."
Attorney - General Wickersham de
clared Mr. Hanna's interest in the
Roosevelt third party was born coinci
dental with Mr. Hanna's Indictment by
a Federal grand Jury in April of 1911,
for rebating.
"The prosecution arose out of a re
port made by the Interstate Commerce
Commission to the Attorney-uenerai,
showing the relation between Mr.
Hanna's dock companies at Ashtabula
and the railroad companies over which
ore was shipped," said the speaker.
"The matter was sent by the Attorney-
General to the District Attorney at
Cleveland, who laid it before the grand
Jury, which found indictments against
the companies and Messrs. Hanna, Mc-
Cabe and Ireland.
Hanna Ansrry, Saya Speaker.
"Hanna was highly indignant and
sent a thinly veiled threat to President
Taft that unless he dismissed the In
dictments Mr. Hanna's influence and
that of his newspapers would be
thrown against nlm. The President de
clined to be influenced by these threats.
"Mr. Hanna and the other individuals
were finally let go, providing their
companies and the railroad companies
plead guilty and pay lines aggregating
UDward of I1Z3.000. insteaa oi snow
ing an appreciation of the leniency of
the Government. Mr. Hanna nas irom
the moment of his indictment fought
against the renominatlon and re-election
of the President and expended in
support of Roosevelt more money than
the aggregate of the fines paid the
Government. That is an example of the
type of men and motives of Colonel
Roosevelt s principal supporters.
When Bold Suitor Is Confronted
With. Evidence That He Is ex
Convict, Putative Wife Swoons.
POMEROT, Wash., Oct. 28. (Spe
cial.) When asked about the report
that he had served time in the Ohio
Penitentiary for bigamy, Oren Par
menter, who eloped from Spokane
with MariA Wallace In an automobile
owned by her father, the episode re
sulting In Parmenter's arrest at Pom
eroy, appeared nervous and Jumped
out of his seat, exclaiming, "Have
they got that on me?"
The girl, who was with him during
the interview, shrieked with horror
when the bigamy matter was men
tioned. Parmenter declares that he does not
care for himself, but that the affair
is embarrassing to his wife, and that
he would like to send her to Lewlston
to remain until after the trouble blows
Parmenter telegraphed to his father
at Stevens Point, Wis., Friday night
for 12000, but received no answer this
morning, and sent another request for
the money. Parmenter, in charge of
Deputy Sheriff Frame Race, will ar
rive in Spokane Sunday over the O.-W.
R. & N. He will be committed Imme
diately " to the city Jail and will be
arraigned before Police Judge Stocker
Monday afternoon on a charge of
grand larceny.
. Mrs. Wallace,, mother of the girl
with whom Parmenter eloped, is tha
complaining witness and charges Par
menter with stealing her five-passenger
The following telegram from the
warden of . the Ohio Penitentiary was
received today:
"Oren Parmenter, alias Jack Palmer,
was received here July 2, 1910, to
serve one year for bigamy and dis
charged from prison May 1, 1911."
Reports from Stevens Point, Wis.,
said to be tha former home of young
Parmenter, say that an Oren Par
menter, son o a retired merchant,
once lived there. This man, it is re
ported, married when about 18 years
of age, afterward eloping and marry
ing in Ohio. After his first marriage,
says a telegram from Stevens Point,
be engaged in business, but failed.
Senator Chamberlain . Tells Baker
Audience Xomlnee's Fitness.
BAKER. Or., Oct. 26. (Special.)
United States Senator Chamberlain ad
dressed a large audience tonight at
the Elks hall In the Interest of Wood
row Wilson for the Presidency. Inci
dentally, he predicted that Wilson
would be the. next President, with
Roosevelt second and Taft third in the
vote on November 5.
In the course of his argument Sena
tor Chamberlain took up the records
of the three candidates, -two as Presi
dent of the United States, and the
third as Governor of New Jersey. He
said that Roosevelt, while he felt no
Inclination to detract from the man
personally, had acted while chief ex
ecutive in opposition to his assertions
on the platform In the, receipt of trust
funds and his attitude thereto.
Mr. Chamberlain dwelt at most
length on Roosevelt and touched on
Taft's alleged alignment with the
trust element and actions on tariff
matters only. Of Mr. Wilson, he said
that the Democrat -had redeemed his
pledges and found himself free to do
what his conscience bade him while
Governor. He said he would do the
same aa President,
mm . iwi
Here's Your Ticket and Platform
ami Rosenblatt & Co
Corner Third and Morrison Streets
The Home of Hart Schaffner 8c Marx Clothes
WE, the men of Portland, who believe in dress
ing well, hereby declare our belief in the
undying principle that all men ought to be
particular about what they get for their clothes
money." . ' - . .
We point with pride to Hart Schaffner & Marx
Clothes, that-can be bought of Sam'l Rosenblatt &
Co., the best clothes made to sell at $18 to $40.
We declare our unalterable conviction that
Rosenblatt's are selling the smartest lot of Suits
and Overcoats ever brought to this town; and we call
upon men and young men, especially those who are
to cast their clothes vote this Fall, to support our
With boy's Suit or Overcoat.
Ytra coop Clothes for Boys
In quality the same as men's.
Suits or Overcoats $5.00 to $10.00
Prominent Men Schednled to Make
Address at Gipsy Smith Audi
torium October 30.
General plans for a "civic rally," to
be held at the Gipsy Smith auditorium.
October 30, to arouse interest in the
Greater Portland plans and in the In
dorsement of the plans at the election
on November 2, were announced at a
meeting of the association at the Com
mercial Club at noon yesterday.
Speaker will be Archbishop Christie,
M. N. Dana, H. E. Weed. Rabbi Jonah
B. Wise. Dr. Stephen B. L. Penrose,
R. W. Montague, J. N. Teal, Frank B.
Riley, !. H. Weir and Bishop Scedding.
Music will be furnished by the Ad Club
Quartet and Rose Bloch Bauer will
sing a solo.
Before the rally 100,000 cards will be
distributed throughout the city call
ing attention of citizens to the ordi
nance and urging a favorable vote at
the election. Delegates from the
Turn the rascals out the headache, biliousness, constipation, the sick, sour
stomach and foul gases turn them out tonight with Cascarets.
- Don't put in another day of distress. Let Cascarets sweeten and regulate
your stomach; remove the sour, undigested and fermenting food and that misery-making
gas; take the excess bile from your liver and carry off the decom.
posed waste matter and constipation poison from the bowels. Then you will
feel great
A Cascaret tonight will straighten you out by morning a 10-cent box from
any drug store will keep your head clear, stomach sweet, liver and bowels
regular and make you feel bully and cheerful for months. Don't forget tha
10 CCIltS.
Greater Portland Plans Association will
be sent to address aucb meetings as
may be held In the Labor Temple dur
ing the coming week and to urge at
tendance at the civic rally. Similar an
nouncements will be made at the meet
ings of the Ad. Rotary and other clubs
this week.
- Frank C. Rlggs, of the Automobile
Club, has promised enough autos for
the parade, which will precede the
rally in the auditorium.
C. F. Berg and C. S. Hewitt have been
appointed on the committee to secure
bands for the occasion and Phil S. Bates
will have charge of decorations.
An appeal will be made to every
merchant in the city to run an an
nouncement of the civic rally in daily
advertising, and they will be supplied
with special stickers for outside corre
spondence. Cards and placards an
nouncing the rally will be sent to all
of the mercantile houses and factories
in Portland.
Messenger Struck by Auto. ,
After knocking down and seriously
Injuring Floyd B. Holden at Thirteenth
and Stark streets yesterday, the uni
dentified driver of a Red Cross Am
bulance stopped, saw the boy picked
up and then went on to his garage.
The boy, a messenger, sustained e
severely bruised leg, and his bicycle
was damasred beyond repair. The in
jured youth recorded the number of
fhe car as 6o79.
New grip or sicken.
candidate, thereby saving themselves from dissatis
faction and unnecessary expense.
We view with alarm the increased cost of living,
and we pledge to the public that, so far as good
clothes are concerned, ; our candidate will quote
prices that are low enough, and on qualities that are
high enough, to make for real economy.
We denounce the cotton-mixed fabrics that are
so common in clothes, and we declare ourselves
unalterably for a single standard all-wool fabric.
We pledge our candidate to furnish you the best
clothes you ever. wore.
Superior and Munsing
Union Suits
To men and boys the best, most satisfactory garments made.
Come in all grades. Sizes for all builds of men. $1.0O to
.$6.00 per garment.
Does Away Entirely With Plates and Bridgework
Dentistry at Half Price
fTTntil Further Notie.
While our charges for Alveolar work
are the same as the standard price of
high-class bridgework, in such cases
where It is possible to have bridgework
and the patient desires it for any rea
son, we will put in for him the very
best and classiest bridgework, crowns,
plates, etc., possible to be made at ex
actly one-half the price charged by
dentists whose work will compare fa
vorably with ours. "And there Is a
(Terms for this work will be cash.)
Briefly, the Alveolar Method is this:
If you have two or more teeth left in
either Jaw, we can supply all that you
have lost with teeth as good, solid and
sound as the best, set of natural teeth
ever grown In any human being's
mouth, and a whole lot more beautiful
than nature's best product, without re
sorting to such makeshifts as partial
plates and the unsanitary bridgework.
Alveolar Teeth are not only beautiful,
but they are comfortable and durable.
We guarantee them to last, a lifetime,
where the longevity of bridgework is
seldom ever longer than 5 or 8 years
and generally a good deal less. It is
is a disease of nutrition resulting in excess sugar in the blood,
failure of fond to nourish. and flesh-wasting though the appetite
be jrnod. Excess urine, hollow eyes, drawn pinched expression,
sickening sweetish odor of skin are symptoms.
Warner's Safe Diabetes Remedy
relieves attacks of this
disease and restores nor-
nutrition. S. John Kecken-
dorf, 1721 South Street, Philadel
phia, Pa., writes: "I had dia
betes and began using- your wonder
ful Diabetes Remedy. I took 9
bottles and wajs pronounced cured
by my doctor. It is a blessing."
Tt tut htmt COOH BOOK m- futtalu
' AVI UHU ttnl pcU'pmUl n ruift
SO tins, tr retnpi oS iluit-Mt-u
tk ' Sni" . ehffft mm tJu tmtiUU ptuhngt
1 Mar midleimu, mn4 U2t. timf.
never o-uaranteed to last bv anv first-
class dentist who Is responsible and
reliable, because all first-class den
tists will tell you that bridgework at
best Is doubttul. It Is a painful opera,
tlon and gives trouble from the time it
is nut in tne mouth until It has to be
taken out. In many cases where
bridgework is Impossible, and all cases
where It Is possible, we can replace
your missing teentli with perfect Al
veolar Teeth. The pain Incident to this
work is practically none; the expense
Is the same as the best bridgework.
but in satisfaction there is no com
parison between the two.
We have samples in our offices to
show at all times hundreds of pa
tients here in our home city to refer
to. Examinations and booklets on Al
veolar dentistry are absolutely free.
Remember that In addition to our
specialty, Alveolar Dentistry and cur
ing Pyorrhea (loose teeth), we are ex
prts in every branch of dentistry,
from the simple filling up.
Portland Abtngton Bldg., 10HH 3d St.
Seattle Halsrbt Bid., Sd and Piue.
Terma to Reliable People.
Open Sundays, 10 to 1.
IlllH I jaMWMaMVnrif 'J ' "" II -.Dll '
t Kidney and Lhrar Ramcdr
Rheumatic Remedy
3 Dis bele Remedy
4 Asthma Remedy .
8 Nervine
.,.,. Conetlpattot
rills BlllnusneM
Write (or ( freo sample riving
tho number of remedy desired to
Warner'e Safe Remedie Co..
Dept. 263- Rochester, N. T.