The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 27, 1912, SECTION TWO, Page 11, Image 27

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710-711 LEWIS BUM.
MARSHALL 4200. A 7158.
These are actual values. We squeeze
out Inflation and trade what you have
for what you want on an equable oasis.
$1800 Two residence lots In Mock tract
and cottages on 25th street, to trade
tor acreage near town or canine.
!0Ofl Will trade a clear valne In resi
dence for lot Inside SSth. between
Sandy road and Morrison.
$2064 5 acres at Woodburn; well Im
proved; to trade tor lots In Portland.
$3000 S good city lots, unincumbered, to
trade tor property in or ' ow .
(2500 Choice of number of business and
residence lots In thriving town up
state to trade for automobile. Actual
values, and In a live town.
$3500 no acres: SH million feet yellow
pine; unincumbered, to trade for Port
land residence.
13500 Unincumbered residence site 11600
and $2000 ten-acre orchard, to trade
for equity In Portland house with
- value not over $6300.
$3800 Good new bungalow, modern; at
tractive location; to trade for lota,
acreage or mortgage.
Selection from several clear lots
to exchange for a clear residence on
East Side.
14600 7-room boose In highly Improved
district; nearly clear; to trade for
acreage or small farm.
JS800 First mortgage. 3 years, 7 per cent,
to exchange for stock ranch : W II
lammette Valley preferred. W ill as
sume up to $8500.
$5500 20 acres, unincumbered, 14 miles
out on United Electric, to exchange
for Portland home of equal value.
$6004 8-room house In Seattle and some
cash to trade for a good alfalfa or
- diversified ranch.
$7000 8-room house; small Incumbrance
to trade for small farm. Will assume
MARSHALL, 4200. A 7158;
Location near Ladd's Addition, corner
lot. finest built-in conveniences, large
fireplace, ' hardwood floors, beam ceilings,
east front, 2 blocks from cars restricted
district; will take lot to $1500. In part,
and allow easy payments on remainder.
House has been held at $4900; present
price $4200 If quick.
1 Strictly modern 5-room bungalow, built
in sideboard, butler's pantry with sink,
put up by day labor, clear of Incumbrance,
Rose City Park. Will accept lot in ex
change to value $1000 and make very
easy payments on remainder. Price $3000.
710-718 Lewis bldg..
4th and Oak.
Marshall 42O0-. A 715S.
L DANDY 5-room modern bungalow In
Waverleigh Heights, splendid built-in con
veniences, butler's pantry with sink, china
closets large bath. Consider any good
trade proposition, or good paper in part,
and easy payments for remainder. Price
710-71S Lewis bldg..
4th and Oak.
Marshall 4200, A 7138.
trade for acreage, raw land, good paper
or mortgages and will assume.
A $2250 equity on $6250 house, 6 rooms
and bath.
A $1760 equity on $5750 house, 7 rooms
and bath.
Splendidly finished, hardwood floors and
710-718 Lewis bldg.,
4th and Oak.
Marshall 420, A 7158.
40 acres fine Canadian wheat land,
deep black loam soil, all good, water
at depth of 25 feet; will trade for good
Portland property.
480 acres stump land, good but very
cheap; to trade for Portland property.
160 acres stump land In Clarke County.
Washington; large percentage good land;
will trade -for small house up to $3000,
and assume difference.
SO acres good land In Central Oregon,
worth $1200, to trade for Portland prop
erty, or small farm.
EC acres In Yamhill County, all bot
tom land and all In cultivation; no
buildings. Fine for potatoes and garden.
Will trade for good Portland property.
Value $6000.
80 acres In California, partly cultivated,
new house and other Improvements, living
water on place; fine soil; will trade for
unimproved acreage within SO miles of
Portlard. Value 180l.
013 Chamber of Commerce.
THE FOLLOWING props, .m iree and
clear of incumbrance; will trade any
all for close-in West Side property; will
H0 acres. Mosler land.
20 acres. Hood River.
lfiO acres. Multnomah County.
85x100, Washington St., West Side, Port
land. 20 lots. Hood River.
10 lots. Klamath Falls. '
Dwelling. Astoria. Or.
Store and hall. Laldlaw, Or.
What have you to trade for the follow
ing: 73x100, East Washington St., near 10th.
85x140. West side, family hotel site.
100x110, Corbett st.
320 acres farm land. Lake County.
320 acres timber land, Klamath County.
40 acres timber land, Jackson County.
137 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
Corner 4th and Stark.
Located mile from city limits; paved
roadway Into Portland; good 6-room house,
hot and cold water, bath, private water
work; 5 acres in full bearing apple or
chard; good garden, etc; chicken houses
with water piped thereto.
This is absolutely one of the best C-acre
suburban homes around Portland, and is
constantly Increasing In value and pays
good Income while doing no.
Price $8500: will take Portland prop
erty up to $5000 value; plenty time and
easiest terms on balance.
(19 Corbett bldg.
I an- leaving the city and will sell this
little home to the most desirable person
on practically their own terms and will
take a lot or equity In a lot. Phone Tabor
3139 or B SIS, Oregonlan.
House, barn, chicken-house, well, etc.
and 9 level, cleared lots, fine for garden
or chickens; In good town; two railroads;
price $1600; want cheap unimproved land
or city lota of equal value Call or write.
Owner, 419 Lumber Exchange bldg.
$1000.00 CASH.
And good, (unincumbered) property In
live Eastern Oregon town; cash value
$6500; to exchange for Portland or Wil
lamette valley property, or good paying
business. Main 106.
C. L. BAMBERGER. 70S' Spalding bldg.
FIVE houses and lots In Chehalls, Wash.
Income about $S0 per month. Near Court
House, on paved street. Price $15,000.
Mortgage $1600. Trade for good farm;
prefer some ' hop land. Berrey's, 249
4th St.
WiXTKD A 5 or 8-room bungalow: will
saay $10t0 cash and a fine business lot In
Walla Walla. Wash. Price $1900 for
house and lot in Portland.
Garland & Co., 181 Fourth Street.
t-'ittfi kot'ITY In 7-room. strictly modern
bungalow located In one of Portland's
best residence aistncts. to irane lor suiw;
price of property, $5800. AD 306. Ore
4sii ACRES wheat land: 450 In cultivation
5-room house, barn, windmill; on county
maii rliuit to. Lexington. Morrow County.
Price $12,000: no Incumbrance. Trade for
income property. Kerrey's. Z4H eta at.
1324 EQUITY In 80x100. graded streets.
water, etc Balance of $270 payable
monthly. Will trade equity for horse and
buggy, furniture, piano or launcn. it ato,
J WELL located lots, 40x100 each. In hard
surface district on East Side: $20-M will
exchange on good bungalow about $300v
and pay cash difference. Jdain 440-J.
FOR SALE or exchange 2 teams of young
mules, well matched and gentle and good
workers, also 3 sets of work harness, and
one good wagon. Call Sell. 20U.
HAVE clear lota and cash for 20 lo SO acres
on good road, not over 20 miles out. Want
some cleared. Berrey's Realty Co., 249
4th st.
a'lVTED A rood second-hand aut-) In cr
change on Irvington home valued at
$.0O0. fnone owner, in poo.
$2500 MORTGAGE, 8 per cent, well se
cured, for city property. R 532, Ore
-'Sto FOUITY in down town retail comer;
will exchange for good farm or platting
proposition, lipor aei-i.
MOTORCTCLE wanted In exchange for clear
lots, good value, write, i sso, uregoms
tWtn. tJf'lHVr I a. J UAV s x. I - '
exchange for clear lots, close to Union
avenue and Alberta street; value $1700;
change for 10 acres, all in 5-year-olo
Spitzenberg apples; on hard-surface road
near Salem: price $4300: also
school, for 10 acres bearing prune orchard,
H mile from electric station, near Port
land; price $4000.
for Union and Grand avenues property.
valued at $17,000; mortgage $S0OO; partly
NESS LOT, having 114 feet frontage on
andy road; price $1500. no Incumbrance.
243 Stark Street.
85 acres, 2 miles from boat landing,
a R. R. station, on the Columbia river, 12
acres' level bottom land cleare-i. 2 acres
green timber. 21 acres open pasture land:
a fine trout creek across front corner of
place; a family orchard; a good 8-room
house and large wood-houso and work
shop and chicken-house; good well and
pump; good large barn; personal prop
erty, 8 good young cows giving milk, 3
heifer calves, 2 horses and harness and
wagon. 1 buggy and harness. 10 tons hay
in barn: all farming Implements and
household furniture go with place. Price
3.i:ino. will take $1000 cash, balance in su.
burban property: will make a discount for
all cash. Call R. L. Love, 260 South Main
St., Lents. .
48 acres. Improved. 6 miles from Lyle,
Wash.: price $4500.
80 acres, near Castle Rock, Wash.; ex
cellent soil, $40O0.
140 acres near Goldendale, Wash.; well
improved, 8S40O.
SOB acres near Oakland, Or., well -Improved.
We have many other exchange propo
sitions. Call and get details.
325 Lumber Exchange. -
415 acres, very best of soil, good im
provements of all kinds, fine orchard that
will soon he Into bearing, and excellent
location, right close to Creswell. Or., In
a high-class district. Price $30,000: would
exchange for stock of goods up to $15,000
or $20,000 and give long time on the bal
ance. J. E. Smith, 414 Chamber of Com
merce. Portland, Or.
I HAVE a beautiful 7-room house In a
choice district. On account of reverses
must dispose of my equity. Will consider
a lot or acreage. No agents. AR 513, Ore
gonlan. 160 ACRES, 26 miles from Portland, In
Clackamas County; 85 acres In cultivation;
5-room house, barn, oreffard, telephone,
springs, and an ideal home. Wrlil trade
for close-in acreage, lots, contracts or
houses. Price $16,000; $5000 mortgage.
Address 252 hi East 14th. Phone East
NEW building, six stores and 48 rooms, oil
canine; win pay pei rein uu
ment. Owner financially- emharassed;
property must be sold to satisfy creditors.
Prire $18,000. Part cash, part terms or
trade. Clear title to buyer. Investigate.
F 414, Oregonlan.
WILL EXCHANGE my equity of $550 In
10 acres on Bell Mountain. Wash., 1 mile
from Yacolt and mile from R. R. sta
tion, for good piano. Call or address 1104
Portland Boulevard, St. Johns. Monday or
HAVE house and lot In Centralla, Wasn.,
lot 60x100, 7-roora house, electric lights
and water, chicken-house; price $1000,
clear of incumbrance, to exchange for
home In or near Kosehurg, Or. Jordan,
suite 619 Lumbermens bldg.
FOR EXCHANGE 80 acres on Portland
Railway. Light & Power Co.'s line, about
25 acres good beaver-dam. 65 acres good
soil and all level and easily cleared; will
exchange for good residence property. Ad
dress 401 Holladay ave.
HAVE four building sites to exchange for
for income property; free and clear; valu
fr.000- might assume: 56th and Divis
ion: principals only. Address AN 450, Ore
gonlan. I HAVE a $5300 6-room home, lot 100x135,
114 blocks from Mt. Tabor line; fruit
trees, shrubbery, roses, fine view; to ex
change for smaller home In city, or farm.
Rainier Realty Qp., 204 Lumber Ex.
I HAVB13 lots at Ryan Place; water in;
Be carfare; 18 minutes" ride on Oregon
Electric; for Los Angeles or Pasadena
property price $SKO0. Phone East 6273
or N 400. Oregonlan.
ftp to $1500 on this strictly modern 6-room
bungalow, facing east on paved street,
west of E. 30th. A first-class place and
don't nunt Junk In exchange. Tabor 2S52.
FOR SALE 4-room house, 2 corner lots;
Mt Scott car to 6th ave., 1 block east, 1
block south; you can trade auto up to
$.100 on this, with some cash, terms bal.
Hy Clarke. L. B. 184. Lents.
WILL exchange 140-acre improved farm,
near Newberg, on 8. P. electric line, $15,
500 for free and clear Portland Income
property. Cash basis only. Owners' only.
Address AN 44B. Oregonlan.
HAVE very fine suburban ranch lying ovel
half mile along Tualatin River, close to
electric line; will accept Portland prop
erty as part payment up in
GEORGE P. DEKUM. 225 Henry bldg.
FOR exchange, 120 acres of orchard land,
25 acres planted In apples: some bearing:
all fenced; good buildings running wa
ter: balance of land easily cleared; In
White Eatmon vauey. f u. nnm
WOULD trade 140x100, block from Union
ave. and Alberta streets made. 2 leases.
Income $30, value $10,000. with only a
small mortgage of $2,700, for other prop.
. ... . -i - , i cm nrEnnln
r r i . Auuicm at
8-ROOM house in Sunnyslde: gas. electrlc-
.. .. . WBMmanf ClTKft MUV ItTTTl R.
or will trade for acreage near carllne.
305- Spalding bids. M. 7592.
$3000 EQUITY In two 6-room bungalows,
ML Tabor district, two blocks to car; new,
all conveniences. What have you 7 AK 661,
845 EQUITY in 7-room modern house, re-
. . ill ......... ,nvihln nf
striciea uium, m " ... ....... -
value diamonds, furs, lot, etc Answer
WILL exchange Minneapolis Minnesota, ln-
. , - . -a. In nraran
near large city. Glenn Townsend, 921
New York Llfe Minneapolis. Minnesota.
LOT on 42dstreet. 2 blocks south of Haw
thorne, will trade my $330 equity for dia
mond or auto: a snap, phone owner. Ta
bor 73 . Thompson.
WILL trade three lots and 4-room house
as first payment on modern 6-room bun
galow, Hawthorne distiet preferred; not
over 20 minutes out. AC 613, Oregonlan.
400 TONS alfalfa hay. In stack. Eastern
Oregon, for sale: will accept good cattle
part payment. AM 4i4, Oregonlan.
FOR exchange. $1800 equity in modern 7
room house. Alberta district, Box 832.
A$10OO EQUITY In 4 full lots Joining West
moreland to trade for a good car; mort
gage 8750. Call 629 Mammon oiog.
WILL exchange beautiful Nob Hill home,
taking smaller one part pay. AM 619, Ore
BEAUTIFUL country home on 3 public
roads, suitable for subdividing. $12,000.
Box 84. route 4. jseaverton. ur.
EQUITY good lot, near Reed College, to trade
for diamond; will pay cash difference If
any. Atw u,j.
EXCHANGE a 108x136, on Willamette boul
evard, for a cheap house. Call 628 Hamil
ton blug.
AUTOMOBILE in good condition as part
pavment on house and lot, 1191 E. Hoyt.
Phone Tabor 8412.
UNINCUMBERED LOTS or acreage taken
for $2000 equitv 6-room bungalow, mod
ern close In. Owner, D 491. Oregonlan.
WILL sell equity of. $2000 in $3000 6-room
modern home at discount, or trade for
home In Spokane. Call 111 E. 47th.
FOR SALE or trade, 100 A. choice timber,
near Goldendale. Wash.; sawmill Joins
place. Mrs. A. Wnlf. Lents. Or.
$460 equity In $1300 lot for a diamond
r cheaper lot. K 483, Oregonlan.
TO TRADE equity In house and lot foi
second-hand automobile; all offers consid
ered. T 493. oreguniun.
FOR EXCHANGE One acre of land" for
diamonds or what have youH Y 491, Ore
$3000 EQUITY In modern new house, Irv
ington district, for auto and ensh. 6705
Foster rtoau. p.
SEATTLE 5-room new bungalow, $3000, to
exchange for Portland property. F 623,
SO ACRES for city property, direct from
owner; no agrnia. in"vi
FIRST mortgage to trade for city property
or acreage. B l.r, Oregonlan.
FINE LOT In Terrace Park for law books
. 1. . "I .,-,.. U. CI
Or OI11CO lurillim-c. "ui m.,'. mii
NO MATTER what you have for trade, 1
can match It. Tabor 644.
EQUITY Rose City lot for light 2-seated
roadster. Owner, Sellwood 111.
710-718 LEWIS BLDG. .
MARSHALL 4200, A 7138.
"The man who Is satisfied who has all
he needs and all he wants Is a fit sub
ject for the undertaker."
Look down this line and see If there Is
anything you want,
$8300 Mortgage $3200: fine 8-room house,
strictly modern, located on 100x100 lot
In Piedmont, to trtlde for small piece
of acreage or 2 to 6 acres up to $7000.
$$500 Mortgage $5350; 8 rooms and sleep
ing porch; located In Murrymead;
built-in cabinet kitchen; bookcases;
hardwood floors: to trade equity for
timber or unimproved land.
$10.000 Mortgage $3400; 40 acres A-l
fruit land, located 1H miles from
The Dalles, with buildings; good pump
and gasoline engine with sufficient
foroe to Irrigate all 40 acres: 5 acres
In trees: 15 acres more cleared, ready
to set, and 20 acres can be cleared for
the wood; to trade for city property
or close-in ranch.
811,500 Clear property, consist!... of vacant-
lots In Portland and close jr
acreage, to trade for apartment-houoe
up to $15,000. or. flat building.
113,000 5 clear lots located In Murry
mead; one of the best residence dis
tricts In the city of Portland; to trade
for flat building.
$12.500 Equity In t high-class houses lo
cated In Irvington. to trade for small
randi up to about $16,000 or $17,000.
$15,000 Mortgage, $7000. 14-room duplex
house, located in one of the best resi
dence districts of the city; rented for
$75 per month for one year. Will
trade equity for timber or raw land.
$l(,0O0 Mortgage, $3700, 320 acres of'A-1
fruit land, located close to The Dalles,
Oregon; about 125 acres now In grain
and ready to plant trees on, to trade
for city or nearby property.
816,000 Equity in 8 of the best houses In
Portland, located in the best districts.
to trade for farm or Eastern Oregon
wheat ranch.
$18,160 Mortgage, $4500 200 acres, close
to Eugene; 1 mile to the station. High
state of cultivation; to trade for city
$23,500 Mortgage $7000 4-famlly flat
building. 100x200 foot piece of ground
on Grand avenue, with ten-acre or
chard at Salem, to trade for diversi
fied farm near Portland.
$25,000 Clear; 80 acres; one of the finest
apple orchards In Hood River. Lo
cated close to the city, of which 10
acres are coming bearing. This or
chard is absolutely one of the finest
In Its district. Will trade this prop
erty for Income property In Port
land up to $50,000.
(25,000 Clear. 314 acres, 1 miles from
Yamhill; 200 acres In high state of
cultivation. Good buildings with
plenty of water. To trade for good
city property.
$25,000 Mortgage $1500 Apartment house
close In on the West Side with good
income, ta trade for good wheat farm
or diversified farm close to Portland.
$29,400 Clear. 840 acres, located near
Wasco, Sherman County. Will guar
antee ISOOO gross Income annually. To
trade for good city Income property.
This property will stand strict In
vestigation, has 300 acres of corn on
this year, which goes with the trade.
If you are interested In a guaranteed
proposition, answer this. If not, do
not take our time.
$30,000 Mortgage $14,000 50$ acres on
the S. P. R. near Marshfleld, Oregon;
all In cultivation except 68 acres. This
Is an A-l diversified farm with good
buildings, to trade for Portland prop
erty. '30,OO0 Mortgage $5000 187 acres of A-l
alfalfa land; 60 acres In alfalfa this
year. Four crops have been cut this
Summer. Will - trade this valuable
alfalfa ranch for Portland income
property. t
$32,000 Mortgage $3700 320 acres A-l
fruit land at The Dalles. About 140
acres cultivated; ready to set to trees;
balance easily cleared, to trade for
unimproved or timber land in South
ern Oregon.
$33 000 Clear. 11 acres warehouse prop
erty located at Mock'e Bottom, with
switch privileges, to trade for one
body of timber.
$34.600 Mortgage $3600 1920 acres A-l
wheat land in Eastern Oregon to trade
for city property.
$35,000 Mortgage $15.000 S-story brick
apartment house located on the West
Side to trade for A-l farm close to
$S7,50O Mortgage $5200 640 acres of
wheat land and 90 acres of A-l truck
land near Spokane, to trade for brick
apartment house in Portland up to
$38,000 Mortgage $18,000 8-story apart
ment house close In on the West Side;
good Income: to trade equity for land
near Portland.
$48,200 Mortgage $9000 ,144 acres fruit
land located at The Dalles. Some of
the finest and richest orchard land
In the Northwest. 45 acres of this
land Is In fuli-bearlng fruit. Balance
easily planted to trees and vineyard.
Will trade this magnificent piece of
property, for city or income up to
$60,000. Might consider diversified
farm up to $60,000.
$51,500 Mortgage $21.000 5 houses lo
cated In Irvington and Murraymead
Additions. Best residence districts in
the city of Portland, with $10,000
worth of gilt-edge mortgages that are
on farm property, ' to trade for A-l
diversified farm or Eastern Oregon
wheat ranch.
155 000 Mortgage $15,000280 acres In
Rattlesnake Flats, located " In Adams
County. Washington. This Is gilt
edge wheat land, and will trade for
residence or vacant property. Will
consider valley farm for same.
$80.000 Mortgage $16,000. 504 acres of
A-l fruit land: part fully bearing
trees and vineyard, to trade for one
Income piece of property up to $175.
000. Will assume the difference ard
pay soma cash.
1100 000 Cash and $100,000 in Portland
and Southern Oregon property to put
In on first-class office building.
1125.000 4-story brick apartment house
located close In on West Side on lot
100x100. This property pays 10 per
cent net on the entire amount. It is
leased for 10 years and will stand
strict Investigation. Will take $50,000
to $75,000 hotel or apartment house
site or will consider first-class diver
sified farm or platting proposition,
$400,000 Close in business property, show
ing handsome net return on full
amount. This property will stand strict
investigation. Is absolutely gilt-edge.
Will consider trade for part. If your
property is not gilt-edge do not an
swer this.
1500,000 Close In business property cov
ering nearly one-half block. Will con
sider up to $300,000 trade and $100,
000 cash.
710-718 LEWIS BLDG.
MARSHALL 4200. A 715S. -
120 acres In Marion County to trade for
Portland property.
80 acres of Irrigated fruit land at North
Yakima, with 40 acres Just coming In
bearing, for sale or will take clear prop
erty In Portland or Seattle as first pay
ment. -
Irrigated land. Improved or unimproved,
near Twin Falls, Idaho, for sale or ex
275 Hawthorne ave. East 2272.
78 acres on navigable river and rall-
roaa, a piace hcio juu mancr n f,
living and money, for $4000. Will take
cash value in exchange. No fictitious
values considered.
F. FUCHS, 420 Chamber of Commerce.
DO you want good Inside work for Winter7
Sickness compels me to sell apartment
house, fine furniture, long lease, eight
blocks from P. O., doing good business;
want city property or close-in acreage.
Marshall 2239. "
For Portland property; 10 acres, near
Riverside, Cal. ; set to grapes and oranges,
Full bearing; small house and barn; value
$10 000; no infiatea propositions comm
ered. C 631, Oregonlan. -
ATTRACTIVE corner. 83x100, on Williams , gooa e-room remucuce uu Lue tusiue
lot; price $9000; will take $5000 worth
of other property: remainder easy terms.
E. J. GEISKH, unamoer or yjommerce.
I 2 1 A V fj IWUUUKO jwtv b.ic c, insula,
price $600. for which I wish to exchange
for a lot 60x100, in Alameda Park. C 628,
W'ILL sacrifice new. modern, 9-room bun.
galow, good district, near carllne, for lot
and small cash payment; bargain. Phone
owner. wroodlawn 3008. '
$3500 EQUITY in large modern house, cor
ner lot. Hawthorne district, for clear lots
or acreage, m bd, uregonian.
BRICK building, Mllwaukie T!0.000 for
, oiner income propei ij uu w
$7500, ' 100x100, Belmont st,, and cash
for income property up to $14,000.
Nob Hill lot for improved acreage up
to $5000, near carllne.
Nob Hill, $20,000 residence, for valley
farm up to $12,000.
Four flats, lot 50x125. Stanton, near
Union: $10,000. part trade, some cash.
$0000 home of 7 rooms. 33d and Haw
thorne, for 5-room house.
Business property, Williams ave.. In
come $s3 per month. $11,000; take up to
$7000 In other property lats preferred.
$30,000 corner, near Morrison, for apart
ment house or other Improved property up
tO$40000HJ'co'rner, wholesale district, best
West Side location, on track. What have
you to offer? , . ,
$30,000 brick apartment house; take
West Side lot, little cash. In exchange.
SoO-acre wheat ranch, Sherman County,
under cultivation; also 700 acres, 450 un
der cultivation. Umatilla County. Would
exchange either of these for Willamette
Valley farm at $30,000, apartment or
rooming house.
Diamond, jewelry and some cash for
unincumbered -lot, ,
Unincumbered East Side property and
some cash for West Side apartment site.
6 acres and house, near Sellwood, on
O. W. P. line, for country store.
Lots In Orovllle, Cal., and some cash
for Portland property. What have you 7
Brick apartment house. West Side,
$35,000; will consider apartment site as
part payment.
Irvington flats, $9000, for lota up to
$5OO0. or merchandise.
Business property. $25,000. paying fine
Income, for combination ranch in WII-
'awestt Side "its, value $11,000. free and
clear, and cash for small apartment
h$ltU)00. all Improved valley farm ranch,
for West Side lot. ,.
Lot near 2.".th and Hawthorne. $1500,
and Alblna. home, $5000. for flats or ther
Income property.
100-acre improved farm near Beaverton.
price $l.OO0; will take trade up to $10,000.
Nob Hill, finest 100x100 corner; Price
$33,000; will consider apartment house of
same value. .
$20 000. $50,000, choice lots, restricted
district, for WeBt Side warehouse, apart
ment or other property up to $100,000.
Wheat ranch, Umatilla County, for
apartment or rooming house.
415 Chamber of Commerce.
70 acres of land. 3 miles south of
station, on ForeBt Grove Electric,
large spring, wants home.
320 acres. 250 acres In cultiva
tion; 170 sown to Winter wheat, 10
acres in alfalfa, new 7-room house
and - large barn, 18 head horses, 6
cows; price $50 per acre; will take
business in country town. "
240 acres, 200 In cultivation, 140
In alfalfa, water' free for irrigation,
10-room house, large barn and out
buildings; creek, 5 horses, all farm
tools; wants houses In city.
809 Board of Trade bldg.
you got- to trade for the furnishings
and lease of a good modern, 58
room brick hotel, right down town,
doing a good business; rent only
$6 per room; all clear and nice
new furnishings? Can give you a
good trade. What have you to
801 Wilcox Bldg.
MY Hood River orchard In exchange for
Portland property or close-in acreage; 25
acres together with $2000 modern bunga
low, splendid East Side location, close
In. rich deep soil, perfect drainage. 16
acres planted to fine variety commercial
apples, 4 acres cleared ready for plant
ing; 6 acres for home and garden; this
Is a bargain at $20,000; will sacrifice
same for $10,000 In trade; a rare chance,
good reasons to trade: deal direct . with
owners. J 665, Oregonlan.
80 acres for house and lot.
Business property, $11,500, for alfalfa
Rooming-house for acreage or lots.
Lots, clear, for Rreage.
lO acrs. clear, for business or lots.
Grocery store for house or acreage.
House and lot for acreage.
Also mortgages, contracts, etc.
We have anything you want.
GARLAND fc CO.. 191 4th St.
We have for exchange a fine 25-acre
country home place, right on electric line,
12 miles from city limits, 60 per cent In
cultivation, good six-room house, well,
orchard, outbuildings, etc.; want a com
fortable home In the city to cost not over
$3500; values must be on cash basis.
609 Spalding Bldg.
S acres, all planted to choice varieties
of commercial apples, on main county
road, only few miles out of town of Hood
River; in fine condition; 2 to 4 years old.
Price only $3500. Will accept unincum
bered residence lot in Portland as first
payment and give long time on balance.
J 572, Oregonlan.
ALFALFA FARM, 040 acres, best of water
right, splendid buildings, several hun
dred tons nf hay and grain, stock and
machinery with farm, price $70,000. no
incumbrance: owner lives in Portland and
cannot look after the farm: consider trade
for property In or near Portland: pay
difference if good property. L. K, Moore.
617 Board of Trade.
What have vou tb exehanre for any of
the following articles? Second-hand square
piano, value $125: new, small upright
piano, value $150; fine, large Columbia
horn phonograph. Including fine cabinet
and 2.-.0 records, valaie $300? AL 639.
87 ACRES 60 acres In cultivation; of this
20 acres apple trees: 40 acres grain, pas
ture, potatoes. Good house, barn. Imple
ments, 8 horses, cow. pigs, etc.; 31 miles
from Portland, rivals Hood River for ap
ple soil and drainage. $200 an acre, half
cash, balance trade or mortgage. F 4S7,
WILL" take improved or unimproved Port
land property up to $4000 as part pay
ment, balance time, on a dandy home, near
2Sth and Stanton, Irvington, 8 rooms,
sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace,
fine buffet, bookcases, vegetable and fuei
bins, the price Is $6500. A. E. Poulsen.
418 Railway Exchange bldg
160 acres. 17 acres In apples, fine Im
provements, bargain at $30,000; will ex
change for Portland rea estate; will as
609 Northwest bldg. Mar. 1080.
810 ACRES, 2V. miles from Mound City.
Kan., 2 sets improvements, price $45 per
acre. Incumbrance $1500 at 5 per cent;
want stock goods with store building in
Oregon or Washington. Owner, box 696.
Okmulgee, Oklahoma.
85-ROOM apartment house, rent less than $5
per room: well furnished throughout; this
is one of the paying houses. Price only
$3000; will trade for good clear -real es
tate to that value.
From 10 to 8 E. 38d and Irving. 7-room
modern bungalow, new", $5300: $500 cash:
will consider some exchange. Bmith-Wag-oner
Co.. 311-812 Lewis bldg.
Five-passenger Bulck car, fine condi
tion, for vacant lots In Portland or acre
age. Must be clear of encumbrance. AJ
511, Oregonlan.
800 ACRES, 160 under cultivation, clear of
Incumbrance, price $16,800. consider val
ley or Portland property, pay some dif
ference If suited. L. K. Moore, 517 Board
of Trade.
I WILL trade 20 good city lots for business
Income property, or will sacrifice for cash:
street improvements, streetcar; good school
two blocks: this Is a genuine bargain.
Phone East 162S.
WANT your equity in a dwelling for m
equity of 3200O in a fine 2-room apart
ment or rooming-house, steam heated;
modern: and newly furnished for H. K.;
Ill T flrCOIlfllll
GOOD unincumbered Portland lots to ex
change for grocery, restaurant, manufacturing-business,
or what have you? Write
full description and value. McCoy, 864
isorin .ttin st
WILL TAKE good lot as first payment on
Portland Heights bungalow. $4000. Give
location and price; no agents. Y 4S9, Ore
gonlan. WILL sell or trade Salem house and lot, 1
block from carllne. value $1500; terms
10 East 12th North. Phone A 5183,
Main t2!4,
$35t EQUITY In lot on 43st St., 1 block
from Hawthorne ave., exchange for lot in
Long Be.ach, Wash., near Newton Station
preferred, or piano. D 48S. Oregonlan.
WHAT have you to trade?
809 Northwest bldg. Marsh. 1080.
5W ACRES, hi mile from Council Crest,
for anything valuable in city. Call or
address No. 368 Victoria st.
GOOD Irvington home for land near city.
Give description and location In first let
tr. E 531, Oregonlan.
5-ROOM modern house; want California lots
or acreage. 316 Allsky bldg.
$65,000 modern, new apartment-house,
monthly Income at present uoI?r
month, to trade for a farm of $40,000 to
850.000 value. Farm must be located in
-Willamette Valley and near to electric
130-acre alfalfa farm: fully paid-up
water right, splendid land; railroad now
headed straight for the ranc:; will trade
for a good country hotel or a stock oi
general merchandise in some good town.
10 acres of fruit land in Hood River to
trade for an auto of $1000 value.
10 acres of fruit land In Orange Cpunty,
California, highly Improved, to trade for
Portland residence; $5000.
I wish to secure hi acre or 2 to 4 lots
near the Reed Institute. I will trade my
modern 8-room house, lot eoxlOO. for the
$2U 000 Income West Side business prop
erty to trade for a good, -well equipped
farm of about the same value.
819 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak.
Suburban home, 3 to 11 acres, modern
7-room house, view, fruit, berries, etc;
want city; will assume.
5 rooms, modern. 2 acres, fruit, ber
ries, chickens, fine view, near station;
want city property.
16 acres, well Improved, 8 acres orchard,
berries, onions, clover, stock; want farm
40 acres or more.
210-acre farm. 60 miles from Portland,
near good valley town. 190 acres cul
tivated, 14 cows, 7 horses, 100 tons hay,
grain, all goes; want suburban Improved
or general merchandise.
STAVER, 616 Couch Bldg.
- 1 Small printing plant.
Confectionery and cigar store.
Grocery or merchandise stock
equity In a fine little farm of over 85
acres, close to good towns on railroad
and navigable river, near Portland. 15
acres the choicest of rich black creek
bottom land and nearly all In cultivation.
About 20 acres slashed and seeded bal
ance piling timber. Fine creek; family
orchard. Nice 8-room house; barn and
other outbuildings, on main county road.
Phone, R. F. D. Close to school. Price
$3500. Mortgage for $2000 at 7 per cent
for 3 years. AT 617, Oregonlan.
We have tracts of 10 to 80 acres best
Irrigated land In Southern Idaho to trade
for Portland property. All fine, level
land, deep rich soil, free perpetual wa
ter right from state without maintenance
charge.' A gilt-edged proposition and will
double in value in next three years. Own
er will give signed description of property
and deposit cash guarantee that on in
spection It will be found as represented,
otherwise expenses. of such inspection will
be refunded.
913 Chamber of Commerce.
On best part Hawthorne ave., west of
East Twenty-second. Lot 50x112. three
cherry trees, 6-room house, built for pres
ent occupant; two fireplaces, built-in
bookcases and china closet; newly tinted
interior; screened sleeping porch. Un
excelled view. A thoroughly comfortable
home In high-class neighborhood, $6500.
Only $2500 cash will handle.
608-9-10 Northwest bldg.,
Marshall 10 SO.
I HAVE 100 shares in a Portland concern,
that is paying better than 25 per cent
dividend; par value, $100 per share. The
books of this company are open for your
Inspection. I have a valid reason for
disposing of my stock, which I will set
forth at an interview. I do not need
money, so am prepared to take in ex
change a good clear farm, or city proper
ty. Would prefer a 6 or 7-room house In
Irvington. AS 535, Oregonlan.
Some good wheat 'land In Umatilla
County to exchange for flats or other In
come property; also have Portland prop
erty to exchange for flats and clear level
acreage to trade for any kind of city
property. T. G. Montgomery. 301 Wilcox
We have 14 acres suburban acreage, 2
good business lots In the city, all free
from Incumbrance, and want to exchange
for Improved city real estate that will
show income on price asked.
609 Spalding Bldg.
OWNER needs $300 at once; have 20 acres
fine orchard land In heart of apple-growing
district; 12 acres cleared and five
acres In one-year-old trees; cheap at
$25tH; will exchange for Portland prop
erty to value of $2000 and $500 cash. Call
303 Lumber Exchange.
WOULD CONSIDER Irvington or other good
residence property In part exchange for
fine Portland Heights home 9 rooms, 3
baths, fireplace, strictly modern, large
grounds. Value $12,000. See owner, 806
Wilcox biag.
40 ACRES timber land: 4 acres Improved,
best soli, no rock, level. 2-room house,
no Incumbrance, 1 miles from Stevenson,
Wash. Will exchange for Portland proper
ty. Main 777a B. E. Brown. 715 Swet
Iand bldg.
wn.T. EXCHANGE an equity of $1650 In
house and lot. Alameda Park, for vacant
property; 7 rooms, with bath and all con
Third floor. Chamber of Commerce.
Have $5000 to $8000 unincumbered
property in Portland to exchango for
equal amount in good country town.
What have you? Jacob Haas, 308 Ger
Ilnger bldg.
40 ACRES. Eastern Oregon, 20 acres In or
chard 8 and 4 years old, balance ail
plowed; mile from good town; will
consider Portland property. O 483, Ore
gonlan WEST SIDE property netting 12 per cent,
will take $2500 in clear city property, or
good acreage; must have $3500 cash; this
property Is leased for 6 years.
5-ROOM cottage, lot SOxlOO; all In fruit; no
mortgage; 25 minutes out: 3 blocks car;
want small Improved farm for about
sirjm- nn hot sir considered.
HIGLEY & BISHOP, 201 Hamilton Bldg.
t.,. nn.nnT kulMIni, nat'ln, ft nup nt
on $20,000, with a g'ood future; will take
some real estate iu ciuuuhri:.
TOM TAYLOR. 50S-9-10 Northwest bldg
6th and Washington sts.
$30 0O0 EQUITY in $33,700 Portland resi
dence and business building and lots for
good farm or timber. Seward, 52 E. 79th
St.. city. Phone Tabor 2766.
SACRIFICE Willamette farm. $8000. en
cumbrance $3000; ranch. $2300. unencum
bered; adjoining 40, $1250; want resi
dence. Uwner, luau waiin rtvrin.
60 H. P., 7-passenger auto, nearly new, one
of best manes, will cxvuua mi em te
TOM TAYLOR, 609 Northwest bldg.
7-PASSENGER, foredoor. 60 H. P. Chal
mers touring car to trade for unincum
bered farm land near Portland. A 387,
EXCHANGE Confectionery, tobacco and
lunch room: also some cash, to trade for
house and lot or good lots; long lease and
good location. A 604. Oregnlan.
TO EXCHANGE Apricot orchard. 12 acres,
near Mosler, one-half mile from station;
want close-in lot. Dr. E. T. Hsdlund. N.
W. cor. 6th and Oak.
WILL exchange my fine 8-room home at
Mt Tabor, wltn soua dbk unisn ana an
conveniences, for good farm of $3000
value, call Main
WILL trade 5-passenger Cadillac for unim
proved city property; . machine in first
class condition. Phono Sellwood 1645 or
B 3173.
EOUITY $2350 attractive bungalow, near
T . -will tali, lot as oa.rt tm v-
"uu.ui"; "rv;.;ni.n.
menu ah u-., -q
WILL trade 4, 6 and 27-acre tracts on eleo-
trie una iw ci.j w . , -
TO exchange fine resident lot near Los An
geles for piano: lot worth $500; all clear.
A. O. Walter. 42 E. 79th St.
MODERN 4-flat building. Nob Hill, for 2
flat building or 2 houses; JStSvO. T 494.
- In valuable perfected Invention for auto
mobile.- Alj Do.
will take 6-room house or good lot as
first payment on good residence in Haw
thorne, close In. Phone Main 906, A 1066.
40 ACRES fruit land. Merced County, Cal.j
sell or trade for Income property. 475 Sal
mon, room 85. Phone A 6260.
$41 000 WORTH of Spokane property to ex
change for wheat land. Moore Investment
Co.. Moro, Orcgon
5 ACRES Improved. $850 equity, balance
easy, for lot or house and lot equity. 433
10 ACRES 3 miles of Vancouver, Wash.,
on road: trade for Portland lots or
equity. Griffin. 515 Gerllnger bldg.
wirr. exchange beautiful Piedmont Horns
for Clark County farm. Swank, 308 Ab
Ington. ,
12 4 000 WORTH of land, 20 miles of Port
land, to exchange for city property. Own
er 1125 Yeon bldg. Main 875.
WILL trade lot in East Mt, Tabor Addi
tion for good upright piano. AP 42J), Ore
gonlan. in ACRES. 12500.
Want' rooming-house. 316 Allsky bldg.
EQUITY In 5-room cottage exchange, for
w . I (11 T ,-ltiz
Many times you can make a
bv taking at least a part of the purchase
price In other' desirable property. we
make a specialty of selling property In
th's way. Upon receipt of full descrip
tion ef your property and Information as
to the kind of property in exchange that
would Interest you, we will be pleased to
send you our
A few choice properties:
One of the finest 7-room homes, new
and modern, 100x100, corner. In best dis
trict near Rose City Park carllne. clear
of Incumbrance, lo exchange for country
Dandy little apartment house, well lo
cated on the West -elide; leased for 5 years"
at $130 per month. Want farm in V. 11
lamette Valley.
78 87 acres, very highly Improved, 30
miles out on the electric Over 50 acres
cultivated: orchard, 12 acres fine hops.
20 acres clover, etc. Good buildings. All
stock, tools, implements and household
goods. Tnis is a bargain. Good city
property or first-class rooming-house
would Interest the owner of same.
We could describe many such Proper
ties, but whv not send for the free llstl
Address Mr. Beck.
272 Stark St,
Brick store, corner, car, nets over 10 per
cent, leased, lots, acres: some cash.
Improved farm, Hlllsboro: stump land at
Beaverton and Eagle Creek.
All sized tracts logged lands cheap.
We own Irrigated Idaho lands, also Can
ada, Montana, Utah; trade, Portland, Ore-
"mILLER & ROWELL. Spalding bldr;.
Fur salk.
HmMfN ehit-le-. Me
THE riding season being ended will sell the
following well-trained saddle and harness
horses: 1 chestnut gelding. 16 hands niK".
weighs about 1200 pounds, will ride, drive
and single foot under the saddle, very
gentle. $75: 1 bay gelding, weighs about
1050 lb!., perfectly broken to saiicle, .
1 bay mare, weighs about 900 pounds, 4
years old, perfectly broken under the sad
dle, very pretty and in foal to Imported
hackney stallion. Brilliant of Chanique
(10606.). $90; 1 chestnut mare, 7 years old
rising 8. weighs about 850 pounds, very
pretty both In saddle and harness. $o0; 1
black mare 8 years old, weighs about 900
pounds, broke to saddle and harness, this
U the prettiest mare In the state, must
be seen to be appreciated, $125. The above
horses are guaranteed as represented or
money promptly refunded, and are subject
to trial and veterinary examinations. Kra
mer's Riding School, 16th and Jefferson
WE have arrived at 834 Front st. with 25
head of low-down young farm chunks,
mares and geldings, from 3 to 6 years
old. weighing from 1200 to 1750 lbs. Vte.
have in this load some extra well-mated
pairs, both mares and geldings: also some
singles. Coma in and see this lot. and
remember we sell with our guarantee
each and every one as represented.
... i n T,-.i.'t- M A U U'K.T.
1 O xivitoiii m " "
$130 BUYS a span of mares, weight --00
pounds, two-seated top hack and l-.arness,
a nice span of fat ponies, well matched,
fine drivers and gentle, cheap; two top
delivery wagons, in good order, several set
of harness and buggies, express wagons
and light spring wagons, cheap: one sorrel
horse. $15; also one pony $13. ti fcasi
8th, near riawtnorne
EXTRA good team young mares, with or
without wagon and harness: weight 800O,
almost black, 6 and 7 years' old; either
work single; perfect In disposition ana
absolutely sound; now on my farm and
ready for hard work. I hate lo sell but
am moving to city for Winter. G. B. Per
kins, owner, anui
WE have on hand 80 head of business and
ranch horses, all broke to work In any
harness, including one trotting stall on;
also any auiu. ui ft i ; ,
and heavy harness and saddles. tome
and see us berore ouyuig. 1
295 Davis, ynone a. olvv. ann,
FOR SALE One first-class team of )Oun!
horses. 6 and 6 years old. weighing 2Joo.
sound and true; one cheap farm horse,
weighing 1150; one Vye"-ol?,Bn!a1"
weighing 1350, sound and true. 226 Rus
sell st.
PAIR of matched geldings, new harness and
light farm wagon, team weighs 2600 lbs.
Must sell, need money: price for outrit.
$275. Can be seen at 834 Front st- M.
Benyon. .
ONE bay" mare, safe in foal, weighs 1200,
sound and true; suitable for any farmc-;
$75. Bay saddle horse, 6 years old,
weight 1030. $60. Also 2-year-old coll,
Vi- ..irhi 1100. 180. 334 Front St.
WANTED Good pair brood mares and farm
" .,n fin. I, KflYlOO on
wagon, a vim '--. . ,: .
36th st. W. C. Seachrest, 109 3d St., Port-
$175 BUYS mare and horse, good pullers,
weigh 2600 lbs., with harness and farm
wagon. Take sellwood car to Insley ave.,
walk MOCKS easiio iiuuac -..
. , . Z, .U.a dilrl (n cat ftnO
jUb l arnveu, ,. . ..... .
mares from 8O0 to 12lH pounds; price.
. .nr. , nr. an"? Front at. Columbia
15 HEAD young Eastern Oregon horses and
mares, 1O00 lbs. to 14O0; these are well
broke and gentle, some cheap farm
teams, loa isorin um pi
WISH to exchange vacant or Improved
property, some clear, some incumbered,
for work teams; attractive. Phone Mar
shall 13.
FOR SALE One dark seal brown horse,
weight 1325 lbs.; 9 or 10 year, old;
trusty family horse for old people or
laaies. iviii u.i "
WANTED To buy a farm horse 1100 lbs.
or over; will Winter one or two horses
for their use. Call M. 4164. Address 501
Medical bldg.
ONE heavy, nickel-trimmed single names
"and .toose-neck wagon. Call Woodlawu
1249. D4U Atlsslsail'lJi "
FOR SALE cheap, one good, gentle team,
weight 2500 lbs., suitable for farm. Call
43 tun St. noii-ii. imii-o w...
BAILEY pneumatic tire top buggy, nlckel-
. i i - Kara-Aln- no use foi
inmuieu iiftin, . ,-- , -
same. -nune iaui ..w.
TEAM of well-matched horses, age 4 and
5 years, weight 2000 lbs., very good team.
cneap. iia unu
WANT to buy team, wagon and harness for
ranch. Address E. T. O.. room 236, Fos
ter HOtul.
MUST be sold at once, cheap farm team.
- 1DR7 IZ. Stark St..
TWO fine milch cows, 1 5-gallon, 1 0-gal-lon.
Call Gilbert's Station, O.-W. P., Sun
day. Telephone a i-w. unci .mm.
GRAY horse, 3 years old. 1100 pounds, city
broke, double or single, good condition.
Apply pop Aiuina c
MATCHED pair bay ponies, gentle to ride,
make fine driving team, at a bargain.
Shadetana r arni, Aim....
A NICE gentle driving horse, single buggy
and harness, for sale cheap- horse will
weigh 12UO pounqs. j-huiip
9-YEAR-OLD gray horse about 1300 lbs.,
sound in every way. Irvington Stables, E.
Dtn auu 01.1,11...
1-HORSE panel top delivery ' wagon for sale.
fhone n.. or -.' . ---
ONE good grocery horse, 1200 lbs.; 8 heavy
teams, xoae r.Mi i"Ti
TEAM, harness and wagon for sale cheap,
Call 484 tiasiDiariiBL.
2 BROWN mares, weight 3165. 848 Vaughn
FOR SALE Young team ponies. 24714 Mad-
lson. A 4930. Marshall 2894;
MAN with team wanted .to haul sand.
Swar.k. 308 ADington piug.
FOR SALE $75 takes a good, sound farm
horse ; weiqns -
NEW light wagon and harness, not used
30 days; pargaui. vv wm-"
FOr'saLE 900-lb, mare; price $10. Tabor
WANTED Farm broke mare for Its keep,
or" would buy if young. AO 500, Oregonlan.
WANTED to hire good road horse and
bUggy lOr SIX wroiva. mi ...... v. ..nv........
' Huni. iM'srajiw ""'I Miiwll liwonmn"
GOOD organ, $20; another for $25; nice used
piano. SHO; another for $145. We also
have a Kimball, a Hobart M. Cable and
a Fischer piano, all nearly as good as now,
for one-half price.
Soule Bros., 3!-S Morrison St.. near 10th.
. . , . ... r I . Ii! I Vfl
Paid $750 five months ago for It and li
Is practically as good as new; will tak.
$VUO CBSH, OlO apuu um.
FOR SALE Less-than cost; a beautiful
piano parties leaving tity. ewji v.--
A 7582.
ALMOST new $375 mahogany Bradford
piano; can be Dougnt on iwmi m.
Come and see It. Phone Woudlawn 6Si.
NEW mottled walnut piano; highest grade
action made; save over $100. East 2182.
Piano tuntr.
BARGAIN for cash: buffet, B flat, low
pitch clarionet and case, nearly new. AC
634, Oregonlan.
HIGH-GRADE prayer piano, cheap. Main
8753. A 7042.
NEW player piano, exchange for lot, mort
gage or contract. Phone East 4632.
Dogs, Birds. Pet Stock.
WHITE and orange bird dog, thoroughly
trained; at your own price. Call Sun
day. 555 Mason.
MY beautiful white female Spitx $5. Tabor
i EAR old laying hens, thoroughbred stock,
costing $5 and over, must be sold by Nov.
1; flock, $53; will crate and ship; la
White Orpingtons and cock. $35; 13 K. C.
White Wyandottes. $16; lo S. C. Brown
Leghorns. $9. M. D. Goughnour, box 46.
Tigard. or.
AT STUD Boston terrier, French, Engltsll
bull dogs. For sale Two English bull
,.,i ii.i.i. Boston ter
riers. Dachshound. French bull dogs. UB7
Washington. Main 2124.
AT STUD Best English bull terrier la the
state; also best Pit bull terrier aud
Llewellyn setter; ell dogs registered ; fees
reasonable. Call Adams, Tabor 6S0. Ad
dress S11U 84th su S. E. ;
Hartz Mountain and Andreasbur-f Ro I
"ers. Telescope fish and German squirrels.
Port I and Bird Co., 91 Union ave.
20) CHICKS, 5 months old v, I'n,e,0"t-C1lj;
rest mixed. 30 to 43c apiece, til 16 6-t-
S. E.. cor. B2d ave. Tremont station, or
call Min 40-'7.
TWO male Boston terrier PUPP'. b"d.
rrom oest sioca m " " . v-T-Ti.
to show them at 686 East 12th st. North
(near Stanton), or phone East bll3.
For breeding purposes .for sale; a tart in
hog raising by buying tho best. M 41-.
SACRIFICE sale of 20 Airedale terrier pup
pies 4 months old; lu lamous tiiauiY'""
In each pedigree: we cure salmon poison
ing. Address Collalre Kennels, Seaside. Or.
WANTED An Aifecl'iile dog about 6 months
old. Bring to S2i ovcrlon, bet. 2 and a
Monday afternoon.
FOR SALE Thoroughbred French poodle
puppies 5 weeks tilil; little beauties. H.
Miles. 1009 E. Yamhill St.; Sunnyslde car.
AlHEUALE terriers for protection, sport
and pais. Latlilix Kennels. Estacada. Or.
FOR SALE S doz. young hens; forced to
soil. 'I'hono Main 4400. ,
3 FINE canaries,, singers; quick sale $2.30
each. 12S E. S4th. Tabor 176L
FOR SALE Full-bred pit bull
Phone Tabor hioj. u ioio.
PEDlGitSED AIREDALE pups for sale. 409
E. 3il:h st.
JAPANESE spaniels, male and female.
cheap. 3'JO 2061.
FOR SALE Thoroughbred English bull dog.
H 501. Oregonlan.
A BARGAIN; fine bull dog pups for sale,
chenp. Tabor 1433.
SOME fine English Pointer pups. 3 months
old, very reasonable. 435 14th st.
FOR SALE Gibson mandolin $26. Y 470,
FOR PALE 1'edlgree French bull puppies.
549 3d st. "Phone Marshall 53.1.
t-'arnlture fif Sale.
WILL eell at your own price all or any of
the following: Elegant dining table,
leather-cushion chairs, bulfct, china
closet, massive leather davenport, couch,
large hall rack, rockers, chairs, stove,
gas ranee, curtains, draperies, etc Can
at 44 1 1UII1. wmiiiu
SECOND-HAND wood or coal heaters, also
some gas ranges which wo have traded
in- you may see them in our exchunga
deportment; they are priced very rea
sonable on account of our removal sale.
Gevui-tss. i'lrsi ana -.a:uiim.
SAMPLE pieces of fine and cheap furni
ture as cheap as you could buy them second-hand;
wo are quite anxious to clean
these out before wo move. Gevurtx, 1-irst
ana ismnin.
FOR SALE Fine furniture In an apart
ment, very reasonable; on account or
health owner obliged to sell or would
lease to responsible parties, ltiast -s"3.
10-ROOM modern house at 17th and Wash
ington; beautifully furnished and full of
steady roomers; Income $40 above ex
penses ;wlllsollcheapPhoneA 7608.
6 ROOMS of good, clean furniture for sale.
House for rent, lit. Parties must sell,
jlake offer. Call 805 Clinton, Sunday or
Tuesday. .
WILL sacrifice beautiful home, 14th drawing-room
furniture, also Beveral eleuont
pieces of mahogany. Call mornlnge, 70O
H.. 4lst sc. jvorin, iicftuuiuni vi.
SNAP This week only; going to Cal.; 9
rooms, well furnished for housekeeping;
$46 month over enpenses; must ho seen lo
be appreciated. 430 Park. A 2740.
NEWLY furnished 7-room flat, rent $27.50;
all or part; Circassian suite, brass beds,
waxed oak dinlns set, rugs, everything
complete. 333 Main St., cor. 7th.
FURNITURE of 3-room apt. and sleeping
i porch for sale. $250; some terms, If de
sired. Apt for rent. Inquire Janitor bt.
Francis, 21et and Hoyt.
FOR SALE Furniture of five room, flat
for rent, modern. In fine location. West
Side, close in. desirable to rent part; this
Is a bargain. Call at once. Marshall 12,i7.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished 7-room flat for
sale at a sacrifice, 5 minutes' wolk from
Postofflce; strictly modern, dirt cheap.
8411 hi Uth St. A --
ENGLISH oak china cabinet, mirror back,
plute-glaBs shelves: rockers, fine rugs and
drapes, china, paintings. Robinson bath
cabinet. 134 North 21st St.. apt. 67,
FURNITURE of 6-room house; reasonable;
-3 rooms rented. Ask for Mrs. Johns, 343
14th St.
FURNITURE of modern 7-room flat for
sale; house for rent. 210 14th St. South,
Phone Marshall 2472,
FOR SALE Folding" bed, cost $57, sell for
$20 or would trade for other bed. 448 6th
street. ,
FURNITURE of 6-room house, at 467 E.
Everett; will sacrifice for $180 If taken
at once: worth $:iOO.Eas t 502, B 1700.
FOR SALE Iron bed. carpets and over
coats. Apartment D, Cincinnati Court,
10th and Harrison. .
FURNITURE for sale. Including everything
for housekeeping; cheap If taken at once.
351 Union, Nortli.ojneBroadway;
LEAVING city; office furniture bargains;
rugs, chairs, desk, etc.; new. 309 Dekum
bldg.. 10-12, 1-2. .
FURNITURE of cottage. $100; cost $250
six months ago. 663 Terrace Drive, Port
land Heights;
FOR SALE Furniture of 9 rooms; cheap;
terms; house for rent. 8 94 Salmon st.
LARGE Beckwlth wood heating stove, bar
gain. Tabor 31S9. 1100 Ellsworth st.
FURNITURE of five, rooms for sale; leav
ing city. 764 Missouri av.
FURNITURE for sale cheap. 234 Lincoln
FURNITURE of 5 rooms for sale, all ol
part, llat lor rent, i-iioue amm -.-..
HAVE $250 equity In improved lot for fur
nlture of flat. 521 Abington bldg.
BARGAIN Davenport, good as new; cost
$50. Phone Mr. Miller, Main 8103,
YOU require strong, vigorous, farm raised
utility cockerels to head your 1U13 flock,
thus insuring fertile eggs. We have them.
Plymouth Rocks. Rhode Island Reus,
White and Buff Orpingtons, White. Brown
and Buff Leghorns, Anconas, White Wy
andotte. Some pullets for immediate ac
ceptance. Satisfaction guaranteed. Single
birds $L50 to $3. Oakhurst Poultry Yards,
1075 E. 14th North, Portland. Or.
WHITE Wyandotte hens for sale. Pure
strain. 1336 East 10th St. North.
W'HITE Leghorn roosters, 6 months old, 73
cents each. Box 71. Scappoouse.
Livestock. .
STANDARD bred Jersey heifer, large, will
be fresh In month. Main 8380.
Allloiuooll n.
CAN'T meet my payments; must sacrifice
my 7-pafaenser touring car at once; any
reasonable offer acceptable; answer quick.
AS 637, Oregonlan.
I HAVE 5 acres of finest land on Base Line
road near 12-mllo roadhouse, to trade for
5-pass. auto or roadster. What have you.
V 302, Oregonlan.
WANTED, automobile: standard make, SO
h. p, detachable tonneau; give full par
ticulars, terms of payment. X 400, Ore
gonlan. .
ONE 4-cyllnder Mitchell automobile, 19 10,
for sale or trade, call Main 4431, Mar
shall 4761).
HAVE 5-passenger Mitchell auto will ex
change for clear lot, might assume some
for choice property. AD ."i"l, Oregonlan,
NEW 5-ton. long chassis wood or lumber
truck, must be sold to highest bidder. W.
S: Dulmage, 46 N. 20th st.
PRIVATE party has fully equipped 3-pas-senger
touring car for sale; burgaln for
quick sale. Box 247.
FOR SALE Hupmoblle. four passenger, fore
door; In good condition; cheap for c-usn.
271 Fargo St., near Williams ave.
AUTO truck, suitable for grocery or creom
ery; a snap at $250. Inquire National Mar
ket, 302 East Burnslue st. East 42.
7-PASSENGER Studebaker, 1910, thoroughly
overhauled; good tires; 750. AP 6-'S, Ure
gonlan. NEWLY painted Hupp runabout, best snnp
of the year, $400. W. S. Dulmage, 40
N. 20th St.
SNAP Runabout, single-cylinder; snap; 4
passenger; some repairs. Greenburg, 253
A FRIEND of mine wishes to dispose of new
Shi -ton truck and will sacrifice $300. WT.
S. Dulmage, 46 N. 20th st,
$300 EQUITY In a $600 lot for motorcycle.
N 4H2. Oregonlan
WANTED Good 2 or 4-psssenger machine,
on terms. AM 518, Oregonlaa.
ONE esc per hen per day means a full egg
basket and money Jingling In your pocket.
Conkcy-a Laying Tonic turns the trick.
Guaranteed by Koutledge Seed & Horal
Co.. 1m9 2d st. .