7 K V HELP WANTKn FEMALE. WAJ4TKD TOUNG .ADIES FOB TELJt FHONX OPERATING. VITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE; PAID WHILE LKAR.VI.va APPLY. AT THB PACIFIC TXLEPBONB TSLEOBAPH COM PANT (EAST OFFICE). COB. STH AND TA8T ANKEXT STREETS. OR MAIN OFFICE WEST PARK AMD ALDER. TELEPHONE EAST 16A EXPERIENCED SALESWOMAN wanted lor KODAKS and KODAK SUP PLIES at the Meier & Pranit Store. Apply at superintendent's offliae before 0:30 A. M. WANT good, capable lady to call on aohool teachers and professional men; one who has force of character and the enthusiasm of her convictions can make a large tn come. Write today for particulars. Co coanut Endowment Corporation, 6th floor Fleming bidg., Des Moines, Iowa- THE Municipal Department of Public Safety for Young Women, 407 Merchants Trust bidg., mill be giad to give advice or as alalanee to any woman or girl wno may be in need. Interviews are confidential ex cept In cases demanding criminal action. Office hours s:3u to o. Mrs. L. G. ISald- win. Eupu BOOKKEEPER AND STENOGRAPHER. Reliable, experienced, with best refer ence; must be accurate at figures and quai. Ify to ao Invoicing, etc; stale salary and references. N 4i. Oregonian. GOOD strong woman. Scandinavian or Ger man preferred; that can cook and is will ing to do other -work In small private hospital; will pay good wages to a work er. Apply la person . W. oor. aid and Wulmby sts. WANTED Four ledles to engage In spe cial work, calling for energy and amol tlon, 4ore than experience, who Is Inter ested In paying for a home or adding to the family Income, who tan wora full or part time. Address AC 633. Oregoniat WANTED A woman to come each day at Id o'clock ana remain until 6 to wash dishes, sweep and do a light washing and Ironing and help prepare dinner. Call at 728 Hawtnorne on Sunday morning, be tween 9 and 12. WANTED Energetlo women desiring to de velop and manage a business from their own homes; house, to-nouse canvassers need not apply. Address, AF 5S7, Orego nian. THE Domestic Service Bureau. 300 Central bidg.. receives dally calls from the best of homes for competent, reliable girls for general housework, cooks, second work and nurse maids. LAD JtS wanted for high-class proposition; ladles apparel; big money to right persons. Call, between 10 and 12:SO and J to ft M., ItW West Park it LADY cook to take charge of restaurant in small tows, close to Portland. Call eoj Buchanan blug.. Monday, from 2 to e P. M. A -W really good, well-appearing house-to-house solicitors wanted. Chapman Ad vertising Co., 301 Phoenix bid., oth and Oak. WANTED Three or four refined ladles to represent us in Portland; steady employ ment; pleasant work. Apply after . 41 Mohawk bidg.. 3d and Morrison sts. MOTION-PICTURE performers, dancers, singers and others; call immediately. New York Theatrical Agency, Eilcrs blug., suite MO. -STENOGRAPHER In law office; small clt near Portland; give age, experience, sal ary erxpected and phdne number. AV 8-6. Oregonian. WANTED Middle-aged woman fur day work and to rHk dinner. Must live at home. Call Ex st 430J Sunday morning, or , .. - -J .ii e m week aavs. ing lady solicitors. Hood proposition. Call between VJ and 12 A. . Sunday or Mon day. 4o3 bwotland bide. WANTED Oirl for general housework In family of three. Refarencee required, call 758 Halaey su, near 22d. Broadway car, or phone Est2767. ; - WANTED- Thoroughly experienced Jewelry saleswomen, who understands hlgo-clasa ' Jewelry; good s. lary; permanent position. Answer Y 484. Oregonian. WANTED A woman for general house work where couple are engaged durtns day; care of girl 11 years of age; refer- ences required. AC t-'-. oregonian. WANTED A girl to help In dairy lunch. 8-30 to S P. M.; good room, board and SOo day; no work Sunday. Call Sunday . ... 1 , . K . r NEAT young woman to do light housework, family of two. Phone East 1730 or call at 744 'A East Ar.keny St. LADY wanted to keep house and look after children: will pay $30 a month. Address Wm. Hoskins, satsop. Wash. MIDDLE-AGED women for light housevvora and assist with children, 8H4 Wasco, cor. S6th su c l.oo. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and ttenog rapber wanted; no other need apply. AT SB7, Oregonian. COMPETENT girl for general housework; wages $35. 3 SI N. 32d, Willamette Heights. Phone M. 7&c2. GIRL to assist with housework In small apartment. Overton Apis., No. 205, 8 Is I and Overton. . 2i INEXPERIENCED girls taught overall operating. Apply ML Hood lactory. 2d and Couch sts. A SWEDISH girl can find a good home; 3 In family; (-room bungalow to care for. Phone Tabor 11 or call 480 E. 83d at. N. L'NINCUMBE RED elderly woman can have good home with gentleman and his daughter, small wages. M 470. Oregonian. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AOBNCT, Washington bidg., 270H Washington St. near 4th. Phone Main 8S33 or A 326e. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavl Co., 609 Roth cnlld bidg.. 4th and Washington. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. ' 845 1, Washington et., cor. 7th. upstair. Phone Main 2692. GIRL for light housework and help with children. 624 Wasco st-, cor. 26th. S 1705. German preferred. CAN furnish good home for high school girl. Ample time for study. Call Tabor 1619. SO EXPERIENCED overall operators want ed immediately. ML Hood Factory, 2d and Couch sts. . AMBITIOUS, energetic woman for position with wholesale house; permanent, experi ence unnecessary. G 505, Oregonian EXPERIENCED dining-room girl wanted. Phone Til Farmers. W "i NT KD Experienced office glrL Apply Sunday and Monday. Crystal Laundry Co. GOOD woman cook wanted for hotel im mediately. J. E. Nelson. Aurora. Or. COMPETENT girl for general housework. 195 North Juth, corner Kearney. GIRL or middle-aged woman for light housework. 241 21st st. North. GIRL for general housework; experience not necessary. 253 North 22d si. YoUNG girl to take care of baby. 557 E. Morrison. A 1117. TOI'NO gir! to assist In general housework. Call mornings only. 600 Lovejoy. WANTED A good cook, also second glrL tlio Everett, near 20th.-- GIRL for general housework. 148 N. 24th; f'at. three In family, good wages. Fir.ST-CLASS skirt and waist draper. Tee?da!e. 14? 13th si. Girl, genera! housework; good wages. Call 325 Multnom.ih. WANTED Competent Rlrl for second worlt, no washing. Phone Main 4930. EXPEP.IENCED salad maker for family ho. tel. 735 Hoyt. COMPETENT girl for general hodsewoik. 10.14 Qulmby st. Main 47S2. COMPETENT girl for general housework. 355 E. 12th st. N.. cor Broadway. WANTED Woman for delicatessen who wants to work. B 520. Oregonian. WANTED Girl for housework; must be good cook. Phone Marshall 11. EXPERIENCED STRAW OPERATORS for ladles' hats. Apply Lowengart A Co. WOMAN to sell cold cream; you ean make money. 1040 E. Salmon. OIRL to assist light housework, small fam lly. no cooking. 473 7th. LADY can have good home for light serv ices. C 1627. mornings. WAITRESS In restaurant. 14-1 Russell st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANT man and wife, experienced, to take charge of $3000 r taurant. West Side. $500 cash required. 322 LumbermeDl bidg.. otn ano &tarx. tv ANTED Man and wife for housework; on must be flrst-olas a cook; referanoes. P 612, Oregonian, HELP WAXTFn AtL.K FEMALE. WE start you In business, furnishing every thing: men and women. $.10 to 1200 week, ly operatlnr our "new system specialty candy fac'.orfcs" home or small room any. where: no canvassing- opportunity life time; booklet free. Ragsdale Co., Box P. r.ast orange, j. CRYSTAL oil paintings, new and attrac tive work; solicitors wanted. Apply at once. ft t mi, uhjuulu. WANTED Man and wife to work on ranch; low wages for Winter months. Address Immediately. D 41. Oregonian. SPECIALTY work, close In town, salary and commission, permanent. AB 4i7,-Ore- guiuau. EXPERIENCED Chrlrtmas edition adver tislnc solicitors; commission; rellglous periodical. AH 602. Oregonian. ' HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Any amount scrap Iron, steel, scrap and relaying rails, all kinds second hand machinery, brass, copper, white met. al, rubber and sacks, etc.; also burnt, wrecked and old plants. H. B. Davis, wholesale dealer, Hi 4th, st. Main 24-L Yard United Ry. trackage, foot of Mont gomery su; warehouseFroiitaad HalL LOCOMOTIVE- Bremen and hrakemen for nearby railroads, iM to $100 monthly; agu IS to 35; experience unnecessary, no strike; promotion to engineer, conductor. Railroad employing headquarter. ro charge for assistance to employment: state age; send stamp for application. FIFTY young men wanted to prepare fpr Sosltlons as passenger and freight tram rakemen. locomotive firemen and tele graph operators for Portland railroads, &0. $125 monthly: no experience needed; state position wanted, write for applica tion Pacific Railway Association. Wash ington OlUg., DUlUt), FREE Illustrated book, tells about over 88 0. 000 vacancies protected positions L. o. service; more than 40,000 vacancies every year; there la big chance here for you, sure, generous pay, lifetime employment; easy to get; Just ask for booklet C 6J, ho obligation. Earl Hopkins, Washington. BE a salesman; practical trained men in demand; thousands have succeeded: we can teach you; complete course J2; no need for questions or explanations; u course Is not entirely satisfactory, money refunded Instantly. Stevens Salesman- snip OcnOOl. 1)1 LacBicr LEARN automoolle repairing, driving, on up-to-date cars; electrical, civil engineer ing, surveying; methods most practical; room and board while learning; positions secured; satisfaction guaranieed; cata logue free. National School of Lngineer- ing, .lju west I m, tjyjm me,w . MEN and women to learn the barber trade in eight weeks; special induoements; per centage paid while learning; tools Irse: expert Instructors; 17 yefers In the busi ness; 87 schools; a lifetime membership given to eacn student. Molar Barber C.ol- lege. 30 N. 4tn IU ronmuM, v. SALESMEN, no experience required; earn while learning; write today for list hun dreds positions open payir.g $1000 W""1"' year. 'Address nearest orflce. dept. 46t, Na tional Salesmen's Training . Association. Chicago, New York, tw annas City, beat tie. New Orleans. Toronto. SALESMAN. SOLICITORS. Increase your sales, hence your and commission, through a knowledge of the science of salesmanship; Indorsed by 60,000 clients and 20oo leading firms. THE SHELDON SCHOOL. Spalding Hldg.. portisnd. Marshall 17ZZ KEEP OUT OF THE PAIN. LEARN MOVINO-PiCTLKE OPERATING Easy Inside work; short hours; $'.o to $40 weekly salary. Call today. Lessons reasonable. Saiifr Washington, near l;tn. WE leach ou a trade in few months' time; pay wages after second month. Electricit. automobiles, plumbing, bricklaying; 100 satisfied workmen touay; 4" Jods going; oatalogue free. United Trade Kchool Con tractlug to.. L.os Aaui $5oO WILL secure half Interest In manu facturer's agency; prefer one who can take charge of office; must furnish lefer escss; give phone numoer with answer; also waul two salesmen. P. O. box 1060, city. GOVERNMENT customs. Internal revenue. railway man ciera wmiuBiwu, where soon; get prepared by former Unit ed States civil service secretary-examiner. Free booklet 8. Patterson Civil Service school, Kocnester, i- SALESMEN" Real ambitious salesmen, now employed, wno oesire iu wmwo n... lncom.'S. Classes In salesmanship instruc tion being formed. Wm. A. Markert. Mgr., bub apaiuing oiug LADIES to call and see our handsome stock or imported wooieus lor una For one week only, nothing over $53. C W. Young, rooms 424 to 427 Flledner bidg.. 10th and wasn. WILL give young girl room and board to aot as companion anu mbi. ju " ' rT r girl preferred. Live 4 blocks from Lincoln High School. No children. Call Main T2U7. H.'lRE'S your opportunity to make $2o0 monthly; spare time; no matter where you live; no canvassing ;- guarantee free booklet will show you how. H. . Rogers. Dept. AK. Boston. Mass. RAILWAY mail clerks, prepare now, excel lent salaries and promotions; no Iayotfs; sure pay; tree baok. Call today, pacific States School. McKay bidg., -lty LADIES make supporters $ia 100: no can vassing; material furnished; stamped en velope for particulars. Wabash Supply Co., desk 149 Milwaukee, Wis. AMBITIOU3 young men to become traveling salesmen, earn while they learn; write for particulars. Bradstreet System. Roch ester, N. Y. ' SPECIAL! 6PECIAH SPECIAL! Highest price paid for second-hand la dles' and mens clothes, shoes and furni ture. U& rruni si. waiai" .uo. 1 WILL start you earning 4 daily at home In spare time, silvering mirrors; no capital; free Instructive booklet, giving plans of operation. G. F. Redmond. Dept. 6t). Bos ton. Mass. E. B. U. BUSINESS COLLEGE for short hand, Bookkeeping, etc.; positions gr anteed. 630 Worcester block. Marshall 2761. . i iniEil make shields, home. $10 100: work sent prepaid to reliable women; particulars tor stamped, addressed envelope. Eureka Co., Dept.- Vtti, K.aiamazuo, jncn. BE DETECTIVE Earn $100 to $300 month. Travel everywhere. Stamp for particular I. National Detective Service, Los Angeles. Cal. . MEN and women for Government positions; tza week. Write for list positions open. Franklin Institute, Dept. SSS-T, Roches ter, N. X- , . AUTOMOBILE Road lessons taught by per sonal Instructor. Inquire between 9 and 11 A. M., Clark Hotel, room 41L Reason able." , . .. INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools; headquarters 152 3d su (near Morrison). Open evenings. Personal assistance given students. Phone Main 4048. POSITION to handle work in Portland for local corporation; must be licensed to practice in. ureon. Ajiyyi, vregwiuan, LEARN millinery afternoons, easy payment; hats made and remodeled. 806 Goodnough bidg. . . . WH Y work for others; learn permanent trade this Winter. Rodlum, 291 Morri- LEAP.N to operate moving pictures; full course taught: secure position. 404 Rolh chlld bids., 4th and Washington sts. MAKE money writing short stories or for newspapers; big pay: free booklet telis how. United Press Synd.. D.3, San Fr'ns'co. BE A DETECTIVE. Men wanted every where; earn $100 to $o00 monthly. Write Loraine System. Dept. 67, Boston. Mass. BE a detective, earn $150 to $300 per month, travel over the world. Write Supt. Lua wig. 1402 Scarrltt bidg., Kansas City, Mo. MOTORS and generators bought, sold and repaired. Robt. Skeen Elec. Works, IKo and Gllsan. Phones Main M20. A 1474. MEN and women to learn the barber trade In S woeke: position guaranteed. Oregon Uarber Col'ege. 233 Madison st. WANTED Picture-play writers; big pay; we'll leach you; free Information. Picture plav Association, D. 8. San Francisco. ELITE PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE, Shorthand, typewriting. bookkeeping. 642 Hamilton bdg. Marshall 425S. F1SK Teachers' Agency secures poUtiens far teachers. 610 Swetland bidg. M. ;S35. SHORTHAND typewriting school. 269 14th St. Main 3S93. Expert instruction $5 mo PUBLIC accountant teaches modern meth ods accounting, wuuams. mij i. or .'. AMATEURS Liberty Theater, 88-A North &tn si. a. j MEV WANTED TO LEARN MOTION PIC TURE OPERATING. 333 OAK ST. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. SALESMAN. Experienced specialty salesman, steady, reliable, wants situation, city or traveling. Address M 469, Oregonian. ETHNOGRAPHER, railroad, rapid and ac curate, BC'P'ni 1 J pbijvw . t.-. u roaos. ' o.. vits""""'- BOOKKEEPER or clerical. 10 years' office experience; good penman, first-class ref . erences. V 407. Oregonian. A-l STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper, 7 years' experience, will consider out-of-town position. A J ijregoninu. . STENOGRAPHER, experienced. Weil recom mended, desires employment, Marshall 343. SITUATION wanted by bookkeeper, la or out of town. M 460. Oregonian. 13 THK SUSDAI PKKt-rUKlAJI, fOKTLAWP, . OUIUBBK 7, . i 1 ..... I .... u,"v-,l,Tm1I.e' j SITUATIONS WASTED- FKMALE. WAXTEP TO BENT. ' SITCATION9 WANTED MALE. SITUATIONS .U.-. . 0157" Bookkeepers and Clerk. I AM a lumber statistician nd bookkeeper. my varieu experieuc able man for some lumber concern; at present engaged, but as it Is necessary for rne te locate In Portland, I desire to make a change. Age 84 and married. P. O. Box 244, rloquiam. v aaa. POSITION of trust by a competent manof ability as accountant ana tra'". ..t. experience in office management, depart mentixlng, 12 years credit experience, wholesale and retail In Poryand. B 6-6. YOUNG man, 82 years old, single, desires position with general mercantile, commis sary of lumber or mining company; good ' all-around office man; experienced sten ographer; will go anywherj. AS Si8, Ore gonian. A SOBER, reliable young man wants a position as cieca witu i.,. " varsity graduate. Willing to begin with a reasonable salary. Best of references. Phone Main 51!l7. WANTED Position by general hardware man, 20 years' experience, up to date, capable and energetic wholesale or retail- nniH ivA Portland for right prop osition; best references. H 436, Oregonian. RELIABLE accountant, located In we"- equippeo ouice, no " " ; to extra set of books; daytime or evenings, i i- . T1 A i.!-- - I irnfrfinin Tl ICICI CI11.CD, " -mvtr, - P PHARMACIST, registered in Oretron. wants position; 15 years' experience; lately from the East; can give best of references. A UOI. yrcswii BY young man, 21 years, stenographer, un derstands bookkeeping. 6 years' eP lence; hustler from the word "go." R olV. Oregonian, WILL AUDIT. OPEN. CLOSE OR WRITE up books. prepare 'balance and state ments. Install systems. Gllllnghatn, au ditor, 612 Lewis bidg. Marshall ii7. YOUNG man wishes some stenographic work to do evenings; will use my machine and return transcripts if desired. T 474, Ore. goniaii. FIRST-CLASS hobo In market for steno graphic Job; got bookkeeping experience; wu.ni iui.-Hie hub 1 1 .7 . . ' HARDWARE clerk with S years' experience, wants position In hardware store; best of references. AB 458, Oregonian. HOTfc-L CLERK Young man wants position as hotel clerk; best of references. Address Clerk, 8514 waBtangton, A COMPETENT bookkeeper and typist de sires position where his energies will be recognized. W 4b4, Oregonian. WANTED Position by younj? man of 26 as cigar salesman; best of reference and experience. AD t4So, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. YOUN'G married man, German, can read and write English, good writing, well educated, business experience, wishes any kind ol a position. X 401). Oregonian. WANTED By reliable man, position as nightwatchman or other employment; can give good reference or security. Address 859 South 16th. oor. Mill. BAKER. German, first-class, oakea. pies, hrt-iui mlla: ions veers' exnerlence In Eastern bakeries; willing to work alone. X 4H8. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, rapid, good speller, five years' experience general office work and billing; can make good in any line. M bis, oregonian. POSITION wanted by experienced fireman and Janitor, understands the care or steam boilers and furnaces. AK 662, Ore- gonian V HO has a job for an honest carpenter: heavy framing or farm work; can handle blue print; no booze fighter. AL 603, Ore. WANT situation as coachm&n or work round gentleman's home; best of references a to steadiness and ability. O 513. Ore gonian. COACHMAN or stableman, understands care of horses, not afraid of work, married; would look after auto. AN 612, Ore gonian. STOUT, handy boy from country wants work, mornings and evenings, while at tending school; used to handling teams 'and slock, good worker. H 489, Oregonian. MOVING PICTURE OPERATOR, sober, re liable, experienced, 'desires position In or out of town. 6003 42d ave., S. E. Tabor 2114. ' EXPERIENCED, practical and trustworthy middle-aged man wants the management of small hotel In Oregon.' AV 320, Ore gonian. COMPETENT" painter and paperhanger would exchange work for clothes. N 4S5, Oregonian. COMPETENT, experienced "movlng-plcture operator desires steady position. 45 N. Oth st., room 6. ' MAN wishes a position on farm; wife and one child aged 4. Call A 5054. 484 West Burnslde sn.. room 3. A GOOD short-order cook wants steady position In city. E. 4449, room 27. Ask for Brown. EXPERIENCED all-around farmer with family, wants ranch or farm to care for. AN 511. Oregonian. JAPANESE wants position as houseworker or cooking help In family. J 563, Ore gonian. - MOVING-PICTURE operator wants situa tion. Tel. Marshall IUT3 or AO 020, Ore go nlan EXPERIENCED carpenter would do altera tions and repairs, take room and board as part pay. Phone A 4265. HOOK KEEPER, office man. also exper ienced In road building, handling of teams and men. AH Olio, oregonian. TECH. graduate, veers' experience mechan ical and structural draughting. R 618, Ore gonian. ' louisu man wishes employment on farm In Willamette Valley. Address AL 600 Oregonian. PRACTICAL horseman wants charge of contractors or transfer staoie; soDer, reli able, good references. L 658, Oregonian. COMPETENT man and wife wish to take charge of apartmeni-nouse; experienced and rename; reterences. is ii. vicruhhih. RELIABLE man wants position as Janitor and manager ot apartmeuL-uuusc. 505, Oregonian. ; POSITION, man and wife. German Janitor or domestic; city references. At oiv, Oregonian. DRESSMAKING; one-piece dresses a special ly; very reasonable prices. Phone Colum bia 861; 1645 Vincent Ave. A MAN wants work a Janitor or house, cleaning In general by hour or month. K. H.. 687 Kearney Bt, Main 7883. ELEVATOR man, experienced, steady ana reliable wishes situation; references. AK B5, oregonian. . LUMBERMAN, 12 years Coast experience, wants position managing retail yard, city or country.- V 483, Oregonian. RELIABLE married man, 32, wants any . kind of oermanent work at once. X 40S, Oregonian. COMPETENT married couple want position X 4!2, Oregonian. YOUNG, experienced, foreigner, speaking little English, wants position on xarm good worker. 8. N. P., 2BS Couch. MAN and wife want work In country; man to COOK, Wile WKJireva; rciercuces. . jn 512, Oregonian CHAUFFEUR, steady young man, private family or truck; best of rexerencea. can East 3'.'06 in morning. WINDOW CLEANING, new or empty houses. Main 6573 evenings. Thomas (,reen. POSITION by young man, light work, for room and Doaro; wages no oojeci; city or country. AT 538. Oregonian. WANTED A home for a strong, obedient boy, age IS years, to work and go t school. N 487, oregonian. JAPANESE, gentle and honest, wishes po sition: has experience housework. B 60S. Oregonian. BT experienced man and wife on ranch, or will run same on snares, tasmussen. 25H4 1st st. ,', EXPERIENCED cleaner and presser. also wagon driver, desires steady position, phone Sunday Of evenings, A 4440. 1 YOUNG mart, 24 years old. wants work on farmf good worker, reasonable wages, ft 518. Oregonian. WORK In warehouse or as watchman b middle-aged man; sober and references. O 610, Oregollian. UNIVEREITY mai with teaching experience, will tutor student In high school work X 487, Oregonian. YOUNG married man wants work. L'66I. Oregonian. JA FANK boy want housework. M 520. Oregonian. BAND reesawer, upright or horizontal. Ap ply Joimson. 28 ij North 2d. ' MAN wants position as watchman. Well recommended. K 402. Oregonian. YOUNG Chinese wishes employment; speaks good English. AK 548. Oregonian. CARPENTER wants work, either small con. tract or day work. Woodiawn 1164. WANTED Work during noon hours by bus boy. for his board. Y 471. Oregonian. JAPANESE boy would like afternoon work from 1 to o. main oozi, a oi. YOUNG man wishes work of. any kind at nlg'.it. X 4SS. Oregonian. WPiT NURSE Competent take entire charge of child; best references. T 401, Oregonian. W' ANTED Smokestack painting by anex perlenced man. Call Marshall 4S86. HOUSE window cleaner, floors, furniture re pollshed; hour or job. Main 866. Martin. Miscellan TRAVELING salesman, who for the last 10 years hs repre sented American lirmi In China and other parta of the Far Bait, wants position. B 52$ Oregonian. 1 AM a Jewelry salesman, having had six years' experience with a large Eastern firm. Am considered a good salesman, especially on watch movements. Will make a valuable man for some concern needlns the services of a salesman. Am at present engaged, but 1 desire to make a change 8 years of age and married. P. O. Box 464. Hermlaton, Or. C, F. Morrow. A YOUNG man of 24 years of age, having had experience In 'general store, groceries a specialty, safe, reliable and can fur nish best references; guarantee you no bad habits by last employers; all I ask Is an opportunity. Phone Tabor COS. 4U-'S s. t;. WANTED A position as superintendent or foreman for a mining company; have had 20 years' experience In California and Nevada; thoroughly understand handling men; have never been mixed up In strikes or labor troubles. Address 3., 250 Vs Har rison St., Portland. YOUNG man, age 80, experienced lumber man, an expert bookkeeper, salesman, timekeeper and manager, able to take care of any yard, sawmill or some other business, desires position; A-l references. Address W 603. oregonian, YOUNG man wishes position In building contractor's office; several years in arch itects office; can make complete plans, etc.; would like chance to work on bidg. part oi time, sunreia aj iiw. vhbuuiw.. MIDDLE-AGED single man, experienced Jan Itor and stationery engineer, wants pugi- t!n in rnwn nr nnt nf town. Call Mr. O. Klmmel. Woodiawn 1150, or address 90 East lith St. North. WANTED By sober and Industrious young man, position driving automobile for pri vate party or family; all-around experi ence as driver and repair man; refer ence. AE 622, Oregonian. MAN with 25 years' practical experience wishes to take charge of dairy farm ioi term of years; wages $75; 1-3 of same tu go on payment for 6 acres good land. Al oregonian. APARTMENT-HOUSE manageri position wanted as such; 1 can keep your apart men is full, neat and clean; 1 am thorough in this line; permanent; salary reasonable. V 402, Oregonian. WELL-EDUCATED vounsr man wants nosl tlon with contractor or builder; 10 years' experience residence Construction; good draftsman; can design and superintend. F 613. Oregonian. , A MAN with srood experience on aufo matlo sprinkler system, can do the re pairing, handy with machinery and tooio, like to have work at this kind; good ref erences. R 640, Oregonian. MECHANIC, expert locksmith, good bench machinist, areneral lobbinK. mechanical re pairing, wants position. Highest- refer ences. Call or address Mechanic, irfiz row ere st.. East Bt. Johns. AMBITIOUS vounr colleee man with a busi ness education would like a place with a reliable Portland firm. K 408, orego nian. 16-YEAR-OLD German boy wants a place where he can work for room and board and go to school evenings. Inquire Mon day at 24tt Tillamook su YOUNG man attending Holmes Business Coll3gs desires place to work for his room and board outside of school hours. Call Main 613. A 2654. YOUNG married man wishes any kind of a position whereby he can earn fair liv ing; references. H. Stevenson 189 13th su Phone Marshall 4772. NEWSPAPER man, competent, reliable, ex perienced, all departments, capable tak ing charge, desires position, live country paper. O 621, Oregonian. 2 INDUSTRIOUS Filipinos wish work In hotel, restaurant or boarding-house; do cooking; flrst-class waiter; 6 years' ex perience. Write AR 488, Oregonian. JAPANIsSE young man. gentle and honest, wishes position In good family, waiter and housework, city or country. K. AkL -7 Everett St., Portland. POSITION wanted B young man of 23, high school education, business experience: best of references. Room 18, Esmond Ho tel. CHAUFFEUR wishes position; private fam ily preferred; two years' shop experience; best seferences regarding character and ability. AV 300. Oregonian. COOK, 10 years experience, desires posi tion In hotel or first-class family bo ird-Ing-house. best of references. Phone Main 0117. WANT work as chauffeur and repairing; 1 have experience; will .give reference if heeded. Call at home, S67 Vancouver ave Name, Mr. Thurman Cox. STUDENT 0 N. P. Dental College wishes to build and keep up fires, etc., In home of refined people for his room and board. AB 45S, Oregonian. POSITION ss Janitor, watchman; middle aged, married man. Tabor 21163 or B 628. Oregonian. ' NIGHT or day watchman, understand steam heating; work for very reasonable wages; city references. Woodiawn 2764. WANTED Work In apartment-house by ac tive elderly man with experience; very moderate wages. 8 606. Oregonian. REGISTERED Eastern chauffeur destres em ployment; references furnished. Room 726 Y. M. C. A. . CLEANING and pressing: young man" would like to learn the business. AS 675, Ore gonian. - - JAPANESE boy wishes any short housework before 11:30, mornings only. AT 621, Ore gonian. A GOOD' general business man not afraid of work Just arrived in Portland and wants employment. AO 501. Oregonian EXPERIENCED Japanese house cleaner wants work by day or steady. Main 6281, A 8640. POSITION by traveling salesman in or out of cltyi A-l references. K 4&J, Ore. gonian. i CARPENTER wants Job work, any kind. East 2050. MTCATIONS WANTED FKMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenograph-rs- WANTED A position as assistant book keeper and cashier; can operate type writer; good references. Phone Woodiawn :40. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, with knowl edge of stenography and billing, wants permanent position ; city references. Phone Sellwood 1501. GIRL with some experience In typewrit ing and general office work, desires po sition. R 037, Oregonian. . EXPERIENCED bookkeeper desires posi tion; will consider work by hour or after noon. AR 4S6, Oregonian. A-L STENOGRAPHER and bookkeepet wants position; references furnished. Ta bor 3845. COMPETENT stenographer wants dictation or copy ' work; -own machine; evenings ' considered. East 6718. A LADY, experienced eomptometer operator, wishes position; also able to operate type writer. AN 401, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED and reliable stenographer desires position; references. AB 478, Ore gonian. ' COMPETENT iwnographer, several years experience, wishes position. Marshall 707. room 25. NUMBER one bookkeeper, desires- position; city references. East 1872. Dreesina kera. FASHIONABLE dressmaker would like a few more engagements by the day; $2.50. AP 627, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED dressmaker. talloress, wishes engagements In families or home; alterations. Main ozi. FASHION A RLE dressmaking; dresses $6 up; waists $1.50 up; skirts $3 up; references Phone E. 2207. DRESSMAKING Dresses and suits, prices reasonable. 2M 13th St., corner of Main. Phone Main e(105. SEWING by the day. children's clothes and remodeling a specialty, $2. Phone Sell- wood 14fif. EXPERIENCED dressmaker and taPoress - will make engagements by the day. Phone East 1330. DRESSMAKING by day or at home. A 4IKH Main 7219. Apt- 4. EXPERIENCED dressmaking done by the day or at home. A 7504. DRESSMAKING, flrst-elass work. Main 0302. 221 13 th St. West. LADY coatmaker; work done at your home. AH 515. Oregonian. PLAIN sewing by the day. Phone Tabor 2420. . SEWING by the day, $2. Call Marshall 42R8, room 8. . . GOWNS and suits reasonable. 1019 E. 6th North. Wdodlawn 60S. - DRESSMAKING and tailoring hy the day out. Phone Marshall 1.95. WANTED Dressmaking In the home. Main 4S31. Address .409', Jackson St. RELIABLE dressmaking hy the day or home. Phone Aiarsnau eiuo. DRESSMAKER wishes engagements! best of references) S a day. Main 87.14. EXPERIENCED dressmaker from the Easl wishes engagements by the day or week: plain and lancy aewlng, also tailoring. Phone o ibw4. MLLE De B1LLANT. 655 Wash. tElla-sl. . , ..no . o.nin.iva Vrenctl entrance, mam designs gowns, suits, waists, etc. DRESSMAKING, alterations of plain sew- i h.. - i,.if r OAn Runt S4R5. SKWINO by the day by experienced dress- jk'ursea. NURSE masseur would like a few more pa tients; will give treatments for rheuma tism. Main 6477. . NUKSE wishes engagements; terms, rea- sonaoie; some 11 u ue chui , ra, , Main 6638. EXPERIENCED nurse wants engagement for confinement or care of Invalid; ref.; Sell wood 1675. . EXPERIENCED nurse, would give bathi, massago or hourly nursing afternoons; reasonable rates. Main 6089. TRUSTWORTHY girl wishes position as child's nurse; references. M 610, Orego nian. or 882 E. 1st North. PATIENTS cared for In homo of graduate nurse; special treatment for rheumatism, tuberculosis, etc. Phone Columbia 460. YOUNG LADY DESIRES PLACE CARING FOR CHILDREN BY HOUR OR DAY. W 400, Oregonian, IF YOTJ need practical nurse, pnono Main 718. RELIABLE woman wishes to mind children evening; best references. Main 238& COMPETENT practical nurse; doctor's ref erence. M 6037. . NURSE wants care of Invalid; experienced In giving rubbings. C 67. Oregonian. BY capable woman, care of invalid or old person. D 484, Oregonian. Housekeepers. REFINED and neat widow who takes great Interest In a home desires position as housekeeper In widower's home, hotel or rooming-house. Address H. L., 833 13th at. UNINCUMBERED experienced, capable and ill,- i -w 1. 1, nniitlnn In reuuuie nuuKinccijci idub - - hotel r widower's family; no trlflers need answer u. ui ivm pi. YOUNG widow. with daughter 12. experl enced, references, wants position as keeper In widower or bachelor's home. Box eoi, ot. tfonus. .. A REFINED middle-aged lady with daugh ter, trom ast, wimbb 1111.0 keep for one or two gentlemen; small wages. n oe. v,resy"""- NEAT and respectable young widow wishes position as nwuBcMoici u. that would appreciate a good little house. keeper. uvso. uregumau. a rtmiKTIlN larlv desires liailt house keeping in small family of adults, be ginning nrst OI fliovemuer. o gonian. CAPABLE, congenial widow would keep house for gentleman's club or widower. AE oso. oregonian fi.n . " ' . 1 1. - K 1- vA.. wlnW with a girl of 4 years. Tel. Tabor 1341, or w wo, oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED widow wants position as housekeeper In small lamny. Keierences, J 662. OregOnlan. CAPABLE housekeeper and dressmaker; widower's family, club or rooming house; references. 221 13th st. West. Main 6302. LADY wants position' as housekeeper for hotel or roomlng-nouse; city or wjuuiij experienced. T 400, Oregonian. CAPABLE, refined young woman (with boy 5 years) desires nouseKeeping tor geuitia man. AJ D10. Oregonian. SITUATION as housekeeper; neat and fine cook. Address Mrs. Irene uoweu, iti r.. 41st St., Chicago. 111. . WANTED Position as house-keener for rooming-house, or widower. Middle-aged widow. Main us. POSITION as housekeeper. Call or write Mrs. Mary Dean, 3Q Kusseu. REFINED widow wishes position as house. keeper for gentleman. AM 517. Oregonian, Domestics. EXPERIENCED slrl wants general house work: good home preferred to high wages. Call B-ia. E. zsai. FIRST-CLASS lady cook will go out cook ing for parties. A 1548. LADY would like position as housework. mornings, call -rarjor bo::, aiunuay. tllirelianemift. WANTED, November 1st. by middle-aged Swedish girl, general housework In small family 130. P dzb. oregonian. POSITION as private branch exchange oper. ator; eight years' experience. X 478. Oie. gonian EXPERIENCED saleslady wants position In bakery. References. Call or address 1842 Powers St.. t;aBt bt. jonns. FluST-CLASS piano teacher from Brussels desires nunlls: 75o per lessen. 106 I.ownsdale. LADY wants day work, general house clean. Ing, Ironing, washing, t'none alter o r. at., a lOil. uaui expert in mums pnutv-, t,mcuuii,. landscapes, etc.; orders solicited for the nOllaays, reasonaoie. r-nuup mam ouj. YOUNG GIRL wants a private exchange; store work or offlce work. Miss R. Miller, pnone .i 1003. MARRIED woman wants rooming-house to take care of. Call Sunday from 8 to 10 A- M. Tabor 804. COMPETENT woman wishes housework or cooking. Call or direct itvft is. w West side oniy. EXPERIENCED cook with boy 12 years, wants position; best of references. J 674, Oregonian. WANTED The care of a child; excellent home, no other children. Very reasonable. Phone East 4560 or call 750 E. Couch st. vnTTNO' ladv. emnloyed 8 to 6. wishes place as companion, in family, will assist; not , far out. B. 02(0. EXPERIENCED music teacher gives two piano or mandolin lessons, 75c. Main 471 . VERY competent laundress wishes work first of week; Desi reterences. D viv, viwvj- lan. W NTED By Christian, motherly lady, care of one or two children. Call 1030 Front St., near coroett. A YOUNG lsdy. "Swedish," wishes posi tion, any kind, where she can learn the language. Phone M. peai. mrs. Aimerauu. WANTED DAY WORK. PHONE E. 13S9: rirn rrrnTlTMa. ilraoerles. blankets laun dered by expert; 25 cents up. Tabor 317. AN experienced all-around talloress In men's elothlns. R 517. oregonian. EXPERIENCED laundress wishes day work. East 3388 from 1 to v r. na. miij. LADY Wishes Janitor work or work from 0 to 6. East 388. 7 to 9 P. M. CAPABLE woman wants day Work. Phone main wui. WOMAN wishes work by the day or half day. Sellwood I84u. , DAY work or office eleanlng. 6771, room 74. . . Phone Main LACE curtains washed by an expert. Tabor 2445. Mrs. jcolt. WANT day work, 25o hour, no half day- 1 apor z-i-if. . FIRST-CLASS laundress wants work by the day. East 20:9. MOTHER'S helper, week days, 9 to t D 404. oregonian EXPERIENCED colored laundress wishes day'q Ironing. Marsnau sjzo, YOUNG sir) wants place to work for room and board. Main owwo. RELIABLE woman wants work by the hour. Phone East I4a, room ai. MOTHER'S helper $1.60 day or 23o hour. 489 East Burnsiue st. COMPETENT woman desires day- work. Ta bor 693 after 6 P. M. EXPERIENCED woman wants houseclean- Ing, 20C per nour. iciepiiuue luuur 0009. DAY'S work wanted by colored woman. Main 1101. .. - WOMAN wants work by day or hour. Room a. Phone t;asii YOUNG lady desires position cashier; expe rienced In hotel work. A 4T5t Main 2039. FIRST-CLASS laundress wants work Mon. and Wed.; references. Woodiawn 1011. REFINED lady wishes reception work in doctor's office. L 662. Oregonian. WANTED Washing. Phone East 6030, room 10. . . . . MIDDLE-AGED helpful lady companion, city or country. AR 618. Oregonian. BOARD and tdom In exchange for planb and language icaamip. n u,. vicguiimu. WIDOW Wishes day work. Phone Marshall 20 WANTday work for Wednesdays or Thurs- if roll Marshall 1SS.K. U . a, n., . . I ady from London and Paris; piano and .. v. , .. I. .... Fnr.p,.,,, Itfuin AiTi prencii; tn.n. . v... w.... y-... LACE curtains hand laundered. Special prices to hotels. Pnone Main 14t. WILL care for children any time day or night ; responsible person. C 3293. LADY caterer will take small banquets or dub dinners, phone Marshall 2394. v cXpABLB woman wants flay work. Room 15. Main 2260. WANTED Washing and ironing. Main 8424. A WELL-KNOWN, competent, reliable lad. would like work in smau mono, 1 home, medium wages: or escort, care 01 children, baby, any time of day. or even ings. A oSM, ask for Mrs. Potter, or Marshall 1372 Sundays ana utter o NORWEGIAN young lady wants light nousewora or eecoiiu wuis. -- -- this country six months. . Preier a good home. S59 Montana ave., or call W ood- lawn 10TS HAND-EMBROIDERY, eyelet, French scal lops BUU lliuuueiiia, 1. -. V prices reasonable. Call or addresa SJj 28th st. WW car to Gladstone ave., '.1 block soutn. WANTED Home In private family where 1- wn.ll.l tt II fW(- I R t ft thtt company of a refined and cultured busi ness woman In exchange for room and Doaro. W WQ, oregoiimii. BY an experienced woman of rooming-house or hotel business, or wouia nite a pus.uun as working housekeeper for 12 or 15. Give reference. Call Marshall 1054. or 467 7th st after 2 o'clock FlitST-CLASS photographic retoucher de sires work by the piece or position in studio; best references. Phone C 2436, rnoio netoucner, ai r rcciimm J - WANTED Position by an up-to-date busi ness woman as saleslady, apartment-house manager or traveling position; first-class references. W 497, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED teacher holding New York Life Slate certificate, desires pupils; all common school branches. Phone East 0773, WANTED By a refined, capable woman a - 1 ,n.ll.- c am Inriv'a Home kvuu ,u.,j, - r companion; references. AM 614, Ore gonian. -. MIDDLE-AGED woman desires day work Cot Tuesday and Wednesday of each week. Call Woodiawn 840. COMPETENT, reliable woman would llk work by day or hour. Mrs. Felton. Phons ' A 7116. PRIVATE lessons In Latin, German, peome iiy. aisebra. Main 3783. between 6 ano 3 P. M. YOUNG LADY DESIRES PLACE CARINO FOR CHILDREN, BY HOUR OR DAY. V 504. Oregonian. EX-WAITRESS wishes position In hotel In city or nearby. AT 619, Oregonian. ENGLISH girl desires housework or care in valid, small family. N 472, Oregonian. .WANTED AGENTS. A LARGE WELL KNOWN COMPANY about to spend $100,000 on a tremendous ad vertising campaign, requires the services of a bright young man or woman in each town and iltv. The work la easy, pleasant and hljhly respectable, and 110 previous experience Is necessary, we "in py -good salary and otter an unusual oppor tunity for advancement to the person wno ccn furnlBh good references. In addition ,n i.i- ... nrf.. - hiavtvell auto mobile, a Ford automobile and over $3000 In prizes to the representatives ooing i" beet work up to December 31. In your letter give age and references. Address ira b. Kooinson, Advertising j-as-. 2048 Beverly St., Boston, Mass. VACUUM CLEANER YOU CAN ATTACH TO ANY CARPET SWEEPER. w nat nas osen uemuuucu w ua.o ' fected by combining a vacuum cleaner witn a carpet sweeper. v, e can pin you In territory. People wiil not tell you some other asent has been ahead of you. There Is no other like it. Patented. Write for photograph and terms. HArtVEY CORPORATION. . People's Gas bidg., Chicago. AGENTS tret busv. Here's what all want. Sell "Zanol" concentrated extracts for making liquors at home. Something new at last. Saves over 50 per cent of liquor dealers' price; guaranteed strictly legiti mate; small package; large profits; enor mous demand; territory being snapped up; write or wire today; we'll show you now to make money quicx. universal 1111 port Co., Dept. 552, Cincinnati, O. AGENTS, free steam cooker with every bot. tie fnrnltiirM r,nllH. extracts, baking pow der, toilet soap, tea, etc.; established 60 years; outfit tree; exclusive territory, thousands of premiums, make $7 a day. Manufactures, No. 89 River St., Portland. Mich. AGENTS on salary or commission. The greatest agent's seller ever produced; everv uMr of nan nnrl Ink buvs it on sight; 200 to 600 per cent profit; one agent s sales amounted to $620 In six days; another 9sJ in two hours, saonroe oirg. Co., X., 44, La Crosse. Wis. AGENTS, here's beet line of flavors, per fumes and toilet preparations ever onereu no caDital needed: fine sample oase fur nished to workers. Write qulok for full particulars. American Products Co., 6299 sycamore St., t-incinnati. o. START In business. I etartsd as agent, now big manufacturer. I'll start you. Men of ability wanted to open branch offices, so licit business and employ sub-agents. No money needed. write today. u. .. Swartsbaugh Co., box 22, Toledo, O. JUST coin money selling new Improved ho siery direct from mill with our big ad vertising offer. You can make S25 daily. Everybody buys. Credit. Samples in leatherette case free. New Improved Knit ting Mills, Chicago, IF you have some money offer you ex clusive territory for counties In Oregon, Washington and Idaho on article made In Portland; every merchant and farmer will buy; is a money-maker. Address v onae, Co., 327 Worcester Bids'., Portland, Or. WANTED Agents, either sex. sell guaran teed hosiery; 70 per cent profit: goods re placed free If hole appears: experience un necessary. Address "Wear Proof," West Philadelphia, Pa. QUICK-SELLING vacuum cleaner, powerful sweeper type. r ree samples 10 nusuerB. Make hlsr money employing sub-sgents. experience unnecessary. Vacuum Co., 1483 security blug.. Chicago. ADVERTISING PIPES, sell to all merchants. Commissions liberal. Sales easily made. Sample free. Japanese Novelty Co.. t'lin ton. Iowa. AGENTS wanted to sell something new every woman needs It; good money for hustlers. Apply between s:4v and lv a. M., room 408, 85 M 6th st. EXCEPTIONAL opening for high-grade . specialty salesman to represent us In this city; goods soiu to an mercnants. c a.. 1416 Carroll ave., cnicago. AGENTS wanted, both In and out of town; something new: an automobile necessity; my agents are making Wg money. Write tor particulars. Koom ai?, wncox mag. $20 DAILY, easy sales, big profits, selling 50c eheet musio 6c; latest lilts, best pub lishers, largest variety; write quick. Pub lisher, Sllverton. Chicago. AGENTS Learn about the profits made supplying perfumes to families. Address LhFFLER ft CO.. Indianapolis, ino. WANTED Book, photo and picture agents. dandy noiiday oner; start quica. eui Dekum bidg. for Chantauuua drawlnir board. Anulv H F. Leonard. 819 Mohawk bids.. Sunday 3 to 6 H. M. ; Monday, to II A. M. AGENTS wanted to Sell hominy, Boston brown bread, etc. Apply Boston Baked Bean Co., weidier St., near v. imams ave. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. WE WANT TO RENT YOUR HOUSE. flat Phone Main 2363. store. apartment. MATS-REED CO., 207 Railway Exchange. WANTED Furnished house, flat or house keeping rooms by married couple. Wrlta or phone Japanese Consulate, 10 Henry Diag. WE have tenants now waiting to rent nrst class houses and data THB FRED A. JACOBS CO., Main 6369. 8GK Washington st. A. 6267, RESPONSIBBLEW couple would like to rent a small modern lurnlfihed nouse or tlat; West Side preferred; for Nov. 1; must be reasonable. Marshall 3ttH. WE can rent youi place for you. Watson & Therkelsen Co.. 105-303 Spalding bidg. M. 791. WANTED Small, well-furnished, modern house. West side; adults. AG 604. Ores nlan. FOUR or five-room modern furnished flat; no objection to young baby; can furnish references. L 655, Oregonian. WANTED To rent, 6 or 7-room house, thor oughly modern. In a desirable location; no children: $115 a month. A 2703. SMALL furnished flat, eottage or bungalow, not over 20 minutes' walk from Union de pot; state price; adults. F 499, Oregonian. WANTED Furnished cottage, space for . ciiicKens; not over $8. phone Main 2452. Rooms. WANTED Furnished room (gentleman) lo cation Grand ave. and East 12th St., Haw thorne district; glvs particulars. AP 649. Oregonian WAITED hy a lady employment in a Cath olic family; home privileges; central. .AO 602, Oregonian. YOUNG man. with good references, wishes to work for room or board In private home on fciast aide, a sup, oregonian. WANTED -$60,000, 6 years, t per cent; high-class, olose-ln apartment house, lOOx .,5. .l.. tisnn,., r, r.30 r,.. I a WANTED Comfortably furnished room on Portland Heights, moderately priced ;not In rooming-house. AO 003, Oregonian. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. West Side; state price, location. N 489, Oregonian. Lady wishes room with private family, reasonable rent. D 483, Oregonian. Xs O clean, furnished rooms, bounded by 2ld. loth, v asnington anu aiuiaua.,,, mother and boy. boy goes to school, mother employed; bourd for boy If con venient: state price and location. N 488, DrM-rnnlan. TWO young ladles want 1 or 2 rooms id private family for the Winter, where light housekeeping will be allowed: witnin i blocks of 3d and Morrison. O &li, Ore gonian. WANTED Rodm In npartment-house or In mndern home by party rareiy in, musi be first-class, in Nob Hill district, north of Gllsan and east 01' 20th St.; state price. AF 588. oregonian. WANTED By family of three adults, three or four unfurnished rooms or siJiruucui. Will share a flat. Strictly modern and close In. Ladd school district. Can fur nish best of references. Main 2.1 1 4. WANTED 3 or 4 furnished rooms wtth re fined private family, jiousexeipiiis ind ulges, walking distance. Give full partic ulars and terms K 495, Oregonian. . YOUNG lady, employed, wishes room with board, walklner distance, west it erance". E 534, OregonlanJ Rooms With Board. YOUNG MAN wants board and room with private family witnm a it Washington st. between 6th and 16th. State terms. T 475. Oregonian WANTED Nov. 1, by a middle-aged single . gentleman, board and room 111 prw family, near carllne; state terms. AN 613, Oregunlan. WANTED By three adulls. board with re fined family, walking distance, uivo mu particulars and terma Address, K 496, Oregonian. A YOUNG lady wants room and board with private lamliy, best 01 reierenotra fi nished. Answer G 4S3, Oregonian, stating price and location ' CLOSE In on West Side, 8 furnished house keeping rooms, or room ano ooaru, iur young married couple. Full particulars. N, 491, Oregonian. LADY employed wishes room and board with private family, walking distance. East Side preferred; state terma 637, Oregonian. OFFICE man wants room and board In Pre vate family, on East Side, walking ritna tance, E. Morrison and Grand ave. D 4 Hi, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN with reference wants board and room, strictly firlvate family, on West Side; state terms. AT 620, Oregonian. YOUNG man wishes modern quiet room, private family preferred. F 622, Ore gonian. WANTED Good homo for year-old baby boy by the month: references. 614 Powell. Phone Sellwood 238. LADT wishes board and room In private family. Y 4S7. Oregonian. FOB RENT. iiooui. FURNISHED, also unfurnished rooms very suitable for gentlemen. Xamm bidg, 1st and Pine. ll'nrnlahed Rooms. LNOELA HOTEL Under new management. 625 Washington street. Large lobby, finished In mahogany, tile and marble; ladles' parlor, with elegant fireplace; free telephone service In rooms all night and day. electrio elevator, steam heat, hot and cold water In all rooms, many with bath. A residential hotel abova reproach, where every effort la made for the comfort and convenience of its guests; rents the most reasonable in the city; rooms by the day, wsek or month. Look this over before locating. Take "W" car at depot, get oft at luth and Washington. ALDER HOTEL, 4th and Alder streets. New -elnforced concrete building, tinder new management Why not have a room right down townf They are well fur nished, right In the business center of the city. All have hot and cold water, many with baths and all other niodern conveniences, prices most reasonaoie by month, wetk or day. Investigate before locating. Any car from depots pass with in one block of hotel. HOTEL ALTON. 11th and Stark. . Under new management New brick building. Thoroughly renovat ed. Nice large lobby. Elevator and every modern convenience. Exceptionally low rates. Quiet, orderly, comfortaoe bee our rooms before locating. Close to business center. HOTEL ALTON. 11th and Stark. HOTEL WASHINGTON, 12th and Washington Sts. Under new management Several good suites from $5 up for three or tour people; a suites, with Oath, for 8 or 4 people, from $8 up per week; single rooms, front $3 per week up. All with hot and cold water and all modern conveniences. Same price for 2 people lu a room. HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL M1NOOK PARSONS ROWLAND On Fourth St., running from Salmon to Taylor sta In the heart of the city. Brand new brick with all modern conveni ences. Olferlug special rates to permanent guests Rooms from $360 per week up. lounst trade solicited. Give us a call and you will look no furtner All newly furnished, clean as wax; well heated; also largo suites with two beds. $4 and up; also housekeeping rooms, sin gle and en suite, $K.oO and up. Hotel Cadillac, 8d St., near Jefferson. Desirable people oniy. Northeast Corner 13th sod Morrison. Beautiful Slid elegant, all that could be desired in a hotel is the newly-opened Athens. Evory modern convenience ana luxury is here for the comfort of guests. inuw reuuy iur uucupain. HOTEL NETHERLANDS, 126 13th St.. at wasn. Rooms with detached bath $3.60 to $3 per week; rooms with private bath. $22.5l to $7.00 per month; a flrst-clnss residen tial hotel under the personal management of the owner. J. W. Jlusliong. THE NEW CAMPBELL, 23d and Hoyt WILL OPEN NOV. 1. Thoroughly modern residence hotel, brick, running water and telephone In each, room; excellent meals, good service. Main 75U4. HOTEL SAVON. ' 131 Eleventh Street New. modern brick building: steam heated 1 private baths, hot and cold water in rooms, beautltully furnished, cosy, com fortable; rent reasonable, call and see us, Regular and transient trade solicited. HOTEL RAINIER. One block from Union Depot. 140 out side rooms, with all modern conveniences. Making special rales to permanent guests. Rales trjm $10 per month up. Give us a call and you will be more than pleased. 1J8 N. Oth at . THE ARTHUR HOTEL. Eleventh, between Morrison and Yam hill; recently opened; every modern con venience; conducted above reproach; plen ty of hot water and heat; beautiful lobby and parlor; rates $11.50 up; XiJ.ail and up, with private bath. Free phones. HOTEL SAN MARCO. 422 WASHINGTON ST., COR. 11TH. Just renovated; beautifully furnished slngie and double roms. private baths: $3 per week and up; steam heat, hot and cold water In every room; both phones HOTEL LA SALLLE, lOlll and Burnslde st. Absolutely fireproof; new and eitgantly furnished rooms; private baths, su-am heal, hot and cold water, private phonea In each room; special rates by the month. Phone Marshall 4049 HOTEL CALUMET, 150 park st, very central, European and American plan; homelike service In dining room at reasonable price; $1 European, XI American. Special rates per ween. VAN GORDER HOTEL. 105V4 Twelfth St. Marahali 2790. In heart of business district; Bteam heat, hot and coid water, free phone in every room; $1 day and up; It wek and up. HOTEL REN WICK Ideal home for bust, neus people; centrally located; elegant rooms; all modern conveniences; 7th ana Taylor sts., 1 block from Portland Hotel, opposite Hellig '1 heater. Main 916. THE COLONIAL, 105 10th St., line sulie of 2 handsome large rooms on Mist Hour; all mouern conveniences; $36 per month for 3 or 4 gentlemen; also some single rooms upstairs, to.oo ana G1LMORE. 131 1. 10th St., cor Alder Clean. well lurnieueu, wi-in uc., . quiet place; transient and permanent; plenty hot water; free baths; both phones, 60c a day up; $2.50 to $3 a week. TASTILY furnished rooms, clean, steam heated; plenty of hot water all rooms; rates reasonable. Maxwell Hall, 14th near Taylor. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM Ella and Waehlng- speclul guest rales by the month. Phone Main 31. HOTEL FORD Strictly ' modern, private pnOllCB ill Bll . , for. Lucrotla, near entrance to City Park. t'none Aiain -. THE LARRABEE. 2271. Larrabee. Rooms sz ana up; u,,i.ie u... and cold water, bath, phone, electricity. HOTEL CONGRcaS, beautltully furnished rontll wltn ull muuein cuu.euieiicaa. oin and Main. NICELY" furnished room, walking distance. steam heated, pnone. aiain eoi.