The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 27, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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Vacation Over and Work on
Message to Congress Is
Soon to Be Begun.
Mr. Taft Points Out Necessity of
Labor In Developing: Satkra, and
Ha Abiding Faith In Future
of Those Who Come.
President Taft left here tonight for
Washington, his vacation over, his
last engagement kept, to begin the
Winter's work. The President trav
eled from Boston more than 600 miles
to speak today at the opening of the
National Polish Alliance College here.
On the war to Cambridge Springs he
addressed the crowds at Jamestown,
N. Y., Corry, Union City and Mead
vllle. Fa.
In all these speeches he avoided pol
ltics, dwelt on prosperity and peace
and urged his farmer audiences to
press their state Legislatures to back
the Administration plan of co-opera
tlve banks for farmers.
Work on Message to Be Begun.
, The President is due in Washington
early Sunday and has only two post
ttve engagement away from the Cap
ltal In the next two weeks, one at
-New York October SO, when the battle
ship New York Is to be launched, the
other in Newark, N. J., November i,
at the dedication of a monument to
George Washington. Beginning Mon
day he expects to take up the work
of writing his annual message to Con
gi ess and pick up the threads of de
partment routine.
lr his address at the Polish College
.dedication here the President praised
the "sturdy peasantry" and he "bet-
tt r educated classes" who had come to
the United States from Europe. He
"This expression on the part of the
Poles of the United States of a desire
to perpetuate In this, the land of thei:
adoption, a higher institution of. learn
lng, to furnish to their educated youth
an opportunity for the study of the
language, the literature and the his
tory of Poland, presents an interesting
chase of the settlement of this coun
try by Immigrants from the European
Immigration Helps America.
"If such an Institution were to bare
the effect of separating into an
isolated community the Poles who
come to this country, then It might be
questioned how far those of us whose
first Interest Is that of the country at
large should encourage this effort; but
fortunately no such narrow limiting
motive actuates the movement.
"I am one of those who believe that
America is greatly better in her prea
ent condition because of the infusion
into our body politic and social of the
sturdy peasantry and the better edu
cated classes who have come to us
from the nations of Europe.
Labor Needed to Develop Country,
"We have a right and ought to have
immigration laws that shall prevent
our having thrown upon us undosir
able members of other countries, like
criminals, imbeciles, the insane and the
permanently disabled, but we havo a
vast territory here not yet filled. In
the development of which we need
manual labor of a constant and per
slstent kind.
"I have an abiding faith In the In
fluence of our institutions upon all
who come here. The second genera
tion of a sturdy but uneducated peas
ant, brought to this country and
ra.sed In an atmosphere of thrift and
hard work, and forced by their parents
Into school to obtain an instrument of
self-elevation, has always contributed
to the strength of our people."
Medford Women Keep Up Fight to
Last Hour Before Ballot.
MEDFORD. Or., Oct 26. (Special.)
The Women's Equal Suffrage Associa
tion of Medford plans a whirlwind
campaign Thursday, Friday, Saturday
and Monday preceding the election.
Niprhtly meetings will be held In Hay
market Square. There will be suffrage
songs by the "Votes-for-Women" quar
tet and speeches by Prosecuting Attor
ney Mulkey, Judge E. E. Kelly, Judge
W. E. Crewes and Gus Newberry.
A rally will be held at Wood vllle the
afternoon and night of October 30, in
cluding a banquet in the town hall.
"Amendment No. 1 will be carried
in Jackson County by a large ma
jority," said Mrs. J. F. Reddy, presi
dent of the association, today, "and I
confidently believe it will sweep the
state. Of course a number of men
who say 'they will support us at the
poils will vote against us when they
get In the booth, but, discounting the
traitors to the cause, there will be
more than enough to give women equal
rights with men in the state."
(Continued From First Page.)
characterized his conviction, in a talk
with newspaper reporters today. From
his cell in "murderers' row" in the
Tombs, Becker spoke bitterly of his
fate, declaring he had been "railroad
ed" and that could he have taken the
witness stand he would have explained
away the public Impression that he
had acquired a fortune through levying
graft upon gambling houses. The ex
policeman talked In the presence of his
brother, John Becker, a police lieuten
ant. "This case was legal butchery," he
said. "You can't emphasize that too
much. Some of the accounts of my
trial, I notice, say that I paid out
125.003 for my defense. Twenty-five
thousand dollars! why that's 16000 In
excess of any sum I ever possessed or
ever hoped to possess. According to
the newspapers, the public believe I
am worth $100,000. I cannot under
stand the purpose of this statement
All of this could have been explained If
1 had been allowed to go on the stand
every cent
No Consideration Expected.
"Neither Mrs. Becker nor myself "has
had any consideration at all since this
case began. What's more, I don't ex
pect any. I would not be disappointed
If Sheriff Harburger rushed me off
from the courtroom direct to Sing Sing
after Justice Goff has sentenced me
next Wednesday. That will be the
final stage of the railroading of
The strain t-f waiting for the out
come of bis trial and the uncertainty he
Ktill faces pending a decision by a
higher court on the appeal his law
yers will make are telling on Becker's
physical condition, according to his
friends. Becker was visited for three
hours by his wife today.
"Mrs. Becker is bearing up as well
as one could expect under Buch cir
cumstances, said the convicted man.
"Her condition troubles me much more
than my own."
Mclntyre Predicts Reversal.
John F. Mclntyre, Beaker's counsel,
said he was confident of a new trial
for his client
"There can't be anything else but a
reversal." he declared. "Becker Is Inno
cent He was convicted upon the testi
mony of a lot of unbelievable creatures
and was found guilty after a trial in
which legal errors beyond number wero
committed. In my opinion.
"I am going to see the Attorney
General of the state within a few days.
I believe that District Attorney Whit
man had no right to offer immunity to
witnesses who might be and were. In
my belief principals in the murder. I
will ask the Attorney-General for a
ruling, and I believe I will prove my
Immunity Agreements Attacked.
Mr. Mclntyre mentioned "Brldgle"
Webber and Harry Vallon as the two
witnesses he had in mind. He said
that Immunity agreements which the
county prosecutor made with them
were not approved by Judge Malqueen,
who signed those made with Sam
Schepps and "Bald Jack" Rose.
Regarding a report that some of the
four "gunmen" "Gyp the Blood, "Lefty
Louie," "Whitey" Lewis and "Dago
Frank were prepared to turn states
evidence through terror at Becker's1
Party Statement Shows That
Charles P. Taft Is Larg
est Contributor.
F. L. LELAND GIVES $50,000
Andrew Carnegie, Third Largest
Contribntor, Credited With $35,
000 Total Cost of Republi
can Campaign $558,311.
WASHINGTON, Oct 16. Contribu
tions totaling J591.0S0.20 and expendi
tures of $558,311.25' in the Republican
Nash Company of New York, 18750 for
theatrical advertising, and three aa
vertislns- aeencies S40.000 each.
The report shows that $15,000 was
paid on a loan from tne juecnanics at
Metals National Bank of New York.
For transportation the Southern fa
ciflc Company was paid 5020 and the
New York Central $2100.. One pho
tographer In New York received $7605
for professional work.
. The report shows that $1500 w
sent to Kansas to defray the expenses
of the litigation over the electors. An
other $1500 was paid to the Prosperity
losirii. nf Cincinnati. The Republican
state committee of Florida received
$500 and the Massachusetts committee
To th Republican state committee
of New York. $10,000 was given; to H.
B. French, of the Tart and Merman
Club in Philadelphia. $2000.
There were many printing bills,
among them $7000 to the Globe Print
ing Company of St Louis. The New
York Times Company received $6000
for rent.
The great bulk of the report was
made up of hundreds of Items of less
than $500 for traveling expenses,
printing, literary work and the like.
Mayor of Klamath Falls Asked; for
Attitude In Peace Preservation
(Special.) Governor Oswald West tel-
; "iX" - - M fell
- - . ''-f, fern
'v UN rr'f
conviction. District Attorney Wbitman,
before leaving town for a rest tonight,
said the four prisoners had an oppor
tunity before Becker's trial to confess,
and that now none of them could hope
to escape trial by telling what he knew.
Mr. Whitman said there was no doubt
to the validity of the immunity
agreements with Webber and Vallon.
Chain of Eight Stores to Be Estab
lished in Effort to Oust Mod
ern Middleman.
COLFAX. Wash., Oct 26. (Special.)
A movement that promises to revo
lutionize business conditions In the
Palouse country is well under way and
farmers hope by next Fall to place the
mercantile business of the Palouse
country largely In the hands of the
The middlemen are to be dispensed
with in mercantile work, as well as in
the handling of grain and the farmers'
Droducts. The plan of Inaugurating a
co-operative association, composed oi
members of the Farmers' Educational
and Co-operative Union and the Grange,
to establish co-operative stores to be
owned and managed by the farmers,
has been under consideration nearly
two years.
P. W. Cox, , known as "the sheep
king." who is one of the directors of
the National organization of the Farm
ers' Educational and Co-operative Un
ion: G. W. Perrine, secretary of the
County Union: B. T. Manchester, a
prominent member of both farmers' or
ganizations; P. B. Stravens, president or
the Farmers' State Bank; W. R. An
derson, cashier of the Farmers' State
Bank, and the stockholders and di
rectors of that institution, with other
men prominent In the farmers' organ
isations, are at the head of the movement
The plan is to organize a company
with $500,000 to establish stores in Col
fax. Pullman, Palouse, Garfield, Oakes
dale, St John and Rosalia.- The Farm
ers' State Bank, one of the strongest
institutions in the country, is to under
write the stock and finance the prop
Wall Street Xot Making His Plans,
Is Reply to Rumor Extra Session
Will Xot Be Held.
PRINCETON, N. X, Oct 26. Gov
ernor Wilson saw Princeton defeat
Dartmouth at football today and
Joined in the general enthusiasm of
Princeton graduates. The Governor
took a day off and went to tne uni
versity field, where thousands of men
and women rose and cheered as he took
a seat, in the Princeton section.
The? Governor said he enjoyed tne
game.. As an old football coach him
self, fe remarked that the teams were
evenl$.matcjred, despite the result and
would Knftrd no prediction about the
approaching Princeton-Yale game.
I couldn t do mucn rooting, ne saia,
on account of my voice. I'm saving
that for the speeches next week."
Dr. Wilson a attention was caiiea to-
niirht to a renort current today in Wall
street that if elected he would not call
an extra session of Congress to revise
the tariff.
"Wall street is not making plans ior
me nor Is It authorized to speak for me
on anything," remarked the nominee.
'and, furthermore, I would not con-
lder any question like tnat untu i naa
the right and power to do so."
Henrietta Anderson Dies.
Usnrlsiti Frances Anderson died last
night at her residence, 494 East Four
teenth street The runerai win De ar
mnrei later. The body is at J. P.
Flnley ft Son's chapel.
Presidential fund were disclosed In the
financial statement of the Republican
National committee filed today with the
Clerk of the House of Representatives.
Charles P. Taft brother of the Pres
ident, and reported wealthy, appeared
as the largest contributor. The report
shows that he gave $50,000 in two $2B,
000 contributions to the New York
headquarters, and $6000 to the Chicago
headquarters, making a total of $56,
000. Francis L. Leland, of New York, was
second with one $20,000 contribution
and another of $30,000, both to the New
York headquarters. The third largest
contributor was Andrew Carnegie, with
one $25,000 contribution and an addi
tional one of $10,000.
Morgan SL Co. Down for 935,000.
J. P. Morgan & Co. are credited with I
contributing $25,000; George F. Baker, j
of New York, $10,000; William Nelson
Cromwell, $10,000, and Harry M. Moore,
of Chicago. $10,000.
Lars Anderson, minister to Belgium,
gave $10,000; Huntington Wilson, As
sistant Secretary of State, is listed as
giving $5000.
Secretary Meyer, of the Navy, heads
the Cabinet with $2500; Secretary Mac
Veagn gave $2000. Attorney-General
Wlckersham and Postmaster-GeneraJ
Hitchcock each gave $1000.
Henry W. Taft, of New York, an
other brother of the President gave
$1000; Otto T. Bannard, of New York,
contributed $5000. Among the other
contributors are: Paul Warburg, New
York, $1000; Union League Club, Phil
adelphia, $1000; Clarence H. Kelsey,
New York, $6000; T. F. Cole. Duluth,
$5000: Mrs. Russell Sage, New York,
$1000; Charles P. Warren, of Detroit
$5000; Fred M. Alger, or Detroit $4000.
H. C. Frlck, the Pittsburg steel mag
nate, made two contributions of $1000
each. Miss Katherlne Elkins, of El-
kins, W. Va., contributed $25. while
Mrs. Myron T. Herrick, wife of Am
bassador Herrlck, Is recorded as con
tributing $47.50.
Mrs. L. Anderson, of Brookline, Mass.,
appears as giving $1000; Mrs. Marshall
Field, of Chicago, $250, and Mrs. R. C.
Kerens, $600.
Large .Contributors Named.
A group of contributors from Hono
lulu sent $9250. Among other large
givers were J. G. White, of New York,
$2500; Senator Sanders, of Tennessee,
$1000; Otto S. Stlfel, of St Louis. $1000;
R. T. Lincoln, of Chicago, $1000; T. K.
Nledringhaus, St Louis, $1000; P. H.
McMillan. Detroit, $1000; D. R. Forgan,
Chicago, $1000; C. S. Shepard, of New
York, $1000; C. H. Kelsey, of New York,
$1000 (additional); George Eustis, of
Washington, $3000; A. Lewlsohn & Son,
of New York, $2500; W. A. Marburg, of
Baltimore, $2500; Arthur C. James, of
New York, $5000; A. B. Juillard & Co..
of New York, $5000; Edwin Gould, of
New York, $5000; Senator Murphy, of
New Jersey, $7500; J. W. Sellgman &
Co., of New York, $5000; F. O. Brown,
of New York, $5000; Joseph H. Choate,
of New York, $1000; Charles Godman.
of New Orleans. $1500; G. L. Stone, of
Boston, $2000; J. Fleischman, of Cin
natl, $1000; George Lauder, of Pitts
burg, $5000; William Whitman, of
Boston, $2500; Mittleton Bur
rill, of New York. $2500; Sen
ator Wetmore, of Rhode Island, $2500;
Colonel Colt, of Rhode Island, $1000;
Artemus Ward of New York, $100;
Hulbert Taft of Cincinnati, $500; Samuel
Mather of Cleveland, $1000; Henry
Clews of New York; $500; Secretary
Fisher of the Interior Department
$500; Secretary Stimson of the War
Department, $500. Of the total contri
butions, $92,811 was . received at the
Chicago headquarters. The balance re.
ceived at the New York headquarters.
showed that $2777.59 had been received
In amounts of less than $20. The names
of these contributors were not includ
ed In the 1200 in the report Several
names represented contributions of or
Advertising Chief Expense.
George R. Sheldon, the treasurer,
was himself, credited with giving
$4730.78, "as treasurer," and $5000 in
dividually. An aggregate of less than
$10,000 was recorded under separate
contributions, such as "cash," and "a
The largest aggregate expenditure
given by the report is $79,183.17, for
advertising, to the American Associa
tion of Foreign Newspapers. The re-;
port shows that $20,000 was sent to
the Maine Republican state committee.
Advertising figures . appear promi
nently throughout the statement of ex
penditures. The report shows that the
Union Associated Press received
$2247.50; the American Press Associa
tion, $1146.60; American Association of
Labor Papers of Chicago, $4680.77; the
egraphed to Mayor Nicholas, of this
city: "Salem,- Or., Oct 25. This office
is advised through the columns of the
press and otherwise that a citizen of
your city was assaulted by one of your
police officers and that other officials
charged with the enforcement of the
law stood by and permitted the as
sault; that the assaulting officer has
since pleaded guilty and that the City
Council is demanding suspension or tne
guilty officials. In view of the charges
we wish to be fully advised as to what
steps you, as Mayor, will take toward
bringing about a better enforcement
of the law in your city. Otherwise It
will be the duty of this office. to take
suoh steps, in order that your citizens
may be given protection."
To this the Mayor replied by tele
gram and letter today, but he declined
to give out the text of these before
their receipt by the Governor.
In an Interview the Mayor said that
the city is as law-abiding and well po
liced as any in the state and that the
campaign of misrepresentation and
fake stories circulated by the North
western newspaper began before his
election and is continued solely for the
purpose of driving him from office.
It is not believed that Governor West
will take any action until he receives
Mayor Nicholas' letter. . .
(Continued From First Page.)
strength in able bodied men already in
Defense of Capital Big Issue.
Even If this, which Is the first stage
of the war, is entirely successful for
the small states, the second stage will
be more Interesting. The great ques
tion then will be whether Turkey can
defend Constantinople. It is generally
believed she can, unless unsuspected
conditions develop In the army or revo
lution and bankruptcy strike from be
hind. Politically, there is one outstanding
fact; that Is, If the armies of the Balkan
Kings are able to hold even what they
have gained thus far and the entire
European press seems to take it for
granted that they can there is a new
nation In Europe. Instead of four
feeble kingdoms to which the great
powers have given orders from time
to time, there is a coherent power.
A fortnight ago the great powers
served notice in the form of a Joint note
on the belligerents that whatever the
result of the fighting, there could be
no change in the boundary. The Balkan
states are saying today: "What we have
we will hold." The British press, at
least is accepting that as a fact The
Balkan states, united and flushed with
victory and under arms, will be a brist
ling nettle which' the great powers will
hesitate to take hold of.
The chief interest In the war, purely
from a technical standpoint is that it
is largely a test of the German school
against the French. The Turkish army
has been trained by General Von der
Goltz and his assistants, and is
equipped with German weapons. The
Greek, Bulgarian and Servian armies
had French instructors.
All reports from the armies of the
allies described the Turkish prisoners
as-Ill-fed and poorly clothed; but sol
diers know that prisoners are always
dejected and hungry and do not attach
much importance to that Both sides
accuse their opponents of massacres,
cruelties and violation of the white flag.
Such accusations are incidental to all
wars.- The truth cannot be known
until the history of this one Is written.
Battle in Pass Costs 187 Lives and
1077 Men Are Wounded.
A TUCVa riymafa flf- 96 Th lOHHeS
of the Greek army In the battle at the
Pass of Sarandaporto totalled 18 oft
cers and 169 soldiers killed, while 40
nfflporti anri 1037 men were wounded.
The Turkish losses were heavy.
The civilian population 01 juaceaonia
is stricken with panic, and many of the
families are emigrating to Egypt
Big Battle in Progress.
V. .1 U - A i . uu, - - -
ng to official .Information' a big battle
nas Dcen proceeums .vun. j a.
south of Kirk-Kilisseh. The Bulgar-
ICfcll O lit v j ww, v --a
movement In the neighborhood of Visa
to the SOUtneasi HI ain-aaiumu.
with the merits
CLOTHES it's a
wearing them, and
iA i li3zrrr' tQ K
"ten to one shot" you're
that you won't wear any
other kind of clothes.
CLOTHES embody every
sterling feature of modern
clothes-building. They are
tailored to perfection, fit
exquisitely and are manu
factured from the purest all
wool fabrics.
The suits we show in beau
tiful worsteds, swagger
tweeds and stylish cheviots
will delight your eye and
excite your admiration.
The overcoats, too, are
most admirably designed
and executed.
Drop In Tomorrow and
See What We Can Do at
$15, $18 $20
and Up to $40
fdnrft and Aldw SfregfT
Golhing Co.
Rev. Thurston V. Vaughn Ad
mits Attacking Girls.
South Carolina Clergyman Pleads
for Ilfe on Account of Family,
bnt Is Sentenced to Death
on December 20..
GREENVILLE. S. C Oct. 26. Rev.
Thurston V. Vaughn, who was found
guilty today of attacking- three little
girls, was sentenced to die In the elec
tric chair December 20. ,
The attack was made last May at
the South Carolina Oddfellows' Home,
where Vaughn was superintendent
Vaughn confessed today that he had
mistreated two others In addition to
those mentioned In the Indictment.
Vaughn's confession bro"ught his trial
to a sensational close. There had been
no Intimation that the former clergy
man would confess. '
"I have acted devilishly. I have acted
Drug Co.
Send for
Measuring Blank
and Price -
shamelessly." began Vaughn. "The
devil tempted me and I have fallen,"
he exclaimed In his plea to the jury,
while Judge, Jurors and spectators
' After being out four minutes", the
Jury returned a verdict of guilty with
out recommendation of clemency.
. Vaughn begged the Jury to spare his
life, not so much for his sake, as for
his wife and little daughter.
Vaughn was formerly assistant su
perintendent of the First Baptist
Church Sunday school, one of the larg
est In this city. He was a ministerial
student and frequently occupied pulpits
of churches In and around Greenville.
He owns considerable property.
Electricity has twen adopted as the clean
est and safest for flour mills and grain
Attention Suburban
Home Builder
including Chandeliers
and Stove, $50 and
up. Come and see
them demonstrated.
Store open Saturday
to 10 P. M.
Lighting & Supply
03 H 6th St.,
Portland, Or.
Low Cost
for You
Have You Heard the Harp?
"'If You have, you've heard Carusi"
Dining here, Madam Carusi will delight your
ears with the unrivalled melody of the harp
while our chef tickles your palate with some
rare dish. ,
Whether you lodge or dine, you always enjoy
the homelike atmosphere of The Portland. Its
spacious lobhy, cozy parlors and broad veran
das, with their easy chairs, welcome you to
rest and comfort.
Madam Carusi
Plays in the Grill Week-daya
3:30 to 5:30; 6:30 to 8:30
Remember the week-day 50-cent Noon Lunch,
served in the main dining-room, 12 to 2.
The Portland Hotel
G. J. K AUFMANN, Manager. N. K. CLARKE, Ass't Manager
gr.8MM,,.llll. ,,.
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