I I Turn to Back Page, Sec. 2 for Additional Store News-Credit Purchases Tomorrow Go on Nov. Accounts A l lurio, wTA?AiaHirftrt from Paris they've come, minia- I I ture models that depict the customes of various periods from 1800 up to the present j.- t T,ivi in tha Pifth and Morrison street window. See It tion for the Studv and Prevention of Tuberculosis holds, under the auspices of the city's committee, a Free Exhibit on the subject. 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. daily; Sundays, 2 to 6 P. M. Goodnough Building. tULtC. XiitCXCibllig .la IMJW JfcxwhAv v- " today! Our 1 oil Show Wi 9 11 He Held November 7th 8th 2th Annual B k Wof Ony the Children, But Hundreds of Portland and Oregon Women Will Participate FOR the last eleven years The Meier & Frank Store has held an original Doll Show here on the fifth floor in the best All-the-Year-Round Toy Department ol the Northwest! We propose to make this year's Doll Show the most notable and 4 i.i vii ,vn r'r.'.cr r -far pplmsp ATiv tvrevious event and one tnat fVi nlpiisnrfi fnr vears to come. A JJ011 ICIillUi Cli CtliU UdiCUia tlliJXt, VV ill l,vu,fVMv j 1 - - - - - . . rtr. Oliirr l-lTirVi -flirt Tnl1 libQT n Tirl 'H'lJlt. S OTIA of thft obieets of this splendid event OUUH UCllgllb LAIC J "v u T-V 11 to arouse in the children the feeling of tenderness and care for the Doll compan ions of their childhood days. Every child contestant gets a present, even though they don't win a prize. Entries open November 4th and close November 6th at 6 JJ. JVL. Judges announced at a later aate. ents aiiKe win rememoer wuu picas ue jam. ;caio 7' a . , ,, . . . . GRAND PRIZE-$50 in gold to the Church, Society or Charitable Institution entenng the best group of Dressed Dolls of not less than ten. Fifh rioir New BuHd n Second Grand Prize $30 in gold to the Church, Society or Charitable In stitution for the best "Single Dressed Doll chosen from any group as en tered for the Grand Prize. Third Grand Prize $20 in gold to the Church, Society or Charitable In stitution for the second best Single Dressed Doll chosen from any group as entered for the Grand Prize. Fourth Grand Prize $20 in gold to the child entering the best group of Dressed Dolls consisting of not less than three. Class A, First Prize A . $25 Eastman Kodak and Case to the child entering the Best Dressed Single Doll of any size. Class A, Second Prize $20 Work Basket with Doll Clothes to the child entering the Second Sin gle Best Dressed Doll of any size, " Class B, First Prize A beauti full $25 Doll House to the child en tering the Largest Best Dressed Doll, 24 inches or over. Class B, Second Prize A $20 Doll's Trousseau Trunk with Doll Clothes included. Class C A $15 Girls' Autocycle to the child enterine the Best Dressed Doll 17 to 24 inches high. Class D A $10 Doll's Mahogany Bed to the child entering the Best Dressed Doll 7 to 16 inches high. . Class A fine Tennis Racquet and Cover valued at $8.50, to the child entering the Best Dressed Doll not over 6 inches high. v Class F First Prize $10 Mer chandise Order to the child enter ing-ihe Most Original Doll. Class F Second Prize A beau tiful Enameled Tea Set, valued at $5 to the child entering the Sec ond Best Original Doll. Class G A $5 Merchandise Order to, the child entering the Most Comically Dressed Doll. Class H $5vDoll Trunk to child entering Best Dressed Boy Doll. Class I A $5 Merchandise Order to the child entering the Most Curious or Interesting Doll. Class J A $10 Merchandise Order to the child entering the Doll which is the Best Representation of the Presidential Candidates. " Class K First Prize A $10 Mer chandise Order to the child entering the Best Doll Representing Typical Western Characters. ClaM K, Second Prize, $7.50 merchandise order to the child entering the second best doll, repre senting1 typical Western characters. I Purchase Pretty Dollies Tomorrow at Less bis kHE unusual interest that the announcement of our Doll Show will create in Doll-Land has induced us to offer Dolls and Doll Accessories lor tomonuw ut reductions. This for the furtherance of the coming JJoli bflow ana its assureu i.uccm $1 25 Panier Mache Dolls. 14 inches lonsr, 98 $3.50 Papier Mache Dolls, 19 ins. long, SI. 39 75c Papier Mache Dolls, 14 inches long, at 59e - -- . . . . - 1 L 90c Kid Dolls, hip ana Knee joinw, oniy ojjc 80c Kid Dolls, hip and knee joints, onlj 59 DOLL ACCESSORIES Doll Dresses from 50 to $5.00 Doll Bootees, 10V15S 20 and 35 DoU Shirts, 15S 25 and 35 Felt Hats priced 65 and 75$ Sweaters and Leggings, ea., 15 Red Riding Hood Capes, 25S 35S 45 and 50? Shoes and Stockings, 10 to 75$ Knit Sacques, 10S 15$ and '35$ SKft TCiA noils relluloid heads, for only 23 65c Kid Dolls, 15 inches long, hip joint, at 49 25c Hair Stuffed Dolls, for tomorrow only IQd 35c Hair Stuffed Dolls, for tomorrow only 23d 50c Hair Stuffed Dolls, for tomorrow only 39c Caps and Bonnets, 10? to 50$ Doll Mittens -at 20$ and 25$ Union Suits for 50$ and G5$ DoU Parasols at 35$ to $1.50 Doll Jewelry Sets, 25 to $3.50 Baby DoU Outfits at $1 to 9 Fifth Floor, New Building Mall Orders Filled. Wonderful Sale of Solid Gold Jewelry Every Piece J4 Off First ' Floor New Building' Mail Orders '(tK-'' Carefully fg& Fl,Ied Wrf 1 Mm. mmm iv v- v ej n 1 m i r-a r 1 1 WIIAT an opportunity this-to secure at a saving of a full fourth beautiful solid gold Jewelry for your own use or for use at the holiday time. "What more suitable and lasting than gifts of solid gold T To stimulate the early shop ping movement, tomorrow and for three days only, hundreds of solid gold articles of jewelry, our en tire, immense stock at exactly 14 Brooches Scarf Pins Bat Pins Fobs Cuff Buttons Tie Clasps Necklaces Rings Chains Earrings La Vallieres Hat Pins Bracelets Emblem Buttons . Lockets $3.00 Scarf Pin Set, with sapphire doublet, $2.25 $15.00 Gen. Diamond and Pearl Brooch, S11.Z5 S2.50 Heaw Bar Pin. Roman satin finish, S1.8S $10.00 Heavy Buckle Fobs for men reduced, S7.50 $7.00 heavy Link Buttons, satin finish, at $5.25 $2.50 Tie Clasps, plain satin finish, for $1.88 $9.50 La Vallieres, genuine pearls, at only $7.13 $5.00 Curb Necklaces, 18 inches long, only $3.75 $10.00 heavy Signet Rings, for men, only $7.50 $4.00 Riners for women, pearls and ruby dou. $3.00 $1.00 Baby Rings, with ruby doublets, at . only 75 $2.50 Screw Earrings, emerald doublets, at $1.88 $16.50 heavy B. P. O. E. Bufns, gen. dia'd $12.38 First Floor, New Building. Mall Orders Filled. 1 ir J . ( i A . 75c French Bordered Challies at, Yard 53c X EVENT of more than passing moment! 8000 yards of beautiful French bordered Challies at a phenomenally low price. The most complete and com prehensive array of color and border effects ever shown, in Challies, in the Northwest. House dresses and kimonas of these challies find favor in any home. Beginning tomorrow and for three days only, these all wool challies (J fc that regularlv sell for 75c the j-ard, will be offered to Portland and J JJ Oregon women at this great reduction. You buy them, a yard, at A tra in This Week Everv Yard of Dress Goods on Sale at a REDUCED PRICE The Call! MONTHS ago, through every civic organiza tion in Portland, headed by the Humane Society, the message came : "Buy early prepare for early Holiday Shopping." We did. Today, we are ready. In turn, today, we issue the call to the Buying Public: No Matter Where Yon Shop SHOP EARLY This store's equipment and fa cilities are sufficient to take care of its patrons, at ANY time, and under ANY conditions whether you make selections now or the day before Christmas. For your own sake, therefore, and for the sake of the vast army of employes, here, there, everywhere, we ask not only the people of Portland to co-operate in this 'SHOP EAELY' cause but we respectfully re quest each merchant inthe Pa cific Northwest to devote a por tion of his advertising space to furthering this essentially humane movement. Savings for Women Who Choose Gloves Tomorrow WHAT an opportune Sale of Gloves for the women of Portland! Just when needed most come the offerings in every wanted s,tyle of glove. Choose tomorrow from these specials. They are splendid values at the regular prices. 35c, 50c Gloves, 25c. Women's Cashmerette and Golf Gloves, Winter weights, all sizes. Regularly 35c and 50c, for OC tomorrow only, the pair at Women's $1.00 Gloves 87c One-clasp, pique sewn kid Gloves for women. Black, white and col ors. Sizes 5Y2 to 7. Regularly $1 the pair. For tomorrow only Q7 at low price of, the pair, 0 $1.75 Gloves at $1.33 Heavy pique sewn kid Gloves for women. 2 large pearl clasps. White, black, tan, brown and gray. Women's $1.75 Gloves, t- OO tomorrow only, pair at P 16-Button Gloves $1.95 Women's 16-button glace kid Gloves. White only. Sizes 5V2 to 7. Regular $3 Gloves, djl QC for tomorrow, pair at f 16-Button Gloves $2.63 Women's 16-button glace kid Gloves. White, tan, champagne and black. Sizes 5y2 to 7. Regular $3.50 Gloves, for to- d?0 CO morrow only, the pair, 20-Button Gloves $3.19 Women's 20-button glace kid Gloves. White only. Sizes 5Y2 to 7. Regular $4 Gloves, CO 1Q for tomorrow only, pr. 'J First Floor, Main Building Mall Orders Filled. All Pattern Hats Floor J if Building- Mall U It Orders 1 Filled V Al Vi Off MADAME think o f it tomorrow you may se lect from our entire stock of beautiful pat tern Hats at a full fourth less than the regular marked prices. Lovely creations are here from New York and Pari 8 makera Hats for street, after noon, theater, evening, dinner use. Millinery bearing the names of Fiske, Burgesser, Hy land, Phipps, Lichenstein, Kurzman, Georgette, Marie Louise, Louis and others. Stunning creations every favored Winter mode. Reg ular prices range from $25 to"ll Off $150 choice tomorrow at just $7.50 to $12.50 Hats at $5.00 Not a model in the group worth less than $7.50, and many of them as high as $12.50. Included are tailored and dressy models ful ly 200 of them grouped for your QQ choice tomorrow offered at, each r vv Taney Ostrich, Vt Off Women have but to remember the beautiful and varied assortment of Fancy Ostrich and Fancy Feathers to ap preciate the importance of this offering. Mod ish Feathers of every color includ- U Off ed every price 50c to $5 at just w Women's serge Suits $ 14, $20, $25 & $35 The Petticoat grr Without Strings Special Demonstration by Mrs. Reed COME up to our second floor section tomor row and let the expert, Mrs. Reed, who's here direct from the New York factory, tell you of the distinctive merits of the splendid "Eppo" Petticoats. Made without hooks or drawstrings fit without alteration. Of cot ton Eppoline, Cotton Messaline, sateen, silk messaline, jersev and taffeta. Priced from $1.65 to $7.50. FOR the woman who wants the new Win ter Suit to be of blue serge and there's no other style quite so popular we 've a splendid and unequaled choice. You'll find in each particular group Suits of bet ter quality than you'd expect to find at the pricenamed. Perfectly tailored and fin ished throughout are every one of them of excellent quality men's -wear 6erge. Jaunty, neat, trim jackets of regulation length, semi-fitted or in box style. All with high girdle skirts, made with side pleats or panel backs. All sizes 34 to 48. See the four distinct groups of the popular Blue Serge Suits at $14, $20, $25 and 35. Scarce a day but brings CoatS Winter Coats. Models for every use; plenty of the clever new Johnny or walking Coats, full-lensrth Coats lined throughout and half-lined. Stunning styles for afternoon use, for evening and theater wear. Of every beautiful ma terial. At every price, $15 to $150. New Among the latest arrivals are lovely Waists X r sIk crepe and foulards in dainty rosebud WaiStS patterns. There's a distinctly Parisian tone about them. Made with long sleeves, Robespierre collars and satin vests. Also Waists of Dresden taffetas and bro caded satins and charmeuse. Long sleeves, high or roll Robespierre collars. Priced from $6.50 to $15. Ifi'mnnnt Jir There's comfort in the new silk pad rvimonus . ded Japanese Kimonos, in the eider Batn KobeS down, bath robes and Pendleton Nav a jo Blanket Robes. In the plain loose styles or cut on the attractive Empire lines. Priced from $3 to $20. New IP j - Tomorrow Begins the Greatest Sale of Cat Glass Ever Held in Northwest 5000 Beautiful Manufacturers9 Samples at Close to Half PriceTogether With Our Immense $20,000 Stock at 20 Per Cent Off TARTLING in its magnitude dazzling in its beauty will be the Sale of Cut Glass, whigh begins tomorrow in our first floor sec- tion. Without a doubt the greatest sale of its kind every held in the Northwest! $1.50 Cut Glass Nappies at 98c Cut Glass Handled Nappies, 5 inches in diameter. Beautifully cut on pure crystal blanks." Regularly sold for $1.50, QO. for this tremendous Cut Glass Sale $1.75 Cut Glass Nappies, $1.17 Handled Cut Glass Nappies of 6-inch size. Beautiful combination design . of sunburst, fan and cross. Regular $.1.75 CI 17 Cut Glass Nappies, tomorrow at r x $2.00 Cut Glass Nappies, $1.29 Deep cut in sunburst and scroll design are these exquisite Cut Glass 6-inch Han dled Nappies. The depth of cut gives the brilliant sparkle so desired in C"! 9Q cut glass. Regularly $2, only V $2.75 Cut Glass Nappies, $1.89 The sunburst and pinwheel design used in the cuttings of these 7-inch Nappies makes them extremely popular. They're regular $2.75 Cut Glass Nap-d?1 QQ pies, for the 3-day sale at only K x oV It's the buying power of The Big Store that made possible the immense purchases of sample lines from America's leading Cut Glass factories. Included are sample lines of Meriden, Shatten, Clark, Hoose, Louis Sevien, Pljmouth, Jno. J. Hines Cut Glass from factories that produce only genuine fine quality Cut Glass. Every piece guaranteed just as represented and combining all $4.50 Sugars and Creamers $2.87 Cut Glass Sugars and Creamers such as these are always in demand. Of heavily cut buzzsaw, mitre and prism design, combined in the most strikingly attractive style. Our regular $4.50 Cut Glass Sngars 4jO 07 and Creamers, tomorrow at only P0 $4.50-$5 Cut Glass Bowls, $2.98 Beautiful Cut Glass Berry or Fruit Bowls cut in a combination of sunburst, mitre and' jewel design that gives a veritable kaleido scopic brilliancy. Regular $4.50 CO QQ and $5 Cut Glass Bowls, at only P,,i'.0 $4.50 Cut Glass Jugs for $2.98 Water or Claret Jugs of Tankard shape. In strawberry and fan design of cuttings. These Jugs are an added attraction to any table; regularly priced at $4,50, CO QQ for tomorrow offered at only M4 $6.50 Cut Glass Toilet Water Jugs, $3.95 $18.00 Cut Glass 'Kerchief Boxes, $11.40 A 6101 the beauty and utility required in pieces for your own use or for use as holiday gifts. Surely purchasing now is worth while with such reductions as these in force. See the Fifth-street and Sixth-street vestibute window displays. . . And remember aside from the phenomenal offerings given here, you may choose from our immense, beautiful stock at 20 per cent $5 Sugars and Creamers, $2.98 A very practical gift are these Cut Glass Sugars and Creamers. In jewel and mitre design. Large and attractive. CO QQ Regularly $5, for this Sale at $5 Fern Dishes with silver-plated lin ing. Beautiful Cut Glass or buzzsaw and prism design. Regular $5 Fern CO ACS Dishes, for this sale offered at $4.00 Cut Glass Bowls, reduced to $1.98 $4.50 Cut Glass Bowls, reduced to $2.19 $5.00 Cut Glass Bowls, reduced to $2,79 $5.50 Cut Glass Bowls, reduced to $3.49 $6.50 Cut Glass Bowls, reduced to $3.79 $8.00 Cut Glass Bowls, reduced to $4.79 $10.00 Cut Glass Bowls, reduced to $6.00 $2.50 Cut Glass Spoon Trays, only 5l..t:j $2.00 Out Glass Spoon Trays, only $1.05 $2.50 Cut Glass Vases, reduced to $1.39 TELEPHONES PACIFIC, MARSHALL 4600; HOME, $4.60 Cut Glass Vases, reduced to $2.29 $5.00 Cut Glass Vases, reduced to $2.94 $2.50 Cut Glass Celery Trays, only $1.44 $2.75 Cut Glass Celery Trays, only $1.59 $3.75 Cut Glass Oil Bottles, at only $2.19 $4.00 Cut Glass Oil Bottles, at only $2.27 $2.50 Cut Gl. Sugar and Creamers, $1.59 $3.00 Cut GL Sugar and Creamers, $1.79 $4.00 Cut GL Sugar and Creamers, $2.39 $2.50 Cut Glass Comports, at only $1.39 $4.00 Cut Glass Mayonnaise Sets at $2.18 $5.00 Cut Glass Mayonnaise Sets at $2.98 $5.00 Cut Glass Fern Dishes, only $2.79 $8.50 Cut Glass Jewel Boxes, only $4.79 $5.00 Cut Glass Puff Boxes, only $3.79 $6.50 Cut Glass Puff Boxes, only $3.79 $6.50 Cut Glass Cologne Bottles at $3.79 $1.25 Cut Glass Toothpick Holders at 60$ 90c Out Glass Almond Dishes, at only lO$ $11.00 Cut Glass Sandwich Trays, $6.60 $7.00 Out Glass Catsup Bottles, at $1.20 $6.50 Cut Glass Butter Dishes, for $3.95 $7.50 Cut Glass Celery Dishes, only $4.50 $5.50 Cnt Glass Relish Dishes, for S3.30 $8.50 Cut Glass Ice Cream Trays at $5.10 $5.25 Cut Glass Candy Boxes, only $3.10