V V "FRAUD" CRY HAILED Republican Chairman Answers Mr. Ackerson's Charges. VOTERS ARE GIVEN FACTS C. B. Moores Shows by "Confession' In Munsejf's Paper Why Wail of "Fake Convention" Was Tsed - by T. K. to Flag Galleries. PORTLAND, Oct. 25. Wo the Edi tor.) A recent letter In your columns from Mr. Ackerson, a delegate to tbe Chicago convention, is the only thing that has appeared lately in the press in regard to the fake cry of fraud which was made an excuse for the one-man " convention that followed the adjourn ment of the National Republican con ventlon. Tbe analysis made by Sena tor La Folletts's weekly; the speech of Congressman J. Hampton Moore, of Pennsylvania, incorporating a complete analysis of the contests, made by one of the antl-Taft delegates from that state: the speech of Congressman Mon dell. of Wyoming, on tbe contests; the speech of Congressman Bartholdt, of Missouri, and the exhaustive analysis of all the contests Issued by the Na tional Republican committee have so completely riddled the hypocritical pre tenses of the Bull Moosers in regard to the contests, that they have become th objects of ridicule everywhere, and are no longer discussed as an issue by any body. Congressman Bartholdt, who was one of the National committee, challenged Governor Cummins to debate the hon esty of the contest decisions. Theo dore Roosevelt urged him not to accept. Neither Roosevelt nor Cummins dared to accept, apparently. They don't want an open and honest discussion of the question that all the people may be In formed. They dare not submit their cries of fraud to an analysis in open de- ' bate. It is easier f.o make a great noise, and talk loudly about frauds and thieves than it Is to prove their charges. It is easier to steal the Republican label for their electors in California, and to try the panic game of political thievery in a half dozen other states than it is openly to debate a question before the whole people wherein they know they are certain to lose. Law Shamefully Unfair. We have in this state a shamefully unfair law that required all the dele gates to the Chicago convention to cast their votes for Roosevelt when he lacked 14,000 votes of having a major ity. It fastened on us the old unit rule that honest men have been fight Ing in all the National conventions for 80 years. It is a law that robbed over 20,000 friends of President Taft, and over 20,000 friends of Senator La Fol lette of the right to have any voice in the Chicago convention, and the same men who indorse the thievery that robs the Taft Republicans of California of their right to vote In that state for their choice for President, have the un paralleled nerve to tell Oregon people that men sent from Oregon to Chicago wholly by the votes of the friends of La Follette and Taft. went there simply as puppets to do the bidding of Theo dore Roosevelt, and at his behest tjo override, if necessary, all constitutional and parliamentary precedents. - The only two men in the Oregon dele gation who deliberately violated their pledges in the Chicago convention were the two who did not vote for either Roosevelt or Borah, whom the voters of Oregon Instructed them to vote for. and these two violators of their solemn pledges are the only two who are con tinually talking about the dishonesty of other people. They ought to be driven out of politics in this state for all time. Root's Declsloa Upheld. The decision of Senator Root that delegates seated by the National com mittee had the right to vote upon all contests but their own is a decision that has always been universally rec ognized by all parliamentary bodies of every party. It is a decision that not . only has the sanction of all recognized parliamentarians and manuals of par liamentary law, but it is the only de cision that could have been rendered consistent with good morals and com mon decency. It is a decision that would have been supported by Roose velt and all his supporters if conditions had been reversed. A decision that no one could vote on any question whose seat was contested, would have been a decision meaning that all anyone ' need do to capture a convention would be to contest all the seats and take absolute control of it. It was an ab solutely dishonest contention from start to finish, and the voters of Oregon never instructed any delegate to stult ify himself by engaging in any such dishonest political subterfuge. Messrs. Carey. Campbell,' Byrorf, Smith and Mc Cusker are to be commended by all men who believe in decent political methods for refusing to do the bidding of poli ticians of the Bill Fllnn and Dan Hanna stripe In this matter. The kupporters of Roosevelt contested the seats of 238 delegates, but when forced to vote upon these contests the Roosevelt members of the National committee voted unanimously to reject 164. contests. Their nerve deserted them at the last moment. The contests were confessedly fraud ulent, but they would doubtless have forced them through if they could have controlled the National committee. The whole scheme was exposed in an ar ticle published in the Washington Times. This is a daily paper owned by Frank Munsey, who testified last week before the Senatorial investigating committee that he had personally con tributed 1118,000 to the Roosevelt cam paign fund. Munsey is a stockholder in the steel trust and is the head of the magazine trust. His magazines have been going through the mails for less than the cost of transmission. The taxpayers have to pay his postage. President Taft has prosecuted his steel trust and has tried to so amend the postal laws as to make him relieve the taxpayers by paying his own postage. This is his grievance and accounts for his Bull Moose subscription of $118,000. His paper the Washington Times In its issue of June 9, 1912, commenting on these fraudulent Roosevelt contests, had this to say: "For psychological effect as a move in practical politics it was necessary for the Roosevelt people to start con tests on the early Taft selections In order that a tabulation of delegate strength could be put out that would show Roosevelt holding a good hand. In the game a table showing Taft ISO, Roosevelt 19, contested none, would not be very much calculated to inspire con fidence; whereas one showing Taft 23, Roosevelt 19. contested 127 looked very different. That is the whole story of the larger number of southern contests that were started early in the game. It was never expected that they would be taken very neriously. They served a useful purpose, and now the National committee is deciding them in favor of Taft in most cases without real di vision." Trick Is Dishoaest. Here Is a Bull Moose confession of a scurvy and dishonest political trick, engineered for the purpose of deceiv ing the voters of the United States as to the actual strength of Roosevelt in the National convention. Mr. Roose velt's agent in engineering this polit ical trick, who managed ail his con tests at Chicago, was Ormsby McHarg, who was In Oregon In 1909 trying to persuade Oregon members of the Legis lature to violate their Statement No. pledge and vote against the people1 choice for United States Senator. In the final outcome It developed that Roosevelt had practically abandoned all but 72 of his contests, it was nec essary to make a stand on this number of contests in order to carry out bis pretense of having a majority and even these would not have given rum a ma jority without the Cummins and La Follette delegates, that would never have gone to him. These 72 contested cases were confined almost wholly to Arizona, California, Texas and Wash ington. The Arizona case was so plain as not to be worth discussion. The California case involved two delegates and ove these the loudest howl of all was made. The call of tbe National committee has asked that wherever possible delegates should be chosen by districts. This was manifestly the fairest plan, as it re duced representation to the lowest pos. slble unit and brought the choice closer home to the people. After this call was Issued. Governor Johnson, of California, believing he could carry California, convened the State Legislature and had them pass a Taw giving every delegate to the National convention to tne can dldate for President who had a majority in the state, however small. Under this law tbe election was held. Taft carried one Congressional District.' rep resented by two delegates, and the Na tional committee gave these two dele gates to Taft and tbe other 24 dele gates to Roosevelt. In the primaries Roosevelt had 130,000 votes and Taft and La Follette had 113,000 votes. Johnson's law would not allow these 113.000 voters a single delegate. The committee gave them two delegates out of 26. Aekeraoa la Answered. Under an honest law they would have had nearly half the delegates. It is for allowing these 113,000 voters two delegates that this paragon of po litical virtue, Mr. Ackerson, says the National convention was "dominated by thieves, were the cards were marked and the dice loaded, and hon est delegates would not have an even break." He is the same man who loosely talks aoout this as "the crime of the century," who was going to raise the roof of the Chicago Coli seum." and telegraphed Dixon that Committeeman Williams was not to be allowed to return to the state of Ore gon. It is just such rant and fustian as this, coming from utterly irrespon sible sources, that has led many hon est voters to believe that the contests were dishonestly decided. In Texas Cecil Lyon has for many years been the political boss. Under his domination the Republican vote has decreased in that state from 167.000 in 1896 to 26.000 in 1912. Last Spring in the Republican primaries in 99 counties of the 249 there were only a little over 2000 Republican votes cast, an average of 2Z to the county. In these counties there was no party organization and no primaries, but Lyon came down to the state conven tion with 99 proxies from these coun ties. Where there was an actual Re publican vote the Taft men .were in the majority; The Taft men refused to recognize these 99 fraudulent proxies. and without them they had a clear majority of the state convention, and elected delegates to Chicago that the National committee seated. This is another case of "marked cards" and loaded dice," and illustrates the hypocrisy of the cry that the nomina tion of Taft was tainted with fraud. In Washington the whole contest hinged on the vote in . King County, of which Seattle is the county seat. In OHEGOV WOMAN. MARRIED BY EMPEROR'S . ROYAL COX- . SENT, DIES AT MACKSBIRG. Mrs. Rosy Kraxberger. AURORA. Or, Oct. 26. (Spe cial.)' Mrs. Rosy Kraxberger, one of the old residents of Macks burg, died at the home of her son last week.. The funeral was held at the Macksburg Christ Congregational German Lutheran , Church, the Rev. W. R. Morenx- Oeser officiating. Mrs. Kraxberger was born In Axberg, Upper Austria, in 1840. She was the mother of 14 chil dren, eight of whom are now liv ing at Macksburg. She came to America In 1893 and settled at Macksburg, where she has been prominent in tbe affairs of the community. Before coming to America she was three times granted an audience- before Franz Joseph, the Emperor of Austria. The first time she was received was when she desired a license to conduct her father's business during his long illness while she was still under age. She had been refused a license by the town, county and provincial authorities, but carried the case to the Emperor himself, and after awaiting an audience for eight days, she reached the Emperor, and kneeling, . pleaded her suit. Frans Joseph, instruct ing her to rise, and taking her by the hand, told her never to bow the knee to any human be ing, that Kings are only human like all other people, and granted her petition. On her return home, the local officials refused to issue the license for months and she again went to Vienna, laid her case again before the Emperor, who immediately rebuked and displaced the delinquent officials. A few years later, when she met her future husband, their union was barred by the fact that he was an officer in the Emper or's army, as officers were not allowed to marry. Again the un conquerable little Austrian girl appealed to the great monarch and again her difficulties were swept away, and they were mar ried. The survivors are the husband, seven sons and two daughters. The sons are the Rev. William Kraxberger, of Oregon City; Franz Kraxberger, president of the Oregon Rural Carriers' As sociation; Charles Kraxberger, a prominent farmer and bank di rector, of Aurora, and Ferdinand. Adolph. John and Otto. The daughters are Mrs. Rosy Kummer and Mrs. Mary Etzel, of Macksburg, There's money in Western Canada for yourYou don't have to leave home to get it. Read this op portunity offered by the GRAND TRUNK 'PACIFIC : RAILWAY, The Building of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Through Western Canada's Treasure Province Welds Another Link in the Chain of Opportunities Created by this Great Transcontinental Railway The Grand Trunk Pacific Hallway Is being built from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans and throughout Western Canada 8,600 miles of track From Winnipeg west it has opened a country so vast and rich that hundreds of thousands of settlers are pouring in from throughout the world. More than 350,000 came to Western Canada last year; close to 500,000 will be this year's figures. A million American farmers alone are now in Western Canada. The crops which have Just been harvested are the largest in Canada's history. Prosperity is a habit. It's not a boom that's taking place not a gold rush bat the malting of a conn try, larger than all the states east of the Mississippi River plus Iowa Trading posts of a few years ago are sky-scrapered cities. Vil lages of yesterday are thriving towns today. More new towns are needed to supply the demands of the settlers. The Grand Trunk Pa cific Railway Company are leaders in this huge work of town building. The most recent new town established by the Railway Company la tn CWnl Brtth Columbia. WTDow Bw n the trn continental line of the Grand Trunk Pacific t the conflu nc of the Fraaer. Willow and Salmon Rrrera. It la the center of a territory wonderful It rich In timber, agricultural land. coal, fold and other mlnerala. The thousand-tlme-aakrd Question. "When will the Grand Trunk Pacific establish aa. . Important town In Central .Britten Columbia? ia answered. Merchants, manufeeturere. bomtaeeaere and mrestor through out the world hare been looking forward t thla anawer erer alnce the Grand Trunk Paclflc besan lie march across the continent. MERCHANTS If too are looking for a location to new country where thouaanda of dollars are waiting to ba runs up on your casn register. Willow Rlrer la the place. All tinea of hualneaa are wanted. Ik field n rlrgln your opportunity a anUmiud. MANUFACTURERS. There an Immense home market at the Terr door of Willow Hirer. If you hare greater ambltlona, trad with the Orient la highly practical. Shipment may be made from Willow Biter to Prince Rupert, the Grand Trunk Pacific a eoaet terminal, thence direct to the Orient by tbe ehorteet and quickest rout. The seal field near Willow Hirer are ' among tbe world' largest: almoet unlimited water power 1 arallabla. H0MESEEKER8. The climate of Central British Columbia t excellent. Short, mild winter Ions, eool aummera are the climatic attraction If you want a home in a new country without being "Pioneer." Willow War baa much to effar you. INVESTORS. Willow Hirer rpftla opportunity for the mas or woman who wlahea to Judiciously Inraat email or largo amount, You don't bar to lear home to take adrantaga of thla oppor tunity kara 11 I right la your hand. WHAT 130 WILL DO. It la the policy of the Grand Trunk Pacifle Railway Company to dlopoa of their new town property at low price. Easy 'Term. No Inurwrt. Thla policy glres enry on (he sun fan? opportunity to Menr new town property at the flist sad lowest prices. It creates traffic for the Railway help to make Grand Trunk Pacinc town leading ones. Inrestor in erery city and town of importance In Canada. In almost erery Stat of the United States, in England. Russia. South America. India. Australia and elsewhere hare purchased Grand Trunk Pacific new town property purely from th lnrestmant standpoint. Many of these uirestors nerer hare aeen tbe property, but they took no chances, for they bought direct from the Rail way Company who bar no desire to aeU any property that Is not desirable. You now hare this same uncommon opportuni ty. Th Railway Company will dispose of Uielr Willow Rlrer property at low prleee. Easy Terms. No Interest. For example: There are a number of splendid fifty-foot lot priced aa low as 1150 each. Terms, for on of these. 130 down and $30 c& three month far year. No Interest; Clear and perff title direct from th Grand Trunk Pacinc Railway Company. NOW IMS BREW TO $11,000 IN TWO YEARS. For thoee wh are not familiar with the rapid adrsneas In ralu In Grand Trunk Pacifle new town real estate, her . ar a few concrete examples: In Edson. Alberta, a Grand Trunk Pacinc town now little more than two years eld, the Railway Company sold a lot for $350; tU.COO waa refused for the aame lot two years later. A 1325 lot sold eighteen months later for 17,000. Three 1100 lota brought 11.760 In a year. In Mirror. Albert, a year old town, as much aa $3. 0TB has been paid for a lot. In Lorerna. Saskatchewan, a town not yet air months, old. two iocs bought from the Railway Company for 1400 sold for SI. 000 six weeks later. SAO. 000 waa the price recently paid for a business corner in Prince Rupert, the Pacinc coaat terminal of the Grand Trunk Pactno Railway: yet Prince Rupert le only Are yearn old. Numerous similar examples oould be cited, but these mould be su meter to inspire you to INVEST IN WILLOW RIVER while you can get Willow Rrrer property direct from th Railway Company at the first and lowest prices. It 1 th desire of th Railway Company to make Willow Xrrer one of the important towne in British Columbia. You are lnrlted to establish a business or lnrest In WUIow Rlrer at Its beginning. Th Inritaiiov. will b accepted by many Will you accept? BUY LOW SELL HISH n th fortune-making rule that haa been working fee eaw turlee. It's the rule that will work for you. Buy WUIow Rlrer property NOW whll you can get It at th low, prices Sell later at an adrance. Th money you'll aiek Is rightfully due you for you hare directly, or Indirectly, created traffic helped build an important town. It'a trafflo and Import ant towns not property the Railway Company want. Buy now on eeay terma; when you are ready to aell we win put ywu la touch with reliable dealers s with a buyer direct. FACTS FOR YOUR PROTECTION, tat tt be distinctly understood that In no way ar wo In terested In subdlrlslons or real aetata of any kind excepting original and official Grand Trunk Pacifle new town. Our work corera the entire Canadian West. We are the Author ised Agent of th Grand Trunk Pacifle Railway for all Its new towns In ths Prairie Prortnoes of Western Canada and Important ones In British Columbia. Our offlr to a olr lng house of Information. We are a combination of Board of Trade and Commercial Associations. W fire i letter from the men with 100 to lnrest the same careful attention aa a letter from the capitalist. We are Intensely Interested In th growth of Western Canada aa a whole, hollering that what la good for Western Canada In general la good for Grand Trunk Pacifle town In particular. Information concerning tnrestraents. business opportunltiee and so forth ooming from our office may be considered aa authentic. The property you buy through ua from the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Com pany la certain to be In the original and official Grand Trunk Paciflo townslt not In a eubdlrielon regardless of the name of the town. You'll recelre clear and perfect title direct frees, the Grand Trunk Pacifle Railway Company. LEARN MORE AB0OT WILLOW RIVER. ' Send th coupon today for map. eircular, prlo list and other detailed Information ooncerning tbe new town of Wil low Rlrer. If you bare any specific questions to ask con cerning Western Canada In general or Willow Rlrer In par ticular writ us. Your letter will b treated tndtrlduelty and confidentially: your ejuntion will be answered t th beet of our ability, send the coupon today; tt In no way obligates you: we merely want you to know more about Wil low Ring and th eountry back a( It. Address TRANSCONTINENTAL TO WNSITE CO., Ltd. Authorized Agents Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Sterling Bank Building, Winnipeg, Canada Portland Agent, F. M. RUMMELL, 274 Star Street EKW v Tr""" X continental V' Taewwerie Cm. NOTICE TO PUBLIC Willow end Salmon Hirer. MIX. OnUr No. 117. Tb abase towns! to of Willow Siren-, British Colombia, located on Iot T86. tor sale by th TransoontlneTitel fj RYLEY Townaits Company. Ltd.. as the only offloial Grand Trunk Paciflo townelto at the oonfluenoe of the Frsser. . . The location of this ststlou site ws spprored br th Board of KaUwey OOBiealseloaers under u.l ox M eroa o, TjV i j CraaJ Trunk Pacific Railway iSrerBaw leak gSeW. Winnipeg Send faTl Information rewarding; JfLT Willow Klrwr. British Oolnmbta, with plan ox aale of Jots, map and s prioa list. X would consider inreetins about t InWIIlow Rlrer pjroporV. em Er Tors. Mo litter!. ..... u Bte.. 1. O. 10-37 that county Taft delegates were elect ed by tbe county executive commit- tee. In the same way as Roosevelt and La Follette delegates were named in other counties of the state. The state law provided for this method. After the delegates had been thus elected, the Roosevelt boss, a man named Mur phlne. Issued a call for a primary. One undred and thirty-seven memoers 01 the county committee, a clear major ity, made affidavit that this call was not authorized. Both the Taft and La Follette leaders refused to recog nize tbe call. In 30 precincts not a single Republican vote was cast. The Seattle papers, the day following this soapbox primary, reported that 3000 votes were cast. As there was no law governing the primary no one knows how many were cast. The total registration in Seatue is nearly SO.000. In Seotember another primary was held in King County, at which the Bull Moose cast only 886 votes and the regular Republicans cast 21,334 votes, an. excess of over 2 to 1. This illustrates the character of the so called fraud in Wasnington. Any honest man who will take trre pains to read the analysis of all these contests published by the National Republican Committee In a ' pamphlet of 64 pages will be convinced of the utterly . fraudulent character oi tne Bull Moose claims, and will understand whv no Bull Moose has yet dared to meet the challenge of the Republican leaders for an open debate on tne honesty of the decisions. In the Na tional convention they prevented the Taft managers from presenting their case by violent and disorderly demon strations. They never heard the tes timony, and they absolutely refused to allow it to be presented, through riotous methods led by Bill Flynn on the floor of the convention. There has seldom been, in the whole history of American politics, so Impu dent and hypocritical a campaign of pretense and humbug. Its success has been based almost wholly upon a bra zen display of sheer Impudence, that has utterly deceived hundreds of thousands of the honest voters of the country. CHAS. B. MOORES, Chairman Republican State Central Committee. Boy Husband Arrested, Arthur Reynolds, aged 19, office boy for the George Lawrence Saddlery Company, and two months a benedict, was arrested yesterday afternoon on a charge of noirtoupport preferred by bis wife, also a minor. The boy declared that he waa willing to do his utmost towards supporting his bride, but that she aroused his Ire by remaining out at night, sometimes In tbe company of other men. Ilfesavvers Change Equipment. ASTORIA, Or.. Oct 26. (Special.) The power lifeboat Safeguard, which has been used by the Point Adams crew. Is to be turned over to the crew at Garibaldi and will be towed there by the gasoline schooner Mirene that sails for Alsa tomorrow. Captain Wicklund at Point Adams now has the power boat Dreadnought, whieii has recently been equipped with new engines. FAIR IS 11 BIG SUCCESS MANX VISITORS ATTRACTKI) TO CANYON CITY. Daring Riding of AVild Horses and Mules Are Spectacular Feat ures of Show. CANTON CITT. Or., Oct. 26. (Spe cial.) The Fifth Eastern Oregon District Agricultural Society closed a very successful fair October 12, which has been made possible by the energetic efforts of H. Lr Kuhl, secretary of the society. - The exhibits in all departments were fine, and this particularly applies to the showing of fruits and vegetables. No better exhibit of apples, according to visitors, has been seen. In the matter of fancy sheep. Emmet Cochran, of Monument, took most of the prizes. The fair began on Tuesday and lasted until Saturday, and on each day in the afternoon, there were races represented by local and visiting horses. The crowd appeared to enjoy this part of the programme. This year the wild west features enlivened the last three days of the fair by the attend ance of John Spain, of Union, Round Up champion rough rider, 1911, with Ben Corbett, the famous hippodrome rider, fancy roper and all around rough rider. John Spain, despite the loss of his right hand, gave an exhibition of rough riding on an outlaw and narrowly es caped being badly hurt, through the animal falling, turning a complete somersault. Spain was senseless for nearly five minutes, but by that time, was on his feet and laughing. The bucking contest was decided as fol lows: Ben Corbett, first; Ace Carey, second. - One of Corbett's most interesting stunts was the riding of a mule bare back and his hippodrome work, in which he circled the track standing, at full speed, on two horses, jumping two hurdles at the end. John Spain, assisted by Ben Corbett, Zlbe Morse, Jim Green, and other riders and bronco-busters, gave a wild west show, much to the delight and enter tainment of a large crowd at the fair grounds. The meeting thla year was a finan cial success as well as .otherwise, and seems to be growing in popularity every year. One particular feature was the noticeable attendance of peo ple from outside points and from Eastr ern states. 70 Children Are Offered. There are TO children at the Receiv ing Home of the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society of Oregon, many of whom are for legal adoption or to be placed in family homes for their board, clothes and schooling. Among them are a num ber of girls ranging in age from T to 12 years, and boys of all ages from 7 to 16. A number of these boys are suitable to be placed In family homes in the country, where they will receive their board, clothing and schooling In return for services rendered. Now Is the proper time to apply for a boy, as there are more desirable ones than at any other time of the year. Milwaukee Offspring Re-elects. SEATTLE. Wash., Oct. 26. The an nual meeting of the stockholders of the Chicago, Milwaukee & Puget Sound Railway Company, held In the general offices here today, resulted In the re election of the old board of directors who. In turn, re-elected the old officers, headed by President H. R. Williams. After the meeting President A. J. Earl lng. of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company, the parent of the Puget Sound extension, said that the Milwaukee system had under way no Important construction except the Lewlston-Great Falls line in Montana. No new work was planned for ths State of Washington. Suffrage to Be Topic. Professor Charles Zueblln, writer, speaker and publicist, until recently of the University of Chicago, who has been giving a series of lectures here for the benefit of the Library Association of Portland, has promised, through Mrs. Solomon Hlrsch, to give a lecture on suffrage. This will be his only speech on any topic at all on the West Side, and the White Temple has been choaen as tbe place in which he will speak. The lecture will be given next Tuesday evening at S o clock, and is free to the publlc-